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The Pop Culture Audit:  Season 2, Episode 3 - "Technical Difficulties"  image

The Pop Culture Audit: Season 2, Episode 3 - "Technical Difficulties"

S2 E3 · The Pop Culture Audit
60 Plays1 year ago

Better late than NEVERRRRRRR we are here with another dense AF episode from the Vineyard, and baybeeees the antics are AFOOT!  
We have two housemates get voted OFF the island and if you didn't think that was even a are correct!  They just did it themselves!

Listen up because this is a house full of mess and we need to DEEP CLEAN! 


Introduction to Pop Culture Audit

Hi, readers. Welcome to the Pop Culture Audit, where we review reality TV and talk about all things pop culture through a contemporary and critical lens. So what exactly is a pop culture audit? Easy. We take a deep dive of pop culture source material. In this case, it's Summerhouse Martha's Vineyard. Comb through it, highlighting some cringy and historic moments in pop culture discourse. If you're into that, you're in the right place. If not, you're still in the right place. You just might learn something. I'm your host, Keela.
This is Jasmine. I wondered if Jasmine was here. I was reading my notes, really? That's one. Three autographs in the house. This is Bryn, and we're going to jump right in because once again, my friends, we are in the densest of content in this program. When I tell you they could have filmed this show and made a whole season 10 years ago of something for this one episode.

Recap of 'House Divided'

wild amount of content. This is Summer House Martha's Vineyard season one, episode three. The title is House Divided. I am going to recap some of the salient moments from this episode. Y'all feel free to gasp, laugh along, be on the ride with us, and then we're going to get to our thoughts and feelings about it.
Okay. So you have to remember when we left off at the house in the last episode, drunk Phil was trying to talk nonsense to Nick, Amir, and Alex, and then it was like, to be continued. And now we are continued. We're like right back in it, right?

Amir Confronts Phil's Behavior

So Preston's breaking up the fight with Amir. And Preston's breaking up the fight while Amir just keeps saying, respect the house, respect the house, respect the house over and over again. And then Amir says straight to camera that he is triggered by bullies because he was bullied as a kid. So that's really sad.
And then Amir also points out that in the last five minutes, Phil has said or done something shitty to every person in the room and he is absolutely correct. It's like a complete laundry list of the way that he has been incredibly rude to every person there.
sidebar and we can come back to this. Amir is doing all of this and like talking in this chair with his hand down the top of his pants. Did you guys notice that? I know. Yeah. I don't know what that was about. I like pause and went back and then we can come back to it.

Phil's Ejection from the House

Um, immediately Preston and Alex both start saying, I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. If he doesn't go, I'm gone. And wow, like we get there fast. There is no beat or second or breath. It is like this fight happens. And now they're like, he's got to go immediately. Everyone says he's got to go. And I'll also say super fast. And it has like,
I go back to what I said last week. These folks, it is late. These people are drunk, and now they're vibing off each other. You can just tell that they are vibing, and that's not helpful. Don't worry, though, because Jasmine's here. She shows up on the scene to say absolutely nothing.
but black affirmation tweets.

Jasmine's Failed Mediation Attempt

So she stands in the living room and says to each person there, you appreciate affirmation tweets. I appreciate you, black man. I appreciate you, black man. I appreciate you, black man. I have to tell you guys, I paused the show at this moment when I was doing this, so I could write this note right here. And where I paused it, you could individually see the faces of these black men when I pause, and they are so mad and annoyed with her.
They all look disgusting. Smearing my face watching her. Yeah. I wish you, yeah. If it wasn't too horrible and rude, you would want to make a meme out of it because it was so embarrassing.
Jordan decides that she doesn't want Phil to leave because she kind of likes his vibe and, you know, so she thinks maybe she can like smooth this over.

