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For the final Everything Actioncast of 2024, Zach and Chris are getting locked up with Tango & Cash, which celebrated its 35th anniversary earlier this week.

Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell co-star as Ray Tango and Gabriel Cash, two cops from opposite sides of Los Angeles with drastically different styles but an equal amount of massive drug busts.  Unknown to both cops, crime kingpin Yves Perret (Jack Palance) oversees all the criminal enterprises they are disrupting, and he plots first to destroy their reputations with a false murder charge and then send them to be killed in prison.  The duo has to reluctantly team up first to escape prison and clear their names.  Zach and Chris discuss how much of a disaster this movie was to make behind the scenes, how Jack Palance's main weakness is an obsession with theatricality, try to figure out what the theme of the club is that Teri Hatcher's Kiki Tango works at, the insane James Bondesque super RV in the climax and more.

You can watch Tango & Cash on PlutoTV.  Next week, Zach and Chris are discussing their picks for some of the best and worst movies of 2024.

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Hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast podcast for the week of December 23rd, 2024. I'm your host Zach. I'm your co-host Chris.

Diving into Tango & Cash

And this week we're getting locked up with Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell.
to talk about Tango and Cash, which which came out 35 years ago this week. It came out on December 22nd, 1989. One of the final movies of the 80s. It was like this, and I think it was the Stephen Spielberg movie, Always, were like the basically the last two movies that came out for the 80s. It was like, you know, because, you know, 89 end of the year. So closing out. I always argue that movies produced in the Like 1990. Yeah. ah Summer of 1990 is obviously a 90s movie, but anything in that early spring bleed over, I would say argue that how they used to turn out movies, this is still very 80s, the spirit of the yuppie culture and then the like slob, California slob.
Yeah, it was, I mean, it was, you could, people argued it was still the eighties until, I don't know, 1982 or 93. But, but I would say that Kurt Russell, all he needed to do was basically have a surfboard at one point. And then that's the whole dynamic completion of, of the, the rich knob and then the loose snowboard border surf dude, bro, that Kurt Russell seemed to have.
Yeah, I mean, I guess he's the like the maverick. Um, he's the wild card, but he's not, he doesn't really seem like that big of a wild card. Not that much. Like he's not, he's not, he's not like a Mel Gibson. Like he's not like, Oh, suicidal going nuts.

80s vs 90s Movie Styles

I think they they definitely were trying to do a lethal weapon knockoff, but they didn't quite understand how to write that. I feel like like watching it, um I felt like we're watching again this like recently. I got a vibe of it was a combination of like Beverly Hills Cop and Lethal Weapon.
Well, who was the Beverly Hills cop? Well, just because, I mean, cuz Sloan like is like a Beverly Hills, like he's that whole like vibe, like he would be the one, he'd be the one of the cops that like actually comes up and like, you know, it's like messing with because he works in like the Beverly Hills police station. And obviously Harold Fulton Meyer did the score for this, which is like, it's like hits you like within the first second. It was like, it's like, oh, it's a full time movie. I was gonna say it's awesome. It sounds just like, um,
kind of is coming off the heels of another 48 hours or 48 hours? Well, yeah, oh it's it's definitely just, you know, this guy forgot putting the production post like Lethal Weapon where everyone was in the 48 hours where everyone was trying to like, we have to make all movies, buddy, cut movies. Especially when the distinction of, okay, we can't have another racial dynamic buddy cop comedy. Let's go for two white dudes, which is fine.

Character Dynamics and Influences

Cause it's two different acting styles or like what you think. Cause alone never does the slob. He's always done the almost uptight guy or the, um,
even like his cobra was kind of clean. Like, you know, like it didn't have the total like trailer park vibe that I would think Kurt Russell was trying to go for only because in the beginning of the movie, Kurt Russell, he just likes candy and junk food. That's his only thing that showed you that. And he at Russell is a maverick. He wears he wears jeans and like stones wearing like Armani suits. It doesn't make sense because it in how they're portraying it.
Honestly, like they're both quirky, and that's fine, but none of them are completely unhinged. It seems like they still follow the rules. It's just Kurt Russell's insane introduction in that parking lot is... can't You couldn't control that. That was just a shootout in a very terrible parking lot design room. Yep.
where he steals that guy, he steals that Russian guy's car. Yeah. It's a good introduction just because it seems like, uh, Oh my God, the city has to pay out so much in that parking lot versus. Yeah. but ah but They both get, um, like good kind of like fun intro scenes. Like, you know, obviously, at least loans is probably better just because it's got like,
It's it's like an Amash like people said it's like an Amash to was a story. Yeah. Yeah. That it looks just like I thought about that. Where Sloan is Sloan stops it like a truck on the middle of the highway that's carrying drugs and he's like in the middle of the road. It's a middle of the highway in the desert. Yeah. It wasn't a busy Hong Kong street. And honestly, he didn't have to shoot the driver. He could have shot the engine.
But that would have rammed right into his car, I guess. Also, did the driver put like his truck in park and then fall out? Well, it seemed like they were trying to brake and they braked it. But then the force, I guess they were wearing

