Jeff's Garage photos and Photography image

Jeff's Garage photos and Photography

Nonsensical Network
12 Plays8 days ago

as we are a show about hobbies Today we're talking to Blaze about photography and showing some of the pictures from a car show pictures that he took

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If you want to turn yourselves into a greasy spot on a country road somewhere, just go right ahead. I don't give a shit. I don't think anybody else does, regardless what they say to your face.
There it is and welcome back everybody. It's been a while. Jeff's garage is back. We're back. Today, we're actually we're joined by Blaze and today being that this is a hobby podcast. It's not just about cars. It is a hobby podcast. We're going to Blaze. You went out and took some pictures at a car show, correct? I did a couple of them. I But earlier this month when we did that Buckeyes axe throwing ah live, um they had a car show that was in the downtown area. When I got there, I took some pictures and then there was one here locally, a small one at a barbecue joint that i that I took a few pictures as well. So I got about 17 pictures all that I thought were good enough to share.
All right. And you know so so when you mentioned that you wanted to do this, I said, you know what? Being that this is a hobby podcast and your hobby being photography, it's a big good opportunity to talk about your hobby and and kind of get out of the realm of just cars all the time, even though you did take a picture of a bunch of cars. But um the the photography aspect of a hobby,
it's A, not cheap from what I've looked at, like the cameras and the lenses and and you're going to school for for that, correct? I am, yes, I am. I am dragging my ass through school um to be a photographer, digital photographer, not much of a garage hobby, unless you know some folks do set their studios in their garage, so I don't want to Well, in the beauty of the, we use the term garage because that's the goal is for me to have. Oh, no, it, no, it, it actually fits. I mean, like I said, I mean, there's photography as we mentioned, is you're literally in the garage. Right. But well, the, the, the whole concept of a garage could be your, your man cave, your, she shed, your, you know, whatever the case may be. And the beauty of what I plan to do with this show is
if if If it's something you're into, it doesn't, the cost almost doesn't become a factor. It does on how far you can go, but it doesn't become a factor because it it no longer becomes a, you're not forced to do it, you know? Yeah. You you just, it's very much like podcasting, like what we do every week. Speaking of every week, go ahead and check us out, bio dot.link slash nonsensical network.
You get access to all our shows, Men Caring for Men, Glick's House of Music. I don't want to go ahead and put it at the bottom. Wednesdays, we do What the Fuck News. Thursdays is Cashless Corner. Fridays is either Whose Argument Anyway or Nonsense and Chill. Saturdays, of course, the open door challenge on nonsensical nonsense. And then Sundays, we have two shows. We have Unnecessary Roughness.
the football show and I'm pretty sure that's seasonal and then this show Jeff's garage Jeff's garage is a little bit moving around a bit because due to scheduling issues uh but but yeah let's uh if you want to go ahead and bring up your screen there and we can start yes go ahead and let's let's uh look at some pictures and we are on all social networks anybody asks um you could actually Go to bio.link and get our, oh, that's beautiful. I love that paint job. um So yeah, you can watch us live on YouTube and rumble, by the way, all on Nonnetco Network. work That way you can see these pictures we're talking about. Go ahead, sir. So the first few, of course, is going to be the ones from Newark, Ohio, and then the, and then I will let you know. And then the other set will be from Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
uh, okay, calls barbecue. So, uh, you probably know more about the years and stuff. of these well That's what I'm trying to, this looks like is it's an international pickup, which is very rare. It says Chevrolet right there on the, on the grill. Okay. it is i love the you That, that, uh, those headlights are not original.
No, and no, this is this is a lot of a lot of aftermarket fabrication. Yeah, like somebody put some wrench time and put some metalwork again. It is beautiful. And I love the flat black or the flat paint job. for onia yeah The burnt orange flat. It looks like there's a custom tonneau cover there. um And you know what? We're speaking about photography. This is a perfect picture, dude.
So I like it because, of course, the focus is on the truck. Right. Also see some some going on in the background, pat moving over on the left hand side. You have the downtown street area right behind to the left. So yeah it all focuses in there. Some of the lines could be better, but.
Yeah, it's it's not bad. um As a novice to photography, and I tried photography, it bored the shit out of me. I took about one roll of film and I was like, this sucks. Yeah, like, well, so I and this is something i'm I'm learning over time, because I've, I've noticed like, looking back at some of my old pictures, yeah, they're boring. A lot of them are repetitive. um So I'm trying to focus on more like, you know, making the photos interesting, putting, putting things in the photos that that you can look at and see like, you know, this is the day downtown at a car show. You can tell, you can see the people congregating, socializing walking and walking and enjoying the downtown that day. And so it's not just about the car. It's about the community getting out and you know, interacting this, and I, I, I don't know if this would be, it's not really a, this is a compliment.
