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The internet and the X-men

S2 E84 ยท Mythic Giraffe Podcast
23 Plays1 year ago

Welcome back! This week, after the normal Rigmarole (the weather, plumbing, seafood, Rebirth, and HellDiveres); Ron wonders if the internet is killing off independent intellectual properties; Chris brings up what we want from the X-men in the MCU. As always please like, subscribe and share with your friends. Come join the discussions on the Discord Channel ( and follow us on Twitter, @cltruitt22. Thanks and take care!


Introduction to Mythic Draft Podcast

Welcome back to another episode of the Mythic Draft Podcast. I'm Chris. And Je m'appelle, Ron. Stupid, smart weather.

Impact of Weather Changes on Activities

What was it, Friday it was 70? And then the next day it was 40 or something? Yeah. Yeah, last week it was, yeah, because I went disc golf, it was 70 degrees. I was like, what the hell's going on? And then it's been rainy and 40 for the last week. Yeah.
But the good thing is we had that wash out at work, so.

Water Contamination and Plumbing Issues

Yeah, I heard you guys can't drink the water there. Really? Yeah, apparently some people didn't get this message that you weren't supposed to drink the water. There was nothing sent out. Yeah. We've all been drinking the water. Oh, well. The chief made iced tea with the water. Oh, I hope he boiled it first. No. Oh.
Did it taste irony? No. Oh, okay. Maybe it's not the advent side. They're saying that on the opposite, it was all yellow. Well, I think that's because a certain individual ran fire hoses from a hydrant to backfill the system somehow. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
We have had so much rain. And there's supposed to be backflow preventers, which evidently aren't in some of the pipes, which the city plumber is like, well, that's not to code. Oh, God. Yeah. We've had more problems with the plumbing in that building. And it's not that old of a building. Well, it's because the building has sunk so far. Well, that's... No, they said that's exactly why the pipe burst this time. Sure. I mean, that makes sense. The way the building started sitting on the pipes. Yeah.
So we went, uh, I said we need to put a koi pond in, but they didn't like, they didn't see the humor in that. Uh, some of them did. I felt a very reasonable one for about $500. Yeah. Got a waterfall in it and everything. Right in the middle of the kitchen. No, no, no, no, that hole that's now beside the back door.
Oh, I haven't been uptown. So I don't Oh, yeah, there's a you can see underneath the firehouse. Oh, good. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds great. Well, the civil engineer was like, I can't tell you what to do about that. You got to call a structural guy. So, yeah, the structural engineer got there and was kind of like, huh? There's a bug underneath here. Yeah. Yeah. There's a
A couple of people who are sitting and laughing their hineys off down in Florida right now about it. Meanwhile, I'm sitting in my nice, perfectly safe building that was built in the eighties. We talk about all the time how that's the last real firehouse in the city right now. I mean, it has got its problems and one of our lieutenants hates it because it's not fancy, but it's a firehouse. It does all the things we need.
I guess they had the city paint crew come out to give them a bid. And they're like, yeah, we really don't, we paint like the lines on the sidewalks. We don't really paint buildings. We just paint a bunch of lines right next to each other. Yeah. We went to a call last night. I feel so bad for these people.
one of our super stellar apartment buildings in the city. Water was seeping through the water table underneath of the building into their apartments. Nice. And of course,
I said, well, look, they didn't know what to do. They called fire. Yeah, that's what everybody does. That's what everybody does. It's fine. So I get out there and I called for building housing and I called for Red Cross. And the maintenance guy finally gets there and he's like, well, what did they do? And I'm like, they didn't do anything. They didn't make water seep through the concrete. That's not how they don't have that ability.
Did you go around with a dowsing rod? No, I didn't have to. I could find it. But you got to find the source. And then the one guy gets on the phone and he's like, well, well, you know, how long did this take? And I'm, you know, using my sweet French language language and he's like, it just happened like two hours ago. He's like, that's impossible. I'm like, it's been raining pretty hard all day, bud. Your building was built in the seventies, but it doesn't have the right drainage.
Yeah. Well, it's, but, and we've talked about it before, but I was talking to the chief about it today on the way back from lunch. I was like, it didn't flood like this in Salisbury when I first started.

