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Historical figures and Childhood dreams

S2 E86 · Mythic Giraffe Podcast
20 Plays10 months ago

Welcome back! This week, after the rigmarole (rain, working out, Arnold) Ron has a quiz on historical figures, and guess what Chris isn't great with?! Chris asks if we have achieved any of our childhood dreams.  As always. please leave a review, like the podcast, and subscribe on your platform of choice. Come join the Discord channel, and most importantly be good to one another!


Chris's Eventful Day

Welcome back to another episode of the mythic draft podcast. I'm Chris and I'm a drowned rat in the body of Ron. Oh, no. Did you go on a bike ride today? Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Sorry for you. Oh, so. Got a fork this morning. I'm on a 48. So I'm like, oh, I'm not going to have a great. I have to get a lot of stuff done in the next two days. Yeah.
You know, and I'm on my, I'm in my manic fitness mode, so I'm working out like crazy. Yeah. So I get home. I left work early, not early, but as an early for me, I usually hang around for 40 minutes, but they had a call right at 6 45 and I'm going home. So I got home early. So great. I'm on point. I'm going to get my stuff done.
sit down on my computer for three seconds. My brother's discording me. I'm like, okay. I'm like, what are you doing? He's like, oh, I took off work. I'm sick. You want to hang out? I'm like, all right, I can give you an hour worth of gaming. I thought you meant like come over and hang out. I was like, no, you're sick. Why would you go over there? No, no, no, no. So we play games for an hour. I'm like, okay, I could fit this in my schedule. Weird dude.
Weather's not bad. It stopped raining for finally. Yeah. About an hour later, I said, Oh, sorry. I got to cut you off, bud. I got to go work out, go to the gym, which is how maniac my brain is. Cause I have to work out and then go to the gym. So I go do my crazy workout. Okay. Your hundred burpees. It was my hundred. You know, I found out they're not, I'm not just doing burpees. I'm doing harder burpees. Oh yeah. That's good. Yeah. Cause I'm a moron.
but now I won't allow myself to stop. Oh yeah. Yeah. What? You've already done them this long. You can't go back. Yep. Yep. So get my burpees done. Feel like I'm going to die. Put my gym stuff on. Go out to my car. I'm still ahead of schedule. Still got everything done. I'm so everything's good.

Car Troubles in Bad Weather

Go to start my car. I won't start. Oh no. Huh? Wait, this is the car you drove home, right?
Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's weird. I mean, I just drove it home. Battery should be fully charged. It wasn't acting funny on the way home. So I was like, well, maybe something drain the battery. I'll put my charger on it. So I run the extinguisher. Like I run the such court out there, give a little charger, put it on the leads, mess around for, and the leads are a little dirty. So I was like, all right, I'll, you know, put the,
Lee cleaner on there and clean it all up. And I was like, Oh, okay. Well, let me let this sit for two seconds. I take one step away from my car. It starts hailing. Oh no. Yeah. Oh my God. All right. Well, as long as I get the star started in 20 minutes, I'll be fine. Let's sit for 20 minutes. Come back. Car doesn't start. Great.
Now I'm thinking, oh, the battery must be like dead, dead. Yeah. But it still wasn't acted right. Like it wasn't like, it didn't seem like a dead battery. It didn't click or anything. It didn't click or nothing. So I'm like, well, the only thing I can do is, I mean, this car is blocking my Jeep, so I can't like get in my Jeep and go to the gym.
You like drive through your yard. Can you do that? Because my jeeps up against the fence. Oh, so I like right. I'll take the battery out of the car and I'll walk it up to the little auto zone and they can test the battery for me. Yeah. It's like a half mile walk. OK. Not a big deal. It's not a big deal. Normally. So. Has it stopped hailing at this time? Oh.
Yes. At the moment that I was taking the battery out, it was only unlike Drizzle. Oh, okay. So I grabbed the battery out and I'm only in my stupid hey dudes because I was just stepping out to get my car. So I'm like, all right, I'll walk up to stupid auto zone. I get about 300 yards away from my house and heavens pour open.
So I walk the Western way. Nothing's more Charlie Brown than walking with a car battery in the freaking soaking rain. Oh, no. So I get all the way up to the auto zone. Now, mind you, I'm holding a car battery in my hand. Right. What do you think the guy behind the counter says to me?
Oh, it's raining out there. No, he says, what can I help you with? Oh my God. You should have chucked the battery at him. I happen to have this car battery. I don't know, sir. I found this in your parking lot. I was sitting there holding this thing and he's like, hold on a second. And he walks away and I'm still holding the battery. And I'm like, dude, I just want to have a mile of this battery. They're not heavy, but they're not light. What? They're cumbersome.
So he's finally, he's like, all right, put it up here. Okay. So if I put it up on the thing and he, I'm like, the battery's not that old. I mean, I can see the dates. It was made two years ago. I'm like, two years is not a good, that's not a good lifetime for a battery. By the way, it's one of their branded batteries. He's like, no, you can only get about two to four years. I'm like,
Hey, no, you should get like five plus. Right. You should get five plus with a battery, but you know, so he runs the battery and he's like, no, your battery is good. I'm like son of a bitch because that makes it worse. Yeah. Right. Well, this was the easy fix. The easy fixes. Oh, I just buy a new battery. You go in because it's all it, but at this point it stopped raining. It's all good. I will walk home in the dry.
I get about 300 yards away from the starts raining again. You have angered a God or devil. Somebody who's the God of raining on you and your shitty day. Oh my God. So, so get the battery back in the car, clean up the contacts, make sure everything's tight. You know, I mean, it's got juice. It's gotta be a good battery.
get the battery installed and go start the car. Still doesn't start. Then I'm messing with the steering wheel. That's what a starter wheel doesn't start. And then like I get in my head that it's not going to start. So I go to start it and it half starts. And then I'm like, Oh crap. And I've already missed it. This one, I just want to get it out of the driveway. Yeah. So I can move, take my Jeep. Well,
Get it started finally after messing with it for an hour and a half at this point. By the way, it was supposed to be done at the gym by 11. That was my whole plan for the day. Yeah. Cause this is my short day. I don't even have to be in the gym that long. Okay. The gala started moving out of the driveway. It was like the whole day shot. I gotta go eat dinner, eat lunch, eat lunch with my wife and looking at the car. What's wrong with the stupid car? Probably something wrong with the ignition cylinder.
Hmm, I guess where it's not catching the key correctly. Oh, sounds like. But that was my day. I mean, now I'm. Well, have you cracked open the whole steering column to look at this? I have not done that. That sounds. No, that doesn't sound like a good idea. Yeah. What's the worst that happens? Airbags are off. Yeah, that would sound like pretty bad. I mean, the point where I got hailed on was. Yeah, yeah, that's.
Yeah, it was the sad part of the day. God, that's fun. Anyway, I love electricity.

