EP146: Arpa & Billou - Embrace Confrontation image

EP146: Arpa & Billou - Embrace Confrontation

E146 · The Sovereign Man Podcast
147 Plays4 months ago

Have you ever wondered why men today seem to avoid confrontation at all costs? most of us can agree that something crucial is missing in how modern society handles masculinity. We’ve all noticed how confrontation between boys and men, while reasonably avoided, once a cornerstone of male was once accepted as part of bonding and growth., is now often viewed negatively. The idea that there’s nothing wrong with Now, confrontation between men is a trend that’s getting lost in modern ideologies that leave little room along with a degree of sensitivity that doesn’t belong on the battlefield or for in traditional masculinity.

Let's challenge ourselves to embrace healthy confrontation and rediscover the strength in our masculinity. Engage in those tough conversations with respect and dignity, and watch how it fosters growth and deeper connections, and let's bring back this essential aspect of being a man.

You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.


Is Confrontation Normal and Beneficial?

You know, in the schoolyard fight, sometimes two kids would beat themselves up and then like friends again. That's normal behavior. Confrontation is normal. And it's not just normal. It's good. It builds that bond. You know where a man stands, you know, if the man's got a backbone.
There's going to be people out there that are going to confront you. And you need to be able to handle it. And sometimes you need to be that sheepdog that's guarding the wolf. How many times do we walk away with something constructive and that builds up on?

Reclaiming Masculinity: Introduction

Every time. Every time.
You're a man living in the modern world in a time when men and manhood are not what they once were. You live life on your own terms. You're self-sufficient. You think for yourself and you march to the beat of your own drum. When life knocks you down, you get back up. Because in your gut, you know that's what men do. You're a badass and a warrior. And on the days when you forget, we are here to remind you who you really are.

Understanding Healthy Confrontation

Welcome to Solver Man podcast, where we aim to make men masculine again. I'm your man, Nikki Baloo, and I'm here with my man, Rob Arpa. What's up, Arps? Not much, brother. Life is busy. Everything's growing, going in the right direction, so it's good. Yeah, man. Excellent. Excellent. It's been a while since we've done one of these, and we're going to get on a more regular schedule, because our conversations, honestly, are some of the most relevant and important for men to be listening to.
And there's a couple of topics that I wanted us to delve into today. The first of which is that there's nothing wrong with confrontation between men. So tell me your thoughts on this and let's go from there.

The Decline of Confrontation in Society

Yeah. So, uh, I think, uh, in terms of confrontation between men, I think, I think the, uh, that is starting to, to be lost in our, in our society and,
there seems to be this trend of it's not right, it's not good. It's not understood definitely by the feminine side of things. I remember me as a boy growing up, as boys, we used to wrestle, we used to get in the fights. And the craziest thing is in the schoolyard fights sometimes, two kids would beat themselves up and then
hours later friends again and that's that's that's normal behavior but what it also a man behavior yeah yeah but it also it's like it it it shows like uh you know that that a man is you know willing uh you know to to go to bat i guess like uh it shows like where his grid is and if he's got a backbone right because you know if if someone's always uh

Consequences of Avoiding Confrontation

you know, docile or whatever. It's like when push comes to shove, like where is this man gonna be when you need his help? Yeah, worthless. You remember that a few years back, there was a man that I enrolled in the Sterling Men's Weekend who at the time was having some issues with his wife. He was quite a wealthy man, successful, worth a few million bucks. And he came to me and he said, oh man, you're the reason why my marriage still exists and thank you.
And then a few years after that, he and I got into a confrontation, right? And I yell at him over the phone. And, you know, even after afterwards, when I came to him, I said, Look, man, I'm sorry, I fucking lost my temper or whatever. He still held on to it, held on to the anger around it.
And not only that, he in sneaky, passive-aggressive ways, in feminized, womanly ways, honestly, the worst side of women, not the best side of women, came and fucking fucked with me and my business and ended up destroying my friendship with them, but also destroyed an income stream that I had.
And he did it because he couldn't handle confrontation.

