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The Terminator (1984) image

The Terminator (1984)

S2 E40 · Everything Actioncast
31 Plays4 months ago

This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris use Time Displacement Equipment to jump back to 1984 and celebrate the 40th anniversary of The Terminator.

In the movie that turned James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger into household names, Arnold stars as the villainous Terminator, a killer cyborg sent back in time to kill the mother of the future leader of the human resistance in a war between humanity and machines.  The Resistance sends a soldier named Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) to protect Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), and a cat-and-mouse battle across Los Angeles ensues.  Zach and Chris talk about how disgusting Kyle's homeless pants must be, the sexy piano version of The Terminator theme, what happened to Sarah's pet iguana, The Terminator driving a station wagon for the first part of the movie, and more.  

You can rent/buy The Terminator on services like Amazon or Apple TV.

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Hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast podcast for the week of October 21st, 2024. I'm your I'm your co-host Trevor.

Terminator as a Horror Icon

Yeah, and this week we are jumping into our time displacement unit, I think is the official terminology, and talking about Terminator, which came out 40 years ago this week. It came out October 26, 1984. And yeah, obviously, yeah one of our favorite movies of all time.
yeah And it's it's sort of, it's we you know we do we've been doing horror movies all month. We're doing a horror movie next week as well. but um Terminator, the first one definitely kind of fits into like the horror mode a little bit. I mean, it's obviously more, there's a lot more car chases in the shootouts than a typical horror movie, but Arnold's kind of like a slasher villain in the first one. He's like you know stalking around unstoppable. He's like a Michael Myers or a Jason Worries type character. Yeah, the cyborg part of him doesn't come into play until maybe the halfway through, but the first part is him being a
supernatural being like I do this like the slow berm of just not seeing the terminator like in the skeletal form for a while even though now as a fan you think terminators was a metal exoskeleton you know like this was I think before that like well that was good that was one of the things that I definitely noticed like recently like watching again um was like, they yeah, they definitely, they hot, like the endoskeleton is like a big reveal in the in the first one.

The Endoskeleton Reveal

Like they don't, yeah even when they do like the flashbacks of the flash forwards, I guess, to like the future and like the future war, they don't, don't show any of like the like endoskeletons walking around. It's all like the hundred killers and the tags and stuff. But yeah, it's, it's, ah it's like, that's like the big reveal for like the, like the final sequence is like, oh man, this is what they actually look like. So.
For all we know, first time watch this movie, if you were to see this, like you just think it's some powerful man. And I think that's scary because at that point in any slasher movies, all the like people coming back to haunt people have been undead zombies or legit monsters. But this is...
in the term of just like an unkillable human-looking person, like very normal. I mean, granted, Arl was the size of these people back then. Yeah. I was just like, hey, is that Mr. the mr Universe chasing down people?
Yeah, and then like the yeah the on the and like the uncaring, quiet like efficiency of just like not stopp like not stopping, like just you know, he'll walk through, walk through anyone, walk through like, not like anyone gets his way is dead, basically. like And there's like, no, there's no like, like normal

80s Grounded Terminator

way to stop him. You can't just like shoot him because he just like gets right back up.
And yeah, I, I would say like, it's something where even though it's from the future, it's very grounded in, in, in like, uh, in in the 80s. It's not like ah he had like a laser gun in his hand or he had some sort of crazy robotics.
like He has to walk, he has to drive. The only thing he doesn't do is eat. It's funny that, you know, eventually he does get a leather jacket and sunglasses in the motorcycle at the end of this movie, or the middle part of the movie. But it's funny that he's driving around like a station wagon, like the opening part of this movie. It's not the most glamorous set pieces. You know, I think when you think of original Terminator, you always think of him maybe in the police shootout. Yeah.
he doesn't have an iconic car. There's no iconic like vehicle that is, to the error, like great. it's like it And then if you understand the history of how this movie was put together, it makes sense. It was just like a low-budget, scrapped-together idea that it would have to be gangbusters.
Well, definitely, i mean yeah I mean, early for pretty much like a lot of like everyone involved, but then like you know this this is but but but put like most of them on the map. Like this is like James Cameron's first really huge movie. Like he did product two obviously before this, but then like, this is the one that like, you know, made him into James Cameron.

