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EP187: Arpa & Billou - Forging A Bulletproof Mindset image

EP187: Arpa & Billou - Forging A Bulletproof Mindset

S1 E187 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
92 Plays18 days ago

“I think any man out there that’s living out there that might be younger than the age of 30, I don’t think they’ve really felt the brutality of what it takes to survive in the world, right? And the world is not a nice place, as much as we all like to tell each other.”

Mental toughness isn’t something you’re born with—it’s something you build, brick by brutal brick. It’s about embracing discomfort, pushing past self-imposed limits, and refusing to be the guy who folds under pressure. The difference between success and failure? Discipline, resilience, and a willingness to go all in when others tap out. Whether it’s in business, fitness, or life, the men who win are the ones who don’t just endure hardship—they seek it out, because they know that steel is forged in fire.

Rob Arpa and Nicky Billou dive into the importance of fortifying the mind through physical challenge, discipline, and the right social circles. They discuss the teachings of elite athletes like David Goggins, the necessity of surrounding yourself with high-achievers, and why most men settle for mediocrity when they should be striving for dominance. Their message is clear: if you’re not actively strengthening your body and mind, you’re getting weaker.

Rob Arpa is a seasoned entrepreneur. With a background in business and a relentless drive for self-improvement, he’s built a seven-figure company while continually pushing his own limits. His insights into mindset, resilience, and success come from firsthand experience, making him a voice men should listen to—if they’re serious about stepping up their game.

Also in this episode:

“Never Finished” by David Goggins

“Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins

“Finish Line Thinking: How to Think and Win Like a Champion” by Nicky Billou

“Extreme Ownership” by Jocko Willink

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

“The Missing Secret” by Joe Vitale

You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.


Challenges Facing Young Men Today

Any man out there that's that's younger than the age of 30, I don't think they've felt the brutality of of what it takes to survive in the world. The world is not a nice place. Once you're out there and you're you're meant to stand on your own two feet, if you're not mentally tough, survival is not not not going to happen.
You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient. You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum.
When life knocks you down, you get back up because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are.

Introduction to Sovereign Man Podcast

Welcome to Sovereign Man Podcast, where we aim to make men masculine again. I'm your man, Nicky Ballou. I'm here with my man Rob Arpa. What's up, Arps? Not much, brother. How are things with you, brother? Good, good, good.
So, yeah we want to today. Excited to be on another podcast. It's a while, right? Yeah, it's been a while. Yeah, we got do these more often. If you want to talk today about forging mental toughness, lessons from the strongest of the strong, people like elite athletes and and special forces people,
And how a man can apply this to his own life so he can win. think this a good topic, Art, because most men are very interested in in winning, in succeeding at a higher level, right? You and I are interested in winning and succeeding at a higher level.
It's an important topic. Yeah, I...

Mental Toughness: Necessity or Preference?

i you know i I can agree with you there to to an extent, but i you know honest honestly, like with the last speaker we had in our in our sovereign circle there, yeah you know i tend I tend to think that you know not not every man is looking to be as successful as as you and I might strive to be. Yeah.
I think i think and he's right. um you know with that With that being said, you know, ah he said success for most men is a preference, right? It's a preference. Yeah. so And not and not a necessity necessity. But most men are at the very least interested in learning about how to become successful.
And the ones for whom it's a necessity are going to learn about how to forge mental toughness. Yeah. And I think any man out there that's that's living out there ah that that might be younger than the age of 30, I don't think they they've really you know felt the brutality of of what it takes to survive in the world, right? And the world is not a nice place as you know as much as we all like to tell each other. like and what once Once you're out there and you're you're you know meant to stand on your own two feet,
you start to take a few licks and if you're not mentally tough, you survival is not not not going to happen, which which is unfortunate, right? Yeah.
Like here in the West, like sure, we have you know different social programs that help us when things get a little too far you know too hard. But you know at the end of the day, you know that's that's only going to last for so long.
And you know it's it's kind of funny we picked this topic because I was actually looking at some of my my own my own stuff with my business because my my business has... Business for us is a bell curve when it comes to expenses, but it's flat-lined when it comes to income. So we're just getting over the hump of that bell curve and we're managing

