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EP189: Rediscovering Masculinity – The Legacy Of Justin Sterling image

EP189: Rediscovering Masculinity – The Legacy Of Justin Sterling

S1 E189 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
87 Plays4 days ago

“A man without a purpose is just spending time.” - A. Justin Sterling

Today we’re talking about masculinity, brotherhood, and the kind of personal growth that actually holds up in the real world. At the center of it all is the late Justin Sterling, founder of the Sterling Institute of Relationship, who passed away recently. His work changed a lot of men’s lives.

Justin Sterling launched the Institute out of Oakland, California in 1979. His core idea was this: men and women are not the same. Not biologically or emotionally. He believed that by understanding and respecting these differences, people could create better relationships.

His biggest contribution was the Sterling Men’s Weekend. Two and a half days, stripped of fluff, where men get a chance to confront themselves—who they are, what they’ve settled for, and what kind of life they really want to build. It’s not therapy. It’s not a motivational seminar. It’s a crucible and it works.

In remembrance of Justin Sterling we've searched our episode archives for guests who’ve attended the Sterling Men’s Weekend. Our host, Nicky Billou, himself a graduate of the program.

Episode Highlights:

1. Masculinity is Simpler Than You Think

Guest: Huub van Maris

2. The Importance of Brotherhood in Modern Masculinity

Guest: Geoff Tomlinson

3. Creating Personal Context and Taking Ownership

Guest: Steve Richmond

4. The Role of Brotherhood in Personal Transformation

Guest: Rob Arpa

Learn more:

Sterling Institute of Relationship

What Really Works with Men by A. Justin Sterling

You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.


Impact of Family Structure on Young Men

Why don't you imagine yourself walking around as a man 10,000 years ago? What would be important to you? The breakdown of the family structure has been the most detrimental to young men because so many boys and men are growing up without a father.
In the work that we do, we talk a lot about context because it will motivate you to bigger and better things.

Societal Pressures on Masculinity

with the whole feminization of our society, they put you know a lot of weight on boys to look at you know at their feelings as opposed to thinking through things logically.
You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient.
You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum. When life knocks you down, you get back up because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are.

Understanding Modern Masculinity

What is it to be a man? to Like the principles are timeless. They don't just apply today, but a lot of men today are confused about what it is to be a man. And I want you to tell me from your point of view, what is it to be a man and how does a man live today?
as an honorable masculine man. Well, that's a lot of questions in one sentence there. I know. That's what I do, man. yeah So what I found over the years, being a man can be terribly confusing if you, you know, look around you and see all the stuff that's going on.
But I always say to men that ask me the question, the first thing is, why don't you imagine yourself walking around as a man 10,000 years ago?
What would be important to you? as a man, if you would but walk around 10,000 years ago. but What that means is that you can then start thinking about what was really important, survival, you know protection, and you know a place to stay, you know food. These were the important things that that counted for every man. That wasn't day-to-day thing.
It's like most animals do today. They wake up in the morning and they go and try to get their food for the day. You know, and that's important. You have to find a place to stay, you know, a procreation, you know, ah you you make babies.
You know, all these things are the basics for me as a man. There is no other option because that's how we as men have come here.
This is how we've survived for hundreds of thousands of years. I've got those how long will we've been around. But there were no cars, there was no money, there was no written language, you know, it didn't matter if you could read or write, it was you were lucky if you could communicate with the guy next door.
You know, so those are the important things and those are the basics.

