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Goblin Lore Podcast
151 Plays20 days ago

Hello, Podwalkers, and welcome back to another episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast! Today all three hosts are back which is VERY important because we were entrusted (by the folks at Wizards of the Coast) with 4 free preview cards to discuss!! That's like one for each of us we think!

We chaotically discuss our favorite ways to blow things up (but like with a purpose) and we hope y'all enjoy this discussion

We also finally have a Linktree with all of our discounts/resources


As promised, we keep Mental Health Links available every episode. But For general Mental Health the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has great resources for people struggling with mental health concerns as well as their families. We also want to draw attention to this article on stigma from NAMI's site.

If you’re thinking about suicide or just need someone to talk to right now, you can get support from any of the resources below.


Opening and closing music by Wintergatan (@wintergatan). Logo art by Steven Raffael (@SteveRaffle)


Introduction and Acknowledgments

hey'll ah hobscu here before we get started with the show today we just want to make sure that we thanked wizards of the coast for these free preview cards that we will be discussing on the episode today Hello Podwalkers and welcome back to the Goblin Lore Podcast and All three hosts being here and today to talk to you all share some previews from

Hosts Introductions and Current Events

a third drift. That's going to be the main focus of our episode today. My name is Hobbs Q. My pronouns are he, him, and I do want to acknowledge that we are recording this episode. It is coming to you all on Thursday, the 23rd of January. That's when our date is for our preview card. So that's when the episode will be out. However, it we are recording this on the the the night of January 20th, Martin Luther King day.
And unfortunately also the inauguration. And I think that the three hosts are feeling, well, I'll speak for myself. I am feeling like pretty much like shit and wondering what even just returning to work on Wednesday. Now, since my kid's school is canceled till tomorrow, when even there's already been attempts at just rushing through executive orders on night one to show some overwhelming show of force against most of our marginalized groups and federal employees, I guess, because they're a group that he has chosen to target. And we're kind of feeling, I am once again, well we talked about this before the show, but I'm going to just talk about my own emotions. We're saying we we we want to show our preview cards, we want to talk about them, and it's the all of we're kind of feeling we can do tonight.

Speculation: Who Deserves the Aether Spark?

