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The Pop Culture Audit Season 1, Episode 6 - "You Are So Pregnant Dude"  image

The Pop Culture Audit Season 1, Episode 6 - "You Are So Pregnant Dude"

S1 E1 · The Pop Culture Audit
62 Plays1 year ago

We are trapped in a 2006 hellscape!  The outfits, the animal cruelty....when will it ever EEEENNNNNDDDD??!!!  Not today, auditeers!  Your audit girls dive into the mess so you don't have to, and bring you back the treasures and trash from the depths of the KCU (Kardashian Cinematic Universe).  
Jasmine explains why she's not the favorite in her family, Keilah texts her mom to ask if she's the favorite and Brynne shares the time her mom tried to have her locked up.  
It's a MOMAPALOOZA and we're just getting started.  Come on it, it's gross in here! 


Introduction to Pop Culture Audit

Pulled up, made my appearance You can't sit with us without clearance That lame shit, never let it near us And your girl will choose my team cause you still living with your parents
Welcome to the Pop Culture Audit, where we review reality TV and talk about all things pop culture through a contemporary and critical lens. So what exactly is a pop culture audit? Easy. We take a deep dive of pop culture source material, in this case, Keeping Up with the Kardashians season one, comb through it, highlighting some cringy and historic moments in pop culture discourse.
If you're into that, you're in the right place. If you're not into that, you're still in the right place. You're just going to learn something different.

Meet the Hosts

My name is Keela and I'm sorry about the froggy voice today. Come here co-host Jasmine. This is Brim.
Are you all ready to dive in? Let's do it. Let's do it. OK.

Recap of KUWTK S1E6

We're going to get into it, friends, with the recap of season one, episode six of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. We'll recap the episode and then tear it apart and then move into some other relevant pop culture news. So season one, episode six of Keeping Up with the Kardashians is called You Are So Pregnant Dude. And that is subtle foreshadowing. It's 22 minutes long.
And I have to start this off by saying we did lie to our autotiers last time, and we did promise a shorty episode. And I know I saw that. Yeah, that was out of pocket who did that.
I think Jasmine is the one who dropped Shorty. It was me. It was me. You had me confused. I was so glad when I sat down to watch the episode because I wasn't spiritually prepared for Shorty yet. So I was really pleased with the fluff we were served. But I will tell you what it is. That's next week. It's coming next. I watched the coming next scenes and I might die when we watch it. So here we go.
The first line of the episode is, I don't really feel well. I think I need something to eat, like a little snackaroo. And that's Courtney to Chloe. I use snackaroo. It's cute. I actually really love that. Yeah. Oh my God.
Courtney feels nauseous. Do we know where this is going? Chloe takes her to the bathroom and shuts her in and grills her about her period. Courtney says she can't be pregnant, even though she forgets her birth control all the time. So they go out and buy a lot of different pregnancy tests. Did you all see that? Like multiple brands of pregnancy tests for some reason? Yeah, diversity and inclusion. Yeah, it was. It was a diverse sample site.
Courtney pees on the stick. They keep showing the stick and it's yellow with pee, which for some reason it freaked me out. And he's on like tissues on the counter. I was like, please don't show this again. No more yellow pea stick. So it's so staged and so awkward, but also that's like really pee.
So the test comes back that has one and a half lines, which means that she's pregnant, right? Like one and a half lines means that you're pregnant, but they don't seem sure. They think maybe it means she might be pregnant. And I literally don't think that's how pregnant she is. Because it's a full, it's not the full line. So they're like, Oh, maybe not. That's not how it works. Well, we know from COVID is that that is not how it works. Yes. COVID and pregnancy are the same test. It's the same test. We should have been using those the whole time instead of peeing on it.
swab your nose. So Courtney wants to call Scott to come over and tell him she picks up the wall mounted bathroom conference phone to make that phone call so that he can come over. Meanwhile, storyline B Kendall and Kylie are looking at puppies on that bubble iMac that every girl wanted in 2006 and they have in their bedroom feels very irresponsible to have that computer in their bedroom.
They go ask Caitlin if they can get a dog, another dog just to be clear because they already have some dogs that we never see. Caitlin says no. Scott comes over, Courtney and Chloe sit down to tell him. They tell him she might be pregnant because the line is blurry. Scott says he wishes she had told him by themselves, which seems very reasonable that he would not want Chloe there in this moment.
Courtney is so confused. She says this pregnancy test thing is driving her insane. These are very strange reactions. This is all fake. They are having this conversation also in Chris and Caitlin's bedroom with a stripper pole in the background if we notice that.
Okay, back to the dog storyline. Chris is now looking at dogs with Kendall and Kylie. She says, let's go to the pet shop, but we are not gonna buy anything. And we all know, readers, that those are the most famous of last words when it comes to parenting. Yes. Absolutely getting a dog.
Also, it did strike me as hilarious and just sort of like a time skip moment that in the early aughts, we were all just like totally casual and fine about purchasing like designer dogs. Like I feel like we will be discussing this. Right. Yes. We will be discussing this. All caps in my notes. It's called posh puppy. I hate California.
Chris says something every little girl wants is a little white fluffy dog. Incorrect. I did not ever want that when I was a child. Me either. Wait, really? Those tiny dogs, we'll get to it. They're the worst. They're like guinea pigs. I'll give them guinea pig. Chris breaks down and says they can get the dog. Surprise, surprise.
Okay, I will also sidebar and say like the girls kind of look adorable and wholesome in this and it kind of made me sad because they were like really cute. They're kids. They're literally kids when this is being shot.

