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25 - Finding complete peace around food within 30 days with Lena image

25 - Finding complete peace around food within 30 days with Lena

S1 E25 ยท The Holistic Way Podcast
20 Plays8 months ago

I am your Host, Dominique aka Niqui, Certified Holistic Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, Founder of The Holistic Body Club.

In this episode, i get to chat to Lena a former client who signed up for the holistic body accelerator - my 30 days 1:1 message mentoring.

She shares all about her struggles with food, her body and how she experienced going on diets after diet. She speaks about her experience during these 30 days and how it transformed her life, her relationship with food and her body.

Join us on this podcast to hear all about her food freedom journey, her experience with body image and how she completely healed her cravings for sweets.

If you want to check out Lena's work with chronic illness warriors head over to her instagram page @coachingbylena

And if you just need to know more about the holistic body accelerator, if you soul is screaming at you to jump in with me and create magic within 30days you can email me at , DM me on insta or Facebook

Don't forget to subscribe to the show and to follow me on instagram!


Introduction and Self-Doubt

I was a little bit, um let's say, not that I doubted your work, but I doubted myself if I could like change that much in a month because I have been like the entire food and like body thing has been such a topic for so many years. um so I didn't really think that that massive impact that has happened would have been able to happen in just a month.

About the Host and Podcast

Welcome to the Holistic Way Podcast. I'm your host Niki aka Dominique, founder of the Holistic Body Club, holistic body coach and yoga teacher. I hope you'll join me weekly as we discuss a holistic approach, fresh perspective and non-negotiable self-compassion. Understanding is empowering and self-kindness is the new sexy.
It is my mission to introduce to you new ways to work with your mind, body and emotions rather than against them, to create long-term results with more ease and fun.
Hello soul friend, excited to introduce this episode because I haven't had a guest on this podcast for a very long time and I was kind of missing that, missing these chats, having fun with someone else and not just me speaking and rambling on and on and on about different things. And I had a very, very special guest with me today and that's a former client

Guest Introduction and Program Experience

of mine. Her name is Lena and she is such a gorgeous soul and we had so much fun together.
She has joined the Holistic Body Accelerator and that's the container where I get to support you through messenger or WhatsApp messages. It's a container that usually goes 30 days and that's what we did together. And the beauty of this container is that I am there to support her every single step of the way during a month and we created such massive magic together it is insane. I know the impact that this kind of work can have on someone but still every time I see the transformation that our client go through I'm like
hell yes and i always want to say i can't believe how much this shifted in sometimes such a short amount of time but at the same time i do believe it because i know what is possible i know what is possible for you when you're ready when you're willing and you're really okay to let someone in and it's funny because I didn't know Lena before and I got to know a side of her that probably even some of her closest friends and family members don't know about and at the same time we almost missed the basic um
connection that you have with a human being because we went so deep so fast. And I wanted to have Lena on the podcast because I know that Messenger or WhatsApp support and mentoring can be very difficult for people to understand what it means and what can happen. And I think her testimony, our chat that you're going to listen to in a moment, is so beautiful and really shows what is possible in this container. In this
container. I supported Lina through messages and voice messages to support her and give her tools with things that happened and that were um that she was experiencing in the moment. And that's, I think what makes this so powerful is that I am in the thick of it with you I get to support you as things are happening rather than you having to make all these experiences by yourself and then
coming to me for a one-on-one session, maybe in a week, maybe in two weeks. And I think that's the beauty of this container. And we had such a lovely 30 days. So if you're curious to hear about Lena's transformation, her journey, who she is, let's dive right in.

