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Episode 243: The Goblin Lore Boxing League image

Episode 243: The Goblin Lore Boxing League

Goblin Lore Podcast
132 Plays29 days ago

Hello, Podwalkers, and welcome back to another episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast! Alex and Taya talk Goblin Lore boxing league as Taya rips her packs for the league. Will she find what she’s looking for or will something else find her?

We also finally have a Linktree with all of our discounts/resources


As promised, we keep Mental Health Links available every episode. But For general Mental Health the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has great resources for people struggling with mental health concerns as well as their families. We also want to draw attention to this article on stigma from NAMI's site.

If you’re thinking about suicide or just need someone to talk to right now, you can get support from any of the resources below.


Opening and closing music by Wintergatan (@wintergatan). Logo art by Steven Raffael (@SteveRaffle)


Podcast Introduction and Host Introductions

Hello Podwalkers and welcome to another episode of the Goblin Lore podcast. We are back after a holiday break. I will say there is one person still taking a break, but we got two hosts here and and that is a passing grade.
Two-thirds. Still a D or something, I guess. I don't know. Doing good. I'm tired, but we're here and recording, and it's it's going to be a good night. So I guess I will introduce myself as the voice who has already started talking. I'm Alex. ah No longer found on Twitter. um Not found on Blue Sky yet.
but I am on the goblin lord discord for any folks who happen to be there. My pronouns are he, him, and I'm going to go ahead and pass the introductions over to the other host who is here and then we can get on with our our weekly question that I'll i'll answer first. Right, yeah. I'm Taya, pronouns are she, her, they, them, and Good to be back after the break. Yeah. Really excited to be talking to

Goblin Lore Boxing League Overview

you. but We're doing something different tonight. We're getting ready to start the yeah First Goblin Lore Boxing League. So we're going to go through and I'm going to open my box live and kind of just talk about
you and discuss what I open. And so kind of go after that question is. So what we're doing is we're doing any of the standard legal play booster sets you could have picked from.

Desired Commanders and Booster Sets Discussion

Uh, I picked foundations, but our opening question is going to be out of those sets, which, which commander would you most wanted to open to, uh, play out of those sets? And for me, and what I'm hoping to see open tonight is, uh, Alessia. That's what I'm hoping to open. That would be fun. Yeah.
Yeah, and I don't know that I'm going to be playing, but I was thinking about this. I think, like, Foundations could be a cool set and I was kind of looking at some legends there, but I think I would open Bloomborough is the set that I was thinking about. It was, ah it was the yeah, i was I was going back and forth between the two of them. Like, I did a pre-release with a friend of mine. I'm so glad he invited me out because it's the It's not the only magic I did in the last half of of last year. um But the aesthetic is kind of is fun and things, but also just looking at the the legends, it feels like it has a higher proportion of legends for the size of the set. And there's a lot of two and three color legends. Some are fairly specific for creature types, though even a few of those that key off of specific creature types, you could still play with a more generalized deck. You just would get less value. but
I think in that set easily, for for me, just kind of looking at what I think would be a good well-rounded commander, probably Helga. There's a green and white and blue, so you get three access to three colors. And Helga has two mechanics that are both just keying off of cast big creatures and get value, which seems like a good thing to be doing in green, white, and blue. Yeah.
uh yeah and the main characters yeah and and of course characters which is also which is also cool to to maybe have have that representation though there's there's some other cool fun cards in there and And, and funnily enough, I was looking at foundations and I honestly, if I went foundations, I was thinking about Garna. So not, not Alicia, but the same colors as, as you're hoping to go. Garna bloodfist of Kelda is actually, was from Dominaria United first? Yeah. And I think had a card on Dominaria that I've been looking at. It just seems like a solid, again, a solid value. A little harder to cast with one black, red, red in the man of cost, but.
still just a good well rounded card to try to build a deck around. Cool. All right.