Vegas Adventure

They bring the dog home and you guys are never going to believe this. They are worried about what Caitlin will think about this. And their plan is to hide the dog from her and maybe she'll never find out. This has worked in every previous episode, so I don't know why it wouldn't work now.
Meanwhile, Courtney and Scott are at the doctor to take a proper pregnancy test. She pees in a cup, gets on the exam table, like in the stirrups and everything, even though that is absolutely not necessary to determine pregnancy. She was getting an exam while she was there. Do it all in one. An impromptu pap. Like, I might be pregnant. She's a brave woman. Let's just do the French stuff. Oh, no. While I'm here. Yeah, let's just not get out. What? It was so weird. Yeah, like, let's just do it all while I'm here.
an apologist, an apologist. That's all I'm saying. Literally, she's like, let's just do the test. Let's just go pee in a cup. You don't have to take off your underwear and put a curtain on. No, when they're doing the cervical exam.
They don't have to do a cervical exam to determine if you're pregnant. And she's like, while I'm here using my insurance, let me just get the test. That could be my exam. Oh my God. You are flipping yourself. Every week. Every week. Every week. I have a statement on this. Wow. We're going to find out that she's related. Okay. Yes. Get my Kardashian. Chris. Hi, I'm Chris.
Scott is chilling in the waiting room this entire time, like an absolute douchebag. Like what is happening with Scott in the waiting room? He's literally wearing sunglasses in the waiting room. Also, the doctor's office exterior shots say things like medical center and professional center. So I'm convinced they're on a set somewhere and this is not at all an actual medical
Courtney straps on her strappy heels. The suspense is killing us. She comes out to see Scott and she says, I am not pregnant. And he says, thank God. Whoo. On the way home, Courtney takes out her blackberry with a purple case. Now that's what every girl wanted when we were children, FYI, to call Chloe and tell her the news. Chloe is so excited. She says, let's go to Vegas and get wasted.
Now they're all at the ranch as a family and they are actually going to Vegas. Like they're all pretending it's because Courtney isn't pregnant and it's so weird. And I'm left in this moment understanding that they had no fucking plan for the show whatsoever. They were winging it day by day. Let readers know I'm agreeing. Okay. All right. Thank you. Let the record reflect.
A party bus pulls up to drive them to Vegas. There is no bathroom on the bus. There's also a stripper pole on the party bus. So that's a theme. Caitlin, Kylie and Kendall are staying behind. Whoo. We hope Caitlin doesn't find the dog. Okay. So apparently Chris is one of those people that has to pee a lot. I've known some of those people in my life and it's really annoying and it's panicking her that she can't pee on this bus and it's stressing everyone out back at home. Kendall's hiding the small dog from her parent. It's probably fine.
Okay, we cut back to the party bus and y'all it is disgusting. There's snacks everywhere on this bus and you can just tell it smells like people. It's gross. The bus pulls over to gas station. Chris goes out in the rain to pee on the side of the road instead of just going inside the gas station. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with these people. Somebody drives by and sees her. It's all very humiliating.
Okay, they finally get to Vegas. They're at the Palms. I do want a sidebar and say that the Palms, I've been to the Palms. I had a great time. It's off the strip, so it's like old Vegas. It's still a really nice place. I'm not going to shit on the Palms. I'm just going to say that it's like 2005 Kardashian level, right? It's not the best of the best when you're in Vegas. That's why. Yes. Right. That's what I was going to say. Like it's just not that. Yeah, it's very tight. But they did walk barefoot through the hook, like in their room. Like they thought it was nice enough.
Oh, so walk barefoot? I mean, they don't know. We're just seeing that they're getting their sea legs at this point, but it is not a score. I didn't see them walk barefoot. So they're in the fantasy suite, and I say that these people are trash and will do anything for free shit.
They go to the club in Vegas, which is presumably part of the whole actual deal that they're there, right? They're doing this appearance, so they get this free suite. Scott and Courtney leave the drug, the drug, the club early, and they are so drunk. Scott is slurring his words, and Courtney is doing this cutesy little smile while biting her tongue. Can we do it really quick because we are recording? She does.
Well, she's like, it looks so natural between her teeth and sort of half smiles. And it is sick. Scott says can ask her if he can ask her to marry him. And she is like, what do you even mean? Oh, my God. They decide to get married the next day. It sounds fine. We wake up in this tacky ass fantasy suite like this is ugly.
It is leather. It is red and black. Okay, so I thought it was ugly. It's 2007 in Vegas. It is so impressed. That has to track. It looks like a sibirus. I don't want it to be there, but I love it for them.
All right. The family's eating breakfast. Courtney and Scott are still in bed talking about their plans to get married, presumably hungover. A good marriage plan always starts with do you remember when we talked about getting married last night? They joined the rest of the family for breakfast and announced to the family that a car is coming at 2pm to take them to the chapel. This goes over like a ton of bricks.
Chris says, I am totally devastated. And then she says, we haven't even had an engagement party yet. That's in my notes. I didn't say that. I did laugh. It was from the heart. She said it from the heart too. No, that was an authentic reaction. That was 100% from the heart. Realest moment of the show. Weird. That's a weird reaction.
Chris sits down with Kim to share her concerns about the wedding. Kim says, I got married when I was 19. When you were 28, you had four kids. And Chris really seems to take that to heart. Can't argue that logic. I loved that quote. I was like, OK, sure. Those are facts. We cut to the chapel. Chloe says this is the same wedding chapel that Britney Spears got married in. Now we know that Courtney and Scott are going to last forever. I did not go back and Google like where we were at this moment and Britney like
Was that a shitty comment? But we don't know. We presume it was a shitty comment because Chloe doesn't say anything that's not shitty. It was Brittany. How long was she married? I think it was like 72 hours. Oh, yeah. That marriage. Not the headline marriage. Yeah. Got it. The first one. So they start planning the wedding and I say, this is so fake, you guys. It is painful to watch. OK, and I will sidebar and say y'all are going to drag me for this.
I kind of loved Chris's weird little Michael Jackson shirt with the buttons and the gold threads in between. I liked it. I liked it. I liked it. It was like a marching band. I did it, excuse me. I did it, because marching band, Billy Pulitzer. It was something. It's cute. I love it. It was giving something up this episode. She ate us up.
Yes, we're gonna get there. Okay, now Courtney is wearing a wedding dress and a veil and she's maybe having second thoughts. Scott is wearing a white suit jacket and sunglasses. He looks very much the same as he did in the waiting room of the fake doctor's office.

