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Men Caring Men: Support Local Businesses

Nonsensical Network
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Glick and Connor were joined by Nikki and Jen from the Five 4 Distillery in Newton Falls Ohio we talked about their husbands starting the company and hard work that has gone into it making their own liquor all the events they have planned and the support from the community

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I'm a girlfriend
And I don't miss this, my fate, I just can't wait
what What's going on, everybody? Happy Monday. Welcome to men care for men. Your men's mental health podcast. Why do things a little differently tonight? Ah, we'll get to that here in just a second. What's going on bench? Go to hell, Peter Piper.
a Welcome to men care for men. Part of the nonsensical network. You got Connor in the building and you guys know me. I am Glick. You're probably sick of seeing me with as much as you see me here on the network.
But nonetheless, if you're not already, go ahead and give us a follow. We are everywhere at bio dot link slash nonsensical network. All of our links are there, including the link to our merch store. Yes, we have merch now. Oh, man, a lot. Any who, as I said, if I can get the buttons to work here, there we go. We do have guests joining us tonight. It's a rare occasion that we have guests. But about a month or so back, I was talking to you guys about these about them. We were out at, uh, five forest distillery in Newton falls with, uh, sons, uh, I did that again. Southern outlaws band and, uh, Joshua Lee Nelson, we were out there for a benefit for veterans. And they, these guys were our gracious hosts. Now they don't look like Donald Reed.
yeah But I do know that these two are troublemakers. So we have Mickey and Jen joining us from the five forest distillery out there in Newton Falls. And you guys are, as we were saying backstage, first of all, how are you guys doing? How's everything been? It's going great. Everything's good, busy. Everything's picking up.
That is. Oh, hi Nick. She says, I heard their names. yeah She just came running it out. Uh, yeah, I was going to say, uh, based off of your guys's social media and stuff, you guys are, uh, busy, busy, busy. You got something going on all the time. We try.
That is, that is awesome. I'm happy for you guys for that because it's such a cool, it's a cool location and it's a really cool building. It's an old building. It used to be the admin building. for new Okay. So people paid their taxes. Okay. And water bill and that kind of stuff. And now it's a distillery totally remodeled. So. I was like the next government plan.
you have place buildings would Replace all tax buildings with distilleries. It would be the best time ever. Connor for president. Don't don't do that. Don't don't do that. already have one president. We have someone on my side. With special needs. We don't need another president with special needs in office. That's so true. We have started a not your grandma's bingo. That has really been one of our most popular I seen that can can you kind of elaborate on what that is a little bit more not your grandma's bingo. So well, first of all, nobody brings their little gems or their trolls or anything. We don't need tovers. Um, we have a couple people that yell at the other people when they're winning or losing or picking on people.
Um and we do everybody's drinking. Everyone's drinking and we do it as the queen of hearts. So if for the cover all If you get it within 50 balls, you like collect the whole pot. And if you don't, 25% goes in the pot for next week, and 75 goes to the people. um Right now, our cover all pot is up to $555 here at the distillery. So our cover all pot ends up being well over, it'll be over $700 this week. If you get it within the first 50 balls, you get to take all the money home. And even when um it's not collected, people are still taking home over $100 for the cover all.
to Yeah, there's no we don't know. Sounds like it's worth the trip just so I can come up there and drink and talk shit and win a little bit of money. and yeah they say any yeah I can just randomly yelling. I do that in the house and I get yelled at.
yeah you yell to no Jason yells when we do it, but he's fine. Yeah. You guys, you guys want to tell, tell tell us, ah we'll tell everybody kind of a little bit about what you about yourselves and not only about yourselves, but also the the distillery. Cause I'm kind of curious where the idea of the distillery came from.
What was in ours? We are overworked and underpaid, if you want us to be honest with you. um So my husband and Jen's husband, both are the owners. We are the free laborers. um My husband served in the Marine Corps for 30 years and now works for the FAA.
up in Cleveland, and he just has always wanted to do something by himself. He doesn't always want to work for the government. So um him and Mike Matt doing plot school. yeah And they're both pilots, and they met and decided they wanted to do something. And then one day they came home and said, we bought a building, and this is what we're going to do. And we said, OK, good luck with that.
Um. And two years, it's taken two years between like getting all the license and um the remodeling. The remodeling did not take as long as getting everything we needed from like the federal government, the state, county the all the inspections and all that crap. So that's what's really taken so long. so And I've been, ah I mean, i I've been home with my kids for,
Long time. I worked from home for a while, but I mean, I've really been a mom for 25 years. So, and I'm still that. I mean, I got one more 14. She's bad too. She's the worst. I got really two boys and her. She's the devil. I hope you're not watching me loves you. Okay. Girls, girls are, girls are the worst period. I got two girls and a boy.
And my girls are the oldest level. So it makes it even more like, yeah, she's a demanding daredevil. That's what she is. yeah Sounds about right for the youngest. They got a overachieve. It's be prepared. You sit there and chuckle. You're the same boat. po her You got two boys and your girl is the baby. Well, that's what i that's what I was thinking about. So everyone keeps telling me how bad little girls are. I'm like, you know, she's just been an angel, but she's only two. Oh, yeah. You're in the kid farms. Yeah. I was gonna say, I'm like, like these these last seven years with my boys have been hell on earth.
And this has been the easiest two years of having a kid ever. Oh, your time's coming, buddy. I'm okay with the time slowing down for now. Yeah, let's talk in like 12 years, Connor.
yeah as gonna so around It's like something I've never seen before. It's it's ah you know it's it's hormones.
yeah hey vicky That's when they finally kick you in. Yeah, no, my my my girls are nineteen and fifteen. My son's eleven and when they hit like just right about the teenage years, man, it was like a switch went off.
And now I have a new adopted 18 year old Mexican. Yeah. And now I have an adopted 18 year old Mexican. Somehow my home is my home is becoming Glick's wayward house for orphans. My oldest daughter keeps trying to move all of her friends into my house because they have shitty parents. And I'm like, is that all it takes to get rid of you guys? If I'm just a shitty parent, then you'll leave. Yeah. right So.
Yeah. So now I have 33 teenage girls in my house. Oh, i and I'm like, yeah, cash. This is my son. Cash. I'm like, yeah, this is this is the world I grew up in because I had four sisters and I was the only boy. So it's just like, oh, that was my brother's lot to four girls, one boy. Yeah. It's like, man, I finally outnumbered the girls. and Not so much anymore. My 14 year old was raised by Tarzan and in the woods or something. I don't know what happened. ah My son is very much. he He lives in his own little world. He's the happiest, friendliest kid in the world, but he lives on his own planet.
he He's borderline feral at the end of the day. I have a 25 year old who's in the Marine Corps. He's married in a 20, almost 21 year old who works pipeline. I hope there's still hope for her to be better. She's got time.
what What about you, Jen? You guys got kids? We have three boys. My husband was in the army me and he's the D.O. at the private sector of Ultimate Jet at Akron Canton. And then like Nikki said, once him and Donnie met, actually Mike was giving Donnie flight lessons. And that's how they met and started talking. And then they, ah Donnie actually found our house here in Lordstown for us. And then we moved up here. And once we were up here, the guys just started looking for something to buy, to turn into something. And then they got this building and Ballin told us that we were bartender.
Ballin told you like we want to be our own bosses. But you guys like to do all the work you guys have became our boss. Yeah, which really vastly became our bosses and we've tried to clear they were on Yeah so The best thing though is that this community like you say Glick is so great there So many like our regulars like I really feel like we work at Cheers like I'm like I'm going outside and Somebody's like I'll take the bar. I'm like cool. See ya I'll be back in a minute. Yeah. So everybody just, we all work together. yeah yeah events We have tons of people that come in just up at our events, whatever we need help with. There are people lining up at the door to do whatever they can to help our events bigger and better for the next one that we put on. So yeah it's really amazing. there you are I really think the majority of people want to see small businesses throughout.
So that's that's one thing we do different than most is we put in. OK, Nikki. One thing we do is we only serve local alcohol. So all our beer is locally brewed. Our wine comes from a local winery right now until our stuff is ready to put on the shelves.
We are using Western Reserve Distiller up in Lakewood, Ohio for all their variants right now. So we're very determined not to use anything that's made outside the state of Ohio they get more and keeping it as local as we can. That's that's awesome. Connor, what were you getting ready to say? You were getting ready to say something. All I was going to say was if if you listen to them, what what I heard was all things great come from two dudes who met at work.
You know, fair enough. We're two dudes that met at work. want us to say us right One of us. One of us is pretty great. The other one, he just got new legs, so. i Yeah, I think you need some. I really think you need some work, dude. Oh, what happened to your legs, Glick?
Yeah, I know. It's happened. Yeah, it's help tell Nicky to hush. um Yeah, good luck with that. yeah i was cry and and and and And we definitely seen that at that benefit for the for the disabled vets.
the community coming together. I love the fact that the community supports you guys. I've always been very big on shop local, uh, buy local, stay local. When I was down in Charleston, that's all it was. The majority of businesses were all locally owned. There was not many franchises down there and the few franchises that were down there, they didn't last long. And then they would move out in the local company restaurant bar, whatever.
Um, they would move into it. So that, that definitely seen that, that night that we were down there and you, like I said, you guys got like a perfect location. Right. yeah and Right there. And it's a nice setup. Um, Oh, I know we, we, we, we got to try a little sip of the, uh, I think it was, I think it was the vodka. Yeah. Yeah. was Yeah. ni That was a kick in the pants. Yep.
but that That initial, that initial taste was what's that? i said that shit whole way Yeah, it burnt all the way down, but it did have a sweet aftertaste. I'm definitely, uh, I'm not a big drinker. Uh, when I do want to get up there and try your guys's, uh, quote unquote homemade products, but, um, I love the fact that you guys want to stay in Ohio. That's, that's so cool to know kind of give back to the, to the, to the area. Um,
Outside of the yeah the bingo, you guys.
Yes, let me see if I can get a link up here. Take me a minute. You guys have all kinds of events going on outside of your your bingo night. You guys get local. I'm assuming local musicians that are up there a lot. I've heard a couple when you guys go live and I try to pop in there and get a couple in there that were really good that I've got to to watch for a few minutes.
Every Friday and Saturday we have like local music and we do one song live on Facebook as soon as they get here and on stage. This Friday we have J.D. Ecker.
He wrote um the music for the movie, The Notebook, and the long or The Last Walt, Nicholas Sparks movies. Oh, yeah. Friday night. Yeah, we're excited about that. And he does the 7-Eleven or Speedway commercials. Yeah. Oh, that's cool.
