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The Pop Culture Audit:  Season 1, Episode 7 - "Helping Hand"  image

The Pop Culture Audit: Season 1, Episode 7 - "Helping Hand"

S1 E7 · The Pop Culture Audit
52 Plays1 year ago

Someone please put US in jail for being complicit with this show.  This, THIS, This is where it all goes wrong my friends - as a species we have completely blown it.
But if we have to go, at least we can go out in good company.  Join us!  As we cringe our way through Season 1, Episode 7 of KUWTK and all the soul sadness that comes along with it.  First dates!  Babydoll dresses!  Are people without homes ACTUALLY people???  (we say YES!)


Introduction & Purpose

Pulled up, made my appearance You can't sit with us without clearance That lame shit, never let it near us And your girl will choose my team cause you still living with your parents Flexing on the gram with your paycheck
Welcome to the pop culture audit, where we review reality TV and talk about all things pop culture through a contemporary and critical lens. So what exactly is a pop culture audit? Easy. We take a deep dive of a pop culture source material. In this case, it's Keeping Up with the Kardashians season one, comb through it, highlighting the most cringy and historic moments in pop culture discourse. If you're into that, you found the right place.

Host Introductions & Context

If you're not, you're still in the right place. You're just going to learn something new. My name is Keela.
from the co-host Jasmine. Hi, y'all. This is Bryn. And I'm going to get us going. Are y'all ready for this, though, for real? I'm ready. You know we've been gearing people up for this episode. We have. We've been teasing this even before it was coming. Before it was coming. Yeah. The shorty episode. OK. I'm going to recap, y'all.
It's intense. But before I get into the recap, okay, I'll say season one, episode seven is called helping hand. It's 22 minutes long.
Before I get into the recap, I want us to do something quickly. I want everyone to close their eyes. Listeners, my co-host here.

Historical Context & Gossip

Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Maybe you know this or you don't know this. One of my favorite books and works of thought in the world is a book called Sapiens. I knew it. You knew it was. We're going to Sapiens. My family always says, oh, we're on Sapiens again. Great.
It's a book about the history of humankind and I find it to be so comforting and such a great frame of reference because it reminds us that for thousands and thousands of years, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years, I want you to picture this, Homo sapiens humans lived
in a way completely unlike how we live today. We're talking about hunter-gatherers, we're foraging, we're living in groups of less than 100 people. One thing I always find so fascinating about sapiens is that one of the ways in which this species of human was able to organize and basically kill off other species of humans, because there were others, homo erectus, neanderthals,
One of the big tools that we had was the ability to gossip. So this ability to like know things about each other and share information and tell stories and build home networks. Right. So I always, people say gossip is like toxic. I'm like.
Maybe if you're a Neanderthal. That's beside the point. We're picturing this. We're picturing all the different ways we could have evolved as a society, as a civilization. Tens of thousands of years. Didn't have money. There's some trade. There's no credit scores. We're living. We're eating. We're having kids. We're doing our thing. Just thriving. We're like one with the earth.

'KUWTK' Episode 7 Overview

And I say all of that to say where we actually are as we get into this episode, it just didn't have to fucking be this way, right? These are choices, y'all, that were made along the way. This is when Keela says flop era, like I just want you to hold both of those things in your head and heart, that we came from a people, hunter-gatherers, okay, to where we are about to go right now, which is Old Town Calabasas. Here we go.
The first line of dialogue is from Rob telling Chloe, you are such a cheater. And she says, I know I suck at this.
because the siblings and Scott are sitting around the ranch. They're playing poker. Chloe is asking Rob, who he is dating. Rob says he's in a bit of a drought and jokes that he can go to a strip club. Maybe that'll end the drought. Kim says, my brother will not date a stripper that's gross. I'll find him a nice, normal girl. Rob clarifies you don't bone the strippers because people said bone, remember? I mean, they get the music. I still say bone. You do? I do. I say bone and bang. I don't like that.
I like it better than smash. When people say smash, I also say smashed as well. What do y'all say? Redacted. I don't know if my mom is listening. I do know that my mom is listening. Oh my god. Well, it's too late. You might as well tell me.
I say they fucked. Oh, I hate that. Really? Yeah. I think that's so. I feel like that's so inappropriate. I'm talking to adults about adult things. Yeah. Call it what it is. I need little. I need slang words. That's the only way I refer to it. Not Smash job. That's painful. That's hurtful.
Rob says, you don't bone the strippers. You get to know the strippers. And of course, he's being ironic because they don't think of strippers as human people. I was also wrong. They're playing gin, not poker, as I previously thought.
So we're cut to the makeup chair, and Kim is talking to her makeup artist, Steven, who is on the case to find Rob a girlfriend. Steven has a friend who is single. Kim obviously wants to know what she looks like, and Steven says she was Playmate of the Year, actually, which is not an answer to what she looks like. But it does the trick for Kim, I guess. They call Steven's friend, and Kim tells her that her brother is really nice and polite. OK.
Here we go. This is now we're cutting to plot line B, which is what we've all been waiting for and dreading. Courtney and Chloe are driving to Dash, their fashion couture boutique store in Old Town Calabasas in a strip mall.
They see a homeless man standing by the parking lot and they cannot believe it. Chloe says, this is Calabasas. Why is he here? This is bad for business. Chloe goes on to say, I have never seen a homeless man in Calabasas. None of my customers are going to want to walk by this guy to come into our store. They worry that he's going to start hanging out around the store. We zoom in on him with this sign. It reads, homeless trying to survive. Anything helps. Thank you.
I'm like gritting my teeth so hard right now. This is a white man with a backwards ball cap and he has like a gray sandy beard. We cut back. An occasion accent. Oh, an occasion accent. When we talk to him, we find out he has occasion accent, yes.
We're cutting back to nighttime at the ranch. The siblings are all sending Rob off on his big date. I have to sidebar here to say that in the background of this shot, there's a hand-drawn sign that's hung up on one of the cupboards in the kitchen that says, I love you, Daddy. And it's really sweet, and it makes me feel very sad for where we are. It is very cute. It is very cute.
It's like this little glimpse into, just like this whole house, it's like glimpse into like, I mean, I still don't know that I would have been like, that's the average family. But it's a thing. They don't hang, they don't hang our way from the kitchen cabinets anymore. Absolutely not. So the siblings are making fun of Rob's outfit and he goes to change and now he's shirtless and they want to wax his chest because it's from the 80s, which I don't understand.
You can see in one moment in this very moment how Rob's whole life has been completely shaped and driven by his sisters Literally this poor man never stood a chance Chloe tells him that she gets her vagina wax so he should be able to handle this and she slaps his chest super hard which ends up being his throat so he knows what it will feel like very abusive and
They put this man on the kitchen counter, and Courtney gets her waxing supplies out. It ends up that Courtney waxes herself. And this is, again, just another sense. Literally another sense that she is the only one who has any sense of self in this entire family. Courtney is the only one who has any self awareness. Her pain tolerance.
Just I just tried to picture the fact that like you live in this family of like all this aesthetic things and all these appointments and everybody's going to get waxed and you're like, no, do it myself. And I just think that I'm like, I have a lot of respect for that. That's my youngest sister. She does, too. So she's not going to care. Yeah, she really does. She waxes herself and also my other sister.
Wow, she's so brave. God bless, I love him. Yeah. Come on, warriors. So the wax rubs chest with a couple strips, and he absolutely doesn't want to do anymore, so they just stop, and he changes his clothes. His sisters joke that they're coming on the date with him. Chloe says, wrap it up, Angel, which means wear a condom. And then she taps his balls.