Lena's Background and Body Image Struggles

Hello, Lena. I'm so, so excited to have you here on the podcast. How are you doing today?
Hi Dominique, thank you so much for well having me. um First of all, and I am doing great today. How are you? I am good. I'm really good. I'm so excited for this. This has been in the talks for a while now, so I'm excited to sit down to you. And I said before in the introduction, like we had this container together um over over Messenger, but I never actually heard your voice and it was so nice too to to hear you and to just have this chat. and i think it's as much for the listeners, but for me also going to be very interesting to get to know another side of you as well. Yeah, I really appreciate that too. I never felt like I didn't know you throughout the container, even over messenger, but still like seeing someone's face and yeah, hearing their voices, it does make a difference. It's really nice.
Yeah absolutely and and that's the interesting thing because we got so deep and I got to know sides of you that probably you know people in your regular life don't know about you so we had that close connection at the same time we maybe missed the superficial side of you know getting to know someone but yeah I'm very excited so I want to give you the chance to introduce yourself to the listeners um Who are you? Who's Lina? What do you do? Feel free to share you know as much or as little as as you want to. Okay, perfect. Yeah, so as you said, I'm Lina. I am 27 years old and um what do I do? Well, I graduated my study. I studied business um two years ago and ever since I've mostly worked also in coaching with people that have a chronic illness. I work a lot with people that have
um issues with their belly, digestive issues and um and also in marketing. So I do some freelancing and um I did that for two years now. So I've been um working remotely during that time and I spent a lot of time in Australia, in New Zealand, in Asia. I'm originally from Germany, so that's where I grew up, on the countryside. um But yeah, now I'm recording this from Amsterdam. um I have a little bass here as well, so yeah, I never really know where it's gonna be next year. But for now, hey, I like that.
Oh, I love this. And I know this is a very tricky question, because people ask me that as well, because I've travelled a bit. If you had to choose one, like, favourite place, is there any place that you could pick? Or is it like, no? And always tricky. I think it would be in between New Zealand and Lombok for me. Oh, nice, nice. I mean i love that. I love the nature. Yeah, yeah. And yeah, these are... I've never been to Lombok, but New Zealand is is a place I've been to, isn't it? yeah Absolutely not.
Amazing. So let's speak a bit about what we're here for today, your situation and your story, your background, your history with your body, your body image, with food. um Could you share a bit with the listeners about where you come from, how how you've come to actually decide that you needed this container with me? um So people getting get an idea of of ah yeah your background, what happened before? Yeah, definitely. um So I think that if I like look back on the way that I grew up or that my body image, let's say, evolved on my view to it, um I think that throughout my teenager years, or especially when I was around 16 and I started like growing curves as a woman, I took birth control.
I think that that was a time that I started noticing that I didn't like my body the way it looked anymore, um which I haven't really felt when I was very young and um therefore tried to lose weight. um So I remember doing my teenager years, a big part was like trying to slim my body down, not being comfortable, like comparing myself a lot to to the girls around me. That was like a constant ongoing thing. um social media slowly starting to like get bigger. Um, so I remember that I think that's when it started where I didn't really like the way my body looked anymore. Um, so yeah, that's when I started like jumping basically from one to another diet. Um, I tried like the typical things of no carbs. Um, like first of all, like counting calories, like all the things in it, it worked in the beginning. Like I would lose weight.
but then I could never like keep it off for a long time. Or I noticed more that my relationship to food like really started getting bad in the way that I was thinking about food all the time. Whereas like, Oh my God, when is the next time that I should be eating? Maybe I shouldn't be eating. Um, especially doing like, yeah, the age of 16. I think it was so extreme that I would skip, um, nights with my friends because I was scared we would go to a restaurant and I couldn't have like a salad. Um, so I was really missing out on like these social parts as well. Um, and then I think like over the next, over the following years, it got a little bit better. Um, where I then also, I went to America to do exchange here. And I think my mind was just really distracted, um, from my body in a way. Cause there was so many other things that I was focusing on, but then.
Yeah, to be honest, I think it never fully went away. Like it got a little bit more quiet. And then also I started working a lot in like self-development and with like a life coach. So I do think that I learned to appreciate my body more, but still even then, like I always had the issue where if I got very emotional, if I was very stressed, like food was the thing I kind of like didn't have the control over. I would tend to, I would overeat or with like, for example, school, I felt like I always I had good grades because it was some because it was something that was within my control. And with food, I felt like it wasn't. um So I would yeah i always tend to overeat. I would struggle it with emotional eating. um Still then, even when I tried to laugh and appreciate my body, I noticed that in weak moments, my mind was so like so harsh towards my body. And I would be like, my god, I look so ugly. I look so fat. How can anybody ever?
really love you or appreciate this.