And then Saturday, we're having a murder mystery dinner, a rest in peace to the rodeo clown. And we're doing a dinner and we have a lobster truck next Thursday. So we have the lot main lobster truck will be here.
Um, I know just a lot of stuff going on for the next few weeks. We like to do something for Thanksgiving. Anybody who don't have somewhere to go, like we'd like to feed them locally here. We all set up here at the facility and
That's cool. We're happy to help do that. but Are the guys going to make you slave away and and cook Thanksgiving dinner for the whole community down there in the dungeon below? Probably. We keep them in the dungeon, please. They're right down there now, right where they need to be. but but We run this show right here. joke joe that's where the man cave is it tricked all
um Outside of the music and the and the the murder mystery. You guys just had the car show. How did that go? I'll do a lot. I actually have on our car show shirt. Oh, yeah. So cool. Let me see. Oh, yeah. I've seen that on socials. I love that. I think it's so cool swinging doors, swinging doors at the five force. Oh, that's cool. I like that.
I think we're going to start trying to do that, like um maybe during the summer next year, during that season, do a different drive-in car show once a month or so, once every other month. It was really good. People enjoyed it.
that it ah I love the shirts. I love the logos. I love to design but you guys just you were showing you were showing it earlier. You guys is main distillery logo ah is I don't have a bronze. I'm not showing. I can't get. Yeah, it's kind of hard. I didn't realize that a all of those was that far northeast. Yeah. Yeah. Damn. It's a whole seven. That's a whole seven and a half hour drive for me. ah Is it really? Where are you at?
Oh, I'm at Nevinsville, Indiana. Oh, but um' I'll be in I'll be in Columbus for Christmas. but then we we usually Yeah, we're only two and a half hours. Yeah, we use that i could out to Columbus three, three to five times a year. That's the ah that's the cool thing is you guys are only about 45 minutes from oh where Nikki grew up at where her family or her parents are. So it's like, you know, we could go up a day early, you can go see our friends at the five floors on our way up to PA. You can always do that. And if you give us a heads up, we can make sure we have enough cheesecake for y'all. Yeah. I can even put you up in our trailer across the street.
Nice. He said that they could put us up in the trailer across the street. Did they come with you? Yes, like they are. already Jen already said she'll make sure she has cheesecakes. We're sure that's one thing we do to do the cheesecake plot. So you get cheesecake and four four cheesecakes and four different drinks.
Yeah, actually, after that weekend, we followed are they at the the the the lady who makes the cheesecakes, followed the page and I was showing Mickey and she was like, there's so damn good. I was like, you know, we've got a wedding coming up next year. We might be able to do tooth cakes instead of a traditional wedding cake. yeah Do the many cheesecake. Yeah. Oh, they're so yummy.
i try i i got to try these drink seven and a half po why they make is good favorite I don't like cheesecake, but my wife is a cheesecake nut. Absolute cheesecake nut. Do you think you guys could make it a seven and a half hour delivery? yeah right ah know what kind you maybe Seven and a half hour delivery.
Yeah, i I don't tip well, but if you put the delivery charges high enough I can convince my wife that it's worth it He's up No It is really loud around I'm sorry, it's really not that loud at my house. No, you're not the one who wanted to be outside.
Well, it's it's it's coming from inside my house. You're going to say, oh, Jesus. No, I got to get up there. One of reason I got to get up there is because I got to I want to pick up a couple of shirts. I meant to get me one that night. But obviously I got a little sidetrack. I got a little. You're so nervous. Oh, my God. I I've never I've never been on stage before. And I have a massive fear of public speaking.
Okay. What about port me? yeah yeah they got you up in
And threw up and they yelled at me, come on stage. I'm like, hold on. I'm throwing up. I'll be right there. It was, I still had throw up tears running down my face and I still ran out. years Yeah.
But you know, throw up tears are the worst. Are you crying? You're the worst. You can't control it. You're not crying over anything. It's so dumb. You just eat your pants and cry and that's all you can do. Wait, what what was that first part? You don't do that. No, I bit through my tongue, but I've never peed my pants. You haven't ever. No, I got locked. I got locked. I was throwing up there once a bit down on my tongue.
a lot like this and it was I bit straight through it. It was great. I couldn't eat. Oh that's terrible. but Yeah and I'm a puker so that didn't really bother me but I had just had my whole nose rebuilt the whole thing ah three days prior to that. My dad has broken his nose five times and he has gotten it fixed zero.
So his shit goes down to the left, then down to the right, then back, then center. It's all cockeyed and shit. And he's too terrified to go in and to get it fixed. Oh, he should go do what it was so easy.
Tell him to come here. I can hook him up. is If I tell him Newton falls, he'll freak out and say no. But if I tell him Cleveland, he might go for it. Yeah. I just drop him off right here. It's right off the 80, right? Yeah. it's It's near the Cleveland clinic.
close. so so and and and and like i said Newton Falls is a cool little, it' so it's a cool little town. You know, it's, mean it's one of those towns. It's like the definition of of Ohio. We've got a bunch of little towns like that, you know, historic old law, you know, everybody knows everybody type. You kind of get that feeling. I mean, that I'm from one of those towns and everybody knows everybody. And in some shape or way. Yeah, we have cool little stores like the Merck and the Covered Bridge. We have the Covered Bridge here in New Falls, which is cool.
um Broken Leaf Cafe, we get our espresso from them for espresso martinis. So, yeah, we, I mean, there's a lot of little cool stores up there. I love that.
So who who who are the yeah who are the masterminds behind all of your guys' is events? is that Is that the two of you? who your marketing Who's your marketing director?
so the guys but The guys just go down. and They make li and liquor. yeah We're making liquor. Get back down there with your spirit. That's what I said. Yeah.
I love it. Are you guys looking to do um more charity stuff and whatnot? Absolutely. and We were talking one of the things that we'd like to do. my I just told you, I don't want to bring the way down. So don't I'm not my old. My oldest is in the Marine Corps and he just lost his best friend in the Marine Corps um to suicide a couple of weeks ago. And um Now I'm going to get a little I think we have to do better for these kids. yeah agree You leave them sitting in these barracks rooms drinking.
And by themselves and orders are changing and their lives unsettled and they feel like separated from their families and I feel like we got to do better them figure this out so next summer like to do a fundraiser um his name's Connor meals, he was from.
um What's that place called that I don't, why can't I remember his own? Anyway, um he and would we would like to do a in memory of Connor fundraiser for active duty suicide prevention. absolutely was yeah <unk> Let me know when that is. Let me know when that is.
and again I don't I don't know if I'm I don't know if I'm gonna be able to come up but I'll send y'all some uh I'll make sure that I put the word out and we get donation word out because I I mean Doc my my best friend who is with me in the army who was my uh my old combat medic his his buddy from back at uh Fort Carson just killed himself three days ago. So it was uh yeah that that's just it's weird it you you said that and immediately I was like what hit my kid really hard he's never lost anybody before he's never lost anybody like that before and he was really he's taking it really hard we just went and saw him so that we could put our hands on him for a minute make sure he was okay and um but it's it's been a tough route for sure and
um He did get to go spend a couple of days with her mom, with his mom up in Wisconsin. And they had a really nice service for him. So, but I do think, I mean, his orders had just been changed. He was supposed to be going to recruiting. They changed it to a deployment out of kind of nowhere. Like his whole life got changed in those few minutes. And then there he was myself in a barracks room. It's crazy what uncle Sam came up with. Oh yeah, it's crazy. absolutely yeah we we talk No, we, we, well, Monday, Monday's it's all right to bring the mood down a little bit on Monday's. Monday's we get a little bit more serious around here because this is our men's mental health show. Um, and we, and with Connor being a veteran, we we do talk a lot about, um,
the the veterans unaliving rate, not only that, but the men's rate as well. But amongst our veterans, there's not enough there's not enough that's done to take care of our veterans once they once they're out or even in even when they're in. I mean, I remember you know Connor was really going through it when he was in Korea and hey know him and I talked quite a bit when he was over there. um I didn't know the how bad it what or you know how bad he was going through it over there.
by Until later, but yeah, not enough is done to take care of our, our vets or our active duty military. So we talk quite a bit on here yeah about that. And, and you know, i'm I'm not a vet, but.
Vets mean a lot to me. My dad was a vet, both my grandfathers were. I have several friends that have very good friends that have served and some that didn't didn't make it back home. So it's a very soft spot for me. It holds a special place in my heart. That was one of the reasons that I was so eager to put my fear aside and be able to be a part of you know the the concert up there. Right. You killed it. Now it should be like your new thing.
ah Don't tell him that. I am definitely looking forward to more opportunities to do that. I told you guys when we were up there, if you guys ever want us to come up and do anything, if you want us to do a ah show live from there, you just say the word and you know well I'll make it happen. Either I'll be up there or myself and Blaze. Blaze is another one on the network with me. He's also a veteran. ah He lives down in Kentucky.
So he actually came up, it was about a month or so back. The, uh, the bar that Nikki works at, they celebrated their one year anniversary and they asked us to come to the show live, uh, from the, from the anniversary party. And I was like, yeah, let's do it. Blaze came up, Blaze came up. He was like, uh, I'll be there. He drove the three hours up and, uh, on the 19th, they're doing a Halloween party.
And they've got a musical guest is going to be there, but they also want us to be there too. They had so much fun with us being there that they're like, we want you guys to come back for the Halloween party. So we're going to do that again. We, we try to be so allf for the offers out there for you guys as well. If there's anything that you want us to, uh, come up and be a part in with you guys, just let me know. um We'll make it, Nikki and I will make it happen on our end and, uh,
If there's anything you guys need help promoting, especially that, I would love to get the behind that and helping you guys promote the the that cause. you know we'll We'll gladly throw it up on our social media and stuff like that for you guys as well. um and i'll throw I'll throw that up on everything that I have. And if you guys have like your GoFundMe or something, I can pop up a link and just shoot it out. And I've got a plenty ah plenty of buddies that are are more than happy to be a part of that. yeah That's near and dear to a lot of our hearts, sadly, unfortunately.