Gym Social Dynamics

I love a mess of electricity. Oh yeah. And especially in the rain. In the rain is the best time to do it. That was my day today. I did get to the gym finally. That's good. Yeah.
I had to deal with the awkward social cues of the gym, because we have that little, our gym has a little VIP area, I guess you call it. It's really not a VIP area. It's really meant, like if you just want to go, it's got like the intermodal transformable racks and stuff. Oh, okay. Which are cool. Yeah. Except that half the people who, when they put stuff on the racks, can't tell what's level.
Oh God. Two days ago and I put my squat bar on there and squat bars lean in and I'm like, who the hell put this here? It's clearly not level. What are you people doing? Maybe, maybe it was a hunchback. Maybe it was a hunchback. You know what? That's why you're a better person than me. You thought about somebody else's needs first. So I walk in there because I like going in there because I hate
the bench press at the regular part of the gym. It's got the bracket for the bench press for the bar. I've literally dropped the bar on myself three times. I stopped using that bar. I go to the other one because I like the bar better. Yeah, like the Smith Press.
No, it's not supposed to, but it's just that the brackets better. Okay. Just like it better. So anyways, I walk in there and I like set up my rack and in there and like, there's two women in there working out, whichever, whatever. I'm, I'm just doing my stretches and I like start doing my stretches and they all look at me once and then walk out and I'm like, Oh, am I the creepy guy? Or did I just, what did I do? That's not nice. I know.
It was literally like mid stretch. And they were like, that's creepy. Weird guys in here with sleeves. I'm like, oh, hey, it's been a day. I'm sorry, buddy. Yeah. But I got to the gym the other day and realized I left my earbuds at home. Oh, that's the worst. Oh, God, it was so bad. It's the second worst. Yeah. Yeah. The worst is when you have your earbuds.
but they're not charged. Oh yeah. That's just a tease. The worst was like two weeks ago, I had my earbuds charging cause I might have a little case where you plug the case in. Well, apparently the buds themselves don't charge while it's in the case on the charger. You know, I'm like, no, they charged overnight. Should be good. Okay. We'll put our earbuds in battery dead.
Yeah. Then you got to listen to the crappy music in the gym. Oh, no, I just listened to the fans blow. Oh, well, you're going to want to work. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just a very nice gym that you guys have there up their palace. Oh, you could come out there any time. I have a station gym. It's like it's like the homeless camp of the gym.
It's like the barbells are made out of like two concrete blocks tied together, but what, you know, it's like the old pyramid weights. Well, most of the machines in there are older than me. Yeah. Fair. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those are, you know, record specials, but they were dug out of a dumpster somewhere. You know where we got them from. When we started staffing station one,
They got them out of the old boxing gym for, what's that? The mainstream gym? Yeah, the mainstream gym of Bull Drive. Yeah. So that's how bad they were. They're like, these things are so old, we don't want them. So we'll give them to the fire department. I mean, they have, you know, like all of the little models for how to use the thing are in afros. Nice. Yeah. So let you know how old you are.
The treadmill is just like two spindles with burlap sacks stitched around them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You guys are like, well, it's been three weeks. We need a new gym. Get a new gym in here. Well, maybe the volunteers should buy a new gym for station one. First, they need to figure out how to keep it from smelling like that weird rubbery smell. And fix the electricity in the building that doesn't scare the crap out of me.
Yeah, I think they really just need to control or delete that building. The whole fire station or. Well, I think that yours is the only fire station. Yes, it just needs to be a half a mile or a mile up the road. Yeah. If it was. If it was up where the old mall is, it would be so perfect. Yeah. Yeah, that's a much better access point. Yeah. If we could knock down the old Rite Aid, move our station.
No, just move into the right aid. Yeah. I mean, whatever. I'll pack the engine in. No, no, no, no, no. That would be outside plugged in like we used to. Like the old days. It's going to be cold tonight, boys. Better go run the engines for an hour. Yeah. God. Yeah. I remember one night we like started them and then we fell asleep. Got a call like four o'clock in the morning. Thank God. So we shut them off.
Make sure you warm the engines up for the volunteers so they have those warm engines. I remember. Oh, my gosh. I remember they fussed at me one time. You guys should keep the get the doors open. So I had the bay door open. And when I saw the volunteer who complained, I smiled and closed the door in his face. Nice. Yes. My last interaction with them before they left was. Where are you been with my engine? I said.
It's weird, it says City of Salisbury on the side. It doesn't say dick bags engine. It says City of Salisbury on the side. Weird. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's another advantage of being at station one. Yeah. Yeah. What are you talking about? There are no volunteers in the City of Salisbury. In kind of my one hand, that's for sure. Yeah.
How did your bod pod experience go? Was it awkward walking across the, you know, parking lot nude? You were supposed to wear clothes. No, it said as skin tight as possible. So I went, no, no, I'm kidding. I had like a tight workout shirt and gym shorts on. Yeah, it was odd. It was definitely an odd experience. Yeah.
Um, I'm not going to say that she was talking about you, but the person running the study definitely made front of the people who went the same day as I did. Nice. Okay. Because I got in there and she said, Oh, you have hair. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause when I, yeah, she's like, Hey, you gotta put a swim cap on. I was like, I do? Oh yeah. That's right. You're bald. Nevermind.
Yeah, she was like, you're the first one. I just put the sweep cap on today. Yeah, yep, yep, yep. Because it was an A-shifter after me. Yep. Ah, yeah. It went back 10 minutes. Yeah, it wasn't even that. I mean, the test is out there. No, I'm talking like walking up and walking back. Yeah, yeah, the test itself was like three minutes. It was both encouraging and discouraging to me. Oh, yeah, absolutely.
My visceral spat was actually really low. Yeah. It was my lean fat, which I guess is the bacon of my body. The bacon. Is what I need to get down. Yeah. My bone density was good, so I don't have the osteoporosis. Mine too. My bone density was good. My lean muscle was good. Yeah. It was just the lean fat. Yeah. Needs to be lowered.