Chris Jenner's Parenting Style

Chris is calling Caitlin they are conspiring to stop this wedding sidebar that Chris's boobs are out there like
fully boo. She ate boobies. And I hate the outfit was an eat. I love it. She has boobs. I mean, this is like, you know, minimal work, Chris Jenner, and I'm very main character. Yeah, right. Love to be at the chapel like this loved it.
Chris confronts Courtney and says, this feels wrong. Your family isn't here. Acknowledges that Scott's family isn't here at all. Courtney sees her point. This doesn't feel right. She goes to talk to Scott. Maybe they should wait. Scott agrees. They decide not to get married. What a relief. Back at the Calabasas Ranch, Caitlin bursts in on Kendall and catches the tiny dog. Kendall has to come clean and admit that this is her dog.
Caitlin goes to one of the other official conference phones in their home and calls Chris. Chris says, I stopped the wedding and then pretends to have a bad connection and hangs up back in Vegas. And the family is now at dinner, cheersing to the wedding that almost was. They jokingly ask Chris for her permission to her blessing to have premarital sex. And Chloe says, ride him like you've never ridden a horse before. Yeah. Yeah. I literally wrote.
Now they are in another club dancing on a ledge and my heart is broken for what we're doing as a society. They leave the club, get in the elevator, start taking their clothes off. The elevator doors open. There's some basic Vegas bros that are standing there. They see Chloe topless. They're home from Vegas wearing some questionable outfits, I say, like Ed Hardy style. Loved it.
Caitlyn goes to get Kendall. There is dog poop on the floor of her room. And it's like literally real dog poop. And that's the end. There's a dramatic finish. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go. Give us your best. I'm going to say this for everyone at home or on the train. I this episode was a filler. I think it was just to introduce us to Scott.
So there, that's all I'm going to say about that. Now onto my audit. So I wanted to talk about some relational pieces that stuck out to me. The first being how mature Courtney was, like truly not panicked with the pregnancy test and goes, I'm just going to call Scott. Like doesn't Chloe's like, do you want it? Chris, like let's talk. Let's tell Chris. I don't know. He goes, no, I'm just going to call Scott. And she did. And then he came to the house and they talked about it. I was like, that is so mature.
And there's something really interesting about Chloe because years from now, parenthood becomes like a focal point of her, I hate to say character on the show. Like she leaves the show for a bit to focus on being a parent. So it's just really, I don't know, it was really beautiful to me. Wait, Chloe or Courtney? Courtney. Courtney leaves to parent. She's like, this is not that important to me. And then just leaves the show for a bit.
And that's why she and Kim fight. There are a bunch of things that happen. That's foreshadowing. But I just thought it was cool. She's like, let me call Scott and just talk about it.
Yeah, I thought that was really interesting too. And nice because I don't know if I was like 27, 28, if that would have been my first call. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I'd have been like, oh, let me call my friends. Let me call my mom. Everyone but the guy. You know what I mean? Because I'd have been scared of his reaction. And she just like, yep, calling them right now. I was like, oh. So I think it says a lot. I don't know if it says more about her or their relationship at the time. How comfortable and safe she felt. Yeah.
And I also thought when he came over and they were having a conversation, he seemed genuinely blindsided when he looked at the camera and was like, wish you would have told this, told me yourself. I wish it was just me and you. I was like a first real moment on the show. I got excited about that because he did look like
No, no, no, I wanted to know this alone. And she's just sitting there like, yeah, so we'll just go to the doctor. Like she was so chill about the whole thing. What do you guys think really happened? Like, did she really think she was pregnant? They decided to make like, how did we get this half pregnancy test? How did all of this come to be?
I don't know how you get to have pregnancy tests unless it's a faulty one. I don't know that much about pregnancy science. Yeah, I don't know that much about it. I do think the pieces of Scott's reaction were real, but I don't know if the whole plot about them taking the test... I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Okay. We don't have to know. We don't need to know. I liked the reaction. I liked... He was collected. He's like, we'll figure it out. They go to the doctor. Yeah. Even if the doctor's safe. He's assuring. It's like a reasonable step, but it was just a really... That was cool.
Can I say something about the doctor? I was thinking to myself, watching it, seeing the private places that they go now and the people that they call, like they have certain doctors on speed dial, very private, upscale places that they go for a checkup. This looked like a free clinic. When she was up there sitting with her legs propped up for a pregnancy test,
And seeing that horrible place and him sitting in a lot, I was just like, this is a free clinic. My, we have come so, so far because it just is so vastly different than what they do now. Well, everything is aesthetic now. Like everything's Lego style, minimalist. Okay. This is a great transition to my next point. When they go to posh puppy.
Child, I gasped. It was like a strip mall in Calabasas. It looked so rusty, like a puppy mill. Like we've just come so far and the adopt, don't shop movement that yes.
Like, what is going on? So where is that dog? I never saw that dog again throughout the years. That was the last time I ever saw that dog on that show. That dog was the most inbred heart failure dog. Like, leave her alone.
leave her alone. I did some research and it's complicated because the Kardashian pet legacy is like half clear, half shady. What I can confirm is that Kylie has two dogs today, a snake and then some horses. A snake.
Okay, I know. Kendall has all those things. I'm so sorry. Kendall. Kendall has those things. Kendall. That was the only one I could do a dive in. Kendall has like weird Doberman dogs, right? She does. Kylie has, Kylie has like the weird