Jordan and Shanice vs. Phil

So she goes to try and talk to him and find like some angle that makes him make sense. And she has a very hard time doing that because what he is talking about, which was Nick stealing his room and then so he shit in his toilet does not make any sense.
Shanice joins the convo, and also both Jordan and Shanice are in bikinis, if that makes difference to anyone. And everyone is way too drunk to be talking. Again, everyone's goofy. And Jordan is getting frustrated because she's trying to have an actual conversation. And Phil is just being drunk and banter-y. And also, you can just sort of tell that Phil- He's holding a bottle. Yeah, and he clearly thinks he's really cute for the cameras. You can just see.
that he's gotten into this being on camera thing, and he's performing. And they're all at five seconds. Literally. Just walking. Well, it's actually been like six hours. He's been wasted since before he got there. Yikes.

Silas's Misguided House Meeting

So in one of the worst ideas of all times, Silas says, we got to call a house meeting. Terrible idea. So he and Jermaine were terrible. Everyone go to bed, talk about it in the morning. Worst idea. Don't. A horrible idea.
Everyone's on board. For the first time in this fucking house, everyone's on board. And Jordan says, ladies, we need to have a meeting. Everyone's like really into this. Phil says, you mean gentlemen. And then Jordan says, you don't get that title. You get the title of a motherfucker sitting on a couch. Phil says, are you mad because I shit in the next toilet? I will shit in yours next.
And then I put in all caps, someone tell Silas there should not be a house meeting right now. This is not the moment. Silas dug so deep for his facilitation skills. Oh my God, Jordan says, Jordan says, do it, it's upstairs, bitch. And then starts to walk away yelling, I will watch you, bitch. What the fuck is happening? Okay, wait, then she is screaming and getting into his face. I'm telling you, I'm reading my notes right now. And I forgot that this part happened, this whole thing.
Getting into Phil's face, and now all of a sudden there are giant ass security guards with masks and earpieces. The fourth wall is shattered. We now see the whole production crew. What is happening? Then the subtitles say... Unnecessary nonsense. Oh, completely unnecessary. It's the middle of the night, and now security is here. But the subtitles tell us that the giant men are producers, and we love to see it, okay? There's not enough men producing in reality TV, so...
Go. Uh, now the gang is all around the pool table.

Phil and Mariah's Departure

Phil is not allowed to be there. Like the producers and security are telling him he has to stay in the kitchen. So he's in the kitchen. Everybody else is around the pool table. Silas has a Nerf football and he says people can only talk when they have the Nerf football. Nick says, and Nick sounds so tired. He says, can I just interject? We're adults. We don't need that.
And I'm telling you, Silas and Jasmine cannot win with this group. No one will let them do what they want to do. They're both equally annoying. That's why. They're so annoying. Don't you get the sense that they really want this to go well so they can parlay it into some sort of like couples vacation club. Yes. Yeah. It's not for you. Yes, they do.
Okay, so wait, so Phil is in timeout in the kitchen. Mariah comes in from the guest house and I don't think she knows what's going on at this point. I don't think they are. Nope. Nope. She wasn't in the meeting. They are just in the kitchen being outcast together. Everyone's mad. So in the meeting room, Silas says all in favor of Phil leaving, raise your hand and everyone raises their hands. I think Alex raises both his hands. Uh,
Then Silas is like, all opposed, raise your hand. And that is dumb because they just all raised their hands for being in favor. So that was really an unnecessary step. Jasmine says, whoever invited Phil needs to go have a conversation with Phil and tell him, which seems super shitty. And Bria says, no. Bria is- I laughed. I laughed so hard.

