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The Pop Culture Audit: Where do we go from here?  image

The Pop Culture Audit: Where do we go from here?

The Pop Culture Audit
58 Plays1 year ago

The audit girls pitch our next season....and we are STUCK!  Listen to our logic and weigh in on Instagram:  @thepopcultureaduit 


Introduction and Season 2 Planning

Hi y'all, welcome to the pop culture audit. And today we have a special episode in which we are discussing
the future of season two. So for those who have been around for a while and those who are new, you'll know the pop culture audit is where we take a iconic piece of pop culture history, review it, and then audit for all of the important and historical moments that take place. Today, we have finished our first season and we're talking about season two. And so we've come together to pitch some ideas for what we think the direction of the podcast should

Audience Input and Poll Results

go. And we're bringing you as readers along with us. I'm Kela Johnson.
I'm Jasmine Nelson. And this is Brynn. And I'll tell you all that we are doing this on Zoom. We are back to our roots. Yeah. Roots. Uh-huh. On Zoom, because we have agreed that we are each going to pitch each other what we think our next season should be about. Jasmine, do you want to talk about the poll and what led us to this moment? Yes.
So we did an Instagram poll where we reached out to you guys to see whether or not you wanted us to stay in the past and discuss all things that led us here today in this pop culture universe, or jump to the future where we discuss present day happenings. And 60% of you said,
that you would like to talk about new things, present day things, and that is where we are. So what are those things? That's what we're going to get into today.
So I know that there's been decks prepared.

Pitching Ideas: Mock Trial Style

There's been extensive conversations in text message threads, ready to defend slash convince. It's going down. So let's get into it. Mock trial. Exactly.
Kela Elwood's and ready to begin. All right, go first.

Kela's Reality TV Pitches

Close your eyes, everyone close your eyes, because I don't want you to see the deck as it, not this. Okay, we'll open your eyes, because I need to do a little attack in the meantime. Sorry, sorry, everyone. You know Zoom is my spiritual home, but I did do this in my personal
Email for added security. Oh, Oh, to make sure that you can access it. You're something else. Women in STEM, women in STEM. I don't want anyone in my data. Fair enough. This deck into the AI chat. That's exactly what she did. Okay. Here we go. We're in business. Okay. Everyone close your eyes. All right. Here we go again. Please.
Okay, you can open your eyes. Okay, good morning, everyone. My name is Kela, and this is my season two pitch.
I have four ideas. One thing about me is I'm giving the girls options. Okay. I love it. I love options. First one, 90 day fiance. 90 day fiance is about the human condition.
People, lovers from across the world, one is American, one is not. And they try to find love against all odds. And all odds is the American Department of Homeland Security. It's about human condition. It's about head versus heart. What is your heart telling you versus what is your head, your bank account telling you your limits are?
And it's truly unhinged in the best way that only people nearing a psychiatric breakdown can have. It's so, it's so raw. It's so, it's so real. The characters, lovable. Even in their times of war. Let me not interrupt. The characters are lovable. You love people for being who they are. And you learn about other cultures, so it's multicultural.
And 90 day Beyonce opens us up to a cinematic universe. There's 90 day the other way, 90 day in paradise, 90 day after the 90 days, there's like spin-off shows. It's incredible. This part of life, this human experience, this global perspective, important. Okay.
Option two, Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip season two. This has already aired. I don't care. This is literally a perfect season of television. It's uplifting. It's a cast of pure characters. It's all stars. These are all women who are no longer on their seasons of Real Housewives. This is a gateway for us to enter the Bravo Cinematic Universe, which dare I say is one of the strongest reality TV universes that exists in American history ever.
This could also be a gateway for us, even if y'all say no to this, to enter a particular Real Housewives show in a town because there's so many, they've had reboots, they've had remodels,

Brynn's Enthusiastic Reactions

like New York has a whole new cast coming up. They are filming for, I think, what is it, New Orleans right now. Anyway, this is the most perfect season of TV. I watched this when I was in a dark place and look, I'm better now. So I'm just gonna say that to the power of this show.
Next. I knew Bren was going to react to this one. She is so excited. Look at these originals. Oh my God. These are real people having real issues. These are real people at work. And these are real rich people on a boat. And it just brings us into a really grounding force. Like I don't think we see real people on TV anymore.
Whatever Kendrick Lamar said about real butts, real hair, yeah, that's what this is. It's about classism. It's about how wealthy people get to get on boats, and some of us don't, and we have to work on the boat. It's about maritime law, which is different than law on the ground. And honestly, it is the next frontier for legal justice.
And it deserves respect because I think we uplift a lot of shows and I say we and I'm part of we, me, uplift shows where it's not about real people working and I want to show solidarity with working people.
And then, okay, actually I have five. And just like that season two, again, Sarah Tonen, writers knew that we needed something and they gave it to us. They gave it to us with this show.