Wealth vs. Purpose in Manhood

ah You can expand on that and we have to, if you, you know, go into this kind of You know, if you go into this century or in these times, right, because it has changed, but the basic principles haven't changed.
That is what it is to be a man. So if you talk from, well, as a man, I want want to make a lot of money, that has nothing to do with you being a man. It's nice that you want to make a lot of money. There is nothing wrong with it, but it doesn't define you as a man.
Because back then there was no money. It didn't define any of the hundreds of thousands of ancestors that you had before. So why would it define you now? You know, it it comes more down to what is important. If you lay in your bed, you know, ah taking your last breath when you're 85,
Does it matter that you made a lot of money or did it matter that you had a lot of good relationships with people that people said from, this is a man I used to go to and, ah you know, for help because he always had words of wisdom. He always knew how to help me through things.
What is it from, you know, oh, yeah, you made a lot of money. You know, to me, that's what, you know, ah helps you get through these times as far as I'm concerned.
If you, for example, dedicate your life to becoming a researcher, which is an honorable thing to do, and you lay on your bed and you can say to yourself, you know, what I did made really a ah big difference in, you know, ah the human race or, you know, ah it helped humanity in moving forward.
then you led a really good life. Now, if you if you if you can do that, you know, and you've been a benefit to humanity, you know, and then to me, that is a good life.
That is a good, you know, you you did a good job. Now, that doesn't exactly define you as a man. Of course, I understand that. But it certainly is one of the things that, you know, these are the things that you need to look back to when you get old.
I think fundamentally a man has a overarching purpose. Within that, he can have a lot of um many purposes, but there's one overarching purpose that will define your life. You can't have more than that because you just don't have the ability to focus in that way.
Like you said, I'm a man, which means I'm a simple creature and I'm a very simple man. I can focus on one thing at a time. I can't focus on 10 things at a time. That's correct. So for men, it's actually good to go out and have a job because it'll allow them for eight hours in the day to focus on something different and and the purpose overlaps. That means that in your job, you can have different purposes.
you know You can be you know leading man or the leading teams and you know creating this and that. These are all great purposes, right but it has nothing to do with your overall purpose of providing and having your family. you know That is just a tool, that eight hours is a tool to serve that other purpose.
The kids, the family, the wife. you know you know So for me, being honorable is an important thing. As a man, for me, as a man, providing and building are important things in my life.
and For me, as a man, the truth is important too. That doesn't mean I always tell the truth. ah So now and then I just don't tell it. But that's another story.
student If you start lying, you're not honorable and it becomes a web of complicated things that you can't keep track of anymore. So to me, that's not in my own vocabulary. Yes, sure. So now and then I say that the fish that I caught wasn't eight inches, but ten inches.
You know, that's, you know, bending the truth a little, but that's not what this is about. To me, this is, you know, um being a man is being honorable, being truthful, you know, i being clear on your purpose and, and and ah you know, doing whatever you can to full fulfill that purpose.
the The breakdown of um of the family structure, has been the thing that has been the most detrimental to young men because so many men are, so many boys and men are growing up without a father and the jails are full of them.
You know, I think the last time I heard it was over 80% of the men that are imprisoned don't have a father or a solid father figure at home when they grow up. That's astronomical, you know, when you realize that only about 40% of the population actually grows up that way.
So those are a lot of the issues. I mean, there's tons of stuff going on out there that makes masculinity look um kind of old fashioned or boobish or something.
And none of that, of course, but that's all ah that all leads men astray when you know to when the most powerful masculine men I know ah What's powerful about them is their sense of integrity and honor.
That's where a man achieves his this power and his success. and And in fact, those those characteristics can take you a long way in the business world. They can also get you screwed if you're not paying attention. but those two things, um having integrity and honor and having a moral compass and so on, though those types of ways of being are what the world actually needs from masculinity and what men actually need to ah you know to maximize their place in this world.
And yet, ah You know, there's very few role models of that. And so where does a man find this behavior? If his friends aren't exhibiting that behavior, where where does a man find that model? It's not going to be on TV. It's unlikely to be in the movies with rare exceptions.

