Introduction to Justice and the Disenfranchised
A franchise right alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams.
franchise right alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dream We are Justice and the Disenfranchised Podcast, that podcast all about those franchises of one, those films that fancy themselves full-fledged franchises before falling flat on their face after the first film. I'm your host, Stephen Foxworthy, and joining me, as always, the fan without mirror or something like that, it's Tucker. Hey, Tucker.
hi it's me, Tucker. ah Hi, Stephen. How's it going? It goes. How are you? Uh, you know, good. I'm good. Good. Good. good I'm good.
Good. and know i like I think I know why you're good. And it's because, i mean, you know, you you may be good. We'll give you that.
Daredevil (2003) Movie Cast and Significance
But this guy, he's magic. From the Spectre Cinema Club, from the Tainted Love podcast, from the Pod in the Pendulum, please welcome back our very good friend, Mr. Devon Taylor. Devon, welcome back.
Hello, hello. um Hey, when you cry, I'll wipe away all your tears. If you scream... I'll fight away all your fears. I will. I'll do that for you.
And that's why we love having you around, quite frankly. i'm doing I'm doing great. i'm excited. This is the ah the third installment of ah my my series of coming on for alternative superhero movies.
And this is ah this is a big one. ah Whenever I'm podcasting about something real serious, I have to have three drinks. And I got my hot tea, I got my water, and I got a Coca-Cola on the side too. So it's a serious business. It's a three drinker. yeah It's a three drinker.
this is This is how we know you came not just to party, but to party down. um And of course, because and we've been talking about American comic book superheroes the last few weeks, and of course, we've got Daredevil Born Again dropping on Disney Plus ah later this week as well.
So of course, we're talking about the 2003 Mark Stephen Johnson film. Daredevil, ah written also written by Mark Stephen Johnson and starring, oh God, let's run down the list here.
ah Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Michael Clark Duncan, Colin Farrell, Jon Favreau, Joey Pants Pantoliano, David Keith, not to be confused with Keith David, Leland Orser, Eric Ovari, Ellen Pompeo, Derek O'Connor with cameos from Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Kevin Smith, Paul Ben Victor, Mark Margolis, Kane Hodder's in this bitch.
um Yes. And if we if you watch the director's cut like all of us did,
Coolio. A lot more Coolio. A lot more featured Coolio in the director's cut. He's not even in the theatrical. He's not even there. but Yeah. How 2003 this cast for sure. It's ah kind of crazy you know where certain people were in their careers.
I totally forgot Joey Pants was in this for some reason. I was like, oh yeah, it's my guy. he's in one of those hats. ah Similar to Tucker's hat right now.
it's say you're It's a Ben Uric hat, though. that yeah I feel like that's just a Ben Uric hat. But he wears his backwards. back Canonically. and not of course. ah But ah yeah, what ah what ah what a cast. And dare I say, this is a very important movie.
Sopranos Cast and Director's Career
um you know As far as in the in the history of you know comic modern comic book movies, you know like we were just figuring it out.
And then this was one of the movies that's like, Okay, we're trying a lot here. And there's, ah there's some stumbles. And so like, this also is like kind of um was an early ah of one of the, hey, these are some of the things not to do in your comic book movie.
ah which I think is equally as important as, ah you know, movies that, ah you know, are a good template, you know, because up to this point we had had Spider-Man, we had X-Men, we had Blade, you know, so it's like we we got it down. And this movie kind of trying to do a little bit of all of them.
ah But then this is kind of an example, you know, it's like, hey, okay, if you're going forward, you're going a comic book movie. ah Here's some things to avoid. You know, I think if this movie didn't exist,
I don't know if the Dark Nitro Jew would be as good as it is. I think Nolan saw that and he took some notes. i I believe it. Honestly. Hey, isn't that, isn't the the kid, the main bully, isn't that the kid from The Soprano?
Yep, that is AJ from this Robert Eiler. There's a lot of Sopranos cast members in this. i assuming I'm assuming did the director direct some episodes of Sopranos? Because there's a lot of Sopranos cast members, at least three ah people that have been featured on Sopranos.
Also, while you're looking, Stephen, i would like to mention, you briefly mentioned ah David Keith. And not only is he the exact opposite of Keith David in every single way, but he's also in one of my favorite, why the fuck does he like that movie movies, Officer and a Gentleman.
Why the fuck do I like that movie? I don't know. Explain to me why I like Greek. I have no idea, but I love it. And he and David Keith, senate he's also in the 2003 TV pilot remake of Carrie.
He's the detective. Oh, OK. David Keith is. yeah I watched that movie last year. All right. Here's the thing I will tell you ah with regard to Mark Steven Johnson's history with the Sopranos.
He has directed no television in his career. um Interesting. His only movie before this one is Simon Birch. Mm hmm.
Yeah. Random. Jim Carrey's in that in the wraparound. Correct. I love how they go, yes, that's the guy we're going to get to do. Daredevil. And then four years later, when the Daredevil sequel doesn't materialize, he does the k Nick Cage Ghost Rider film.
On the first one, too. Not the good one, either. i like the first one. It's not great, but I like it still. There are things I like about the first one, but once the second one came out, I did not like those things anymore because the second one, I think, is so much... It's not a better film, but it's a much better Ghost Rider film, I think, that second one is.
Nostalgia for Early 2000s Superhero Movies
His directing career is – this is the high point of his directing career, and it kind of is all downhill from here. ah Simon Birch, Daredevil, Ghost Rider. The Josh Duhamel – what's her name? ah Not – it's the Kristen Bell.
Rom-com went in Rome. ah Killing Season, something called Finding Steve McQueen. And then he – Which one? Which is – The director? I don't think so. The modern director?
Based on the poster alone, mulet I'm guessing the guy from Bullet. Gotcha. Okay. They're both rad. They are both rad. So different. In very different ways. Just like Keith David and David Keith.
And that guy should be McQueen Steve. he's in the He's in the Netflix rom-com realm now. Yeah, I was going to say, he pit tar there. the yeah The Rachel Lee Cook, is that Rachel Lee Cook film, Love Guaranteed?
Yes, that is Rachel Lee Cook with Damon Wayans Jr. And then Love in the Villa is his most recent film from 2022. Nice. Yeah. a so yeah ever yeah Oh, yes. Classic.
Yep, absolutely. So, yeah, that's that's his entire directorial career from Simon Birch to Love in the Villa. Mark Steven Johnson, everybody. Give it up.
um ya So, Devon, you picked this one. you You went out of your way to say to put your stamp down on Daredevil and say, hell yeah, fuck yeah, Daredevil.
um why Why Daredevil? i'm i'm i'm I'm curious to ask. why Why this movie? What's your history here? You know, I mean, again, like, I guess I'm just extra nostalgic about these, like, kind of early 2000s superhero movies, because, like, I like my my care for, like, the MCU and all any like kind of superhero movie stuff now, it's just kind of gone.
Yeah, that's sad. um You know, there's a black Captain America movie in Black History Month, and I don't care. That's sad. i did yeah that's that That's the state of, you know, kind of like, ah it sucks because I love these things. So it's like, I don't know, I guess I feel just like, you know, so I can go back and I watch this and I'm like,
I know a lot of people like to shit on this movie, but this is still better than at least third of MCU and a lot of stuff.
Comparing Daredevil to Sony Venomverse
And I'll say the closest thing we have now is the Sony Venomverse.
ah Those movies feel like 2003 daredevil uh in a kind of funny way ah there's um some kind charm to it but i don't know you know it's like i know ah i think a lot of people are hard on this because you know daredevil is such a beloved character and like kind of you know uh stepping up to like do this so early on in the kind of modern superhero boom i was a lot of pressure and uh you know i think it just uh you know didn't deliver whether it didn't deliver um you know enough action for people or whether it didn't uh you know uh stay true to the the source materials and the comics and but you know i watch it and i've always been a defender that i'm like you know this is a hot mess you know like there is uh flaws all over the place for sure but there's a lot of stuff that i like and i've always also been in the camp that's like you
you're doing an adaptation so like i'm not a ah stickler for for comic stuff like as long as you're capturing the spirit that's good enough for me so i know especially now looking back because we have the series and that is obviously that superior uh you know kind of uh adaptation of the character this still presents the character in a very interesting fashion um you know and again like they they really merged Batman and Spider-Man and made this movie. That's like basically what they're trying to do, like hardcore. And like, that's a, that's a very ambitious of you.
um And so it's like, ah did certain some stuff work? No, but like, this is also like an interesting early period for special effects too. Like whenever we're kind of, getting some stuff so it's interesting how like you know this had like kind of cutting edge technology in this movie for the time uh again so like you know i think that um this movie uh still has a very like important stamp on the modern superhero movie and it's like i get people's complaints i totally do like this isn't your daredevil i get it but like at the same time like hey it's an adaptation and don't know i i i dig it for what it is when did you first see it
Oh, definitely. When I definitely saw some theaters for sure. Um, this would have been like a, uh, dad pick me up after school. We go straight to go to the movies, catch the matinee.
Uh, and so, uh, yeah, definitely saw it in theaters, uh, watched it a lot on DVD. Um, and so it was a very, uh, uh, nice to, I had to go rent, uh, uh, a copy for the director's cut.
Um, And so so i had the the physical. i had the the ah They even keep the same like menu that was on the DVD on the Blu-ray. It's like nice still the same menu. And it's just like this... like but la bat right round but about wow It's like it's it's a very aggressive title menu, but in the best way.
Colin Farrell as Bullseye
and and the titles are The titles are written in Braille, but Braille is a felt thing. So that's kind of weird. But again, that's kind of an encapsulation of this movie is why are they putting the DVD menu in Braille for you not to be able to feel through the TV?
Silly, silly stuff. because Because if what one thing that i i don't I don't... It's not a complaint for me. It's just something I noticed is that the blindness in this movie is...
in name only because even though they try to you know show that he has his money and different things and everything but when he's out interacting with people he acts like a sighted person and no one no one fucking bats an eye no at all so so they're like true she's like are you sure you're blind yeah that's me the whole movie i'm like are you sure you're blind because And everyone should be asking that after the playground sequence, quite frankly, if if if not sooner. Good Lord.
Man, wow. So many choices in this movie. So many choices. Big, big choices. Big, big choices. Tucker, what what's your history with with Daredevil the character, Daredevil the movie? what what take us Take us back.
Well, I was a comic book kid from the time I was in middle school until, well, now, you know, but sometimes more or less than others. But I've always been a fan of Daredevil, not enough to like really buy the issues, but i've I've read some of the trades. I'm familiar with the character.
I did see this at the movie theater when it came out. And um it was kind of a Halloween, Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 experience for me.
Daredevil Comics and Adaptations
Where I saw it at the theater and I was like, I don't like this, but I can't stop thinking about it.
So just like Rob Zombie's Halloween 2, when that director's cut came out, I didn't even hesitate to rent it. I just bought it. Okay. Because I knew every movie that I see like that, where I don't like it, but I can't stop thinking about it, just buy the director's cut.
And it's fantastic. Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 makes no sense. Okay. The theatrical version makes no sense. Without the context from the director's cut. And there's a lot of things.
I think with this movie, the director's cut makes the theatrical cut both better and worse. Because if you've seen the director's cut, you have context that that is missing from the theatrical cut.
So even though you don't see it in the theatrical cut, you have that context. So some things make a little more sense. But at the same time, there's some dumbass shit in the theatrical cut that does not need to be there.
Thankfully, the director's cut ah gets rid of. Yeah. The CGI, I will say, normally I would hate this CGI because of how bad it is.