I'm gonna call it that. It's Norman Rockwillish. You know, it's now called USA. know it it is mine It is. It is. It is. It's now called USA. It's it's you know, there's it's it's like it's it's not going on. You know, it's modern. It's sound modern American. It's modern. There you go. There you go. Yeah. ah I couldn't think of somebody else that yeah other than normal Rockwell, but this is this is my version of a normal Rockwell photo. So some of these aren't the so they're good pictures, but they're not as as good as this one, I think with with everything in it. OK, well, actually. So this hybrid truck, the Cybertruck with a wrap, no less. I had never really seen it before, so I snapped a quick little photo of it. Not much going on.
The lines in the background on the on on the building are pretty decent. The sky being white like that kind of kind of washes stuff out. These are not. So I could have edited a little bit better, maybe ah lower the brightness, but. Right. But.
ah me being in the car guy, I'm focused on the truck and apparently the way the cyber trucks are working out is if you don't wrap them, they will look like **** after a couple of weeks. Um really? Yeah. Well, it comes down to the stainless steel is not prepped properly and they're they're they're they're showing oxidation. Hmm. That's unfortunate. You read about. Yeah, it is unfortunate and apparently the fact that the price well apparently if you put
anything in the bed over a hundred pounds, you will tweak the bed and the way the tailgate won't close properly. Sounds like a waste of a truck. Yeah, a hundred percent. I can't, I can't disagree with you. yeah um See, as it come i write I've always been a fan. So I used to own, I used to own a 79 El Camino.
A lot a lot of people like always like the dog on the trucks, as some people have called them in the past. And this this one, this one, these cyber trucks kind of have that same feel because it looks like a car. Yes, but like more of like a futuristic Blade Runner type type concept. So um I think they're interesting looking. I'm not opposed to EVs. I know that that that topic has come up. I am pro EV. I'm just not pro Cybertruck.
i don't I like the idea of the cyber truck. The practicality, apparently the bed actually at the top tilts in. So you don't have the cubic feet that you would on in a standard truck, but yeah I'm not mad at the shape. I like the shape, ah but apparently people a lot of people hate them.
It has like a Starship Troopers kind of feel to it. like kind Future dystopian. If I were to buy one of these, it would be as a joke and I would show up everywhere being driven by two guys dressed as stormtroopers and I would get out as Darth Vader every time.
every okay i can If I had the money and I was rolling up to some premiere sci-fi movie in Hollywood, i wouldn't be okay i wouldn't I wouldn't be mad at pulling up with something futuristic like this because it great it would fit in. yeah Okay. in my My thing is, is like you want to really improve the Cybertruck, ditch the battery, ditch everything, and take the body and put it on a gas chassis. called if you If you want to do it like I do, like, you know, as a goof, like I would buy this as a goof if it was a lot cheaper, like a lot, because they're like 100 grand. But I want to get into the photo, the photo itself. I like the lines. I agree with you about the the sky. And there's nothing you can really do about the sky because, you know, it's the skies. You don't have control of that. But the the lines on the building in the background, I think are perfect.
This is perfect angle, sir. Play it by sex. Everything's perfectly vertical to like, you can line up the the vertical pillars on the building with the with the but closed door on the back of the Cybertruck.
Yeah, so it is open and I didn't pan to the left a little bit more to get more center in the picture, but there was a group of people standing right there and I was trying to keep people out of the picture as much as possible. like People in the distance is not is not really a big deal to me, but if somebody's going to be in the and the picture close, I like to get their permission. um when When I'm out, there if I'm out for, you know, doing photos of like downtown or buildings or something, there's people in the far distance. It's nice. I don't really don't. It is what it is. It's public space. It is public space, but like personal portraits. That's more personal. You know what I, you know what? Something that you may not automatically notice is you have the future and the past on the same pi photo.
you you do and there is you know because you got the 68 you get the 68 Camaro in the background that is a 68 I was wondering uh and then you got a close-up of that one you have a cyber truck in the back and so you know you got that you got the the past and then what the few past is represented the future is represented and you know you got the story of Middletown America all in one photo I think I think a good photo and I agree with you The contrast is and could be a little bit. I didn't even think about the, the well, I didn't even think about, like you were saying, the past and present. The conflict, not the conflict, but the contrast of like the future, the more modern vehicle as opposed to more antique video. and then Then you can even go any farther and go away like
the building, the big building right there on the right and more modern up to date build. And then you look for that blue building in the background. That building looks like it was built in the fifties. There's definitely a lot of different time errors. I'm deeper than I look, sir. You want to go on to the next one? Yeah, go ahead. I can't remember how these line up. So that's why this guy. I love this photo, dude.
Yes, this one I like. I like it. I like how it pops the yellow and the brightness. You couldn't control it. But the only problem I have with this photo is the chair. Is it chair? The chair. It's the chairs. Yeah. And i get I get it. You have zero control over that because this is a public shot. This is not like you set these up. I love this car. I'm not even sure what it is. It looks like it's definitely a Chevy. It's not a Merc. I'm not sure. It might even be an Olds.