Conflict as a Means of Understanding

And I asked him, I said, yo, man, what's going on here, man? Why is this still fucking sticking in your craw? It's done. It's over with. You know, big fucking deal. He says, oh, well, no, no, no. When I was a kid, my dad yelled at me and I don't like anybody yelling at me right now. I'm like, you have a problem being fucking yelled at?
Like really? My dad yelled at me. Like seriously, in 2024, like we're living in Canada right now, right? Canada, United States, the West. This is a bubble for these fucking people. When we get into worldwide confrontations, which are coming, I mean, I don't know if you noticed right now, but China
is conducting this military exercise where they've encircled Taiwan and they're flying jets with live missiles over Taiwan and they're conducting other like live fire type military exercises. So if people think, oh no, it'll never happen here and those days of, you know, uncivilized male behavior are gone forever, they're full of shit. They're not only not gone forever. The bubble in which we're living in here is not gonna last much longer.
And so this man, in particular, I go, because he couldn't handle confrontation, well, he lost a friendship with me, a man who he admits saved his marriage, but he also did something dishonorable. He fucked with a man's livelihood. And you know who this man is. Would you trust this man? Would you want this man in your circle? Would you want to do business with him in any way? Or would you probably say, yeah, I think I'll stay away?
Yeah, no, I wouldn't get anywhere near him. I would be civil with him. Absolutely, of course. And that's as far as it would go. How can you trust a weasel? How can you trust a weasel? You know what's crazy? You remember the movie series, The Matrix, right? Yeah. And I believe it was in...
in the second one, and this is obviously made by the Wachowski brothers, which became the Wachowski sisters, right? Yeah, they're the brothers as far as I'm concerned. Fuck that bullshit. Whatever. But they still understood, and it's written in the movie. There's that scene where Neo meets the guard of the Oracle, and they had that combat scene for what? What is it, like a five minute scene or whatever?
And, you know, Neo turns to him and says, why, why did you attack me? And he's like, you never really truly know someone until you fight them. You know, but, you know, like that's, that's the thing, like, you know, that's part of male, you know, masculine relationships, like it, confrontation and that is, is normal.

Confrontation in Media and Culture

And it's not just normal. It's good. It builds that bond. You know, where, where a man stands.
And, you know, if the man's got a backbone, you know, or, or, or, or not, you know, a man, a man like the man that we talk about in question, I, I don't understand what he's, he's concerned about. My dad yelled and so what grow the fuck up, you know, parents walk over it. He's lucky that all he got was yelled at dude. I used to get smacked around and stuff like that. Like that shit happens. You step on a line, you get a whack, you know, and, and, you know,
I know he can claim he's a millionaire and he's actually really lucky that, you know, you save that marriage because his wife would have taken at least half of that shit from him. At least $15 million. And this is the fucking thanks I get that when we get into a manly masculine confrontation, he fucking uses it as a reason to fucking go ballistic. But more than that, this is a salutary example for other men to listen to of
men who avoid confrontation and instead behave in sneaky ways to mess with other men. And the truth of the matter is that, you know, can't avoid confrontation. Well, no, that's that's the worst part, because the more you avoid it, the worse the worse it gets. Right. The worse things get for you because, you know, you watch the movies and stuff like men that avoid confrontation are usually called, you know, like yellow and the old
the old westerns and stuff like that. Cowers. Cowers, spineless. Yeah, of course. Yeah, because then, you know, if, if you won't stand up to someone that's supposed to be your friend, what happens when you're approached by an adversary? Then what? Right? Do you sell out? They sell out. Just like in that movie, the 300, when the Persians were coming knocking at the door, they're like, just bow down and join us and avoid the confrontation. It's like, what? No way. You know, this is Sparta. We don't do that.
So, you know, now imagine that, you know, those men could not, you know, or the others that did, that, uh, that did bow down. They were the first ones that the Persians sent out to die in the front lines. And that's how that movie starts. Remember when the, when the first wave of attacks came through and they were just getting slaughtered. That was the man that bowed down to the Persians and they got sent straight to the front lines. Here you go. Yeah.
So yeah, but confrontation does like it, it creates bonding. Now, I think the, one of the key takeaways is that men have to understand that just because another man does not share your opinion,