Role Models and Men's Groups

so So we're we're creating a circumstance where and men don't know what it means to be a man and that's showing up in all sorts of things. so Men are now, you know, less than half of the university graduates, considerably less.
And each, each year when a new group of ah students graduate high school, that number goes down. Um, And, you know, it's not that education's everything. It absolutely isn't. There's many men of great ah great honor and integrity. They're fabulous role models that are in the trades and that never needed to do that.
Where do those role models exist um and where do you find them? It was the question, I think, for most men. and And I think that, you know, for me, as a former president of a men's group, the obvious answer is in men's groups, but not even all of them fit that bill.
the four key points that I got out of this. Point number one is, you know, with relation to women, women what what women say versus what they mean in terms of what they want in a man.
Point number two is
powerful man, integrity, honor, moral compass, right? Mm-hmm. And point number three is men are confused. they don't They don't know what it is to be a man, right? Yeah.
I think all of them tie it out, I guess. And point number four is the best way for them to figure this out is with other men, men's groups.
And not all men's groups are created equal. Let's shift into the next point that a source of a man's power, a powerful man is a man who derives that from his integrity, his honor, and his moral compass.
And I know we've been talking about that, but let's address it head on. So why do you say that?

Navigating Life with a Moral Compass

Well, because, you know, life is confusing and difficult. and And it's constantly throwing new shit at you that you're not sure what to do with.
You know, the world moves fast. There's a lot of changes that go on in family units and relationships and in your career. And then when you have that compass, when you know what it means to be that man, it's always there for you.
It guides you throughout all the decisions you need to make, but more than anything, it gives you a level of confidence that even in a shit storm, you know who you are and you're not going to be bent or changed or altered or modified.
And other people see men like that and they may never vocalize it, but they see you and they have respect for it, even if they're not that.
And ultimately it it just It gives you a source of, it gives you a foundation when the rest of the world tries to destroy your foundation, which they don't do a few times in a lifetime, whether that's a divorce or a loss of career or the death of a loved one, loss of your father. I mean, there's just all these things that,
ah that occur, that just come up out of nowhere, or even that you see coming sickness, that can rock a man deeply and it'd be deeply disturbing and difficult for the man to deal with.
And having those things as a foundation that you can't knock a man off of. So the world can be going to shit around him. And he can know, yeah, but I know this about me.
And that tells me this is how I need to act. This is what I need to do. I'll give you an example. but So for me, personal one. So I've been married for, I don't know, 15 years or something.
oh Yeah, 14 years. and My wife comes to me one day says she's leaving Okay, you know, hadn't been a great marriage last seven years. You a partnership, but there's no sex, not really any love. You kind of were evolved into friends like some time ago.
Um, sort of understood. when i It still hurt. I didn't want my kids were 12 and seven, and I was seven when my mom left my father. It was devastating to me.
I didn't want my kids to go through that. I figured I could make it till the youngest was 16, or talking five more years, or nine more years. So, So anyway, my my daughter goes into my wife's phone and she's like, there's nobody else, don't worry about that, that's not what this is about.
Anyway, she finds all these sexual based texts between my oh ex-wife, you know, then wife, I guess, and her boyfriend, or the man she was having an affair with.
um And she shows them to me as a 12 year old. So, You know, what I wanted to do was to take those sex and show them to her and call her a line cut.
And, you know, like, and let her know that I knew she was a liar and she was having an affair and that she was destroying her family for the help stuff all this emotional pitiful, right? What I did do was nothing, nothing.
I folded up the phone. I handed it back to my daughter after talking to some other men that had been through it no you know that that made a lot of mistakes about stuff like this. In fact, one of those men had actually made the mistake.
He said, Jeff, fold up. you know You're right. Fold it up. Put it back in your wife's pocket. Tell your daughter never to say anything about it. And you never say anything about it. So if you bring this up, it'll cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
She'll make you pay. So that's what I did. and unless my wife ends up watching this, this pod, children doesn't know today. And I know.
And why would, you know, and as a result of not taking that information, ah but what I did was decided to put the health of my family and my finances ahead of my emotions.
That's what my integrity told me to do because I knew that they were right that she if she wanted to lawyer up and make divorce difficult, she she had the right she had the ability to to do that. hadn't worked in 10 years.
So it's going to be ugly financially either way. um And she ended up settling for way less than she could have got. Why? Because I was a man being honorable and debbie to my family, not to her.
This wasn't about what she deserved. She deserved the emotional outrage. My children didn't deserve it. no I didn't deserve the loss of money. and my children didn't need it the additional trauma in what was already a horrible circumstance.
So my compass was there for me at the worst possible time. And the other men in the men's group that had been through divorce, believe me, I was not reaching out to single men for advice this moment.
yeah Or even happily married men. I was talking specifically to men who had been through dev divorce. Mostly, and most of their advice went along the lines of, this is what I did, don't do that.
And one of the four men that I was dealing with in the sort of support circle, if you will, um had actually done something very similar. He'd actually called the phone number of the man that the woman was having the affair with and asked for her on the phone.
And he had an op offer on him, but it cost him dearly, cost him financially, and it cost him in terms of how much strife was going to occur.
Yeah, he gained absolutely nothing from it other than a 45 second emotional release. So your compass provides, like having, you attempting to walk the world as a man of honor and integrity will come up for you multiple times when the shit is the fan and it will always give you confidence.
But it will also give you a fold that i finds ah a fallback kind of default way of being when and the world is trying to knock you off of your foundation.
That's a foundation that you can't you know you can't knock a man off of if he's determined to stay on it. And it's easy. once it Once it becomes your habit, it's easy.
Doesn't mean temptation doesn't come up. My brain still tells me, oh, I could just do this. I can bullshit my way out of this. I can, you know, that still goes in.
The voice of my head continues to do that.
we wanna talk about ah topic that I think is critical for men that are interested in living their best life, that are interested in creating the life of their dreams, a successful life, the life that they've always wanted to live.
And the starting point, the foundation for a life that you've always wanted to live is the context in which you live from.

