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The Pop Culture Audit Season 1, Episode 3  - "Brody in the House"  image

The Pop Culture Audit Season 1, Episode 3 - "Brody in the House"

S1 E1 · The Pop Culture Audit
73 Plays2 years ago

We just can't stop!  3 friends and co-workers dig into Season 1, Episode 3 of Keeping Up With The Kardashians - through a critical and ruthless lens.   Come for the KUWTK Kontent, but stay for all things pop culture ...this is not your normal "recap mess"...these Auditeers are going to dig deep and GET ANSWERS (where is Joe Francis now???  What about Ashley Paige?!  FIND OUT!!!)


Podcast Introduction and Host Intros

Hi readers, welcome back to the pop culture audit where we review reality TV and talk about all things pop culture through a contemporary and critical lens. So you're probably wondering what exactly is a pop culture audit? Easy, we take a deep dive of pop culture source material, in this case, keeping up with the Kardashians season one, comb through it, highlighting some cringy and historic moments in pop culture discourse.
If you're into that, you found the right place. If not, you're still in the right place. And we will be interviewing and talking about episode three of Kardashians season one today. My name is Keela. Hello, everybody. I'm Jasmine. Hi, Autoteers. It's Brynn. You guys will have a new name every week. I have great time just trying things out. Autoteers is cute. I like that, too. I think that's cute. I actually like that. I think we may have found it.

Excitement for 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians'

How is everybody this week? We're doing our best, girl. Look. Getting through. We're here. We showed up. We're on episode three. I'm excited for this. Me too. Let's get into it. Shall we dive in? Yes.

Recap: 'Brody in the House'

Okay. As everyone knows, or maybe you don't know, this is my first viewing of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. I will start us off with an episode recap
of the things that I noticed and saw as we went through and just make sure that we're all on the same timeline. Season one, episode three is called Brody in the House. So we know what's coming. It's 23 minutes long.
A quick synopsis, what we focus on in this episode is a photo shoot for Girls Gone Wild founder, Joe Francis. He's putting together a bikini photo shoot with designer Ashley Page, and the main sisters, Courtney, Chloe, and Kim, are going to star in this photo shoot. The first line of the episode is, hello, Chris. This is Joe Francis. So we're right into it.
Joe Francis is calling from jail. Chris is concerned. He wants the girls to be the spokes models for a girl's gone wild bikini line. Chris can't believe he has the time to do this from jail and she, I shit you not says people have the wrong idea about girls gone wild, but this bikini line is high end couture bikini.
I'm skeptical of this. Anywho, Joe wants them to go to Puerto Vallarta to his house. And Chris tells the girls that they have been selected to be part of this campaign. And they are so excited. They actually carry this brand Ashley Paige at the store already dash the boutique that they own. He wants to do a billboard on Sunset Boulevard. They can't handle this.

Caitlyn Uninformed about Photo Shoot

Also a quick sidebar that Courtney does her own bikini waxes. Okay, the real question though is does Caitlyn Jenner know Chris says no.
Caitlin is really conservative and this would upset her for no reason and they agree not to mention it to Caitlin and then Chris will deal with it. So Chris tells Caitlin that she's taking the girls to Mexico for a girls trip. Just a little omission about the photo shoot. Caitlin will probably never notice the billboard on Sunset Boulevard. Whew. Cut immediately to Joe's private jet, which Chris says is the most beautiful airplane. It's absolutely gorgeous.
And then when the crew arrives at Joe's house, there is an entire, I think like seven or eight piece mariachi band to welcome them. But that is quickly outdone when a spider lands on Kim's shoulder and she loses her shit. Chris says, there's a spider on you. Kim screams, cries, runs around and finally calms down. And now they're going

Chaos at the Photo Shoot

through the house that girl's gone wild built and it's gorgeous.
We had to cut back to Calabasas where Caitlyn Jenner is home with Kylie and Kendall. But don't worry, Caitlyn's son Brody comes over to visit and hit some golf balls. I sure hope Brody doesn't spill the beans to Caitlyn about girls got whoops. He sure did. He totally spilled the beans. Caitlyn's mad. Chris doesn't answer her phone. So Caitlyn decides to go down there and it looks like Brody is in charge of Kylie and Kendall.
Brody naturally has his manager Frankie come over and we are back to Kylie and Kendall being set up to play precocious vixen children in really inappropriate ways. Back at the house, the girls gone wild built. The Kardashian girls are getting ready, hair and makeup for the photo shoot, and they start talking about each other's bodies in pretty shitty ways. They start the photo shoot, but then Caitlin arrives and she's at the resort. I don't know how she got the address.
Courtney tries to talk to Caitlin about the photo shoot. Caitlin is worried. This could be taken out of context. And there's the publicity from the sex tape, which we've now plugged in every single episode. The photo