Plot Inconsistencies and Logical Gaps

seat bolts and they like to stop. through through the wishs Yeah. But then how did the the truck stop? Like, you know what I mean? Like you can't just let a car unbroke, unbraked, and then it's still gonna try to either go forward or backwards. Yeah, I don't know. ah Sloane's, um like Tango's analytical, logical mind let him analyze how like how much he needed it to stop and it was gonna stop like precisely where he wanted it to. yeah I just think that it'd been funny if one of the guys fell out, but when they both fell out, all I i kept thinking was that truck's gonna lurch forward or back.
And then he's got his own new problem on. At least in Police Story, it was the people in the truck. It was a bus in Police Story. It was a bus that fell out, not the driver.
Otherwise, it's still a good stunt. I would say this movie has a lot of great stunt work, or at least cinematic action shots. Yeah. ah But yeah, super, super questionable physics.
And the ah the driver of that truck is Robert Zadar, who is one of the many, many character actors that show up in this movie. It's a movie that's jam-packed with so many people. Robert Zadar, Clint Howard, James Hong.
um Oh, Billy Blanks is just like in the background for like one scene. Billy Blanks is there? Yeah, he's but he's one of the guys in the like when that big show in the prison, like but in like the like the laundry room. like He's like next to Ryan James, but he doesn't do anything.
And also they like Benny, Benny, your key does is also there for like in the back of what scene doesn't do anything. Oh, my God. Like he's he's behind like when Jack Palance is in the prison for that one scene and he leaves like but your kids like his like guy with him for some reason, like he's another henchman besides Brian James. But never never fights anybody, who never does anything.
Because you think he would be the guy at the end, because it's like at the end it's like Brian James and another guy are fighting Sloan and Kurt Russell. But then it's just another it's another like martial arts guy. It's like Sonny Lee, I think is his name. He's another stuntman. But it's like, white you had Benny your kid. It's like, why is this other guy doing this?
Yeah. Well, Sonny it is, is pretty good. I think he was also the Batman stunt man and Batman 89. Yeah. Did all the, the like martial art fights. And he also was in double impact. That was right. And that, that was the one for Van Damme. He's I think we talked about it because we're like, why is this like, I think he was the actual like stunt actor for Van Damme for some things so or whatever. And then, um,
Yeah, he's actually like legit martial artists. Yeah. He shows up like at the third act just randomly, you know? It's not even hinted at that it's going to be him, you know, like in the final. He just shows up and just joins that last fight. Like, who's this guy? If he was in the prison, it would make sense later on that he was probably a goon or something like that. Yeah.
I do like that in every act though, there is another henchman that will take over. Like like Robert Sadar is like the main guy for like the like the whole like second act under prison. Yep. to like To the point where like the police are letting him just run around with them like to kill Stango and Cash. Yeah, what a weird thing. cause Did they keep that relationship secret at the prison? Was he always just like free to do what he wants? It feels like everyone at that prison is corrupt except for um like Kurt Russell's friend that gets murdered. Matt? Yeah, everyone else is like like got paid off. like so Jack Palance pays off like half the city of Los Angeles like du for his scheme. it's like He pays audio experts, other police officers, FBI agents.
Yep. I mean, whatever business he was doing, it was going well. He also had his own like rat handler, because he was just getting rats. I do i do love that that quirk of his, that he loves rats, apparently. And he he built he builds a bar that has a rat maze in it, just so he can like demonstrate or have them run around in this maze. They don't even show the maze being complete or anything. It's just, OK, for an example,
to his own henchmen, and then they just have to like, all right, so then we had to wait like 10 minutes and watch this rack plead a maze. He put that just for this one point. He like, he's just, as soon as like Tango and Cash started like taking down his businesses, he's like, I need a maze built in this bar so I can demonstrate that they're the rats eventually. It's like, oh, why it's like, why we were supposed to so much money try to take down Tango and Cash. Like it doesn't help that you're also building metaphoric mazes.
like real mazes for metaphors. Yeah. Well, I guess, I guess it makes sense to him because tango cash are costing him so much money. Like I think at one point They say like, um, I think tango cost him like $60 million dollars or something of like he's for like drug busting drugs and then cash equally, uh, amount of money. Like, cause cause they're busting all these drugs. They're like stopping all these drugs, stopping all these guns. And, but it's all tied to Jack palance. So that's why he's wants them taken down.
but's what's but It's been going on for like, oh it seems like it's been going on for a while. Mm-hmm. So he's just been like plotting.