Context and Purpose in Life

I'd like you to explain What is the context in the context of what we're talking about? You like how I did that there? yeah i like I like how you did that there.
So context is everybody's carrying one at all times. um Context is I hate my fucking job. i don't want to get up in the morning. I don't want to go to work.
I just want to sit on the couch, watch sports and drink beer. That's how you show up in the world. That's your context. I hate my job. So you're not happy, you're disgruntled, probably not happily married.
And a lot of us, well, all of us, if we're not paying attention to our context, we're carrying a default context at all times. And, you know, if I'm walking down the street with a pissy attitude, ah every little thing that happens to me is going to piss me off. Like, oh get out of my way. this old This old bastard's going too slow, whatever it is.
So in the work that we do, we talk a lot about context because it will motivate you to bigger and better things. If you check your context every day, like, yeah you know, where we're getting on here. We're getting, you know, some technical glitches. so you can either get pissed off and start swearing about shit, or the context is, it's no problem. We'll fix it.
Carry on. So this is where context is so important. And, you know, a lot of married men I've coached over the years, their context is, if their wife changes, their marriage will be happy.
Well, yeah, no. it's You need to change how you are. So how how we show up, and that's it. Context is, how do you need to be?
You know, if Baloo wants me on a podcast and he calls me and goes, Richman, I'm really fucked here. I need some help with my podcast. Probably not going to jump on. Whereas Baloo calls me up and goes, look, it's been I got some stuff I want to talk about.
You want them join me? Yeah, why not? you know it's And it's it can be very subtle at times too. But kind of my go-to phrase is context is everything.
Your context determines how you show up in the world each and every day in every way. Context is everything. When you say context is everything, what do you mean by that?
how How I show up, like, you know, I got this beautiful redhead photograph behind me. How I show up since she's been gone, i can be miserable, I can be, ah you know, sad, naughty, I can't think of the word I was going to say.
Or I can get up in the morning, be grateful for what I had, and move forward every day. You know do I miss her? Fuck yeah. I got the rest of my life to live.
I know she wouldn't want me being, you know, down and out and morose about everything. So my context is enjoy the day, treasure the memories, and move forward. If a man...
isn't deliberately choosing and crafting his context, the context that he's likely going to be operating from, nine times out of ten is not going to be the best possible context. It's going to be a...
context that's driven by his default way of operating, by shitty patterns, by circumstances that buff up him and create a certain reaction in him.
Talk a bit more about a created context, a chosen context versus a default context. Well, okay. ah Let me just toss something in the middle there too, is if you're interacting with other people,
The one with the better the bigger context wins. So if my context is low and shitty and my job is miserable and my boss has a let's get this done attitude, it's not going to make me happy, but his context is more powerful than mine.
That's where default context tends to become, not always negative, but it tends to lean towards negative. ah I find in my experience, I've never done a scientific study on that, but the lower the context, the less driven you are to really achieve things.
and This is, what we keep bumping into purpose here too, because if my purpose is is very small, my context is very small.
So if I'm playing at a game of just making the house payments and keeping a roof over my head, well, it's probably not going to be all that enjoyable for me.
It's going to be stressful. It's going to be frustrating. Whereas if I can look ahead and you know start to take ownership of where I want to go in my life, then my context has to go up because I've got things I need to accomplish.
So if a man's listening to this and he has ambition, ah he has a desire to attain, to achieve, to be better,
He better pay attention to his context. That's what you're saying, correct? Huge. Huge. So yeah the bigger your ambition in life, the more critical it is that you have a chosen and created, a deliberately chosen and created context versus a default context.
While over here, you've got the forces of communism that are basically trying to destroy our society from within. And they're trying to destroy traditional masculinity because if you make men weak, it's easy to take over a society.
And that's what's happening here right now. um We are at the grassroots doing something about it. At the grassroots, we're creating

