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23 Plays10 months ago

Welcome back! This week, after the normal Rigmarole (weather, firehouse, pollen, school); Ron sparks quite the discussion on a top 10 RPG list he found; Chris talks about a bunch of stuff we collected as kids. As always please like, subscribe, and share with your friends. Come join the discussions on the Discord Channel ( and follow us on Twitter, @cltruitt22. Thanks and take care!


The Pollen Problem

back to the mythic draft podcast. I'm Chris and I'm Ron and we are living in a yellow world Yeah You guys live in a whale world. Yeah, it's not like that where I live. I don't understand it. It didn't used to be this bad No, I don't think so. It's definitely been like this for last like Eight years though. Yeah, it's real bad down there. Oh
The other day, I could see it blowing through the air. The pollen is ridiculous, folks. We were at work on Monday. I don't know what the heck we were doing. Oh, we were doing drafting, training on drafting. Come out like sludge. The water running off the street was just yellow sludge. Yeah. I was like, oh my god. This is terrible. Yeah. My car looks awful. Yeah.
But I come home and it's like, oh, there's a little bit of pollen. Look, it's not bad. Yeah, that's what it's normally supposed to be.

Weather Woes and Other Oddities

Yeah. This has been maybe the worst year I've had for allergies in a long time. I actually had to break down and take medicine. Yeah, I started taking medicine again. Yeah. I got to work two, three shifts ago.
By five o'clock, I was like, oh my God, I'm going to die, I think. I don't know. Today, somebody's like, my eyes, my eyes. I'm like, yeah, you gotta put drops in or something. That was awful. Yeah. The rain we were supposed to get the other day, that was supposed to wash it away, did not come. No.
Man, the poor National Weather Service has been just wrong. Swing and a miss so much. They keep sending out like, oh, this storm's coming through and we're sending to work going. New skies. Yeah. Don't say anything. It's rough. Well, yeah, they've always been a little hit and miss. I mean, I remember last year we were in Deep Creek, my brother was watching the house.
For some reason checked my work email and I was like, Oh gosh, Wakefield, you know, we got this big storm coming through. So I texted him like, Hey man, there's gonna be wins. It's gonna be horrible. Can you get everything on the deck strap? They say, okay. He sent me a picture. It's like blue skies. Beautiful. But he strapped my entire deck down just to be a smart Alec. Good man. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah.
Found a new tag in Maryland, I hate. Oh, I hate all those historic assholes. Yes. Street rod. That's a that's a tag. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds made up. It is street rod. Yep. Why? Why? Why? Why? Just why? I don't know. This thing is weird.
As I have to go through inspection every two years and you don't. It's ridiculous. Well, there's people in Del Mar that their neighbor across the street has to go to inspections every two years and they don't. That's true. Yeah, it's true. It's ridiculous. Yeah. But how much does your tag cost? I don't know, three grand. It's like $80. Yeah, because I saw that Maryland's raising theirs this year.
by $75 or something. Why? Yeah. What is the justification for that? I don't know where the money's going. This I probably I don't know. They're buying waterman mittens or something. They might have to build a bridge. Well, they have a bridge to build. No, that should be on the insurance company of that boat. Yeah, but they're not going to pay for all of it because apparently there's some law saying they're going to duck out of it. Oh, yeah, that law from like 1907 or something. Yeah. Yeah.

Nostalgia and Internet Habits

Good old Maryland. Let's keep those ancient laws. It's actually a U.S. law. Oh, yeah. It's like a maritime. It's a maritime law. Yeah. Yeah. It's right up there, though, with those stupid laws like, oh, you can't put squirrels in your pants for money or something. I agree with that law, actually. You don't know. It could be delightful. It could be, but, you know, what about the squirrel? Yeah. It gets angled up. Or squirrel.
I did discover what the internet is for. Oh no, porn. It's no. What? They used to be. Now it's there to tell me all the things that I've been doing wrong my entire life. Oh yeah. Yeah. I've, I've discovered a YouTube short. This guy just like talks about all the, this is always starts out, you're telling me for 40 years. I've been doing it. I got the red haired kind of guy with the freckles. Yeah. Yeah.
So he's been telling me I'm going to be wrong. No way. No way. Yeah. And then there's the following this YouTube or a guy who's an exercise scientist and he's like, you've been lifting wrong your entire life. And I started actually doing what he's saying. I'm like, I've been lifting wrong my entire life. Oh my gosh. Yeah. I saw this crazy thing the other day. This guy had a bar racked on the ground and he stood like three feet in front of it.
He arched backward, like did a crab over, landed on his head, grabbed the bar, curled it up and did like some weird press from there. That's just not stupid. It was totally stupid, but they said it's like a great, I guess it's a wrestling exercise or something. Let's see what this guy was jacked. So it does something. Sure. There's an old man.
I can only assume he's old. He looks old in my gym. This mother effer the other day. So yesterday he's in there and he's doing inverted pull ups. So he's upside down and he's pushing himself up. Okay. For funsies. So he's like hanging from a bar and muscling up upside down. Today for funsies, he's doing one arm pull ups.
Oh my gosh. He's my nemesis. You should chuck up. You get like a frisbee. Take a 10 pound plate. Just wing it at him. This is weird. I don't know if it's because I've been lifting a lot lately. We get lay of 10s and 25s of the big plates. I think if there's 25 plates, I'm like, this is nothing. I don't know if they're really 25 plates or I'm just strong.