Cameron and Schwarzenegger's Rise

And then, I mean, Arnold did the Cohen, both Conan movies before this, but like, I think this obviously like put him as like, like made him Schwarzenegger, like all the posts, like that's this is what they started like the posters of like, you know, Schwarzenegger and then made him like the,
you know, top, top actor in the world, basically.
I mean, he's good in this. He's, he's threatening. I think he does a few of his old stunts that look very dangerous. Oh, I think he, um, I was reading because like, it's, I, I know it's, it's, it's, it's, it's noticeable. Like, um, after there's like the shoot out, like the tech noir and there's like a big explosion afterwards. And then it's like his eyebrows are burned off.
I think that actually happened. I think he actually burned his eyebrows off. Did he? Or something happened because like, yeah, it's like, or it's easy like it was actually like, yat like he was too close to fire to actually burn his like eyebrows off or it was like a very good, like like a very elaborate like makeup job.
But yeah, I mean, it's it's so noticeable after like from like during that like huge car chase like the like the first part of the movie after tech noir where it's just like he's like like super like it's like skins like super like oily and then it's just like Yeah, like his hair turns like a Frankenstein haircut, basically Also do like that of the if you notice the emotion in this movie like you look shocked and like kind of like Like so like shocked and surprised and for some of the things going around in him? Even though that's like the natural acting, but for Terminator, why did they program that? Why did they program him to look surprised?
Also, another another like weird human thing that I noticed this time around is, like did he rent that like apartment or that like hotel room? Yeah, they like operates because he like weird Protocols, but he like climbs in the window like he doesn't come in like the front door But then there's like a guy like knocking it like the like the landlord guys like hey you got the cat in there something Well, we won't ever know because they kind of skipped that it's implied that he's a he was able to infiltrate so I assume you like I assume you just like there was like the first part we broke into and like killed the guy whoever killed whoever lives in there and
They're by just like, they're by just like rotting in the in the apartment. Actually, that'd make more sense. killed Whoever just sort of took over that dwelling, but it's also L.A. So L.A. sort of gross. Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah. i Like 80s L.A. is like 70s New York. would be It's like it's all it's all this like homeless bums and like weird nightclubs and like, yeah.
CZ Hotels. So speaking of 90 80s LA. Okay, so Arnold lands in a quiet like area on the Gryffindor observatory, like observatory. gri Yeah, Gryffindor park. Yep. And then like punches a bunch of punks, who are just actually Bill Paxton ours. Yeah.
Does he kill Bill Paxton or just sort of shove him? i I mean, he gets shoved into like that. What like the metal like, you know, great like. Gate or whatever, but then it doesn't feel like that would kill him like the one guy that was he punched them through the chest like Mortal Kombat style. That's like it's like his clothes, but so I get how he died. Yeah. But I do like that, like the third punk is the one who takes off his clothes for Arnold and somehow like They wear the same size shirt, but they look vastly different from the clothes. Yeah. how did How did that fit art? like Because those are just like scrawny punk guys. It's like like the world's greatest bodybuilder is like wearing his jacket and shirt and everything. Was that all Lycra? Like the most stressful fabric, and then like it just fit Arnold? Yeah. Who knows? OK. So the Kyle Reese part, where he lands in downtown LA, and I don't know, the cops is instantly trying to arrest him.
Well, they see a weird guy putting pants on in an alley, and it's like, hey, you. Well, what are they gonna charge him with? I mean, that place is filled with so many homeless people that someone with their pants.
on those those that's what I was thinking too though like this time was like those pants have to be disgusting right like he's we stole some homeless guys pants who knows like they fight never been washed like who knows what's on those pants he wears those like the entire movie Oh calories is like free balling in that pants yeah
It was what's hilarious is that he breaks into like a thrift store or like ah like ah you like a ah clothing store afterwards. And so he he gets like brand new sneakers and like a jacket, but like he doesn't get a new pair of pants.
Well, you couldn't get back because they were crawling with cops, so he'd grab whatever needed. So I can understand that, but... Well, they got to get those Nikes. Yeah, they got that, like, product placement. Which the medical shot, I was like, it's really stood out to me this time watching it too. I'm like, oh man, it's just like a...

