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Episode 164: More of our Top 10? image

Episode 164: More of our Top 10?

E164 · Goblin Lore Podcast
437 Plays2 years ago

Hello, Podwalkers, and welcome back to another episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast! Today Hobbes and Alex say congrats to Hipsters of the Coast on reaching 10 years of producing content... This celebration happened awhile ago... But us being us... we're a little late. Also the idea was to do a top 10  (which Alex and Hobbes did not tell each other anything about their lists) and of course we talked for almost two hours so this is ummmm the second half of our lists... but only kind of because we actually did 6 things last week...

Again we would like to state that Black Lives Matter

We also are proud to have partnered with Grinding Coffee Co a black, LGBT+ affiliated and owned, coffee business that is aimed at providing coffee to gamers. You can read more about their mission here. You can use our partner code for discounted coffee!

We also finally have a Linktree with all of our discounts/resources


As promised, we keep Mental Health Links available every episode. But For general Mental Health the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has great resources for people struggling with mental health concerns as well as their families. We also want to draw attention to this article on stigma from NAMI's site.

If you’re thinking about suicide or just need someone to talk to right now, you can get support from any of the resources below.


Opening and closing music by Wintergatan (@wintergatan). Logo art by Steven Raffael (@SteveRaffle)

Goblin Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast, and a part of their growing Vorthos content – as well as Magic content of all kinds. Check them out at


Introduction and Series Context

Hello Podwalkers, and welcome to another episode of the Goblin Lore podcast. This is HobbsQ. My pronouns are he, him. I can be found on Twitter at HobbsQ. And I'm just introducing today's episode as it is a second part. Last week, Alex and I went through the beginning of our top 10 list, and what top 10 meant was interpreted wildly different between the two of us.
So today we're going to continue on with those lists in celebration of Hipster's or the Coast 10th anniversary with putting out content.

Celebrating Communities and Business

Before we get started, we always want to say thank you to the Grinding Coffee Company for their support. Just a great organization to be paired with. You can find them at Grinding Coffee Company online.
And they are a minority-owned LGBT-ran coffee company that really is committed to helping gamers and to spread word. And they just have a mission statement that we greatly believe in. And we just want to always give them a shout out. So with that, I'll just let Alex and myself take it back away. All right.

Book Recommendations and Inspirations

So that'll be number four. So for number four is a long way to a small and angry planet.
So this is a book. This is, again, I said earlier that generally it's fantasy is where I like to live with stories, but this is a science fiction book. And this is kind of like Mass Effect, like some others. This is a science fiction book that kind of has that, okay, humanity made it. I can be happy about that. It's set kind of far in the future.
great circumstances to how humanity kind of got out into space and living but won't really belabor that if you're interested in the book you can you can see that it's all stuff that that's all stuff that happens in the background but this book is basically just about a crew on a ship whose job is to go around punching holes in space to create hypers hyperspace jumps essentially so that people can quickly travel from from one system to another
And so they are just this it's it's a well worn and wonderful sci-fi trope of the ship full of misfits who have created a found family who are out in space kind of doing the jobs that they can to make the money to keep flying.
And this is a book that was actually recommended to me by someone on the air when I recorded an episode last year with Morgan, who is a certified book scientist. She recommended this book to me after we kind of started the episode talking about books we'd been reading recently.

Podcast Format and Authenticity

I can't remember what I mentioned. And I mentioned that I was kind of consuming a lot of more slice of life, not necessarily feel good, more slice of life stuff just kind of down to earth.
types of stories and she recommended this to me and this is it was a very good story in that sort of vein so Yeah, one way to a small and angry planet are Becky Chambers awesome number four
Commander thanks Alex for actually had this one, you know my top ones act I from here on out I am pretty solid and so I had to laugh because I wanted solemn to just kind of be like yeah, and then you went into the Format itself and about like all of these things that I love about it personally myself. It was just like great cool I'm sorry this
this is how we record these types of episodes because we want genuine reactions from each other except for when I got to like the top
Like I could. For anyone who, if you go back and listen to some of our episodes, or even going forward, because like I said, we have no intention of changing this. We have no intention. This is how our show operates. Yeah. We are, we, we will have things that are a little more scripted. We'll have things where we have a little more stuff, but I guess I do have my full list, but I don't, I don't share it with Hobbs until we're recording.
I couldn't even share mine, but I also couldn't interrupt you and be like, well, yeah. But it's like, you know, the conversation is the content for us a lot of times. It is. I mean, it is true because it also just shows that there's a natural kind of...
you know, give and take to what we do. And there is the similarity in thought processes between us. You know, there are places where obviously we diverge, we have our perspectives, but there also is elements of overlap and why this works, this being the show itself. But, you know, playing magic and, you know, why we are able to play games together, I would say, fairly well and have had fun when we play.