Well, I think it's because in your mind, you see that you think it should be a 45. Yeah, because they're big ones. Yeah. So when you grab it, your mind's like, I'm a man. Yeah. Look at me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But apparently I've been lifting weights my whole my entire life. Which checks out for pretty much everything I've done in my entire life. What are you supposed to do? So hold your breath? No, I shouldn't hold your breath.
I was going to throw my experience. I was, I learned to wait in a firehouse. Yeah. She should never learn anything in the firehouse. Including, but not limited to fighting fire. Yes. Cooking. Fighting fire, treating people kindly. You shouldn't learn any of these things in the firehouse. Safe driving. Safe driving.
Hey, a pretty decent driving record. Yeah. Salisbury fire department. Yeah. We've only had one major accident involving an engine. Yeah. In 10 years. Yeah, yeah. And before that, there's only one before that. Yeah. Anyways. So in Firehouse, you learn, all right, maximum weight, just push it as hard as you can, right? Yeah. So this guy's like... Blow out your O-ring. Right.
He's like, no, no, no. It's all about the eccentric and all about the stretch. So I've cut my weight in half on everything. Yeah. And I'm like, oh my God, I'm just getting much more burned and just feel much more jacked. Huh. Because you just go further back, get a much more pause and pushing up. Who cares? If you're doing bench jacks, you push the bar up and you take two or three seconds to bring it back down all the way to your chest. I'm like, man, it's crazy.
Yeah. Doing it wrong my entire life. I can't wait to find out what else I've been doing wrong. Probably learning French wrong this entire time. My daughter is she has to read the induction speech or the little oath that people say for the Spanish honor society. She's like, here, I want to practice with you. I was like, OK, so she's a repeat after me. I got we got done. And she's like, you are the whitest person ever speaking Spanish.
Wow, I was just singing your praises like the other day about how you're Spanish. Well, see, also with her, I kind of lean into it a little bit more too. Just because she gives me a hard time because my little Billy school. I mean, you're actually really good at languages. It's the one of the 13 things I'm most jealous of you of. Oh my gosh, I don't know. But it's my biggest family in life that I can't speak another language. We all know this.

Sports, Pranks, and Preferences

Well, it's because we had lazy schools when we were coming up. I don't even have that excuse. I went to a private school from middle school and we learned French in fifth grade. Hmm. So I don't even have the good. Why are you in middle school in fifth grade? That's middle school. No. Yeah. Middle school is six, seven, eight. No. Middle school is five, seven, eight.
Wait, what about six? We don't give a sixth grade. Five, six, seven, eight. Well, I guess some high school wasn't soon. We had kindergarten, then you had the lower school, which is one, two, three, four. And then you got a middle school for five, six, seven, eight. Then you go high school. Yeah. Well, I also went again to the small hillbilly school. You had K through six and then seven through 12. What? Yeah.
So there were seventh graders with high school seniors? Yeah. That just seems like a recipe for disaster. Was it? Exactly. The worst thing on my- I turned out so normal. The worst thing about my middle school was it was a college prep academy. Ooh. So it had K through 12 in the same school. Wow. Different buildings, but same school. Yeah. OK. So I played baseball.
5th, 6th and 7th grade. I played baseball. 7th grade, I wasn't good enough to make the high school team, but I was good enough to make the JV team one time. So I'm like a 7th grader taking batting practice against high school kids. These kids are throwing like 80 mile fast miles. I'm like, yeah. Because our team wasn't big enough to like
field of tea. So I had to actually play JV games against high school kids as a seventh grader. That doesn't sound fun. It was not fun. And I don't like baseball. Nobody likes baseball. No, that's not true. Baseball is the sport that people love or just have no interest in at all. It's weird. Yeah.
Like I guess Delmarva is real happy because some kids getting caught up to the Orioles. I was like, Who the hell is this kid? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Does Baltimore still have a team? I don't know. I feel like if you haven't won a championship in 30 years, you shouldn't be allowed to be a team. Like it's time for you to move on. You should be like soccer and you get bumped down a league. You get relegated.
Yeah, the Orioles should be relegated to minor league ball, bring up the bananas. Somebody other than the Orioles. This is their year. I have, look. They say that every year. I have worked in Maryland for 20 years at this point. For 20 years I have heard, this is the Orioles year. And every year in August they're like, goddamn Orioles. Yeah.
Well, the Orioles are from what I remember when I used to watch baseball was, you know, they're a pre all star game break team every year after the all star break, like, whatever, we're done. Which is why the Phillies are better because of the opposite. The Phillies will suck all spring. It's July and they're like, holy, what is this team coming out of? Yeah, which is because they build up a grudge.
Yeah, it's like maybe it's like Major League. Maybe they have the little poster and, you know, every time they win a game, they take something off. Maybe they do. Yeah. I mean, I enjoy a baseball game, like a baseball game live is a fun event. Yeah, but watching it on TV. No, I'll listen to it in the background, but I won't watch it. I won't sit down and watch a baseball game. That sounds awful. Yeah. It's the second most fun live sport. Yeah, we'll be the first.
Hockey. See, I thought you were going to say that. I wish I knew anything about hockey. There's a lot of icing. I know that. There's not that much icing. There's a lot of icing. You're a really bad team. There was that ginormous five on five fight. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. The fighting is not as cool as it used to be. It takes a lot of actually fight and bring out shivs. Staff at each other. Happy Gilmore. Yeah. So the Capitals are still in the playoffs.
