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The Pop Culture Audit:  Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Price of Fame"  image

The Pop Culture Audit: Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Price of Fame"

The Pop Culture Audit
63 Plays1 year ago

For our final dance with the Kardashians we throw the rule book out the window and jump into it all at once!  This season finale is truly an epic bookend to the messy, phony, pop-culture defining antics of our (least) favorite family in Calabasas.  

Let's talk about sex pictures and slores, everyone!  


Introduction to Pop Culture Audit

Hi, welcome to the pop culture audit, where we review reality TV and talk about all things pop culture through a contemporary and critical lens. So what exactly is a pop culture audit? Easy. We take a deep dive of pop culture source material, in this case, keeping up with the Kardashians season one.

Significance of Kardashians' Season Finale

And today is special because it's our season finale reviewing episode eight. We come through it highlighting some cringy and historic moments in pop culture discourse. If you're into that, you're in the right place. If you're not into that,
You just might learn something. I'm Keila. And I'm Jasmine.
Hi, everybody. It's Bryn. And we're going to get into it. I'm so excited because it's our last episode of this season, an eight-episode season. So already we know they didn't know if this was going to go or not. And they did a short season. The episode is called The Price of Fame. It's 22 minutes long. And the first line of dialogue is from one of the sisters, Unclear Who, saying, this is exciting about a car show that Kim is hosting.

Exploring Car Show Culture

Pause. And I gotta tell you all, it was the least exciting thing I've ever seen. I don't understand what a car show is. A car is incredibly easy, but they have celebrity sightings. I need a graphic that shows me the correlation of people who have cars as a primary interest in Kim. Wait. Wait a minute. Okay, so do they not have car shows in the Midwest?
They do. I mean, we're in Detroit. I know that they do. I know that there's one in Chicago. I would never go to one, ever. So there's never been a car. So you guys aren't into cars, but maybe the music that they have there or the special guest. Why would they have music? Why would they have special guest? Because you're supposed to have music and drink some beautiful women in bathing suits.
this because that's because they want to appeal to men. Are they getting are they getting exactly what it is? Wait, what? It's not free. No one's getting free anything. Oh,
No, no one's getting, nothing is free at a car show. You show up and look at the beautiful cars next to a half-dressed Vanna White. Can you sit in the cars? Sometimes, but most of the time they're kind of roped off. Oh, stop it. And you can just take pictures in front and then there's like beautiful women there, sometimes playmates back in the day where they would sign autographs, which is what Ken was doing. And yeah, that's just the, I haven't seen
Or like, heard anyone go to one in many years, but they used to have a huge one here. Who were the performers at these? Like, who have you seen at a car show? Wow. Don't do this to me. Oh my gosh. All of the big rappers. Like, it's always rappers. It is. Well, listen, you all, we're getting ahead of ourselves because
I don't, I don't understand. I don't, I'm with Kela. I don't understand anything about this culture. And then I don't know who any of these people are. Right. So Kim's at this folding table. We're at this car show. Um, in LA, she's at a folding table with like a plastic tablecloth on it, signing autographs. And I rewound this to make sure I was seeing this right. She's signing autographs on dude magazine.
And then one guy walks up and says his name so that she can sign the autograph to him directly. And I think his name is Dorch. Everyone is so creative. D-O-R-C-H. Where is Dorch? Who is Dorch? Dorch, if you're listening. What did you do at the

Kim Kardashian's Media Scrutiny

car show? I want you to please, please reach out. We'd love to have you on the show. Where's this guy? Why were you at the car show?
Kim says being in the public eye is really cool and people recognizing her as a real trip. Also, I do want to play that back to her now and be like, what do you think now? But she's so sick of everyone wanting to know about her personal life and who she is dating. So we're teeing up this whole deep dive into whoever Kim is dating at the time.
So this is where I'm getting to. She introduces the rapper Fabulous. And I have literally never heard of him. But it sounds like this is like a thing that happens. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yes. Like a legit person that I'm just unaware of. Not always multiple. He's a rapper. He's a rapper.
What are they for? He has all the hits and he basically his music was the soundtrack of my senior year in high school. Makes me bad. Throw it in the bag. Yeah, super famous. And he was on top. Does any of this click for you, Bryn? Oh my gosh. I wish I could just... No.
No. OK, let's talk about what you were listening to in 2000. Oh, no. And we're your favorite artists at a car show. We're our favorite artists at a car show. Let's move on. Right. No, no. My favorite artists were punk rock bands.