Ethical Issues & Exploitation in 'KUWTK'

Once he leaves, the sisters decide they are going to go on this date after all, and Chloe smacks Kim's butt on the way out.
Something is fucking wrong with Chloe's boundaries in all sense of the word. The way that she touches everyone in her family and the things that she says go beyond like cool girl shock value syndrome and are really disturbing to me.
Cut to the restaurant, Rob is meeting his Playmate date. They awkwardly hug. At the table, he asks her, what do you do besides for being Playmate of the year? Super good question. And she replies that she does modeling and hosting, but ultimately she wants to produce. OK, I do want to pause here, too. I want to say just paying attention to how far we've come since this episode was recorded.
And not, I mean, there's no way for this to not come across as shallow and rude. This woman is cute. She's blonde. She's lovely. And there is no way that she would be where she is in 2023. She looks so basic compared to what we're used to the girl is looking like now. Like, like the influencer girls, like this woman could not even get a job at a footlocker. I'm telling you. Yes, I agree. I went when they're like, she's beautiful. She's I was like, looking at her like, all right.
I also think that white people have a different, like white people get to be touched over for being not much. Not much. I think it's a tool, like we've moved too far. You got to have fillers, but I also think like the bar for white women is just different. Like, all right.
Yeah. And it sounds like I'm calling this girl ugly. Playmate of the year? No, not for me, but okay. Sure. It's just, it's yeah, it's very interesting.
This is a match made in heaven for Rob because he wants to start a production company for like movies and music. And that made me very sad also. He thinks she is really hot and very nice and they are really connecting, which in 2007 is L O V E love forever. Now the sisters are there and they want to discreetly crash this date. They're eating at a table across the way commenting on his date. They decide to call him for some reason. Rob answers the phone, which is super rude.
He acknowledges that it's rude and hangs up and he says they mean well, they're just looking out for Big Rob. I wish he had not called himself Big Rob. They are chatting at the table and his date tells him that she doesn't really want to do any more nude stuff.
Did either of you look up her nudes? I didn't, I shouldn't have. I wasn't moved by it, so I was like, I don't think I need to. Yeah, I just couldn't. It's like, okay, sure. Maybe we should. Maybe we should. We should do our due diligence. The sisters sneak over to spy, they start laughing, and it totally blows their cover. Okay, so I normally wouldn't say this, but I am afraid Keela is going to believe this was all very documentary style, so we have to go on record to say that this is very fake and 100% staged.
Every single part of it. Okay. Okay. I just want to make sure we're going on record. Rob confronts his sisters. You can't believe they're there. This date is so awkward. This is poor woman. At least the, when they, I was saying at least when they had the nanny, she like had a good time with it. The fake nanny lady who was smoking cigarettes and wearing a bikini top. At first I thought, was that the nanny? Could have been. They looked the same. I don't know. I, at first I was like, it could be, who knows?
This poor playmate is so uncomfortable. She drinks only water and she doesn't eat her food. Okay, we're done with the date for a moment. We're going back to Dash. We see a time lapse of Dash that the homeless man is still there. Chloe says, time to leave, buddy. Finally, on Thursday, he has gone. Calabasas is back to normal.
But Chloe takes out the trash and the homeless man is sitting in the dumpster area. And when I tell you all that the musical sting the editors use when you see this homeless man is the same one like when you see Michael Myers or a chainsaw murderer, they make it sound like she walked into a haunted house at the moment that she sees this man. He looks at Chloe, she looks at him.
Okay, we come back from a commercial break, and I'm getting a good look at the marquee for the other stores in the strip mall, so I just want to share with you all what they are. They are Florentina's, a fine flower shop, Lipshoe Lounge, Calabasas Nail Spa, Smoog, owned by Chris, Meda Spa, ahead of the game, right? A Med Spa in Calabasas in 2007. Deja Vu Hair, which is a terrible name for a hair salon.
and Shibuya sushi and then dash. So basically like a dollar tree would be right at home here is what I'm telling you. Fax. So we're back at the dumpster. Chloe puts on her best homeless man baby voice and says, hi, what's your name? The man says Shorty and he does have sort of a Cajun Creole thing happening. Chloe says,
I am not trying to be rude or anything, but a couple of the people are complaining. I think people want you to move to a different area if that's okay. And he says, yes, ma'am, I will do that.
I hate this scene. I hate this episode. I hate this show. I hate TV. I hate capitalism and I hate fucking America at this moment in time. Watching this makes every part of my body hurt and I'm furious. Shorty drops his sweater as he's leaving. Chloe runs it back to him and she goes inside and tells Courtney how bad she feels. She says it's really sad. Courtney says they should call their mom and tell her.
So they call Chris, and Chris says, have a little compassion. Maybe he's down and out. And Chloe says, obviously, that's why he's outside rolling in dirt, which he was literally not doing. I want to make a case to you all right now. We should never forgive Chloe. We should never forgive Chloe.
I mean, there's no accountability. If she goes on any interview and doesn't start it by saying, I just want to first land acknowledgement. I want to first acknowledge that my brand is built on this episode with a homeless man named Shorty, who I exploited. She needs to start every, every public appearance with that Shorty acknowledgement. Otherwise, no, no forgiveness. Never.
Never. You see what's happening to her? It's karma. Okay? Her life is karma. Stop. Okay. Chris sees this as a teachable moment for her kids. She encourages them to see what they could do for him. She says, think about what you would want somebody to do for, to help you with. And that feels like terrible advice to me because I don't know that this man's priorities and the Kardashians priorities and their basic needs are the same.
We'll see. So the sisters go back outside. They talk to Shorty. He calls Courtney a teddy bear. Chloe says they want to help him. Yeah, it got real weird. I mean, it was weird when we started, but now it's like double weird, right? Yeah. Chloe says get in my car will take you to get showered and cleaned up. They're going to take him to the ranch. That's a great idea. Shorty says this ain't a house. This is a mansion.
Well, right. He's not wrong. He made a point. He had a point.
Chloe is gonna let Shorty use her mom's shower, sort of as payback, or to teach her a lesson that's very unclear. Then they're shaving his beard. He's standing around in shorts while they go through Caitlin's clothes, and then they give Caitlin's clothes to Shorty. They're sitting around the living room, and they start talking about Shorty's teeth. It ends up he hasn't been to the dentist in a while, probably because he's homeless and has other things on his mind, rather than going to get a cleaning.
Chloe starts playing with her hair. Yeah. Even with... Oh, and then if you have dental insurance, you still have to pay for the dentist, ends up. Okay, America? Remember, we could have done anything. We could have done anything. We chose this. Chloe starts playing with her hair and says, my friend is a dentist and he's amazing. Do you want to go? And Shorty says, okay.