The Real Purpose of Confrontation

doesn't mean he's trying to hurt your feelings. And I think that's another problem that's being lost, right? Because I, you know, that's, that's very boyish, childish behavior.
You get hurt feelings and you go cry about it. That's not what it's going on. Just because a man stands his ground doesn't mean it's an attack on you either. So you've got to be careful with that. And when men get into a confrontation, the confrontation has to come to an end. And it usually comes to a peaceful end where that helps to bond men together.
And if it's not getting there, then it's not being done right. It's like, dude, like how many times have you and I stood around a fire and we've seen men getting confronted, you, me, you know, whatever. Shit happens, right? And how many times do we walk away with something constructive and that builds up on? Every time. Every time. If you don't fucking take it personally and go freak out about it. Every fucking time. I think that's one of the things we need to tell these men too about doing the live in person meetings is confrontations,
over the internet is bullshit because there's no threat of physical harm, which is kind of weird because that's kind of like where it goes, right? It's not where it ends up, but there's always that fear that that might be what turns out, right? Because you never know what another man's gonna do. You know what I'm saying?
What was that line from Peterson there? Every man is a killer, but he's got it under voluntary control or something of that effect. That's so true for men that are proper masculine living men. Things can go that far.
It could go, but it's under voluntary control. A man who cannot control that is not a trustworthy man because you want to make sure that that's expended at your enemies and not your friends.
Yeah, yeah, no, 100%, 100%. Peterson's quote is very powerful one. And the other day, in one of our fire meetings, there was a new man came, he was guest, he's guest of another man, I won't mention names. Yeah. And this man, he just from the get go just seemed to be cracking jokes, you know, not really sitting, listening, trying to figure out what was going on. He was attempting to
stand out and after a while we started to tell him about hey this is how we do things here right so there's some things he wasn't doing and he was having sidebar conversations and things like that which we asked him not to do he wouldn't listen at first I said listen man just you know stop and then finally
Um, I was trying to, I asked for the men to do an exercise and the exercise was to talk about something around a relationship, you know, on how do you rank yourself in relationship? Well, you know, and how does your lady rank you in relationships, scale of one to 10 and why I got that kind of thing, some introspective stuff.
He launches on

Handling Disrespect and Setting Boundaries

this big-ass fucking story about a day he's gone on in excruciating detail. Now, I'm not gonna reveal anything more than that, right, for confidentiality reasons, but obviously not answering the exercise, right? We let him go on for a few minutes, and then I said, hey, man, the question was, and I repeated the question, and your answer has nothing to do with the question, because, you know, you're not in relationship, because, well, yeah, I am, I go, no, you've just gone,
You're about to go on your first fucking date, right? You're not in relationship with this individual. So you're not answering the question as to how you are in a relationship because you're not in one. So we should move on from you. Buddy just fucking wouldn't want to let it go. You know what I mean? Just wouldn't want to fucking let it go. Just kept going on and on and on and on.
This wasn't working. After a while, I just said, Lee, you're not playing by our rules. Get out. Yeah. He couldn't take it, man. And that was wild. He couldn't take it. He left. But what was interesting was that the other men around the fire, a couple of them got really uncomfortable. Well, you know, you could have handled that differently. And I'm just going to myself. No, I couldn't have.
not have been true to me as a man. The man was disrespecting our rules, disrespecting our fire, disrespecting the question that was being asked and was basically a big fuck you to me saying, hey man, follow our rules. So what I did was fine. Now, could I have maybe been a little bit less emotional? Yeah, I could have definitely been a little bit less emotional.
But maybe in the heat of the moment, it's not bad to be emotional all the time. I don't know. Different men have different ways of doing things. And I just, I look back at it and I go, now I'm glad I confronted him. I'm glad I told him to leave. One of the men there, though, you know, really was just hammering at me, man, you shouldn't have done that. I'm going, why? Why shouldn't have I done that?
And what came to me, and the reason why we're having this conversation is that man's uncomfortable with confrontation. That man's uncomfortable with confrontation. It's not that he disagreed necessarily with what I was saying to this fellow. It's not that he disagreed that this fellow was
You know, a guest in our group, he was like a guest in your home that instead of shitting in your toilet, shits in your bathtub and you ask him to leave, right? That's kind of what it was like, you know, Arfa? Yeah. But he didn't want to say, hey, man, you're shitting our bathtub. Shouldn't have done that. And I was ready to do that. Yeah. And to me, I want to just encourage men listening to this. Don't be afraid to confront a man.
Don't be afraid. You don't have to get into fisticuffs and start punching. That's not what I mean, man. Don't be afraid to go to him and say, yo, man, this is not cool. In terms of being afraid to get into fists, only the man who feels the most threatened will resort to that.

