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This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris get meta to talk about Wes Craven's New Nightmare, which celebrated its 30th anniversary.

Existing in the "real world," Heather Langenkamp plays herself, an actress in Los Angeles who has terrible nightmares about a darker and more sinister version of Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund).  Wes Craven is writing a new movie in the series, but it seems like his script is becoming a reality, and Freddy is threatening Heather and her son Dylan (Miko Hughes) to try and enter the real world.  The guys discuss why Wes doesn't tell anyone something horrible will happen to them since he has prophetic dreams, Freddy's new look, the constant earthquakes, the crazy ending Freddy Temple, and more.

You can rent New Nightmare on services like Apple TV+.  Next week, we're celebrating the 40th anniversary of one of our all-time favorite movies, The Terminator.

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Welcome to the Everything Action Cast, the official podcast of EverythingAction.com.
Hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast podcast for the week of October 14th, 2024. I'm your I'm your co-host Chris. Yeah, and this week we are getting meta and talking about ah the 1994 Wes Craven movie, New Nightmare, the seventh movie in the Nightmare on Elm Street series, because it's celebrating its 13th anniversary this week, came out October 14th, 1994. And yeah, it's one of the highest rated ah movies in the series, but also like the lowest grossing. um So I don't know what that says about what was going on in the mid-90s or the Nightmare on Elm Street series, but I wonder if it's it was just like a lot of like bad, like people said a bad taste in their mouth from Phrase is Dead,
and was just like we're not going to go see another, like, Nightmare on the Street movie right now. It um and also is something where I think because the 80s were over, it was like when they did that last Friday movie, it pretty much was like cemented like the last carriers. So at that point, people kind of said, oh shit, like they're still making these. You know, like it was like Freddy mania. Like I think between its inception into like 1990, Freddy was just like an annual thing, right? Yeah. Well, Freddy, Freddy said was 91. So it was, it was, it had been three years since the last Freddy movie. Wow. I forgot. I felt like Freddy's movies were like a consistent thing between like one through six.
Well, it was like every year. and And then, yeah, there was like two years between 5 and Phrase Dead. And then there was three years between final free ah yeah to Phrase and Unite Mirror. And then the huge gap between after Unite Mirror, there was like an almost 10-year gap until Phrase versus Jason came out. so But that was like a surprise thing. and you didn't And if you weren't like a big Freddie fan, you didn't know if they were unconnected or not or just like what Friday you're gonna get too. Cause they don't even say in that, Freddy versus Jason. Oh, this is from the original like story. Yeah. There's, there's no attempt to even try to like in that conversations to like, Oh, remember when he blew up like that? No, that's like, he's just back to being like normal Freddy. Yeah. yeah he's He's the classic eighties Freddy. Yeah. He's that dark nineties Freddy. Which I didn't mind this and
I thought I would hate it more because in the cover it makes him look like the like like they wanted to make him look like early 90s cyberpunk look with the trench coat and then the the hand the upgrade hand like the like the like more bony metallic it's like it's like it's like it's it's so it's not cyborg I guess but it's like it's sort of it's more like it's it's like his hand like it's it's it's ah it's his actual hand with like ah like um augmented clause on it it's not like he just built like ah glove with his claws on it it's like his hand is like the look and as a kid it looks way more menacing just because you don't understand what you're looking at like mechanically you know you're just like why is it like how is the blade part of his fingers you know and the other one you knew it was a glove yeah but to see that kind of like claw hand you didn't really see like that yet you know and I was just way too young to understand
Uh, like, so to me, it always, it always looked like way scarier. And then when I watched this and I was like, Oh, it's not as bad, but it's not as. Simple. Like, I don't know the simplicity of Freddy where he basically the claw wasn't his, he would slash you with it, but his big kills came from whatever dumb environment thing he would just do to it. Right. Like, yeah, especially the later ones where he would transform it to like, uh, put you in a video game or transformed to a superhero or like making you a meatball on a pizza or.
Yeah, its like the kills were way more dreamlike and you're used to that. But this in this movie, it's it's different. it It takes a while for it to be silly again. Yeah. And well, this I guess this is this version of Freddy is what Wes Craver and like originally like like wanted it to kind of be like this, like, you know, darker, less comedic character. I guess I mean, guess the first one is like the first movie, I mean, it's still that to a degree.
but then yeah obviously like, sorry, but like two and it definitely to three is when we get like, yo, like we get like, you know, wacky Freddie with like all the one liners and welcome to prime time bitch and all that stuff. So I think, yeah, I think at that point I saw more of dream warrior cause it was the most balanced of being family friendly and okay. What's the right term where it's like appealing to teens and then
still violent, but present it in a enjoyable manner.
Especially if someone who's seen a lot of horror movies at that point, and I think as a kid, like, again, it's something you throw on with friends or, you know, you catch it on some sort of censored version, but you get the gist of the violence. I really don't see a new nightmare a lot. It was definitely just something that, flipping on the TV, I caught bits and pieces on like show time or something as a kid. And just watching out of context things, but being almost the same age as the boy. Like I think at this point, like I had to be like six, seven.
<unk>s I didn't see this like in theaters. Holy shit. Does he like be with my parents who were just like reckless as fuck? Hey, you want to see a new nightmare? OK. Yeah. There's a kid in it. It must be a kid's movie. And it's definitely um I think we mentioned it like i done the last episode when we were teasing this episode, but um this is definitely like the dry run for Wes Craven for Scream. Oh, definitely. Because a lot of the elements are like, you know, the the the threatening phone calls and like the meta nature of like people, people, are people know about horror movies. They like they know like to know their inner horror movie.
Um, that kind of thing is all like, you know, brought into screen and kind of like crystallized. Uh, so much so that I think West Craven does it again from screen two or three. I mean, I mean, he did all of them. So, you know, but like in the terms of they're actually making a movie. Oh, we we started, we started adding stab in there. Yeah. Yeah. Like that's where I feel like it goes back to this nod again.
Well, yes I guess the the like threatening phone calls thing, though, was like a real life Heather Landcamp thing, because she had like a stalker from when she was on Just The Ten of Us. There was like some crazed fan who was like stalking her and calling her. And I didn't get it. Is she playing herself, too? Everyone's basically playing herself, except i mean i ah she has kids. I don't know if at the time she had like a ah son.
But like you know she married like a special effects guy. and But then her actual husband, they like asked him if he wanted to be in it, like David Leroy Anderson. And he was just like, nah, I'm good. actually so So this Hederland camp in this movie is married to like a special effects guy, but it's not her like actual like husband. But it's the same same idea. I mean, he kind of looks like a ah bobo version of Christian Bale. He usually kind of looks like an 80s Christian Bale.
He would have been a great for American Psycho if right after American Psycho came out Yeah, let's I mean that's me like Robert England's playing himself what's cream is playing himself Robert shades playing himself The only weird one is is Lynn Shea is playing like a nurse. She's not playing herself But she like showed as a cameo shows up Like I guess they couldn't fit her in that funeral scene that was like it was like right before like ah you know, she would actually like starred like a bunch of these would be like It's like, what was the first city, the city has like 2000, probably like 10 years after this. Oh, this is like, she did that. She did this. And then maybe two years later, she was in Kingpin. And then Lynn Shay just sort of popped up, but yeah, I know. And city has really brought her back to the forefront. Yeah, that was, yeah, that was like her like, you know, starring in like our franchise. So were just like having great random cameos.