I'm going to let my co-hosts introduce themselves. We do have an opening question. With the Aether Spark being out there for grabs, we want to know who do you think in the multiverse? I guess it could be alive or dead. I always like doing it that way. We could go fire-exonize somebody, like ah go get Venser's body and try to get the Spark back to him. But yeah who would you like to have this Spark? Who who do you think deserves to have a Spark?
It could be a de-sparked walker or it could be somebody that's just a legend that you think would do very well with it. And I will pass it over to ah Alex. I'm Alex. I noticed Hobbs didn't answer the question. I am not found on the internet. You noticed that, did you? And I also chose the one person who said that they didn't really have an answer. They haven't answered. Fortunately, I now have an answer, sort of. i have I think I have three answers. We'll figure it out as I answer.
Yeah, my my pronouns are he, him. i I am no longer found on the Doombird website and not really anywhere else, just on the the Discord right now. So for for my answers, I'll just start talking then. So thinking about this and and seeing as Hobbs gave it to me, i I'm just going to start to yammer because I had a lot of weird thoughts about this. And we're going to talk about the story at another time for for various reasons, including me not being caught up on it right now. But I am kind of nervous about how this thing got made. ah Someone ah died to make this thing.
And a lot of their, well, I should say someone died in the the creation of this thing that is not necessarily a requirement, but I don't know. It it makes me nervous that with within fiction, at least, ah of of somebody with nefarious means nefarious it's attempting nefarious ends trying to, I don't know, mass manufacture sparks.
okay Yeah, okay. This may be a thing that is answered later, or honestly, I suspect it never comes up again. Just from, you know, as much as we love the story, and we love the the folks who write it, and I think they all do a fantastic job at it. This story only has so much space because this is a card game that is meant to sell booster packs. And so the story we get is the story that Wizards has time, space and money that they want to dedicate to it, which is not enough to go to to take deep dives as as you know some of the to what the the the the the fortification and that was a play on words there because I mean yes board but love of sparks would be a lot of fizzy a lot of of other
fantastical worlds and things through literature and things have a lot more space and attention to to do world building things and sometimes particularly for for fiction for everything like magic they need to kind of just hand wave it hand waving happens in all sorts of storytelling but magic it sometimes has to happen ah probably more frequently so setting that first answer aside I think my second answer. So your answer was nobody, your first answer was nobody. My first answer was I don't know that, I'm worried that it exists and I don't know that it maybe it should. The second answer, but look well, i'll just I'll just cut right to the chase and say fibble dip. Okay, fair. Like that, you know what? Yeah. He just always gets home, like it doesn't have to be totally lost anymore. And I feel like that is really important. yeah
You talk about people who who would use it for good things and not abuse it. And I feel like Fibble Fip is toward the top of that list. Yeah. That'll just like. Like just straight up, he he'd just be like, you know what, I don't know where I am right now. I'm lost again. I'm going home. OK. Yeah, I like that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Yeah. How about for you?
Well, I'm Taya. She, her, they, them. Taya transcends on blue sky. I'm going to go with Rada because she had her spark basically stolen before she ever got a chance to spark. And I just really like her and would like to see her show up more often than our every five or six year visit to Dominaria and then only have her show up in a car to knock in any store. I'm not bitter at all, am I? ah Yeah, we can hear it. know We know you're not. Yeah. It's clear. ah But ah yeah, i would I would like to see Radha show up more often. I think that would be really cool. Yeah. yeah I would love to see Radha show up more often. Okay, we're back to me.
Well, I have lots of answers to this. I could sit here all day and say, you know, for the fact is I want Squeak because I would love to see Squeak now not immortal, but elevated to the level of a planeswalker and what he would be able to do, especially after that last story we got. But that's like always my answer. My other answer is the slow, bad creation that we have slow, bad bonded to.
his buddy Bosch right now, why, but they're trapped in like a pocket dimension. So that doesn't work either. I honestly would, I would like Karan to have one back and it's just, I, I love Karan. I want Karan to be able to travel the multiverse. I, I wasn't as happy with the way that he gave up again, another spark, and especially when that was the one that was given to him by Vensor. And I just kind of want Karan to be able to have a spark and maybe get some peace. So.
Yeah, he's he's really good at giving away sparks that people gave to him. He's way too good at it. i feel Like, phyrexiized vent are probably was even upset about this like,
ah gave this to you for a reason like thanks for letting us down again But we're here to talk about, well, Aether Drift taking place predominantly, or the storyline taking place, or at least starting us on Avishkar, the new name for Kaladesh, which is a great change. yeah And we're going to be talking about specifically the Goblin Rocketeers today.