Magic: The Gathering Journey

Because we have a similar mindset and
Commander is that um for you know the when I started playing magic it was 60 card for the most part four card Decks um for four, you know, you might play four of if you had them Well, I mean when I first started it was like whatever we had right but I mean as I started actually learning to build decks it was still casual and it was still 60 card decks with four of that followed like just no real
rule set in, I mean, no rule set in the terms of like standard, where it was the step that this set or extended, where it was back so many blocks and people don't even know what extended is or modern. If we want to say that, right? Like some version that there was like a set, it was more like legacy or vintage, except we weren't playing stuff like that. We were just playing cards from throughout all of magic's history. And that was,
Right, or once I got to the point of building my own, I might still seek out cards that I want for the deck, but I wasn't going to pay attention to anything to do with it when it was done. Like, can I get it if I want it? And does it do what I want the deck to do? Like, my Northern the Wary casual 60-card deck,
like random cards from tempest, like last ditch effort where you sack so many creatures because it was making a ton of little tokens off of a mere whatever.
the mirror generator, whenever one comes in, the creature comes in, you make a 1-1. So I was just trying to do that, right? So I was just like, wow, if I could all of a sudden sacrifice all of them, that would be cool and do a ton of damage. But I didn't have a reason that it needed to come from a certain timeframe or set. Commander changed this
Even when it was first coming out, like when I first started playing commander, it was like 2010. I mean, it was elder dragon Highlander. We weren't far removed from the concept of like only certain, you know, like people were using any legend, but like, you know, like there was still a reason that the deck was called elder dragon Highlander. You played a elder dragon. You could have Highlander, right? There'd been lots of attempts at singleton formats. There was, you know, like, what is it like prismatic? There was, uh,
prismatic was just like 250 card decks or you know i mean there was wild things out there but none of them had a philosophy and a deck building restriction that really
drew you to building it. And as you said, at the point of when I started, right, like I had a deck with a soul ring in it because I owned a soul ring. Um, like that was an expensive card, uh, compared to what I was playing. Um, because it hadn't been reprinted.
Yeah, and you look at its price now, and even now it demands a few bucks for the cheapest printings. Oh, and it's been printed into the ground. Yeah, and that's with Wizards continuously to keep that price there. Every Commander deck pre-com that is printed has a sold ring in it.
So that the price doesn't get out of hand. So that's how people got soul rings. Yeah, was the first pre-cons. For most people. That was how it started, right? Like, you know, it's been in some other sets, but like, it was put into these the very first pre-cons. Since the revised.
It was in like a mystery booster. I want to say mystery booster. I mean, OK, it's still not. I don't think it really has been. But every single one has been into a pre-con. But like pre-cons are often played. Some people keep them, right? Like people build a lot of decks. I got like 14 of

