Introduction and Hosts' Check-in
Hello Podwalkers and welcome to another episode of the Goblin Lore podcast. We are happy to be here tonight, the whole cast, which is which is fun to have fun to have everybody here and we are we are talking we are finishing a topic from our our last episode. Although two of us might be a little sniffly, we are here.
Yes. And between the three of us, we we probably have the energy level of normally maybe one person, but we will endure. That's why it's only three goblins in a trench coat is it takes three to equal the energy of a normal person. True. And Hobbes, this is why you're the the the goblin on on the top because you have the brains and the talkiness part. You got that one down.
All right, so. I'm the tall goblin, so I'm holding everybody else up. Yep, yep, and I'm keeping the core the core present. i'm i'm I'm doing that. You're doing the ab workout. You're yeah yeah keeping everything
Self-Care and Personal Interests
together. We are we are yeah three yeah three goblins on a trench coat, and we are executing proud goblin tradition of of getting off the rails less than 60 seconds after we push the record button.
damn but I think we said I said the name of the show, which is a good first start. Why don't I say we don't have to thank the grinding coffee company because they don't exist anymore. No, that sucks. But I know I was mourning their loss recently. I don't know. Oh, I saw my mug from the Kickstarter.
That was what it was. go but But yeah, i'll I guess I'll introduce myself. I'm found on the Goblin Lord Discord and nowhere else on the internet currently. Exclusive content. Yeah, exclusive content to the Goblin Lord Discord, ah which is ironically not an exclusive Discord if you'd like to join. in you You're welcome to join. It's a great community. There's a link in our show notes.
Yes, i ought to get there and and my my pronouns are he him and I guess we have an opening question and I might as well get mine out of the way. It sets the tone ah for this opening of the episode very well. So we decided we were trying to think of a story one. We've done a few story episodes lately and this is a continuing that story episode for Aetherdrift, but couldn't really come up with a good story one. um 60 seconds before we hit the record button. So instead, we're going to go with ah an old standby of our set fields, particularly poignant right now and talk about but what's one thing you you've done lately for self care. And I'm going to give us a good example that that isn't all sometimes
The self-care thing is is not always the the most constructive, but it's good good to do. but my My recent self-care thing is I have some time off. I got this week off, which is really nice, but then it also leads to me doing things like staying up till 1 a.m. and ordering Domino's at 9 p.m., which is unnecessary. But I mean, it seems like a perfectly fine coping mechanism to me. Yes. Yes. The the fresh cookie brownie, brookie, whatever they call it, was quite nice last night. So that I mean, yeah, I answer you but want to pick up the introductions. instead
Sure. Yeah. Go ahead. Okay, I'll go. If you insist, I'll do it. Hi, I'm Taya. Taya transcends on Blue Sky, or I'm on the Discord. The pronouns are she, her, they, them. And I've been reading a bit lately. That's been kind of, I've been trying to stay off social media a bit more than usual. And Uh, I've been making up for that by reading a series of books that a friend recommended, which is so stereotypical trans that it's kind of hard to believe that the series of the, uh, series of books is called everybody's a cat girl, which is, um, pretty much the gist of the.
um Whole plotline it's about a guy who gets a sick height to a world where everybody else is a catgirl Except for like three other guys that exist at the same time It's been rather funny But I've enjoyed it. I've been kind of binging it I'm on book three of five already and I just started reading it a couple of weeks ago or a week and a half ago so If you like, uh, isekai's and you like cat girls, uh, maybe check it out. I, um, I, isekai, that's a, that's an anime thing, right? Yeah. Cool. I see I'm learning. ah So I am Hobbsq and if you don't know, I am the host that knows the least and by the least it's a wide chasm in the gap of knowledge between the other two hosts and myself. When it comes to things like anime, it is a, it is a blind spot.
So my pronouns are he him and what I have been doing, I am getting back into roller skating. Uh, my daughter has wanted to go and most things she does once. And that's kind of it. We found a pair of skates for like $11 and she got them, uh, before we were going to go since rentals were like $5 each anyway. So we're like, okay, she goes through two or three times. It's fine. We came home after going skating for the first time. And she literally was started wearing them around our house and like everywhere.
kick Like we went to the store one day and somehow she got her skates on inside. They were in the car and she managed to get them on while we were driving to the store. I have no clue. Hobbs, do you really need a hobby with this type of an injury rate with how things have gone for you for the last year and a half?
Yeah, I think maybe you need one of the the little like PVC pipe walker things that that that the kids had to help them out. Yeah. Maybe you should have one too. Hilariously, Hobbs started skating like the age of two or three because his dad worked at a roller skating rink on weekends.
um And Hobbs's body sometimes thinks that it's still 20. And so I got to do a couple laps by myself yesterday when Gwen and I went because she wanted to take a little break. She told me just to get around a couple laps. And I came around a quarter, slid out, and I have a giant bruise on my knee right now, actually. Nice. So, yeah, maybe knee pads.
You know, yeah yeah, something I don't know, or just whatever. I don't care. Like, yeah, if you fall, you fall. I showed her I got right back up and kept on skating. It's fine. It's was just a little blood.
um But yeah, that's that that's a new one and i'm I'm actually looking forward to hopefully getting to do the go go skating maybe is ah is a more regular thing. It's it's a really fun exercise. That's awesome. We had a skating rink near my house when I was growing up but it closed when I was like 13, 14, somewhere in early to mid teens. So if they think I did a bunch then, because then all the like Cub Scouts, a hot school things would be like, it's a super cheap way to have like a field trip for the kids. And so I did that a bunch and then they closed and I have not skated since. So I cannot skate because I have no sense of balance. And I just sort of flail about
Yeah, I'm not sure I'd do very well with it now, but I had a lot of fun with it then. It was much younger than I am now. All right. Well, cool. we We managed to get past the the opening question and our introductions.
