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Episode 138: Seasonal Magic pt. 4- Winter Magic image

Episode 138: Seasonal Magic pt. 4- Winter Magic

S3 E138 · Get in Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft
767 Plays1 month ago

Welcome back, Witches! It’s time for the grand finale of our Seasonal Magic series, and we’re diving deep into the frosty wonders of Winter Magic! ❄️ From the cozy glow of Yule logs to the enchantment of snow-covered nights, this season offers endless opportunities to infuse your magic with the spirit of winter. So get in loser, grab your cauldrons, top those trees with pentagrams, and let’s work that winter magic like the witchy legends we are! 🔮✨

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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch


  1. Anderson, Lorraine. The Witch’s Apothecary. (2023). Rockpool Publishing
  2. Robinson, Sarah. Realm & Ritual of Winter Magic. (2019) Kindred Spirit.
  3. Cunningfolk, Alexis J. Witchcraft & Weeds: Healing + Magickal Practices for Winter. (2017). Worts and Cunning Apothecary.
  4. Hannah Mason (n.d.). How to Celebrate the Winter Solstice: Rituals and Symbols of Yule. Wicca How.
  5. Aurora Moon (2021). Yule & Winter Solstice Pagan Correspondences. Plentiful Earth.

6. Barbi Gardiner (2023). 10 Winter Solstice Rituals to Welcome the Season’s Magic.                   Outdoor Apothecary.


Introduction to 'Get In, Loser' Podcast

Do you feel drawn to learn more about witchcraft and the occult, but feel lost on where to start? Then welcome to Get In, Loser. We're doing Witchcraft, a podcast all about what it means to be a witch and where to get started on your journey. Join us as we navigate through various witchy topics and share what we've learned about the craft. So get in, witches. Grab yourself a cup of tea and settle in for
You know what we should talk about?

Ghostly Voice Incident

What? Our ah ghosty guest on our episode. Oh my God. Isn't that wild? That was So clear. I, okay. You remember how I was like, I tried listening to it and I couldn't hear it. I forgot. I have everything set to 2.0. Like I listened to everything at like 2.0 speed. So I was trying to listen to it and it was just like, where and I was like, I have no idea what it's saying. It kind of sounds like that. And then when I realized that, cause I sent it to my brother and he was like, Oh my God, that's so clear. And I'm like, what are you talking about? And so then I looked and I was like, Oh my God. So I put it back on one and you can hear it clear as day.
Mm-hmm like wild it's so wild so listeners if you I mean, maybe you maybe you you listen to that episode and you're like, what the fuck was that? um Episode what was it was it 136? I think so. Yeah There are Hawaiian deities episode about like I can't remember when I said it was like it was like 50 minutes into the episode Yeah I was talking and as I was, I like, and here's the thing is like neither one of us heard this in real time, no but I was editing the episode and I was like, what the fuck is that? And like, I originally thought I was like, Oh, well,
maybe like Anthony came in and then I was like, wait a second, no, because anytime that he's ever come in and like had to say something to you while we've been recording, you're like, oh, sorry, Anthony had to ask me blah, blah, blah, or tell me blah, blah, blah, going XYZ. You know what I mean? And that didn't happen. Like, and there was no like, sorry about that. Or what was that? Like, there was nothing like, react that all yeah. And so, and then it sounded like the more I was listening to it and the more I was thinking about it, because, you know, sometimes our microphones will pick up like our dogs barking or like other noises. It sounds like someone's whispering into the microphone and it was really poopy. Yeah. Well, it was like, it sounded like, like if I lean in and like whisper, but it was also kind of guttural almost. Yeah. Where I was like, Oh, I played it tonight. Oh, for sure. I played it tonight because I was telling like my friends, Ashley and Tara about it.
And they were like, I want to hear so I played it. And Ashley literally like got chills. She was like, Oh my God, was that at your house? And I'm like, I don't know. Like, yeah, there's no telling like whose mic that came through. Like we both had weird shit happen pretty much everywhere we are all the time. Yeah. Like there's no telling like whose side it was from, but it was, it was very clear and it was very creepy.