Salt's Role in Culinary Arts

them. I literally had to go looking for a soul ring the other day and I got confused. But when I started, I had one because it was from revised. Like I didn't have options. So I mean, Commander still was. It had a head.
a way to tell stories. It had something that you were building around. You had restrictions. I am a big fan of restrictions. It got to the point where stuff started being a little homogenized in my local play group. So we can talk about this in the wider commander world right now.
there's been this discussion of like things solidifying but like my commander group was becoming that way in 2013 before i moved here to minnesota and me and one buddy started trying to get people to play like a peasant version where we used any rare creature and you could only use commons and uncaught i mean like but there was ways to to do stuff like that and still stay within the rules ish i mean we weren't playing legends but i mean there still was a hundred cards singleton
Right. Like there was still this idea that you had to stay within color restriction. There was these things that I think help breed creativity when you want it to. And commander is like the de facto way to play magic. And I there's, we could talk all about that is like, that's going down it because I'm going with things that I love. And like, there's elements that just like any hobby, any thing that are not going to be great, but commander in it's at its core.
is the way to play magic. And like, it was the way for me to play magic before it became the de facto way to play magic. Like I had basically gotten to only play in it. And I think that that is what happened. Like it, it came to the point where you show up at an LGS. Nobody had a 60 card random deck that wasn't modern or legacy or for standard, right? They just prior, everybody had those. That's what we had. That's what we had at my kitchen table. Even my LGS, I could find people to play. It got to be, if I went those places and I didn't have any H deck.
it was a lot harder to play. So yeah, number four, EDH. Number four, EDH. All right. Number three, I'm going to go with Hellite.
Which is rock salt. I was going to say, right? Like, okay. I didn't know like, this was one of those ones that I had to wonder, is there a piece of media that I don't know? No, this is, this is because it is, you know, a very, you know, salt is just super important for lots of things, both nutritionally and, and culinarily. But also I, I love this idea that there is something that is both a rock and a food.
It's, it's great. I mean, I don't know what else there is to say about salt. It's, it's good. And, and generally people, I don't know what else to say about salt, like, right? Like, yeah, it's so good for all of that. And so important to all that, that yeah, there it is. Well, I was going to say it, salt is, you know, like, I'm going to make a joke at my own expense here in the sense of kind of this, the stereotype of like being white and like the extent of your,
seasoning or I guess even being from the Midwest, I've heard this a lot too, but like salt and peppers, like pepper is too spicy. Um, but, but, but like, it doesn't matter. Salt is a key ingredient in all cooking. Yes. And people should use more. We'll just go with that. Yeah. Most people should keep reminding myself. I have to put it in the food.
I've had to tell people this like, I've had to tell this like, about burgers, people just don't salt them, right? And like, then they go to a restaurant and they're like, Why does this taste so good? I'm like, it's got salt in it. Yeah, like, they, they cook their burgers with salt, like, it's an ingredient. That's when one of the thing I've been cooking recently, again, is my dad used to make these fried potatoes, which are just, it's the simplest thing, but you just take a potato slice it as thin as you can slice it yourself by hand and then fry it in
some oil with some onion and that's your thing. But like the first time I made it because it had been years and years since I made this, I forgot to salt it. And it had been a long time and I put ketchup in it because I'm in Minnesota and I put ketchup on basically almost every form of potato. So I didn't quite notice it. Then I made the second batch that I remembered to salt and it was like, why do these taste so much better? It was like, oh, because I salted the stupid things. Put salt in your water when you're making pasta people.
I mean, we're getting dangerously close into a whole goblin games episode or a color pie of food where it's just salt because it could be seasonings, I guess, but we should do a seasonings episode. We should do a seasonings episode. You know, Hobbs, it has been a very long time since you and I in the middle of an episode when that should be an episode. Yeah, it used to be a common thing. We used to do that every episode. Yeah. Yeah. Well, partly I would say
Up until recently, we actually did a well job of for a month or two actually having a plan. There's that. And also I realized we have referenced several episodes we've already recorded. So I think part of it was when we first started, we didn't have a backlog. No, no, we didn't have a back catalog. No, no references. As I said in this previous episode, as I've said in the past, it was all brand new. No, no, it was like, Oh, we can actually do that. We have a show. Um, yeah, salt is gonna be like, specifically how like, but I mean, like,
Just yeah, you're you got me. That was kind of. That's a goblin. That's your life. That's your answer that encompasses goblins, too. Yeah, exactly. Because it's rocks and food. But in this case, it's both. It's both. OK. All right. Number three. Three. Artist proofs. I mean, number three. Only number three. Yeah, because number two and number one are awesome. I feel like we're getting to the point where like I feel like we're getting to the point where all of mine
no longer shocking. We've now hit the point of the point of the show where people if they know Hobbs, yes, can probably figure these ones out. It's not making them up anymore. And I do need to to give you some credit and to take back that a little bit. You have to copy you say no particular order. And then I did. And then we get here and I get shocked about the particular order. And so nope, no, to be fair. Now that we've hit for and above, it is kind of an order.
Okay. That's mainly because I didn't have five through 10. Um, so artist proofs, if people do not know at this point, um, artists proofs are magic cards that have a normal magic front and a white back to them. And they are cards that from almost the beginning, um, there are ones that are called beta. They were printed at the same time as.
collector's edition IE, but they, and they have square corners, but they're actually like Jesper my force, who was the like art director.
calls them beta, so I'm going with that. There's been discussion about this, but they were run at the same time off of the beta imprints. So was IE and CE. They just had a gold magic back. These have no magic back, so theoretically. Anyway, these have been around since then. So they have been here since the beginning of the game. They were conceived as a way to have a gift to give to the artists, in the sense that artists were given some number of these.
It's become a little more codified that it's roughly 30 non foil, 50, 50 non foil, 30 foil, but that also varies from set to set. You'll, you'll get ones that are numbered and they don't match that. And in the old days, it was kind of like the wild west. I've got some that are numbered. That's like out of legends ones are out of a hundred, but like I've had some that are numbered out of like 64, right? Like the artists, they weren't consistent because it was based on like print runs and everything else. But the reason they are important to me now and things that I love.