Flooding Blame Game: City vs. County

No, no. And yeah. So, and evidently part of it is they said that the downstream cleanouts have not been cleaned out in forever. Nice. But of course it's the county saying, well, that's the city's job. The city's saying that's the county's job. And meanwhile we flood. I love Lake O'Connor County. Yeah.
It is the only county I've ever been associated with that does not acknowledge the largest population inside the county as members of the county. It's insane how they talk. It's the city. There's still county residents. Every part of those people, they live in your county. They pay taxes. They pay taxes to your county. In fact, if they stop paying taxes, you'd be in real trouble because they're the most of the people that pay taxes when you're young.
But yeah, yet again today, Route 13 is shut down. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it's no bueno. No, no, no. Well, I was coming home or back from Baltimore yesterday for a meeting. Luckily, the rain didn't really kick in until after I got off the Bay Bridge. Oh, that's fine. But I mean, yeah, like all through Talbot and everything, it was just they weren't they weren't fields, they were ponds.
Oh yeah. That's it. It's clearly there's something going on. I don't want to say the GW words, but clearly something's going on because on route nine, I see standing water all the time now. Yeah. Well, I think a lot of it also is all the like housing developments and everything. Cause our house used to be fine. And now that everything, you know, the entire neighborhoods developed, we actually get puddles in our yard now. So.
Yeah, there's nowhere for the water to go. And you guys are attack on your lovely towns. It's not very good at building green spaces. What? What are those? Yeah, there's basically specific green spaces in neighborhoods and stuff. So that there's places for the water to go. And we have one of those, but it's at the highest point in our neighborhood. Yeah. Well, I mean, the actual pond is the lowest, but
Yeah, it's a steady rise up over there. Yeah, it's a gradual rise from zero to two inches above.
Yeah. My county, my neighborhood has a nice little park. That's one thing about New Castle County, whoever the guy was back in the 70s who was in charge of it, he was really into public parks everywhere. So we have all these green spaces everywhere and they maintain them. Yeah. It's pretty nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Wait for the muskrats to move in. They're on the way. Just put your little traps out for them. Yeah. That's, they are a pain to trap. If it's just like stick things in the water and they swim into them. No, you got to find where one of their little burrows, their little holes are. And you've got this like claw clamp. It looks like a little miniature bear trap almost. And you put it down in their hole and then you tie
You've got a little, you tie it off to a reed and you stick that beside it so you know where it was. And then yeah, you come back and check them in six, 10 hours. You said that completely wrong. Cause you don't got to do that ever. Ah, it's too shay, but if you're going to trap them, that's how you got to trap them. There is no upside to, uh, doing that at all. Yeah. Cause the worst part is then you have a muskrat.
Yeah. Yeah. Smelly rat. It's literally the name. Smelly rat. Yeah. Yeah. People like to eat them. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you gotta leave one eyeballs in. That's like a tradition when you clean a muskrat or something. You leave one eyeball. Nope. Nope. Yeah. We just need to go back to like eating food like our ancestors did, like vegetables and oysters. It's pretty much,
That's what the Native Americans basically lived off of. I bet you Native Americans ate a muskrat. Maybe. Yeah, on special occasions.
But like plenty of sage, black pepper, it's good. We'll have those things. So yeah, we're like, this is terrible. Don't eat this shit. Um, you know, archeologically that's how you find neolithic sites is you look for oyster shells. It's a good indicator. I'm not a big oyster fan. Oh man. This was a great, uh, good for the environment. Taste delicious.
Yeah, if you want to inhale a loogie. You could fry them. Yeah, but that's the... I'm sure you could fry Muscrat me. Oh my god. No, thank you. So I'm playing any new games lately?