Managing Business Stress with Mental Toughness

it. It's a stressful point in time for us here as we start to collect funds to pay for all those expenses we incurred and a lot of shit that's already been paid out.
You know, it's a tough time. and You know, a lot a lot of, you know, what's the the status? Like nine out of 10 businesses fail. And it's not not, you know, most of the time it's not due to money. It's just people just don't have the discipline or for the toughness to see it through.
So I got here a copy of David Goggins' book, Never Finished, right? And this is one of the mentally toughest motherfuckers that ever lived, right? Yeah, David Goggins is a psycho.
He is fucking wild. Okay. ah Yeah. One of the things that I really, really respect about this guy is how he has um been somebody that's continuously pushed himself to get mentally tougher by pushing himself physically.
Okay. yeah So this is a dude who has hit it hard, right? Like if you look at him, um And he's he's much older now too, right?
Yeah, man. He's he's like late 40s, early 50s type of thing, right? Yeah. And he's still going hard. that he's a he's He's definitely wired differently from from you know most most men because he'll he'll accomplish something. and And he always seems to be looking for something else.
he's he's very He's very motivated by the challenge of doing something difficult. He is. He totally is. Yeah. You know, and one of the things that he talks about is that most people, when they do something physical, right?
And when they think they've gotten to the end, they've only done 40% of what they're physically capable of in his point of view. So let's say you're doing pushups and you think you can do 20 pushups. 20. Right? Yeah.
right You really can do more like 50. Yeah. You're just quitting because that's how your mind's been conditioned.
Right. Yeah. So to get mentally tough, you really got to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Right. And this is one of the things that I think too many men don't do.
They're physical pussies. They're physical pussies. Right. There's David Goggins, and this dude is like, he's a beast, right? He's a total fucking beast.
He's a machine. He really is. But there's other guys in in the realm of the physical that have been beasts. There's this Russian wrestler named Alexander Karelin, right?
He was in the super heavyweight. wrestling division, the guy weighed 290 pounds and he was ripped at 290 pounds. And when he would wrestle with people, he would ragdoll them, pick them up and throw them around like a ragdoll. His wrestling record is 887 wins, two losses.
Two losses. Wow. Think about that. that's That's crazy. And there's a picture of him with this crazy ass expression on his face, picking up this really big, heavy dude and throwing him.
Joe Rogan has a, um has made like a metal version of it and he puts it on his office wall. He says that he puts it there to remind himself of truly what a pussy he really is.
Because if you think about it, you know, staying mentally strong, mentally tough is a continuous battle, right? And it requires doing physical shit, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. But it also requires listening to motherfuckers like Goggins talk about this to push you and inspire you to be

Learning from Elite Athletes & Leaders

better, do better.
And I think men, too many men are fucking pussies because they don't push themselves up. They just don't. They just don't. They don't do anything to push themselves. So, you know, if you want to do something cool, push yourself fucking physically.
What if what you're doing right now was I'm going to fucking run a marathon and you've never fucking even run a 5K before in your life, right? That could be something that'll push you fucking out of your comfort zone.
and that's ah And that's like right out of Goggins' book, right? I don't know about this one. but exactly't Exactly. Exactly. have to run a marathon, just shows up and starts running. Exactly. And then start speaking to yourself and other people.
about being tougher and pushing yourself because when you teach it to other people, you're teaching it to yourself. Remember Glasser choice theory that what you teach to others, you will absorb and retain and act upon 90, 95% level versus, you know, what you just read about, you'll do like 10% fucking level.
10%. Yep. Yep. yeah So you want to be mentally tough, teach other people to be mentally tough. And I think that's very important. Study mentally tough people.
Like I want to study Goggins on this whole mental toughness thing. And I've had friends of mine who are Olympic champions like Mark McCoy, Donovan Bailey. i haven't talked to Mark in a long time. And it I think it's powerful. It's important to um have a conversation with people like this.
Have a conversation with those who are mentally tough to to step up your game. You and I are mentally tougher than most men that we know. Most men. We're still probably not as mentally tough as we could or we should be. well probably No, I'm not going to say probably not. That's probably that's that's more of a definitely not. ah could Could I be a whole lot more mentally tougher and more disciplined? 100%.
yeah And I think the other challenge I think that, you know, men have in their lives is, you know, the the circles of ah friends that they keep will just enable whatever behaviors they they are currently, you know, putting out there.
Like i've never I've never come into a social circle where a man turns to me and says, you know, you know, ARPS, you should be fucking making more money or, or, you know, you know, ARPS, you should get a different job or different career path because you're, you're, you know when you're, you're the one shit, you know, or, or any like that.
You know, I've never, never had that except for, the you know, the circle that you and I are, are in um because it's just, ah it's a totally different breed, you know? So for, for, you know, for men, I think, I think that's the other, the other challenge too is they don't seek out,
you know, to surround themselves with the the men they want to be rather than just keeping the social circles they currently have. hundred percent That's another fault. Right. Who was it that that said that if you want to ever see what your children are going to be like, just ah show me their friends and I'll show you who they'll be kind of thing.
hundred percent, man. and Well, I think thats that's the challenge. I wrote a book on mental toughness called Finish Line Thinking, how to think you win like a champion.