like Norman and what she calls normie. Her dogs look weird like Kylie does. They're so small and short and skinny. And they look like little stick figure dogs running around. Oh, they're like, it's not a grayhound, but it's a skinny dog. It looks delicious. Yeah, they're really skinny. Yeah, they're cute. I don't know what kind of dog that is, but they look very strange running around. Dogs special. We're going to get like.
We're going to get PETA on us. The point is, the dogs don't shop. Stop, don't shop. That's what people need to know. I will say about the dogs. Seeing Gabbana, Gabbana looks so young, and later on he passes away, or she passes away on the show, which I thought was so sad. And I got really excited. I was like, look at Gabbana. So young. So small and so young.
and hearing Kendall say, like, that's not my dog, and knowing how hard she took. That's the family dog. Yeah, but knowing how hard she took the passing of Gabbana later, I was just watching that, like, aw, that's just sad. I'm sorry. I don't know, I just thought that was sad. I have a clarifying question. Okay. What? Their fucking dog's name is Gabbana.
Yeah, literally. Yes. Yes. The dog's name is Gabbana. Yes. And they eventually get a contract with Dolce and Gabbana. Yes. Speaking of in between who call them trash of the earth.
Yes. Yes. Look how far we've come. Look how far we've gone. Courtney's wedding. Okay. Last note about the animal. The house politics in this episode truly are mind boggling. The thought that a child would be able to hide a dog from their parent in a house in which your two older sisters are taking a pregnancy test locked into your parents' bathroom.
is beyond me. I was like out loud to the TV. I said, ain't no way. And I know it's a stage plot, but like- Total. Y'all are all over this house wearing heels. You're wearing shoes in your parents' house. Yes. Wear phones all over the place. The point is you couldn't have hidden a secret there if a secret was ready to be hidden. Like there was no way. Why would you go there to hide something at Kardashian headquarters to hide something? Everybody has to. It's in everybody's space. Like there's no
I wonder whose idea was it to have it there? All roads were back at Chris's house. At the ranch? Yeah, why? It's cost effective if we all just shoot in the same location. Yeah, I guess so. Then trapeze around town and get different permits to shoot at each of the sisters' apartments.
Yeah, they do that later. Yes, which is a cost. But then if everyone just comes to the house, Chris wants to be in it anyway. It's so much cost effective. Yeah, the house, the house.
It's a boundary list place, right? Because people are hiding all these things that they don't need to hide because anything. Again, we've said this before. I cannot reiterate it enough. This was the house before the cameras were rolling that you could go have sex with your boyfriend. You could go drink underage. There's fucking dogs on the floor. It's nasty. These are nasty. Yeah. These are nasty people with ugly furniture. We're living in George Bush's America at this time. Right. Like.
My parents would never, that would never happen. First of all, we don't wear shoes in my parents' house. I wear shoes in my house, but like to be going through my house, my parents' house in a healed boot, like a healed shoe, locking your bathroom door on their vanity. The way I would never be allowed back in the house. First of all, my mom would be like, you took a pregnancy test and put it on my bathroom counter?
What is wrong with you? You're going to jail. You're going to jail. Go somewhere else. I snuck out of my house one time. Only once? I got caught one time by the police. And they called my mom.
They call my mom, she comes to pick me up from jail. She says, no, from the side of the, I was 13. I was on the side of the road with the cops and they said, come get your daughter. My mom shows up and she says, can you put her in jail? What? And they said, no. She's like, do it. And they're like, we can't. And she's like, what's the worst you can do to her? Oh my gosh.
She does not want to take me home. I had to go to an adjudication. I had to do community service, all of these things, to be clear. And I'm not, I'm no cop apologist, but the cops were like, are you sure? She's like, no, no, no. That was what my mother was doing. Yeah. She was not wearing a boob dress allowing sex parties. This is a great segue into my audible moment, which is
Chris is me to be one of the girls. And I know we talk about this, or maybe I speak about this every single week. But this time, this was a bit much. OK.
This time, just the idea of, so my mom was not, she wasn't very strict, she was very close to us, but later on became friend-like, but she was mom first always, and I think, and I know I don't have any kids, but I've been someone's child, so I feel like I could still speak on this. I will say that having that line of respect first as a parent,
And then friendship growing from there is, to me, the better way to go, because there's so there's so many lines being crossed in their interactions with Chris and I'm just mortified. Right. I'm like, you know, like you've never ridden a horse before in front of your mother, you know, cursing and fried. We didn't even curse. My grandmother used to curse like a sailor.
But if her 40, 50-something-year-old kid set a curse word, she'd be like, blasphemous, out of my house. Like, we never could curse in front of our parents or grandparents. And seeing Chris dancing on stage with her kids in Vegas. And when Courtney is deciding to get married, and she's just like,
court. We haven't even had the engagement party yet. And she's calling Caitlin like, I don't know what to do. You're a parent. Say stop or at least say something. And even to just call back to that Playboy episode, which I feel like will always call back to that Playboy episode.
not feeling comfortable speaking up or speaking to her children because she's so desperately wants to be one of the girls, it's really disturbing to watch. And it also feels like watching her not really interact with those last two girls, that also says a lot to me too, that stands out a lot. I know the deal was, and she said it in an interview before that,
Caitlin wanted those kids, so Caitlin was going to have to be the person to raise those kids. That was the deal. So she felt very comfortable being hands-off in their younger years, and we don't see her really get interested on the show until they're of money-making age. So watching all of that and knowing what we know now, it was just like, this person is really not a good mother.