Again, like I have this out of body moment. This is even in my notes. Now I'm just ad libbing y'all. This out of body moment, like the levels of exploitation going on of like Shorty is.
Shorty is not well, right? Shorty is absolutely a homeless person, not an actor playing a person, right? This is a person that they coerced into being on this episode who doesn't seem to have a full grasp of what's going on and is going along with it for whatever compensation they get. Also, they're not a well person. The whole thing is problematic and troubling layered in with one another.
to watch his reactions and his like playing along with it makes me feel actually sick to my stomach. Cool. So Caitlin and the Jenner girls come home. So we're once again, I think we're seven for seven now on these episodes where this is another classic. What is Caitlin going to do moment? They introduced Caitlin to Shorty. Caitlin discussed is palpable. And once again, we should all go to jail.
for being part of this. They should go to jail. We should go to jail for watching it. At least spend one night in jail. They should still be in jail. One night? Everyone. One night. We're watching it for the greater good. Don't feel good about it, y'all. It is worth it. Oh god, it gets worse. So Caitlin says, when Chloe was little, she used to bring home strays. Stray cats, dogs, you name it. Now she's bringing home stray people. I want someone to fucking kill me.
Caitlin says, this is nice, but what are you doing? Chloe says she's gonna pay for the dentist appointment herself, but Caitlin needs to take Shorty because Chloe has a photo shoot in an hour. Whoopsie doodle. I wonder how much this dentist appointment costs, and I just wonder where it is on Shorty's hierarchy of needs, that's all I'm saying, because they feel like food and perhaps a program. But I have a point to make about the teeth.
Okay. I'll save it. Keep going. Keep going. Yeah. Also Chloe's obsessed with people's teeth. We're going to unpack that later too. So is Kim. Is she too? Well, they do this to Lamar too, don't they? They do this to Lamar.
Which is the most like rich privilege thing possible. The privilege of teeth. Okay. Okay. So Caitlin, Kendall, and Kylie take Shorty to the dentist. I will say Shorty really is very short. So the nickname is apt. Everyone is so patronizing to him as if he's not a real person at all. And in fact, the child.
Kylie asked Caitlin, how do you become homeless? And Caitlin tells her they don't have any money. They need a little help, but they wind up on the street. Kendall asks if she will ever be homeless. Caitlin says, never in a million years will you ever be homeless. I'll make sure of that. And now all I want is for Kendall Jenner to be homeless someday. Oh my god. I want it. I want it.
I'm putting it out there in the universe. We could have chosen anything, people. She has horses. In the dentist chair, the dentist can't believe how bad Shorty's mouth is. Great. The shame around dentistry, too. I can't.
Oh, I have some stories cut back to the ranch where the sisters are getting ready for their photo shoot. Chloe says she just can't believe they did shorty on Caitlin. Kim says who are you talking about? And Courtney replies. He's the cutest man I've ever seen. And Chloe says shorty. He's our homeless man that we adopted.
This episode is streaming on Peacock right now. Anyone listening to this can see it, and that includes the FBI, okay? So this is not something we dug up or is recorded from a vault. They could be arrested for this right now, and they should be, because this episode is accessible to any authorities that want it and want to go arrest them for saying, Shorty, he's our homeless man that we adopted.
Kim doesn't believe them. They say Bible, so now she has to believe them. Caitlin calls Chloe from the dentist to ask what they do with Shorty when they're done. Chloe says, take him to a hotel. She tried to find a shelter, but they're full or closed. Caitlin laments that Shorty is getting pretty expensive. Now, Rob comes into the photo shoot bathroom, and he's annoyed at them about that date still. They bicker about it. Kim apologized, which prompts Chloe to say, aw, Kim, suck his dick harder.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? How are we speaking to each other? The next day they go to the hotel, it looks like a motel. We're shorty a stain. Most of them are wearing leopard print, just FYI.
They don't know what to do with them. They don't want to put him back on the streets. So they're going to take him to a shelter. They are literally treating this man as if he's a dog. He shows off his new dentures and they all gasp. Courtney says he is a completely different person. He is not. And he looks so good. And I'm going to tell you, he literally looked better before. And she can tell his confidence has gone way up. I can't tell any of these things.
This is Kim's first time meeting shorty everyone hugs in the car shorty has his arm around Courtney and says she brings it out of him and it's clear they don't really understand what he's talking about and they're more than a little nervous about it and I fucking hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
Because I'll say this, it's uncomfortable. He is an uncomfortable person. This is an uncomfortable situation. And they created it. And we're supposed to feel weird for them, but also we're all supposed to think this is a teddy bear person. And I hate every fucking bit of it.
We're back at the ranch. Chris is mad at how many people use her shower. Also, there is a bird in the house. We'll call that plot line C, bird in the house. Rob jumps up to trap the bird. He catches the bird. They hand off the bird and Rob lets it free outside. This is an episode about trap and release. I was going to ask, do we think the bird is real? I think the bird is the only real thing that happens in this entire episode.
Having a bird in your house is really convenient. They should have spent at least 21 of the 22 minutes on the bird in way less time on the homeless person that they took advantage of and kidnapped. I would have been way more proud of their, I mean, also it is impressive to catch a bird and release it without harming it. Like they did a really good job. They worked together. Literally. They did a great job. Way more time should have been spent. Very brave. Very brave.
to everyone else in jail. Now the sisters are finally saying goodbye to Shorty. He seems sad, but mostly he seems fucking confused. Chloe gives him her bracelet to remember her. Everyone hugs. Kim is so impressed at how good her sisters are. All good things must come to an end so they get into their white Lexus and leave Shorty behind.
Back at home, they sit around and unpack the shorty drama. Chris says that they inspired him to better his own life. Courtney says they treated him like a human being, which they did not. She says that he went to have a sip of his beer, but then he put it down because now he wants to get an apartment and make money.
It feels like capitalism wrote this entire script for them, FYI. Chris says, it takes so little to make others happy. We have love to give the world. This doesn't have anything to do with buying someone dentures and shaving off their beard. Chloe says, suck my dick now, Chris. And that's the end of episode seven. Another fun, warm family ending.
that. So. Yep. What do we do? What do we do with this? Let's zoom out and then zoom back in. OK, let's do that. Let's talk about the date.
Okay, readers, I know this was weird editing because of just the angles. It just didn't add up. The plates weren't consistent throughout the date, so whatever. One of the most interesting things- I can't believe I didn't catch that. Yeah, the plates were not consistent. The order of the plates was not consistent. That's what did it in for me.
Rob is 20 years old, but he