But yeah, basically the premise is like um that Heather Landkamp, the actress is, um yeah, they're having phone calls. there're there's She's going on heavy interviews because it's the 10th anniversary of the first Nightmare on Elm Street movie. but the And there's also like these earthquakes going on, which I guess i guess when they were filming it, there actually was like it was like the 1984, like there was like a big earthquake happened. And so a lot of like there's like actual footage of like the destruction like in the movie that they had people just driving up me like hey take take like footage of this like collapse like freeway and stuff I wonder if that was something that West Craven looked at and then was just like oh let's make a movie sort of incorporating it or did you really have this because yeah just it just adds to like to the meta-ness of like it's Freddy causing the earthquakes is it real earthquakes there was a real earthquake that's in this movie but like call yeah
Uh, but I mean, it plays a big part in the beginning. And then as the movie goes on, they become less and less important. The earthquakes. Yeah, because it's it's like at one point, someone's like, but like, hello, like, I was like, did you guys feel the earthquake? I just I i was was pre i got just for the earthquake. And they're like, no, we didn't. hear I guess we didn't feel that over here. So it's like, yeah, is that part of like, you know, the demon Freddie like he's like, that's part like him trying to break through the, like the, you know, our, to our realm is like causing the earthquakes. Well, there's also another thing where they also in the movie blame the highway being so close to her. So they're like, Oh, I was the, like the shakes on the highway, which yeah, her babysitter Julie shows up and is like, Hey, but a big truck just went by like, what off ramp did your house like be built next to? Like,
I get she's a star. But I feel like if you're a star and you're like not struggling, don't don't live near the highway.
We're essentially she lives so close that her kid was able to like run to a highway. Yes. Mm hmm. We'll talk about that crazy highway scene that is just so weird. I mean, it's good, but there's so much going on.
Yes, that that's what the movie just looks like. Oh, you guys, you thought, you you're we missing Freddie, like you're missing some Freddie stuff. Here's some Freddie stuff. Like yeah a bunch of Freddie, like events happen. Cause it is, it is, it takes a while for like you to get even get a glimpse of like new Freddie. It's like 30 minutes in more than that. type course i fly Yeah. You run around like you see him, maybe his face in his hand, but you don't get the full body, like him running around and like doing things until maybe an hour and 20 minutes out of this two hour long movie. Yeah, there's a lot of there's a lot of teases with like the claw and stuff, especially like the opening, which is like I guess is is like Heather's nightmare, where um she's on set of a new nightmare in all of she movie, and her husband's doing like the special effects for it. And they've made like a robot claw, like a full like Terminator looking like like Freddy claw.
And then that goes haywire and kills so much people.
But then that turns to be like, oh, it was just a nightmare. Well, I do like it's already like a double fake out with the production nightmare and then it coming to life and then that being a dream, but then it still kind of comes true. Yeah, yeah it's it's it's the fun of like, oh, here's the new glove. Like we're updating Freddy. He's a robot now. like He's like because it's like the scene is like the like the kid like there's a a guy like in like a Freddy costume is and it's like oh he's cutting off his own hand to like make his hand into like a robot claw. And so it's sort of like was there was there one of the movies like they open with like like Freddy making in the claw. Was that the first one or is that like a lot month later ones is like kind of like a ah flashback. Yeah. I know I know when they open it would like it was like you know I was like fighting like his workshop like building like his claw.
What's a lot of time in to make such an impractical weapon?
but yeah it turned Yeah, but that's just a dream, or was it? And then um like yeah heather Heather's husband goes to, like he's got a job. like like filming like a sort of like detergent commercial or like a like a he's he's like he's got this whole like special effects family i mean he just has like blow bubbles up to like the sets that's what he says hes he's like he is a just a FX guy yeah he did say that basically you but he was gonna work on a new project for Wes and he didn't know what it was yet and that's why he told Heather like hey if you don't want me to do this I won't
But like, you know, he he didn't tell her that you're taking the work. Mm hmm. That was his like secret.
Yeah, what was Cravin's crazy? Like I got watching this movie again, I like I really got like Alan Wake vibes this time of like was Cravin's basically Alan Wake just like writing the story and then like the story is happening in life. Well, did you um play a new nightmare or heard of it?
alllan Wait, Wake, you nightmare or American nightmare American. numberber Yeah. It's essentially the same idea. He's in a dream. Yeah, I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure like Sam Lake and everyone re me were like inspired by like this is probably one of their inspirations was like. I like that it's a meta of it, right? And this movie, this because now I think this is considered like a standalone and its own. Yeah, this is totally this is totallyy separate from like the other movies.
And I like that even the movie itself is supposed to represent Like, oh, why do we keep telling this Freddy movie? It's like now we know by the end, which we'll get into slightly, but it's like, Up until this movie, all the Freddy movies are considered in this reality like fiction. And now it's becoming a true story, an interdimensional demon entity that is now trying to cross the border. But they don't get into how, right? They don't get into what the entity is.
Anything about the lore Freddie of like, was he like a pedophile or anything like, or that a bunch of parents killed him? They gloss over that already. Well, there's, it's, it's some sort of like, Wes Craven and his big like exposition dumps. It's like, there's a, there's some sort of demon that exists for like thousands of years. And then every once in a while, if it, if there's like a powerful enough story or like a, like ah Sorry, that I guess it likes then it becomes like like like that traps the demon in like the story So I guess Which I love it was crazy just like yeah like like just you know, let's like a up himself up a little bit like well, you know never enough She was so good that it trapped this demon this powerful demon in it
Like my the first movie I made was so good. And then as long as they kept making movies, like it was trapped, but now it's like, they ended the series and he's and he's out now.
And I guess he just, like the demon just likes like, like Freddy. He's just like, like sort of like the former Freddy. So that's why he's staying as Freddy. Yeah, I enjoyed it. But you know, it's funny that the demon enjoyed being Freddy for over 10 years, 10 years, but it kept getting its ass kicked over and over again. Like there's hasn't been a Freddy movie where like he definitely wins. The main hero is all dead. Well, maybe the first one, I guess, because like ah there is a final, you know, like it, but I guess that isn't like he's okay with that. He's like the entities fine with having a final girl.
Yeah, they don't they don't really get into like how how the demon relates to like Robert England because because like obviously in like in this reality this movie like Robert is playing Freddie but then there's a but there's like some sort of like I guess the theme is is it trapped just in like the like the movie like the the film or is it like the films are just like the because the demon isn't Freddie in the movie like Robert England is Freddie but then it's just like it' It is it's such a crazy concept im like like was craving like chapters demon and then but then it's it's like you if you continue making them like and it's like what other what other movies were was attracted or what other stories was attracted before like what other forms it take I guess before that it was stuck in maybe like books and like yeah
So it just like does it vacation in other horror concepts? You know, does it does it jump from popular horror? Like, does it have to be hard? Does this entity like is the entity always evil because it just keeps being attracted to evil like characters or is the entity um like a spirit who like whatever form it takes just becomes that thing it brought to light. And then also it also needs to kill Heather.
because Heather is Nancy and she's like the gatekeeper to our, like she's the ultimate foe, I guess, or something. And then if, if, if this new like demon Freddie can kill Heather, then he'll enter out the real world and become real. I mean, it seems like that's fine. Cause if you enter the real world, then you can shoot Freddie. Yeah. i mean That's like, that's what we saw the first week. yeah you You can make like home alone traps and just like, like take them out. like Yeah. So.
