Introduction and Host Details
Hello, Podwalkers, and welcome to the Goblin Lore Podcast. My name is Hobbs Q. My pronouns are he, him. And
Charity Event Announcement
before I get into what I'm going to be doing today, and wanted to share with everybody that this weekend, ah with a collaboration between BugBop, OnionBugsStream and Service, the Predators for Change,
Community of Cardboard, which I am a member of along with Beth, ah Queen of Cardboard, and the Birds of Paradise will be hosting a charity event for Trans Lifeline March 7th through 9th. We will also be having a panel, which I will be a part of.
Supporting Trans Rights and Event Details
on the Saturday. There will be links to all of this. There's actually just a dedicated link tree, which will have information on prizes and auctions that we are doing, as well as just links to be able to come join us and support our trans brethren and sisters, ah basically all trans people and non-binary folk that we believe trans rights or human rights. That is something that this show is going to 100% support.
So I really would love to see if people could come out for that this coming weekend. So we don't have
Recommitting to Podcast Values
a new episode for you today. I'm here a little bit to just talk about what us as hosts would like to recommit to and to really reaffirm when it comes to the Goblin Lore podcast.
We've definitely had a tough year. I don't think that would be a surprise to anybody who's listened to this, which is finding consistency, the spoons to be able to record, being able to get ahead and feel that we can put out episodes that it really are in line with that philosophy of the show of an intentional approaches to discussing social issues.
to providing information and to hopefully platforming those whose voices will allow to to rise up and to be able to um be inclusive, to be diverse, and to also offer recommendations, advice, suggestions, and action.
Personal Struggles and Mental Health
I think that one of the things that has become difficult for a lot of us during these times recently, and i can speak to for myself for experience here, is feeling that I want to make sure that I'm helping people become informed.
um As people know, in my day job, one of the things that I do is I am a clinical psychologist. I work for a federal organization. I serve veterans. And you also probably know that there is a lot of chaos right now in in all forms of, ah well, mental health care and just federal employment in general.
And with that, the chaos that we have seen across the United States in less than six weeks has felt difficult.
And ah sorry, um I'm laughing at myself as I speak in understatements and kind of almost feel like I'm couching my language. And I don't know why. It's because I'm struggling emotionally. I've been feeling close to tears all day long. And that's not necessarily been an uncommon thing lately.
Providing Actionable Steps
But it does speak to kind of what some of the issues are and some of the things that I've been struggling with on a personal level, which is wanting to be informed, wanting to share that information, and then feeling demoralized, helpless, and at a point where I'm not sure what to do.
And one of the things that I think has always been a benefit from The work that we do on the show and the work that the hosts do outside of this show has been offering action and offering steps, take home messages.
Even if it's just ideas on things that can do, we don't have all the answers, but wanting to spur people to action and to spur people to have an idea of what they can take home from the show to hopefully apply to themselves and relate it to magic as as best as we
Connecting Magic's Lore to Social Issues
can. I think our best episodes are when we're able to take the story and the lore.
We're able to take things like revolt um on
on Aether Revolt and Avishkar and all of these things that have happened and we're able to apply that. When we look at Ravnica and we can think of it through the lens of socially, what that mean? When we look at our favorite planeswalkers and we think of it as a mental health, we think of Narset as her representation with autism, or we think of Yeheni and the representation that we get from just the non-binary aspect or or even genderless aspect of what we saw with the Aetherborn. And these are the things that stick with me. I'm looking at Karn and Depression and ways that we are able to use this platform and use this show to talk about the issues that are wider than just us, um wider than just the hosts of this show.
And We want to really, like I said, reaffirm and recommit to the fact that with everything going on, that is what we want to do with the show.
Intentional Planning and Consistency
We want to make sure that we are being intentional with our guests, that we are able to better plan ahead for our episodes and return to being able to pull in the lore pieces and have take-home action plans.
We feel that we've done great work, which is covering the story, the mechanics of sets that we've really taken it and been able to bring in and still give voices to those that we hope that we're able to lift up.
And we also know that we've not been able to be as consistent as we would like to be. um So that is our plan. is to be returning with episodes that that we have time for, that we can plan, and to the best of the ability of the hosts, who are all people that are struggling, give to you all.
Because magic is about the community, it's about the gathering, something that we say ad nauseum. And ah Rebel, so on looking back to kind of a post that she made recently um about like how do we take the gathering and spur to action and to political action?
And it was based off ah of a video that was very good. I will also link that, um that actually name checked Magic the Gathering. But I think about the fact is the gathering is our strength and we say that.
Supporting Marginalized Voices
So where do we go from here? How do how can we do that? How can we actually use the gathering to our advantage to lift up marginalized voices, to fight back, whatever that looks like, or even if it is just kind of
offering each other hope, offering each other ideas, being able to support and, you know, the charity events that this community has been involved with, that the ah panels that have been done at Magic Cons and as part of these charity events, these are things that i think of as actually offering support tangible action.
And we want to support that as a cast. It is something that we find to be very important. And we wanted to get on here and I had the ability to do it tonight. And
Community and Advocacy Commitment
I'm sorry, like, I'm just, I apologizing for stumbling. I'm apologizing for everything, which if people know me, my tendency is to fall back on apologizing when i just
feel like I don't know what to say. But I'm feeling demoralized. I am feeling hopeless in a lot of ways. um I'm always open with y'all about these things, and I'm not going to beat around the bush.
I am still doing what I can to find joy. I'm finding the joy in the things that I can, and I'm realizing that part of this is I need to change how I approach social media, how I approach social maybe magic, how I approach a lot of things in my life.
And one of those is the recommitting to the things that are important to me about this is the community. And the ways that I feel that I really can contribute is through the actions that I can take as a podcaster, as a content creator,
as an advocate for mental health in general. And these are the things that I know that Alex and Taya and I did check and make sure, you know, I'm not speaking for anybody besides myself with these direct words.
Strength and Collaboration Emphasis
And we also did talk as a cast what is important to us and what we want to have going forward and why we want to continue to bring episodes to you, why we want to continue to bring on guests that I think have a lot to say and the three of us want that and we are fighting to do what we can to bring it to you
and that's that's about it um it's been about 10 minutes already and I'm
I know there's going to be a lot of silence in this episode or in this mini-sode, whatever we're going to call it. But I want to thank you all for for listening. um and want to encourage you to find your community where you can to continue to build the community because that's where we're going to find our strength.
um We're returning to Tarkir, which is a great time to say goblins. Like snowflakes are only dangerous in numbers. That tagline means so much to us because I think it is always said that it's our strength together.
It is our work together. That's going to help us get through this as best as we can and to continue to fight um because there is a lot of fighting that is still ahead of us.
Encouragement to Support Trans Lifeline Event
Come out and support the event this weekend for Trans Lifeline. Check out the links. You'll be able to find it easy. Everything is going to be in one link tree, so it's no difficult to find. And again, I'm just going to repeat, goblins, like snowflakes, are only dangerous in numbers.