Social Dynamics & Fashion Critique

lies and says that he's 22, which I had to scream because what like also she's going to know on the date. Like eventually she's going to find out. So they go on this date and just seeing Rob young is like it's fun because he doesn't appear in the shows anymore. He's kind of like out of the cinematic universe.
The thing that's set like cackling at home is Rob, at the end of the date, it's just kind of stale. Like they walk toward her car, but they don't.
He doesn't walk her to the door. It was uncomfortable. Yeah, it was it was the whole thing was just so there's so if they don't hug, they don't get like it's just like, OK, bye. I have bye. And then it just first date culture. This is a bigger cultural phenomenon. First date culture is so funny. It's so it's like so invigorating and like goofy and terrible all the same time. First date culture. I love a first date.
I love it. I like the idea of what is this going to be? Who is this person? The romance, the possibility. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's probably better than the first dates, although I will go on the record and say that I usually have really great first dates. I do too.
Like, I usually have a good time, they're fun, and it's the second and third where it's weird. It's weird. All right, what's going on? Yeah, and I also say, like, I'm a clown. So, like, the first date and a Libra, like, my performance is going to be great. Like, I can do an incredible first performance. It's the rest that, like, the first date's supposed to be the most fun date. It was so weird. Okay, the second thing I want to say about this is the outfit.
Wearing like Okay, I this isn't even a drag on tube culture because I like to dresses I think it's fun but like wearing heels and like all that heavy tanner Makeup a dark eye to go to like this very casual looking sushi, right? It's just so it's so funny where we were at that time like everything was like
I was scrapping for my life against my mom to wear a heel to anything for no reason no reason we just like needed
A stiletto. A wedge. A wedge. A pump. I was a stiletto. Yeah, a pump. Where was I going with the pump? I was doing all of it. To high school. To high school. That's where I was headed. She went to sushi with the pump. And it was like, and I think you could tell, had she had different footwear on, she could have been going anywhere, to the beach, to whatever. But the way I know this was 2007, because she had the pump on.
That's how we know. I'm so true. And she like clack, clack, clack to her way to her car. So it was just so funny for their goodbye. Like we didn't get to hear the bottom of her heels like slapping to the car, but like she put her pumps on to go have a lackluster date. And I feel. What was she going to wear? Sandals?
the year of our Lord now, now, today, and today BC, she quote, or AD. But like, it was just so, and that comes to my conclusion of like having a bad date is so sad. And she like had this raggedy date and had to like take her heels back to her like sedan and go home.
That's exactly what she was talking about. Also, we haven't talked a lot about what the men are wearing on the show. Please, let's go. So when Rob was initially dressed for his date, he had that sweater on.

Rob Kardashian's Journey & Family Dynamics

It's the Argyle sweater. And I was about an Argyle print.
So now the time stamp watching him come out like that and and just yeah It made me think of every cousin I have and how when it was time to go out That is what they walked out in sweaters to the club time. We're like
with polo boots and it was just like, ooh, you look nice. You know what I mean? And now I look back and I'm like, you looked a mess. I can smell the cologne from that outfit. I can smell it. Yes. Yes. What is it, cool water cologne?
Yes, yes. But I know everyone was wearing cool water right then. He sprayed the sweater. And when the sister said take it off, I know the sweater just went on his floor smelling like cologne and just sprayed the next shirt that he put on, which men at this time loved a black button down. They loved a black collared shirt. Or a plaid button down. Let's talk about it. Which is what surely was wrong later. Yes, yes. Just plaid button downs are hands down the worst. Like, if I see a man in that today,
I'm like, who didn't tell you not to walk out the house looking like this? It's the worst. I didn't know that was the epitome of looking nice during that era in time, but that is now the exact opposite today. I was like, look at all these times. I haven't really been paying attention to the men and what they were wearing, but when Rob walked out, I was like,
The Argyle sweater. This is exactly what all my cousins. It sent me to a place. Yeah, it sent me to. It's definitely there. Cool. We loved Argyle for no reason.
Why? Why? It was like everything was mini, and then all of a sudden there were argyle sweaters. Like mini skirts, a pump. Terrible. Argyle sweater. This is describing an outfit I wore in seventh grade. Like I think my seventh grade picture is that. Also, everybody, so that was kind of like the men's business casual back then, so that went perfect with like the men's business casual. The blazers, the baby doll dressed with leggings underneath and a heel. Yes.
Oh my gosh. I'm feeling attacked. I would wear that now. And I had so much fun. People at home who are sitting at home in their baby doll dress with leggings and pumps, I salute you. Because I had so much fun getting dressed at that time. Put some daisies on it. Let's do this. That's to come. The bird era. The put a bird on era. The put a bird on it. OK, I know you guys are talking about fashion, but I have to interject here. Because while you're talking, I'm looking up this playmate since nobody did.
And apparently her and Rob actually dated. I'm so busy looking up shorts. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to get there. Yeah. Her and Rob actually dated. They really dated and hugged up. So like this was, this was a set up with, well, sources say both, but like not because of this show, but they like conned her into being on the show because they were already hooking up, which makes this so much more awkward. And she was, she was on big brother season.
14. Wow, fun. I know. Yeah, they're 14. OK. So just so we know there's a through line there so much for her production company. Yeah. Oh, it doesn't seem like that worked out. Yeah. All right. Keep going for dreams changed. Well, that's the date of it all. Should we let's get to it. The shorty.
Before we hop into Shorty, I just want to talk about Rob for a sec, because I feel like he was featured more in this episode than previous ones.
And he was so cute with his cute little face and his cute little haircut. He is a cutie. And I looked at him and I was like dream his daughter looks so much like him. She really does. She's so cute. A good blend of him and Angela. I very much see them. And Angela, yes. Nice blend, right? And so it made me sad watching him look so happy and so involved with his sisters because we see later on how miserable he gets.
emotional and how distant they become from Rob on the show openly for many years. And they even went to like therapy on camera that was an absolute disaster. And he was left sobbing. And I just thought about how he was speaking about his dreams and how he didn't really reach any of them, at least not at the pinnacle that his sisters did.