Analyzing the Ghostly Voice

Like it really, like honestly, I want to try and Google like on radacity, like how we can like try and isolate those vocals. Yeah. Um, to kind of see. And so I've saved like the clip just by itself. So you can like, you know, manipulate it any way we want to. But so if you guys were listening to that episode and you heard something weird around, like, I can't remember, it was like 55 minutes, 55 minutes or something like that.
let us know because we definitely heard that too. I even played it for Mike like I put it on a loop and I played it and I was like I just so played that clip for him and I was like I didn't tell him anything I was just like what does this sound like and for those of you guys who don't I mean obviously you don't know who my husband is he is kind of he's not like ah the world's biggest skeptic but he is a skeptic so he like had no explanation for that. And I'm just like, yeah, isn't that wild? like This is crazy.

Strange Occurrences and Cemetery Proximity

it one i like Did we say what we thought it said? It sounds like it says, um don't like don't even look at me or don't. yeah Something along the lines of that don't look at me, but it's like,
It's a very obvious like male voice, a little guttural, like a loud whisper almost. It and well if creepy is what it was. It was super creepy.
yeah I don't know like if there's a ghosty on your end or my end, and I guess we were looking at it. I don't know, but- I don't know. I'd look. I'm oblivious to most things. If you think I'm looking at you, I'm probably not. So just just let us do our thing, um yeah and it'll be it'll be fine. We can live like in harmony, each of us like ignoring the other one. That's fine. Yeah. one like You know, you've had a lot of things happen like while we're recording, like in your own home. Recently though, we've been having
a lot of stuff in our basement. So I've been like kind of avoiding it lately. I love that for you since that's where everything is set up for you. My whole office. Yeah. People order like tea and shit and I have to be like fuck and go down there and blend tea really quick and come back upstairs. I just put some music on while I'm down there and just don't even look outside of my like because I don't have a door like I just have an opening to my room. So I just don't even pay attention to out there.
But like we have so we have several doors. I think my room and the back like room that we use as a pantry are the only ones that don't have doors. They're just open walkways. but There's multiple doors down there that have been like, I know that I closed them and then I go down there and they're wide open. Our basement door from the house to the basement stairs um has both been open after I've closed it or has just slammed on its own. So that's been great.
love that for me. yeah And then there's just been like weird shit lately that I mean, I live across the street from the cemetery, it was bound to happen at some point. But so who knows it could, a this one could be on my end. But you also have weird shit that happens all the time. So, right? I mean, who knows? Yeah.
fucking know We'll play around with it and try and isolate your vocals and see if we can get it even just without because there's when it was talking like I was still talking and so yeah but it's like mid-sentence for you to like you're literally like right in the middle of saying something when it comes in and just says it like right underneath you and
Super creepy. So yeah, that definitely was a weird fun last weekend when I was editing the episode. but so But we're not talking about ghosties. We are not. Not today.

Winter Seasonal Magic

Yeah. but We are talking about winter seasonal magic. I love these episodes, and I'm kind of sad that this is our last one. I know. Yeah, surprise, which is like, were you guys surprised that we had an episode? Because we told y'all last episode was going to be the last episode of season three. But actually, unless you were good little boys and girls. Yeah. I mean, who knows? Maybe you'll never hear this because you guys were absolutely terrible. No, I'm just kidding.
Krampus will block it. Yeah. So I agree though, I do love these episodes. Yeah. And this is our last one that we'll do in that sort of series. I know. Because we've done all of them, which is sad. I know. I'm sad. I'm sad there was only four.
you Yeah, I agree. But I guess, well, let's get started. I'll start with a little bit of background um on this episode. So winter seasonal magic is rooted in traditions that honor the quiet and reflective energy we usually experience during this time of year. And so because winter provides a time of stillness and introspection, that's where um or This is why it's it's best to really lean into that reflective energy. so Throughout different cultures and histories, winter has been a time to celebrate the mystery and the power of the unseen and of the darkness. and We see this in things like the Norse pagan beliefs of Yule,
the Roman Saturnalia and the Celtic midwinter Solstice. um And many of the traditions honor the return of the sun and celebrate the longest night of the year. And we'll get into a few of those rituals throughout this episode.