You know, this again, I'm a bad person. I was like, this is the year I'm going to get back into hockey. I used to really watch hockey religiously and I was like, this is the year I'm going to back into hockey. I didn't watch any hockey this year. Aren't there like 180 games or something? It's too many. They screwed up the conferences and it's hard to keep track of anymore. It's annoying. Well, in places like, I'm sorry, Washington shouldn't be allowed to have a team because they don't have ice.
There's two teams in Florida. Yeah. Two. Yeah. That's like the Jamaican bobsled team. Done work. I do like Olympic hockey. That's my jam. Yeah. I like the Olympics. I feel like I like the Olympics and I like the World Cup as my sporting events. Yeah. I like the Olympics. My wife hates the Olympics. Like both sets of the Olympics? Yeah. She said they don't mean anything.
This shows our dominance over the world. What do you mean it doesn't mean anything? If you're an Olympic athlete, like that means something. No, not in my wife's eyes. Really? Yeah. So I came up to me and I was like, I'm an Olympic weightlifter. I'm like, that's fucking badass, dude. Yeah. Even if you didn't win anything, I still think it's badass. Yeah, you qualified for the Olympics. That's huge. Yeah, I think the Olympics are pretty awesome. That's what I think.
I mean, Winter Olympics are way better than Summer Olympics, but Summer Olympics has beach volleyball. Oh, yes, it does. Yeah. Yeah. But it also has ping pong. There's a lot of dumb sports, but skateboarding. Oh, that's all. No, I like skateboarding. It's not a sport. It is. It's not. It's a competition. It's not a sport. Yeah, I gave you that.
Oh, look, he did a flip just like the other guy did the same flip. Awesome. What if they were two people in the pool at the same time and they each had a bat? Then I'm in. Yeah, say the headlances. I'm in for that, too. Thunderdome thunder. I'm in for this. Bring the thunderdome back for all of these things. Oh.
I got a random question for you that came up today. Okay. As I was working out and the trainer and my workout made this comment. Why, what is with people who like coffee and think coffee is like the most important thing in their lives? Um, I don't think it's the most important thing in my life, but I like a cup of coffee in the morning. But like people really like buy into like coffee is like, I can't survive without coffee. Yeah. Well, there's all these people that have diluted themselves into thinking that Starbucks has good coffee.
And it doesn't. Starbucks coffee is ass. That's fair. It's bitter. It's just no. I would much rather have a pot or a cup of firehouse tar coffee any day of the week. As a man who's never drank an entire cup of coffee his entire life, I don't get it. Yeah, it tastes like ass.
Well, I put a little cream and sugar in mine. It smells terrible. It's all bad. Yeah, it's it's it's either so hot, it burns your face or it's so cold, it tastes terrible and bitter. No, no, no, no, you don't let it get cold. So what's the point of this crap? Keep it warm and drink it. It's terrible. It smells bad. It tastes bad. You hate it because you have to put cream and sugar in it. I don't hate it. Why drink this crap?
Look, that's the only little bit of caffeine and sugar I get during the day. Look, caffeine free. Yeah, I know. It's probably better for me. Look, I have two cups of coffee a day. Max, that's it. I just like hot tea better. Yeah. It's getting to be the end of hot tea season. I still drink it. No, I can't do it. I'll be that guy. It'll be 100 degrees outside. I'll be drinking a cup of coffee.
I'll drink soup in a hundred degrees, I don't drink tea. Hot tea, I don't drink iced tea. And I don't drink sweet tea because sweet tea is an abomination upon God's eyes. It tastes objectively bad. There's a picture of it now every day in admin. Oh, I understand there is because of who's the chief now. Yeah. And it's terrible. God, he's like a hummingbird. If I didn't care about my career, I would sneak in there every morning and change it to an unsweet tea.
Because I think it would be hilarious. But the problem is he makes it most mornings. Yeah. You got to wait till he's done and then you put a new picture in there and you're like, I'll take pictures of the picture and I'll buy a copy picture. I've already got that same picture at home. I've got this plan already built. Just after I hacked it. Or what you do is you dilute his sweet tea incrementally so that eventually he's like, oh, and then he's not drinking sweet tea anymore. Yeah, yeah, that's yeah.
man. Yeah. Yeah. The long play. Congratulations chief. You're not getting diabetes. I pranked you. Yeah. God. We have to start doing like every time he starts making his tea, I'll like blow an air horn or something for like a Pavlovian response. I mean, I'm waiting for you to put like on the fire scene. Merk. I think I made tea. I'm waiting for you to like put an alarm clock in his ceiling and let it go off at random times.
That allegedly happened years ago. It happened. I would say who did it. I'm just going to say that I am in somebody else's office for two weeks. And I have somebody's vehicle for two weeks, so I may or may not have a bag of googly eyes. It's a nice big old fish in the backseat. No, because his dog would eat it.
No, you take the fish out when it comes back. It just smells like fish. You do realize that when he comes back, he is still my boss for two more months. Right. So what you got to do is have him go on vacation right before you get switched over. I like that plane. Yeah. I don't know about it.
like a snakehead fish in there. It'll stay alive the whole time. It's in it. I feel like I've been messing with my boss enough. I wouldn't right now. Well, he's retiring, so. Well, I was thinking about the one that's filling in currently. Oh, no, no. Yeah. Yeah. It's not a mess with him. Yeah. It's not worth it. No, no. Because, you know, I can't mess with my employees anymore.