Booster Pack Opening and Card Evaluation

So yeah, so like I was saying, we're just going to, we're going to open some packs and talk about what I open and what, what I think about it. And if I think it's, I haven't, I have not actually cracked a box of booster packs since Lord of the Rings, I think. So it's been a while for me. And but and and just to just to jump into and for folks who who may or may not be familiar with the terminology. So boxing league is a like what we're doing is like a commander league where everybody starts with a box of boosters that you build your deck out of. Yeah, so we're going to build a 100 card deck commander rules in a color identity chosen to determine by the commander.
Based out of just what you open in your box. Yep. And then legal, the specifics is sort of is negotiable league to league about what sets you start with. And, but I think a lot will add packs kind of as the league goes on to write every couple of weeks. Yeah. think That's our plan as well. We haven't decided when we're going to start adding packs or not right now. We just want everyone to get their decks built and get their first games in.
Yeah, that's cool. And so, so yeah, just kind of the the point here then is open in packs and just kind of seeing where the, where a commander deck lies. Obviously the yeah commander themself is the opening question suggests is probably, it's one of the more. yeah So I'll be setting aside all the legendaries I open and discussing at the end, you know, what looks good out of those. And it's not too late to join. If you're interested, drop by our discord and there's a channel talk yeah talking all about this.
Yep. And the the plan is set up to do it, um, on webcam magic and some variations so that folks don't need to be geographically close. Well, I'm not going to go through all of these cards. I'm going to look for the, uh, look for the legendaries to start with. um Okay. And, and you wrote and you've done a boxing league before, right? I have. I've done that actually that Lord of the ring box. oh that boxing league Okay, cool.
And I've done I've done some other ones, but is there is ah outside of the legends, which is an obvious thing. Are there other big things you're kind of looking for to lean you in a given direction early on? I mean, really, I look for the legends first. That's my key indicators on what I can even play.
You know, yeah, I might open a bomb, but if I don't have a legend to go with it, it really doesn't help. Like, okay, this first pack here, I opened Vivian Reed, which is a great planeswalker. But if I'm not, ah if I don't have a green legend, uh, to play her in, it's not going to matter. Yeah. um So, but I will definitely set her aside. And as far as legends ago, I got a Kellen, uh, plainer trailblazer, mono red legend.
who has the kind of the the level up quasi ability. All he does is become a little bit stronger, not a particularly interesting commander, doesn't do anything special.
He's red. That's pretty much the only thing he's got going for him. Yeah, and then a one-cost commander is an interesting thing, but but I imagine in a boxing league that isn't gonna move the needle. In a like normal commander environment, a a cheap commander allows you to kind of build your decker on that, but you have a lot lot more limited pool to do that with. Oh, I got two of the same rare in this one. Archmage of runes.
Thank you for that, which is neither a... It's not a legendary, so there's nothing to talk about there, but it is a in instance and sorcery spells matter. So if I happen to see a Niv Mizzet, that is a really nice card to see to go with Niv Mizzet. Pulling two of them, not particularly helpful in a commander deck. Thank you for the duplicate.
players. I really appreciate that, Wizards. Yay, coalition. Yeah. I used to be able to cite what all of these products came with, like by the exact type of card that you could find in each product. Hell, if I know what comes in these anymore. Yeah, that's all right.

