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Episode 246: Aetherdrift Story Review (Pt 1) image

Episode 246: Aetherdrift Story Review (Pt 1)

Goblin Lore Podcast
132 Plays1 month ago

Welcome back Podwalkers to a car wreck of an episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast! Wait that sounds bad... Anyway on today's episode the Goblins break down the first three chapters of the Aetherdrift Story. Warning lots and lots of spoilers (and not just on the backs of the racing vehicles)

We also finally have a Linktree with all of our discounts/resources


As promised, we keep Mental Health Links available every episode. But For general Mental Health the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has great resources for people struggling with mental health concerns as well as their families. We also want to draw attention to this article on stigma from NAMI's site.

If you’re thinking about suicide or just need someone to talk to right now, you can get support from any of the resources below.


Opening and closing music by Wintergatan (@wintergatan). Logo art by Steven Raffael (@SteveRaffle)


Welcome and Introduction

are are
Hello Podwalkers and welcome to another episode of the Goblin Lore podcast. We are we are here. it's ah It's a very special episode. We have the whole cast here.

Chronological Plan for Discussion

Two weeks in a row, baby. And we are talking story. Yeah, talking to fun. this was This was a really fun story for Aetherdrift.
Tonight, we're just we' kind of we've done these for for sets recently. We'll kind of just talk through the story kind of chronologically and highlights and fun stuff. But first, why don't I introduce myself? And then we can we can all introduce ourselves and and answer our opening questions. So i'm Alex found ah nowhere. I keep saying that because I'm so used to saying found on Twitter, but that the that is not the case anymore. Found on the Goblin Lord Discord. That is currently my only social media outlets. And it's kind of nice. That's very nice.

Alex on the Aetherdrift Story

my pronouns are he him and our opening question is seeing as we're talking about aether drift and there's all these different teams is like what what team would you uh would you have wanted to race with during during this grant pre uh and i'm just gonna go ahead with my answer and and this is funny because last week we were talking about who should get the who we thought should get the aether spark and I was not I was rapidly trying to prepare for the episode and was not exactly ready so I came up with several answers to answer the question from several different angles of which only two I i kind of shared on air but the the third one I wasn't sure
we met like what team and then ultimately we were talking about individuals so I didn't cover the answers but I at the time hadn't read all the story and the team I thought would would be fun would would be the the team from Amonkhet and I suppose we'll talk more about stuff as we go through but I just think they've been through a lot and that would be they but they have a cool close-knit team working well together and... What do you mean when you say they've been through a lot, Alex? They have been... um What are you insinuating? I'm going to quote the planeswalker guide here. Albin Kett fell to the machinations of a megalomaniacal,
cruel trickster god pharaoh. Unnamed. Unnamed god pharaoh. We're just going to be fair here. Yeah. but like we don't Because he doesn't have a name anymore. He doesn't have a name anymore.

Hobbs Q on Social Media and Favorite Team

Because he's the booth guy. So so I will say once we've done just as ah as a heads up, we are we are going to talk about the whole story, not the side stories, but we will be talking about the whole main story. So if it's something that you are still hoping to, you know, still planning to read, then maybe yeah come back to the episode after you're done reading, reading the story. And this was a really fun one. I really enjoyed it. But why does it? Hobbs, why don't you introduce yourself?
Yeah, so I am Hobbs Q. I can be found on the internet at ah Hobbs Q on Blue Sky and everywhere except, well, no no longer, no longer on Twitter. My, my account has been wiped clean, even though it still somehow says I have 4,000 posts. There are none listed. Congratulations. Thanks. Thanks. It's, it's a great day. did Did you, did you download your whole thing before you, you left? Like I did. I did do

Tay's Introduction and Favorite Team

that. Yes. I did. do I did take, it was kind of fun. Kind of fun to poke through that.
I didn't like a year or so ago and I started to do chronological. I had been on there since 2010. So there was a lot. Uh, that's, that's fair. I had a lot less, yeah less years and the less active. So that's fair. So yeah. So, uh, but yes, I can be found on blue sky at the very least it, it Hobbs Q and, you know.
You know, we we we started this out and we kind of joked. We're like, we can't all just pick the Goblin team. and And actually, I'm not going to because as much as I do love them, that horrible green manna that they picked up somewhere, green manna for a group that cares about artifacts makes no sense to me because why would they care about artifacts if they're that's not a very green thing?
There's a reason. So I actually went with the one that the goblins, real goblins would be in. Like if we had other goblins, um, and that's the key haulers. So these are the ones that were, they have employed the famous avishkari pirate Kari Zev and Raghavan as a mercenary guide to the race. And so captain howl order is their main person, but they are basically cordotons, which are humanoid sharks.
And they have air breathing fish folk and human comrades, but they're basically, they're the pirate team. They, they have actually a lot of abilities for the cars that have been spoiled so far. They care about pirates. Pirates is one of the, um, future types that I really, I actually really enjoy.

Story Integration with Magic Universe

Um, I just like pirates. So that's who I'm going to choose. Even though the art that they show off in the planeswalker guide is them.
throwing goblins around, which I don't know how I see this. It's not really conflicted today, but that's me.
Uh, Tay, how are you doing? I'm doing all right. Hey, Tay, pronouns are she, her, are they, them. I'm To probably no one's surprise, um I'm going to be signing up at the Cloudspire Racing Team because Chandra is on it and I'm a huge Chandra fangirl. Yeah, I was about to say. They're also from Kylem, which is one of my favorite planes.
You know, I'm glad that Kylum gets a mention in official story, even if we're never going to go back to Kylum. And Vin, Vin are are are like sportscaster, right? Yeah. It has a card, I believe, even. Yeah, we we got we get a mention of Kylum. You know, we get we get them.
So we do get a little bit of Kylum brought into the main story. Oh, yeah. you know this is a You know, as much as I beg Gavin, I don't know if battle bond two is ever going to happen. But, uh, yeah. Uh, I just,

