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Ninja III: The Domination (1984) image

Ninja III: The Domination (1984)

S2 E34 · Everything Actioncast
33 Plays5 months ago

This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris sharpen their katanas and discuss the certified Cannon Classic Ninja III: The Domination, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

The third and final entry in the "Ninja Trilogy" produced by The Cannon Group, which includes Enter the Ninja and Revenge of the Ninja, Ninja III: The Domination stars Lucinda Dickey as Christie, a telephone line repair technician and aerobics instructor who becomes possessed with the spirit of an evil ninja that causes her to seek out and kill the police officers responsible for the ninja's death.  This is complicated because Christie starts seeing one of those cops, Billy Secord (Jordan Bennett).  Sho Kosugi, who starred in the previous two Ninja Trilogy movies, co-stars as Yamada, a good ninja who travels from Japan to destroy the evil ninja.  Zach and Chris talk about the infamously awesome opening golf course rampage, Christie's insane apartment, the unsexiness of V8, the constant introduction of new evil ninja powers, and more.

You can watch Ninja III: The Domination on the Internet ArchiveNext week, we roll out and discuss The Transformers: The Movie as Transformers One hits theaters as the first full animated Transformers movie in almost 40 years.

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Introduction and Hosts

Welcome to the Everything Action Cast, the official podcast of
Hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast, the podcast week of September 9th, 2024. I'm your host Zach. I'm your co-host Chris.

Ninja 3: Domination and Canon Films

Yeah, this week we are sharpening our katanas and talking about ah the canon classic Ninja 3 Domination, which came out 40 years ago this week on September 14th, 1984. And it is the third and final chapter in the canon Ninja trilogy of Ninja movies that have nothing to do with each other besides featuring Shokusugi in each one. um but So it was Enter the Ninja and the Revenge of Ninja, and now this is the third entry, Ninja 3 Domination. The only one with like a number in the title.
um It doesn't follow anything. No, and there's no something ninja. No, there's no characters that like Shokusugi is not the same character in any of these movies. There's no continuity. It's just like, hey, we made three random ninja movies that are like, we're gonna call like the third one ninja three for some reason. You know, I guess they were trying to do sort of a accidental, like,
Uh, was it like the cat with spaghetti wester in saga, like a Clint Eastwood, the manment but the manal name saga. yo yeah Yeah. And you can sort of do it because essentially the name sort of changes and the actor is like the, the character is sort of like similar, but yeah, the clothes slightly changes between the three.
ah This is straight up like another Unconnected

Canon's Influence and Sequels

movie. Oh, yeah, they're all like they're all insanely different from each other Like every movie like like yeah, the first one the first one is like Franco Nero is stars in it and then it's like shokusugi is it's like the star of the second one and then this one is like a ah insane combination of like three trends of like ninjas, aerobics, and, uh, like, I guess horror, like exorcisms. exercism Even though like a horror elements aren't like, good. well trickous like The exorcism was like the seventies. So it was like, what, what were they like?
like what were they trying to capitalize on like in like 84 of like exciting a demon to my possession cannon is not known for being cutting edge on trends they were just like hey this worked let's just put it in and that's their whole mentality well I mean I mean enter ninja did did like start the entirely ninja craze basically I think by accident it wasn't connected yeah I mean yeah it wasn't as if they invented ninjas and everyone else copied they're the ones who just made it I guess Americanize or like glamor Hollywood glamorize it's like the right it's I'm not sure this is the right word you know like it it isn't something they did and it became the template not like a John Wick
When people say like a John Wick movie or a certain director style that you understand, if you said Canon Ninja today, it does not hold up as a public understanding, a colloquial term. But if you want to say, hey, you've heard about Canon making nonsensical trilogies like Ninja 3, for example, or Troll 2, just movies that don't make sense as a sequel. Well, this would be like, um if they called like Rappin,
which I think they made after the Breakin' movies, if they said, it was like, Rappin', but it was like, Brickin' 3 Rappin'. Like... Wait, was that a movie? There was a movie that I think Canon made called, yeah, it was like, they made a movie called Rappin' to start Mario Vepibles, that was, it is sort of like, it's kind of, it's like in the Breakin', sort of, like, it's like technically a third in the Brickin' universe.

Shared Universes and Anthologies

But they didn't call it Break 3, they call it Rappin. But that's like kind of like what's going on with like this one. It's just it's like, oh, it's Ninja 3. You see the other the first two, right, that are not called Ninja 1 or 2? So there's there's like a crazy idea. If you just make movies like the Quentin Tarantino like sort of shared universe or the Kevin Smith shared universe, technically you can make these all movies be in the same universe.
But because nothing carries over, besides maybe a few actors, it's not like there's any reference. It would have been the first of its kind of a shared universe of just, this is a wacky world that ninjas pop out here and there. But if you watch ninjas like one, two, and three, no one knows how to handle ninjas.
Like in the terms of anyone that isn't actively fighting ninjas when they see a ninja, as it's as if they just found out what a ninja was. Yeah, I think i think there like they they kind of retroactively like like nowadays it's like they refer to this as like it's like the anthology series.

Director and Actress Involvement

It's like, you know, obviously it's like It's these three-digit movies, they have nothing to do with each other, but Canon made all three of them within like three years of each other. So that's thats the strategy. It's just a production company. You know, it's like certain public production companies that accidentally make like similar movies within a decade. It's like they'll just say, oh, it's a trilogy. Yeah. This is not.
a good example of a good trilogy, you know, like, I mean, great example of a bad trilogy, but and i like trying to repeat that. So it did share director. So Sam Fursterberg, you know, canon legend, Sam Fursterberg um directed Revenge of the Ninja, which is the movie that came before this one. And then he directed this one. And then same the same year as Ninja III, he directed Break into a Legend of Boogaloo. So I just read the girl that was in this. This is the Dickie who apparently according to like INDB trivia, ah Golden Globus were like trying to make her like like ah a superstar. They signed her like a five film deal and I think she only filmed three of them. The last two movies in the in her deal fell through and she's just like, well, we're done.
Because she was in Breakin' Breakin' 2 and then this, Ninja 3. And then they were supposed to make two other movies and they did they never got around to. I feel like she wasn't she in He-Man? No. i go that was something That was definitely someone else. The He-Man's like companion from whatever world he was, not Courtney Cox.
No, yeah, she was so she was like, listen to that he was only in like Uh, like breaking the digit three, break it to cheerleader camp. And then Greece to those, like her only, like she's in like five movies. Oh, wow. She's not a terrible actress. It's just, she's got like, she's really good in breaking too. Uh, she's got moves, you know, like eighties moves.
in at least this and and breaking one and two yeah she's it she's definitely more believable as a like dancer than as a ah ninja it is funny though when she is possessed and she is trying to do ninja things and the stunt person is just swapped out well i think i think shokusui just like was like in the suit for like a lot of those scenes
Anytime you're like yeah not like directly looking into the eyes of the ninja, I think it's probably like Shokusugi or one of the other like stuck guys.