Aetherdrift Storyline: Race and Challenges
That's excellent. So great episode everybody. We'll see you next week.
yeah so we're we're We're picking up from, yeah, we we we missed recording last week, if if you're following along week to week. and we Sorry, just stuff happens and I believe y'all are probably aware of at least some of the things, at least in general. And so we we're, if you're catching up, we're we're picking up from last ah the last episode, we were talking this story for Aether Drift. But we were having such a good time and digging into it so much, we only got through half of the
Episodes are there six articles six episodes for the main storyline and we only talked through three and we were recording for around an hour so Decided to push the back half to another episode and so that's where we're back today to to go through episodes four five six And it's just a quick refresher, the end of three, I realized, I have the article open. So cliffhanger going yeah they were going through Amonkhet. Oh man, I just totally, I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought. the last The last piece I see in the article here was was about the one of the Amonkheti
lost their life during one of the the bits of the race but then they use a ritual to bring them back which kind of a fun like story showing the mechanics from that original set and also getting a glimpse of them kind of what was it what was that mechanic from the first time it gets in bomb and bomb home thank you because i keep having it's on like one card in this set yeah i have the i have eternal lies stuck in my head and that's the that's the bolus version that's the corrupted version yeah oh that's the good one okay gotcha that's what that's right i mean mechanically it is that it is the superior version well it would would you rather be embalmed or would you rather be eternalized yeah
um Based on the story context, I'm gonna have to go with the non-bolus version. Yeah, the non-enslaved version does seem better to me too. Yeah, the one that's part of this community and has this whole, like...
familial sort of relationship. Yeah, yeah that feels like the one Okay, that's that would be my choice. But so we got to have that and, and we have we have Spitfire kind of this is her POV toward the end, having this this this thought kind of for the first time that, you know, if she wins and gets what she wants,
then the then that means someone else has to lose. And she's starting to like understand who some of these people are and understand that they have a lot of their own goals and a lot of their own aspirations that are good and great things too. And and in fact, the the specific quote here is if I get everything I want and they lose, what will he have died for? Thinking about this this person who died earlier due to how just how dangerous this race has been in in some places.
Did that they die from one of the yeah the attacks from one of the other racers? Yeah, from yeah they they got axed, if I remember correctly, from the whatever, the red-black line. Is that the speed demons? Speed demons, yeah get hear yeah. They got sliced up. Oh no, speed demons or the... Blue-black.
from the house. Yeah. That's the team from the house. The speed demons are not, uh, no, the, the, uh, I thought they had a different name, but the, yeah, the end runners. Yes. Or the red, black ones. They're the red. Yes. And they are not from the house.
No, they they are the ones who like sharp objects. Yes, I will say it wasn't the goblins that axed him. Yeah, as yeah many red, black guilds or groups will like sharp objects is kind of in the color pie there. So and episode four picks up with our um Our conspiracy group that Jace has prodded along back on Avishkar and they're out recruiting more conspiracists. And this time they're picking up someone who used to be like captain of the guard and has now been busted back down to normal soldier under the new regime. And.
pretty much gets him to sign on, you know, another one who wants to bring back the old, old government in old ways. And, uh, yeah, just, uh, they're like, Oh, is your, is your help trustworthy? And they're like, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course they're all super brainwashed by Chase. So yeah, just another ah kind of uncomfortable to seem to read right now with with Jace who's you know been a hero and been kind of an antagonist and now he's you know stoking the uh kind of these these
What's the instincts of some of the the worst people on this on Avishkar? Yeah, and it even talks about them admitting that this time it will be bloody, you know, where the last revolution wasn't. Yeah, it just doesn't seem to really be bothered by this. No, no, not at all. I think way less bothered than he he probably could be. Yeah. Yeah, so. so But then we get to Vin. Well, real quick, I do want to say that there it's an interesting thing just with the parallels that we've been talking about because it talks about no revolution worth having has ever been bloodless. And like it's a really interesting idea because it's basically about punishment because it's let us remind these so-called rebels what valor looks like and what the cost of their ambition should be. And notice their their cost is people, you know, like Gandhi getting to be in charge now.
yeah or like commoners getting this. It's not like the cost of their ambition is some, you know, or, you know, the, the person earlier who was complaining about a doctor getting to charge whatever, you know, that's one of the people in this. Yeah. most Yeah. Spitfires dead. So yeah. So just wanted to highlight that line. Yeah. Yeah. No.
And then we get to see Vin. Yeah, we had a nice discussion in the discord about whether Vin stands for a play on Vin Diesel or Vin number on a car. I think we determine though that the name is from previous. Right to the set. Or goes back to Battlebond. Yeah, I don't remember it. I don't remember him being named in Battlebond, but I I don't know enough to. Yeah. I remember hearing that he was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Vin is, is kind of the, the announcer or an interview. He's the race announcer. And he's in this scene, he's interviewing one of the fang droods because they just reached the Mergunda part of the race. Yes. um And then there's, there's a,
And just start trees are great. Now, Chandra didn't always think so. She used to think they were super boring things that blended into the background. Maybe potential fuel. Growing up in Gurepore the way she did, there weren't a ton of them. And Rigartha wasn't the kind of plane where you find much that's taller than a shrub anymore. Now that she had anything to do with that. Of course, then she met Nissa and all that started to change. And then she ran and lost one of her newest friends.
yeah so yeah you know she actually has a she's she's not so you know she she kind of has a positive view of trees now but that wasn't always the case and yeah i do you like the the comment about regatha just being nothing but shrubs because anything bigger has been burned out by them Yeah, and I also love that is such a like Chandra way of thinking about that, yeah which is is another one of those where it's just, it's so great that we're getting, you know, wonderful authors like Kay who are writing magic story right now, because there's so much characterization and just this little, this little big bit about Chandra being distracted by trees.
Speaking of being distracted by things, I had to look it up because it was now going to bother me. Vin was the announcer in the short-lived Spell Slingers trait game. Oh, okay. And in the Spell Slingers trailer, MC Vin provides commentary on some battles. Okay. So he was named and Vin is... Interesting.
for his nickname for V. N. W. X. T. Is his. Which is the shortest homunculus name I think I've ever seen. OK. Yeah, it beats out fiddle thump even. Yeah. So but anyway, so that yes, spellslingers trailer and tutorial guide. That is where he came from first. Cool. That's a fun deep cut to pull that.