Privilege & Societal Reflections

I know he had that soft line.
He graduated, yeah, author George, and he went to college and he was the only one out of all of them to graduate college. And she went, she graduated. She just go from Arizona. Okay. All right. Okay. I knew she went to college. I didn't know she graduated. Okay. So then both of them, right? So they were positioned to be these people that were supposed to be successful in their family. And knowing that his fate eventually, it just seemed really sad to see.
you know, what he ended up becoming versus how he started out on the show back then. Very, very sad. But we can move on to Shorty because that's the meat and potatoes of this episode. Who wants to go first? I just have to say this before we kick it off.
What? What in the hell? I think we can do it right there and be like, all right, that's it. We'll talk to you next week. What? Yeah. Truly, what? Y'all found, first of all, the privilege of being, I feel weird saying privilege, but just being able to say, I've never seen a homeless person in my town. No.
I think that does feel. But also speaks to probably like the policing of your town, because police move homeless people to like, herd them to different areas so that they're not in particular neighborhoods. We can't ignore what's happened in this real time that we sit in in 2023. Last year, the Kardashians went
hard for a mayor of L.A. whose whole platform was cracking down on homelessness. He made it sound like helping, because L.A.'s, you know, the whole west coast has gone wild since COVID-19. Yeah, it's been under-resourced and there's more and more folks on the street.
They all like they did plugs for him. Kim and Chris at least both did plugs for whoever was that that businessman who was running for mayor. Thankfully, he didn't win. Yeah. So to see them do this and then their whole thing and like they were like, it's it's he really has a plan to help the homeless. He did not. He had a plan to get them out. Like that was it. So it was weird. It's a side of their part like him lobbying to have
preserves really, it just, all this to say, strange, very strange. And then to, who approved this plot point? That's all I've got. Just like, what the hell, who approved this? You were able to speak about, it was a different time. Joe Francis. We were able to speak about, yes, obviously the editor. Yeah, it was a different time. We were able to speak about
topics like this very carelessly and I understand to a certain extent like most people will drive past an unhoused person and have similar thoughts if we're being honest right depending on the side of town that they're on and all of those things but it was really hard
to watch them speak about Shorty as if he was, one, a nuisance to Calabasas. Also that he wasn't bothering anyone. And I didn't like the driving past him Monday, Tuesday, like on the screen. I thought that was like, so it took you all week before you decided to interact. You don't have to interact. And when you finally did, it's a plot line for a show.
Do we think that Shorty was planted there? 100 million percent. They picked him up from downtown L.A. and brought him to college. 100 million percent. I think his petition was just to like a turn into a strip mall rather than like an intersection. Like the traffic doesn't even make sense.
How did you get all the way to Calabasas? So that's what made me think it was upland. I'll divert for one second to tell you all, and you guys probably don't know this, but when I first moved to Chicago, my first job was working for the production company that did the post-production for Jerry Springer.
My God. This is a separate sidebar. We're definitely going to come back to this for sure. With the executive producer of Jerry Springer, my company started doing sizzle reels, which is like trying to sell a show. We're doing sizzle reels for other reality shows and they were all like
exploitative, like there was a stripper show in Tennessee. There was trying to strike gold with this executive producer. One of them was a judge show that we filmed. And so they got this like celebrity judge and he wanted his own show and he was paying whatever. So there's a courthouse in Cicero here outside of Chicago.
that you can film in. So we were filming there, but we needed an audience. So they had brought the judge and they had brought these fake guests in that were like Jerry Springer regulars. Interesting. To be these fake people in court, but we needed to pack the audience. So they sent us the production assistants to the Home Depot where folks were standing out, mostly Latino folks were standing with signs who try to get work with contractors or whatever.
And very, very rudimentary English and paid these people who didn't really know what they were doing to get into our van and go sit in the audience of this fake judge show that we were filming. And so the show never got picked up, of course. But like we had to. Yeah, they had to sign releases. They had no idea.
no idea what we were asking them to do. I literally basically kidnapped these people. And if you look at the audience, it's just a lot of Latino men in jeans in the audience of this thing. So I know for a fact that some 20-year-old kid trying to make their way up in TV production
was tasked with going to find Shorty and bringing him back to set. That is really, really sick. This is wild. Disgusting. Yeah, it's disgusting. Absolutely, that was someone's job. OK, so here's another thing that got on my nerves. This baby voice that Khloe does when she thinks she's being sweet or cute or whatever has, I mean, I thank God she doesn't do that anymore. But it was just this long,
stretch of time where she, oh, the Lamar years, it was just over. But also like, can I jump in and say something about performed feminization?
This era of being a girl, so to speak, was all about pink and juicy couture and many skirts, many tops, heels. There was just this minification of everything and baby voice was very cool back then.
Being like ditzy was like very common culture. Like I'm thinking about like house bunny and like just like that legally blonde like it was hot. This aura of hot cisgender desirable woman was about. Bamboo vacation, essentially, even though we were like all wearing business clothes.
And Chloe is doing both things, because it was also the introduction to Cool Girl. And Cool Girl says, suck my dick. And Cool Girl taps you on the balls and does all of these things that are Cool Girl things to do. She watches Jackass. Yeah. Right.