Aether Drift Story and Characters

So if you haven't had a chance to check out the story, go check out the story. They favor they they they they feature heavily in the story, especially the role of the ready. Yes. And finally get some story story. Right. Yeah. Good story. Good story for the ready. Yeah. But we want to mainly focus on the Goblin Rocketeers themselves.
The idea of a goblin-produced rocket does not feel most with confidence. This is from the planeswalker guide to Aether Drift. The multiverse at large has a cautious view of the combination of goblins equipped with high-velocity, refined chemical explosives. Now, I need to highlight a few things about the story and about—well, not the story, sorry—the planeswalker guide to Aether Drift.
It mentions the Boost God. So we don't know where these goblins, we know where Doretti came from, right? We don't know where the Rocketeers themselves came from.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. On an average car from an unknown plane that was only briefly connected. Yes. They do not look like goblins from any other plane. They do not. Do they look like goblins from unhinged? I can't tell. or so There's a lot of people that have made some unhinged references just to the set in general. I think with the but some of the mechanics and the nature of it. Unstable. Sorry. I was thinking. Unstable. Infinity?
No, tilda no, I know what you're you're talking about. The the the boom. ah Yeah, whatever the the yeah the green red faction contraptions. Oh, OK. Traction faction. Yeah. So we we we what we know. Is that they the redshift, who is the current co-captain of the rocketeers because it's ready, believes that this crew did not simply tumble out of a lucky omen path, but accomplish their launch mission. So this is where things get interesting.
to break through the velocity limits that holds the Boost God back from the multiverse. Boost God is in all capitals, just in case you did not hear that correctly in my voice. Now, there are some key things, though, that we really need to be aware of about the Boost God, because we don't get a lot. But there has been a velocity limit imposed upon whatever plane they are from by the Boost God's mortal enemy The dead stock deity whose name cannot be uttered. Do we have ideas on who we think boosts God with a mortal enemy and of something limiting their ability to travel planes? Hmm. Oh, no, no. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Just curious here. Oh, sorry. I was bullish has never done anything fast ever. He is.
Well, so, yeah, I guess. ah Yeah, I mean, that but now now what's interesting is that whose name cannot be uttered would actually be bullish in this situation. Yeah, since he had all of his names taken away from him. Yeah, that was part of what his brother did. But I'm just saying.
there might be some parallels here that we need to be aware of because we don't know much about the boost gods. Man, Taya, I spent like two minutes staring at Scryfall, not really listening to Hobbs, and then he, of course, by the time I was going back in, he's talking about Bolas. I don't know how good I expected that to not happen. yeah i can I can report back that the goblins from Unstable do not look like the goblins here.
Well, how about the ones from Infinity, though, with the attractions and the planes? No, they look. at No, the these ones. These ones look almost like they're combo with the troll from the troll movie. Yeah. those Those kind of trolls. Yeah. They've got that like spiky hairdo going. Yeah. So.
I just want to say Alex, I I'm glad you came along for the ride there. But I'm we don't know a lot about the boost God, but we do know that or where these goblins came from, which I just think is a really cool thing. Like yeah random omen path open and that we know that there is some sort of velocity limit that holds the boost God back from the multiverse. And I'm just saying. And and the the weird sci fi nerd in me is like,
Is that a reference to the real world phenomena that the speed of light seems to be an actual physical