Kim's Dating Life and Media Speculation

So they were probably doing weird shit. OK, so this is your world. But I will say that he was really, really big, and he was on TRL all the time, and just really, really famous.
106th and Park. I mean, this was his hey day when he spoke. We just had to be there. Oh my gosh. We're just going to have to sit her down and like force her to watch like all this stuff. No, this was in LA. You weren't there. I wasn't there. Apparently that one was lit. No. No, I wasn't there. No, I wasn't.
All right. Listen, we leave the car. So the car show is not the main part of this episode. Y'all just to be, despite what my co-hosts and friends would make you think, uh, we leave the car show and Kim is at dash with her sisters. She gets a call from Cindy, her publicist. And I'm so confused or either of you know, is Cindy still her publicist after the 44th email a day? Okay. When did we get a publicist? I feel like we missed.
Ugh. God. I feel like it's after a play. She got a publicist. Okay, stop. Apologist. Really? She got a publicist after the sex tape. I mean, we're going to get into some sex tape of it all as we get into this, but yeah, come on now. Come on now. Okay, so Cindy, AKA, Cindles, says that people have called and she's concerned because there's rumors that Kim was hanging out with Terrence Howard over the weekend. And I have written here, who was that? He's in hustle and flow, the best man. Oh, Brand. Empire.
He's a musician too. I feel like there's other things that he was in too. I think he was in like a mainstream. Is that not Hustle and Flow? Is there not a white person in Hustle and Flow? A movie that included white people that Brent should know. Okay, okay, okay. He was in Iron Man. Oh, yeah. He was in Get Rich or Die Trying?
an iron man like the superhero movie. Iron man replicated. It is brand iron man. Okay. He was in the butler. He was in a butler. Okay. Okay. Here's some more relevant things. He was an August rush. I don't know what that means. This podcast.
Wait, wait, hold on. He was in glitter with Mariah Carey. You guys, he's in princess or two. You know. Every little frog or a bald frog. Oh. I know what that definitely did. I'm sorry. Live order LA. Did not hit the way you thought it was. I'm sorry. You are not helping.
Wait, wait, wait. Okay. Okay. Wait. Hold on. Here's my final one. Wait, it is five hours. It's not that movie. No, no. Oh my gosh. That's a classic. I mean, in everything, he's in everything.
OK, OK, OK. Well, wait. One more. One more. He was in. I'm trying to find something. But he wasn't. He was in. He was the football player. Yeah. Do you remember? He couldn't. He was in. OK. Oh, my God. Mr. Collins opens. No, I never saw that movie. What movie is that one? What did you say, Kealan? What did you say, Kealan? I don't know what that is. Like, learn rhythm. He said team. What?
Oh, white saviors. Yay. Wait. OK, actually. A white teacher helps a black man learn rhythm. Get the fuck out of here. Oh my gosh. So you clearly don't know who this man is. I'm not confused for you. OK, so maybe. The blind side. No, literally don't know who it is. You haven't seen any of them, always dead presidents. OK, we're going to sit you down and have like a like a sleepover. This is unacceptable. Yeah, exactly.
And I bring this back to Kim. I thought I was doing OK. OK, so what? No, you're not. OK. What sends me about Sendel's calling? Oh, oh, sorry. Sendel's like, were you there? Kim goes, no. And then Sendel goes into more detail pressing Kim. Were you sitting next to him? Were you da, da, da, da, da? And it just made me laugh because it said he didn't take no as good enough of an answer. She was like, tell me exactly in the room. Yes. Were you in his laugh? No, no.
Were you on his lap? Here we go. Here we go. I also like to say, as a former publicist, that is not.
Come on, Denise. Come on, Denise. That is not how we press our clients. I thought that was very strange that she was like, well, why did they say you were there? Calm down. All right. Send or whatever your name is. Relax. Okay. Yeah. Relax. She said she wasn't there. She's your client. Just construct whatever you think is the next step. She was really wanting to believe really pushing and I'm just like, uh, calm down.
Y'all, that was not a public. That was a production assistant for E! Entertainment. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. Nobody's publicist. All right, so they're talking to Sindos. It's so funny. They figure out that it was actually Courtney. No, she just gave him a hug. Remember? Because she wanted a picture.
OK, I need help. No, because later she talks. No, she's ready. Yeah, she says it later. The timeline is really it's really suspect. But then also it really negates Kim's idea that she's super famous and recognizable. If all of these breasts can support me for Kim. You're right. So that was making me laugh. So we go back to the ranch and Kim is looking at the trash mag headlines about herself and Terrence Howard. Medium large is a very big deal.
I mean, he also is upping our melanin count, so we're going to count him. The magazine said that he was rubbing her butt, which I thought was a pretty good headline. Well, he's kind of a predator. Totally tracks. Is he a butt rubber? He's a butt rubber? He's a butt rubber. It's black cannon. Yes. It's black cannon. Why do you want me to know this man so badly? We want you to know the movies, not necessarily.
Okay. All right. During this interlude, this is a sidebar because Chloe and Courtney are there. They're looking at these headlines on the computer. It comes out that their mom, Chris- That was funny. ... has a screen saver that is just Kim on her computer. I thought that was funny. I thought that was ... And then Kim kind of says as an aside, I put it there.
Cause the sisters are mad. She kind of like, yeah, she kind of like whispers it or says it and it gets drowned out. Very sibling. I would do that. Kim changed the screen safer to be just her. That is so similar.
All right. So Kim is now super excited to go on the Ryan Seacrest radio show in the morning because she can clear up all these dating rumors. Okay. And this is giving like Tyra again. Remember how excited she was to go on Tyra. Um, Kim's, she's concerned with her reputation as a, and I'm quoting a slor bag, which I think is a combination of slut and whore. Someone can, wow. Still use that to this day. Um,
Oh, don't you use it with the accent? I don't know. The only way I use it is with the accent. What do you mean? It's giving appropriation. New York. I don't know what I thought was going to happen. But OK. East Coast appropriation. OK. All right. All right.
We're just setting women back. You put her on trial. It's a joke. And it sent your honor. She's yelling at us. Denise, is it true