Confrontation and Resolution in Mexico

shoot's getting a little out of control because the designer, Ashley Page, is being outrageous. She's completely taken over. She's mad about not getting shots. At one point, she says, the most quotable quote, that's the difference between working with an actual working model and working with whatever they are, referencing the sisters.
Back in Calabasas, Kylie asks Brody, what is going on with Girls Gone Wild? Brody asks how she knows what Girls Gone Wild is. And Kylie responds, isn't it the thing where they lift their shirts and start, she starts pretending to lift her shirt up while hopping around going woo woo woo woo woo woo woo. And no one watching this right now can be shocked that in this year of 2023, we are where we are with Kylie Jenner, because this is clearly the moment it all started.
Kendall goes to get the video camera and Brody's manager Frankie starts actually recording Kylie and Kendall at the stripper pole. We remember that from the last episode and Kylie keeps doing her woo woo woo woo routine. Frankie says, I'm going to start managing you girls. We can put this video on YouTube. Brody thinks this is funny.
Photo shoot's not going well. Ashley Page doesn't think they've gotten the billboard shot. They get in the pool. They start splashing each other. They review the pictures, and they all agree they got the shot. And I'm pretty confused at this point, because the shot that they like is one they did at the very beginning, but whatever.
Now they're all hugging Ashley Page in the pool. And now it's time to address this tension with Caitlin and Chris. They meet up on a large outdoor couch to discuss. Caitlin expresses that it bothers her that Chris lied about a vacation so they could shoot softcore porn. Chris decides that she should never lie to her spouse again and they go take a shower together.
All good things must come to an end. Time to get back on the jet and they go home. Two days later, the Kardashian sisters are all at dash talking to Joe Francis, who is still in jail. They say this is just like Charlie's Angels. Joe wants his angels to break him out of jail. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. They're so validated by Joe telling them how hot they are from jail. They want to visit him. They are his angels. We love you, Charlie, they say. That's the end.

Thoughts on Kourtney and Episode Dynamics

That was a good summary. Thank you. Thank you for that rundown. You always do such a good summary.
Yes. What do we think? Let's get into it. Let's start light and then get into the severity of what we've seen. I'm going to start with Courtney and the early season is something else. I realized Courtney's in Aries and I love it. I love a lot of her opinion. Her doing her own bikini wax, metal. We haven't gotten there yet, but when she pulls Mason out during labor,
Oh my goodness. Oh. I'm upset. I'm upset with Kourtney. I also liked when Kourtney left the show, like this is many years later. Um, bread. She leaves, she comes back. We know how it works. But I just, I like something about Kourtney like very much does her own thing, even if it means like other people understand it. Anyway, when Kourtney pulls Caitlyn aside and is like truly in direct quote, we would never do anything that would make us look not classy.
Sentence is wild. But I don't know. I really respect her for being like, let me pull my step parents. I have this heart to heart, as I'm in boutique swimwear, of it's not that big of a deal. We would never embarrass you. I think there's something so mature and grounded in that in a way that
Like Chris didn't even do that for Caitlin. The other sisters didn't do that for Caitlin. I loved it. On him, it was an objective

Editing Inconsistencies in Reality TV

lie. I loved it. There's a sex tape on the scene. Oh, yeah. But it's kids' sex tape. It's not Courtney's sex tape. And I want to be clear. But everyone's capitalizing off of it. I really want to be...
Sex positive and like not close like sex is not per se the issue I think it's like the politics for politicizing of sex and the way it works particularly in this time in American history But I don't know. I just I loved that moment. I loved her being like listen Let's just talk Let's talk about it
It's also a foreshadowing though of what of Caitlyn Jenner's version of classy as we learn she's the Republican, right? They're saying Caitlin's very conservative and you're like, oh, you mean like capital C conservative. Capital bold. Caitlin just doesn't want them. There's no sex positivity there. Absolutely. No, not at all. I mean, it's fine. Yeah, no, I agree. Like I think it's fine. Like honestly, sex tape fine.
But I thought it was really interesting that they are on a reality show that they got from her being famous or somewhat famous at that particular time from the sex tape, but photo shoots in bathing suits. That's wild. That's inappropriate. That's a family talk. Like, come on, I just didn't buy it. And we're also in truly thong bikini swimsuit era.
Today, it's cheeky. Yes, it's extremely cheeky. It's flossy. It's cheeky. It's full wax era. Oh, full wax. We'll get to the design, but I know you had some questions, some highlights about the editing because I think the editing brings up a lot of questions about how these conversations were had.
Yes, I will say that, so okay, so the girls fly down to Puerto Vallarta, right? When they get on this private plane that's supposed to be so beautiful and
I know it was back then. Why are you dragging the plane? Stop. It's just like, ew, it's not that fabulous. That's because the plane is ugly. Except for any mom, I was like, ugh, I guess. I didn't think it was planned. It was like a Southwest Airline plane. Stop. Joe is going to run in. I would shout out to Southwest Airline. I like them, but still. But yeah, so they get on this flight. It takes three hours from LA to Puerto Vallarta. And then when they arrive, it's in the dead of night.
pitch black. What? So I was like, no, no, no, no. This is throwing me off. You just got on. It just didn't make sense to me. And then when Caitlin hops on an immediate flight, because he's like, what? What's going on? I'm hopping on. They show him, pull into what looks like a private airport for private planes, then cuts to, again, a Southwest flight in the air.
he shows up or she, excuse me, she shows up and the same outfit that she hopped on the plane with. But when when she goes to confront Chris,

