my oldest and And he makes good music, you know, he, of course he does his coverage and stuff, but, uh, he's writing his own songs and shit like that, that, and that song, that clip that just played was, uh, was one of his original, uh, there, um, the handlers there, they're, they're one of the more recent interviews that I've done. Uh, those guys were just a trip, uh, talking backstage. I was like, Oh, Lord, we're going to get in trouble where we're going to, this is going to be a fun one. And, They uh, were, they, they were, they were as fun as could be a couple down to earth, uh, genuine guys. We had fun. Uh, they're just, they're just trying to do music, man. That's what they, that's what they love. They love doing music. They're, they're, they're super close friends. Um, the story about how they met and how they became friends is kind of crazy. If you guys want to hear it, you can go over to Spotify or you can go watch the live replay or on, on YouTube. And then.