I am certainly a thing, right? But here we are. ye Yeah, that's one of the unfortunate side effects with the proper treatment and proper facilities not being there for for for our young men and women. And even the ah even the older generation, you know, there's there's a lot of older vets out there that that that that are struggling as well. So, you know, definitely as ah as a country,
I feel like our quote unquote officials not to get onto a political rant could do a lot a lot more and a lot better to take care of the people who protect our country and protect us and on a daily basis. Yeah, we should be doing a better job taking care of Americans period, but they see where that's at right now. So yeah.
talk $8 billion to the Ukraine, but you can't you can't help our people down South right now who are getting absolutely obliterated. Hey, here's 75 bucks from FEMA. Have a good time. Hey, Ukraine, here's a couple billion dollars. Yeah. Sorry. Did I say that i got on a Monday night? whatop ive I've got friends down there in the area that have been affected by it and friends down in the Tampa area that are doing what they can to prepare for this this second hurricane that's getting ready to come. That one's out like Cancun right now. i was That's why I messaged Jeff today. It's just category category five. It technically didn't make landfall in Cancun, but it's ah it's right over there on that peninsula where he's at. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to be a big storm. People but will not survive that, I don't think.
oh No, I don't. I don't. Tampa's been luckier over the years. I think their looks about ran out with this one coming in because it's just going to tear right across. that well They haven't recovered from the last one, really. I mean, it just rolled right through Tampa, that area and straight up the coast and they're not going to have time to recover. And it's a cat five. It hasn't even made landfall yet. It's still going to go back through the Gulf again, which is hot.
The water is still hot in the Gulf. that's just that's just gonna keep It's just keep growing. It's just gonna keep getting worse. And then it's gonna keep rolling north again like they always end up doing. It's gonna roll back through North Carolina. It's gonna be a continuing situation. Because there's another one behind that that's out in the Atlantic right now. I saw that today. I just saw that.
I think technically there are two out in the Atlantic. One of them's supposed to take a turn out toward the UK and the other one's supposed to to roll up the Gulf. Just the same. Well, my family's in Pensacola. That's where I'm from. Oh, yeah. Yeah. North of Pensacola a little. So, I mean, I grew up with hurricanes, but this is crazy right now. but yeah Yeah. When I was in South Carolina, we usually got one or two a year.
That was about it. But to see this happen to the people in in North Carolina, especially further west in North Carolina, I mean, it's kind of was kind of crazy because you're you're that far you're yeah you're that far inland in eastern Tennessee. I got a buddy, ah like I was mentioning, Doc, he's ah he was supposed to go to the police academy out there in Tennessee last weekend, and they delayed it because they were too busy cleaning up for mudslides.
And it was like, it's no sad. And where is everybody? wow Where are these people's health? Why are they not getting, I don't understand what's going on with that. Yeah. No, I don't think anybody does. And I think that's a lot of questions that have been going out is you guys were, you guys are real quick to help help out other countries. But when it's our people, where, where, you where are you at? I mean, I've been saying that for years. I mean, I'm going to start getting mad. Yeah.
I mean, it's yeah, don't get, I don't, you don't want to get me started. If y'all want to have a show about that, you call me one night and then there was a I say it all the time. We got to clean up our own backyard before we worry about other people's backyards. i And ours is a mess right now. h It's been a mess for years too. that you know A lot going on in America. It's like, ain't no wonder these other countries look at us and laugh. They are laughing too. I can tell you that. No, exactly.
Um, I'm trying to steer, steer this buggy back over before, before everybody gets right we on a little too fast on the exit ramp. We're about to flip. All right. So we got to slow down, pump them brakes. Don't, don't mind me. I'm just, uh, stirring the pot over here. That's what I do too. Stir it. st would it Burn a little bit. Let it burn. Let it burn. Stir it again.
I have a tendency to do that a lot on the shows. As the guys say, I i drop a hand grenade and walk away and then let them clean up the aftermath.
You're funny. which It's fun to do you sometimes. sometimes i Sometimes I get bored and I'm just like, hey, by the way, how do you guys feel about this topic? And then I just sit back and watch the world burn. okay Hey, Nikki, Glick called you a bitch. All right, bye.
Yeah. yeah Have a good day, guys. Yeah. No, I would never. I would never do that. Nikki and Jen were the absolute best when we were up there for the for the concert. they They were awesome. They were working their butts off, though. That was that is for damn sure. Those are busy. You guys try that thing. Yeah. Yeah.
And you guys had a hell of a crew around you, people there helping, whether it was with parking or getting people in and out, getting the girls that were serving the beer were were phenomenal. I mean, they, but you know, with a crowd like that, you almost expect a line, but you never were up there more than like a minute. They were rocking it out. oh Okay. We're good. We had a good, I think when we raised like 1300 for the veterans here, local.
Uh, yeah, I think that's, I think that's what Arla said was about $1,300, uh, for, for your guys's local chapter. So yeah, and think I think that's what they said. So we're good with that. Hey, you know, do you want to take care of something? Yeah, no, it was a great crowd, a great turnout. I mean, great time. Obviously, you know, s SOB, they're, they're awesome musicians. They, they have fun, you know, those guys ages.
want to get up there and play their music and have a good time. and And they want everybody else in the crowd to have a good time. Um, you know, the crowd that was there, they were great. You know, I, it was, it was fun for me. It was a new experience to be a part of something like that and then be down in the crowd and have people coming up to me and be like, Oh, we checked out your podcast. we We heard about it from our list. You guys do good job. You know, you were great up there on stage.
I feel like I was a jackass on stage, but but that's just that's just me. But what about the girl who got up there and danced with our list? I went through his legs and jumped. council that That was a good time. She needs to be in every party. She's a amazing. She was awesome. Everybody needs that in their life.
I was down. getting on table Oh, yeah she she was awesome. She was I was down getting a beer and she came bouncing up to me and oh threw her on around me. And she's like, can you get me on stage? I was like. I don't think I can. She's like, well, you you know, the band, you were up there. You're your MC. I'm like, I don't think I can make it. And then I stood there and I was talking to her and her friends for 10, 15 minutes.
And I was like, you know what? You go find the lady in the orange hat and she makes the calls on that. And Sandy was happy to be walking by and I said, there she goes. And then a few minutes later, next thing I know, Sandy was, Hey, she's getting up on stage. I was like, okay. And I was going to show her the stairs. And she was like.
No, pick me up on stage. and i was like okay So I was like, one, two, three. And I went to pick her up. but She just went she just went like dead weight on me. And I wasn't expecting it. I thought she was going to. And she was. the driving and wrong And then you pick. Yeah, she was tiny. Our listen to his legs. He was not expecting that. No, he was so surprised. He said he was older.
He said, yeah, we've had a lot of things that we've had a lot of things happen in concert, but I've never had that happen before. And it was so funny. she was a man Yeah. She, she, she told me they were having a mom's night and it was her first mom's night out with her friends in months that she doesn't get to get out. And and and she's like, so.
I'm getting drunk and I'm having fun tonight. Oh, yes, you got the drunk part now to do it. I like it. Yeah, you went. She got all loose. Yeah, she she was having a ball and I was not a care in the world. He was like, yeah, get her up here. Yeah, he don't care. he yes not care He's so fun. He's such a good dude. he's He's a good guy. That was one of those unexpected friendships. I had him on my music show and We clicked right off the bat and wound up going like six hours. The show's normally only two hours. We went six hours and we've stayed in touch ever since. Six hours? Lord, I got a good band. I ain't got no six hours in me. Yeah, we reserve our six hours. Yeah, our six hour shows are typically on Saturday nights, but we've killed everything else down to two hours. But, uh,
that night, man, we were we were just having fun talking. It was like we'd been friends for years and lost complete track of time. Uh, and ever since then we've stayed in contact, you know, uh, we talk, they, you know, like I said, it was, it was a surprise to me. Cause I just made a joke about one night that he was in the chat and I was like, uh, yeah, if you guys need an MC for the concert, I was just being a smartass, not thinking anything of it. And about a week later, he was like, so talk to Sandy and, uh,
If you want to MC at yours, I was like, Oh, I was joking. Yeah. openmouthed inert foot moment no ball yeah we'll do it No, no, I, I, there was no way in hell I was going to tell our list. No, ah he's he's got one of those personalities. you You can't tell it. Yeah, you can't. You know, it's, he's his, his, uh,
His p like spirit is infectious. he He has such a good heart and he's a good guy. ah and And he's fun to be around, you know, even though he almost got me in trouble. He's one of the actors in the murder mystery. Oh, is he really? Uh huh. Nice. What? Arles is going to be one of the actors in our murder mystery. oh Oh, you said murder mystery. And all I could think about was that stupid Adam Sandler movie.
I was like, there's no, I was like, there's no shot. He was on. no i'm cold i I started doing, what I started doing the show outside because the weather's finally nice here in Ohio. And, uh, I came out here tonight. Uh, it's like, uh, I don't know what it's like right now. It's probably in the sixties. It's supposed to get down like 49 here tonight. Yeah, it was it was quite closer to that here too.
Let's see. It's not a lot of my daughters upstairs. Speak of the devil. I just got a text from ours. It's currently 58 here. So yeah, it's supposed to drop down into the forties. Yeah, it was, uh, but Jen's got 46. I had to, uh, this morning was one of those mornings that I was like, Oh, sweet Chevrolet. God, thank you for blessing me with my remote start on my car. That's funny. Was it called this morning?
Yeah. It was in like the forties this morning. It was a little bit chilly. My son came popping out of his bedroom in shorts and a t-shirt and I was like, Hey bro, it's a, it's a little cold out there. It'll be all right. yeah got up Yeah. Then he got up and I think he might've come outside and open the door. and And when I came out of the bedroom after getting dressed, he was in jeans and a hoodie. I said, what's the matter? I thought you know it was a little bit cold out there. ah Um, yeah. I think it's supposed to be like that the rest of the week and then this weekend back up a little. Yeah. I love this time of year. It's like perfect, especially, you know, I'm not the biggest fan of living in Ohio in general.
But, um, sleeping weather. Yeah. This is the time of year where like open up the windows. Like we, of course our air conditioner messed up yesterday when it was like 90 degrees during the day. So we were all sitting around the house sweating. And then yesterday evening, when it finally started to cool down, it was, yeah, it's ideal. You open the window and our beds right by the window. So that, that breeze comes right in. Yes. This is, this is heaven. This is perfect. I'll take this.
I will take this raindrops too, that's it. and i take that a right
like sleep once You sound like my Nikki. I'll talk to her throughout the day and I'm like, what you doing? laying in my catnap spot, reading my Kindle. So she'll be in the bed. And like I said, our bed's right by the window. She'll open the blinds a little bit and the sun comes in and she's laying there or eating her Kindle. I was like, Oh, must be nice. Well, a rough life. You live laying in bed until noon, one o'clock. Yeah. Oh, one thing we are going to start doing too, is we're going to start having some food.