Nude Photo Scandal and Family Dynamics

that you liked Terrence Howard, who was a predator, and also you follow him in slurs? Oh my gosh. Yes, exactly.
All right, listen, all the sisters go on The Seacrest Show. Ryan gets right to it and asks Kim about different guys and if she stated them. So let's do the breakdown. Joe Francis, it's a no. And then she says, that's my sister's friend, which is like a very weird aside because of the Joe Francis of it all from before. So I'm like literally in Mexico at this moment in hiding.
Remember they were Charlie's angels taking everything. This is Pete Wentz. No, but they did kiss. I just like, I cannot believe it. I cannot believe it because Pete Wentz was like everything to me as in my emo era and.
Yes, girl. Keep me lifted up. And then the second thing is like. Oh, really? I'm always surprised. And this is not in like a shaming way, but I'm always amazed by like strange pairings, like people who have kissed or in Jasmine's language, boinked, who just like don't. Yeah. Who like you would never picture to guess. I was duped. I was beguiled. I was shocked. I gasped.
I was more shocked that she kissed a monkey in the music video. 44 calls a day, Justin. She was working her ass off. One was from the San Diego Zoo. I think that it's important to note when she said that, at first I had a reaction to Pete, and then when she followed up with that, I was like, forget Pete. What? Potato, potato. Pete went somewhere. That was more shocking to me. So she was working.
I know that they share a first name, but Pete Wentz and Pete Davidson. He is a gateway drug to Pete Davidson. Of course we got here. Really? He was the Pete Davidson of that era, I think. Yeah. Yeah. This is, yeah. You should have told us everything we need to know. You know what? Anytime I meet a Pete, I'll know what's going on. Oh, yeah. Run. Run for the hills. Yeah. Get out. Those Pete's and Chris's women stay away.
All right, listen, so then they keep going. Terence Howard, no. And then it was Courtney. Courtney said at this point that she was sitting on his lap. Reggie Bush, and this is where Kim gets coy. She says, Reggie and I are really good friends. So obviously they are having influence. She said that to herself, don't you think it's interesting that she was so coy about this, but he doesn't mean an appearance this season, even though he was in the picture in real life.
We've had no men of color. He hasn't been on camera. No, because I guarantee you the producers were like, not yet. They just let Brody on, right? Brody got on. I mean, thank you. And then they're very careful about who they're introducing, and they don't know if 2007 can handle an interracial relationship on television. Oh my gosh. I just want to side note, Reggie Bush to this day has a wife that looks like her clone.
I'm about to learn something that tells me I shouldn't be. I don't remember if he's so fragile. No, that was not him.
He was fine. I don't remember him being problematic at all. Let's pretend he's fine. All right, listen. Kim's on the show. She says she's going to be single for a year. It literally sounds like she's absolutely not single. And Ryan Seacrest calls them girls a lot, and it's super fucking cringe. Thanks, girls. See you later, girls. Bye, girls. Hate it.
Okay, now we're getting into it. Kim is driving and she gets a call from Trish, who is a, and this is the lower third that came up on the screen. Trish is a tabloid magazine assistant editor. Well, she sounded big. A tabloid magazine assistant editor. Somebody had to fact check that. I could get fired. No, that isn't nobody. She's an intern. High call girl.
This is lies on lies. Yeah, this goes under fake alert, by the way. Fake news. Yes, totally, totally. Yeah, and somehow Kim seems to be like, oh Trish, hey, like she knows her by name. So. Well, I will say that to this day they have really solid relationships with quote unquote tabloids. They have TMZ on lock. Oh, yeah. What is his name? The same as James Gordon. Is that the one? Oh, yeah.
Oh, how a white man from TMZ knobs that holly mandel in my head. What are you talking about? They have a relationship with him. The white, the TMZ man. Howie. Howie. That is how.
Yeah. Yeah. And then also Ellen when she was on. Yeah, they're best friends with Ellen. Toxic Ellen. Okay, but this is why Trisha is calling. Trisha is calling Kim to tell her that a photographer has been trying to shop photos of her and her sister to their magazine. Naked pictures of her and her sister. And then Kim's like, and also some guy. So the way that this is framed up at first,
Sounds like there's literally to the naked viewer or the new viewer, let's say, let's not get confused by throwing the word naked in there. To me, who was fully clothed watching this but for the first time, this sounds for all the world like there is a picture of Kim and one of her sisters and some guy naked together. That's what it sounds like.
So I'm like, what? At first, that would have sounded like to you, Q, the girls. And then it became unclear to me. So it's nudes with a man in the picture. I thought it was just like standing there, standing together. In my mind, they were fun. In my mind, they were sad and naked, too, because the boy in
Really? Why was it sad for us? I had, I don't know. It was giving like dust bowl. It was giving like very sad, weird children picture. Yes. I had that in my mind too. Like a big flash, like shining on them. Yes. That's exactly what I thought. Later on in the episode, they say, okay, do you not want me to say it?
Wait, wait. The fact that Bryn and I had the same vision. Okay, okay. Wait, wait. We're going to get there. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Also, I'm watching this and I got to tell you what, I'm freaking out because I'm like, what is this? Is this different than the sex tape? Also, like there was a sex tape. There was a whole sex tape. And now there's these pictures. Maybe that's what it is. It's giving like, I don't know. Not even. There's like news. Yeah.
Yeah, but with children like, okay, it's giving where was your where were your parents? Oh, but we can get there later. All right. All right. Kim is very aware of these pictures. So this is not a surprise to her, which is a surprise to me, right? This sounds like shocking information. Kim is like, I was waiting for this day. So she parks at the ranch, and she runs inside crying. And Chris is freaking out. And I'm gonna say this feels like the first real moment ever on the show. Like this
Bish is very sick. Hymns here. So that's what I was going to ask. Do we think the tears were real? Yes. Yeah, I do. I feel like this is really happening. Like for real, for real cry. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's real ugly cry.
Yep. So she runs and hides in Kendall's bedroom because she doesn't want to see or talk to Courtney. And so that's the first time for me that I realized it's Courtney in the pictures. Because up until then, it's just your sister, right? So now I'm piecing it together. It's Courtney, it's Kim, and some boy still giving, like, Dust Bowl. Kim is sobbing. And what is a little bit amusing to me at this moment is that Kendall's screensaver behind her is a giant smiley face.
So she's just sobbing in front of this Mac computer from 2007 that has a huge yellow smiley face on it. She's worried that she's responsible for ruining someone's life. And then Chris finally gives us the exposition that in high school, Courtney and her boyfriend took nude pictures together. Apparently Kim stole the pictures as a practical joke, but then she lost them.
And that's how we got here. I don't understand how any of that happened. The loss. I have so many questions about this. It's ridiculous. Every piece of it. How do we take the pictures? Why do they say Kim was in them, but now she's not in them? Was she in them with them? And then she took them as a practical joke. I understood that she took them. And then lost? Yeah. No, I know. She stole them. Right.
You can't and then we'll find out like what happened to them. But even with that information, how does this happen? This should be allowed to happen. You know, like siblings will. Well, I don't know. Maybe this is my siblings and I are being annoying and stealing photos or whatever, like I'm going to hold it for, you know, whatever.
I'm giving like toxic, toxic sibling stuff that we were dealing with. But how? Well, OK, here's the other thing. There was it like. Someone's got to correct me. It's not like Dropbox to my understanding. They were like hard copies.
They much also has me. I mean, if you're doing the math on the time because at one point they call Kim's ex-husband who answers and Chris is talking to him. Right. So I'm like, this is an interesting relationship, like it's like a positive. But also like, what the hell? Like he knew and have them at the house still. Like very confusing.
All right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got to fill in the gaps. Here we go. Okay. So she stole them. This is a wild family. We've already established that. I need to stop expecting normal things from them. Chris wants to make sure that we're not blaming ourselves right now, which also I'm like,
Kind of you should absolutely should be blaming yourself. Literally your fault. Everybody here is a travesty. They're trying to avoid Courtney. Chloe is supposed to be distracting Courtney. Chris tells Chloe everything that's happening for some reason doesn't seem to help anything. She's very stressed. They call Kim's lawyer. So if we're counting Kim has a publicist, a manager and her own lawyer and also Trish from the magazine.
