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Welcome back, Witches! This episode delves into the fascinating world of White, Black, and Gray magic, exploring their differences, ethical considerations, and how they manifest in modern practices. So get in, loser, and let's uncover the shades of magical intention!

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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch


  1. Knight, Flora. A Brief History of White Magic, Part 1. (2024) Tetragrammaton.
  2. White Magic. (2023) Anthroholic.
  3. Jones, Tea. What Does it Mean to be a Grey Witch. (2020). Your Tango.
  4. Danielle N. Boaz (2023). Ten Facts about the Racist History of Voodoo. Anthropology News.
  5. Princella Talley (2021). How Whitewashing Villainized Black Women’s Magic in Louisiana. Ms. Magazine.
  6. Christopher L. Newman (2023). “Savages and Sable Subjects”: White Fear, Racism, and the Demonization of New Orleans Voodoo in the Nineteenth Century. Madison Historical Review.
  7. Nadia Lee (2020). The Appropriation of Magic: How White People Demonized Voodoo. Brizo.
  8. Priya Sharma (n.d.). The History of Black Magic: A detailed exploration. Intellectjinni.
  9. How Stuff Works (2024). Unveiling the Mysteries of Black Magic: A Comprehensive Exploration. How Stuff Works.
  10. Bebe (2022). 8 Types of Black Magic That Still Practice Nowadays. What De What.

Introduction to Witchcraft and the Occult

Do you feel drawn to learn more about witchcraft in the occult but feel lost on where to start? Then welcome to Get In Loser where you're doing witchcraft, a podcast all about what it means to be a witch and where to get started on your journey. Join us as we navigate through various witchy topics and share what we've learned about the craft.

Understanding Magic Types: Black, White, and Gray

So get in witches for part eight of our Witch Witch series, this time taking a deeper look at black, white, and grey magic.
So, I logged into TikTok this morning and it says it's unavailable. Oh no. I think it's because you have an American phone. Mine still works.
one we have um what do they call it, like dual sims? So we have like an American sim and a German e-sim and use both. So yeah, I think that's why a lot of people on the like ah spouses page out here were saying that you can create a separate Apple account for your ECM with a different email and then just like switch back and forth because there's like other apps that we want to use out here and we can't because it's not on like our app store, like grocery store apps for points and stuff. And so I'll probably just have to try that. But yeah, I believe this morning was like, it's not working. Yeah, I was like, No, it happened like middle of the day here, I guess, because the time change. But yeah,
um Yeah, a lot of people on the Facebook pages are like, I don't know how to get TikTok back. And I'm just like, I was like, oh, let me check. And it worked, but I i bought my phone here. So it's just like, oh, I have a Japanese number, Japanese um and Japanese phone. So yeah, it's I'm just like, oh, well, I mean, if it was like completely like banned or whatever, and I couldn't get on it, like I would not be it wouldn't be the end of my world. No, what I mean, like,
Some of these people, and I understand like, you know, a lot of people have made their livelihood on TikTok. And I get that. But some of these people are dramatic as hell. Yeah, for sure. And I'm just like, OK, I see you. It's a little serious. I've learned a lot of things on TikTok, so I am a little sad about that aspect. Yes. Yeah. And considering, too, like how we can just change a few things.
Yeah. And it'd be fine. But like if you are in the States, there is no changing anything. No. There's no workaround. Like you're just screwed until hopefully it gets unbanned. but like So I am sad about that because I love, I mean, there's a few creators like that are in the States that I love watching, like their updates, like house renovations or like shopping or makeup and stuff and cooking, like one of my favorite, um, like I guess online or influencer chefs. Um, I watch her shit all the time and now ah hopefully she's transitioned over to Instagram, but yeah.
all of the things and like even when, cause I know there was like a period of time that I just, I deleted TikTok and I didn't have it on my phone for like, I don't even know how long it was. It was like a good, I don't know, six months or so. It was a while. Yeah. And I remember having such a hard time, like not with deleting the app, like I didn't miss it, but the aspect of it that I did miss is if I had like a random like question about what to use this ingredient for or like,
What do I, you know, I have this symptom or something like a random medical question, anything like that, type it into Instagram or not Instagram, but TikTok and you would actually get information from doctors, from like professionals, whereas Instagram is not that user friendly. You can't do that there.
no No, I learned made it to so many things from that app, man. But here we are again. like it's just We had Vine for a while. It's gone. like Everything that we've like it attached ourselves to throughout the years, it's just like, well, that ran its course, I guess. yeah We'll wait for the next thing. Yeah. we And we've had so many. like I was thinking about it like AOL, Amazon Messenger. Yahoo Messenger. Yahoo Messenger.
fricking live journal. Do you remember live journaling that in my space? Like all of those two had every single one. We really grew up with social media and yeah our generation, not like, I mean, obviously we as an us, but like our generation of millennials, we grew up with social media. So it was weird whenever you see that transition change. Yeah. Yeah. But so all of our Gen Z listeners, it'll be okay.
You'll get good. For instance, if you're a listener in America, you will be okay. It'll be fine. We're still a little salty about our Myspaces, but you know. Exactly, because I miss Myspace. But yeah, I'm not saying it as being facetious. You'll be okay. You know what I mean? It'll be okay. Something else will come out and it'll all be good. It's lame, but it's fine. We'll get through.
that But we're not talking about social media and TikTok bands and the sadness of the world right now. No, we're not. What are we talking about?