Oh, night like you guys are going to have your own kitchen or. Well, yeah. Well, we'll be serving um soups through the winter. Oh, nice. Maybe it's like a spaghetti nut couple, you know, two or three times a month. And then, um. Panini sandwiches. We're going to do panini sandwiches. ah And so it'll be a simple, very simple menu. Like we'll run a soup for a weekend and then the next week it'll be something different. Um, and then.
Yeah. And then in the spring, we'll start grilling. And I think once a month, we're going to start on Saturdays having a brunch. Oh, that was definitely. Oh, oh, oh, oh. How much are the mimosas?
yeah what's i it That's the real thing about me going to a bar is I have to save before I can get there. Yeah. I have to have my savings account at a certain number before I can go to the bar. That's okay. Everybody does now. You ain't kidding me. Bars are getting expensive. Yeah. Bars, everything is getting expensive. It was a bunch and mimosas and it was massages and mimosas. So we had some local girls here who just opened up a massage place and they, um,
They set up and did chair massages and we serve brunch and mimosas for the morning. When are you guys doing that? We it. We'd like to start trying to do it once a month. That's kind of our goal. Nikki, I know what we're doing once a month. Is everybody married to a Nikki here except for mine? Yes. Actually, yes. We have to. I was hollering at you.
Yeah, his his wife is. Connor's wife is Nikki and then my wife is Nikki as' you guys and then I'm Nikki. Yeah, you're Nikki. Good lord. It's a beautiful name. Nikki's everywhere. It is is Nikki your first name though. and No, I'm from the south. So, Nicole's my middle name. Julie's my first name. I know it's confusing. That's okay. My wife's first name is Carolyn.
Carolyn Carolyn and it's spelled Y and E. OK, and then her middle name is Nicole. Nicole. How she spell it? And I see L.E. Oh, so do I. Does she spell Nikki and I care? And I take a case once one child being a hate crime.
one easy and and iaa and you niki's in i not it was a good mine my nicki is the only the only real niy ah just i build around the feet Yeah, and I KKI is what she does. Oh, so I'm the only different one. Yeah. Yeah, you're missing a consonant.
I am. I have no idea how she spells. About an hour or something. No, you don't need to do that. You can keep you need to spin the wheel again. The continents are free. You need to spin again and risk going bankrupt. Yeah. Now, lots of we are surrounded by Nicky's. Nicky's are awesome. Yes, they are.
So she's not even in the living there. She can't hear me right now. Nevermind. I don't have to be nice. Everybody says, I feel like you deceive us. I'm like, what? Like that Nikki's my name. It's all I've ever gone by. They're like, but it has nothing to do with her name.
Yeah, but it does. you but You guys, you guys, you guys run a mission to get me murdered that night at the concert. Hey, take this out. Hey, take this out to Nikki. Hey, take this out. I think it would have been funny to read the news story on a Wednesday. I told her, I said, you can't be mad at me. I keep bringing you out gifts. Yeah, that's true. You can't be mad at food.
Yeah. Yeah. No woman's mad when somebody brings her food. and just When I come back here with a free set of golf clubs, then you'd be mad. Right now? but happy
no Yeah. Donnie knows better than to stop at like, you know, the store on his way home and not grab M&Ms or something. It's really all I care about, Peanut and M&Ms. Yeah, I've gotten I've gotten into the habit on Saturday mornings when I go get my beverages for the weekend. ah They have the new I don't know what it is pumpkin spice frappa cappuccino mocha Starbucks thing. I don't know. It's in the gas station. All I know is there's a pumpkin on it. There's a pumpkin on it. So I've gotten into the habit of grabbing her a couple and it makes her happy before she goes to work on Saturday. Yeah. It starts her Saturday off, right? You're good. Yeah. This Saturday I came home. She's like, I already bought me two last night. I said, well, now you have two more. So the weekend's going to be double the fun. That's so funny. I tried to, I tried to get her every time. I think that's just, I think that's just a husband thing. Like, Oh, here I'm at the store. Oh yeah. She likes, she likes to get cats. I'm going to grab her, kit cat whether she wants it or not. Well, sometimes it sits for a day or two. Sometimes she's like, Oh, I didn't know I wanted this.
And now I do. Are you guys doing the the the murder mystery thing is for like a for like a Halloween thing? Oh, there she is. Hi, sweet girl. Oh,
he's got popsicle. Bump up. Yeah. Are we doing what? I'm sorry. I was looking at the baby. Oh, sure. She'll make it. i she make a try to do something different, see if people like it, and then if they do like it, probably not next month, but the maybe maybe the following month, we'll try to do another murder mystery. We have a lot of people coming, so we'll just see if it goes as good as we think it's going to. We hope it does. I think it sounds like a great idea, you know, and and it would be fun. i When I was
living down in Charleston, down in South Carolina, my ex wife and I, they had one that they, that they was actually, they, they did, what was it? Three, three or four different shows um a month, but they would run them every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. And it was just at a little venue and they served food and they had alcohol and stuff like that. And they put it on like a, like a play, but the audience participated. So you could,
You could come dressed up or you could just walk into the street clothes or whatever. And it was fun. And my ex-wife and I went one time and then when we split, I went like three weekends in a row just because it was so much fun. And and I would just say they're a lot of fun. i We didn't have a company to do it. A lot of people do. And so they have paid actors and actresses that come in and do it. But we're not there yet. So we thought we should just probably try to do it ourselves and see how the first one goes. And then if it, you know, if people love it and then we could do it a different way next time, we're just giving it a shot. I mean, everybody might just leave drunk and poor clown is still, um, thank I mean, the clown's just dead and we never figured out worst case. You have to, you have to have, you have to have, uh, to be continued.
Yes, I'm an actor. They'll have to come back to figure it out. We got dropped and accused a bunch of people of murder. It was hilarious. I know. It can happen. I don't know what's going to happen. Well, they have to figure out a three number code to open the lockbox to see who murdered him. So if they can't come up with a three number code, we can't even open this box. It's going to be so fun. Is it one, two, three?
no we tried that amendment No, I think I mean, I think. when it's part Two, three, four or three, four, five. We tried. We tried. Oh, and we tried to just pull it really hard to pop it open. And that didn't work either. So we don't know. I might I recommend sledgehammers? Maybe. It's just a little tin. We'll just click it. We'll clip it. No big deal. there you yeah I'll bite through it.
i say they No, I think I think it'll be. I think it'll be really cool and really good for you guys. And if it is a success, I know Nikki and I. Nikki and I will definitely have to.
make a trip make a trip up there to to participate one time and well we have a great menu we're excited i'm doing um we're doing smoked chicken pulled polar uh carolina north and south um so we're doing a vinegar base and a barbecue and we're doing um macaroni salad Baked beans, green beans with bacon and onion, funeral potatoes, because, you know, he's dead. And roasted potatoes, Texas Roadhouse Rolls, because that's my favorite, banana pudding, and peach pie. Whoa, whoa, whoa, why man? When is this again? Peach cobbler.
Yeah. Yeah. And a free drink. And it's $40,000. Is this free drinks? Sometime between December 14th and December or January like 6th, somewhere around there. But you can leave another one. There's our clown patches that pack me. Because I plan on seeing Lick during the holidays while I'm in Columbus, as long as he's not in Pennsylvania. So. Oh, you. You're going to see Lick.
Yeah. Unfortunately. I'm going to come irritate the ever-loving bejesus out of them and piss his wife off. Well, then you need to take a road trip up here. Come together and be so fun. Come up here and do your show up here. Yeah. that's We could do our Christmas show out there. There you go. Yeah. I would I would love to come up there and do a show up with you guys. While eating like pork and smoked chicken. Yeah. I'll cook for you completely.
And I had a peach cobbler, which is my favorite thing on planet on earth. We had our funeral potatoes. Jen says nobody does funeral potatoes like I do. No. I've only, I hadn't had to.
I hadn't been to i't I hadn't had funeral potatoes until my wife made them and I still don't understand why they've called free funeral potatoes because they make me quite happy and funerals are so I know because pet you want to be happy when you're at a funeral and so you take those potatoes wants to be happy at a funeral ah I do um and I've never gone into a funeral. Time to move on. No, I'll walk into that funeral going, well, I'm kind of numb. Maybe I should put on a fake sad face. There's some funeral potatoes turned around inside this sad daya Every single one of your toes off.
Is she cutting your toes off, Glick? Hey, Glick. blink twice if you need help.
I don't think I'm the one that needs help. I think um my new Mexican daughter might need help. but My other daughter, my oldest daughter is threatening the murderer, I think. I don't know what's going on. They just walked out of the house and went that way. Somebody just got their toes threatened. Somebody's toes just got got threatened on a hardcore level. And maybe.
hi Just maybe we should call up Alicia. Yeah, I don't you know what I've learned. ah I've learned a lot in my 42 years of life. And one of those things I've learned is when two women come out of a house cursing at each other threatening violence, it's best for me to just keep my happy ass right where I'm at. who yeah The one that's making the threats a pair of parrot kitchen shears.
I can't turn my camera on and lift it over the fence over here. I might be able to record. and conscious I'll just screen record it so that we can we can use it for our our shit stroke. I'm having a stroke. Fuck. Do you smell toast? The thing where we put all of our stuff. ah Social media. Yeah. Thank sure. Yeah. The thing with the.
Facebook. Facebook. It's right in front of me. Facebook. Yeah. Jesus. Listen, if Joe Biden can get elected president, then so can I even with my problems. I think you could. I didn't say that out loud. Did you say I didn't even hear that. Well, you're allowed to, you're allowed to talk like that. Now you're not, you're not employed anymore. I don't have to fucking. to yeah I don't have to worry about shit. No, you do not know that only $45 to come up there saying and and go to that. That's a hell of a deal. That's a hell of a ticket. All the food and everything like that. You said it was only a drink, the food and the game. And it's only 45 or two. She's Louise man. When is it again? Saturday.
You can come up and do your show live here Saturday. Thanks. Oh yeah. Are you guys cool? Yeah. Let me see if there's two. Okay. One, two, three. Okay. Three of them came back. Three of them left and three of them came back.
What? I don't care. Did you eat dinner? Is anybody missing any toes? I was going to say check their toes. Check the toes. Yeah. Everybody's walking fine. There's no, there's no limps. Let me see your toes. Do you have 10 on each foot or five on each foot? Toe check.