Uh, I like the old board in the background. Uh, I played with this photo and I sent you my playing with it. You know, I literally dropped everything out, but the car and put the car on the beach. Um, and it, it lined up for for, so, and that i literally worked on it for like three minutes. So this, all right. So this car right here looks, does like.
work setting does seem like it would sit better like in a Southern California Beach, like Long Beach, California, you know, cruising the Route 66 going down the West Coast. Absolutely. It does have that feel and that that grab. Also has that ZZ talk kind of look to it. Oh, 100%. Now the aggressive fucking rock and roll. The other problem I have with the photo and it's once again, it's you took the photo where the car was parked. It's not like you parked.
It would have been nice to have a building behind it. A building behind it or a better sky. can also I can also live without the trash can right there in the very, very far left. Yeah, I saw that too. And you could that you can crop it. I could, yes. You can crop that trash can up. I think I had the same problem with the chairs, but once again, and that's not nothing against you.
But other than that, like, like I said, the background is it brings too much attention to the car because the background is so boring. But once again, that's not on you. You had to take the photo where the car was sitting. But other than that, yeah I love that that paint job. The flames are perfect.
and Anybody that's tried to paint flames on a vehicle, it's not easy. it's I've done it. it's I would rather stand in line for a beating. Oh, dude. I painted my Volkswagen Beetle, and I'm no photographer. I do have a photo, and I think I showed you. um My flames don't match side to side. And that was after three days of masking tape, and it's hell on her.
I don't recommend trying it by yourself. Get an expert. I've never, I've never, I've never done done paint. All right. Next one. That's 1970. That is a beautiful representation. So this, this car show and then the pictures from the other car show, these, all these cars were, were parked tight in with each other. So they're all just having a,
Yeah, I really wanted to get like cars on their own without a whole lot around them, but it was difficult to do that. Unfortunately, car shows are not set up for photography. I've been to some on the West Coast that are, but those are like some big expo center ones. Yeah. You have to sign up to with the press pass. You know what you could have done, and this is something that you might think of the future, you know, um get a card.
put it on the windshield like hey, would you like a photo shoot with your car? So I do actually i have I have a business card designed and I will be ordering them in on Tuesday or Wednesday. Because I'd really like to see what you can do if you took this 70 Chevelle and they you said park it over there and let me you know and let's go down the road and we'll park it in a field.
you know, I am I so with my business cards that will be coming out later this week. I'll also be dropping my Instagram page too with my work. Nice. So yeah, and I've seen a lot of work. I love I love when you go up on your hiking trails with your with your hippie powder and and my hippie powder and my my hippie leaf. Your hippie leaves and and you got because like, I've I'm not one to dish out copy compliments. You are actually a really good photographer. Thank you. Well, I am trying. Um, I have seen better than me, dude. i there's So I've started to learn the variety of different photography styles and I'm, I'm, I, so I realized I'm kind of like finding my, my style, what I like. And I'm, and I'm also finding out that.
It also depends on what I'm, what I'm photography, what I'm photographing and in the space I'm photographing and the concept or the feeling or, or what I'm trying to portray. And so something I've noticed already with the photos you've taken cars are not the easiest thing to photograph because of reflection. Yes.
Yes. And I see you in a photo. Like me personally reflecting off the car. I don't see that which is good. That's a good thing Yeah, I I do. I do try there There are I do have photos up and you do see me in in the reflection But usually if I see that I do try to find a better angle because I'm trying to detach myself from exactly and and that's it You know like me I if I take a photo of a car I'm gonna be in I'm gonna be in the reflection because I just want the car oh That's so funny
There's actually a photography studio right behind there. Oh, look at that. Don Don Pound. Yeah. Out of your photos. ah But it's beautiful. Seventy. s Thank you. All right. So this is the start of the car show in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. OK, barbecue. children Yeah. So the gentleman that I actually i walked away, gentlemen, own this.
Beautiful. And he had told me that in he had the magazine with him. He flashed it to me. I looked at it real quick. I should have got him next to it with a picture of him holding the magazine. But this truck has been featured in in a couple of magazines. but Off the top of my head, I can't remember which ones or local ones. They're not like huge national ones, but still. Somebody's put some serious paint time into this thing.
Oh yeah, it's something to be proud of for sure. Like I'm not a Ford guys, but I do like the old dead sides like this. Uh, and, and that those flames, once again, I've, I've said it before painting flames. I'd rather stand in line for a beating and go first or go last. I think a flame job like this seems a bit more difficult than the, uh, than that. oh yeah because of the fis your pipe are The fade. Yeah.
ah the fatede is And then on the top of that, it's a black vehicle. Black is the hardest color to paint. It doesn't sound like it would be, but black shows everything. If you guys got one mistake, you will see it from a million miles away. I just noticed this little, I love that. You know what? here program If you blow, if you, if you were able to throw that into every photo,
You know what? from From zoomed out, you don't see it. So this is unedited. That's unedited though. That's that's all. Yeah. But yeah, like I said, all these see. All right. So this is what I mean by these this. This car show in particular was even smaller than the one in Newark. You can tell like some some random car parked behind this truck. They were just there to eat barbecue and enjoy the charity function that was going understood. It was a charity going on during this. um So and you can see it was like cars, the cars for the car show was parked in the same parking as general parking.