Kyle Reese's Influence

It's almost like pose shot in the entire movie, just like him coming out of the photo booth with the gun.
Yep. It's it's it's crazy because like, um, but like that's, i that's the shot that they used for like metal gear, like the NES game. But then in some of the flashbacks, he actually looks more like solid snake. Like he's got like a headband stuff on like the, like, like the, like, you know, military, like ear piece of stuff. so So it's like, they took the, they based it on him, but then, but then he's not wearing the costume that would like, looks more like solid snake and like for that image.
I thought they did. I thought there's one shot in the flash forward shot where the cow recess the gear on. He's got the gear on, but he doesn't do the like that once that specific pose where he's like, like he's got the gun and then it's like he's like, like, like in like that, like he's he's coming on the phone with basically like he's like kind of like crouched or like kind of like peering around the corner. Like that's that's that's like in like that thrift store.
ah but But then he doesn't really do a like a sort of pose in like the future. I'm just super imposing it.
Yeah, like I get why he's running from the cops initially, but I don't get why the cops are just chasing him. Like, hey, homeless man. Come here, you. ki be but What are you, naked? where are you What are we doing over there?
Cause I get if he land and it was during the spree of the Sarah Connor killers. So they're trying to figure out like this serial killer. So anyone suspicious. But this is before all that. So they just see like a homeless white guy. They're like, how dare he putting out putting pants on after something weird happened. Who knows what happens, but they don't even know what to describe that. No, the cops didn't see the orb, did they? ah No, I think, and I think only the homeless guy saw the orb. but
oh I do I do like how they like really like how the contrast like, you know, Arlo shows up. He's just like super calm, stands up, no pain, just like walks, you is like just like perfect perfect landing, walks away, and then Rhys gets dropped to my jo from like ah up like a story up, and then like, it's like super like like, super injured, like he's like, clearly like time travel like burned him, like it's just a weird effect on him. And then, so the the contrast of like, how the machine and then the the the human are affected by time travel.
So I know this isn't part of Terminator 1, but in Terminator 2, when they so it they send the liquid metal Terminator, how is that okay by the rules? Like, that's not organic metal? Yeah, I think he's organic metal. is So that's how he can like go back.
I do like that, like Earl Bowen is like, he's he's kind of like, um, it's kind of like in Gremlins too, where they're like, asking all the questions and like, during his interrogation, Reese is why don't you bring the guns back? what Like, don don't you have like a laser gun in the future? If you're for the future. Yeah. You get a lot of that later in the movie, like the halfway point to address some of the questions that people had. So I do like the tell don't just show. Like they show you a lot, but then they kind of explain, this is why. And then.
Then later on, they even show you more about the future with the future weapons. But even the future weapons aren't that impressive until maybe like, I don't know, the canister that they throw. They can take out the giant slow robot on treads. Yeah. That seemed kind of cool. But then, you know, Franco Colombo shows up with like an M1 Boeing and just taking out people inside the bunker. But it has laser. It has purple lasers. So it's its it's futuristic. Oh, OK.
Uh, yeah, my, my only good problem with the beginning is that, uh, you know, Kyrie shows up scavenges and you're like, okay, cool. And at this point you still don't know where his standing is. He's just the time traveler. Uh, and I think based on how the series dwells in the future, that changes like how, how they tell about this part, right? Like the, the protagonist entrance in the movie. I think two does a good job of.
reframing it, like using what worked and reframing it to do a twist that that wasn't spoiled by the guy named Trailers at the time. Yeah, that's like it's so obvious like Terminator 2 was supposed to be like, that like Jay Scary wanted people to go and not knowing who like, thinking Arnold was gonna be the bad guy again. And then like the big like reveals like, oh, no, he's the hero this time. But then yeah every trailer, every poster, everything was just like, this time he's back for good. And then Three does it again, where now they combine both of those, but now it's like hilarious to comedy. And then Salvation had none of that, so you don't get like any wacky, like, where am I? What year is it? That's what I kind of liked about Genesis, because if you compare this to Genesis, it's a retelling of this. Yeah.
and Uh, I didn't mind the first act of Terminator Genesis. No, yeah. the Yeah. The remix of like, Oh, we're gonna look, we're like, we're killing like OG Arnold or before he's like, when he shows up is like, it's fun. But then, yeah, that movie got turns into a mess of like, Oh yeah. Like nano bot, John Connor's whatever Matt Smith's doing.
So and in this, it's like very basic, very clean. I feel like a lot of it is that milestone, like ah or the ah innovative use of effects to tell the story. I remember when like the years that fall after this, where it's like, oh, it's a Terminator-like movie. It's like they try to mimic the menace, the introduction of a character.
but they didn't have like the Kyle Reese mechanic. They only had just like the Terminator part where it's like the introduction and then it's like, okay, well then just everyday people like, you know what I mean? Like Kyle Reese is great, but he definitely gets forgotten and as the series move on. Like there was like, Sarah knows this guy for like a day and for a day he does a lot for just sort of the grunt soldier.
Yeah. I forgot the, uh, like the opening text where it's like, uh, the final battle of the future will be fought in our time tonight. But then it's not like it's, but then it's like the next day, technically because like they, i like yeah they, this physical show up like like ah ah one thirty a m or something's when they,
they So it's like, it's like, text it's like, do you mean like tonight or do you mean like tonight? Like, cause it's like, it's a couple of days. It's like like, like two days probably or something.
It's just, it's just the text is so weird of like, um, it makes it seem like it's going to be like, you know, like when it was like, like, you know, a real time, like one, one night. It's not, it's like, okay. Um, actually it's going to be in the past later and then.
Uh, what's going to happen is, uh, you're going to follow like not the action star. Cause like, it's not quite like Sarah Connor isn't like instantly the bad-ass, even though in counter Reese's head, he meets her. She's going to be this bad-ass, but you know, it's like the, the meeting, the, the person behind the myth. I do like that. Like, I don't know if they ever thought about a version like that where he, Kyrie shows up and he thinks she could really handle herself.
But I think he's very prepared to like tell her and like train her. I think, right? Because he knows she's like a regular person. And he comes from like a war-torn world that basically was terrible. where he he said you he just has like He just says like faith that she'll like become you know the legend that she becomes. Yeah. It's like meeting your war idol, I guess. And he keeps it pretty calm. like it's funny because later on he explains like he had to disconnect his emotions and first time he meets her he just like yells at her or not yells at her but it's just like come with me if you want to live it's like very iconic very cool very calm and he's been but but he's just been like stalking her for all Sarah knows like this weird guy's been like following her around Los Angeles
That is true. In like ah and like a hobo trench coat. Oh my god, he must smell so bad from the waistcoat.
ah wait Before we get too much of that, what do you think about the young Sarah Connor? We watch her do her daily life of like waitressing and going on, like and then getting stood up. Yeah. you The one thing that stood out, that like they it's never been brought up up again. i just like What happened to him is Pugsley, the iguana,
Like Sarah has a pet in Guana named Pugsley that's never mentioned her brother ever again. Well, she couldn't go back home. Yeah. Oh, I'm hopefully, um hopefully got out. Hopefully it's okay. Yeah. Hopefully the police showed up to like the crime scene of Rick Ross invention, the other ginger. Uh, maybe they took a Pugsley and got him to like, uh, someone else's house or something. like I mean, there could be a thing where she came back to her house after that night, you know, she could have come back and cleaned up and Like, she had to get money and stuff. Who knows? Like, that's just the lore. Maybe that'd be addressed in another Terminator movie. Mm-hmm. The Pugsley movie. The return of Pugsley. It's like, there's a sea, like, I go on his back. You find out Pugsley was the key all along. Mm-hmm. It wasn't the Connors. It wasn't whatever Terminator, whatever that other movie was, number five. Number six.
I mean, I think we're up to, uh,
yeah, we're up to what was sick. There's been six so far because terminator dark fate was the six six movie. You know, dark fate was another rewrite of rewrite of two. Yeah. Uh, I like that. They, they just try it again and they just rewrite it for a third time.
And that's where Pugsley comes back into play. Oh yeah, Pugsley. Fuck yeah. The scary ass iguana that somehow free ran over the whole house. the Because like the the like the his cage doesn't have a cover on it, so he can just like get out whenever he wants to wander around.
ah wonder i was I was wondering if like the Simpsons, if that's where they got like the idea for like, jub-jub. Like, you know, paid sum, it's like, iguana.
Because there's like, it's like, treats them like a dog. is like It's like, oh, my little pugsy, I love you. Like, ah be good for mama or whatever. Then it's just like, it's an iguana. I don't know, man. Some people get really attached to their iguanas. Or their snakes or whatever.
It's like it's it's a weird like it's just like a weird like quirky thing of like they're trying to make Sarah like the like, you know, like, like perfectly normal, like, like, young woman in Los Angeles. And then it's just like, but it's like, oh, she's a penguin too, by the way. Because it's like, she's like, you know, she's a waitress. She's like, has to like, she's like, with the roommate and like she's getting stuff for dates and then And then it becomes like the you know hero of hero of humanity.