Fitness Metrics and Challenges

Leaner. Needs to be leaner. Yeah.
We're taking drastic measures. One of these drastic measures. That's going to stop eating. That's not the way to do it. You can live off protein powder and try to menstruate. No, no, no, no, no. I think that's how you go into like, you know, ketoacidosis and stuff. It's keto. Keto is good. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yep. Yeah. Yeah.
You'd be like the girls who drink a bottle of hot sauce with every meal, so everything comes out really quickly. You could do that. Yeah. That doesn't sound fun. No. I actually read an interesting study about kombucha, and it actually might be actually metabolically useful for losing weight. Really? Might be.
That's the problem with all of weight loss studies. It's might be. Might be. Yeah. Is the best thing to say. I just do the Jack LaLanne just juice. Uh, yeah, I don't like juices. They're full of sugar. No, I would say if you make your own juice. Well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and I found out last week that if you're having trouble sleeping, six ounces of cherry juice can help you sleep. Huh? Yeah.
Evidently, cherry juice is like a new, like super thing. I don't like changes. Yeah. Yeah, I don't like cherries. I don't like artificial cherry flavor. I'll eat a cherry. So I'll eat it. I don't have problems sleeping. I don't either. Very rarely. Yeah.
Very rarely. It's usually because I have to go to work next morning. Yeah. That is the worst part of my job. And this is a weird way to say this is the night before and I have to get ready for shift. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's a totally you have to start setting your mindset the night before. Yeah, but it's weird because like when I'm on shift, it doesn't bother me. It's just the night before. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Because if you're like me, my mind would start racing. I think about all the things that might happen. And then I lay there. I'm like, well, I got to fall asleep now, so I'll get six hours of sleep. That's the worst part of it. Yeah. If I fall asleep now, I'll get six and a half hours of sleep 20 minutes later. Well, if I fall asleep now, I'll get six hours and 10 minutes of sleep. Yep.
Or then it's like, cause I wake up three. It's not like having, I don't like being rushed. Yeah. So I wake up at three. The other day I woke up at two 30 and I was like, well, I'm not going to go back to sleep. So I got up at two 30 in the morning and burpees. That doesn't sound fun. They're never fun. What did you do? Did you take an ice cold shower after that? Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. You have to. The burpees make you want to die. Yeah.
Yeah. Are you doing those confusion showers? Like you start and it's warm and then at the end you do your like blast of cold. No, I don't do that. Yeah. I read another study to win that that apparently cold plunging doesn't actually do anything for you. Makes you uncomfortable. It just makes you uncomfortable. Yeah. It doesn't have any actual effect on muscle recovery. Yeah. I know people that do it just like as part of their daily routine, not.
after looking out or anything. Yeah, no, I don't like cold showers. No. I like being snugly warm in a shower. Yeah, you make fun of our gym at headquarters, but showers suck. It's got no water pressure.

Firehouse Realities and Misconceptions

Oh, that is the best part about station one. We have great water pressure. Yeah, there was nothing. The other day I was like, I don't even know if the soap is off me. And
Now that they got the water heater adjusted, it doesn't burn your skin off at a temperature that's good. That's good. You know, molten metal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because that was the fun thing at station one. Oh, you can either get scald burns or freeze. The worst part of station one, and I've been there a long time now. I've probably been there of anybody who's working there now, the longest, I would say, in my career. Yeah, probably.
The horse participation one is that I would like constantly I've been doing this I've worked in this building for 20 years. I would constantly go to wash dishes Because she turned on hot water and then I would immediately go. Oh my god. I've burned my hands I need to go to the burn center. Yeah for 20 years. I did that. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, you would think that you would think like one time I'd like oh wait, it's gonna be really hot like ridiculously hot Yeah, or like we would put a sign up
Yeah. Or we could have just fixed the problem. Yeah. Yeah. That would have been the better answer. Having a professional tinker with it instead of, I think this will do it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That would have been the better answer. Yeah. Yeah. Oh man. Good old world. Yeah. I really, I always like,
So I don't really listen to a lot of podcasts by firefighters, but I always like wonder, do people think our lives are that exciting? Oh, yeah, they do. Because this is really what it's because of the TV shows. Yeah, it really is. Yeah. But it's not that exciting in the firehouse. If you go to the city of Salisbury's Instagram page, you can see a day in the life of the EMS supervisor. Oh, yeah, I got suckered into that. But you're not the EMS supervisor.
You're the MMS supervisor supervisor. Yeah. So you're the grand supervisor. Yeah. Day in the life of the MMS chief for the city of Salisbury. There you go. It was called. Yeah. Yeah. So weird to have somebody following me around like creepily as I walk down the hallway. As long as they don't do that, it's station one with me. You had to sign up for it. Oh, good. Yeah. Good. So.
Yeah. A day in the life of a lieutenant in the Salisbury fire department. This guy's really angry. Yeah. About seven o'clock, he takes his socks off for no good reason. No, there's a good reason. There is a good reason. Yeah. I'm barefoot in my office quite often. The older I get, the less I like wearing socks. Well, I will say I usually keep my socks on. Unless it's summertime.
I don't know, like I don't wear socks in my personal life ever. I'm sitting here in jeans, socks and shoes. Oh God, no shorts and t-shirt. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. That's if you're lucky, folks. That's okay. Yeah. I could be winning the boo in it. I like that that's the way you go. Not just shorts, just the shirt.

