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We Take A Personality Test! - Episode 52 image

We Take A Personality Test! - Episode 52

The Art Of Intention
35 Plays9 months ago

We thought this Tuesday needed a little something fun, and that fun came in the form of Beth and Ayla taking the 16 Personalities Test live on the show today! We're sure lots of you have either heard of 16 Personalities, or are familiar with personality tests in general, and how fun it can be to get a new insight on who you are and how you see the world. Or, you can laugh a little bit if the test just straight up does NOT get it right. We were pretty surprised by our results today, and we definitely laughed a lot, so we invite you to come hang out with us, maybe even take the test alongside us, and just have a good time. 

Xo - Beth and Ayla


Introduction and Personality Test Setup

Okay, friends, we have a bit of a different episode for you today. Definitely on the lighter side, just something fun to help you guys kick off your week. And honestly, we wanted to do this and it would just be fun for us. And so at this point, honestly, we're just two friends, we're just hanging out and
making it content. We're just sitting down and making our hangout time something for you to listen to. So true. That's so accurate. So yeah, have you guys ever had to take a personality test? You know the ones we're talking about, 16 personalities, Enneagram, Truity. Sometimes employers have employees take a personality test or you may take it into group setting for team building exercises.
Whatever the case may be, it can be fun to take a look at these things and gain some perspective or some insight or laugh at the results if they end up being not as accurate as you thought. Yeah, so I thought it would be fun today if Beth and I took the 16 personalities test together on the show and just chatted about the results. That's really all there is to it today. So love it.
Welcome to the Art of Intention podcast with Beth and Ayla. Two best friends turn creative entrepreneurs.

The Art of Intention Podcast Introduction

This is a place for us to discuss everything business friendships and faith and occasionally more. We're so excited for today's episode. We think you're going to love it. Stay tuned.
Yeah. So I guess I'll just pull the tests up here. Like I said, it's the 16 personalities. Um, I have taken this one in life a couple of times, but it's been a while. So I'm excited. Yeah. And I've taken it only once before in my life and it was in high school. And I'm super curious to see, I don't even know if I remember my results, but I'm excited to see what this is like. And if it changes, like, cause we're talking together, who knows? Yeah. Yeah. Better change.
Okay, I have it pulled up. Yeah, so Beth and I as far as I know, I think we just get to go question by question. Oh, should we talk about we talked before we started recording about ground rules? So yes, let's say those quickly. I guess if one of us is about to answer something that we're going to try to not affect the test too much. But if there's a question that's wildly wrong, like if for me, it was like you I don't know,
dream of living in new york city one day and i was like yeah i do beth would be like no you don't you know yeah like keep each other on track but not affected too much so we're not overthinking because ala and i both tend to overthink with these things so we're gonna try to respond quickly like with instincts but if one of us is taking a little too long on one or yeah if you're like leaning towards something ridiculous i'll just be like don't feel like you have to answer that certainly okay
Yeah. And yeah, like if we start to overthink it, it'll be like, you got to just pick and then to kind of, I'm sure a lot of people know the tests we're talking about, but because we're only audio over here, just to explain it a bit, the test just asks questions. And then it has a spectrum of agree to disagree going all the way from like, they don't label it, but it basically looks like strongly agree, generally agree kind of neutral.
and then kind of disagree, really disagree, strongly disagree, if that makes sense. Yeah, like maybe sometimes, yeah, sometimes somewhat stuff like that. But either way, they're just circles that get bigger in size, but yeah. Yeah, it just depends on how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement or neutral. And I know generally with the test, like the idea is to not click neutral. Whoa, once their voice happens.
The idea is not to click neutral over and over. You know, you want to try to, like, just do it as accurately as possible, basically. So yeah. OK. Oh, I'll read.

Friendships and Personality Test Insights

They have, like, some tiny bit of directions, but it basically just says, complete the test. Be yourself and answer honestly to find out your personality type. Learn how your personality type influences many areas of your life and grow into the person you want to be with our premium. Oh, never mind. Not you reading the subscription. Wow, careful.
Ayla advertising for them over here. Sponsored. Okay. Not after this. Okay. Okay. I'm ready to go. Are you? Yep. I'm ready. All right. All right. You want to read? Question one. You regularly make new friends.
I'm going to moderately disagree just because I'm not very good at making you. I'm putting like one dot above neutral for agree. So like, I definitely don't make them all the time, but like, because of my job, I feel like I'm kind of regularly making friends. Okay. Yeah. Complex and novel. Oh, go ahead. Oh, that's okay. No, I probably shouldn't dissect every single question. I think I make friends in like the coworkers I work with, but like, yeah.
Knowing this because I've moved countries before, I haven't made a friend that wouldn't be outside my circle of Chris's friends or work friends. Don't worry, that's not sad. That's like a semi-final. It's my choice, so anyway. I'll do moderate. Disagree? Anyways. Yeah, everybody's different. Okay. Complex and novel ideas excite you more than simple and straightforward ones. I'm putting strongly agree. I'd say the biggest agree.
Maybe outside the box ideas like if it's asking kind of like would you like are you more excited about like a Outside of the box solution than just like the simplest one or like if there's an idea for like a job and it's like really complex and different versus just like a standard one maybe or a vacation here's like a really complex vacation or a novel vacation versus a really just one that maybe you've been looking forward to or like a straight forward one and
Oh, I almost want to hit disagree. This is interesting. Do it. Hit disagree then. That's your gut. You got to go by your gut instinct. I feel like it depends on the, see, I already knew I'd be this way. I'll hit. Okay. Let me instinctively think of how I feel about this. Okay.
I'll do slightly agree because I think there's a lot of areas where I prefer things to be simple and straightforward, but when I think about the things I'm actually passionate about, I'm similar to you. I like the more exciting route, but like, yeah, okay. I'll do slightly agree. I'll live with that. Okay. When making decisions, you focus more on how the affected people might feel than what is most logical or efficient.
Oh crap. Okay, so my instinct. Do you want to share yours first or I'm gonna medium disagree because I tend to go for logical and efficiency a lot. See, I am so unsure. So I'm super unsure because I'm thinking about like,
Like I definitely care too much about how people feel when like little decisions like, Oh, if I'm going to, you know, talk loud in the store, I'm always thinking about like, Oh my gosh, are people going to, like, I think I'm always monitoring people's feelings, which I know I'm not supposed to do. But at the same time, I make a lot of tough choices.
I don't know. If I think business, then I'm thinking logical and efficient. If I were to start a business or with running my business, I go towards what's going to benefit the business the best and make the most sense. But I am also a people pleaser, so I get what you're saying with that too, but my initial reaction was to disagree with that one.
Okay. I think my initial reaction is agree. So I'm going to put the smallest degree. I think that's a flaw in me though. I think that's something I shouldn't do as much. And I, I think it depends on what area of life, like if I'm moving, I'm like, I don't care about, I'll throw a step away. Like I'll, I don't have like emotional ties with stuff, but like, I don't know. I think with business, I'm think more about how people feel. Okay. Well, and I think that's part of this test is like you kind of kind of confrontational because it's okay if it's a flaw about you, but you still want to answer it honestly. So yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Okay. Oh, the next one, me or you? You go for

Lifestyle Preferences and Tendencies

it. All right. Your living and working spaces are clean and organized. I put mine if you want to go. I suppose. How do you like the...
smallest disagree, because I've gotten better, there would be a time in life where this would be a hard disagree, because I'm not a very clean and organized person, but growth, so I'm only slightly disagreeing. But growth is in the sense of my husband who likes to clean and organize space, so I have to for both of our sanity. But I've gotten better. Oh my gosh, yeah. Yeah, no, I've gotten better. But still, I still would say like, generally, we live life a little bit more disorganized than organized.
It's organized chaos. Well, I was gonna say you decorate, though, really well. And so like, I feel like when you're decorating, that's a form of organization and also being clean. So but anyways, yeah, you know, you know, okay, you know what, sorry, I'm going to come back. I know, but my workspace does have to be organized, like at my coffee shop. Yeah, I freak out. And if my office desk is a mess.
Then I can't do it. Okay. Nevermind. I'm going to say it says you're living and working spaces. So yeah, it does ask about both. So it's hard because they should separate it, but either way, but I said strongly agree. Just the highest degree, but you did strongly agree. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a little OCD about that, but yeah, certain like cleanliness organization is a lot more.
present for you than for me like I'll kind of just do the bare minimum to function so and I think I go to a flaw to where like if other people are messy around me makes me a little bit frustrated so yeah okay um which is not okay go ahead you usually stay calm even under a lot of pressure um I'm doing
medium agree, I can handle pressure pretty well. Same with me. I'm doing medium agree. I could do better. But again, same thinking when like things are moving fast and I need to make a decision. Even if I can't always make the decision because the pressure I can at least acknowledge that and be like, I need to take a minute and not feel this pressure. It's like, yeah, I do pretty well with that. I agree.
You find the idea of networking or promoting yourself to strangers very daunting. I'm going to put medium agree. I think I use, I used to think like strong. Yeah. I used to say strong. I would have used to have said super strong. I agree. But because that's so much of my job and I feel a little better about it.
I'm going to actually, I think I might just put the smallest agree. So the smallest agreeing in the smallest, because I just, I do it so much now. I'm kind of like, yeah, I'm, I'm good with that. Okay. But it's still daunting. Okay. Next. Then it's like the whole next page, huh? Okay. Yes. All right. Uh, you prioritize and plan tasks effectively, often completing them well before the deadline. Ah, I don't like that they have these two together. I think those are two different questions. Cause I do. That is a flaw of this test for sure. And it's like a real thing. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm going to say the smallest degree for me because I don't complete them well before the deadline, but I do organize my tasks really effectively and plan them. Like I plan everything out with that. Yeah. I think I'm going to do the strong agree. I'm pretty high conscientious. High school me would have been like, no, I procrastinated so much. But since like being a business owner in general tasks, like I generally
get done in a day what I want to. And if I don't, like you're talking about editing, like during fizzy season with galleries, if I don't complete everything in that day, it's usually because I've already given it a cushion to not be completed that day. And you tell.
Yeah. I actually have like 10 different deadlines in my head at all times. There's like my deadline, my other deadline, and then the client's deadline, and then the client's like hard deadline, like their selfies. Oh my gosh. You're actually so good about that. It almost makes me think I should put the smallest disagree because you're so much better at that than me. What would you say about me? Would you say the smallest degree or the smallest disagree? Because I'm not sure now. I don't want to give myself more credit. I'm almost wondering. Yeah, because I wouldn't do neutral. Like you definitely lean one way or the other.
You know what, I do a small agree for you, because sometimes you tell me your to do lists of like working on the podcast, and I'm editing this, and I have to make Chad and I dinner and you do get it all done, like a lot like you do more in a day that I actually do.
I just do the things I set to do out that day. Sometimes it's just cleaning my living room, but I will get it done. I think you do more in the day than I do, but I'll effectively complete usually 90% of it, if that makes sense. Right. Okay. I think the part where I fail the most with that is completing them before the deadline. I don't think I'm ever early on stuff. I think I'm usually by the deadline or I'm going to be a little bit late.
okay that's true i think you do do it like right when it needs to or a little bit past but again you wouldn't do that with deadlines that like are really important not super important no yeah that's yeah okay okay um your turn sure you often yield in disagreements to avoid conflict even if you believe you are right i want to hear yours but i'll tell you mine
uh yeah that's a big that's i'll do the medium agree uh i'm pretty i'm pretty not confrontational and then i'll just like i call them my inside thoughts like i'll have hard inside thoughts about how upset i am in the situation but they won't turn the outside
thoughts. To outside, that's dead. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, yeah, I'm at the strongest disagree. I'm on the biggest disagree button. I will fight. I don't care if it's in the grocery store, not fight, but I will voice my opinion and you know, well, I'm, I, I've gotten better about when I say it, but I think that if there's something wrong, you need to address it right away, not save it for a later time or bottle.
I'm pretty good at figuring out group conflict, like working with coworkers, like working in a restaurant or group ministry. If there's toxicity and like passive aggressiveness going on, I will happily be the person who's like, Hey, can we just get this all out? Because I'm not doing this. Like, I'm fine saying that. But disagreements as far as like opinions, like theological, political.
I really have to be in the right headspace to have a conversation that's going to involve disagreeing. And if somebody heart disagrees, I won't compromise my views, but I'll be like, for sure. I understand that. And then I'll try to think about it. Yeah. Yeah. And I'll know. So like, exactly. Avoid conflict. Even if you believe you're right, like it can, someone can be saying the most politically incorrect. Well, not politically incorrect, but you know,
Have an opinion. I very much don't agree with and if I don't feel right to debate it, which I usually never do I'll be like, okay And just try to like not talk about it probably to a flaw Because I don't want people to think I'm okay with them thinking that but it's just like I I get super uncomfortable fighting Time in a place. Well, yeah, there's a time in a place Like there's definitely some things where if I disagree I'm not gonna bring it up because I feel like that's not the moment for it but in general I'll say something and
Okay, next one. You like to use organizing tools like lists and schedules. Hard agree. I have the second, like the medium agree, because I think I'm not quite as organized as you. Okay. No, it won't happen without lists.
Even if it is cleaning my house, I've actually gotten better about this, but I still write out my house cleaning list. Even though I've cleaned my house every day for years, I rewrite it. I write my pack of lists. I'm a big list person. It's good. Even a small mistake can cause you to doubt your overall abilities and knowledge.
I'm going with the smallest degree because I think I'm going with a hard agree. Yeah. Oh, yeah. All right. See, again, so really, you have to like confront yourself. Like I'll have Yeah, I've been in the coffee industry for what, like eight years now. And if I make something wrong, I'm like, why am I here?
Oh my gosh. No, I'm working on that. Like all the time, actually. Good work on it. Okay. You feel comfortable just walking up to someone you find interesting and striking up a conversation. No, it's the hard, hard disagree. Hard. No, I still shy. Oh, we might be more similar than I thought. That'd be so interesting. I don't know. No, we've been, we haven't been. That's just shyness right there. Yeah. Okay. Go ahead. I, I don't think ever.
for what? Like engaging in conversation. Again, if I work in customer service, I might say something, but I would never on the street just be like, no, I like what you're wearing. No. That's what it's asking. No, no, no. Okay. Do you want me to just read them or do you want to just read them or we will do each a page or something? Yeah. All right. You are not.
You are not too interested in discussions about various interpretations of creative works. Wait, my brain did not understand that. Wait. Okay. Hold up. You are not very interested in discussions about various interpretations of creative works. So that's like, you're not interested in art. Well, I guess, or like discussions about various. So what I picture is people at a museum talking about a painting and being like, oh, when the lighting does this, you can see from the bottom. And maybe the artist was trying to say this.
I'm gonna say what are you gonna say? I think I have mine. I feel like I have yours but I don't have mine because I
I'm actually putting the smallest disagree just because I think if it was like photography related you know or certain creative things yeah I'd be a little interested but I'm not like pursuing those conversations I'm curious about you though I just the way this is worded because it's like you are not too so I'm like wait oh wait oh sorry the smallest agree is what I'm putting yeah I'm putting the smallest agree I'll do the smallest
disagree because I am like from an artist's perspective but I also can't be bothered like when people really just dissect something that doesn't need to be dissected I'm like no like like in English class when it's like oh she sat among her blue curtains and it's like why were the curtains blue because the author said they were blue like not everything yes exactly oh my gosh
Like I like certain discussions like that, but I don't like when it's over analyzed. So anyways, smallest disagree. Yeah, that's right. Okay, cool. I'll just do this page then. Go ahead. We're on a new page now for everyone. You tend to make decisions based on objective criteria rather than personal feelings. I hate this, but I have to disagree. I'm a little bit feelings based, but I'm aware of that. Like I
praise the Lord I have a husband whose objective so

Team Dynamics and Personal Reflections

I can sit and be like I can't think clearly about this right now so but yeah I
I'll do like a small disagree, not the medium. I'll do the small because I, it depends on what's going on, but yeah. Yeah. Like my feelings do unfortunately get involved. So yeah, I'm trying to figure out now. I think I I'm in the agree section for sure. So like opposite of you, but I can't tell if I'm a medium or a small. I originally put medium. So should I stick with that or should I just go with the small? See, what do you think?
I don't know. I'm almost thinking maybe I should just do more small. Because I do- I think it's true with medium. Yeah. Okay. All right. There we go. Okay. Go ahead. You often allow the day to unfold without any schedule at all. Disagree. I'm going to put medium- Even if it's a day off. Like I know what I'm doing.
I love that. Um, I'm going to put medium disagree. I'm not quite probably as strong as you about it. Cause like, I don't know about schedule, but I usually have some kind of like little to like, Oh, on a sticky note, like get this one thing done today. At least, you know, like there's some kind of list usually.
Yeah, I did the medium too. Yeah. Yeah. Like I'll have a list, but it doesn't matter what order it happens in. And then like, if my afternoon's free and I know it's free and Chris is like, Hey, do you want to go do this? I'm like, yeah, I'll do it. I'm not like, no, it wasn't on the schedule. So I'll just actually, I'll stick with medium disagree. Okay.
All right, next one. You rarely worry about whether you make a good impression on the people you meet. Disagree. Strong disagree. I'm putting the strongest disagree. I care way too much about the impression. Okay, it's hilarious. Oh man. No, Kristin and I were talking about this the other day about like every time I leave an interaction. We talked about this on our episode with Wanda or two. Every time I leave the smallest interaction with new people, I'm like, oh my gosh, they hate me.
Did I just say all the wrong things? Like, did I tell the wrong stories? Like, that was the worst, and it actually was fine. They actually barely noticed I was there. That's hilarious. Oh my gosh. Oh, sorry. You enjoy participating in team-based activities. I would say the medium disagree. I'm doing the medium agree. That's so funny.
There we go. Yeah. I enjoy, I like Pete team activities. I think it's fun. And I actually, it's funny cause when I was like, cause of being shy for me, actually I preferred team things like presentations. I wasn't alone, but anyways, I don't know if I can always do an assignment by myself, I would rather do it. Oh my gosh. That's crazy. I like, and I even like, and I like group things more now as I get older too. Right. Um, you enjoy experimenting with new and untested approaches.
I would do medium agree. Oh, I'm doing, I think, small agree. I think that if I'm being honest with myself, sometimes I like sticking with tried and true. It's weird. I don't know. It's so weird because we interpret all of these differently. I'm glad they refiltered the questions in different ways because I think it's so scenario based. Yeah.
Go ahead. Well, I'm glad there's like a spectrum we can agree on because I totally get it. Like I'm big for tried and true, but I think you and I both like to also like F around and find out. And even if we're told the best way to do it, we'll be like, that's great news and then still try the other way just so we can fail until we've tried it. Gosh, similar. Maybe I should do medium agree.
Yeah, because I'm trying to think almost everything I approach, I approach in a way of like, is this the best way to do it? Even if like, whoever I'm working for has told me that this is and like, don't bother trying, I'll be like, I could probably find a better way though. Like probably, honestly, same. I'm doing medium agree. Okay, I'm ready for the next one.
I hope I'm not influencing. I don't know. No, it's good. Cause again, sometimes the questions are, well, we don't know. Honestly, that's kind of what I was curious about today is maybe we'll affect each other's results, but I think we're being honest. If anything, we're affecting each other to be more honest. Yeah, it's fine. Right. You are willing to give up a good opportunity. If you believe somebody else needs it more.
No. Yeah. I'm putting in disagree. I feel bad. I'm, I feel bad about that, but it's also like, I don't think, I don't think so. I don't know. Medium disagree. I don't know if I've ever been put in that situation either. Bye.
Oh, I mean, I guess like, I don't know. Okay. I guess almost in my job, like any clients I get like a cool wedding, I guess someone else could have used more, but so I'm just going to put medium disagree to or smallest disagree. I don't, I don't, I've never, I've never, I don't know. I, I'm thinking back to like theater days with like wanting a part. And if I get the part and they don't, I'm not like, Oh, they should have gone. I'm like, no, that's my part. Yeah.
Yeah, we're all exactly it depends if somebody needs it more as if it was like if there was someone right beside me and we were applying for the same job and it meant they go hungry or something. Yes. Oh, I've never been in that situation. So right. Yeah, I'm definitely I would never Yeah, I would never from a privileged perspective take like a job or an opportunity from someone who is like battling with like, you know, money problems or homelessness. Like obviously people like I care more than that, which is why I didn't put the strongest disagree. Yeah, but
I also, but I think based on my experience that I would still disagree. So yeah. Okay. Next page. And I'll read through these ones. Okay. You actively seek out new experiences and knowledge areas to explore. Um, I'm going to say neutral.
I'm going to say medium agree. Okay. No smallest degree because I think I'm not. It's like I do, but not actively. Yeah. I think I kind of do actively, but not like as many as I could. Like I could be on a plane going to Tanzania right now, you know, but like I'm not. So, okay. You are prone to worrying that things will take a turn for the worse. Okay. I, I'm putting the smallest degree because not always, but yeah, it was like dying.
It was like, wow, personally attacked over here. Okay. I want to overthink it and say like, no, I don't. But I think the reality is this is like a medium agree. I've gotten, again, way better. I think my answers a couple of years ago would have been
different. I'm prone to worry that things will take a turn. It's like, I've definitely gotten better. But Beth, I think I've told you this before. Like when I do worry about something, it is like life or death. I'm like, Oh, if I get fired from this job, then Chris is for some reason in this job, even though they're not ready. And then we're both going to die. Like it's all the time. So I know you better be putting
Yeah. I'm saying 2023 is the year that got better, but I gotta be honest. I think most of the time I'm like, this could all just crumble, which isn't good. This is an advice. No, this is just an honest, broad test. We are not saying this how you should be. No, it's okay. We both, you know, we're just being honest. Okay. Let's see. Next one. You enjoy solitary hobbies or activities more than group ones.
I'm putting smallest disagree because I actually really have enjoyed group activities more I just needed to be with I'm putting medium disagree because oh my gosh if it's a group of my friends like oh my gosh I love that like I would rather do a game night than a movie night alone but I also really love my solo movie nights and stuff like I watching my TV show so I'm so I'm not doing the biggest disagree but I'm doing the medium disagree yeah
I think with friends like it's definitely like I like group friend things like I like you know like fun staff parties if I like who I work with like you know normal friend groups but I think given the choice between going and hanging out with a group and hanging out by myself I'd actually pick myself. Yeah and I'm actually changing more over the years like I would rather be like you know like if they're I don't know I'm just trying yeah not trying I'm just enjoying whenever I'm asked and I actually enjoy going on a group setting more so.
um yeah yeah okay you cannot imagine yourself writing fictional stories for a living that's an interesting one that is interesting i actually remember what i answered for this one when i was in high school and i took this test my answers changed a little bit but not a lot
But Ted, do you have an answer yet? I think I'll do the smallest disagree just because I've always wanted to be a writer. Oh my gosh. So I read fiction a lot and I would, it's like, I've never said this on the show. So it might sound like a surprise. I've always wanted to write some kind of fiction novel or series. I just don't know if it would be good. That is so fun. Oh, it probably would be. I would totally support you doing that. I actually think it'd be amazing. I, I think you should.
Just that's a side project you can start chipping away at. I think you should. Um, it's funny because in high school I put the strongest disagree because I like, I wanted to also, I actually thought being a writer would be really cool. I also wanted to be everything. I also want to be a race car driver and a doctor and a lawyer. So it doesn't say much, but you know, but now, exactly. I was like, well, I loved, like, I think my older sister used to write little fictional short stories. Like the shoe just for ourselves. So good too, by the way, like so engaging. And so then I tried my hand at it and it was kind of fun. I never finished a single one, but you know,
And I enjoyed reading them kind of, not really, because I wasn't a big reader, but little, little ones. Okay. So I put the smallest agree now because I think I can't really, if I'm being honest, I can't really picture myself being a fictional writer, but okay. Yeah. You rarely worry about upsetting someone by proving them wrong. So interesting.
I, okay, I feel like this will contradict something I answered earlier, but because it's worded differently, I'll actually hit agree because I love being right and other people are wrong. Oh my gosh, yes, that's cool. No, that's my main- Because I know I just said I don't want to cause conflict, like I know that, but also in a weird way, like if I can be right, I like- That is awesome.
That's awesome. I put the medium agree too, because same thing. If I'm in an argument, I'm like, I literally don't care. Like it to a fault. I'll steamroll your, your feelings if it means I'm right. I'm working on that by the way. But I put the medium, not the strongest, just because I actually have noticed equality in myself in the last few years. We're like, if someone is maybe telling me something I already know, or like they've told me before something, I'm actually really hesitant to like say, Oh, you already told me that, or be like, Oh yeah, I already know that. I'm almost, I almost will not almost, I actually ended up being like, Oh, that's so cool. And like pretending I didn't know.
which is so weird. Okay. Yeah. No, I understand that for sure. And you sit there and you're like, just be cool, be cool, be cool. And then you're like, I know. Okay. Yeah. That's interesting. Cause you don't want to be like, I know. Yeah. But I already knew that cause, but even like, oh my gosh, sometimes there's some things I'm like kind of bored listening to something. I'm like, okay, I'm literally like, I literally know this. I could teach you about this, but it's okay. Like I'll just, it's fine. I just don't want to, I want, cause you know, I like when people want to share things with me. That's cool. When people want to bond with me at that, but sometimes I'm just like, I literally know all about this is not new to me.
But okay. You prefer to do your chores before allowing yourself to relax. Oh my gosh. All right. Disagree. Okay. I'm the hardest agree on planet earth. Oh my gosh. I literally like, I don't, I don't care. Like I will get with, I think it needs to be done. Whether it's like a household cleaning or like whatever task it is. I, there is no rest until it is done. Like I'll sleep when I'm dead attitude. Absolutely not. This gets done first.
Yeah, I remember visiting you in college and we got home from being out somewhere or got to your dorm from being somewhere. Because you were the person who would like take your shoes off and like hang your coat back up in the closet. And I think I remember like putting mine on your bed and just while we were talking you went like got mine and just like hung it up like you were like, I've come home and now there's like things to clean before I can sit down. And now there's things to clean before we can like sit down again. Again, I thought better but like if I don't
I'll do it if it bothers me. Like sometimes I can happily go to bed with a kitchen full of dishes. Sometimes I pass by the kitchen on the way to bed and I cannot. So that's why it's a duty and disagree, but I prefer to relax as much as I can.
Yeah, that's fair. I think that's pretty normal too. Like I, you know, especially if you've had a long day and if it's a house chores, it's like, well, sometimes those need to be on the back burner. Yeah. All right. Next page. I think it's your turn to read. All right. You would rather have the final say than maintain a peaceful environment.
Yeah, see, I think I'm back to the disagree of a bit of a peacekeeper. Yeah, and I'm on the smallest degree just because I know that is a quality I have. And sometimes in the moment, in the heat of an argument, I realize that I'm doing that. And it's like, I've had to learn that, okay, sometimes the point is not to win the argument, rather to solve the problem or to create the piece.
Um, or to keep the peace. So I've gotten a lot better about it. I mean, that's my, but my natural instinct is to not necessarily have the final say, cause that's not my role in life, but like, I mean, but to, you know, convince someone of my side, which we wanted to say. Yeah. I like that. There you go. Yeah. I don't need to be the boss, but yeah.
Yeah, no, I'll confess the things that I didn't even do. I would be terrible if somebody like got me for a murder that I didn't do. I'd be like, oh my gosh. Okay. Well, I would not let that happen.
If it happens at a job, I'll be like, oh, well, I'll say like, that wasn't me, but it could have been like, you're not mad. You are so funny. Oh my gosh. That is like the opposite of me. I oh my gosh, you just just come to me if you're ever like, I don't feel like I can say no, this but it wasn't me. I'll run in there. I'll I'll yeah.
I'll make sure. I'll convince you. I'll have to see the proof. I'll have to be like, oh, I literally, I have to give myself an alibi. I'll be like, I literally physically wasn't there. So it could have been done. If I was around, I'll be like, I, you know, who knows? I, who knows? Oh my gosh. Who knows, man? I just, I just work here. I don't know. Oh my gosh. I mess up. Oh my gosh. That's so funny. You're hilarious. You usually wait for others to introduce themselves first at social gatherings.
It's actually a disagree. I get this out of the way. I'll do like slight disagree because I'm not that passionate about it. But, um, I, uh, if they don't do it like right away, I'll be like, I mean, this is my husband, Chris, just to like get it. Oh my gosh. You're amazing. I'm going to say, I think I, I'm going to say strongest degree because it says usually. And so, you know, sometimes I, sometimes I introduce, especially if it depends what the social gathering is, but like, oh my gosh, if it's like a church or someone invited us into a group of like friends and we're the newest.
couple like I would rather the person who invites us show us around or people come to us because I just can't I'm still too shy for that and it's really because it's not marketing like I know earlier I answered

Emotional Responses and Empathy

the marketing thing different but this isn't marketing this is like I don't yes okay anyways next your mood can change very quickly
I'm putting a slight agree. That's what I'm doing too, because I don't know. I mean, some of that to be fair as women is going to be hormonal. That's just, I don't think there's a way for women if they're being honest to put strong disagree on that because I'm sorry, we deal with mood changes.
Um, exactly. Yeah. If you're just a Zen person and you never even like in certain times of the month, even if you're, you know, but anyways, um, but yeah, I also, but I'm not, you know, not saying we're bipolar or anything, but yeah, I definitely know. I just emotional people.
Yeah. And I've become aware of that. Like I, it doesn't like happen completely out of my control. Like it does, but depending on like where I'm at in the cycle or just like, I just know myself well enough to be like, I can tell I'm upset and there's no reason to be, but now I'm just like upset, you know? So that's why it's a slight agree. Cause it does happen, but I'm pretty conscious of it. Yeah. Well, yeah. And how you respond to it is not part of the question. So of course, like, yeah, like we're not saying we don't respond to it. Yeah.
You find it challenging to relate to people who are primarily guided by their emotions. I mean, I don't think so. I think we relate to people who are kind of, I mean, it does get annoying if people are like super, oh my gosh, emotional. I'm going to do the medium agree. Because I do have a big sense of like, you get over yourself sometimes maybe to a fault, but
Yeah, I'll do it. I'm super unsure about this one. I'm going to put neutral on this one. Yeah. It's the one I've noticed. We're very not neutral. Like we are usually one way or the other. It's good. Yeah. You're supposed to force yourself. It's like neutral, but I know. Yeah. They say you're supposed to force yourself to do one or the other. Okay. Next one. You often end up doing things at the last possible moment.
I'm going to pit the smallest degree. I think that in general is often true with like, like life stuff, mostly like we're responding to a text or something. Like, Oh my gosh, I put that off. Okay. I'll do medium disagree again. I, uh, yeah, I know. I like to have stuff. Yeah. You're a planner. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I edited a podcast episode going out two weeks from now. Oh my gosh, that's so true. We're probably the most opposite in that. That's so funny. That's one of the most opposite. Well, and again, it ought to brag. I was just bored and I was like, well, no, this has to get done. So I think it is a good trait. You should, you should be proud of that trait. It's a good one. Okay. Next one. You enjoy debating ethical dilemmas. Do you want to say yours first?
It's so funny. I keep thinking of yours. I'm like you. I'm like what I'm going to do. That's so funny. I do if everyone agrees with me. That's not debating then. I know. I like talking about ethical dilemmas. I don't think I like debating them. So I'll get a small disagree. Okay. I put the biggest because like, cause like I said, it makes me nervous. Yeah.
like I think it's important to do and get better at but I the minute people kind of disagree with me it's not like I can't hold my ground I just get mad that they're getting mad so yeah anyway yeah so I like talking about it 500 degrees so yeah like yeah if it was like you enjoy having theological or ethical conversations that would be different
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Next page. Well, thank you. I don't know. I just enjoy it. Okay. Um, next page. Yeah. You usually prefer to be around others than on your own.
Yeah, disagree. The smallest degree, just cause again, I still, I think I, here's what's hard as I really know I need my alone time, but my, I have so much alone time naturally that I enjoy being around others. So that's the smallest degree. Okay. You become bored or lose interest when the discussion gets highly theoretical. Hmm.
my initial was like a medium agree but i guess it depends on what they mean by theoretical just anything theoretical if even it's about like well theoretically
Your job this or that like I don't think it has to be political or religious. I think it can be any like if there's a person who just like makes everything theoretical Yeah, then I would do a medium agree. Yeah, I'm doing a medium Disagree because I do actually like that I don't never initiate it but like if I enjoy theoretical conversations I enjoy the devil's advocate theoretical like I'm fine with that and
Oh, okay. I see what you're saying. Yeah. Like I, I have devil's advocate friends and I do think I like having them around, but I, I can tell when they're doing it. If that makes sense. Like a specifically when talking about stuff in the Bible, I can tell when they do it. And I'm like, no, obviously that's not right. And they're like, no, I'm not saying that at all. Like I've just, yeah. Okay.
I definitely yeah I was gonna put strongly disagree like I really enjoyed but I was like wait no because I definitely know some people who like everything has to be an argument and it's like oh my gosh just we can relate on something you don't have to always play the devil's advocate and then make everything a theoretical debate like right you can just yeah that works me works for you yeah yeah all possibilities yes yeah
like one of our one of our best friends, we he's in our Bible study. And this was months and months ago, like still in 2023. But he brought up the idea. He's like, I'm not saying I agree with this. But like, my mom and I were talking about the idea that there's maybe no hell. And like, the Bible actually doesn't talk about hell. And my immediate thing is that but there is though, like, because there isn't even sense. He's like, I don't believe this. I'm just talking about it. And I think I'm like, if you don't, why would you
bring it up but you know it's that devil's advocate thing of like oh but what if and my reaction is like but it's not so why are we here okay exactly see and my reaction is oh my gosh tell me about that like let's that's so interesting let me like have a new way to talk about that so i enjoy that okay so we answer all right okay fun i like that okay it is common for you to experience the emotions of others not just recognize them
wait can you read it again it's common for you to experience the emotions of others not just recognize them oh my gosh okay i have my answer i'll do small agree i'm pretty empathetic not like an empath but i'm doing the medium agree for sure i almost wanted to do the strongest agree because i don't i think i oh no i don't think i'm the strongest agree i think i should do medium yeah i'm doing a small one because i
I preface this a lot when I talk about stuff, I'll say like, well, obviously, I'm not experiencing what you're going through. But I still like if I hear about a loss in someone's family, like I can feel that pretty deeply if I choose to. So I think you might be a little not to make you change your answer, but I think you might be a little stronger agree than you realize.
Cause it also extends to like, yeah, like if someone's thinking about the opposite, if someone's upset, like you, like you've been saying, if someone is upset in an argument and because you care so much about their emotions and you want to keep the peace, that's you experiencing their anger or their stress in a way that like, I think really affects you. Like because you're experiencing it too. Like if someone is really stressed and angry about you, are you going to be super zen about it or are you going to be a little bit stressed?
No, you're right. I do go off of other people's emotions pretty much. And if Chris comes home in a bad mood, not towards me. If he's just in a bad mood, I'm like, well, you're in a bad mood now. Yeah, so I think you have a little bit. But same thing with empathy, too. I think you have a lot more empathy than you're giving yourself credit for. What did you say again? Sorry? I said medium agree. Maybe I should say the smallest one, though, actually, because now that I think about it, it's funny. Maybe we should switch our
Right. I'm trying to think.
with you because for me it's like I this is maybe I'm just wrong in how I see it but I don't just like I don't know like if someone is having an emotional response whether it's sadness whether it's excitement whether it's I don't know anger or joy whatever like I don't feel like I just go oh that is that I feel like I'm feeling it with them not super strongly though like it doesn't like I can still make a logical decision you know but I would say I would say like I actually experience

Decision-Making and Creative Expression

it too well yeah
I don't know we'll see that one's a difficult one because yeah but you find it challenging to maintain a consistent work or study schedule I'm going to say for me the smallest degree because I do I do struggle with that organization and consistency yeah I it's so weird being self-employed with this question because it's like
No, I have my work in study schedule, but it doesn't mean I always want to do it. Like especially because business goes so up and down. Like when it's slow, I do not want to be doing anything extra. Like I just want to be, I don't know. It's, it's hard like from a self-employed perspective, but I think I'll say slight.
You know what? I'm going to disagree. Just medium disagree, actually. Medium disagree? Yeah. That makes sense. No, because I still do it. Even if I don't want to doesn't mean I can't do it. Anyway, slightly disagree. That's my own mind. I don't want to do this schedule, but I'll do it. Yeah, right. Exactly.
Okay, next one. You rarely second guess the choices that you have made. That's the hard disagree. I'm not confident about anything ever. My gosh, I think there was a similar question earlier that you kind of alluded to that. I'm going to put the medium. I'm putting the medium agree. I think I usually am pretty like, yeah, if I make a decision, I'm like, yeah, that was the right one. Like, wow, that one's amazing. Well, it's not always a good thing, but okay. Yeah, that's your friends. Would you?
Maybe you should read. I can't do it anymore. I'll do the next page. You just go. Your friends would describe you as lively and outgoing. Okay. Let's answer this for each other. Okay. Yeah. Well, but it's like, what do you think your friends would describe you as?
Oh, okay, fine. You're right. Let's just do it for ourselves. Let's do it. Yeah, because I think my friends would describe me as lively and outgoing, which is funny. Like most people are surprised to hear that I'm more introverted. Because when I meet people, I'm like, Hey, so I'll exactly
I'm putting the smallest degree just because I have heard from people in the last like few years people going wait you're shy and I'm like are you getting me yes they almost like passed out the first time I had to be in a group or whatever you know but it's like because I've gotten a lot better about you know marketing myself or you know wanting to go hang out with groups and just kind of getting over my shyness I think they would I'm putting the smallest degree because I I don't know about the lively part but I think they would
That's exactly what I would say about you is outgoing, lively. I always just picture a person like snapping their fingers around and being like, hello, which isn't you. I'm not, yes. Yeah. I'm not wild. I don't want attention in public. So even if I'm like nice and talk, I'm not like, like, you know, yeah.
But I think you're outgoing in the sense like, in group participation, like again, in a discussion, you wouldn't like sit there and be quiet. Like if something sparked in you, you'd say it. So that's where I get like now. Yeah, nowadays and like in a friend group. Yeah. Okay. Okay, your turn. Next one. Next page. All right. You are drawn to various forms of creative expressions such as writing, art, whatever.
Yeah, I'll do the biggest degree. I'm doing the smallest disagree. Really? I don't know. I know photography is an art. I know creative expression, but I don't know. I don't really see photography oddly enough as like a form of creative expression. I know that it technically is, but I just see it as an enjoyable job.
No, I have a lot of passions in it, but I'm not like, this is me expressing my soul. I think so many people take pictures of couples and they're like, I'm expressing my soul. And I'm like, no, I'm documenting a beautiful love story, but it has nothing to do with my expression. And also just, yeah.
But of course, you better but agree. Well, exactly. It is it is funny, though, because I yeah, I'm drawn to really anything involving creativity, but not for a job like editing is pretty much the closest thing I can do to being creative with my job. But again, it's kind of other people's creativity that I'm like learning and doing. But I've tried to pursue possibly art or writing or something like that as a career. And I think it's just like,
creativity does so much better for me as a hobby and as something I relax into and not something that I have to do on deadline and stuff. So I am a very creative person, but I've long learned that creativity can't always be my job in the sense of painting or writing. I can be creative in the field I have, but does that make sense? Yeah. No, total sense. I actually love that you clarified that because I think a lot of really, really creative and talented people like you
are like that where they're like, it's because people will be like, oh my gosh, why don't you do this for a job? And it's like, a lot of people don't understand it's different as soon as you have to do it. Like it's better for it to be. It's so weird. It took me such a long time to understand that about you or about like my little sister is similar with you with that. She's really good at painting. And a lot of people have been like, you need to sell your art. You need to do this. And she's always just like, no way, never, never, never.
And I was just like, why? Like literally why? And it's like, she's like, well, I can't do it on demand. Like I, it's, it suddenly sucks if I have to do it on demand. So it's interesting, but, and it's funny cause I think anyway, so I understand that. I think you said that well, but, and I think a lot of people would think that I'm like, I just, I don't know. Cause growing up, a lot of people thought I was super creative. Like I hear a lot or I used to hear a lot. Oh, you're so artistic. You're so creative. And I'm like, I don't know if that's necessarily true, but if it is, it's not in the traditional ways.
that people think like maybe I can draw a little bit or whatever, but that's just because like my sisters did it. But I like, I want to be creative more than like building something with my hands or like figuring out a problem. I love problem solving, but I don't. You're a creative business owner. Like, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Like you get creative in what you
do every day like if somebody handed you like build me a coffee shop you'd be like okay you know how do you feel like you're creative in that sense like in a business almost I would say which you are too yeah for sure yeah but you also have that extreme artistic like like art and stuff like that and even photography but I don't know just how did you share that
a lot of people expect me, because I do paint mostly, a lot of people expect that's, again, it's kind of like what you said, you don't express emotion necessarily through your photography. I kind of don't with painting either, or a lot of people think I paint to express myself or to escape. I actually, because I'm somewhat trained in art, I think about it too much. I'm thinking about it too much. I'm thinking about what looks good. I'm thinking about the technique. So it's actually not that relaxing for me. I still love it. Interesting.
something like the two things that actually truly relax me is actually writing. I don't write very much. But that's like, that's where I actually get emotions out. Like, wow, I journal. So I guess I do write a lot because I journal. That's where I feel I can actually get the emotions out of my head. And then the only thing that's truly like relaxing for me is like video games, because it's so unproductive.
Yeah, that if I'm doing that that's me actually relaxing so I guess that was like but a lot of people think like oh like expressing yourself through painting and I'm like not really like I'm thinking about it too much. Yeah, right. That's like where my feelings are I guess so interesting. I actually don't know. I mean I did know that like
you do think about the painting you're doing, but I didn't know that it was like that much more relaxing to write.

Insecurities and Personal Growth

That's so interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways. Oh, love it. Look at us. Figure out new things. That's why we wanted to do this together. So fun. It's so funny that I hear something new about you. It's like I've known you my whole life and I'm like, why are we still? It's because we have so much information in our brains. Like we, you know, we can't store everything. No.
Let's see. So next one. You find it challenging to empathize with a person whose experiences are very different from yours. Oh, I'm just pausing because like my question is worded slightly differently. That's kind of weird. What? Oh, wait, wait.
Mine says you find it difficult to feel sympathy for people who have made poor choices in life. Oh, no. Is this changing as we keep going? It's okay. We'll just keep, it's all right. We'll just, well, let's just do this one and we'll keep going. If we have to, we'll, we'll answer on our own. And then at the end, share like worst case scenario, guys, if you're listening, like if these start changing and morphing, Ayla and I will just take our tests and then we'll cut back in and at the end and we'll share our results.
Yeah. Okay. So you, you reread your question and answer it. All right. So mine is you find it challenging to empathize with a person whose experiences are very different from yours. I put medium disagree because I really don't think I have trouble understanding where people come from. If they have different, you know, like experiences and lifestyles. Okay. Your turn. Yeah. And I say that this is why I pause because mine's different. It's like, you find it difficult to feel sympathy for people who have made poor choices in life. So interesting.
I'm gonna slight agree actually I should be honest and medium agree because sometimes I do have an attitude of like well you did that to yourself sometimes to a fault like people do I think still deserve like help and stuff after that but generally if someone's like
It's like, well, if that isn't the consequences of your own actions kind of attitude, I'll tend to have that kind of thing. So I'll medium agree. I actually think I'd be pretty similar to you with that. So, okay. These might be a little bit different, but if they are, we could just keep going back and forth like this. But anyways, so mine says you like to have a to-do list for each day. Yeah, that's fine. Okay. All right. Maybe it's just that one. I'm just putting medium agree because I do have a to-do list every day. Actually, you know what? I'm going to say a stronger because I have a to-do list every single day. I'm not saying it's super organized, but it's there.
Yeah. I'll small agree. Cause like I said, I'm a list person, but I, well, yeah, I'll medium, medium agree. Like I don't have a to-do list for like days off, but you know, I'm not like, I'm going to relax, but you do. I do. I do just, but I don't, well, I guess if it's, yeah, because I think it's fun to like know what it, like, if it's like, let's say there's a day where I'm going to go diving and then like go to dinner or something, I'll literally be like, Oh, get dressed, pick out a outfit. Then I'm not, I'm not saying it's funny cause like I'm not a super like,
Strict, I'm not saying I'm super organized because I'm not in like every other way, but something about to-do lists, they happen every day. Like that's just how my day starts. That's so fun. Don't always use them. Do you do them like in your mind or like a physical? No, I write them down. That's so cute. Here's one for today. It's right there. It says, ready? Make outlines, record podcast, order Amazon things, colon edit boat photos, inquiries, insta posts.
nice i love it it's just i wait hold on i have it's right here it's actually um i have a notebook that has oh no where is it oh no wait
Oh, it's under things. But anyway, I haven't like that from um, I take it to work every day at my coffee shop job. Oh, wow. I don't have to do this because I'm not a manager or anything. But I write down like my little when I get to work, I see like what tasks have to get done. And I write them down. Okay, yeah, but I'm still gonna just do
medium okay perfect yeah because you don't do them for your days off like you said i think that's fair yeah i'll do them in my mind of like chris and i are going to relax for this long and then we're going to go do that but they're in my mind so all right so this my next question is you rarely feel insecure all right i'm putting the strongest disagree for me i feel like i'm way too insecure all the time even if i don't say it so that would be i'm always thinking it
Oh, okay. Nevermind. Whenever it works, and you don't, I have to think opposite. So you're saying then you do often feel insecure. I feel insecure all the time.
Wow, really? Oh yeah, about just a lot of things. Just everything. Because for me it's like a conscious choice to tell myself it's fine because my gut instinct is like I'm worried about what people thought of me or how I look or that I'm not good at my job, stuff like that or that my clients won't like me or that they won't like the photos or that, you know, just everything or my family's mad at me. Like I'm always insecure about something. So I live past it but
Yeah, I was thinking about it. I think a couple years ago, I would have been in the same boat, like the strong disagree, but I'm just going to do the smallest one. Because there's a lot of areas in life where I've gotten better, I think. And actually, like, I'll tell Chris sometimes, I'm like, I don't care what they think. I'm just going to do it because I know I'm right. And he's like, can you just be like that all the time? Yeah. Oh, good. You're getting better on it. Yeah. OK. Oh, your story. Go ahead. Do you avoid making phone calls?
Yeah, I'm gonna medium agree. If I don't have you, I yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've started actually calling people more like family or friends because more convenient in the texting, but I used to absolutely be I know with clients, I don't, it's just so nerve wracking, but okay. Yeah. I offer client calls, but I secretly hope people don't want them. Not really. I love it when they actually, for me, it's the first like two minutes of just like, hi, Michael. And then once we're past that, then it's fine.
Or like appointments. If I can make an appointment online, rather than call, I'd always rather make an appointment online. Oh, yeah. That's fair. That's fair. Okay. You enjoy exploring unfamiliar ideas in viewpoints. Neutral. I'm putting smallest to Greek. I guess I do, but I'm also, again, not trying to actively pursue it. Okay. Next page. All right.
I think we're maybe coming close to the end. I actually, there's no progress bar. Oh, I have a progress bar that says 70%. Okay, we'll move along. You can easily connect with people that you have just met. I'm actually doing a medium agree.
I love when that happens and I do think for as like introverted as I am, I'm quite good with connecting with people. I think I agree. Yeah, same thing. I'm not outgoing and I'm not trying to pursue like new relationships and you know all that. I mean, I am. I would love it, but yeah. Okay. If your plans are interrupted, your top priority is to get back on track as soon as possible. Yeah. Strongest agree for me at least.
Disagree? Strongest agree. Oh, okay. Strongest agree. You're like, whoa, wait, I'm gonna call you out on that. You just said it again. I was like, you literally just said the same thing. No, okay. No, the strongest yes. I'm doing like the medium agree, because it's true. I just don't feel that passionately about it.
Yeah. You are still bothered by mistakes that you made a long time ago. Strong agree. It's not good. Really? Yeah. Oh my god. Okay. I'm on medium agree. I'm surprised. I didn't know that about you. Okay. Medium agree for me. Oh my gosh. I'll tell Chris, this is a dumb story. I know we just said we have to move on, but like the one that came to mind is like, it's a whole thing in his and I's story of how we met, but there was like, we were best friends for a while.
And we both knew we were starting to like each other, but like weren't talking about it. And then the last, we met overseas in New Zealand and the last night before we all like flew home, he and I hung out and we went on like a little walk and we hung out and we talked, but we didn't talk about anything. We didn't talk about how like we were liking each other, that we needed to like figure this out. And then we were staying in the same house. He was staying down in a basement and I was up on the top floor. And so we're like, all right, bye. And like go to go to bed.
I went back downstairs to see if he was still there to talk to him, but he wasn't. And I thought about texting him, telling him to come back, but then I didn't. And I still am so mad that I did. We're literally married. We're literally married to each other. It all worked out. But if I think about that too hard, I'm so mad that I didn't like do something to contact him. We got married!
You're so funny, but I get it. It's a missed opportunity. What conversation would that have been, you know? Honestly, you had it later. You had the conversation later. Yeah. No, I've told him that. He's like, you realize you got the same result. And I'm like, I, yeah, I do know that. That is hilarious, girl. That is too funny. Oh my gosh. Love it. Sorry. What's yours?
Oh, I just said medium agree. I just think that my mistakes do bother me for a long time and I think it makes me worried about repeating them. But it's not necessarily, the only specific story I have coming to mind is the dumbest example ever, but it literally keeps me awake at night. I was just a little kid, maybe fourth grade and I was an angel in a play along with a bunch of other girls and we didn't have wings or a halo for me. Maybe we'll cut, I don't know if we'll keep this story in or not.
But my mom had gone and like, I was all bummed because like every other girl had like wings and a halo, but I was like, you know, I don't have it, not a big deal, it's fine, but I was bummed. And my mom was like, oh my gosh, you're gonna be the only one. So she went and found me a pair of angel wings. And I was like, gonna be so excited about that. Cause I was like so nervous to not be the only one. But I was sitting in line with my friends and she had just let me try on her wings and try on her halo before we went on stage. And my mom comes up to me and she's like, got a big smile on her face and she's hiding something behind her back that I didn't really notice at the time.
And then she's like, oh, oh, what are you wearing? And I was like, oh, so and so let me use their stuff. And she's like, oh, you look so pretty, you know, whatever. And she leaves and then I get on stage and my mom and I don't have anything on.
I'm the only one without anything. My mom has told me, we've talked about that a couple of times over the years and she expressed to me, she's like, I felt my heart just dropped when you got up there and you were the only one without anything. And I was just, she's like, what happened? I had these for you. I thought you didn't need them anymore. So I just feel so bad because I think my mom does so bad. So it's a dumb thing I should have said or clarified.
She's letting me borrow them and then I'm giving them back right now. But I just, I literally know that I made my mom feel so guilty because then everyone's like pricing. She was pricing. Oh my gosh. Now everyone thinks I'm a bad mother. Like, you know, she wasn't like literally my mom was amazing. You know, so I, when I tell you how many nights of sleep I've lost over such a dumb thing, but I feel so good for the longest time, Ayla, if someone asked if you could go back in time and change one thing about your life, that was the thing.
I'm not kidding everything in my life, but you know that's no it is funny, but like yeah It's a weird you in such a sad way. I know I don't know why that affected me so much But what affected me was my mom like being like oh my gosh I my mom didn't get the opportunity to bless me and surprise me in the way She worked so hard to do that like I just I hate okay. I don't want to talk about anymore
kind of like you if we talk about too much it gets me all riled up okay next moving on you are not interested in discussing theories or what the world could look like in the future okay mine's slightly different so you answer yours okay
Oh, this is when I don't want to be true, but I'm going to strongly agree. And it shouldn't because I'm like, I'm a Christian. I believe in like the end times and things like that. And I know those are conversations. I don't love talking about it. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. And I don't know if that's wrong or not. Like I want to be educated and know about it, but I don't love, and like I'm prepared for the day to come, whatever, blah, blah, blah. End times. But I don't love when conversations are like, it could be happening next year or like global warming could look like this. I'm like, I,
I'd rather talk about anything else. That is so interesting. Yeah. So my question is phrased differently. And so I think it kind of means something different, but it's similar like, cause I actually wouldn't mind a career in talking about like politics or whatever. But my question is you cannot imagine devoting yourself purely to a
Theoretical or esoteric field of study. I don't want to be a philosopher. I don't want to just do theoretical I wouldn't like have a career in just the theoretical because the reason like politics is because like there's a truth or religion because there's a truth that we can get to and like You know go so far as to prove So I don't know I so anyways I put agree because I don't I cannot it says you cannot imagine doing that and I agree I cannot imagine myself only doing that. Okay. Anyways moving on
okay your emotions control you more than you control them and the slight disagree yeah because like i said i know my mood can shift and i feel like it is hard for me to make decisions but i don't feel out of control of them yeah yeah i'm gonna put the same thing because i think most of the time no i don't know what to put i don't want to put neutral i'm trying to make myself not put neutral because i think i
Because I'm not sure. I would hope that I'm not. The thing is, I'm there because it's like, I know my emotions can sometimes control me, but I know that. That's what I'm saying. Make it not happen. So that's why I slightly disagree. Yeah, exactly. Like I hope that I'm doing a good job being more in control. Okay, anyways, moving on. Even when it's their fault, you take great care not to embarrass others valuing their dignity. I agree.
Like even when it's not their fault, you take great care not to embarrass others. Why would I embarrass someone? That's, I'm going to say the exact same thing. Medium agree. Gosh, embarrassing someone on purpose. I could never, it'd be like embarrassing to me to embarrass someone. All right. Next page. Your personal work style is closer to spontaneous bursts of energy than organized and consistent efforts. I'm going to use medium disagree.
Okay, I'm doing I only thrive through organizing consistent because like usually I'm doing stuff I don't want to do so I have to just like do it consistently. My like house cleaning style is spontaneous bursts of energy. Yeah, my actual work life. Where Oh, yeah, that's what it says your work style. So yeah, I'm gonna do that. It's organizing consistent.
Okay. I would just medium agree. I would say I'm more driven by that. Okay. When someone thinks highly of you, you wonder how long it will take them to feel disappointed in you. Oh my gosh. That is so interesting. Holy cow. That was worded so sadly. I'm going to medium agree. I'm putting smallest degree.
Yeah. Smallest. Agree. Just so. Yeah. Like I'm a big words of affirmation person. So somebody doesn't tell me I'm doing a good job. I'm like, um, surely I'm done. Surely I'm done. That's hilarious. Okay. You would love a job that requires you to work alone most of the time. This is going to be confusing, but I actually disagree. No, you said. Yeah. Yeah.

Philosophical Views and Introversion

Like I have a job that makes me work alone most of the time. And I got a second job to get me working with people.
Because I'm so introverted, I'll spend work alone, and I'll spend after alone, and that's just no good. So, slightly disagree. I actually, I do, yeah. Yeah, I did slightly. I did the medium disagree. Okay. You believe that pondering abstract philosophical questions is a waste of time. I think this question is beginning to be a waste of time.
I don't care about the philosophy ones. I guess that means we agree that it's a waste of time. I agree. Yeah. I think, I think medium, I think if I'm thinking logically about it, technically, yeah. If you're too focused on just the philosophical, it's like at a certain point in life, you're not helping anybody, you know, like have something that has a conclusion. And because I'm a Christian, I don't worry about a lot of the things that like philosophy does of like, why are we here? What's our purpose? I already know that. So yeah, I agree.
Medium same. All right. You feel more drawn to busy bustling atmospheres than to quiet intimate places. Big old disagree. I'm doing the absolute smallest disagree because I do kind of like some busy. Well, I'll do medium disagree actually. Cause like I don't mind the hustle and bustle, but I'm not like drawn. Like I need to go to go work. I need to go to a busy place, but like I do think it's kind of exciting to be in a busy airport and you know, I don't hate the city as much as some people.
That's true. That's true. But medium disagree. Okay. In both big and small ways, you often prioritize the needs of others over your own. Both big and small. I'm gonna put
What are you doing? I'm doing the smallest agree, smallest agree, because I do. Yeah, definitely. But I think so too. Because I know in the one question when it was like a job, if other people need it more, you'll take it. But like it when it says in the big and small ways, I'm going to go the medium agree. Yeah.
I'll happily be unhappy so long as everybody else is happy. Yeah, I think to a fault sometimes. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, I don't actually care. I just want everyone else to be fine. So then I don't have to worry about it. Yeah. Okay. Okay. You often feel overwhelmed.
do the small agree there was a time this might have been the bigger one but now it's just a small one yeah i would say the same thing you complete things methodically without skipping over any steps whoa uh medium disagree oh yikes that's exactly what i did too oh whoa whoa no you and i are like if we don't have to do all these instructions we are not gonna do exactly like that's just the truth
All right, what's next? You prefer tasks that require you to come up with creative solutions rather than follow concrete steps.
interesting you prefer tasks that require you to okay all right that's interesting i'm curious your responses small agree okay i'm doing small disagree i know it's weird because i like problem solving but i like problem solving when a problem comes up i don't like that my job is you need to figure this out like there's i like if it's a task i kind of like that i know what i'm supposed to do so i can get creative in other ways i don't know i think i'm actually not sure about if i'm right about that one i'm
I think I'd have to have more examples of that question, but okay. Yeah, it would vary for sure. All right, you tend to be deeply moved by the struggles of others. Bro, you already asked me so many times. What are you putting? Deeply moved. Medium agree. I'm doing small agree. You struggle with deadlines.
That's interesting. I'm going to say small agree. I do. I'll do the smallest disagree. I don't think you struggle too much with them. Maybe there is more there. Like I don't know what's going on in your head, but you're, I feel like you're so good about getting stuff done in time. Would I, would I do like the bigger disagree? Like the medium? Well, don't let me, you're supposed to go by your own instincts, but for me, if I was answering for you, I would have put the, at least the medium disagree.
I don't know, but I'm sure everyone struggles with deadlines, but I feel like you at least like are better than most. Yeah, sure. I'll do many. Yeah, I'll do many. It's so funny because that was so wrong in high school, but it's like in my whole life I've gotten better. But yeah, so, but I'll go as of right now. Yeah.

Personality Test Results and Analysis

Yeah. Okay. This looks like the last question. You feel confident that things will work out for you. Okay.
I'm actually doing the strong agree. Okay. Oh, that's so good. I should probably do strong, but I'm putting medium agree. Cause I think sometimes I, I don't know. I still worry. I I'm yeah. Yeah. I'm putting, I think it's funny because yeah, despite I've remembered this question very well from taking the test before, cause the whole test is always like I worry and things are wrong and I'm insecure, but always by the end I'm like, I don't know. Things will work out. Can't explain that one to you. Can't really. Yeah. Can't explain it. Oh, select your gender now. All right.
Yep. Okay. All right. So now we get to see the results. There's a, okay, Beth, how do you want to do this? There's a big breakdown of the results. I've seen people take these tests and they have like an hour dedicated to just the results. I'm aware this test took us a long time. So I'm not really sure how you want to go about this. But, um, do you want to just like try to be quick about it and just read what we find interesting? Like we'll read what we are and then we'll read what we care about, like what we're interested in.
Actually, so I just clicked on mine, so I already see mine, but I won't spoil it yet. But it looks like there's just quick little things you can click through with little sentences. We can do that because there's like, you can read paragraphs if you want to, but I already knew we weren't going to do that. Let's do this somewhere, then we'll do it this way. Okay, ready? All right, I'm clicking mine. Okay, ready? So interesting. All right, ready? Who's going first? You go first. Okay, I have had this type before. This is the type I remember being, so I'm excited that it's the same. What is it?
My personality type is the defender or ISFJT. Defenders are very dedicated and warm protectors always ready to defend their loved ones.
Oh, I agree. That's so true for you. Are you kidding me? Yeah. Yeah, I see that. Okay. So mine is logistician. Do you even say that? Right? What is the, how do you even say that? Logistician. Yeah. All right. So logistician I S T J dash T. So there's that interesting. Um, yeah, I don't know what that is. It says logisticians are practical and fact-minded individuals whose reliability cannot be doubted. I don't know. That's interesting. I, I hope I'm reliable, but I'm like,
I would call you fact minded though. Yeah, I mean, like what's true, despite how it like for yourself, despite how it makes you feel, you're like, I just want to know what's true. So interesting. I don't know where they got the reliability can't be doubted when I was like, I definitely procrastinate like, I don't know what's happening. But okay, we'll just keep going. I think you're reliable.
I hope so because I know like we said like deadlines and stuff are different for for you but I think like if somebody asked me like oh can you rely on her it'd be like oh not even a question like hard yes so I definitely know I'm very reliable for my closest people but I also don't like give all of myself to somebody that's just an acquaintance you know like I don't I don't know I feel like maybe I'm confusing like good boundaries with like reliability
but it's like people who don't deserve my reliability don't need to have it. Okay. That's, that's cool. So I just remembered the next things that go into actually break down like what the letters are. So like I, what are your letters again? Sorry. It is I S T J T.
Okay, so we're only slightly different. That's funny. Okay, interesting. So the next slide's your energy. It talks about whether you're introverted or extroverted, and it gives a percentage. I'm 71% introverted. That's awesome. Introverted individuals tend to prove you fewer yet deep and meaningful social interactions and often feel drawn to calmer environments. Yeah. And I got introverted too, but only 52%.
Okay. So next is mind. And so I got 54% observant and it says observant individuals are pragmatic and down to earth. They tend to have strong focus on what is happening or very likely to happen. I got the same. I got 57% observer. Okay.
Oh, it's observant or intuitive, by the way, is the other one. Right. I want to say in the past, maybe I've leaned intuitive. I can't, I think intuitive in the past actually as well. Maybe it's because we took in high school and you're more intuitive. And then after you get old, you've been observed. I know. Maybe honestly it could be. Okay. Next one.
Next is nature. And it's the difference between feeling or thinking, which I guess it would just be like your logic or emotions, I suppose I'm 53% feeling, feeling individuals value emotional expression and sensitivity, they place a lot of importance on empathy, social harmony and cooperation. Okay, I'm the exact opposite. I'm 54% thinking. And
It says thinking individuals focus on objectivity and rationality, often dismissing emotions in favor of logic. They tend to see effectiveness as more important than social harmony.
Super off base. I yeah, that's an interesting one for us to be like different about but you know, yeah Next is tactics and it's between judging and prospecting so for me I'm 63% judging and it's judging individuals are decisive thorough highly organized and
Okay, we'll move on. They value clarity, predictability and closure, preferring structure and planning to spawn 80. Okay, that's interesting. I would say just quick note, I don't, I'm not highly organized, but all that is true. I value clarity. I really value closure. I'm definitely decisive. I don't need to beat around the bush.
But I'm also more spontaneous. Yeah, but I'm also more spontaneous. Yeah, the planning were spontaneous. That was wrong in the organized. I'm not quite as organized even as Ayla. And then also I prefer spontaneity, I think. But oh well, maybe the to-do list threw them off. What was your percentage? 63% judging. But again, maybe it's because of the decisive and the clarity and closure and stuff like that, though. That is very true. Because I got 74% judging.
Yeah. Which makes sense too. We've talked about it before. Like I can be spontaneous, but then like once that decision's been made, it has to like happen. Like then it has to like, I don't know. It's, but yeah. I wish I knew what prospecting was like. I wish I knew what that is. It's just all spontaneity maybe or something or like a like disorganized and like creative and yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Which is interesting that we both need more dredging. Well, I think in the past I used to get prospecting, but yeah.
Yeah, me too. Cause I, Oh really? I used to, cause I know for a fact I used to be less decisive. So anyways, all right. Next, go ahead. Next is identity. This is between assertive and turbulent. This has stayed the same for me over the years. Um, I'm 68% turbulent. Turbulent individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They feel a sense of urgency in their emotions and tend to be success driven, perfectionist and eager to improve.
Funny fact, Chris and I have very similar personality types, but he's always been more assertive and I've always been more turbulent because we joke about that. But I'm turbulent, he's assertive. But yeah. Oh my gosh, that is so funny. I'm super surprised that we're so similar in this one. I'm 63% turbulent. It's just funny because the word assertive, I would have thought that I really resonated with. I wasn't natural like that, but I've learned to be very assertive. But anyways, yeah, and then you read the thing for it.
Yeah, all right. One more thing before we move on to your profile. Do you want an email copy of your results? No, no. Oh, there's a bit more to read that kind of might be
Beth, are you seeing me? Yeah, should we go to the strengths and weaknesses? Like, I don't know about the first page, but maybe the strengths and weaknesses page. Oh, let's do strengths and weaknesses. And then let's do, um, defenders you may know, or like, um, the personality types. Like they, they often have celebrities or like historical figures that you might be the same as. Okay. Where is that? Is it on the first page? It's on the first page, scroll all the way down.
Okay, yes, let's start with that. Okay, ready? Mine are Beyonce, which I kind of hate, but that's okay. Beyonce, Queen Elizabeth II, Aretha Franklin, and Vin Diesel.
Bindi's all dead. I got the whole royal family. Okay, that's actually awesome. That's so cool. And then fictional characters, I have Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings. 100% actually so facts. I love that. So true. That's, I'll end it there. That's like the best news.
That's the best you're ever done. Okay, let me see one second. All right, so let me go back real quick. Mine are going to be pretty obvious because it's logistician. So it's like, okay, so Natalie Portman was kind of fun. That was cool. Yeah. Denzel Washington, Sting, apparently.
Angela Merkel. Okay, let's see. Okay. Politicians, George Washington, George H.W. Bush, Anthony Hopkins, Condoleezza Rice. Let's see. All right. So then it's funny. I don't know a lot of these like characters. Okay. So, all right. How do you say it's from Harry Potter? It's like the girl Hermon? How do you say it? Hermione. Thank you.
Oh my god, so her... Oh, I'm trying to think if you'd be... I don't know, probably not. You'd be... Yeah, she's like, she's the most academic of the bunch. I don't know if I'd probably... No, I don't think you'd be Hermione. I don't know. Okay, and then there's like, Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. Wait, wait, there's a little thing underneath that says why, and I can click on it, hold up.
I've never watched frightened princess. Mr. I don't need to watch it. It's okay. I'll go back. Okay. Um, and then let's see if there's anyone else interesting. Um, Jason Bourne. That's kind of cool. Oh, Thorin Oakenshield from the Hobbit. He was the, um, Oh, he's the one at the door.
Yes. Okay, and then yeah, then there's some inspector from Sherlock Holmes. Okay, so that's interesting. All right, so what was the next page? We're going to do strengths and weaknesses. Yeah, awesome. Yeah, although I'll try to go through this quickly, because like we said, guys, there's a ton we could read, but I'll probably yeah, I'll just summarize this the best I can.
Okay, so ISFJ strengths supportive, truly enjoy helping others, reliable, observant, enthusiastic, and hardworking with good practical skills. Like I said, there's more I could read, but I think generally I would agree with all of those. I'm trying to think if there's anything I wouldn't disagree with.
I know, I'd say I agree with all those. I'm hardworking and stuff like that. Weaknesses, overly humble, yeah. Taking things personally. Okay, I've been told from more than one person in my life that I tend to take things personally, not in a mean way. They're just saying, it'll be like when giving feedback, they're like, you can't take this personally. I'm like, okay. That's so interesting. I wouldn't have picked you at that, but maybe it's just because of the nature of our friendship.
Yeah, and it's not like all the time. But I think my initial, if Chris is like, Oh, hey, like this thing was kind of messy. Can you make sure it's not like that? I'll be like, Oh, so you just like, hate what I've done here or something. But like, my initial reaction is to be like, so you're upset with me. And it's like, no, he's not like, so I've gotten a lot better. But I am into aware of that about myself. Repressing their feelings. Yeah. Okay, wow. reluctant to change.
I don't think that's necessarily true. That's the only one I disagree with so far. I do my best to change things about myself if they need to be too altruistic. Wait, I don't know what that means. That's interesting. Altruistic is almost like, I think that's almost theoretical. Oh no, that's truthful. It's a good character trait.
ISFJs giving generous nature can leave them vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Oh, that's a hard guess. Alturistic is unselfish. Sorry. I totally was wrong with the definition. Oh, gotcha. Yeah. ISFJs are most likely personality type to say they would rather clean up someone else's mess than confront them about it directly. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No. Wow. This is confronting as heck. Like I've done this before, but it's weird to see it so blatant, like repressing your feelings. And you're like, I guess I can't disagree with that.
I'm not going to lie, just glancing before I read mine. Like I think the weaknesses are so like facts, like so fire. Unfortunately, I think that I think that somehow they got my weaknesses more accurate than my strengths. Okay. All right. So my strengths, ISTJ strengths, honest and direct. That's very true. Disciplined. It's something I'm always working on. Uh, I think it depends what it is.
Very responsible. I definitely think that I am calm and practical. Yeah Organized and effective organized working on it. Not always I am very effective though And I don't ask me how those two don't go together how I can be effective, but I just yeah I so I can get anything done and I can get it done so fast and so effectively and I can think of ways to do effectively but like Some but I'm not like organized. I don't know. Okay and research oriented. Sure. I guess. Yeah, that's true. Okay weaknesses stubborn
Like, what? Like, immediately, yes. I'm your best friend in the world. I say like, that's your number one week.
And again, not really towards me and stuff, but like, I just know that about you. You know that about yourself. Like, everybody knows it about I'm the most stubborn. I'm so strong willed and so stubborn. Okay. Um, insensitive. I definitely think that I can be insensitive, especially when it comes to like, you know, arguments or something. Okay. Always buy the book wrong. I don't know why that's in there. Sorry. No, no, no, no. Yeah. No, you're like, you're like, throw the book away. What even is a book? Yeah, exactly. Okay. I literally don't read.
Next is judgmental. And unfortunately, that's very true. I think it can be judgmental. I think I'm good about not acting on my judgments, but I definitely am very judgmental. Sometimes righteous judgment, but yeah, like indoor voices, indoor thoughts. Okay. Yeah. Or inside thoughts. Okay. Uh, prone to burnout. So true. So everything was true. Sorry. Yeah. So stubborn, insensitive, judgmental, prone to burnout, but just not by the book. So yeah, that's so interesting.
Oh my gosh, listen to this. ISTJ personalities can get so caught up in believing their own correctness in winning arguments that they thought were about facts. They don't realize that their partner may just be viewing things from a different perspective of consideration and sensitivity. Oh my gosh. Especially with more sensitive partners, this can be a huge challenge for their relationships.
Ultimately though, ISTJ's sense of responsibility and dedication set the tone and they spare no effort in noting this distinction moving forward. That's so interesting because definitely I know that one of the things I've struggled most in my relationships with not like necessarily significant others but family has been being more focused on winning arguments rather than just like having an argument and like trying to fix the problem.

Relationship and Career Dynamics

I think that's like
the very, very few arguments that you and I have ever had. I think I remember that like happening was like, there wasn't quite the option to like agree to disagree. It was just like, yeah. I'm going to convince you now. So it's like chill. But yeah, you were like, no, like this is what it is. And I was like, I don't know. Like, yeah. Like I definitely remember one of our biggest arguments. I like, I felt like you were just kind of like drift. Do you want to just kind of drift out of the argument and be like, done with it? No, we're going to talk about this. Like we're going to read your Bible. Let me show you.
But to be fair, I also kind of enjoy I throughout my life I would say I enjoy arguing because I do enjoy like debating and stuff but this one Okay, I do want to read this because this is interesting like for me for relationships Again, this like could be romantic or friendships both feel true But it says ISFJs emotions run deep so deep that people with this personality type may struggle to find the words to express just how much somebody needs to them and
But they show their affection in a million little ways on a daily basis, always eager to make their loved ones lives better and more convenient. ISFJs can transform even the most ordinary tasks from cooking dinner to organizing a weekend trip into a gesture of love. And I do say this all the time, like if he's in a bummed mood or something, I'll try to do little things. Yes. To make things easier. Like actually just yesterday he came home
not feeling great like kind of physically like not sick he was just like i don't know i just feel off and i went to the gym and i came back and i brought ginger ale and salt and vinegar chips because that's what he eats when he doesn't feel very well and i just like picked it up not saying i'm like the best wife in the world but kind of oh my god what do you want
I just that's exactly what I do. And then I'll if a couple things don't cheer him up, I'll just say I'm like, I just want you to be happy 100% all the time every day, like as a joke, because they know what he feels that way. But I say that all the time. I'm like, I just want everyone around me to be fine all the time. So that's very real. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, I could see that for sure. I'm gonna see. There's also friendships.
Oh, do you want to look at career paths real quick? I didn't. It was wrong for me because it says that I should be, um, all like stable, steady, like nine to five career. They said you don't enjoy unpredictability. You don't enjoy a house because again, that's the one part. I think that they got wrong about this test, but I have such, I think I just have a really conflicting personality. Like, like I have half of me is very unorganized, unpredictable. I like spontaneity, but the other half is so I'm, I'm so driven and I get things done and stubborn.
organized chaos like I think both of you are both of us are kind of like that I'm okay here we go if you broke it down into like 5050 like organizing chaos
I feel like I'm a bit more on the organized, but I definitely am still like a very chaotic person and you're a bit more on like the chaos, but it's organized. I don't know. Right. Exactly. It's weird. I've never felt like these personality tests have perfectly gotten me. Like there's be parts of it where like I can now put in a certain trait of mine better into words, like, you know, like the stubbornness or the whatever, but like it's still just, it's still not perfect. It's still fun. I think it's, I think they got the weaknesses spot on like,
Yeah, I feel like the pros what they get is like the weaknesses of like great you got that right?

Conclusion and Reflections on Similarities

It's like thanks a lot. Now I'm just gonna go around telling people about my weaknesses. I'm trying to see if it gives me like a recommended career.
Oh, man. Okay, no, they actually okay, I'll share just a little bit because they actually got career paths really down pat for me. I'll just grab like a few snippets. But it says they take pride in getting the job done and getting it done. Well, randomly cutting corners are trying to avoid a time consuming task. I will say I do try to cut corners. If I can, like I don't always try to but like I just, if there's unnecessary stuff, I do try to like cut that out. But maybe that is like getting it done and getting it done. Well,
This unshakable work ethic combined with a genuine desire to be of service to others is a good thing. People with ISFJ personality type may find it hard to part ways with employers due to their innate loyalty, even if things are just not working out. Beth, you know I will not quit a job. Are you kidding me? I've done it. I mean, I have. I have quit jobs, but I'm just saying I hate doing it.
I will say places way too long. And then if the workplace is good, like if I have good bosses, I was like, I'll die here. I will never leave. Dude, that's crazy. They got that. Yeah. But as long as they put themselves in a work environment that appreciates and takes full advantage of their many strengths, ISFJs can use their determination, precision, blah, blah, blah, to good in the world, whatever, like so great.
But that cracks me up, that they'll have trouble leaving due to loyalty. I will literally never leave the job. That's so specific and accurate. That's crazy. That's funny. OK. I'm going to.
And then there's a collusion. Yeah, it just sums it up. But hopefully you guys enjoyed this today, going through this. Maybe you've even learned something about yourself or learned a little bit more about us because we're sharing so much about our personal lives or about our faith or our businesses. It's kind of nice to know a little bit more about the people who are talking to you. Yeah. And it's interesting, Beth. I thought you and I, because we always say we're best friends opposite in every way. I really thought our personality types were going to be like each letter was going to be different on the spectrum, but it's actually
funny how similar we ended up being. There was only one thing that we were like fully opposite on like 50% in one direction and 50% in the other, but a lot of them were similar. And that just goes to show maybe even in ways that are not outwardly noticeable, you really might get along best with people who you have some deep similarities with at your core. Oh man. I love that.
Alright, thanks guys. Thanks for hanging out with us today. This was just, yeah, like we said, fun little episode. Definitely, definitely let us know if you guys like this one. If you like these more like personable, just like fun hangout ones. If you like to get to know more about us. If you'd like to see more episodes like this from us, like whatever.
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