Again, I spend most of my life just in just, they all think I'm deaf. It's not, they don't understand that. I just turn my hearing off and don't pay attention because it's safer that way. Well, Jen's in the opposite opposite situation. She's got the the three boys at home. You're outnumbered. I mean, sometimes it's, it's easier just to go la, la, la, la, la. I know nothing. my name is i'll be your family That ruins it. Yeah.
nicely done dumb as
mr Listen I was dropped on my head a couple times took a couple four by twos to the head how's ah How's everything how's everything coming I know I think that't start to Sound like me shit yeah daughters to tota to to today junior I can't remember who was Mike or Donnie who took us down in the basement. Who's the nonsensical non? What would you say? Have you been hanging out with Derivation? No, we went down to the basement and they they showed us that where they make everything. And we were talking about the labels. You guys were working on getting your labels. As soon as Ohio pays our label, um we'll be able to start putting stuff in bottles.
So from what we understand, it should be very soon. So we're hoping to be able to get that up and go on and bottles actually up out of the basement and on our shelves, which will be awesome. And then all of our drinks will be made while the vodka will all be ours for vodka, strawberry lemonade, and all that good stuff. Is that going to be your logo? Yeah, it's the five of course, just like the shirt. I'll be honest, it took me until about 20 minutes ago to realize what that was.
I just thought it was a random star on everybody's shirt. a lot of people think that's ah interesting I mean, it does make a star, but it took me quite a minute to figure out. Yeah. That's the that's the yeah zip code up there, isn't it? What is the force? Is that the zip code up there or what's? Yeah, it's yeah, it's all fours here.
Okay, that's what I thought it was. Now I'm looking forward to seeing seeing you guys. is Are you guys only gonna have them in the in the bar there or will you sell bottles like individually? like so So they'll be in the bar, we can sell them, and but I think we can only sell three to one person per rules and regs.
Is because I is the only alcoholic or is the only spirit that y'all are are gonna have is gonna be ah vodka or what else are you guys gonna know so I think initially they're gonna do a vodka and like a white dog whiskey.
um We'll have bourbon. However, ver bourbon has to sit in a barrel for a minimum of three years. So the bourbon will take a while. um They have vodka and I think some of the whiskey right now. We just can't bottle it yet. um And then they'll be doing flavored bakas too.
oh So, cause I like to make bloody Mary's, but right now at home I make my bloody Mary's with like moonshine and moonshine pickles. So I would like a good pickle vodka to put in my bloody Mary's for here. Oh my God. Nikki would be your best friend if you, if you guys have a good, Hey, she, she, she, she, she loves the marks. But if you guys have a pickle vodka and it's good, she's a pickle fanatic. Oh yeah. So next time you guys come up, I'll, I'll make her that and bring it in from home. She can try that one.
That's so good. Christmas trip, right? Listen, I mean, I'm down. I already said I will come. up I will come up but anytime they want. If I can come up, I'll absolutely. If you guys are planning a Christmas trip, let us know dates and maybe we'll do another murder mystery over that and y'all can come up for it and do a live show for the murder mystery. Yeah, that would be awesome. Yeah. Any, any, any event you guys got going on, you let me know if you want us to come up or want me to come up. I'll come up.
And, uh, we'll set up and, and do the show there or part participate in any way we can to help you guys. I, you know, I had, I had think we really have anything big things will be planning and it be the concert next summer. No, you know, what, maybe when we do a bottle drop, you can come up. Oh, that'd be cool. Oh, what bottle drop.
Yeah. Like when they finally have the bottles and the labels and everything. Oh, yeah. yeah Will it be done before christmas that live? Yeah, that would be really cool. That would be awesome. We would absolutely partake of that. I know. I know my father-in-law when we went up there, he was already he's like. um When they get their bottles, like we were talking about it afterwards that weekend because we went. san the um
but so um but
Hey, um, another shot. Don't forget about tomorrow night. Um, but yeah, he was like, you guys are going to have to make sure you buy me. So he's he's a big barber and drinker and he, he, he has all his bourbon and whiskey. And every time we come out, because it's cheaper here in Ohio to buy this stuff than what it is in PA. Yeah. Um, and of course we're alcoholics in Ohio where they have If he goes to the liquor store or whatever, he can only buy like one or two bottles where we can go in in and get a shopping cart full of stuff. pa The PA walls on on alcohol when you buy it in the store is ridiculous. I've never heard of that before. I did not know that. It is. You can, like, like I think at the gas station, if you go in, you can only, you can, yeah, Wednesday night. Yes, not tomorrow. You can only buy like,
Bill, help me out here. What is it? 97 ounces is equivalent of like a 12 pack or something like that per transaction. So if you buy, if you, what is it like they do? and I think it's something, it's a weird count of cans, but they're smaller cans. They aren't even like the regular size of a can and you can't buy any alcohol in their Walmarts. Oh, wait, I don't think there's no alcohol in Walmarts in Pennsylvania.
Uh, if you go to the distributor, you can get whatever you want. Yes. Cause I'll usually go to the distributor because the one thing they have there that I've haven't seen here is they sell a case of the 16 ounce cores lights, which is what I normally drink or not cores like Miller light. Uh, but they sell them in a case and I'll go there. And it's also, um, it's like $3 cheaper than a regular case here. Really?
I'll buy one for when we're there. And then on the way home, every once in a while I stop and buy another one to bring it home with me. So yeah. yeah But yeah, when you get like the gas stations and stuff, it's, it's, it's weird. And when I first, Nikki and I first started dating and I was out there, I went in there and I was like getting beer. Like we were going to hang out and drink and we were going to a friend's house. So she's like, you can only buy one of those. one yeah What on what, on what planet?
But however, she had the reverse here when she moved to Ohio because she called me because she was at Walmart and you know, they got everything in Walmart here. And she's like, Oh, they got this. They got that. I want to drink that. And I'm like, well, get it. She's like, well, I already got your beer. that' Welcome to Ohio, babe. We're alcoholics. You can walk out of there with a shopping cart full of beer.
And there was a lady that was in the, in the alcohol aisle and she had me on speaker phone and she started laughing and she said, nope, he ain't lying. <unk> So we're yeah you can buy as much alcohol as you want. As long as you don't drive, you're good. Yeah. and Don't, don't drive and go home and.
go home and drink your face off. Well, we don't care, but, um, for Western reserve here in the local like liquor stores. And, um, it is so funny to make people come in and they'll be like, Oh, I'd love to, but I can't start my car. Could you come out and start my car for me? I'm like, Hmm, probably no.
No, I'm not probably yeah you know watch just control how much beer you can. It's, right it's, uh, yeah, it's, it's, uh, they don't control how much you can drink. It's just how much you can buy. I don't, I don't understand it. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me because I made it all honesty.
You can go into the gas station, buy a 12 pack, take it out to your car, walk back in and buy another one. But that's also lot a lot of unnecessary work at the end at the end of the day yeah or don't get caught. Yeah. Well, there's that. Um, but yeah, I don't know. It's super weird. Uh, there's a lot of things. There's a lot of things that are a little bit different, but as I tell Mickey, I understand cause they were, they were all Amish and PA until about 10 years ago. So.
You know, they don't know any better. They're still learning. That Southeast side of Ohio is full of masters. Says the guy who literally grew up in Amish country.
I was surrounded by it. No, I did. I grew up. um I grew up in the middle of BFE and we were like, from my house, it was like 10 minutes to Amish country.
And all my neighbors, most of my neighbors were Amish. I actually, my first job, I worked for the Amish for like, like four years doing stuff. So, but I used to be obsessed with them and now I've been here long enough. I'm not so obsessed anymore. I still will love to go get their cheese and shit though. I'll go back that in.
ah I will, I will absolutely 100% eat cheese. Whatever they may deserve. I can put that down. I have, we had to have a roof cut put it on the house and we had, it was an Amish crew that showed up. I was so obsessed with them. I stood out there with them the whole time. And then I was like, if you have to come back tomorrow, will you ask your wife to make me something?
Anything. I don't know what it is. Anything. And they're like, she makes the same stuff. yeah I'm like, no, she does not. She makes better stuff than me. I guarantee it. That's why people are obsessed with y'all. Yep. Now, there's no part of me that sits up with the Amish. No part of me. but what we When I was growing up, though, a little we we used to call them omelets, the little amish kid Amish kids would come over
At uh, the bottom of our property down by the end of the driveway, we had the blackberry bushes and all that. And they would come over for and with their little baskets and they'd come over and just fill them with the blackberries. And then a few days later here, they'd come back up the driveway and they would have, you know, uh, jams and eyes and stuff. And it was like, Hey, Oh, the fried pies. Oh, the fried pies. So good.
Oh yeah. Homemade fresh blackberry pies, you know, the jams. I loved it. Uh, you know, say, you know, Hey, say what you will. They might be a little weird. They might not, you know, they, they might still live in the 1800s, but damn, they can, they can cook and they can bake. I'm telling you with this administration, I've been looking at dresses from the 1800s. I'm like, I'm ready.
to serve my country as a stay at home mother doing whatever I have to do in my civil war dress. Churning some butter. I'll be churning that butter and washing some britches outside. you will never ah thank I'm ready. I'm like, let's go back. Maybe I can go learn from the Amish real quick. ah Yeah. Amen. They're definitely good teachers. If you're willing to learn, I learned a lot from them. i feel like Sometimes they talk about me.
They definitely talk about, and it's not just you, it's all of us, but they definitely do. They do it. And sometimes I'll say, were you talking about me? Did you want to tell me something? No.
but no shit you see they're They're definitely talking about you. Let's go build something. Hurry, go. Like the nail lady. oh I know they talk about me too. I'm like, I'm not on my feet all day long.
i i I used to work for Orchid Pest Control when I lived out in Charleston, and I had a few of those nail salons that were on my route that I would take care of. And I ran on my route for about 10 years, so I got to know all my customers pretty well. So one day I asked one of the ladies in there, I said, right everybody always thinks you guys are talking shit about the customers.
lady, she said absolutely. 100%. We, we talk so much crap about the customers and they're sitting right there. I'm like, that's, that's just evil. That's just pure you. How much shit do you guys talked about me when I'm here? is She's like, you come down and see us buddy. there yeah There's our list. What's going on, brother? I know. He should have came down and seen us if he's here.
Yeah. That's, And he told me, he told me, if we ever get up there and do a show up there, uh, let him know. And if he's in town, he'll be there. They said it'd be right beside me hanging out.
We, um, our list, we're excited to see you Saturday. Ah, yeah. Our list. we We heard that you're going to be, uh, that's right. And Nikki's here. So.
um Are we getting in trouble for being on the mansion? No. What the hell are you talking about, Cameron? Cameron's an idiot. Don't you have a hurricane to prepare for, Cam? Cam's like my little brother. Hey, look, sometimes we make exceptions for really awesome people. All right. Yeah. And this is this is all about supporting our our local community, our Ohio community.