Post-Meeting Drama and Rules

And that's not because she won't do it. She is still, Bria, we find out is still very in her feelings about Mariah and she doesn't think they should be having all of this about Phil, but not about Mariah. She said, if you put your hands on someone, it's a problem and she needs to leave.
I didn't quite get the sense that the group was as enthusiastic about this one, but again, we've gotten into this group think place and they would have voted all of them out if they had kept going. Order the place. Listen, this is how fascism starts, y'all.
So Silas is still like holding court and he says very seriously, Bria has claimed Mariah assaulted her. And now Jordan has the talking football. She repeats her statement from earlier in the evening. Okay. Also Jordan is consistent, like I said, about being good with Mariah, but what Mariah did was out of line. So Jordan's always said that, right? She throws the talking football to the side.
Silas says, I want to make a recommendation that we draw the line, that if you physically assault another house member, you have to leave. So Mariah has to leave. And people are kind of nodding, but again, we are not getting the same energy we were getting about Phil. I'm stressed. They seem stressed. This is all stressful. Jasmine says, with as much drama as possible,
I will have a conversation with Mariah about why she is no longer a member of this vacation home. That is a quote. I laughed then, and it's funny now. A memory. And it's funny now, still. Wow. A member of this vacation. OK.
kicked out of the two-week timeshare. So funny. So then the meeting is adjourned. My jaw's on the floor. We were honored to be continued, and now two people have been voted off the island. This is not even a competition. Can we just remind the readers of this? No. This is not a situation in which people are supposed to be getting voted out. This is Friends on Vacation, allegedly. It's absolutely. Friends on Vacation? Could you imagine? Nick goes upstairs and flushes his toilet.
I mean, it's been I think it's been there for seven hours. They all scramble upstairs. Yeah, it's so gross. They all go upstairs. They don't have to be there when these people are told they have to leave. And also, like, can't they tell them tomorrow? Like, do we have to do this right now? It is late.
Yeah, that's so funny, though, that like 5 a.m., he's still drunk and has to Uber back to the city is so funny to me. They said, OK, bye. Yeah, time now. So Bria, Bria's on the couch. She called Phil's over. And Bria says very bluntly, I don't know what you did, but you got to go home. And he does not take this well. He says, actually, it's Bria's fault because she was supposed to leave a note and there was no note left.
The producers, like what you just said, producers and security are like ready to go. Like, here's your car. It's here. It's waiting. It's worn by Phil. And we do get a timestamp at that point. It's 2.20 in the morning. 2.20. God. Yeah.
So Bria goes to bed. Her work is done. She's finished it. And yeah, I do appreciate Bria just saying you have to leave. Bye. I did laugh because it was so direct and so direct emotion. Yeah, I was wondering. I thought she was going to like, you know, like, well, you know, what you did wasn't right. She just went straight to it. Like, I'm trying to go to bed. This is what it is. So Bria goes to bed. Her work is done. She was direct.
Jasmine is a mess because now she has to go talk to Mariah, which she

Awkward Shanice and Amir Interaction

literally doesn't, but she's going to. She does not do what I would call a great job of talking with Mariah. Horrible job.
Horrible. She basically says everyone else says everyone else saw. And now I am in such an uncomfortable spot. But also you should probably have to leave because it is actually best for you. Every single piece that was it was. Is this your friend or not period? And Mariah is just like Mariah's also like handles this shit like a champ. She's like, OK, because like how much can you actually like absorb of all of this at this point?
So that conversation happens. Now people are still walking around upstairs, getting ready for bed. Shanice is looking for a mirror. She says, Oh, I want to fuck him. Like I had to rewind that. Cause I'm like, sorry. Say what? Yeah. And then she goes, she gets in the shower. Amir knocks on the bathroom door and she says, come in, but he doesn't because.
Obviously, so she comes out in her underwear, boobies out, and has this whole phony ass conversation like, Oh, did you need to come in? Oh my God, I'm sorry. Oh, if you need to. Oh, this is so awkward. Like the fakest with Preston. We're so uncomfortable. Did you see Preston's face? Preston is dying. Yes.
Yeah, it was so bad. So uncomfortable. Amir is not at all biting. Like he still likes Jordan and he's not interested in whatever this is that's happening. Which I did think was at the time kind of weird where I'm like, he's not even going to like consider it because he's like hard pass. Thanks, which we'll get to.
The next morning, it's morning time, Amir goes to see how Mariah's doing, gives her a big hug, she starts crying. Jasmine goes to see Mariah, and now Jasmine is crying, or somebody's crying, they're all crying. And I just have to be like, do any of you all wake up and be like, oh, that was maybe too much what we did last night? Everyone's standing in their decisions the next day. They sure are. My toes down. They sure are. This is what we did.
Meanwhile, Shanice and Bria call Phil on speakerphone and try to get him to apologize to everyone. And Phil does not want to apologize. So he declines. He's also probably still fucking drunk. Definitely drunk, for sure. 100%. And then he hung up on her, which I was like, oh. OK. Not interested in having a cutesy conversation with them about this. His influencer dreams have been ripped from him.
So now, just to clarify for the group, Phil and Mariah have been kicked out, which happened really fast, but life in the summer house must go on. Today is a field day. They all seem to