Setting and Political Context of Avishkar

I love, was it literally last week? I was just talking about how much I loved the fact that battle bond had this whole setup where they were all just like competing in sports arena. So yeah. Okay. Yeah. I didn't realize that they were from Kylo. Yeah. It's cool.
Yeah, I was excited when I saw Kylem mention and and the interesting part that Chandra is racing for Kylem or with the Kylem team. Yeah, I didn't know that. Not with anybody that's Avish Kari. Yeah, and they, unlike most of the other teams, they actually have safety gear on. I don't understand. Yes.
You mean it isn't just two explosions? yeah For every every piece of safety gear could just be more explosives, right? Yeah, but yeah that's a good choice. Well, let's dive into the story. ah So we're we're dropping into this ah slightly after Duskmoor. Last we saw loot was in the arms of Valgavath. And, you know, Jace was being Jace alongside Kaido. we don't know We didn't know what else was going on. And that kind of brought us, I think, the the end of that and to then lead us into
returning to formerly the plane known as Kaladesh, now known as Avishkar, unless you're part of the old regime that wants to, hmm, there was not, there was some not so so subtle political no commentary.
Yes, which going on here. Which was really cool because i remember I remember them mentioning like they did a little just notice like, hey, by the way, we're we're changing the name

Creation and Obsolescence of the Aetherspark

of the plane. Yes. But we're changing it in fiction as opposed to retconning it. Yes. Yeah. And I really like how this worked. Yes. Yeah.
Uh, I did too. Yeah. Like I, I, I thought that it was, it was something that had been wanted. Uh, at least I will say that by, by people who care about this set, even before it was, I mean, even, even with last time when it was there, Kaladesh has the issue of basically being a racial slur depending on pronunciation and, and, and region. So like it it was.
a pretty significant name, uh, like issue with kind of the, the first time they went to, uh, what is now average car. There was a lot of concerns because it was not a plane that necessarily was handled as well. And I think we've seen since when it came, you know, I think this is, we talked about a little bit right with the turt return to Kamagawa, there had been the fear of how things like Kaladesh had been handled. So.
right away, getting a name change, getting to see it, but also getting to see the people who are kind of stuck in the old, the old ways, um the people who do not want to change the name change within the story. And I thought it was such a cool parallel to have the, like you said, Alex, I think the literary reason and show that while also making it an official name change.
Yeah, yeah, and and kind of, that's just a, it's a weird to sort of talk about the like metatextual thing about this. so that this which is something I ever want to do, which is part of why I'm like a big Mel with things. I love the mechanics and things of cards and how that can tell stories. But this is, it's cool to, there's a lot of stuff with Magic Story that we don't get because the story has to serve the game. the The story doesn't really sell cards, not directly, not in a way that is super marketable and easy for them to put money into.
In fact, it's it is part of the marketing, but it is not a main thing that's going to sell lots and lots of packs. So the story usually has to get kind of boxed into fairly small boxes. And it's great that we get as much as we have been getting lately, there was a time when we got less and worse story. But it's cool when you we get to see things like this happen. And then they put it in the fiction because it kind of helps to make the fiction, I don't feel feel more elevated.
without them having to do tons and tons of work. They get to kind of just bring this thing in and make it more than just a, hey, this was, you know, they're they're doing double work. They're doing the great work of changing this name. But then they're also doing this this cool elevation with the story where the story gets to be part of that. The the

Generational Divide in Avishkar

fiction gets to be part of that. Yeah. And, you know, we got a really good article explaining why they did it, how they're doing it.
you know, the reason for doing it. We got it talked about in the fiction, you know, the. new regime. They're basically restarting everything post-Frexian invasion, and they have a new government and new leadership, and they're essentially getting rid of the... Kind of the caste system. Yeah. so yeah you know Basically, yeah, the the the different social classes that they were that were strictly enforced.
which, you know, the people in the upper classes were not very happy about. They didn't like losing their power, right? No, not at all. ah And, you know, and we've seen a story. Jace takes advantage of that ah being ah to be a jerk. ah Once again,
Yeah, well, like from the outset, so our first story, we kind of start with one of the consulars, the former consuls at his home where his his daughter is. Or that we get the story of how the Aetherspark was made. Yes. Oh, gosh. Yeah. And we get this wonderful mad artificer, essentially,
ishhika Ishikari who basically goes on like everybody ever told her that her her theories were Complete lunacy and nobody understood her and all of her ideas ideas were whack and She she basically got turned down everywhere couldn't get a job couldn't do anything and And then the... Including from, by like Pia Nalaar, right? Yeah. and you know Yeah. one ah One of the lines here, she's kind of thinking about this thing. And one of the lines that was said to hers, what seems to you to be whimsical and harmless is a derangement. And then this this the story goes on to say, Ishikari memorized that one, had it engraved upon one of her many soldering items.
Yeah, yeah. It's like very much that like mad scientist that then it just embraces that personality is like, so what I'm gonna do it. Yeah, yeah. And then and you see like her her group owners like planes walkers and her sparks like academia knowledge shouldn't knowledge belong to everybody. And you get it. And then during the Frexian invasion,
you know, she doesn't know how much time she has left. So rather than finding the right test subject, she just uses herself to make the, um make the aether spark. And she's consumed in the process, but actually does succeed in making an artificial spark.
Which is pretty awesome. Yeah. Yes.
Largely obsoleted by the Omen Pass? Yes. yes That's fair. i'm I'm a little concerned because it is a cool story and I'm glad we see it. And I'm kind of interested in why they made this and what it's going to be doing in the story. But I'm a little concerned about somebody trying to make more of these.
I don't know that this will actually show up in the story. This