Cool. And he does in that he is supposed to be, you know, but Valor's reach. And it's supposed to be, it talks about how he is. He is from Kylem. Like they established that back at that point. Okay. Sorry. I had to dig into it because I was like, I know we were talking about this in the discord. We've got to make those discord people proud. Okay. And while we're distracted anyway, I'm going to get distracted a little more and go backwards just a little bit to this interview with Grenard, the great fang druid.
because it said gri there there' is there's this conversation and it's clear that Grenard doesn't quite understand the concept of the camera like relating images to people far away. yeah The last paragraph here is, Grenard, great fang druid, racing sponsor, comma, ape who fears yet more visitors might ah fears what yet more visitors might bring, hurls the camera as hard as he can toward the river. He ah he must have enchanted it somehow. There's no way that it could soar that hard, that fast.
a Okay, so he just throws it really hard thinking that all the people are inside this camera. Yeah, yeah but it's like this this idea and and I realized this with us playing D and&D with a friend like this weekend who is opening some aether drift cards and he showed me some funky <unk> I think it was like a zero eight for two mana, like vanilla creature. And he's like, here, this seems like a you card, Alex. And I'm like, yeah, guilty, I guess. But I realized that like this is such a cool way for them to bring Muragonda into the story, into a set, because for a long time, like people have asked about it. And Mark Rosewater is like, well, this is a set that's like
Vanilla Matters is a big aspect of it. That would be bad for like a full set. Like we couldn't really make that work. And so here they don't have to. Yeah, we got a cycle, right? To make it work for a handful of cards while we then have Avishkar and Amonkhet and other things going on. Sorry. So we're but back to Shatra. Racing past trees at at impossible speeds. Yeah.
You know, she's not, she might like the trees now, but she's not really enjoying zigzagging out of them at speeds, which if she hits one will turn her into a pancake.
oohoo Especially when the trees are massive. apparently huge trees ana on this plane. Yes, everything is massive on this plane. and i And I like this line too. This track is more of a suggestion and not one that the land is taking seriously. Yeah.
yeah so So yeah, they apparently they they took there was some effort to lay track here or something and the this plane is in a lot of motion, at least in this area, and things are not.
cooperating. Yeah. And so she just makes her own tunnel with a giant fireball. The very Chandra Waiter brains. Yes. Yes. yes yeah If there's not a tunnel, what are you supposed to do? You make a tunnel. Yeah. yeah and I love it. Maybe others would have some elegant solution.
Yeah. And but when she gets through the tunnel, what's there? It's just winter is right there somehow. And yeah this is when Chandra is starting to like, how the hell does he keep getting out in front of everybody? Yes. Yeah, suspect there's something else going on there. Yeah, it's like she realizes he's definitely cheating now.
And I love the idea of some people came here to win the right way. Yeah. Right after she burned a hole through a tree. Yeah. yeah like Like every indication is that that that this is like, you know, like grew out of a culture of deadly street racing within Avishkar, like other planes ability to do it. But, you know, like, come on.
like it what would like People this is that's like almost like the anthony anybody's ever seen the yeah the the the movie Casablanca There's like an illegal gambling ring and there's a corrupt official who walks in he goes. I've just shocked shocked a fine gambling going on it's like Yeah, we're shocked somebody's cheating in this race And then there's, you know, at the end of this section, there's you the bit that dovetails right near the other one is like, Shondra is asking like, what does he even need a spark for? And then the next one picks up with Spitfire. It's like, what is Nalaar even needed? i like their smart well
yeah She's already a planeswalker. What the hell does she need one for? Yep. And then you also get to see her decide, you know, rather than take the tunnel that Nilar opened, a death trap of Spitfire ever saw one, she throws it into reverse and like run you know follows through a different path. And so it's it's kind of part of this whole, the culture of this race or the nature of this race is that, again, as as the thing said before, there's a suggestion of a course, but both the plane and the participants are only following it loosely.
Yeah. And then we get something this plane is known for, which is moon ah moonfall. but Apparently there is a broken moon in orbit, which bits of rain down on a regular basis,
which just starts happening in the middle of the race, of course. Yeah, and I love this. There's a little bit where Spitfire is like remembering this guidebook that she had read. And I love that there's a guidebook for all of these plans. Or maybe, maybe it's related to the race, I suppose. Yeah, I'm sure it was related to the race. yeah it's And Pia's just like, yeah, it's time to get off the track. Yeah. Let's just go over here. Yep. Yeah. yeah
And then we get another. Point of view from men here, I believe we had a point of view from men earlier. Or is this the I think this is the first. that This is the first and only one we get from the end writers. OK. Yeah, we don't. Yeah, I was going to say the end writers are one of the ones that we were going through that planeswalker guide that I was like, I don't really remember much from them. Yeah. So we get one quick.
cut from the end writers and which is a bummer because ah like far fortune is awesome as you care like the art and um if you've seen far fortune just has a really cool style to her to her yeah yeah there i like the art for them a lot in general their their style well i mean i'm a big fan of red black style in general so it's not surprising that i'd really like their style but it's um
And right during that part, they, everyone gets attacked by heavily armored lizard men. Yes. So if you read the Planeswalker Guide at all, the, the ruling faction on Muragunda is a large group of lizard folk who claim to basically control the plane, but they don't really.
And there's a lot of people who don't agree with them being the rulers and they're the ones who made the deal. Uh, them and a few tribes made the deal to bring the race through the plane, but not everybody was on board with that plan. So we have one of the other factions show up in the middle of the race here.
and but be a little disruptive. A little bit, yeah. They start attacking everybody and capturing people and... tearing apart race cars and uh including duretis and they captured dureti most importantly yeah most importantly they they yeah we we get the art our art was used from pedal to the metal yeah right here hers right here yeah and uh you know the the we gotta love goblins being goblins um duretis like basically being captured and
the redshift is like ah boss there's some trouble okay boss bye boss real nice working with you yeah i promise i'll be a better boss than you were ah like the like the loyalty is just like yep and like they're and they're all flying off and he's like wait where you where are you all going they're like so aie like ah Yeah for the boost God I mean to be fair already is not part really of their no their goblin part of their little he was
He is not a member of whatever the, yeah, the Rocketeers, we don't know, still. We mentioned that on the last episode. We don't know where they came from and Doretti had just ended up kind of there and they realized that Doretti was very good at
Chandra's Reckless Decisions and Doretti's Journey
building. he was and He was smart, like possibly winner of the smart boss contest. Yes, he was.