Learning and Growing from Confrontation

Corning a squirrel, if you corner a squirrel, it's going to try to bite you in defense. And that's all that is. As long as you realize that's what it is and the man feels, you know, threatened, then you know where he's at. You know, in terms of like the whole confrontation, it needs to be like, you have to stand for something.
Could things have been done? The question of could things have been done differently? Really, would that man have been served if things turned out another way? And I bring that up because we are in this society where there's this mentality where every child that's in any kind of sport has to receive some kind of trophy or ribbon just for participation, which is a crock of shit.
It's a crock of shit. It is. It's a crock of shit. My daughter, my daughter just, I told you, she played a chess tournament and she, she's like ninth in the whole school board and she didn't get a, she didn't get a trophy or a ribbon for it. And I was actually kind of glad to see that, you know, even though she wanted one. And I'm like, no, man. I'm like, T like, you know, this is a good lesson for you. You need to try harder because not everybody gets a trophy.
Right that stuff's reserved to people at the top. Yeah So if you want the trophy, you got to try harder, right? You got to play practice, you know, you need some dedication devotion, right? You know, I think the whole thing was like, you know the whole 10-bit soccer and everybody gets a trophy thing. Yeah I think that is ruining society. We're you know, not everybody deserves the same The same
rewards for different levels of effort. The more effort, the more work you put in, the more you deserve. That's the way shit works. And that's the way things will always work. Anyways, there's a lesson to be learned from that confrontation. For you, for standing your ground, for maintaining our space, because that space, for those that are listening that have never participated, it is a sacred space.
You ask me, it's equivalent to going to church as a Roman Catholic, but it's even more divine. Imagine going to church and speaking as if it was like a one-on-one conversation with the pastor or someone in that delegation directly. It's that high. It is a sacred space.
And you don't go into a church and shit on the floor. That's 100% real. You get tossed. And with all due respect, that's right. And there's a lesson for that man. And if that man learns his lesson, he'll learn a very valuable fucking lesson. You don't shit in a sacred space. And I have an actual example of that in my life. I used to have a man that worked for me. He was an alcoholic.
And basically, whatever money I paid him for the work that he's done with us, he spent it on booze. He got so bad, he lost his family, his wife, his daughters, threw him out. He had to move out on his own. And then eventually ended up losing his place because he wasn't paying his rent. He wound up in the hospital because he would buy booze rather than food.

Life Lessons Through Confrontation

And he gave himself a fucking ulcer and was puking up blood. Like this man was getting to a bad, bad place.
And then, uh, and because of the boozing, he didn't show up for a few shifts at work. So I terminated him. And, you know, at first, you know, being terminated from your position seems like, like the absolute worst thing that can happen. But, you know, sometimes, sometimes, most times the lesson has to be learned the hard way. And when it comes to such crazy addictions, you have, you know,
men, women, whatever, have to reach rock bottom before they learn the lesson. And now, another one of my employees that sees them in certain areas, they're not in the same social circle, but they encounter each other, saw them a few days back.
And he said to him, he said, Rob firing me was the best thing to happen to me in my life. Because I terminated him, I stopped enabling his addiction. Now he's been sober. He's been like three or four months sober. He got his family back. I don't know if he's working just yet, but he's getting his whole life back together. This other man that you remove from that meeting, he's gonna take a hard lesson from that.
There's some rules you can bend, there's some rules you can break, and then there's some that are just rock solid you can't fuck with. You know, and every man needs to know. Right? Every man needs to know.