Okay. So I had a time to try to get angles where I was getting what I was wanting without getting a lot of, I don't want to say garbage in a negative way, but just stuff like, no but like like a modern, you know, suburban is like Tina.
ah Getting, getting the, um, you know, the, Expedition in the background. That's like a 2009 that literally is bone stock and dirty. You don't want that. I get it. That's what we're considering garbage, you know, and it's nothing as a garbage vehicle. It's just not what you're focused on. Yeah. Yeah. And it can pull focus from your photo. Like now that I see the Ford in the background, I'm like, yeah. Oh, there's, there's, there's some, there's some sparkle glare. There's two of them, three of them. Yeah.
ah You can see some. Yeah, that's a flaw. It looks like it looks like these clear coat is fading. Yeah, it's kind of hard to tell when you're zoomed out. Yeah, it when you're zoom down there literally like the sun's hitting it. Yeah, but the way it's cracked like that definitely looks like either a run or a or is there coach me, but I could be wrong. It's hard to tell the photo if I was there. itd be ah this is bar coda I the wrong one. This is the blurry one. ah And well, this is this is this is good. And the reason why I say this is good is this shows where I'm a bad photographer to see not all my pictures are great. you je's the thing When you're when you're learning photography, you're going to take bad photos.
Well, it's not, it's not just that it's just when, when, when you're taking, when you're trying to get a photo of, let's say you have one subject to mind and you're sitting there for the jogger, you know, doing, doing the clickety click, you're not just going to take one picture and walk away. You're going to take a picture. You're going to look a couple of times at the picture, get your lighting right.
get a yeah different perspective. And depending on the perspective you go, the light changes because the sun's not at your back or it's in front. so Right. Yeah. So I mean, by the time I find like one good picture, correct? Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's or yeah, it's a learning experience or a correction. But I mean, I'll sit there. I could have took in 20 pictures of the same car and found one that I like. And of course, that's exactly like the chicks that go to the bathroom during dinner and take 400 pictures in the bathroom at the restaurant.
Yeah. And they only post one on Instagram. Yeah. Yeah. That's the word. Get me out of here. So we'll call 9-1-1 is a fucking creeping motherfucking. Yeah. Blind. days Why is blazing a bathroom? I'm on the blind. lady You're taking selfies. I'm taking pictures of you. um but So this, this rod, this was a kit car.
and not a good one, not a good one. It's put together well, but it's not, ah it it's, and we mentioned this before when you and I looked at these photos, this looks like somebody tried to build a 32 Ford from memory. Yeah. So from a distance, it looks okay. Now again, I'm going to, I'm going to point out the parking situation. and You see what I was working with anyway, but you get close to this and you can tell it's, it's one of those kit cars.
Yeah. I mean, in the, in the, the upholst, the upholstery in there was definitely a glue job. Like a bag, like they went and bought the cheap upholstery. You can't, you can get it like, oh, why are these or some shit? Just enough to get it. Yeah. And it's in a lot, it's a lot of chrome to pop off that yellow, which I'm not going to lie. I do like that yellow. I like that.
One of my favorite cars is in the beginning of the intro is shows that 32 Ford from the movie American Graffiti. And that is my favorite car of all time. As much as I hate the fact that it's a Ford, I love the 32 Ford. This is not a 32 Ford. This is, like I said, this is somebody that that made a 32 Ford from memory, but you by looking at it, you can instantly see what it is, or what it was supposed to be. But I bet you have a lot cheaper than building a 32 Ford. Oh, yeah. And you know, do I so I live I live in um ah Kentucky.
And it's it's a southern state and hot rock cars are still a huge staple, especially in the community that I live in. You can go to any ah park store in the area and there's always somebody there with a hot rod showing it off, picking up some Lucas oil or trying to order some custom part or something, you know, so like.
I, of course it's not car season anymore, but next summer when, you know, all they so all start rolling out again, I'm going to try to get some bigger ones and better ones. So, and the fifth, there is a motorcycle get together. I don't ride much anymore. I mean, actually I don't have a bike anymore, but it's on the fifth, which is next weekend in the same town I'm in. I'm going to go check that out and get some photography too. thank great Yeah. Speaking of motorcycles, that was a trio of crash rockets there.
couple Hayabusa's and uh and uh no one by Hayabusa at two ninjas. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? The Hayabusa scares the **** out of me. So, I'm not a cross pocket person. But if I told myself if I ever got one, it would be a Hayabusa because they're dangerous. Oh, they're they're they are the most dangerous motorcycle out there and because but To get to straddle a Hayabusa, you better know what you're doing. Yeah, there's some big dudes that ride those bikes too. They're but cross rock they're they're not small. They're not small at all. my name this one This one looks like a smaller one, but they're pretty stealth bikes. I had a and knew a guy that rode a Hayabusa, and this guy had been riding for ages, and he could fucking ride that thing around.
the, uh, the course, uh, you go to get your, your writing card. Uh, he can write that whole fucking course down there with no hands on that thing. It was crazy. When I got my motorcycle's license, there was a guy, I was, I was 18 when I got my motor life motorcycle license. And there was a kid there, he was 16 and he showed up and I kid you not, he showed it up. He showed up on a street glide.