Character Motivations and Stakes

is something I i talked about. yeah You talked about this a little bit last week. So I don't want to belabor the point too much. But this this is one of those things where sometimes with the fiction, yeah especially with this little spaces as magic gets for the story, sometimes so there may be just a little bit of hand wavium and this may be something we don't really come back to. Yeah, I think they try to paint it just like they did with the artificial door to dusk more. And like this is something that could really only happen once in this, it was just one person and, yes you know, nobody else would be crazy enough to do this. And since nobody ever listened to her, like all of her ideas died with her. Yes, yeah, that that's true. there There is a lot of of of those sort of hallmarks to to to try to signal this is a unique this is this is a unique thing. Yeah.
But yeah, then that was cool. And then as as you were saying, Hopps, then it it it fast forwards two years later. Yeah, so then then we get to kind of see the the the basically the the the daughter coming home late at night um after crashing.
her ah racing vehicle. And she goes by the name of Spitfire. And we learned that she is one of the consulars who have been disposed who is not happy about that um daughter. And she kind of is in this role where she really is hiding her identity. Yeah, and then live in this this dual life.
Yeah, and we don't get anything specific on what her age is, but it's kind of led to like late teens. Yeah, that' that's about what I assumed. Yeah. Yeah, and and this is the first point where, as you were saying, two Hobbs, we get the, you know, he he he uses the name Kaladesh and then she correct corrects him.
So I know it's Avishkar now and kind of explains the, you know, invention's a wonderful name. We're all starting over after the invasion and kind of like trying to encourage him like, no, this is, this is us, you know, as a plane, as a people moving forward. And then he kind of just pushes back on that a bit. Yeah. I mean, I could picture him in a red hat is is all I'm going to say, you know,
that literally would say. Then he complains about the doctor being able to charge what he wants now and yeah like to you know the the lower classes are getting uppity and yeah yeah charging. Expecting things. Expecting things, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. like Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's the, he, he, he is. Yeah. Like that's this very interesting thing. He kind of somebody that is out of place with, with, with society having kind of moved forward in progress and invention. I really liked that, but yeah not, you know, that's not what he, he wants. Yeah. Like, yeah. Here, here is a line from him. He says, but a commoner is a different thing entirely commoners need guidance. It's like,
yeah That gives you a very good view of of kind of the old guard in this place. I mean, really nice to set up, you know, this this this this cross-planar race happening against that back, just even the background. that This is where, you know, where it's it's been two years. It's two years since basically the invasion. It hasn't been that long, so this is still very new.
This is the second ah race they've done. They had one race the year before. Won by the Cloud Spires. Yeah. the The prize was not the eighth or spark. So now I'm kind of curious, like, what was the prize the first year,

Chandra's Motives and Desire to Win

right? Like, you had the spark. It was the, yeah it it was the invention, the expedition Sol Ring. That's very fair. yeah Yeah, that's a good one. And then two. Yeah, that's a good one. yeah Yeah, know and it's it's also interesting, and again like talking about like storytelling, i can economics of storytelling, like setting up that cross-generational gap within this same family that features one of the racers we're going to see in the story. is is a good I really liked that. That was a good so a good setup and it made
and allowed that's that that particular tension to be part of the story without taking up a ton of space away from the actual race, the actual story for the set. And it's cool to see, like,
Yeah, it's just so set up walks like the next thing we see is kind of like when we're we're kind of starting to see the what's going to be the start of the race or where things are being set up, but we get to see Gandhi now sitting alongside the, you know, the the upper class as it as it were. Yeah, but he he's he is no longer the just the head of the underworld. He is an official. He is the night minister, yeah which is such a cool name. Yeah.
Yeah. You know, what, you know, that's like, what is the night minister's actual duties? I want to know. I mean, this is something that should be, it should have been in the planes walkers guide. What what is Dante's official duties? Yeah. Yeah. and Is it different than the day minister? Yeah.
So we have this race, we kind of get this idea early on that Spitfire is racing under Pia Miller. And on that, on the team where she is the, you know, she is, she has the, she's putting on this tough person act, which we we get kind of moments of throughout the story is not her. It's like a mask. It's not really how she is or how she even wants to be, but feeling that she needs to.
But we learned that she is racing for P and LR. So right away, we get this setup of it's not Chandra racing with her mom. Yeah, yeah, we get the that this character this new character we're just meeting is racing with Pia and Chandra is not. Yeah. ah Which we never really get an explanation as to why Yeah. Chandra basically says, you know, trying to trying to increase the odds of winning was kind of what she said. Yeah, but it doesn't really say even why that it. Yeah, because like the Cloud Spire won the year before. I mean, and Pia even made this really cool like time stop suit for her even.

Racing Teams and Consequences

Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, but that makes it even more a little odd to me. You're right. Like that why she's she's joined this this Kylen group. Would they not? What, why would her racing with them mean that she gets to take the prize away from that entire group? If she wins, like, is that what's happening? I guess maybe they agreed with that. And that was why it worked because there was conversations between her and someone else on the team later where she went to do the hero thing. And and she's like, well, it's fine if you win, you go ahead, you keep racing. I want to be a hero. Yes. And so I don't know. We got right away, you know, the idea that she, she, she wants to win this for
Nissa, kind of what we thought would happen. But it was a little unclear throughout the story. Why? You know, it wasn't like her mom. It was like it doubled the odds, right? Like if if if if no yeah or so one we're going to give it to Nissa. like It was very clear Spitfire wants this. Oh, yeah. Because she wants she wants to get the hell away from her dad. Yeah.
And she does not want to do the Omen Path way. She wants to be able to step away whenever she wants.
So that is why i I yeah, I was still wondering at the end of the story, kind of that the the rationale of the logic. yeah how Yeah, how that was was worked out. Yeah, them. That's fair. And that's that's one of those possibly one of those unfortunate consequences of just like, we get the amount of story we get, or we get the space for the story that we get. And the writer just has to fit however much ah right however much story they can inside of that space. Yes.
there has to be some that is just left to hand waving in some ways. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So kind of the rest of the first story is just some free setup. You know, you learn a little bit about the competitors. Chandra thinks she's being sneaky and gets ambushed by paparazzi. Yeah, she doesn't handle the paparazzi very well, especially when they start asking about Nissa asking about her mom, especially.
let's say um There was a fun scene. And then, you know, it ends with Winter who is pissed off and upset at the world as he always is. And there is some really cool art of him looking moody and just generally upset. And, you know, that doesn't change throughout the story. No.
No, and I got to say like this, I was not expecting the Duskmourne story to tie into greater multiversal stories this quickly. Yeah, i suit well, as soon as I saw that they had a team in the player, the planer guide, I was like, well, you know, I know they're um And I knew that it would have to tie in soon because of them having Lew, and he's kind of the centerpiece of this arc.
So I knew it would have to tie in soon. I did not expect it to be aether drift. I do have to say I like the aesthetics of their ah of their You know, I don't, I don't like much else about the speed demons, but you know, they they definitely have that Rob Zombie look going for them. Yes. Very that. And that's a good.
aesthetic that that differs from all of the other teams that are participating. And also, it it again, with that sort of story economy thing, it also creates more tension within this story because there's a lot more consequences for them winning.
then, you know, the almond cat, the kylem, any of the avishkar teams, you know, any of those we don't want Valvin getting spark is probably worst case scenario. Yeah, exactly. And so that