Iconic Scenes in Ninja 3

God damn. He was both a ninja probably? Yeah, he's basically fighting himself.
but yeah But yeah, let's let's get let's get into 3 and no conversation about Ninja 3 can be started without talking about the opening sequence, which is one of the greatest open sequences of all time.
It is absolute insanity, where ah the evil ninja, who is Hanjiro, yeah, the black ninja Hanjiro,
is goes into a cave pulls out all this ninja equipment and then assaults a golf course in just like a non-stop rampage of like and you have no context of why it's happening or who's who these people are it's like he's just like killing every single person in this golf course well here's the thing Is this your first time you ever watched a shokusuki movie? Then you think this guy is shokusuki? He's not. This is some random other dude. Yeah, shokusuki just shows up for like 40 minutes at the movie. I mean he's in probably a lot of these scenes we're talking about because I just found out he was the other ninja apparently. Yeah. but
ah There's almost like a beautiful universal thing about just no dialogue for 10 minutes of an opening as if we know what's going on or you've seen Ninja 1 and 2. And it it just keeps ramping up in insanity of like, but just when you think it's done, it just like, it like takes it to another level. Oh yeah. I love that like, it doesn't give you breathing room. No. It's a very, um,
attention grabbing 10 minutes. But ah does it age well? No, you've got a shitload of questions. And just like I think a lot of people I learned about this movie through re letter Red Letter Media. Yeah. And in that like, the scenes where they're watching the beginning and the golf course massacre, like they go by really quick but when you watch it just as a movie without no like breaks or commentary it feels forever like just oh it's it is yeah it is crazy how all the elements he would say this like yeah and it's like i thought oh shit like this movie's better than i thought and it's so not like it it like you said earlier uh this movie pretty much wastes the potential of just all the action
hot and fast. Oh, this, this, this opening is the best part of the movie. Then it like never, it can never like come near this, this level again. Is it like a secondary director directed this or something? And it's just way better. Cause it shows you way more ninja shit. There's no confusing the evil, the evil, the evil ninjas uses like, he uses like every single like ninja gadget and weapon you could possibly imagine. Like he's using like Caltrops and throwing daggers and ninja stars and the bamboo breathing tube and blow dart blow darts I'm surprised he didn't have like a grappling hook well he I mean he grabbed on the trees and like oh yeah it's like smoking in like knock people off but motorcycles well he didn't use it as like a deadly weapon where it's oh sure grappling hook is still like a hook you know yeah
ah And yeah, that rampage is insane, especially when it breaks the laws of physics and, or just like the human body. Well, it's, it's, I mean, right from the start, like when he, when the ninja appears and he like takes a golf ball and crushes his bare hands,

Supernatural Plot Elements

and and ah I love like there's a security guard who like sees a ninja sees him crush a golf ball in his bare hands. And the guy's just like, still like, Hey, you're so yeah're not supposed to be here.
Okay. First, we don't know that golf ball is a trick golf ball or something. You know, maybe it's broken already. They just swapped it. He keeps, he keeps like a fake golf ball in his pocket. Just like, I'm going to crush this. Yeah. It wasn't like he bent a steel rod. Yeah. I don't know. So, well, he, I mean, i later, obviously later, like he has like, he has like supernatural powers. Like he's like, or he's like,
much stronger than like so so yeah somehow he's like way stronger than like a normal human because he's he's like bent like he he like blocks a golf club and like bends it over his arm and he's unharmed and he's like taking like I don't know how he rounds them and like before we get to that we get to the Scarface finale yeah uh i'm talking about like a golf ball destroying your hand i get it is like tough if you don't know like a lot of objects, tense but like density, I guess. The the golf club, that's more intimidating. Like if someone hit him and he was just like, yeah hey, Ninja, like our a pajama guy, get off this course. If you hit a guy with a golf club and he bends around his arm and he shows no like sign of like injury or like he stops him at all. He's then you're just like, oh, damn.
Sure. that's And he has he also he also lifts the golf cart off the ground. And like and like they're trying to like drive away in the golf cart. And then he he's like lifting off the ground with two people in it. Yeah. Golf carts are heavier than you think. Yeah.
And us I love how we like the movie never explains really who this like person that just trying to kill is like they vaguely mentioned later on it's like oh it was some scientist but like they never explain this there's no explanation like like who the scientist is what he's developing waste like what's hard to stop it's just like no it's something some Someone hired us Ninja to go to a golf course, kill the scientist, and then we have no idea why. it It never factors in again to the movie. There's no bearing on the movie at all. Because because like the rest of the movie isn't about the scientist, yeah. it's It's not like he had a personal vendetta against a scientist. No. He's like a mercenary. He's like a hired assassin. like They hired someone hired. We have no idea who hired the evil ninja originally. That's eternal a little mystery. And it does not go solve.
Yeah, like I said, the characters are just happening. There's no rhyme or reasons. I don't know why the scientist has that many guards with him. He's at guards, and then they call the police, and the police show up later, and then the ninja just starts going apeshit on the police. It's like, hey, is it like he killed his target? Get out of there, guy. You did it. At that point, he just wanted to murder everyone within his radius.
um I guess he could have just ninja-bombed and then done something. There were so many other tricks, but he actively wanted to mess around with the police for what feels like forever. ever yeah and what did what At point he like he like was able to dig himself into the ground and hide inside the ground and then burst out and kill more cops afterwards? He could have just waited. Yeah.
or just kept digging down, I don't know. The rules for this movie just don't make sense. He jumps in a helicopter, kicks up the helicopter got crew, and then like the helicopter, like yeah like, kind of like, it like, lazily flies if we had a mountain so that you could like blow up, set off the explosion without blowing up the helicopter. I mean, it is early, like, almost like Power Ranger type graphics and and explosions, just like,
a golf course that has a beautiful mountain range and then I guess one a giant lake. Yeah, giant lake. I'm not sure that's a real golf course. I think they i think they say, like someone over here says like, it's like, oh, it's West Lake municipal golf course. Just like. That's a municipal golf course. Yeah. Like that's, that's a pretty nice golf course for like the, for like a public, you know, whatever the scientists is, like you think he'd be, if he, if someone's hiring a ninja to kill him, like he'd be ah going on like a private golf course, but it's like a, it's just like a public like random pool. Yeah.
It's like never in a movie where like the target in assassination just goes to like a pool, a public library, a Denny's, you know, like it's not what the common man, he's not supposed to be the common man.