Game Reviews: Final Fantasy Rebirth and Helldivers

We haven't really talked about games in a while. We haven't. I did start the old Final Fantasy rebirth.
This is Final Fantasy Redone. This is the second part of the remake of Final Fantasy 7. So this is the Final Fantasy collector's master's edition. It's totally different than the original. Well, not totally, but there's a lot of differences between this and the original story. It's super pretty graphics.
I would hope so. I would hope that they're pretty graphics at this point. You've been doing some hell diving, haven't you? I have been doing some hell diving. I've been really enjoying the game. Man, the sense of humor by those developers is great. Oh, yeah. I've seen some of the little in-between mission things they tell you and stuff.
My favorite tip is just don't die. It's just a tip that shows up and says don't die. That's a good one. That's a good one. Yeah. No, it's a really fun game that can be ruined by people. Yeah, because you can't play with bots, can you? No, it's always... Sometimes you get lucky and just play by yourself, but usually people can just randomly join you. Yeah.
Which, honestly, it's almost impossible to play by yourself because it's so hard. Yeah. I mean, you're supposed to introduce me to these California folk. What? You never said yes or no, so I didn't. Oh, well, I'm going to say yes. All right. I'm going to introduce you. I feel like it's going to be a thing. I'm going to have to speak Californian. Only two of them live in California now. The one guy's in Chicago, the other guy's in Nashville.
And the Nashvillian, he's originally from, well, he's from California and went to Florida and that is in Nashville. Yeah. That's exciting. Yeah. More stupid. He was saying that plane crashed the other day in Nashville or outside of Nashville, that it like crashed on the road. He takes home from work every night. Oh yeah. He was like, yeah, luckily my shift change had gotten there a half hour early. So, you know, I was home and then I heard about a plane crash.
I didn't even hear about the plane crash. I've kind of stopped looking at the news. Yeah, no, I don't blame you. I know that's terrible to say, but it's never good news. No, there's nothing good out there. Never once. No, it's sad. Keep waiting for the good news. I love John Oliver's show.
But it's never good. It's good. It's entertaining and informative. It's never good news. He even made fun of it. He's like, you know, if I'm introducing this on the show, it's not going to end well. Right. This dark dive into the history of Chuck E. Cheese was pretty interesting. Let's go sit on the animatronic rat's lap and eat bad pizza. We didn't have Chuck E. Cheese on us, kid. We had showbiz.
Showbiz that sounds like a fancy place Well, you gotta watch the John Oliver thing but showbiz and Chuck E. Cheese were like rivals and then showbiz bought Chuck E. Cheese We had skate land There were animatronic things there I Believe I remember there being some problematic things with skate land What? I got arrested
Oh, that was one of the guys. Yeah. That was the only thing to do around here, though. You went to the mall and there was the little fountain that, you know, depending on where you sat was where you were in the hierarchy of coolness. Hmm. Oh, yeah. No, seriously. If you try to sit at the wrong level, they would push you back to where you're supposed to be quite quickly. Not in my mouth. We have an honest to goodness arcade.
on Main Street in Newark again. Nice. Yeah, the guy was like, he's opened up this arcade. I haven't been there yet, but I'm very excited to go. Sadly, it's in my old bike shop. So that's sad. Yeah. Well, it's nothing but paper boy machines. That'd be amazing. But I don't know. I don't know what games got in there. I'm very excited to go and check it out, though. Yeah.
Check out the new Galaga. I was always a pole position fan. Always hate when they keep it where you've got to put tokens or coins in. A lot of the new ones now, it's like, oh, you get this card and you just swipe it. No, no, I don't like. So then you get points for different games. No, I'm not playing. I don't want a bunch of tickets for plastic. I want just.
to put my quarter up there and have somebody humiliate me playing Street Fighter in front of a bunch of strangers. Yeah. I always liked that in Timeshift. I don't play a lot. So I don't know how we play the Street Fighters. Or what was that one? It was a Sega game, but it was in our case. Oh, Golden Axe. That was always. Oh, Golden Axe. Hell, yeah. Yeah.
That is a good one. Yeah. Yeah, the only one for tickets you should play is skee ball. Oh, I do love a good skee ball. Yeah. Yeah. You don't get, you don't see it as much around anymore. No, no, that's right. So there's some folks that walk around, they've got their own skee balls. Skee ball champion. Oh yeah. They have their little case.
No, I don't know. I'm making this up. Yeah. Any other cool games out in the world right now? Oh, lethal company. I don't know if we talked about that. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think you have. Yeah. Amazingly fun game still. Yeah.
played some phasmophobia. Nope. Nope. There's a VR option for that game. Why Ron? Why? Because people hate themselves. That's why. Yeah. There's a VR Tim Roth horror film. Oh yeah. That I've not brought myself to watch it. Yeah. I think I'd rather enjoy the delights of a sandpaper dildo.
Yeah. Well, you got your Dune 2 coming out, don't you? Or is it out? Dune 2 is out, out. It came out last weekend. Oh, yeah. Did you get your flashlight? I did not get my toilet pop or the toothy vagina. Yeah. I haven't seen it yet. Oh, you haven't? Oh, okay. No, I have to find time. Yeah.
I had a wedding last weekend, which weddings at the age of 40 plus are much less fun. Yeah. Yeah. My wife gave me the signal, like, it's time to go. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was like we left by 10 o'clock. Oh, wow. You made it that late. Yeah, I think we made it to 10, but it wasn't. Ooh, Nighthawk.
And then the bride who's my friend was like, why are you guys, cause we texted about going to the gym the next morning. She's like, why are you people alive at 8 AM the next morning? Like, cause we went to bed at 10. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's nothing that happens that late at night that can't happen during the day. Yeah. Why not just get married at like one o'clock and have your party at, you know, one 30. That's sounds like a better plan. Yeah. Yeah. You get married at one.
And then you open the reception up at one 30, but the broader party doesn't get there until two, two 30. You don't start serving food till like four. Oh yeah. You got, you can't give people anything to eat while they're drinking. Yeah. You got to get them good and belligerent. Yeah. It's always worked out for everybody. Yeah. Yep. Good old aunt Pam. Uh,
Yeah. So I put my suit on and I've slimmed down a little bit, not as much as I'd like to, but I slimmed down a little bit and put my suit on and I'm like, Oh, I don't own a belt anymore. Really? Yeah. So I don't have a belt to put on. It's a constripper at the wedding. I didn't have a way to do it. Yeah. See, I have to wear a belt. I feel weird if I'm not wearing a belt, even gym shorts, I put a belt on.
For some reason I do believe that. No. I guess I only wear a belt at work. I'm not a big belt guy anymore. What if we start at the option? You can either wear a belt at work or suspenders.
would wear suspenders. Yeah. Yeah. Wouldn't it be cool? I don't even wear suspenders on my fire gear. Yeah. Yeah. That's the Salisbury cool guy thing. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Can't wear suspenders. No. No. Or you're the super cool guy that gets the weird leather suspenders. Yeah. Super cool then. That sounds comfortable and fun. Yeah. Y'all recovered from your physical assessment from work?
I am recovered, yes. The fire chief today was saying, I can't even walk right. It's been two days, I said well two days is usually when legs hit you. I found out that because I went first, I probably got screwed the most.
out of the whole thing. Because I talked to one of our firefighters on C-Shift who went through it. And he said, Oh, yeah, she let me do the run. And then I did everything else. And then I did my squats and my box jump. I'm like, well, I didn't do a box jump. I had to do a box step. Well, the box step thing. Okay,

Fire Department Physical Assessment Challenges

yeah. Yeah, I kept pace on that for about 20 seconds.
Oh, I can't face the whole time. I'll screw you. Metronome, baby. No. Yeah. That metronome was. And I was. Good. Good. Because I had done the air squats right before that. Well, because I did my run and then the box stepping thing. It's just like your heart rate's pretty high. I'm like, what? Yeah. Yeah. I maybe run. I don't run. I did six minutes of run, three minutes of walk, three minutes of run.
Oh, that's good. That's better than I, I just went at a slow run the whole time. I should have sped it up, but you know, I gotta leave something for improvement. Hmm. Well, that my shoulder subluxed while I was doing my second set of pushups. Oh, that's fun. Like I felt it start to click. I was like, that'd be okay. And then just go, go, go down on that side. Here you are. And I'm like, I'm fine. Here we go. Yep. Keep it going. Yeah. So.
Certainly. So our department has this physical assessment to tell us where we need to be. Yeah. But the bad thing is there are some people that really need to participate that aren't. Yeah. Yeah. I really wish we could encourage those people. Um, well, they might not have a choice in a couple of years. Sure. I'll be retired by then.
Yeah, the new OSHA 1910 changes they want to put through are pretty strict about that stuff. Right. Yeah. It's almost like oversight is saying, hey, we need to take care of people's physical, mental, and overall health. Imagine that.
I think it's Berlin Fire Department in Germany. They require them to do a CPAT every day to come on shift. That's tough. It's not the worst. I actually found it easier, but I was in pretty good shape when I did it. Now it'd be tough. Well, that's my problem. I compare myself to 20 years ago. Yeah.
That's always my problem. I'm always comparing myself to pre-sals Ray Ron. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, topic one. This is a weird topic. It's a good one. I don't even know if it's a good one. It's a weird one. Yeah, that's fine.