Commander Synergy and Strategy Discussion

Definitely a backup choice of what I just opened the moon paradox sculptor. So I have I have one of my other top three choices. Oh, that's cool. Hey, you know, I'll read some own it while you kind of yeah. go through your stuff So Simone is a two green blue for a one for human wizard and has at the beginning of combat on your turn put a plus one plus one counter on each of up to two target creatures you control also has blue green tap.
double the number of each kind of counter on up to two creatures and artifacts you control. Oh, that's interesting. and Artifacts, too, on the second ability. So, Simone, blue-green gives you two colors, and that's a solid ability. It kind of keys off her own ability, so you don't necessarily need a ton of other pieces to make it work, but getting more pieces would help. Yeah, interestingly enough, that pack also had a time stop in it, which is a fun blue card. Nice.
And it also, but it did have a white bomb and it had herald of the eternal dawn, which is a seven man, a six, six flash flyer that you can't lose the game and your opponent can't win the games. So, you know, that's a white mythic bomb that I just happened to have. If i I ended up with a white commander. yeah Yeah. Oh yeah. It hit a doubling season. So, you know, looking, looking, looking real strong.
Yeah, definitely looking nicer, Simone. That's the only thing of note out of that pack, but that is a big thing to note. That is very big. And I remember when Time Stop was printed, I have a friend who's a big blue player. And just how much that blew his mind. He was so excited. I was over there. I can't remember why. I was at his place doing something. He was so excited to show me this card. He's like, look at this ridiculous card.
um So i have I have fond memories of that that silly thing. All right, the rareness pack is a seersycer goblin, which is not anything big at the... Not not a big thing for commander. It's a two mana, two, one, that at the beginning of your end stuff, if you attack this turn, create another goblin. It's not bad. it's I mean, if I was building a Lesh I'd play it, but it's not...
It's not pushing you towards red. It's just a nice include if you happen to be red. Yeah. I mean, it's not even guaranteed to be able to get through for very long. Yeah, that's fair. But the nice thing is it raid ability triggers as long as you've attacked. So if even if it can't attack, you can still get some free goblins off of it. Free goblins are always good. um All right, some more green rares. but Looks like I might be doing a simic bullshit. on It's yeah got ah a moss born hydro, which is green and two blue for a trample. Uh, enters with a one, one counter on it, but it gets a landfall double the number of one, one counters on it. Yep.
Yeah. My rares are definitely telling me a ah green. Right now, and I'm what, only like seven packs in.
Let's see here. High-fate trickster. Oh, that's a, that's a heck of a blue card to go with Simone too. yeah Or two flying flash. It gives all your other stuff flash. Oh yeah. You know what?
Better than of a Videlk and Ori? A Videlk and Ori that has Flash itself. Yeah. And can hit people who don't have flyers. Yeah.
Another green rare. Let's see what this one is. Sylvan Scavaging. The beginning of your end step, choose one, put a plus one, plus one counter, target creature, your controller, create a three, three creature token if you control a creature with power four or greater.
Well, seems real synergistic with Simone. Yeah. Uh, also got another nice white angel, but you know, it it's, it's, I barely cracking this box and it's going to be hard to talk me out of playing Simone at this point. but Yeah. That's, that's some strong synergy doubling seasons of moan and, and the, the card you were just reading, like that's,
yeah that yeah and the hydra too yeah yeah yeah doubling hydra plus and plus one counters is is really fun and i've got the i've got the flash fairy yeah my blue green is looking pretty absurd All right. Got a new legendary creatures, all of sure. Lich Lord. It's a black and one for a two, two ward pay to life. A cast target zombie card from your tap cast a zombie from your graveyard this turn. I don't think I'm going to be doing enough zombie synergy. Yeah. Really cool card. Definitely not a limited, uh, boxing league playable commander. Yep.