Societal Expectations and Body Positivity

Um, and so it was a constant fight, like in, in the last, I would say two, three years to kind of step away from that and like be kind in my own mind and to kind of really find a way that my eating behavior becomes intentional again. But I felt like I just couldn't get there on myself, no matter how hard I tried. Um, like it would go good for two, three weeks. And then there would be a moment again where I felt myself like being stuck in emotional eating like a lot during the nights or like it was so frustrating, like a cycle that I couldn't break through, I guess.
yeah Thank you so much for sharing. It's interesting in a sense that a lot of what you speak about is exactly what I went through. um And I think so many women go through as well. is this This started very early for most of us. It's not something you pick up in in your 20s or 30s, but it's something that you pick up very early on. And like you said, you were a young teenager and and he probably even started way earlier in your childhood without being aware and I think during the work we did together that's what you realized like there's so much that was so much deeper and I think the the diet culture the fitness culture a few years back when we were younger um was so different
that it is now um because that I don't know about you but when I grew up and even became a teenager there was no speaking about body positivity. It was that didn't it that didn't exist and there it was just being as slim and have uh you know that hourglass body and you had to do it in any way possible and it's funny because you mentioned social media I think um when I was and I'm um a bit older than you we didn't have social media but we had the the bloody magazines so yeah
and I remember going to the shops or the kiosk and be like oh I need one of these magazines and then it said uh shred in 60 day like at this celebrity has used this diet to lose um and I think that was kind of the precursor to social media um and it was still very very strong and created a lot of of shaming and i'm curious to hear about you but i think i i heard that out of what you said there came a point where you wanted probably to slim down and lose weight
But there was also shame for wanting to to have a leaner body because as much as everyone wanted to be fit and and and slim and and tiny, there was also no ah like allowance to say, hey, I want to lose weight. This is what I'm trying. So it was always like juggling the twos. That's something you experienced as well. Yeah, it's so interesting that you mentioned that, um because I've actually thought about this before, but I felt like for me, that part only came later. um like Nowadays, for example, if I say around my friends, oh, I really want you want to lose weight, it's always like, what? No, but you don't need to lose weight. like It's almost like this forbidden thing where I think
because we are so damaged, I would say, from the whole diet culture that was going on like 10, 20 years ago, that we are so careful now with like hearing friends around us, family around us that are trying to go on a diet, um because it's like the the scary thing that maybe, you know, again, like you lose yourself in it and you go too crazy. So yeah it's um or that it may might be seen then as in you have a like an eating disorder if you try to like reduce your carbs well that at least now isn't the case for me anymore so it's um yeah absolutely and i this is i it feels like we went
were it too far on the other side. um Whereas before it was like diet, diet, diet. And now it's like, ooh, what you're changing your your eating habits. And and it's it's sometimes hard to for someone with a background or a history of this excessive dieting just for the sole purpose of I don't like how my body looks and I wanted to change to find the middle ground and it's um you use the word damage. I like to say we're burnt by that and we have a different approach.
um But I think as a whole, um and I hope that it's changing even more and ahow this is what I hope that we contribute as well with this podcast. of There is a middle ground, and you know, like we're all for health in a balanced diet and movement. um But what matters is where we come from and what the intention is behind it. thank And I think that's something we've we've done a lot together as well, is is understanding and changing the intentions behind the things we do. Yeah, 100%. Amazing. And I want to speak about where you're now, how have things changed?
and um You know, I know the power of the work that I do, but every single time when I have a client and I'm like, I'm as excited as you guys, because I'm like, this is insane. And I almost want to say I can't believe it, but yes, I can believe it. But it's always, I'm always so amazed. And I think your transformation has been magical. And it was so, i was so beautiful too to see you You know, things just clicked and we didn't have a lot of time together. We did one month together and it just shows how...
Sometimes and some things take longer. I'm not here to say that your everything has a healed and everything has changed in 30 days, but you've created some massive, massive shifts in this time. So tell us a bit about um what has changed. How do you feel now? What are the specific things that you're like, I can't believe that that was me