And so Doretti gets captured and then we cut back to Chandra who is being in Chandra at her most reckless when she's like, wow, it's suicide to drive on a track in the middle of a lizard attack plus a moon storm, but winter staying on the track. So I'm going to do it too.
yeah She is not, uh, Oh yeah. And she just has the, uh, And she has a quick realization that Nissa is not going to forgive her if she gets hurt doing this, but it doesn't stop her from actually doing it. Yeah. Yeah. That is, that is until she, uh, she witnesses, um,
Luke's cage rip, rip free of the the car. And then she goes, she decides she has to go help being a very Chandra.
Yeah. and that like Talking to her, her captain, it's like, you're the co-captain. If you win, it still counts. And then she just heads off. ah call it like yeah ah guy I guess it must have a heck of a deal going. Yeah. Yeah. And so. Yeah. Because that's.
the smart thing to do, apparently. Oh, I love you Shondra, but you you make questionable decisions. Yep. She makes decisions quickly. Let's yeah let's let's put a strengths based approach to this. She is a quick decision maker. Decisive. Decisive and quick. Yes. Oh, and and her mom is not happy about it. No, no. And Sita does not care. No, she's like no large giving up the race. Great. but no It does trigger some
Memories for her of her of her mother needing help But she you know, she doesn't really understand that, you know She kind of says go all families ever done is slow me down Yeah, yeah ps trying to get spitfire to help and yeah she just Doesn't she keeps going turns off the radio And then we get to meet we get to see Luke Yes His name is Luke and he's having a hell of a time. Yeah, get a POV from from him. I think Luke's actually probably been having a hell of a time since the moment he was released from the like the hell vault or whatever that. Woke up. Yeah. I know it wasn't the hell vault, but. It was like suspended animation. Spended animation vault. Yeah. Yeah. The formarii hell vault. Yeah. They're the separate hell vault. But.
You know, we get our loot box card. Yeah, that's a thing. They had to do it. Yep. Yep. And that's awful. Yeah. And then, uh, and then loot runs into another prisoner. They're ready for encounters, I should say. What?
Dreddy is actually, Dreddy is really nice and yeah gives Lute a snack and checks of checks for food allergies first.
okay Oh, this is what I mean, the you know, the the joke is that this was like my favorite moment of Doretti. Yeah. Doretti is very considerate of of people's potential allergies. And I love that. Just, you know, I mean, people that may know my wife has celiac. So it's kind of one of those asking about dietary restrictions just really endears Doretti to me. And the fact that it's basically for chocolate. I also like a like Okay, Doretti, Doretti, Doretti's actually got some taste. Yeah, and he has a hot water dispenser built into his ah his ah armor suit and makes some hot chocolate for him and Lou. Excellent. i I love the fact that he literally is just like, that is one of the things that he has on his this clockwork Vampras. Yep. Yep. Yeah, you never know when you might need some tea or something.
that that's what it feels like. I mean, I was like the one of the very British jokes, you know, it's always the time. But yeah, well, then even to read his line, if we're going to be sacrificed the way they say, at least we'll go out like gentlemen. Yeah.
It's like, it's just like, oh, sacrifice from loot. Like it is in his mind connection. Yeah. Yeah. And I just love the way he keeps going. I'll tell you something, Luke, the whole thing's been weird for me, says Doretti.
but what ah He keeps going, but Luke starts tuning him out. For one thing, Luke's tired of listening to other people's fans. And it's at this point that Hobbs was like, damn it, now I kind of like Luke. I know. This was like but this. This was the point in the story where, well, because he he spots a friend, the flaming girl. Yeah. Yeah. I also. Yeah. So he just thinks of Chandra as flame girl until she actually introduces herself. Yeah.
But you know it perfect loot loot also endeared himself to me because it said all the while already keeps going on about whatever Fiora Fiora is Luke pretends to listen intently to ready needs that yeah, come on. Yeah, looks like yeah think Made me like that little furball. Yeah No i mean he's he's Nice. Yep Hmm, what's he doing with Jace? Okay, so yeah, we get the flame girl, ready's a blast. And there's another woman. Yeah. Yeah. And it's Pia. No, no mistaking it. They must be related. They've got the same smirk. Yeah. Yeah.
ah Probably. says yeah Yeah. Yeah. Where would you be without your bow? Yeah. So yeah, then they, they, they break those two out and, uh, we get, we get a jailbreak. And so quick engineer, quirk from directing. Well, not just that we also get P of picking the locks because, you know, former, former rebel, uh, leader, you know, that's one of the things she knows how to do. Yep.
And we learned that the title we kindly get to why this episode is titled little guy shortcuts, which is that, you know, we, we'd kind of talk about this, but they learned that loot is able to see. Yes. Even, even like temporary ones, just tell where they are. Yes. And he directs them to a little guy shortcut and a second letter later, they crashed over the border into a different world. Yeah.
Hmm. They they they've left the race. The race is over for for these folk, I would say. Because when they wake up. Well, I guess they don't wake up yet. Yeah.
Yeah, then the next the next episode starts. and Well, it starts, but it it does kind of start with saying like somewhere on Avish Cara, a team of racers is bursting through an omen path ye to rock his applause. But no one will tell stories about this landing. but Yeah, they're like the the race is drawing to an end and then it shifts back to.
Dready will log it is one of the great failures of his career, both the landing itself and the circumstances that brought him there. And that's basically like, they crash and they are now, they're not an average car. Yeah. and So you can detect, you know, detect Omen path, but not necessarily the elevation the exit is at. Yes. And and another note in the opening after the note about the ready, it said a few days from now, Chandra Nohr will tell her girlfriend that she really, really had no idea it would go this way. And Nissa will narrow her eyes as effect cannot possibly be true.
yeah Just wonderful characterization in a very small amount of space. It's it's just excellent writing. So yeah, instead of coming back to Avishkar, they end up in the middle of the air somewhere in Amonkhet and crash into a dune right right near an oasis.
That was convenient at least because a lot of mom and cats not that nice. No, at least yeah at least it was a more friendly part that gave them some time to put things back together and try to get back.
Amonkhet: Repair, Recovery, and Reflection
And Chandra pulls off this pretty neat like retro rocket thing where she uses fire to slow their descent right before they slam into the ground. Yep.