Laundry Drama Unveiled

know about it. I missed it somehow, but they are going to do a field day, and Shanice is already drinking. Okay. My notes literally say, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What? That's what my notes say. Okay. Let me tell you why.
A group of them are in the kitchen. Amir walks by without a shirt on carrying a ladder and Jasmine says, we always see Amir doing the most random things and like, uh, you know, carrying a ladder or doing this. And then Amir says, Oh, like putting the clean laundry in with the dog toys.
Gross. Gross. The girls don't lose their mind. I'm losing my mind. Like we are you fucking saying what we think you're saying? And Amir says, I tried to tell them while they were fighting, and they show a flashback. And I mean, did he try? He did not try. Literally raise a hand up.
He raised a finger while while Mariah and Bria are going at each other about these dog shit. I felt like the music should have been like done done done like you're the one. You know, I kept waiting for them to like vote him like somebody call Mariah tell Bria. No, they all think it's pretty funny. They move on. Cornball. They all were like, that's hilarious. Let's go to our field day.
I am blown away by this moment. What the fuck are you talking about? You let these women roll. What? Jasmine, that's your girl who got sent home. I know. I was really sad about it. I started to send her a note on instant. Oh, good. We had to talk to you about that. We really should. We want you to keep getting ready for field day. Alex goes to meditate and he tells us how he's been meditating for three years. He's much more grown.
And then, as they're leaving the house, I don't know why everyone wants to start shit as they're about to walk out the door. Alex says to Shanice. He says to Shanice, last night, the personal space, that's what I'm watching with you, Shanice. Like, out of nowhere.
And then she acts like he has she has no idea what he's talking about. The cameras flash back to the night before and like they were sitting next to each other at the restaurant table and she kind of keeps like grabbing his hand while

Shanice and Alex Tension

he's talking or like grabbing his his shoulder, which I would. To me, that would be like flirty ish, right? Like, yeah, I haven't. It's animated and she's flirting.
in a way that clearly he's not into. And at the time, even while in the flashback, you can see him saying space, space, space, like he's not into it. And he makes it clear at the time, so all good. And then he goes on to say, Shanice is technically my type. I'm hesitant to get to know her because of what I've heard about her. And the producer's like, what? Tell me. And Alex won't tell. He says, I've heard things. I've seen things about Shanice. I don't feel like that's my business. And I'm like,
It needs to be my business. What are you talking about? We'll come back to this. I went looking for whatever he was talking about. There's plenty to find. Shanice is shocked by this and she's like, wow, is he scared of me? I'm not going to hurt you, Alex. I promise. And I'm like, that is frightening. I've seen enough Dateline or weird movies to be like, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Not a good line. Not a good line.
Uh, there's a girl car and a boy car. Hello, gender norms going to the field day. And in the girl car, Shanice is in her feelings. Oh yeah. But still still in the boy car. Um, and the going to the, uh, in her feelings about Alex's comment and the boy car, they're talking about Shanice and Amir says, I saw Shanice's boobs, which is 100% true. Nick says that he doesn't like Jordan like that. Yeah, right. Right.
And now the producers are hinting that Nick has a secret. So the producers know all these things and they're not telling us all the things. I feel like we deserve to know more. Quick question for the group. What does CAP mean? Does it mean lies? Does it mean untrue? If something is CAP. Yeah, CAP is kind of like, like, yeah, it means like that you're not telling the truth. Like you're putting on like, okay.
You know, like if you're like, I would never do the cap. Like, yeah, right. Like kind of like, yeah, right. You definitely would do that. You know what I mean? Like you're just putting on. Got it. Got it. I was meant to say the men in this car are everyone but Preston. Oh, is he in the girl car? Yes. Which is why I think this conversation derailed in the way that it did. Wow. You're right. Because Preston has called Nick out for his mess because that is a bold face lie.
I also wonder what Preston would have said because he was there when Amir was like, it's our boobs. What would he have said? The way Amir said that was messy. I know. I thought that was very juvenile. OK, good to hear. It was very distasteful, but it was. It was very, very immature.
All right. So they get to the beach for field day. So it's technically a beach day, just to be clear.