Sinister Motives of the Speed Demons

right there without having to really build too much more, for people who are just checking in for the set, there's be like, Oh, these are mean people, because they set up that there's mean things happening, which is fair. But for people who are more invested in this in the story of the sets that have been coming out recently, we We understand what it means when at the end of the first story, the demon tells winter, remember the stakes, bring us the Aether Spark and you're free, fail and you belong to the house. The house. The house. And that that the term of the house is used threateningly like that a few times.
way that's not a comfortable house. it's No, warm, fuzzy house that out of context sounds a little bit like you have a gambling debt it you're in over your head. Yeah, which isn't entirely wrong with how this works. It's also a lot more literal. Yes. There's there's a lot more menace behind it when you understand the context, which is great, which is perfect. Yeah, yeah. No. ah Yeah, if If Valganoth got a hold of of the Aether Spark, then Mira Grant would be writing all the rest of Magic Story from here on out. Ooh, Monkey Publish. yeah because that's also That sounds amazing. yeah because there's like I don't know. Yes, that that sounds cool. And it also sounds terrible for everyone in the story.
Listen. ever yeah everyone who isn't Everyone who is in the multiverse, terrible. Everyone who isn't, maybe less terrible. yeah yeah Yeah. The only person worse to possibly have gotten the Aether Spark would have been Ugin.
and Who possibly I guess we don't know. He might not know. It's not great anymore. we We don't know the status. We don't know anything. We don't know. We do know his Dragonstorms are out of control. We find that out at the end of the story here. Yeah, we're going we're going back to Tarkir. We know that much, too. So we'll yeah find out soon. Yeah. So anyway, anyway, moving on to the second story.
We get a very nice moment to start off with. Yeah. Very gay. We get, yeah, we get Chandra being just wonderful. Yes. that's yeah so we We have strayed amazingly so far from decidedly male at this point. Yeah, it's like beautiful. We've gone the opposite direction in a very amazing way. Like we're now going to tell you over and over again,
just how gay Chandra is. Yeah, yeah, like we are how hopelessly gay Chandra. Yeah, yeah, like there's gonna be no doubt the you haul is packed and she is ready to move in with Nissa. Yeah, I mean, they're ready to move back to Zendikar. That's the whole reason they're trying to get this spark for Nissa. That's at least Chandra's right? She's yeah like, she, she wants she she, she honestly thinks that is exactly what
Nissa wants. Yeah, it doesn't really sound like she's actually asked this. Yeah. so yeah that Yeah. Yeah, I mean, this is this is mono red Chandra we're talking about. yeah This is this is yeah passionate Chandra who sees the person she loves struggling. And this person has talked about Zendikar. Yeah. And how much it would mean to, to bring her there. And Chandra has ran with that. Yeah. Like she has gone all in on it. The point where she's going to put her life at risk in a death race to try and get them back to Zendikar. Yeah. Yeah. Like, yes. And since we don't have a good shortcut to Zendikar that we know about, right? She wants them to be able to planeswalk together. Yep.
Yeah, and we already know that, you know, like, Belgovov doesn't even want ah to go to Zendikar because that door was nailed over, so, you know... was like a oh no oh The house is scared of something. Yeah, so, you know...
Vilkevoss. Omen Pass to Zendikar might be rare just because the multiverse doesn't want people to go to Zendikar.

Chandra and Nissa's Relationship Dynamics

The Blind Eternities is like, it's okay. We know we got really messed up by the Phyrexians and. Yeah, when when the demon that ate the demon trapped in a house that ate an entire plane is like, nah, I ain't going there. You kidding me? yeah just just worried that the royal is going to just eat the, just collapse the entire house.
But I think that is, you know, I like this line here is I don't want you to fix the problem for me. If I can get back to Zendikar, I don't want it to be Nissa and Chandra there. I want it to be Nissa, comma and Chandra. Like I thought it was a very nice base grammar line. But the idea is that it's not just about that. And she's trying to make Chandra understand. Mm hmm. Yeah, she's still going to go head down and yeah.
Oh, and we do get some more, you know, Nissa being very autistic here. You know, she, she has trouble with eye contact. She has trouble saying what's actually on her mind to Chandra. You know, they're both useless lesbians here and either of them are good at communicating to the other what they actually want.
And we we also get a really touching scene of of Pia, like giving Chandra a hard time in front of Nissa, doing it on purpose, being the parent giving your kid a hard time in front of their you know significant other. and And we also get the wonderful line right at the end of that scene, the Chandra Nilar, Planeswalker, Multiverse Saver, Pyromage Extraordinary, groans.
yeah oh just we've been we've gotten some just great but the writers who we've been tapped lately have just been doing such a wonderful job writing these these stories well and she needles her a little bit about the um not you know that everybody is gonna have a little Sean Gunnar figure but she won't be wearing an 8th arranger uniform Yeah. Doing, doing the, the, the parent thing. Someone has to keep you humble. Yeah. Well, I also like this. She'll be fighting for someplace else where they don't care about her so much, but Hey, you know what? She's going to do it. And John's just like, but what's interesting is Pia says it's fine. I understand the best hope of winning. Wasn't it? I still want to know what that means. Cause then she says like two of you competing means twice the chance to win. Doesn't it?
Yeah, which which assumes that either team would give the spark to her to give to Nissa. But Spitfire is not along with that plan. yeah so like yeah Nobody's asked her. Yeah, that's like there seems to be some assumptions going on here that I don't think have really been confirmed. Yeah. But it is interesting, right? Like, yeah. Yeah. So.
Uh, and then we, we cut over to back to Sita who Sita Farmer Spitfire, who is waiting for her, her escape from the house essentially to show up and let her get away.
Yeah. And I love how we have, again, this is the strength of writers and and and writing economy. But you have in the the first part the first scene where she's waiting at her home, it's Sita. Sita paces the room, you know, da, da, da, da. And then you go down a little bit and she