That's called harassment. It's harassment. And so I guess I can mess with my boss. Yeah. Or or the lieutenant you relieve and the lieutenant who relieves you. I can't mess with the lieutenant I relieve. He's already so stupid. Poor kid. I mean, come on. Or or you do the the tricky one.
and you mess with the lieutenant on the opposite shift of you. Oh, that's the tricky one. That's the one. Yeah. And especially it's going to be a new guy. Oh, it is going to be a new guy. Ah, yeah. Welcome to session one biatch. Yeah. Session one new fish. Do you guys smelt something? Uh, uh,
I mean, station was the last firehouse. You can do that kind of stuff. It is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, our current game is where you purposely move things that are just out of reach of the cameras just to mess with the deputy chief who keeps looking at the cameras. That's our current game. That is great. Yeah. Keeps coming in like, I'm going to catch you guys. I'm going to catch you guys. Scooby doo? Yeah. Yeah.
Are you going to catch us? We have a nice conspiracy out there in my station. Conspiracy against the admin? Kinda. Okay. Just that one particular individual. Yeah. Well, probably. You got to mess with people. Oh yeah. What else are you going to do? You know, we're on a lot of calls.
Yeah. Hey, you got to blow off steam somehow. Yeah. Yeah. We haven't burned a firehouse down. So I think that's kind of saying something. Yeah, it is. We haven't had a fire and firehouse in a long time. We used to set the old firehouse on fire once a month. I mean. Yeah. It was good for it. Kept it seasoned. Ah.
I'd say the other day I hopped on the medic with a couple of EMTs on B shift and we went on like two or three calls. We're like at the ER, we're joking around. They're like, we've never seen this side of you. I was like, well, this is me 20 years ago. This is me before promotion ruined my life. Yeah. Don't you sometimes feel like it that way? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and when I go out and I jump on the ambulance for, you know, a few hours or eight hours or whatever, it's,
Fun for me, it's not for the people that are on it day in, day out. Yeah. Yeah. So. Every time I, you know, innovate somebody. I'm like, you're welcome. You can just thank me now.

EMS Memories and Gaming Debates

Yeah. So, you know, we used to have to fight for this shit. Now I just do it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It is like our current chief would be waiting.
Like a innovation hawk. It would be like innovation hawks. Yes. I will forever have over our current chief, the day that he showed up on a cardiac arrest and the person was in a rigor mortis and he said, Whismurr, you go ahead and innovate. And I said, I don't think so. Actually, no, he was going to innovate him. He was like, Whismurr, go ahead and start an IV. And I said, which arm? The one that's sticking straight up or the other one that's sticking straight up?
and he's like, oh, I didn't even look. I'm like, yeah. We should probably stop doing CPR now. You're focused on that tube. Oh, they, they, they don't work there anymore. I can remember a certain, yeah, former lieutenant, Daddy got the tube! God, you could hear him a mile down the road. Daddy got the tube! And you would, you would push the patient into the ambulance and he would be sitting there with laryngoscope in his hand. Yeah. Ready to go.
It's like, what the hell? Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. It's good old days. Oh, yes. We talk about all the good old days all the time. We're like, yeah, you can do half the shit we do. No, no. You could never. Yeah. Yeah. But the patients got the best care, damn it. Did they? They did.
They got the best care we knew how to give them. Yeah. Because the science was not cut up to hell. The science at the time was barbaric. Which isn't that awful? Doesn't that bother you a little bit sometimes when you go to sleep? Yeah. It still bothers me about Eppie. Oh yeah. Stop making me take classes. Listen, you know what? You're the boss of EMS. Stop making me take classes that tell me that Eppie's bad and then make me keep giving Eppie. I'll tell you what, the next time I have lunch with Tim,
you can come with. Fine. I'll go. I'll do that. Okay. Because he's just as guilty. Yeah. Stop to either tell, either let me be ignorant and give him my envy. But stop telling me that it's bad and make me, make me not do anything about it. Yeah.
You know, for the inside folks, well, folks, we have rules called protocols that we have to follow. And it takes a few years for the protocols to catch up. Sometimes. Yes. Sometimes. Yes. Hmm. Well, you ready to move on to topic one? Yeah. Topic one. All right. This is a nice softball topic. I just Googled. Oh God. Top 10 greatest RPGs of all time.
It's been in my head because there's the fallout show came out. Yeah. Have you been watching it? I have not ordered it yet. I've heard great things. I've watched the first like 20 minutes of the first episode, so. It's all right so far. Here's my first anger, because this was a list of 25 that I came up with. I thought you said the top 10. I googled that time it came with a list of 25. Number 20 was Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
It makes number 20. Wow. Yeah. So let's get into number 10, the top 10. Be prepared for this because it's going to make you angry. Oh, gosh. Number 10 makes me so angry because it's not an RPG. Dark Souls. It's not. No, no, no, no, no. I enjoy the anger that is Dark Souls games. They're not RPGs. They're not not an RPG at all. They're action self hate games.
Yeah, they're they're hatred masturbation. Yeah. Yeah. Not an RPG. Yeah. No. Number nine. Pokemon red and blue. Evidently, Pokemon is a huge gateway RPG for a lot of kids. I've never played a Pokemon. Fair. I've never played a Pokemon. Pokemans. The Pokemans. Pokemans. Number eight. Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind.