Understanding Artist Proofs

They are a way to get money, generally, into the hands of the artist because, like, unless they're all gone, like, you're looking for old cards, like, the artist may have given them away because artists didn't know what to do with them necessarily early on.
or throwing them away in some cases, because they just didn't think of that. I mean, they weren't because they rightly think about this. Like it's a magic front with a white back. It's not playable in anything. It's not theoretically, they're not playable in sanctioned magic, but so like command is on sanction these days. There wasn't commander, right? There wasn't people playing a ton of unsanction type stuff. So like, for a lot of years, they were an oddity. They were
And back then too, sleeves were also not a thing. Not only did people generally not use sleeves, but tournaments, if you had your card sleeve, you had to de-sleeve them. And casually, we would use penny sleeves to help protect the cards, but we didn't have all of these opaque sleeves that exist these days that allow you to sleeve up cards that have different backs and use them in your deck.
Right, like email, like, you mean, yes. And so in this particular thing, it's not even just artists first, but you know, like.
Double face cards or things like that. Yeah. Yeah way those in your deck these days But you mean there's a lot of movement even towards just proxies in Non-sanctioned formats and this is only another way to do it, but it is a way for the most part now to make relationships with artists to Give money directly to artists. They will sketch some will some won't I mean, there's a whole world it is a wild separate weird world that is now melding with like
I think before it was just a collector's item, but that world is also melding with people who play more, and there's a lot of intersections when we want to talk about artist proofs. But for the most part, they are a way to get money into the hands of artists directly, which to me is always an amazing thing if you're able to do it.
I'm going to be buying cards. I love that. And on top of that, it has been a way for us, I guess, us, you and I, in the sense of like, Ant Waters came on the show because him and I struck up a conversation after I had started to buy artist proofs from him. That's something that we had the opportunity to do and interview a magic artist that that relationship developed because
It's a way to support these artists, and that has kind of pulled some of them, not all of them, and the ones who kind of want to do what it's given a little bit more of a way to pull them into the community in a way that they were really pretty separated before. They would sell
Some might come to events, but it was a small number. That's interesting. And what would you sell? They could sell prints, they could sell tokens. Because back then, they could even do play mats. And now, there's a lot more flexibility for them to do play mats.
Or they'll do a new art that's a play on an old one that lets them do a play. I mean, there's a ways, but like even just this, you know, like the artists have had a way to kind of, I don't know, like not just artists proofs, but in general, this gets me into my like tangent on artists, which is.
related to artist proofs, you know, like we've had Jeff Laubenstein on the show when he was doing his goblin a day token thing. Well, he started traveling to events, not something that somebody who hasn't designed or, you know, had a new magic card come out since like, I don't remember because we looked it up, but it was, it's been a while. Um, had a reprint recently with one of the Douthy horrors because the shadow card that went in a pre-con, but like,
He's now traveling all over the world into these events, selling proofs, doing tokens, doing art, even he's done. So like, this is giving a different life and a different relationship with magic art. And I love artist proofs. That's my number three. Great. I love it. All right. So my number two, um, it was when the Death Star blows up and started episode four.
specifically and there's a little bit I got it I the special the first special edition that was on the bhs because it was okay because that was this is I literally have so many questions right okay go ahead go ahead and I'll say I know that those editions had