Cultural and Historical Implications of Magic Labels

We're talking about black witchcraft and white witchcraft and gray witchcraft. Yeah, this one. I don't know. I think it's important to start this episode off by saying that I personally don't really like these terms. I don't like the black and white.
the good and bad like categories of witchcraft, and we have talked about that on the podcast before. And of course, to an extent, um I fully feel that everything is a spectrum, and not everything can be seen as black and white. But that being said, these are terms that we come across frequently in researching the topics within witchcraft. And the reason that I find this categorization a little tough is because I may have a different outlook on what constitutes as good or bad than the next person. While most are in agreement that extreme things that cause harm are bad, we may have different views on like where those lines are actually drawn. and It's what makes us human. like We all have different views, outlooks, and opinions. As long as you're not harming others, it's none of my business what you're doing in your craft. so I want to start this episode off saying that. like
and Historically, too, we have talked about this on the podcast, where the color black has always been used in a in a negative thing. And it's often attached to magics and practices that are part of like the POC communities. And white is always attached to good. And historically, that has been attached to white people. So I don't know. I go back and forth with the black and white, and I feel like
it's just important to like say that at the beginning of this episode. Yeah, I agree. um Yeah, so we're going to take this episode, so I'm going to discuss black ah magic, and then Tiffany's going to discuss white magic, and then we're going to to speak very broadly on gray magic. But I think that is um important because As practitioners nowadays, I feel like a lot of what we do can be seen both ways depending on how you're looking at your practice. So like even you know some of the things where we're talking about the characteristics, like reading through your notes, reading through my notes, and looking at the characteristics of both, it's like, oh, well, I mean what i do kind of i can see it falling in here and there. You know what I mean? and so i think
Definitely I think this episode is important because it's it's good to talk about them separately and then also clear up misconceptions about them um and especially as it relates to black magic. So I'll just kick off with that because black magic is super misunderstood. And before I really dig into that, I want to preface this part of the episode specifically with the fact that depictions throughout history have often sensationalized and exaggerated the reality that is black magic. And oftentimes it's tied to voodoo.
Voodoo itself is one of the most misunderstood religions out there, and it's something that, honestly, Tiffany and I both do not really have the right to speak on because it is a closed practice. But additionally, it was I was very disappointed in doing this research because it was hard to find articles that provided the context I needed for this episode without also tying voodoo into this topic in a very uneducated and biased way.