Now look, I don't know, you're probably not as much of an Elder Scrolls fan. I love Elder Scrolls, but Morrowind was not the best. No, I didn't think it was. No. Skyrim was the best. I was going to say, wasn't Skyrim better than Morrowind? By far. Yeah. By far. Yeah. Number seven, in putting this over a Elder Scrolls game is crazy. Fallout New Vegas. Really? Yeah.
Well, is it? New Vegas is the one that like everybody loved, wasn't it? Everybody on the Internet but me loves New Vegas. Yeah, I think Fallout 3 was better than New Vegas. Personal choice. Yeah, it's way better than number six, which is Mass Effect 2, which is a mass effect to giant steaming pile of crap. Holy crap. That was a slog to get through. Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
Yeah, like there were maybe a couple of decent storylines in Mass Effect 2, but. Oh, no, terrible. Mm hmm. Yeah, I'm with you. Terrible. Does it? You're telling me Knights of the Republic, thanks to the list. Well, you're going to get angry later. So, you know, be prepared. Number five, the Witcher three. I have no real I don't have any say in the Witcher's because I've never played any of them.
Yeah. I mean, there's a ton of stuff to doing it. God, I tried to go back to The Witcher 3 like six months ago. Couldn't do it. This one makes me angry. Final Fantasy six at number four at four. Final Fantasy six, not even Final Fantasy seven, which is the Final Fantasy that is the one that everybody knows. Final Fantasy six was such a good game. Sure, but Final Fantasy seven is the one everybody knows.
Yeah. I mean, I prefer six or seven, but. Six was the last of the. Pixel. Side. It was term based. I think still. Yeah. Seven is definitely the more popular, the more approachable. Yeah. This one makes me angry. Number three is Diablo two. I love Diablo.
It is not an RPG. No, that's a dungeon crawler. It's a dungeon crawler. It's not an RPG. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Number two, I don't actually don't argue with. I think I should probably be number one. World of Warcraft. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, that's probably the biggest name. Wait a second. If that's number two. Oh, number one is going to anger us, isn't it?
Number one angers me because I've never even played it or heard of it until this moment. Number one is Chrono Trigger. Really? Yeah. No. This is number one. Chrono Trigger? Chrono Trigger. Oh my gosh. Yeah, it was a Square Enix game. Or at the time Square Soft. Sure. And yeah, but Square. Wait. Whoa, whoa. So Baldur's Gate 2 didn't make it?
That's what I was waiting for. What the fuck? Baldur's Gate 2 comes in at 11. What? Oh, eat up. Who wrote this? This is Den of Geek. Den of Geek. Den of Geek, eat my toe. Here's one that makes me mad. Ultima comes in at 23. What? Yeah. You don't have modern RPGs without Ultima.
That is correct. 100%. How can you have a list? A top 10, a top list of all time and ultimate comes at 24 or 23. And they picked ultimate four, which is not the best ultimate, but it's fine. That's like, so we say, oh yeah, the best parts of the car. Well, everything, but the tires, you don't have a car without the tires. They're 25 best 25th best was disco Elysium. Never heard of it. Yeah. I'm not a disco Elysium fan.
Fire Emblem. Oh, Fire Emblem. That should have been. Oh, that should be much higher. Twenty four. Twenty two is Vampire the Masquerade, which I loved that game. Yeah. But I could see why I didn't read. You would like Fire Emblem. I know. I've played one of the. Totally tactics. Yeah. That's like my wife's favorite game of all time.
Twenty one was Dragon Quest Journey of the Cursed King. Oh, that was the seventh one or eighth, eighth, seventh or eighth. Yeah. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah, there was a couple of big twists in that one. Nineteenth was Secret of Mana. Hmm. OK. Eighteenth with Earthbound. I never played Earthbound. No, neither. Seven is like the sequel was like Mother Two or something weird. Sure.
Seventeen is vagrant story. Oh, that was that weird PS one. Yeah. That was it was fun, but PS one. We thought it was good graphics. It was not. Persona. Yeah, that is 100 percent correct. Persona five and 16. Five. No. So over four or three. Oh, hmm.
Final Fantasy 9 makes it number 15. Yeah. Oh, God, weird little rat tail boy. I mean, it's a fun game, but no, no. Deus Ex makes it at 14. I never played a Deus Ex. I played Deus Ex. It's fine. Yeah. Deus 13 is Suker Den 2.
Suikoden. Suikoden, sure. Yeah, I don't know. It's spelled Suikoden. Yeah, it's pronounced Suikoden evidently. And then Planescape Tarmen rings at number 12. Here's some games that didn't make the list that bother the hell out of me. No Dragon Age. Yeah. No Mech Warrior, BattleTech. Oh, yeah, yeah. Going through my library of games.
Dark Messiah didn't make it new light and magic. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Let's see. Conan Exiles didn't make it to the game. It is. Is that more of a survival game, though? Yeah, I mean, it's got RPG elements. Yeah. You know, I mean, if you're going to put dark souls on there, that is true. And if you're going to put dark souls on there, you don't put Elden Scrolls or Elden Ring. That doesn't make any sense to me.
Uh, yeah, here's my magic. Middle earth shadow of mortar was an amazing game. Oh yeah. That was the Ubisoft wasn't it? It wasn't Ubisoft. I don't know who made it, but it's an amazing, uh, divinity divinity. Amazing game. What's the, how slow are the guy and he has the arm shoots out?
Bionic Commando. The guy with the arm that shoots out. Man. Man, I can't remember what the name of that game is. Oh, man. Oh, EverQuest didn't make the list. Crazy, crazy. Yeah, that should be fable. Fable. Oh, yeah.