Transformative Changes and Personal Growth

before. Yeah. Yeah, it has been so transformative. Like, I do believe in inner work, I do believe in coaching. And still, I think when we started the container, I was a little bit, um
let's say, not that I doubted your work, but I doubted myself if I could like change that much in a month, because I have been like the entire food and like body thing has been such a topic for so many years. um I didn't really think that that massive impact that has happened would have been able to happen in just a month. So it's been absolutely crazy and exciting to see of like yeah what what like what you or the way how you worked with me and like how that changed inside of me. um I think that the biggest part if I have to like nail it down onto one thing is like the the ease and the peace. I would say I feel around food and my body that it has all of a sudden become more of like a ah background thing instead of like such an important part that has been so loud in my mind all the time.
And it's so funny because before we went on this podcast, I thought, well, but how was it before? I remember that it's almost like I can't access that version of me anymore from like a few months ago, where I really thought about food so often. and now it's sometimes like I think yesterday that I almost forgot to eat when I went out for dinner but I was like oh wait uh when I went out I forgot to have dinner before but I was like oh wait no but I should be eating something like before I leave but do I feel hungry like it's it has shifted so so much where it's not on there all the time that would have never happened to me a few months ago then I would have always been like okay
what am I going to eat then? And by the time, like, and now it's a lot more institutional. So I think that that like the the ease of listening to my body, um that's probably like the the biggest impact. Yeah. Oh, that's amazing. I love this. And I remember like some of the the discussions we had yeah where you were like, oh, I don't know what to eat. Like I want to eat pizza, but it's not healthy. um And I remember, I think it's one specific message where you said like your cravings for sugar.
Yeah. And um you said to me, ah like I can't stop, like i just I just want to eat the whole bar. And then um we did different practices together and you messaged me and said, I can't believe that I had dinner. I felt good. I wanted a piece of chocolate. I had a piece of chocolate. And it was done. yeah And you said to me, in the past, I would have felt guilty. I would have eaten the whole bar. um It would have taken up so much of my space.
and And now its it's just... It's so different, yeah. In non-existent. Do you feel it has impacted other aspects of your life as well? Yeah, for sure. What you did on on on um accepting your body, on on building that relationship with your body, but food as well. Yeah, definitely. I think like the biggest is probably the relationships that I have in my life. um Because I think if you feel more at peace, more at ease, you're more present in the moment. um At least that's for me, for example, where if I'm meeting my family now, if I'm meeting my friends, like the whole way of like, how do I look and like, ah can I wear this top or what are we going to have for food? It's just gone in a way. um I don't really have cravings anymore. like
If I have a craving for chocolate now I eat a piece but then it's out of my mind again and I'm satisfied. And that was so difficult to have before because I felt like I already felt guilty about that one piece and then it would like continue. And then I would try not to buy chocolate. because I didn't want to have a round. So it was always like this restriction that led to overeating, that led to like trying to get out of my life. Right now it's just, it's a lot easier. And yeah, biggest part is probably the relationships. And also I think the confidence um that I have generally in my abilities also around um my own work and in the way of like how I like travel, for example, like what I do, it has become so much easier. um Yeah.
Yeah I love that and and I see that in myself but in others as well is when you are able to change something that was such a big part of your life and it was such an amount or like a source of worry and suddenly it's gone um that it builds your confidence in in other areas because you're like well if I could heal this like you I can achieve anything that way basically. Invincible. And I love that you mentioned that because that's something I felt as well. Like sometimes when I, I mean, worry is not completely gone from your life. I imagine forever. Yeah. I mean, I see experience of worry and and anxious thoughts, but
When I do have these, sometimes I'm like, wait a minute, remember what you did in that area? like this is This shows the power you have. yeah And then I'm like, huh? And it it brings me back confidence to be like, hey, I can do this. I've done this. I can do that. but yeah see yeah no and da I think that's also what I loved about the work with you, where I felt like you really gave me tools to kind of like continue doing this, even when the container ended, because I think that's so powerful that
even though I'm not gonna lie like the part or the last week maybe I felt a little bit anxious where I thought oh my god like you aren't gonna be there anymore i can I really do it on my own but you were so good and kind of like setting the perfect way the perfect base for me to continue the work and have the tools to also really do it on my own um so that's I think that was really really powerful about your work. I really appreciate this because that's been one of my like core intention or is one of my core intentions with my work. I don't want to create people that are depending on me um because we come from a place where we depend on the diet, we depend on this and we put the power outside of us. And it's really important to me that I give you, every one of you that piece back and that you have the tools to guide yourself.