It's like the mono color hurts, and then the ability is so specific. it' Yeah. Authority of the Councils, another nice white card that I'm probably not going to be playing. There's a Swift Hook Boots. That's always a Swift Hook Boots and an overrun in that pack, so. and Yeah. Just happened to see that as I'm moving it and with the other.
Yeah, the boot's nice for anyone, but overrun is is continuing that strong argument for Zamone. Yeah.
Celestial Armor. Launch when equipment enters, attach it to a creature you control. A creature gains Hexproof and Indestructible until end of turn gets plus 2 plus 0 and lying. I might need to go in my cat deck.
And then I got a Soul Art Vengeful Blood Witch. All right. Well, that armor's pretty cool, but there's a Rexxage in that pack too. o Yeah, even getting the green uncommon that I'd want to see. Yeah, some nice artifact enchantment removal there. Yeah, Brass's Bounty.
Not going to be playing this, but it's one of the red cards that I would have liked to have seen if I was in red. It just seven mana creates a treasure token for each land you control. It's definitely one of those cards that usually says you're going to win the game on the next turn unless you're playing some kind of artifact synergy, which you'll win the game immediately with. oh yeah You're not probably not pulling that off in limited, but Uh, they've got another legendary, uh, a Linda Saint of dusk. So if I wanted to play all those legendary white cards, let's see what she does. ah She's two, uh, and Orzhov for, uh, or for, um, lifelink hex proof from instance. So pretty hard to kill.
As long as your life total is greater than your starting life total, she gets plus one, plus one in menace and additional plus five, plus five, as long as your life total is 10 greater and you're starting to like, Oh, so she's a, she's a Sarah's Ascendant. Mm-hmm. Caps out a 10, 10 lifelink menace Hexper from instance. Yeah. If you're at 50 or higher, that's pretty solid. Yeah. Um.
That would be hard to admit. No, I might have a second deck in the making there because I do have a lot of strong white. Yeah. And there's no overlap between the two. So true. Yeah, that's that's a little Voltron-y. If you get some good equipment or enchantments. Yeah, there's another legendary the <unk> in Dwinen get leafed in. Just an elf lord legend, not playing elf tribal. No.
Kind of the same the same problem as as the Lich. Yeah. Anthem of the Champions, the White and the Green plus one plus one, all creatures, you know that's probably not getting played. No, that doesn't fit in either of your no Legends right now. Honestly, just looking at the Scryfall,
I don't know that there's green, white and any of these, except for the two, five colors. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Got another legendary kykar zephyr awaken to a white and a blue. Whenever you cast a non-creature spell, choose one, exile a target creature, you control and return it to the battlefield under its owner's control at the end of the next end step or create a one one white spirit token. And it's a three, four. That's not a bad creature to do a bounce deck around. No.
And um at all making one-one spirits does a sort of a value play if you don't have any particular bounce, good bounce targets is always nice. yeah I might at least have to look and see because I've already seen some big white meters. I'd have to look and see what my blue support for this would be if I don't want to play Simic Bullshit. Yeah, and that first ability, because whenever you cast a non-creature spell, so you can use it as an instance to save your your creatures from targeted removal. Right. Or even board wipes, because it's under your at the beginning of your next end step. he So they'll come back next turn.
Yeah, when I have that, ah I have the fairy that gives all my stuff flash too. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. That that would fit in the blue side. Yeah. And then we put all those angels in there. Yeah. Kykar's got, there's some interesting stuff with that. Yeah. I got another legendary Balmor battle mage captain. ah Red and a blue for a 1-1 flying.
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spells, all creatures you control get plus one plus 0 and trample until end of turn. So that's a go wide. Yeah, that's interesting. Instance and sorceries. With your Titan of Ruins or what was that that you got two of? Oh yeah, the blue giant. Yeah. Suppose that would be good. I don't know if I'm wrong. A giant would be good. A kykar as well.
Yeah, it would. um Make your incense cheaper, incense and simple the sorcery, so drop cards. Oh, let's see here. Flame wake Phoenix. Red, red, one flying haste the attacks each combat is able. Good old Phoenix come back from the dead, two, two. Nothing special. Bistle harvester.