Race Begins Amidst Societal Changes

gets there. And then suddenly when the scene changes, it's Spitfire X. Spitfire says Y.
Oh, and I don't think we mentioned these stories are from K. R. Centrovera, which we've had on the podcast. She's wonderful. Hope to have her back. She's willing to come on and discuss this. We just hope so. Yeah, I'm yet. But yes, yeah, we did actually comment on the writer this time, which is like, yeah, we obviously knew it was Cara. But yes. We see that Pia has made her a gift that is not illegal.
but It's coached that way too. Yeah, it is a way to slow down time and basically make her move quicker than everybody else or at least build up. Yeah, it almost sounds like injecting Aether directly into the bloodstream, which it does.
Yeah, I don't know. Maybe that's doping, but I know so it is not illegal is what I learned. Yes, that's she she says it very specifically illegal. I'm not about to risk all this for a gift. yeahs Yeah. Yeah. By the way, here's what it does. like By the way, it might not fit you because I made it for Chandra. Yeah. Yeah.
and yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But we we also find out somewhere around this area that Chandra likes hanging out with the goblins and going drinking with them. They're really good drinking buddies. Yeah. That was the moment that I knew I was going to enjoy the story. no Yeah. Yeah. When I saw this one posted, I i had I had mentioned their added K on blue sky and said, this is going to be my favorite part of the story. And it did end up being my favorite part of the story. but she So she she starts hearing this noise or a whimper right in the soul. And that is fun. She's kind of trying to find look around to see who it is. And maybe one of the goblins and it's like the ready as leading some kind of desperate last minute workshop on explosive safety, like
Good on you, Doretti. He's at least making the effort. And it says she counts as many of the goblins as she can remember. Parentheses, they're good drinking buddies. You know? But we learn basically we are introduced to the the the the team that is ah from the house. Yes. Has a little strange fuzzy creature.
They have a loot box. they all
It's more of a cage, but yeah. no Hobbs, the pun was worth it paul no it was absolutely worth it. It was absolutely worth it. Yeah, yeah and so she yeah she catches that and and is trying is thinking of intervening because it's clear that the little creature is not happy to be in a cage. but Then a cage that is way too small for it. Yeah. um But then she gets called to her vehicle because she's late for the start of the race. Yeah. I think things that I guess are important.
you Uh, so we get a good return to the, to gear up. And we get, sorry, I just, I need to, this is a nice line from, from winter. I assume. Yes. It was winter. It was on the scene. It was like, how about you keep your eyes on your own page, Chandra. No, our chronic hero syndrome gets you last place and six pallbearers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, it's that's. She does melt the bars to give loot a little bit more room before she runs back though. She does.
She does. Yeah, and then we get a nice little interstitial from a named character who we are, I'm thinking unlikely to ever see again.
Yeah. Who who was involved in building a lot of the structures and things for the space industry company. Yeah. Apparently, you know, Ganti went with the lowest bidder. Yes, Ganti did. Yes, they did. Yeah. And, you know, they didn't necessarily care about things like safety or. Yes. Long term stability. is Yes.
So it crashes as soon as the race starts. Yeah. Like the the space allotted to this is just so perfect for for leading up to this. And I love that we get this little.
interstitial from someone else as a tone setter and and to kind of flesh the story out, even though, again, we we don't get tons of space. But it sets this whole thing up where Siraj was talking about his father, you know and and he learned that like the only way to get to the race to guarantee you can have a seat at the race is to build the platforms. And so he was constantly like coming in with his bids super low, even though he wasn't going to, you know, make a lot of money on it. and But he had to cut a lot of corners and, and so it's like, yes, you know, Siraj Chandry III had one job and he had done it well. He tells himself as he takes a seat, it sets all these things up.

Race Dynamics Across Different Planes

And then a bunch of stuff starts to collapse and that it the seat ends with, and he had one job and now he may never have another one again. But that was a a cool, like,
world building for avishkar where we have this it's not just that they're rebuilding after the invasion and they're rebuilding they talk about that a little bit later with defenses and things but some of this too where they're like this race is going to be a big part of what we do and we're trying to build this infrastructure for this so then you have the little the the contractors who are part of that and there's some fun things. And now we know at least one of the duties of, of was it that the night minister? What was Ganti's title? yeah Apparently it was approving these contracts. And apparently he approved of using copper instead of steel for building these viewing stations. Yeah. ah Which, which didn't, which we're holding up fine until people started, you know, stomping and clapping in.
Yes. Uh, generally celebrating the start of the race. and we yeah We do get a really, really cool art of Ganti sitting with the ether spark and, Oh yeah. yeah Looking very regal.
He does look very regal. I like this art of him. And we kind of transition here. you know it's we We return back to Mohar Varma, which is Spitfire's dad. And he's getting kind of annoyed by everything.
Yes, yeah, yeah i mean he's he's basically annoyed because this is what people are spending their time doing and you know, he's annoyed because this is what's on every channel and why would you do this and then sees Well, here's a hell of agony and then see somebody just kind of What a woman will call her with green skin and serpentine tendrils for hair. Oh, yes. Yes. So we realize that our our dysfunctional couple. I don't know. We thought we had very nice moments with them.
they they they They have business here. They have business here. Well, you know, the business involves loot since loot was the reason that Jace was on Duskmorn.
Mm hmm. Because they really want to look back. He knows he was it but we know they went there. We don't necessarily know why they went there. Presumably loot was captured. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe maybe I missed that the loot was captured. So they went there to get him. My impression was that they lost loot at in the house in in the house when they went to dusk morn.
Yes. I was unclear about that back then because we never I didn't never really knew what was going on with brass. Yeah. yeah um Like Jace was there because he runs into Kaido. um Yes, that's right. But that's that's kind of it. But either way, we we see that somebody has been probing some minds and it is Jace. And now Jace is saying, you know, wouldn't you like to make your dreams realities?
ah He's actually, you know, full on um mind probing without permission. So his whole, you know, I'm only going to read people's minds with permission thing did not last very long and especially has gone out the window in his whole villain arc. Yes.
you know He's basically telling him we could undo all the things that have been done to your city, you know how much people want it. He's basically playing in that idea that you know that the Mohar believes that you know that the people really want this, they just don't say it. And then there's only two bloodless revolutions, yeah bloodless. And you basically see the restoration of all things that had made Kaladesh emphasis. Great. Yeah, they really nailed that home. They did. And all we need is a little help. So this brings us to the end of the second story. We head into the third, which is full on we now learn that basically what happens is you go through the
ah omen paths to other planes. So this is is truly taking place across, yeah across the plane, multiple planes. And then one thing I just noticed too, and I knew they talked about this a little bit where there's different types of omen paths.