Character Roles and Possession

He's supposed to be this like exclusive target. But if this is some dude just day off and he's just golfing at the local like output area,
super weird. ah Though I do like that between the golf course and wherever the main character is working, there's just a mystery power phone company line, like just in the middle of nowhere.
Because that's the thing. It's like this is so much access action that like you start trying to figure out like, oh, wait, who's the main character? Is it this ninja that is full of bullets? Is it Shokusaki? Is it? Yeah.
I don't know the cops. Like we have, we don't know yet until you realize, Oh, it's the phone line girl. Yeah. Lucinda Dickey, who is, yeah, she's a phone line, like a telephone repair man slash aerobics instructor. You gotta work those two job economies in LA, man, yeah to afford, to afford that like insane apartment. She has a loft and and like an industrial law, industrial warehouse loft. Yeah.
yeah But yeah yeah, the evil ninja gets gunned down, which I love there's like the fake out of like, he gets gunned down by like a thousand bullets and then he's like dead and they poke him and they spring back up and they start shooting him again. And like resets it again. It's almost like a Looney Tunes cartoon. But it's like, he he doesn't, like when he strings back up, he doesn't kill anyone after that. he's just like He just gets like killed by another hail of bullets and then he's like, oh, he's finally dead now. He's like actually dead.
JK, he's not. Yeah. Well, don't actually, does he smoke bomb away after that like the second hail of bullets? Like, he smoke bombs away and then like, that's when he like, stumbles on to listen to Dickey. It's like, just like, yelling at her in Japanese by bleeding all over the place. No, no, I thought he smoke bombs and digs down. Oh, that was when he dug down. Yeah, okay. And then he crawls out later. Yeah. And he's not horrifically, like, dead. He's just wandering. Somehow, yeah. Which,
I think, I think we're trying to figure out Chris, like is, is there, cause obviously he transfers his spirit into Lucinda Dickey and like possesses her, but was is there just like, it is there an evil spirit that like jumps between bodies or is this, is it just like, it's the evil ninja, the original evil ninja. We'll never know. Yeah. I like the idea that it's not like evil ninja isn't a person there's a there's like's's like a japanese demon this is like jumping between bodies and making people like kill people as a ninja anything if anything it's the sword yeah i seem like the sword is like the key factor like if if you if you take possession of the sword then you but you become the the new evil ninja
And that kind of makes sense because then by the end of the movie, there's a re-transfer. But I don't think it's like sword base. I don't think they just give the sword back to the body and then like the sword go, like it jumps host. I think them I would enjoy the movie if they did sort of that, like a parasitic spirit that... It was like that Denzel movie where it's like the demon jumping, cute jumping, people falling.
fall in yeah yeah I like that movie just because it's such a downer and it's also harder to combat besides having hope. And this movie just wait for a better ninja to show up. Yeah. And it's such a dumb rule where you need a ninja to fight it to destroy a ninja. Only a ninja can destroy a ninja, yeah. Which you find out I think by the like halfway point of the movie.
So not bad for pacing to wait to explain the plot of like the gimmick of why we need multiple ninjas and not just have it be, I don't know, an aerobics versus like ninjutsu fight. Yeah. Well, the i mean evil ninja is dead, quote unquote, like his spirit is left his body. So.
Well, see, he died from massive, like, bullet shot wounds. yeah Yeah, yeah. And then he just did the soul transfer. So his corpse is just left behind. And I'm assuming this ninja also just left, like, she took one sword and then didn't take the outfit. Well, the outfit and all the equipment is like back in the cave when, like, yeah he like goes back there, like, like for her first, like, would she, like,
is like fully transferred back to Evil Ninja. So I don't know if the cave just has surprises. It's magical. orlenes It replenishes supplies. Right. So I couldn't figure that out because it's not like, okay, so you've hit the soul, but the soul have like, what else does she take from him? It seemed like she got the sword and then just left the site. Cause it seems like Evil Ninja and Lucinda Dickey, like they both like load up on like ninja stars and all your equipment, but then it's like fully replenished when like she goes there later. Well, we never see the ninja actually do much in the gear up and just get the sword. Yeah, he doesn't get the gear up. He just sort of takes us the sword and I am just distracted by his mustache in the beginning. It is so weird to see that like an 80s Asian mustache.
But yeah, but but yeah, the Evil Ninja performs like this for whatever transfer ceremony or like incantation. Transfers his soul and ah spirit into Senadiki. Then she goes home and to her insane apartment that's like in a warehouse.

Unreleased Arcade Game Significance

where it's like there's it's like it's like it's it's like you talk about open floor plan like if it's really the purpose like one room basically one giant room was this the like canon studio a lot maybe it's like around the corner of the onus warehouse They just like put put random shit in this room, make it look like an apartment, like put a bed in there. And like a Duran Duran, like whoever the artist is that does the Duran Duran art, put a poster there. And also the craziest thing is like she has a arcade machine called Bouncer that is like, ah it's an unreleased game. So that's like basically the prototype cabinet for that game that never came out. I get why.
it looks like It looks like kind of like a like a Tapper clone, but you're a bouncer throwing people out of yourade but like this is like the Ninja 3 is one of the few like sources of like footage you can see from this like unreleased game.
I wonder who was the right. Maybe we should remake it. Yeah. The game from Ninja 3. I feel like Golden Globus, they own one of the they owned like when them like the prototypes. just like Yeah, we this like rare game. Here's my cat or cake head or like or like they made a deal with like where was making the game and they're like, like, oh, yeah, we'll put it. in We'll put it in your our movie. It never came out. And it's like, we don't have to give it back. That's ours now. Yes, I put it you in my office now. One of it's sitting in some cannon like archive warehouse. Yeah, I think I think they only made like 20. They made like 20 machines as like prototypes or like to like test test market something.
Everybody's in like IDB and like some other places. But it's just like, it's sort of like crazy detail in this movie. It's like, there's like a unreleased arcade game. I use arcade games like in this movie. It's just like the best source of like footage for that game. It's this insane movie. This movie has a real ninja in it. And it's like, this is what like also is featured.
Yeah, I mean, and that also, I mean, that gate like that cabinet plays like a major that can it seem like later on it like it activates her like evil like ninja powers or somehow maybe because it like it like there's a whole insane scene where you're just like it's like flashing laser lights onto her face.
Maybe that's a bad thing to promote your arcade game, that like... It will unlock your evil nature within you, yeah. Yeah. Because it's not just, okay, the arcade machine... It's like... You know what I mean? Like, it it's the perfect key to lock thing, where it unlocks her ghost that's in her body that she had, and then it's just like, oh shit, it's loose. Yeah. Thank you, bouncer.
um But before we get too far I do want to say this movie has a lot of canon tropes that they are just known to do and one of them Is just wrestling woman to the ground there are so many scenes of like a woman just being like manhandled or just like grappled and it's it's crazy because um Even like when you meet the main character, the ninja grapples her and like holt and like wrestles around