Impact of Colonialism and Racism on Black Magic Perception

And so what I will say is that voodoo is a spiritual practice that has been unfairly demonized due to ignorance, colonialism, racism, and and sensationalism for hundreds of years.
and European colonizers and christian missionaries viewed african-based religions as primitive or evil because they were different from christianity and voodoo became the target of racist ideologies that associated african culture with savagery and fear.
that reinforce negative stereotypes about Black people and their spiritual practices. And Hollywood hasn't helped. Media has sensationalized and perpetrated the idea that voodoo is evil, using things like voodoo dolls and human sacrifices, which are not representative of actual voodoo practices. So over time, we've seen an erasure of spiritual knowledge and cultural ties. And as we talked back in season one, we had an episode, I think it was when we were talking about New Orleans. We talked a little bit about voodoo, hoodoo, and just it as it relates back to that city itself. But there was a merging of African religions with Christianity as a way to keep what little practices they could hold on to alive. So I just want to preface that the beginning of this episode with Black magic is not voodoo. So please get that out of your
damn had. And all of these articles online, it was so irritating because it's like some of the articles had really great information, but then it's like, I feel like I can't trust you now because then you so mentioned something about voodoo. yeah And it that just tells me that like you don't really understand what this religious practice is. If you want to know a little bit more about this topic as a whole. I have linked some really good articles in our show notes. Probably like five the first five articles or so in our show notes are related to this specifically. and so If you want to educate yourself, go ahead and take a look. I will say too, like I don't remember. It could have been the New ... Well, no, it wouldn't have been the New Orleans one.
There was an episode that we did at one point where I was reaching researching something along these lines and it wasn't only voodoo that kept coming up. It's like voodoo, Santeria, Palomayambe, anything that was like a different culture, like people of colors practice, like even Native American practices were like... like just put into this where they would just be like these are bad magic and you're just like seriously this is where we're going with this what yeah exactly yeah like it's not and no just to kind of dive into a little bit more about black magic and what it actually is This duality between white and black magic that we're going to cover on this episode has its origins in European occult traditions where white magic as Tiffany is going to cover was associated with the benevolent and healing practices and black magic was used to bring harm to another person. person or to serve a harmful intention in general and many deity episodes we also discuss how in many ancient traditions many spirits and deities contain that same duality to them showing that you can't have the light without the dark and we will get into that more when we discuss gray magic a bit later in this episode but I just want to preface that with like this duality I mean it really came from back whenever magic was first like really
our magical practices was really spreading throughout Europe and in ancient or what we know is like Europe now because Clearly, names have changed. um But in ancient Greece, there are some examples of what we would call black witches with Cersei and Medea, where they used their knowledge of spells for vengeance and control. And the spread of Christianity throughout medieval Europe saw a widespread demonization of all things related to witchcraft, as we know and have covered many times on the podcast.
But anything that was outside of what was sanctioned as good Christian beliefs in piety was falsely labeled as black magic as a tool to persecute marginalized groups. And as we saw in America during the witch trials or the Salem witch trials, anything was that was strongly associated with the Salem witch trials was also associated with the devil, which also was associated with black magic. So you know that You just can't escape it. so There are themes associated with black magic that really doesn't necessarily tie back to a single unified tradition like we see in other forms of witchcraft and paganism, but more so it's a collection of practices that are often associated with it. so
For instance, spells or rituals that cause harm, revenge, or manipulation. Practices that involve summoning spirits, curses, or using esoteric texts for personal gain. Necromancy, which is communication with the dead or raising spirits for specific purposes.
taboo practices or practices that might be seen as crossing moral boundaries like with things like blood rituals or pact making and along with voodoo there are other significant spiritual practices that are often mislabeled as black magic due to colonialism and racism and this is just in general alchemy astrology and herbalism and as we know these are all part of many healing and scientific traditions and are not at all Black magic. No. Satanism, which is very misunderstood and is very often linked to black magic. But as we know, the church of Satan or the satanic temple focuses primarily on philosophy and activism rather than supernatural harm of any kind. And they actually don't even believe in Satan. so Right. Yeah. that that um As well as some other esoteric traditions such as
Hermeticism, and Thelema, which both explore darker aspects of human consciousness but aren't themselves inherently evil or what we would consider Black magic. So Black magic today, according to Priya Sharma's article on the history of Black magic, is really still sensationalized and trivialized in popular culture, or films, literature, and throughout all kinds of media.
Many contemporary practitioners shy away from the binary classification of what is black magic and what is white like we talked about already, but they instead embrace a holistic view of magic for both personal and spiritual empowerment.
So in practice, black magic is characterized by many different themes. I mentioned some things earlier, but I'm going to expand upon a couple of other things. And this isn't the full extent, like it can encompass a wide range of different themes. But the big one here is that There is an intent to harm, manipulate, or control. So again, with curses, hexes, maladdictions. So with curses, this would be long-term magic that is meant to bring bad luck or misfortune to a person or a group.
hexes, which are usually shorter term spells for inconvenience or to cause harm, binding spells, which were used to restrict someone's actions, usually with the intention to prevent harm or in some instances to exert control over the person. And I myself have used binding spells, but not in a way to like exert control over somebody, but to keep them from causing harm.
Necromancy and spirit summoning, which I've mentioned earlier. Blood magic, which would include rituals or spells that use blood, whether they be animal or human blood, to amplify intentions or bind energies. The reason why it's often listed as a black magic practice is because it's often considered taboo. and