Eats creatures to make token copies of that, that are nightmare. Oh, this is the guy that makes nightmares. So that's pretty cool. Yeah. Um, so far I haven't seen any indication I'd be playing black, but that is a black bomb for sure. Yeah. Um, Niv misses it. So there's the big guy himself. Yeah.
Whenever a source you control deals non-combat damage to your opponent, you draw that many cards, and then there's a 5-5. That is 6 mana, so if you wanted the spells deck, there's the commander for that. Yeah. I mean, and honestly, that battle mage wouldn't be bad in the Mizzet deck. Just wouldn't be a good commander on its own, probably. Mizzet would be way better. Yeah.
I mean, it means that your worst case scenario is you have a five, five with flying. Yeah. Five, five flying for six. Yes. Yeah. That's that's good. Probably an unlimited, unlimited pool commander, Nick. Got another legendary here. We got a Robbo, the first thing. Another tribal though. It's cat tribal. Yeah. That's a control plus one plus one. Whenever Rob or another non token cat control enters, create a cat token.
I love your Aravo, but you're not gonna you're just not going to fly in the sealed environment, but you are going to go into my ah Miri deck, so i'm' it's nice to see you. Actually, I lied. That version is probably never going to see play because I'll get one of the pretty versions for me.
We're about halfway through the box. You know, I'm pretty sure on power levels, a moan is still going to be the one I want to play. Whether I want to do something. Um, Simone's a pretty popular pick. I might want to do kite card just for something different.
A scavenging used another strong green card, always like a scuse.
Then just out of just generally good on commons, there's a meteor golem in that pack. That's a you know, that's a reconstructed all-star and commander decks. Happy to see one of those. Oh yeah, yeah, just get to blow up any permanent. That that's an any online permanent. Yeah, that's nice to have, especially stapled to a body that then just sits on the field and you can do stuff with. Yeah, go good with that blink. Oh hell yeah.
All right, we got one. Once again, well, that this is a tribal a tribal commander that works with itself. So take a guess who I just opened. So you got Kranko. Yeah, Kranko. It doesn't matter if you have other goblins. It'll take him a while to get going on his own, but, you know, X potential goes X potential even on its own.
Yeah, it looks like you went four for four from all the type of ones I can find and in the Scryfall search. Yeah. Like the rest of the monocolored, probably still not the best, but none of them are are as like parasitic mechanically as as that. Yeah, so yeah, Cranko. Good old original. Doubles your goblins. Oh yeah.
some fun new art yeah in ah in that set though. I like that new art. Also Greg flavor text, cause that's new to that card too. Yeah. Yeah. That's new to that printing. There's a, there's also a Tatyova and a Garrix uprising in that pack. Oh my God, more value for Zamo.
yeah i want I had a Tatyova deck a while ago and. Back when we were doing the, the Minneapolis group here, I was a part of was doing the dollar general things where we had commanded X where every card was a dollar or less. Tatyova was my lands commander as an uncommon from Dominaria was super cheap. And that was, oh no. What did she, it was Muldrow. Yeah. I was wondering if you were going to pull a Hobbs and get Muldrow.
Wait, that's two... Zamone and Mildreoth are both mythics. You pulled both of those to the set box. Oh, and Aniv Mizzet. And they miss it and as and but that angel, I think it was a yeah mythic.
Well, and I meant like within the same colors then to use. Yeah. Simone is, yeah. And Vivian Reed is also a mythic. Oh, wow. That's right. Yeah. Vivian Reed in that first pack. Okay. Yeah. That seems like easily the strongest thing. Cause now you can put in whatever black nonsense you've been open into. Yeah. And that pack also, not that it really matters because it's another parasitic card, but that pack also had last blow in it.
Oh boy. Well, yeah. And now you could put in that nightmare maker you were talking about too. Yeah. No. If I go with Muldrotha. If you go with Muldrotha. Yeah. No. ah
It's like, do I want. It seems like you got a real, get a real um advantage from, from this card pool so far for being that person. Yeah. and My rares are definitely.