Pillars of Eternity, which is the Baldur's Gate. Yeah. You know, prequel, basically. Oh, at least a table, right? Yeah. Yeah. Divinity, Dragon Age, Darkest Dungeon. Kingdom Hearts. I mean, I can see it's an RPG. Yeah, it's a big RPG. People love that game. Yeah.
You've online. People love that game. Yeah. I just think I just went Dale to. Oh, I see. Yeah. These games never win or night. Never win or nights. How did never win or nights not make that was so fun. What about like King's Quest or Space Quest? Yeah.
King's class. Oh, my God. King's was amazing. Yeah. That now we're really showing how old we are. Dragon. What was it? Dragon's Lair, Dragon's Dragon's Lair. Yeah. It's there. The cartoony control one. Mm hmm. Uh huh. I just can't believe you're going to pick. You get first off, you're not putting a Dragon Age gun. There's games and there's crazy. But you're going to pick Final Fantasy nine and six instead of seven. Come on. Yeah.
I mean, do you think we're going to get Dragon Age anytime this year, next year? I don't know. Is it even been talked about? Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's gosh. It's like Project Wolf or something. I know. Dread Wolf. Dread Wolf. There you go. Yeah. The trailer was released at 2018.
Hey, that was like it wasn't a trailer. It was like. Barely a cinema cinema cinema. It's like clip or something, but we know it's about it last year. So the last thing I can say is a full reveal is planned for summer of 2024. I just hope it gets back to drink Dragon Age. Oh, yeah. Like Dragon Age two. That was the best. Yeah, I know it wasn't.
Inquisition was so bad, though. Yeah, it was. Yeah. When your healer can't heal you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I just feel like that looks right back to the really, really old episodes. Yeah, you'll hear rage about Dragon Age Inquisition. Oh, Monster Hunter. People love that. Yeah. Yeah, people love that. I tried. I couldn't get into it. I mean, Bloodborne is the same as Dark Souls. Sure. Sure.
But how do you not have Ultima in the top 10? That's insane. It's probably because it was some 22 year old writing this while they're sipping their Starbucks. Their Tesla is driving them to work and they're listening to the rap music. And Knights of the Old Republic. Yeah. Look, I get it's a Star Wars game, but it's the best RPG. Maybe of all time.
Oh, I don't know about all time, but it's definitely up there. It deserves top 10. It's definitely top five. Top five. I love World of Warcraft for what it was. Yeah. But Kotor is better. It's more fun. Yeah. Well, because was it Kotor that introduced the whole like. Your path kind of chose like your decision. I remember it.
Yeah, you know. So it's not like two. Yeah, that's right, too. Come on. Got it. And this list has chrono trigger as the top as well. Why don't you play this game? What is. Oh, because you can be the frog with the axe flipping early. Yeah. Man, I never played it. Well, well, besides World of Warcraft, what would you put as top one, though?
Top of all time. Golly day. Top of all time. I mean, we'd have to be. One of those, you know, like like an Ultima or a Dragon Quest one or, you know, Final Fantasy one, you know, one of those that, well, not Final Fantasy one. That was a great Final Fantasy two. That was OK. What's better, Dragon Age?
Like if you think about RPG, like pure the experience on RPG, what's better in your mind? Dragon Age or Final Fantasy? Like the newer stuff. Let's say the new Dragon Age, I mean, but just like what an RPG is, I would say Dragon Age was. Way better than Final Fantasy. I don't know, Final Fantasy is what got me into
RPGs. Fair. Oh, my God. This list has the Witcher three is number one. What? And Mass Effect two is number two. What? That Baldur's Gate three is number three. I mean, I'm not disagreeing with water scaping. Yeah. That Skyrim is number six. Code toward number seven. I like this list better than. Yeah, this is games radar. Assassin's Creed. No.
That's not an RPG. Oh, there's their disco Elysium. Dragon Age Inquisition, number 12. Oh, it's Dragon's Dogma. I never ever got into Dragon's Dogma. I played the first one. It's it's frustrating. Yeah, there's a new one. Yeah. Oh, Phantasy Star Online. Oh, it's in there. Outer Worlds. I didn't. I know people loved Outer Worlds because it was like a
Fallout clone, but meh. So Forbes has. The Baldur's Gate series is number one. Oh, the Mass Effect series is number two. Yeah, the Elder Scrolls series is number three. So yeah, I think you're cheating as you're using about the series. Yeah, I know. Because if I'm going to go that right, if you go by series, it's Elder Scrolls.
Baldur's Gate Dragon Age for me. Yeah, I can see that. I would I would go Baldur's Gate Final Fantasy. Proudly Dragon Quest. I mean, I love Baldur's Gate, but like. All of the time I've spent in Elder Scrolls games. It's that first person floaty feel I don't like. First person is fine for shooting.
But for sword, I didn't like it. I've broken wrong. This one has Earth Brown. So this one has. Coach or eight. OK. Paper Mario at nine. Paper Mario for what it is. It's a fun RPG. Sure. Elden Ring at 10. I just. Dragon Age Origins at seven.
I feel that that game Earthbound at six. Near Replicant at five. Oh, that's just weaves who like scantily clad to be. Butterscape to four. Skyrim at three. Final face seven to two. A chrono trigger at one. What is the chrono trigger? I don't know.