Historical Figures Discussion

I'm ashamed of my top half.
The bottom half is all perfection. Do a lot of squats, bud. Let's show it off. Yeah. Well, on that note, time for topic one. Yeah, topic one. I was listening to a different podcast and they were talking about historical figures and
It did dawn on me. How many historical figures do you know? Ooh. So if I threw out some names and I'm going to pick people from the last 300 years. Yeah. To help you out. Oh, I thought you meant like new personally. I was like, Oh, not personally. You knew it's a pop quiz. Hotshot. Okay. So start easy. Oh God. Benjamin Franklin. Yeah. He,
was invented electricity. For all the things you could have said. I know. That's why I say these things. All the things you could have said. Why the American bird to be the turkey and bifocals, all kinds of things. What was he never? President. Thank you. Yeah.
People think he was president? Oh my God. Many people think he was president. What is wrong with people? Many, many, many, many people. Good old Ben. Okay. Next one. George Mead. George Mead. Well, he discovered how honey could be fermented into an alcoholic drink. Definitely not. George Mead. George Mead.
I want to say he has something to do with a dam. There is not a dam named after him. There are things named after him. Yeah. One of them's in Maryland. I'm going to say the state he's most associated with. Pennsylvania. Oh, God. Right. He was a Mason. He invented the keystone.
I can't dispute that because I don't know for sure. Not what he's known for. Was he a general? He was. Fort Meade. Fort Meade? Yeah. General in World War One? No. No. Revolutionary? Nope. 1812? Definitely not.
If I getting further away. You're getting closer and then further and then closer. Closer than further than closer. Wait, so World War Two? Get further away. What's the large battle? The Civil War. Thank you. OK. I feel like that went 1812.
I mean, I'm glad you knew what the 1812 battle war was. Yeah. George Meade was the commander of the union forces during the battle of Gettysburg. Oh, okay. And then went on to leave the army epidemic for the rest of the war. Susan B. Anthony. Oh, she's got a coin. She does have a coin. Yeah. God. She was big with women's suffrage. Yes. Yes. Your wife or daughter there.
Now my wife is in the other room, but yeah. Please don't get this one wrong. John Adams, John Adams, well, he worked in supply from that's fair to. John Quincy Adams. Well, that's that's his son. Yeah.
Don't say Mr. Old Man is Radham's. Sam's boy. No. Sam's cousin. He was a president. He was a president. Yeah. Was. Which president? Fourth. No. Fifth. Further.
Eighth. Second. Second. Oh, I thought you told me to go further. No, no. Wait. Second. Present. Oh, John Quincy was further on. Right. Because he was sixth. OK. See, I knew one of them was close around there to the fives. He was one of the original. He was a signer of the Declaration. Yes. That is correct. Yeah. Love it. Yeah. I don't know what else.
John Boy did. John Boy, some would say he's the architect of the Declaration of Independence. OK. Also, the first vice president of the United States defended the British troops during the Boston Massacre in court. Golly day. That's a brave stand. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ethically, probably the most ethical president we have until after this whole war.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I can't do that. Because first, George Washington, like a giant idiot. Oh, man, Washington's tough. Was he like a giant redheaded like mongo? Kind of. Yeah. He was really bad at math. That's terrifying. That is as the British like that's raining. There's this body of water. We're fine.
There he is on the front of the boat. I'm an Adam. Yeah. Yeah. Oh God. We're going to go more recent. Okay.

Presidential Insights: LBJ

Lyndon B. Johnson. Lyndon B. Johnson. He was JFK's vice. Yes. Yep. Took over after JFK was his most important thing he ever did. Well, there's two really, one really good thing he did and one really bad thing he did.
Well, he asked Forrest Gump to see his butt. That is correct. Yeah. Not one of the things he really did. What's got to be something with the Cold War? Sort of her. Yeah. Or was it or was he with Bay of Pigs? No, that's JFK. That was JFK. Yeah. Yeah. Technically, I've never been.
Did he cut off Castro all the way? No. There's a little war that runs from Lyndon Johnson's administration until Nixon's. Oh, he started that? Kind of, yeah. Pretty much lied to the American people who caused the Vietnam War. Yeah. God, I didn't realize he started Vietnam. On the good side, he signed the Civil Rights Act.
Yeah, that's good. So it's, you know, mix back. You know, mix back, mix back. Blackjack Pershing. Blackjack Pershing. Just celebrated the 100 year anniversary of his accomplishments. So it was in 1923, 24. It was 1918, 1919, 1917. Blackjack Pershing.
Oh, he discovered the Persian rug. I mean, I love the joke answers. They're great. Um. Yeah. Riverboat gambler. No, he's he's named after the worst version of the blackjack. Do you know what a blackjack is? Isn't it?
The like, uh, baton. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Like Billy kind of thing. Yeah. Billy Club kind of thing that cops used to be people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what he's named after. Oh, yeah.

Military Leadership Legacy

So was he a cop? He was not. Oh, I don't know. He's the American general who leads the US, the American Expeditionary Force in World War One. Oh.
Yeah. He's one of three generals. Yes, three generals that are the highest ranking generals in the U.S. Army. Oh, wow. Even to this day. By act of Congress. Nope. No general can be higher ranking than Blackjack Pershing. Could you name the other two eyes an hour? Nope. Oh, you're saying custard.
Please. Um. Yeah, it's like Jack Pershing. You already named one today. Big redheaded mongo. Oh, George Washington. Yeah. Really, huh? Uh, golly day. Um, oh, God. Pad. No. Really? Definitely not.
Then I don't know. Grant. Oh, that makes sense. Grant, Washington, and Blackjack are the only commanders of the army. Okay. Generals in chief. So technically six star generals. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Fun facts. Yeah. This is what I do with my spare time folks. Look, I'm, I'm learning. That's, that's fair. Okay. So you know, Patton and you know Eisenhower. Do you know who Bradley is?
Bradley. He has something to do with tanks. Kind of. Kind of. There's a tank named after him. Yeah. Yeah. He wasn't the one after the Desert Fox. That was Patton. Yes. Right. Yeah. Bradley.
Oh, delightful young man has a twin, works on B shift. Does he have a twin? Yeah, I did not know that. Yeah, yeah. He was like, you guys should never know if my twin showed up for me. They were really screwing me up. Yeah. Now, which Bradley are you talking about? Are you talking about fever? Are you talking about goofy? Are you talking about who? What?
These are all Bradleys from Sharp Town. Oh, God. Beaver Bradley? Yes. Yeah, they were brothers, Beaver Boo and Goofy. Folks, we've mentioned it before, but no one has lived a Tom Sawyer life before except this man. Look, man, with a population of 672. There's more people on my street.
Which are your misery Bradley is the commander of the 12th Army Group in World War two. Okay, he's Patton's boss He's Omar Bradley because of Oh, oh my Bradley. Okay, that was Good old Omar Bradley Omar. That's not a name you hear much Omar You don't especially not on a white dude from yeah. Yeah, Kansas I think he was from really he's from the Missouri or Kansas like Midwest
Yeah, Midwesterner named Omar. Yeah, good for him. Good for him. Yeah, Stephanie, his parents were forward thinking. Probably the other way around or. Yeah. Or the child was that ugly. His mother's name was Margaret and the father was like, Oh, Mar. Yeah. Before you can say that's his name. All right. I love it.
Yeah, I love it. It's my favorite. You said so far is Omar. That's got me pretty good. I try. Oh, God, what was the other one's name? Oh, I just had one and I just lost it. Oh, no. Oh, Lou Ferrigno.
Lou Fredo. Who's Lou Fredo? He was the Hulk. He's the Hulk, but why is he famous? He was a deaf bodybuilder. He was a bodybuilder. Where did you see him first? Oh, where was Lou first? Yeah. Famously. Was he on Love Boat? No. No. You've probably even never seen the movie. What was the movie?
pumping iron. Oh my God, he is in that. He is in pumping iron. He is the one that Arnold is competing against. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. He's one of the ones Arnold's. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Lou. Old Lou. Seems like a very nice man. Seems like a
A dream of a person. Yeah. But I'm also going to say this and this is a site agent. I think every bodybuilder that I've listened to talk. Is the nicest person I've ever listened to. Yeah. Weirdly. It's because they get all the rage out in the working out. Do you think that's it? Yeah, I think it's because they work out so much that their testosterone level has dropped. So they're not angry. It's destroyed.
Yeah, but everybody better if you listen to them. Oh, yeah. Arnold and Lou and even some of the new guys like they are some of the most inclusive people in the world. Well, yeah. What's the guy that plays Reacher Alan Richardson or whatever? Oh, Alan Richardson. Yeah. Yeah. He's just yeah. Just seems like a nice guy. Larry Wheels looks like like the happiest dude you've ever seen. Yeah. You know, there's something about that.
that mindset that like they seem like and they could be terrible people that I don't know. You know, we don't know who knows. But they seem to be genuinely inclusive and yeah, all for everybody. I mean, yeah, when Arnold went off on people who are tech and special, I was like, oh, yeah, you get them. Yeah, but you don't piss the Terminator off. You don't piss the Terminator. Why would you piss the Terminator off? He's the Terminator.
Yeah, but every time they're and they're so motivational and they're, you know, yeah, you see them. You rarely ever hear bad interactions of the public with any bodybuilders. Yeah, which seems weird. Yeah, it does. Yeah. You know, it's, you know, as someone who looks for inspiration in those kinds of people, I find of those there, they are the
probably the best athletes to just listen to. Yeah. Yeah, I'll give you that. Arnold will tell you that just get out there and train, live your best life. Be kind. Be kind.