You know, like, does he come to the real world, but now he's got powers? But then he's also vulnerable to, like, physical attacks if you can, like, trick him. Yeah, it's like Tron Legacy, where it's just like, if Clue came to the real world, what would he actually do? Because he's just like a regular, he's just like a dude. Yeah, but that's why that movie just ended on a, like, don't worry about it, we'll figure out one day. Yeah, we'll find out in Tron Aries.
Uh, yeah, it's I, I would love to see what would happen. Like if half the movie was Freddie came to the world and then he's trying to like use his powers, but they don't quite work the same. He's being like accosted by just like nineties or like, there's like, there's like nightmare chemistry Francis coming up to me like, yo dude, I love you. hi
Yeah. yeah Cause people weren't doing selfies back then. They they were just like telling other people to force them to take photos. What a fun time. Well, before we get into that, I like the metaness of it. I like that original OG Freddy shows up, Robert England style. and the And the talk show. Yeah. Yeah. And it's already shot so like sinisterly. Oh, that shot of like, like from but behind where it's just like, it's like he's in the, all like he's in silhouette and it's like, it's like the stage lights behind him.
Yeah, that's actually that's how I guess that's how it feels like when you're on a talk show and like Freddie shows up and rouses the audience but I mean I give it to Robert in England and he love just like being that character for a bit and walking around and knew that to be like a mean like he seemed like a fun mean guy, but Freddie wouldn't curse at you like aggressively less, you know, you know, in the way he talks like fans and then just being like, oh, my children are like, yeah, I love you. brother yeah And everyone ever in like in the stands is like wearing like Freddie mask and like sweaters and cloths.
It doesn't like a hard adventure just broke out and everyone like even we go to hard conventions and like you don't see that many free fans together. grant A lot of hard fans like unless you make a cosplay meetup group like they all don't dress the same for for like the one character specifically.
Uh, I think that's what we're missing in the the last generation of Freddy movies was that, um, they never really leaned heavy into the fandom groups to like do a meta commentary on that. Cause I know like scream did scream. Yeah, that formula out. Yeah, especially scream. Uh, well, I think we're up to eight now, right? I think scream seven or
The second, the second, the last one was all about, yeah, like it was all about like, you know, like basically like people on Reddit or like YouTube, like unhappy with the franchise and direction of the franchise. So, I mean, that definitely is something that comes from like, I mean, it's good that like nightmare in Elm street, like it doesn't, it's not an annual thing or there's like a lot of it and you don't want enough. Like it kind of comes in waves right now. It's been kind of like the down.
the down ends, especially after the remake. that Yeah, I mean, that's that's the last thing. That's the last thing you got. That was like 14 years ago. So I mean, granted, it wasn't what everyone thought it would be, but in trying to tie in all of the collective war.
it doesn't do it bad. It's just, it's doesn't, it's not cheesy and it's, it takes stuff too serious with the whole, like Freddie was like an evil person in real life and now he's like a worst person in hell form. And the remake, I think the remake went a little bit too far and like the, trying to make it like, like, Oh, we were doing realistic birds and stuff. It just didn't look good. Yeah. This, I mean, this one changes his look, but like, at least it's still, you know, still like, you know, kind of like,
cartoonish fred like it's like it's not like realistic birds it's like it's like he's like he's more like demonic looking but it's not it's still like you know record as we Freddie like also reminded me of this came out after the error of giving everyone a little slightly big upgrade in the 90s yeah and what are you were I was thinking like of Candyman 2 farewell to the flesh, where Canyon Man's hook got more like, like, punky looking.
Well, yeah, we'll think that was, I mean, it's what, it's ah it was close to what was wanted, but then also it's, um, it's, it's, it's having also that thing of like, we gotta like, yeah, we gotta change the look, make them, make them darker, make them more like extreme.
He's got tre he's got trench going a hat a different hat now. I think he loses that hat in the third scene. He's got it in the hospital. right and then yeah After that, he's just like, this this i don't yeah I'm not wearing a hat anymore.
Well, let's just go back to what's very quick. like I do like he also has he's having like these like visions. Basically, every night he's having a vision of what's going to happen the next day. And that's how he's writing the scripts.
So like he like he has a dream and then it's like the dream is what's going to happen the next day. And then he writes the script. And that's what happens. But he's also that he's not calling anyone to warn them.
Like, you know, there's the whole thing where like, ah like Heather's son Dylan is like, almost like it's seriously injured on the playground. and And then like, that was something in the strips. And he's just like, oh, yeah, like, yeah I got to keep it secret. like Well, if he knew that basically in the end, um it does get better, but only through like a thing. I guess it's like the whole like Avengers Endgame that if you tell them how it's going to end, they're not going to do it. Maybe, yeah.
So he has to play his ultimate sacrifice. He has to be Dr. Strange here. And pretty much make Nancy suffer for a bit. Yeah. Which man, if you if you thought Heather Langenkamp was frazzled in like the end of like the first Nightmare movie, like she's even like triple frazzled in this movie. like but By the time she like she's like is like chasing her son across the freeway, like she's just like a like like neurotic mess.
Oh yeah. She, she's like injured. She's delirious. She's also hurt. She hurt. She aged. She's got like this shriek of gray hair. It gets grayer and grayer as the the ending goes on. And then I don't know what happened. Her husband, in her career like, like over, I don't know. Yeah, I guess there's no paparazzi like going more like Heather Landkamp's going crazy. Like she's like, she's like assaulting doctors at a hospital.
like Also the one of your best friends is like dead in a hospital that that hospital's policy is just like sort of just be evil near the end. It's like, okay. Oh yeah. We got, we got, we got, we should talk about that. yeah What is going on in this like Los Angeles hospital? but She takes her sundew or it's like they, they um basically arrest her like, like to take her away and like, or like, are you on drugs? Are you crazy? And then also like a, like a total fake out of like,
uh injecting like dealing with sedatives where there's like two nurses and they're like oh we're gonna fill up these two syringes psych here's the real one we're gonna we're gonna inject this kid against your even the against your wishes of the the mother and the babysitter like well i get it you don't want to trust this like probably um zonked out movie star there's a version of this movie where that, that team of nurses and doctors who are handling Hollywood's just like people, you know, yeah and they're probably just like all these Hollywood people are all popped up on pills. So when I got to listen to them, but it seemed like out of the people, Heather was like pretty involved for a like working actor mom. Yeah. They don't, they don't really get into
what other jobs she's doing. Like her her husband is like doing a bunch of like special effects jobs. they They don't, and then I think they met they kind of mentioned, oh, you've been doing, she was I think she says I've been doing TV. They don't specifically mention like just the 10 of us. Oh yeah, they don't name drop that. And then the only thing, the only new thing is, oh, they like New Line wants her to star and come back for like this ah new nightmare movie that is being written by Wes Craven.