Card Analysis and Mechanics

limit? that's a Yeah, is the theory of relatively holding back the boost god. Yeah. Maybe but maybe the the person whose name cannot be uttered is Einstein. yeah To be fair, already exists on a magic card, but that was the early days. Yeah, well presence of the master if y'all are interested in seeing that. But we do know that that that that these goblins showed up and they were happy to go alone until they abandoned their initial ah mission of exploration beyond the velocity limit and mounted a new campaign to win and funded in part by their benefactor and co-captain, Doretti, who also stranded for the moment on Avishkar is what we've been told. Right, but he doesn't particularly like
Yona, so no. Yeah, yeah I think he's he's fine on average car. Yeah, it's his kind of plane. It is. We'll come to that in a couple of weeks. So let's get to our cards. So first we have an uncommon. I'm going to just do the first one called. This has got one of those names that is definitely a tie into the real world. So Alex, I'm always interested in your thoughts on these. It's called pedal to the metal.
but the the Now, or this is common not an uncommon. Oh, sorry. Common. Yes. It is red and X, which is to give a target creature gets plus X plus O and gains first strike until the end of turn.
Wow, I emphasize that target sector thing, Alex. It's almost like the two people on this podcast who aren't you might have a deck that this card could help. Potentially. Potentially. But yes, yes, this is this is just a fun, honestly,
the the reference there i have a a zada deck and incense and sorcery combat tricks are an important part of that and so this is literally the type of card i look at every time a set comes out i'm looking yeah i mean just for just read first strike could be really useful sometimes yeah give the entire team first strike yeah So then, you know, the pump X, yeah, to get the whole team X. Oh, and first, for sure. Yeah. at Instant speed. Mm hmm. If you got like crash through, you've already given them trample. Yeah. Now, it it limited. This is a great. This is a great common slot and limited. Like this is the type of thing I would really enjoy. I mean, this is a nice red combat trick. You're probably going to see it cast for two or three most of the time.
Great flavor text. It's going to be a blowout whenever it's cast. it's going to yeah ah but yeah Oh, the flavor text. Yeah, you didn't even read that. In lieu of breaks, the Rocketeers installed a second accelerator patch. Listen.
This is me playing racing games. This is why I am bad at any kind of realistic racer. Oh yeah. and Because I don't know what the break is on a racing game. I know how to use the accelerator. I've always been confused by that. Why is there a break? Why? Why? Why? I've never used a break in Mario Kart in my life. No. Yeah. and So there's some some great goblin art.
and And then of course, like you say, hob too the the the name is great. Petal to the metal obviously is a reference to a real world thing. I talk about when when cards, every so often I talk about one of the one of the weird metal things that I'm like super fascinated by is card names because Now they can never print another card with this name, but it's like, but this is such a perfect appropriate place for it in this death race vehicle base. Yeah. And yeah and we get this perfect forward view of what the goblin race cars look like. They're fast.
you know they've got rockets on them they have spiked wheels they are true to the name the rocketeers yeah they're rocket powered yeah and there's nothing protecting the pilot which i'm just realizing to get a wonderful shot of his face of their face because there is nothing protecting this goblin. But I do love this because it's got that that like the like almost like jowls like well like you're like the yeah bone blown backwards by G force. I love this art. The art is Anthony divine. So that's our first card. Next up, well, let's go to the goblin surveyor. Also a common.
One red and two ah creature type goblin scout. Now this is a creature that we need to bring up because this is ah one of the um previews that we have that has one of the new mechanics. So who would like to hit on that one? Sure. I'll i'll take this. So this is a two and a red for a three, two with trample.
You know, I'm not sure how I feel about those sight lines, but it has start your engines. Uh, that's that line. If you have no speed, it starts at one. Uh, it increases once on each of your terms, when an opponent loses life, maximum speed is four. So assuming you get this out on curve at three and you somehow, excuse me, you know, it's going to be three more turns before you can, if you can keep getting damaged here before you can get this up to maximum. Yeah.
And then, then these cards have a max speed ability, which in this one is max speed, three and exile it from your graveyard to draw a card. So if you've hit max speed, it has this extra ability in the graveyard. To draw a card, which I mean, obviously in red is helpful. Yeah. And that's also an interesting mechanically. I didn't, I didn't put this together until you, you're talking through it. I read it a couple of times. so But having trample and a three power, especially for a three drop, will help it push through some damage to increase that speed, yeah and which then will probably get it killed because of its relatively low toughness and putting it in position to trigger its max speed ability as soon as you get that speed to four. Yeah, I mean, the whole purpose of this card is just to get something out relatively early that has start your engines on it. Because obviously, since you can only increase it once,