Oh, he wants to know when the photos were taken. The answer is 10 years ago. And he says it should be obvious that Courtney is underage, therefore the photos are illegal. And Chris says, good point, good point. And then she gloats about it being a child pornography case. So she's saying, OK, because she's underage, this is now a child pornography case. And I want to be like, bitch, in your house.
These were taken in your, so you are a child pornography ringleader, right? A ringleader, not a ringleader. A ringleader. Listen, the Joe Francis of it. She's allowing things, just allowing everything. She's so pleased that this is now in the child pornography section, and it happened in her home where we also know there is a stripper pole.
And the whole thing with the girl's gone wild, camera dude, like all of it. So, trial. We might have to put Chris, we might have to put Chris on trial. This is a federal offense. We might have to. Are we uncovering something right now? Get your peplum shirts ready. We might be going to court, babies.
We need an affidavit. So Kim tells us the last person who had access to these pictures that she knows of is her ex-husband. Okay. So we did know she was married before. I sat here with my jaw dropped because I had to really piece together that we did know she was married before. But this is like kind of the first heavy mention of the ex-husband. And to refer to him as the ex-husband is... I mean, he is. I don't know. It just feels so dramatic in this moment. Legally.
Well, because we haven't really talked about it. Maybe it's because she's not saying his name. I don't know. It just felt very heavy. I know. It doesn't make sense. It's wacky.
I can't wait if he has these pictures. Like, it's the alleged thing. It makes no sense. Absolutely. I basically, I'm like, this sounds so stressful this way, the way that they're talking about it is stressing me out. So Chris and Kim call ex-husband, and he seems to know exactly who's behind this. It sounds like someone stayed at his house. What? Yes, this is bananas, you all. I'm reserving all of it. I have so many things to say. Like, you knew they weren't there and you were just talking, whatever. What?
I feel like this is the chaos that we actually did live in in the 90s and in the aughts. Everyone wants to talk about tech in the surveillance state, but we forget that in the land of hard copies, shit like this happened all the time. Watergate was news. It was just government news. Think about that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Talking about physical documents, government news.
Yeah, you're right. It was lawless and chaotic. If you had a hard copy of something, you were golden. Nothing could touch you. Yeah, that's true.
All right. On a sidebar, and I feel like this is relevant to what you all were saying earlier, I did have to note that Kim has cried off all of her makeup at this point, and she looks amazing. Such a beautiful woman. Like, just everything. Stunning. Head to toe back then. Stunning. Yeah. Yeah. Without that whole face on and her sleepy eyes and her dumb voice, she looks amazing. Yeah. She's really beautiful. Y'all. Yeah. The nicest will be about her is this episode. That's true. I feel like tagging them in this when we post it. Like, hey.
Just listen to this. Start backwards. Work your way back. Exactly. An iconic line. So Chris says, this is the case for the FBI. It's iconic. And you can see how much she loved to say. Historical. You're doing amazing, sweetie. And this is a case for the FBI going down in history. Herstory, sorry.
Kim's lawyer talks to the FBI and they're coming to the house. Now we're going to enter territory. We try to see how many times we can say FBI and the rest of the show because they love it.
Um, they keep trying to hide it from Courtney, even though the FBI is on the way. And now they're all sitting in the parlor and Kim says, guess what comes back to haunt us? And she's crying again. And Courtney says, Oh, pictures is such funny. Like she's been waiting. I just want to say, she says it's so cold. Like she's so pictures.
She is so unbothered by this. I listen. I have a period. I pray for the level of calm that Courtney possesses. Like she's just so chill. So like, if I could just be there, I would go for her. That'd be great. She's so calm and unbothered.
She is so unbothered and Kim is melting in front of her face. And Courtney seems like she's like on all the Xanax or something. She's like, Oh, something's going on. She's too relaxed, you know? I think that's how I do think and having seen some dramatic moments from Courtney over the years, even not watching the show, I feel like maybe that is her like, yep, her well, her panic button.
puts her into a complete state of zombie. She just completely shuts down. And she's like, oh. Yeah. My youngest sister is very calm. And when things are just, everyone could be yelling and, oh my god, it's just panicking. And she'll say, everyone, calm down. This is going to be fine. And then I ask her, how are you this calm? And she's like, because I know that everything's going to be OK. She's court me, level calm all the time.
I'm going to channel it. Next time I'm stressed, I'm going to channel sex pictures. A chance. Just say it over and over to yourself. Very calmly. The way I have to see these pictures, what the fuck are these pictures? You'll never see the photos. Who are they? Why do we still think that Kim is in them? I don't need to see them. I don't want to see them naked.
I just want to see a sketch of them, but not naked. I don't want to see body parts. I like the court render. Yes. Yes, she headed into court. Yes. Literally. All right. We'll have to put it, we'll have to request it for evidence. So we'll have to sub-pena that. Okay. All right. So Kim's melting down. Kris says that Kim's sex tape was a disaster, even though she won the lawsuit.
And this is all still somehow like about Kim, even though it feels like it has actually nothing to do with Kim. I have read in my notes as well. It's like, uh, how is this about Kim? Yeah. Like she's actually not in the pictures.
Only because this assistant editor called her as she even involved in this and somehow she centered in all of it. But also, I have to sidebar and ask you all, I thought that we had learned recently that they made money off the sex tape. They keep talking about the sex tape like a disaster. I can't speak to that. Yeah. They made money off it, right? They did. I think it was $5 million or $2 million. They did. I can. I saw the whole of the case. We're in court today.
Kardashian court. Yes. I think they made- There were like emails that went back and forth between the distribution company and that. There's contracts. There's contracts. Yeah. That say how much they were making off of it while it was released and then they went around and sued them. I mean, they made money on both sides. Yes, they did. It was $5 million.
They made money, period. There's a privilege there, right? Of like, it just sucks that it came to the point of like, well, it's out there, so now I need to go make a contract off of it when like other famous people like Pamela Anderson did not. Like her tape was leaked in like didn't benefit. You know what I mean? It's just it's like I have in my notes as well. I have to be on top of it. Yes. Yeah. If you have to be on top of your tape. Cool. I'm happy for you. What was the courtesy call for her to be on top of their tape? Yeah.
It's complex. It's complex. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's all it's.
Yeah, it there's there's so much going on that we don't know about here. Like, and these pictures are the least of it. OK, with FBI is on the way, you also hopefully they'll get to the bottom of it. And while we're waiting for the FBI, she says carving a ham. That's what it looks like to me. As one does, Caitlin is nowhere. Kendall and Kylie are in their room and the older sisters are all eating ham. And Courtney says, I did this.
It's not your fault." And Kim says, everyone has sex with their boyfriend. Everyone takes pictures. And I have to tell you all. That's not true. That's not true. I wrote that quote down. I was like, good. Please tell her what is going on. Everyone takes pictures. I wrote it down too.
I started thinking like, yeah, at 16, I don't know. A million teen, no. Yeah, at any teen. I think that's the bigger issue for me, not necessarily the photos. I don't think it's my ministry, but it was truly age and timing. I guess sex, it was an interesting sex positive moment of like, everyone does it. And I was like, oh, okay.
No. Everyone does it as a reach. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. I can't. I don't even think most people did not do it. Most people did not do it. Right. I feel maybe like puritanical or something. I think it's weird in general. In general? Yes.
Yes. Yes. On photos? Yes. Why? Do you look at them? What do you do with them? Do you look at them? Do you frame them? Do you send them? To who? To who? Yeah. I want to show them my moves in life. Yeah. I'm not in a picture. Because they want to have something to take with them. Yeah. People love to be freaking elite. Oh, so it's like jerk off some material for them. Yes.
What if you're a long distance? What if your partner's like in a different moment? Videos, all of that. Maybe because I feel like I came up in the beginning of the news. What do you mean? These are more than like the 1800s. It was the beginning of the news.
Yeah, I might be aged out of nudes. Yeah. Nude reveal. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I've done it. I don't think it's a big deal. Stop harping on that. We need to normalize nudes. No one in my family listens to this podcast. I feel very comfortable just letting it all out on here.
I need technology to advance to the point where, okay, I can normalize the nudes and the active nudes.