Bodybuilders vs Celebrities

I always find them fascinating that they seemingly are because
Other celebrities do not come off the same way. No. Other athletes do not come off. No, no, no, no. Some do. But yeah, I think that's a problem. Those few need to be the most vocal. Yeah, but it seems sport-wide. Oh, yeah.
And maybe it's, first off, it's not a sport technically. Sorry, Arnold. But by the strictest definition, it is not a sport. Yeah. It's a competition. It's a competition. But maybe it's something in how they train. Yeah. They've got to be disciplined people because
You know, it's not motivation that makes you work out. It's discipline. Yeah, it's discipline. It's just, it's, you can be motivated to start, but you're disciplined to continue. But just, it's something of like, they go into a gym, they deal with whoever, like they interact with whoever's in the gym. And I'm going to tell you, people of the world, the internet, no one in the gym cares what you're doing.
unless you're being a dickhead who only cares about yourself. Yeah. Like if you're a person who's in there tiktoking yourself and getting pissed off because people are annoyed at you. Yeah. Because you're the asshole. Right. Not the other way around. Yeah. The gym is for working out, not for tiktoking. It's not that I'm not even against you, Tiktoking. Just don't take up the big space and. Right. Don't get frustrated when people walk through. Right. Don't act like this is your space. Right. There are two people I hate in the gym.
those TikTokers and people who don't understand that there are multiple people waiting to use that piece of equipment. Oh yeah. Like don't put your water bottle down here and then go work off on another machine for 30 minutes. And then they're like, I can't believe you got it. And you jumped on my set. That's not how this goes, bud. You want that? Have a private gym. Yeah. Have a friend and you guys swap back and forth.
Do that too. I don't tend to do that though. With my friends and I, we tend to, when we work out, we do one machine, we'll trade off sets, and then we move to the next machine. Because I don't want to be, I don't want to take up two machines. Even though it's probably less time. I don't know. I just work out alone. I don't like working out with somebody else. Oh, it's, uh, I like both.
I mean, I've done I've worked out. I mean, you know, I used to work out with Andre all the time, but. Hey, you're a powerhouse guy. What was that? Yeah, it's firehouse. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's I think they're different workouts. Yeah. My problem is I get too intimidated. I let my ego take over and I'm like, Oh, I need to do this and that I can't do that. So I shouldn't work out anymore. Let me go eat ice cream. Oh, I get the other way.
Like I get impressed by people and I'm like, I want to be able to do that. And if I'm working out with my buddy, I tend to push myself further. Yeah, that is typically something with working out with somebody else. Yeah. You know, I've started writing everything down, so now I've got to look at it and that's. Yeah, I've been writing things out again and. It makes me so bad, like.
Yeah. My problem is I compare myself to 20 years ago. That is my biggest problem. We're completely derailing my topic and that's great because I like this topic now. That is my biggest problem is I am competing with 20 year old Ron and not 44 year old Ron. I look at my bench press now and I'm like, you are a terrible person.
That bench press is bad. I don't bench press much. Well, I didn't much until the Salisbury Fire Department made me bench press. Maybe sign up for this stupid assessment thing. You said you got to bench press more. Yeah, my bench press is bad.
And then I have to remind myself I'm 44. I'm recovering from I'm still recovering from an injury. I have to remind myself I'm not competing with 20 year old Ron. That's like my overhead press got my shoulder. I can I'm like one of these days is just going to pop. I just don't do a press. I need it, though. Do you? I don't know. Maybe I should just do like lateral and front raises. Yeah, like I do side raises a lot.
You just, yeah. I could do lateral raises a lot now and I'll do the, I'll do regular lateral raises where, I don't know what I, maybe I'm wrong. I, that's, this is, I'm going to share the most frustrating thing in the world. You learned exercises 20 years ago and you still call them that and other people don't call them that. Yeah. So like when I say lateral raises, I've got the dumbbells in front of me sitting basically on my pec, my pelvis.
Okay. And I raise them out as far as I can on my sides, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's a lateral raise. That's a lateral raise thing. Yeah.