Challenges to Traditional Masculinity

a group. We've got a vision to have this be bigger, to have this really at some point go society-wide.
But what i when I want to see happen in our world today is I want to see men understanding that, yes, you compete with men out there, but there are men that you don't compete with.
There are men that are your brothers and can be your brothers, that you're men, number one. And even the men you compete with, at some level, you're all fucking men. At some level, you're all fucking men.
And as men, you've got to stick together because if you don't stick together one by one, the forces of darkness are going to fucking break you. That's their goal. That's what they're trying to do.
so i think I think that's the other problem the other problem too with the whole feminization of our society is they put you know a lot of weight on on boys to look at ah you know at their feelings as opposed to you know thinking through things logically.
And this is why I was saying you need men sometimes outside of your family because you you know you'll you'll need someone that can think of think through through a situation logically rather than than through feelings because, you know I don't, happens this to me all the time. I, I, there's times I just don't feel like doing certain things and, you know, I'll make decisions on that, but it's not always the right decision.
Um, and, you know, and there's a lot of emphasis in, in, you know, in the school system for these kids to, you know, to, to really go through these feelings, but like, it's okay for a man to acknowledge that he has feelings.
Hmm. but shouldn't be making his decisions based on those feelings. you know And I'm not talking about men feeling sick or ill or something like that. Like, yeah, okay, if your body's not well, you've treat your body.
But you know our decisions should be made you know logically. That's why you know men in sports, like you know two boxers can be beating shit out of each other, and then once that thing's done, they shake hands and they're friends again, right?
Because it's it's a logical thing for them. and women will hate each other for months. What's that? yeah, yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, it's like, you know, like, they put on the the the face before the match to try and sell it out, right? So they they can get yeah you paid, whatever, right? Like, it's it's what they do. So, you know, they put on this, this you know, we call it mask, right?
they You know, they hate each other whatever and all that jazz. But yeah, the little they'll beat each other up and then, you know, 20 minutes later after they're stitched up and shit, they're they're out eating dinner and over for drinks, whatever. And it's, it's, it's all good. Right. And that was, that's the whole thing. Like in sports is just loaded with it.
But like you get to two women, you know, traditionally they, they, they hold grudges. Like I had a sister, I have a, had I have a sister, you know, and and but ah she would get into like the, like the slightest little argument with a friend and like, that's it. They weren't, they were not friends anymore. Like they, that that friendship was done, you know, and she's out,
finding new friends and whatever. But like you know my brother, myself, like we've we've had more or less same friends growing up but almost right through from elementary school, right through high school. like they did you know There's been some additions and some changes because some some um guys went to different schools and shit, but you know more or less like the same friends were were around. It was the same same ones for 15, 20 years.
Yeah, that's good. My sister, not at all, not at all. Well, part of what allows men to keep their brotherhood in place is to do things together as men. So one is men that are part of a brotherhood need to like regularly get together to break bread together.
So you got to eat together. That's one way in which men spend time together in a relationship together and brotherhood. So just like go out and make food together, go out to a restaurant, whatever. That's got to be a part of what you do.
Secondly, it's good when you are, uh, competing together, playing sports against each other or with each other. That's fucking fun. Or doing other competitive shit.
So I think, you know, Lewis, I'm going to challenge you inside of Sovereign Man, you're pretty clever with this sort of competitive, you know, gamesmanship. Come up with some shit the men can do that'd be fun and and and gamey, right? I think it'd be good.
And let's get a few men to go out and do that. Maybe we go out axe throwing, you know, you and I can captain two axe throwing teams whatever, right? That could be kind of fun. We've done excellent, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I want to. So let's let's let's go do some shit like that.
um There's archery tag. There's all kinds of things. Archery, yeah. Stuff like that. So that that's good. And then when they are working together toward a purpose. Now, inside of what we do with Sovereign Man, we have a purpose to uplift and uphold men, manhood, and masculinity.
That's the sort of thing that also makes men... want to be a part of something with other men. So if you're looking to be part of a brotherhood, make sure that this element of breaking bread together, competing together, and ah working toward a common cause or a common purpose together is a big part of what you do because that is going to make the brotherhood last. Otherwise, it'll just become a fucking social club and eventually it'll disintegrate. And that's not what you want in a brotherhood.