Production Challenges and Changes

I guess, yeah, he's been plotting this like elaborate scheme, but then, but then James Hong the other and his, and the other guy are like, why don't we just kill them? That wouldn't have just killed them. And that saved you a lot more money. Yeah. They cut, they've cost us like a hundred million dollars combined. That's a hundred million dollars back in like ED nine. yeah So
But also, the Jack balance seems like he's insane. so he just you know like he's He's kind of a Bond villain. but like At the end, he like he he has this this Corey hideout that is basically like a Bond. It has a self-destruct mode. It has henchmen dressed in like matching the jumpsuits.
yeah his um His office is like a very like Bonneville office. like he He's got a wall of TVs. He's got a hidden mirror room. Oh, not in a wall of TVs. It's also a like intercom did like video mirror. in Like, I don't know how they're able. How did he invent that? Yeah, but' they're doing like like video zoom calls. Yeah. Yeah.
i do I do love Jack Pounce's, like all of his rants and just like him to just like saying their names over and over again. Just like Tango and Cash, Cash and Tango. I'm gonna take Cash and Tango. I'm so sick of that Tango and Cash. I'm wondering if there is, if there was a planned sequel, right? And they did make it like instead of Tango and Cash, it's Cash and Tango. Tango and Cash and someone else. They throw someone else in the mix.
Tango, Cash, and Moolah. It has to be someone like another big star. I feel like the thing that they kind of separates this one from the other Blue Cop movies is that it's two big action stars. Yeah. That's like the separator. They're not like mismatched.
um as far as, uh, like a criminal and a cop or, you know, what what other ones are, uh, like a special elite officer and a retiring officer. Like, like the selling point is that it's Stallone and dog, dog and a human, right? It should be, um, someone that caliber. So it would have been Schwarzenegger, but that would have, I don't know if that's like too much at the time. That would have pushed Kurt Russell down.
Because I think Stallone is the biggest star I think at that time. Kurt Russell is coming off of Overboard? I think that was 90s. I think picture of a little China was probably the like the last movie he was in before this. Oh, no, Overboard was last one. Okay. Yeah. or and seven yeah So that's what I'm thinking. Like he's coming back from family comedy romance movies. And the Tango and Cash was his um
Hey, I can do American action movies. I haven't seen Tequila Sunrise in a while. I know that's more of a drama. Ooh, Mel Gibson would have been a good, like, sweeping. You know, just, okay, hey, and Mel Gibson's in this now. But that would have been way too lethal of any. Yeah, I don't think they could do that. Well, it was, um it was supposed to be Patrick Swayze was supposed to, like the person they originally cast, because the original title for this movie was called The Setup, and it was going to be Stallone and Patrick Swayze.
And then Swayze dropped out to do Roadhouse, so then they cast Kurt Russell. which that That was just the start of all the ah crazy, like we this movie was basically like a giant disaster, like it barely made it to theaters. That's crazy to think that this movie had struggled with two like big stars. Yeah, so so like they lost Swayze. The director of photography left after four months.
They, Barry Sonnefeld, who ah you know directed like the Adam's Family movies and the Men in Black movies, was actually the replacement director of photography, but Sloan fired him after like a week. Because he, like, Sloan didn't think he was like lighting the movie well enough, or the way he wanted it to be lit. So they fired him. Just for lighting. Just for, like, a lighting complaint. And then the the main director was Andrei Chancholaski, who directed ah Runaway Train, the, ah is it?
Robert Duvall movie, I think I got nominated for like a Cammie Ward. I think that was actually like, it might have been a canon joint, I think, like the most one of the most prestigious movies.
But he directed that before this and then he signed on and then he and Stallone were trying to keep it more of like a lethal weapon. Like it has comedic elements to it, but it's not um like ah like a parody, but then Warner Brothers, and then especially John Peters, who's like the infamous producer at Warner Brothers, who, um among other things, constantly wanted like a giant spider in every movie. It's it's like famously told by Kevin Smith for Superman Lives and then Wild Wild West eventually. He got his wish. But he he basically wanted to be more like a full-on, like a spoof or a parody, like basically like what Loaded Weapon became later on. ah He wanted to just be a wacky comedy.
So they were, like, constantly, like, arguing with each other, and eventually they fired Andrei Chantalovsky, and then they got, like, like, I think three other directors had to sign on and finish the movie, and then post-production was a nightmare. Like, they barely got... It basically... Because it premiered on December 22nd. It basically... They basically finished the movie, like, on December 20th or something, and, like, the print was finished. They, like, had to, like, ship it... They thought shipping it wet to theaters, because it was basically right out of, like, the developer.
It's also like $20 million dollars over budget. Yeah, of course. So it's yeah, just everything. Everything. So like everything that couldn't go wrong went wrong. But then somehow it's they still made like a fun movie out of it. Like it's somehow it's like still pretty fun and like lots like some cool action stuff and you know, still can rustle up like fun back and forth.
Yeah, it's a shame that this movie doesn't get a lot more attention because it it's coherent as a plot. It might be goofy in the third act where they start giving out gadgets and and a souped up A-Team van out of nowhere. But it it's not terrible. I like the the dynamic between them. It's got a lot of charm because it's a it's sort of aware how silly they are both of them like Stallone playing this posh Californian stockbroker cop.

Character Backgrounds and Motivations

Yeah, Russell playing just basically the his big trouble a little China character. its Yeah, it's like a checkbook being a cop like it's yeah I mean, it's a little typecast, but I'm fine with that. But we never get to see more of his character. All we know really, we know a lot about tango.
ah Like his sister, his house, his financial situation, I guess, where he's like rich, he doesn't need the work. He's he's basically Will Smith like from Bad Boys. like He's just a cop because he actually arrested people. like het like Well, he likes justice, but it doesn't make sense where... I mean, he's also not stressed out. It seems like his life is fine.
Yeah, he's making all these busts. Apparently, everyone at the station loves him because he walks back and everyone's just like, hey, Tango, what's up? Ray, what's up, man? But as soon as he's convicted, like no one helps him. Yeah. One one tap one tape of of their voices and like one expert like one witness and they're like, oh, yeah, they're they're guilty. They murdered that guy.
But when, okay, it's hard to prove that because when they be swabbed with gunpowder residue and and say, okay, well, but it's not on you. Also, the FBI was waiting outside and they heard no gunshot.
Well, I mean, the main FBI guy was paid off. So that's part of it. Right. But it's a crazy amount of paperwork that you just have to like think about how insane of how many steps it took them to be convinced, convicted. You know, I get it. I guess the judge is also paid off. Maybe. The jury too. yeah Jack Pella spent more than he than he lost, like for Tango Cash, like like ah stopping his businesses. He he spent more than than that to like get them put in jail. Yeah. The jail, they need to pay off the jail. Then he has to pay off the transportation that brought them to the wrong jail because they're they're supposed to go like a different jail. Yep. Then they were also supposed to. Did they even have a lawyer? No, they are two different lawyers. They each had their own lawyer. Yeah.
Which they they they they were like literally trying to help them. They weren't like paid off. I mean, who knows? Jack Powell's probably loose with his money.
Yeah, I mean, he's he's but he's buying giant TV walls and rat mazes, so who knows? Yeah, I don't think his empire fell because of tango and cash. I just think there's just impulse buying everything. i'm also curious I'm curious where they got all the rest of the audio for that tape that convicts them, because we only hear them, like,
The FBI guy that's murdered is wearing a wire, so they like we hear them talking in the room. But then when they play a tape in the courtroom, there is like so much more that we have it like they didn't say. So they have like other tapes. They've been recording there for months, or they have some sort of other hidden recordings that they have that they can explain in.
unless they give a lot of public interviews. like You know, the internet wasn't there. There wasn't a voice they can get like a YouTube clip of. So the only thing that makes sense is that um it's all like radio interviews and news news articles and stuff that they just like quote it random things. Yeah, because I don't think you can, you know, there wasn't a technology to like take like a sample of their voice and then turn like use it to like make other, like there's no, you know, some's so there's no AI or you can't,
just like get a sample and then make ah them like say anything. You have to have like actual like phrases that they had said recorded and like splice those in. Okay. They also had eighties technology. There would have been it was because it was it was cassette tape. but yeah It would not be crystal clear. There'd be like truck noises. There would be all these other things in the background.
I don't know. It's disbelief. I get it. You know, the more we were looking at, I understand why this movie didn't do awesome