Developing Mental Toughness and Discipline

And yeah There are 13 principles that I outlined on how to become mentally tougher, how to how to be someone with a finish line thinking and a finish line thinker mindset.
So the first was to embrace healthy eating as a lifestyle and embrace daily exercise as a lifestyle. The second was to to expect to win. And how do you expect to win? You gotta fucking prepare more.
Most men don't prepare as much as they should. I don't prepare as much as I should. So it's time to fucking up your preparation game. And this is the one that you just said. You gotta actively surround yourself with the support you need to win in terms of a team.
And then also actively become a part of a community of supportive, like-minded peers. Like that elevates your mindset, elevates how you think. I think that's super powerful.
I think everybody fucking needs this. Yeah, 100%. Everybody fucking needs this. yeah Period, full stop, end of story. it's it's ah It's always easiest to be a winner in a group of losers, right?
So really, it's the challenge is not you know not trying to be the best of the worst. It's trying to get you be the worst of the best, I guess. um you know Because what what's once you you reach that kind of a level, you know others are are usually dragging way behind you.
And then yeah all all this stuff, you're you know you're right. like i i'll I'll be maybe not the first person to admit it, but I'm not the most disciplined or or mentally tough person that I know.
But if i if I stuck simply to the social circles that I've surrounded myself with, I probably wouldn't be the person I am today. Yeah. Because there's certain disciplines I have in place and challenges I've taken on that have you know put me ahead of no lot of the people in my own sort of you know old social circles.
you know Some of them are still struggling for for money to pay for minor expenses. you know i'm I'm running a business that's that's doing you're doing... You're running a seven-figure business, man.
Yeah. Don't be the biggest winner in a group of losers. Be the worst... Be the least... ah be the b be the least Accomplished in a group of winners.
Yeah. Yeah. There you go. ah there' less quote You can quote that. Yeah, we will. make that yeah think that the We'll make that the title for ah the SMP episode. podcast Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, I think i think and it's a good point, right? You know, and and I don't know. It's it's ah um men need to be you need to be introspective to a point where you you start to notice, you know, the things that are happening around you.
know I was actually speaking to one of my one of my other men this morning, and I come to this realization that. if my business is going to grow, looking for employees is going to be a constant discipline. Like it's not not by the season any longer where I can just hire a few few people and then just hope to God that they last.
I think the the search the for the search for for people is going to be ongoing from now on. I think that's good that's probably going to be what my role is going to turn into.
you know, beyond taking higher control of our finances. And yeah, yeah, that I think that's that's where it's going to be. you know, some something that I've also came to kind come to learn the other the other day too is, you know, I've i've been pretty diligent on on my my own personal finances and my my whole portfolio last year created more income than when i what I paid myself through my business, which is kind of crazy.
Right. Yeah. And it's not like it's, you know, I don't bring home a crazy amount of money, but I, you know, doubled my income, you know, after after years of, you know, being disciplined and living below my knees, which is the struggle that 90% of men out there, men, people in general have.
Yeah. It's ah it's a sad state. Yeah. Yeah. It's true. Yeah.
so So I'm just writing down what's in my book and putting it in men's language rather than the language of business.

Optimizing Personal Growth through Lifestyle Changes

So if you want to build a mentally tough mindset, you got to optimize your nutrition. You can't be eating shit food.
You got to optimize your exercise. You got to turn your body into a ah ah fucking mean lean, mean fighting machine. You got to optimize expecting victory. Like you got to get up in the morning expecting to win at shit that you do.
You got to build a team of a plus players around you because most people don't have a team. Myself fucking included. My teams are not there or or are not well built. And then you got to join a powerful brand of brothers.
Like to me, these are the things that fucking make you tough. Yeah. And study, study mentally tough people.
Ah, yes. You know, like read read books from later like like Think and Grow Rich is a good one. And and the the other one that we've been reading lately too, you know, The Secret to Think and Grow Rich. like these are these are Yeah, yeah. The the Missing Secret. um so Yeah, but the content's fantastic. and And it puts you in that mindset of, you know, being being a winner.
Yeah. Yeah, finding the right circles, 100%. hundred I would say that i would almost be like like task number one, find the right circle because it's not easy.
They are out there, but they're not in plain sight. You need to find the right group. And once you get the right group, those men those men should help you get the rest of it. Get fit, get lean, take better care of your health because if a man gets sick, he's dead.
Yeah, he's dead. You know, a healthy man has a thousand dreams. And a healthy man has just one, to be healthy. To be healthy. Right. Which is true.
Which is true. Yeah. it's fucking totally true. Totally true. Yeah. i I believe that... Too many men today don't fucking do what they need to do to strengthen themselves and become mentally tough. So look, buy Goggins' books.
Never finished is a good one. Can't hurt me. That that one's excellent. Buy my books. Finish my thinking. How to think and win like a champion. That's fucking good. Go study guys like Goggins. Go study guys like Fedor Inilianenko, the great UFC fighter. Go study the Russian ah wrestling legend Alexander Karelin.
um Fucking incredible how yeah so many tough Russians out there. yeah You know, there's there's some tough motherfuckers, those Russians. And was that these Russians, they the they're the top of the game, too. Right.
I'm sure there's many others, you know, in and around. our our ah our our side of the planet that's doing they're doing the same thing uh you know like he uh with uh jocko jocko wilmick right he's got good good book about you know being disciplined and mentally tough and yeah extreme ownership it's good stuff yeah extreme ownership that like that's good shit um yeah and men need to have that you know that level of of uh, dedication, you know, and it's not, it's not that we can't, you know, you're not going to, a man's not going to follow and make a mistake or whatever, like shit, shit's going to happen for sure.
But it's, you know, back up on that horse and get moving again, right.