But I kind of think it fits the tone of the film. How rubbery it is. Like in Blade 2, I don't like Blade 2 because it's boring. But like the... um The CGI is the same in Blade 2 as it is here. It's a little rubber man.
And in Blade 2, I can't stand It takes me out of the movie, and it just it ruins a movie that I already do not fucking like. But in this movie, it kind of enhances it. Especially slow-mo when he kicks ah Bullseye off the bike. bike And let me tell you, Bullseye is having a great time. Colin Farrell is... Oh, He is this fucking movie, dude.
Oh my gosh. he's He's using every every muscle of his acting brain is being used. He's putting everything on the screen in this movie.
And it is fantastic. He chews up every piece of scenery in sight. I love that man. He can do anything. He can do anything. He can do anything. hands down be golly he's fantastic he's just it insane completely insane but not like like somebody could you can take that too far or you could take it too far in one direction but boy i think he really understood the assignment and he gets the he gets the spirit award for this movie okay for me
and We don't normally hand those out. I think this is the first Tucker yeah Spirit Award that we've handed out. He's a big VIP. I like everybody in this movie, whether they're trying or not. I think it all works. um But boy, Colin Farrell, boy.
No, Colin Farrell. You get what you pay for. You should tip him. <unk>s for your You should just tip him like 20 percent. Honestly, 20 percent of the gross Colin Farrell in the back end. and Absolutely. Yes. In the memo, it's like just watch Daredevil. This is for you. Yeah.
yeah What's Colin Farrell's Venmo? We should all just venmo him 20 bucks. um Yeah, yeah. Not that he needs it or anything, but, you know, he could he could get a couple glasses of whiskey for 20. It's the principle.
It is. um if you if you If you really, like, hard-pressed me to to try to remember what my first comic book was, it might be a Daredevil book, actually. Nice.
Michael Clark Duncan as Kingpin
um It was one of the it was a one shot called Daredevil versus Vapora. I literally Googled it and found it ah because I did not remember what it was called. I remember the villain's name was Vapora. And fortunately, that was the key piece of information.
It was like a fire safety PSA comic book. Oh, right, right. And like they handed it out in my classroom at school. That sounds familiar. Yeah.
And in the front, it's got this little kid reaching for a can of gasoline while Daredevil chokes on the vapors and the vapors are the form of ah of an evil seductress woman named Vapora.
um I don't remember anything about the story, but like, yeah, he fights gasoline fumes. That's the villain is sentient gasoline fumes, which I mean, chef's kiss, no notes.
And did they just not want kids to go to a gas stations? theyre Like, look it's look, gasoline, it kills Daredevil. It's like the I mean, i' I'm pretty sure there's more to it in the comic. But here, let me let me put the that's just so funny.
I'm going to drop this in the in the notes here so you guys can see this cover. um But yeah, that, I mean, it's like, yeah, Daredevil teaches kids about fire safety by fighting sentient fumes.
That's it. um And like I read, as I got older, I read the Guardian Devil storyline, the Marvel Knight story that Kevin Smith wrote. um And I read some of the Bendis run. And then I bought all the Frank Miller trade paperbacks. like And so I kind of went in on Daredevil. But again, like the two of you, absolutely saw this in theaters.
ah Was in college at the time. A bunch of my comic book buddies and I all got together and went out and saw this one on a Saturday and had a lot of fun with it. Really kind of all left going Colin Farrell, Colin Farrell, Colin Farrell, the Colin Farrell.
Like that was kind of our our big takeaway here. And i always also stood up for Michael Clark Duncan as the kingpin. I thought he was really... really phenomenal in that role. I really liked him in that role. Was bummed when he died.
And then when I heard Vincent D'Onofrio was taking over the role, was like, okay. Yeah. Yeah. and And then I saw Vincent D'Onofrio do the role and I was like, oh That's one of there are so many things that I like about the director's cut better, but the fact that we get more Michael Clark Duncan
Director’s Cut of Daredevil
and possibly the most unhinged Michael Clark Duncan Kingpin moment in the director's cut.
Oh yes. When he kills those bodyguards, when he's just straight up, He turns into like an ethereal something and just screams in that guy's face.
Snaps his neck with one hand. Like amazing. He's not human when he does that. He's like some sort of scary, like ancient creature. Like, I don't, where does that come from? Where do you pull from do that? Yeah.
I love how there's a lot of extra unhinged ah material added in from the director's cut. because ah Because the director's cut is funny. Because I say it like it improves it and everything, and it's like it's not that it like adds any extra narrative depth. um you know it's just But i like I like, one, that it fleshes Murdoch out a little bit more. We see him doing a lot more active stuff.
lawyering or investigating as just himself you know and things like that but it also gives us the most unhinged uh scene of him uh the one where he like uh uh jack's homie uh gets uh in the car with the mercedes guy and he's running it back and forth and just like the image of a blind man running a car back and forth is just fucking hilarious and he's like laughing and like yelling at the guy while he's doing it it's like matt what the fuck are you doing and like this is just him as matt doing this like it's like what the fuck are you doing my guy it's so uh it kind of it adds a little bit of stuff uh
to him in that way, you know, like, because I think it it hits, I think it helps as far as, like, when you're kind of comparing, like, you know, ah this character to the the comic book stuff, like, because, again, like like, even if this isn't, like, the best representation, this is not not matt murdoch in daredevil like this guy is slutty ah he jokes about he makes blind jokes about himself all the time and he also has zero regard for his uh secret identity like uh they even said so i watched um the ah the version that is the factor fiction mode
where it brings up like little trivia stuff or like behind the scenes bits. I don't know why it's called fact or fiction because I'm pretty sure they were all facts. So I don't know if I was supposed to guess that some of these were untrue, but I'm not sure.
but ah But they really did, like, um you know, they, like, would mention each comic book issue that they were referencing or how many, like, pretty much any character that is spoken about is the name of a writer, or somebody that's written Daredevil at some point.
As a big-ass comic book nerd, I clocked all of those. And there's so many. so so you know they do that they reference covers and things like that so it's like they are like yeah know like people gave a shit and like these are people that truly that do like daredevil so it's like i don't think that you know that they were blatantly like trying to have a bad representation of matt murdoch or daredevil but like i think this again this is a it's kind of a similar uh to another movie that came out around this time constantine that's like this is this has the spirit of daredevil is this a comic book accurate yeah totally this is daredevil no uh not really this is uh something else but you know they tried you know and they and they captured the spirit and the essence enough to where i can enjoy this version and so i think uh the director just got definitely adds like a lot more it helps uh the case of matt murdoch uh specifically
I would say this is probably closer to a Daredevil comic than Constantine is to a John Constantine Totally. Oh, totally. For sure. um Like, this gets a lot of the details and the particulars, which is, of course, the biggest thing that nerds seem to care about.
um But it also, I mean, in the director's cut, you get a ah ah ah name drop for Turk. uh, Turk Bennett, who's like daredevils, longtime, uh, criminal informant that he uses. Like you get like, you know, this these guys did their homework and you get the the impression, like you get, uh, what's it? Meredith gray as Karen page. And you're like, well, that's kind of ah a waste of her. Like she's, they're clearly gunning for a sequel. If they're putting her in, in a role that small, kind of like Michael Shannon and Jonah hex, like, and they even like gave her like a moment where she like, you know, like turn, like, ah you know, like,
figures out a pivotal detail or whatever. They even in the director's cut. Correct. Yes. In the director's cut. They even died Affleck's hair, a color that it's like, it's only you can like when he's in the sun, you can see it reflect red kind of the way that it, they do it in the comics. So like, you know, they, they were trying, you know, they, they, they, they threw in enough, ah you know small details.
And that little kids, like the, the young version of him died, they died his hair, the same color. and it looks frankly ridiculous he looks a little silly that kid is horrible oh my god i forgot how bad
Comic Accuracy Debate
that kid is uh he's not in these ah early sections uh when he's in the hospital and uh his dad comes and is like yeah i was talking a doctor and he just goes i'm blind i know holds like Also, only in the director's cut. That's why that's what I like is you can tell that this is not just the studio wasn't like, OK, throw some deleted scenes in it for the DVD for an unrated cut or whatever.
This is a director's cut. Yeah. Like some of the things are so minuscule that are changed. Yeah. Yeah. like Oh, totally.
like because in the theatrical version he just sits down and he comes over and hugs him like i think he says one thing and then he comes in and hugs them but that whole like exchange between them is only in the director's cut Speaking of the director, um i watched a video last night that said ah they had some interviews with him and stuff. And apparently he's a big Daredevil guy.
And he tried his best to make it as comic accurate as he thought he could in ah in a cinematic adaptation. Which is not really something that was...
like the norm in 2003, like Spider-Man, Spider-Man's adherence to a lot of the the things. And even that got some important details wrong, but that was about as close to comic accurate as you could get in the early aughts.
It wasn't until like Iron Man and the MCU kicks off that we really start getting comic book accurate representations by and large for a lot of these things, because the comic book stories were just kind of ah a realm for people to play in.
So yeah, comic accuracy wasn't wasn't necessarily like prized at this moment. And i'd say I'd say before this movie, you don't get a lot of people who like want to... Like Sam Raimi, I don't care what he says. I don't think he's ever read a comic book.
Come on, Sam Raimi. Come on, dude. Look at the man. Dude knows comics. As much as I love the first three Spider-Man movies, the Tobey Maguire ones, that man has never read a fucking com he And the same with Tim Burton.
Come on. Tim Burton, I believe. Tim Burton has definitely never read a comic book.
Catholic Faith in Daredevil's Characterization
No, of course not. But Sam Raimi, you take that slander out of your mouth, sir. I don't think so.
It's just that those those three films have always hit me that way. Just because... I don't know. It's just... It really comes off as someone who's really good at making a film, but doesn't really understand comic books at all.
Mm hmm. And and I know with like some of the stuff that they cut to, it's like they they cut a lot of like you can tell it was like the stuff that the studio was like, because one thing that you notice in the director's cut is you realize like how little action scenes there are in this movie. Like there's really only like four or five set pieces, not very many and ah for ah once the director's cut is, you know, ah it's two hours and 10 minutes.
ah ah versus like ah the ah the one that they put out was only like 105 minutes, like an hour 40. An hour 45, yeah. They cut like 30 minutes almost out of this movie. um And a lot of it is like kind of character stuff. So you can kind of tell that, you know, as the studio there's like, all right, let's trim it down to just the lean,
action superhero stuff that's what people are coming for ah versus like you know in the director's kind of like you know it's a lot of it's that a lot of that court case it's a lot of them like kind of doing stuff that is not daredevil related um at which i kind of which i dig like because i like the emphasis on that the character like he's a lawyer and he lawyers he does lawyer things like he's not like batman that like what batman do during the day nothing fucking sleep sit around and sleep and fucking do nothing.
Spider-Man's in school during the daytime. He's not doing... Like, Daredevil don't take time off. He's either fighting crime at night or he's fighting crime during the daytime. He's putting in that work. So, like, I like how in this version, like, they put the emphasis that, like, he is a lawyer. Like, and he uses his...
lawyer-ing to like also help in his vigilant-iness so like i like that they um they they brought that in but then they also there was like some half-baked stuff like uh obviously like his faith is supposed to be very important uh to the character and i love how there's one hallucination scene where he like imagines a nun above his bed Well, that's his mom.