Fashion Choices and Designer Role

it's a completely different outfit. So it's just like the editing. It's just and then at the very end, they all walk in allegedly like two days, you know, later.
And Brody is sitting there with the same outfit on. It was madness. I couldn't even really focus. I had to watch it a couple of times because the editing was all over the place. And I wonder if at the time, you know, reality TV was like really coming along. But I wonder at the time if everybody
was paying attention to that. You know what I mean? Not for the first season of this pilot show. They only have eight episodes in the first season. And I bet there was not a script supervisor or someone on set who's supposed to pay attention to that continuity.
until they like committed to this. Because yeah, it's very messy. It's very messy. It's all over the place. The Brody in the same clip. And then him saying like, I haven't changed in days, but Kylie and Kendall have. But do you remember, readers, maybe you all are, bravo, bravaholics, that in early Housewives, the Confessionals looks were just like,
whatever the women had on set. Now, if you watch any of the Real Housewives universe, the confessional's looks are all styled to the T. They have full beat. Like, continuity is no longer an issue in reality TV. No, not at all. And so, watching this, I was like, okay, we are in the aughts. Like, we are in the stone age of TV because no one was pressed about making this, making it clear the timeline in which things happen. Like, even shows today put 8 p.m.
10 p.m. at St. Louis House. Yes. Three hours later in the car. All of this stuff. So we have that storytelling piece. But when Brody said, I've been in the same clothes for two days, I was like, why didn't you put on anyone else's clothes in the house?
I knew right then and there I was on to them. I was like, oh, you just needed to throw that in there. I caught it. I know what's going on now. My detective work is about here. Exactly. The editing was all over the place and I couldn't concentrate on anything else really. Again, I had to watch it a couple of times.
That was definitely one of my audit moments for sure. I want to go back to you mentioned the housewives really quickly. I want to say that when Chris was describing Joe Francis, this bikini line and all of this is my next point. Oh, okay. Um, she uses the word high end couture. I love it. I love it.
laughing, just really laughing because particularly from 2007 to like 2010, the words fabulous and high-end couture were thrown around so much in reality

Body Image Standards in Past Eras

TV, specifically with the Housewives. I remember saying you're not fabulous, specifically fabulous was like Nene Leak's season one read. Her and Dwight, they were running
That was wrapping the girls up. Yes. And also in the Roni, like everyone was using fabulous and high in couture for what looks very low in today. And so I thought that was pretty funny. This is such a good wrap-in. So Ashley Page, the designer.
Again, we're in floss era. We are in wax everything you strings for outdoor wear this
I love it, y'all. Let's go through fashion history. These are, before we did cut out cutouts of swimsuits, we had like cut out swimsuits with hardwood. So like the side of your abs were out, but then there'd be like a gold bracket, holding the sides. Always gold. Always like a thick metal piece. You couldn't go through a metal detector. A little chain. Chain woven things.
Ashley Page, this is my audit. Ashley Page as a character is something else. She hates him. She hates, okay. Let's talk about this, y'all. Please. Have y'all ever had a job where you're like, this is not for me. And you mind your business because you're like, I'm getting a check and I just don't want to have smoke with anybody. The way
Ashley Page was loudly talking shit about the girls. The way that girls were loudly talking about shit about Ashley Page, it was the messiest in the way the photographer and the staff assistants looked so confused and stressed. Yes, they looked so stressed out. Everyone was stressed. I also like, can you imagine talking about the designer on set, calling her a bitch, and then just giving up on the fashion shoot, jumping in the pool?
I'm screaming. Then Ashley's running around with a press and shoot camera. If y'all remember, like a press, like there's all this professional gear. She's in the front of the camera shooting. I, I'm so glad Chris was not on set.
In the words of Robin Dickson, I'm so glad Juan Dickson isn't here right now. I'm so glad Chris wasn't here right now because what? Yeah, that was wild. It was nuts. When she said that line about like, ugh, you know, this is the difference between shooting with
high in working models versus whatever they are. I'm sure she's somewhere eating her words right now. It's like she hates them. They looked so exhausted by the end of that. It's hot. It's hot in Mexico. Tears all over their head, makeups melting off their face. Remember, we're in Brownser era, so we're all bronze. All bronze. Notice the dark eye was not present.
Y'all are some haters. So we're moving on, I guess. I don't know. I haven't seen next episode I don't remember yet, but it was Bronzy. They just looked like they were melting. Yes. Smelting. I also looked at Ashley Page, and she no longer has a line with the same type of continuity, but she talks about, I was in the fashion game for 15 years with high in couture swimsuits. And I was like, slay. And she just, I don't know. The whole vibe is very earthy.
Wow, I need a birth chart on Ashley Page. Ashley Page, if you'd like to come on the show, please. This is so angry. You knew who you were dealing with. Oh, and what about the pictures at the end where they're like, that's the one, that's the one. They were like, what? Chloe wasn't looking. They looked at me. Oh, that was a bad picture. I felt for her because I was like, Chloe, this is not your best angle.
The stress alone from just watching them run around for what, 10 hours because they had to get up at five to do the makeup dip and then jump into a pool to make the shoot. And I'm just I thought they didn't look great. I thought they looked exhausted, tired.
And their makeup was melting. They looked of an era. And I