Brynn's Focus on Real-Time Shows

It feels like chat GPT wrote this and it might have to write future seasons that potentially Aiden is coming back. It started filming this week and don't be ageist.
Let my queens have more time. Okay, and then lastly,
Real world, any season. If there is a show that is so... I'm going to take a screenshot of this and show our listeners. No! If there's a show that has shaped my understanding of what it means to be an American young person, it's the real world. Any season, as it goes on, it becomes more and more confusing, complicated and traumatizing.
I say this respectfully, readers, fuck the poll. We need to get into American history. And American history is the real world. It's diverse. The plot is good. And it brings our nation together. It always comes back when we need it. In fact, I'm feeling in my spirit, my spirit, readers, right now that we need another season of the real world. And if you're listening to me, bring it back.
With the writer's strike, you're about to get it. With the writer's strike. With the writer's strike. And with that, I have to say thank you. Thank you. This was Kela Esquire. It definitely was. I will say impressed. Thank you. Looks very nice. And the fact that you were able to incite excitement from both Brent and I is great. It's a great sign.
I will hold my opinions on that at the end because Brynn has a deck as well. Okay. But I would have included, I feel like I have to, all right, I'll speak to Keala's at the end of mine, because I want to
iReaders was not saying fuck the poll, okay? I didn't say that either. Because as everyone knows, I was skipping for Real World San Francisco from Jump. Yes, yes. And you also wanted, what is it called, the low-deck?
as well. I don't know if I do. I will say that in our DMS, we did have someone request below deck. I feel like a below deck expert. So it was just really flipped the script of our dynamic that would check because I'm so I don't know anything about that world. Right now. Thank you.
Shout out to my therapist below deck. I have a whole series about how below deck can help you get sober and stay sober. So it would just be on a journey. Yeah, that would be so out of my element with them. Journey of the seas. I just have to clarify before you go on, when I say fuck the poll, I mean, as an artist, like fuck the system. I also would like to say I was not in the DMs and maybe that's on me, but
Maybe that's on me. My mom is also mad about the call. She didn't get a chance. It was closed before she got a chance to wait. It was open for 24 hours. And Joe Biden's America? No. People need two weeks to vote. They need two weeks to vote.
How long do we leave our surveys open, Jasmine? I understand. But in the social media, fast paced pop culture world, you got to get in there. Wow. Jasmine Denise said get in or get out. That's it. When I say follow us on IG and stay tuned, I mean that. OK. Today.
You might miss something. All right. Close your eyes just because. Here we go. This is security, advanced security. I love the silence for us. Okay. Open your eyes.
Okay, here we go. So orange. Welcome to the pop culture audit season two. We're freshening up. We're not back in the early aughts per the poll that we follow. Okay.
So we can do this in real time. Both of my pitches are about real time shows that are about to start premiering in a couple of weeks so that we can be like in the moment, very relevant, very popular girlies. Right. So my first option, as you already know, is the ultimatum queer love on Netflix premieres May 24th.
And then taking me by surprise, my second option is the Kardashians season three on Hulu from years May 25th. Let me explain. The Ultimand. Y'all have to see this. This is design, wow. Yes. Wow. How this is a template from Google.
This show features a group of people who are at a crossroads in their relationship and they're deciding, are we gonna get married? Are we gonna split up? And apparently the only way we can decide that is by dating other people.
This is very relevant because it represents the death of actual romance and love, right? What are we fucking doing these days when it comes to our relationships? We're highlighting this rise of influencers. Season three of any reality show is quintessential, as you both know, right? Of any title because
We've gone through season one and two where there may have been some like authentically cast people. I still imagine them all showing up to like a shopping mall to be cast, you know what I mean? But now we're in season three. Star search? Right, like it's giving like 90 star search. They all auditioned like at the mall. But in season three, you are getting folks who are like,
I'm gonna get a career out of this, right? So we're getting- Yes, everyone knows the formula. Everyone knows the formula, the editors have a vibe, like it's where the whole show changes. Take all that cynicism out of it. We're talking about a show that is centering queer love for like the first time ever in this universe, right?
where there's been so many marriage shows, so many love dating relationship shows, but to actually have one that's focused on queer love. And I believe it's specifically focused on women and non-binary people too. So like we ain't even fucking with men in this universe. We fabulous. Finally, I know someone on this show this season, a friend of a friend that I know casually and adore. And so it feels very important to me
to support this person and like just for the ratings game, I think she'll come on our podcast and this feels like access we can't get anywhere else, okay? Don't do this to me, don't do this to me. Does the NDA allow them to speak? Let's watch the trailer. Oh my gosh. Let's watch the trailer,