Character Dynamics and Romance

with her. And it's like, this man is like dying, but he's super strong and his powers are weird. ah But yeah, no, it's like it's not like this character also is a fighter. And it's like, okay, hey, like she gets possessed and now she's an evil fighter.
She goes from like no combat skills to some combat skills to no combat skills again. So there's a there's a thing where I'm like, oh, okay, so how is she gonna fight this evil? Because you know at this point in the movie, you you you know something sinister is gonna happen to her. It's like maybe she'll start getting into a karate class or something. like something You know, she'll fall into some routine that's like, I don't normally do this yet. But the movie takes this time to be like an exorcist thing where it's just like, I can't explain these like memory losses. I'm blacking out, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So.
Oh my God, like ah we can skip a lot of the well, we'll get into the dumb cop part first. because I feel like that's after that. It just gets like their their relationship is insane because like he So like Lucinda Dickey has to go to like the police station because she like her cover story is that she felt like she like lies to the police is like, oh, I just i stumbled across his body and like while I was working on like this telephone phone line near the, near the golf course. yeah And then, but then just like this one cop, uh, Billy, Billy is like hitting on her and then like stock search who like her robots class. He's like, yeah he's like the only guy in his aerobics class.
So before we get to that, I had a theory, and this makes more sense as the movie goes on, Billy is actually like a cursed kid, where he doesn't know how to be an adult.
It's very weird, but you start noticing in the first scene where he talks to her, and he's so he's like, hey, do you want some soda? Do you want candy? And then he pulls random pocket candy out of his like pocket candy. Not in a wrap, or I don't know what it is. Lose candy. Lose candy on his pocket. right right round yeah He talks about coffee, but it's in a way that's like, do you like coffee? like It's such a weird like ha the delivery.
then he's enticed by like grape juice later. And then it's like, okay, um then when like there's intimacy, he doesn't know what to do. And all that was just pointing out like, oh, what's going, is Billy like a like a bring bring your family member to be a cop day? And it sort of went out of control.
Is he a big? Did he like wish to be a adult? Is he a boy that wants to be a cop? That's what I was thinking. It's like in this movie, the spirits and supernatural things are real. So it's like, it's like, oh, do you believe in like demon ninjas? He's like funny story. I'm actually like 15 and I wish to be older. Yeah. It's also crazy because like all of their cops are like old men.
like they're like 40 like 50 like looks like they should be retired by now like this whole recent is full of beat cops just yeah old grizzled beat cops or diving grizzled just old yeah and then uh like no one seems to be the hotshot detective or anything you you figure billy would be the like oh i put my up my my own rules or you know uh i'll let this crime slide for the greater good nope it he does well he tries not to be a cop for like a lot of the movie mm-hmm it's crazy because um right after that aerobic scene comes the really uncomfortable assault that everyone in aerobics like class watches um my yeah yeah
there's like Yeah, it's just like there's a crowd of people gather around these these like like jock guys just like harassing this woman and listen like listen like intervenes they start harassing her and then Billy shows up and and like Like stops them and then she's like, hey, he does not stop them. No. Yeah He just looks off yeah and then that's where um Christy just sort of unleashes her laden gymnastic routine. Mm-hmm. Like Shimkata's though. Yeah, like she does. She does like a, like a bouncing beam or like and uneven bar, like a parallel bar, like a kick. Yeah. Uh, yeah. And like Billy's just like, well, I need to charge you for assault.
Yeah, you're under arrest. it was illegal Yeah, it's like what? and then well Based on 80s rules, like you can't kick a man in the face. And then he's like he's like driving her home. And then he's like like he's like he is like, hey, I'm sick. I'm sick. You say you don't want the cops get on my car. And then she's like, holy shit. And she's like, oh, I'm actually I'm turned on by that. Like, let's go let's go back to my apartment. like She is super turned on by that because it was zero. There is zero chemistry between them. And it gets even more like it gets into the negatives. as goes Is that is that so weird? Is that like a weird part of like the the evil ninjas plot because billy is one of the people that he wants to kill because he was there like gunning him down because because that's the whole like plot but once once the evil ninja enters christie's body like he wants to kill all the cops that killed him you know this movie should call like demon revenge like ninja demon revenge your revenge yeah demon ninja revenge like that makes more sense but this this is weird because i would have liked a
I don't know, uh, simple lighting effect to show her like evil side, just sort of like, Oh, maybe I'll use Billy to get closer to the department or, um, you know, her.
saying something in Japanese or see something, something that um says that, because what a weird plan that Evil Ninja has. If it is a plan, if it is a perfect plan, yes. Because did he just like, oh, I just kicked that group of bullies ass. That's me, the Black Ninja doing all that. And then I'll let, you know, Chrissy take control. But then when Billy gets mad at me for not like sleeping with him, I should sleep with him.
What you could you don't need to do that Evil Ninja and then and for Evil Ninja's idea of like seduction is like pouring v8 juice don do suggest Okay, so like did this work at one point for Evil Ninja or is this Christie's control? We have no idea is it is that Christie's fetish if it's like I'm yeah look like v8 off a body like I should have had a V8. I wrote down that this movie does not have a intimacy or romance like direction. Like it is as if like definitely the director was like, yeah, it's hot. Like it it just came. over Yeah. Yeah. Apparently like Sam Fursterberg was just like came up with the idea of like, you know, what if we just pour V8 down your body? Like that'd be, that'd be, that's hot, right? That's sexy.
right But nowadays, I think people would step in and say, yeah, that's not natural. You need to explain why this is a thing. VA is not like a sexy liquid. It's not champagne. Champagne, chocolate syrup, whipped cream. Yeah. Those are like chocolates here.
Those things are usually the top food-related, aphrodisiac things, right? Yeah. VA is never in that conversation. No. I mean, it looks like blood. I mean, it's it's it's like, yeah, it's it's like, it's got that, like, spic kind of, like, spicy, like, it's not, you know, it's, you probably want something sweet if you're doing that, like...
Also, did she shower from the aerobics thing or is that just straight up? or No, she did. She did. She she she she showered that she came out in a towel, but she was also wearing a great seduction scene if we cared about Billy, which we don't. We're like, Billy does not deserve any of this. What's going on is like seductive shirt putting on scene, the lap dance, the V8 drink, none of that. Mm hmm.
But yeah, I wrote down zero romance between Billy and Christy. Also, did Christy, was that woman that Christy was like in with the apartment? but Was that her roommate? Or was that just a friend that was just there? Because like it seemed like that was her roommate, but that she never appears again in the movie. Yeah, I actually thought that was Christy again. I was like, oh, she's home already? But no, no, that is just like, I think that might be Christy's stunt double.
Yeah, she's never she's in the house playing games, but she leaves and or she might have been in the class and then that's it. That definitely is like a budget thing. Actress Coney afford like this much time for the scenes and then they just wrote her out. She's like, yeah, I can't come back. I can't keep work working for bus fare.
Uh, but yeah, and then there is just like a montage. i guess It's not been a, it should have been a montage, but it's not. It's a very drawn out, like what the plan is. Yeah. Most, most of the middle of the movie is that Christie will get possessed by the evil ninja and then go and kill one of the cops that gunned down the evil ninja in some sort of like elaborate fashion. I mean, it seems like it's the surviving five cops left, but I think there was more cops than that.