Time Travel Paradoxes

but think Didn't Kyle call her the mother of the future? Mm-hmm.
Which also, there's the weird thing too, where, um i don't I don't know if they get into it in any of the other movies, but the whole thing of like, John has to like, basically like, make Kyle like fall in love with his mother. Well, it's... To like, make sure, make sure, make sure, like, to make sure like, the title because in order to like, make sure he's born, he has to like, it's like a the whole like, Marty McFly thing of like, you have to make your parents fall in love.
Yeah, he has to make sure that like certain events always take place. The loop yeah but just the whole thing with like the picture of like, hey, here's a picture of my mom when she was young. Isn't she hot? Yeah, it's kind of creepy. But it's needed if it makes sense to make the loop complete. Yeah. I would have loved the Terminator's plan. All the Terminator had to do was just cock block Kyle.
Like the term he didn't need kill Sarah Connor. Like it's just like very complicated, right? But in a fun rom-com, almost like if they did like a funny one, if, what if scenario comic or something like that, where instead of like sending Arnold to come and kill Sarah Connor, like they send a robot like a T-800 to just seduce her.
And then make her forget about calories like make like she goes on that date and then yeah it personates whatever that like like 80s douchebag guy that she was going with What if in the a fantasy scenario that 80s douchebag was like the T-800 but then it's like he had he had to like Replace him. So instead of leave that answer machine thing. That's like, hey, I'm not gonna pick you up. Bye.
Yeah. Just goes be like, Hey, I'm running late. I'll see you soon. Can't wait. But you know, and it's a whole different term in a movie. It's like a rom com instead. It's like, there feels like whether like he's on like, like, it's like, they're like, oh, like, he's like, Sarah's like, oh, like super old. He's just like, he has, he has an age just like, Oh, here's my secret. I'm a robot. And she dies.
And they have like, they have like half human, half robot kids. But it's sort of like how, um, dark fate Terminator, he like grew in emotion. He learned about like half feelings from just living. Cause yeah. Cause he fill his mission and he's like, Oh, now what do I do?
I guess I'll guess I'll move into woods. Yeah. Dark fate has a lot of open-ended things. They're just so silly. They work for me. the drapes, the colors. God, that came out of nowhere.
um yeah it's it's it's great yeah it's great It's crazy to see where we started and where we ended with that. I'm just going back to basics where like you don't get any of that. Do you think this terminer has time for hobbies?
He doesn't change clothes. He just collects guns. He walks out of windows like he's very on the mission. He's been killing Sarah Connors off screen. You see like basically one Sarah Connor kill. Was this three? There's three. And yeah, we see him kill one and there's the he barely kills the other one at some point green. Yeah. And that's why the cops are like, oh, shit, he's got a pattern. and
And this moves pretty fast. Honestly, for a Terminator movie, this feels very like every part of the movie, every scene is not really wasted. Everything moves along, which is refreshing. I actually thought T2 did that pretty well, but I realized in T2 there's a lot of slow-mo and so action set pieces that we know where they're going. like you know It's just sort of, okay, they're so good they still have to get from A to B. But in this,
It's very quick. it's very Each scene tells you a little bit more about the characters. Each scene tells you something about the world that, I guess, Kyle comes from. Because you know we every at this point, we all know what the 80s is like. It's pretty bad. It's just sort of gross.
And that's why like when a police precinct gets wiped out, it just seems like there's no more cops in the movie. um Or killed them all. He killed every cop in Los Angeles. Apparently. ah But yeah if you think about it, because in the first part, all the cops chasing, they're all they're all at the station. They're all questioning Sarah or Kyle. But after that police scene, the police just give up looking for Kyle and Sarah.
Well, I think there's there's something that there's like a radio thing of like the largest manhunt in like LAPD histories for like an unidentified man who attacked the state police station. So didn they shift the shift they shifted to Arnold. OK. See, it's a again, probably something the background said, but totally not wasted because it explains why it's like Sarah and Connor and Kyle can just make bombs in their hotel room. Yeah. Who cares about this guy who thinks he's from the future when a guy walked into a like the main one the main like LAPD police stations is like killed like 30 cops.
So what do you think about the line? I'll be back. Did you think it would is? it Does it still hold up as being a very badass line? Yeah, I mean, it's better than like, like, it's supposed to be all come back. And then but but it's just like,
it's It's weird because it's like hearing that, it's like, oh, that's too long. Even though it's only like three, it's like one more word, but it's like, like does it like, i'll be I'll be back is like, ah it's it's like, you know, the simplicity of it is like so good. On the contacts of it, the guy didn't even say like, why don't you leave? You just have a seat. I'll be back. Yeah.
but they make it seem like, I don't know. Like I always thought about the how like it's used nowadays of whenever Arnold enters a room and he's like, i'll I told you I'll be back or I'll be back. It comes back later. It's not as, I don't know, sharp as get to the chopper where it's like very contextual and it's bad because, you know, there's a predator after you.
Yeah, this is a OK, well, I'll be back, you know, like, well, what does he mean? And the guy, the officer who hears this does not care. He's like, OK, whatever. My fellow paperwork.
But in the terms of how he comes back, he just rams a car in the front door. and This totally like terrible like set up for a police precinct where there's no barrier. There wasn't any metal frames to stop anything. You know, a car could like that's just an accident waiting to happen at a police station. Yeah.
He drove a car through the lobby, into the door, and into the police station. Like, it wasn't no stoppage.
And I like that, uh... I guess, like, the the psychiatrist guy, who was on his way out, he probably saw that and was like, well, I'm off the clock, gotta go.
He was earl bone was like coming behind a desk or something or like ran out the back. Oh, he he left through the front because he was leaving. He was off duty. um And he missed all on the way out because he was like looking at his pager. But he gets in his car, let's say, and then he's just starting his car and he sees like Arnold Ram his car through the front gate. And then he's just like, well, gotta to go.
Well I think, don't don't they actually show, is it like a flat, is it T2 or T3 where they actually like show like what happened to him? Or there's there's something with him where he's like, I remember T3. In T2 he did mention that like, oh, I treated Sarah, ah blah, blah, blah. And that's why he's, that's why he's the head psychiatrist. He's been studying Sarah, but I don't know. Sarah had a point. You had this crazy guy and he's like, well, okay, he's not from the future. He's just a crazy like guy who's on. He's a PCP. it was it was body it Yeah.