Kardashians' New Season and Family Dynamics

everyone mute me. We have to watch this. Everyone mute. These two people on the screen are people that I know in real life.
Yoly and Mal, let's go. I would love to just start living our happy life. I'm ready, but she's not. Everyone is here for the same reason. In your relationship has issued an ultimatum. I feel like I brought my person.
You'll choose someone and move in together in a trial marriage. And then you'll do the same thing all over again with the person that you arrived with. And whether you leave here engaged, single, or newly in love, each of you will decide what your future holds. I'm going on dates with eight beautiful women. Where's my drink? Like, game on. You're the most masculine person I've ever been on a date with. She's hot, but I'm also into her ex-girlfriend.
It's really hard to see a future with you. I was thinking about my view on gender roles. I have no idea if I want another relationship or just a hookup. I'm actually embarrassed for you to meet my family. IVF is a very real possibility. Are you starting to stay for it?
You think you're going to get married after this? Your head's in the sand. It's a shit show. I just don't know who to screw my life with. The romance is not there for me. Fuck the sex. I don't give a shit about the sex. You mess with the wrong person. Have you ever dated anybody that looks like a black person? I had the best trial wife that I could have. Now I know what a good marriage looks like for me. Does the marriage with the person I came with look like that, too? It's just overwhelming. You want to see both of us fight for you? Is that what you want?
I think you guys got enough. Moving. OK. You see what I'm saying?
We've worked. I have so many thoughts. We work in this space. They're talking about IVF. They're talking about race. Black. Yes. Listen. This is compelling, but we could get beat up. I want her to finish because I want us to go in on our presentation. Do your job. Do your job.
I'm ready. We already watched it. Let's get us out of here. Okay, moving on. The Kardashians. You all took me by surprise. I was committed to moving on. But then I saw the trailer, which we are going to watch, and they are giving us everything. So either the editors are like,
Fantastic. I don't know, okay. Pete Davidson breakup, the Kanye meltdown all happened while they're filming, right? We don't know anything about this. Courtney is pissed at Kim and calling her capitalist outrage. And then Kylie is calling everyone else out for setting unrealistic beauty standards. I'm just gonna let the trailer speak for itself and then we can unpack, okay? Okay. I don't even know where we left off. We were still in the relationship. I was. Yep.
Things change really quickly. Okay. Not okay. I'm really good at being calm when there's turbulence.
But this has been a whirlwind of a year. Today your divorce was final. Yeah, I don't know how Kim handles everything with her husband. I don't think you realize the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You could be another most insane narrative. Please stay silent. Do all the life for my kids.
Mom just told me that it's melanoma. This on her face is very concerning. I don't think I've seen you this well. She doesn't believe she's lost a lot of weight. Melanoma's deadly. This was way more serious than I anticipated it to be. When you talked to Cora about the law, my sister used my wedding as a business opportunity. She wanted me to live it.
We felt like her wedding vibes were like stripped from her. I'm really confused how this narrative changed her head. Like I couldn't have been more mindful. I said, don't do anything that poor anymore to her wedding. I see those sides. Yeah, I see both sides. People think that's a myth, understanding. It's who she is to her core. You want to make God laugh, telling your plans. All of us just need to have a bigger conversation about the beauty standards that were set in.
my daughter to do the things I did. I wish I'd never felt anything to begin with. How's everything going with Tristan? Where do you guys stand? I think he thinks, let's just ride this out. No, no chances. We know how to have fun together. We know how to be there for each other. But only at a superficial level. His tension goes way back.
Family is what I value the most. So I just feel very anxious. Okay, the editors did their thing. They did their thing with the clip. They went very hard. Yeah.
The weekend going into Memorial Day weekend is just gonna be so exciting. Oh my gosh, we have so many options you guys. And so we have the opportunity with that show to juxtapose what we've just done in season one with where we are now, right? And like the real bookend of the KCU, which I think is interesting.
So in conclusion, with the writer's strike, we have a real opportunity for something. I'm not sure what it is, but it feels like we have a real opportunity. Let's have guests on either way. I'm committed to guests, which is going to be my, you know, I think we can start to include other folks occasions, not to be every episode, but occasionally. And especially if we go with ultimatum, making sure we have queer perspectives that are part of our. I love that.
your narrative. Thank you for listening. Yes, this is amazing. Okay, so I'll just pitch my one and done thing. Well, actually two. I didn't need a pitch deck, but hear me out.

