94 Plays4 months ago

Are modern men losing touch with what it truly means to be masculine? It's time for men to reclaim their masculinity and stand up against societal pressures and leftist ideologies that seek to undermine it. Embrace the principles of strength, honor, and loyalty. Educate yourself, look into the rich history of manhood by exploring ancient cultures, warrior societies, and the wisdom of past generations. Read books, watch movies, and immerse yourself in the stories of strong, virtuous men. Surround yourself with like-minded men who share your values and aspirations. You're not alone in your journey towards reclaiming your masculinity and living a fulfilling life.


Simon Scarrow Eagles of the Empire Series:


Nicholas Guild The Assyrian


Eiji Yoshikawa Musashi: An Epic Novel of the Samurai Era


Miyamoto Musashi: The Book of Five Rings


David Goggins: Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds


David Goggins: Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within


Jocko Willink: Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win


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They don't know what it means to be a man and they're afraid walking on eggshells because they don't want to offend anybody This is robbing them of their power. What we need to do as older men. We got to tell them wake up Stand up be strong be powerful Say your peace read books that extol the virtues of manhood. If you don't study history, you're doomed to repeat it and not the good parts. Find people that you respect to learn from, to be your mentors.
You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient. You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum. When life knocks you down, you get back up. Because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are.
Welcome to Sovereign Man podcast, where we aim to make men masculine. Again, I'm your man, Nicky Baloo. And we're doing another exciting episode of Sovereign Man podcast. And this is a solo episode. And this is the episode that I'm calling the rant about what is wrong with the state of men, manhood and masculinity and what we need to do to change it. First off, young men today are lost. They don't know what it means to be a man. Society is shitting on them and they're afraid. They're walking on eggshells because they don't want to offend anybody. And the problem is that this is robbing them of their power. And what we need to do as men, as older men, is we got to tell them, wake up.
Stop listening to the culture, to society, to your teachers, because they don't know what they're talking about. They're anti-men. They don't give a shit about you. They're just trying to cover their own asses. And the way they're going to cover their own asses is say stupid shit that doesn't offend the left, because the left is your enemy. The left is out to destroy men. The left is out to destroy manhood. The left is out to destroy masculinity. They attack and accuse you of all the shitty horrible things that they do. They accuse you of having the base evil motives that they have.
Oh, men are sexist. No, they're not. Men are generous. Men try to uplift women. It's you, the left, who's sexist. You're the one who's trying to destroy women because you're now allowing deranged men to pretend they're women and come into their safe spaces. And we as men need to stand up and say, no more, no bueno, no more of this gender-bending ideology crap. I got all the time in the world for somebody who's genuinely confused. I got all the time in the world to help that person. I got zero time for these ideologues that are trying to basically use these confused people to push a horrible evil agenda. They can go to hell in a hand basket. Next, the left is racist and sexist because if you are a non-white male,
or non-white female, and you veer off of the orthodoxy that the left has set for you. They're going to attack you in the most vile racist ways. Case in point, Clarence Thomas, they call him all kinds of horrible names. They call him the C-O-O-N word. They call him the N word. N star, star, star, star, star, star, star, R. They called him all kinds of bullshit words just because he happens to think for himself and he veers off the leftist orthodoxy. There is a beautiful model named Amber Rose, beautiful black woman. I mean, she's a smoke show. And she just came out and said that she's supporting and voting for the great Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election.
I think that's great. The Left is attacking her, calling her names, attacking her for her gender, attacking her for her race, and saying that she's a traitor to both. That's sexist and that's racist. That's what the Left does, because the Left is evil. And what do we men need to do? We need to step up. It's time. We need to push back against the left because they're evil and all they're about is destroying