That's his mom. yeah his mom but But like, that's like it. Like they do it one time and then that's it. So it's like they could have used, you know, some of that extra time to like work that in. But it's like they put it in one time and they just like never really brought it back up until again, we have like the fight in the church, but it's like,
well that hasn't really that that doesn doesn't give us much because i haven't seen him hang out at this church i haven't seen him praying or nothing you know so yeah but in the director's cut they make a point of making sure you know he's not at church though instead of him just not being there people bitching him about it from time to time yeah I mean, and the Catholic guilt is like central to the character of Daredevil, which is one of the things I love about the character.
And I feel like it's it's it's kind of glossed over here. Like we don't really get enough of it. And I feel like maybe if they'd done a sequel, like Ben Affleck was really pushing for the guardian the Kevin Smith's Guardian Devil character.
As a as kind of the premise for the sequel and maybe the the born again storyline was really kind of pushing for those which deal more with the Catholicism of the character.
Yeah, that was the opening shot was right that that Guardian Devil cover, right? with uh hanging off the cross there i think if we'd if we'd gotten a sequel we'd probably see more of that they they try but again it's kind of like one of those like what can i get away with kind of things our audience is really going sit for a character who's like you know weeping with a with a with a rosary you know kneeling at an altar and lighting candles maybe not he's a complicated man and and no one understands him but his foggy
Yeah. No, I mean, he really is, especially in this movie. And I think that um they add a few things to his personality, to his character, especially in the director's cut, that makes it so as long as you have a base understanding that he's Catholic.
And it's like I say, they do bring it up a few more times in director's cut. Hey, work we're going to see you church, you know, like, are you are you coming to church? You know, we're open on Sunday, right? You know? um I just think that the things that they add um i I'm just saying for me that I don't think it's underrepresented like I get it is a a core part of Daredevil but again it's context I already have if I were somebody who didn't who didn't know anything about Daredevil that might be a problem I might have trouble um you know
seeing that in the character, but I already have that context. Well, you might argue doesn't really that's half the point of making these movies, right?
Ben Affleck's Performance as Daredevil
Is trying to get people who don't know the character familiar with the character. and so I completely agree with you, yes. If we're not instilling those things that are the core tenets of the character into the character in the first movie, then, and read you know, what the fuck are we doing?
new Yeah. That's why the director's cut rules and theatrical cut drools. Yeah, again, it doesn't add like ah a ton of like depth, or m but it but it helps.
It's a smoother ride. It pats it on a little more. Yeah, like it it it feels ah like an actual movie. like I feel like you know like this isn't just trying to be a you know kind of superhero thing. I feel like they put a lot of emphasis on again like so many things that are again like not action and stuff. like They they kind of you know spend so much time in that kind of ah arena. ah well so i know ah Ben Affleck as dare as matt and daredevil is a kind of as split opinions um uh what do you guys think because like i again like with some of the added like director's cut stuff like i appreciated like the humor he brought to this uh kind of surprisingly like there's multiple times where he like made me laugh like uh the the like fake
uh bit that they're playing up his blindness in the court scene like that scene is absolutely ridiculous uh i was just like you know what i was like you know ben affleck like he's trying like hes he's he's kind of putting in the work and uh again like in i think they do really well with like, you know, he has, you know, like charm and personality, but at the same time, like he is, ah you know, the the brooding takes over, you know? And, um, so, uh, I generally like his performance.
The only quibble is, it, him in the suit like his mouth doesn't look right for for the mask in the suit the suit you don't know how to describe it but his his mouth just isn't on his nose either it's like no here it like barely comes down but then like i don't know he he has um uh he has a little too supple of cheeks For me to believe that he is, you know, ah you know, ah in his, you know, daredevil peak peak, you know, physical condition, shape, bouncing around kind of guy. He's a little squishy, yeah. it's It is a smidge squishy, which and there's nothing wrong with that, people. I'm just saying for the character.
It does um ah take away some of like the believability that I'm like, oh yeah, like Ben Affleck is a guy that is able to be doing these acrobatics and things like that. It's kind of funny, um but I think him as Matt Murdock is really great. um he He does a weird ah kind of pseudo Batman voice when he's Daredevil, um but it's kind of as is or whatever. But I actually like him as Matt Murdock quite a bit.
I think I like his characterization, particularly as Murdoch. I think the suit, it was not made with him in mind specifically.
i think the suit was made to look cool. And then like the actor. Steven Johnson was a big fan of motorcycles. That's where he was inspired for the costume. ah Learned that in the factor fiction mode. I'll drop some of these ah little tidbits in because some of them are actually like really fun trivia things, but then other ones are actually really silly. Right.
No. And I definitely appreciate that um because I mean, that makes in in retrospect, that makes a lot of sense. But then by the same token, like it, like, like you said, like the mask is not really designed for his face. And I'm comparing it to maybe like the Charlie Cox mask, which does actually fit really well with what that character is. And like, you see the evolution of it throughout the course of that first season on Netflix um until you get to the, and now we're seeing like in She-Hulk, we're seeing the silver mat or the the gold. I like the yellow and the yellow costume. I like the yellow costume.
Yellow costume's great. In the comics and in She-Hulk. I thought it looked great. Absolutely. um You know, so like, i again, I think Affleck is doing fine. i I like the charm.
Like, Affleck is a charming actor. um That's something he does really That's why he was so perfect in something like David Fincher's Gone Girl. It's like there is an inherent... there is like an inherent charm to him as a person, even though you're kind of like, this guy might be a piece of shit, but damn it, is he charming?
And that comes through. And Murdoch should be charming. He's, as you said earlier, Devon, he's a slut. Daredevil is maybe the sluttiest of all superheroes. Truly. And this movie does not give me enough slutty Daredevil, frankly. He's a dog. He's a junkyard dog this morning. I tell what.
Well, we do get that some some gal leaving him a voicemail. So, i mean, he's getting hit up. He's easy's he's in he's got people on rotation. and you and in his whole bit in the coffee shop, you know he's done that at least five times.
Oh, yeah. He's got that move. Yeah, the whole honey move. Oh, what am I, Blunt? Yeah. That is well rehearsed. He knows what he's doing. Yeah. He knows what he's doing. I just, you know, I love that. I think like peak slutty daredevil, at least in terms of what we've seen on on screens, is him doing the slut slut walk or the the walk of shame in She-Hulk.
Maybe my favorite daredevil moment ever. He's just holding his boots and watch walking barefoot. It's amazing. Full costume, holding his
Colin Farrell's Performance Revisited
boots. I love it. It's fantastic. Phenomenal. It's so good. It's so fucking good.
um And i want to i want to see this I want to see this Daredevil doing a walk of shame, frankly. Yeah. But yeah I mean, that's one of like the the core thing. Again, and one of those core things about the character is Daredevil's fucking slut.
And so, yeah, you should be able to like if you can you should be able to tell why like someone like Karen or Elektra would be attracted to this guy to begin with. And I think Affleck does that very well, personally. Again, i the costume, I'm not a fan of it.
But other than that, I think he's doing a fine job. I mean, i think he ah his charm enough is even ah what sells that silly playground fight scene, because, yes, is it silly?
Yes. But is this a comic book movie? We're watching a comic book movie. Give me something. so It's so ridiculous. But yet I think he's even enough to you know he's charming enough to sell that scene.
I think this film is very unique, even even within the early 2000 superhero films, that it's able to really find ah good balance on the camp, because it's a little campy, but it knows when to be campy.
Like, I think it you can hate, somebody can hate this movie, but they can't say that it doesn't nail its tone completely. I think it does.
I'm, I don't know. I feel like there are some tonal shifts in here that are pretty extreme. And I don't know that we sell the swings quite as hard as we need to, to go from the, cause it wants to be dark and broody, but it also wants to be campy and silly.
And like, I don't, I don't, i know I don't know. i think it I think it kind of works because it's like the movie is like a majority broody. But then again, it's like them kind of having an awareness being like, okay, well, it's a comic book movie. We can't have it be just, you know, sad and dreary all the time. So then like, even if it is like, you know, angsty and moody,
And then again, just then has these like kind of like random bits of comedy. um Or you let Colin Farrell just do whatever he wants. love... ah i love um because ah as much as I think that they do a pretty good job with like Matt and Daredevil, ah this version of Bullseye is nothing like the comic book version, like literally at all. no you know he is um But I kind of like it in this. like Instead of being this like you know well-known um assassin, like well-trained, all these things, he's kind of an enigma ah in this.
If you want to know what my favorite aspect about this version of Bullseye is whenever whenever he swings his jacket around, it makes a ah snake rattle sound. It goes, is for why?
ah Just because, you know. He probably has rattlesnake rattles in the lining of his coat. I would not be surprised. Like this version of Bullseye is a freak. He is, so he's like, he's like the perfect amount of, ah you know, like like, because every other character is playing it straight except for him.
Right. Which is. ah And that's why it works, because if everyone else was doing what he's doing, it would fall apart. I will say, like, the comic book version is still he's a sociopath.
He's still unhinged, just in a different way. Like, Farrell's playing it, like, at 11. Well, because in the comics, he's like one of those characters that, like, he's like he he's obsessed with Daredevil. Like, he wants to be Daredevil. essentially. is like he is like has like an infatuation about him. I love how this version of Bullseye doesn't really give a shit about Daredevil. He's just mad that he made a miss.
That's it. That's the only reason Bullseye wants to kill him in this finale. he man he could care less about Daredevil. you know so it's like it's yeah that's a stupid motivation feral sells it a hundred percent like in anything else like i would be like that is dumb that is stupid that is the reason you're that is silly but feral i'm doing this one for free he's like i want to kill you for free i'm pissed at you you're messing up my rep well i mean well i mean to be fair
To be fair, if you if you were a dude what was known for, like, hitting the bullseye, and you had never missed, like, your whole identity is built on the fact that you have never missed.
And this one motherfucker, what makes you miss? Ooh, I'd be mad, too. I don't know if I'd get... Well, I'm not an unhinged person. like Well, I was going to say, he's already in a he already kills people professionally, so it's it's a lateral move to be...
No. He knocked that man on the tracks and he did not help him. Well, that's that's different than murdering as a profession. Bullseye's a hired assassin. i mean, they're both psychopaths in their own way. Daredevil wears a uniform.
You wear uniforms at work.
It's his profession. He doesn't get paid for it, but it's his side gig. You might need to stand on your tiptoes to help that reach there a little bit, Tucker. No, no, no, no. no um but One of the factor fiction tidbits, ah this was the first time that Colin Farrell got to use his natural accent in an American film.
Okay. Fantastic. I love that. To, you know, put that ah nice Irish accent away. And this was, he finally got to be Irish again. Not a bullseye thing. Bullseye is not Irish. No. and That is like not a part of his thing. So like, again, they're just kind of like, yeah, it is yeah whatever.
It almost feels like Colin Farrell just walked onto set and like, fuck it. I'm just going to play it how I want. And everyone was just like, whatever you say, sir. Yes, absolutely. um Now I'm kind of curious as to see what his American filmography had been up to this point.
um um I think he did pay phone a little bit before this. I think that was 01 or 02. We have American outlaws. We have hearts war.
Minority Report, Phone Booth in 2002, The Recruit in 2003. So yeah, he's got a pretty solid, and he was already like the heartthrob going into this movie. So like to see him play this very not heartthrobby role, I think took a lot of people like, why are you doing this?