Jasmine's Diverse Picks

Okay. I'm not a summer house girly, right? Just not. Okay, I love where it's going. But I'm going to tell you something. This summer house, Martha's Vineyard,
I'm going to be tuned in. It has everything that I'm ready for for my summer. Bathing suits, great bodies, great faces, black love. This sounds like the summer that I want to have and then I want to watch.
Also, Summer House has been extremely successful with an all white cast out in the Hamptons, blah, blah, blah, blah. They even did a cross between like Vanderplump Rules when it first was introduced. And I found that I follow and have been following most of the cast on Instagram.
So I feel like that's also a chance to like send some messages, come on the show, talk about it. Also, who knew that Martha's Vineyard was like a big place that like black young professionals hang, did not know that. I actually did historically. Historically, it's very black and then black folks got pushed out.
Okay, just a very fascinating history and a great aspects to include if we decide to audit it. I was speaking or Justin was like, oh, you know, I could split my trip with Martha's Vineyard going to Boston. I was like, okay, so this is a thing which piques my interest. Anyways, I think it would be really fabulous. I think it would be really fun to watch
um and they don't they're not super young so they're not like 21, 23 they're like 30s and so I feel like that's a little different too because that's kind of like a transition a real you're grown for real but you're still young to dip it and do it like Wendy Williams used to say I think it'll be a really fun show to audit and a really fun show to watch okay cut to my next one
The Real Housewives of Atlanta returns this Sunday as well, May 7, along with the premiere of Summer House, Martha's Vineyard, Back to Back. Now, the reason why I think that this season is going to be particularly good is because
First of all, there's divorces. I know that sounds bad. Divorces! But when we were following Drew Sedora's whole debacle with her god-awful husband, thank god they're getting a divorce, seeing it play out, I'm going to be rooting for her. Candy is activated in ways that she hasn't been since the red hair candy days in season six, if you don't know what that means, friend.
We can catch you up on that. And they also have Marlo back and I'm also curious to see if Marlo's second season as a housewife is going to be better than her first. I think it'll be really fascinating. And then also Kenya Moore is still going through a divorce but dating a white man who's really handsome and rich. Like we see her date again.
just released it this week.

Debating Show Focus for Season 2

So I think that would be really interesting to watch as well. So those are my two things that I think I wanted to contribute that to this conversation, but I also think you all have some really, really great suggestions as well. I didn't expect to feel so torn. So let's get into it. You wanna start with Kela and we go around. Well, yeah, that's Kela.
Well, after the whole presentation from your list, what do you feel the most strongly about? Well, let me pull up my deck. Please do. I have so many tabs open. It's going to take a minute. OK, she's here.
Okay, so I also checked to see when things were debuting like what's in season and that helped shape my like suggestion. So 90 day we'll come back.
Okay, here's what I'm leading to, honestly. And just like that is so fun. It's just, it's so fun. We're about to go into the summer. I think we should be at the pool, traveling, being outside, like tell on vibe. But I also, I'm a loyalist. I love housewives. Of course. I think it's time for us to go into Bravo cinematic universe. And then I'm going to ride 10 toes down for the real world.
It's just, it's so fun. Like it's so fun. I guess if we're taking the poll into account, I would lead towards something with Bravo. Okay. But I'm really, I'm really connected to help transition us out to the Kardashian season three pitch and Jasmine suggesting summer house. I actually almost put summer house into this deck and switched it out, hoping that someone else would pitch it. Um, so that's where my mind is. That's where my mind is.
Okay. Please. Well, my favorite thing on your list. My favorite thing on your list. Oh gosh. What did you have? You had below deck. Girl, she had two options. Oh wait, are you talking about me? Yes. And just like that. Okay. And just like that on your list to me feels like the best thing on there. And I'll tell you why.
Well one, what really made me want to like do our podcast is like being obsessed with the Sex and the City rewatch podcast, because I live in the city. Yes, it's getting shortcomings shout out to short shortcomings yes and then to um, I feel like
And just like that tries to throw everything politically correct in every single episode. And I had such a strong reaction to that, especially giving like what we do for a living and a lot of thoughts. And I feel like based on our lens of social justice, I think that would be, and when we talk about having a critical lens, I think it would be highly activated.
watching um and just like that so that was my favorite thing on your list and i'll pause there and i'll let bren hop in so many thoughts so yeah okay i talked about below deck and the real world san francisco i feel that
we will get to those, right? Those are on a list. Okay. Okay. We have this ability to like keep this list and site, right? Like we're just happening to be entering the season where everything's launching now. So it does feel like real time watching is for us. Just like that already launched the season two, it they're done filming. It is already
It started two days ago, I think. This week. Yeah. It premiered already. Yeah. It's already out. We could start watching like ASAP Rocky. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Here's why I know that. Last week, two weeks ago, maybe about three weeks ago, I was going to dinner. You guys know Becca, you know Taylor, and with our friend Abby from second school.
Okay, so you know who Abby is. This is Abby. She's the second stage actor. Okay, Abby McEnany. Wait, Abby is famous. Abby is now famous, as we learned. Abby is a show. She did have a show. It was canceled. People love, people love that show. Abby McEnany was on Work in Progress. She created and started it and wrote it. And it was a Showtime show about being, in her own words, an old fat dyke.