Overview of Winter Sabbats

So our winter sabbats include Samhain, the winter solstice, or Yule, and Imbolg. And so Samhain is October 31st to November 1st in the Northern Hemisphere, and April 30th through May 1st.
And if you haven't already, make sure you listen to episode 35, where we did a deep dive on Samhain. And we've also covered other pieces of it in episodes 33 and 133, which I thought was kind of funny when I was looking back, it was like 33. And I was like, where was the other one? 133. Yeah, and we start with that we did. And 33, like,
Those are the case numbers. so Yeah, ah yeah i was like investing it's interesting that we did that somehow without even realizing it. yeah um The next one in bulk, that falls on February 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and August 1st in the Southern Hemisphere. and You can learn more about in bulk in episode 44. Yule falls on December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere

Yule and Winter Solstice Traditions

Well, on or around, right? Yule is one of those fluctuating ones. Yeah. um And it's also the winter solstice, and it falls on June 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. And you can learn more about Yule in episode 40.
Yeah, and then just really briefly, I mean, it's a couple paragraphs, so it's like, I mean, how briefly is it? But I wanted to- Look, we love this season. Yeah, we do. ah So yeah, absolutely check out episode 40, but I wanted to include just a little bit more on Yule and the Winter Solstice. um So as we know, the Winter Solstice marks the longest night and the shortest day of the year.
And with this comes the celebration of Yule. And celebrating Yule is the perfect way to honor the cycles within the Earth and the returning of warmth and light along the wheel of the year. So Yule, for those of you who do not know, and if you haven't listened to episode 40, shame on you. um This episode is going to be blocked from you. No, I'm just joking. How dare you.
How dare you? Yule is an ancient celebration with roots in Germanic and Norse pagan traditions dating back thousands of years. And it marks a time when the sun begins its cycle coming back to its full strength. Yule is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and rebirth and it's a time of hope.
And so early celebrations of Yule included feasts, bonfires, and sacrifices to the gods, particularly Odin, who was seen as a powerful and mystical figure during the season. And Odin's Wild Hunt, which I believe we also covered at least in episode 40, and then I think we might have even covered it in one of our newsletters that we did like in the first season. I think so.
But Odin's Wild Hunt was a spectral procession across the sky and was believed to occur around the Solstice, which bears a striking similarity to the legend of Father Christmas or Santa Claus, if you um believe in either of those. So, interesting. um Fires and candlelight were used as a way to symbolize the return of the sun and the light it brings. And during ancient Yule celebrations, people would decorate their homes with evergreen boughs, which represented resilience through the hard winter months. And over time, Yule merged with many other winter festivals to include the Roman celebration of Saturnalia,
which in turn influenced Christian Christmas traditions. And so some examples of this merging would be like the Yule log, for instance. So ancient practices of Yule would see an entire tree chosen and burned over the course of the solstice. And this evolved over time to smaller, like a smaller symbolic log or a cake, and then they would tie it to like Christianity, which is wild. um And then ah over time as Christianity spread throughout Europe we see many yule symbols like the evergreens, candles, or light in general, the yule log, and feast all being absorbed into Christmas traditions. Because they're so unoriginal they can't get their own shit. Right.
It's the return of the son, not the son, okay? The S-U-N son. Not the S-O-N. Not not the baby. Not eight pound baby Jesus.
So this time of year tends to be colder, and it lends us time to stay indoors, spend time with our loved ones while celebrating and focusing ourselves on the light to come. I was reading in The Witch's Apothecary by Lorraine Anderson that Yule is the sabbat with the strongest ties to self-care that