Exercise Terminology Frustrations

And then a front raise would be straight arm. Straight arm forward, right? Yeah. Yeah. So what I started doing with lateral raises to make myself feel better about my bad shoulders is I sit down and I actually stick my legs out further. Like I sit on the edge of a bench and I put the dumbbells behind my knees.
and raise out. Yeah, that's good. It's a better, it feels like a better workout, but you can't do as much weight. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That's the hardest load up on shoulders are stupid. Yeah.
That's the hardest part for me now. Yeah. Is looking back going, oh, I used to do over the press and. Oh, yeah. Shoulder shrugs. I mean, I used to shoulder shrug like 120 pound, you know, easy. And I can remember doing Arnold presses and a certain now deputy chief was supposed to be spotting me was not. And I cracked myself in the nugget. Yeah, that'll happen to. Yeah. But see, you say our process. I think of our presses as something different than you think, I think.
So our press to me is you're seated down. Yep. And you hammer curl up and then you overhead press. Yes. Okay. How would you whack yourself in the nugget? So I hammer curled. When I overhead pressed, my left shoulder gave out and it came straight down.
Yeah. I like doing Arnold's. That's actually one of my favorite exercises. Well, I don't anymore because Becca is living my world for me. I don't have time for Arnold. My kids were like, do you want to go work out with Uncle Todd? I'm like, I do not want to work out with my brother because he is on a different level. Those people are annoying.
He is just what he describes to the, you know, the Arnold, you know, workout hard and everything like that. And yeah, I get my, I get my three days a weekend. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I feel like I'm in the middle of that. I work out hard, but I don't like go crazy.
Remember, hold your breath when you work out. Always hold your breath. Never breathe. Yeah. Yeah. Don't breathe. Breathing. If you breathe, then you do it wrong. I've done a lot. I've gotten to just do a lot of balance because I'm getting older. Yeah. And a lot of rope work. So I do a lot of endurance rope work because I don't really care about big muscles. I'm married. I don't need to show guns anymore. Oh, yeah. No, no, no. No, I just want to be.
Yeah, yeah, I. I tell my buddy all the time, the thing that worries me the most is being a hunchback old dude who can't go up the stairs. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's what I have to remind myself is I am working out to maintain. I'm not trying to bulk up or anything like that. Maintain, get rid of a little bit more of this around the midsection. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I would like to be.
more flexible and have some strength mobility. It's more about mobility to me for anything else. Oh, yeah. You know, that's it. Yeah, you don't want to be that guy. It's like, I can't reach my shoe. Yes. You got to have the little like angle thing to poke into your shoe to get it on. Definitely don't want that. Yeah. The shoe horn that's like three feet long.
Don't want that. I want, I want to be able to bend down and tie my shoes. Yeah. For a long time. Yeah. Yeah. But I also just want people to feel good about going to the gym. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. I want people to, the one thing I want people to feel like in the gym is that you can come up and ask anybody anything. Yeah. Cause you can. Yeah. And you know what, whatever you're doing, great.
Yeah, do it safely. Just make sure that, you know, but if, you know, if you can only curl 15 pounds, 10, great. Who cares? Yeah. No, you are curling more than the person sitting at home on their couch. Mm hmm. A hundred percent of the time. You know, if it's, you know, if it's only go out for a walk. Yeah. If you do nothing more than go out for a 45 minute walk. Yeah. Studies have shown that it's probably the best cardio you can do. Walking is great.
Yep. It's low impact. It does everything you want to do in life. Just go out and walk for 45 minutes. Yeah. And that's not that hard. No. If it is that hard, build up to it. Yeah. Yeah. Nobody. Yeah. Yeah. That's the thing. Yeah. Don't think that it's yeah. Oh, I'm going to work out and the first day I'm going to be Arnold Schwarzenegger. You're not right. Arnold wasn't Arnold on the first day. I mean,
Yeah. No, he was a scrawny little Austrian. He's not even that scrawny even when he's in the army. He was so big. Like in high school. Well, if you look at his pictures, he's like 17. He was a tanker in the Austrian army as part of his military service. He was too big to get in the tank. He was kind of a genetic monster. You know, he works very hard. Yeah. But the dude's a genetic monster.
Yeah. He's even when he's scrawny, he's not scrawny. Yeah. But he still works very hard and he would tell you, yeah, just work hard. That's all he wants out of you. Yeah. All I want is a paramedic for you is to worry about your health. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Take that 45 minutes, two, three times a week.
I see so many patients who could just benefit from physical rehab and I think would fix a lot of their problems. Yeah. Yeah. And I get it. Like you get in the mindset of it's too late, but it's never too late. No. Well, when you see me for the last time, it's too late. Yeah. Yeah. When you're, yeah. Well, that topic went places. That's it. Yeah. Yeah.
This is because I talked about George Washington being a giant mongo. You did. You did. You did. Oh, well, the topic to. Sure. It's kind of a little bit on the lines of that, but like. Do you have you imagined any of your childhood dreams? Probably not. Really?
I don't think so. Oh, well, there's got to be one. Like how talk like as a child, you're like, you know, one day I'll have a Jeep or, you know. Oh, I did want to have a Jeep. Yeah. When I was like 14 years old, 15 years old, I wanted a Jeep. Yeah. I do have a Jeep. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there are some that I don't think anybody, you know, well, there's somebody out there, I'm sure, but like,
As your dumb kid, you're like, you know, Oh, I'm going to have a Ferrari and a mansion. And I wanted a Porsche, not 11. Yeah. Yeah. Like when I was a, I can, I can tell you from the age of like six until distressing Lee old. I wanted a Porsche. I remember getting
a micro machine Porsche 911 Turbo. And I was obsessed with Porsches forever. And it was only a 911. It wasn't a spider. It wasn't anything. It had to be a 911. And I don't think I'm ever going to realize that. You never know. That could be your retirement vehicle. My retirement vehicle is a bike.
I'm very serious about that. I will very rarely drive once I do my half due for work. Except for the winter. Yeah. And Porsches are great in the snow. Yeah. No, they're totally impractical vehicles. They have no...
Like, but I just, I loved that card, car so much that when I was a kid, I had posters of Porsche 911s, every micro machine, matchbox 911. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not going to happen. Yeah. Cause even if I had, if you gave him the money tomorrow, I wouldn't buy one.
You'd spend it all on your new AC unit. I would spend it all on my stupid AC unit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, I would. Yeah, I just. But that was my I could tell you that you have brought up now. I feel sadness in my heart because I'm sorry. No, I just put that. Yeah, that was like when you think about childish dreams, that was definitely one of mine. Yeah. Yeah. Like I was going to be a paleontologist. I was always going to be a lawyer. Oh.
Yeah, not a lot of kids think about being a lawyer. Yeah, I had high aspirations of being a lawyer. I think I still would be a good lawyer. Yeah, yeah. I'm a pretty argumentative person. But you know, are you argue the right way? Yes, I'm argumentative. I'm not. Yeah, I'm just not yelling at people. Yeah. You know, you know what killed you, a lawyer for me, though?
Working for no working for a lawyer. So the moment for you work for your lawyer, like, oh, this is not what you imagined. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My kids the other day, I can't remember what it was. We saw somebody or something. They're like, can you imagine how? Dad, would you wear a suit and tie every day to work? You know, can you imagine that? I was like, no, that sounds horrible. It does sound sounds horrendous. Yeah.
Yeah. Did you want to be a paleontologist because of Jurassic Park? No, it was before Jurassic Park. You know, every kid goes through that dinosaur phase. Absolutely. I never got out of it. Well, it's I mean, it's a good it's an awesome phase. What's your favorite dinosaur? Favorite dinosaur. Yeah. I've always liked the baryonyx. OK, I'm going to go with the Googles. It's like.