Elektra's Portrayal and Female Superhero Films
And the point is, he's a silly little Irish guy who loves to like, I mean, act and have fun. and He's just like doing bug eyes the entire movie all the time. And like, ah you yeah yeah, you guys will have to go on my blue sky because while i was watching, I clipped this one scene and ah Kingpin like tosses him a rose and he sniffs it and looks disgusted by it. yeah And the yelp that I made while i'm recording this video, because like it is such a funny reaction. I'm like, what was he doing?
like what were What was he being told, if anything, before doing these scenes? like it was just He does such funny little details throughout the movie that I'm just like, Man, i love you. Like, he really is just, like, doing this to, like, i have a good time. oh yeah.
he And you we see him do other roles, like, similar to this later in his career, but I feel like this is the first time that he really gets to sink his teeth into something this big and silly, which i kind of love.
they They not only let him ah let his hair down, but it's off. It's gone. No hair ah for this. ah ah I don't know if it was maybe because, again, I was like watching the Blu-ray. It like makes it ah the like first intro when you first see that like there's a ah ah lighting where you can like kind of see the seam um ah for the thing because they made the bullseye out of a gel pad.
right It's like a prosthetic that goes over. and like in like yeah So with the very good Blu-ray quality and my really good TV, I could like kind of see where the ah like blending didn't quite happen with the makeup. So ah just every little detail about Colin Farrell's bullseye is just fine. I love how he says, I want a bloody costume.
He doesn't get one.
He never gets it. Or if the record's cut... I want a fucking costume because apparently he couldn't say bloody and wouldn't say bloody. And so every take they had of him was saying, I want a fucking costume.
Yeah. i' him over for the movie for the fan um there ah the director's cut too um ah a like ah ah cut that they've made for the rating ah is they whenever ah they go to the train ah crime scene yeah in the theatrical you won't see half a guy's body getting carried off on a stretcher but they show it and the director's got and i was like oh shit i was like i totally forgot Yeah. Yeah.
There's, um, you it's, I don't know. It's, it's, it's easier. I don't know. I don't know what i'm trying to say. I'm stumbling a lot, obviously. Um, rewind that.
What I'm trying to say is It's not important. there's I'm saying there's more. We were talking earlier about the director's cut and what's added and what's taken away and that there's not as much action in the director's cut.
But that's only because I think it's longer because there's actually stuff added to the action. And I was trying to articulate that in a way that wasn't so technical like I just did. But I failed.
Doesn't happen that often, though. Usually say I'm pretty good about that. Yeah, there's added stuff in the action scenes. You were speaking of like added violence and stuff. um When in the the fight with um Bullseye, when he's beating up Elektra and he grabs her head and is like slamming it against the side of that building.
That's only in the director's cut. Right. Like some of that action's been extended. um Yeah. I don't know why i can't speak all of a sudden, you guys. I apologize. it's like It's like murder makes bullseye horny.
Oh, totally. and like he was like like, yeah, because I didn't remember. Like i ever remember. Yeah. When was watching that part, i was like, I was like, I don't remember him like really enjoying beating the shit out of Elektra. I remember him stabbing her, but that was like it. right He's like really having He kisses her when he stabs her?
Yeah, like that's in the director's cut only as well. don't know if he was supposed to because Jennifer Garner's a good actress, but her reaction to that is like, whoa, but I don't think he told her he was going to do that.
Ooh, she got a real ick, an ick in real time was caught on camera. Yes. mean, maybe, I don't know. ah But yeah, again, like nick some of the faces he's making after he like kills someone and you're just like, ooh, he's, he basically does everything but like lick his lips and rub his nipples. No, but like he's like always panting. He's always like, yeah, yeah. And instead of rubbing his nipples, he rubs his scar on his forehead. Fingers himself, fingers his forehead. What a freak.
What a dang-ass freak is is Colin Farrell's bullseye. And I don't think any comic book movie character has been as dangy, assy, or freaky as Colin Farrell's bullseye, quite frankly.
might be the freakiest. He's a very zesty villain. i'm I'm here for it, though. I'm here for the zesty representation. I was going to say from we would expect nothing less from one of the co-hosts of the Tainted Love podcast. Exactly. so that's why like it was nice to see um Jennifer Garner as Elektra in Deadpool and Wolverine.
But could I instead have had Bullseye, Colin Farrell's Bullseye? oh yeah that would have been crazy because because i i didn't finish deadpool and wolverine but like is the version of electra is it the version of her from like in this or in the electra movie because she kind of changes into a different person in that second movie yeah so is it is it her that point and she like kind of has her like supernatural abilities Well, she does mention Daredevil, and that the Daredevil from universe is dead.
i don't think she has any, like, superpowers or anything. i mean, if i She's more the Elektra from this movie, I feel like. I only saw the Elektra movie once, but yeah, I do remember her being weirdly different in that movie.
I remember the Elektra movie being aggressively bad from when we covered it. It's ridiculous. This podcast. like in it It sucks because they there were two female-fronted superhero movies at that around that time, Catwoman and Elektra, and they're both awful. like They're both legitimately terrible films, and I'm like...
we deserve better. Like we, I want the representation, but we can do better people. Like, it's like, we're not trying because those ladies and that sucks. I like her, though, as Elektra. I think she's fun in this. She's got good she's good chemistry with Ben Affleck.
Did they date at some point? I don't know. They were married. They children together. They three children together. Ben and his Jennifers. I was going to say, after J-Lo, I think, after this most recent thing with J-Lo, I think he and her were spotted together a lot more frequently. That dog. Yeah. Ben Affleck, you fucking dog. Again, perfect fucking casting. Just one of our sluttiest actors, one of our sluttiest superheroes.
a to Truly, but um she's she's really great. um They did this funny thing with her character ah because she has these green contacts in um and they're likes and they like enhance them, ah but then after her dad dies, they're not bright anymore because the color is taken out of her eyes, literally.
Um, there's so there's so they, they, they do really funny things in this that like, they, like, they, like there's a lot of times in this factor fiction, whoever's writing, this is like maybe worked on us as like kind of stroking themselves a little bit. Like, Oh yeah. So we did this really cool thing.
um There's this one scene, it's ah showing, ah it's ah it's like little kid Matt at night or something like that. And they go, the scene was used to illustrate the desire of the director and cinematographer to make the nights mythical.
They controlled lighting and lighting in hues, only allowing emphasis on certain shadows. I was like, well, yeah, that's what cinematographers and gaffers do. that's Right.
Yeah, good job of you. What the fuck, man? so you think You think we don't know how movies work? Like, come on That's hilarious. Oh, my god
my God. Yeah, my big complaint about the casting of Jennifer Garner, it was my complaint at the time, is that she's just, she's not Greek at all. Like, that's such an essential part of the character.
And I think even the most recent Electra. They even speak Greek in this one. Even the Netflix Electra isn't Greek. And I'm like, that's such a key part of that character.
Supporting Characters in Daredevil
if there's i'm And I'm not saying we should have probably cast Nia Vardalos or something. But like we we could have found a Greek actress to cast here. but it's true It's true. It's 2003. We're still trying to get away with... ah with whitewashing stuff. So um don't know. yeah Yeah.
Yeah. 2003. And that, and that one guy that plays her dad, i always forget. Eric Avari, the wheeze and the juice guy. Yeah. One of the all time great that guy actors, Eric Avari from Stargate and see no man. See our previous episodes on those movies.
Like he's just one of those guys who shows up and every time he does, I'm like, Oh, it's Eric Avari. um I'm happy. I'm glad he's here. Yes. This movie has a lot of those guys. Leland Orser, Eric Avari. Shout out Leland Orser. Did you guys cover The Guest yet?
No, it's on the list, though. You want in on that one? He plays the dad in that. hole do I want in on Dan Stevens? You know I do. Ha ha ha. What a silly question. too What a silly question.
Wowzers. You're right. I do know that. Wowzers. That's actually Leland Orser's name in this ah because he is ah Wesley Owen Welsh. Wow. As we learn in the ah the the scenes that were added in with the directors.
He's our upside down mom. um He is really good at playing really skeevy, creepy weirdo guys. Like that is like his bread and butter, Leland Orser. Like he is one of those guys.
Like I remember he has the most chilling scene in Seven. um like this like makes my blood run cold and it's entirely his performance that does it um he's the guy in the in the in the place with the thing right yeah the lady no yeah i just don't want to say any of those other words i'm sorry but you guys know what i'm talking about right like I don't know if I could act again after that scene. know was to because I don't know if I could go on after that. we need We talk about it in our episode on that movie because course Seven was supposed to have gotten a sequel.
similar to it and Similar to his performance in that in that interrogation scene, ah he's really great in this movie that like ah and anytime he's around Kingpin, he just looks like he's about to shit himself.
i like He's just of you know showing how fearful ah Fisk is, but like he literally looks like he's about to like blow his pants at moment. at the like at any moment Yeah, absolutely. And and you this movie adds the context to make you realize why he's acting like that, because in the in the theatrical cut, you're just like, wow, this is a really weird, timid little guy. And then in the movie, you that that scene comes right after he's king you see Kingpin just brutally and for no reason murder his bodyguards.
ah Gee, I wonder why a guy would be really timid and weasley after that. um Brutal. that's not that's not a That's not a good enough word for that because, wow.
I don't know, man. Woody breaks that guy's neck. I've never seen anything like that before, you guys. I've never seen another human being like do that with their face and body, and I'm really impressed with it.
And I don't know what to do with that. I really love his reaction to Kingpin whenever um it's like in the third act. And ah he was like, and Kingpin's like, oh yeah, he's on his way here, blah, blah, blah. And he's like, i he was like oh, how'd you know? buthwa And then he goes, Kingpin goes, send all the guards home.
And he like looks at him and is like, oh what? And he goes, and Michael Clark Duncan, ah bless his heart, ah I'm from the Bronx. This is something you wouldn't know anything about. And Leland Orson's face is just like, or okay. says And he's just like, all right. And just like walks away. Because what what else are you going to do?
i can't imagine you'd want to argue with Wilson Fisk about too much. That's pretty tough, though. Be like, send all the security because I'm just going to beat his ass myself. Like, that's hard shit. And that is very much a very in line with Kingpin. um I like um ah because in the comics was Kingpin the one that ah killed killed Matt's dad.
was that or or Was that a thing that they do in this because how you guys mentioned before, like you always got to tie the villain to their backstory yeah
Daredevil's Origin and Setting Critique
somewhere. I feel like it's the second one. I don't feel like that happens in the comics from from my recollection. theyre like The two are unrelated.
Kingpin started out as a Spider-Man villain. like He became more of a Daredevil villain, but his roots are in Spider-Man shit. And Daredevil was before Spider-Man. Didn't Daredevil come out maybe the same year or a couple years before?
um spider-man was 63 i'm pretty sure we had yellow daredevil before we had spider-man which i think makes more sense because it's like it's kind of weird you know this teenager dealing with this like grown-ass man mobster mob rich guy it's like no let let an adult handle him so i like that they like kind of transferred him over to daredevil Spider-Man first appeared in August 1962. Daredevil first appeared in April 1964.
nineteen sixty four Oh, damn. can't believe I've done this. we die Okay. Are you guys ready? Here it goes. ah If anybody wants to press record to have this for them anytime they want it.
This is going end up getting beeped out of the final record, I have a feeling. I was wrong. And you were right.
That's going to be my ringtone on my phone. There you go. Hey, enjoy it while you can. It doesn't happen that often. no Not because I don't like to admit that I'm wrong. It's just I'm normally not.
is the thing um yeah no um so yeah that's the so just a couple years off really but yeah you're right like but like kingpin is a spider-man villain so i don't think it's one of those things like batman's uh parents murderer is like this just rando villain named joe chill i have a feeling that's the same as as daredevil as well I mean, who walks down an alley called Crime Alley anyway? Like, what are you doing?