And we are like, this dude's gonna fail. He goes through the course and he starts to lose it. And commas can be, leans back and kicks the handlebar with his foot and straightens the thing out. And the instructor went, hey you, come here. Didn't even finish the course. He drives over, he says, science be but go get your fucking license. Because you obviously know what you're doing. This could have been riding since he's like two.
So here's interesting about a motorcycle. It'll keep itself straight in on its own at seven miles an hour and up. Yeah. well Yeah. Like, yeah like i i'm in ah I'm in this weird headspace when it comes to motorcycles. I just want two wheels and a seat. I don't care what it is. I just, and and I'm also the asshole that I'm going to break 100 miles an hour without even trying I did that on my last motorcycle and here's the shit out here it was it was a nice Harley, but I ended up getting rid of it financially reasons. And honestly, it was getting to the point where there was a couple of times where I scared myself on it.
Oh, no, they scare the shit out of me. I'm not going to lie. So I do. I do plan on getting another bike, but I'm thinking I'm going to get a little fucking Barhopper bobber, just something small, just like me. I mean, even like like a little 650 cc, just like a little I don't I won't go anything below 600 cc. Anything below 600 cc to me is is a starter. It's not even a starter. It's a I don't drive a motorcycle. I drive a really big scoop.
um andon Oh, speaking of motorcycles. There is a helmet company out there that released a Deadpool motorcycle helmet and the advertisement is funny. um It's like some dude in some dude like, and it doesn't show Deadpool altogether. Just some guy like wearing a Deadpool costume, but he's putting on his brown leather jacket. He's putting the helmet on and he's sitting there adjusting the radio, Deadpool kind of shit going on. It's all goofy. And then as the camera pans back, he's sitting there on the scooter all ready to go.
um Nice. I have to find that, but yeah. That Hayabusa, somebody's done some work on that thing because it's got a stretched rear control arm. Pawpaw. Pawpaw's Barbecue. Barbecue. Yeah. I'm more beyond that.
yeah i have I could not get a good picture of this car because right where I'm standing, I'm literally trying not to like stand on another car. I could not get a pic. Yeah. Oh, so they pulled into the parking spot while they're backing it instead of backing it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And And the thing is, this area is part of a shopping complex. all Everybody that everybody who showed up that wasn't in the fucking car show, should have parked over there, but they didn't. Yeah, when that comes down to everybody. Bad logistics, yeah bad planning.
But it was charity for dudes whose son had passed away and they do this thing or something. So it was still nice. I didn't get a picture of this from behind a better picture. And this is that paint job. That's paint. That is all paint. Once again, you don't have to be as consistent as you do with blames, but that's not an easy paint job. So here's the thing with wraps in this area, like when you talk in American hot rods, like,
A lot of people don't like doing the rounds. They like that old school professional paint job of fucking where it's like 20 hours put into this paint job or more, you know, 20 hours. You can do that in a solid paint job. You're talking this paint job with the and if you get the back picture with the exposed rust, you'll get more than 100.
Yeah, there's there's several hundred hours of paint and it's on a black vehicle. So the black areas are meticulously done. Yeah, there it is. Right there. there's There's the back of that same color. I love the use of the ah Cadillac tail lights. I've never seen that in a coupe.
you know, a rat rod rod, hot rod like that. ah You know, you see them in a lot of Silverados and you see them in S-10s. The fact that somebody thought about putting here, I like. It's different. It's it's its something I've never seen. So this guy... I want to say that's a 34. I'm not really a Mustang person if... Not either. if I appreciate them as vehicles, but I and I would probably buy one just because they're retarded or speed wise, but I like the white on white on white, the triple white as they say. You know what? Now that it was pointed out to you, you did update your intro, didn't you? Yeah. Yeah. Check check your snap when you get a chance. Okay.
um Yeah, if Benji was here, he'd probably tell us more about this. I am not a Mustang guy. um I'm really not like a huge gearhead much. is like I used to be when I was younger, so there's a lot of things that I've forgotten about or just don't think about anymore. I need to change that. I haven't gotten around to it. um
yeah the When it comes to the Mustang, Technically, it's not a white on white because those are aluminum rims. They're not painted. oh But no it's clean. I'll give it that. It is. It is. And it's basically stock. But it's it's clean. And I like that they brought the white into the crossbar and the engine cover. Go ahead.
Some more of that sparkle. Yeah, ah sparklena i that was popping that day. it was It was a good day to take pictures at a car show. It's just the car show wasn't a good day for pictures. Understood. Because look because of the parking.
I blame it on the parking. Like there's this truck that sits right here and you'll see it in the background of a few of my other photos, but I could not get an angle to where I could take a picture of it and it would be appreciated. Yeah. Understood. And that's the sacrifice you make when you go to these car shows. Yeah. But you know, this was for me to get out there and get some click time. So, so this, I took a bunch of, a bunch of pictures of this, this Ford truck right here. Yeah.
