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speedway stories and cold blooded conversation

Nonsensical Network
17 Plays2 months ago

speedway stories and cold blooded conversation


Introduction and Shared Interests

There we go. We're back now. and did and they did I forgot to hit the intro on it, man. So sorry about that. You're good. You're good. You're good. But yeah, I did. Everybody, yeah. This is my buddy Joker 1014. We've been good friends for a long time. We're into the car scene, hobby scene, and him and his old ladies into the reptiles like I am. So I mean, he's got him as nice little setup with that stuff I've seen on his YouTube channel, man. You you guys are killing it. Especially with the Kresta geckos. You got to see the cage she just put together today.
She's watching a movie, but I take you out there and show you. It's right yeah it's a badass cage.

The Cost of Hobbies

for It's for her geckos. Nice. It is for the Kresta geckos. How many of you guys are up to now? We got eight Kresta geckos and two beardies.
Oh, you got a second bearded dragon since I see you guys last? No, shit. Nice. um It's going to be kind of hard to see, but not. So let's see if I can show you. I don't know. All right, my man.
She just put this one together. This is actually a Cario cabinet. Oh, sweet. Oh, heck yeah, man. She did a good job on that. yeah i've seen those I've seen those done on Pinterest and stuff, kind of come up with ideas for that. and I like to find one big enough to put my iguana in. You know how big he is. Oh, yeah. And this is the other bearded dragon we got. Oh, OK. Cool, man. Heck, yeah. You guys got yourself a nice little little thing going there. And I thought I was bad.
We're not

RC Car Modifications

done yet. We still get some more. But right now, she's doing the gecko thing right now. That's good. there Once we get get a house out in the country, we'll get some more bigger reptiles. Oh, yeah. I get it, man. I mean, it no yeah we have the go ahead we have the two most expensive hobbies you can really think of besides kids and stuff in the family. like The reptiles and motorsports and RC cars. Yeah. But anyhow, be expensive. Yeah, hers is. Well, for Christmas, I bought her a Lily White Gecko. Nice. That's a good breed. A Lily White goes for the cheapest you can find is about 300 bucks. The most expensive one you can find in Lily White is, I think, five grand.
Yeah, that one, the lily whites that are like that, because I've been looking on morph market, Adam, they got one that's mixed with a Dalmatian and a couple, it's like a caramel. ah Yeah. It's got like three different things and that thing's like 4,500 bucks I've seen. I was like, holy cow. Yeah, they're expensive. So for Christmas, she ended up, I ended up getting her a lily white.
Yeah, they're popular breed, bud. I like him. That's what my one is. He's a lily white that I have. Yeah, she's going to end up breeding here soon. Usually, I was going to say, I was going to say, they got to be at least six months to a year old for the males.
usually usually on those. so But yeah, that's a nice little low setup, man. yeah That's pretty cool to do a carry-o cabinet. Like I said, I've seen those on Pinterest. So you've been on the hunt for any drag cars lately? no Right now, trying to save money and get back up to where we was. Christmas kind of killed us this year. I get it.
So I'm going to try to get a learn taken out here soon and buy a car. And then maybe this summer I might get another Mustang.
Well, you know, you're you're always welcome. You know, I got i got that car. So it's going to be a play toy for the summer. So anytime you're free on a Saturday when I'm not at a ball game, you know, you can hit me up. You're going to have to let me drive it. Oh, yeah. You know what? You know I will.