Plot Closure Issues

in theaters. But if you really don't care about those small details that we bring up, still pretty fun. It's still just, oh, hey, the expert witness, like, did this. But then we never see that expert witness again. Well, we do because Caruso goes to, because he got paid off too. Then Caruso goes to his house and like, we don't know. But like after that, just like, oh yeah, do they go back to court? Do they clear their name?
Yeah, we never really, like, get this, like, there's no, it kind of just ends and it's like, hey, they're back. They're heroes again. All right. Like, we don't, we don't see any sort of, um, you know, wrap up of, of, um, there should be like another new, like we like they they rely a lot on newspapers in this movie. There's a lot of newspapers explaining what's happening. Very, very cliche.
But youll yeah, the only newspaper we see at the end is hero cops are restored their back but like no like no mention of um you know if like crime lord killed or like millions of dollars weapons destroyed or you know massive corruption exposed they're like oh you guys blew up the bad guy all right your cops again and you kill almost all the witnesses are gone okay yeah we believe you
so I think the only one that survives is the audio guy, because the FBI agent gets blown up, and they think they kill all the henchmen and all the bad guys. Even the henchmen that chose it for the last fight probably blew up. Well, I mean, yeah, the whole building blows up. If anyone's left inside that's like unconscious or still trying to get out, they're exploded.
And I think, yeah, then like yeah the I guess maybe the... I guess they had to figure out like who in the prison, which I mean, it's everyone in the prison. But yeah, they the only evidence they had is they have the audio tapes and they can like arrest like the audio guy, but then they don't <unk>t really have any other evidence to clear their names. and just said like They made a fake tape. Because then doesn't he not know who paid him, the audio expert? Well, I think Brian James paid everyone. Brian James was the guy like going around and he's like the
like leg man for Jack pallets because he's like, right. But then Brian James blew up. No one knew what Brian James did. You know, it's not like he was someone you can easily look off and like, Oh, is that guy with the ponytail now into a million pieces? Well, somehow tangos captain figured out his name and he's like, Oh, by the way, here's that that guy that like, um, with the point tail, here's his name and his address. Like I just found him for you. Go, go get him. Hmm.
Just because it's when they hang him off the roof and then put it like read as well as you know, we're skipping the amazing prison escape that takes a day. Like the whole everything for the prison. Yeah, I think we we were talking before we started recording that. They've really like all the promotional materials. I a lot of the trailers were like really setting this up as a like Stallone and Kurt Russell are locked in prison. And how are they going to get out? It's like it's like a prison movie.
But then you watch it and it's like 20 minutes, 30 minutes of the movie. ah So it's like a ah very short section of the movie. Well, in terms of how long they've been in prison, maybe two days, but probably not. It seems like one day it seems like the first night they get there, they get like taken away, like the they they break into their cells and like drag them on their beds and like start beating them up.
Okay. Yeah. And then, then it's the morning. Then the ah assistant warning gives them like tips on where to go now. And then it's the next night, I think. Yeah. so Yeah. They're in there for like two days.
You probably know they've been there for a month and then that's when, uh, cash makes his escape.
the the The crazy thing is the warning gets assistant warning gets killed in this prison. And it seemed like no one cared. Like, yeah, every other person in the in the in the prison was corrupted, like a corrupt guard. They got paid off or something. Because you have to pay on some Brian James because you just walk in and, you know, do the their whole, like, the string, that they hang them by meat hooks or like hooks and like over the laundry. Pits the laundry in water and then like try to electrocute them.
Yeah. Why does the laundry room have like a torture chamber? yeah I get it. you You don't. The electric thing was from a conduit. Like, uh, Brian James like ripped that out of the wall and dragged it over. Yeah. Uh, I also appreciate that everyone in the prison is just chilled this. I mean, I mean like the, the prisoners, like they got to get out of their cell for a late night torture rec session. Yeah. Hang around. I guess everyone in that room hated tango and cash. Yeah. I think, but I think most of them got arrested by either tango or cash.
Gotcha. And that's why they're cheering on this because no one says the obvious. Why don't we just kill these guys? Like they they do this whole elaborate like torture thing. um I think I think it's Jack Peltz's downfall. He's just too theatrical. Like he just wants amazing like like he was everything be like super elaborate and draw it out. Just be like, yeah.
Because everyone is constantly suggesting them like, why don't we just kill them? He's just like, no, like but I got a better plan. Watch my, like, everything's in motion already. ah it's good We're gonna we're gonna see torture them. It'd be cool. Trust me. It'll pay off. And it doesn't. It completely like destroys his empire because they didn't suspect that ah Tango and Cash would go through the electric grid of the prison. It's the like like the ventilation shafts. But they backtrack, because they they they well they were supposed to use the sewer line. And that fails. Yeah. You have to get in the roof and then slide down and the like cable that is constantly shooting out sparks. like Someone needs to like check the electrical grid of that prison.
Because like the the power line is running into the prisoners, shedding sparks off constantly. yeah
And then they have to make their way through the generators. They have to touch them so they get shocked, which, at least the fun, like Robinson Zarr's death, where he gets kicked into the generator. As you get kicked, it more like just falls backwards into a power line.
Yeah, well, I think he's got Sloane's leg wrapped up in that ah somehow he got like a chain with like a hook on it. I guess maybe cards escape them that to like use cause like but the the guard's just like rep or like following representatives lead. They're just like, hey, you like you will follow you, man. Like you you do if you want to do these guys it's like.
yeah But then bizarre, because honestly, how is he not like someone's henchman? It seems like he came to prison. Is it the best thing for a hench his henchman business? I guess technically he was working for Jack Palance, just like maybe he didn't realize that because he was the truck driver for one of his trucks, but. Yeah, he's not like directly like getting paid. I go, maybe maybe when Brian James, if I show up to the prison, they were like, oh, this guy really wants to kill them. i'm Like, yeah, like give him his give him a chance to kill them.
But yeah, a bunch of other guys in the prison. like And also, like when when they first get to that prison, it's like a full on riot apocalypse, where it's like on fire, and like they're throwing every sheet of paper, everyone's yelling at them. i do and then But they're like super nonchalant about it. They're just cracking jokes about it. Yeah, they're very calm for basically going into this prison that is um Something out of like, a movie? And the person's just chill with this? Like, oh yeah, it's light garbage and then do all this, it's fine.