And I'm not saying that sometimes there comes times in our life where we we do need that ah outside perspective or that outside help. um But it was always my mission and my intention to give you the tools. And a thing that I want to mention here, and and maybe you can agree, is I what You did the healing on on your own. um you You did the hard lifting, you did the work. It's not, I didn't come in and and you know use my magic wand and be like, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,
but i gave you the framework and the tools and then you did it all be um and i think that that's where the true healing happens I'm curious what you what how you viewed that. the I and totally understand what you're saying. And I remember you you, I think you sent a message to me in one of the last days where you said like, you had all these resources, all that power within you. And so you're like, you did the healing, basically what you're saying now. But I remember also thinking I could have not accessed
these resources without your help and I think that's why like the combination is so beautiful that I know we have it within us but sometimes it's so hard to like access it um and I think it can take maybe like years for someone without the help but the way how you like made me access it and showed me the way just within a month was incredible um so yeah that that was I think the the huge factor for me of how quick it then went Yeah, that's beautiful. And I think that's exactly it. Like I guide you to unlock this door that you, it's just a door somewhere in us that we need to unlock. And I say just, and it's obviously a bit more than that. We spend 30 days chatting pretty much daily and and doing a lot of practices. but yeah um
it's like accessing the resources within yourself that sometimes or often is the hardest because you don't know where to look, you don't know what to do. um some I love that um that it went like this for you and yeah we've said it many times, it was so... like it was Incredible, yeah. yeah We talked a lot about food. Has there been any shifts in your body image and the way you view your body and and and how you you carry yourself, how you you walk through life that has changed as well? Yeah, um definitely. Yeah, my my body image. um I think that
Like I said, in the past years, I've tried to be more compassionate to my body and and see it for but how like supporting it is and what it allows me to do in life. um But I think that ever since working with you, like that has really accelerated in a way that um I understand now and I will never forget when you said to me that Like you can love your body and still not love of the way that it looks in that exact moment. Like that has been such a game changer where I felt like I have so much more appreciation and love for it. um Now, even though it does not always look the way that I think would be perfect like I see it more.
um I appreciate it more for all the things that it does and I see it and then all of a sudden like that beauty starts that I see more of it so it's it's really interesting how I would say that changed um and yeah um still there are sometimes days where when I see a picture like I noticed that my mind first goes, for example, to my belly and I'm like, that would have been nicer if that was a little bit slimmer, but that's usually not overtaking anymore. like Before that would let me into like a downward spiral where it then felt like, oh maybe you should work out more or you should eat less. Well, now it's more like, okay, that's okay. like I hear this thought, I know where it's coming from, it's okay. and Then usually that moment passes again. and
by doing that I notice that these moments are also getting less um so in general I feel a lot more comfortable in my body and like I really do love it a lot more. Oh I love that and I really like that you mentioned this because the I pinpointed to the body positivity movement where it was all about loving yourself and I'm all here for it, but it created a lot of shame where it felt like we had to love every single part of our physical appearance and another every single part of of of our bodies, whether you know even in health or or other things.
um and the way you speak about it and what i experienced as well is that it creates this like unachievable it's again about perfection um rather than saying hey i do love my body i genuinely love my body and my body always comes first but i still thrive for more health or to look leaner or stronger and ah I believe that also is the way to then achieve those goals. So not obsessing over them, um not seeing them as it's the only thing that matters. um But being like, hey, I really appreciate my body for this. It allows me to do this. um I do like how I feel in my body. I do like to dress up nice. um And I feel confident. But do I love
this part of of my body? Well, maybe no, not yet. Or maybe it it just is what it is now and I can still thrive to achieve that. and But from a place of acceptance. Yeah, 100%. I think you put it like so well together and the way of like that it just becomes not as important anymore. I think that was for me a big part where For example, with my belly, then like I would think about it so often on pictures where I felt like it had to shrink or like, you know, make it more flat. And now it just kind of like, oh, I see it and I'm like, yeah, but it's okay. And then like that thought goes again and realizing that I'm like, oh my God, we live in such a beautiful world. I don't want to spend so much time and energy about thinking the way how my body looks or my belly looks or it like, yeah.
Yeah, absolutely. And I always say to my clients, it's okay if you want to have a leaner body.