The Charm of Goblins in Magic

some other questionable choices from George Lucas and I'm not going to defend any of them but I was a kid when those editions came out and that explosion
just was amazing. Like I couldn't believe how cool that looked because I had seen the previous versions. My parents probably had them on VHS or maybe we recorded them off TV. I'm not sure. We had a previous version and it was great. It was one of my favorite movies. It's still among my favorite movies of all time. But to see that new version, that updated thing, it was just incredible.
So I think, okay, so the reason I was going to jump in was because the special editions were how I was able to see the original trilogy, except for Return of the Jedi, which is the first movie that I can actually remember seeing in a theater at age like three or four. But anyway, other than that,
It was the way that I got to see them in the theater. Special editions meant I got to see these movies that I grew up with and were my childhood movie as somebody born in 1979, that Death Star blowing up to me with the original version was mind-blowing. For my parents, I bet it was even more so because that was not graphics that were.
of the things that I loved when I did get to see them finally in high school. Gosh, Alex, some days you just make me feel a little buddy. No, I'm sorry. But it was seeing the Death Star blown up. Right. Like that, that like that is where special editions are meant for. Right. Like you're adding in unused footage of Harrison Ford with a sock puppet that they turn in the job of the hut. You're like, that's not. That's the one I was just thinking of. It's like, I'm not going to try to defend any of the other decisions he made, but that
But updating graphics, cleaning things up, that's fine to me. Like didn't make them sterile, but like adding it to be a better explosion. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that that was my number two. I we get done with your list of a whole we're going to have to do some like recaps. Oh, yeah. You have context, but I also have thoughts. Anyway, number two. Goblins.
Yeah, I mean like checks out checks out right like this is things I love about magic and it is they and this show So thank you Joe because like I was a I've said this on the show before I was my I did not play a lot of these strategies with creature types my I would have chosen one it would have been zombies prior to this and
as we've gone along and like I've learned to read about goblins and I've learned to just you know like you know I kind of almost the joke about like like I maybe I liked them ironically at first but then it definitely was only a short period of time because even if I was just like haha I have to say this because I'm a goblin paced podcast and I want to be funny at the same time
I started realizing how many goblins I did like in Magic and how many things about goblins
And I mean, this is whole the basis. If you want to go back to the three parter, we just finished with spice eight rack. It basically. It is the reason we recorded with it for three hours was because of this and it's because of the the communal nature of goblins. It's because of their place of getting to be the jokes or to have elements of like.
The legends have gotten better and they've just given them more depth to them and even when they're
Chaotic they're chaotic with like loveableness. I don't know like I'm thinking of like quark yeah quark is a gambling gambling gob and like coin flipping is something I love and I You know, but like part of what quark really wants to do is like minimize his wrist. He's a gambler He's actually looking to improve his odds as much as we want to joke about him being a gambler like we had this with the episode with
with a orcish like, you know, the goals of gambling theoretically, if you're a hardcore gambler from a game theory perspective is to minimize randomness. It's not to increase it. Right? It's funny that we talk about this because like coin flipping the goals of the decks that do play these is to minimize
chaos, which is funny because of the perception of chaos. And I think that that's why there's just so much depth when talking about it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I and I've talked to the same same thing. Originally, that was not goblins were not a big thing that was, you know, super compelling to me from
from the game. I mean, I had no issues with goblins. No, no, I never did. And I was just chuckling because you and you were saying like, if you did have a creature type, you'd kind of build a deck around you, you preference was more zombies before. And for me, I had, I stopped and thinking like, what was one of the first ones I built a deck around? And you probably wouldn't guess this, but when I say it to you, it's weird enough, you'd go, yeah, that makes sense.
Oh, it was. Yeah, 100%. You guessed it. You got it. 100 in one.
I built a thalad deck in Fallen Empire, so like garbage that was, like it wasn't good, but this is back when, you know, you talk about the 60 card casual decks, you just look what you have. But the whole system built around the thalads that would get counter, spore counters every turn, and then you could turn those spore counters into creatures. And I liked that system. So that was my, that was one of the first decks I ever built myself was a thalad deck.
See, I don't know why like I like I don't know if I know it like you probably have said this and I just like. I am. I'm not sure that's ever come up. It also makes just complete sense to me. I don't know. Um, yeah, it's funny that you mentioned that route because I was thinking about the time that I built right before we returned to Mirrodin speaking of Phyrexians. I built a poison deck for EDH at a time when like that basically was like
a handful of cards that ever gave poison counters from early on in Magic. And then it was like, and then it was the sliver that gave slivers poison.
And like I built that in ways to keep reanimating in case I need to. And it was a hybrids, really bad hybrids, liver, and those other cards deck. God, I love that. And I'm not joking, by the way, folks, if you're, if you were not applying back then, uh, Marsh mosquito. Yeah. Is, is a legitimate card. I believe it was the first, but no, it wasn't the first of poison counts. It's the first one I saw cause it was alliances. I think there was one in Arabian nights that had poison. I might be wrong.
anyway so no so like i just am laughing because like it like because i then quickly fell off of that because like it wasn't there was in fact it became a very different game but
Goblins. Yep. That's my number. That's my number two. Uh, I mean, it shouldn't shock people at this point. I've now set it up that you should know what's coming. If you didn't see goblins coming in the top two, then this is probably not the podcast for you. Welcome to the show. We're glad welcome to another episode of the goblin Lord podcast. We will not be changing our name.
No, a name that was not it was on our list of early names, but it was honestly, I don't know that it was it was not my front runner. But that's neither here nor there. I think we Yeah, it doesn't matter. Right? Like, that's where we are. And I like would be kind of crappy to go back and change it. Yeah, it worked out really well. I'm very glad that's the that's the direction we went in that
Well, it kind of helped to define where we wanted to be. Yeah, it's one of those things where like, structure, but yet didn't limit us. And based on like this episode, this episode, like, you know, what we wanted to do, it fit what we wanted to do, but then it has also then sort of helped define us as we go through it. It's just a nice back and forth relationship. But anyway,
Yeah, it's very symbiotic. Is that going to bring us to your number one? That was going to be the transition of the cast of all time if it was. Yes, you can come up with some way of things that are deep fried because my number one. I am shocked that this is food related.
Yeah, so it's in specifically because like a lot of these when I have something that's a little more general I want to be specific about what I'm thinking about so donuts, but specifically This is gonna be I'm going deep here, but that's what this whole episodes about my favorite donut of all time It is not Dunkin donuts. I do like Dunkin donuts. I like them a lot. There's one nearby There's not many in Minnesota, but there's one by my apartment
But my favorite are glazed old-fashioned donuts from Cub, which is a grocery chain here in the Twin Cities. And when I say old-fashioned, I need to define this because there's two different uses of old-fashioned when referring to donuts. What? This is calling my mind, cake. The East Coast Dunkin' Donuts sort of definition of it is like a cake donut.
And especially if you go to Dunkin' Donuts specifically and you order an old-fashioned, you'll get a plain cake donut with nothing, and that's kind of normal.
folks like that. This may be a Dunkin Donuts thing. It may be a Dunkin Donuts thing. But my understanding is that the what I think of as old fashioned, what we call old fashioned is also called a sour cream donut in other places. I actually looked into this after I got it ordered an old fashioned at a Dunkin Donuts in an airport and was sorely disappointed. I would expect you to be so sour cream donut or what
we would call old-fashioned is a donut that just has sour cream like in the batter but what that does is when it fries it starts to break apart a little bit just part of it it kind of bursts a little bit and what that does is is it creates a lot more surface area
So you get more crunch because the parts that kind of burst out a little bit create these like valleys and peaks on one end. And those valleys and peaks then fry a little more deeply because you just have more surface areas, you get more crunch to it. And it creates a eating experience with more texture then, especially I like their glazed ones, cubs glazed ones, because then you get a the sugar of the glaze, but also in those valleys, some of those.
that aren't fully crunchy, that glaze then becomes really gooey. And so normal cake texture, you get the crunchy bits on the outside, and you get this gooey texture on the the inside of some of those crevices. I think this is less of a regional and more of a like corporate.
Well, there's some of that, but like it, I looked it up and sour, like they're called sour cream, but that's, yeah, that is places called them. Like this area, generally Midwest is generally called that old fashioned. Other places call that a sour cream donut. Cause I think, yeah, like, right. But I think most places I've ever lived and I've lived in three of the regions, right? Like Midwest, West coast, East coast, all three of those. I would have known what you were talking about. Okay.
He thinks for people to realize about these that are amazing, they are a fried cake donut, which is not as common. So that's the other thing to be realizing. They do not typically tend to be a yeasted donut.
So a lot of times cake donuts are like, well, they can be fried, but they don't have that like same. Like you would like a glazed donut or like a yeasted donut that has that rise to it. It has leavening agent. So it's more of a cake, but it is, sorry, it is deep fried at a lower temperature, which is what gives it that crunchiness to it compared to other cake donuts. So a normal cake donut is kind of fried at a higher temperature so that you get more of the cake, but less of the crunch. Hmm.
Sorry. No, more explanation is better. I, after that one incident, went and did like a little bit of googling and found that sort of discrepancy. And that was years ago, and I don't know how thoroughly and well I researched that. So if you have more information, you definitely did. That is great context for people who have not experienced these.
Yeah, that is my number one. And I like Donuts in general. I go to Dunkin' pretty frequently because I can just walk to this one over here. I really do like them, but that particular donut is my favorite. Okay, my number one.

Emphasizing Community in Magic

Things I love about Magic the Gathering. I have to know. Do you have a guess at this?
Uh, I mean the community. Yes. See, I knew it. Yeah. Like, right. Like I'm not going to shock anybody at this point. Hopefully. Like I kind of think I like you led us on a very cool ride. I'm going to say that like all over the place, each of yours, you know, like even if they were not in, if they were in order, if they weren't, I don't know mine.
I knew I was building to this point on the show where it was going to become a little bit less chaotic, but more predictable. And that's because these are these are the things that I love. And there's a reason for them. Right. Like there is a reason that I don't play magic more than once a week. And I'm being generous when I say more than once a week, because like I just played on Thursday and that may have been the first time in a month.
Before that, it may have been another month before that. There's been times when I've been able to play more during the pandemic. But even prior to that, you know, I had a kid and my playing time was limited. At the end of the day, I am talking about magic on a weekly basis on a podcast. I am on a Twitter account where I talk about magic like a lot. I mean, this is.
the understatement of the year when people don't go look at the number of tweets I've made over my life. I just want you all to know that. Just don't look at it. It's embarrassing because that's what I like to do. I like to talk and I like to talk to people about things.
And having a community is a place that I get to talk about things. And while that is about a card game, the card game is what brings us together. The card game is what gives a purpose or a meaning or gives a common language. It is part of it, but it is not the piece that I, you know, the playing of the game is not
what I am mainly doing anymore. It is the gathering. And even when I played it all the time, it was because I needed something to go do. This was when I was in grad school and I was in a relationship and it was ending and I needed a place to go and I needed people to be around and I needed to make friends and I needed to do all of these things. The gathering was what kept me playing magic throughout grad school. It's what kept me playing magic.
through having a job, through getting married, like being around people. Magic was the way that I was able to do it. And this is something that we've talked about on the show because we are a community of communities, right? And that's what I love. Like, I don't have to play and I can still be engaged because we have story, we have cosplay.
We have podcasts where like us and spice and Ristic study that it's in that way of like, maybe we're not even talking and about the game. The game's a framework because that's what we use, right? Like there's, there's a.
There's just a collection piece. There is a hobby piece. There is a art piece. There is a story. There is the actual play, but there's even just theory about play. There's theory about what does casual mean? What does game mean? What does fun mean? And it's people. It's people that make up the stories. It's people that have these conversations. And at the end of the day, like,
I'm not trying to be cheesy in the way that I structured this with, you know, ending the episode. Well, coming towards the end of the episode on this, we're moving on an hour and a half. Possibly split into two episodes, depending on where that number five mark is, because that would be also us. Um, but like that, you know, like that's, we're a magic podcast, right? Even when we don't talk about magic to our audiences.
That's what brought us together, but now that we are a group together, that doesn't mean that has to be the only thing we do. So it's the community is, yeah, and that for me, while my list was not about the top 10 things that I like about magic, my list was actually just 10 things, like my favorite of 10 things. Also, while we're going into the outro, I do have a zero that was number one for a while, but that's just dogs.
Okay. That's fair. You know, there's a reason that, you know, Gavin Verhay every year does a, you know, like a, a March gladness. Um, so, uh, a poll and, you know, dogs and cats were the winner of the first two years and dogs was cats were in, I don't think, but like dogs were the winner, right? Like, you're like, there's a reason. It's like a given. Yeah. And that's why I, that's why I pushed it to zero. Cause I was like, yeah, I just have 10 other things. But we talk about like the community.
That's my favorite thing about magic too. I spent more than two years over the course of the first two years of the pandemic, not even playing magic. You weren't playing arena, you weren't playing arena. And to be honest, that's why I don't play arena or MPDO. I played it some, I played with some.
But I don't, frankly, I don't enjoy the game without the community. I like Magic as a game, and there's elements like the problem solving, the puzzle building. I enjoy the expression of deck building and some of that stuff. But as a game, I'd rather do something else.
Um, but the community of magic and, and the way that the game, um, not the way the game gives a framework for community, the way it gives a good scaffolding for community, because, you know, if you go to an event, you might sit down, you sit down with a deck and you just play with random people. And then you pick that up and go play with other random people. There are other games. There are even other games that have good communities. Like I love playing Dungeons and Dragons and you can have.
a great community around that. But the way those work generally is you're playing with the same group over and over again for weeks, months. That's great. I love doing it, but it is not the same as like magic where you can go to an event and play with 20, 30 different people on the same day and get to have conversations with all sorts of different people and from all over the place. And so that's why like during that pandemic, when I couldn't safely go play with people, I kind of just didn't play.
But I was still part of the community because I came on this podcast. Yeah. Yeah. So, so, you know, I, I laugh because you did your 10, 10 things of, uh, you know, like 10, 10 things. And I'm guessing it's almost like a one of 10 different categories. And at the same time, there was a consistent theme of space.
Yes, so like it's funny because I guess we could talk about this when it comes to science fantasy versus science fiction. You know, Star Wars versus Star Trek almost in the sense of I mean, if we want to.
Not that the science is the main focus on either, but technology and science is in sites in Star Trek. There's much more focused versus. Star Wars. Yeah. It's the fantasy tropes or fantasy things. I mean, even if we want to look at things like the Mandalorian, it's Westerns in space, which is, I would argue more on the fantasy realm. So like you, but even with that, you still had a lot to do with.
outer space in particular. So it was kind of cool big theme. Yeah, for me, that's a big thing that I'm kind of interested in attracted to I also have, I'll say you you kind of alluded to it or caught on to it pretty quickly. But I intentionally speaking of scaffolding some of the few things that I sort of established right away new dogs. That was my number one to start with before
You remember the word scaffolding. But yeah, yeah. I've used it like three times and we'll forget it by tomorrow. Yes, you have. My top three were very, very specifically a food, a rock and an explosion. Nice. Because when I go do the color pie of food, which it has been a while since we've been a new one, but whenever we do the color pie of food, I always like to introduce. I always just like to start that topic with we're here to talk about one of goblins, three favorite things. And that's just a joke I came up with off the cuff the first time. Oh, yeah.
We talked about food, but it has come back and it has now become a meme. Yeah. And I missed the explosion. Yeah. That was the Death Star. Yeah. Gosh. Wow. That's a little embarrassing. That is one of the few that hasn't changed on my list because I knew that right away. I'm like, I need an explosion. What's my favorite explosion? Death Star blowing up. Hands down. There's no question that that is my favorite explosion.
Yep. And you do the rock bean of food. Like that was also I got to give you mad props for that. That's really well done. I struggled on for a while. I had tiger's eye for a little while. I think it's cool. I've almost bought some tiger's eye dice sets. It's one of my my favorite looking. What are they semi precious gemstones, I think is the name of that category. Yeah. Um, but it's like, that I just didn't feel
super strong about until i was googling like cool rocks and then hell i came up with like googling cool rocks yeah i literally i think i literally put cool rocks into google and i i mean once again did you know
I kind of love the direction this whole episode took. I started this out with like solidifying a list as we went. You came with a list that cheated, and you had spent time on. And I think that that really, you know, like hipsters, you know, this is I guess, we kind of
fulfilled the deal and we kind of did honor the y'all in your 10th anniversary. We're just a little late to the party. And that's our show for today. You can find both of the hosts on Twitter. Hobbs can be found at HobbsQ and Alex can be found at Mel underscore chronically. Feel free to send us any questions, comments, thoughts, hopes and dreams.
to goblinlordpod on Twitter or email us at goblinlordpodcast at If you would like to support your friendly neighborhood gobslugs to our Linktree on our Twitter account and listed in our show notes. This has everything from our discounts for the Granny Coffee Company to our Patreon.
The music for today's show was by Vindergotten, who can be found at Vindergotten at The art was done by Steven Raphael, who can be found at Steve Raffel on Twitter. Goblin Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast as part of their growing 4thos content. Check them out on Twitter at hipstersmpg or online at Thank you for listening. And remember, goblins like snowflakes are only dangerous in numbers.