Reflecting on Past and Future Car Plans

Dude, not to change the subject, this is part of racing, but these RC cars, dude, I was like in heaven with these things. Okay, a one tenth scale, right? Right. This is a one tenth scale. Hold on. This is a one tenth scale. You've seen the fifth scales, haven't you?
These are the 1.10 scale. Hold on. these This is a 1.10. I love to have one of those. I don't have three grand. Yeah. it's ah It's a car in itself that you can't drive, get in and drive. Right. So here's the shocks for the 1.10 scale, right? Right. Can you see that? Oh yeah. Okay. So I ordered.
I ordered one tenth scale shocks for this car on building right here. Okay, here's the tires. Here's the original tires that comes on it. Right. Here's the tires I bought. Oh, those are sick. They're bigger. Those look like the ones that would come on a Traxxas almost. That's what this is Traxxas. Okay.
And so you seen the shocks, right? Yeah. Right there. Okay. There's eight shots on this thing. Here's the new shocks I bought and then just come in the mail. You're going to have some ride heights with that bad boy. These things are fucking huge. yeah Yeah. And this truck came out this one here because here's the body of it.
This is the one that my cousin had, and I traded them. Well, I didn't trade them, I just got it from them. There's the body to this truck. Okay. So I ended up, these are the rims that goes with that truck. right I ended up buying these rims. They will go on there.
That's almost, you're building me a mini monster truck, man. Yeah. I ended up getting these new shocks that it's going to raise this thing pretty high. And now I got eight arms, front and back, eight arms, control arms. I got, what else am I going to be ordered? Oh.
okay this is where i got excited at so i'm looking for these shocks right right looking for these shocks i'm just shopping on amazon you can get any of this stuff if anybody out there like amazon and you're into the racing stuff you can buy pretty much anything from an actual drag car to rc cars oh yeah on amazon so okay i'm sitting there shopping right i'm looking at these shocks i'm like hell yeah and i'm scrolling you know scrolling scrolling i came across these holy smokes mini jack stands for them they are a one tenth scale six six ton jack stand dude that is sweet i've never seen those other than for like your diecast cars
Yeah, they have them for they have the jack, it actually pumps up and jacks up your RC car. And they have these jack stands I only bought two. Do you see that they have the toolkits too that you can get with like the mini toolboxes? Yep, you can get a toolkit like a toolbox. Yeah, my cousin's got one of those. He just got a set got one got him a set of the mini tools that you can use for him. I thought it was pretty cool.
and you can uh oh a car lift you can buy a car lift now the car lift now these jack stands cost me probably like 10, 9, 10 bucks i think they were 7.99 right for two now the jack is like 25 bucks the the hoist, that hoist, like you can drive your, like think of ah a real car driving on to a hoist. Really? Yeah. They've got it for those now? No kidding. Now those are 250 bucks, but you you can hook up your RC battery to it and push a button and we raise it up off the ground. Oh, that is sweet, man. Yeah, I didn't know they had that stuff like that.
That's what I'm saying, like, dude, back in 2012, I used to be real big into these. I used to have probably 20, 30 RC cars, maybe more, and those little model cars. Oh, yeah. I had stacks of those at one point in time. And then somehow, oh, her stepdad ended up telling me he played with remote control boats. Ooh, nice. 3.3 motor boats, like speed boats and stuff. Holy cow. And he showed me a couple of his cars. And I was shopping on Amazon like that, and I bought a current bird. That's happy to be this one. This is a China china one. Japan makes these. Right. Except for that motor, that motor right there. Is that that aftermarket motor you put on?
Yeah, I did have a 320 motor, but I ended up putting a 550 motor on, so I'm tired right off the ground. You can buy, dude, there's so much shit you can buy for RCs, like neon lights for the undernies. Oh yeah. Then you got to, then you got also like your freaking light bars and stuff. Yeah, my cousin's not one of his ah rock crawlers, man. The thing's got a working actual winch on it. Got the light bars.
Working turn signals. He got a, he got a remote that that you can hit the lights and actually has turn signals on it. I was like, holy smokes, dude. It's crazy. That's what I'm saying. I'm going to, I'm going to buy some more eventually. Once, once we get some money saved up right now, I got enough toys right now between the animals and these two are the part because its actually
This is the body for the truck I'm building. Oh, nice.
The Traxxas, this one. Yep. That's the body for it. Oh, that'll look that'll look good on there. You're going to keep it to the point with the stripes on it? Yeah, I painted that. Nice. Heck yeah, man.
But I'm going to cut the headlights out, cut the turn signals out, the tail lights out, and put actual lights and stuff in it. So yeah, it's