White Magic: Definition, Context, and Ethics

In a future episode, we are going to cover a little bit about blood magic. So that is an episode for a later date if you are interested in learning about that. And then also love and spells with manipulative intent. And this is something we've talked about a few times on the podcast. You guys know how we feel about that. But this includes spells that are specifically used to compel someone to fall in love.
without the other person's consent. And this is considered an ethical violation. Also, another example would be sympathetic magic, which is using objects, poppets, effigies, or representations of someone to influence harm by inflicting harm on their symbolic likeness. So think Sabrina Carpenter's new music video for Taste, like with the little dolls that they have, that's the same thing. And then lastly, shadow work with in dark intent. So instead of using shadow work to heal, some use this practice to lean into darker aspects of themselves for control or vengeance against somebody else.
And again, these are just a few examples of what black magic can consist of. It can consist of other things as well, but these are kind of the big main ones. So so moving on to white magic or benevolent magic. According to an article by Flora Knight, white magic is about transcendence, knowledge, self-improvement, and the betterment of the world. It's both high art and science concerned with releasing the powers of imagination through a practice harmony with the universe.
Knight considers white magic to be a middle path that fits between religion and science, which I found really interesting. And she says that in religion, one requests manipulation of the created universe by God or his agents. In science, one manipulates part of the created universe oneself,
but in magic, one manipulates parts of the created universe with the non-physical agencies. She shares that in the ancient world, all three of these things were practiced and considered legitimate, but that we lost these in medieval times, when religion was thought to be the only way forward.
and dabbling within science and magic was considered to be impious. Simply speaking though, white magic is the opposite of black magic and it refers to spiritual practices being used for positive and benevolent intentions, like healing, protection, and blessings. While that can be said easily enough, the line between these two categories can be blurry and it really depends on the intent and the context that the practices are being done.
What is considered white magic has been practiced by different cultures and civilizations all throughout history, and it can be traced back to ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, the Greeks, and Romans for healing, for protection, and even divination practices. During medieval Europe, white magic was often associated with Christian mysticism and theurgy, and was also referred to as divine. It was practiced through prayer, meditation, and ritual practices,
but these practices were definitely a fine line during the witch hunts as any little thing could really just get a person accused of witchcraft. It has also been practiced within indigenous cultures around the world who use their practices to connect with nature, their ancestors, and their spirits for guidance and even healing. And today white magic is a term that I feel is almost overused and it's often tied to terms like love and light It's practiced within various types of witchcraft, and while some people may refer to their craft as white magic or even their practice as white magic, the truth is that these practices are likely woven into most everyone's practice.
just like there's probably some elements that fall under black magic or black witchcraft woven into most people's practices. So at its core, white magic boils down to promoting the well-being of individuals and the broader community. Practitioners of white magic often believe in the interconnectedness of all things and seek to work in harmony with the natural world,
and the energies that flow through it. It can be seen as an expression of humanity's desire for a greater understanding, for harmony and compassion. And in practice, practitioners of what is considered white magic seek to work with the forces of nature rather than against them, and they search for a harmonious relationship. It can be categorized into different groups, so let's just talk about a few of these.
Healing magic is the first one, and this type of white magic is aimed at promoting physical, emotional, or spiritual healing for others and for yourself. And as I'm sure most of you know, this type of magic can be any combination of the use of herbs, crystals, energy work, or really any other technique that is aimed at restoring balance.
health, and well-being to the body. Protection magic is the next one, and this type of magic is focused on warding off negative energies and or entities, and also creating shields of spiritual protection. It could involve the use of talismans, amulets, spells, or even visualization techniques. The next one's divination magic, and this practice is one that seeks to gain insights or knowledge about the past, present, and or future. And we've talked about various forms of divination on the podcast before,
but some of those could be tarot cards, runes, pendulums, tassel, mancy, or even scrying. The next one is blessing magic and this type of magical practice involves invoking positive energies and offering blessings or gratitude to yourself, others, or even like to a specific situation or place. It can involve things like meditation, ritual offerings, and even prayers.
Love magic is also a part of white magic, and this particular practice is aimed at attracting love, enhancing relationships, and promoting harmony and compassion.
It can involve the use of charms, spells, or affirmations to manifest love and positive connections. And just as a friendly reminder, even though Sam has brought this up, as we've discussed on the podcast before, love magic can be a very fine line and it should never be done with the purpose of taking away someone's free will and choice.
I came across this blog called Anthroholic and they listed out what they thought were pros and cons of white magic or white witchcraft. So I figured this would just be a good inclusion for those who are interested in the concept of white and black magic. So their pros were that it promotes positivity.
because a primary goal of what is considered white magic is that it promotes positivity and well-being. It provides a sense of empowerment and it's thought to be able to provide those that use it a sense of empowerment and control over their lives and circumstances. It promotes a connection with nature as most practitioners of white magic believe in the interconnectedness of all things and seek to work in harmony with the natural world helping to promote a deeper connection with nature. And their cons I thought were a little, I don't know, you guys will see. So the first one is a lack of scientific evidence. And this particular bullet was based on the fact that there have not been scientific studies done on the experienced outcomes of the practice of white magic. And while that is correct, I feel that it's a stretch to have it in the cons list simply because no one is studying like scientific studies on various practices of witchcraft.
right? That's weird. um Yeah, I was like, I love scientific evidence backed topic. But they're rare in witchcraft. Okay. and who The second one I also was a little me about so they said the second con is potential for exploration. And this bullet went on to be explained that there's not regulation or oversight surrounding the practice of white magic and stated that because of this, there could be opportunities for fraudulent claims or exploitation. And again, I felt like this was an odd thing to claim considering no practice has oversight or like a governing board to protect people from fraudulent practitioners. So these cons are a little, they were, I was getting to the point where I was like, well,
What's going on here? yeah The last one, I was like, okay, at least we we came back around. So their last con was that it could perpetuate harmful beliefs. And this was the bullet that I was looking for and the one that I like wholeheartedly support. Categorization of one particular type of witchcraft as white, good, or any other word that fits in that category promotes the idea that if you aren't practicing this particular type of magic, then your magic is black.
bad or not good, etc. And it's the sole reason why I personally just hate the white-black good-bad concept. So that was the con I was looking for, the other two. They're there because they were on the article.