Podcast Future Directions

When you're also doing baby voice, because you're still sexy, but you're a cool girl. You're a sexy baby. Yeah. You're a sexy baby. Duality. A sexy business baby. Who can hang with the boys. But is it baby? Yeah.
Right. It was just too much. That's exactly right. And she walks out, and I don't know why she thought speaking to him and telling him that basically get away from our store in a baby voice was sweet. Yeah, it was weird. Like, hi, can you get away? Like, there's people who are really concerned that you're hanging around.
You make everyone like she's like is that okay like you just told some right we don't like yourself No
Yeah. It's not okay. And so he leaves and then she goes back in and it's like, I feel bad. You feel bad just that quick. It didn't kick in at any point when you were asking this man to leave the premises. Got it. So the next step is to call their mom, to ask them how to be, ask her how to be a compassionate human being. Because of course between the two of you, you don't know how to figure out how to do that alone as adults. Got it.
And so then Chris goes into like a PC shows him compassion. They he's less fortunate than you. Like, why didn't that come to your mind? You know, like it just kind of felt like they called Chris to complain. I also want to say about trash cans. After moving to a city, I feel like trash is a public entity.
Like people go through, the first place I lived in Chicago, I had like clothes or old blankets or something. And the place that I lived, people would leave stuff that you could use it, like that wasn't garbage. Like you could use it again. They would take it. So you just leave it on top of the trash can. People would take stuff all the time or like people go through the trash and see like what things are used or not. And so I was really, I feel a type of way for someone to be like so pressed about trash.
especially if it's not like being thrown, it's not like causing rats or anything. Shorty is probably gonna look through the trash. It just...
It didn't sit right with me. He was the nuisance of Calabasas. So quietly sitting by the trash? What? It just felt weird. It felt weird. I will say, watching it, I also was kind of in this, I don't know how this is going to sound, but I was so glad it wasn't a black man. Because to me, that would have added.
A layer of disdain. The fact that they wouldn't. I mean, Melon and Count was zero just to be clear. We're still at Melon and Count zero. Yes. Well, we had one. We had one melody. Oh, yeah. Yeah. For this episode. But it wasn't and then God, it wasn't because it would have landed so poorly. But also it speaks volumes that like.
They had enough wherewithal to not do a black person. They had enough poll testing to know that a black homeless person in Calabasas. I don't think those girls wanted to be around a black homeless person. I don't think so too. And I think a black person in Calabasas would have been arrested immediately. A black homeless person outside of Ash, period. At a strip mall? Absolutely not.
Absolutely not. Holding a sign. That sign also was very detailed. What did it say? Just trying to survive. Just trying to survive. That was a real sign. That was not a stage sign. They found that man with that sign. Yeah, I feel like the sign felt pretty authentic. The sign was real. I just need some help. That was a real sign. Yeah. Okay, so let's talk about Caitlin's obvious disdain.
finding strays. Chloe brought stray animals home growing up and now she's bringing home stray people. The animal to human connection didn't land well for me. I was like, you didn't land this plane very well. They love animals and more. Just last episode we were like hiding dogs and it was adorable. They have way more respect for tiny fluffy dogs than they do for this human.
I think it's also just like the, again, seeing Shorty kind of as an animal.
Let me take you, and this is the other thing, house politics, using your parents' bathroom. So much of this is unfathomable to me. Bringing someone that I don't know to my parents' house, and then using my parents' bathroom, and then using all their clothes. If I'm going to bring somebody home, why wouldn't I just bring them to my house? And then we can do whatever we want, because it's my house. But that was strange. The disdain is very uncomfortable.
The disdain is very uncomfortable. It was very uncomfortable. It's strange that they just were very disrespectful of the home that isn't theirs. Yeah, I didn't like that at all either. I will say that when he looks at Chloe and was like, can I talk to you? That's never a good sign when you're sitting there and you know people are ushering themselves out of the room to go speak about you. In front of everyone. I didn't like that either. Yeah.
And then, so they shave his face, they put him in some clothes. With scissors. And yes. And then they go get his teeth cleaned. I didn't like the dentist saying, whoa, wow. You're a dentist. You've seen things. I hate dentists. I hate dentists. I hate them. Her whole industry is shame based.
All of it. It is. So I didn't find that out until last year. That's the only doctor I like is the dentist. Nope. I've never had that experience. So I used to feel like that too. Until a couple of years ago. And then I was like, oh, this is bad. OK. A couple of years ago, I had a bad one. So I am a part of the cavity free club. I've never had a cavity free club. OK. Well, it's less of a genetics. I want to say for people who have had cavities. It is genetic. 400. And you're seen. And you and your mouth and your teeth matter. And you're perfect the way you are.
Cavity Hives stand up. It's genetic. Everyone calm down. It's gene. I'm perfect, but it is genetic. It is just so polarizing for me to say that. It is. It is. Please get into her DMs, auditors. Please don't. We need to bring back poetry.
Oh, gosh, no. So I said that not to brag. I said that because it's a part of what I'm going to say. So every time I go to the dentist, it's always been such a great experience. And then I went once, and as soon
as the dentist opened my mouth. She was like, oh my God, get someone. She calls someone in there. You would think that my teeth look like shorties, like the way that they were acting towards me. And I don't even remember the things that she was saying that I needed, but I knew it was $3,000 worth of work. So I found a different dentist and I didn't tell them anything that the previous one had said. I wanted to see if this was real or not. Got a clean in there like, all right, see you in six months. And I was like, wait, hold on a second.
Here's the paperwork of what the last dentist said. There's scammers, all of them. Scammers. Yeah, they were like, no, no, no, no. Absolutely. I've been a dentist for 20 years. Yeah, you don't need any of that. That was a money grab. Oh, no. And so that just, I was like, whoa, this is really... And there was one point where I went to one dentist and every time I saw them, they were giving me deep cleans, deep cleans, right?
And then I was like, this is really rough on your gums. This is a lot. And so I went to another dentist and she was like, you don't need all of that. That's really, like you said, rough on your gums. Again, another money grab. So now they're not my favorite people. I have found a dentist that I really like. That's important. They're great. That's important.
But I had to start searching for other ones because of the money grab situation. So now it's fine, but it was a tough few years before finding Sapphire dance. And here's the ad. This podcast sponsored by. My goal is in a bit. I think this brings up such a good point to you of like something that I struggle with also as a black woman.
medical professionals don't always have the decorum. Like it's not a primary concern for them to be kind or reliant. And so I have found as a black woman that I need to do extensive research before I go somewhere. And if it's something I don't like or fully trust, I may need to go get a second opinion because people just be saying stuff.
period, you may need as many as you get. And so hearing the dentist talk about Shorty's teeth, it didn't stick out to me as like, oh, this has never happened. But like, it just is a reminder of you are our specialist at this particular thing. But the decorum, the people skills, the customer service, the bedside manner is secondary to you. Because you know, he knows the teether are needing work. Why would you say that?
Readers, you didn't see this, but we had kind of started a conversation about how teeth matter, especially in the US and.