Jasmine's Black History Insight

And Jasmine shares the black history of the beach and Amir comments that he isn't used to hearing actual black history because textbooks in his textbooks, the history is so basic. Uh, they picked teams for field day. Jasmine is picked last cause she's a villain.
Uh, during the games, Shanice makes several comments to Alex about personal space. Like Shanice is like antagonizing Alex about this personal space comment, which is strange to me. Like why you're being so aggressive about this. The team's tie. Uh, Amir goes for an awkward stroll with Jordan and he tries to convince her to get into the water, which she clearly has no intention of doing. Cause she's wearing sneakers. And then, oh, Kayla.
I thought of you so much. She says, my feet would tour. Because she goes, no, it is. And he says, it's not. And then I'm like, wow. Well, she said, that's what Mike told me. And I'm like, my grandmother told me that, too. Yep. And how are you going to tell someone their grandma's wrong? You just have to say, hmm. I didn't know. Yep. Just be quiet.
you sit quietly. Shanice pulls Alex aside to talk to him. She asked him what was up with the personal space thing. Shanice seems drunk and like a little bit manic and I fucking hate it. Like again, now I'm just in my head that I don't know that she should be on the show.
And the mania, like she's shining real bright in these moments. And it's a little weird. Yeah. Really? Oh, I didn't get that vibe. It was weird. The grin. I just segway the conversation.

Shanice Confronts Past Accusations

Brie goes, Alex, Shanice wants to talk to you because Shanice was. I felt like she was just nervous. I think what the deal is with Shanice is like.
She's a pretty girl who's a guy is like acting weird around her and she's used to being flirty. Like you said, Brennan, he's like personal space, personal space. So she probably feels awkward about it. We're going to come back to that. I'm about to diagnose this whole lady. Um, so Alex listens to her ramble and then he just says,
Got it. And now Alex is telling the producer, okay, well, last night an article about Shanice was sent to me and then the headlines start popping on screen. Finally, I'm getting some fucking answers and the headlines are all like crazy stalking.
She's stalking her ex-boyfriend, like basically all these headlines accusing Shanice of being a stalker of her ex. And then so the producer asks Shanice, what's the situation with your ex? And Shanice looks uncomfortable, doesn't answer. And now they're all commenting on the story and saying that was a toxic relationship. This ex-boyfriend that released this story was an actor. He's making shit up. She is not that person. And then Shanice is like, well, I did do some of it. I did call him a bunch of times.
They are always trying to cover for her and she's like, yeah, I did do that part. She says he tried to press charges, but they wouldn't give him a restraining order because he was still texting me. That's like, that is a technicality. That is not a point to be scored, my dude.
Yeah. Whoo.