It's called Crime Alley. Crime Alley. It's the alley where the crimes happen. they and And crime only means one thing. It's not like one of those words that has different meanings or there's another word that's spelled the same but pronounced different that means something else. And then I know and and now i love that for this movie then too, they also kill Matt's dad in an alley.
Because they're like, hey, hey, you guys like Batman. you guys like Batman. All right, here's a little Batman now. outside but temperature It's actually really funny watching this and how much they're like merging Batman and Spider-Man in such a funny way, which is essentially kind of what Daredevil is and in a way.
um but it's very funny like yeah like okay now we gotta do the batman scene yeah but then it's like oh i really liked um uh spider-man's web slinging so let's have him do some grappling hook slinging you know and it's like yeah all right we see you see you We also get the early, the early aughts, every superhero movie contractually obligated ah DNA reassembly shot where like the acid goes in his eyes and creeps down his ocular cat. Yeah. And you're just like, okay.
Now, Tucker, I'm actually reading here. According to this website I just found, um Gotham's Crime Alley is named after Lord Everett Crime. um course one of one of one of the members of the Gotham Intelligentsia. So, I mean... Why is his last name Crime? Because he does crime.
Unclear. Because normally your last name, like, you way, way back in the day, your last name was based on, like, what your your family trade was. So if your last name's Crime, have to assume... Well, okay.
I clicked on his entry, and it looks like ah they changed it at Ellis Island. His original name, his family name was Crimeanutsinkoff. So they, yeah, they shortened it down crime. But still, and the person was like, yeah, let's just call this Crime Alley. that There's nothing wrong with that. I can't see any anybody anybody problems with that. That's fine, right? Crime Alley?
It's pretty logical for Gotham City, I'd say. street I it Shit Street. That's fine, right? There's a guy named Edward Nygma. E. Nygma. Ha ha ha.
That's the beauty of like the silver age Batman characters is that they all have the most obvious names. Like ah rainbow, there's a guy named rainbow Raider, rainbow Raider. And his, his real name is Roy G. Bivolo.
Like yeah you can't make this shit up. Like that's just what they did. this is goofy back in those days for the children it was for the children that's right with the children uh speaking of cities i do have to point out that um i know one reason that people are probably angry at this movie um they are shooting in l la and claiming it as new york that's a sin ah for both parties involved um you know like like l LA, we're not trying to be New York. We really actually don't want to be you at all. ah New York just thinks that. um but then But then I also would feel disrespected if I was a New York person watching this, especially like the the scene in the the subway.
Everyone knows what a New York subway looks like, and that is totally doesn't look like that. It is the LA Metro station underground. It is like, is so disrespectful ah that what, that they did this. Cause it like almost all of this was shot in LA.
LOL. and ah That's really funny. That, yeah. That, I mean, and then for a character like Daredevil, who is so quintessentially New York, like New York is him and Spider-Man. Like those are the two Marvel characters that are specifically York centric. And even a specific neighborhood too. He's, he's,
The devil from Hell's Kitchen. He's very specific to a neighborhood. well Like Spider-Man's from Queens. Right. Like it's his city. Daredevil, he goes other places, but he he's like Hell's Kitchen is like it's part of his identity.
Exactly. It's a character in his story. Yeah. So they use like a lot of like digital map paintings in this to stand in for the skylines of New They sure do.
Silly. Like, I love the fact that like Hell's Kitchen in the 70s, like 60s and 70s when Daredevil was created was like this like crime infested hell hole kind of place.
And then like now it's like this very kitchen of that place. That's where they made the food for that place. Oh, I see. Yeah, that's why they called it Hell's Kitchen because that's where all the restaurants in the bad neighborhood. That's where all the demons was cooking. um Yes. Yes.
But then like nowadays it's like been gentrified. It's like very upper crust. It's been kind of redone. Has this, you know, large, vibrant, thriving LGBTQ community.
Like, and the Hex Kitchen now. And now it's like when the new Netflix series are like, yeah, Hell's Kitchen is so bad. And people from New York are like, no, that's no, not at all.
buts now not at all So, yeah. yeah I don't know. I just, I find that just an amusing bit of New York trivia.
Trivia is tight. Yeah. Fact or fiction. Everybody loves trivia. ah swear they all have to be facts, but I'm very confused on did they just really like the alliteration? They're like, yeah, we might as well say, because now I'm wondering if I was reading some of these and somebody's putting in like gag facts in there.
I mean, they they they mainly seemed legit. It was a lot Did you know Ben Affleck was 87 years old when he filmed this role? You're like, wait a minute, that's fiction. despite Despite playing a character in the movie Good Will Hunting where someone asks about apples, Ben Affleck does not eat apples in real life. He calls them mealy.
He has no teeth. They are false. Factor fiction. Yeah. um they They did um ah say some funny or interesting stuff about ah the effects because the effects in this very 2003, they were like experimenting with a lot of. So like the the rubber man action stuff ah was them. They ah would like cyber, ah cyber scan the the actors. Cyber. Yeah. They said cyber scan. That's an old people word. Only old people say cyber. Cyber.
Hey, but they were doing it. and They were doing it for Daredevil. They were doing it. And so they would like scan them and then use these computer rendered ah animations on it. And they said the um the it took them nine months to design a Daredevil's shadow vision.
Quote, unquote, is what they call it. Interesting. um and They said ah that ah took ah nine months of deciding like kind of this whole a sonar kind of ah thing that he does ah where he basically has vision. Yeah. Like you guys said, it's kind of like.
I like how they do, ah because I noticed there was like a couple extra like lines that they do to like try to sell you know his, like play up his abilities.
um like Like you said, like the added hospital scene, like it's for him to, because he goes, oh, I heard you guys talking out in the hallway like you like when it's around. or uh or in the scene when uh he's about to away has a electron on the roof and he's like ah stay out here in the rain because i want to see your face um but he like has like extra added dialogue he's like he's like the temperature has dropped three degrees and the the moisture has increased this much and blah blah blah so it's like I like ah that they gave like ah did add in like little details to at least try to explain ah the shadow vision and like, you know, give you a good sense of his like keen senses.
ah But at the same time, it's like, yeah, like is as unless it's like completely silent, this guy can pretty much see right like he can pretty much see.
Daredevil's Vision and Martial Arts
Yeah. Relevant question. Now, we've all seen the Daredevil Netflix series, correct? We've all seen that? Yes. Okay. um So what do we like? Do we like Sonar or do we like World on Fire?
Which do we prefer? I'm going to say i can't decide because I kind of hate them both.
Um, I haven't watched and Daredevil in a minute. I was going to say, it's been a hot minute since I've watched the show. I i should probably watch it before Born Again, but I won't do that. It's almost kind of like the outlines of everything he can see are solid, but then like everything else is looks like it's on fire.
Like when you can see oil vapor in the air, kind of. It's really hot, you know? yeah I'm looking at him side by side. no I like this version better. I like the the idea that you know he's kind of bat-like. ah you know so you like kind of and because I think it makes sense in the idea that like it's because he can like either see the water droplets hitting the surface of something or...
I like that one scene where he's at the party and he's like making his way up to a lecture and it's like, oh, he can see the steam from the from my am in the perfume in the perfume. Yeah, I love his look of disgust because totally makes sense.
Matt Murdock would hate smokers ah because of his keen senses. So he makes a really nasty face of the guy smoking a cigar that I thought was really funny. um But ah no, I actually i like this version ah in a way because like I like how it like also they show it hindering him a couple times to like when he's trying to grab his baton ah when Bullseye throws it. But then like a bus goes by and it like fucks him up for a minute. The motorcycle explodes. Yeah, it explodes. Oh, yeah's what yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, so, um because, yeah, I don't know, the the the world on fire view, it just feels dramatic. Like, I don't know, like, what what what are we doing here? Like, you know, yes, I get it. He's a devil. There's fire and hell.
I get it. i think that I think that one, for the reasons you just said, does not work, the Netflix one. But for the 2003 one, i think that it misrepresents how...
well he can see without having eyes. Right. Because it It's a little too good. Because, yeah, I think this series definitely does a better job of, like, showing that he is still, in fact, blind. Right. Yeah. Agreed.
Like, the quote you can see her corneas, right? Like, if it was, like, the sound, like, sonar, you wouldn't be able to, like, see... the pupils and the corneas you know what i mean it's just a weird choice i guess i think they're both bad like they're bad both terrible according to factor fiction uh those contacts did make ben affleck blind himself oh so he was he was he was in it he was in doubt i remember levar burton in an interview i read in disney adventure magazine when i was a child
LeVar Burton, magazine speaking about his role of Geordi in Star Trek The Next Generation, said that he is most like Geordi when he had to wear the the like opaque white contacts because he's like, I can't see anything when I do that. So whenever I take off the visor and I have those contacts in, i I'm pretty much just, that's when I feel most like in line with Geordi.
Geordi, another you know blind character who sees differently than the rest of the world. yeah And why is LeVar Burton playing Daredevil? that's what want. I want see LeVar Burton circa the 90s playing Daredevil.
but maybe maybe that's what i want i want to see levar burton cir of the ninety s playing daredevil So, I mean, ah effects aside, what what do you think ah do you think the fighting him as a martial artist is represented well? Because obviously that's in the series, you know, that's a big selling card of is the choreography and everything. But like what ah do you guys think they they sell him in this as ah as much of a... ah formidable fighter i think i think that they they do but they don't they don't back it up with anything he's just a ninja like like there's one of the things coming out of this movie um when i saw theatrical version my biggest gripe was like where the fuck is stick
Yeah. Oh, they're saving him for the Electra movie, obviously. Which is so strange. They did so much. marial arts He taught himself, apparently, but then Electra gets to meet Stick in right in her movie.
Plot Density and Fight Sequences
Yeah, it's such a strange choice.
Well, it's just they did so much in this movie. that's That's the biggest sin of this movie for me, because I love the director's cut. I think it's a fantastic movie. Yeah.
But they do so much. They cram the origin story in there. You've got Bullseye. You've got Elektra. You've got Kingpin. You've got all this your stuff.
Yes. Like, chill the fuck out. Let's calm down. Let's let's cut maybe maybe spread this into a couple different movies. And I think, or, you know, make this one longer, which is definitely why I think the director's cut.
One of the reasons it works a lot better is because it has time to breathe and it has time to explore at least a little bit. All this shit that they're cramming into this movie. Yeah, it definitely... It definitely paces as ah paces it out a little better, but even at two hours and 13 minutes, we're still just flying through a lot of shit.
And I'll tell you, the theatrical cut, even though it's a half hour shorter... is just so boring. The director's cut, I want more of it. Let's keep going. I could watch that director's cut for another half hour.
Like, give me some more. As Buster Rhymes famously once said, give me some more. I definitely would have taken more action because I think even though there's not as much, I think the i think the action's like solid like because I think they show him enough because, again, since if we don't if we see that Daredevil isn't trained by Stick, it makes sense that he's not like ah like you know super... He's more of a just like ah very advanced brawler that like kind of jumps around a lot.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Like, not gonna lie, that opening ah biker club scene, ah they cooked. that's ah That's a really fun fight scene. Like, I think they do a really cool things of, like, kind of showing, again, like, you know, there's, like, a scene part, he, like, kicks the gun into the light to, like, take the lights out, and then he, like, you know, ah he he grinds a guy down a rail.
that's pretty that's That's pretty on brand for Daredevil. That's pretty sick. Yeah. uh he uh he he grapples and like slings himself into a ceiling fan that's pretty cool uh that i think that opening uh fight scene is like really dope and they like show how you know much of a badass he is but then like tucker said they set it up but then after that like it's like he he fights bullseye twice and then he fights kingpin and he fights electra in the park ah That's like it.