I like how knowing that it's like, okay, well, like go for the head. Everyone that police department never shot for the head. They all went for like Arnold's foot and they're, they're very like,
but like underpowered compared to like I was like I was got like a shotgun and like a machine gun. They're using like revolvers. Yeah, it's so it's so like, ah you know, Paul Winfield and Lance Anderson bring out like the like M16s or whatever they have. But but it was only the only two they had in that building.
we're Or if it was before, because there was that like you know look the super famous like shootout in Los Angeles where the guys had like body armor on, and then like the police couldn't do anything. They were like couldn't penetrate their body armor. It like it was like 20 cops, but they couldn't do anything because they had like pistols, basically. These guys had body armor, like heavy machine guns.
Yeah, I'm wondering that, too. I think it might have been like a year or two before. I think it might have been like early 90s. So I think that was kind of like the big thing of like, well, we need SWAT teams, though. Yeah, that's the thing. This movie is missing. It's like a SWAT team. They didn't have SWAT. I think T2 corrects that by having like mega SWAT. Yeah. Or like they throw everything at you. Yeah. Helicopter, like yeah like a fan full of guys.
And I forgot how much like killing he gets done in this movie. And then how in the next movie, Arnold kills basically no one. Yeah, cause yeah, cause Jon tells him not to. He has a lot of maiming in the second one. Like no those cops are gonna be like walking correctly at at for their lives at that but movie, but at least they're not dead.
But yeah, Arnold's, I think probably the high, like Arnold's background on this one is like, uh, probably the highest of like the entire series. i because He's the bad guy just like killing everybody.
Uh, I do like that once Arnold starts picking up a gun, he no longer thinks about melee anymore. Even though Terminus is supposed to be like a perfect killing machine. They, they don't know martial arts. They just know punching and like, if they can get you.
Like, they don't have a fight style. They just... No, you... They do a lot of batting away. They, like, use their arms. Because, I guess, their arm is, like, you know, like a club, basically. So, they're, like, you know, like, swat you away or, like, bat you away. Mm-hmm. I mean, he punches a hole in some dude in the beginning. But I would have loved it was more, like, versatile, where his fighting... the robot had a fighting style. But I feel like that gets it to, like, a different territory if people saw, like, Terminator's have, like, a prefer fighting method.
Like if you if you see it load on like his temporary vision, it loads like, loading judo or something, or loading karate. like
I just think that would be hilarious. But that gets ruined once you add the liquid robot into the mix. Because anytime you have a liquid robot, it is no point in trying to grab it. It's just going to fall out of your hand. Yeah. it doesn't And it it isn't really fighting on this in this one. like even like Even Kyle doesn't really have like It doesn't seem like he has like a lot of like great hand-to-hand like skills. like he fights like He's got the pipe at the end, but like um yeah he's ah yeah it's not like Arnold is fighting karate people, like guys like doing like karate or commercial art or something. Yeah. i mean You can't kick a Terminator and stand up to the same weight. He's going to push you through a wall.
I say that in the fight where Arnold fights the roommate's boyfriend. Oh, yeah, Rick Rossovich. And it's funny, because that guy puts up a long fight for hand to hand. Like the Terminator just can't box or fight. Yeah, he yeah he like Rick Rossovich, he lasts longer a lot longer than you think you would last, I guess, the Terminator.
um Which i think i I think this is like a couple of years ago. I think he was going to be like Top Gun, like like couple years after this, it was like his like big movie, but. Yeah, yeah. I thought this is the same guy in Nightmare Friday 13th. Is that the same guy? No. Like he looks like Tommy Jarvis. No, no, it's not Tommy Jarvis.
He was in like Streets of Fire before Terminator. And what was he in Streets of Fire? He's one of the cops, like you like the ah but the cops that are like hassling, like ah Michael Paree.
Yeah, there's a lot there's a lot of like um like fun characters in Terminator, like Earl Bowen. Dick Miller is the pawn shop guy, the the gun store guy. We shouldn't have those bullets so close to those guns. Yeah, don't just leave bullets. Just leave them on the counter where you can just grab them. Amy's just like, hey, don't do that. It's too late. Hey, don't load the gun up. He should have been like, oh, not again.
I always forget to like the i does not not put the bullets out. yeah
Yeah, the there's almost like a campiness in the beginning that is like loss now in the series where the termiter, the ease of what he needs to do just involves him finding a phone book and then driving around. ah Like slasher movie villains do that. Slasher movies sometimes don't involve like the part where he purchased weapons or has to know where to find his victims. They just sort of appear.
But it's funny, because the Terminator has to go around and eliminate all the Sarah Connors he sees in this town and until he gets to the right one. There's no subtlety to it. It's just sort of like, OK, eliminate down the list in order. how does he How does he know it's the right one? Because if he killed that first one, it was the right one. like What would have happened? like It would have been Mission accomplished on his mission or something? Or maybe he does he disappears.
you know It's like you kill him, and then he just sort of like
ceases to exist. Or or would it would have been like a you know a dark fate scenario where you like yeah he he he kills his target and he's like, well, I'm here now. I guess I'll become like a carpenter, or like ah a painter or something. like Yeah, they kind of explained that in Terminator Zero, where whatever they sent in the past will become their future. So you come out of time, like you become a paradox.
Well, it's ah i mean it's like, I think it's like the Marvel thing too, where it's like, you don't, you don't go, you like it's every, every decision decision is making like a parallel timeline. You're not going back. You don't go like, no one can go back to like the original timeline or like it's not, you're not, you're not causing like what the future that you you came from. You're causing, you're creating a new future by but what you're doing in the past. It's like your original future doesn't exist anymore. Or it's like a, it's like an alternate timeline now.
I see what you mean. Like every, every, ah every time they sent someone back, every time someone goes back in time or like does something, then it's like, they're like the future they knew is not the future that's going to happen now because now you're affecting the future. I do like that where essentially every movie is a potential future timeline. Everything, they all exist at once, but they all have different origins basically. like Uh, which is wonky because I think like Terminator sort of explains that like, you know, in order, but there's still something like the loop, which they have to follow. Like Sarah has to have John. Yeah. And then it's like, that's how it begins. But if you kill John, then you don't have the reason for the Terminator to do any of this.

Multiple Timelines Explained

i think there's also I think they get into it later on, too, where they set like you know dozens of terminators at different times. to It's like all different contingencies. We're sending this one to eighty the 80s. We're sending saying this one to the 90s. We're sending this one to like you know slightly after the terminator, too. We're sending this one to like ah you know a different time period. like
Yeah, so I would pump out my odds. I wouldn't just send one after the other. I'd wait, you know, just send them all just in case. Which, which is it like, in it's not a case in this one. Like this first one, they're basically like, they sent one and then we sent Kyle and then we and they blew up the time machine.
to ah to prevent anything else from like going back. Did you see the time machine blow up in this one? No. Kyle just says, yeah he's when he's gaining a tear gate, he just says this is what happened. Because you're asking about, like like oh, like what how do you travel at time? Or like what why why why did you come back naked? Or like why did you wear clothes and stuff? but is it He's explaining how time travel works. and I know. It's just convenient plot device.
He's a, it's like, well, how did a robot come back in time? It's like, he has skin on. He's a pale, organic organism, but cyber neck organism. They already just saying like, they're crazy. You know, it's like, Oh, cobblies his lie. We're gonna, the police arrest them. I guess for the potential kidnapping of Sarah Connor, but he's just spewing out crazy future possibilities. And so they like,
Obviously, I don't think they think he's the Sarah Connor killer, right? Maybe they do. I don't know. Yeah, we have no time to like see what they want because they get written off real quick. Yeah, we don't, we don't really see like what Sarah says to them. but Like, Hey, he wasn't like kidnapping me. He was like, he says he's protecting me. But then I guess they're like, I guess, I guess she like basically told them like everything he said and they're like, they're like, Oh, well let's have Earl Bow and analyze him and see if he's insane. Oh, he is. Okay. mean They want to de brainwash Sarah, I guess. Um, but yeah, I kind of wish they spent more time with the police just so that you can, I don't know, get more sense of them because the police character, the way it's Henderson is just in this movie for like a minute. Yeah. And also it seems like it's also seems like Paul Winfield is going to be like a major character. Yeah. It built them up. Where it's like, Oh, he's going to be like,
He's gonna like, you know, help be like a major like help to Sarah or like, you know, join them or something. that No, he gets wiped out. Like, he's like wiped out off screen. Like you just see like, turn me like shoot like both guns in his direction. Then you never see him like actually get killed or die. Maybe he survived. He would have been. Maybe. He's little pax then where like he's not the only person that killed because suddenly he might have not died. Mm hmm.
Which I guess that this was mentioned like the, it was that trivia of like, you know, Phil Paxson and Lance Henderson are like the only two people that got killed by all three, like, iconic, like, sci-fi characters, like the Alien Predator and the Terminator. Right. The the exclusive club. Mm-hmm.
It's also, it's speaking of like, like, off-screen deaths too, it's like, it's it's it's crazy that like, ah you never really see Kyle die.
Like you see him, you see him put the pipe bomb in the Terminator and then explodes. And then next time you see him, is like he's getting sipped up to a body bag. No, I thought, um, Sarah turns him over and he's not getting up. He looks like he has a dead expression on his face. So she assumes he's dead.
Oh, maybe, maybe just extended version or something. Cause I, I, I'm not sure. The version I watched it, I feel like, I feel like you'd ever saw, you'd really see it. Like, like there's explosion. Then it's like, yeah, the term is coming after Sarah. And then, but then next time you see him, it's like, Oh,
Oh, by the way, he's dead. He's he's he's just up in a body bag. like ah sure's probably like ah i'm sure I'm sure it's probably like a dozen cuts of this movie. I think two is like like you know extend extended and like director's cut and like all that stuff. so
I think there's a like a 40th anniversary 4K coming out within a couple weeks here. um I know what cut that'll be, but ah sure I'm sure there'll probably be multiple versions out there. Right, right, because I'm just thinking back. Is there a directors edition that shows you more? I feel like i've seen more I I just remember the directors edition of T2 more, and it overrides T1 a bit.
I think there's like yeah there's like differences between like the there's like a special edition um that has like simply scenes like push to put in um there's like differences between like TV and like the the video releases and the VHS was like there's cuts on the VHS version I saw shows a little bit more Arnold on but Yeah, that I mean that that's crazy that with it like the first like what five minutes this movie you just got Arnold. Yeah, I don't thought flopping around. I'm like, I they didn't have time that you play is wearing like a dick sock, but that is just Arnold walking naked on that.
I feel like this definitely has the most nudity of these series. Yeah, oh my god. Can we talk about the Kyle and Sarah sex scene? I wanted to bring up the sexy Terminator theme, the piano version. I forgot how weird that is.
so like therapy That'd be like if um like i don't like I don't like like James Bond or something if there's like a you know like a so like a The James Bond theme, but there's like a sexy piano version of the James Bond theme when he's like, you know, like having sex with all the ladies there is six james bond theme is Yeah, I guess like what you're like I Try what like what theme is like similar to like the trivia theme? I Batman like the Tim Burton, the Danny Elfman one. Or like Robocop or something. Robocop one. And then you it's like, the you know, I want to say acapella, but it's its just the the the like, there's a word for it when it's like the slow down dramatic version, like a reprised. I was I was shocked there wasn't a saxophone playing. That seemed like a pride, like 80s saxophone scene.
like Like a saxophone version of the career theme. I think they wanted to hold some restraint. Yeah. Using the main theme song, but then the piano version, the reprise version, it just sounds a little weird. Because I think it's the same beat as what you hear in T2. I think it might be the same song, ah but That first show is also crazy too, because compared to like the rest of the like the music in the first movie where it's all like, it's like so synthy. And then it's just like, oh, it's it's piano. It's like we're playing on the piano now. It's synthy and industrial because it sounds like metal, but like being clanked. And then you get to this version and it's the like. The love song. Yeah, it's a love version and it's tender and just like what? And then, you know, they're making John Connor in that bed.
And that the Tiki Motel. Do you think Sarah ever mentioned that part about it? like Well, we were in the sleazy motel like outside Los Angeles. but it's it was It's called the Tiki Motel, but it rosie really wasn't anything tiki about it.
and we After we made Plastique, we made Love. Yeah. Oh, I forgot. That's the same night. It it was like, they just make bombs. We got so turned down by making bombs. They're a high on bomb fumes. Yes. mom's In a hotel room without some violation.
And then Kyle was like talking about how he he doesn't feel and and he feel it is like shut and shut down his feelings.
It's funny cause it's like, he mentions in that. It's like, oh, I never go on a woman. And then she's just like, oh, I'm so sorry. Like, it was so devastating for him. What was it like? Well, she asked, she asked that question. Like, what are the women like in the future? He's like, they're fighters.
She's like, Oh, okay. But like, that's not really what it meant. like Well, I get it. He's like a soldier. He doesn't know like downtime, I guess.
Though it's even like in the Terminator Salvation version of Kyle Reese, that Kyle is like more sarcastic and like- He's not like broken it's not like broken down by the war. Yeah, yeah. Well, you think about the Jack Courtney version where he's supposed to be the same age and like relatively like the same time. That John Connor is like funnier. Like he's more I don't know, like, prone to mood swings, where in this version of John Connor, he's either angry or like, or quiet, you know, like, it's a totally different take on the character. Yeah, Michael, I mean, but yeah, Michael Bean is like, like psychologically scarred from like, because he's been like a ah child soldier, like, really? Yeah, they that's like, he he says, like, they're like making like plastic explosives, like, he's like, I learned how to make this when I was a kid, like,
So yeah, I think basically ah he's was his entire life he's just been like, yeah, fighting and like learning how to fight. Like he has, you know, not his entire like life. And then like, you'll see like people like the centigrade next to him. ah It's like he's been like, yeah, he's so like, he's just so like, you know, desensitized. Right. I think like, it would have been funny if If Cal came and he was like, wait, through the war, like, I want to eat this food. I want to do like normal 90s things like 80s. Yeah, it is. It is. I feel like when he's like walking through it down the street, there's a little bit of him kind of like looking around and be like, oh, man, this is weird seeing people. But yeah, there should. Yeah. that who Yeah. Should have been a seen him. It's like you're like scarfing on a hamburger or something. You're like, yeah, like hearing hearing music or something like you're like the the the crazy 80s songs are in this movie.
He knows how to drive a car. I get it because in the end of the times he knew to drive a car too, but like how cars that didn't change in like the 50 years. Well, just it was 97, right? Yeah. But this is 84, like 97, it's like a big leap in car technology. Yeah. And then.
Yeah, there was no like, it moves fast without it, which I'm fine with. But yeah, nowadays, if you make a Terminator movie, you do the scene where it's sometimes back from the past to the future or the future of the past. They're going to be like, what's this? What do you mean? What's that? Like, I mean, they're eating rats in the future. It's like, yeah, I haven't come back and like going to a grocery store or something like, look at all this food. Well, he didn't even know how money worked.
oh Yeah. Yep. Crumbled dollars in his pocket. Is this enough? Where did he get these? Because like seriously, I don't want to know where he got that money, but like, where did, where did he get that money? Like, he probably robbed a hooker. Like stole it from like everyone. they like yeah Like all the cops he knocked out or like a dead cop or something. No, I don't see a cow doing that, but he's a scavenger. So he might've beat up a bunch of homeless people or he might've got it from the homeless guy.
It just had to be in like that jacket he stole from like that store, like like on the way i he rather register that store.
I do love, um in in like the shootout scene, I love that one, like the Copland service is like, hey, watch him. And then he instantly gets like knocked up by Kyle. It was useless cop in the entire precinct. Oh, yeah. He probably saved his life. Yeah, probably. Would have just ran out in the hallway. but
I get it, Kyle's a survivor. He's all about the mission. He turned off his emotions, so it makes him fearless.
It's a shame because like in T2, we don't see more of the it just to the Sarah and John story, which I'm fine with, but I think my first term in a movie was T2. Then going back to T1, and not having that same patience,
and payoff beats. T2, T1 is mostly like an action thriller sci-fi movie. T2 has some comedy in there. Well, it's I mean, it's it's fully like the alien aliens thing. Like term like Terminator, you know, Terminator is like the smaller like. ah Like still sci-fi action, but like with like the horror elements and then And then T2 and Aliens are like the you know the the big James Cameron, less like balls to the wall, huge blockbuster action.
Although Terminator Skits is like, you know, the same guy did both of them. So it's not like so like it's like someone else did like Terminator 1 and then like James Cameron blew it up with like the second one. No, no, no. I'm agreeing just because like