Silas and Jasmine's Marital Tensions

So Alex is just trying to get her to stop talking to him and then lucky for him, this whole ass flock of geese come geeseing over and laying on the water and the getting is like, no, it's like the toad in the hot tub. They're out of there. Field day is over. Oh, they go back to the house. They make a nice dinner. The dinner looks very good to me. I'm not going to mention the mac and cheese. It was in my notes and I deleted it. We'll come back to it. It's part of the dinner. We're definitely mentioning the mac and cheese. OK.
They talk about having a girl's night out, maybe they have a girl's night out, a boy's night out, and it's kind of like a fun thing. It starts off really fun, just like everything does when we're drinking, and then it gets serious all of a sudden, and it's like, why are we all shocked that we're having this fucking conversation again?
Jasmine says I can get free drinks if we go out and Silas says no and all the girls look shocked and disappointed and Jasmine says why and Silas shakes his head and says if you accept a free drink the wrong guys take it as an invitation. Then Shanice just keeps running her mouth too much and now they're telling stories about when they work together got too drunk and passed out and apparently this is how they both got fired from the playwood club. So I'm also like,
Mm. That's like, but then Jasmine didn't confirm she got fired. She was like, I was able to sleep it off and stay, but Shanice got sent home. The story says we got, I got fired or no, we got fired. Yeah. It was like, Oh, okay. Like, especially when you're whole, like the way you all know each other is from the Playboy club, which also leads me to believe that that is severely embellished. Right. Like maybe they all worked at the Playboy club for like a weekend or something. Right. You know, because this story does not hold water.
Anyway, it's starting to get messy. They go to bed. Now some people are staying up late, so just to talk shit about Silas. Preston says, like, Preston's like, Silas has always been this way. Like, nothing has changed. This is who he is. There you go. Jasmine has changed, and everyone agrees Jasmine's changed.
And it literally sounds like Jasmine just does not actually want to be married, which is why she's trying so fucking hard to pretend like being married is the best thing in the world. Made perfect sense to me after this. I agree. Completely agree. All falls into place. She is not at a place in her life where she is ready to be or wants to be married. At all. No. Her life is in a different place, and here she is. And then Nick jumps into the convo and says he has a girlfriend in New York, which is?