Chandra Lars swears. Once that's out of her system, she blasts the ground ahead of them and makes the god of fire. Yeah. And then you have her yelling, brace for impact, to which to ready response, we don't have anything to brace with or on. And then they hit the earth. Yeah. Oh, and then we get a nice little thing where they are apparently have well presumably have concussions. And so Doretti tries to help them as best as he can and give them instructions to not relax, but don't go to sleep. All the things that you can do to try to take care of yourself there. Yeah, we get we get some really good goblin advice for dealing with concussions.
Which it's just occurring to me now, a goblin would be really familiar. A goblin artificer would be probably much more parental than the other person. And he has medicine for it. He has plenty of medicine for it. Yeah, I was going to say. He's got meds too. He is well prepared for a large number of, yeah, I like it.
It'll sell your stomach and dull the pain for a little while. I love it. Is this what you feel like all the time on the bad days? and yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then you get the so POV change and starts with great medicine, the kind that's not just ludicrously expensive, but rare will make you forget you ever had a malady and all this. It's like most people do not get great medicine.
I think good mass race most of whatever's going on, but it leaves trace traces. Yeah. kind of Yeah. And then we get this, this fun picture. Is this actually on a card with Pia and, and at the ready, like working on a machine and then Shandra just hanging out with loot in the background. Yeah, I'm sure it's on a card. I haven't, I honestly haven't looked at the full set of cards. That's just, that's this just a really fun piece of art for this.
Yeah, you probably don't want Chandra working on your machines. No, not. They do use her as a welding torch for a little bit. but Yes, they do they use her to do some welding, yes. but Yeah, you want you want her help to be very specifically applied with yeah good oversight. So interesting, when i I do bring up that artist and Aether Drift,
We do not get any, uh, it's, oh, it is on times up. So it's a, it's a white card is what it's on. So we have three red mages and a team or a mage on a white card on a white card.
For the most part, the odds would be insurmountable. And it's got direct flavor text from the story. Oh, yeah. Which is, for most people, the odds would be insurmountable, Dorese said, but we're not most people, Peter replied. It's a return a target artifact card from your graveyard to the battlefield. If it's a vehicle, it becomes an artifact creature. And I am now just, yeah I definitely saw this one. And I it did not register to be that this is zero white-aligned folk on you know white bo a white card. Yeah, very white effect, but yeah, that not matching that with the people who are in the audience. All right.
So yeah, so there then they're working on this, and and ah then at some point, Chandra is helping out. I don't know. Is there more stuff you guys want to talk in here before Chandra's encounter with a native? I just want to point out that Doretti calls them the Lars Prime and Junior. That's right. And and ah and Pia loves this. Yes, Pia absolutely loves it.
Chandra isn't a fan though. Not so much. Yeah. All right. And then, so yeah, then then we get to a point where Chandra is just hanging out. I think she's just hanging out but near the Oasis. And someone comes up and speaks to her in an interesting way. And it turns out it's one of the new gods on Amonkhet.
New God. We get a little bit of back and forth first while they're repairing before that. Yes. And the ah and Shondra, this is where she does a lot of the welding. um She keeps getting called Junior. But there was one line in here that I wanted to. Shondra smirks. My mom is really good at fixing things. I mostly melt them. Yep. Another great Shondra line. Yep.
But once they're out of stuff for her to weld, that's when she decides. She kind of wanders off. Yeah. Just a little bit. But yeah, and yeah, one of the ah the gods of Amonkhet comes and and has a little conversation with her, which is interesting.
and And also we get a little bit from them, because Chandra, like my myself, like Chandra, because I haven't been paying attention to this story, and Chandra, because she's been busy probably, said, I thought Nicole Bullis killed everyone but Hazoret. But you're here. And and oh, what did I miss? Did this god provide a name? I don't see that in the article. So this is the cat god that got a card. Yeah, it's a Catra Jr. Yeah.
but you know just It says, you have an interesting way of speaking, visitor. Indeed I am. ah To kill a god is to kill the very spirit of a thing. Bolas thought he had strangled our spirit within his claws, but what do you see around you? And she says, life, because of the oasis. And and it's... it's you know where there is breath, where there is water, where there are people who wake every morning and face the dawn, so there shall be gods of Amonkhet.
Race Finale and Jace's Schemes
And so we this is just another, it's a great, it's it's a good conversation. i I really like this, but it's another sign, another thing of Amonkhet kind of coming back. You know, we see that with the racers, we see that with the relationship that they kind of have and some of the conversations and even a little bit of the, some of the scenes on Amonkhet, you know, where
This scene's taking place in Xand in Oasis. A lot of the plane is not safe, but they managed to find a spot that is not so bad. There's a nice little spot. And so I love I love this view of Amonkhet kind of recovering and rebuilding and coming back just not just from specifically like the hour of devastation, but even from the stuff that had been done to it from by Bolas before that.
I'm just seeing how many times I can mention bolus negatively then till I get Hobbs to respond. You know, I was letting you go with it. You know, I was like, he's good he's gonna have a point here. and We're gonna realize that everybody was better off with bolus around. Like i I was just hoping you were gonna get to there on your own, Alex. I think I'm still not quite there. ah actually Yeah, no, I said this last time. I do really like the the world without but like seeing what this looks like without bolus there when that when when we get to see kind of a ah rebuilding of yeah well and and there are some things and i'd be curious and i don't know how much of this has been in the story or maybe we'll learn about it later but from what i understand like the the area outside of
I can't think of what the main area was called. But the area that was outside of of the space they were in was dealing with this like undeath sort of thing that predate. My understanding was that predated Bolas. That was just. Oh, yeah. That that is the. the wandering, a curse of the wandering or whatever has been on the plane, you know, as as far as they know, it's just full of subverted it. Yeah, and and kind of took advantage of it. yeah But like that predated. so I think it's called being resourceful. I think phrase that you were looking for that' im i be like everything tonight, I'm going to spin into strengths based approach.
Yes, all this was resourceful. He utilized the tools that were at hand. Yeah, the the natural resource of on death on this world. Yeah. To make his own evil army to invade another plane. Yeah, that's that's we got that we got that exactly.
yeah But so in in this kind of conversation, like one of the things that this God was asking is, you know, understanding that Chandra's a planeswalker had not just came from other places, but can go to other places. So he asks, you know, he says it would delight me if he told me of other worlds and how they how they live. And, and so she does this section kind of ends with,
her saying, well, my girlfriend's favorite place on the multiverse is called Zendikar, sort of teeing up the talk about that probably with with this god and maybe some of the other places that she's been.