Inappropriate Filming Concerns

think, again, we're miles above now where everything is filtered, heavily filtered. In fact, you don't have to go to Mexico anymore. We could shoot in LA and make it look like Mexico. Or we only need three shots and the computer AI will do the rest. So it's just interesting.
It really makes me want Kim now because when you see where they started being this butt of this joke to everyone,
Girl's God Wild hangers on and know where they are now. It makes me want Kim to do a haters shoot for like Skims. Like put Ashley Page in the Skims campaign. Like pick all these haters. Cause you know how she likes to do like the, she does the old Victoria's Secret Angel. She'll take like, she's on this thing. That's the ultimate flex. Like you need to be, have Ashley Page in one of your campaigns.
Kim Harris out. Naughty list. Christmas shoot. Do the nanny. Naughty list. It's like red, some leather. Do the nanny. Do Ashley Page. Do all the other photoshoot people they've had an argument with. Yeah. Totally. Leave me alone. Make a sexy spider reveal. Halloween. Halloween. And she says, Mom, I don't need to be on steroids. I'm already fat.
It felt so bad for her when she said that. She was spider bite. Ooh. Perfect segue to my audit. My next audit. Please.
OMG The Weight Talk. That's from my notes. So when they were talking about the bathing suit photo, this high-end couture, Girls Gone Wild, there was nothing high-end about that. I just have to keep saying that. You obsessed with gatekeeping, high-end couture. Yeah. It's the fashion and the makeup. I'm seeing a trend with me. Really.
You could have seen the set for that photo shoot with their cheese ball castle with a dollar sign on it. So cheesy. I was obsessed. I was obsessed. Couture would never. Never. No doubt. He drew it up at visiting hours.
I don't know that's the truth. I just have to connect what Kim is doing now in this day of 2023 with the Dolce & Gabbana like Ciao Kim is just the same version of this Dolce & Gabbana or 2023's Joe Francis. It's giving you an essay. It's the same thing. It's giving you a special thesis. Yes. All right. Sorry, Jasmine, carry on.
Oh, no, no worries. So basically when they had that flash of couture bathing suits, one thing that stuck out to me was the flash of the models, those like hip bones that were sticking out and the skinny, skinny, skinny look at that time. And it's so funny because from retrospect, I always looked and was like, oh, we were way past that and we weren't. We were still in the skinny era.
in 2007, which is when season one came out. So I was like, Ooh, okay. And then we cut to them speaking about, you know, Kim cover your ass with this, you know, sarong. And she's like, I have cellulite and Oh no, it's my, does my stomach look flat and all of these things. And I'm like looking at her body and I'm like, Oh, her body looks like something that people pay for today. Ooh.
And she was actually smaller than what people would pay for today yes way smaller actually and i'm looking at all of their bodies and thinking about how.
what they were complaining about then, they have enhanced times 10. Her butt is way bigger than what it was. And she was concerned about it then. And just all of the little pieces that they were worried about being so thin, they've exaggerated now. And I just really, really didn't realize that Skinny was in in 2007. I completely forgotten about that. But if I think about who was
popular at the time, Paris Hilton. Everyone was just so rail thin that Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Ritchie, when she lost a massive amount of weight that she has never gotten back on her body. Yeah, it was just the very, very thin era. And so I'm yeah, it was pretty polarizing that they were quote unquote thicker girls, which looks like a thinner girl in 2023. Yeah, that was just one thing that stood out to me. Yeah.
I saw what was it a meme or somebody's blog post that was like millennials like speak up about how fat phobia has traumatized you as a teenager and every it was so skinny. Like now we're giving antibody and like weird.
could just shaved handsome Squidward faces, but skinny and fat phobia has such a grip on this contrary that it's truly wild. It's truly wild. Well, and I'll go into essay territory here as well, but they were that bridge between that heroine chic and this
the era we're kind of exiting now of the black appropriation aesthetic, we'll call it. The other