Strengthening Resilience Through Confrontation

So if that man ever wants to come back out to a fire circle, he's more than welcome to come. But
But he's not going to I'm guaranteeing you he's not going to go out of my way to extend that hand to him If he fucking learns his lesson, he wants to come back and show us he learned the lesson. He's welcome to come back Yeah, if he's willing to come back and respect the space then he's more than welcome to come back And I think that's that's where men confuse, you know in our tenant of the code. It says embrace all men Yeah embrace all men but
you know those men do have to sometimes respect the space not sometimes all the time like all the time you embracing all men doesn't mean you fucking bring them into your inner circle no when there's no when they're a problematic fucking man or a weasel you embrace a man
Absolutely. We embrace a man to begin with but then that man has to show himself worthy. Yeah worthy spot He has to earn his fucking spot. He's not willing to do what it takes to earn a spot turf is fucking ass and honestly these men are
in our group and elsewhere that fucking think we shouldn't confront anybody need to fucking get a grip. The world is a world of confrontation. You're going to be confronted outside and Canada right now is a bit of a bubble in the United States in the Western world. It's a bit of a bubble.
And you men who think, oh, we've done away with all that confronting, yelling shit. We have not. We have not. And there's going to be people out there that are going to confront you harder than say, I confronted this man and other men that I've confronted. And you need to be able to handle it. And sometimes you need to be that sheepdog that's guarding the wolf. If the wolf's coming for your fucking family and what matters most to you, you're going to fucking be a little pussy and sit down or you're going to stand up or you're going to fucking push

Global Perspectives on Confrontation

Yeah, yeah, think about it. Like, you know, if we look at what's going around on in the world today, you know, I'm sure if you were to speak to some of the Ukrainians about what, how long has that war been going on for now, like two or three years? If you were to ask them five, six, seven years ago, you know, whether or not they thought there was gonna be some kind of confrontation or if they were safe from confrontation, I bet you a good number of them thought everything was just peachy there, just peachy.
Or look at what's going down with Israel. Did they think that things were going to get to where they are right now? I'm sure you could go to certain parts of Israel. Even today, some of them will probably think there's no confrontation coming their way. Oh, it's all over in Gaza. But you know what, man?
That shit can pop up at any time. You've got the truckers rally. These men and women are out there doing a peaceful protest.
And who would have thought that, you know, the federal government would have gone to the extent to wartime efforts, wartime efforts, you know, like the efforts that they use that people so so men could not dodge the draft. That's what they did. Like they went to the absolute extreme. And it's it's insane. Like whoever thought that that, you know, that shit would have happened here. You know what I mean? So like,
And it happens it happens and I think I think that that's that's the big problem with with a lot of the younger generations You know, none of none of them have a lot of them haven't grown up with with war Like I I remember they haven't they haven't I remember older dudes even those in the 60s 70s right now this last since since how's that possible live and
Since 1965, our society has become so feminized. The masculine ethos has been ripped out of the culture, ripped out of the average man. Masculine spaces where men can go be men and let that masculine power fucking flourish and flow.
are gone to such an extent that even older men don't fucking know how to be a man anymore and they have a problem with confrontation. Look, Ukraine, so listen, I'm not a huge fan of sending $100 billion to fucking Ukraine in cash, but I tell you what, I support the Ukrainian people in their fight against a fucking evil dictator in Vladimir Putin. And they're saying, oh my God, the flower of Ukrainian youth is dying. Yeah, that's true, they are.
But they're dying because they've been invaded and they're fighting back against an invader. When you think about that, all this bullshit about Ukraine can't win and we shouldn't, like, fuck you. Fuck you who say that. I don't want to send them $100 billion. I'm totally down with that. I think there's got to be, I think a lot of that money is going into corrupt hands and not necessarily the Ukrainian military to help them fight these guys.
I say this, yes, ending the war is a good idea, but don't go tell a fucking Ukrainian man, hey, you shouldn't be fighting for your fucking country because he should be fighting for his country. He feels that he's being invaded and he's going to fight for his country. That's the confrontation he's got to have.
Is Zelensky a corrupt man? Probably. Has he taken a bunch of this money and lined his pockets and that of his supporters? Probably. Don't know for sure. But probably. But does that mean that he's wrong to stand up against somebody invading his country? Fuck no. He's confronting an enemy. He's confronting an enemy.
Anyone that's worried about corruption, all they gotta do is look to any bureaucrat or politician in their vicinity and you can find corruption. That's not difficult. I don't care what country you're in. It's here in Canada, it's in the States. I don't give a shit if you're Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, whatever.
You find me anybody in some political position and I'll find you the corruption within it. It's not our business that there's corruption in Ukraine or not. It's our business. That's not the point. It's our business number one that we help fight against.
this motherfucker who's trying to fucking take over a country, that's what he's trying to do, and be, then we elect Donald Trump in America, because I think the moment he gets in, he fucking starts putting a lot of pressure on Putin and Zelensky and saying, hey, we're ending this fucking war.
and you're not gonna fucking get everything you wanted, go fuck yourself to Putin. And Putin's gonna fucking play ball in my opinion, he's not playing ball because we got Joe fucking Biden in the goddamn White House, who's a man who does passive aggressive confrontation, he doesn't do real confrontation. Oh yeah, we're against Putin, let's give money to the Ukrainians, yeah. Yo man, fuck you, the Russians.
You've got to fucking deal with them. You've got to confront them. But you've got to do it in a way that's going to get them to back off and not do it in a way that continues the soir. So that's the problem on the Ukrainian front. But I have all the respect in the world for the men and women of Ukraine that are fighting for their country, that are fighting for their freedom so their land isn't taken over by really a megalomaniacal dictator in the form of Vladimir Putin.