Lessons from Historical Leaders

Constantly working on, on bringing that discipline into life. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. Jocko's fucking amazing. I love his work.
And I interviewed his business partner on my, um, On my business podcast, The Thought Leader Revolution, twice Pete Roberts from Origin USA. I'm wearing an Origin USA fucking hoodie. It's fucking good shit.
It's my favorite hoodie. Actually, it's really fabulous. I believe that finding these men, studying them really helps take people to the next level.
And it's very important. for men to do that. Studying mentally tough people is super fucking important. So i agree in the world of being physically tough, there's Goggins, there's Fedor, there's Karelin.
ah In the world of being mentally tough, I mean, I think every man should study Donald Trump, especially after he got shot. Like the way he stood up and fucking went fight, fight, fight after he took a bullet. was pretty incredible.
That was pretty fucking incredible. You can learn a lot from someone that mentally tough. I think you can learn a lot from studying Ronald Reagan. He was shot as well.
ah And oh he he fucking kicked the shit out of the Soviets, won the Cold War because of how how tough he was ah in his negotiations with them.
ah And He fired all the air traffic controllers who would not go back to work. he just fucking said, you're you're gone. yeah was fucking man oh That a badass fucking move, man.
That was a badass fucking move. you know um and Margaret Thatcher, i mean the Iron Lady, she was the toughest of the tough. Yeah. yeah and she was She was Prime Minister for for a while, right?
Yeah, almost 11 years. yeah In my opinion, she was the best British leader um of the latter half of the 20th century. And she and Churchill were the two best British leaders of the last 150 years, to be sure.
um yeah Fantastic lady, supercalifragilistice, awesome. And somebody you can learn from somebody you can absolutely learn from. there's men that say, Hey, can you learn something from tough women? Yeah. you can fucking learn something from tough women.
If you are smart enough to read about them and study ah what they have to say. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. Hey man, just just because she's a woman doesn't mean she can, she can't put, you know, portray strong masculine traits.
Oh, she did. She was tougher than mine. She was tougher than any man I've ever known. hundred percent. Like that, you know, Just because she's a woman doesn't mean she can't have those. It's it's very possible. There's that ah odd duality in nature where both sexes can flip flop through those those you know idealistic gender roles. Don't discount it just just because she's a woman.
you know I've done martial arts classes before, brother, and there every now and again, there was a woman in there that could beat my ass. ah So like yeah it don't matter how it happens.
That shit can happen. You really can't. Yeah, 100%. You really can't. Yeah, and men need to find a circle. If you're the winner and a loser at a circle full of losers. In a group of losers, if you're the biggest winner in a group of losers, you're in the wrong circle.