Brody's Behavior and Cultural Impact

note I had in my notes is y'all, we are still at a zero on the melanin watch for three episodes. It's a zero. It's a zero. Thank you, Tori. I think what we'll see is as the melanin tracker starts to tick up, their bodies start to change as well because they are that bridge into
This is giving a special edition episode where we do like a video, like a PowerPoint. For readers at home, we all work together. So if it seems like we're talking about tools or PowerPoints, it's because it's very real. We do have tools and PowerPoints. We're going to do a webinar. We're going to do a webinar. For sure. Tune in.
Also during that time Jennifer Lopez was she was at her peak right with her her ass was a huge thing and I was just trying to think through who else was being shown on the flip side of like
Black and Latina women, because to your point in the last episode, Keala, we were obsessed with women in particular during this time. And so I was trying to think about who else, because if you have Beyonce, which they mentioned in this episode, channeling my inner Beyonce,
With their relationship being contentious, I thought about that immediately later on and not even looking at each other, sitting next to each other with their husbands, but that's for other episodes. It's booty early. The women who were the booty girls were early, and I'm not reducing these stars to just booties, but just booty and relevance to the dialogue.
This was early for booty era. So the like bigger mass conversation gave us like two or three booty girls and that was it. No booties until like 10, 15 years later. So it's interesting of like, everyone's like Jennifer Lopez's butt. And that was like a small one. Yes. And now everyone's like slim BBL and that's the desired butt. Yes. Yeah. So I thought that was really interesting. Yeah. You all someone share something. Tell me about Frankie.
This is my final audit point. I have notes on Frankie. Okay. This goes straight into our next one. Oh my goodness. What do we start? What do we start? We playfully pull apart many things on this show, but I think we're going to start to get into an era where I'm like red flags immediate. Yes. Maybe it's getting older. Maybe it's knowing children.
I don't know. There's something where I'm like, we have to protect young people. Not knowing children. Well, when you know children, you're like, I want to protect you. And now it makes me second guess. It's not just everything goes when you're with adult friends. Everything goes, and I'll punch someone out for my friend. But when you have children or young people around, you're like, actually, I kill for you because this isn't appropriate.
I don't want to be old school black parent, but I did think it was interesting that when Brody was babysitting his own siblings, that he had Frankie, his manager, come over and Frankie's like the same age that he is. Say, let me, I'll let it go. That's his business. But when Frankie was a little too in on the joke with Kylie and Kendall, Brody wasn't around. He pulled out the camera. Like the girls pulled it out and he goes, no, no, no, let me film. And then is letting them woo.
lift up their shirts while going around the pole and it's playfully laughing, that's predatory. You're never coming at my house again. You're never. I know Joe is in jail. Maybe Frankie should be in jail. Frankie definitely should be in jail.
because this, the poll is whatever. I know we were obsessed with polls in early 2000s, like we're obsessed with being performing sexy. Get that man out of my house. What are you talking about? Picking up the camera and shooting. And then Brody's like, ha ha ha, like man, get out of my house. No.
Literally, get out of my house. Get out of my house. That was weird. Did you also happen to catch Brody slipping into Latino accent when he was making fun of her? I was like, what is going? It's my no, holy and appropriateness. That was my odd.
holy and appropriateness up from top to bottom. And to back it up a little bit, too. So Frankie was a part of the Hills, right? So the Hills. Oh, my God. Wow. Yep. They premiered in May 2006. So these faces on the Kardashians, that was a big get. Like, even though Brody's first premiere in the universe. Yeah.
Yeah, and so although he's family, we find out later that he was estranged from his dad at the time and not really speaking to him as much. So that's why I say it was a get, because that was like, ooh, if we get Frankie and Brody from The Hills on this show that builds that credibility with the audience, because The Hills was such a hit. So Frankie was kind of creepy-ish on The Hills, if I remember correctly.