Racing Events and Personalities

it's a fun hobby. And plus I'm building that drag car slash drip car. That'll be pretty neat. That'll be pretty neat to see when you get that done, man. I've never seen a com combo like that. Yeah, now that one, once it's built,
ah I don't know if he's going to be there or not, but Billy Pakistan, how do we say his last name? Pakistan? Pakistan? Yeah. I know a lot of people don't like him. And I don't mind his dad, but his brother Tommy, I get along with. Oh, yeah. tommy's good Tommy and Allison and her family is awesome, man. I love that family. now
Up there, it's a parking garage up on Office 71 somewhere. They're supposed to be having an event here in a month, either at the end of next month or the beginning of the following month at an RC. So I'm gonna try to get that one done and go to it. It's 35 bucks to enter. There are supposed to be 20 to 30 people there. So... That'd be a nice payday.
ah you You'll probably see old big Rob there with his car, too He's been hitting up a lot of I've been seeing him post a lot here lately racing the yeah off-road courses down there Close to his house and stuff man. He's been kicking some butt with his off-road cars That one it's getting built two different ways and where you can literally take all electronic stuff off of it. Right. Three, three motor. Nice motor to it. So it can be interchangeable. Heck yeah, man, that's cool as hell. And then, like I said, once I go and put it down payment on a car and stuff, I can have a car instead of driver's all the time. Right.
go and try to find me a Mustang. I don't know. It's either they' going to be this summer or the falling summer. Right now, I'm kind of, like I said, Christmas killing us this year. Yes, get a little closer to your mic. You're breaking up, bud. It started breaking up there. You're good. Yeah, my phone. It's my phone. I got it. Oh, you're all right. But anyways, what I was saying is,
Christmas killed us this year. Oh, it hit us too, bud. So don't feel bad. So i my goal is to buy a house. So that's my goal. And that way we can have more toys. Right. Call it. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah. So I don't that way. You don't have that way too. You can do whatever you want to your own place if you want to remodel it and stuff like that. I don't trust me. That's my goal. That's my goal by the end of spring too. So don't feel bad. So it's one of those things. It's like, so I had the green S10. That was a fun toy. I should have never sold it, but I had it, but I ended up getting rid of it.
Then I turned around and bought an 04 Mustang and then I got rid of it and then I got end up getting with the woman I'm with now and now I have or had the 97 Mustang and then I sold that one to you. yup She's going to be a street street and bracket car this year. I might turn the kids loose in it a little bit too. That would be a good car to start someone out in. I started out in a sixty
have me my first time racing. My first time was a 91 Sable. Test and tune night. Go out and pay five bucks and run all night long with your buddies. I remember those nights. yeah Just like when I had that Z24 Cavalier. Yup.
that eighty eight z twenty four out there The a stage 3 chip. The H3 chip and the transmission. What else did it have? Oh, it sat 4 inches all the way around. That was a nice car. I remember that car. That was back in high school.
I, yeah. And that was right after mcgradu I graduated. I should never got rid of that car. I should have just rebuilt the engine, it but I was young and dumb. So we've all been, we've all been there, man. We've all been there. There's, there's a few, there's a few, I kicked myself in the ass over that I'd like to have back. So the, the S 10, I should have never sold the green S 10. I should have never sold my Z 24 Cavalier. I should have never sold.
either one of the mustangs, but I did. so Yeah, at least you know the one the last Mustang you had at least you know, it's in good hands and ain't going go nowhere so Yes, and that's why I didn't have an issue of selling it to so help me out in the long run same time was looking for a toy and it helped you out Oh, yeah, you know, I mean that's been the that's been the thing I mean and it sucks when we get rid of our stuff but a lot of times when we get rid of our stuff we don't want to it's for a good reason and
And that's some and i I mean, we kind of regret it later, but we look at the big picture. I mean, it was worth it in the end. you know I mean, it helped out with what we needed at the time. Exactly. You on the front porch? Yep. Oh, OK. I thought maybe you were sitting in a garage or something. No, i'm actually sitting um I'm actually sitting out on the front porch. Yeah, that's got the window behind me. but how amazing How many people do we have in here so far?
there's uh five so far five heck yeah yeah i can't see so yeah we have we're up to five yeah It's just one of the, the bad part is it's kind of one of those weird times of people just getting off and just joining. I usually do about an hour because we got, we do seven days a week on this channel. There's a show coming up after mine. It's called men caring for men, where you can come on and discuss different things of just, it's guy talk, basically the floors open. Then we've got my buddy Glick's house some music Tuesday night. As you can see scrolling down underneath the thing, if you it's on your side,
That's that's our shows that we have seven days a week. So I mean, and there's something and Saturday night is the main show. It's a six hour show, come on, open topic, anything goes. It's like a free for all. It's a blast usually on Saturday nights, man. So yeah I'm just, like I said, I got the opportunity. I wanted to do this for a while and he had a spot and this is my spot and figured I'd do my, uh, talk about different types of racing and the reptiles and everything else and try to bring some people on. So
you're my second guest I've had on the show out of my buddies that I know that races and that's into the reptile scene. So yeah, that's I posted my or posted this or um my thing on my YouTube channel. So I was hoping some people would come over and and go check out your page and stuff. oh honest i mean the worst ah I mean, like I said, it's just that time of the night and everything. Plus with Sundays, us working third shift, especially me and you. I mean, it's kind of hard to do anything after like eight o'clock. So I mean,
So I just picked this timeframe. I mean, it does. All right. Everybody can come. I, I normally get the next day. A lot of people rewatch it over when they got free time. So, I mean, it's been a blast. This is my fourth