Revenge and Rituals

There was like a whole like circle of cops that was like cutting him down, but then he like focused on like, yeah, like five for them. Because I just understand if this was like a Robocop scene where they cornered him and then they just blew him away. And then that's why he's like, he remembers like revenge. But I think Robocop came out before this. So that's why they're like, okay, what if
like we have an evil Robocop memory of that and he goes after them. He goes after the Clarence Bodicker of cops, which is none of them because it's not like Billy was like the one to get a kill shot. there was it like It was like a ringleader and it was like the like the main guy being like,
Let's, yeah, kill us, kill us ninja guys. Like I'm the, key i'm the I'm the chief. Like, yeah none of that. It just like, Hey, there's a maniac with a sword and he's messing up everyone on and they shoot him as if it's like, he's killed like a dozen cops already and like a bunch of like random security guards and like a scientist and his girlfriend. Yep. Yeah. Super not explained. Uh, very, um, just like I had random you like I'll murder you people.
uh oh actually does he get killed all of them besides billy he so the evil ninja like so christie goes and she kills the old like billy's and phily's partner in his house but and then another like so like ball like she's like Crushes like a ah pool ball, and which I think is probably more impressive than like crushing a golf ball. Yeah, very impressive. Yeah. Kills that guy. um Goes to like the like spa or like the like whatever, like wherever that place is. and The coolest cop in that precinct. Who's like got two chicks, two chicks were like way younger than him hanging out in like a hot tub. OK, I want to focus on on that. So I know the partner guy it was tragic that I mean, he died with like a pool hall in his own home.
um But the the cop guy with the two chicks, were those his girlfriends? Were those hookers? They're walking out of the police station, so I don't know where. i like it's And it seems like the police station is located a block away from his hookup hotel? Hookup spa? Wherever that is, yeah.
So yeah, like, I mean, this has to be like a regular thing because no one's is anything in the police department. And it seems like he walked through the main hallway with these like two hookers.
But yeah, cool. Let's come up on the precinct. He's going to be missed. But but yeah, then Christy as the evil ninja, like. walks in, um, and then like, it starts like seducing him and like making out with him. And then like, who's this, who's this skank? Like, why is she like, find, have her, we're, we're leaving. And then, but then they're like, no, I want to watch. Like what? you yeah Yeah. The one, it was to be like, no, I want to watch. Like, I mean, I get it. It's just progressive. But, uh,
If they were hookers, they'd be like, no, we came here for like money or whatever. Like if they're like jolted girlfriends, even weirder. Yeah. And and then that that that but like ninja ninja is just like a skill is like there's like and a poison ring that Christie's wearing that like poison spike. yeah's Yeah. Inside a ring that like you like she like jabs into like the like cops neck and then also like Slices it down one of the other women's like chest and like kills the other one by like with like ah a chain ah i like ah Was it a chain and you just like found like like a necklace or like a bracelet or something it was like supposed to like chain she strangles her with and Then yeah, just leaves them all floating in the pool the hot tub
But then the weird thing is that there's a funeral, but there's only a funeral for like one of the cops, which I don't think they ever mentioned like what cop it is. Which one? Yeah. yeah And then Christie as the evil Ninja attacks the funeral, which is like, it's it's not, it's not at the same level obviously as the opening scene, but it kind of like is like, that's like a, it's similar where it's like, it's just like extended craziness of like but to like killing all these cops at this funeral and like, like,
Knocking cops off motorcycles, shooting them with bonus arrows, like jumping across trees. and
It's like the second most elaborate like action sequence of the movie. Yep. It's because it's like surprising that you'll get another sequence like this. Another miniature rampage. Yeah, yeah. um But I do like that Billy's got suspicion.
Yes. From that. And then he's like, hey, we should address your ninja problem soon. Did they go? Did they see James Han before the funeral or but after the funeral? I think before.
because it goes because they go see James Hong is like Billy's like, Hey, I know this guy in like the, he's like, he's like, he says like the asianic division yep like mentioned this but this guy. so So it's like James Hong who is, uh,
i don what like I don't know what he does. Imagine he has some sort of con man. It seemed like a con man just because he freaks out and goes, I don't know what to do. like yes like This is too much for me. This is real. like i don't I don't know how to deal with real things. like I think it would have been funny if like he did try and then Evil Ninja Spirit was like, oh shit, this might be real. And then James Hong goes, oh shit, that is real. That would have been a fun, like some levity to this movie. Something to break up the tone.
and be, oh shit, like, um, the spirit man who like is just looks like this, this dungeon that they are in looks like a con dungeon. It looks something that like, yeah, white people don't know like what this is. yeah um They see two Asian people. They assume like we're either Chinese or Japanese or whatever. Uh, we have this like torture rack ring.
ah We just got a bunch of, yeah, we just got a bunch of chains. We're going to cheat people up with. It's like, do they even, do you even have like a tool or he just sort of spat out random like commands and then the ninja was pissed. They like, they, like they chained Christie up and then he was like, James Holland was like saying incantations and like, like hitting her with like a ah ribbon thing. And then, and then that was like, and then that like drew out to like the evil ninja spirit. Didn't really draw her out more like spun her around.
That's the one where she starts spinning. Yes. And I guess it gets like like the like the rogue like the white like the white hair like highlights. Yeah, that's what happens. It's that. That happens first. Billy goes, huh, that's weird. And then then it's the. ah Funeral, because then she's like, I remember the scene because it's so weird. She's sitting on the desk like eating yogurt.
yes with with her like with looking at like she or like her skills like action and she's like like like now she's like white hairs and like white strings in her hair now and then like she sees the two cops who were like Hey, we're going to the funeral. Don't be late for the funeral. Before that, I think early before the the possessions really take over a lot. There's a point where she goes to the doctor and the doctors like does a physical. and She's like, hey, you're perfectly fine besides a few stress and you have an interest in Japanese culture. It's such a weird line. it' It's not like Chrissy start getting into Japanese food. It's not like she she decided to buy like no.