We have a guy's name. Doesn't that count? Oh, that's a guy's. Oh, yeah. I was going to say Donald Reid, though, does it? go Our name went away.
ah too soon um Too soon. You'll be fine, Cameron. You'll be fine. There it is. Yeah. Yeah. yeah You guys don't look like a Donald Reid.
um ah
Yeah, know that that i i want you know I think that's going to be really cool, Arliss coming up and taking part in it and and whatnot with you guys. yeah it' be can get rid of the ah can't get rid of the down but yeah Arliss is like a good disease. you know You don't want him to go away. You don't want him to go anywhere. You you want you want to stay around him as much as you can.
I know we miss him when he's not here. He hasn't been here since the concert, has he? He's been busy, I think, since then.
Just water under the bridge. Is there such a thing as a good disease?
Although, although I did, you know, I, I always did try to get me in trouble because when we first got there, he was like, yeah, moonshine back there. And Nikki said, and then later on that night, he was like, here, just try it. He's like, ah I'll stand in front of it. I'll stand in front of you. And she wants it. And ah lo and behold, here she comes. She's like, go ahead. You're fine.
we can see ourless alama You should, you should bring that moonshine up during Christmas. That moonshine was delicious. I'll tell you what, I've dr a lot of moonshine in my life i've got moon signers in the family my ex-wi they had ah drank a lot of moonshine in my life. Um, a lot of bad moonshine. That was a good, that was a good taste and shine that are not going to lie. That could, that could get me into a lot of trouble on a, on a long night.
Nashville. tell Tell me, tell me when, Arliss.
Big show in Nashville that'll be on TV. Oh, nice. Tell me when. Let's see. Southern Outlaws Band, November Show in Nashville. I can say, hey, I share the stage with those guys once upon a time. So did Nikki. Yeah, I did. Yeah, Nikki got to sing with them. I did. Blood pouring out my nose. Throw up tears.
Throw up tears. Hey, the show must come out, right? Yeah, right. The definition of a rock star. That was me. Yeah, shit happens. They were like, Nick Charles is calling you. I was like, OK, I've got it. Don't worry, we both got we both got back into the stage. I was getting yelled at it. What? Hey, where the hell is going? I'm coming. Hey man. I'm just saying I'm looking at everything that's going on for you guys in November and all I'm seeing is Gainesville, Georgia and Medina, Minnesota. He said he's not allowed to release details. He's not allowed to read. He just said in the comments. I've been looking at their website to see when because I got friends out in Tennessee that I can
I'm not going to point his direction. Oh, not not my Nikki. That's also Nikki. Nikki is also in the gray and Jen is in the black. They they are they they they are the true bosses at the five fours distillery. They run the show. They run the whole circus you know he did ah whole circus I'll come up and sing with you. ali That can be that can be your make a wish. Oh, we yeah. Connor's actually got a good voice on him. He just won't sing more on on on the old social medias because he hasn't quite worked the courage up. But Connor's got a good voice. I'm I'm slight I'm slightly terrified. I got I got some stage fright. I'll be I'll be ah I'll be straight with you when we were doing singing in the bar karaoke karaoke. He would come down karaoke on our little stage inside. Oh, oh, really?
yeah My wife has time and time again to go to go to a bar to do like a bar show for like a half hour or an hour or something. I'm like, I don't know. I just sing for my kids, dude. Like, are you a good singer, Connor? People tell me I am, but I hate the way I sing. He's a very good singer. I'm a terrible singer and I think it's the funniest thing I've ever heard. So I do it all the time. All the time. Everywhere. I over sing every singer in here.
Hey, if you're gonna do something, it's all or nothing, right? Yeah, and that's me. I put it all out there. Never half ass anything. Whole last one, whole last one thing. Yeah.
I'm always gonna do it loud. That's the way to do it. If you're gonna suck, suck loud. Yeah. Well, Arliss, you know, you you know, you guys are always welcome ah here on the network for any big announcements or anything like that, brother.
Yeah, we would get Connor up there. We'll get Connor up there. We'll get him on stage and have him sing some Christmas carols. I don't know. but I don't know about Christmas carols. I'll sing with you, Connor, if it makes you feel more confident.
i we go I love, I genuinely love Christmas, but when it comes to like Christmas with people that I don't know, I become a super Grinch. you tell me People tell me happy or Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays in the store. and I just kind of like go away. But then I get back to my house and I see all the lights and stuff and like I see my Christmas tree and I'm like, God, I love Christmas. why but I hate it when other people tell me. Oh, Merry Christmas. Happy holidays. I hope everything goes great than this winter.
I hate it. hate it. I see. Glick says it's social anxiety. I think I just don't like people. I don't know what it is. I think. Hey, if his singing is anything like my looks and he should already be be selling out stadiums. i i was dancinging some bit Yeah, I'm a handsome son. Bitch, my mama told me so. Glick, you weren't handsome in the 1800s when you were young, dude.
oh I don't know why you think you're any more attractive now. I do already have some of the Southern Outlaws Christmas music and I am digging. It's not even Christmas time yet. And Arliss has got me listening to Christmas music already. They were playing some in the store today. Were they really? Yeah. We watched the Christmas Chronicles the other night. it was It's a great it's a good movie actually.
I'm going to um a toys for to drive. That would be cool. Yeah, that'd be fun. maybe That's what we'll plan when y'all are up here. Toys for to drive. Yeah, we can do that. Definitely. Hey, you guys are, you guys are, you guys are the boss and you need it. Like I said, anything you want to do, you can make it. Y'all right. A little bit. If we can, if we can make it happen, I'll be there. If I'm by myself, the rest of the guys will be on screen with me if I'm by myself. but You know, anything you guys want or need, our list knows. I told them the same thing. Anything I need from us, you name it, we'll we'll do everything we can to be there. Like I said, Blaze, one of my other co-host, he's becoming my right-hand man on on gigs and stuff like that. when When we're out and about, he's like, I'm there. He's already, he booked last week his hotel for the 19th or for that weekend.
and and and And it was easy. I thought we were going to have to really, really kind of push the envelope, but Blaze and I are doing matching costumes for the Halloween party because it's a glow party. so So we got like 80s hip hop matching costumes. His is white and mine's black, but it's got like the real bright pink and yellow and purple and everything on it.
We showed her the pictures. We showed her the pictures. She's like, yep, I mean, I'm ordering it now. That's hilarious. We love you too, Marlin. Blaze is awesome. Everybody loves Arliss though. That's easy. True story. You can't help it. You can't help but not love the guy. For sure. You can't help but not love the guy?
You can't help but love the guy. That's what I meant. that Yeah, I figured as much. But yeah. Words are hard. Words are hard. I call you up. I have strokes too often and on here to not call you out when you fuck up. You don't have very often. What's that? You've had a few to tonight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm tracking it. I'm tracking it. Compressingly enough, I'm tracking it.
um It is called an ear. You got to turn the heat on. Oh, that. No, the guys would yell at us. They have a fit when we turn the air off. Make you wish you would have worn a bra, doesn't it, Nikki? I hate you.
i hate me just I hate you. Just. Yeah, another shop podcast. You guys should never drink when you're alive, specifically YouTube.
but Oh, you guys got sweatshirts and everything with the logo on it. Wait, another shot. You think, oh, that's cool. Nice. I know. I can't wait, Nikki. I'm having strokes because I've had drinks while I'm live. That's not at all.
it's ah My Nikki, I just bought her a yeah ah heat press. She wants to start. Oh, I saw that. I saw all her designs. Yeah. Yeah. They're cool. She's got good legs. She's getting super excited to do that. And then I told her, I was like, she's, she's getting her designs and everything like that and got her some practice stuff, but I can't wait. I can't wait until she can just start making me shirts randomly. You want the best shirts? Cause anything you can think of. Yeah. She somehow talked to her mom into, uh,
she's like uh for for her for christmas and her birthday gift she talked her into buying her the printer that she needs so she can print out all of her designs and she's already got her account and everything set up so i'm going to send some designs her way from you know the different shows and see if she can throw them on shirts for me uh just because i want to If I'm out and about, i want to I want to represent the network or a show in particular. What's going on, Bathurst?
can Can you guys let everybody know where they can find you at, social media wise, location, and if they wanted to, where they could get ahold of you guys?
Yes. OK, so we have a Facebook page. The five fours distillery. um It's the five, the number four apostrophe S distillery on Facebook. There it goes. And we also have an Instagram. It's the five fours distillery, no spaces. We have a TikTok. Hey.
but she Yeah, I try to run everything we're doing. I try to throw up on the TikTok. Let me, it's the five fours, I'm sure, but. And when she's looking that up, we're located at 417 North Slender Street, Newton Falls, Ohio. Four, four, four, or four, four.
Hence the five fours. Yeah. There we go. Oh no. And the TikTok is, the five number four S.
I want to make sure we're following you guys. I know I'm following you guys. you're following I know you're following on Instagram because I see you up there all the time. Oh, i we we're not following you. We are now following you guys on TikTok. Oh yeah. I was definitely following you guys on Instagram. I see you all the time. Yeah. Instagram. And actually, as soon as I turn on my Instagram, you're there right now.
if follow me on my private tiktok because it's funny hold on you will cry if you watch her stuff on her private page okay oh no but you will also you will also cry if you watch my private tiktok page but not because i'm hilarious it's just sad oh no hers are hilarious you've got to watch them it's umma and make i am m a um b o m b mom um a bomb mom
ah fun mom Don't say that in an airport I won't don't worry I Don't even say I got a shit out loud in the airport. I'm so scared. Don't worry if you take me. So do I yeah what what is What is your what is your private one again ah yeah
oh m
ah I am a B O M B M O M. Found it. Okay. one You're going to really want to watch. Hold on. I'll tell you. There's two that are amazing on her page. It's going to be um okay. Go to where my hair is really bad.