on each of your turns, the earlier you can start that, the more useful it's going to be. And so this is something that, you know, that, yeah, I said it it only triggers the once per turn. And then once you've kind of hit four, you're at your max speed. Yeah, you you've run into that boost God limit at four, right? That boost God limit, the bolus limit here is we're going to now call it.
We're back with the, this gives us another time of getting to see Pete Venter's art. We're previewing another card by Pete Venter's. Which. Another goblin. And another goblin and another lady goblin, I think. This one we don't have as clear of indication, I guess.
No, but they do like pink a lot. Their hair's pink and they have pink all over their rocket and their shirt. and Yeah. They really do like pink. Not that color is gendered or anything. Yeah, so I don't know. I guess pink is just looking at all of these cards. Pink is the official color of this faction. The Rocketeers. The Rocketeers, yeah. Oh, yeah. Petal to the metal, the the teeth of colored pink on the face of the rocket. By the way, the rocket has a face. That's why we're we're loving This particular racing group. Yeah. They're doing, but this got cool art. ah You got a, a goblin in some sort of a seat surveying, I guess, trying to find out what the competition is doing. And you get to see their eye and you're looking through the viewpoint of a telescope. So you're seeing it enlarged, which is a really cool perspective. yep This is a goblin scout, which fits. This is a really good set of previews for goblins with jobs. Yeah.
like All the goblins in this set, I think, do have jobs, Alex. Yeah, it's it's great. It's nice. You'll love to see it. Speaking of which, our next one is a goblin artificer, and it's Greasewench Goblin. Greasewench, not Greasewench. Greasewench.
i I definitely don't think she wants you to make that mistake. Uh, although we did learn, you know, uh, from the story, the goblins do like drinking with Chandra. They do. So, you know, but, uh, she's a red for a two, one, a goblin artificer, you know, so we've got, you know, another goblin with the job. And. She has the other new ability, which is exhaust two and a red discard up to two cards and draw that many card, put a plus one plus one counter on this creature. Uh, and exhaust abilities can only be activated once.
So that's, they all have some kind of one, one time use ability and then that's it. So they're, yeah, they're usually marked with something like adding a counter or some other thing that gives you a remind you that you already use that ability. Which I do appreciate because I know that I played in one of the unknown events and I had the, the Riku and Riku and did not realize that that was only supposed to trigger like once per game. Like the ability, you're only supposed to be able to use the abilities. once per game. So it's interesting to see once again that maybe being a testing ground for more of the the once per game ability versus a ah just like a once per turn ability. A way to denote that on a card. Yeah. And like, that's, that's what they did with monstrosity back in the day. Yeah.
um In this one, we very clearly have a female goblin and the flavor text confirms it. It says, Killswitch finally had the right wrench for the job. Now she needed to to remember what the job was. and's It's great because you see her with a wrench on a bolt of some sort. There's hedrons in the background. Yeah, this is this is Amonkhet. Amonkhet one's not yeah and the cards just for anybody listening. They're not hedrons. They're the Um, what are the spires called? Because my brain is not working today. oli Obelisks Yes. Okay. There we go. i was There we go. yeah but You see on the ground littered around her are a bunch of wrenches that are basically bent from not having been the correct wrench for the job. She's got great attitude. I kind of want her like leather jacket with pins. It looks like on it. Yeah. Yeah. It's really cool.
yeah And I really like her look. This art is by Alexandre Honoré. And so again, she's got the hot pink sprayed across her. yep and And whatever it is she's working on has hot pink painted all over it. And a little face too in the pink, you can see white teeth. white teeth yeahp Listen, they coordinated. They coordinated, isn't it?
And then our last card, it also has the exhaust ability. This is Boom Scholar. Do you mind if I read the swim apps? Yeah, go ahead. So this is my favorite type line of all of them. I'll just say this. This is another goblin with a job here. Boom Scholar's Hob said, one red and a green for a 3-3 goblin advisor. I love that. That's a great type line. I love it. I love the concept of goblin.
goblins being advisors. Yes. And so the the the the text here is, exhaust abilities of other permanents you control gain or sorry cost two generic mana less to activate. And then this card also has exhaust for four red, green. Creatures and vehicles you control gain trample until end of turn. Put two 1-1 counters on this, plus 1-1 counters on this creature.
so yeah Again, we we see more of the exhaust, but we also see like this this is an uncommon in a two-color pair. It has like exhaust payoff, or and a help so enable there is a good way to say it there enables yeah