You know, like a Spinosaur's head kind of looks like flattened, almost crocodile like. OK. Yeah. Baryonyx was like, they were like 12 to 15 feet, I want to say long. Oh, and they almost look quadrupedal. Looks like a gunkin. And yeah. And they had like sickle thumbs and they were. Suppose it like a almost amphibious like like an alligator or something is, you know, in the water and on land.
So, yeah. Doesn't it bother you that everything you know about dinosaurs is made up and bullshit? It's not. Isn't it? No, it's all true. All these idiots are saying, oh, feathers. No, kiss my ass. But I'm not even like. I don't want to get into the feather argument, but everything we know about dinosaurs is basically
Us guess. Well, yeah, it's all conjecture. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there was a part of me in college who was like, I should be an archaeologist. And then I was like, wait a second. These guys just make shit up. Yeah. You're just making shit up. You're like, why? This ring here is definitely a ceremonial ring. Oh, it's just been like, you know, Bob's smoke ring. You don't know exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Very onyx, huh? Yeah. But if you're going to be an archaeologist, you'd have to be a cool one like indie.
Right. You want to dream about being an archaeologist, go take an archaeology class and go, oh wait, this is boring too. The first baryonyx was discovered in 1983 in Smoky Jack, Smokjack Claypit of Surrey, England.
Yeah, much more recent. Oh, it's a fish eating dino. Mm hmm. The crocs now the dino. Yeah. Yeah, I guess some pictures somewhere like drawn not. Like dinosaurs freak with your mind, right? Yeah. It's like we are closer to.
Like we're closer to T-Rex than T-Rex is to Stegosaurus, is that right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you say that. Yeah, yeah, because T-Rex was way at the end. Stegosaurus was like about a third of the way in. Because Stegosaurus was like late Triassic, early Jurassic.
And then, yeah, T-Rex was late, mid to late Cretaceous. Which is like millions of years difference. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hundreds of millions of years. Yeah. It's it's crazy. Amazing. Yeah. But what is really time, though? Oh, time is an imaginary thing.
It's true. God. I've been down that rabbit hole recently. Oh, God. Yeah. Don't go down the rabbit hole. I remember I went down that rabbit hole one time and it's broken. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So what dreams have you realized as a child now? I always wanted a two story house. You wanted a two story house. Yep. I grew up in a one story rancher. Me too. Yeah. And I wanted a two story house.
And you have one. Yeah. You have a lovely house. Yeah. Yeah. With an inferior dishwasher. And soon to be janky cabinets. Yeah. Yeah. That was one of those weird ones. Pulled that one off. Yeah. Yeah. When I was a kid as a kid, you don't write those things down. So it's,
No. Other than the touchstones. They, I will say they inform your life because I grew up in a one story rancher that only had one bathroom. And when I and my father had a digestional issues, let's just say. So when I was looking for my house, when I bought my house, I said, I don't care what it is, but it must have more than one bathroom.
Well, sir, we have this one. It has a kitchen slash bedroom and 17 bathrooms. I was in. Yeah, there were a few houses that I looked at and I was specific to the realtor. Like I have been very clear with you that I want to buy a house that has one bathroom. Well, this is a beautiful house for the price. I don't care what. I don't think you're listening to me. You're not listening to me. It has to have two bathrooms. Yeah.
Don't compromise on that dream, kids. Yeah. Have two bathrooms in your life. Yes. Yeah. God, shopping for houses is horrible. Oh, it's terrible. And some of the ones you look you look at, it's like, what were people thinking? Like, I can remember looking at one and like the entire bathroom walls, everything was carpeted. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's like, what? What? No, no. My best friend growing up, his kitchen had carpet. What?
Yeah, that's a big, like, old school Italian thing. Gosh. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Kitchen carpet. Mm. Grossest carpet in the world. Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying to think what other dreams I had as a kid. I wanted to be a lawyer. Yeah. I wanted to have a Porsche 911. Mm-mm-mm. Mm. Yeah, I can't really- Never want to be a firefighter.
Yeah, no, I never really thought about that. Yeah. And then when I got in the fire department, I said, I will not be an officer. I will not be a driver and I will not be a paramedic. Yeah. And you became every single one of them. Yeah. I appreciate everything I hate. God. Being a chauffeur is the best job in the world. It's the greatest job in the world. It is the best job in the world.
I mean, the fire department is the best job in the world, but in that subs, the subset in that the chauffeur is the best job in the world. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You set the tempo for everything. You're you're in control. The officer thinks they're in control now. It's the show. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because I tell you this officer can't stop that thing. Can't drive that thing. Right. Yeah. They're in your hands at that point. Yeah. Yeah.
getting them, you know, everybody from A to B the correct way. You're supplying water. You're setting things up. Yeah. Yeah. And if you're the first on scene and you jack that up, you have ruined the scene. Yeah, you have. You do all the time. I always liked being a chauffeur because
Like you really couldn't be bothered. Oh, yeah. Like if your boss was pissing you off, you're like, I'm going to go check the engine. I'll be back in six hours. Yeah. And they can't say anything. What are they going to say to you? There's literally nothing. Oh, he's checking the engine too efficiently. Yeah. Yep. Or like when you had, you know, the shift would go out and grab ice cream or something. You get a call and everybody's like, damn it. They throw their ice cream down. You could eat your ice cream.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's fair. And you never drove more than one hand. Oh, yeah. Ever. Oh, yeah. The other hand, just in case you had to shift, not that any of us was ever going to downshift. No, but that hand was ready. Your hand was ready. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is is and will always be the greatest job. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, boys, you look hot and sweaty after that.
Yeah. Oh man. It looks really cold out there guys. Yeah. I'll be in here where it's nice and warm. Yeah. Remember we had the fire in the middle of the winter on Richmond Avenue.
It was three o'clock in the morning, four degrees outside, and they all wanted to play fire Marshall bill. Oh, good for burn pattern. I said, I'm going to be in the engine. Yep. And I'm sitting in the engine. It's nice and warm. Yeah. The fire's out. We'll be very clear. The fire is out. We're no longer in emergency phase of the fire department. Yeah. What? So I fell right asleep in the steering wheel. Yeah.
It was great. Yeah. Oh, it's raining out, guys. Oh, it's terrible out there. Yeah. Oh, well, you'd be like a certain chief. Crack the window. Yeah. Out there. Yeah, it's crazy how that affects you, though, because now as an officer, I refuse to not get out because of how much that pissed me off when I was the firefighter. Yeah. Yeah.
I don't care. I'll get up there and go wet. I'll stay out here longer than everybody else. I don't care. As you proved with your battery. Yeah. Yeah. Stupid battery. Well, those bastards. There's a dad out here trying to teach his two daughters how to ride bikes and it's delightful. Sounds like a terrible person.
But yeah, being a driver. Yeah. God. I'm struggling now to sell the fire department to people. You sell it by being the chauffeur? Well, but even just like the career of being in the fire department, because
It's tough, right? Like we were the 9-11 generation. Yeah. Like when 9-11 happened, it was I know what I'm going to be. Right. I'd already been a volunteer. Right. Yeah. This is this is now I know what I'm going to do for my career. Yeah. They don't have that now. No. Well, I think it's because the fire department, like many other things, is having to adapt and grow. And it's I hate to say it, but I think it's
It's the guys and gals younger than us that need to sell it because it's their fire department. It's different than what we started in. Oh, I tell them all the time. I say, you know, I'm a dinosaur. Yeah. I'm a baryonyx, guys. Hey. You know.