Chaotic Prison Scene Analysis

Well, it starts out with paper and then by the end of the scene, they're like walking past like a blazing fire, like the entire section of the person's on fire. Like, no one cares, they just put it in their rooms. It's like, get in your room. It's like, are you gonna put that fire out? No, we're not. It's fine. You're the problem here.
whither and then they each get like a wily different roommate like Kurt Russell gets that giant guy and then Stallone gets Clint Howard who's like a serial killer I guess maybe or something I think he it said that he killed a baby yeah but he's obsessed with Slinky and he's called Slinky and then Stallone like wraps the Slinky around his neck at one point to shut him up
But yeah, they get out i do I do like the zip line where they jump to the wire and then use the zip line, which um I was reading on IMDb. It's kind of like Jackie Chan kind of did the nod back to them. but Because they borrowed the police story like ah truck scene. And then he did the, I think it was in Supercop, he did like the zip line down the electrical cable in in that later on. Ah.

Possibilities of a Sequel

Yeah, this movie should have had Jackie Chan in the third act. Like, if you do a sequel, have Jackie Chan in there. Yeah, he would have but he would have been the Tango Cash and whatever Jackie Chan's name would be. I don't know. Tango Cash. Ciao.
Yeah, a third name in that just sounds like a law firm. Yeah. The law firm of Tango and Cash just sounds fucking awesome.
What was it? Was it Franklin and Bash? Yeah.
I don't know what cro what things they really saw, but I always think it's hilarious. Well, I feel like Stallone would be the lawyer, then Kurt Russell would be like the guy on the street like investigating things and then and bringing him like all the info on whatever criminal it is. Yeah. how Also, I feel like this movie could have been good, too, if like Stallone was a lawyer and then Kurt Russell was the cop.
There's like a vibe that makes sense that way too. Yeah. And that kind of explains how Salone can look so good. And then well, it's like, well, I've got training, but I'm also, uh,
like I don't really do police work. You know, I'm more of a lawyer guy. You're a lawyer. It's just, unfortunately it's that problem of like Schwarzenegger. Like when you have the action hero body,
And then it's like, well, what do you do for a living?

Stockbroker Cop: Believable or Not?

It's like, well, I am a stockbroker. Like what? And like, I feel like it's the same same thing happens in like a lot of movies where like, you know, he's got his suit in the beginning, but then eventually he's just, he's just in like a t-shirt and pants. Like, yeahp like, uh, Judge Dredd, same thing. He's like, you know, the super elaborate Judge Dredd costume to start with. And then eventually he's just in like a ah gray t-shirt.
Mm-hmm. So look at this one. like but yeah he He's just thing a like ah it's like a normal, like, like super tight t-shirt and pants to be like, yeah, not I'm just actually here alone now. I'm not a lawyer. then like not All that, like, the glasses, the suit, all that stuff is just, like, not gone now. Well, that's for the ladies. That's for the ladies who got came dragged in this movie. Well, we also got to see, like, both of them naked, basically, and, like, dripping wet and stuff. There's a lot of, like,
We got to show off our bods, like. Yeah. I mean, I do appreciate that. It's like equal. It's all right. Well, if you guys show your butt, I'm sure of my butt. That was the that was the rock Vin Diesel of this movie. It's like we got to equal equal equal body showing off times that like punches traded. We have to do like butt scenes. Yeah. But I feel like Stallone and Kurt Russell were probably more casual, like cordial to each other? i you know No way would right now can you have two megastars be in the same movie and not have that be some sort of weird contract thing that they had like Hobbs and Shaw, right? The closest I would say that came to this idea was Hobbs and Shaw. That's something wrong.
Can you think of another Tango Cash that came out in the last like five years? Like a, like a new like buddy cop movie? Well, action star buddy cop or star. This, this, I'm surprised by the biggest one.
Yeah. It's like in the last two, two guns, maybe. kind Yeah, kinda. Wait, I didn't cause a shock came after that. Yeah, I did.
Well, I guess, i mean it's you know, I was slowly sourcing your like we're in escape plan together. So that was like a that was somewhere i was early too oh like that was 2013. I'm talking about lately another.
ah What got released as a buddy cop movie that is two action stars. Hmm.
Bad boys. yeah yeah I guess I guess you turn to bad boys. Yes. Yes. Like kind of.