Racing and RC Car Future Plans & Closing

episode that I've done. I've been kind of busy with the older, the two, two youngest, two, they're wrestling. So I've been dealing with that this winter. So, what happens will take up your time Oh yeah. I wouldn't trade it for the world though. But yeah, the, uh,
You've been keeping up on the racing here lately. You see what Kai Kelly did here a couple of weeks ago down in Florida. Uh, I did ah hear about it, but I haven't made the opportunity to look at the video. Supposedly there's a video on, uh, it's on his channel. It's on the Kai Kelly racing channel, dude. I watched that. I watched that live all that weekend. I was at a, was waiting on the wrestling to be over.
He took a factory wheelbase blower, his basically newer shocker with a blower motor and wax the floor with a bunch of radio versus the world pro mods, took them all out and wanted all. Yeah. don He, he, he made them all eat their words that he could hang. And then he's got one, there's another one coming up end into January. It's the U S street nationals. He's looking to repeat. He's leading the point series right now for that winter.
It's a mini winner series that drag illustrator put on. But yeah, he went in and wax these pro mods. I mean, he was killing them on the tree. He went like three 66 in the eighth mile with this car. I mean, and and that was even on a big tire. So, I mean, he, he, he normally runs big tires. Yep. But he put the street out wall boys, the MPK boys up and he put them on the map and let them know that they're here to play. So.
I was proud of him, it's especially since I followed him from back in the when he first got on Street Outlaws, man. I mean, he's been one of my favorites. Yeah, I am. And, oh,
Big Chief and Shawn. Oh, yeah. Murder Nova. Well, you get a chance. Go over to the 187 Customs. Check out the shorts. Murder Nova's got himself a pro mod that he's debuting, that he's driving for the US street nationals. He's jumping, throwing his hat in the ring now.
There's 13 guys from the MPK series that's racing this winter. I've seen that. I thought it was freaking sweet. I've seen little clips of what he was doing. Oh, yeah. Then they got the promoter I've been seeing on Facebook. ah You know, the Lights Out show, the radio show that Don Long puts on down in Georgia. Well, he's calling them all Cheeto eaters.
And there are 16 of them that's entered his lights out race coming up here soon. Oh yeah, they're coming on to two seventy five as the to play. They're going to, and he, yeah. But yeah, after Kai Kelly waxed when a couple of his big name boys that he has that radio versus the world, yeah he's been kind of salty. He's been a little salty because the MPK boys are coming and cleaning house. Right. Right. Yeah. Me and the woman was talking about.
I keep joking with her that I like to move to Georgia. Because that's where she's from. And I know they got that. They got one, what, two tracks down in Georgia? Yeah, they got Southern they got the southern Georgia Motorsports and then there's One like two or three hours away from there, too. They've got like two or two. I actually got like two or three down there, but the big ones, the South Georgia Motorsports Park, where they hold a lot of stuff down there. But yeah, that's the big daddy. And it seems like it goes on all year round, too. Oh, just it's just like Florida down in Orlando. They got them going nonstop down there in the land of speedway and stuff. I mean. Yeah, so. But yeah, we were going to make it that away. That's what I'm.
plan on doing. Oh, yeah, that'd be nice. So what's what's your big plans for 2025 in the RC game and everything other than just getting yourself settled into a house and then go from there? Yeah, pretty much just saving money, get into a house, and then probably start doing what I really want to do. There you go.
buy and maybe order vehicles, fixing them up and building one badass street car or something. Something that someone don't have yet. I'm going to use one of your wines that you use. Remember to stay true to yourself and follow your dream.
yeah That's one of your, that's your catchphrase. It sticks. I mean, yes, it may take some of us longer to do that, but as long as you stick to it, we can do whatever we want. yeah that sounds the truth Alrighty, my man, we're, we're going to head out. Thanks for coming on. I'll put the links in and everything in for him to check out your YouTube channel. Um, I'm definitely going to have you on the show again. Well, maybe we'll do a co-host one night and we'll try to get some more people on here and we'll get things going. and
like Hopefully you have a good New Year's Eve, New Year's, man. And I'll catch you later. Have a good night, bud. Yeah, you too. Later, guys.
All righty, everybody. I want to wish you all happy New Year's and everything else. We'll see you in 2025 with bigger and better things. Everybody enjoy. Bye.
Non-sensical network, different flavor every day Movie talks, new flips, hidden in display Microphone magic, musicians spill the praise From reptiles to motorsports, burning rubber craze Football
the stories we embrace
nature's arrangement cars with
nazis But the vibe is just right Tune in, tune in, wait
Non-sensical network, different flavor every day, movie talks, new flicks hidden in display, microphone magic, musicians fill the grayze web toss to motorsports fering rubber craze Football crashes, touchdowns, epic plays You spin it, caption on the worded stories we embrace Tune
Network of nonsense but the vibes just right tune in soon
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