straight teeth, white teeth are all indicative of class because health insurance and how that has all been, the fact that health insurance is separate from dental insurance and people who have money for braces and cleanings and adjustments and alignment and veneers, that is an expense. These are choices. It is. It's a choice. It's a choice. As a people. As a people, this is the system that we're in. And so for shorty, you know, especially in Calabasas where people are getting cosmetic dental work,
Don't act like.
This is jarring for you. You're so shocked. Yeah, it was it was really rude. And what also I thought was really rude is when they went to this impromptu alleged slash not true photo shoot that not true go to really randomly. We never see a photo shoot, do we? That is true. And we always see the photo. That's a really good point. I was wondering, like, where do they need smokey eye and bronzer this late in the.
afternoon, but okay. Okay. So then Chloe's in the mirror and says, feels good to ditch Shorty and put him off on Bruce. And I'm like, ditch Shorty? Like, I don't know. I just had a problem with everything, everything that was being said. And then to cut back to
Caitlin telling the girls, what do we do with them now? What do you think the next step, what are we gonna do with them? And then Chloe saying, we'll take him to a hotel, a hotel. It was just like, where were you gonna drop him off? What was the game plan? I don't think they thought about that. Why are you sounding so shocked that it ends at a hotel? Of course it does. Yeah, I don't think they thought about that, which is why Shorty ended up in that motel. I was like, is this even still Calabasas?
And you could tell because Kim looks so uncomfortable standing at the doorway. She was really uncomfortable. Shorty was being uncomfortable. All of it was very uncomfortable, which is fair. No one should have been in that situation. We should not have done this. We should not have done this.
We don't have to forgive them. Yeah, that was... I was like, I don't feel like I should be seen. It's so funny that his arms around her and you're like, it's not. Tell him to stop touching her. He shouldn't be touching her. He shouldn't be in this car. He shouldn't be touching her. None of this should be happening. He shouldn't be rubbing his hands through. None of it should be happening. But I will say I did laugh at that because I was just like,
I was trying to imagine what I would do if an itty guy was just sitting in a seat next to me rubbing his hands through my hair. I was like, this is unbelievable.
Like, this is really uncomfortable. But I thought that Courtney handled it pretty well. She was just like, she talked through it. She didn't make it weird or whatever. But you could tell that Kim was definitely uncomfortable in that car ride. And it's fine. It was fine for her to be uncomfortable, I think. What do you think about the never in the million years will you be homeless? I know, you know, if Brynn thinks she wants her to be homeless.
How did that land on you, Keila? Like when you heard that? Or was it a throwaway? No, it definitely made a direct quote in the audit notes. At first, I was like, OK, maybe this is parental care because I do think Caitlin, I'm surprised Caitlin answered without as much bigotry as I kind of thought would happen. And then the second is like, it's frustration because they have so much money. They have so much money. But even back then,
Kendall was not gonna be homeless. She's not gonna be homeless. And so it really frustrates me because I feel like I will, and I'm not saying I wanna be 1%, but I do not know that type of security. And it's just sad. It's sad. I think anyone else could feel, could be homeless. Yeah, something like that.
I agree. Also, was there like a, well, maybe for me, I was like, that's white privilege. I don't, immediately, I don't know why. It is in its class. Yeah. I grew up. Okay. Yeah. It was some, it was privilege for sure. I know you don't want to tell your daughter. I hope not. But guess what? My parents would have looked at you. They would. Mine absolutely would be like, well.
I better get a job. Yeah. There's so much beyond your control. Exactly. Better work hard. Because anything can happen. Anything can happen. That's the point. Exactly. And so for Caitlyn to say that with her full chest, and then we see how things are. And I think what makes me angry or frustrated is that
the Jenner sisters' existence and the whole family. They are even more removed from poverty now than they were back then. If Shorty had to be refilmed today, I think it would be worse. It would be so much worse. And yet, the economy, the experience of living on this planet, homelessness is still prevalent. You're still close. That's the message that I would say to my child. I would say no one should be homeless.
It is an atrocity, right? No one should be homeless. And it's not about you'll never be homeless. It is the most capitalist, generous thing possible to be like, you're going to be fine. And not even because you work hard, because I'm going to take care of you. But to say, no, nobody should be homeless. It's not right, is it? Let's talk about it. Let's talk about why, with all of these resources, it's not right. I'm not saying it's on the general family to house as many people as they can. Kind of it is.
period. They probably could. They could do better. They could do a few. They could do a few. But yeah, so the fact that they just play right into like, it's a shame that our system has to have people on the bottom, and that's the end of that. It will never be you. It's just gross. It's just gross. Well, I mean, if they
Yeah, I struggled with like whether or not it was just a comforting moment or whether, you know, it was just a lot in that one line that just got to me. Yeah. Great. Especially knowing Caitlin's politics and how it led to like people leave California because of the hanger. It was just a gross ending to a all around gross episode. A gross show. Yeah. Truly chaotic and gross episode. What takes us to our, are you done? Do you have another point?
I just want to say I looked up to see where Shorty is now. Okay, tell us. Wait, y'all can't see Bren covering her face. Girl, if you do not tell us, we are cringing. I know, I'm leaving everyone in suspense. Chloe went on a search for Shorty in 2021. What?
and found him. And he was still on the streets living with his brother in LA. And she bought him an apartment. And so he is no longer homeless. That is all I could find. I couldn't find anything beyond that. But he does have an apartment that Chloe purchased for him in 2021. I have nothing to say. So I'm glad he's housed. I hope things are getting better for him.
I'm not good enough that she hired a PI to find him. She did not. She posted on Instagram. Yeah, her and Kim posted it on Twitter. Wait, so you mean the public did the work?
Of course they did. Okay. I don't really know what, once again, I'm back at what the hell. I don't really know what to say. Jail is the only answer. Oh God. Are you all have a really serious question is we got to transition because we have to talk about this and we're running out of time.
There's only eight episodes in this season, y'all. We have one more episode. So what are we going to do for season two of this program? And that's what I want to talk about because I feel like we need to get the people to weigh in. Oh my God. I love this. Oh, I'm so happy I didn't know about this. So here's what I've written down to get us started. Just some options, okay? Because I truly have thought and thought and thought about this and I have no, I don't know what we should do. Pop culture audit.
the podcast season two. Obviously, we could keep going, right? We have only scratched the surface of the Kardashians. We could do- There's so much material. ... the Kardashians season two. We know that there's a new The Kardashians on Hulu season two starting. There's maybe season three. I don't know. And then I started thinking, should we be going back to more canon, doing more source material, getting back to it? Is that our lane? I don't know. If we were going to do that, we have real world season one. Started everything, right? Started it all.
Wow. The Simple Life Season 1. We could go there. Oh, I would watch that. The Ashley Can Watch Show. A Housewives. I don't know. I've never seen a Housewives.
I've never seen a single housewife. We could watch some sort of Netflix thing. There's so many, right? We have the, oh my God. Well, Love is Blind just dropped its news thing. Bad Girls Club, Love and Hip Hop, all of these things, okay? So many things. I do think, I think a competition show is probably not for us because it's like about who wins and it's already happened. So I don't know that that's good for us. But those are some of the things I came up with.