Balancing Body Image and Goals

And you know, like you say, but ah it's like stronger abs or or I don't know, smooth legs or whatever it is that we have um as a a desire. um But it's not ruling our whole life and not everything. And I remember in my life where everything, every single thing was about how my belly looked. You know, like what I ate, how I dressed. When I went outside, it was like, I'm sure everyone sees my belly. Like, they' I'm sure they're like judging it. And I'm sure that's all they see. And it became this massive thing. um And
When we remove that up obsession, maybe it is a bit of an obsession. I think in my case, it was. um We can still keep that desire and that goal. um But it comes from a much healthier place and also believe that it is then easier to achieve that goal. um Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Than if we over obsess. yeah
Amazing. um
Would you have, I'm curious to to know, if you have one specific takeaway that was huge, um was there like one aha moment that, um I know you had many, I walked through them with you, but is there one piece that you're like, this was like, wow. and yeah Like you said, I think there were many moments in that month that blew my mind in a way. um But if I would have to nail it down, I think that, well, the way that you work, of course, is a lot, you know, with like the resources that you have or the emotions, the feelings, the memories that are stored within your body. um And like, while I,
tried to access them, I think a lot came up. um So like the whole tapping that we did together um and not like also what you said that the whole I would say programming of how you, you know, like build your eating habits or like the way you laugh or you see your body is like almost happens in your childhood or like in your upbringing. And I think that's for me kind of like seeing where that really came from, like going back to moments.
um in my mind where that impacted me that I wasn't really aware of anymore, that I wasn't aware of that had such an impact on me still now and and on my behavior. I think that was like the the most, the most shockpping that ah shocking that when we tapped or when I was tapping that memories came up in my body that um I was even surprised by and by healing that or these situations, um how it healed my here and now.
So I think that that that connection between like what's happening now and what happened in the past has still a big impact on like, yeah, my behavior now. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. And this is the experience I make as well is you get to a memory or sometimes it isn't even a memory, sometimes it's just a word, but you get to the root cause and you're like, Oh wow. Like I. did not expect that to go this way. And then it feels like it unraveling. It goes like, and and you feel like a different person. And like you said, you can't even access um who you were before because we changed who you are. Or I don't want to say we changed who are you are. You became more of of who you were at at your core and and removed all these layers.
um for you to remember who you are at at your core, at a soul level. And I i love that. but That's really beautiful. um I had a question, but it left my mind again. That always happens. yeah um Yeah, you, I remember now, you obviously have done many things before to improve ah your relationship with your body, improve your relationship with food. um mean What do you, for you made this um container ah these 30 days on messenger um different for you? Why do you feel
for you it was exactly what you needed at that moment and why um was it different than because like you said you've done things before and it didn't really have such a deep impact. yeah um I think for me um it wasn't just one thing but a couple of things and the first thing is that working with you I always felt like you were rooting so much for me as well and like for my success I really felt like as soon as I send a message like you were on it you were replying like I felt so supported in that month um that was incredible um so I almost felt like it wasn't just for me but for like for the success of like you know the program and like I felt so supported I think that was a really big part
and then the other thing is that like what I mentioned earlier, I think by really going back to two situations in my childhood to really kind of like discovering root causes um and that had really that sustainable change um that I maybe haven't done to that extent before. So that combination I think was super powerful for me. I love that. and And yeah, you said like I, i you felt always supported. um And
you do coaching as well so you know we're not supposed to be attached and go through the motion with our clients and yes we do have to protect ourselves but i go through the motions with my clients in a sense that i celebrate every single win i cry with you i celebrate with you like i i e um I'm in it with you. Of course, I don't let it impact my life yeah and I am rooted in my integrity. um But I think the power is in being able to to be there with you and to support you in the best way I can.