Cultural Implications and Editing Issues

So seeing him, I don't remember.
So seeing him on there and that, I know we say the stripper pole isn't a big deal, but it is for me. It's like the source of all the issues. Number one, you get that out of my house, right? And I don't care if that sounds old school, get it out because we're using it as kind of like a toy for the kids. This is the second episode where they're playing with the stripper pole. It's getting out of hands and it's kicking off more and more inappropriate behavior every time we see it at this point.
And then Kylie flashing the camera. I picked it up before she hopped in because she did it a couple of times. She did it running around the house. And then when they get into the bedroom and she's like, let's hit it with the Girls Gone Wild. Like what they were doing at at the house was more risque than what Kim and Khloe and Kourtney were doing at the Girls Gone Wild house in Mexico. Like
Kaitlyn should have stayed at home to police that, right? So it was just really, really inappropriate. And for Frankie to say, let me take the camera, I got this, I'll film it, videoing the girls, and says that he'll manage you to do what? Manage us this to a minor, to minors, let's emphasize.
to do what? It just, it all happened in succession so fast. The girls playing, this is another thing. They play in their parents' room a lot and I just didn't grow up like that. Like I was not allowed to play. Me either. I thought about that too. So I think it's so weird. They're like, why is everyone in their room? Right. So for me to play in my parents' room and then have some man who doesn't live here in my parents' room. Oh, that would have been a family conversation. Immediately trouble. So I wouldn't even know that there was a poll in my parents' room because
Yeah, I wasn't really allowed. That was like off limits. Yeah, it was it was so rare that I was in there. Honestly, you know, my parents, it was four of us. And the only time I was in there is to clean. They're like, go wipe things down and put things away. So I can have money for school.
There was no, no thing in there. So for that, then the camera and then Brody to come back in, not really stop it. And then mock Frankie all happened in maybe under two minutes because episodes are like a tight under half hour. Right? I was like,
It was too much. I don't like this. I don't like that at all. I want to make something clear to the autotiers out there too. We watch this on television. So if you think we have access to these episodes that have been taken offline and hidden in a vault, you're incorrect. These are available on, I believe, Peacock is where I'm finding my Kardashian content. Me too.
And I have to assume that the statute of limitations has run out for either the producers or Franky, because this feels like evidence in a court of law. A hundred percent. Yeah. And I'm not trying to parrot shame, but yeah, that was weird. That was weird. I am. I am trying to parrot shame. A hundred percent. And are a parrot. So I think you have like a better perspective of like,
what you would be watching evidence that should not be available for public consumption. It feels like it speaks a lot about Frankie's character behind the scenes. Is this true? I don't want to be on that part of the internet. Where is Frankie today? Wait, where is Frankie today? I actually didn't look him up because I felt weird about it. I didn't either. I didn't look up Frankie either, but I will say at the end when
Caitlin sits down and is watching a recap of what Kylie and Kendall were doing. And the next thing that happens is Chris walk in the room, I'm going to kill Brody. It was set up like a cutesy, oh, time with their brother moment. And it just spoke to the exposure that those girls have, that they would even know what Girls Gone Wild was, that they would even know that
you know, they flash and they do this and we're on stripper poles, like the level of exposure to them so young. And I think we talked about like siblings being spread out from each other in age so far apart in age, your exposure level becomes higher, right? So a lot of inappropriate things at a younger age. And that was just so obvious watching this episode.
I agree. Quick note on research. Frankie is married and has three children now. We gotta get him on the podcast. He and Brody are still friends. I wonder, I truly wonder if he feels differently. I'm sure he would cringe, especially after being a parent.
I would hope. I would hope. I have a quick update too. Joe Francis is today a fugitive living in Mexico. No, stop doing this to me. This is facts, y'all. This is from 2022. He's a fugitive living in Mexico with two open arrest warrants in the US. There's apparently several big
There's a six-part investigation called Inside America's Biggest Scandals about the Girls Gone Wild empire. Oh, I'm watching that. Is he in jail because of... What is he in jail for? During this episode? I think he's not in jail now. He's a fugitive. His warrants are all related to Girls Gone Wild. What? All of its legal trouble is related to Girls Gone Wild. Oh, I don't like that. This high couture, well-respected. With a gorgeous plane.
Beautiful plane. Y'all leave that dog on the plane. Where's Ashley Paige? Where's Ashley Paige if we're just doing our quick wrap up? She said that Ashley Paige has a line now. It's earthy. It's unclear. It's like earthy. She just has, essentially she wanted to keep the Ashley Paige name, like the website name, but I don't think she's in the fashion game to the same caliber that she was before.
She's like talking about, I want something different, something meaningful. Got it. OK. Well, that's where everyone is now. Where are they now? Oh, my goodness, Joe Francis. Joe Francis is like, tax evasion, bribery, false imprisonment, assault while causing great bodily injury, dissuading a witness. Oh. Has pleading no contest child abuse and prostitution. Somebody get him on the streets and do a citizen's arrest. Arrest him. Immediately. Hey, that was. Well, waiters, we left you with the.
Left you with a note.
Moving on. Yep. So that's