Um, it says it right. Well, it's a fifties Ford. Oh, it's a four. Yeah. 54. So anyway, this guy, you can tell there is a smurf in the windshield. Um, yeah. So it's like the smurf truck. and Honestly, that's what drew me in is, uh, being a kid. I remember, I love the smurfs. So, uh, it is a very smurfy truck. I, and it its it it you know, if the blue is slightly darker,
it would be perfect Smurf Mobile because yeah it's a lighter blue than the Smurfs were. The Smurfs were a darker blue but the white and blue kind of matches up. I like it. Yeah. The only criticism I have to the photo itself is that glare on the windshield is yeah huge distractions.
I think, like I said, I took a bunch of this. I think I do have a better one when I was putting this together. This is the one I grabbed. I did edit this one. This one isn't edited, but I did edit one of these and I just couldn't open it because my PDF reader was not working right before we came up here. So I was like, well, I'll just show the unedited ones. That's fine. Here in Kentucky, I'm not sure about other states.
They store antique plates for where you can in order to get antique tags, your car has to be 20 years old. Yeah, it's 20 years or older, but it's like there's other curriculum that you have to accomplish. It's not your daily driver. It can't be your daily driver. Like if a cop notice you.
using it as a daily driver, they can actually technically pull you up, pull you over. Around here, people just ignore that anyway. I mean, yeah, I was gonna say, you know, if it's a nice day, I'm gonna drive it. And you get, you know, if you see it out in the winter, there's snow on the ground, you're like, where are you moving? Or are you daily driving this thing? That's that. But in the summertime, if you're with a classic car, I'm driving it as much as I can if it's nice out.
So technically, it could be a daily. But yeah, I get that. Go on to the next one.
One second. And that intro is old. That intro is from what? So we had already looked at this. This is the the rear end of that one. All right, so this is just a sports shirt.
Yeah, um, this table yeah, this was a woman's bike. Um, she pulled up and I thought it was pretty dope. I like it. So I have had women on the back of my motorcycle and I'm cool with it. It's dope. But I, you know, if, if, if I were to ever like, you know,
fall in love again, use that word. um and And she wrote too, that that would be a bonus. like i' always yeah I always rather have a have my partner on their own bike next to me rather than right on the, you know what I mean? I i couldn't agree with that one. Fucking biker chicks, man. Biker chicks. yeah There's something about the biker chicks. They are. they there there It's a good breed. it's it's It's one of those things that's like,
it dating a biker chick is the same you can put it in the same realm of dating a goth chick or an emo chick or or even reddit it's a biker chick's not gonna get pissed when you choke her out i'm just saying yeah she's gonna like it so if you look if you look in the background and you see that guy bent over into the hood of his car that was a charger that was made to look like uh the lighten Yes, Lightning McQueen from Cars. I do have some pictures of it. I don't have him to show because it like the entire time he was there, that's all he did was work on it.
yeah And I was like, yeah I was like, dude, like I kind of want a picture. Like, yeah I want to actually I wanted to like ask him and his family to say sit next or stand next to it because his kids were all dressed up. And I was like, that's so cool. I see the kids in the background there. They got the knife on their shirt. It's like the moment he pulled into the lot with it, it broke down. And I felt bad. I didn't want to I didn't want to highlight that for the guy. Well, here, let me take a picture of your shit. Put the loot down.
Oh, not that one there we go. That's about a hundred del sol Yeah, this one's not that This is the this is a v-tech it's got the I can't remember the ah the engine blocks number but Flat black on a modern vehicle doesn't always look good.
No, so i'm not only flat and black, but this is like rattle cases. Yeah, this is spray paint black. You can tell by the way it's done. Like there's more, there's more money in the rims and this fucking cover than there is in the entire paint job. And from what it looks like, basically it's stock. Yes. It's just a new engine. There's some little aftermarket on the intake and shit, but it's a cosmetic But ha okay, so Honda those souls, like there's, I have a, my first studio station was Hill Air Force Base. And I had a buddy that lived down the hallway from me when I lived in the dorms. And there was one weekend, it was a three day weekend. A lot of people on on on the floor had plans and him and I had nothing. He come down, he said, hey man, his name was Chris too. He come down and said, hey man, you wanna go to fucking Vegas? We were in Utah, it was only like a like five hour, five and a half hour drive or some shit like that.
I'm like, sure. And he had this little red dull soul like this convertible. And we're like, fucking, I had 50 bucks. I was like, let's go to Vegas. Dude, you're one of the best weekends I've ever fucking had. If you ever have an impromptu trip to Vegas and your prime motor transportation is a dull soul, I'm telling you, it's going to be an amazing adventure. Just do it. Yeah. And just you know it looks like this guy's in the stages of starting.