Commander Considerations: Muldrotha and Deck Choices

leading me in that direction. But you hit like almost all of the semic bullshit that you could. Yeah. All your mission is a crime speaker. And then to to go with, to go with that black goodness, I just opened a painful quandary. There you go.
her So ah you need some black bombs. It's like, yeah, tell me to play Muldrowth or white. And then with Muldrowth's ability, like you're not going to have tons of enchantments. It's like, sure someone can blow it up, but then you'll just recast it from the graveyard. Yeah.
ah Thousand year storm. I don't see myself playing that. but Yeah. in you ni on his though I love and love it. Play it in my Nira deck. Yeah, I suppose even a Niv Mizzet, it'd be hard to stack up enough instance and sorceries to make use out of it. but Yeah, you don't have all your one mana ponders and stuff and this to do that. Ooh, got that. Another good black rare, the nine lives familiar.
So yeah, I'm definitely gonna go through my pile and see how many colors, how many of my rares are on color for salt tie. Cause I'm thinking just out of memory, it's quite a lot. We we we did a Vorthos review of foundations and I don't think we talked about nine lives familiar. I don't think we did. That's actually a shame. We should we should talk about that right now. Yeah. So one black, black for a one, one cat.
Next, this creature enters with eight revival counters on it if you cast it. When it dies, if it had a revival counter on it, or return it to the battlefield with one fewer but beginning of your next end step. So it has nine lives. That is so awesome. I love it. just it's It's just this cute little black cat playing with a skull. Yeah, and then the the flavor text, her master gathered the bones to resurrect her only to find her purring on the altar is kind of fun too.
Alright, let's see. I got another legendary. It's Ruby Daring Tracker. She's a Gruul for a 1, 2 with haste. Whenever she attacks, I control a creature with power 4 or greater. She gets plus 2, plus 2, or she adds a red and a green. you know Definitely not playing her. No, not with what you got. Yeah. My rare... Oh, I got two rares. I got Sandstone Sanctuary, which is a colorless land that becomes a 3, 3 with vigilance for 4 mana.
And then I got a Kyora.
ETV draw two cards, discard two cards, and she's a three mana, three, two, and then threshold. ah She attacks, you have seven or more cards in your graveyard, making eight, eight. So there's another on color rare. Yeah. Not bad. She's pretty good early. She lets you...
filter through your deck a little bit early on and then later on she can come down and make some. And and discarding is building your graveyard, which is also helpful for Muldriltha. And a few of the black cards that you've you've got. So rare for this pack is the Ashru animus.
which is 200 girl for a four four with trample that gives another attacking creature plus X plus X for X is its power. So probably won't be playing that, but it's a nice little attacker. Yeah, b be solid in a Ruby deck if you didn't have like five other legends you use before Ruby. Down to the last two rows of packs here. Sky Knight Squire.
the one and a white for a one, one, and every other creature enters, put a plus one, plus one counter on it. And as long as this creature has three or more counters on it, it has flying as a knight in addition to its other types. Not going to be playing that either. But it's a knight's white. I got more packs than I thought I did.
I'm so used to opening the special boxes, like modern horizons or mystery boosters that the ones that actually have the full 36 are like, wow, it just keeps going and going. The consuming aberration. There's another nice salt-eye card. Oh yeah.
Rocked up in a siege duel to the number of cards on your opponent's graveyard. So if you cast a spell, you reveal a card from the library until they reveal a land and just put them in their graveyard. It would just mill them. Running out of room for my wrappers over here. Slag storm. um And another green mythic, a quilled great worm.
Or green green for a 7-7 with trample. 6 mana 7-7 trample, okay. Whenever a creature you control deals comet damage during your turn, put that many plus 1 plus 1 counters on it. You may cast this card from your graveyard where by removing 6 counters from among creatures you control in addition to paying its other costs. Woah. Woah. And another on-color mythic furt. Yeah. yeah
your growing collection. o There's a card in this set that made a reference to Jaws. Ferocious ferocious great a Great Shark has, there is no big ah no boat big enough as its flavor text, which I'm seeing in the... So this set's rare as Banner of Kinship, so you know that's not going to see any play in a Boxing League. No, just not you have enough creatures of a given type to make it worth it. Yeah, I love that art, though. That art is fantastic. Yeah, it's so cool. I'm glad we're going to be getting art on Bloomberg going forward in new sets.