Episode Wrap-Up and Pop Culture Talk

episode three, Brody in the House, Keeping Up with the Kardashians. We're so excited about the next episode because we know we're getting into Playboy era. We're starting to meet Hugh Hefner. So the next episode is going to be iconic. But let's switch gears, y'all, and leave the Kardashians behind us. Move into the present day and talk a little bit of pop culture shit for 2023. Let's do it. I have a question.
And it's a big one. So we're gonna try and keep it tight. But it's a very broad question. I really want to get into this with you all. Let's talk about face work.
I want to work on your face. Okay. Okay. So we're talking about Madonna, the Grammys, right? And the whole shit storm about her face. And so what I'm seeing is her face looks really weird and alien. There's a whole camp of folks that are like, stop it lady. You're 60. You know, just, just, this is embarrassing for all of us. And then the backlash to that is,
let six-year-old women do whatever the fuck they want. Don't worry about what her face looks like. Stop policing women and their faces. Now, we've talked about this before offline. I am a terrible judge of who's had work done. Keela is like the work whisperer. She knows everything. It was my hobby. I'm like, you look great. Good genes. I'm hideous. So I am like the exact mark for plastic surgery because I believe everyone looks that way and I'm the only person who doesn't.
Y'all are talking about not to be the mom or whatever. My mom moment is I do judge the shit out of people who have worked out. I judge the shit out of them. Celebrities, whatever. Because I do believe just because you have internalized misogyny or internalized sexism doesn't mean you get to perpetuate it all over everybody.
and it's exactly what you're doing. Like the fine line between do what makes you feel good and lifts your spirit to you're selling a lie and not copying to it and by default making everyone else feel bad about themselves. So anyway, opening it up to face work in Hollywood. Who's had it? What do we think? Do we judge people? Are we supposed to just embrace it because whatever makes you happy is empowerment? What's the deal?
I think that when I think about face work, I believe people normally break it down to two parts and that's fillers, which is okay. Everyone could have caught to that.
and then real surgery. Reconstructive. And so apparently like fillers, oh, it's just fillers. It's not a big deal. Just don't refresh the way that that's spoken about. Still isn't augmentation to your face, but it's spoken about very differently than someone who gets a nose job, but it's all changing your face. I would say,
Sure, everyone, I can't police your body. Just be honest about it when you're asked. You don't have to wear a t-shirt that says, you know, just got my face lift yesterday. But just be honest about it because it sets people up to think like, oh, I'm just not cute. And maybe that's not your responsibility to make other people feel good about themselves. But, you know, if you're in the public eye and you're lying about it, maybe it is a little bit. I don't know. What do you think, Hila?
I think there's so much nuance to this, which is truly my favorite word, nuance. Because the body is political, like visible, especially for, I'm not going to speak on anyone else. I'm just going to say for a femme presenting people, body is super political. I think that, and you do have different clout associated to being perceived as sexy.
I think that getting work done, I don't have an ethical judgment against that. I do have an issue with people who lie about it. I don't think you... And then I was like, you don't have to share that with us, but I do feel uncomfortable as we move forward, knowing that people have gotten all this work done and are just like, be true to your heart and someone will like you. That's not true.
Like, do not do this. Attractiveness matters. And this may be getting into Khloe Kardashian revenge body, which readers is a show in which these people would go to the gym a lot. I don't know if they were getting reconstructive surgery, but they were changing significantly. The idea was that your body, because you're hotter now, your former partner would want you. Or like, this is revenge for what you put me through. I'm getting hotter. I just think sex is such a...
particular clout and as we move forward in a world where
everyone is filtered, everyone has access. I also, and I'm gonna wrap it up real quick, I do think that cosmetic procedures and being beautiful is becoming more and more of a class issue. Because I did not grow up with money, I did not know people, or at least recognize, and this, someone from my high school can speak up, a boom job or a nose job at that time. As I've gotten older and met people who had access to that, I'm like, wow, I would have been,
I can't imagine what would be different about my knowingness of body and my journey of unpacking internalized fat phobia if I would have had access to this. What would I be like if I got my boobs done or my nose done? I just think I have a different relationship to it because it feels so unattainable to me. Right. That is so true. That's such a great thing. I have to name that for myself.
A lot of people have gotten noses done in Hollywood, which also makes me respect a natural nose when I see it. Because I'm like, wow, there's a very particular nose that's popular in Hollywood right now that's been very cool for the last five, seven years. It's so hard for me to relate to it because I feel like I have never had that type of income or access to even consider getting work done.
For sure. It's definitely about access. And there's that meme that says it shows old photos of people, specifically the Kardashians, right? And it shows old pictures of Kylie, new pictures of Kylie. And it says, you're not ugly, you're just not rich. And so it's very- And I love the celebrities who talk about this. Yeah. Yeah. And so it's just, yeah, it's all about access.
And I know that celebrities know that too, which is probably why they feel like, well, I don't have responsibility. Maybe you don't have the money to do it, but you probably would if you could. But they look different. They look different at the start of their career, and they look different now. Yeah. One thing I noticed on this particular episode quickly is that Courtney had a nose job, did not realize that. I was looking at her nose like, what? I couldn't believe it because she only cops to her boobs. And this whole time, I was like,