The Fate of Independent Internet Entertainment

So I think the news was shared. Obviously by the time this comes out, it'd be old news that Warner Brothers has shut down Rooster Teeth. Yeah.
for some new people, I guess, younger kids, Rooster Teeth has been like, that was like my first introduction into like the internet, really, like Red vs Blue and all of those things. And I became a fan over the years and listened to the podcast for years. And then I moved on to some of their other podcasts. And at this point, I listened to like three or four of their podcasts on a regular basis.
Yeah. And it kind of worried me because they were their own company for most of those 21 years that they existed. And then they sold out to AT&T and AT&T sold on Warner Brothers and then now we're left in this position where they're gone. And it worries me for the future because
I'm more in it, but we have a very small audience for this podcast. We have a very small audience for this podcast and I'm worried that there's no space now in the internet for independent entertainment.
Every podcast you see now is based off of some other IP, has famous people involved in it. These comedians have taken over the comedy podcast.
the Dungeons and Dragons podcasts are all now become their own juggernauts of, of, of a business. It's a business. Oh yeah. You know, but it worries me that the internet is going in this direction. That's not great. You know, globalism or the global corporational wasm of everything is a bad thing. Yeah. It's similar. I mean, what is it?
60% of the airlines are run by two companies or something and crazy things like that. Yeah. Yeah. And I think because you and I are of the generation that we are like the forefront of the, of the internet, right? Like we grew up in a time when there was no internet or it existed technicalities. It existed, but it wasn't, you know, um,
to the point where now I'm seeing the internet going, oh, so if you're not famous, you're not gonna have a successful career on the internet. And if you're not a corporation, you're not gonna get a share in the internet at all. Which is really worrisome because the hope was this was gonna be a free space for sharing information, sharing viewpoints, sharing,
you know, almost a safe space for just information. And it's not that anymore. It's very worrisome. And I look at a company like Rooster Teeth, which they built this brand and the brand as part of their, you know,
I don't know the inner workings of decisions they made, why they made those decisions, but as part of that brand, they became part of a corporation that then was like, we're done with you. We can dump you. Well, I mean, WB makes some really good decisions. I mean, look at everything they did with DC. Oh, everybody hated the Suicide Squad game that came out, so they're doubling down on live service games. Yeah, they've got some real forward thinkers over there.
And that's, but that's kind of like the thing is, you know, you look at WB as a whole, they keep buying up these IPs and let's say driving them into the dirt. Oh yeah. Yeah. They are. Yeah. So, but what's the stop them from taking your next favorite IP? Yeah. No, you're, you're absolutely right. They're very,
I've reached the point where podcasts have become annoying to listen to because usually it's an ad for, hey, you need to listen to our Patreon. And I understand, look, I get it. People are trying to make their careers out of this. And it's become this thing that I think the internet never should have been. It's become this business that I don't like. Yeah, I can appreciate that.
Yeah, most of the podcasts I listen to I like I listen to a lot of kind of funny stuff and I I subscribe for what 10 bucks a month or whatever so I don't hear ads. Sure. But kind of funny smart because I think at one point they were bought by Rooster Teeth. They were and then they split off and said now we're just gonna be our own thing again. Right? Yeah. Which, you know, like
Some of the podcasts I listened to originally, I mean, some of the people, I just saw some comments on the internet is, well, we hope you take that and become your own, but I don't know that that's even legally possible, you know, for that. Right, yeah. So it's a... Yeah, and that's a tricky one. It's a tricky one and it's a sad one because... They start their new company, Hen Dentures.
my feelings aside, like there are like, what, 200 people who are out of a job today. Right. You know, and that in this market right now, it's going to be tough for them to find jobs. Yeah. You know, especially doing what they were doing, it's going to be almost impossible. Yeah. Yeah. And I think there's a lot of that happening across different mediums.