And yeah we return back to the race. yeah We are almost at the finish. We are, we are back um on, on Europe or a new, uh, we are there on avish kari, avish kari. And in 20 years, sp fire is going to tell everybody about this moment that is lining up perfectly. She's going to win.
Only winter. Captain of the speed demon stands in her way. That's it. Nobody else. Nothing else going on here that could be an issue. Just winter. The line, whatever trick it it is that they've been using to get ahead isn't helping them anymore, which we kind of know, but she wouldn't have the idea that that was loot. But it doesn't matter, because there's nothing that can go wrong. The only thing that can catch you is a head.
And then faster. The eighth arranger front bumper scrapes against the speed demon driver door faster. Cassie to Cassie, Ida ice. Fire doesn't spare faster. Winner shoots a gout of blue flame at her. And where did that wall come from? Yeah, where did that wall where did that wall come from? Yeah.
So yeah, so this is where we get our, uh, Jason's plan has been sprung into action, uh, to use the end of the race as his distraction ah for his. For two things is one for his little idiot, uh, his useful idiots to, uh, spring their rebellion, which he doesn't even care about anyways. It was just a distraction, uh, which all he cares about is using this moment to collect loot. Yep. So.
The Spitfire's dad gets called over to be pointed out because she gets pretty messed up in the crash. and Yeah, and part of her her mask, her helmet is broken. Yeah. In her lap, half of her mask. So one of ah one of his minions calls him over and like, oh, it's it's your daughter, by the way. So he pulls her away and and has her basically you know, carted away from the scene because so he she doesn't embarrass him because she couldn't possibly be known that his daughter was racing. Yeah, says the line, I will not lose my daughter to degeneracy. You know, take her to the doctor, spare no expense. I will not lose my daughter to degeneracy. And then tell no one of this. You know, so and then we switched to Jace's point of view where he is,
Interrogating, uh, Vrasko tears Winter from the wreckage and Jace starts interrogating him right away. Yeah. But yeah, uh, Winter tries to resist, but Jace doesn't have a... it Yeah, it's Jace. It's Jace. Yeah, Winter can't really resist at all. Yeah. And then we get the, this conversation turns even darker and ends with, you know,
he say this This is less than ideal. I think we need to take a prisoner for us to ask why, if he doesn't know what use is he to us. And it's, he's a loose end. If things are going to get better for everyone, we can't afford any loose ends. Not anymore. Like we're really going into overtime to make Jace seem shady as hell. yes Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. let's um So we we're, you know, we we have our final, Doretti wakes up.
slap the hood of the rocket car with glee. He is very excited by this majestic, awful creation they've cobbled together. Nothing like it in the multiverse, he says. Grins, the palm fronds add a bit of style, don't they? i mean This is literally how it felt when I was building the Lego version. I was like, what else pieces do I have that I can stick onto this vehicle?
Yeah, we're ready. We're we understand each other. Yeah. And then there's no key. So they have to hotwire it. Yes. Get started. Your father and I used to do this. You have to start at the old fashioned way PSS. Yeah. So Chandra can't keep herself from smiling.
Maybe we can still win this after all. Yeah, here we go. We've got to find our way back to the track to the Omen Path. Catromos said, if we head this way for an hour, we should see it. And then the Lion God. Yeah, who is that? The Lion God. He gave me directions. Yeah. And then Lut's like, nah, I know. I know a shortcut. I got a shortcut. ah and And at this point in time, they've only taken one little guy's shortcut, and so they haven't learned their lesson yet. Yeah.
but Yeah, yeah, yeah is a Chandra can't help but smiling hey Maybe we can win this after all she jokes, but when she's path loops head and scripts in between the ears Probably not, but with your help, we're gonna make a hell of an entrance. In less than 15 minutes, she'll come to regret those words. And that's the end of episode five. this is So we've got one more, the finale of the story. Yes. Which starts with tumbling through the sky above the almond cat where the ground below the sand and the water and vegetation is one thing. The sand might absorb a bit of your impact. Tumbling through the sky above Garapur
Shondra is going to have a word with loot after this. I love this. The good thing about having fallen out of the sky yesterday is that they all know what to what's do. He already just says back to your stations and everybody goes. Yeah. Basically like people trying to angle things. Shondra is using fireball. I don't know what I was going to do with it. Charging it up though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's.
Oh, and then as they're falling on the city, uh, Shondra notices consulate thugs. Yeah. Fascism is a fungus. Yes. And then she's realizing the, this time she doesn't have a good place to put her retro rocket without causing collateral damage because she's falling in the middle of a city. Mm-hmm.
So she basically does like a bounce jump off of a building. I just like the the the paragraph. It works, but there's only so much you can do to slow down a half ton vehicle of pure goblin ingenuity.
The crash is coming. it Oh, it's great. Oh, that thing weighs a lot more than half a ton. yeah Yeah, maybe all the palm fronds make it a little lighter.
Yeah, and then they managed to crash and right like in front of Jace. Yeah. Because the then the the after crashing, the first thing she hears is you're always showing up at the last possible second archer. It's like, since voice she hasn't heard in in a few years, a voice she never thought she'd hear again. Jace? Yeah.
Yes, and this is this is where Jace takes loot regardless of choices made by who isn't Jace. Yeah, I think that we get something very important and understanding that's kind of what is like. Loot chirps with a strange combinations of feelings, both fondness and fear of Jace.
yeah So we do know that Luke feels some sort of fondness. Yes. you know ah ja we always but So it's like, is this our line that's trying to make us be okay with what's going on? Because they've now made they've really endeared us to loot. They endeared me. like One of the biggest loot haters in the world. And and there was a line earlier where Vraska talked to Jace when she's like, we swore to protect him. Jace is like, we will. and it's like
okay yeah doesn't make me feel confident but that sort of bakes in a little bit of that history with with loot yes and then jace is just like i don't have time to explain this to you shandra let's not make this difficult can you please just get out of the way for once he doesn't he just gives her an ultimatum right away basically Get out of the way or else, basically. And this is after he just puts Luke to sleep, too. So yeah he doesn't even like say, hey, Luke, let's go. he doesn't yeah he he's He takes no chances. He literally like knocks the little dude out. Yep. And Chandra glances at Vraska, and Vraska does that like looking at her feet sort of thing, like, I don't know. Yep. Yep. And then we get a reminder that Tarkir's coming next.