Like, that's really like all the action we're kind of getting with him. The element least of that. I'm sorry. Go ahead. I'm sorry. At least at least it's not that tired old.
Oh, he just had to try harder and then he wins. Everything that, not recently, but there seems to be a trend in superhero movies where, like, they get beat.
And it's just because they weren't trying hard enough. You know, they just had to come back and just do it again, but just better. And that this movie doesn't do that. It could.
It could very easily do that. But it doesn't. I think part of that is the character himself. Like, Daredevil is the kind of character who will just get his ass handed to him over and over again and just keep getting up and keep fighting.
I don't think he ever holds back anyway because he's just a dude. Though this movie kind of makes it seem like he has a little bit of super strength, maybe? Yeah. I mean, mean it's like it's as ah it's like the reflexes and like his like kind of... ah Yeah, like they they definitely... agility, superhuman agility.
which which you know that i'm not gonna lie that is i think one thing in the series like i do kind of wish that they uh put a little bit more emphasis that he does have so you know super abilities like yes he is like you know a really great fighter and that's like kind of his main thing ah you know they they use his uh abilities like when he's like doing lawyer stuff more often like when he's like you know doing the lie detector and everything but like I like that they do put a little more emphasis that's like you know like ah the the idea of like you know all of his senses got you know increased so that's like your sense of touch and all that you know so he is like you know very um all this ah all the like kind of additional acrobatics and stuff like them just like jumping around the pipes in the church like that's fine it's silly you know it's a good time you know he's flipping around and he's you know ah um I love the the opening too when he like
ah does the free dive off the top of the building and then like does ah his you know blind parkour down the the scaffolding on the side of the building you know so it's like I like that they ah do ah lean you know maybe if they do ah lean a little too much into you know his abilities like giving him too much vision or yeah ah seemingly being a super strength but at the same time ah like uh because i feel like that's one thing i get bored with in the current superhero movie that's like everybody is just very strong and fights good you know nobody's like it's like you know people aren't allowed to like have abilities anymore so it's like i like that in this they at least like kind of play it up a little more and speaking of um
he i love how i think this might be the first time that we've seen in a superhero movie at the time a superhero that it's just in pain from fucking around so much like the beginning of the movie when he's taking a shower like when he stands up and like his knees are cracking and shit and then he's taking that shower and he pulls a tooth out he's like oh shit And I love that it it he does all this fucking crazy shit, but it is not without consequences.
Like, his body is tall up. Did you see how much ah ah pain medications were in his cabinet? my god. It was, like, comical. Like, it was just all prescription bottles in this cabinet because the
Character Vulnerabilities and Influences
dude is a... Vicodin and Percocet. They're like, oh yeah, Matt is a pill addict, by the way. Well, it has to be. Because it has to be. He's active?
And he's a fucking psychopath that chooses pills. This guy is crazy. That's how you truly know he's crazy. They did that for you so that you would know that he's completely nuts. I hate that so much. That's like one of my biggest movie things. I'm like, oh my god, do people actually do that? That's disgusting. They're psychos.
I mean, obviously they do, but yeah, it, I mean, it's that's observed from somewhere. um No. And I think that's one of the cool things about daredevil specifically again is at the end of the day.
Yes. He has like heightened senses and yes, he's a world-class fighter, but he's still just a dude. Like he's just a dude out there doing everything he can. Like, I love the the duality of the character. The director's cut, I think, plays it up more.
I think that's the only thing the Coolio subplot adds. Like, i don't I don't really like that subplot. I don't get a lot out of that subplot. um I like that. like they set it up. Well, it's showing that the kingpin his hands in all the things. It all circles back to kingpin.
Sure. like how they set it up because he's, remember, he's going to bed. And he hears the, what that's the woman that got killed. The case that he's doing. That's, remember when he's going to bed and he hears the lady getting killed and he's like, fuck, I gotta sleep at some point. I can't save everybody. Sorry.
and yeah but i and woman they they only do that once too like because they like literally do a thing where he like sees her on the ground you know in his apartment i loved that visual too that was so cool and it's so don't know so different i'm tired basically does he's like fuck Shout out that I love ah him sleeping in one of those ah hyperbaric chamber beds. Yeah. That's very inspired. Sensory deprivation tank. Yeah, agreed. How does that work, though? Wouldn't your skin get really wrinkly? Wouldn't that water get really gross? So he I noticed he only he sleeps in for a certain amount of time because he also does sleep in a normal bed.
You know, when the ladies show him. and They show him in both beds. Yeah, so he he only stays in the chamber for like a certain amount of time, I think. I don't think he's boning all those ladies in that sensory deprivation tank. really don't. don't that the ladies come to his house. i mean Even the lady who called him, she was like, yeah, you never show me your apartment.
Like, I would i wouldn't. if If I were a woman and I went home with a man and he had a big metal coffin full of water in his bedroom...
I would probably leave immediately. All the pills in his pantry. She's like, oh, God, this guy's bad news. Real bad news. the um Apparently, the voice of the woman leaving the message on Matt's machine ah is Colin Farrell's sister, Claudine Farrell.
Nice. That is a vocal cameo. That is a fun fact. Definition of a fun fact, Steven. Imagine Colin going up to Mark and is like, hey, my sister's in town for the weekend. She's got to come to set. Like, do you think we could throw her?
Oh, no. she knew She's his personal assistant for this movie. So she's like one set with him. So it's probably one of those like, hey, you want a cameo in the movie? Like, you're just hanging out. You want to do something? It's probably one of those things. yeah for Good for him.
Awesome. um Yeah, i I don't know. lame I love that Josie's Bar is like the place where the first fight happens.
That's like the place where that's the neighborhood hangout in Hell's Kitchen. and But then they they also have Joe's Coffee Shop, which I'm guessing is like the kind of like more gentrified Hell's Kitchen version of joe's but of Josie's bar um That's the the name of the coffee shop I saw on the window. ah kind of wondered if that was maybe their, like, a little in-joke to that or a reference that. hope the bar's okay because he set those pool tables on fire and then walked through them like a badass.
Well, he's the devil. yeah Fire doesn't hurt. see that shit? He walked right through that while the pool table's bad. I tell you what. Actually, if he's got a heightened sense of touch, that would probably not feel very good, walking through fire like that. He probably has some temperature, some sort of temperature resistant to his boots, maybe.
you You want to know what would have been a very funny ah scene to put in this extended director's cut? um A scene where ah Daredevil is pouring the gasoline in the double D when he's leaving the subway station? You know he's got...
And then Zaporik goes off. And he's booping it and, like, painting it and booping it There's just no sound. It's him walking and the splashing of him pouring his gas. Touching his watch to make sure he's not taking too much time. He's got his little touch watch that he has.
Like, you'd think you'd have one that talks. Like, come on. Yeah, I thought that was funny thing. He flipped his watch open to like feel it. But in a way that I love. There are things about this movie that are really stupid, but I love them. And I think it's like I was saying before, which, Stephen, I respect that you disagree with it, but I think this movie nails its tone.
There's a, the, the, the most New York moment from, uh, daredevil is, uh, whenever he like, uh, beats that one guy's ass in the hallway and there's the kid, uh, and his reaction, I'm not the bad guy kid.
Right. was still just like so aggressive even if he's like trying to be nice i'm like yeah i was like that's pretty new york right there it was a really funny um uh a really fun detail i noticed uh during the uh the fight between uh daredevil and kingpin uh every time uh kingpin would land a blow the thunder would crack Because they're like, this guy is as strong as a thunderstorm. And he was like, so like every time he's like bashing him or throwing him, that's when like the thunder was clapping. I was like, all right, we're cooking a little bit here. We're kind of, i was like, we're kind of cooking. ah Even if that fight is like very short, it's resolved pretty fast. I mean, that happens when you get your...
both your knees broken which ow that that injury has always killed me wow that is that is the move in this movie that i have always remembered him sliding out and just doing that double kick right to the knees that's insane and the way duncan reacts to that is just like Bone chilling to me. Like I can feel like my pain in my knees, just watching him react to that because it's so visceral and real. Well, and and to bring, on to bring a character that's that strong. That's why both Michael Clark Duncan and ah Vincent D'Onofrio are really great as the Kingpin is because they exude just like strength, like an, an immovable,
Rock. like They are physically imposing presences. Very, very imposing. And for you to get a man that big and that strong to scream like that, you fucked him up.
He's fucked up. You fucked him up. You done fucked up real good. You fucked him up. i had ah I had a volleyball injury not too long ago, and I like hurt my knee pretty bad. It was essentially like my like knee, because I'm like double jointed, so it like buckled and pushed back, essentially, you know with like a bunch of downward force.
It was the scariest injury ever had. I got so lucky that like I didn't like actually like tear anything or nothing, but... um I was I was fucked up for a bit, but like and now I'm like terrified. Like every time I like go up and jump, I'm just because I never want to ah relive that knee pain again. ah So like, yeah, that so every time I watch this movie, that that shot just like kills me. I'm just like, because then he he gets kicked in backwards, but then he still has to fall to his knees forward. So that means they had to bend back the other way again.
And fucking, oh my gosh. And his like him, like, and he can't move. I love how he had to just like sit there on his knees until the police came and got him because his fucking knees are broken. That's crazy. Ah.
Oh my God. Yeah. It's, it, that's such a brutal takedown. Like I just, it, again, that, that's probably one of the, one of the moments in this movie that is just indelibly just,
in my brain and will never leave. Like, just that that part, the end of that fight is so fucking brutal. Oh, I love it. yeah That's cool. You guys, this is a good-ass movie.
The director's cut. It's fun. It's fun. It's fun. can i Can I just bring up, I had a list of notes here and I organically covered every note, but there's one that hasn't come up yet.
And I just want to want to mention how many times the company with the chemical waste that got into Matt's eyes.
Do they even had, did they get OSHA training at all? Like I realized that he's running through their workspace and But even without a child running through there, there are so many things.
I don't know. So many precautions that should have been taken. I'm putting that on Matt. He's old enough. There was a comical amount of fucking these waste barrels around that kid.
You don't need to take that shortcut, okay? Like, no. Fuck off. That also reminds me. His dad is Rocky with a kid this because he's a washed up boxer who works for a loan shark and beats up people.
yeah He's a Shylock. hu That's what that word means, right? Like John Travolta in the what you call it? No, Shylock, I think... is what ah He's an enforcer.
There you go. yeah But isn't that what John Travolta is in Get Shorty, though? Don't they call him a Shylock? He's sort of that, though, right? Isn't he?
Look up what that is, Steven. I feel like Shylock as slang is has something to do with more... ah ah ruthless Oh, a ruthless moneylender or a loan shark. That is what a Shylock is.
Yeah, well, there you go. Oh, um if you would like to record this as well, I was right and you were wrong.
and cut there you go i was gonna say i've mostly i've mostly heard it in conjunction with lawyers so wow you got you got two of them this episode even i'm thinking i'm thinking shyster is what i'm thinking of i'm i'm there you go that's what i would that's that's where that was yeah anyway anyway any other thoughts on daredevil before we move into the box office ah There's a scene when Bullseye beats Elektra up with his jacket that I find very funny. ah like you like is His rattlesnake jacket?