I'm putting a quote-unquote written. Does it count if he writes it, if he's getting a dream from like, the future him? Or... so yeah he Somehow he has he has psychic powers, I guess, in the real the real world. Like, what's going on, it's like, it's a so a psychic. Yeah, because it implies that basically that's how Respirator even saw his movies. He had visions from a higher power. Yes, because they mentioned like,
Oh, he hasn't written anything in like 10 years, but now he's starting to have nightmares again. And and he can write again. Which which ah Robert Shay is very excited about.
And yeah, i guess I guess another thing that's causing Heather to be frazzled is like her husband gets like brutally murdered. which I was reading about the trivia. like i was like they they kind of like had Wes Craver to add that because they're like, there's not like, we're going like way too long without like a Freddy kill in this movie. We need like an earlier, we need something like an early in the movie to like, to be like a, you know, to like keep the audience like, in ah you know, interested so that they had the whole like him being killed, like driving home. Yeah, I didn't see that coming. I honestly thought that Freddy would do something more sinister.
Like the guy in his dream is going there. Well, the setup's the same as I think it was 5, where like the the guy's on like the motorcycle, and Freight transfers the motorcycle, and like it fuses him into the motorcycle, and it crosses the load. Yeah, that makes more sense, then. But this yeah, this is just like the yeah like it like the clock is out of the seat, and then it kind of stabs him in the chest, and then he crashes.
so So like terrible like an accident that causes and then the whole like insane like funeral funeral scene we're like There's a couple there's a couple cameos for people like like Tuesday nights there. She has no lines, but she's just in the background um And like it it's like the first time we see John Saxon is as John Saxon Yeah, I didn't like that he's just like a regular guy mm-hmm
and And then, but there's like the whole nightmare of, like like the cast like I don't know the great cause of the casket falling to the grave, and then um like Dylan's getting dragged into like the back of the coffin by Freddy. There's like that actual like first glimpse of like the new Freddy. is like He's like in the coffin, like pulling Dylan into it. And then Heather's husband Chase reawakens. He's like, stay with me in the grave.
And I guess like guess the explanation for that is, like Like Heather, she got knocked out by the earthquake and she fell in her head of like the poles around the the coffin or something. Yeah, but like only John Saxon went to go help her. And the whole audience just sort of stares at her, like her body at the grave. And she's like screaming. like Yeah, no one like helps her. No one gets any water. They're just like, all right, you done? All right, come here and just like sit quietly.
Robert was like, hey, if you need a anything, call me. But I'm leaving. but I'm leaving this area. Well, I would too. It was just like earthquake central. And I mean, you're having this funeral and then the the wife just gets her head like knocked out. Yeah. So like everyone seemed like they ran away. But I guess like after she hit the thing, they all came back and which just like got back in line. I guess so. Yeah. I kind of I kind of wish there was a couple more like, you know, like cast members showing up.
and Maybe have even if some lines. I guess they did. They I guess was was cool. It was like to like he he wanted us joined up and he was like too nervous to do it and then Apparently later on like dried up was like hey, I want it Yeah, I definitely would to come back if you asked me. So like I don't know why you didn't ask me to come back, but that would be cool TV one of the other main guys that they're missing Kevin bacon in no, that was Friday the chief. Okay Yeah, I'm not sure who I i guess Patricia our cat was in Dream Warrior, so she probably, maybe she could could come back maybe, but. Yeah, but I don't think Heather and, and, uh, for sure our cat character met. No, that was, that was a dream warrior. They were like, that's like, basically like they made like, um, like, uh, what?
Cause Nancy was in three and then, but they say, you know what I'm confusing about? Like the Patricia, our cat changes characters in the after dream Yeah, it because Tuesday night took over and then but then they killed they killed her and then we got like you got the like like the for like four and five you had Alice who was like the dream master.
Which is his own weird background lore, which I mean, that's who could show up to is like. Lisa Wilcox, who played Alice, like she could have showed up maybe. I guess, I guess was crazy. Like, didn't really want to like, ah like, because he he thought the last couple of movies were terrible. So he didn't really want like, maybe we didn't want like, reminders. He just wanted like, because it's all, it's all really just like the first movie. It's all just like references to the first movie. I mean, I think, I think was from like co-wrote three or like hit a credit on three. It's like an idea or something. But he, like, he was obviously wasn't involved in any of the other movies until this one.
That's okay. Cause I mean, the other ones have like a good different tone, but this, if this is truly the original vision of Wes Craven, I'm okay with him coming back and telling us another take. Yeah. Well, apparently apparently he pitched for for dream war. He pitched the idea of, oh, Freddy, like it's in the real world. And Freddy's like where everyone, like, it's like the nightmare movies exist in the universe. And then Freddy is like trying to escape from them or something. Like that's his, his like kind of pitch for three.
But then they did the whole like Dream Warrior thing where it's like this group of kids that get powers in in the dream world to fight Freddy. I do like in this version, they're not like teens anymore. They're like adults. So it's a lot more like less surprising to them. This is happening and more like they know that they keep telling it to the wrong people. They're going to get put away.
Yeah, like like Heather knows she sounds insane, but then like so she hiding like, oh, yeah, it was I got injured by the earthquake. I caught myself on some glass. like Yeah, it's not as an obey by Hollywood movie rules. There's a little bit of. um Like, I guess some structure where, okay, if you get hurt in the dream, it affects you in this world. And, uh, but then they can also just be, it could just also be the earthquake. Yeah. There's probably just a gas leak in, in Heather's house. Well, it gets, well, it gets, it gets, I mean, it gets weird toward work toward the end where and it starts like, everything starts like, like it starts fusing into like an actual nightmare and option movie. Yeah. That's weird.
where Jon Saxon turns into like his character. But do you think that's actually Jon Saxon, fake Jon Saxon, or Jon Saxon directed him to Heather's house, and then was just like, oh shit, like he got massed illusioned into thinking he's in he's in a nightmare. Well, that's that's kind of where I get like the Alan Wake vibes of like, it's like, Wes Craven wrote this and in the script, and then the script is like causing Jon Saxon to become his character again or something.
But then he drove his, like, share car there? Yeah, his squad car, like, his clothes like instantly turned into, like, his like clothes from the first movie. Yep. He's quoting lines from the first movie. But then he sort of just drives off at that nightmare. Yeah. So when Freddy dies, does he just revert back? And he's just like, someplace, he's like, where where am I?
He's out of everyone in the whole dream sense. He's not like a nightmare person. He just is like a different character at points, but he's the only one in this nightmare universe that it has a more prominent like, what do you talk about? You're not this. Like every time um Heather figures out that she's in a dream or something, like it just is a nightmare completely. Yeah. So it's weird that in her night in this like nightmare world, her her like co-star slash like character's father figure is the same person. I thought like it was gonna be revealed that he's also like a Freddy like impersonator like just oh it's Freddy he just wanted to you like a calm state just like he did with the doctor. Well I was reading so but apparently one of the trivia things is like um or like there's a original original script was like ah Julie the babysitter was so was gonna be like revealed to be like
like, but like, as an like the arey avatar, like, it was like behind all the, all the, like, all the starting phone calls and stuff. Oh, she was the one. So, she's, as we were like, we were like, oh, i've I've been, like, I've been secretly been afraid the entire time. But then they, they changed, like, just, she's like a normal babysitter who gets yeah killed like Tina does in the first movie. Which is, which- Wes Craven hates, like, guardian characters.