Nick's Surprise Revelation

Surprising to everyone because they all have DM receipts from him. So everyone is surprised. Shanice says she got a DM from Nick saying he wanted to marry her. And remember our friends that the bar is in hell for some of these people. Then this episode ends with awkwardness around this. That's it. It's this weird night. And I guess they're going to go to bed. But at least it's not to be continued. But that's the end of the episode.
Y'all, let's get into it because the way this... I don't know. Bravo said, let's go to work. Let's put our editors to work because so much happened this episode. May I start with my little audience? Please do. Please do. Okay. I'm going to start with something that I don't really have a name for yet, but it's like feminized politics.
There were a couple lines, so I don't want to say pretty privilege because I think it just, first, somebody said it best. No one's saying you're pretty. It's just colorism, fatphobia, and the other one coming together to make you this type of person. Yeah. Yeah. But Jasmine and Shanice say a couple of things this episode that I think are so
out of pocket I'm like nobody said anything. The first one was when Phil was hitting on but also mocking Jordan and she snapped and like was doing this mockery line about like I'm so pretty and everyone just thinks I'm so pretty and so cute and da da da and she went off and it was weird because like no one
girl what like what is going on like just real strange and then Shanice when Alex was like Shanice boundary she goes I'm five seven and a hundred and twenty pounds like what am I gonna do and I think there's really something interesting of like there's no shame in being beautiful
And I feel like Jordan and Shanice are like, oh, I'm so beautiful. And this is a core piece of my identity. And they know that it leverages power. And the way that they wield it in this house is strange. Like they've never been seen as anything other than bodies. And I feel like those two instances really supported that because the lines were, it was weird. I was like, why would you say that? There's no depth.
Like what? It's so shallow. It was. Yeah. And they're beautiful. But like, come on. We live in an age where so many people can become beautiful. Like beauty is so manufactured. That's right. Whoa. OK, so I'll leave that there. The next thing I wanted to bring up. Was that.
Alex believes that he is savio sexual. What does that mean? Sorry, explain this to me. What does this mean? Savio sexual. Yeah. You're only like, you need to be attracted to someone intellectually before you seek like physical attraction, sexual attraction.
And my grievance, and this, I'm not going to jump to conclusions and say this isn't what this man means, but I want to say this. I feel like a lot of straight men use sapio-sexual as like misogyny against women, to say like, well, most women are not smart enough, but they're not truly sapio-sexual because they're heterosexual. They're not seeking minds from like non-binary and other men. You're literally just wanting women to perform to an intellectual standard that's interesting to you.
interesting to you, not interesting as an intellectual. So that was when I was like, if you don't shut up in this car full of lies, car full of lies, the whole car lies. Then my last man that I want to clock today, y'all, I'm embarrassed because I spoke on Amir positively last week and I need to tell you that was foolish and goofy and wrong. Amir is a villain. Starting from the top, him,
I'm gonna start with the boobs. Him bringing up Shanice's boobs in that car full of men, that car full of heterosexual men, in a house full of sexual competitiveness that y'all want the attention of these women so badly. What did you bring that up for? You know that Nick is jonesing for any woman's attention, but Shanice, because he's not winning Jordan over. What was the point of that? Why would you do that with conservative Silas in the car? Because you know he hates Jasmine's friends.
Right. It's just, again, it adds, it adds to this. Like this whole thing is coming off the rails. Like it's such chaos, such chaos, absolute chaos, absolute chaos. The next grievance is that he kicked off the entire laundry gate and didn't own up to it all. And then had the nerve to go say goodbye to Mariah in her room. Like it's, it's above me now when this whole thing was because of him.
I'm disgust. I cannot emphasize readers how repulsed I am by people who can't speak up in the moment. You let it get that out of hand and you held up your hand. Oh, I tried to speak up, but it was too far gone. Yeah, because you didn't come in for it. Every single one of the men were sitting in the other room, and I'm not saying that men need to come into fights when it's too feminine or women fighting, but
Go to hell. Then the last thing is Amir saying that he doesn't know about Black history because of the history books and because he lives in Texas.
I want to own the truth that history books in this country have absolutely very little depth, particularly about Black History and other marginalized identities. But Texas? Reader, I'm holding the mic with two hands like I'm Tina Turner, rest in power. We're forming live the slow part of Proud Mary, like when she says that we want to do it nice and rough. I can't believe. Are you out of your damn mind, Texas?
Black folks has so much history. Are you out of your mind? Y'all are, it just feels anti-Black the way he said that to be like, and I don't know because of history. Okay, I could hear that. But for you to say you don't know Black history and you live in Texas, I also lived in Texas.
I lived in Texas and I Texas slay. I love her. But I also I'm a black person who thinks it is so important to uplift the narrative that black people live all over the country. People are constantly like black people don't live in the Midwest. Yes, we do. We live everywhere. We live everywhere in this country. And it is so dangerous when we perpetrate this this narrative that black history is limited to three spaces, Mobile, Martha's Vineyard and Atlanta.
in 2019. That doesn't work.