That's exactly what I thought when I read this, too. Yeah. Not me. I was like, full list, full list, full list. Yes. um We get another. There's a dragon. Yes. Suddenly dragon. Suddenly i dragon dragon. We get another dragon storm. Yes. Yep. that That there wasn't dragons before. It's quick and nimble, a difficult target.
yes and i kept being like and he's got a gem in between his horn not quite but yeah so as the as the dragon shows up in the middle of a city turns out that there are some city defenses that are new that happened after the invasion from forexia fighting the dragon but then uh That battle is going on. See, then we have Jace again saying, like, well shouldn't you go help them with the dragon? You know, I need you to be anywhere but here. So he can't even just like say that without being an ass. Yeah, and then in next slide the kid is my responsibility. Let me look after him. Go save the day somewhere else. Yeah, doubling down on being Jace, I guess. I don't know.
Yeah. Yeah. But Shondra's like, I told loot, I'd look after him. So how about you back off and instead? Yeah. And Chase interestingly say, you know, I won't fight you and then, but they will. And then like,
He just mind control controls all the other racers. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Like it's this is like this yeah a um mind controls. Yeah. This is the most like Midwestern version of Jake's. That's pass yeah the most passive aggressive. I'm not going to fight you. No, no, no. Oh, no. All of them are. And I'm forcing them to do it, but I'm not going to fight you. but Yes. So.
Yeah, yeah. And then you get again the then she goes at rascal and rascal is like, hey it's complicated. Yeah, that's that's what rascal tells Chandra. Yeah, sure. yeah If you're willing to hurt people to get him meaning low, then you don't deserve him. Yeah, yeah way to go Chandra.
Yeah. And then Jason, see, this is the the Jason that where we're this is the problem because we're getting the you're the one who pushed me to this. You only have yourself to thank. Right. Yeah. Like very blame me. Making all of these choices and they're all your fault. Yeah. Like all of the choosing I'm doing right now. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. yeah I mean, this sounds just like Jace is sounding so much like Musk here. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. So we we know what Jace is going to be closing down random government agencies now.
I mean, he sort of did for a little while. Yeah. I mean, he was a government agency that did nothing. There's that one, Ravnica. I just meant on Avishkar too. Oh, I thought you were saying this. This is the guilt pack. I was like, yeah, you're 100% correct. What we're establishing now is that this is starting to become a pattern. Two is a coincidence. We see this one more time, and it's actually a pattern.
So, yep. Spitfire could still see the Aether Spark. Yep. She has one canister left of that not illegal substance that she was given by PS. That's right. The substance that isn't illegal, I swear. oh You know, she sees that
Chandra doesn't want to hurt the people around her. Like she's surprised because you're right. Like yeah she's like Chandra cause she kept calling her like if I could do this, if I had those abilities, this is what I would be doing with them. She's reckless with it. Yeah. But off of this way, she's a hero. Why is she not blasting herself? Just blasting her way out of this. And she realizes that. Mind controls going on or something is going on. Fellow racers have eyes white and Chandra doesn't want to hurt them.
Yep. And then Pia shows up to try to help. And then she decides that she is going to use the canister yeahp and she is not going to use it to go for the, uh, to go for the finish line. She's going to use it to help.
like beat people up as we get the great art of the two of them with the fist raised. with you and loot Look, me like he's just in a baby carrier around. like Like I had one of these for my kids. I don't think it's responsible to take them into battle this way, but it does leave your hands free to be able to you know move about. Yes, and very nice picture of the the two of them about to punch somebody probably right in the face.
That spell gives you two extra attack phases, actually. And and and and they untap every time. It's a cool spell. Yep. Yeah, and do we get that we cut back to the announcer. Or no, this isn't the announcer.
This is all sorts of things going on. and I guess there is a point then where Vin looks at his camera. Are we kidding? Yeah. this Yeah. Vin is like, are we getting this? Vin is very, very like, the he's huddled behind a statue of Ganti and it's all he can do to keep narrating. yes yeah Breakups, shakeups, and makeups after some tomfoolery at the finish line, most of our racers have been knocked out of contention and press gang into battle. Well, you know just use you did miss Alex.
Oh, what did I say? Ladies, gentlemen, and fight fans multiverse wide. It is your invincible pal Vin. Oh, how could I miss that? He's very good at this.
Very good. yeah but Yeah. And he basically just starts calling it as if it's a fight like he switches into straight up like boxer commentary. Far fortune coming in with a nasty overhead swing from her hook. Oh, she's going to fill that kidney punch in the morning. Ladies and gentlemen, forget Spitfire where you need to name her gut shot. I mean, hes he is yeah ever the consummate professional. Oh, yeah. Oh, and while this is going on, we've got a dragon too. Yeah. he's Oh, yeah.
Yep, and then the dragon is bearing down and you get the, ladies and gentlemen, it's been an honor being your host. Dragon opens its mouth and a flash of gold intercedes. There's a pair of wings in front of him. It's been up before him, a blazing sword and the fire dissolves in a radiant, you know, against a wave of radiant light.
Resolution and Celebration on Amonkhet
Yeah. Yeah. good here comes els beth Here comes Elspeth. comes Elspeth. And then there was Elspeth. Yeah, also, but then we get a POV from Nissa. Yeah. Which is which is fun.
ah yeah give dis of the site But when Chandra's well-being is on the line, nature and Nissa will find a way. And so they they start Elspeth handling the dragon. Chandra, Pia, and the other girls she'd seen are all there. And Nissa slides off the wave of root cheese for him and hurries to them. And she sees Jace.
Elspeth's presence is one thing.
Jason is another. Yes. But he does. Instead, he just goes pure Jace and they leave. They leave. We're leaving. And just. Frasca now and takes off. Yeah. Yeah.