This one right here, I mean, this one. Go to where my hair is really bad. I'm going to stay away from that comment. Yeah, it's a good one. I can't find it. Your hair looks perfect in all of these. Yeah, I know. but Glick already found it, so. yeah I had I I had I I overused the castrol in my belly button. What? i update um African
What did you just say?
here I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Are you saying castor oil or are you saying cast castro like like the oil like for your car? Okay. I I've heard of both but I heard cast castro castro like the oil you put in your car and I was you put castro in your car. It's a brand.
o castor Okay, so this is the African African something Castro and you're supposed to especially know if you've got the bathroom What and and you put that the fuck did you just what right Okay I, I, am, I am actually definitely need to watch this now because because poor Carter's over here about to have an aneurysm. Oh, she's, look, she's originally from the south. She's from Florida. She's from Florida. She can't help it. Florida is not the south. It is too. It's my southern side you can go to.
see i heard it's just the further south you get the more northern it gets now i'm from the alabama line i heard castrol not castor oil i can't put it in the chat you can put in the private chat but i know what you're talking about i know what castor oil is Okay. I made a, I made a ah brew for my wife when she was having her, our, our second. And she said she needed some castor oil, something something like that. And I was like, all right, whatever. And we found it and she ended up having the baby like 12 hours later. So yeah, cause it'll make you shit. It's weird, but it works. Look at click. It's still watching it. okay Are you laughing?
oh charlie say I was gonna share it to our Snapchat group page to make it easier for Connor to find it. I love i love Florida too and I'm gonna be completely honest. I genuinely I love Florida but more people in Florida sound like they're from Canada than people from the north. Yeah the further south you go but if you go to like the Gulf Coast. Well I'm used to being in like orlands Orlando, Pensacola, Vera Beach. Pensacola, well, Broadway, Highway 29, there's Alabama.
but And Destin, but I haven't been to Destin in, God, over 10 years now. Shit everywhere. What?
What you what you are so country and southern something's wrong with my energy.
I'm going to have to finish watching that. Oh, Michael with the big hitter. What are you currently grateful for? I want to hear the answer to that, ladies. Not gastro.
but This is fun. We need to start our own job. Yeah, it's a it's a distillery, not a brew, not a brewery. Do you guys do that? No, they do have vodka and whiskey right now.
No beer. But you guys, you guys don't have you guys serve the local beer, right? Yeah. Local beers from around us. Yeah. My daughter's that brought in this. Is that a light gun? No, this is a Nerf gun. The dart goes in here. You pull back on this and then you pull the trigger.
it's There's one of my boys. There is nothing at all wrong with the Southern accent. I have always been a big fan of the Southern accent. I just sometimes it some of the phrases and stuff like that make me laugh. They make me chuckle because. Because even being from Podunk, Ohio, now granted my yeah my family's from like West Virginia, PA, something like that, but ah but even from Podunk, Ohio, we we use some of those same phrases. We just don't have that accent to go with it.
Well, we're a good time. I think we're going to have to sneak out. The guys are getting ready to lock us up. know We don't get locked up in here. I figured they kept you guys locked in there since they make you guys slave away all the time. They just i know kept you kept you down here. You guys are awesome. I knew you guys would be awesome. And I really do appreciate you guys coming up. And and like I said, anything at all that we can help promote, help ah you know let people know about, absolutely let us know. And if you guys ever need us to come up there or want us to come up there for anything, we're just a message away. If we can make it happen on our end, like I said, worst case scenario, you might be stuck with me, but the guys will be on the screen with me. ah So they'll be there they'll be there in spirit. Well, that'd be great. And Connor, for sure, we'd love to have you out sometime. And for sure, when we do that benefit, I will let you know.
yeah Thank you. Nikki, I only watched the first little bit of that. I did i haven't gotten i haven't finished that tick-tock. But I want you to know, I had a surgery back in July on my back and I was in the hospital. and They had me on some pain medications and it took me about a week and a half before I could finally make a bowel movement to use the medical terminology.
Uh, but at like a week and a day, I told my wife, Hey, um, I haven't proved in this long. I need help. Can you go to the store and buy me a laxative? And she came back with, uh, Oh shit. What is it? Liquid magnesium? Oh, my God.
I thought I was doing a colonoscopy prep. Yeah, I have my monkey is the best. I pooped all day for a solid 20 hours straight. I didn't leave the bathroom. And when I finally did, I didn't poop again for three more days because there was nothing else in there. Oh, it's yeah, it's serious. Donnie said when he was in the Marine Corps, if they needed to make weight quick for something, that's what they did.
Oh God. that so that And I threw up half the mac and easy because she told me to chug it all. Just chug it all. is ah and I chugged it all and threw up and then 20 minutes later. and shut your brains out Yeah. it Both ends. Watch. Everybody's favorite. My friends want to have a t-shirt made that says shit. yeah Yes. Magnesium. We'll see that part of the video in a minute. Yeah. I'm going to, I'm definitely going to finish watching that. You're going to have to have Mickey make you a shirt. Yep. Yeah. Shit. Everywhere. um I'll wear it. I'll wear it when we come up. Thinking about putting magnesium citrate lemon flavor inside my dad's next Gatorade. Oh.
you. This is why your parents hate you. ah They do not. My mom would think it was funny. Oh, yeah. My dad would laugh a few weeks later. I am very fortunate. I've never had to do any of that or go down that road. I'm very fortunate and very thankful that I've never had to go down that road. Um wait, you're what? Fifty-two? You should have already had a cold
sometimes i want to punch you in the face so bad um I am 22. I will be 23 Thursday. That is a that is. Your story you're closer to Moses than you are. That's my story and I'm sticking to it now. Bill, just so you know, they're only about a 45 minute drive away from you. You could drive out there and and check him out and see him. The the ladies are awesome. Donnie and Mike are. are
good guys as well. what are you doing Sorry, I was trying to do this. I actually we got it. We got it. We got to show them a little bit of love. We can't, we can' can't, we can't show. I know how it is. I'm a husband. We'll pout about it for a week. Yeah. Yeah. Don't don't mention us. ah But yeah, anybody up, if you guys find yourselves up there, in Newton falls are in that area a sound area. Young sounds super close.
Yeah. Youngstown area. Yeah. If you want to get out of Youngstown, nobody likes Youngstown and nobody likes to go someplace cool and someplace nice. Whoever the Newton falls, go see the, go see everybody at the five fours. You know, they're awesome. Yeah. They'll make you feel like home. They made this goofy Sasquatch feel like he was right at home there. So yeah, yeah we have live real entire and a trucks if we can get one. here Yeah.
Well, I will let you, yeah, absolutely. I will let you, you ladies go. We definitely appreciate you guys coming up. Um, you know, I got nothing but love for you guys out there and and I'm definitely excited and happy to see you guys staying busy and having all your, your events going on and and stuff like that. I wish that we were closer because if we were closer, you'd see us a lot more, but we will make it a point to get up there and visit you guys. And we to work if y'all were closer you wouldn't even have to ask.
She would absolutely 100% be behind that bar before you knew it. She said it that night. She was like, I wish we lived closer. I would 100% work here. I was like, yeah, well. Stupid Glick and his job. Connor, it was so nice meeting you, really. It's great meeting you guys. After Glick had told me nothing about you guys and then lied to your faces about telling us about you. Oh my god.
It was really actually beach the most that I'm going to be completely honest here and we're alive so that so everyone can hear it. Glick says he tells all the people on the cast about ah about people and really all he says is, oh, they're awesome. They were great. OK, whatever. OK, that's what there is no way about us. We're awesome. Great. Yeah, ladies. I didn't know where it came from. long So like, got bos yeah they got They got booze. They'll get you drunk. What else do you need? it' together you go that She said it. in thing She said it. Not me.
have a good night we should try um do we get off do it Don't press the big red button. They can't.
No, but I can pis yeah bye no if you guys actually listen I do I do i do fucking listen i guys are excellent when I'm not on the show Yeah, exactly. I should tell You listen to every single one of our shows Well, I get your shows. Yes but yeah mr automat you fucking I actually I actually do I actually I do um I was I was in there for a good while Friday night with ah on Jeff and Belize's show I was playing Call of Duty and I had it on in the background so I was listening and commenting if I don't listen live I definitely listen I listen to the replay later on down the road um but I did like for two weeks afterwards and then we had the Southern Outlaws on here
And we talked about the benefit concert and we talked about the five fours and we talked about how awesome they were. And then I told you a couple of weeks ago, Hey, the ladies for the five fours are going to be joining us. They're going to come hang out. We're going to talk about what they got going on, what's going on, let people kind of get to meet them and and and everything like that. And you're like, Hey, that'd be cool. On a Monday night. Yeah, we can do that. And then tonight you're like, Hey, hey, thanks for telling me. I got a question. I got a question.
No. How many concussions have I had? How many concussions have I had? No, no, no, no. How many concussions have I had? You tell me something once and expect me to remember it. Listen, I have only consistently been on the Monday night show. I have not been on a Saturday or a Wednesday consistently in months.
You have failed me. yeah It's not my fucking problem. All right. I run a great fucking Monday night show. Well, you run ah a good Monday night show with a great co-host, I should say. yeah I'll give you that. I'll give you that.
I'll give you okay however, anybody in the listening audience, I am auditioning for new co-host, uh, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday.
monday day i got and Genuinely, I do need a good Monday night co-host so that I can take this off to exploit that being said, um, you know i'm chair I'm, I'm working on it. We're working on it. Anyway, uh, I'm not rushing you. I know you got a, I've had a total of like,
12 plus concussions. I'm probably right up there with you to be honest with you. And you expect me to remember something you told me two fucking weeks ago and then I haven't heard anything about it since tonight. You expect me to fucking remember that? I can't even remember what the word Facebook is on a live fucking show. When it's in front of me. No.
There's a lot. Okay. I will, I will give you this. There is a lot going on. I have a lot going on with the network. I'm doing a lot of things with the different shows.
Uh, as far as like having guests come up down the road and, and I'm using the different platforms as opportunities with the, with Monday nights, Wednesday nights. Um, obviously Tuesdays are what they are. Um, Saturdays is open door challenge. Anybody can come up, but even on Sunday with the football show, anybody that wants to come up and talk football is welcome to, I got a great supporting cast on Sundays with, uh, Derek and Derek and Rick.
And when cams available to be there, I got a great panel to talk football with. but andy just you know It's not about how hard his head is. It's about how much space is between his little tiny brain and the rest of his skull. So it wax around it in there every time he shakes his head. Can you hear it?
Oh yeah, there's three, four, five, six, seven concussions right there. I mean, I don't understand how you're still alive. I'm waiting for that. CTE, shmitte e whatever you football players are weak.
But anyhow, no I think the ladies had the red idea there. I think it's, it's, it's hot time for quitting time. Yeah. Uh, I do want to shout out to, to, to, to Jen and Nikki, uh, appreciate them coming up. Shout out to the guys, Mike and Donny as well. And everybody at the five quarters, they, they, they have a really cool, uh, thing going on there. Um, waterlogged, they have a really cool spot. They're doing a lot of different things. I want to go up for the, not your grandmos grandma's grandma's bingo. I want to go play bingo and like talk shit and.