I'm not mad at the rattle campaign job. I've done a rattle campaign job. I have too. It's not my preferred method, but I get it. Money's tight, and your guard looks like shit. Rattle can that shit. At least temporary. I'm assuming he's planning to keep going.
ah But yeah, the hundred and a half. I would hope so. Now, some of these cars, of course, are high school students that live in a local area. So yeah, once again, i you know money. Yeah. please and The car hobby as a hobby. I don't care what it is, whether you're a JDM hot rod or, you know, uh, what's it gonna be? It all costs. Yeah. It costs. And there's, there's no cheap way. There's cheap way to do it, but cheap and right. Doesn't
Stayed cheap very long. But yeah, I get it. 64 Impala, all original, the exception of the tires. This one, I think, is the last picture that I'm showing you guys tonight. So this one, I took i took a few of this one. This one, I think, is the the best. Like I said, I wish I had more room. and I wish that truck went right there.
But yeah, well so that gentleman, that gentleman in the back, you said gentleman in the back. Yeah. That's the actual owner. That's yeah that's the owner of that black truck with the purple and blue front flames. Okay. Yeah. um Red vehicles, the hardest thing to photograph because,
and the only reason I know this is because I'm a dork and I watch a lot of car movies, but ah Red vehicles are the hardest to have the colors show up correctly. The hue, so to speak, is never always right. Like, for example, this one, I'm sure it's brilliant bright red. But on the hood and stuff, it looks orange in this photo. That's what you mean, yeah. Yeah. See what I'm saying? They're the... Black is an easy color to take photos of, with the exception of the reflection issue. But red,
getting a good red photo of a vehicle and have it consistent is the hardest thing to do. And with that being said, you're 90% there, buddy. Yeah. Oh, this is one. This is another one. i Like a lot of these, I definitely need to. They will be edited. Understood. Yeah. So just just real quick for when when I When I'm doing my photography more on a professional basis, it's um my my ah my primary subject matter is going to be spaces places spaces, places, and landscapes. Right. um You know, like events and stuff. um I'll do some portraits, but like I'm not going to do. your morete No, no. like I mean, i'll I'll go do a wedding, but like that's not my. It's not your niche. Target. Yeah. right yeah
So I want to do more. I think I think, you know, in the world when it comes to photo photography. People, it's got to be one of the hardest things to do. Because, you know, a single person can be easy. You get you get a bunch of people like candid style. Somebody's always going to have a weird face. You ever you ever hear that expression, the stroke, the struggling or the struggling artist? Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, this is why they so that that is all the pictures that I have. Well, for today, that's fine. I wouldn't drop down here that. by Yeah, and that. um So the second little 15 minutes we got left, um what what dragged you into photography as as something you wanted to pursue?
Well, it's been something I've always been passionate about, something that makes me happy to do. Something I just started off just doing just ah because I saw things that I liked in the world and I just started taking a picture and I'd share pictures with people. They're like, oh, that's really good. Oh, that's really good. And then I take more pictures and more, you know, I've i've always got really good compliments. and A couple of people said, babe, you could probably sell that if you wanted to. and You know, over time I was like, you know, why don't I actually try to pursue this on a professional level? So I started going to college for a time. Now I'm starting to kind of question that decision, if I actually need to go to college. Well, and that's the thing.
Well, I'm starting to find out that, like, when it comes to art, especially in photography, in a way it's graded, and what you learn, it's like, I could have got a Skillshare subscription and probably learned it somewhere. The other thing that you have to look at is,
the programs like that you're learning part of your course and that's that's what that's that's the main reason the certificate or the the diploma is not the goal. Yeah, it's it's to learn is to learn the the process of editing and all that that's that's yeah. Yeah, editing editing and this is something I'm slowly teaching myself um editing and and like, you know, my my newest hobby that I'm kind of working on is 3d printing.
And the learning of the software is the hardest part. this The terms in different aspects, that's something that say you only learn by doing. Like, for instance, when it comes to photography, right now, off the top of your head, how many lenses would you say you have?
Right now I just got three basic lenses. I got I got us I can't even ramble them off the side of my head. I got my wide angle. I got my One and then two that came with the camera once shit see I don't even know the I got a 15 millimeter like I want to goes up to 300 and one that goes up to 800 and but like Learning which which one you want to use for the situation is a learner skill. There's no yeah there's no rule or you know that and that's where classes can teach you that you know when should I use this when should i allow one but you could also learn that by yourself like I said when it comes to classes I the concept of class for me is the stuff that I can't
I could do by learning, but if there's a easier path to learn it, like the programs, that's the best way. Like the way I'm, I'm teaching myself the slicer programs for 3d printing and all I'm doing is playing with it. Yeah. And I'm learning more and more, but the finer details, I have to go to somebody that knows more than I, um, where,
you can probably do what, like we both learn two different ways. You go into class and me teaching myself, you're going to get there faster every time because you have that direct path where I'll play with it for a little bit and then be like, yeah, I'm bored. I'm going to work on something else. um yeah What about influences? what what What influences have been brought to you where you're like, I want to do that. Did that ever come into a factor?