yeah And that's something I always felt to like such an extent. And I think that's also what made this container so powerful. like I felt you were rooting for me. I felt you were celebrating for me. like I could really feel like you were in it with your whole heart. So that was, yeah, I'm still so thankful. yeah um um I appreciate and I'm happy that it comes across because this is how I feel. And and this this work, the messenger um support is I have so much fun and I think it's even more impactful and I'm curious what you think because you know um like traditional coaching where you do have sessions where you you are on Zoom like one-on-one um but I almost feel like this is more impactful because
I mean, of course I sleep and sometimes we weren't always in the same time zone. I think we weren't actually at all in the same time zone at the time. um But it was, I could support you in the fog, like in the thick of it, rather than having to wait a week or two weeks. um And then we're like, okay, what happened? What do we, but it was really inside. And I think that's what makes it so powerful as well. Yeah. I totally agree. I think that I've actually talked about this with a friend who works as a coach too and I think being there in the moments of struggle and and then providing the tools and
having like that impact is a lot bigger than waiting for the sessions because I think that it's important to access the emotions while they're like rising up and it's easier to see where they're coming from than trying to remember how you felt, for example, a week ago, um when you had pizza for dinner. So long ago, then that it's really hard to access back that feeling. Yeah, absolutely. And, and
There's a thing where not all of us, and you can access feelings from the past, but it it is more difficult. And I think showing you the tools and the guide, being the guide in the moment for that period of time um really allowed you as well to to have these shifts rather than, okay, I'm going to write it down and then I'm going to tell it to her during the session. yeah So yeah, that's that's really amazing. I wanna ask you if you knew someone that was a bit on the fence of joining um the Holistic Body Accelerator, is there any advice you would have um for them, any e words of of support that you could give them?
Well, to be fair, I would say do it. would do it um For me, I was so surprised of the change that ah can happen within a month. It's crazy of how fast you can change the way you think about your body, your self-love, your eating behavior. um It is within you, but it goes so much faster if you have that help. And I do believe that if there's anyone who can help you in in that area, that it's you, that it's Dominique. So unique let's show um definitely do it. It's worth an investment because in the end we have to we have to eat every day. We have to live in our bodies for the rest of our lives. It's not something that
you can kind of eliminate from your life. And having a lot more ease and peace around it is just so, so much easier for your life. So um yeah, life does get a lot better when you have that. So I would definitely say do it and and work with you. it's It's so worth it. I can honestly 100% recommend it. You're so lovely. oh That's amazing. and And I like what you said in the beginning um where you said, You did doubt a bit when you joined that container and um i i mean I experienced that in my own life when I joined containers or groups or programs from others.
It's the, well, will it really make a difference for me? Not that I doubt the work of others, but what if I'm the one where it makes no difference and how can 30 days make such an impact? yeah And the fact that you just chose to to give it a try. I think that's all that's required. Allow yourself to be like, give yourself the benefit of the doubt that it may work and it may be helpful. um I think is is really beautiful and is really important because we all have that doubt. Like every single time we invest in something to grow, maybe that's the best word.
Yeah, a hundred percent. And also I think I remember before I reached out to you, I thought, hmm, what if it's not going to work? But then I always felt like I was stuck a bit in the like negative case scenarios or even like worst case scenarios that no shift is going to happen whatsoever. But then I would also advise everybody who is thinking of joining you who's on the edge, like what is the best case scenario? What if it does work out, like play into that idea and how you would feel afterwards. And if if that is going to work, like what an impact, you know, yeah it's always worth a try.
Absolutely. And I think that's one of the things I said in the beginning. Please come to me when you have doubt, because I cannot help you um when you don't tell me that you're spiraling and that you're having doubts and that you're thinking it's not working. But if you tell me, then we can actually take that and and look