She's only had her boobs done. That's the only thing that she's ever done. But it was her nose, too. So she looks great. Like she looks great. And all of them have had some kind of enhancement. It feels like a special circle of hell for celebrities who pretend to cop to something. Like the thing you're saying is to be like light Botox. But you're like, but you're half light. Like you're not saying everything. And so you're making it even worse than just straight up denying it because it is just people.
Who has the money? Who has the fucking time? Too much time to heal from these things or even just to go get regular maintenance done. Like I have a hard time getting my fucking nails done. Just with time. And so the class thing, Keela, I do think like
God, I hope my ghosts will haunt this earth because I have to see what this looks like 100 years from now. It's going to be nuts. It's going to be nuts. I sort of have this really mean hope that we find out that fillers do something.
Not like, dramatically terrible to people, but like, all of a sudden all their skin turns blue from fillers. That sounds pretty dramatic to me. She's like, not that dramatic. She's all from Willy Walker. Not like, cancer. Violet. I don't know which people would die, but what if all of a sudden, this is my new, I have to pitch, this is my new sci-fi book. Okay. A lot of TV about where everyone had fillers. Someday it just turns them like, iridescent. And so you can see them like, the new. Iridescent is a flow. Okay. Maybe blue is not it, but.
All right. I think we'll find out. I'm excited. I am continuing. Keela, as we keep moving, you have to I rely on you to tell me who's had work done. She's there for it every time. I would have been drinking water. She looks like water. It's contaminated water if she has been, my goodness.
And it hurts people because people are like, OK, I can go get fillers and I'm going to look like Jennifer Aniston. And I'm like, y'all think that's just filler? No, it's so much. So much money. We're going to have to do a bonus episode that breaks it all down because when Keela took me page by page showing these faces, I couldn't believe it. You're so good at that. OK, I cannot take credit. There are a couple Instagram accounts where brilliant, brilliant people. And they're not being it's not about being mean. It's about just naming. People get work done and y'all are being
dizzy. People get work done. They look good, whatever, but it's significant work. There was money that went into this. It was a career decision.
Mark my words, the pop culture audit is going to come to you off from LA someday as we sit on the patio. I want to see this work in person. I think that's my thing too. I'm like, I only see pictures of your work. I want to see it up close. It does not look as good in person as it does on TV. That's my hunch. I want to see it. I want to see it. Quickly to wrap up with the pop culture recent news, Kim Zolziak,
in debt, going through a lot of shit with her home. I saw this morning on Kempire Daily on YouTube that they've pulled it out of foreclosure. And this is the second time. Who's rescuing her big papa? Like, what is going on over there? And she also has a $216,000 Amex bill that they've been trying to collect funds for.
Since 2018 so I have no idea how she's been able to Sustain and how she's not in jail like It's just a lot and I and what really made this stand out more to me is just because I was listening to rewives the podcast that Bethany Frankel does and
And she had Suzy Orman on and she was talking about- Not Suzy Orman. Yeah, Suzy Orman was on and she was talking, she only watched one episode of Atlanta and she said, I've never seen this show, but she really broke down like how she thought women were perpetuating like this
facade of money. And and each individual thing that she says cut to today exactly the same. So it was really interesting. And I thought just based on knowing what chemists going through right now, my I love you think every starlet and especially mid grade influencer, but even the Bravo girls, I think they're all broke.
There's so much discourse. If you broke it down, yeah. There's this billionaire, millionaire, but that's not liquid. I think they are off. I have a suspicion too that the Kardashians are always one step away from being fucking broke. Yikes. There's a lot of theory about this.
I think, yeah, the foreclosure, the denial. Kim has been this way for a while. I'm a ghost. I am going to smile. Her ghost life is going to be so busy. It's going to be so rich. You're barely going to be able to get your nails done in this period. Right.
I will say readers, Kim Zolciak-Beerman is one of the, she is the resident white woman of Real Housewives of Atlanta, early seasons. The lore about Kim is truly incredible. She had a distant proprietor, a big papa. She's married to Kroy Beerman, who is much younger than her, who used to be a football player, but is not. She's two, she has a lot of kids, but she has two older daughters who have also had a lot of work done. So Kim, Arielle, and Brianna Beerman, who also just got arrested.
They're having a tough time. I'm fascinated with this. They're always having so much drama. Yeah, me too. But write in. Tell us your thoughts. Anyone who has news about the Kims. Also, okay, can I end with my favorite Kim fundraising moment? When Kim Zolziak-Biermann and the two oldest daughters came up with that website to resale their clothes? Still happening. Still happening. You can find her old wigs right now on sale. So check it out. She'll be back. Kim Kardashian resales her clothes. Everyone does. Kardashian, God, everybody does it. Why aren't people just donating?
It's, that doesn't make money. Especially in LA. That doesn't make money. Solo rent.
Yeah, I couldn't agree. OK. OK. Well, thanks for listening, everyone. It's been a very eventful time as usual. Follow us on IG at the Pop Culture Audit. Write and review us on iTunes. And you can find us, obviously, anywhere on Spotify, iTunes, or anywhere that podcasts are available. And tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend. We'll talk to you next week on Wednesday. Bye, babies. Bye. Bye.