Confrontation and Corruption in Politics

Putin's the next KGB officer, you know? Yeah, okay. Anybody who looks at him and goes, all right, but he's acting like a capitalist, not a communist. Yeah, sure, he is. But he's a fucking Russian nationalist, former KGB officer who wants to gobble up territory and wants to increase Russia's influence over the world. Who the fuck are you?
to say, no, no, no, it's okay. Putin's just like, you know, he's just like us. He's not just like us, man. No, no, not at all. I like Tucker Carlson, but you know, when he talks about Ukraine, I want to tell him, hey, Tucker, shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, Tucker said some shit that's not true. Like that whole stint of him in the Russian grocery store, and he's like, oh, look, everything's so cheap. Cheap is relative, right? He reluctantly forgot to mention the fact that like,
you know, the Russians make way less than we do. Like a tenth of what we do. Yeah. You know what I mean? So it's cheap. It was a bit disingenuous. Yeah. It was a bit disingenuous. Although I got to say, I do believe that Moscow has less crime than Canadian or American cities. But basically, because it's a fucking police state. You know what I mean? Yeah. But look at the consequence. You know, here in Canada,
If you get caught committing a crime, depending on the severity of the crime, you're generally back on the streets fairly quickly. So you can go out and recommit. Everybody knows that that's a fucking fact. There are gentlemen out there with like 40 different charges lined up for, you know, waiting for court and they're still on the streets and they're still out there robbing and stealing and whatever. Right. But on the flip side, you look like a man like Paul Bernardo, right?
heinous crimes the shit he did was fucked off right and they put him in it okay they had to put him in solitary confinement because he would not survive general population they the inmates would kill him right but beyond that he gets you know free cable he's got all the books he wants he's got any entertainment that fits in that fucking cell it's three square meals a day a shower a day outside time like this this man lives
a pretty decent fucking life for a man that should have been hung. You put him in Moscow doing the shit that he did there. If he wasn't- He wouldn't survive the arrest. He wouldn't survive the arrest. Yeah. If he wasn't executed, they'd stick him in a prison that's way in the fucking Siberia in a freezing cell with no heat, shitty fucking food.
People don't understand the difference. Our prisoners live better here than some of the poorest people in some of the other parts of the world. They live better here in prison.

Embracing Confrontation for Growth and Self-Discovery

Call me crazy, but you got all these, what do you call them? Migrants walking across the border. They're gonna come here to commit a crime hoping to go to prison because they will be well treated in our prison system. Like let's not,
You know, put that aside. That's us as a society not confronting. Yeah. And that's what you got to do. So the message for men as we wrap this up, Arpa, is embrace confrontation. Yeah. Good for you. Don't be afraid to yell or get yelled at. It's good for you. And don't go looking for a fistfight.
You know, because it can go wrong for you. But if a fistfight comes your way and you cannot deescalate it, then fucking fight. Then fight. That's that. Yeah. Embrace confrontation. Maybe that should be the title of the episode. Embracing confrontation. Yeah. Every man needs to stand up for himself. You know, get a show of backbone. Every man a warrior.
Every man a thinker, every man a poet. There's a society out there called the Warrior Poet Society. I'm a huge fan. John Lovell is a man who founded it and wanted it. I'm a huge fan of them and their ethos. Love to bring John Lovell on the show soon. He's my kind of dude. It was fun. Let's do it again. Sounds good, brother. Be well.
Thank you for listening to the Sovereign Man podcast. If you're ready to take charge of your life and become the man you've always wanted to be, we invite you to join the movement at sovereignman.ca.