Goblin Chaos and Team Diversity

But in the planeswalker guide to this plane, they they lay out, there is a, you know, average car like omen path categories. And so it's like they've they've done it, or classifications, they've done enough research that they understand that there are evergreen Omen paths that are stable, and then there's deciduous ones that open and close, and then there's instance ones that are like open, and then they're gone forever. And so they've built this around these evergreen ones that have been open and haven't
st but stay Pretty stable. Yeah, which the evergreen and deciduous ones are named after their mechanic systems as well. Oh, of course they are Yeah, which is a funny little wink at The players I suppose because there isn't a lot of trees on an average car. I wonder. Yeah, they even understand Yeah, right many of them understand the difference between those kinds of trees.
Yeah, like specifically the the ones in the major Omen Paths for this race are Avishkar to Amonkhet to Muragonda, and the Muragonda back to Avishkar. Yes.
Well, we're going to back to Amonkhet first, and then back to Avishkar, I think. I thought it was a full circle. Was that actually the plan, or that's just what I thought that was the plan, to do a full circuit, but... Okay, okay, gotcha. I thought that it was... Yeah, I thought it was straight through that way. I thought that the... But maybe it was, all right. Returning to Amonkhet was the accident, because... Okay, so maybe, yeah, maybe it was, but... I thought it was a full circuit, but I could just be wrong. And that was the accidental path they took. Who knows? There's lots of paths. Yeah. Yeah. Lute knows where all the paths are. He just doesn't necessarily know where they're going to lead them. Yeah. Or they're going to come out. Yeah. yeah lu Lute's good about planes, not good about elevation, apparently. Yeah. Is what we learned in this story. So we ah we drop into the story, the third chapter with
Doretti. So Doretti who has never really had a lot of story before. We get the one side story with him in Conspiracy 2. Besides that we have had basically nothing. Now I will say he did the weird, so like Grenzo went from red-black to mono-red and it didn't make a lot of sense. We now have the opposite where we now have Doretti went from red to red-black, back to red. And I'm so bummed that he ever went to red-black because I can never play that card in my original Doretti deck. Correct. It's still, yes. So this is where color
mechanical reasons versus story reasons, right? Yes. ah I yeah, I mean, and and there there's something to be said to about when there's multiple cards for a person, it can represent kind of where they're at at that point in time, which can change. Yeah, he got a little murdery during the conspiracy story, you know, desert. Oh, it was a little revenge, but Red can be a red can be revenge. It didn't need to be black for that. And I actually think that maybe this is this is just my personal thing is I would have liked to have seen maybe some of the non selfish, murdering, murderous of black still at play here. Like I would have liked to have seen him kept that way. Now, the problem is, from a mechanic standpoint, he wouldn't have played as well with
the rest of the goblins. With the rest of the goblins. Now, great however, he's from a different plane than them. Okay, anyway. yeah But that's this is a way this is a point where, again, the game has to come first and the story makes do with what it gets.
He is hearing his his teammate's voice over the yeah the makeshift transmitter, but among the things that the rocketeers had shelled out for, including 12 chamber engines for even the smallest ride, custom pictograph control schemes, no less than 20 separate payloads of cherry bombs for each goblin. Communications had not ranked highly.
only the insistence of the grand pre executives inspired already to try for them at all. yeah I love I love that. And then there's there. So we we we start as in media res as it is with in the middle of this race and They're coming into conflict with one of the other teams, but I, I love this line. One of the, one of the other goblins says to him, boss, you're smart, real smart. Like you must've come in first. You must've come first place in the smart boss contest every single time you entered, but we, but we got a problem. What's going on? And then it's like, is that guy revving up a chainsaw? What is he thinking to do with? And then there's some chainsaw violence. And then one of my favorite lines in the entire story, where in creation are they even getting that many chainsaws?