Kardashian Family Dynamics

Really not a good mother. It's really sad. I will say, I wonder how much we don't see of Chris doing. I'm not an apologist. I wonder how much we don't see of her like of the smaller moments for them. Like we see a lot of Kaitlyn shuttling the two younger girls back and forth. But the argument that Chris and Kaitlyn had in the kitchen about, well, what would her father say?
Chris is making dinner and like Chris took the girls to the pet shop. And so I just, the edit is really interesting to me because the girls are children. So I wonder what, what did their every day of like child rearing look like? I don't doubt that. Chris does say like, I wanted to take a backseat in parenting, which I don't have a problem with. I think there are relationships that do that, but I'm just curious, like what did their day to day look like when they weren't shooting with the older children?
Because I feel like Chris was more present. She didn't do the shuttling like Caitlin did and some of that stuff. But I'm just curious, like, what did it look like before the cameras came? I hear you. But for her to say later on, like, you know, Caitlin knew the deal.
Those were the kids that they wanted, so that's the kids that you raised. And to see that in action, you said it, and now I see it. And I would lean in more to your point, Kela, if we didn't have the history following it, seeing continuously the hands-off approach until they're of money-making age. To me, that just brings it on home and proves the point that
You suck. You suck as a parent. No, do you think that they had some type of agreement for the two younger girls about how much they were able to be filmed? No, I don't think so because there's thirst buckets in the worst way. Bring everyone into the fold because we wouldn't have seen them at all. There was really no reason to. There's no need. There's no need. The kids and the later
The way that they have now established the A-line and the B-line of this being A-line as Kardashians and B-line as Jenners. Which is still the case to this day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And Kris has clearly thrown in on the Kardashian A-line. That is her. Angie invested in the B. She has a lot her hand in the Jenner line too.
because they make money. I think she said that Kylie is her favorite now. Yeah, they will say that. They joke about it all the time. Yeah. But that wasn't true then. Kim was her favorite. Kim was her favorite for many years. And I do think, honestly, parents do have favorites and they go through eras. I was my parents' favorite. Everyone knows it until I was about...
17 years old. Oh my God. Shout out to my siblings. Shout out to my siblings. Not shout out to my siblings. Shout out to my siblings. They know that. They jumped outside of her house by her sibling. No, this is a well-known fact. My siblings and I were very transparent. We're having guest stars on the next show. Bring them on to defend themselves. I'm not going to text in your mother. Yeah, I am.
But they know that. We talk about it into well-known fact, but guess what? My youngest sister is now the favorite and there is nothing that you can say. She could burn a house down and my dad would be like, she was having a bad day. Give her a break. You know what I mean? But when did she become the favorite? Correct. Correct. But when did she become the favorite? What did she do to become the favorite?
I don't know what, we're still trying to figure that out, but it's been going on for about 10 years now. This is the case with FBI. Everyone has like a 10 year era with the parents over here where they're like, we love the, you know, and it just, we laugh about it because we, you know, we know our parents love us and it's fine, but there are eras of like the faves and I am not.
Do you think you have you been part of a faves era with your sibling? You guys my mom lives with me. She is Above me winning you're winning right now. Yes, you're obviously the thing matters that you're winning right now Okay, no, I will say this my my brother did have a fave era when I was a pain in the ass and
Surprise, surprise, the juvenile intervention didn't work. And I was a rowdy teenager. And my brother Lucas was a real rule follower. And so he was easier. My mom has a soft spot that she would never have for anyone else than Lucas in a specific way. But I really don't look at it as favorites. He can just get away with anything that I cannot. But again,
She lives with me, which he might be like, yeah, joke's on you. Favorite era, what? Exactly. Exactly. Keila, what about you? She just texted her mom to ask her. I really want to be- Oh, you just texted? Yeah, I did. I'm opening up the conversation. I'm going to call her later. I want to be in my healing era with my siblings, so I don't want to go on the record and say something, but I will say- Okay. All right. We'll talk about it later. I'm a Libra.
I'm a rule follower and an anxious child. So I think I gave my parents the least amount of grief. Like I was like, they appreciate the least because you were the oldest. Right. Right. Like in my parents, I've asked them about parenting things and they've been like, Oh, we don't know. We just, you're the oldest. We just thought we'd try something. And so I, I think that would make me likable because I gave them, I think I gave them the least amount of stress.
That's why I was the favorite, because I listened. Yeah, I don't want to accuse my siblings of anything because I want to usher in an era of connection. Yes, of course, of course. We talk about that all the time. I think my mom has a soft spot for each of my siblings and I am the oldest and I see that soft spot with them of where my mom is soft with them.
Hmm. So we're in the Kylie and, you know, Chris, the gender. Yeah. Yeah. We'll, we'll see. In recent daytime. Yeah. North is coming up. It's yeah. Yeah. North is sliding. Okay. Can I give one last audit point?
Sure. Do it. This is nonsensical. I just want to talk about clubs. I I am deeply Midwestern, so I didn't like club a lot or do not club often. But I just love club culture. I've never been to Vegas. But when they go to a club called Rain, one of the clubs is called Rain and the other club was called Moon. I'm screaming. I love that. I love a theme. And then when you somehow Kim gets the mic at the club and goes, what's up, everyone? It's Princess Kim Kardashian.