Insider Scoop on 'And Just Like That'

He did that show with the Wachowski sisters, I think specifically with Lily Wachowski. So like very great show. So we had dinner with her and we were like, Abby, what's been going on? What's happening? And she's like, Oh, I just filmed a thing. It was kind of fun. Cause you know, it's been a while since the show. And like, what are you doing now?
Should I just film a thing? Have you ever heard of, just like that, Sex and the City? We were like, yeah, we heard of it, have little do we know. We have to have every week. Every week is in like the first three episodes of this program. Oh my gosh. Similarly, we get her on this podcast too. I love that. She's filming at least about filming with, what's Miranda's real name? Cynthia Nixon.
All I know is about Cynthia Nixon. They went to lunch telling us about what she calls Michael Patrick King. She's got stories. Nice. I love that. We can also invite Abby on our podcast for Ultimate and Queer Love. So I have a special place for, and just like that, because also
It is hilarious how they try to be relevant in makeup for a long time. It's just so crazy. It is. It came to us in a dark time. It premiered at a time where we really needed it. Abby had a ball on the thing and she said, I love it. Oh, and then she's like, oh, and the other person who was filming with us was Tony Danza.
What? Sorry. What? Tony Danza is in the universe. Tony Danza has entered the conversation. What if we could get Tony Danza on the podcast? Living. Living, living, living. That's my inside track on it just like that. So I feel compelled.
And those are my notes on that. So I am leaning high level towards something in real time, just because we have so many opportunities. Agreed. I feel that. I feel that too. I'm into that too. We saw the list of rewashes out there. So yeah, if we alternate our seasons of the vault present day, the vault present day, I don't know. The vault. I love the vault. Yeah. Okay. So come to my list. Let's talk about my list. Yeah, I was about to say let's hop into your list.
Okay. I will tell you that when Bren first tried to even discuss doing the ultimatum as, you know, our audit, our next audit for season two, it was an absolute hell no, we won't go because it's too close to home, right? And I don't think we drag people on this show, but I do think- We reach.
We do a little sign. I don't think we're dragging. We're doing a little drag. We do a little reach. We have a little on this show. Yes. And we will tell it like a T-I is. So with that being said, I don't live in Chicago. Keila mentioned she doesn't want to get beat up if we have a harsh episode, understandably so, being in these streets, all of that. So that was like a little like, oh.
But also I really liked the idea of diving into, excuse me, diving into a world where we can bring on people who were on the show. That's really cool. I like bringing in other voices, queer voices to really speak to certain things. I love that. Dare I say, that was the thing on your list. But it was a hard time because that Kardashian season,
especially after old Kardashian war. I feel like, oh, we're just like, yeah, it's just, it's so much. It was so exciting seeing that. It was hard, but I, what'd you say? We put our jobs and only podcast and do them all. Wow. Wow. Passions align. So that's where I am. That's where I am with your list. Thank you.
Okay, I'm gonna say I am no for ultimatum. I love representation.
I just can't do it. I watch a lot of reality TV. I love it, I love it, I love it. And I can sit there something uncomfortable, but there are two things that make my palms sweat. The ultimatum and couples therapy on Showtime. There is something so uncomfortable to me about, I don't know what it is. The intimacy of being in a relationship and y'all duking it out is, I just, I can't do it. I can't do it. That's where you draw the line. I know, I just,
It just, it does something to me. I just can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. And I don't want to give it up. And it's not that I think that we're dragging people on this show, but I just don't want to get into it. Also, Netflix is in a little bit of a tussle right now because the Love is Blind participants are speaking up about how they were treated on the show.
and how chaotic and how much they hated it and now I'm second guessing like everything that I perceive to be happening on like Love is Blind and other Netflix reality shows because it just seems so far off from that lived experience and this maybe is like a blog post or whatever about our parasocial relationships but no. Kardashians dug me in whoever they got to edit that trailer
their foot in it because it seems like we're getting I think the Kardashians are reading tweets which we have always suspected and tapping into this greater dialogue to an extent about the real questions we have like tell us about your marriage and tell us about the body or whatever and I know we won't get the full depth of it but I'm curious. I also have not watched
Kardashian second iteration show. I watched a couple episodes of season one. So I'm interested in just like seeing this change of production value. They are like vets to reality TV now. And I think I'm a little bit wiser about Kardashians. I've done my reading and checked in with other social doctorates to see their opinion. So I would just be curious to see like what we're seeing on this end and what they're filming and what we've all like perceived in that time.
Allow me to respond. I'll say. This is the court of law. No, I actually don't have an objection. I do think that we should each get a veto because how you're describing couples therapy relationship shows is how I feel about shows that plow people with alcohol that I find to be, and I, and I, none of these fall into that category for me. So I do feel like we
But those are things like I can't watch The Bachelor, right? I can. That's fine. Absolutely not. I can watch The Bachelor. That's fair. If you say you can't watch Elsa Mayna because it makes your palms sweat, then I can respect that. I will be watching you now. I'm rooting for you, my baby.
And I hope that you become the influencer you want and we'll still have you on the show because. Yeah. Yeah. Please. And I just say insight about reality TV in general works out. Yeah. Yeah. We'd be fabulous. But let I'll get into our DMS and find out.
So we can take ultimatum queer low off the list. I will be watching just so the readers. Okay. I'll be watching too. Let us know. It may be jazz and I'll have a side ultimatum. Wow. Exclusivity. After dark. I love an after dark. After dark. After I go to bed. Yeah. A quick little bed and we'll talk about it. All right. So what do you think about my list? My small short list?
You had summer house and real housewives.
I like both of those things. I have never watched a summer house before and truly what is driving me to summer house is just the fact that the cast is all black and summer house has been pretty successful. There are some like counter, the feedback is coming out for people who either know someone on the show or just like grew up in Martha's Vineyard, which is really interesting. And I love Real Housewives, so I could be down for either.
Brynn? I have, well, I feel the same. Those are both unknowns to me. I do like the specificity of each of these. So they're both airing soon, right? They kick off on Monday, or Sunday. Yeah. Again, we have the relevance. So I feel like collectively we have maybe four finalists that I'm hearing. Okay. And just like that, we have Summerhouse, the Kardashians, and the Real Housewives.
Sounds like it, yeah. Yeah, it sounds accurate. We have the vault content to go back to for our season three. Do we wanna let the people in or no? We're just gonna decide amongst ourselves. Can we decide? We can do a combination of deciding and seeing what the people think. I think that's, that could be cool. Okay. A little interactive piece and we will tell us what you think. We're getting their input. Yeah.
What do you. What do you think what so out of the four and i'm just gonna let you know i'm not going to be mad about any of these i'm excited about every single thing on this narrow down list.