Amonkhet Team's Unique Approach

um Oh, God. Yes, so this is, this is them. Yeah, this is like the end writers get to see the end, ah get the end writers mentioned in story, I think in the the story, as they're kind of mentioned here, which they've also got a hell of an aesthetic, but we don't get to see very much of them in this story. No, no, we don't really, they really, really, really like chainsaws. Excellent. Excellent.
But we're continuing along, flamethrowers, explosions, and worst of all, off key shark songs. And then I love this, Spitfire expected better from her competition.
ah Yes. So yeah, we're ah we're we're now racing. This is pod racing or wacky racers or whatever, but we're we're racing now. Oh, you forgot the the best part of that bit about the chainsaws though. Yeah. but the The end bringer aboard the biggest meanest of their rides is juggling three chainsaws in the air and hurling them at the goblins who of course keep trying to catch
Well, I missed that. That is amazing. Yeah.
yeah And then apparently they can be set on fire. So it's like the only thing worse than a chainsaw is one that's on fire and shooting out curtains of flame every time the blade, and with every revolution of its blades. I just love that. Where in creation are they getting that many chainsaws?
And that's just perfect goblin chaos. I love that. That's just a little, a little comma. You could have just said, you know, was juggling three chainsaws and hurling them, but then you have to, but then you had the line who of course keep trying to catch them. Yes. Yes. That is, that is the the more jovial fun of goblin chaos as opposed to all the explosions that can be less jovial.
No, in this place, in this situation, in this story, the explosions are generally chofial. The goblins are on the jovial side of this race, which yeah tells you a lot when the story also tells you how many cherry bombs are packing for everybody. You know, we get to see the Amonkhetty team, kind of like this is the first time we really see them ye get a lot of information. ah Basri is on the team. I love to see this. Yes. Yeah.
was super cool. and I love this that that for death is no impediment to glory only a veil to be crossed and I think that there really is that there's some great scenes in general and we're gonna get to some of those a little bit more but just with what Amonkhet looks like as a free Amonkhet. Yes and I love that their team is one of the only ones too that don't have like engines.
In the engine vehicles. Yeah, I was just going to I was just going to mention that myself. They are using chariots that are pulled by giant hippos. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And then I think the Alachran quick beasts might be the only other one because they're they have beasts that they're riding. Yeah. Somebody else have steeds, right? Or is that what the that's the quick call them. OK. Oh, they're a team of racing partners, not just master and beast the rider and steed teams. Yeah.
ah But i I mean, it's just like knowing that, that you know, that were they're back on their plane this way. We're getting to see what this pain plane now looks like without the influence of Bolas. There is some great artwork for those that like that sort of thing of like basically somebody standing on top of Bolas's fallen statue head in a very powerful way. yeah So we are we are seeing that they have this reason in some ways, I think what they they're wanting to win to prove, or to to like, basically, it's it's not clear that they care about the aether spark. Really? Yeah, they're, they're there to to, to show what they can do. Well, and there was even ah a line later in the story where like, one of the the people from mom and cat brought a gift to was it
ah Spitfire, I think, I think it was Spitfire who said that, or Chandra, one of the two, I think, I thought it was Spitfire though, who would receive some gift when like the Amonkhet team went to visit the other teams and was like, you know, the play but bounty from our land to yours, you know, cause they're, they're, the, the Avishkari are hosting this race and kind of running it, but you know, Amonkhet is part of it too. And so they're, Not just trying to, to show, get themselves to be due to doing something bigger and greater. Like say, like they're one of their, their, their chance here, you had Zahar. Did you guys just say this? That what is the greatest honor granted to us? Was this a line that you referenced? Yeah. Yeah. yeah and Like that is, they're just, they're trying to. That was right after ah one of their, one of the guys dies, saving Zahar from a swipe from yes yeah somebody and.

Spitfire's Personal Stakes

Yeah, and it's... i I think it's great. I love seeing them there. And then also the fact that you get to see Amonkhet, a free Amonkhet, determining their own destiny and their own future. But then that that Amonkhet is part of this race and they are sharing that with their neighbors of Avishkar and these other people from other planes as well. The other interesting thing here is Zahar is the Leonin, which we did not see on Amonkhet the first time there.
Yes. so And Basri's card makes like cats this time. Yeah. Well, they're cats. There were plenty of cats on Amonkhet. There were also cats, but we did not see Leonin. But Basri was not associated with them the first time. Yeah. And, you know, so we have an undead Leonin. So at some point, Leonin did live on Amonkhet, whether they're still random Leonin living out in the desert, we don't know, but they they could be extinct and only exist as undead now. e But there are Leonin, at least Leonin undead on Amonkhet.
Yeah, and and there may be something, and this is a really, there's more of a relationship there, so I don't know that this would be accurate to that, but looking at like the Kielhaulers, they're talking about how the Caudatins are now endemic to Abishar's coast, now having arrived via an omen path, and now they are, they're an instanced omen path, so like they sort of accidented their way into a new plane and have kind of just become a part of it. So I think we're gonna see, well, let's say that the Leonin,
It's only been two years, so it's unlikely for someone, Zohar, they seem to have a good relationship. My guess would be that there were Leonin there previously, like like you're saying, Taya, but we may start to see more people's sort of pop up in places where they normally aren't as living here. Well, I'm not really, well, Basar even mentioned, you know, digging him up. So he was obviously, he was one of the long dead on Amonkhet. Yes. Yeah, you're right, and then there's the line, this is precisely why I woke you up. Yeah, I woke you up. Yes, and the leaden says, I've been leading the vanguard since before your great grandfather's true breath. So yeah, absolutely. so And I love, and this was a little bit in Amonkhet's flavor too, where they had zombies in white, but I love this different representation of undeath and how undeath is used too.
Yeah, ah and the next part we get, we we finally get that bit I talked about earlier of Spitfire, why she wants the Aether Spark. You know, she basically doesn't want to be told what she has to do with her life, and if she doesn't want to be there, she can just leave. that's Yes, she wants to be able to step away.

Intensifying Race Conflicts

Yeah, and go where she wants to go.
Uh, she's tired of being told what to do and how to live and live out a planned life that everything her father has planned for her. Yeah. And we even get the line where she's kind of thinking about things was like, Oh, her father had said, you know, something or another. And then the line, no, that was Cita's father, not Spitfires. yeah And we also get our first.
recognition that somehow some way the ah speed demons keep popping up in front of people. Right? Yeah. They they just seem to be everyone, you know, she saw them in 10th place, all of a sudden they're ahead of her.
And, you know, we're, you know, this is, we're, you know, if, it for setting up for people who don't know the story, you know, we, we, if you've read, like you were saying, Alex before, if you've read the, the previous on desk more and, you know, Luke's abilities to travel almond paths, starting to make sense. But I think it was really nice to, to do it in this way, to kind of slow roll this for people that may be just dropping in now.
Yeah. And we get, you know, winter tries to take out Spitfire and Chandra basically, you know, it's like, what why don't you pick on someone your own age? Yeah. Chandra Chandra Chandra. Yeah. And winter is like, well, if you're old enough to race, you're old enough to die. You know, winter is just the loveliest of people. Yeah. Yeah. Is winter wrong? I mean, if you're in the race. Yeah.
And this is where, you know, call it in that either maybe this is why she's traveling or, or, or, or with the cloud spires is trying to like pull her back. Yeah. Telling her we need you to focus on the race and not the little guy curled up. Yeah. And that it is, it's really that sad thing. She just, she does not want to.
She she wants to do something about it because that's what Chandra does. And, yeah you know, I think they have to keep pulling her back. She ends up tossing a big fireball at them and, and you know, Luke yelps. So she she gets a little she scorches him a little bit. And she's like that that pulls her