Goblins in Magic: The Gathering – Evolution and Diversity

exhaust. and so there There might be a little bit of a theme. Sometimes these two-color uncommons are good signposts and limited.
And so that might be helpful there. And then also does a nice exhaust as a not quite overrun, because it doesn't give you the creatures any additional power, but at least it gives all your creatures and vehicles trample, which and instant speed. Yeah, ah which a lot of run abilities don't give us that. Yeah, that's true. And there's some it is on the board so people can see it. But there's some threat of activation to that might cause people to play more conservatively around you with boom scholar on the table, which might in general be a good idea. But I just I was just a quality name. It's just such a great name a nice scholar. Yeah, I just I love I as I mentioned right after you shared these these cards hubs. I just I in my head like that the head cannon is that this character has a business card on it some that says some were explosion consultant. And that's
That's and and now again looking at this art looks like they might have pink hair. They they do have they're wearing a pink bodysuit. Yeah. And they're carrying explod that are literally on like lit.
All right. Not all of them, but a lot of them. Enough of them that if I was carrying a box of explosives, that I would be concerned. And by enough, I mean more than one. One. One would be the number, and more than that. But this person is the official advisor, and they're grinning. So I think this may show your lack of experience in explosion consultancy. I need that as a business card now too.
i i I will say when we got this I had to be a little bummed because it is a gruel goblin. yeah I really wanted our goblins to be in red, black or in red, blue, to play a little bit more into Doretti, who's now unfortunately mono red. I know how I've been seeing you singing the praises of loot in the discord. I'm not sure if I buy this. I don't like green persona anymore. You know, I'm going to say for just the record here, as we're on this topic, this very controversial topic that that my my my love of loot
Might be more because I just want the dude away from Jace. At least from what we know right now. This can change down the road, Alex. I don't want to say anything else. Other than my love of Luke may have been. it there There may be other factors. Might have other factors involved. Okay, that's fair. But Gruul goblins is fine. I i
ah I just... I like mine. We know we'll probably be getting Ghoul Goblins again when we go back to lore when... But thankfully we get set we're gonna get Tarkir before then, right? So... Then we will get Teamer Goblins first. And Mardu. Right? yeah Yeah, we get some of my and and some of my favorite goblins. So we'll be returning to that. But yeah, bo play art this is Brian Valleza. I'm going to guess I unfortunately don't I don't like said outside of Pete Benters. These are artists that I don't really know a lot of their are work. So I was kind of cool to see. Mm hmm.
Yeah, and these goblins all look really cool. Whatever plane they're from, I want to learn more about. I want to know more about their plane. So I want to say that's like a cool thing, right? Like there's enough even we've seen four cards. And well, we saw Doretti. Doretti was already previewed, but Doretti is not from the same plane. But the cohesion here that we're seeing among them.
really did do some of that world building like you were saying, Alex. I mean, just like what we can get, which is to see the cohesion and four cards from this group. Yeah. And you can see like, and with with four different artists, there's there's clearly some art direction.
That's specifying some of this cohesion to, to make you so that there's, there's a plan. There's some stuff that is definitely that that we will kind of see as, as this set. We get to find out more about the booth. God is all I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know why Nicol Bolas has gruel goblins working for him, but you know, there's a lot going on that we don't know since the, um, for exinemation ended and or yeah.
And I always appreciate seeing goblins kind of taking up other niches. In in a lot of fiction, and and including magic for quite a long time, goblins were just the the vicious, angry, little cannon fodder things. And so it's nice that we joke. You mean like they are in every single anime that exists? Everything. And so it's like we we joke about the goblins with jobs, but it genuinely is nice to see them being like,
people who have professions and interests and like a mission and be good at it i mean in the sense of like they got into the race they obviously know how to build this i mean that was my whole thing i i dont know if boom is good at their job or not for i that's good enough at their job but we don't they're not a name it's not a legend so we don't know how many boom scholars there may be some boom scholars that are better qualified than maal but but also like this is a goblin culture that isn't about that violent stuff that's like when we went to uh um oh what was the set that was built for for duet a giant
ah Battle on Kylem. And so like we went to Kylem, and it was, again, this this world that was all built around this arena. So we got to see goblins who were fanboying over their favorite fighters or goblins who were doing part you know or part of the arena teams themselves. And we got to see them not just have the culture of violence that they have in so many things, but have this culture that ties into other things, that they have other pursuits.
And ah i I don't know if you've noticed how heavily armed these vehicles are, Alex. that's ah They are using them as part of a wreck, well, recreational pursuit as opposed to a military pursuit.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

Yeah, recreational death race. That's yeah fair. That's fair. So We once again want to thank Wizards of the Coast um for providing us with these free preview cards. We are always excited to get to talk to you all and share some of the beautiful cards from this game with you. We really appreciate that they gave us this set of cards together because I think
You know, we've talked about this in the past. These are, these are cards that, you know, potentially could have ended up in just a mass ending to the the gallery in some ways, these commons and uncommons, but they tell us so much to get to see them in this just for us. Like yeah what we could tell about the world and when we haven't seen everything else. It's just a great way for us to be introduced to these goblins. So. We just want to thank them and we'll be back with you all talking more about the story. And we may have some guests coming on that know a little bit about it too soon.
So thank you all and we'll talk to you soon. This has been the Goblin Lore Podcast. Thank you for listening. We can be found both on Twitter and Blue Sky at Goblin Lore Pod. Check out our link tree for our Discord and our discounts. We appreciate you listening and welcome feedback via social media or Discord. Until next time Podwalkers, remember that goblins, like snowflakes, are only dangerous in numbers.