Oh, oh, cool. Commuculus Horde.
3 in a blue for a 2-2. Whenever you draw your second card each turn, you make a copy of it. So it's the it's the scoot swarm for card draw. Yep. But that's another on-color rare. Yes, it is. Well, there's a rare. I'll always take a solemn simulacrum. Nice. Commander staple. Yeah, happy to see that.
There's another painful quandary.
And there she is. There's a full art elesha, but I don't think I have the support for it. My red has been really lacking and my black is only so, so, uh, it definitely, my green is just too strong not to play. So even though I said she was the one I wanted to open most.
I don't think my cards are agreeing with that. Yeah. At least maybe in the way Hobbs would estimate it, you've got kind of a monkey paw situation. Yeah. Got, got what you asked for, but maybe not in the way you will wanted it. No, that sounds cool. It sounds ridiculous actually. Okay. Another tribal card in Elvish Arch Druid. That's not particularly useful in Boxing League.
Green Man, Atlanta War Elves.
Oh, let's see here. The Giada. So another legendary, but this is for Angel Tribal, which we're not going to be playing. Oh, there you go. I missed that one when I have counted them up. So five for five for all of the creature type centric mono colored legends in this set. Yeah, I'm still going to look at whether I can build Elesha, but My red has been pretty non-existent in the rares. Tiny Bones! Black and a 1 for a 1-3 whenever an opponent discards a card, which I got painful quandaries, so that's pretty cool. X out from their graveyard with a stash counter on it.
During each of my turn, I play cards I don't own with stash counters on them from Exile and Man of Any Type may spend to cast it, and then he can pay for to make each opponent discard a card as a sorcery. Yeah, I'd consider that as a bomb.
So, all right, down to the last pack. All right. I'm still holding out for his Agana speaker, Prime Speaker's Agana, just to complete the, uh, the Simic bullshit counter. Nope. No such luck. We got a Scrawling Scraper. Beginning of each of your up keeps each opponent, each player draws a card and whenever an opponent draws a card, that player loses one life.
Okay. I actually might be in for this in this deck because I'm going to need ways to get people to lose life quickly. Yeah. And if I'm making them discard cards too, then it's not Yeah, and and there's always... What's what's the... I don't know. There's something to the politics of multiplayer. Sometimes, even if the card is hurting them, if it's giving them a card, people may consider swinging in a different direction for a little while if you don't look like a threat. I have won games with my land deck just because I had Horn of Greed in play and people didn't want to lose that. Yeah.
Which is sort of ironic, I guess, that they got greedy and I ended up winning for it. All right. So let's take a look at what we got here. Make sure. Um, so out of the legendaries, things I would consider building would be a Lesha, Muldrotha, Tatyova, Niv-Mizzet.
Kaikar, Allenda, or Zamone. So I've got lots of options under things I could build. Yeah, and that hits all the five colors, right? A couple of times for most of them? Yeah, no i have I have options on all colors. That's cool. And especially cool, like going forward with the league, if you're opening in more packs and your pool starts to skew in a different way.
Yep, so I mean obviously the Coward's Choice out is taking Multrotha. Yeah, that's just on the face of it, probably the most flexible and strongest of the options. And just how strong it is. Three colors, lots of recursion. Yep, even if you never play the commander, just getting the three colors in a limited environment is... Yeah, and it's the only only three color commander in this set. Yeah.
And you you've got two five color options, but with fixing, you probably don't want to go five colors. Yeah, there is very, very little fixing. I suppose Ramos, you don't need the fixing. So Ramos is an interesting option, but you didn't open that particular mythic. No. So yeah, so. I'm i'm probably I'm probably going to build a Muldrotha deck and.
I will see what Nilesha deck looks like as well, but let's we'll go through my regular rares and we'll see that I don't have a lot in just the red side of things. As far as what will go in Mildrotha out of the other um playable ah legendaries,