I'll be honest. I'll be honest. I'm kind of mad that they're not closer to me because seven and a half hours too far to **** drop. I can win a bingo within fifty balls **** That's all. That's all meeting that's all you. Dude, that's only twenty-five dudes. You're telling me I can win but bingo by like, come on, like, it was in the bag.
I had 50 balls in the back. What are you talking about? just Uh, no, they're, they're doing some really cool things out there and they're good people too. That's the thing, you know, um, you know, and, and, you know, to kind of get onto like a little bit of the subject, just, you want to surround yourself with quality people in life. If you surround yourself with quality people, then, you know, good things are going to happen and, and they're good people that, you know, just like, uh, our list and his crew.
You know, they're, they're good people and definitely happy to be associated with them in any way, shape or form. Um, you know, and, and watching them do and do their thing and and and succeed. Uh, the guys are, yeah you know, the guys are, I don't know if it's a dream or not, but it's something they wanted to do. So they're, they're chasing after it and they're succeeding. You know, they've dealt with the ups and downs and the struggles and and everything like that. And it goes back to what we said, what we've said several times when you have.
a partner or a significant other that believes in you and pushes you to, to, to exceed and and succeed, then that's easy to do. You know, when you got the right people in your corner. So, you know, shout out to, to, to all four of them. Uh, definitely a huge thank you for coming on here and hanging out with us tonight. Uh, look forward to doing some stuff and being, being around with them and seeing them, uh, pop up here.
on the different shows and be a part of different things with them. But, uh, thank you guys for listening and thank you guys for for coming in and hanging out, um,
play a little, uh, little music, and then we'll come back and wrap the show up and, uh, uh, tell you what we got going on the rest of the week. We actually got, we got kind of a busy week here on the network coming up. So, um, we'll do like we always do.
This goes right up that alley. Like I said, when it comes to mental health, surrounding yourself with good people and having good friends around our friends, I dare call him a brother. I don't know if he, if he wants me to call him a brother, but you're stuck with me now. Our list, uh, our good friends are in the Southern Outlaw. Yeah. You've looked up now. You're stuck with me now. are You're screwed, kiddo. I've done with this idiot for the last four or five years. It's not, it's not as long as it looks.
Once I get you, get you, get my tentacles into you. I never let go. Ew, tentacle form. Take it how you like it. But anyways, these little Southern outlaws with good for the soul and we'll be back to close up shop.
da da
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here small go on now turn it out good for the soul
take a when around yeah It's good for the soul.
your friend
a a speak control are
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rose um um is good for the soul
cooper for the soul
The man says the best. He ain't wrong. If he's lying, he's dying, baby. We appreciate y'all listening. We appreciate y'all hanging out tonight as always. ah Wasn't your typical Monday night, but nonetheless, you know, we, we got a, I think, I think it's part of our job as broadcasters. What in the world are you doing? Nothing. I'm just, I'm just trying to remember my final thoughts. I think, I think it's our job as, as broadcasters.
to support the local community, support our, our local scene. Um, even if it's not in our own backyard, they are, they are in Ohio. So they're, they're local and we, we want to, uh, definitely support them and and and do what we can to help them out. So shout out to Nikki and Jen for coming on five fours distillery right up there in Newton Falls, Ohio. So if you're in the area or you're swinging by, you're driving by, it's right off of the IED right off of the 80.
swing on in, say hi, get yourself a drink, and who knows? They might be having something going on that night. You might stick around for a little bit longer than you planned. Like $750 bingo. Yeah. You might get 50 balls. Or others you might get a whole bunch of meat in your mouth and a couple beans.
Me in my mouth. be really juic But if you're not already, uh, this is men caring for men. Uh, it's part of the nonsensical network. If you're not already following us, we'll go ahead and go give us a follow. We'd greatly appreciate that. Give us a like, give us a share, let your friends know about us. We are on Facebook, Instagram, X and tick tock shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube, Facebook, and now rumble. We're in the rumble waters. We're swimming in the rumble waters.
Um, and you can listen to the shows anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts. We're on Spotify. We're on Apple. We're on Google. We're on a tune in radio. We're, we're, we're everywhere. Just, just Google nonsensical network. You'll find this. All the shows are there. You can listen anytime, anyplace, all the nonsensical network, or simply go to bio dot.link slash nonsensical network. And all those links are there, including ladies and gentlemen, we don't talk about it enough, but we do have merch. That link is there as well.
We've got shirts, hoodies and cups. Oh my. Right now we just got a couple of designs up there for the network and for the big show, nonsensical nonsense. Uh, and we got hats now too. Yes. We've got the trucker hats, the fitted hats, the flex fit hats. Uh, we've got them up there. So, uh, like I said, if you'd be so kind, give us a follow, give us a like, give us a share and check us out. We got great shows like Monday night men caring for minutes, a men's mental health podcast hosted by myself and Connor.
Um, basically it says exactly what it is in the title. It's about men's mental health doing our small part on our little stage to help erase the stigma. Stigmatism or the stigma that is on men's mental health. It's okay to not be okay, man.
And there's guys out there who actually give a fuck about you and we're two of them. So it's typically an open forum show on Monday nights. We dropped the link in the chat and it's an invitation to all men to come up and take part of the conversation that we're having and or maybe something has been bothering and you got something weighing heavy on your mind, weighing heavy on your shoulders and you just got to get it off your chest. Come on up and let's go. Let's do this dance together. At the end of the day, Tuesdays is Glick's house of music. ah That's myself.
Host, uh, uh, hanging out with up and coming, uh, artists, local artists, um, getting to know them, uh, getting to know a little bit about their music career and, and, and, and then playing some of their music as well. Uh, I've got a young lady coming up tomorrow night. Uh, we'll show will be live at 8.00 PM. Uh, Kaylin Cole, a little Midwestern hippie, uh, definitely looking forward to hanging out with her. Uh, as, uh, I said last week, I would really like to get more female artists on the show and then boom, my next.
three of four, actually my next four of five guests are female artists. So I'm excited for that. You know, letting giving the ladies some love as well, because there's some kick-ass female musicians out there. So let's give them some love. Wednesday nights is what the fuck news. If it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck, Jeff and I are going to talk about it. Thursday's is Cash's Corner.
That is a wrestling podcast that's hosted by my son and myself. This week we'll be doing our bad blood recap. it And, uh, got that Friday nights is nonsense and shill with, uh, blaze and Jay, blazing, Jay, Jeff and blaze. They're watching movies, watch the TV shows, talking about them doing I don't know exactly what they're doing, to be honest with it. I watched last week and I still have no idea what they're doing, but they're having fun and that's all that matters. Saturday nights is the coup de gras, the Bing event, the biggest yeah the biggest deal of the week. It is nonsensical nonsense. It is the flagship show here on the network. It's unhinged. It's unapologetic. It's comedy based. It's a bunch of people. And I say people because we do have men and women that come up there.
Uh, hanging out, talking shit, having a good time on a Saturday night. And that is also an open forum. We call it the open door challenge. We drop the link and dare you guys to take the challenge and come on board and hang out and chit chat with us for a little while. It is a six hour show. So we go all night long and we have fun. Sundays, we wrap up the week. Unnecessary roughness, your kickoff to kickoff. It is an NFL show hosted by me.
Co-hosted by Derek Wayne Douglas, former guest of Glick's House of Music. My boy Rick and Cam, when he is available, we're making picks, we're making predictions and we're talking shit about that week's football games and we're having fun. And then we also have Jeff's Garage sporadically on Sundays as well. That is your weekly lineup. Check us out. yeah Maybe you might not like all the shows, but you might find a show or two that you do really enjoy and you really like.
Uh, again, bio dot.link slash nonsensical network. You can find all that. Um, this Wednesday night on what the fuck news I meant to say it, we're actually partnering up with, uh, with another shop podcast. We're going to do our Halloween special and we're going to talk some ghost stories, some paranormal stuff.
local legends, local ghost stories to our area, to our state, to our country, and also talk about maybe any personal experiences that we've had. And we've we've got a nice panel of believers and non-believers. So that should be a fun time. This Wednesday night, we're going to partner up with another SHOT podcast. Those are our boys.
Uh, you can go give them a follow as well. Add another shot. and I think it's another shot podcast, another shot, either one of the two, they're in the chat tonight. They're not hard to find. Go give them some love as well. Uh, but with that being said, again, thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for hanging out. Connor, what's your final thought of the night brother? My final thought is honestly, I was, I was thinking about, uh, the fact that tonight was a bit of a, uh, unique Monday night. Uh,
And I wanted to say, you are the average. You are the average of your five closest friends. Me?
you are the average of your five closest friends. So the people, the five closest people to you, you will be the average of them, whether it's their net worth, their personality, their happiness, their sadness. If you only hang out with sad people, you're going to be sad all the fucking time. If you only hang out with that poor people, you'll be poor all the time. You only hang out with rich people. Well, you might not be rich, but you're probably headed in the right fucking direction.
And same thing with happiness. And it it moves in that direction. So my final thoughts tonight are be smart about who you hang out with. Smart about who you hang out with. It's a lesson we had to talk to my son about this week. And I thought about it tonight with those two wonderful young ladies. It's a lesson I've had to have a conversation with myself multiple times, even in the most recent future or most recent future.
Most recently, most recently. So if your five closest friends are Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, and Jeff, uh, you're most likely going to end up in Mexico somewhere.
Try and not, uh, unalive yourself. Anyway, on a list from the American federales, do you get better? Oh, some shit, brother.
big ah manyly he
saying it lefty at bo Yeah, but it's, it's Jeff and Glick. yeah Go ahead and, uh, go ahead and, uh, go ahead and, remix that for me. I want to, I want to hear your cover of it. Okay. We'll put it on the social media. but but We'll put it up on the social media. I'll to working on that. Yeah.
Uh, it is always, as I say, every Monday night, a successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others have thrown at him. Keep throwing. the foundation where would go arcex Yay.
You keep throwing the bricks and we're going to keep building over here at the nonsensical network and we're going to keep having fun and doing what we do. Appreciate y'all listening. Appreciate y'all being here. All the replay listeners. Thank you guys. Everybody that was in the chatters box tonight. Thank you. And a huge shout out and thank you to the five floors distillery. Uh, as Connor already said, the two lovely ladies that joined us, Nikki and Jenny. Uh, we do love young ladies, young, lovely young ladies.
We do love our five fours family as our list said earlier tonight. They are awesome. And you guys are awesome as part of the nonsensical family. So we wouldn't be here without you guys. Well, we probably would because we're losers and we have nothing better to do. But thanks for hanging out with us. You're welcome. Nonetheless, with that being said, you know what time it is Connor.