Evolution from Buddy Cops to Solo Action Heroes

I don't know. It's definitely it's definitely not as prevalent as it used to be in like the 80s and 90s because I feel like I feel like you know John Wick kind of like like and ushered in now it's like the single guy like It's the one specialist who has all the skills. I mean, I guess maybe like Taken started out too, but it's like the one person would like, it's a one-man army kind of thing brought back where it's like they have all these like super efficient skills that they're gonna use to like take down like armies of guys. Taken was different though. I feel Taken had that the guy who uses his brains where in John Wick, it's mostly I'm gonna run in and just action my way through everything. Which is fine. There are two vastly different things.
Unfortunately, Taken starts dipping after the first movie. Yeah. But yeah, but but but both like so you know solo action and a solo action hero.
Yeah, I'm even looking at what they consider buddy cop comedy and IMDB. ah And the list is has not been updated like since three years ago, so it stops at 2020. Yeah. And they they list Utopia as one of them. I mean, kind of.
It's like, it's like buddy cop for kids. Yeah.
So I want to, I want to bring up. So the one thing that was like crazy, I was trying to figure out, rewatch it again was what the hell is going on with, with the club that, uh, Terry Hatcher works at?

The Club's Theme and Atmosphere

Like, what is its theme? Like what is it? Yeah. Cause yeah. Cause it feels like it should be a strip club, but but then there's when Kurt Russell walks in, there's like an Elvis impersonator. And then it's also like, it's not just like, like CD guys. It's like couples and like yuppies there. And it it kind of feels more like an old school, like you like ah like a big band, like dinner club. but Like it would be like, you know, like in like a fifties movie, it'd be like the giant orchestra we're playing. Yup. Big brass band. But then Terry Hatcher comes out is is kind of doing like a like a strip tease kind of thing, but then she plays the drums. Like badly plays the drums.
It's in it yeah, it's it's that club is like needs to figure out what is identity. It's so confusing.
But then there are like strippers in the back, like like all the girls backstage are naked. So it's like, what's going on? Yeah, it seems like there's no no nudity thing on. On that dance floor, but then it's like more it's like burlesque. It's like a burlesque club or something. But then why is there ah like an Elvis impersonator that shows it's like doing like a ah a segment?
And why are like, like, like, um you know, like rich Los Angeles young couples going there like this, like the hot like nightclub in Los Angeles. Yeah, it's just the tone is all confusing, but the bartenders are nice because it's like, oh, I'm sorry for late service. Here's a free beer. Yeah, that's that's just like clearly heard. Mm hmm.
and And he holds the drumsticks for Terri Hatcher, which I don't know. like you but They want to be on stage already with the drum set. But yeah why why would why would the bartender be responsible for that? I do appreciate her choice of music too, because like that Yazoo song is great. It's fine until she's playing the drums. That's out of tune. from yeah It definitely feels like they're playing a different song on the set that she's playing to. And then it's like, well, we got this we have the rights to this Yazoo song.
um So we we'll just play that. ah And I do love the fake out when they're trying to get out, where Russell's asking about the like the leather jacket. like It's like, what size do you wear, Elvis?
And then Terry Hatcher's the one that wears it and then Kurt Russell has like dressed up like a woman to get out. Yeah, that happens. The, oh my God. Uh, so Kurt Russell has the legs of definitely like a fit woman. And then it's just the Kurt Russell face and the cops who, who missed that should all be fired. yeah It wasn't as if Kurt Russell was completely believable. That is basically the chin and face, you know, like that.
The cop that like gets really close and it even Kurt Russell puts on the sunglasses, it doesn't cover up as like five o'clock shadow. And it doesn't help that he just looks so broad for a dancer out of that club. Well, the the one, the one horny cop that like, it's like, it's tracked by Terry Hatcher and then like, it's like hitting on both of them outside is like, oh, a robot structure, huh? I don't know how you just assume that.
then he's like It's like, oh, you guys want to do a three-way? I mean, bold for the cop to do that on duty while look while doing a manhunt. So he gets up for threesome, and then they're like, it's like right off.
And then you get the you know the the wacky classic wacky bit where um Terry Hatcher is giving Caruso a massage and then Sloane walks in and thinks they're having sex. Because everything they're saying sounds like sex. And he's just freaking out.
And then almost kills his captain with a ah wooden duck that he like picks up and bursts off the door with.
And then after that, they're running dynamic for the rest of the movie. It's like Kurt Russell is constantly making jokes about how he's going to date Sloane's sister. Yep. It's like telling him I'm gonna.
I mean, it's funny because Tara Hatcher obviously into what she saw in in Kurt Russell drag. ah but Yeah, and then she just sort of gets kidnapped for the rest of the movie. We're trying to figure out like how to happen. And we're assuming that, because they figure out who Brian James is. They go and ah question him. And then when they're walking away, Kurt Russell is joking about Tango's sister. So I guess he overhears that like Tango has a sister that they didn't know about. So then he I guess they figured out who she was and kidnapped her.
But we never, we never see it. We never see him like break into her house and get her or like anything that just like cut to like the climax. And she's like being held at gunpoint by Brian James. This movie we're more aware. Jack pal should have just been like, aha, I kidnapped your sister. You didn't know I did that. You know, it just pours windows. Oh, insurance plans. I kidnapped your sister. And.
He was always aware, but he didn't choose to pull that or it's something dumb. Like he completes his mat raise his, his rat maze. And then it reveals Terry Hatcher, you know, a third rat in the maze. He should have, he should have built his, uh, Corey hideout, have it be a giant maze and just like play it off. Like you, you're the rats now. You have to skip my maze.
Oh actually that makes more sense. He sort of did a mirror maze in horror? He made one room. He made one room like a mirror room. And I think he was in the middle of it because it didn't seem like he was in a other spot or something that was hard to deduce.
Yeah, it is. It is like that big of a room. And then I guess, this yeah, I guess his plan was, Oh, they he won't be able to figure out which one it's me. And then they both immediately figure out which one is him and shoot him. I'm sure it's, Jack has comes out so fast. Like, it's just like, they confront, like he's holding Terry at your gunpoint and then they both shoot him in the head and then he's dead. That's it. Like by Jack. He didn't even drop a rat. He didn't have a metaphor. He didn't even, um,
didn't really have He had a bigger plan in Batman 89 than he did in here. I also feel like Jack Pound pretty much walked off a set of this and walked right on to Batman 89 during the same time. you think I feel like they shot Batman first because Batman came out first. So I feel like he must have been on that first. yeah Because Batman 89 was like the summer.
But yeah, it was definitely a good feeling for Check Palettes, because he was in this and Batman. But he kept being shot in his movies. I mean, this is what happens to the bad guys, I guess. I think only after this, he did City Slickers 2, where he didn't get shot. Yeah. I'm trying to think if he's hosting a release movie or not at the time too, because he was still in the AIDS version of a release movie or not.
How wild is that if you're like a kid growing up watching that version of Ripley's Beaver or not, and then you happen to watch Tango and Cash, and it's like, why is the host of Ripley's Beaver or not playing with rats? It was great too, because it's like everything sounded creepy and like disturbing, because it's like the area, even if it's like someone like shoving, you know, it's like this, I can fit like an entire pool table, of like all the pool walls in my mouth, and but Jack about to describe me as like, oh, okay, this is disturbing.
Is this a horror thing? Yeah. This man, this man can fit all the pool balls in his mouth, believe it or not. I don't know. Should we stop him? Are we, are we supposed to be afraid of that? Cause I sound like I am. Do you believe it? Do you believe it?
Do you believe it Tango?
Yeah. I do. I do think we got to talk about talk if you're like the climax, you have to talk about the, uh, the art, the super RV that just like appears with no warning.