Like, do I have any, like, artists that has influenced me? Correct. No, actually, no. um I won't say i there's there probably are artists that have influenced me. I just don't know you know who they are, right? Of the art that has influenced me. um One thing that has influenced me, though, and you and so and some of you guys might see in some of the little animations or by little my little ah clips of jokes and stuff, I got, like, ah eclectic kind of like old school like robot chicken sort of like ADHD fucking type. Yeah, no, anything going on. That's why and that's something you're drawn to a lot of like old like a lot of old 90s CD covers. I draw I've drawn inspiration from like ah when it comes to like I love graffiti art. And when I think when I think of graffiti art, I think of that old school dog pound CD Snoop Dogg released.
with the with him ah with with the and or the drawing on the front with the bricks and the the graffiti and the animated character holding the beat. I think it was holding the beat. God, it's been and a long time since I've seen that photo. I've looked at it, but you know it was stuff like that that I've always i've always found i've always enjoyed looking at was you know cover art. like Like shit, I would i would love to to to be a photographer and you know in that and some sort of entertainment business like that. And then it's like, boom. you know It's just like you buy a CD and and you look at the cover art and be like, that's cool. You might not who took that picture, but you love it. And I enjoy that. I'm not so worried about my name being out there, but so much as people enjoying what I've made.
well I have a little trivia question for you. Okay. And it's a photography trivia question. Did you know the most famous photo ever taken?
Hold on. and youve seen it doctor I can tell you right now you've seen it. Is it a landscape photo? Yes, sir. Is it one from a like, it was like a, ge like a, like from a, um, is it an old one from like, uh, adventures in the West? No, I'd say it's topographical the nineties. I don't know. Windows, the windows background that comes with your windows 95. That's not a photo. It is actually a photo.
It was taken by a photographer and she had, she actually put it up on, um she had a gallery in California and somebody from Windows is like, can we buy that? She sold it for like $400. Oh wow. And it became the most photo, most recognizable photo ever. ah um And it started out, she did, she, just like you, it was a hobby.
Uh, a lot of her photos have now become part of windows. Um, but she now sells the same photos on Etsy and websites like that. And as, as she takes more photos, like the newest, there's a, there's a famous photo of, I think it's just outside of Cabo of the ocean with rocks. Kind of stick it out. It's a famous photo from that. It is actually part of the new windows program.
um And she took that same photo. so So she's got two in the windows archive that she took Awesome. Good. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did not know that but yeah, it's a little little photography.
ah trivia, I thought you might find interesting. And I'll send you the photo for WhatsApp later. I'm sure you'll send it to her like, yeah, I remember seeing that in high school. And it's one of those things when you see it, you're like, holy shit, I know this photo. I have this photo. You know, it's like one of the it's like one of those photos you look at, you know how you've seen those memes, like who says photos doesn't make a sound, but you see an old Windows photo like 3.0, Windows 98. And you remember hearing the that the sound is the computer booth yeah yeah and and and it's like i it's one of those things is like from from my understanding i read something online and it was somebody mentioned it on tiktok and then i found the article and read it it's the most seen photo in history
because it's seen every day by people that you know open up their computer and it's their stock background. But yeah, I just thought that was interesting. um Thanks for everybody watching. Thanks for everybody listening. um This has been Jeff's garage on the nonsensical network. You can go ahead and follow us. Like I said, our bio dot links less nonsensical network. The next episode, I'm going to try to do another one next Sunday. um Right now, my schedule is kind of all over the place. But but yeah, I Monday through Friday, we got shows every day of the week, including the newest episode in nonsense and chill, which we're going to be doing. We're going to record it.
Are we going to do that one live? This Friday coming up, it's going to be alive. We're going to do it live, yeah. It is, I am not telling with, well, i no, I did say with the movie. It's range 15. Yeah, it's range 15. And I've never seen it. And Jeff has never seen it. So it's going to be, ah so we ensure that there's no copyright issues. You will not hear or you will not see the video. the movie However, you will hear our discussion. You will definitely see Jeff's reaction. And I'm sure there's going to be some funny reactions on this movie. um the good and Like I said, it's it's so bad. It's so good.
I get it. Uh, I can't wait. And of course, uh, Monday, uh, stay tuned on Monday. Uh, men caring for men. They got a new episode coming out. I'm not sure, you know, much like this show, uh, they kind of come up with the idea of the show right before the show. Uh, and then they talk about it is men's caring for men, the men's mental health show, uh, Tuesdays, clicks house music where he's interviewing. I'm not sure who he's interviewing. Uh, he doesn't tell us.
He keeps it to himself But he's interviewing up and cutting artists and then Wednesday what the fuck news where we of course keep those very close to the chest We find weird news stories that make you say what the fuck? um Thursdays is cash this corner. I believe it's everywhere Thursday if I'm not mistaken and then Fridays we do a nonsense to chill or when uh you have guests you will be doing the uh whose argument is anyways and then Saturday of course then the yeah flagship show nonsensical nonsense where we open the door and you can come up and talk to us and then of course Sunday's I believe he does around noon is and unnecessary roughness where they talk foosball football. Sorry foosball
and its bos the devil it' the devil and uh so we will catch you next time on one of the shows and um i was gonna play an outro but apparently i got yelled at for it because i got to change it again but uh so till next time sorry facebook get out there and brand shots on bye end stream and it's the day