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Ep. 21: Doing The Inner Work with Amanda Ashworth image

Ep. 21: Doing The Inner Work with Amanda Ashworth

E21 · Beyond The Damage Of Words
26 Plays1 year ago

Amanda Ashworth found the inner work key! 

Do you feel like success is within reach, but something, perhaps even yourself, is holding you back? Are those nagging limiting beliefs and negative self-talk holding you back from reaching your full potential?

Doing the "inner work" and moving towards your healing can be a game changer. Healing is a journey that involves self-reflection, self-compassion, and addressing limiting beliefs. It demands a commitment to self-discovery and dismantling obstacles hindering self-development. Imagine going deep within, getting to know yourself deeply, and rewriting the stories you tell yourself. Doing the inner work is about going within, breaking free from the shackles of limiting beliefs, and cultivating the best version of yourself. The journey to healing starts from within.

Join the conversation with Amanda Ashworth as she shares her healing journey, self-care, limiting beliefs, and tools to help you get out of your way and do the inner work to enhance your healing journey. Tune in and learn how intentional healing practices nurture personal growth and create a foundation for becoming the best version of yourself.

Key Highlights
  • [00:00] Introduction to the show
  • [00:50] What led Amanda into her healing journey
  • [02:36] How Amanda was stopping herself and getting on her own way
  • [04:03] How to evolve while connecting with the right coaches
  • [04:39] Limiting beliefs and how Amanda recognised and acknowledged them
  • [07:27] The stories we tell ourselves and how to move past them
  • [09:51] Selfcare and Amanda’s journey to nurturing her feminine self
  • [11:43] Ego Vs. intuition: Learning to listen to self without judgment
  • [14:32] The difference between therapy and coaching and Amanda’s experience
  • [18:40] Amanda’s shamanic journey and how it fits into her process
  • [23:22] Doing the inner work and practising gratitude in life
  • [27:17] Learning to be vulnerable and honest with your emotions
  • [34:16] Self-talk and releasing negative emotions and energy
  • [36:28] How to reach out and connect with Amanda
  • [36:42] Wrap and end the show
Standout Quotes:
  • “If you are truly evolving, that coach is not going to suit you further down the line.” - Amanda [4:04]
  • “If you don’t do the work and don’t believe you are worthy, you are not going to get there.” - Amanda [23:22]
  • “If you can’t appreciate what you have, you can’t expect the universe to send you more.” - Amanda [24:05]
  • “You can’t rely on someone else for your self-esteem; that will take away your self-worth and healing; you have to create your own self-esteem.”- Katrina [27:06]
  • “You owe it to yourself to do the inner work because you only have the power to do it.”- Amanda [34:18]
  • “Everything in your life happened for a reason, and changing your past would change the person you are now.”- Amanda [35:55]
  • “Whichever path you take, the most important thing is to get to that point where you are at peace with it.”- Katrina [35:38]
Resources mentioned

Connect with Amanda Ashworth: WebsiteLinkedIn and  Instagram
