There's just a huge leap in the willing suspension of disbelief area where you're just like, all right, this is just like in this case, it's like, okay, it's the four horse, that horsemen of the apocalypse over, they have to be together. That's just the way it is. And it doesn't feel weird because you're just like, fine. They never have to explain like, no, we don't find it weird when we watch see each other naked, like, because it's just you know They're from hell. yeah It's fine. right It's not this like, no, i'm I'm definitely straight. I'm definitely straight, but I can't have an orgasm unless my buddy is watching me. like right like we We don't have to do these explanations if we're in like paranormal land of whatever. If you think about Ingrid's willing suspension of death's belief, aren't in the bear book, weren't they brothers? In the bear book, yes, they were brothers. and in