Childhood Toys and Collections

I think I vaguely remember playing Chrono Trigger. I tell her at all. Yeah. Yeah. I'm. 80 percent through my playthrough of the newest Final Fantasy seven. Oh, it's fun. Yeah, it's it's a lot of hack and slash now. It's more the action RPG, but the story is really good, so. Looking for the.
Best boss of all time. And this is Dead Space. I never played Dead Space. Now I know that I. Yeah. It doesn't look like we'll be getting a Dead Space 2 remake either. No. Sadly. Yeah. Happens. Yeah. Yeah. Dragon Age. Was that the first one that had like the wheel that you selected from?
I mean, it was in other games before that. But like on a console. Yeah, there's other games on console that had it. This is like it was the first time it was in a RPG, probably. Yeah. Lots of adult time in Dragon Age. That's fair. Was that like?
As you were leaving the town, there was that dog you could have as your companion if you did the right thing. Oh, I remember that. I just remember healing being important. And then another game where they had dragon age where the healing was retarded. Oh, you have to brew potions. I have a healer. Yeah. Oh.
Well, I guess Baldur's Gate finally, you know, actually took away from that because what's-her-face sucks as a healer. And she does suck as a healer. Shadowheart. Yeah. Shadowheart is terrible as a healer. Yeah. She's arguably the worst of the. If you respect her, she gets a lot better. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're on the topic to before you have a stroke. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So.
When we were kids. Oh, God. No, no, no. I don't know about you, but. I feel like we collected a lot of things as children. Yeah, like. But I mean, like, like I had tons of Matchbox cars. And Micro Machines, Micro Machines. I was just thinking about Micro Machines. I had so many of them. Yeah. What? I mean, did we play with them? Yeah.
You didn't play with the micro machines. I guess I kind of did, but I don't know. But I remember the same playset. Yeah, but it was fine for like the little cars, but I remember there was like micro machine planes and the wheels were the same size as the plane because they tried that you had to make it roll, I guess. I don't remember the machine plane. Really? Yeah.
But I definitely had a ton of machines. Did you have a Porsche 911? I did, actually. I had those and. I had a bunch of matchboxes when I was young. And was it Matchbox or Hot Wheels? Isn't it the same thing? I think it is now, but I don't think it was the same thing when we were kids. Really? Yeah, I think there were two different things.
Oh, yeah. I don't have the answer to that question. Yeah. Did you have the big set that was like the the city? That like unfolded and you had legs that flipped out. It was like a like an S track that it came down. There was a garage and like a bank that popped out and stuff. And all your cars could carry in it. It was not that cool.
I wasn't that cool. That's why I had it. I had my. You know, Star Wars figures. Was the youngin? Most definitely. Yeah. Lots of G.I. Joes. Oh, yeah. Tons of G.I. Joes. Tons. It was Matchbox cars that inspired their competitor at the time, Hot Wheels.
Matchbox was more realistic while Hot Hot Wheels was more hot rod and exaggerated. Mattel bought both companies later on. Hmm. It's fun fact. Yeah. I. I had a lot of the He-Man. My brother named it, I did not. I remember I had three of the five Voltron lions.
And my neighbors were really into Voltron, and I just didn't watch it. I didn't know anything about it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So a friend of mine had the other two lions. So if we hung out together, we could actually make Voltron. That's fun. Yeah. Did you ever have the centurions? Like from Battlestar to like? No.
It was this cartoon in the late 80s. It was these guys that had like these exo suits and they had all these little holes in them and you could clip different weapons and armor and stuff to them. There was an underwater guy and there was a space guy and a road guy. And they had like they would like clip into these vehicles. Hmm. Yeah. It was like, oh, God.
The water guy was Max Ray. And like Ace was the pilot guy. The ground guy had this crazy like tank thing he wore called the wild weasel. I had a mask. Oh, my, my, my.
And I had Starcom? Do you remember those? Starcom? No. Yeah. Starcom, like, I think Starcom. They had like magnets, their boots, and they like stuck to like their little ships and stuff. Oh, that's neat. Yeah. The Silver Hawks. I had some of them. I didn't have those. I had GoBots. Oh, God. That was always so sad.
Yeah. Oh, transformers. Oh, it's a go bot. Yeah. Yeah. Got to show their head. Yeah, I was going to say there had to have been a show for the girl. There was there was. Yeah. Yeah. The go bots were always smaller. The toys. You know, that is a dumb toy. I had a bunch of mash toys.
Really? Yeah. Like Father Mokey. I had like Hawkeye and comes with a big pen. I remember having Hawkeye and Clinger. Wow. I had a mash tent in my room. Wow. Yeah, I mean, I didn't know they made mash. Yeah, figures. I bet those things are worth money now if I had. Oh, they probably would be. Yeah.
But yeah, I had, I had the mash tent. I remember, Oh my God, this mash toy is worth $150. Oh, you gotta find them. They're gone. Your mother has them tucked away somewhere. Yeah. Do you have army men in your kid, little green army men? Oh yeah. I had tons of those things. Yes. I had a giant tub of them.
that we had two armies. There were green ones and gray ones. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And did you have there was like the regular sized ones, but then there were a little mini ones. We had so many of these things we hide them all around the house just to ignore my mother, I think. Be vacuuming. Did you ever melt them? No, you never put them through war. Oh.
They're my toys and take care of them. Yeah. Precious. And I can't find a picture of this tent that I had when I was a kid. Thundercats? I miss Thundercats. That was like just a little bit younger than me with Thundercats. I feel like- Yeah, see, I was a lonely little man. I had Thundercats.