Finalizing Season 2 Focus with Audience Poll

So I'm all probably regardless. Yes. I'm going to be watching Sunday night. What are we going to talk about is the question. Wait, save the floor one more time for me, please. Yeah. I'm going to write it down so I can make a poll today. And Jasmine said today, Jasmine said today. I'm going to let it be. I'm going to make sure that we resurface it for two days. We have to release the episodes so people know.
There's a lot of log on, log on to your Zoom. Okay, so run down our four options. Again, let's do it. The final four is, and just like that season two. Okay. Summer House. Martha's Vineyard. Okay. The Kardashians Hulu season three. Real Housewives of Atlanta. Okay. Okay. Nice.
All right, so I will post that up, but just between us, if you had to make a choice right now. Right now, you can't think too long about it. Let's go. Keila, go. I believe, bro. I can't go first. I know. Oh gosh, it's going to take you an hour. Brett, go.
I can't because I already watched, like I watched just like that. I watched the Kardashian's. I will watch them both regardless. I wouldn't, you wouldn't watch. Summer house, Martha's vineyard. It's their first episode first season. So we'd all be new to them. So there's not like I'm walking past. What'd you say? This is a whole new cast. Yeah. Whole new cast, whole new place. Like we all would be brand new to them.
Yeah, I'd go with that then. Ooh. Keilah? I still haven't decided. I would be happy. Kardashians would be happy with. I would be happy. I would be happy with anything on the list. I would be happy with Summer House because it's a new universe. I would be happy with just like that because I love it and it's just fun. Yeah. And then Real Housewives, I'm like always tracking. Right. I guess like
I hate to say it. Maybe I would eliminate Real Housewives because I feel like that's a given to me. Like, I just know we're gonna cover it at some point. I'm still gonna put it in the poll, but okay. Please, please, because I would still- I like the girl strip vault suggestion, because that feels like a good
You know, one thing, it's so good. I will say girls trip that season two has filmed and wrapped. It's still so good readers. You should watch it. It's delightful. We could do another girls trip. I will say I didn't love season three as much as I was awful to like, it was season three had a lot of like negative energy. Season two was just like divine TV. Um,
And I think that's something that happens with Real Housewives universe is some seasons are just like better than others. Significantly better. So I wish we had like assurance that like, oh, it's gonna be a great season. It'll be an iconic. I'm gonna vote. I'm gonna vote. Okay, go, go, go, go. I'm diving into Summer House.
Wow, you're doubling down summer house is the goal for you. I like the idea that I know nothing about this, right? I've watched two episodes, maybe three of like the old summer house in the Hamptons. And I was like, all right, you know, you've kind of seen that, you've seen it all. But this, this is gonna have some other elements that the other one didn't have. And I like the fact that I don't know these people. I don't know this place.
Let's explore that together. I like that. I feel double down on it too, because when I look at this list and we take Atlanta off of our internal list, I don't know that, I mean, who knows what the summer house content will be. The other just like that in the Kardashians is rich and white, right? So it is going to be more of
unpacking that narrative that we've been unpacking with the Kardashians, like, you know, obviously their landscape, the melanin count has changed in their world. But like, to your point, Jazz, it might not be the energy anybody needs for the summer. Like, Ooh, okay. This is summer. We're ushering into summer energy here. Summer energy, I do love. It's about having fun.
So let's see if the readers agree. We don't know. Maybe they're going to be able to see. Is that what we all, we all agree on that or like, or refuse to commit. I need to think about it. I need to think about it. That we made decks. And yet the one that was just verbally pitched by the person who didn't know we were recording.
I'm screaming. I'm screaming. You just never know. I just come right on in. She was ready for the court of law. Yeah, Denise comes in. I came in. That's been Denise. I came right on in, though. You see? You see what happens? I have opinions. I always have opinions. I let no visual aids. I'm the visual aid.
No, girl. People need a visual aid. People need a visual assistance. They got it. Everyone go to Jasmine underscore NLSN at IG, all the visual aids, all of them. Now we're showing Vegas pics.
Yes, everyone needs to see the Vegas picks. Okay, wait. Yes, yes. I'm single, y'all. I will say this. What if we just, you know how we always have that part of every episode where we chit chat about pop culture news, blah, blah, blah.
We come in and say, hey, did you watch this this week? Or is that too much to take on? Maybe that's a lot. I don't know. We could try it out. We could try it out. We could try it out. I mean, I haven't committed to anything and classically preframed. So let's see what the people say. Yes.
and commit, like see what our schedules look like. Cause I feel like you organically get in within the first couple of episodes of the season and let's check in. We could do a check-in on the next recording. Who's watching what? No, I think the next recording we should record what we're doing. I agree with you. Yeah. Yeah. We should have created the show. The show that we, the show that we, we want to watch comes on on Sunday.
And I just feel like- And then just like that is already out. Right. So that text thread on Sunday between the three of us, I just, I can feel it. This is going to be good. Mute it. Mute it.