It's really important to him. ah you know It's ah his symbol of ah individuality and um bull belief in personal freedom. uh truly i bet i bet he i bet bulls i loves wild at heart you have to imagine yeah but he beats uh electro up with his jacket and i think that's uh a very funny just like only in a comic book movie you know uh this was the uh when leather outfits were on you know they're kind of on their way out so this was a this movie itself is a last gasp for leather costumes um before they get hung up for a while but they they really they really tried ah
Jennifer Garner's Skills and Kevin Smith's Cameo
in this. um ah Shout out Jennifer Garner that she knows how to do all that Psy stuff herself.
ah She you know got to whip the skills back out ah for Deadpool and Wolverine. loved She was like posting videos on Instagram of her doing her Psy thing. So that's fun. Apparently she had a background as a dancer according to Factor Fiction ah which helped her with the Psy training. That could be fiction though.
We don't know. There's no indication. It is called fact or fiction. So some of them theoretically she wasn' so that that could be a lie. That could be a GD lie, dude. Damn. Maybe it could be. I'm just saying. It doesn't look like a dancer. Now I i think about it, I don't know. Maybe that's the, maybe that's the whole, like the, the whole thing about fact or fiction is that you don't know.
You have to decide for yourself. Is this real trivia or is this some old bullshit? She did perform in Summerstock Theater, so there's a very good chance she has at least some dance training. because you know What do we think of us thespians do dance from time to time?
Are we good? Can I... We're good? ready Am I clear? Am I clear to go? Are we ready for takeoff? Okay. Okay, alright. So what do we think about i you piece of shit?
I'll punch you square in the dick, Steven.
What do we think about the the Kevin Smith ah cameo, which was the style at the time? Right. How does this compare to his other cameos, like TMNT or Live Free Die Hard?
He's like aggressively chewing gum, and I hate it. Yeah. ah hum up But ah they also do, it's ah it's a double because he's cameoing himself, but the character's name was ah Attendant Kirby.
Kirby, yeah. Jack Kirby, named after the great the great Jack Kirby. um No, i I like Kevin Smith. I feel like his cameo kind of grinds the movie to a halt a little bit.
Like, we're trucking along, we're going, we're going, oh, we gotta stop. Kevin Smith's gotta do a cameo. I like the Uric stuff. I like the Uric stuff. Honestly, I wish there was a little more Uric stuff. But the Kevin Smith cameo is just kind of this like moment where everything stops so we can have a Kevin Smith cameo.
Like, I think if that had just been like a random that guy actor, it probably wouldn't have taken me out as much as it did. But because this is 2003 and it's Kevin Smith, um like was in his prime there as far as his popularity right for film at least yes and it it kind of and i mean he had already written one of i think the great daredevil stories just like one of the canonically great daredevil stories in um the the guardian devil is so fucking good um but like yeah his i don't know i i feel like his cameo is a bit out of place it's it's like a pause for fans to go oh
It's well that was that was our guy. That was our nerd representation back in the day. He was the guy who was in with the cool people, but he was one of us nerds. you know That was his whole appeal, I feel like, in those days.
And then he kind of he kind of fell out of fashion and we got Patton Oswalt instead. I'm fine with that. I'm fine with both of them. He's alright.
Box Office and Critical Reception
i don't I don't find myself enjoying Kevin Smith's output as much as I used to, but I so i still respect the man quite a bit.
Yeah. Clerks 3 made me cry. Yeah, well. Yeah, well. Yeah, well. Where's Moose Jaws? Where's that at, Kevin? it's well It's never going to happen, unfortunately. Here's the thing. Like, does Yoga Hosers need a sequel? Do we need to even acknowledge that that exists?
Yeah. No, but we need Moose Jaws, though, so yes. I did like Tusk, though. I do like Tusk. Tusk is crazy. I did not like Tusk at all. Michael Parks, you can't, like, it's 90% Michael Parks monologues. Like, how you can't go wrong with that.
The thing that ruined Tusk for me is that he put the, like, drug-addled rant that inspired the movie over the end credits... And it took me... it It's like everything that you had like actually like built as pathos. I thought it was a neat thing. Lost in there.
Well, I think if you hadn't... I don't know, Steven. I remember that episode of Smodcast when it came out. like I remember listening to that. Hashtag Tusk. Hashtag Tusk no.
So for me, it didn't really take me out of it because I had i was familiar with it. And I was not. That's too bad. That was a good show back in those days. That was in the early podcasting days. That was the place to be.
He's one of the one of the forebears of ah of podcasting. One of the guys. One of our podcast forefathers. yeah He started this podcast shit. This is the motherfucking thanks he gets.
ah Daredevil in theaters on... out and in theaters on It is February 14th, Valentine's Day movie. February 14th, 2003. Hey, that was a couple weeks ago, you guys. That was.
And we we talked about another superhero movie with our good buddy Mike Snudian. um a Captain America from 1990. That was a good one, too. Have you seen that, Devon? Have you seen that 1990 Captain America?
I have not. You should check that shit out. I think you'd like it. it that that I had no idea. I had no indication that I was going to like it as much as I did. So I don't want to hype it up because like for me, maybe some of it was because I had no expectations, but you check it out It's on YouTube.
It's fun. Anyway, Steve. Daredevil opens at number one at the box office $40.3 its way to million domestic on a budget of eighty million not terrible oh Not quite what you want from one of these tentpole blockbusters, but still not bad.
They made some money. They didn't just break even. They made some money, but like cool bamp didn't do gangbusters. No. There's definitely going to be a rom-com that outgrossed them, which makes it kind of funny, though. Right. ah they do There is another $80 million international for a total of $182.7 or million ah worldwide so no you guys they Do you guys think that if the director's cut was released and instead of what we got as a theatrical cut that it would have done better or the same? but
I don't think it would have mattered. I think like, honestly, like, I mean, I think it was just, uh, you know, again, like this movie kind of had a lot of, expectations of like how big shoes to fill. So, you know, I think it was already good. Kind of have its issues. I mean, I don't know, maybe, maybe it could have helped the word of mouth and it could have done a little bit better, but I think they were also, um, you know,
ah They were very much hoping, you know, to do ah do a Daredevil sequel, you know, so it's like, I think they were kind of also still kind of thinking like, oh, it's okay if this first one doesn't make, you know, super huge money, we just need it to make enough money to then get the sequel and then, you know, the franchise is where, you know, you get the money, so...
umma But that didn't happen, unfortunately. um um Speaking of rom-coms that outgrossed it, we have in second place, down from number down from number one in its second weekend, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, which has earned $49.4 million in two weeks hate that on its way to $105.8 domestic. definitely That's that Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson movie, isn't it? Sure as heck is. Huh.
ah In third place, last year's Oscar winner, Chicago, $82.6 million. dollars i guess I like that Richard Gere guy, you guys.
he's yeah He's good and stuff, yeah. like him in Officer and Gentleman. That's crazy. I'm pretty sure Chicago was a Christmas movie. Christmas release, I think. So I had some legs. That's crazy. It's been out for eight weeks. Yeah. That's wild. It was a big deal.
People fucking love that movie. Another new movie opening this week, The Jungle Book 2. ah from the Walt Disney Company opening at $11.4 million. dollars That was when Disney was making sequels to all their like legacy movies. remember that.
And that's the last we ever heard of it. As Mowgli. Did this actually have you made this up? in Bernstein Bears right now. He's making this up. Because I don't have any recollection of a Jungle Book 2. No. May Whitman as Shanti. Jim Cummings as Colonel Hathi. Tony Jay as Chir Khan. I'm just...
but you just fiction i call fiction on this one yeah factor fiction fiction i got you and that's two against one so it doesn't exist it's not real and how did you in fifth reality the sequel to shanghai just gonna keep right on going and the sequel to shanghai noon shanghai nights oh where they're different different characters but they're the same because it's in a different time period in a different location correct and And they meet young Charlie Chaplin.
Strange. like What were they trying to do with those movies? I don't know. They were like, let's do another kind of rush hour type thing. Yes, that was it. but But let's replace the black guy with the white guy instead. Yeah, vanilla rush hour. That's what you got.
Yeah. Like, ah yeah, exactly. In sixth place, The Recruit. It makes sense, though, because like there are few actors that are so completely opposite than Chris Tucker and Owen Wilson. Can you imagine those two motherfuckers being in like a buddy movie?
I would pay a lot of money to see that just because I'd watch it. Wow. No, I'm sorry. wow We got Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson together in I Spy. That's true. It's close.
But, I mean, Eddie Murphy is fantastic, but he's not Chris Tucker. And that doesn't mean he's a better or a worse actor than Chris Tucker. they're just Chris Tucker is just so very unique.
ah yeah no There's nobody like him. like he doesn't like Nobody does it like he does it. So those two together. They could have put Chris Tucker in there. ah But I think Eddie Murphy was a bigger name, bigger draw. no they should have done. They should have done the um with Shanghai Nights and Shanghai Noon. They should have done what they did with Danny Glover and Maverick.
They bring in Chris Tucker for like a little K comes in for a little cameo. And then he says, ah don't nobody understand the words that coming out of your mouth. Or something, you know, like something from the movie. Because remember how Danny Glover's like, I'm too old for this shit.
and But he's a bank robber. He's not. Riggs and Merton. You guys get what I'm saying, right? Like, thought that would be funny. Like you get that right. ah it' In sixth place, we've got the recruit seventh place. Final destination to eight. I like that one.
Deliver us from Eva seventh place or ninth place rather kangaroo. Jack, ah And in 10th place, The Hours, another eventual Oscar player.
And all the way down at number 24, 44 weeks, finally winding down its box office run. Speaking of another rom-com that outgrossed this shit. 44 weeks in the box office.
$240.7 million earned far domestic. big fat Greek wedding. seven million dollars earned so far domestic my big fat greek what They made, we can't cover that movie because you know they made sequels. They did. Those sequels.
And all three films have Joey Vuitton in them. So I unfortunately had to watch them. That movie, no, Devon, that movie is an insane multiplier. Like that movie was like, that's almost a year in theaters. Like that thing is crazy. I remember it was huge the news. We don't even let it stay in the theater for two weeks No, no.
no It was huge in the news because it was an independent film. Like my big fat Greek wedding is not a studio movie. it was it an independent film. IFC films. Literally that's a studio. And it to make that much money, like people were losing their fucking minds.
I'm in B when this came out. Yeah. yeah Yeah. Yeah. yeah speak you know, starring my, starring my pick for Electra and have our dollars. So there you go. and And again, Joey Fatone. And Joey Fatone, my pick for Elektra.
um Hey, yeah, I'd watch that. The Tomatometer score for this one is a 43%. The critics consensus, while Ben Affleck fits the role in the story is sporadically interesting.
Daredevil is ultimately a dull brooding origin story that fails to bring anything new to the genre. I disagree, fair. At the time, we're also, remember, that's the theatrical cut.
We hadn't even had that many of those yet. Like, you know, so like. And it's not an origin story because like we get a flashback to his origin, but like you don't even really know how long he's been daredeviling.
And I feel like he's been doing it for a while now. Yeah, by the scars his back, he's been in it for a bit. So it's not, and I'm sorry, the first 15 minutes is an origin story, but fuck you, Critics Consensus.
Not an origin story. Speaking of Critics Consensus, the meta score on this one is a 42, based on mixed or average reviews from 35 critics. And Tucker, care to take a stab at the letterboxed score?
It's in between 2.4 and a
you care to take a guess? I'm going to say... It's four-point spread. I think people are going to be mean to this well I'm going say 2.3.