But yeah, that that that that kill is is pretty great. I mean, it's it's great homage like the the first movie. Yeah.
Although I think not. It feels less brutal than the first one, because like there's I feel like like Julie's like flopping less than like Tina, because she's like throwing all over the place in that first movie. And then Julie kind of just it' like dragged around the the room a little bit and then dies on the ceiling.
Yeah, she sort of just like falls down dead. She doesn't like explode. Guts pouring inward or outward. It's not like already is like stabbing her in the heart. She sort of just stops moving.
From, I guess, like blood loss because she blades a lot from the floor to the ceiling. But it's weird because like she's not dreaming. So it's the I guess the power. It's the power of Dylan's dream that is like long afraid to kill her.
Cause cause yeah, she's, she, cause she's, yeah, she's not, you know, she didn't get a set of them. She's like, she's awake, but then yeah freak for killer it's like a new rule that they did. And she wasn't, if she was sleepy, maybe that's where like they kind of connect the husband's death. Cause he just worked on the movies and he was just driving and he got sleepy. Then he was killed from just, you know, freaking out from being slashed. Yeah. But.
It's not like she was doing something and pretty distracted her and she died from the distraction more. So yeah, a good point. like It's different not established. Yeah, they probably should have had her like accidentally get stabbed with the sedative too or something. And then then that's how they were both asleep or something. Then they were able to share the conscience of the dream. But um doesn't really add that much besides knowing that that that hospital is wacky.
oh Yeah, like easily like these super deceptive new nurses that will just like inject inject kids without their consent. Well nurses, doctors, the ah the level that requires a special pass or a badge. Yeah. That's just like a exam room. Like I don't know why it's like white. It's like a super strict area. It's like, oh, it's it's more it's more rooms. Like you can't go back there.
<unk>s not like an theyous so They make it so secretive. I thought it might be like some sort of sleep experimental room or something. yes It's not a lab. It's not like an ICU or anything. It just seems like a normal wing of the hospital. Right. And then two security guards with a drag heather off. It's like, come with us, Ms. Langkamp.
I mean, what were they going to do? Force her into a sleep science study? Yeah. you got ah Yeah, it's like you gotta, you have to go to sleep now too. where where You both have to go to sleep. it It's time out for everyone. and Yeah.
ah what did What did you think about, what's the kid Billy? The son of Heather? Oh, Dylan. Dylan. For a child actor, Dylan really doesn't know how to make an annoying kid.
Well, he was he was gauge in ah Pet Sematary. And he I just wanted to punch that kid too when I was little, too, just something about his acting style. Yeah, he's done like not tough guy, but just more I know what I want. I want guy character. Mm hmm. Because it's not like. um Like Dylan is like a vessel, like he at some points, like Freddie talks through him.
Yeah, they don't really, they don't really like, I guess it's it's mostly just like a phrase like tormenting Dylan to like lure Heather in because he needs to kill Heather. But Dylan's fair game.
yeah but but Yeah, but the points were like, like Dylan at one point, like puts like tapes, knives, fingers that starts to kill Heather with them. Yeah. But oh, wait, I think that was that a real part or a nightmare part? Oh, that was the there was like that was the double fake out because there was like, yeah yeah, she had the dream where she got slashed in the arm. And the or no and then and then she or and then she woke up, but then she didn't actually wake up and then she like,
Like Dylan was downstairs and then he like taped his eyes to his hands. It was like, like, I'll kill you. Yeah. Like trash talking. Kid avatars are hilarious. Mm hmm.
So when when I was ah like. thinking of like the long drives and like, for example, we just, we came back from Metro game con. Yep. And you're thinking about like the driving the highway and then like how terrible it would be to like have a nightmare, like fall asleep on the road. Yeah. Uh, that is played so less in this movie. There's like two, it's like in the other Freddy movies, everyone's trying to knock to sleep. So when like you do sleep, that's when you make this like bridge where Freddy can find you.
So in here, all these people don't drink coffee. I mean, like, uh, well, Heather does near the end. She does her classic, like she does the same thing she did as Nancy and like, just had like a, like a coffee maker next to her bed. like ah But that was like, at the end, like she figured out her own rules. Cause I guess they can still apply to the movie. But the husband was just like, he was already asking for like a DUI, just like,
being Yeah, he's on the wheel still like swerving, and like he tries to put on the radio, and he doesn't find anything he likes, and he starts singing like REM or something, to like like but like like like drowsily singing like REM to try to stay awake. And that's like, OK, if Freddy wasn't there, that could have been his own accident already. Yeah, I mean, he was he was just he was without Freddy, he was on the verge of like falling asleep, just like driving off the road and crashing. like Yeah, that's why I'm like, OK, so but then they kind of tease that like Freddie is also influencing everything. The music choices, the the I guess him being sleepy. I kind of I kind of wish they had thrown in like ah one of the like classic like name and upshoot songs on the radio, just is like, you know, like Dream Warriors something just to be like, oh, cool. We're fat boys. But yeah, and then Nancy sort of has like a dream while driving where she's more stressful driving because she's tired.
But they don't use a lot of that like, oh, I need to stay awake. I need to stay awake. Like for the small things. We're like trying to survive like two days without sleep. So the urgency is just not there yet because no matter what they have to wait for West to create that end chapter to tie it all in that he's been keeping secret about the script. I guess.
yeah so also He saw that like, oh what's the faces like ah Chase was gonna get killed and then Did it say it? Yeah, did it say but but anything? And yes, apparently you also saw that Robert England just disappears Like what happened to Robert England? Did he fall asleep while driving? he Because last we we see him he's painting a picture like he's having the visions of of like new evil Freddy too He's paying a painting of it and then he just vanishes and has never seen the cat
Like the only thing we are only thing we hear is like, Nancy tries to call him, or Heather tries to call us him, and then it's like, oh, hey, you frees Robert Englund, we're away right now. We're gonna go out for a while.
I kind of wish they had like, um, had Robert Englund like, like, like he it's like, he's the one because like he played Freddie, like have him like turn into like the evil Freddie.
It's like he, like basically like demon possession, like that's like, that's the demon possesses, like the person who played him. No, it makes it seem like he's the other bridge where if he can't mess with Heather for some weird reason, like Robert England, because he's been that character and they could save money on budget where they just say, okay, if we'll film you in your suit here and then we'll come back and film you without your fedora. Yeah.
But like, yeah, like, but like Robert, Robert comes like possessed and and like he's thought like, then it's like, it's, it's, it's Freddy versus Nancy again, but it's like, it's possessed Robert Eglen trying to kill like Heather Langkamp. I've been fine with that. That would have been a cool premise too, where it's like, oh my God, Robert England is Freddy.
It's like, who's the real, who's, what's who's the real Robert England? Like, is it Freddy or is it the, the actor pater guy? And it turns out that, uh, Robert England now is actually like a demonic demon. If anything, I've learned from this movie that they're implying that, uh, Freddy could take over anything with that has a will, I guess. I don't know. ah And you don't need to be asleep. You, the person had to be sleepy to summon him, apparently. Cause like I said, with, with the babysitter scene, she gets killed, but she can't see what's going on.