But what do you all think? How should we decide? What are we going to do? I love this because I've been given some thought. I do think we need to pivot away from the Kardashians for our next season of our I do just because I don't think that we I don't want it to turn into keeping up with the Kardashians podcast. And I think that we've caught our stride and we can talk
about anything anywhere, anytime. And I think it would be really interesting as a listener, you know, I listen to our podcast just as try to be as subjective as possible. But I think it would be kind of interesting to hear our thoughts on other things. And I love the fact that
Brynn hasn't seen a bunch of this stuff. And so being exposed in her reactions is just igniting my interest in some of these things all over again. If we do decide to do Kardashians for our season two, I think it should be something now. I might need a break. I think we can always come back to them. Keeping up will always be there. But it's just variations of a theme of how
upset I am when I watch it. Wow. I do know there's big moments I want to get to, but I could use a palate cleanser, you know, and we could come back. I also feel like, you know, we should ask the readers. I know that's a diplomatic answer. I think we should get some reader input.
I absolutely think we should put up a poll. Readers, this is your time to follow us on Instagram and help us decide season two. Also, speaking of Instagram fame, Brent, I heard you had a run in with a celebrity mentioned on our show. Guys, please tell guys, please tell. Yes. OK, so I'm texting Kela and Jasmine.
in a panic the other night because I shared, as you know, I'm now a Black China stan, as I said in the last episode. So I started following Angela White. Her Instagram handle is still Black China. So she changes it. Yeah. So I follow her on Instagram and I'm sharing her stories because I really like this woman and I was so wrong about her.
I just think she's great. I shared an interview she gave about how she's going back to basics, and she's so not judgmental. She could never even be on this podcast, y'all, because she's so much nicer than we are. I said, new stand right here.
And would you know it that not not one hour later, I saw a little notification that said black China has liked your story. My story on Instagram. Oh my God. And how did you react when you saw the notification?
I freaked out. I panicked. I felt like she was in the room with me watching me even though it was probably her assistant going through looking for any mentions and liking them. Her social media. Absolutely. Jazz it up. Jazz it up. Angela herself. But it could have been because then I watched a video of her. She was fitting, outfitting the back of her like
Range Rover so she could lay down and drive to Vegas to get her tattoo removed because now she's getting her tattoos removed too. And I'm like this lady does not have an assistant. I didn't know that she's getting tattoos because they're have like satanic demonic influence. This woman
It's not a journey. Yeah, you guys. Wait, she says that they have like the reason she got them was not to have anything to do with Satan or demons, but they are like related and could be interpreted as satanic. So she's I got to do some research. Wow. Yeah, you got to you guys got to go on this journey with her. She wore recently her her most recent headline is she was wearing a Kim Kardashian shirt and someone was like, didn't you just lose a lawsuit to them for 100 million dollars? And she said, I don't care.
I respect this woman. She's dreams auntie. And she's. Yeah. Yeah. No. Is she in there? She got baptized. Well, she has. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What church? Church. She got baptized in a pool in the back of her house. But does she go to a church? She should go to a famous celebrity church in L.A. This could take us to a different path, friends.
Oh, I hope she's not turning into it. Hey, hey, she's fine. She's doing fine. Not Brent saying it's, you're right. You're right. This is Brent's homegirl. I mean, if we're picking sides, hello. Okay. You're right. You're right. Humble us. Humble us. Okay. So anyway, now that we're best friends and she likes my content, obviously she hasn't looked at it, but I'm sure that she'll get to it.
Well, she's a tattoo removal. She can't be doing business. She's driving to Vegas. Can you imagine if we got her on this podcast? I cry. No, I can't imagine. Talk about being professional. We'd have to change. Get your silk blouse out. That's when you go back to your club days. Would you have the pumps on? She'd have the Blackberry. Yes.
Yes. Yes, for sure. We need her as a guest star to be our guest host for the whole next season. We need her to help us review. That would be great. Oh, another question. Should we have guests next season? Oh, man.
Should we bring- Okay, we have two polls now. Two polls. I don't know. I feel like it's been such a little special thanks for us. It's a little cocoon. I know. I know. I feel the same. You don't want to bring people in our space. Well, it might depend on what we choose. Let's start with what the subject matter is going to be. Yeah. Okay. And then we'll see. I'm open to anything.
I think the poll is going to be, should we do an old or new show? OK. OK. Start there. And then should we bring a guest? Y'all, we need you to vote on this. This cannot be something where only 20 people vote. This is American Idol season one. 47 votes. Justin or Kelly, you decide. You decide.
All right, you guys are going to have to go on your social media and plug. Well, you do it and we'll share it. Yeah. Do it on our Instagram. No, it has to be. They're not going to be able to. Well, they're not going to be able to click yes or no. They have to go. They have to follow. They have to go to follow. Yeah. And then they have to do their thing. I understand how fame works. Come on. We get a famous response.
I used to work for the Jerry Spinger show, so maybe you didn't know that. I cannot believe it. We're going to do a story time next, and you have to tell us about that because it's really interesting. Wow. Okay, so this is good. I like that we're thinking about switching it up. I thought I was going to be the only person that
proposed that between the three of us. So I'm excited to see what direction we'll go in. We're hopping off the Kardashian train. I will say, my friend says that she listens to us every week so we could drag them for filth retroactively. And I was like, we drag people? I don't think it's a drag. Oh, no, she said read. Oh, I love a read. A read is fine. I want to make sure. Read them for filth is what she says. I don't know about filth. I think it's a good read, though.
Tumbling. Everyone should be reading for accuracy. I love something from the past. Readers, no pressure. Vote for something from the past. Okay, team past. I'm gonna go team present because I do think we're in an era of war crimes. I think we're in an active war crime era with our reality TV and we need to be
journalism Jasmine on the case on the front lines. But have you ever seen Bad Girls Club? I've never seen it. I've never seen any Housewives or Bad Girls Club. Or like we could watch Real Housewives O.C. season one. Like, do you know the power? The power. That would love to see where Cardi got her start. That's my other. I'm also a Cardi stan. And so, yeah. I love Cardi. Love and hip hop is a lot. Because that's where the rule
That's where the real Cardi was. But I would say I would vote for a housewife, probably Atlanta season

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one. Iconic. I like your older new poll. The older new poll will then filter down into like four or five shows, and then we'll filter down into what is the season we're doing, right?
So yeah. And then we have to bring a guest on here. Oh my God, so many polls. We need your input. Oh my God, I'm stressed. Jessica, mom, everyone that listens. Talking to you.
My three friends, I'm speaking directly to you. Only to you. Only to you. I can't believe how fast this has gone. We'll be wrapping up season one of our podcast and that's just really exciting that we found our groove. This was a conversation that happened a lot.
over and over and over last year. And now we are here wrapping up the first thing. So I'm really, I'm really happy for us. This has been great. Tell the girls where they can, where they can vote jazz. Where can they find us girls? Everyone. Thank you for listening this week. Um, thank you for listening. You can follow us at the
pop culture audit on Instagram and look out for those polls. And, you know, don't forget to rate and review us. Have we been getting ratings in? We're going to have to call people. Yeah, I guess I'm going to have to look at it. Yeah. All right. So rate and review us on Spotify and iTunes. And of course, listen to us wherever you listen to your podcast. We'll talk to you. Bye.