Challenges in the Gaming Industry: A Discussion

Like you see it, you know, game companies are shuttering things when they're not. It's like you're either
A 10 out of 10 for your worthless. It's like there's no in-between anymore. Yeah. Well, I look at a game like, well, let's take hell divers. Sony put no money into them. Right. And they're doing phenomenally. And they're doing phenomenally, but now Sony's going to say,
Well, now you did phenomenally. We want you to make hell divers three instantaneously. Yeah, you know, they're going to they're going to screw up the no offense to Sony. Oh, yeah. No, you're right. They're going to screw that up because of the success it had. Yeah. Yeah. And it's well. And the problem is there will be these other companies that look at what hell divers did. We need to do what they did. It's like, no, that's the problem with
some of these games doing your live service thing, not everything is going to be a juggernaut like Fortnite was. Right. I think that's the big problem in the games industry right now is everybody's trying to be Minecraft and Fortnite. Yeah. And you're five years too late for that at least. Yeah. I mean, the fact that Fortnite still exists is crazy to me.
You know, the fact that, well, Destiny's limping along. Oh, my gosh. I hopped back on this week because it's Guardian Games started back up. And I was like, oh, it's you just want me to grind away. It's not really a new thing. It's just OK. All right. OK. So I know this is a tough prescription pill to swallow, but I think Bungie is going to shutter its doors probably before the end of the year.
Yeah. Oh yeah. I don't even know if we'll get to see, what is it? Lightfall or no, lightfall, whatever the last expansion is that's supposed to come out. I mean, they already laid off a whole bunch of staff, you know, final shape. That's what it's called. Seemingly the writing's on the wall that it's not going to exist. Yeah. Yeah.
And maybe rightly so. Yeah, I mean, there's a big part of me. It's like, maybe they should just stopped with Forsaken, that expansion where you had the Death of Cayde and all that. Yeah, it feels like some story beats. I'm like, Oh, okay, this is cool. But it's
Yeah. This weekend, I've got the house to myself and usually I think, okay, I'll grind away at this day. I'm like, I can play a lot of Final Fantasy this weekend now. Right. I can jump into a couple hours of Baldur's Gate and just have fun and not feel like I'm grinding. Right. Oh, there'll be grinding in Baldur's Gate. Just a different kind. Sure. It kills me. I love you, Larian, but it's like every week it's like,
hotfix you know 9.2 romance edition it's like wait i thought 7.3 was romance stuff now that it's like every time i boot up my steam it's like you have a 15 gig update for balder's gate what the crap is going on yep it's a different way to kiss a bear yeah but yeah that'd be balder's gate that's one that's you know it's an outlier they've they've
did the damn thing and they did it right. And you know, people love it. People seemingly, this is an outside version of the world. People seem to enjoy the, not the same thing over and over again. Yeah. You're like hell divers. Here's my prediction. It's going to go on for too long.
Oh yeah. You know, like Diablo. I mean, I enjoyed Diablo. I played Diablo 4. I enjoyed it. Played through the story. Right. I have no desire to every season make a whole new character and grind through it again. Oh, they want you to make a whole new character each time? You have to. You have no choice. Oh, that, no. Yeah.
So if you want to play the seasonal content, it's a whole new character every time. There's no character to that. You know, the person you built up and spent all this time with. Yeah. And you, not only that, but like you get to a point where you're like, all right, well, Diablo is not my job. You know, I might want to just jump in for an hour once a week or something.
You know, see what's going on. I want to do that with my character that I played, but I don't see that for me and many other gamers being a long-term strategy for success. Right. Like games. Games have a shelf life. They should be played. And then sometimes I think they should be put away. No. Yeah. I agree. You know, how divers I think it'd be good for like, get me through to the summer. Yeah. You know, then I'll move on to something else.
Of course, I'm the man who has a thousand plus hours in Panzer Corps. So, you know, maybe I'm the wrong person. Yeah, but I think that's the problem is it's almost like we're now being ingrained that it's got to be that either sequel or tied to something, it can't be a little one off thing. And that's sad. Yes.
It's very sad that we can't just have the game. Like they can't just enjoy the game and then play another game. Like you, you almost feel required to like, all right, well I'm going to play destiny and then I'm going to keep playing for eight months. Right. I just want to play destiny, enjoy the story and yeah, go on to the next thing. Yeah. Definitely got my money's worth out of it. Sure.
Yeah, I'm not gonna, I played Destiny, I enjoyed it. I even got back into it for a little while and then I realized, oh, I don't like the grinding. I think I don't like the seasonal stuff. I think that's what I've kind of decided is games that have seasonal stuff that I have to grind for, I'm out. But what if they called it chapters?
Well, then I'm back in. Okay. See, there you go. Okay. You got me. All right. Shoo. Okay. We're close one there, folks. And, and with my podcast, I mean, I, I, there's a couple of pockets I listened to that are quasi famous people, but I don't really enjoy listening to famous people talk. You know, I don't really want to hear Joe Rogan's opinion about anything new ever.
Although I did see something the other day, somebody was on his show that was like, to prove a point to everybody, you know, that addiction is all fake. I'm going to get hooked on meth and then quit it. It's like, it's a bold take, son. That's a bold statement. Yeah. You'll either kick it or enjoy your meth addiction. Right. I don't know. Yeah.
But yeah, Joe Rogan's like you said, you know, the famous ones and all that every now and again, I'll listen, you know, or like kind of funny, you know, interview somebody famous. But I like it more when it's the people I think are famous. You know, like there's one that I'm waiting to beat Final Fantasy. They've got the, you know, they interviewed the musical director for Final Fantasy Rebirth. I was like, oh, it'll be really cool when I listen to it six months from now.
Right. Yeah. Or, you know, like critically, you talked about the D and D stuff, critical role. I'm like, yeah, it's a bunch of voice actors. Nobody really knows who all of them are, but I enjoy it because they have a good time. Yeah. Holy.
That goes hard tech. Well, Fred just popped the earbuds out from his zoon. There it is. I have nothing against Critical Role. Oh yeah, I know. And I think Critical Role is the outlier in this, but now it's every other company is like, oh, we have to do a D&D game.
If that makes sense, like, right? Like I don't. Yeah. Well, I don't want to see you play D&D. I don't care. Like it's the D&D things were to me because I just want to play D&D. Yeah. You know, I don't want to listen to other people who blame D&D. I want to play D&D. Yeah. You know, and honestly, most of critical role now, it's it. They do. They play D&D, but it's it's really listening to a story. Sure. Yeah. Which I did find it was on Spotify. It was
Batman unearth or something And it was like a audio novel like acted out For yeah, totally original Batman story. This is really neat That's gotta be better than all the Batman movies that have come out in the last 20 years Well, I mean there was Mask of the Phantasm that was good any of the animated stuff is good well R.I.P. May have made Batman stick to me Yeah, yeah
I did see something in my sketch yesterday that was Batman. They're gonna do they're gonna release a Conroy Hamill episode. It's like, I guess they had another episode like that they never released. Oh, um, yeah, I think I heard something about that. Oh, it's part of the crisis on infinite Earth thing.
And I guess one of the earths they go to is theirs. So you get to see or hear them again. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. Because Marcus said, he's like, I'm done. Yeah. He said that was my Batman. I was a joker. Well, that was all our Batman and jokers. I still to this day, when I read a Batman comic, I hear Kevin's voice. Oh, yeah. So I mean, that makes total sense to me. Yeah.
I mean, Kevin really was the best Batman in my lifetime. You know, it's not even close. I mean... But if they again there, you've got... They had this tried and true thing Rocksteady did with the Batman Arkham games.
They ended it and instead of just letting it be and then having a spin-off but you know all these other characters in the DC they're like actually we're gonna do like Fortnite meets Sunset Overdrive meets Grand Theft Auto I guess and it was just like what?
Yeah. Stop messing with the Batman. Yeah. There's not, this is totally sides of the editorial, but there's got to be no character who's been more maligned than Batman.