Exploring Gray Magic: Balance and Ethics

Take them with a grain of salt because obviously no one is doing full-on scientific-backed research on witchcraft and magic outcomes and there is no governing board to make sure like frauds don't take your money for a tarot reading that they can't even really give you but that's that.
Moving on, we're going to talk about gray magic. With all that said, enter gray magic or gray witchcraft. And this is quite literally the in-between. It's a little bit of each type practiced together because, you know, you mix a little bit of white with a little bit of black, you get gray. So it's the belief that you can't have the good without the bad because all humans hold both good and bad characteristics. They make good and bad choices and they do both good and bad things over their lifetimes.
And even in ancient traditions, like I mentioned earlier, there was often this blurring of the lines between white and black magic leading to what many know now as gray magic. So with like ancient Egyptian magic, this was known as Hekka, which I thought that was interesting considering the deity Hekate. but it could not be at all related, I don't know. But Heka played a role in the daily life of all Egyptians and it was heavily tied to their religion. Heka encompassed both benevolent and malevolent magic and often there was a distinction that was blurred. So some characteristics of grey magic include things like neutral intention, so focusing on achieving balance and pursuing goals that that might benefit the practitioner without overt harm to anyone else.
An example of this would be a return to cinder spell. So those that practice grey magic choose to practice more on the spectrum based on the circumstances. As long as they can be at peace with themselves and their actions, then their practice is what it is to them.
Additionally, ethical flexibility is a main characteristic when it comes to gray witchcraft because operating within your personal moral code rather than adhering to other notions of what right and wrong is. So an example would be engaging in a hex if they feel like a balance needs to be met. And this reminds me of, do you remember a couple of years ago, people were hexing Donald Trump?
of this reminded me of. yeah So that could be an example of that. And often, gray magic is practiced by individuals who reject but that binary that we've mentioned a few times between white and black magic, and they see intent and greater good as the determining factors for a spell.
Yeah, gray magic or gray witchcraft often believes in the balance of things, embracing the light, acknowledging that some things are unforgivable, but ultimately putting themselves first and healing themselves of wrongful circumstances. They can allow themselves to be happy while also leaving room for the bad to run its course.
This could be feelings of jealousy, anger, and even sadness. And I was also reading that those that follow a gray path do not necessarily believe or at least follow the harm-none rule as they believe that it is inevitable that people will get hurt along the way no matter how hard you might try to protect them. And they believe that it's just nature and the way the universe works. And with that, I feel like I personally feel like everyone pretty much practices in a gray magic, gray witchcraft space, because again, I also believe you know humans are good and bad. And while I may think that you know doing something a certain way is bad, that doesn't mean that Sam thinks it is. And so it really just does depend on the circumstance, the setting,
you know, like what's going on and how you feel about it. Obviously, if you're like trying to murder someone, that is bad, right? Or if you're trying to take away someone's will like in a love spell or something. I mean, I, I feel like that's bad. So there's just really, I feel like white and black, it can never just be white and black. There's always going to be a gray area in, in your practice.

Podcast Closing and Further Resources

evening So absolutely great.
you But that's it. That is a white black and gray.
That's it for this episode of Get in Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft. You can find our source material for this episode linked in the show notes. If you love this episode, we would be forever thankful if you leave us a five-star review on wherever you listen to your podcasts. If you really love the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link provided in the show notes for search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft.