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This week on the Everything Actioncast, shit gets real as Zach and Chris talk about the 2003 Michael Bay extravaganza Bad Boys II as the fourth movie in the franchise, Bad Boys: Ride or Die hits theaters.

Seven years after the first movie, Mike Lowery (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) are a part of the Tactical Narcotics Team in Miami, trying to track down and stop the kingpin shipping in massive amounts of ecstasy into the city.  Unknown initially to the Bad Boys, Marcus' sister Syd (Gabrielle Union) is working for the DEA undercover and getting close to Johnny Tapia (Jordi Molla), the Cuban druglord behind everything.  Zach and Chris talk about how everything is ramped up to 11 in this sequel, the over-the-top action, Michael Bay's obsession with corpses, if you can drive up to Guantanamo Bay in a Hummer, the hit-or-miss comedic set pieces, and more.

You can stream Bad Boys II on Hulu, Pluto TV, and Starz.

Next week, we're diving into Chronicles of Riddick to celebrate both Karl Urban's return as Billy Butcher in The Boys Season 4 and the movie's 20th anniversary.

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Hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast podcast for the week of June 3rd,

Topic of the Week: Bad Boys 2

2024. I'm your host Zach. I'm your co-host Chris. and yeah This week, shit gets real because we are talking about Bad Boys 2, the 2003 Michael Bay classic. um because i yeah but i'd say Based on what we've seen him put out, mostly the Transformers movies, like this is definitely like one of it but Michael Bay's best movies.
But obviously, ah Bad Boys, Ride or Die is in theaters right now if you're hearing this, ah which you know we have never seen it yet, but I'm definitely probably going to see it soon. Did you see Bad Boys for Life, Chris? I did. Yeah, that was I mean, that was like shockingly good compared to what you expected for like a Bad Boys sequel, like ah a 17-year-plus sequel. Yeah. Yeah, I thought it would do something safe.

Character Arcs and Comparisons

And they did something kind of reinvented a little bit. A lot of a Secret Sun is just a sort of like what you would do as a follow up like immediately, but like they definitely played with the time like they understood like, Oh, like we've moved on from number two. It's been so long. Yeah. They made like Mike, Mike and Marcus like actual characters, which was like bizarre. Well,
but ver like Mike has like, he's sort of the same at some points. Yeah, but they still they each still have like a character arc and like growth. like Especially compared to the movie we were talking about this week, Bad Boys 2, where they're both like cartoon characters. True. True. ah They're more developed than the first movie. I think the first movie really focused on just the basics where you play a boy and then Marcus is the family man. And then when they switch revolt roles, you kind of don't have like a lot at stake yet because you're just like, OK, so the the playboy guy is now.
sleeping in the house. Yeah, it's like a classic like 80s, like sitcom situation. Like and those points it is. But the other points are very, you know, good, even though what what was at stake was just a murder witness where compared to this movie where that is just a subplot. Like, yeah, you just witnessed a murder. Everyone witnesses a murder. It's Miami. Yeah. Well, so yeah, every everything this movie is ramped up from like the ah the first one. Yeah, Mike and Marcus's personalities are ramped up to the extremes. The actions ramped up to the extremes. The runtime is extreme. This is unrestrained Michael Bay at the most potent level, where he has no budget restrictions, no runtime restrictions, no content restrictions. He just do whatever the hell he wants. Was this written by Michael Bay?

Michael Bay's Style and Film Elements

I don't think Michael Bay ever writes any of his movies.
Well, he definitely added. He kept on adding and adding. If that was the vision, because I feel like they're the main plot was probably just the drug lord storyline, just the main Cuban drug lord storyline. And then it starts spiraling. Um, because this movie is like four movies in one. And this, this was, so this was post. So the movie that came up right before us from Michael Bay was Pearl Harbor.
And then he had made, and then he also made like, so before that was also Armageddon. And apparently like an INDB, like one of the trivia things is that Michael Bay was like getting like sick of like the PG-13 rating, which is ironic because he would like get locked into that for the next like five movies. But he, you know, he like, he was kind of like, he felt like, I guess he felt like restricted. ah During your Armageddon and Pearl Harbor to make like Pete like these future teen movies then he's just like I'm going full full crazy our rating like everything everything Everything's over the top. It's nuts. There's dead bodies everywhere There's negative tons of violence ah I'm surprised that it wasn't a gratuitous sex scene
Yeah, there's only there's only like one quick, more like Mike's therapy session, but it's like, yeah, there's not like any like over the top, like crazy yeah stuff like that. It's just yeah very implied. And by today's standards, that could have been a um something you see in like ABC. But I guess back then, 2003, this was like, ooh. scandalous, especially Will Smith, like, like holes, like just out of like in out of the TV show version at this point, if you any like doubts that he wasn't an action star. Here he is.

Will Smith's Role Transition

So I think I robot was coming out the year after this. ah He did. this So this is right the year after Michael, right after Men in Black 2.
And then, yeah, i and then right I wrote, it was next year after this. Yeah. Cause he's family, family friendly, men in black one and two. And then in this, this particularly, he is, um, just allowed to be just like a John Woo action star.
Pretty much right right from the start when he pulls out like double guns and starts like taking down like kicking game members. The tactical dual wielding, yeah whatever the TNT squads. The tactical narcotics team, yeah. At the time I forget that this is just like a narcotics group because in the first movie They were trying to take down another drug kingpin. Yeah. But then that's like the Peter Schurmaier character. He's reminding of the first movie's villain. He's just an act. And and there there was there definitely was not like a you know a team of like ex-Delta Force guys in the first place. is like that This is just happened to be like their case they were working on. But not yeah, this one this expands. Now there's the whole ah tactical militarized team that they're a part of.
Which continues in Bedwatch for Life where you have, instead of TNT you have ammo.
which Which is like the same thing, they they investigate the same thing with drugs and cartels and gangs. Except they're they're like younger and more high tech. you know I think in three, they're all like in their fifties. Well, just just Mike and just Mike and Marcus that everyone else is like, you know, twenty, third like twenty or it's like this, the Hudgens and Alexander Ludwig, like. Well, that they stole that page out of like the Triple X movie. Yeah. okay it's It's like a sexy new team. Yeah, well, that was bad, too. It's like like Henry Rollins, like the team leader, I guess.
He's in here for like five minutes and then he's just gone. It's so weird that he doesn't come back for like the like helping out Cuba like stuff.

Key Scenes and Plot Points

Yeah, I kind of forgot that. Like I imagine he was there at the end, but I guess whatever his contract or the obligated scenes were done, he just left. Because it made it seem like TNT was his big squad and then it dwindles down to just those who want to like help Marcus and Mike. Yeah. Not everyone wants to do that.
It's also it's also crazy like this opening scene where they like bust like the KKK because so apparently the scheme is that ah they smuggle in ecstasy from Amsterdam. And then they, they, they, they, they, they, they, like, they distribute this, they, they have like a tugboat or something that they distribute all the ecstasy pills on and then they get paid for like, smiling the pills in. But not everyone, because there was that other guy who, in that group who dropped off the drugs, which was like, wow, I'm leaving.
Cause it wasn't just like the whole tugboat crew. It was the one guy who pulled up to the pier, where I guess that's the pier that is also their drug smuggling and cross burning. Well, yeah, they had the special like Dixie seven boat that is like the main, that's why they where they like actually store all the but pills on.
And it's so weird in that opening scene to see Michael Shannon. Young, skinny Michael Shannon. Young, unknown Michael Shannon is this redneck, racist, KK guy. Yeah, I kind of forgot he was in it too. When you see him, you're like, oh yeah, Michael Shannon's in this. And he's not a big role, which is bizarre. No. Yeah, this is this is like before they went even knew who like Michael Shannon was. So like he was in like smaller stuff and then eventually, like I think definitely post this, he got into like more of his critically acclaimed roles and then like obviously Matt Steele and all that stuff afterwards. But yeah, here we here we he was just like a ah ah character actor guy, like some random character actor guy that is like this ecstasy feeling redneck. Racist.
Yeah, I don't know why out of all the, it wasn't the only surviving guy in that group, but that's why he knew how the operation ran. I mean, did if they killed a bunch of guys, no, basically.
I do like, uh, in that it's a like, as soon as it takes you out of the one reality where they let the two minority cops go undercover ish with the KKK and their only backup is just like, like bad radio. Yeah. That just stops working. And Henry Roland's team just goes, all right, we'll just wait. We'll see what happens. We gotta get confirmation. We can't go in without confirmation. But they are what seems like a mile away. Yeah. You don't seem like they're close. And then they hear gunshots. They're like, oh, we gotta, we gotta roll in. Let's roll. Let's roll now and now. Like it's but it's popping off. But then they're like, wow, this is a great plan.
know I don't know if they can see what was happening because it's just like very clear that the cops are just are not in control. I think they mentioned that because of like the cross burning and stuff like their night vision goggles are flaring so they can't see what's going on. I guess. But I mean when you have like another spotter without night vision goggles from a different angle or something. Yeah. yeah But yeah, they only managed to break get two bags a hair of ah ecstasy. So there's they still have not checked out this big ah kingpin they're looking for, who ah I believe we soon find out. The audience finds out before them is Johnny Tapia, probably the best villain of the Bad Boys franchise so far. I agree. he He definitely has more charisma, and there's more comedy with him that kind of humanizes him a bit. Yeah.
I do appreciate he's not just a shit up comical villain. Like he's got a whole life. He's got. Disciplined issues at his crew. He's got a like he doesn't have a drug habit or not like a problem. You know, I feel like if they were trying to make him be one of those drug lord guys that also is like using his product and he's just like terrible thinking. So they didn't do that. It was just a series of escalating things that he is trying his best to handle. I like that he has to deal with like like stupid stuff, like rats eating his money. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That was not even a plot point in the movie. No one threw rats in his house. He just had a rat problem. Yeah, because because i guess I think it's because his house in Miami is like his mother's house, and she refuses to leave, and that he has to stay in this quote unquote shitty mansion in Miami.
But we know he's building like his like you know this like massive mansion of Cuba. This rat-free mansion. Yeah. Well, that was interesting, because it made it seem like his mom was dead, right? Because you don't see the mom until way later. Yeah. But he's got a portrait of her, and he mentions that his mom is cousins with this like one of his henchmen there. So like I thought it was implied that maybe the mom's gone, but she's just there. You know, she shows up and she doesn't question the house. She has a question that someone got shot in the front lawn. Well, I think she knows like yeah she definitely know. I think she was also a drunk person or something. She was probably part of the cartel.
You don't just end it up in this situation with a son who is a maniac, like a maniac drug lord. He's made millions in the the funeral business. This funeral home makes billions of dollars. I mean, he was doing well. All he had to do was just not escalate. I mean, he owned a successful business venture. He sued the police. oh yeah yeah how but he He made $9 million, dollars sued the Miami Police Department. Is what they say, I think. Yeah. That was the problem. like that they had That's why they had basically had to catch him with like drugs in his hands. Yeah. Because he'd sue them so much. I think at that point, when you get sued that many times, and especially for high-profile things, you can't just be like, OK, there's drugs around you. And he can just be like, it's Miami. And then that's why they had to send in

Comedy and Action Balance

a money washer undercover operation. Yeah. um
they kind of talk about the beginning and then like kind of logistics, like into very good detail about it. And then they just stop talking about it. And then I don't know what she was offering as a service anymore. Oh, Sid. Yeah, she, um, the big thing was, it was her and, and Peter Stromare's character. Yes. You know when they kind of established that he has all his money from his nightclub of whateverness. When when she arrives in the like secret ah Miller genuine draft truck. That's the only thing about this movie. There is a lot of product placement that really you should not associate the product with this moment. Not I mean nowhere near the level like Transformers but there's still like there's like yeah it's like
the DEA operates out of like a Miller, Jaymond draft truck and there's like a giant Pepsi truck later on. There's like, okay. So yeah, know there's countless things. Um, but at one point in the intro of Peter Stormare's character, where he's counting his money and club,
There's just like a crate, a Svetka Vodka on his floor. And when someone points out that, hey, there's a guy ODing, you see the guy ODing, and then on top of that angle, there's a floor above, you see the box of Svetka. So you start associating just, you know, again, it's a club, Svetka was at the time, like a club vodka, and then just like, wow, this club that serves Svetka also ODs its clients once in a while. God, that was like, that was like the ultimate Michael Bay scene. I'm just like, it's just like just lingering in this club. Everyone's doing ecstasy. This guy's ODing. Peter Stormer is yelling at everyone. like yeah and it's And that's why I'm like, Oh, I forgot Peter Stormer is in it because he's a good introduction and it never gets back to that level. I think was, was this his first Michael Bay movie? Cause he was in like, he was basically like the, like, like, the he was our arm right and and Oh, are we good? Yeah. That was the first one I think. Yeah. He was like the crazy Russian astronaut.
then But it became like a Michael Bay regular, obviously. Before that, it was, uh, Pierre Stomare was, uh, Cohen Brothers guy. Yeah. I do love when that guy's OD'ing and they throw him in the alley. I love, like, when you're watching him die and all of a sudden, like, shake your tail feathers while he's playing the Nelly song. Yeah. Which is like, what are you doing, Michael Bay? This guy's like, OD'ing and you're just like, oh, oh, oh.
cut good cause's A lot of weird emotion because it's like, oh, Michael Bay doesn't is just so like, hey, feel bad for this club goer. I'm like, I guess. But let's cut to some some wacky hijinks with Marcus and Mike. Yeah, Marcus enjoying his work injury. Yeah. yeah He shot the ass. that That's like kind of the driving factor of like him being annoyed at Mike for the entire movie.
along with it like just getting dragged to like constant like shootouts and car chases and whatever else is going on he's got a point though it's not like they were specifically trained for these situations i just feel like they're just a drug buzz operation there and they realize like oh this is a violent weed it's not gonna get any normal and and also and then like i think marcus mentioned like mike's also just in it for like the thrills because he's just like a he's like a rich playboy who like is a cop so like this is all just like fun like excitement for him i don't know they seem like they're both rich they don't live in like terrible look yeah mark marcus lives on like the edge like an ocean front property yeah
He's got his own bay that leads out into the water. So I don't understand. Why do you build a pool? Why do you need a pool if you have like ocean, like you can just like jump in the ocean? I think it's also, um, he built a pool because the water is like probably cleaner because he's just in a canal. I guess, yeah. I get it if it was like a natural lake or something, but this is just the ocean. So there's still shit in the water that you can't control. but a pool you can. Now an above ground pool next to it, kind of tacky. It's $3,900 pool that you bought. Yeah. How do you go cheap on that? How, I don't understand how like they, they don't like, if they were financially struggling and that was the best he could do, I get it. But then it's like, he lives in a mansion.
Is Mike secretly a drug lord? Or is that one of the things we're going to find out in bad voice for life where, um, you understand where mike's money comes from because i don't think they ever address it i think i think i think i think they say yeah he has a trust fund so his i think his parents were rich and then he just like inherited it i guess and then marcus is rich too because i don't i mean why He's like he's like rich in like the Michael Bay sense where it doesn't make any sense like he's like poor But like he's still like he's like middle-class. He's those like like ocean front Miami property in like a giant Or is he just it's like horribly in debt. Yeah nile He's one of those people that he's ready like, you know $100,000 that what's another hundred thousand dollars in debt going to do?
i I can't remember if they ever say what, um, like Teresa does. if She's like a, like a doctor or like a lawyer or something that makes it like enough money. She is a Miami insurance claim adjuster who basically makes a lot of money from her husband and his friend destroying Miami all the time. That's the scheme right there. they The more they blow up, the more mature they get. Yeah. She's just like a comptroller for the city. And she's just like, oh yeah, the budget needs to fix my house.

Character Dynamics and New Characters

This funding for public transportation and better education is going right into the house that her husband bought.
But yeah, um the movie takes a while to explain the greater ah connection between things just because you get introduced to Sid and then she's like, oh, I work for the DEA. It's nothing. And they're like, OK, cool. Like they move on from that. And then it's a lot of introduction because um I don't think we ever get like in the first movie, we didn't know that he had a sister. No. So this one's like, surprise, it's me, your surprise sister, Sid, and I'm from New York. I'm going to get my own show. And no one's going to watch it. ah Yeah, i I haven't seen that. I haven't seen Ally's fight as. And then I watch bits at a context, and I just don't understand what's going on.
Well, is she in like Los Angeles? oh Yeah, Ally fights it. she moves shows She moves to Los Angeles and becomes like just like a LAPD officer, like she leaves the DA. It just becomes like a detective with Jessica Alba. Yeah.
maybe Maybe things were too crazy. but this this Maybe this case was too crazy. that's She's like, I have to get something more sane, i' even like an LAPD detective. Maybe. I mean, she's... I thought the Heron Marcus would work out. ah or Mike. Mike, yeah. Well, she doesn't get thrust into like the like the the first huge action sequence like within 10 minutes of her introduction.
That like that like extended cart, like the ah was like the kind of bridge cart, the car chase where the like ah auto transport truck, like the Haitians are jumping cars off of and like hi blowing up police cars. But that's the second part of that ah chase. Yeah, first like a shoot it's like a shootout first. the Well, the first part, yeah, it's a it's a garage ambush that turned into a street shootout that turns into a bridge chase. And then, um yeah, then just ends.
They just get away from the truck. Yeah, I feel i feel like a lot of people forget like the first 15 minutes of that of the action sequence, because everyone just focuses on like the but like bridge section, like the boat and stuff. The bridge really does steal that part. But yeah the beginning where they just have like an intersection shootout where all the Haitians build like a barrier out of cars, and then they're just shooting at the cops. Not every Haitian got onto that truck, so there's a still a group that just is there, like in that pit they made. Just having a shootout with the cops.
and this way i first i was like rewatching this movie again, I noticed like Mike and Marcus do a lot of like like action roles but hope you that Watching a Chris, but like basically like they jump out of cars just do like a like a roll It's like cover and then he constantly is to cut do that constantly for us the movie There are two things I noticed the action role Well, they also count the slow-mo role or the the dive dives and rolls. I feel like dies. Yeah, that's a rolls I But notice in the movie too, when people get thrown in the air, they do this specific flip. It's like, what' it right and then they lead with their feet. I'm sure you're probably like they probably get get like launched on a ramp like some sort like ra or something that's like launching into the air. I think it's either a ramp or like wires, but they always get launched like
be oh like they get blown upward, but then they flip in the air, specifically in a certain angle. I guess it's like the best way to do that stunt, but you'll notice that everywhere. When there's like explosions, when people get like the, you see the first time in the, in the clan shootout where a tanker explodes and there's a guy in like on this walkway and he, he like flips upward in the air. Yeah.

Action Sequences and Techniques

That happens. because Yeah, this they like like they like front flip away from the explosion because they got through the explosion. That's, it's front flipping. You'll see a lot of front flipping from explosions in this movie. But yeah, it's a it's it's something that just happens in this world. Physics just go whatever. Movie physics take over and people are able to do acrobatics before they die.
Yeah, I forgot how like soon into the movie like that like ah but Car Chase is. I was like think I was caught in TNT. It was it was like halfway through the movie, but that's like the first huge action sequence. and then and it feels like that like That could be like the end sequence of like a normal movie. That could have been the climatic final like chase of a regular action movie. That's the thing about this movie. As I mentioned, it feels like four movies just because CERN beats prior to the 2000s and the Michael Bay assance of filming is almost 80s climactic chase sequences. It doesn't feel like it ends on
like standoffs, even though that happens a few times. A lot of these fight sequences ends with like like people talking a lot. This is just straight up all everyone just sort of threaten each other and then, you know, conclusion. The chase sequence, you know, the shootout at the end, no none of the bad guys talk to the good guys. It's like the only scene where Okay, there's like two scenes where basically it's the bad guys and the good guys and then the bad guys kind of get away. But there's no witty banter. There's no between them. Like at least it's just like, Oh, the good guys are just like, Oh man, can you believe this? Can't believe this is happening. Yeah. Cause like the next big next to shoot out after like this cartridge seed is like the constant, like Mike's just constantly yelling at the bad guys.
like in the like the Haitians like uh house yep well we before the house they go to that one Haitian dude and then they break his shop yeah was it ice is ice pick it was like mike's informant who like keeps telling them like like just giving the terrible information barely and the Haitians kind of have nothing to do with the overall theyre they're they're trying to so they're They're trying to steal like the drugs or the money. like They have nothing to do with giant tapi- They're like, they don't work for giant tapia. They're like giant tapi's rivals. And then- Yeah, they get taken down. Yeah, and then giant tapi and like his guys think that like Mike and Marcus are like just like random gang bangers who are trying to steal their money too or stealing the drugs. Well, I think they think they're with Gabrielle. Yeah.
but they don't understand that. Cause Gabrielle's just a mysterious person where that she'll clean her money, but don't ask how or, or like, you know, who's helping her. She has, she has like five of those like money, uh, counting machines. That's, that's, that's her business model. She just sells those machines. I got five machines going. I can count your money in like 10 minutes. You know, it's funny. You still have to program that machine, I think. You can't just throw money in it and it was to scan. At least maybe he knows how to scan it, but if you tell a machine, hey, all hundreds and you give it a bunch of ones, he just thinks, great, yeah you have like this many hundreds now.
Oh, I do. I do like after that, um, that first characters too, that we get, that's like the first like big, like Joey pants, like yelling, angry captain scene. That's pretty much all, there's like all the scenes in this movie are just him like yelling at them. Well, almost. that one But that was great. It's like, how did you think about?
Was he always that angry in the first movie? I don't remember. I mean, I think like almost like everything in this movie, they ramped it up to like extreme level in this sequel. I think he was kind of just like he was angry, but I don't think he was like like this like it's like cartoonishly angry.
But then they're also trying to do like the, um, they're doing like, uh, like a, like a straight now from Seinfeld joke where like he and Marcus are like doing this like stupid, like therapy thing where they'll have like, who shot, who shot, who shot. I mean, they, they, they just like rub their ears, like see pressure points. Yeah. That was pretty funny. Like it's a nice break. I didn't give up on it by the end, but it, uh, it shows that basically they're just stressed as shit from this like insane job. because it's like a department requirement.
And then, yeah, like the cap the captain and Marcus are just like lost their minds. They're just like fully into this like therapy thing that does not work. I do like how you get to see Marcus's like therapy sessions and how he's been like trying to figure out different distressing methods. It takes you out of the moment, because and not a lot of move and all out of the movie does ah cutaways like that. Just does it like one one or two scenes, and then that's it. But it just stands out from the rest of the movie.
A clever movie would also say that maybe the therapy has some sort of trick you can use at the end, and it's like a throwback, or always the therapist is actually a spy. like None of that ever comes back. Well, for like the shoot, like the show with the Haitians, like he's trying to do like, like trying to deescalate or like tried like that. But then he just like gives up. So it's like like basically just like kicking out of the beat. She had him just like Mike is.
Which which there's yeah, there's I would say there's an equal number of like ah Michael Bay, like comedy scenes. Is there are action scenes in this movie? They kind of like they kind like alternate. It's like, Oh, we got a big shootout. Now we got a seat. Now we got like the scene where like a marker is like, like pretty to be certain exterminators, like walking through giant, happiest house.
Which I mean, it's it's i't it's it's not quite, it doesn't it like, but which I feel like it kind of rides the edge of like, it's, most of it's funny. And then, um, some of it is like, is like, cringe terrible, and but then it's not like, it's not where new level like transformers, like transformers were like four or five versus like the Michael Bay humor is just like so terrible and and awful. Yep. Yeah. and The writing here isn't bad. It's just a lot of, I guess, riffing between them to show their closeness, which is good. I feel like the chemistry between them is like a great dynamic.
I think in the first movie you see it well, so this one they're just like leaning into it, like I said, escalate it. The only thing, though, is the movie just it tries to do so much as a comedy action that it gets a lost. like All the like drama is just sucked out. You know what I mean? Like, it doesn't become dramatic. It's like a Bay problem. Yeah, it's jarring when it tries to be serious. Like, when like, like, like, like, like, like, he, like, it looks at the yearbook and this is like, oh man, we ride together, we die together, bed butch for life. We're brothers. Yeah. Yeah. And then, then you get to like crazy shooting out, shootouts, and then a lot of catchphrase saying like, that's how you do it. This is what we do. It's like, okay.
like no wonder marcus needs therapy like that's how he lives he lives in this he he i think he realizes that he's in an acting movie yes like um he's like tyrese professor furiously he like he realizes he's in he like like a movie or he's like like he understands how we insane everything is like like having a car chase where like dead bodies are flying out of ah out of a van out of the streets. Yeah, they um they groan at that as if it's like a live people. And it's just it's gross, I guess, but they're empty. It's not like they were full of blood and guts because they're been processed already.

Filmmaking Style and Comparisons

Yeah, I don't I like I don't think I'm like a Bay idea or if he just thinks I I feel like he thinks corpses are hilarious because like that's like the the biggest like it's a ah of running gag through the whole movie of just like
Oh, man, corpses. Those are that's that's hilarious, right? I think it's just Michael Bay's or corpse's humor or sense of humor, or he really has like a thing against corpses. And it's like they're worse than they should be. Because it cause that's like, ah it's sort of like it's like a joke in that the like the the second big car chase. And then later on when they break into like the funeral home and then like, like you know, they're digging around and people like people's chests and there's like the the one the bimbo body was like the the breast that Marcus like hides under and then he's like almost throwing up because like Mike's like digging into like his chest up to like his elbow there's a lot of there's a lot of Marcus gets grossed out by things in the comedy scenes like he hates rats he hates dead bodies and that's like that like constantly is like almost getting him caught yeah
I could see... I think that doesn't happen so much in the sequel, in the third movie? No, no. And then in the first movie, they didn't establish that he actually hates, like... He hates, like, gross things. But he constantly is fighting and killing people.
yeah the the Yeah, the first one, like we said, like, the only, like, the big, like, comedy thing is that they it's like a, it's like a role switch. say that they pretend to be each other. And that's like where the comedy is. And this one is like, you know, like dead bodies, dead bodies are hilarious. Rats are hilarious. Taking ecstasy is hilarious. Yeah, that happens so late in the movie and the. And just the plot beats like it it's introduced and then taken away. It's not like Mike has to do that for the rest of the movie or or it's like brought up.
Just dump him like a cold shower and then he's good. Like the next day he's fine. he's Back to work, no drug tests, no like, oh, he accidentally, so you know, there's no proper men. I guess in TNT that just happens. You gotta know what the drugs do. If you're gonna if you're gonna arrest people for it, you gotta know what they do.
Yeah, that that that that i see what Marcus is the next season is probably the funniest part of the movie. Like we said, does the captain have a wife? I don't think so. Or the is is there one in like trying to think about the trailer for like the new one? We're trying to think of it like it's like a like a wife boarding camera. I don't think he does. I think he just like lives in like this like weird function way house by himself. Which also, like he like Captain Howard lives in a mansion too. like They all just live in mansions. Well, that's just a floor and a house. yeah like um like i They don't live in colonial houses just because of the water level and stuff. They live in fancy houses. but Yeah, that's that's a very nice house for like ah like a police captain to live in.
But yeah, even despite Marcus taking ecstasy, they get evidence. And then we get a classic Michael Bay helicopter sequence because he loves helicopters. So we got double Coast Guard helicopters plus a police helicopter taking down the drug running boats.
Whoever's finding that police helicopter was just some sort of crazy stunt person. They're almost laying on the boat. They're so close to that boat. Yeah. The front of the helicopter is almost touching. It's basically in the water touching the boats. ah That's like leader. That's almost like the end of the second act. And the second act, I think, goes on for so long. Yeah. So yeah, this movie, the first act is just establishing the characters and then introducing Gabrielle to
Topical? Topiko? Giantapia? Tapia. happyer
Yeah, hold and yeah yeah whole the whole the whole middle is the like the investigation into Giantapia and like trying to like you know connect him to all the all the pieces of the the this like operation. and Yeah, it ends, I think, with the morgue scene. And then it goes on until the boat chase. Well, the mortgage really gets all the final evidence, and then they have they have enough evidence to get them. And then, yeah, they stopped the boat, they stopped like the the new shipment of corpse like corpses being sent out to like Los Angeles, and or like back to Cuba, and then they get all the money, and they get all the drugs, and it's then Shaker Tail Feather was playing it again, because it's like, yeah, we did it, we we stopped him.
But then it's like, oh, no, the movies there's still 40, like a half an hour frame is this movie left. Yeah, there was a small good amount of movie in that Cuba part. Yeah. But the beginning of that is pretty hyped up like it is so. I guess, triumphant in getting this makeshift squad of cops and special forces, because that because that feels like the end. It's like, oh, yeah, we did it. We won. Like we stopped, we stopped the stock drug operation and then like Nelly's playing. Yeah. And until they do the, she got real, she just got real scenes where, um, Marcus just dramatically gets up. What it was like, what it was like kind of shots in movie history. The like phone call 360 spin around them. Uh, I, I still argue that this movie, it makes good use of slow-mo. Oh yeah.
Slow mo, the 360 in like that Haitian shootout scene is insane. It's just like constantly going through the wall, coming back around, going through the wall, coming back around. like Yeah, this movie has a lot of interesting shots that were inspired by the things. The bullet through the glasses that go into Marcus's butt. I think that was taken from a Korn music video. Oh, yeah. Freak on a leash. Yeah, freak on a leash, yeah. And then what they learned from The Matrix only two years prior? Well, I think they were shooting Matrix Reloaded at the same time this movie was shooting. I mean, not in the same city or anything, but like like they were like came out the same year. so Interesting. But they never were trying to compete against bullet time.
Because there's some bullet time moments that is out of the matrix. A little rough now with some of the camera work and the CGI bullet, but I do like how practical some of the effects are. There are some effects in this movie that still hold up and look amazing just because it was real. Maybe not like 100% real things, but at least they had a lot of particle wood to throw in. Yeah, this is this is before Michael Bay got caught in like the web of yeah CG Transformers just like jaggedly shoot stabbing each other. was like And you can't tell what the hell's happening. Oh, the Transformers movies eventually devolve in what sound what look and sound like two blenders having a fight. ah This is at least practical where
when like squibs go off and when things get hit in the background, there is destruction and physical debris that bounces off of things. So I do like this movie still holds up for that. But yeah, that that is to me like was just not peak Michael Bay because who knows maybe he's got one more up a sleeve for another kind of crazy action movie that isn't bad boys. Well, have you seen Ambulance yet? Haven't. Ambulance is actually good. Like, that's that's kind of a return to form for Michael Bay. But isn't that movie just take place in an ambulance? I mean, it's's's it's like one big chaser on Los Angeles. Gotcha. But it is Ambulance and then the movie Armored. It's like where it's people chasing a box on wheels.
Well, that one is like they like parked the armored car and then it's like in a building for like most of the movie and they're trying to break into it. And it's just like they're like, you know, driving all around Los Angeles and getting into like Michael Bay style car chases. And ah and that's when that's what also also Michael Bay discovered drones in that movie. And then he's doing all kinds of insane drone shots. Wait, he just discovered drones in that one? Or he, like, decided, like, I'm really going to use Joes this time. And he's like, he's like throwing drones at, like, the front of cars and, like, having him hit the cars and, like, cars jumping over drones and... Gotcha, gotcha.
Yeah, I mean, he had he had one. ah He had the island after this. Then that was then he just was just in Transformers for however long Transformers was like 10 years. Yeah, he was locked in that for a while. Mm hmm.
But yes, but but yeah, the big finale for the two is obviously is the the Cuba sequence.
Where, yeah, shit gets real, they have to go to Cuba. They have somehow assembled a Black Ops team of like all the like the t some of the TNT guys and like the DEA guys and like a guy from the CIA that like Captain Howard knows for some reason somehow.

Climactic Cuba Sequence Analysis

Joey Paz knows a CIA like operative.
What you do? and they're And they're all 100% gun code like about like breaking into Cuba and like rescuing Gabrielle Union.
I guess because they're touched by the one serious dramatic scene where Mike and Marcus were just like, we're going to get it back, man. We're going to get it back. And it was like this slow mo, all the bad ass just walking through the office like, yo, we're with you.
And then the, uh, who's it's like, I think is it Vargas or like, there's like the two, get the two, the the two, like, uh, like the rivals, like Vargas and Reyes. Yeah. Like the whole movie they started as like assholes, but then they slowly really are part of the team. And they really like, were they, like, were they even on T and I don't even think they were in the TNT team. Were they, they were just like, other they were just like other like cops started detectives. and I think they are part of TNT because they also have their own drug case and. And then they they were doing surveillance. So. But I guess it's like they're not the hot shots and they get the low tier work, the grunt work. Yeah. So I think that's why they're waiting for Marcus and Mike to fail so that they become the new bad boys.
But they really like team up like they all have like, ah like hey, let's do this awesome action sequence and we'll get out of Cuba alive, hopefully. Well, they just they just happened like Vargas just happens to have a cousin who's like in the like the Cuban underground that can like that they've been digging a tunnel for like ah it had to be a be before this even happened. They've been digging a tunnel under like Jai Tapia's house. We're trying to dig into like his like because Jai Tapia has like an escape tunnel already and they're trying to get another tunnel into like the escape tunnel.
I couldn't figure out, yeah, cause it made it seem like, okay, we'll start digging now. And it's like, they had like a day and then they took a revolutionary group, like a rebel group. They, they were very effective. Oh yeah. They have like, yeah, they have rocket launchers. They have like massive amount of explosions, explosives, which man, that, that matching explosion, I, um I was trying to look up because I feel like I've read somewhere where like that was like at the time that was like the biggest explosion to like movie history or something. I can kind of believe it. But and it was like an actual like it was like an actual like a abandoned mansion. They blew the whole thing up. Now, was it abandoned in Florida? Because I forget. I think I think it wasn't. I think it was in Florida somewhere. It is pretty like.
You know, if you don't really know Cuba that well, you look at this and you see how well they can mimic that, like, I don't know, four block radius of Cuba.
Yeah. You just need, you see like one, you see the street outside, like a street outside the mansion.
But it was yeah, it was i guess I guess the owner of that mansion, like was at like or whoever owned that mansion, even though it was like abandoned, they're like advertising in a variety of like, hey, does the movie want to blow up our house like this house that we own? And pay us like blow up this house? We just owned this empty mansion. And like it it still looks fine outside, but they probably decored paint, gave it a coat of paint, and then did everything they needed to do on it. i think I think that's probably why they were like, oh, it's under construction. Giant Tappy is still building it. Yeah, that was an excuse. Yeah, they can get away with all the plastic tarp and like know like ladders and stuff everywhere.
yeah but they But yeah, this Black Ops team manages to get in, they rescue Cid, and then they get the big, Uh, like they get into a Hummer and that's the big Hummer chase through Cuba to Guantanamo Bay. Because they think they'll be safe in Guantanamo Bay because it's American soil. But first they have to smash through a shantytown. Oh, they destroyed that drug building. which I do I do love it like Tito is like like Vargas's cousin Tito's like oh this is the shit the drug dealer shacks don't worry it's not like it's not innocent people it's drug dealers yeah the movie was smart enough to make Tito join them at the end so they understood like where to go and then also like to ah drop knowledge yeah I doesn't feel like he should have been the one driving but
ah Yeah, it's a light on Tito and the promise but Tito is like he's so late introduction You know movie that you're just like, whatever man is it he died and or lived it made no difference. Yeah cuz ever cuz ever else like manages like get out through like a tunnel or something things It's like the all all the team they brought with them are like already. They're like, oh well, we got out. That's good. Those guys did it. Yeah, all those guys we cared about for the whole movie, except for the one the the special force guy, the, like, demolition dude. Yeah. He just sits at a computer, the whole movie. I thought he was going to be in the ground with them and make equipment or something. He just sits at a laptop like like the CIA guy. Yeah. Yeah. He he he just drives. He drives like the radio controlled monster truck bomb that blows up like to some of the guards.
But and they i think it the yeah, then you get some like some like thermal imaging or like some sort of like satellite imaging of like the building. Okay, so two things.

Critique and Conclusion of Film

Yeah. but Yeah, he's he's definitely not in there like, you know, getting into the shootout or anything. He's like, wait like safe way back at like wherever their their bases. Like across the street.
ah Also, Bad Boys 2 does the weird thing of making Gitmo seem like the good place. Like, you know, it does a, hey, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay is like safe haven. Go there if you're stuck in Cuba. Yeah, it's not like an embassy. You can't just drive to Guantanamo Bay and be like, hey, we're Americans, let us in. Yeah, you can't do that. Which they assume they can.
Well, that's why even when ah Tito was just saying like, hey, you just can't drive there. Yeah, yeah that's fine. But the thing is how I don't know how like there'd be so many things in the way before you basically get to the silos of Gitmo. Yeah.
like There's got to be like an out outer fence or something. They they don't hit any sort of like barbed wire fence or like guard tower or anything. It's like they just like end up. I mean, they end up in a minefield, but like that minefield is like four feet like from the wall. Yeah. And then it's like too late. Like there should have been way more protections unless they, you know, did like a fast and a furious like tunnel system and they ended up there. Like, you know, that that is the one part I was like, oh, they're just Equitonable Bay. Wow. Equitonable Bay's defenses suck. That the the hill that the drug shanties are on is like the shortcut to get to like the the back the back wall of Guantanamo Bay. yeah i I would be worried if you were either Gitmo or like the drug shack people that accidentally you can just expose both sides. Also, there's like live minds with just native iguanas running over them. Yeah.
How many minds have exploded just because an animal walked on them, apparently? Yeah, from the sunny beach. Any animal, like a seagull or, I don't know, lost tourists can just act like they're a frisbee there. Yeah.
I get it. They didn't want to be accurate, Gutama Bay. but it's yeah it's it's hard to show that it's all about It's all about the style for the final like this final confrontation.
the so like The troops like shoot they like shoot the Hummer and stop it, but then they all just like all the US troops are just hanging out and watching this like like death death duel happen.
to do I guess they're bored and it's also not they don't know if these are real Americans are just Cubans doing something strange because Yeah, cuz they all start like circling in the cars and like, you know, Mike shooting at tapia tapia takes fucking like like ah like Mike hostage It's like It's like yeah all the troops ah US troops just like standing around is like let's see how this so let them resolve it themselves like we'll see how this wraps up here yeah nothing else it's guitama bay there's still like it's still a torture camp for terrorists yeah i mean is is the minefield u.s soil or do you have to be like across the minefield to be on your soil i think
and don't know Because they because they cause like they me they i mean they Marcus kills Johnny Tapia, but if it's like not US soil, then they like an American citizen killed like a Cuban citizen on like Cuban soil.
There's the there's like no no even like hint of like trying to like Talk about the international like ramifications of like, oh, this Black Ops team broken, like infiltrated Cuba without like authorization or passports and kill ah kill a Cuban drug lord yeah in the sand in front of Guantanamo Bay.
Because you because you cut you cut to that. You try to be like, get shot and falls in the mind and blows up. And then the next scene is they're back in Miami at a barbecue. Going, man, I can't believe we got away from that. Yeah. That was so crazy how we got out of Cuba. We just talked our way out. It's fine. We we we told the US government that our my sister got kidnapped. They're like, oh, OK, that's fine. Yeah, that's a perfectly valid international. Yeah, that's that's a first perfectly like reasonable to like as assemble an illegal Black Ops team and ah invade of a sovereign country.
I'm also thinking it's an act of war? Probably, yeah. Like the el like like US troops had to like fire a machine gun ah at a car to stop it from smashing the wall of Guantanamo Bay.
But yeah, it's it's all fine. like they're all Everyone's back. They reprised the pool exploding like joke that was happened earlier. You know, Mike and Marcus start singing bad boys. Like, everything's everything's fine. They're all friends again. Yeah. which That was that like, feel that that's that was such a bizarre thing too of like, we're like, you know, it gets to the point where like Marcus is like, Hey, we're, we're we're done. Like we're gonna solve this case and then we're done as partners. Like um ah we're finished. And then like they had the scene where they terrorized Reggie, like Marcus's daughter's date. And then that like bonds them back. Yeah. But that's like the, like one of the biggest comedy scenes of the movie. But then after they do that, they're like, Oh, Hey, we're friends again.
that was That was awesome that we scarred this like young man for life. Yeah. Because it made it seem like the scene prior to that, when Marcus does the big reveal, I was like, I can't wait to quit. Blah, blah, blah. I was like, oh, boy. there Is this the end of the bad boys? And then they just patched things up by bullying a 15-year-old boy. By mentally scarring him, yeah. but Which I mean, I guess credit to Reggie, he's stuck he stuck with it. He's he's still there. ah He married Marcus' daughter. He's like Marcus' son-in-law now. And he joined the Marines.
But that's in four, he's a marine. I think three three three is the wedding. I think three is when they get married. And then then there's like in the trailer at four, he's like, there's like the joke where it's like marcus like, hey, good job. He's like, I'm a marine. It's like, well, get deployed.
but Yeah, this movie still holds up. it It's not like the perfect story because it's a bunch of stories together and it seems like a bunch of action skits that Michael Bay just envisioned yeah if you I mean if you want to see just like just Michael Bay unleashed it's it's it's bad boys too yeah I mean let me see who we can see who wrote bad boys too there was there's a lot there's a lot of like ah credited like apparently at one point like Joe Dappetal apparently like came on to like like punch up the script with Seth Rogen or something like John Lee Hancock who wrote like ah the blind side and the rookie and like the founder like who came on it one plane wrote it or did a rewrite on it husband and wife team did the initial story but then the screenplay was done by the guy that made both the
Mm hmm. Yeah. they The ah wrong Shelton. There's so so many writers, so many like people came in, like just did like rewrites or did like punched up the script or like it's like the pikes. I feel like if if someone did a deep dive on just sort of an analysis, like how this was in production, like way more depth than us, way more like facts. I could see that was like, how the hell do we end up in bad boys two territory? But yeah, all all all all those writers, all those rewrites, that's why like the this thing is like two and a half hours long. I'm on Wikipedia, and ye they began writing this back in 1997. And after that, like it just kept on going and going.
And then yeah, there's like a big issue of just like people adding, punching your right and I'm looking at it. I'm like, wow. Yeah. Cause this I mean, it was almost, it's almost 10 years from the first one. Cause like the first one was 1995.
And then then it was, uh, like 17 years until the the third one.
I have the screenplay writer from the Bourne, like I said, like Bourne trilogy was involved. Oh, Tony Gilroy. Yeah. Like Brian Helgeland. Like, oh, yeah. Like they pulled in like tons, like just tons of like random, like high profile people. Like, hey, can you like ah rewrite this or like add something to this or do something? Another fun fact, during the filming of this in Miami, they're filming Too Fast, Too Furious. Yep. I'm like literally the other side of town, the other side of Miami.
Oh, I just remember, like i i'm looking at that we we're both looking at the same page, like, you do you remember the game, Chris? The Michael Douglas movie? No, like the the Bad Boys, like Miami Take Down game. Oh, I see it. It's supposed to be like a tie-in or like like, I guess like kind of like the sequel, like kind of like a the s sequel to this or like a prequel list or something.
And this thing was late. It was like two years after release, almost.
Cover, I like how they were able to afford just the box art of bad boys. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's not even in the movie, this scene. Yeah, they are like, the guys are not, they did not do the voices. We're like doing a thing with that game. The voices are not even there. No.
Yeah, I've seen like gameplay video of that game and it looks like just so terrible. It looks like it's a retelling of the movie. Yeah, with like a different bad guy, like different characters and stuff, but like it's like an alternate universe version of Bad Boys 2. Yeah.
Yeah, instead of like Marcus's sister, it's just like another agent.
That's why it's like people kind of are phoning it in. It's not like they they have a love interest. It's sort of like, ah, they're there to rescue like an agent, another TNA agent. Tulio Mendoza is the bad guy of the game.
They couldn't think of another last name. They had to take the Mendoza from The Simpsons. Mendoza!
But yeah, any other Bad Boys 2 thoughts or scenes to talk about, Chris? Yeah. I, unfortunately, didn't see this movie in theaters when it came out. I think I... Oh, no, i did i not either. Yeah, I heard it from Blockbuster. This was a... like kind I saw it constantly on TNT movie. Yeah, I'm shocked. I'm shocked you didn't rent this movie.
i feel like I feel like I always caught like I always caught it like right after like like the like the the first car chase or like right before it It was like always around that time and then this I think this is also like a TNT like oh we can we could just play this and like that's our entire like day of like programming is like we just like You know with commercials. We can expand bad boys to up to like six hours Oh, um but I'm probably more than that, but it's like four hours if you had commercials in
But yeah, yeah, what whatever whatever whatever, like, you know, a sun, a anti hundreds of times i think when two was being made they they really stop
Yeah, well, I think, I mean, I think one has been like overshadowed, like all every other Michael Bay movie is like overshadowed bad boys. The first one, especially, especially like the next one, the next movie we like I did after the the first bed was is The Rock, which is like one of the greatest action movies of all time. I do enjoy The Rock a lot more in story wise, just because the story beats are make sense. And then the action is realistic where like
otherder person and a lab nerd team up to take out abc Yeah. I mean, well, I mean the rock is great because it has all of Michael Bay's like great action, like, you know, style and like set pieces, but he's like, he's restrained enough where it's not, it's like, it's not like as like insane as like bad ones too. Like, like There's like there's character there's like you know quirky character bits, but it's like it's like all of it's like is like funny to go sketch stuff, or sort of concrete lines. it it it doesn't like I feel like like he was being like like a little bit more rained in for

Legacy and Reception of Bad Boys 2

The Rock, and then there was just do whatever you want, Michael Bay.
Even though I think Pearl Harbor wasn't like a that big of a hit, like I think but that was considered like ah kind of like a disappointment. So it's not like it's not like this was like a, he had like a blank check of like, Hey, you made us a billion dollars, Michael Bay. Make whatever you want. it's like True. True. It didn't carry the momentum. I don't know. Pearl Harbor still is not as terrible as people remember. I think some of the action sequences are pretty good. I think also when they when he tries to direct romance, it just doesn't. Yeah. Pearl Harbor's what happens when like Michael Bay tries to make like ah like a James Cameron like Titanic movie. Yes. I think it was just like that his action response to Titanic.
and then and then Pearl Harbor also has like the same thing that Bad Boys 2 has, where it ends, but then Michael Bay just adds an extra 30 minutes onto it. Because Pearl Harbor, like Pearl Harbor happens, but then there's an extra 40 minutes of that movie where it's like, oh, and now we're going to do like the the like do it do little raids.
Like you would think Pearl Harbor would end with Pearl Harbor, but then it just like keeps going. I guess, I guess cause it's like, well, we can't have America lose. We got to show like Americans like bombing the Japanese. It's like to like end this movie.
but Yeah. Bad boys too. Yeah. Still, still like just like a crazy bombastic. like, action movie. um And definitely excited to see what what's going on with like, Bad Boys, Ride or Die.
And definitely definitely excited to see, yeah, what what Michael Bay is up to next, because, yeah, AMIDS was like ah a really good return to form for like, Michael Bay style, Bay hub. So hopefully, hopefully he whatever he's doing next just like, keeps that up. he doesn't regress into Transformers like The Last Knight or whatever it is. It's crazy because The Rock is like one of my favorite movies all the time and then like but Last Knight is like probably that the one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life. So it's like two the two extremes of movie watching for me are Michael Bay.
Wait, which movie is the worst movie? Oh, like Transformers The Last Knight. I still haven't seen it. I keep i keep ah telling you to watch it just because like I could not believe how terrible that movie was.
I don't know. I don't have enough to train. Last night is like when a movie where my brain like literally hurt from how stupid it was and how terrible it was. like but It was just like I was getting a headache. I mean, I still haven't seen Bumblebee yet.
death might be the marathoning that all these like miss ah mis transformformer thing I'm just gonna assume that the Transformer ride I went on in the universe studio was just like the final conclusion to that series. I mean that's probably you one of the best things to come out with like the Michael Bay Transformer series.
Oh okay, speaking for bad boy things. I'm surprised there wasn't a tie-in or anything like Miami didn't embrace this movie. It wasn't a music video They had me they did they they do like to like that and It's the same shot from the first movie. Like it's like the the Miami sign the plane flies over it like I Think or like hey mia dangerous as I think that probably the big like tie-in thing was like the soundtrack Because they had like i think I think Dr. Dre did like some of like some of the like score for this movie. like He worked with like Trevor Raybin, did like the score. A lot of the like beats and stuff for Dr. Dre in this movie. and then
um you know This grace producer, P. Diddy, was the musical supervisor. yeah
Which was like, was this credit like like special music consultant or something in the credits? Yeah.
But I mean, yeah, Shake A Tail Feather was like a number one hit. And it had like yeah a bunch of other singles. So that was probably like the biggest like tie in thing. And I think the Shake A Tail Feather like music video was like very like like Bad Boys, like he had like clips from it and stuff. And it was like a big like,
tie-in thing.
But yeah, you you you think with like all of like Michael Bay's, ah you know his like product placement stuff, there would be like a special Pepsi promotion, or a Miller Genuine Drafts like the commercial or something, or but like a Burger King. like a I guess they probably like it's a super hard our rated movies. I don't know. I guess you would have like really have a fast food. Yeah. Yeah.
Who's who's extreme fast food joy? It's like we'll we'll have an art. We'll have an art hard our movie promotion. The bad boys burger.
IHOP has the ah the Bad Boys Breakfast. How is that not a thing? like As much as IHOP will partner with Sonic, Willy Wonka, just give us like an action breakfast thing. It's been far too long. Yeah, Bad Boys Ready to Die. like where's Where's the stuff for that? Give us a Marcus meal and a Mike meal.
Put Exoces in the eggs. It's like it's like a like sweet tarts, but it has like it has like like the like naked lady ecstasy thing on it. It's on the pills for this movie. Fun for the whole family. It's in it's in like your drink. They dump a bunch. It's like a drink. Like a blue drink. I'm not sure you remember like when we got the Willy Wonka pancake, Zach, but like yeah that sugar on that purple frosting was so goddamn like sweet. It was like driving home later. you could you could I mean, you could you could smell it. You could just tell by looking at it. That that was just like like like chemical sugar. yeah
But ah yeah, I think I think I think they'll wrap it up for Bad Boys 2. this week. We'll be back next week with another movie. And I believe in a week or two, we'll we'll be back with another movie commentary. we're I think we're doing Madam Web this month, Chris. Oh, boy. You wish you you have not seen, so it's going to be your first time watching it and experiencing experiencing her web that connects us all.
Does she pull in the MCU? Speaking of product placement, I mean, you Bad Boys 2 is like some, Madam Web is product placement in the movie. Pepsi plays a pivotal role in that movie.

Podcast Wrap-Up

But yeah, that's coming up. ah Yeah, regular regular episodes are coming up. And ah ah right if if I see Bad Boys Rare Die, I'll have a review up on the site. ah So keep an eye out for that. And all the other regular features up on the site, you can head over and check all that stuff out. And yeah, so for Chris, I'm Zach, and we will see you next week. For more from Everything Action, head to You can also find us on Facebook at facebook slash everything dot.action, and follow us on X at EVaction. We're also on Instagram and threads at everything.action. Find more episodes of the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your at podcast app of choice, and be sure to write and subscribe.