It's basically tiny bones is the only thing that's going to be played out of the other legendaries. All the rest are. Typo specific or out of color. Yeah. Tatty Evans and bone could both go right in there too. Yeah. All of those, all of the ones, uh, yeah, all the ones that I listed as ones I would play or just going off the ones that I. Yes. I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. Yeah. ah Okay. Yep.
out of the other legendaries. So going through the rares, you know, ones I'm absolutely, if i I'm gonna play, assuming I'm playing Muldrotha, I've got hits on Vivian Reed, Solomon Rackham, Homoculus Horde, Quilled Great Worm, Consuming Aberration,
Kiura, nine lives familiar, painful quandary, scavenging ooze, abyssal harvester, Sylvan scavenging, moss-borne hydra, high-fate trickster, time-stop doubling season, and archmage of runes. That is 16 of your rares, not even counting the other legends that would be going in real trophy. Yeah, that's that's like half of the rares in your box get to go in that one deck. Yeah, there's a lot more since these are the play boosters. But that actually that is about that is about hat holding that side by side. That it's slightly less than half the rares.
out of Out of the red rares, obviously sure there's no reds on the one no red cards in the ones I read off. I had Slagstorm, which is a good card. Ashert Animus, which is a red-green, is okay. Flame-like Phoenix, okay. Brass is Bounty, not as good in a limited environment. And Seerslicer Goblin. None of my red rares were particularly yeah great.
And you would kill him, which would be a good inclusion of Elesha, but not great. But yeah, I mean, your solid body too. If you recur him, you have to start pumping him all over again. That's true. You know, you really, ah you you need things that are low power, but have really good ETBs to recur with her. Yeah. Low, low mana value.
This one's a man of value. Oh, he meant a value. Yeah. Which, which is again, Kellen hits that, but like you say, you put value into him that he dies. You're just losing that. Yeah. Makes Krenko not seem great though. Krenko making a few goblins could help you hit or raid. But again, it's just, it's just not a great interaction. It's workable, but military, I thought you don't have to do anything to make ultra thick. Yeah.
So I, I do think if I build a second commander, because people moan when I play little drove the, I think I'm going to build, um, a London or a car, a lender or a car. They both have different play styles. Uh, and I do have, I have some really good blue to blue is better than black. So I think kycar might be the better choice. Yeah.
Kaikar sounded interesting. Yeah. I definitely wouldn't mind blinking a Meteor Golem. That's right. That was the interaction. i'm like I was trying to remember. i'm like There was some wild thing we mentioned about the blink. Yeah, Meteor Golem is silly with Kaikar. Yeah, so I think this deck sort of makes itself... Yeah. that That is just hilarious to me.
ah I was going to make a joke about Muldrath when we started, because that was a thing for folks who may not be familiar. Hobbs did a Foundations boxing league at some point, and he had, I think, had almost no legends through the whole box, and then in one of the last packs opened Muldrath and was like, all right, I guess this is what I'm doing. Hobbs is not a big fan of blue and green in general, but that was easily the best choice in the world.
i'm I'm calling Simic on their bullshit all the time, but... Yeah. You know what? Can't beat him, join him. Yeah, there you go. Start pulling things out of the graveyard. Yeah.
All right.

Podcast Conclusion and Community Invitation

Well, that was, that was close. So, you know, this is definitely different than our usual fare, but we'll be back next week with Hobbs and, uh, hopefully, and we'll be talking about some, uh, good beginning of year habits to just, you know, hopefully, uh, get things going in a better direction, at least. Yeah. Yeah. some Some planning and mindfulness is kind of the plan. It's a topic we've we've talked about. I don't know. We'll see if that play a while and you if that plan comes to fruition or not. We'll have to find out. Let's see how well it goes. But and then it also, as Taya mentioned at the top, our goblin lord discard is open. We haven't started the boxing league yet. So if you're interested, there's folks out there who would love to to play some commander games.
otherwise I guess take care of yourself. this has been the goblin lore podcast thank you for listening we can be found both on twitter and blue sky at goblinlorepod check out our linktree for our discord and our discounts we appreciate you listening and welcome feedback via social media or discord until next time pod walklkers remember that goblins like snowflakes are only dangerous in numbers