The Overuse of Batman in Media: Is it Time for Change?

Oh yeah. Yeah. Like I'm tired of remakes of Batman. Yeah. Let's, let's move on. How many times do Thomas and Martha have to die? Yeah. Yeah. Let's, let's just have, let's let,
another character come to the forefront. I get it. DC has terrible characters. I get it. But that's the problem. They have some of the best characters. They just don't put them forward. I know. I know. God. Like my favorite. They put them forward. Oh, yeah. Let's give Aquaman a second movie. My favorite DC character can't seem to get anything to happen more than for one season. Yeah. And one day it shows up and then they're like, kill it. Kill it a fire. Yeah. Yeah.
Swamp Thing. I mean, they really haven't done anything with Swamp Thing. Oh, God, there was that movie when we were kids. Yeah. Yeah. I don't remember that. I mean, what's the archer guy? Green Arrow. No. Yeah, there's another one, too, though. And then there's. Oh, yeah, the chick. Sable Black Sable something. Oh, Black Canary. Yeah, Black Canary. Yeah. Her and Green Arrow had a thing. Yeah.
Yeah. Yep. That'd be a perfect duo. Yeah. Hawkman. Yeah. Hawkman. Nth metal mace. This is big ass mace. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And here's this guy that flies. Doesn't really need to flap the wings, but he has wings. Yeah, that's true. Doesn't really flap wings. Really good buddy cop thing with green, green lantern and flash.
Man, Green Lantern. Or Green Lantern Green Arrow. Terrible that they've never done anything good with the Green Lantern. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I did watch, I broke my trailer rule. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Guess which trailer I watched. Deadpool. That's correct. Well, hold on to that. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Well, we can move on to that. My topic has really kind of played out. I worry about what the internet's going to look like in 10 years. Yeah, I too worry that we're losing the independent IPs. Yeah. I don't know what to do about it. Donate now to Mythic Jack's Patreon so that we can all do this forever. Yeah.
Which we don't have a patreon. No, we don't. Yeah, you can bend on me. We will accept that. Well, yeah. Or internet hugs. You like those? Yeah, yeah. Well, you watching that kind of ties into my topic, because, yeah, after seeing that trailer, you know, and what Marvel's talking about, what what do we want from for or from the X-Men with Deadpool?
potentially being the start of the X-Men in the MCU. Sure. I don't know, like. It's so hard for that trailer to. Know what they're doing. Right, there's no way you Jackman's back to be Wolverine. I mean, he's very clear that he doesn't want to do it, but he's back for this movie. He's back for this movie. Yeah, yeah, that's it, yeah.
It's fine, but I can come back to do another run of X-Men. I don't really want them to do X-Men again. Well, if they do it, well, I don't want it to be Wolverine and the X-Men. Actually make Cyclops the good character he is. Yeah, I mean, Cyclops was my favorite X-Men. They could do X-Force. They could actually do X-Force. That would be... Well, I mean, they've got...
Most of it. They could do X Factor. Yeah. You know, there's a lot you could do. I mean, you could actually do Iceman being a real character for God's sakes. Yes. Yeah. Kitty Pride not being a 12 year old kid. Oh my God. Banshee, Havoc. Yeah. There's a lot of stuff you could, there's a lot of those characters that didn't get, that got pretty screwed over. Beast. Beast. Sabretooth.
Yeah. Well, I actually liked was that Ray who's his name? Oh, no, no, no, no. I'm not talking about his. I'm talking about the saber tooth from the singer X-Men movie. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But I actually thought that the first one was a decent take on saber tooth.
Yeah. I think the problem is for the X-Men that there's

Wolverine's Role in X-Men: Essential or Overdone?