Yeah, everyone everyone's awake but Dylan, and that Dylan is the one that's sleeping. So it's like he's having he's having the dream that he was being killed, but then it's actually happening. But I guess it happened because like in the first one, like Tina's boyfriend wasn't sleeping, was he? and they but And he saw what was happening because Tina was the sleeping. Yeah.
I guess. so i guess that yeah yeah guess like the I'm trying to understand the rule too, because like as long as one person opens up the portal, and then it's a limited time of how Freddie can mess with like the person. Yeah. i guess if if yeah if you're if yeah if some If someone's sleeping and then Freddie can like you know affect the real world, because or like whatever he's doing in the dream is affecting the real world. Even if you can't like see him in the actual real world. like like He's still like dragging people around and like, you know, he hanging people by their by like bedsheets and stuff. So yeah, they didn't have a lot of the classic classic like over the top or Freddie like takes a person, smashes them into a TV or like. Does he give like a bunch of people like drugs in Dream Warrior or Dream Master? He so the one girl that is like the punk in the in the dream and Dream Masters, like she's like she's in the asylum because she's like getting you over like ah like, yeah, like getting over like drugs.
But then he turns all his fingers to syringes. It's like, let's get high, baby. Yeah, there's none of that. I mean, there's so much opportunity, especially it being in LA. And it's the Hollywood scene. It could have been nuts. Yeah. Well, I think it was part of what's great was intentionally trying to make it more realistic and darker and less comedic.
Um, so yeah, I mean he there's a couple like he has a couple like sort of like one liners and you get the classic like like Heather answered the phone and then the turn the phone turns to like a mouth like ah with like a tongue on it Yeah, it takes a while for that to come to back and once that does the movie does pick up Yeah, well it all it all leads into the insane like ending where there's like the the Freddy demon temple which is a reuse of the, of the first part of the fake dream, but it looks way more like medieval. Yeah. Um, this version of the Freddy, instead of a cool eighties theme, like boiler room, it's, it's, it went Gothic. Yeah. it's It's, it's big, just Roman kind of classic Roman. There's like, I think it's like the seven deadly sins are like on like stone or else. Cause there's like, it says like lust, gluttony, wrath, like on the wall stuff. And then.
There's giant ovens. There's like a giant like water pits. You enter that the temple through like a giant freddy mouth waterfall.
And then there's like i think there's like ah there's like a bat creature. There's like other creatures flying around in that world. because you There's that the big shot of when Heather like comes out of like the fake freddy mouth, there's a bird bat thing flying around. It's basically the other dimension or something.
Yeah, I mean, there's been a lot of time analyzing it because at this point it's just the last like 20 minutes of the movie, but you're like, I kind of want to know about this world space. Like what's going on here? I do. I do also like to like Heather to like get into like the dream world is just like taking sleeping pills that she finds on the ground.
We're just ready to to like, um, was it like Simpsons? We're at home and she's like, Ooh, a piece of candy. Ooh, a piece of candy. Like she like tastes like three seed pills that are just like lying on the ground. It's like, Oh, my son's leaving me sleeping pills to take. I'll take them. These strange yellow pills. She basically took like trucker speed. Yeah. Or I guess like trucker knockout doubters. Yeah. Yeah, essentially. So it's like all Hollywood stars.
And mean then you slide down a like pillow, like a blanket and then like into like the sewers into like this whole crazy like slide to get into like the, the evil dream world. Uh, I ah guess she also was like the amateur pharmacist cause she knew the right amount to get there. Cause I feel like you could ease the OD on like 90 sleep aids. Yeah. Well, I think she takes like three of them, but I think I feel like the two is like the normal dose. So she like went like one more, it's like that one more will hurt.
All right. Like she just takes one more, but it's like too much. And now she's like sluggish in the dream world. Yeah. Well, but so it's like, um, like Futurama, like the, it's like the, the, the honey, it's like two, see like two teaspoons will, uh, completely asleep. Three spoons. Well, you'll never sleep wake up. like But yeah, is yeah there's whole this a whole crazy fight with demon Freddy and like this like temple, I guess it's his, his temple, the demons temple or something.
oh It's very and do you want to get into how Freddie thinks like I have to kill Heather because she's the last guardian. But if like. It just because she happens to be like the star of this movie, but it feels like Freddie could have just been doing this forever, like just keep terrorizing Nancy here and there. You don't need to try to come to Earth unless the gate was closing. Yeah, except yeah, they don't they don't really ah they don't really explain like why Demon Freddie wants to like come like into the real world. He just does. He's he's mad because the movies ended. I mean, but then it's like you can just jump to another movie franchise, but he I see the Freddy character is the biggest fanboy of all the fanboys. Yeah. i I'll try to think like what was like what was like he just waited two years and then like Ghostface, I guess. ah Or like I'm trying to think like what are like what what else was going on like 90s like
Uh, like early nineties horror pet cemetery, where he gets to pet cemetery level. Yeah. salt corn yeah Cause all the French is like winding down. and Yeah. Yeah. That but that was the whole thing. Like that was my saying in the beginning, like it's a goodbye to those movies that came out in the eighties and the nineties is a fresh start, but.
That sounded true because by the time it was like the mid-90s, let's say nineteen ninety late 95, early 96, it was more about the horror slasher who doesn't have superpowers or some sort of like's like psychopath, like second power. It was just some guy who, you know, lived in your neighborhood or something. And he just put on a mask and Hence why scream is so efficient, like effective now. You know, it's not like, Oh, secretly there were aliens or something.
Yeah, I know. I didn't see the last two screen movies. So I don't know if that's true, Zach. You tell me if they just jumped the shark and they went to a different genre. No, they haven't got it like supernatural or like in space yet or anything. So I mean, here's another kind of off topic, but kind of related. It's like the Terrifier. He's supernatural. The Terrifier is not supposed to be like realistic. Yeah. Our clown is like a demon or something. Yeah. Yeah. So you can like forgive just like changing its mind about story or like what the rules are. And I also think like the Terrifier, he he just gets away with the kills. He doesn't actually get his comeuppance. No, yeah, he just ever ever records costume is like yeah getting like horribly bird.
But yeah, that that would have been different in this, like maybe Freddie comes to the real world, then he gets like he meets scientists. He does get like an actual upgrade. He gets he meets like The actual prop department, they build them the real hand. That's way more advanced than the movie version.
But no, they went for the realism, I guess. Or he should have been the one inspiring. He's the one inspiring Wes Quavrin because he wants another movie to be made. But then Wes Quavrin was like, oh, this is like an evil movie. I'm having this demon.
come but Come back, come back to our world. Well, okay. So then comes the last part of Wes Craven's Insane Plan is if you keep talking about the lore, you keep the trap of Freddy like in place. Yeah. It's the point of the screenplay. Yeah. If they if they never stop making, they just kept making sorry yeah mar shoot movies like the theme would be trapped forever because it's, it's trapped in that series or in that character, I guess.
Yeah, and then because of us watching it, Freddy's trapped again for another generation. Mm-hmm. That's like the West Fabian Meta-ness of the Meta-ness. Well, you know, and also because they burned Demon Freddy alive and ended up in, an oven I guess. That destroys him. Yeah, but the... I'm not sure if this, this like, staff actually, like,
Can you imagine if Wes Craver went to Comic-Con and then showed this movie and then pretty much every year they had to keep watching it to kind of keep the appeasement of the spirits that he unleashed on people. It's like the ring. It's like you gotta keep passing the curse around. So it's like, okay, every year we have to watch New Nightmare because if we don't, it's true. The only way I would have to go be up to Namer Knob Street like 20 or something at this point.