So we find out that that we do get kind of a nice victory. The Amonkheti do win. Yep. The race does apparently still going on. I mean, at least it's still happening. It's still happening. Before that, though, we get one little one little scene. o and yeah sorry Oh, No, we get ah winter.
Yes. Oh, yeah. the the You know, you think he might he might just take his he he's like, oh, it's undefended. It's right for the taking. He thinks that he's going to win, you know, and he tries limping across the stage. Yeah. And he's like, the house always wins. The house needs to win because of if he it doesn't, then he loses.
Yep. And rules don't say anything about crossing the finish line on foot. Yeah. And he's even broken his leg at this point. Yes. You know, but he's trying to get there and.
Yeah, what's behind them? awesome Yeah, he's yeah looks by him to see a bunch of hippos. Yeah, yeah, I love that. Yeah, that it just he's so, so close. And then the very next line it cuts to any years to come when they recount this tale, the champions of Amonkhet will not mention winter at all. Yeah, this is a really cool, like, ah mention of basically of like what history looks like, right? Yeah. And it goes through the deal. They'll spend they'll speak long hours of repairing their chariots and all this and they'll speak of the dragon and bossery sand clouds and all of this and they will speak and sing of the moment to hear called the hippos. And and then they will not mention winter. They will not mention winter. Yeah.
And then there's going to be more about how selfish they are and everything. And they will be sung of and everything. And they don't make no man of the no mention of the man so close to victory dragged with an awful finality back to hell. Yeah, I mean, it's yeah literally it's like they might mention and those stories in passing a door yeah that just appears. Yes. those Stories may mention the screams that followed. Desperate howls yowling, pre please. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, winter gets what he deserves. Yeah. And we get some nice final moment between we get. We get the the the end story between... Yes. Oh, and and i do I like this where it kind of continues there. But these stories ah mention them only as the final excision of selfishness from the Amonkheti. For they, seeing the horrors around the track, gather what forces they could do to help. It goes through kind of all these different things and then ends with, these are the virtues of the new Amonkhet. Yes. Bravery, generosity, and compassion.
and so ah Like I said, it's really nice to see them having a nice rebuilding. yeah and then And then we get Chandra complaining.
Well, we got Chandra and Nissa and we get Knight moments afterwards. Yes. ah Getting a new Elspeth being weird some more. Well, the Elspeth is weird. yeah yeah archangel like She's She's on a different life level.
Yeah. So, you know, she's weird. And this is where we get a moment to where, where Elspeth kind of explains where the dragon came from. Cause I didn't catch this at first, but then Elspeth said more than just people are moving across the omen paths. A raging storm of primordial magic has been flowing between worlds, leaving dragons in its wake. Yeah. The dragon storms are spreading across the multiverse. you love it And this also sort of explains why she just came out of nowhere. Cause she, she's been following this dragon storm.
because there's dragons on planes that have never known them. So it's like, they just don't know how to deal with a dragon. Well, whatever, just deal with it. You know, just start worshiping it. Give it a gem to put between its horns. It'll be fine. i I really like that we get this belief. And of course, there are Colagon dragons on top of that, from what we've seen. which Yes.
I don't know. What was the dragon art for? Did they did the dragon get a card? Did it have? Well, I don't. We have a goblin riding a dragon is what we have because and and the exhaust ability is to make a four four dragon. So that's the only one that I know. I remember off the top of my head was the dragon. A little one, one, a little one, one goblin riding a dragon is what I recall.
so thought yeah But we get one of my favorite lines of all, which is Chandra being totally Chandra when she finally gets to meet Spitfire and as Spitfire and she goes, yeah, that was Elspeth. This is my girlfriend Nissa. I don't think you guys have met. This is super cool. She's incredible. So smart. like i this is I love this. Oh, yeah. No, Chandra is the best lesbian, such a good girlfriend. She is like, yeah, she is just really, she likes to exaggerate. No, no, no, no. Yeah. Yeah. You wouldn't know it, but look at her. She's crazy strong. Yeah.
Conclusion and Tease for Next Adventure
Love these things. Yeah. Oh, yeah. They're so good. And
We are now back but we on the cliff overlooking the steps of Tarkir. There are only three. So in the, it kind of gives us the end. We know we get the heart of there are poor thousands, the cliff overlooking the steps of Tarkir. There are only three. So I guess we know where J. Sloot and Vraska are.
Yeah, like, yeah, if if it wasn't if it wasn't clear, we're going to talk here from yeah where and the dragon. We're on our way. Literally says these two are hanging out on our key here. A creature is asleep in his arms. He stirs yeah far from peaceful in that slumber.
yep and that's we kind of end with he says something to the woman next to him and then the man in blue walks ahead do we need to start saying that jace is the worst is he at that level yet no no no that's fair we we need to see what happens i mean and jace hasn't started a eugenics program and that's true i i i'm so flippant about ursa i actually forget just just how repeatable and terrible all of the things he did ursa had thousands of years to become
the worst. yeah that you know Alex, you got to remember, he built Karn and didn't give him a name, but also made sure that he could feel sad. Yes, literally. Because because nothing is too big or too small for Urza to be terrible at. yeah like like least but terrible person, grand level things. And then we got him just being a dick to be a we have him we have him turning a plane into the power source for his weapon. Yeah, people on it be damned. Yeah, we have. Yeah, yeah. The you aforementioned eugenics program. Yeah, there's there's, and that's not even to get into the bio engineered species he created that has no way to procreate. So they eventually just died out. and Right. They just
That was it. There was however many he made and had in storage and then released for the invasion. This is turning into a Urza podcast, which is weird. So, sorry. I'm watching an anime right now with a character whose name is pronounced Urza, but spelled different and very different character. and What anime is it? Fairy Tail. Oh, okay. And it just, it has Urza on my brain and it's unfortunate because... Yeah, I am sorry about that. That is...
It's just a weird thing that is not really the anime's fault, but it's kind of making it it making it a weird experience. So join us next week for the Urzakast. Yeah.
This has been the Goblin Lore Podcast. Thank you for listening. We can be found both on Twitter and Blue Sky at Goblin Lore Pod. Check out our link tree for our Discord and our discounts. We appreciate you listening and welcome feedback via social media or Discord. Until next time, Podwalkers, remember that goblins, like snowflakes, are only dangerous in numbers.