a generation of people now that Wolverine is so iconic to the X-Men that you can't do it without Wolverine. Yeah. Or it's tricky to do. Yeah. And it's going to be tough to find somebody
for whatever the movies were bad or whatever, it would be tough to replace Hugh Jackman. Oh yeah, yeah. He didn't write those horrid scripts. No. He just, I just think he nailed that character. Yeah, he did. He's a little too tall, but not medium enough.
Yeah, that's the Canada of the Pacific. There's Canadian right now going, you son of a bitch. Well, I'm sorry to say that. Super, super polite people. Yeah. It would be nice to see Cyclops actually treated like a real character and not an angsty teenager. Yeah. Yeah.
I would have liked to be better. Yeah. Yeah. Gene, Gene is a huge one. And that's my brother and I were talking about this the other day. He picked up on this. They're re-releasing or there's a new spinoff of the X-Men cartoon. Oh, really? Yeah. It's called 97 X-Men or something.
Excuse me, it's the same art style and all. That's pretty cool. His super eyes in the trailer picked out that he was like, yeah, one of the shots looked like Jean Grey was pregnant. I was like, huh, that's interesting. I was like, I guess it's cable. He was like, you would think, but no, because based on that timeline, that would be make that not Jean. That's Madeleine Pryor. So this will be open. I was like, God, you remember so much more of that than I do.
Well, there are like 12 kids in the gray universe, right? Oh, yeah. Scott Summers has a bunch of kids. I mean, there's a lot. Yeah, yeah. And then Alex has kids. I mean, there's a lot of those mutants running around. Yeah. Yeah. But there's a license, which is what they could do a lot with if they had. But the problem, I think, with X-Men is you need the Jean Favreau. You need somebody who just loves that. Yeah.
story to make it come real. Right. Like FuturePass was fine. Yeah. It was fine. Yeah. And this is going to be a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people.

Professor Xavier: A Flawed Character?

Patrick Stewart was a cool Xavier. Right. He wasn't a good Xavier. He didn't really do Xavier things. Yeah. You know, at least. Because I got news for you folks. Xavier in the comics, not a great guy. No.
No, if you read the comics, you start to be on Magneto's side. Yeah. You're like, oh, this guy's got a point here. Yeah. I mean, spoilers for the comics. Xavier's teaming up with Mr. Sinister right now. That's never a good thing. No, that's not something good.
Which I've heard that rumor that Henry Cavill is going to be Mr. Sinister in the MCU. Hmm. Yeah. Or Captain Britain. Captain Britain, what a dumb character. Can you imagine it? Henry Cavill. I mean, a little waste. I don't know. Captain Britain was good, I'm sure, for some things. Yeah. Yeah. You could go hang out with. Oh, God, what was it?
the north guard or whatever they were. Also, some of the Canadian ones. Yes. Poll. Poll start, right? Is that what it was? A Sasquatch. Yeah, Sasquatch. And. That Captain Canada or something. No, it was. Mr. Maple Syrup. Maple Leaf or something. Maple Leaf. Something Maple Leaf. Oh my gosh. Polaris. Polaris. Yeah, it was a bunch of them. Yeah.
Alpha Flight. Alpha Flight, that's what it was. North Star, Sasquatch, Aurora, Snowbird, Shaman. Carol Danvers was in it for a while. Well, technically Wolverine was in it. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Oh my god. It's the first gay, openly gay. Saint Elmo. Oh my gosh. And the Groundhog. They had a character named Groundhog. Had the first openly gay, uh...
What character was that proud star? I think so. Yeah, I'm not right up. It's hazy memory, but yeah When that's like ice man ice man's gay in the comics now super sure fine. Yeah, good for him I think you might be gay in the comics the first time Probably But boys again, there's a character that is
got hosed in those movies. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I think now they consider him like an Omega level mutant. He always will. He was, yeah. He was like crazy powerful. Yeah. Unlike Wolverine who was made of metal and the guy that they fought all the time controlled what again? Metal. Metal, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bobby controlled ice. There's a lot of water.
Oh, yeah, everywhere. Yeah. Even in your body. Even in your body. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, say this like Scott, I mean, he's like a super uber powerful. Yeah. In the comic books, which is why, by the way, he's on the X-Men. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's like this thing that a mystique
She's like proud, you know, the strongest mutant because she doesn't just change shape. She changes like her genetics and everything. So she could probably, if she really concentrated, be any mutant she wanted to be. Rogue is technically the most powerful guy. Yes. Because rogue can literally be any mutant. But, but no, she's a small,
Terrified child who needs. The best rogue is the 90s cartoon rogue. Yes. By far. Yes. They even make Gambit cool. Yeah. And Gambit's really lame. He is. Ooh, I can charge this and throw it. Yeah. He's really lame. But they made, I mean, they made Jubilee cool. Yeah. Jubilation Lee. Yeah. Which is who Rogue's character should have been in
Stupid X-Men movie. Yes. Yeah, if you wanted an answer changer, you had Jubilee to do it with. Don't mess up rogue. Oh. Super strong Southern Belle almost kills Captain Marvel, taking her powers and then weirdly keeps most of them for some reason. But for reasons. Yeah, I know. But for comic book reasons. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But still, yeah. Yeah.
can fly and it's super strong and yeah. Yeah. Kind of dresses like Captain Marvel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not, Oh, Bobby, I want to kiss you, but I can't. I want to kiss you, but if I'd kiss you, I'll kill you. That's how I got this white streak in my hair.
Ah, golly day golly day. Yeah, I mean, I hope they do something with X-Men. Yeah, but I'm also kind of OK with them just being the background of Deadpool right now. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm like you. I hope the animated one is good. Yeah. The original animated one was great, except for Morph. God, here we go. Morph! Ooh! No. They really.
Really sold it on the Murlocs in the in the animated show. Oh, yeah. There's a lot of Murlocs. Yeah. All right. Let's go down here to these sewer people. Yeah. We're gonna go fight the sewer people for reasons. It didn't like storm, like adopt them kinda. And yeah, it was really weird. And there were sentinels everywhere. Sentinels everywhere. There were a lot of sentinels. Yeah. Yeah. That's how you get the fastball special.
Yeah. I mean, and they had the perfect arcade game to go with it. Yeah. Oh my God. That arcade game was so frustrating. And the best music. Yes. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, here. Okay. That's excellent. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe Deadpool will save it. Oh, you know, I have
But that's the thing, though, like you touched on. I think the love that Ryan Reynolds has for the character Deadpool shows. And. You just need to keep that going with the X-Men. Yeah, he but I don't know that he can drive the