Kardashian Family Dynamics and Fame

I need technology to advance to the place where it's like a fingerprint where I can retract the nude at any time and you can no longer access it. That sounds like a plan. You know what? Right in. I bet anything is possible. Oh, man. I don't think that's up before you start. AI, yeah. Dear meta. Not into who? I would like a meta. A meta proof. Okay.
You could do that now. I like to work with nudes. Yeah, you can do that now on Instagram. You can swipe up. It turns black and you're instantly in banish mode. People have come a long way. There's so many different ways now to interact it. Not that I would know anything about it personally. It is okay. It is okay. It sounds like maybe you do. Everybody, thanks nudes.
It's okay. It's okay. I just, I worry about your ex-husband's house. Okay. Listen, they literally don't look you guys, the FBI is here. Okay. The only news of your sister, your sister, your ex-husband. But I, I was surprised they showed up in an unmarked. Am I goofy?
Okay, I have in my notes, LMAO, the FBI shows up in an oddy. I immediately started laughing. Like when they pulled in, they're like, ladies, the FBI is here. I was like, that is not the FBI. Stop it. Oh, these poor people. So the FBI when they come,
You all, there's some major parallels here between Chris was acting. Stop it. Exactly how she acted when they were at the Playboy meeting. She was geeked. Yes. She told them to get themselves together to look nice. The FBI is coming. She was so like, yeah, she was buzzing. She says FBI one thousand times. One thousand times. The same way she said Playboy, Playboy, Playboy. She loves it.
And of course, you know what's going to happen. Caitlin comes home right in the middle of all of this. I just want to stop. She gets a plate of ham. She sits in the center. You have to stop.
Courtney called Scott, who doesn't know anything about this. And Courtney says she hates telling people things because she gets really nervous and smiles and laughs. And this was like the most endearing moment of Courtney for me when she's talking about this, that she doesn't want to tell Scott she's going to get she's going to smile and laugh and he won't think she's taking it seriously. That's hilarious. Oh,
So we just cut to him. So Scott's just in the living room all of a sudden. And they're all hovering over him, including Caitlin. Like they've surrounded and swarmed Scott. And Courtney gives him very random and weird pieces of information about her sex pictures with Jeff. And Scott has very strange and specific questions about her boob job and other things. So the whole conversation is so not the information I would want to know in that situation.
Just very random bits of info. And Scott's biggest concern is having a mental image of Courtney with another guy. So that sort of dominates the conversation. Then now he's grossed out because he has to picture her with some other guy. But I thought it was funny when he said, wait, is the big deal is that this was before your boob job?
Like when he said that I started cracking up because he was like, wait, what is the big deal? It's the boob job, right? My favorite part is Courtney and Caitlin and Chloe being so close. They're all sitting on the chair on top of Scott. Like he was going to seize or something. You saw his blood would drop and he would black out and they'd have to immediately carry him out. It was so funny. I'm like, why are you two here?
I feel like Chloe and maybe Caitlin, but they didn't get enough hair time in this episode and they were just trying to be in any shots they could. Your editor's eyes. Because this had nothing to do with them. Nothing to do with them. Scott asked Courtney, how do you feel about yourself, which was really gross. And Courtney says she refuses to feel bad about it. And then I'm like, I don't like any of you.
Um, everyone, please say your prayers tonight of the Christianity that I don't know why so specific.
Oh, the weird rhinestone necklace says, I cannot. I cannot. Everyone is so exhausted from the FBI being there, you guys. And then Chris kisses Courtney goodnight and says, love you no matter what. I thought that was the burniest burn. Well, I thought that no matter what was going to change. What would happen? Like, what?
Oh my God. For teen sex pictures. You've embarrassed our whole family. Oh my God. I was here for the sex pictures. I still love you.
Whoo, Kendall wanders in and asks, why was the FBI here? And Chris has a deep sigh, puts on her Mr. Rogers cardigan. That's all, not really, not literally, but you can see the moment happening. And she says, the FBI is who you call when you have a really big time grown up problem and they come to help.