Bonus Episode Idea: 90s Talk Shows

Yeah. Yes. Here we go. I love that. I'm really excited. I will again leave the, leave it open for two days. How long should I have it open? Cause they expire after 24 hours.
I would have to repost it a couple of times. That's fine. Do it Sunday. Yeah. Or do it Saturday. We'll get it out. We'll get it around. Yeah. Yeah. Put it in the, put it in the Nova slap. Get it out. Oh yes. Oh, I love that too. I love that too.
No, well, if you put it in the Novoslak, do not be out here campaigning for a choice, y'all. This is a free and fair election. No, no, no. I'm like, here are the options. This is parliament. It's all good. Let us know what your thoughts are.
Okay, that's good. I'm super excited. I'm ready to record and dive into a new world. We're in all these different worlds and that's so much fun to dissect it with you all. Oh wait, I have another suggestion before we go.
Girl. No, no, no, not about this. I feel like we're good here. I'm talking about the bonus episode that you kind of casually brought up. Brains says we'll talk about it later. I need to talk about this because I think this would be such a good bonus episode. She said she needs to speak about it, okay. Okay, so obviously, RIP to Jerry Springer, right? However, I feel like
Because we talk about pop culture and we talk about what shapes and we talk about who shapes it and etc. I think that it would be a really great bonus episode to dive into. In lieu of his staff dive into like all of the people who shaped.
Like that era, Geraldo, Sarah Jessica Raphael, or, you know, like all of these people. What is her name? Yeah. Yeah. Like with the red. Sarah Jessie Raphael. Is it Jessie? Oh, it's actually Jessie. But her name, isn't it Stanford, like Jessica? You're going with Sarah Jessica. I don't know who that was. Yeah, it was like, SJP was not there. Fine. Ricky Lake. Ricky Lake. Montel. Montel. Who else?
Mari, I feel like Mari, the People's Court people are adjacent. All of those shows have shaped, eventually, reality TV. The formula, all of those things, when you think about like bad girls clubs and all of that, like really ratchet.
You know, TV, I feel like that was like ahead of its time in that respect. And I think that would be an interesting, epic bonus episode to dive into like how all of that plays into like reality TV and pop culture today. That's another pitch of mine just for a bonus episode.
I think it'd be fun. I'm into it. I'm into it. You're suggesting we do a broader universe of like daytime talk from the 90s or specifically Jerry Springer.
No, because of his death, it got me thinking about like, wow, what an impact, what kind of impact, right? It was an impact. And I saw so many conflicting feelings about his death and his impact on social media. People were like, he exploited people, you know, that era of talk shows exploited people
You know, I think Oprah was a part of that era of exploitation and how she speaks about it now and how she reshaped her show. And I just think that in broader sense, like what the impact of that era in the 90s, late 80s, what that did and how that plays into today's pop culture universe and even reality shows. This feels like investigative reporting, though, like we need to eat.
I will gladly do that. I just feel like I always kind of kept my eye on it. Remember, I was a broadcast journalism major. This was all like my lane, you know?
remember everyone remember okay so i don't know i i think it would be a fun just like a fun episode to just kind of see you know it's another piece of pop culture that informs what we're up to today and that's my final pitch of this friday morning i'm into it i think we have we'll have to put together the
It doesn't have to be immediate, but yeah, we can put it together and all that. And I, cause there's a lot of pieces. There's a lot. The DNA testing alone is like a whole. Oh my God. Well, also the, some of these DNA tests, you were not the father babies are 18 now. And they're on Tik TOK being like, yeah, that was my dad.
Or, yeah, my parents did this. Yeah, my grandma. Ooh, ran off stage. Ran, who ran? Yes. Yes. Yes. Around the premises of the lot. Yeah. It's just a wild thing. Psychic era, these key themes. The DNA era, the psychic era. The lie detector test era. The lie detector era. The delusion era. I mean, we're so in love. I'm going to have a baby.
I also went loop Tyra Banks, even though she is late. Oh, there's like Tyra Banks to me. It was watching it. I was like, this is you.
When Tyra does deep dives and she's like pretending to be all of these marginalized things. When she had the class, the whole audience be like, gay, straight, I don't know. What? Oh my gosh. You remember that? No. When she dressed up like a homeless person, she's like, I'm homeless for a day. When she wore a fat suit?
When she wore a fat suit, deeply unserious. I think there was an episode where she darkened her skin and did like low-key blackface. I want to experience what it's like to be a dark- Wait, y'all. Oh my God. When we do a vault, we have to pitch a season of Top Model. Because, baby. Oh my gosh. Yes.
Delusions. When, when she, when, when Tyra had sex workers on her show and she's like, and, and what are you getting out of this? What do you think this is? Like she's talking like so much trash. You want your daughter to be like that? That was another dress decision. The era is scared straight theme, right? I had scare straight and love after lockup on my initial deck.
because I want us to address the prison industrial conflict. I think we need to confront head on what we've been doing with prison phobia. Jasmine is speechless, readers. Jasmine is speaking. In a rare moment, counselor Jasmine Denise is silent. I don't know what to say. Love after lockup silenced her. And on this day, on May 5th,
We deserve writers strike, chat GPT, all of it. We've earned it. We've got to get into it. Oh my goodness. Yeah. We've got to get Wendy Williams. Oh, iconic.
problematic phase. Who like dragged us? Was it Ellen who like dragged us out of this? It was Oprah. It was Oprah. It was Oprah. Oprah was like, I want to be a journalist. Oprah is giving gifts. Oprah is talking about activity. Drew Barrymore, Kelly Clarkson. That's it. That's all we want in the daytime. It's joy. Drew Barrymore is, she belongs on YouTube. I want to meet her so bad. Like if we get Drew, Drew,
I know you're in solidarity with the writers right now and you're busy and I don't want you here to do that, but come on the show, please interview us. It would be so comforting to have a Drew Barrymore interview.
I really I admire Drew Barrymore so much like her like personal life and the things that she's had to do. Yeah, we have to be going on minute 68 of this. That's fine. I hope everyone's enjoying it. I'm sure. People need to work in being people. I am people.