Winter Magic Themes and Self-Care

can be developed in the form of setting boundaries, which I found really interesting considering this is a time of year where we often are thrust into spending time with extended family. So make sure you're setting those boundaries when and where you need them for self-care, obviously. So correspondences, when we're looking at the themes for Samhain, those are going to be ancestry, beginnings, change, cord cutting, courage, crossroads, death, divination, endings, mourning, other realms, preparation, protection,
rebirth, releasing, survival, visions, and wisdom. In terms of Yule-specific ones, we're looking at contemplation, light and darkness, deep ritual work, gratitude, hibernation, meditation, messages, peace, purity, renewal, restoration, self-care,
sleep, transformation, and wisdom. And then in terms of M-Bulk, we're looking at awakening, cleansing, healing, hope, illumination, innocence, inspiration, light, patience, sprouting, transitions, wellbeing, and youth.
For colors, sowens are going to be black, brown, gray, red, orange, yellow, and silver. Yule's are going to be gold, green, red, white, and yellow. And embulks will be blue, light green, pink, white, and yellow. For plants and essential oils, sowens are allspice, angelica, apple, cedar, chrysanthemum, garlic, hemlock, marigold, bugwort, mullein, myrrh, patchouli,
Pomegranate, rosemary, sage, wormwood, and yarrow. Yules will be apple, birch, blessed thistle, cedar, chamomile, chestnut, for frankincense, holly, juniper, mistletoe, myrrh, oak, pine, rosemary, sage, and then for embolk we're looking at angelica, basil, bay laurel.
Blackberry, blackthorn, cinnamon, grains, heather, iris, lily of the valley, peppermint, roan, snowdrop, tansy, and violet. For animals, sowens are bats, black cats, boars, frogs, owls, ravens, spiders, wolves, and banshees were also mentioned under animals, which I kind of found funny. Like, they're not really an animal, but cute okay yeah i was like all right um for yule bear, cardinals, horses, pigs, reindeers or stags and squirrels um and then for in bulk it's badgers, deers, dragons, groundhogs, lambs, robins, and swans and then for deities for Samhain we have Caridwen, Demeter, Hades, Hecate,
Hell, Anana, Ishtar, Isis, Yannis, Cole, Lilith, Loki, Osiris, Persephone, Pluto, Psyche, Rhiannon, and Toranus? Toranus? I don't want to say Toranus. That sounds like something else. I think it's Toranus. Toranus, OK. Not Anus. Not Anus. For your specific deities, this would include Baba Yaga, Bacchus,
Decima, Hulda, Krampus, Saturn, the Holy King, and the Oak King. And then for M-Bulk, we have Arian Toad, Athena, Bragi, Brigid, Cupid, Danu, Eros, Febris, Anana, Juno, Selene, and Vesta.
And then for crystals, for salon specific, this would include carnelian, jet, moonstone, obsidian, black moonstone, and onyx. And then for yule, that would be bloodstone, chrysicola, garnet, goldstone, onyx, rubellite, ruby, serpentine, sunstone, turquoise, and unikite. And then for embolk, that would be amethyst, aquamarine, hematite, peach moonstone, and turquoise.
And then some additional symbols that are specific just to yule would be like the yule log, which I've already discussed. But when a tree was traditionally chosen, it was usually oak, ash, or pine, and used symbolically to represent the sun returning. Evergreens, and when we talk about our evergreens, this includes pine, fir, and cedar.
and um also would include holly and ivy, wreaths, mistletoe, candles and firelight, pine cones, and of course, the sun, but not the baby son the sun. Again, the S-U-N. The capital S-U-N. I'm just joking.
ah Shout out Lady Gaga. um And then for food, we would see apple cider, cinnamon cakes and cookies, dried fruits and nuts, eggnog, gingerbread, mulled wine, roasted meats, spiced meats, roasted apples and with sale. And for food, I literally just did like winter food. I didn't do specific to yule or a Samhain or in bulk. So And I feel like for the most part, outside of like the only thing I would add would be like root vegetables, yeah usually like the earlier parts of winter, you know, it's pretty accurate.
Pretty accurate, yeah. And then as far as spells to cast during winter, this would be spells or workings related to happiness, love, hope, peace, strength, and world healing or world peace, which is really cute. Precious. Yeah, love that.
And then as far as practices go when it comes to this time of year, celebrating winter magic can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. As we always say, A, do your own research, but we also remind you that it doesn't have to be a big song and

