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SNEAK PEEK: The Damage of Words - Highly Sensitive Person Facts image

SNEAK PEEK: The Damage of Words - Highly Sensitive Person Facts

Beyond The Damage Of Words
30 Plays1 year ago

To say I was angry about the misrepresentation of HSPs by Cosmopolitan Magazine is an understatement. 🛑 Being a Highly Sensitive Person is NOT a label!  So though, I was going to share these less frequently, please let me set the record straight in this short podcast with some more insight from The Damage of Words.

📋 HSPs have a different neurological makeup from birth.
📋 It is not a condition, a disorder, or a diagnosis; it is a neural trait that evolved in circa 20% of the human population and 100 other species.
📋 Biologists believe it is an evolutionary advantage and that three separate sets of genes may play a role - The "Sensitive" Gene (Serotonin Transporter), The Dopamine Genes, and The "Emotional Vividness" Gene (related to norepinephrine) - and different highly sensitive people may have some or all of them.

To learn more, head to Dr Elaine Aron's website