The Power of Brotherhood

You want a brotherhood to be something where people can actually um you know, be a part of it on an ongoing basis. And you want that brotherhood to last.
It doesn't matter what your fucking feelings are. That's, you know, the whole point. ah Manhood, masculinity is all about doing what you need to do. And part of brotherhood is your brothers will exhort you to actually do what you need to do not what you feel like doing. You know what I mean?
Yeah. And then when, uh, you know if if If you have the you know certain certain feelings of, of you know we we usually call taking arrows and and so forth, and and you know that's really when you need a ah band of of brothers, you know four or five men you know to deal to deal and let that suppressed energy out.
That usually you know comes in forms of hurt and and loss. And that could be anything from, you know, man's dog dying to losing a family member to losing your job.
You know, you take on these these feelings of of hurt and pain and, you know, you suppress them. But, you know, men men have a way of of releasing that energy in a way that's ah constructive and and not so much destructive, right?
You get, you know, there's a lot of stories of men that, you know, alcoholics that have, you know, brutal uprisings and, they you know, they they perpetuate that shit at home. Yeah, you know, because that's all they know how to do and they don't have an outlet for it, you know, until they get home and now they're inebriated so their control is lacking and, you know, first thing that comes in the view is their target, you know, wife, kids, whatever. It's not right.
But you know, these are men that don't have a, you know, that that channel to let that out. That's why need brotherhood. And I want to encourage, if you're man and you're listening to this, and you you you know that what we're saying is true, and it's resonating with you, and you know you need this, and you don't really have this.
I want to encourage you to come to and check out the Sovereign Circle. It's one of the tabs in there. Check out the Sovereign Circle. Come and look to be a part of it and bring brotherhood into your life because it'll elevate you everywhere that you are.
ah concerned about and it will help you be better. If you want to be in better shape, this will help you do that. If you want to have better relationships with your woman or if you want to save your relationship because it's gone too far gone, this will help you do that. If you want to make more money, this will help you do that.
If you want to have the balls, to do big things with your life rather than just live life as a ah ah as a placid, timid, you know second-rate version of yourself, this will help you do that.
Every man needs brotherhood. Brotherhood brings out the best in a man. Brotherhood makes a man push himself beyond where on his own he would go because on your own there's a certain mental limit that you have.
Thank you for listening to the Sovereign Man podcast. If you're ready to take charge of your life and become the man you've always wanted to be, we invite you to join the movement at