Pop Culture Tensions and Celebrity Impact

I am people.
Okay, no see, do you see just going down that tangent that would be an excellent episode. Let's do it, reality bonus here is the episode theme. Okay. Everyone bring a moment in history that matters to you. Remember the mediums, remember crossing over with.
Long Island medium. Long Island medium. I just heard him interview with her the other day. Okay, we can do it. I also watched the Miss Cleo documentary. It's very good. Wait, there's a Miss Cleo documentary. Okay, I have to tell you this really quick. When I go on these like deep dives, when I can't sleep in the middle of the night, I'll wake up and I'll be like, I wonder what Marvin Gaye's dad was doing in 1959. And I go down like extremely specific rabbit holes. All right, so
One night, I'm like, where is Miss Cleo? This was a few years ago. I'm like, where is she? And when I found out she had passed away, I couldn't wait to wake up and tell everyone, you didn't call me. No one informed me. When did this happen? I mean, the way I was on top of this and like yelling at people in my life, you would have thought it was a family member. I was so upset. It's stressful. It's stressful. Wait, can I tell you something?
Brian, are y'all following Brian McKnight denying his kids? Oh my gosh. When I tell...
Reader, I'm typing. I was fingers of speed, fingers of speed. I woke up the next morning, like all of those beautiful love songs. And he said that they were just lyrics because he never even liked anyone and had been married for like 20 years with like kids to another woman. It is so unhinged. One is not a dream come true. It is not. This is another delusional thing. The way we talk about Mother's Day and Mother's Day is so different.
Wait a minute. It's about Brian McKnight. I've been fathering this year has been we have Nick can prominent daddy's Nick Cannon prominent. If you're a daddy tap in. What's going on? It's too much. I just screamed like I'm on Nicki Minaj radio.
Okay, we're at minute 87, queen radio. Okay, all right. And this is why we don't take weeks off everybody. Right, because there's so much to say, you see, we're just all over the place.

Listener Engagement and Voting

But you get the gist, go on Instagram, the pop culture audit and make sure that you vote. Because if not, you already know what we're trying to do. Stop the steal of the election.
What is her radio show called?
Have a good week, everybody. Yes. Bye. Bye. Bye.