our world, taking the beautiful world, the beautiful gift of freedom that our parents' generation and theyre their parents' generation and their parents' generation cultivated and gave to us in destroying it and turning us into a third world hellhole in countries like Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, and all kinds of other countries in Europe. That shit has got to stop. It's got to stop. We need to go on offense against the left. The left is the enemy of manhood, the enemy of masculinity, the enemy of women, womanhood, and femininity, the enemy of children. They are the locus of evil in the modern world. The left is the new evil empire. And we, God-fearing Christians, God-fearing Muslims, God-fearing Jews, God-fearing Hindus, we need to stand up
As men, this is over. Send them back to the hell that they came from. That's what we need to do. Because if we don't do that, they're going to destroy our society. We are not a generation but a year or two away from complete extinction of all the great values and advances of Western civilization. In Western civilization, I'm going to tell you this flat out. was built, created, fought for, and brought into being by men. By men being manly, masculine, strong, hard, tough. And if men today, young men today, don't get that, don't see that, it's our job to tell them and show them. Stand up for yourself, make your life great, stand up for your society, stand up for our world. Because without that happening, Western civilization will be no more. The family will be no more.
We will have this dystopian nightmare of a future created by leftist ideology, evil leftist ideology, the locus of evil in the modern world. And that, my friends, will be a world which will be hell for your kids. And is that what you want? I know it's not what you want. If you're a young man, you're listening to this, it's time to get angry. It's time to use that of anger to fuel you. Stand up, use freedom of speech while we still have it and go and defeat the evil left. And as a man, be proud that you're a man. As a man, be a man who keeps his word. As a man, be a man who goes out there and gets shit done and makes shit happen. Be that kind of man. That's the kind of man we want. That's the kind of man we need.
That's the kind of man we need to cultivate ourselves and other men to be. That's it. That's it. And I'm telling you right now, you gotta get mad. You gotta use that anger to fuel you, to get you out there speaking about and taking action to forward the cause of manhood, the cause of masculinity, the cause of men, because I'm telling you this brother, if you don't, everything good, Western civilization itself is gonna go and disappear. If you're an American,
You listen to this episode, you need to go out and vote for Donald Trump. You need to get your friends who are low propensity voters who maybe haven't voted before to vote. We need 120 million Americans to vote Trump. Trump is the last hope the West has to keep us strong and powerful. And you also need to go out there and work. And don't let anybody shut your voice down. Stand up. Be strong. Be powerful. Say your peace. Stand up for manhood and just say, I love being a man. It's a glorious thing being a man. Go watch movies.
from 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 years ago, where men were portrayed as positive, virtuous creatures. Watch John Wayne movies. Watch Gary Cooper movies. Watch Charles Bronson movies. Old Bruce Willis. Sylvester Stallone, Schwarzenegger before he went woke, because those movies are going to make you go, yeah, that's the kind of man I want to be. That's the kind of man I am.
Read books, books that extol the virtues of manhood. Learn about ancient Rome, a masculine warrior society. Model yourself after the ancient Roman warriors. There's a great series of books written by Simon Scarrow. And they're about the Roman Empire. And he particularly talks about two soldiers in the Roman legions. Centurion Macro and Prefect Cato. Macro and Cato. These dudes embody manhood. All the best aspects of manhood. Loyalty. They're loyal as the day is long. Honor. They fight for things that matter, their empire, their brothers.
respect. They have an enormous respect for themselves, even for their enemies. They're enemies that are warriors. They fight for them. Enormous, enormous level of respect. In addition to that, these folks are committed, and they're committed to a cause. And this is what you'll learn from reading these books. And on top of that, you should go read about other ancient warrior cultures. right? Genghis Khan or Chinese Khan as us Iranians talk about him. He conquered my country and he killed 90% of its people. So it was a piece of shit from that point of view. But man, he was a man. He was a warrior. He was a fighter. He went out there and he got shit done. Ancient Greek warriors, the Spartans, they were like that. The ancient Persian warriors under Kuda Shekhabil, Cyrus the Great, they were like that. Man, go learn about those. Read about them. Immerse yourself in the ancient world.
There's a lot to be learned from those folks. America's founding fathers, some of the greatest men the world has ever seen. These are men that studied the ancients and learned from them. Many cities in America have names of ancient cities. Think about it Athens, Georgia, Memphis, Tennessee, Syracuse, New York, Ithaca, New York. These oh all the names of ancient cities. And I'm telling you, you could benefit to learn about what these cities were in the ancient world and how, how.