My brother had a couple of thundercats, but I didn't really like the show. The show was so much fun. It was fine. Transformers, though, that was the jam. Transformers was tough. The transfer of movies is still it's it's the 40th anniversary. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah, it's supposed to be released to select theaters. Oh, yeah. Eric Idle.
Orson Welles, I think it's our hair smells like that's baby. Yeah. One shall stand, one shall fall. I'm trying to find this mashed tent from when I was a kid, I can't. Yeah, because if you Google mashed tent, you're going to see an actual mashed tent. Yeah.
How old were you when you realized what the theme song to mash was? Oh, high school. Yeah, probably. Yeah. Yeah. It was probably when I watched the movie. Hmm. Which was. Way late. I was probably high school, you know, realize what the song was about. Yeah. And you're like, oh, oh.
Yeah. Damn. Can't find this tent. Maybe I just didn't get up. Maybe I didn't have it when I was a kid. I have vivid memories of having a tent in my bedroom that was. Your mom made it. Maybe. I loved it. I was such a weird kid. I liked Gower Pile, Mash and F Troop. Really? Yeah. I still love Mash. I'll watch Mash right now. Yeah, it holds up.
A bit tough. Did you have a lot of toy guns? We had a lot of toy guns when I was a kid. A lot of cap guns. I remember beating my brother almost to death with a cap gun. Oh my God. Yeah, but the thing was,
Growing up in the 80s, you had all these toys with the hyper violent cartoons associated with them. And then our outdoor toys were things like lawn darts. Yeah, it was like, you know, more lies. God, I hear any of us lived. Yeah. Go throw this weighted dart up in the air high as you can to see if it'll hit the target. Oh.
Gosh. And then our playgrounds. How any of us survived a playground? No. Yeah. Just the most benign of them all, the seesaw, the number of split chins and busted noses. The crazy, crazy hot slide. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, they tried to tell us that it was the sun that got it that hot. What it was is while we were at lunch, the janitor was out there with a propane torch. God. Yeah, it wasn't. It was just shards of glass at the bottom. It was. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was the mulch of our day. Yeah. You get halfway down and your shorts would ride up a little bit and your leg would catch on that metal and just
spin you around. Oh, God, you had shorts as a kid. Yes. Yeah. Would you? No. No. Well, you went to fancy schools. You had a uniform. You did have a uniform. Yeah. Yeah, I was a kid in school in the corduroy shorts. We had blue slacks and blue polos. Oh, when I was a young young, when I was a Catholic school. Nice. And the girls had to wear plaid plaid blue.
Skirts? Do you guess you'd call them? Yeah. Yeah. Terrible. Monkey bars. I hate monkey bars. Still hate monkey bars. Yeah. Well, I mean, when's the last time you had to go through a monkey bar? Last time I did savageries. Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, think about those things that we collected, got given to us as kids. We just kept a couple of them, but they were always I like to play with toys. Yeah. That's why I had them. Yeah. Yeah. All of my G.I. Joes were destroyed. Oh, yeah. And that was always so sad when you would break the thumb off or the rubber band, the gun to their hand or something.
The the rubber band that came through their arm. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you'd be playing with them. That would snap and they would just fall apart into five pieces. You're like, hmm, hmm. Or they get rusty if you took them in the pool or the tub. I do remember losing Jojo's in the snow one time. Oh, it's sad. Yeah, yeah, it was sad. Got it back in the spring. Oh, OK. See, circle of life.
Did you take toys in the bathtub? No. Really? Oh, man, I we had separate G.I. Joe's just for the tub. Really? Yeah. And again, it's amazing I didn't drown as a child, because I swear my mother would leave me in the tub for like eight hours at a time. It's fair. Yeah. Go soak. I'm going to drink now. My mom, my mom's never a drinker. So.
Yeah, that's. I don't remember. That kind of toys in the tub. What kind of toys do you like rubber duckies and stuff? Oh, yeah. You know, stupid tugboats. Yeah. Those little things that you can fill up with water, the little squeezy guys. God, these things were so nasty inside, I'm sure.
Oh, yeah. It's full of mold. Yeah. Mm hmm. Fun trip down memory lane. Yeah, I could figure out. I got to find the smash dent. Folks, we had a text tomorrow at like, you know, 7 a.m. I found it. There's got to be somewhere, right? Like, yeah, somebody's got it on eBay. And if I find it, I'm taking to the firehouse and I'm sleeping in it.
That'd be amazing. God, I will go by the firehouse Tuesday night just to see that. Well, it's going to take longer to find it than that. Oh, crafty. Get your get your wife on it. She'll hunt it down. She'll make you one. Oh, that'd be cool. Yeah. But she probably find it like six minutes. I've already been searching for longer. Yeah. Same thing. Well, folks.
I think we've cast the pod. We have. I'm yelling at so much. It's the pollen. It's almost seven o'clock. It's like bedtime. Yeah. Well, yeah, it is for you. What? No. Yeah. Well, your body's used to it because it's like, oh, it's the fourth day. I have to sleep. That is the worst. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My body's like, uh, it's six o'clock, buddy. It's cool.
So it's getting real low. It's not. No, it is. The sun's still up. Yeah. Well, folks, enjoy your tree induced allergies. Yes. Maybe one day we'll have some sun. Yeah. It's a little sunny here. We got blue sky. But I just need to warm up for couple days. Yeah. Rinse out your eyes. Yeah. Enjoy your pollen.
Enjoy your pollen. Take care of each other. And be careful out there.