Future Podcast Topics and Pop Culture News

I'll tell you more about it when you're grown up, okay?
And I was laughing. I had to pause it at this point because I was laughing so hard. That is a terrible explanation of nothing to a child who is absolutely old enough to understand what's going on and has ostensibly been minding themselves for these several hours while the FBI was there. So really A plus parenting. Chris, when we start to mount this case against you, this is going in the evidence.
All right, now it's the next morning. Chris gets a call. They got the perpetrator, you all. They got him in the middle of the night. They tracked his email.
no photos out into the world. Kim is over the moon. She's in the best mood ever. Yes, she jumps around and do you all see this where she jumps around and lifts her skirt up and it's like a little bit like that Kylie's girl girls. Yeah, but they celebrate sex pictures going away by Kim flashing everyone on camera. What is what it is. Yeah.
Exactly. Our culture. We all have our family tradition. Kim says, I want to be known that I cannot be messed with. And she is like in this weird power trippy adrenaline mood. She won her lawsuit and now the FBI did their jobs and the Kardashians cannot be fucked with, which is also funny to me because for the next 10 years we watched them get fucked with.
So Kim is really now, now it's all kind of sinking in.
And she's feeling the pressure to understand how things look for her family because of her level of fame. Again, this had nothing to do with Kim. This was all about Kourtney. Actually, the first part was all about Kourtney, too, because it was Kourtney that was sitting on Terence Howard's lap. Yeah, this is technically supposed to be her episode. Literally about Kourtney. Kim has decided to make it about her. So she goes out in the backyard to a weird, almost life-size dollhouse playhouse situation that Kendall and Kylie are just sort of sitting inside. They were posed there.
They were just hunched over in this house that they clearly are too old to play with. So they go sit on the tiny front porch and they sort of crouch down next to each other on the playhouse front porch. And Kim says, I know sometimes it can be hard to understand what is going on. Parentheses, it absolutely is not. You have three big sisters you can always come to. And when it comes to that point and you do like boys, I want you to be able to tell me anything.
And I'm like, who was even fucking talking about? Very weird. So weird.
anything to do with anything. Nothing to do with anything. The girls are both clearly like, okay, whatever. She should have just said, when you guys start taking your sex pictures, make sure you come to me. We can talk about anything. When you guys both get more famous than me and are richer than me and eat my lunch with your social media accounts, let me know. Your big sisters are here for you. Exactly.
Whoo, they all go inside the big house. They pile into a big cuddle puddle on the couch, because there's nothing like family. And this concludes the first season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. What a journey. We've done our job. We did it. We did it, Jo. Yeah. Yeah, we did it. It's done. We are. Well, I will say that I will miss peplum tops and
I can hear you ruffling away. This is the perfect segue into the fashion. The fashion? Oh, yeah. Give us a breakdown. She's on the case. This is the case. Can you hear my notes? With my glasses on and my glasses on. I will say that did you notice that the ballet flats. They're coming back. That put me hat on. Yes. The round toe ballet flats. They are. I love those. Do you remember those? Yeah.
Are they? With the crisscross elastic, like. God, I hope not. And then they also, also the oversized sweater dresses with boots. That was my jam back in the day. I love that. You still love that.
Then I put on here, bye bye dark eye. Everyone's starting to lighten up around the eyes. We're headed out, which is great. But that was pretty much it for the fashion for me. I think that just like my observations, but the ballet flats pretty much stood out because I've always hated those.
Chris did have on one of her, I didn't write it down, but she had on one of her little, like, classy peek-a-boo dresses with, like, the cleavage peek-a-boo. Oh, and her hair, like, looking especially peasy, how she peaced out her hair. Like, so she didn't have a good moment of looking electrocuted with cleavage showing. I'm electrocuted! That's exactly what she looks like! Kaye Necklace has been full force this season. Leaders, I am not wearing my Kaye Necklace today, but I will at the start of season two. Kaye Necklace!
Boo. There she goes. I need a new J necklace. Where was Rob in the last scene with the whole family on the couch? Wasn't he in school for a little bit? So I think he may have. Oh, Santa Barbara. He was in college. That's right. That is a theory. That is a theory. Feel free to check me, but that's why he's not home. I was about to say he's already getting kicked out.
No, because he has to be doing something because you know, they would never pass up an opportunity to like make him uncomfortable by asking him about his sister's sex. Exactly. They would, they would have loved to do it. Oh my God. He gets a degree. Go for him. Yeah, he does. Yeah, he does. Yeah.
Okay. Can I talk? I know we kind of like audited as we go single line. Um, but I will say just to go back to my audit point was just the FBI in general. I will say, let's talk about the white privilege of it all. You have the FBI on speed dial for some. So I will say that.
What's going on? I do feel like... I couldn't get the FBI over here for something valid. And they have the FBI. I do think they're so privileged. Who has the FBI on speed dial? Yeah, and I do think the FBI... Tell me I'm wrong. Well, Kim's lawyer loves to crack down on child pornography. It's like the least they can do.
Yeah, they're like, OK, they're under 18. Yeah, I feel like that's I think they do love it. Only when they do love it. One of the few wins they can have. It's because they can break up some pictures. Gila, if something was going on, I would be able to pick up the phone. Yeah, he's not calling my FBI to come to your house. But for them, it's a double. Yeah, it's a double. They probably live three doors down. They pulled up in their Audi.
Here's here's the real misso for real. And this is not just like my Chris Jenner vendetta. It sort of is. If that family had been someone else and especially a black family, 130 percent, they would have pulled up and arrested the mom. Absolutely. Literally arrested the mom. DCFS. Bring it in like all of it would have happened. There's no way it would have just been like gone, gone, gone. Yeah. That's why I think they would have been a CPS.
Gone. Gone. They should have been. You should take these minors out of this home. I think Mr. FBI, who lived around the block, has child pornography and drove over after work. Yeah, I thought that was really wild. That's beating 8.30 p.m. Yeah. We pulled up in the pick-up night in an Audi to get
I don't, I, under fake alert, I don't believe the FBI was actually involved. I didn't even go that deep. I thought it was real. Who's a friend of a friend. Yeah. I would just, I, my mind can't even conceive of the FBI just showing up in an audio at my house at nine, at dinner time while I'm having ham with my family to talk