I'm obsessed. I would have loved this in my early twenties. I love talking into microphones. I love a theme. I love a mess. Like it just would have been so fun. And I just want to say that clubs, what's going on? It's just so fun. If anyone is a club and wants us to do a promotion, please, I'd love to. I'd love to do a club promotion. Live recordings. I was a club girl.
From the club. I would love it. I would love it. Let me play a set. I would love it. Once you hear that in the background, that's new music. Yeah. We're in the bathroom recording.
I was definitely a club girl. I was snuck into a club at 17. I can't remember. What? I can't remember. I've been going to teen clubs since I was like 14 years old. The teen club. We did not have teen club, but I think I would love a teen club if I were teen. Oh, I loved a teen club. Wait, so were you in your journalist era and your teen club era at the same time? It was all going on at the same time. Business casual. Yes, a teen club. 14 minutes. Yes. I would have loved to meet you. You were taking up teen bathrooms. Oh, man.
Oh man, and I, yeah, even down to like the hottest restaurants and stuff, I would be like, I'm writing an article and they would give me free food. I'm like, I want to meet the general manager of this place. And they would like have dinner with general managers of like top restaurants and stuff. I was, yeah, I was. I love that. There was no Uber. I didn't have a car yet. I was so young, but when I did, I don't know how, I guess I was telling my parents to drop me off here or whatever. At the club.
No, when club time came, like, oh yeah, the teen clubs. And then when I got older, I had a car. And then there was this club called T-town in Houston. And it was like three clubs. Papa Woody's was our team.
Oh my gosh. You're never going there. You better not be caught over there. Trucker speed and like mini skirts. Absolutely not. That's so funny. See what I'm saying? T-town was three clubs in one.
Every Friday, the ladies, AKA girls, we get in free before 11. I was 17. So this was an 18 and up club at this point when T-town was.
And I would put on my business casual outfit. Blazer. Express. Run to the line to try to get there free. Yes, slacks and my little top. And a little notebook. Yes, ready to go. No glasses. And I would go and have
I loved to dance. I was a dancer my whole life. I was in there doing dance battles, and I mean, it was just such a good... Yes, I was dance battling every Friday night with people in there. It was like, save the last dance or something in there. It was epic. Journalist, business professional, teen girl. Epic. Dancer. She did it all. I always loved the club.
We have to do an episode from Vegas. We must. We have to do a club episode. I'm going to be there next month. I'll think about you. Would they let us fly us out? No! And they shouldn't. And they absolutely should not. What are we doing in the teen club? All I'm going to be doing in there is calling everyone's parents. Get them out of here. Never been kissed.
Oh my goodness. What if I fell in love with the 16 year old? No, that's literally immediate jail. Oh my goodness. Yeah. Clubs are everything. I didn't know that about you. I was a Midwest girl. We need to go to a club. Papa Woody's. You could never say Papa Woody's to me again. That was so scary.
crazy. Y'all, we have to do, this is a business trip because this is a business. We need to go to Vegas. You have to go to a club and the clubs in Vegas are so cheesy and fun. I would love that. They all have seams and I love them so much. You can only get alcohol or red ball. That's it. That's the real experience. Yeah. Nope.
That's all I drank when I would go to Vegas everywhere. Yes. I guarantee that fantasies with the poems has not been updated. Oh, no. Okay, you have to go. You have to go. I can't believe you haven't gone. I would love to let go with that. Yeah.
A busy trip, engagement party. Do you ever get engaged to an engagement party? Oh, Bachelorette. Bachelorette party. That's absolute chaos. Wow. We'll surface that offline. OK, PCA, any audit? That's all I got this week. That's all I had, too. Should we talk current events? We got to move into the news of the week, you all. The current event is it. There's so much news. We need a little date line song before we go into current events. Duh, duh, duh. Hold on. Yeah.
Oh, romantic. Oh, it's giving Lifetime movie. It's also giving, like, horror. Low key, like, horror. She said it's giving horror. It's a little scary. A little, a little, oh. Batter up. Javen, what? You're up to pitch. What have you got today? I don't even know where to start. There is so much pop culture. Do you want to start with Black China? Pick one. Let's do it.
I can start with Black China. Please do. There's not much to say. I'm following it so closely. I'm going to call her Angela White, because that's what she's calling herself. Please do. That's so respectful. OK, let's do that. And I'll say, I don't know where we go after this, as a podcast, as friends. I don't know. After the season ends, are we going? We don't know. We haven't decided yet. But I have decided I wanted to include Black China, because I have this idea of her having never watched
her and Rob's show, having only seen photos of her and thinking that's an absurd looking person. Yes. Only knowing the Kardashian perspective of her lawsuit and those things and then seeing the court sketches. And now I'm watching her Instagram lives because for the readers who don't know, Black China is removing all of the work from her body. So the butt implants, the boob implants, dissolving all the fillers in her face. And she's doing all this like live on her Instagram. It's fascinating.
And she's talking to the doctors along the way. And the doctors are saying, here's why the silicone is bad for your body. And here's what people don't know. It's educational. She's doing this as a cause. And she is the cutest, sweetest, nicest, and most intelligent, funny. And I have built her up to be this circus person. And she's not. And then she's doing this thing.
She made $240 million on OnlyFans last year and then shut that shit down because she said, I'm good. I'm worth more than this. And I'm like, I'm not, but that's great. I'm not either for the record. Yeah, we're not above it, but wow. Doing feet pics.
I'm into her journey. I'm into this. Now I'm rooting for her. The Kardashians had me all in my head that she was like a money-grubbing, you know, like, hanger on of the fam. But listen, I'm team Angela White in this moment. I might take it back, but I'm following this closely. Just know that for the team, I'm on the case. I'm on the beat. She's my home.