Simple Winter Solstice Rituals

dance. You can use whatever is currently available to you or whatever nature provides you wherever you live, so you don't have to necessarily go out and buy anything.
so One of the easiest things that you can do are um things to honor the winter solstice. When looking at honoring the winter solstice, probably one of the most this is probably one of the most easiest and basic things that you can do. so Lighting candles or lighting a fire. We've discussed a a lot already about the symbolism of fire during this time of year, but something as simple as lighting candles on the longest night of the year can be an easy symbolic thing that you can do.
Creating your own solstice ritual ritual this can be even as easy as just you know Whatever fire you used or candle that you use to light and honor of the winter solstice take a piece of paper and write down like some of the things you want to release or not take with you into like the new year or you know whatever that might be that you're like looking forward to as far as like new intentions. So writing it down and then burning it in whatever flame that you um have, obviously in a in a safe way as um a way to signify letting go of what no longer serves you. And then additionally, you can do something like connecting with nature. So taking a walk,
during winter and appreciating the stillness of the season while also looking for signs of life that thrive during this month, depending on which area of the world you live in. So this could be something like, you know, if you live someplace, it gets very cold and snowy and icy, looking for animal tracks or winter birds or the signs of evergreens. You could also decorate with evergreens. So bringing fresh evergreens into your home to include a real Christmas tree if you have the means and access.
Also practice gratitude and reflection.

Gratitude and Vision Boards

um The easiest thing or easiest way that you could do this is literally just doing um having a gratitude journal. So looking back on this year and taking time to write down what you're grateful for um or even creating a vision board. So once you've um reflected on the things that you're grateful for,
This could be as easy as a Pinterest board or a hands-on as a physical board that you create. But the end state for this is to create a symbolic representation of your dreams for the coming year. um And this is a perfect time of year to do that. And then embracing the cozy. So hosting a Yule feast with friends and family and incorporating some of the correspondences that ah Tiffany and myself mentioned earlier would be a great um way to do this. And then also working with seasonal energies. So crafting your protection spells with cinnamon or rosemary or juniper um and then focusing on stillness. And so this is the perfect time of year to spend time meditating and exploring divinatory practices and really getting in to know and work with your inner self.

Winter Herbal Practices

um So from an herbal standpoint, the body systems that you should be focusing on in the winter are the kidneys, the bladder, liver, and brain. um The focus should be to strengthen them. This season is the transformation of the dryness of earth to the coldness of winter. And this means that warming comfort foods like stew, oh my God, like stews and root vegetables and healing and warming herbs like ginger, cinnamon, clove, cayenne, garlic, et cetera, should be consumed. um While winter isn't a time where like herbals are abundant, some of the few that we tend to have access to are pine,
chaga mushrooms, um uva ursi, or it's also called bear berry, which I didn't know that, um organ grape root and dandelion root. And as with any season, spend some time honoring the full moons of winter. So November's full moon is known as the frost moon, um as this is when the winter frost begins to show.
December's full moon is known as the cold moon because this is the time of the like long cold and dark nights of winter. January's full moon is known as the wolf moon as wolves could often be heard howling and hunger around this time of year by the Native American tribes. And February's full moon is known as the snow moon since this is often the snowiest month of like most of America.

Celtic Goddesses and Winter Themes

And for those that work with the Celtic pantheon, there are actually a couple of goddesses tied to winter. And I didn't have time to look in other pantheons to see like, if this was a theme for like all of them. But these ones came up in like two or three different articles I looked at. So I was like, well, might as well include them. So the first one is Kalyak. And she is the Celtic crone goddess.
who is known as the Queen of Winter. She's often depicted with her cloak of winter white that she sweeps over the land, freezing the ground during the winter months. She's the personification of the elemental power of nature.
And she governs the months between Samhain and Beltane. And then there's Caridwen, who is the keeper of the cauldron. Her and the cauldron are both a symbol of knowledge and transformation. And she's also like often depicted as a wise-crowned woman.
And that being said, you can also choose to work with any of the deities discussed in our correspondences today or really any deities that you have ties to or feel drawn to. And then going back to the witch's apothecary, which 10 out of 10, like, I would recommend this book. I think it's amazing.
While there are a handful of Yule recipes, something that I liked about the section on Yule was the winter house cleaning and blessing. So you all know that Sam and I both love opening our windows and clearing our spaces of stagnant energies along with like mundane cleaning. So this is something that I'll probably be doing this season now. And I'm not saying I love cleaning. I don't really love cleaning, but I love the feeling of a clean house.
I just don't really want the act of cleaning, but you know, you have to do it. Right. Yeah. So um she says that Yule is a great time to cleanse negative energy from your home.