Gadgets and Plot Influence

Oh, uh, before we get to that, let's talk about the random cue guy that shows up. Yeah. So Owen, who is, uh,
Cash's friend, who i I thought worked for the police, but then I guess he just works, but like he just has his own crazy weapons workshop somewhere that I don't know who's funding him or where he's getting money from, but he's making all these like crazy gadgets. Like he makes, it's the first hint of it is that Cash has a like boot with a shot cut in it. That's how he like gets the drop on like the hit man in like the opening scene.
So like, which I guess Owen made that boot for him. And then he's just making, yeah, he's making all all these other gadgets and it's like, the pinnacle is this super van or super RV that has a minigun on it and video cameras and bulletproof glass and nitrous and.
i do I do like that, um, you know, it's like a nine. So people didn't really know what nitrous was then. It's like, it's still, it's like, what the hell's nitrous? I think it doesn't know what it is either. It's low. Doesn't know a lot of terms, nitrous, who bar. Uh, I mean, it's probably all the things, but yeah, he he's still concerned with his stocks. He's still concerned with like the price of sugar.
yeah But so they yeah, they get this so they get this this crazy armored RV that they use to attack like um Jack Palance's compound. that it it just It feels like totally out of a different movie. It feels more of like if this was like a James Bond style movie, where you know it's it's the the main bad guy's fortress, and Q gave them the ah fancy car that Bond is going to use to like take down the the villain.
The event also has ah video like video conferencing technology and it because they're talking to Owen on it. So it's he also invented Zoom in 80s. You know how hard it was to connect a video call with dialogue up back then? and was How is he even connecting? Because it's a van. I actually see a satellite dish on it. So I don't know how that's even working.
But then. ah Jack palance has basically like a bad max like like fleet of vehicles like he has two monster trucks and ah Like sandrails Like the monster like when the monster truck show up it's just like oh my this is like it's a no Which I think I guess one of those monsters is actually Bigfoot Really? Basically, I think it's it took like the Bigfoot like shell off of it. I
But yeah, he's got all kinds of you know henchmen and vehicles. and and then But it eventually comes out like the the construction vehicles that work in the quarry. Yeah, the bulldozers will eventually win.
that that like is it like they they they're more effective than the super fan because taking out cash like steel, they like take over two of those construction vehicles and they basic they use a smash to make compound. i like That does more damage than like the super man ever did.
The fan has like a minigun on it, but I feel like they're not really hitting anybody. They're like, like, slowly, we're damaged. We're like leading out the window, shooting like a machine gun, then like that many guns doing. And it gets it gets like blown up like it would like a like a rocket. It's on fire like super easily.
So. I guess their plan was to just run and gun it, but then they just the the construction equipment laying around was way more effective, so would have been better for them to. Just do that first.
Yeah, yeah, like sneak in and steal like, like, like, like, oh, it is bulldozers. We can steal them and like smash dude, like all this, uh, all these bad guys smash into like his warehouse and get his guns or whatever. Hmm.
Which yeah, think you know, thankfully, uh, it was a gun deal. Cause they got yeah those like giant machine guns at the end that they to use. Okay. I mean, I don't even know what kind of guns those are. It's like, it's like future guns.
Oh, I did like earlier that freaking guns, that Kurt Russell basically has like a snake-pussing gun to start with. Like he has like a scope pistol, basically. Yeah, yeah, I noticed that. I feel like the zombie scenes, like each of them got like some sort of like homage to like a previous character. Like Kurt Russell got that snake-pussing gun. And then obviously like Tango has like someone's like, this guy thinks he's Rambo. And then the the classic Rambo is the pussy line.
So they it's you know it's like acknowledging their their they're like previous work. I don't mind it. It's and it's nice that at this era of action stars, they didn't take themselves too seriously about their previous roles. And now it's like not too many actors do that. Maybe The Rock for certain things. but Not a lot of actors acknowledge that sometimes they had a monumental character and they can do, like, coy things. Cause, um, ah I mean, some Marvel people do that where they kind of reference it in another movie. Yeah. Well, I mean, is or especially if it's like a Deadpool where Deadpool just like acknowledges everyone's previous role roles.