other kind of like oriental or like, you know, extension yeah she like redecorate her apartment and like all like Japanese, like, you know, climb yeah, she didn't go to like an Asian Emporium and said, yeah, I want vases and then like a giant, you know, bam move like like yeah it's not even that. And her like fascination with Japanese stuff was, hey, no, she encountered a real life ninja, like in a golf course. So she's just like, yeah, I kind of want to know like what that was about. But she doesn't hurt her doctor sort of like, yeah, you're fine to go. Like you probably should see like probably a PTSD. Like they didn't know what that was yet. But no honestly, besides like her being stressed is like, you know, you encountered a killer like in the woods. Then lived because that ninja was freakishly strong. Mm hmm. But yeah, dont know it then then it's like, OK, hey, let's try magic, like magic witch doctor guy to solve this.
I would have liked it if they tried one more thing before Shokushaki showed up. or I mean, they kind of do by the end with like the like karate monks. But that's not explained at all. At that point, the the wheels are getting loose and they're just like, let's wrap up this movie. This is like the last 12 minutes of the movie at that point. Well, I think the karate monks are the ones that call Shokusugi from Japan to like, hey, we think there's like we think there's like an evil demon ninja running around like you need to like destroy him.
Cause they, cause they meet him at the airport and they just like, and then you find out in a flashback that the evil ninja was the one that like killed his master or father or someone. And they also, and also like put his eye out with like a ninja star cause, cause Shokusuri in this movie has like an eye patch.
Badass eye patch though. Yeah. yeah heat But yeah, he shows up, the the the monks meet him at the airport and it seems like the monks like called him to Los Angeles or where it's like, I mean, he was clearly in Los Angeles, but they don't, I only specifically mentioned that it's Los Angeles, but ah but they yeah, they call him there and then, cause apparently they're like aware that like this evil digital ran around and was like killing people and might be like possessing a new person. I would have loved that to explain, where it's like, hey, the demon's back and he's in America or something. I feel like the fact that like it was like three like Japanese bunks was like the equivalent of like, oh, the exorcist is oh, he's a Catholic priest or like calling this like expert in.
It's so jarring because I think like of the they look straight up from like Japanese temple, like a Shinto shrine, yeah sort of, but they're like at the LA airport. They stand out very hard. Yeah. Shokusuke does like his own investigation while everything else is going on. like yeah He goes to the morgue and like looks at the body and then is like investigating things. And then he like he fights he fights evil Christy in an abandoned like ah building. I think that happens after the funeral. Yeah, because she's running away from the funeral and she like f jumps over like a fence and then goes in like this like construction area, like abandoned building area, and then jokes and he follows her and they have like their first like big fight.
Which is fine, because it it was good. I like the whole ah fighting and then... I love when Shokusui, he's like blasted through the floor, and then he jumps up through the floor. For like the first floor up to the second floor to face off against Christy again. It's fine, I think. and and then it's like So like he has...
sort of like supernatural abilities too. Like he has like super like supernatural like or super okay like we're so we're still in that realm where ninjas are also like I guess supernatural they're they're key or whatever the is yeah yeah hours but you know he actually has training I guess and the demon is just a demon we don't work evil they're both I mean they're both ninjas one one is evil and one is good But then Ninja Hartz is like possessions because he can't possess anyone or he doesn't know how to do the same tricks. Yeah, the possessions are totally just like insane. Like that's like not not not just a ninjutsu thing.
And then he found out later, like he like they keep adding like new powers to the evil ninja. like ah like one fight late like In the last like fight scene, Mike controls all the monks and like forces them to fight Koshogizugi. Yeah, new move. Didn't know why he's saving that for the end. Yeah, why did he not use that like like at any point before this? He could have done his assassination mission from like a distance.
Yeah, have like had like those women that were with like the cool cop like have them like have them like murder him. but Yeah, or well, OK, one to be fair, he got back in his original body for that one. Oh, it so like his original body has like is like strong, like more powerful than like Christie. Yeah, maybe, you know, like that's like Christie, like Christie's still fighting him somewhat. Yeah.
I would have liked a little bit of internal conflict. Kristy just sort of goes with it. Yeah. There would have been a fun scene where like she is resisting him way more besides and trying not to kill Billy. But at that point in the movie, I'm like, kill Billy. Like, yeah, I think I think it's the only part where like she like stops the Ninja from doing something is like, like, because then you must like slice Billy and she's like, no, like her stops it.
I think a darker version of this movie is that she kills them and you think she's going to hesitate, but you realize the whole relationship is one lie. It's one evil ninja like Floyd make this romance so she can she can get or like they can get close.
like like Like the evil thing just like kills Billy and then like like like lets Kristy get control of her body. She's like, who's right who this guy this random guy might have an apartment? Like I don't know who this is. Like. Yeah. I think that would have been way darker and kind of like a possession, a true possession. Like she's in control, but she really doesn't have feelings for him or something. You know, like she's like, Oh, Billy guy. Like I didn't mind him, but yeah, I didn't love him. Yeah.
Cause they've only known each other for like two days. Yeah. But yeah, the movie is like, yeah, I love you. I love you, Christie. I love you, Billy. like And it's like, well, I still got our, and Billy's just like, I still need to put you in jail for that funeral murder. I'm going to pull a gun at you cause I don't know if you're like still possessed by evil ninja. I saw, i I literally saw you kill like my partner and like two other cops, like a bunch of other cops.
Yeah, no, like so did everyone else on that funeral. Yeah, they're gonna realize the the woman with the same height and eyes is like with me.
ah I do like show Kusaki's like coiness in the cop car when he gets arrested, which also he gets arrested and it's like no No, like, oh, we're fighting a ninja. Now there's just like an Asian guy in an abandoned house. So you are the ninja? There's none of that. Just you are under arrest.