Angela White's Transformation

I have been following this too and I will say what she's doing is so huge because it's starting a trend and she's not the only person doing this. She's the only person I think at this magnitude but a lot of like the lower
uh, level like Instagram girls are starting to do this too. Like look at me, I removed my lips that the YouTube girls are starting to talk about. You know, I took out my fillers as well. I'm no longer wearing my hair this way, you know, like it's, it's starting. Oh, taking down my nails. My nails aren't this long anymore. That's also something that Angela white, AKA black China mentioned that she's doing. And I think that's, it makes me so happy for people like my niece.
who are young, impressionable girls who for the most part, most of their life have grown up watching people look this way and thinking that it was normal and now seeing people publicly denounce this filler Botox, you know, Ash shots kind of lifestyle that's
I think it's kind of revolutionary if I'm being honest. It's something interesting. We haven't been here yet. We went from like everything's so body. This is not a joke when I say this, but it's very much body politic. It's about getting hotter and filters.
You can do all those things, but I think there's something really interesting and political about being honest about the work you've had done and being alive, getting it undone. I also think about Black China. I always have a soft spot for her because of the way her mom is Tokyo Tony and they had a show together and the way
Tokyo talks to black China is like very stressful for me. And so I can only imagine what that's like. And her mom is like an Internet person to like how to grow up with that dynamic, to be fighting for custody over your children. I imagine is a very stress to not stand a chance because, yeah, you don't have the money or the capital or the capital. Yeah. As you all are talking, I will point out the flaw in the in the plan, which is
It's great to watch Black China do it. I love it.
If all the Instagram girlies are doing it, what we're really rolling back is like black aesthetic too, right? All the things like when we have the white girls who are now taking their lips down, taking their nails off and like, yes, they were appropriating those things. But now we're going to say that like now heroin chic is back in 2007. Where it's just about being skinny and white. It's yeah, prepper and less than brown, short nails, black culture.
I'm not saying that they should continue appropriating that, but now it's going to, there's some, you know, people who can't make their lips smaller, right? And things like that smaller. So like, are we going to roll it all the way back? And it's like the literal name black China and she's turning it back to Angela white is like a little too on the nose.
Yeah. And I wonder if you're like a trendcaster, tell us like what you're seeing, because I think some trendcasters were like, we're getting back to heroin. What is what we used to look like? Not twee, like the party monster. What is that American apparel era? Like that's where we're going. Yeah.
I think we are going that way. Look at the, the jeans and you know, the oversized jeans, the low rise. It's anonymous with whiteness, that whole look. It's about being skinny. It's about being skinny. It's about being skinny. Yeah. All of it. Yeah. You're right. That is something. And I, but I think in the black community, obviously we've always celebrated
what people came to realize was quote unquote cool. That's something that, especially in the South, like if you were a thin black woman, they'd be like, put some meat on your bones, go eat more, we've always celebrated that. But it is going to be interesting to see, hopefully it's not going to, we're gonna go in the exact opposite direction, but based on how things are shaping up with so many other things,
that are happening in the news now that's not pop culture related but all these laws and
We don't have to go there. I mean, it is pop culture related. Well, yeah. But we see things going in such an opposite direction. It's not just kind of ease and back. We're flipping things. And so this will be interesting to follow. But I am, in the short term, really excited to see people celebrate what they really look like. And that's such a positive message. And it makes me excited.

Body Image Trends Discussion

A person who's never had a filler or anything like that.
you know, always been happy about seeing beautiful, regular faces and regular bodies and natural. So I'm excited to see that trend come back, at least at the very least for the black community. Not you calling us regular.
Reguladegula Schmidt. You average girls, you normals, not girls, dancer, club. So that's cool. I'm excited. Okay. So one more thing. So Tristan Thompson and Chloe reconciliation, clown part eight.