Dealing with Doubt and Encouragement

at it. Why? Because there's always like with all the other stuff we talked about, this is this is also rooted somewhere. um There's a lot of experience of things that didn't work. Doubt is completely normal. But if I don't know about it, it's difficult to to do something about it. And I think you did that beautifully where you're like, I'm doubting again. Like this is coming up. um I'm struggling to believe. um And then we worked through it. And at the end of our chat and and a few practices, you were like, no, you're right. This this is exactly
what I need to do and it's working. yeah So I think doubt is is is normal and it's the way we look at it and the way we um we work with it rather than just being like, oh, no. Yeah, yeah no, that's so true. Totally. I want to say a big, big thank you for your time. It was so lovely to chat to you. It was so lovely to have this container with you this 30 days. It was so much fun. I would like to start a series where at the end of the podcast I ask my guests a question um and I'd like to end it with that one. um If you could go back
and tell something to your five-year-old self. What would you like to tell her if you could?
I think that she is and always will be good enough. Oh, I love that. That's beautiful. And I think that's something that we, all of us can, a bit more is like, you are enough. You're amazing the way you are. That's, that's beautiful. Well, thank you. Thank you so, so, so much for all your help, for your support, for all the things that you've helped me to change. And yeah, I'm so deeply grateful.
Hey dear listeners, I hope you enjoyed listening to this episode with Lina as much as I enjoyed recording it and having a chat with her and if you want to know more about Lina's work and how she can support you with chronic illnesses then you can follow her at Coaching by Lina on Instagram I'll also put that in the show notes so you can just click on the link and
If after listening to Lina's transformation you need to know more about the accelerator if your soul is screaming at you to know more to jump in then please feel free to reach out to me This container is absolutely magical. It is so much fun and we will pick a topic of your choosing when it comes to your relationship to your body, your relationship to food and really get to the core of things so you can transform in these 30 days and have a magical transformation like Lena did.
You can reach out to me either do via email. The email address is info at You can reach out to me on Facebook or even Instagram. The handle is always Holistic Body Club. I'll put everything in the show notes. I cannot wait to hear from you. If your soul is speaking to you now, listen to that nudge. I would love to have a chat and I wish you a wonderful, wonderful day, evening, wherever you are. Remember your love, your scene and bye my soul friend.
Thank you beautiful soul for being here with me for this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to the show and to follow me on Instagram at holistic.body.web. See you next time.