men conducted themselves in those days. And I'm telling you, you go out there and you study, you learn, you read, you're going to find out a lot of good shit. So Simon Skarrow, his books, supercalifragilistics, go read Frank Miller's graphic novel of the 300. Now again, Leonidas, you've killed Persians. So I wasn't a fan of his because I'm a Persian, but man, there's some good shit to learn from there. And there's a book out there that's been written about Kurosho Kabir or Cyrus the Great. You should go read it. You should go read Nicholas Guilds. The Assyrian will give you a sense of men manhood and masculinity and masculine virtues in that era. And you know the word virtue itself. The root is a Roman word, ver, which is the Roman, the Latin word for man, a virtue.
was the manly qualities. So virtues are manly qualities. By definition, virtues are inextricably linked with manliness. It's amazing. You got to think about this. You got to think about this. And I'm here to say something else to you, something super important. If you don't study history, you're doomed to repeat it and not the good parts. So go study ancient history, ancient Iran, ancient Persia, ancient Rome, ancient Greece, ancient China, ancient Japan, the samurai warriors. Read the book, Musashi, Musashi by a Japanese author. It's a phenomenal book. It's about the great Japanese samurai, Miyamoto Musashi.
read the book of five rings. You'll learn a ton about manhood and manliness and winning fights as a warrior from that book. You also want to read the books of current masters of manhood. David Goggins can't hurt me or never finished. The great Jocko Willink, extreme ownership. And I'm telling you this, you need to find people that you respect to learn from, to be your mentors. Myself, Nikki Baloo, I'm one of the leading mentors in the world for men. I'm 56 years old. I'm not some 30 year old trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about. I've been through life. I've been through the wars. I've been knocked down. But I always got back up and I've learned from adversity.
And by the way, I'm telling you right now, you need to study and learn from men and learn about the ancients. and then get out there in the arena and fight, fight to become fit, fight to become rich, fight to be a loyal friend, fight to be a loyal family member, have children. Tucker Carlson said this and he's 100% right, the greatest, greatest wealth a man can have is to have children. Find a good woman, marry her, have kids with her. If men don't get married and have kids, we won't have a society left. Did you think about that for a second before you started giving men dumb advice? Why don't get married?
and go your own way? Who needs men to go their own way? That selfishness. The whole point of being a man is that you're not a selfish piece of shit. As a man, what you are? A loyal friend. A great warrior. A brilliant thinker. One who stands up for himself, for his family, for his friends, for his community, for his society, for his country. That's what it's all about, men. I'm going to tell you something else. Start calling yourself a man, not a boy, not a dude, not a guy. A man. And call the men around you men. Not a boy, not a dude, not a guy. A man. It's an honored term. Use it.
And here's another thing. Find your men. Go join a group of men. Sovereign men, our group is fantastic. Go be a part of us. And if you're good enough, we'll let you come and be a part of our group. We'll let anybody try us out and we'll try you out. And if you're good enough, we'll let you come and be a part of our group on a more permanent basis. Find out if this is for you and we can find out if you're for us. That's important. And do not, do not sink into the depths of, oh my God, I'm a man, life is terrible, the world is against me, so I may as well end it all. Don't fucking do that shit, that's bullshit. Let some men talk you out of it. If you're having mental health issues, pick up the phone, call a man. And listen, if you got no men in your life, reach out to me, Nicky Baloo, and say, hey, I need help, and I'll be there for you. Embrace all men as part of my credo.
So look, this has been the blue rant. It's my intention that you get some value for yourself and that it pushed you to get out of your comfort zone. If I succeeded, good. If I didn't, well, that was my intention, but I'm pretty sure I succeeded because that's what I do. I succeed. And you too can succeed. You too deserve victory and make sure that you spend a lot of time becoming the man you always dreamed. a being, and that you stop listening to the bullshit of the world that's trying to tell you that men, manhood, and masculinity are bad, wrong, toxic, and stand up strong for what you believe in. Doesn't matter how hard life hits you, how hard the enemies of the left hit you, what matters is, will you get back up? And if the answer's yes, and it is gonna be yes, then you're gonna beat them, you're gonna live a life that you're gonna be proud of. That's it.
Bully Well.
thank you for listening to the sovereign man podcast if you're ready to take charge of your life and become the man you always wanted to be we invite you to join the movement at sovereign man