Deadpool's Future in Marvel Movies

X-Men. I don't know. Maybe he can.
Honestly, he needs to be the new cameo for every movie. Which is easily done. Yeah. Goofy ass Wade Wilson popping up in every Marvel movie moving forward. Yes, Wade Wilson just can. And plot wise, always works. Yeah, it does. You can always find a way to put Wade Wilson in. Yeah.
Yeah. And every person is going, what the hell are you doing here, Wade? Right. And they can just look at the look at the audience, say something quippy, and then off he goes. That's another I want to see Deadpool interact with Spider-Man. I mean, inappropriately. Well, with Deadpool, probably. Yes. I mean, he's got this man crush on him. So yeah. In the comics, he's obsessed with Spidey.
We need a better Spider-Man before that happens? No, Tom Holland's a great Spider-Man. He's fine. He's fine. Of the three we've had, he's probably the best. I don't know. I really liked Toby O'Gliars' Peter Parker. I liked his Peter Parker. But he was also too old. Yes, he was too old. But now Tom Holland's too old.
Yeah, but they still, they're showing him as the high schooler. So. Sure. Well, I mean, you know, I'm sure Venom can bring it all back. Oh yeah. They are making another Venom aren't they? Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah. Yeah. I haven't watched the second one yet. I finally watched Morbius. Yeah. Great movie.
Sounds like it wasn't a great movie. It had no plot. Yeah. It had no plot or development that when you from the beginning to the end, when you got to the end, you're like, I have no idea what the character's drive was for and why any of this made sense. So, yeah, maybe. Yeah. Everything I heard about it, didn't make me want to watch it. So, yeah, you're not missing anything. No, I don't think so. Yeah.
Next time when the dogs takes a crap outside, just fling against the wall. That's a movie. Nice. Yeah. Well, I think we've rambled out our ramble. We have. We have. We've run out of steam of talking about Deadpool. Yeah. Yeah. Which, you know, I'm very excited. Yeah. That's comic book movies we've had and quite some time.
uh by leaps and bounds yeah yeah that's colossus oh yeah my brother he was like oh you mean he's not supposed to be some Texan hick that's tiny and says y'all sit behind me was there colossus in that yes in x2 i think i don't remember that yeah yeah colossus was
Oh, I do remember that. Yeah. But he was not big. Nor was he Russian. Nor is he Russian. Nor do you have a sister, Illyana, who could do magic. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I had the best juggernaut. Wait, wait. You're talking about Deadpool, right? Deadpool, yes. Oh, yeah. God, yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean that actual giant juggernaut. Yes. Giant, terrifying juggernaut. I mean, I'm happy to see what Deadpool three will be. Oh yeah. Yeah. But then maybe no more Deadpool movies. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I'd kind of be happy. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Well, I mean, even the comic book creator of Deadpool has retired, so. Yeah, you have to eventually. Yeah. Yeah. Robbie retired and, you know, there's one more run of Deadpool coming out this summer with his, that he's involved in. And he said, if they take it after that, that's fine, but I'd be fine if Deadpool just, you know, pops up here and there. It's just a hello.
But, yeah. I think that's maybe one of the problems with comic books though. They have lost their plot. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Look, I still read a lot of comics and I'm like, God, this is like the same story I read 10 years ago. Just with a couple of different characters or the same exact characters. Yeah. Well, there's too many Batman's too. Yeah. Too many. Sorry.
Yeah. Too many Spider-Man's also. Yeah. It's very confusing to read at times. So it's almost impossible to read. It's almost a job. Oh, yeah. Somebody nowadays, yeah. Hey, jump into comics. Yeah, or OK. It's impossible. I tried. Yeah. Yeah. Read Invincible. That's an easy one. There you go. Yeah. We'll watch the show out here. It's really good. It is. You should.
Go Allen. Yeah, folks, support your independent IPs.

Supporting Independent IPs and Community Values

Yeah. Play some hell divers. If we don't support our independent IPs, we will not have the internet we want. Right. That's a real problem. It is.
Being good to each other. That's the biggest thing. Be very good to each other. That's being excellent to each other. Oh, yes. Bill and Ted. The Wild Stallions were right the whole time. Yeah. It was their name, wasn't it? It was, of course. I don't want to watch Bill and Ted. You should watch Bill and Ted. It's totally worth it. Take care of that.