Subplot with Jace and Vraska

out of it. Yeah. Also, she gets to say asshole.
Yeah. oh yeah yeah I really liked the transition that we have to after we see this outburst by Chandra is the switch back to the Spitfire. And if Spitfire could shoot fire from her outstretched palms in a fancy gauntlet she'd never met. It's just math. Nilar is cool, sure, but doesn't anyone see how much cooler she could be if she actually tried or she really tried?
if she's focused. Yeah. She found her problem has always been focused. I mean, she worked with try on. Yeah. So it's it's interesting. The Spitfire kind of just it's almost like the. If I had that, I would be doing this correctly. Yeah. It's like Chandra might be braver and stronger, but Spitfire Spitfire has elegant. Yes. Yeah. And yeah, we hit some. Dust storms, I guess, is the nicest way to put it.
I mean, it is, it is Amonkhet, you know. And we also get to have two different things, which is, you know, as we're eming ending the night on Amonkhet with the storms we get, now that's a stormy end to our tour of Amonkhet.
which is Vin, the, uh, uh, the commentator. Kari Zev basically is like, if you were on my ship, I would have thrown you overboard for that. And that's why we're not on your ship, Captain Zev. I guess you'll just have to, and it looks directly into the camera. Amen. Get over it.
In the whole time, the whole time, Raghavan is basically tearing up the set. Yeah. Yep. I just, I think that is the one that. that where I think we'll ask her when Kira is on, but I believe this, she said it was one of her favorite puns that she got to do. The completely grown worthy. I've been get over it and I i appreciate that. I'm here. Yeah. Yeah. Then we get a little cut scene of the person Jace talking to recruiting some more red hats to his cause. Yep.
Yep. The debauchery, a night minister, whoever heard of such a thing. And the so-called equality? Yeah. Yeah. There are street urchins who oversee guard units now. It simply isn't right. Yeah. So we then unfortunately get to probably my least favorite part. And I think that this is a matter of that Wizards, we we're playing a story arc here. We don't want to reveal what Jace is up to because we don't want we we want to leave it open-ended. We want to leave mystery. But then we have a nice scene. well We have a scene with Jace and Vraska.
He rests in the arms of a woman he loves dearly. She's the only one permitted to see him this way. No apocalypse could tear them apart. And she asks, are you sure about this? And he's like, why wouldn't I be? It needs to be done. And she basically is like, there's gonna be lots of blood. And he's like, it won't matter. None of it's gonna matter in a couple of weeks. All you have to do is trust me.
And she does, or she thought she did.

Conclusion and Future Discussion

And I just, yeah this is Jason's I, as I don't like. No, because he wouldn't be keeping it's, he wouldn't be keeping it secret from Vraska, not with all the character development and you know the way they've had it. And it's written this way because they want to keep it secret from node.
from us, that the reader, right? like Yeah. yeah the reader And it it also fits. Well, I'm wondering if they're, they're having some plan of of her trying to deciding he's keeping too much. And they're trying to put some stuff like that. See, yeah i think they're really setting it up. So she ends up stopping him right at the end before everything And yeah, and it's it's again goes maybe that'll work, maybe it it won't work as well, but this is just unfortunately, it feels like one of those things. In this type of story, like this happens a lot. i From what I understand, i've I'm not super deep into the world, but like comics can do this sometimes, where characters kind of just have to get reset.
And especially when there's some issue of writer to writer, but I think for magic, it's more the storyline requires this. And so we just have to pretend that this character didn't have the development. I don't know the MCU, maybe it's a good example of it. You have you have some characters that will have things happen during like a TV show that's supposed to be canon. And then there's a new movie and the character arc from the TV show is entirely erased and redone in the movie. And yes, yes, it's just a little frustrating sometimes to see.
It is. It does bring us to us a nice halfway point. We are going to actually be ending up here because we, as we got talking to the story, there's a lot here. There's still three more episodes. There are three more episodes and we're in over an hour. And we're, so we will be back next week to complete the story and also give us some time to get Kira scheduled so that we can ask these questions that we have. and Yes.
Tell her how amazing she is again, because I love having cure on. But yeah, so that's what we're the plan is. I hope you all enjoy this. Come join our discord. We are. It's the only place that you can get unfettered access to Alex and his thoughts. So yeah, the anime channel has been quiet lately and there's all the new stuff for winter 2025. So come talk some anime with me.
There's some weird shows and solo leveling's back, but there's some really weird stuff. Like the Red Ranger Isekai one is super weird. So if you want to talk anime with me. um Is there like, you know, my or I came back as a 20 sided die. Is that a new one for this season? No, the the Red Ranger one is just think of like the the the Red Ranger from like a Voltron or a Power Ranger thing. OK. Getting isekai to another to a fantasy world. I'm actually here for that. Yeah, I actually kind of sounds like something that I would enjoy. So I'm going to. So now you're crossing two different genres. OK.
Yeah. No, no vending machine, but that sounds good. Yeah. It took that one hour. I did finish that show up recently. I enjoyed. I enjoyed. I hope there's a new season of that at some point, but get reincarnated as a vending machine. And now I wander the dungeon. Excellent show. Really fun show. Yeah. there Yeah. We do not have it. We do not have a sapient D 20 show yet. No, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, you know, putting that out into the the world right now. And yeah, Hollywood get at me.
This has been the Goblin Lore Podcast. Thank you for listening. We can be found both on Twitter and Blue Sky at Goblin Lore Pod. Check out our link tree for our Discord and our discounts. We appreciate you listening and welcome feedback via social media or Discord. Until next time, Podwalkers, remember that goblins, like snowflakes, are only dangerous in numbers.