Firefighter Experience and Legacy

Not a commsognathus? No, definitely the fish eating dinosaur. Diplodocus?
But I'm a dinosaur, right? No matter what I do or say, I could be as involved in training and keep up on my skills as much as I can.
And you do, but I do as much as I can, but I'm still a dinosaur, you know, because at the end of the day, I've got 20 years on the job. I can see the lighting of the tunnel. Yeah. I'm here to help you guys realize your dreams in the fire, but it's your fire department. You know, I've been blessed to be in the position I want to be in, but my job is to make it so that they're ready for their time. Yeah. Yeah.
That's how I look at it. We're the shade trees for them to grow. Yeah. I think there's something beautiful there. I think that's where a lot of officers fail is, oh, this is my time to be an officer. Sorry, but your time was 10 years ago when you were a firefighter.
You know, that's the, that's the worst thing I hear from chief officers. Like, what's my shift? No, that's a guys and gals shift. It's not, it's not your shift. Yeah. It's not our fire department. It's, it's, it's their fire department. It's their fire department. It's the community's fire department. Yeah. But, but like a, you know, and the chief and even lieutenant and a captain, you know, I can say and do whatever, but you guys are out on the calls. Yeah.
Once you go into a burning building, that chief officer is not involved in that call anymore. No. From their very warm seat. Yeah, it's the young guys and gals fire department. Yeah. I had this conversation with someone the other day. I said, I hear you guys complain about being on ambulance. And I get it. I'm never going to say that I didn't complain about it too sometimes. Right.
But you guys are missing the fun of being on the ambulance. Yeah. Like you're away from your boss. Yeah. Even a cool boss like me. Right. You want to be away from him sometimes. We were the fun uncles. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You want to be out there and be your own crew. Yeah. Like when you're out on the ambulance, you really can do whatever the hell you want. Your boss isn't there. Yeah.
You know if you don't show up, I think that's one thing that's changed like when we were On animals. Yeah, we'd be like fuck it. We're gonna go get Rita's. Yeah. Yeah, screw the engine guys, right? Yeah, and like now the animals crews like now we're gonna get back to station come back to their station pay the station. Yeah, why? Why? Yeah Go out and enjoy the day. Yeah, go get that Rita's
And then snap a picture of it to the engine crew. Yeah, be like, look suckers. Yeah. Yeah. That's one thing I think they're missing out on. Yeah. I want them to recapture that. I don't know how to get them to do it, but. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know either. Yeah, like my wonderful.
The one firefighter, we're talking about it today. She doesn't write it. She only wants to write an ambulance. She was like, come on, you never want to get rid of this. I'm like, you're running an ambulance. Just go get your readers. What am I going to tell you? No. No, you sit here and you like it. Right. I think that's missing from the EMS side of things. For some of them, I think.
I think there's still some that will, you know, do their own thing here and there. Oh, a shift. I will give them that credit. Yeah. There's some of the shift that do that. Yeah. That's great. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, I want them to. That's what I want them to have in their careers. You know, all of my best memories from the fire department. Were not made with my lieutenant. No.
or my captain, which back then was captains, you know, they were not made with my boss. They were out messing around with the dudes. But you have one of the best bosses ever. Yeah. Yeah. My shift succeeds in spite of our bosses. Yeah. Well, I think, and that's the, that shows a good shift. Yeah.
Yeah. But that's, that's what they need to, that's what they need to remember.

Job Enjoyment and Career Progression

All these kids that want to get promoted. And I understand you want to get promoted. Right. Yeah. But man, you should enjoy the moments of not being promoted. Oh yeah. You should lose your hair. Well, it's all of us. Yeah. It's just, you know, get more stress. Yeah. Man, we have gone down some rabbit holes.
We have gone out some wacky rabbit holes today. Yeah. Well, here's what I wish to the people and the world and the internet.

Wishes for Weather and Dreams

I hope it stops raining. Yeah. Not that I don't want rain because we need rain, but not today. No. Couldn't it just rain at night? I'm okay with giving up one day a week to the rain. Yeah. Do I have to give up five days a week for the rain? No. Yeah. It's too much.
No, I agree. And follow your childhood dreams, folks. Get that Porsche 911. Yeah, it's a totally impractical car. Become that baryonyx. It's a little tougher. Yeah, a little bit. But yeah, yeah, you do you have fun. Yeah, you do. That's the important part. Yeah. All right, folks, be safe out there. Yeah, take care.