Final Showdown

And that was like part of his plan. Cause he's like, he does be like, Oh, I was waiting for you. And then after to you he talks to him and then like, and then he like, he's like driving, like Billy's like, uh, he's like, don't worry. I have a plan to get out. like I have a plan to get like escape from this cop car, which is like drug all the cops.
We'd like everyone, hopefully they don't have a problem, and I just leave. Well, it's crazy because he stabs that one cop with a very deadly-looking needle, but apparently it's still just a sleeping dart. But they also just poke a sleeping dart like a more subtle one on the front seat. But also the driver just punches the driver and knocks him out.
like and got the driver put the car in park yeah the driver like it's like so oblivious until like the last night he's just like wait what's going on my guy's sleeping like i think it'd been funny if shokusaki also was asleep yeah just sort of fakes it and then he gets close and then he attacks yeah i mean if you're ever a car full of everyone that's knocked out but you're not knocked out you'd be a little freaked out but he's not
So yeah but he escapes and he like there's a whole ritual or ceremony where he gets the original Evil Ninja's body and then like if he can if he can lure Kristy back to like this specific temple, they can like put the spirit back into the the body and then he then he can destroy the body the original body and the Evil Ninja forever.
Because he's a ninja. But then the body is so weak that you figure put the spirit back in there. Yeah, he he's he's been dead for like a few, like it's like rigor mortis like he's been dead for like two days. You should be a zombie like ah really he looks like a zombie. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but it should be way more decomposed. Unless they really did a good job of preserving him at the police more. Yeah.
Well, I mean, they're lucky they didn't do like a full autopsy yet, and like, you know, Riptos or against everything, because like it was he was just like in like the like fridge.
ah Also, for a reanimated corpse, that ninja like comes back to life spiraling. Yes. Also, they they put the costume on the second ninja. Yeah. is Is that part of this must be part of the ritual. It's like they kill him in his costume.
Yeah, I would not give him clothes if you just have to bring them into the body and then murder it. Yeah. I don't know why they said, all right, well, it's Ninja tradition. I need to put like your ninja clothes on. You know, I was I was kind of disappointed like Chokusugi didn't like go like full suited up like ninja costume. Yeah, you really want to show off that eye patch, though. I think that was the point. And then he just says like he just says like his own like like Tada like it's like the like ninja like thing he has.
did Well, he has sort of like the robes, but he didn't have wear like a gauntlet and he didn't have more tools besides the sword and the chain. He figured he would get magic or something, some sort of orb. Yeah, cause he because he yeah he he said some crazy like, you know, like pray for death in some of his other movies. Like he said some like, you know, crazy like ninja outfits.
This one's very tame. No, yeah, it's just like him he said like he's recently got like a tactile back almost like he's like it's like a plate yeah black shirt like parents and then like is like a patch.
OK, did you also feel like the the monk temple in the mountains is the same mountain as the golf course mountain? Oh, I'm sure I'm sure it's probably all shot in the same area. and that I love how like it's like the like superimposing the temples into the mountain was socially done. Oh, yeah. It's like, I mean, if you if you watch it on a VHS copy, it might look OK, but on a DVD or a Blu-ray, it stands out. Yeah, copy copy and paste didn't exist in the 80s, but like that feels like such like i just like copy paste is like I pasting Japanese temples that's like this, like Los Angeles Hillside.
I do like how they enter it. They superimpose like a door on that, like painting of a temple. Yeah. But inside the temple just looks like a ah karate set. it's a It's like, it's like a ninja warrior, like trading areas. Like there's nets. There's like, it's like shoukusugi is like, go through like a, like a, like an obstacle course, like trying to get away from like these like brainwashed monks. There's a pedestal that's like not in the praying area. There's like a pedestal in the back that he gets on.
when he has like the stick and he's fending off the other guys with the spears. Yeah. It seemed like a very unwelcoming like monk temple, even if it's like, okay, we we we pray and chant and this is also our karate room. Yeah. We're showing monks. Yeah. I'm like, what monks is this?
Uh, so I think at this point, Billy does nothing for the rest of the movie. No, Christy and Billy do literally nothing. Well, Christy stabs the evil ninja once. Well, she does a crazy like run. She also has a sword at this point. I don't know how she has another sword. Yeah.
But she charges and stabs the trained super ninja, evil ninja by just catching him off surprise. But she's not a ninja. So like that that won't destroy him. That just like injures him a bit, I guess. Pisses him off. But yeah yeah, like most of this final fight, like we're like Shokusugi is fighting evil ninja. Like Billy and Chris here is like literally is like standing by like off the side and be like, huh, that's interesting. Like these guys fight each other. She's just thinking, oh, that's what I look like when I was fighting people.
And then at one point probably the greatest part of the final fight is that the evil ninja like ah somehow causes like an earthquake and like cracks open the earth. i thought He does it by doing the weirdest maneuver. He does he does like i he he' like the Wonder Woman spin and like spins himself into the earth.
Yeah, then like it's not like it's a like causing an avalanche or anything. He just does it to shake the ground and everyone survives around it. Yeah. And then like Shokusui is like trying to climb out of the canyon like the cliff that like we created by this earthquake and then like the evil that just springs up and then Shokusui stabs him in the head and that's like the final blow that kills him finally.
Yeah, not not. Okay, I'm glad that it wasn't Christie's like, stab that ah kills him. But it's super not. It's super anti climatic when a ninja did like a drill maneuver. And I know where and person person like ground and like, get stabbed in the head and falls back to the ground. and He's dead. That's a groundhog. He just has a groundhog maneuver.
And then Billy Christie is this but walk off in the sunset and they choke as he just is just like posing on the mountain for the head credit it's just like wandering through the mountain side he's probably thinking how do i get a flight out of here yes did i kill all the monks can one of the i kill all the monks are gonna pay for my flight home to uh did he kill the man I feel like i feel like it was maybe he was trying not to kill them but he was just like trying to beat them up badly.