We got it at a 2.1. You both overshot. Damn, yeah. I knew it. People are fucking mean to this movie. Look, they're mean, but you have you ever been on Letterboxd?
it's all It's all about the memes. It's not about actually reviewing movies. It's about who can be the biggest dipshit and make make something silly. So that's how I kind of Yeah, but I bet you I can also, i bet you there's a one-star review that somebody wrote, like, five paragraphs about, like, people are, stop, stop it, watch more movies.
who Exactly. That's why when people will say something like, they're like, oh, this movie was the worst movie ever made, I'm like, you haven't seen very many movies, have you?
You clearly haven't seen Food, though. You've. You have not seen a lot of movies, because if you think that is bad, boy, I got some shit for you. Boy, do I ever, ever expanding trash can
can. Devon, out of five stars, how are you rating the theatrical and director's cuts of two thousand and three s Daredevil? um I mean, I guess I wouldn't say it's like a marginal difference because I still would say they're both still positive for me. So I'd say a theatrical, a 3.0, director's cut 3.5.
but yeah But it's like if if I could give in between because it's kind of like in between a 3.5 and a 4. Like it's definitely not a 4. But I want to kind of give it more than a 3.5, so it's like in between there, a 3.75, I guess. but ah Yeah, we do quarter you, so you can do 3.75. 3.75 out of 5 for me.
And then I'll say the theatrical cut, an even 3.0. Okay. and come ah Tucker, theatrical and director's cut, please. For me, the theatrical is 2.5, and the director's 3.5.
and the director's cut is a three point five um I also have a one point spread between the two. i give the theatrical cut a two.
And I give the director's cut a three. That's fair. So there you go. These are all valid. These are all these are all fair. i can i can see I can see both of you guys' reasoning for sure.
i mean, I'm impressed for for Tucker, though, going from a 2.5 to a 3.5. That's a significantly different movie. you know and i can respect that. Well, it truly is. And I'll tell you, um it's it's just that it's not that the theatrical cut is bad.
It's just... That the director's cut is so much better. It's a little stiff. So better. The theatrical cut's a little stiff. Yeah. And, like, the...
they really focus on the love story. Like the theatrical cut, all it wants to do is love story shit, basically when it can get away with it. They even add a sex scene, which doesn't add anything.
In fact, the way that scene ends in the director's cut is so much better and is makes so much more emotional sense.
Criticism of Movie Tropes
Um, Yeah, I totally forgot about that. I was like, wait a sec. Yeah, I was watching. was like, wait, did I imagine them in it together? It makes no sense that they fuck after that.
It makes no sense. At all. Yeah. Oh, it's just so egregious. And like, if there's one thing I hate is an unnecessary sex scene. I'm no prude.
But when it's just there to be titillating... Like, fuck Get teenage boys in the theaters. Look, man. i mean, hey, they're putting it out on Valentine's Day. They got to, you know, like the the guys that are dragging their girlfriends to go see it.
Yeah, i willll give them a little shirtless ah Ben, you know, them a little something. and Sure, but just the sex scene, it's just... Fingering each other's scars and... yeah yeah oh yeah yeah they do that yeah i totally forgot about that yeah just like yeah oh but like entwined like making out with each other's elbows and shit yeah that's a tone killer right there it doesn't make any sense in that fucking movie doesn't make any sense
Anyway, yeah. Anyway. um Devon, thanks for coming on. This has been a lot of fun. ah It's always fun when you're on, but thanks so much. We appreciate you hanging out with us for a little bit. Thank you for having me. the the We still got, you know, ah more in my in my ah niche disenfranchised corner, you know, as far as some of these other ah early aughts, early 2010s kind of alternatives. Because you guys didn't do, because I know you still haven't done Jumper. I know that one still got my name on it. Yep, we so got you on board for Jumper.
Did you guys ever do Chronicle? we haven't done chronicle yet either no that's also mine too then there we go that's the those are the next uh ones uh in this uh in this series the quintility yeah well because i keep doing these ones and then you got ari for for you know the early aughts uh slashers uh stuff so you got her for that corner you know so we got our our own little places uh to to play in uh but Yeah, thank you so much. This was super fun to revisit.
Listener Engagement and Wrap-Up
Everybody can find me at all the social media places at underscore daddy disco. You can hear Spectre Semi Club every Tuesday ah breaking down subgenres in horror.
ah March, we're ah celebrating ah David Cronenberg, the month of his birth. ah So we're going to be doing all Cronenberg from March. Hell yes. A super great time. And then ah you can...
And you can hear my new podcast, Tainted Love, every other Wednesday with Zoe Rose Smith. And um ah we cover ah horror movies about sex, romance, dating, relationships, things like that.
um So ah we are coming off an episode on Excision. And then we have an episode on Wild at Heart, which I mentioned a little bit ago. I got that on the horizon as well as i Interview with a Vampire later in March as well. So...
ah we got ah We got some good stuff over there. So check us out at TaintedLovePod. and And listen to me and Chewy over on Pod and Pendulum. ah my My light defense of The Exorcist 2, the heretic.
oh the The only one the that gave it a couple compliments. Maybe it's not so bad. No, we were actually, i think yeah I think we were pretty just on it. ah ah Justice was served indeed for that movie. um So yeah, but thanks guys. You're not the bad guy.
you're You're not the bad guy. I'm not the i'm not the bad guy. At the end, when he says it to himself again. are He like snickers. ah And Kingpin's like, what? Is this an inside joke from earlier in the movie that I wasn't on screen for? Because that's a really random thing to say, knowingly.
i yeah We have been the disenfranchised podcast. This is the end of our first of three consecutive theme months. So we are just coming off of American superheroes next month. Join us for an oops, all video game theme month where Brett has handpicked for different video game adaptations that did not get sequels for us to cover on this very podcast. Join us next month for that.
And, uh, in the meantime, you can find us on, uh, blue sky, YouTube and letterbox at disenfranch pod. You can find, ah um us ah wherever you your social media, make sure you leave us a five star rating and review wherever you do that. Shoot us an email, disenfranchepod at
um And what else? Oh yeah. Join the official conversation of the disenfranchised podcast over at slash disenfranchepod. You can sign up for absolutely free and get a main feed episodes and comment on those Tucker and I do comment back. Brett,
Not so much, but we do. ah You can also join at the $5 level and get access to dozens of hours of behind-the-scenes content, including episodes of What Are We Watching, as well as episodes of Disenfranched Pod, Upsal Video Game Corner, Upsal Christianity Corner, Unenfranchised. We've got it all over there. got a couple of movie commentaries. Just...
shit you may want to hear us do. I don't know. Tell us if you like it. ah Five bucks a month over there at slash disenfranchepod. I'm your host, Stephen Foxworthy. You can find me on Blue Sky and Letterboxd at Chewy Walrus.
Now, Stephen, have to interrupt you because one, i need my quota of post ah plugs after the show. ah We have to meet that.
But one very important note. Wake me up! Wake me up inside! can't wake up! Wake me up inside! Save me!
Save me from the Shout out Hoobastank on the soundtrack. Shout out Seether, Nickelback, Evanescence, Twice, Shabai.
This is the most 2003 soundtrack. Can I just say, as someone who was at a Christian college when this movie came out, Bring Me to Life was fucking everywhere on our campus because everybody at our school thought it was a Christian song until one of the guys in the band was reported as saying, and I quote, what the fuck are we doing on Christian charts?
And then nobody listened to them anymore. Yeah. Everyone thought it was about Jesus and it turned out it was not about Jesus at all. No, it's about fucking. I'm pretty sure. i Probably about fucking. My partner and I were were laughing about that earlier earlier today after after she sat through me watching the theatrical or the director's cut after last night sitting through me watching the theatrical cut. She's like, why do you have to watch this crappy movie twice with this crappy music in it? And I'm like, I don't know.
That's just... She's like, this is the I mean, I like some of this, but none all the stuff in this movie is the stuff I hated in high school. And I was like, that's fair. It's all a part of the charm. ah the the in The introduction to adult Matt Murdock is Right Before Your Eyes by Hoobastank.
Yep. Right before your eyes, the blind guy. And right before right before my eyes is my co-host Tucker. Tucker, where can we find you on socials these days? Hey, that's me, um Tucker. And you can find me on YouTube.
at ice 909. That's I-C-E-N-I-N-E, the number zero and the number nine. You can technically still find me on Instagram under that name as well, but I'm probably not going to do that anymore.
Tuck Mugs is still on Instagram, Tuck underscore Mugs. We are behind the scenes. Pardon our dust because... ah We're straight up moving tuck mugs somewhere. We don't know where yet.
Not sure where, yeah. But it's going somewhere. So keep an eye out for news on that, all my tuck mugs fans. What would a tuck mug fan be? A tuck mugger?
There you go. Like they're going to rob me of my mugs and stuff? Yeah. Maybe. yeah It's reverse mugging. They give you mugs. Oh. But it'd still be mugging because it's a mug.
They're mugging me. Yes. Mugs. Very cool. Yeah. So not so much on the socials, unfortunately, because I hear that if you're trying to like, ah you know, entertain people,
or, you know, whatever we're doing here, it's best to know a lot of people electronically. In fact, I just read an article this week where Ethan Hawke's daughter, what's her name?
um ma Maya. Maya. ah Maya Hawke was like, yeah, if you don't straight up have a whole bunch of Instagram followers, you're not going to get all the good jobs. And Ethan Hawke was like, no way. But then like,
he was going to to read for a movie or something and some producer was talking about how like somebody was picked specifically because they had more followers than the other person when it came down to choosing who would get a role and i think i don't like i i don't like i just think social media is the devil i think the the thinking is that if you have more followers all your followers will show up to your movie that's the thinking
Sure. People with a built-in fan base, that fan base will show up. That's how it works, yeah. Yeah. Round up everybody's social media of the whole cast and then ah ah take the followers and let's see if it matches up with the box office ah numbers ah just so to see if this theory is true. One one follower equals one buck.
Well, I guess ten bucks. Yeah, one ticket. I don't understand that though because like I don't...
I don't know. I don't like it's two different things. Like I don't want to see my favorite YouTubers in movies like for any reason. Even if they were good actors, it would be weird because it's kind of like kind of like what happened with me ah when it comes to Kevin Smith after Smodcast.
I knew him too well. I knew him too well after that. So every one of his movies, I'm like, oh, he's referencing that thing that happened to him. Oh, that's a thing that happened to him maybe from when he said that on the podcast. Oh, that's I know where he got that.
I can't enjoy him anymore because it's too I'm too insider on that shit. And that's... um With social media and stuff, like I know these people too well. When I see them up on the screen, it's not as believable.
So please, if you have a whole bunch of followers, don't be in movies. I want some motherfuckers I don't know. That's great point. I can get on board with that. Yeah. It's frustrating.
Because, man, I hate the internet. It sucks. And it's frustrating because the internet's part of every part of my life. It just revolves around the internet. And yet, I don't know that the three of us would be hanging out without the internet. So, God bless the internet.
The internet was a mistake. I love you guys, but the internet was a mistake. A necessary devil. Just like our boy Matt Murdock, a necessary devil. Yeah. That's it. And that is it for our episode on 2003's Daredevil. Join us next week for some video game adaptation.
um Devon, once again, thank you so much for being here. It's always a thrill. Thank you. I will exit with my snake rattle jackets. And that is the show. i have been your host, Stephen Foxworthy from my co-host Tucker, the absent Brett Wright and the great Devon Taylor. Until next time, i want a fucking costume.