Hosts' Evolving Views on Pop Culture

about. Ham, not family, ham night.
Never. That was the last time you think that these are just a final ham. Oh, that was it. We watched it happen. They're decorative plates. Yeah, that was the last family ham. So I thought that was it. We never saw them, but I guess they didn't sign the release. Allegedly. I don't know. FBI like you can't film a copy. Okay. I don't know what's going on. Oh.
Yeah, you guys thought the FBI was really there. Then this really does go back to my privilege thing. I truly think. I think it was a very loose FBI connection. I don't think so. I can't allow to just lie about the FBI on TV. Oh, I can't. How do you think about that?
Oh, you're right. Okay, you're right. You're right. All right. I'm Terrence Howard's America. She learned one man. Stop it. She just learned who he was 10 minutes ago. Well, he didn't use about a context. Please, Brit, stop. Not where fabulous is. Absolutely not. Oh, my gosh. Yes, I wasn't going to do that today. It was also problematic too.
Oh, stop. Mm-hmm. He was, like, off filmed, like, hitting. You can't give me up. Allegedly, allegedly. I don't want to get sued. I don't want to get sued. Allegedly. And then finally, my other audit is just, how did they have so much freedom to get away with all of this? Like, it just...
I know I had a lot of freedom growing up, but this was just like on another level. I feel like every episode, there's just like so much freedom that they were like hinting to how much they were able to get away with, you know, as young children. And, ah, Chris, hate to mom shame you for like the third week in a row, but like, I don't know. I just, I feel like they had too much freedom and she just was like out to lunch.
Yeah, she's objectively terrible. Terrible. Terrible. OK. Yes. Before we move on from Chris at the end of the episode, I think we all get a valuable lesson. Don't trust anyone, Chris. And I think they really took that to heart. They really took that to heart. I think especially when they brought Black China to court.
Mm hmm. Do not trust. So you think this is when chopped. Remember when they got kicked, Jordan was a white and Larsa Pippin. Do not trust anyone. I think they really learned something from this. Yeah. You're right. But each other.
All right, well, we are officially ushering ourselves out of Kardashian land. I really did envision you all that we would keep it going. I saw season two for us. Last night when I turned the TV off, I was like, I cannot. Enough. Enough, all right. It is. Maybe it's different if you're watching it for pleasure, but watching it for my career,
has been exhausting and we definitely need to switch it up. Maybe we'll come back, we'll see them again, but I cannot power through on this one. Yeah, we have to wrap them up and get into another world. What are the people saying? What do the fans say? What should we do? They want us to leave the past 70%
of people who voted wanted us to usher ourselves into the future. There were DMs about below deck. So I don't know, guys, what do we think? What are our thoughts on that? So wait, so they said the people, the people said they don't want us to do canon. They want us to do like present day? Yeah, present day. Oh, wow. Yeah, they're done with the past. They want us to come on.
I guess you're just interested to see, to quote my friend Shanae, and hopefully you're listening to this, drag and read for filth. People in present day. People in present day time. Yeah, we're headed away from peplin tops and velour tracksuits and into something else. I guess we'll have to decide. But what is that something else?
Wow. Yeah. I wonder if our next, so we're set to record our next and we have no show. I wonder if in our next episode we should each bring an option to pitch to the group. Okay. It's present day shows. I like shows. What do we think? You don't like that. Okay.
contemporary, give us a time. What are the years that it can encapsulate? Ooh, I like that. The next three years. So 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20. Let's start with that. I'm sorry. 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
Oh, Lord. Huh. Because that's present, like those reality. I like the idea of 2020 to 2023. I like that a little. OK. I think that we need to think about when we bring our shows, what was really iconic, because I feel like we kicked it off with the Kardashians, which have a huge impact on pop culture. And so.
something iconic that has an impact. Wow. I want to do my best y'all. I'm really like blown still. I thought for sure we were going to be doing another throwback and I have my full pitch for the real world San Francisco, like ready to go. I mean, put it in the queue because we're going to get to it. Okay. Just promise me we get it. We get to get to it because that, that is pop culture.
royalty. Okay, I'm going to do my research. I'm actually excited. I think this is the right choice. I think the people are right. It's a nice challenge. It's easy to audit something and be critical about things from the early aughts. It's going to be harder to be looking in a mirror while we do it. That is the part that I'm like, done, done, done, done. What are we going to say about what's happening now? Because now it's like,
It's on our current watch. What do we okay with? Interesting. All right. Next episode, we're going to bring our pitches to each other. Do we have any pop culture news before we say goodbye to our peeps?
No, I just have a couple of headline sort of awarenesses. All right. And this is, again, we'll talk more about this as we get into present day. Something the last couple of weeks has taught me. And really watching this whole season of this podcast has taught me. What? I am a fucking idiot. And I am, listen, I'm so naive about everything. I'm so naive about what actually happens in the real world.
don't know who Terrence Howard is. I don't know anything. This is what I'm learning. But I'm starting to think that every pop culture headline in Scandal is completely manufactured and made up. I told Kela Jasmine, I think that Scandalvall is a total lie. I think it's all made up. What? Yeah, I think it's for clout. I think it's for clout.
I think viewership was dragging and the articles I started to read were all about how it was really, people were over it and now it's like back in the headlines. I think everybody's on cocaine.
Well, everybody. Everyone is on cocaine. Everybody in the world. So, and everybody's had work done. And I don't, yeah. Everybody takes sex pictures. So wild. Everybody's had work done. You said it was scandalous. Everyone's on coke. This is wild. I can't believe this.