Celebrity Relationship Drama

Apparently they, his mom passed away. Tragedy brings people together at times and he's already been spotted with another woman. So. I'm so tired of cheating.
I'm so tired of cheating. There's no excuse for it. They're so tired of cheating. In the age of polyamory and like... I know. I know. When communication, you can have whatever you want. It's so not... Yeah. This is my platform. Cheating is corny. Stop. Cheating is so corny and completely unnecessary. Just say that you don't want somebody. Like, say it nicely, but like... Also... What? Do we need to get journalist jazz on the case here because I'm seeing a trail of mom bodies in the Kardashian
Empire. What is mom body? How many of moms passing away?
Oh, OK. You broke a white open. That, OK, that has a lot to do also the mental mental stuff that goes on with all of their men as well. There's a there's a lot of common unfortunate themes with all of their men. I mean, I wish we had like a flip chart to break it all down because there is. But that is a part of it, too. I got to think about this.
Because black women, the mortality rate, I'm going to leave it at that. I need to go journal about this. Exactly. We can come back to that. But anyways, I just thought that was pretty ridiculous that yet again, she's signing up to be disgraced and embarrassed and this man obviously has a problem.
I also want to say I feel for people whose partners they have children with and are cheating on you. That is exhausting because you can't get away from this person. You have children together. I know you're just so. I mean, there's a lot of like abuse and psychological whatever, but like how exhausting, how exhausting, but she keeps signing up for it. So even if she didn't take him back, they'd be like, look, this is Tristan Thompson. That is exhausting.
Her daughter's going to grow up and read all of this. It's just so embarrassing. It's so, ugh. So embarrassing. And then also, too, I want to talk real quickly about Avril and Tyga. Obsessed. What's going on? I don't. Avril is a Republican. I need everyone to know that. I do not. What? She is a Canadian. She is Republican. I went on a deep dive. Avril is a Republican. And she dated Brody Jenner. What? Didn't she date Brody Jenner? She was engaged to Brody Jenner.
And now she's running around with Tyga, who everyone knows is Kylie Jenner's ex of five years, who's also Black Chyna's father of her son. Yes. Yeah. I actually really like Tyga. He's like cleaned up his act a lot. You think? A lot. I have to go in. I haven't. Well, I mean, Kylie when she was 13. Yes. Yes. As soon as I said this, I was like, the curse of talking about a man.
But he has cleaned up in some ways talking about sex hormones. It's me, Chris. I'm going to redact that. Every time I praise a man, he has a porn company.
Wait a minute. He came about hiring trans women. He did one good thing. Never mind. Let me just be quiet. I'm going to go on mute. No, girl. Uh-uh. Tag is trash. We're going to move on from here. He did one good thing. Okay. This is such a stunt though. This is such a publicity stunt because there is no way that those two humans are like, well, money. They both have money.
That's what they have in common. How is Avril living that disappear? Because she needs to go away. And also emo is trending. Like what is it called? She's the most amazing of humans. Like she was on the charts. Avril was on the charts.
a basic, like the most basic. I used to wear a tie and a tank top back in the day because I thought that was such a cool look. Holy shit. See, Afro's impact even gets to the journalist. Maybe I was a different age. I even tried to skateboard once. That was a Gwen stan. Oh, I loved Gwen. I fell and that was the end of it, but I tried.
Wow. And that was the end of that era in my life. So brave. I actually have ties to this day. I'm like, I need to give these away. I don't wear ties. You absolutely need to donate them. Or maybe I'll put it on Tucker. It's too big for him. Girl, what's the next thing?

Reality Show Dynamics

All right. And the last thing is,
The Queens of R&B, if you're not watching this show on Bravo, you are missing out on compelling television. If you like R&B from the 90s, it's SWV and the group Escape. They've come together to have a reality show that chronicalizes their one night only
big celebration concert that they're supposed to be doing together. But leading up to that concert, the level of drama that ensues is just... It's off the charts. It's wild. Jasmine, why is this game down to three members? Where's the fourth? The fourth member is Latasha, and she has exited from this group because Xscape has had notorious issues with her
wanting to, every time they experience the height of their fame, she wants to use that to catapult her as a solo artist, and she can sing her face off, but it never works out. The sum is greater than its parts, and she hasn't realized that, and so this was the final straw for them. But what's really making this show so polarizing is that Latasha has a sister in the group, Escape,
And it's come out that Latasha and her husband, who's her manager, who kind of is like Ike Turner and that's wild right there. It's still wild that they stole her sister's money. And the mother is taking up for Latasha and her husband has always been absolutely horrible to Tamika, which is Tasha's sister. And all of this is bubbling up within the group.
escape, and it's all being followed through the show. Then we have SWV, which is just the breath of fresh air on the show, sweet, living their lives, really, really level-headed and amazing, and I've always loved their music more than I've loved Xscape's music.
And now the last episode basically shows them escape saying, when we go on this one night only show, we want to be top billing. We should be getting paid three times more than you all. And SWV is like, we sold 30 million records. You sold 7 million. What are we talking about? What are we talking about? Why aren't we co-headlining? Why aren't we splitting the money down in the middle?
It is, it's just a lot going on. And it's really interesting to follow. And then somehow Tamar Braxton steps into the chat, so to speak. What? Where is she connected? She's involved because apparently she went on a show and basically kind of commented on all of this, including
something about candy and I'll just say that escape's life story was allegedly stolen by Carlos King who everyone knows is like the housewife biggest producer guy and Tamar was kind of on his side which sent candy into a tailspin. So
It's been a big mess going on. I will say that even if you're not following all of the mess that I just mentioned, you have to see this show and the episodes are free and in full episodes are free on
on the Bravo channel on YouTube. So everyone go check it out because it's just been a lot going on and it's really interesting to see egos at play with the escape. And now that's why they're three because Tasha wanted to run off and do her own thing. Still not successful. I just want to, listening to you talk about that, I'm reflecting and I'm grateful to whoever had this idea of
Like what are they called? The, the, the versus or whatever. Like the versus that was, yeah, those that led to this show. Like who, I'm just going to give credit to baby face for no reason. Like, let's just say it was baby faces idea. This is for you. Yeah. I just, it's on my heart that it was his idea, but whoever said the people want to see this was correct. Yeah. It was a hundred percent correct. Yes. Yeah. And now we have all of this.
Now we have all this more, I say. Give me more. Yeah. You guys have to watch the show. Nicholas Shea is hosting things on Netflix. I'm here for it. We love it. We love this resurgence.

Closing Remarks

They'll do special appearances at Papa Woody's. We should call this episode Papa Woody's. Absolute jail. No. I do not want to be leaked.
You don't want to even be involved in the same sentence. It just evokes a 13-year-old with a boner. It's like the worst of all things. A teen club? Yeah, no. The good old days. Somebody get us out of this mess. Take it away. All right, everyone. Thank you for listening this week. Make sure that you rate and review us on iTunes and Spotify. Follow us at the Pop Culture Audit on Instagram. We'll talk to you next week.
Until then.