Cleansing Spaces During Yule

since we often have like friends and family in our spaces and we don't really know like what kind of energy they're bringing into our houses, as well as cleansing prior to them coming into your home to help like set the tone for the night. She recommends smoke to cleanse and purify using any combination of herbs like sage, juniper, cedar, wormwood,
Palo Santo, or sweet grass, but she notes that her favorite are lavender and cedar for their calm and protectiveness. She also recommends making a cleansing spray with either moon or solar charged water that has a few drops of rosemary, lavender, frankincense, cedar, and lemon essential oils. And you can add some sea salt also for an additional layer of cleansing.
And lastly, she recommends using bells to sound cleanse, noting that bells were used to drive way demons during the winter months, like way back in the day, which I thought was cute. And I think we've talked about that before on the podcast. And then for any of these practices, you're going to want to open your doors and windows like where possible to drive out the negative or stagnant. No, where possible to drive the negative or stagnant energies out You should start the process in the easternmost corner of your home and work clockwise, always starting in the east in every room. Tell every spirit involved what you want them to do or simply declare that you want peace, vitality, or whatever intention it is that you're trying to set up for your space. She recommends that you thank spirit for cleansing and protecting your space before leaving and each room.
continuing through the entire home. Make sure that you do your mundane cleaning with this practice as well. Clean your windows, sweep your floors, and make sure everything is neat and organized.
Once cleansed, place selenite or smoky quartz in the four corners of your home to keep the vibration high while also keeping negative energy out. And you can add salt to every corner as well for additional protection. But keep in mind that salt is not pet friendly. So if you have pets, like if you have dogs, put it high enough that they can't do get to it. If you have cats, I probably just wouldn't put salt out unless you know your cats aren't going to get into it because cats can get pretty much anywhere.
And according to Sarah Robinson of Kindred Spirit, the theme for the time between Samhain and the Winter Solstice should be focused on surrendering, and the time from Yule to Edble should be focused on resting.

Season Three Reflection and Future Outlook

Which I loved. I do love that. I'm like, I can do both of those. Yeah, I'm pretty good at both. like yeah ah so Sorry, my voice keeps going out, guys. I don't know what's going on.
oh and lot tea eating fisherman's friends trying to make it through this episode because this happened out of nowhere. Yeah, but I will say it is also very late where you're at. So it is maybe that's why. Yeah, everybody's like go to bed. but Yeah, I mean, it's not even 11 which for me, this is like normally when I'm crawling in bed to doom scroll or read. So, yeah, so it's not too bad. and Yeah. but But my body's like, maybe we shut up now and we go do that. Right. Yeah. Like stop talking and then go do the thing. Yeah. So hopefully this episode wasn't too bad. Um, Sam did take over a little bit when my voice like really started going on at first. I don't think what's happening. Help. So, but yeah.
That is some winter seasonal magic. Yes. And the official and of one season It's the last of our seasonal magics and the actual last episode of season three. And I'm a little sad about though. Yeah, me too. I'm ready for the break. Don't get me wrong, which the break just means that we're recording next season's episodes. but entire pace but Hope you guys like this season and we'll see you guys back in January.
That's it for this episode of Get In, Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft. You can find our source material for this episode linked in the show

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You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at GiddinWitches or email us at we'redoingwitchcraft at gmail We will see you all on January 6th for our first episode of Season 4 as we spend some time talking about magic in her New Year's Manifestations.