Everyone's on coke. Well, because this is like a bookend to me of the season. I came into this episode, season one, episode one, like a bright eyed, shiny white girl with dreams of famous celebrities. And I'm leaving this glitz and glamour. Yeah. Believing that everything is staged. Everyone's on coke. Everyone's had worked on. Everything is fake. Yeah. I mean, that kind of sums it all up.
I don't I think that's an interesting theory that you believe that I've lost the plot with stand of all there's so much going on filming the reunion. Like what's going on? It is it's too many. There's I don't know. It's moving parts. I will say latest updates as he went on. Howie Mandel's podcast and everyone's like what he has a podcast.
Uh-huh. And he goes on there and Howie has no idea what's going on. No research. No backstory. Doesn't know who Sheena is. Just keeps saying, I don't understand what the big deal is. What's going on? You're a single guy. You're not married. It's just like, uh, Howie...
Sir, do a little research before your guest comes on. I mean, everyone's livid. And it's just so funny because he scanned of all blamed everything on Ariana and was just like deflecting. So when you watch in that interview, I feel like that's when it feels real because the way that he's I've dated guys like him and the way he's like taking no accountability for anything. It's just
Oh, it's just so gross. And then every time he said something, Howie's like, yeah, see, don't understand what the big deal is. Don't know what the problem is, you know, and it's just annoying. Everyone's annoyed that he went on Howie's show and I believe so. I think people are really annoyed that Howie has a show.
Like what? Yeah. Let's get to the premise. Yeah. Yeah. Is this. Yes. Yeah. The America's Got Talent dealer. No deal guy. Right. That guy. How I didn't even know he was still working. Let's just be honest. Yeah. No, we don't. Y'all fail up. Everybody podcast. We all have our mic. We all have our podcast. We're all. We all have our shows.
Yeah. We all have a podcast. Uh-huh. No, but it goes back to Keela's philosophical belief that you mentioned that. How did you fail so hard that you brought Tom out of the podcast and we didn't realize why he was there? At the peak.
Like the reading hasn't aired yet. What? You got you got gold. It should be. This is chaos. Andy Cohen's furious firing off on him on his show. Yeah. So it's I don't know if it is fake. Whoever is behind this as a mastermind is a genius because the show was flailing and the ratings were in the toilet. And we were done, including I was done. And I've been in the game with Vanderpump Rules since season one.
Japanese is on the case. Yeah, I was done. And here we are. So I'm putting Bravo on trial on trial. So, yeah, it's kind of a slow like pop culture Newsweek or am I just like tuned out? Allegedly. Really? What else is going on? Are doing it.
Child, I don't know. You've got to open your eyes. What? How did I miss the tease? Barthes had a baby. The baby is a white woman. Yes. Yes. What else happened this week? What? No. From Succession is giving DNA test. Maybe a predator. He's like targeting underage
You gotta open up your phone. Where have I been? Oh gosh, where have I been? Wait, wait, wait. Can I?
Can I say this, this popped into my head and just going back to the racism of all of it. Remember one for like a hot second. Yes. It's still going on. It's still going on. Hit his girlfriend. Yes. And then it just went away. It's going because like the headlines have like not correct. No, the text came out and I feel like it was walked back like immediately. Jonathan Major's publicist. Yeah, that's what happened. Who was she? Attorney? That text did it.
His edition of Sendles released these texts that I don't think will help the situation, but just contributed to more fodder. And so people are arguing on the internet about it. I don't know if we have any updates from Jonathan or the woman involved.
Uh, I just know people are coming out to, um, defend him. Um, and so, you know, I don't, I don't know exactly what's going on, but I know I checked in last with the, when the text came out and it basically was just, you know,
the woman saying like, I told them everything's fine. I said it was all my fault. So you shouldn't have to worry about this. I'm so sorry what this is going to do to your career. I told them that nothing happened. Like basically like I don't know who made it work. We're going to be helpful. But it just seems like. Yeah, it just. It made it so much worse. Yeah. So I just I'm going to I don't love how quickly this we all not we.
everyone else loves to take down a black man in his prime, you know, and we're like, the counter is damning. So I guess what I'm hearing is, yeah, no, when we're not gonna, we're not gonna, yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna wait and see. But I thought that it had been cleared and
I haven't heard any updates about it. They just dropped it. Everyone just dropped it, and now this man's career is in shambles. But if he's out here hitting women, then that's a whole different thing. I will say that he's already been dropped from the recasting that Dennis Rodman biopic that he was going to be the star of. Oh, I do see we're getting a James Baldwin with Billy Porter.
What? People are scared. We need to watch the Freaknic documentary. That's going to be the next thing we need to freakin do because I. I'm so glad that I was wild enough to be a part of Freaknic. I no doubt would have been on that documentary for keep them away from Freaknic. Makers of Till. Freaknic. What are we getting? Oh my gosh, it is so funny because people are on social media like releasing their old photos and they're like,
It is so funny they're saying, like, can't show you all of it. It's not appropriate for social media. You just had to be there. It is on TV. The sex pictures, the earliest sex photos will be dropped. They will be dropped. Everyone. See, maybe Kim was right. Everyone does take sex photos. Karen Howard's sex picture is from Freakneck. You heard it here first.
writing rumors, writing rumors, we're gonna get sued, allegedly, allegedly, allegedly, allegedly. All right, we gotta take people through it. Well, thank you all for listening. Yeah, this has been a really great season. This was really fun to dive into the where we all started with the Kardashians. Thank you for listening and tune in for
what we'll come up with next. Leave us a review and rate us wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow us on Instagram at the pop culture audit. See you next time. Bye. Bye. Have a ham with your fam.