We still got to make them, not because of like licensing or um you know monetary reasons, but because there's a demand that if we don't associate it to them. Yeah. Like, I kind of want to see that. Like, John, like you you said with the John ah Wake and now like Alan Wake. Yeah. let's Yeah. out Sorry. Alan Wake. I think John Wake. But he's so close to John Wick. um But it's like, yeah, if you don't if you don't watch this movie, like, you know, the Freddy Babaiga will come after you.
Is they make a comment in this word now that Freddy Krueger is now like a common phrase in that world. Oh, you have a nightmare? Would you see Freddy? It's like they they know at that point, like it's grown and it's become a common like like a Frankenstein monster or werewolf. It's just like Freddy is not part of that. Yeah, I mean, because that was like a probably commentary to like i like how huge Freddy got where it's like everything you could possibly like since it's like Freddy the action figure, for the the trading cards. He had his own album, he had a he had his own song. he's got like He's appearing on talk shows. like It's like, oh my God, I would have loved if
For some reason, they brought back the Assyrian Hall. Oh, if that was the show Heather was on? It was like, it's the same hall show. She was on some regular talk show guy. It was just so like, mundane. But I would have loved if they brought back the Assyrian Hall show for this. But I think at this point, Assyrian Hall show was canceled. Yeah.
um I made it if one did that, so I don't know if they ever do one with Freddie. I was looking up like if they said like one year earlier, they could have had like she could have had like the Chevy Chase show. Oh, my God.
For it's one season. It's like another like curse. Yeah. thing I've never seen it. I've seen clips, but they just seem like boring because it's one, it's outdated and to Chevy Chase doesn't do well with like stand up.
i just Everyone just always shows that clip of like him with the cake and he just falls off. He's like, whoa.
And I think I've also seen like there's a clip of him and Dan Aykroyd and they're just having like a rubber band race where they're like flexing their and faces to like make a more bagel down their face. And that was like a third segment. It was like 10 minutes.
You know, it's funny, by today's standard, that's like a YouTube video. You know, like that's not something TikTok. It's like a TikTok. Yeah. It's our bad challenge.
But imagine if Freddie came back and TikTok was real and in their world and he has to do like TikTok challenges or like people die. and Freddy's just like, you have yeah you gotta make, he make me, like, his Freddy's obsessed, it seems like this demon's obsessed with like, whatever's popular, right? So it's like, Freddy's popular, so that's why I wanna be Freddy. But then it's like, okay, well, the next generation, what's their trend? It's like, well, we love taking Freddy Krueger and then selling his feet picks online, so he's like, invade feet pick things. I'm gonna be the Slender Man now. Oh, he yes, I mean, the Slender Man is like a Freddy Krueger thing.
It starts with like you telling the story about Slenderman. That's how the lore begins. And that's how you summon him, I guess. like that the like what and At least the movie version. I think that's what that was. but but so I still don't understand how he's trapped, though. is he' just like he like enjoys He just enjoys embodying that like character. So that's why he's like trapped. or is like I guess because if you if you associate the evil with the story, he can't escape that like realm of existence.
but the moment you don't tell it anymore, like it's not told, that's what Wes Crammond does say. Like if the moment you like don't tell it anymore, and now it's free to associate with like a new reality or a new understanding. That's why I'm making fun of like having it, like if he comes back now, because if you think about it, it's been like 14 years since the, we've talked about Freddy, like yeah to do a sequel. So he's definitely around that even got out and,
you know, if you want to trap it, we got to keep making weird, pretty things and see if it goes back into it. If based on the rules, based on this one off movie that didn't do so well. I mean, he's probably I mean, what's like, what's the longest running? Like, is he is he like jigsaw now or something? like Oh, yeah, I think you're right. I think jigsaw might be the longest. So we're up to 11 soon. Oh, that or he's he's the he's in faster movies.
Yeah, he's just like- He's just the car. Yeah, because it's not- the only recurring villain they've had in the last couple of them is like Charlize Theron. So it's not even Charlize Theron now. I'm Cypher. Yeah, but Cypher is the not a consistent character, I guess. Yeah, that's what I said. There's like no consistent like villain in the Fast and Furious world. Because they all become heroes. It's like- Yeah, that's true. They all join the family, so it's like- Except for Cypher, right? I know there's- That's what I'm saying, yeah.
But I feel like in the lot next movie, she just might be joining the good guys. for Probably. Yeah. And then there goes the release party again. ah because Because Reacher is is the new bad guy now. Jason Mow and Reacher are the bad guys.
Um, but yeah, I like this, like I see this movie as a kid. I didn't like it just because it's not what I was used to. And then now as an adult, I understand the, the, like writing structure of it, the commentary of it, the West Craven kind of like his, his like, uh, his love of like a good story.
Mm hmm. Or it's like the concept of a story or why we tell stories. So that that was pretty cool. It was pretty it's deeper than you think of it. And like you think of the cover. Yeah. ah It's also like it's commentary on like like the effect of horror movies on like society, too, because there's all there's people are constantly asking like for like questioning Heather about like Oh, do you let your son watch these movies? Like, what do you think about, like, kids watching these movies that you made? Like, oh yeah and then she's also like, why don't make horror movies anymore? Because I have a son now. So yeah she just wants to do something else. And, you know, think about, like, more than just that one career move. and not like I didn't get that as a kid just because you need you haven't grown up with you don't know low know a lot about life yet.
And then when you experience like all these movies, I mean, especially if you go from where it started to like up until where it, you know, how it went off the rails. Uh, and then it goes back and it's a little bit of both. That's why I appreciate this. Like it's, it's grounded for a good amount. And then it just slowly builds and then it just doesn't get, it goes, okay, let's get silly with it. Let's, um, let's introduce nightmare sequences that just don't make any like are out of context. And then.
Um, let's, let's also go back to a nightmare world that is also very like not boiler room ask, but kind of like a workshop. So that's another thing that pretty loves to be in. Well, it's like combination. It's like a temple boiler room workshop. It's all of them kind of combined. It's like, it's like hell temples kind of thing.
well also why would the hell temple have ovens ovens that uh freddy can fit in perfectly we can't fit in because he's like he's like stuck in the door for like forever there and then he's like he has like he has this classic arm stretch he does like the tongue thing to like there's there's there's a there's a few like fun like freddy like not full transformations like him like manipulating his body at the end to like kind of like wait his mouth like turns it's like a like but like on hinges his jaw to try to like eat Dylan I guess but me so like so again in the nightmare world he's more in control of it but then he still gets trapped within his nightmare world again and we get I like I like to like the insane like glimpse of like the actual what the demon actually looks like at the end when he explodes it's just like this like
It's like horned classes like demon that he like his eyes blow up and he explodes. It's like it's like insane 90s. I don't think it's CG, but it's just like an insane shot where they zoomed into his head and explodes. It's not a great creative decision that you'd as well. Yeah, I don't think the demon. I thought the entity was like three demons. Wasn't that like the original like uh spirit was that they mean already made a deal with them to take a soul like exchange through like return i mean i think that was like the reality of like oh the movie the movies but this is you know this is the real world so at least it wasn't a laser beam in the sky yeah theyll like phrase dead was basically sandwied yeah there's like yeah these weird there's like weird demon that like
Revive Freddy every time. That's why he keeps coming back. so But then if they kill him and in the real world, then he dies.