Amir's Trustworthiness Questioned

It's raggedy. It's raggedy. And it's tired. And it's raggedy. And it's a bold face lie. And I'm sick of it. I'm so tired of this man. Get this man away from me. And he's 5'7". I'm going to open the floor for you all.
Okay, Autoteers, this is a weird interruption, but we had some technical difficulties on the rest of this podcast episode and we lost Jasmine's audio forever. So you've gotten to hear the recap, you've gotten to hear some of Keela's Auditable Moments, and now I'm going to recap Jasmine's Auditable Moments for us so that we have all of the content and we can move the hell on into
season two episode four of Summer House. So here's what Jasmine did say before it was lost to posterity. Her auditable moments, her themes were
The house meeting that happened that we described was a Lord of the Flies situation. Silas is controlling. We don't understand why there is voting happening in a vacation house. Jasmine sucks for not defending Mariah. Hashtag justice for Mariah. And I'll tell you that all three of us agreed on this vehemently, that Mariah was done dirty, that she did not actually even push Bria.
and that it was a madness that they decided to vote her out of the house. This thing spun out of control immediately.
Another auditable moment. Amir not admitting to putting the dog clothes in the house to house. A thousand exclamation points after this. So Jasmine was also over the moon angry that Amir did not interrupt this and that this was complete villain behavior. Specifically consoling Bria and Mariah, knowing that it was
him. It was his fault that he didn't seem to have a care in the world about going to consult them. And also very confused about why Bria didn't just say, I didn't do that. Instead, she immediately bit back and didn't defend herself or clarify that she didn't actually do it.
I wish Jasmine's audio had saved because she talks a lot about Shanice's checkered past. And I'll tell you all that Kela and I received a lot of text messages from Jasmine as she was going deep into some of the screen grabs and the DMs and the things about Shanice and how she was, I'm using air quotes, stalking her ex-boyfriend.
A lot of things out there on the internets, and really, Shanice doesn't deny it. She pretty much says, yeah, sort of did it.

Shanice's Past and Ongoing Drama

But some of the stuff that's posted is kind of wild, like ordering him Domino's pizza on the hour every hour, setting up OnlyFans, and then messaging him as himself from the OnlyFans. It gets wild. It goes deep.
Alex initially rubbed me the wrong way when he was acting standoffish with Shanice until I read the IG receipts. Okay, again, this is from Jasmine. These are her notes. Sending pizza to X's house every day, creating an OnlyFans account for him and contacting his employers at HBO. The list goes on and on. So all eyes on this Shanice drama as it unfolds.
And then we did end the episode, as it was recorded, with a conversation about this free drink situation in Jasmine and Silas's relationship. And I'll say, again, I'm really bummed that this got deleted. But there was some dissents of the three of us, how we would handle this, in what situations we would take free drinks, as single people, as married people, as partnered people.
I think that varying degrees of whether or not that's a big deal. I can say from this is Bryn now, from Bryn's perspective as a married woman and with a very non-controlling and non micromanagy partner, I still wouldn't take, also someone who doesn't drink, but still, I wouldn't take a drink from someone. It's just like invites a whole mess that
I just wouldn't want to deal with. I would be real nice and say, Oh, thanks, but no thanks. That's okay. Um, but you know, then Jasmine and Kela through like 37,000 different situations at me and a couple of them like, well, yeah, I'm not going to return like a shot if they buy a group, a round of shots. So anyway, a lot of different situations and nuances over
how and when and if to accept free drinks. At the end of the day, consensus survey says that Jasmine and Xylus are in a fucked up relationship and probably didn't know each other too well before they got married because they got together during the pandemic.

Free Drinks Debate and Relationship Dynamics

And that's maybe a weird time, not a full picture of a person during that time.
Jasmine's hero was Milo the dog. I have a feeling that's going to be her hero for the remainder. Milo the dog is her number one, and her villain was a mirror. I think Kila's villain was a mirror too. And my villain was not a mirror, but maybe Jasmine again, because she's driving me nuts with her little sayings and her affirmations and things.
So anyway, this is an anticlimactic way to wrap up the episode. Just trust and believe that we had an amazing conversation unpacking all of these things. But we are doing this in real time. We want to move forward. We can't look back. And so as inelegant as it is, this was our solution. We're just going to wrap it up now. And we're going to move on to the next episode because there's so much more drama to get into.
Check us out on Instagram at the Pop Culture Audit, and certainly keep listening, share our podcast, rate and review us, do all those things. Bye.