Reflection on Canon Films

I thought he was like trying to knock them out because I don't think he had a sword, he he had a stick so he was like bonking them.
I mean it doesn't matter because it's not like this movie had a follow up where it's like all those monks they killed unleashed another demon or something. it's just
it It could have been a good idea at some point. It just, it derails so fast about that. But I do appreciate it. Like it's like, it's like a classic B movie example of just like, I guess like shooting from the hip too much. Well, this is, I mean, this is, this is peak cannon. Like this is like, when you talk, when you say like cannon films, like this is like what you think of.
Yeah, it's like flashy but like very like empty substance.
And just like throw just like throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and see what sticks. Like, it's like, Golden Globe was just like smoking cigars and being like, what's hot right now? Well, we got two movies. I don't think just smoked cigars. I think it was just like cocaine and yeah, like cigar smoking at the end. But yeah, because this because this was like around this time was this this whole insane trend of like aerobics movies, like aerobics horror movies, aerobics like dramas that was like the big trend. it like It was like that, like that, like, um, Jim Lee Curtis, John Travoltan movie, Perfect. And like then like, like, like Death Spa and like all his other movies that came out like around the same time.
Plus all the Ninja movies. Plus, that but yeah, the one, the one posting thing I'm trying to figure out was like, what, what like exorcism movie or what, like what like demon possession movie was like, around when like when they were like making this movie that they're like trying to like rip off or like exorcism 3 maybe because I mean the exorcist was like 73 so it was like 10 years before the people came out I guess I guess there was like yeah I guess like exorcist 3 or exorcist 2 or something
But nothing to this degree. Nothing to do. Hey, we need a possession ninja movie? Oh, actually the story was like 1990s. That was after this movie. So yeah, I don't know what was it like. This is like a stuff like A's horror that they were like, well, we got to have like a, yeah, like a possession.
And then the Shokusui also went on to like post-cannon movies. He had like like a bunch of other ninja movies after this one. like He was in like Pray for Death and Rage of Honor and Black Eagle and a bunch of other ones. ah blind he He's the bad guy, Blind Fury against Rucker Hauer. Yep. His signature move is getting poked in the eye. Yes. But you know't he is like the...
like one of the good parts of the movie you can tell he like was doing his best i mean he's i mean chokusugi is like the ultimate 80s ninja like if you think of 80s ninjas it's chokusuki because like the whole thing like like and enter the ninja like like everyone was like oh like who's this like who's this Who's the bad guy that movie that like fought Franco Niro who's an actual like martial artist, like an actual like you know like dynamic like ah yeah fighter?
yeah that He you can flash it up for a fight scene and it doesn't look i don't know like a quick cut edit nightmare.
and think you um I I don't know. It's like he's got all like all like, you know, like King of Sugi, like a bunch of his sons are like still doing stuff like they were like involved in like. I think a bunch like the Scott Atkins movies and stuff. Oh, that's cool. Like I know he it's like a legacy group now between his ninja school, his family, him coming back for Ninja Assassin, like another proper ninja movie. Yeah.
So I mean, again, he's not the he's not the worst part of the the trilogy of this. No, I mean, he's he's he's like the only reason there is a trilogy is just like, can't if it was like, get to get to show kazoo guy more movies, like put him in movies.
More ninjas. More cocaine. Yeah.
but Yeah, this one, this was, I mean, these three is definitely the most, I mean, i like the most insane of like the three because they are two or like they're over the top of crazy, but like they don't have like supernatural, paranormal elements to them. There's like, it's like, Hey, there's this guy who like knows martial arts really well. He's like, he's gonna get revenge on people.
So there's like, it's like and a whole other insane level of this and this one. Oh yeah.
But yeah, definitely definitely a canon classic. If you're looking for you know canon films to watch, this is definitely one of the ones to like if you're or like like like and like recommend films to people. of like like What is the essence of canon films? It's like this, and like let you break in, and probably like a... Which three? Which which one? Death Wish three. i but probably want Probably one of the later Death Wish movies.
American Ninja, probably, Invasion USA. like yeah i have like Because like it was like they had Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson movies like back to back constantly. If you want to say, like hey, do you want to see a movie that doesn't really star American like actors, or like you know like Hollywood actors, and they did a low-budget action movie, this is a bad example.
It's definitely surprising when Canon gets like big name celebrities or actually has a budget. Well, it's like, I mean, I think it was, I think it was a couple, maybe like a year or two after this, it was like, they stumbled into like, oh, there's this guy, like Jean-Claude Van Damme that we could do then. And like, also we're going to paste the loan, like, got like an ungodly amount of money to start and open the top. Yeah. Yeah.
And it's like movies like um Ninja III funded that first, or just like got people talking about canon. Yeah.
definitely i if If anyone out there has not seen Electric Bookaloo yet, the like documentary about canon films, like that is a must watch. It's such such a great documentary. and like just like the Everything you reveal in that movie is insane. It's like how they made movies, how they came up with ideas. they just basically just came't like Like they but basically just like pitch like say like, here's the title for a movie. We're gonna sell a can with like a poster. If you'll buy it, then we'll make the movie. but we We're not gonna sell any like a finished movie. We're just gonna have like, sell the idea of a movie, the essence of a movie, and then make it.
It's like shadow Shadow of the Ninja, or like like that's like, that's a cool title, right? Sell that can with a poster. Put Shokuzuki in a poster and then we'll sell it.

Next Episode Preview

But yeah, I think they'll they'll wrap things up this week. Come back next week where we're talking about ah another 80s classic, The Transformers, the movie.
the original animated movie because the new animated movie, Transformers 1, is coming out next week. So we're going to return to the original and all the A's hair metal and guest celebrity guest voices that are in that movie.
like the final The final appearance of the great Orson Welles. I think he was sober reading in those lines. Oh, he he was definitely not. This might have so much like ah like distortion and all sorts of crazy effect on his voice, because he was just like, I don't know. I'm a toy. I don't know. The French McWine.
So yeah, so come back for that next week. And head over to the site. We got all sorts of other news and trailers and reviews. I got a review of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, if you want to read that over on the sites. ah And we also have our most recent game box. So you can check out the games we played for August. ah You know, because we had some site issues. We're back up and we got caught up on the games we played for August and all of our other yeah ah regular features up there as well. So check all the stuff out. And yes, I'm Chris, I'm Zach, and we will see you next week. For more from Everything Action, head to
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