Action Stars and Iconic Roles

Yeah. Yeah.
I feel like the one that like drips up to me is in like the Marine, the John Cena movie, where they like, like, um someone's like, this guy's like some kind of Terminator, and then Robert Patrick looks in the rearview mirror. Hmm. Yeah, Robert Patrick at least leans into it. Yeah, I feel like, I feel like someone's always mentioning like the Terminator or something when Robert Patrick does something and he gives like a, you know, like a knowing look.
But yeah, but yeah, very, very sudden end to the climax. maybe yeah but Like I said, he just they shoot deck palettes in the face and then the whole thing blows up and then they get exonerated somehow.
And then it's one of those another newspaper ending where it's like, everything, everything's solved. Yep.
It kind of like, it feels like, um, you remember like the end of like Bad Lieutenant, Portacall, New Orleans, where like, the captain comes in and goes like, Hey, everything's fixed. And then this like runs off. Like all, all of like the duplicated crimes get solved because it's like, Hey, everything, everything's like, everything's got wrapped up fine. You're back in the force. And then he just does it again. Yup. I'm thinking about the first one. I think in the end of the first, uh, Bad Lieutenant, it's like,
it ends on him going like, Oh, I should have, I shouldn't have gotten away with this. But then the New Orleans one is just like, whatever life goes on. There's a great job. but
And I think it's a, uh, I think it's it's a bad English song to end it. So it's the, you know, like typical eighties fashion, there's like a ah rock song to end it. Yeah. It's an eighties way to end.
yeah so I suppose there wasn't like another Harold Fultemeier song. Although, I like that Harold Fultemeier is like his like main theme for this movie. is It kind of feels like it's like the ah like you your reverse notes of like the Remember Those Cop theme. So it's just like, you if you like the mirror image of the Remember Those Cop theme, it's just like the Tango Gash theme.
then And then it also like, um Cash gets like a goof like such a like a wacky, goofy version of it. like we first introduceices like The music just so wacky.
Yeah. yeah yeah and This definitely gets kind of like um all the like Harold Foultermeyer movies. like This one definitely gets like ah not much in that much compared to Beverly Hills Cop or you know, Top Gun or Fletch.
Uh, it does get lost in this because there's no time to really hear a breakdown. I feel like in the Fletch and Beverly Hills, there's a lot of sneaking and you can hear them. you Yeah. A lot better. There is no sneaking in this movie. And there's like, um it's almost like constant banter between Still in Kurt Russell. ah like Yeah, there's no like quiet moment. If there is, it's like very short and if it's like not done. It's like intentionally like no one's talking at that moment.
Yes. ah hear i hear You hear the music lot more like the the beginning and then it kind of like fades out. It comes comes back you're like, oh yeah, Harold Fotherman did the music for this movie.
But he yeah, he i mean he is he he is so recognizable. but just like The second you hear it, you're like, oh yeah, this is a Harold Fultemar song. He's like, all synth.
But yeah, anything else about Tango and Cash, Chris? ah Yeah, it's one of those, like this is definitely a time capsule movie.

Tango & Cash as a Time Capsule

This is definitely a movie that I saw later in life than I saw it as a kid. you know like It was like it was like heavily censored and like on TV the first few times I saw it, so it took like years later to see it fully uncensored and just like chaos.
um just because when you watch it in bits, it's like out of context, you don't know what's going on. and But when you watch it completely, it's like, it's two separate movies. There's the prison part that is like one movie, and then there is the, like, like souped up van and and gadget boots that come out of nowhere.
Yeah, it definitely feels like pieces of two or three different movies that they spliced together into one. but they had like They had this idea for like a prison movie where cops go like these two cops go to prison. They had an idea for something some sort of movie involving this super van. They had you know another movie about a straight buddy cop movie with these two but like cops, and they just like smashed them all together.
Yeah, yeah. ah that's That's like the thing, when you watch it now, you could definitely feel there is a difference. There's there's a lack of like flow. like If you were to say, hey, there's a prison part of a movie, like cool, is that like the middle or the end? It's like, no, it's the first like half hour, and then it moves on to something else. Yeah. It's like 20 minutes in the middle of the movie. Also, before that, there's like a courtroom drama. Yep.
But no, it's it' definitely like its own time cap. So Tango and Cash didn't live up to be a cultural like characters. But for action fans, it's like a must watch just to watch Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone basically be like, well, Stallone for like to fight against his typecast. And then ah Kurt Russell to just be Jack Burton again. Yes.
yeaht Yeah, kt Kurt Russell is just like full for full Kurt Russell. his His bullet has never been more majestic.
But ah yes, yes, still super fun movie. um Like maybe not the best buddy cat movie, but um you know. ah fun a fun deep cut and it's just it's it's reading about like how horrible the production was it kind of feels like a miracle even got made and it's like as coherent as it is just because it seems like this should be like a like a just absolute disaster yep but uh yes that'll do it this week um
Come back next week, we're going to wrap up 2024. We're going to talk about our favorite and least favorite movies of the year, taking off the new year. So come back and listen to all of our picks for that. And head over to the site. We've got all of our usual news reviews. We've got our, I mean, this is coming out post-Christmas, but if you still want to maintain some of that Christmas spirit, you can watch Home Alone 4 with us. Our commentary is up on the site right now. So you can stream down and watch along with us.
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