And the phrase is also like the 3D thing where it's like, these glasses, let's see the dream world. Put on your 3D glasses, everybody. The dream world looked pretty fine with what I got. I didn't see like the 3D version of this movie. Imagine this was like a full 3D where it's just like Watch out Freddy's claws are coming everyone duck. That's like totally undermined like everything's like almost like highbrow. Yeah. Like it's like, Oh, but it's also 3d. Here's his hand. Like, this is Wes Craven going, Oh man, it's such a good idea. But like, it totally fails to be just like Robert shades. It's like making 3d. That's a great idea. Around this time. Wasn't the 3d craze coming back? Well, I think it's like kind of like,
Cause like phrase name was like, yeah, like early nineties. I think that was like the late eighties, early nineties. There was like, they're trying to bring it back a little bit. Like it was like Jaws 3D and uh, I think name right off the street, uh, phrase between three was 3D. And then yeah, phrase, phrase that was 3D. So barely missed it. And then, but it was the horrible, it was like the red, red and blue 3D. It wasn't like, you know, 3D we think of now in theaters. It's like, it's like put on your, put on your, your cheap glasses and like,
watch the movie in like this like blue and red tinted. Oh my God. I think, uh, yeah. Wes Craven wouldn't have done this, but it's one of the first early like Freddy movies or later Freddy movies, I guess that like you see cell phones, they play a part in the storytelling. Oh, and this one. Yeah. It was like, it was car phones and like, uh, like chase, like how does husband has like, uh, kind of like a suitcase one. It's a carrying around that doesn't work very well. he's one Yeah.
That used to be how cell phones used to work. Like they kind of base it off of like the military. That was the battery. Like that giant battery. I still remember that scene from Lethal Weapon where I was like, what is he talking to? Like that's a cell phone. Like, wait, what? Yes, it's not a walkie talkie. It's not a radio. It's a cell phone.
Yeah, I would probably. So for like the overall, like the series, I probably put this like third for me I think I think I i got to put like the original one and then dream lawyers and probably this one yeah about the same places for me like the first two are classic staples of just the seriousness and character development and then well two two two I mean two is weird two is like phrase your revenge like that's that what that was like a Halloween 2s thing where they big okay like where do we go with this concept further they quite didn't figure it out yet
It's like, what if someone turned into Freddy? Yeah. It's like, oh, it's a curse. Yeah. But then they dropped that for the next movies. And just like, now the demons picked him. But then it's like, oh, he's also the child of like a thousand maniacs. And then was's that brought up anymore. Well, Dreamworks is like just the perfect blend of like, it's got like the super creative like dream sequences of kills. It's got like likable characters. It's got like the killer, like it's got dream warriors as as like the theme song. That's true. They didn't really do like a rap. This would have been another like a new nightmare rap at the end. I did. I did think did like, I don't know if you like when you yeah like the end credit song, like music comes up. It felt like it was trying to turn into like a 90s rap, but it never never reaches that level because other it's got this like funky kind of beat going on with it.
But yeah, there's no, it's like a rap never starts. The the raps never began. They never came in. Yeah.
It's like start, so but start It's got to start sometime. Like, what's that feeling where it's like that the thing that it's like you want you need something to happen, but it doesn't happen like it's just dragged out. It's like certain Paula Boo songs kind of like that, where you think it's going to be a breakdown beat or something, but it's not. It's just a lot of like one-on one on one Casio keyboard sound effects. Yeah, it's it's very like 90s like um like, yeah, like hip hop kind of like.
Uh, yeah, like keyboard kind of like beat stuff. It's but just like, it's, it's, it's, ah it's just so like incongruous for like everything else in the movie. It's like match the tone. It's like, nope. If anything, there's been a song about earthquakes.
It's like, what was, was current bring the fat boys back? Like, I guess it rapping or it's like Will Smith actually going to have like a ah nightmare official nightmare strong.
like i Forgot that like he had an unofficial nightmare. Yeah, I think this I think that you submit it for like four um Yeah, and but then they reject it the name of my blog was supposed to be like the song and then they're like And I we're not gonna we're not gonna put this our movie yeah by the time a new nightmare came out Fresh Prince of Bel-Air came out. So he was like untouchable Yeah, it was it's possibly needed four and then they paid They made the music video. That's why the music video didn't scrub from existence until a couple years ago because they shot an unofficial video and they're like, no, we're suing you. They aired once on a TV and then knew I was like, get that off the air now. They didn't get Robert England, right? No. It was like Fred. It was a guy named Fred. It was a very legally distinct version of Freddy.
But I guess it was too close and the new line was like, yeah, we're like, never ever again. If you're here together, we're gonna sue you. You know, Wilson, that's pretty popular. You could be the next Freddy. Mm-hmm. That'd be a nice career, like, hey, what do you want to do after, like, bad boy movies? Like, I want to be Freddy Krueger. Like, OK.
Or I want to do, uh, you know. Nightmare on my street. Yeah. We're gonna call it Nightmare on my Street after my song.
And it's it's about it's ah it's Fred Krueger. It's not Freddy. It's just it's just Fred. he He's got like he's got a different weapon. He doesn't have claws on his hand. He's got like a claw and one giant blade or something.
But ah yeah, New Nightmare. um Yeah, it's super very like interesting entry in and the Nightmare on the Chief series, like definitely try and do something different than the rest of the movies.
And then definitely one of the best like kind of meta horror movies. Yeah. I think it's like underappreciated and I hope more people like realize that. Yeah. If you, if you haven't watched scene it in a while, like that I would say definitely check that out instead of like, maybe like going back to like, if you watch like, you know, dream warriors or the first one all the time, like check this one out again, if you haven't seen it in a while.
And, uh, yeah, so I think they'll do it for this show. Uh, definitely come back next week. We're going to be doing, uh, we're going to talk about the Terminator. which you might not think is a horror movie, but it's it definitely has horror elements. you know it's It's basically a slash movie. And it's also celebrating its 40th anniversary. I mean, we got to talk about Terminator for its 40th anniversary.
So yeah, come back. We'll talk about dive into all the classic Terminator stuff. And you have a site checkout. We got news, we got reviews, we got trailers, we got all of our usual other features up there. um If you didn't read it last week, i have a ah review for Joker Folly Ado, the biggest disaster and since like Borderlands. Probably one of the biggest disasters of all time. It's probably going to lose like $200 million. I imagine there's a chance we might get ah a Joker New Nightmare movie. Well, I think it got crushed by Terrifier 3 that cost like 100 times less than what Joker made ah cost to make.
And like, yeah, Tefra3 is gonna like just destroy at the box office. So crazy, crazy times. ah yeah but So you read my Joker review, you also like, you want to read box office stuff, like box office stuff every Monday, so you can read about the ongoing Joker disaster, all sorts of other stuff on the site as well. Just check all that stuff out. And yes, for Chris and I'm Zach, and we will see you next week. For more for every action, head to www.everythingaction.com.
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