Surrounding Yourself with Success

It's way better for you to be the lead. It's way better for you to be the but relative loser in a group of winners. um Yeah, 100%. Yeah, 100%.
So to recap what we've said so far, to forge a mentally tough mindset, you got to optimize your nutrition. You got to optimize your exercise. You've got to have this expectation of victory that comes from preparation, which means you got to fucking prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare.
Don't wing it. That's what our guest, John Mitchell said at our sovereign circle meeting. Don't wing life. Most fucking people just wing it. Don't wing life. Prepare. That's how you expect to win.
Build a team of 80 plus players around you. Cause you fucking need that. You absolutely have to have that. You're not going to get anything done alone. Even, even um people in individual sports like Mark McCoy, even Goggins, all these guys have a team around them, a team that helps them fucking prepare us to win and then be a part of the right circle. Join a band of brothers and make sure that you are, are, um, in one that constantly elevates your thinking and elevates your game.
Uh, finding the right circle super important. Super, super important. Yes. You should be constantly challenged. You should be constantly looking at the men around you and say, you know, who's better at what than me and how do I get to that level?
And then like, you're looking around and you're the person, you're the man there with the most success, you're in the wrong place. Move on. You're totally in the wrong place. 100%. Be constantly challenged.
Fucking A. Fucking A. Yeah. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah. Diet and physical challenge, that just gets your mindset going right because it's the easiest, easiest shit on the list to do.
And everything else will start to fall in place. Yeah. So people always ask me, so what is a good physical challenge for me to take up? well if you've never done anything or you haven't done anything in a long time and you're not physically strong right now, don't you start by doing 10 push-ups a day for a month?
Oh, brother. If you're someone who does zero, that's a good start. 10 push-ups a day for month. If a man's overweight, overweight, you're you're overeating, there's no doubt about it There's no reason for you to be overweight if you're overeating.
The simplest thing could be is just cut back shit. If you're snacking after dinner, cut the snacks out, cut your portions in half. I mean, start with, and then for physical activities, like if you're, if you're a desk jockey and then all you do is go from your, you know, your car to your desk, from your desk to your couch, like go for a fucking walk.
There's a, there's a, there's a whole world out there that, that's, that, you know, can be beautiful in its own regards. Um, Go out there and just just walk. Walk the streets, walk the parks, whatever. Go walk.
That's the simplest thing. Simplest thing. Yeah, it is simple. But if you're someone who you know works out regularly, 10 push-ups a day is going to be a wimpy challenge for you, right? Like for someone who's doing nothing, it's a huge challenge. But for someone who's working out regularly, you may need to up that and say, okay, what I'm going to do 100 push-ups a day.
i don't if you remember, but a few years ago, I did 333 push-ups a day for a month because I want to do 10,000 push-ups in a month. And I did 10,000 push-ups that month.
And actually, it was Goggins who fucking inspired me to do that because he was doing some some crazy shit like that. right? Yeah, I think that's before you started working with Amrit, right? Yeah, it was. and And I also had this chin-up challenge where I did like 100 chin-ups a day ah for a month, which was about 3,000 chin-ups.
So at the end of the day, it's less important that you know, you agonize over what the challenge be.

Consistency and Daily Practices for Mental Toughness

It's more important that the challenge be an actual challenge that it's hard for you to do, that it forces you to psych yourself up to get it done every day.
And it's also more important that you understand um consistency is the mother of excellence.
Consistency is the mother of excellence. Right. If you're not consistent, you're going to lose. You're going fucking lose. You don't want to lose. You don't want to be a loser. You want to be a winner. Right?
And a consistent man ah is a successful man. An inconsistent man is an unsuccessful man, is a loser.
Yeah. Yeah. Nobody can can trust someone that's a wild card and inconsistent. You need to be consistent. You to be able to see shit through and, and, uh, you know, whatever it takes, get to the, get to the the finish line.
Amen. Amen. Yeah. Amen. So ah it's always good to bat around ideas with you on this podcast.
It's always good to show men a way to get them to improve, to grow, to be better, to be stronger. And this is an especially fabulous topic because it's the bedrock of all success.
To win, you got to be mentally fucking tough. Mentally fucking tough. Winners are mentally tough. like They work on their mental toughness, right? They work on it. It's a daily fucking thing.
Like Goggins... Daily discipline, 100%. It's a daily discipline. Goggins consistently... works on his mental toughness. Right. And he's nuts because he'll run like a 5k marathon. And once he finishes that, he'll sign up for a 10k and he'll start training for that. And he'll just keep going.
He'll keep going. is nothing for that dude, man. He does ultra marathons. 240 mile races at a time. 240 miles. Yeah. yeah but that's what I mean. Like he'll finish at 240 and then he'll try and do something else. He'll look for whatever's even, for even tough.
He'll just, yeah. And he'll keep going. Yeah. Yeah. He's he's a machine. He is a machine. Yeah. How to forge a mentally tough mindset, become a fucking machine like Goggins. Be like Goggins.
a There you go. Yeah. Yeah. hundred percent. Strong disciplines and, you know, keep goal setting for sure. 1000% brother. Yeah.
Always fun to have you on the show, man. Yeah. It's been good, man. All right. And that's a wrap.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Thank you for listening to the Sovereign Man podcast. If you're ready to take charge of your life and become the man you've always wanted to be, we invite you to join the movement at