I can't, it's a needed pillar action movie, sci-fi movie, right? Terminator. It's definitely like, I don't want them to remake it. It's nice that the entry, what we got. The only problem is, is that by modern standards, we've moved on a little bit from it. So we're trying to pair it, like say a bigger story. It's like hard because it's a great movie on its own. It's, you know, like it's a killer robot comes to our modern ED time.
and kind of brute forces his his mission. He's supposed to be an infantry unit. He does nothing but show up. He's completely out of place. Yeah, the infantry unit who's absolutely conspicuous in every way. He's doing everything he can to look more like a serial killer. Even though the cops just think this guy's on PCP and body armor.
Yeah. Like he, like he walks in tech tomorrow or doesn't pay that like instantly makes him like, like, you just like, everyone's like looking at him. I'm like, Hey, that guy didn't pay. And then it's like pulls out a giant gun. Yeah. Um, which he could have just walked up to Sarah Connor and punched her to death. Yeah. Or, or, or, yeah, or just, yeah, like, you know, pay, not draw attention to yourself, like pay potential to be a normal person. And then like, yeah, then, you know, wait till she like goes to the bathroom or something killer or something.
That's why i' like the other, I mean, you know, like, yeah, like Robert Patrick and like some of the, like, some of the like later ones at least are like, you you can see them like infiltrating it, like me, like more of like a normal person, like our normal person. Right. No, they should send like two cow recess to basically talk with Sarah, but they said basically the biggest guy, the biggest robot they made.
Well, I guess Arnold, they wanted Arnold to be Kyle Reese to start with. And then he like, I think him talking to James Cameron, like if it's like be like Terminator instead. Yeah. Cause actually like the infamous thing is they wanted like Odie Simpson to be the Terminator. So a different movie if they did that. And it was like interesting like for like Kyle Reese, they were talking about like, they were talking like Sting.
And like, ah like Bruce Springsteen, Kurt Russell, treat Williams like someone like the people that went up for calories. Yeah, totally different vibe. They did.
Also feel like you had to match the actors because If you had basically an older guy with Sarah, the vibe would be a little different. It would have been like, Streets of Fire was like, what, two years from now or a year? Streets of Fire was like the couple years before, so. Really? Yeah. Or was it? No, it was the same it was the same year. Okay. Because like the trench coat wearing guy with a shotgun look is like more I associate more with Terminator than I do with Shoots of Fire, but it's very similar about like a mission by the guy saving a woman. Stopping a crazy psychopath that won't stop at nothing to get her back or kill her. It's very similar. Shoots of Fire has a better soundtrack. I forgot how many like like just weird 80s songs are this in the first Terminator.
And like ah most of them are by by some band called Triangles.
Like I was watching the case music is all like
Yeah, it's it's it's crazy. It's crazy how I kind of like the original like the main theme is and then like sleep six this before is like really this is kind of wacky and like weird.
Oh, it's supposed to be like uncomfortable because they didn't quite know where this genre is going to be. And it really should be sci-fi horror. But I mean, some people don't think about the horror element.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's yeah know it's it's no John Carpenter, like. The master of synth.
Oh, what do you think? What do you think of the like the stop motion ah Terminator, the end? I feel it that definitely like is not aged that well, I don't think. ah I was expecting it, you know, the Stan Winston School of stop motion.
Yeah, I mean it's it's definitely it's ah it's only of the time because it's it's basically the same as like the like the N209 and like Robocop that was like a couple years after this. So it's like you're so're still doing kind of this like stop motion d like kind of thing.
When when it's when it when it's not like when you the endoskeleton is like not stop motion, it looks great. When it's just, like I guess, like a puppet or like some sort of full-size thing they're moving around, it's it's it's awesome. But then when it's extended periods where it's moving and it's stop motion, it's a it's definitely goofy. Right. Not as bad as the puppeteering for this is not motion. It isn't terrible. That's what they did at the time. Yeah. What do you think about the Arnold head?
Oh man, yeah. It looks like it was like paper mache or something. And at the time I get it, they just were like, all right, we just have to do it. We don't know what the damn thought was going to look like yet. But it's jarring. I wonder if it looks better in like a 4K or restore. I'm sure it's not going to look better in 4K. I'm sure it's going to be even crazier, even more fake.
it's like ah It's like an Aral Halloween master like digging an exacto knife into it. that ah that That scene is pretty crazy. like That's like a great like kind of like... I got body horror, like kind of like... the term is a paragit self. And it rips its own eyeball out. And it cuts its arm open.
Yeah, I like how he comes into his apartment and then there's a like a nursing station right here right there for him. Yeah. To just I guess like he expects he expected to get damaged. I guess I don't know. I guess I guess maybe he thought he would get resistance for like the cops or like local local you know present day ah threats, not like a future soldier.
guess I guess I didn't anticipate humans would like like use the same time machine that they use. Maybe. Maybe that, you know, maybe in a fourth movie they explain how the time machine works and we just get term intergenesis all over again. Well, for number seven.
Well, the whole the whole thing is that like this is this was like the last ditch move because there is about to lose the war.

Terminator's Cultural Impact

And so that like it's like, well, I'll stop the war from happening. To begin with, like. I'll stop you, I'll stop humanity's threat like a savior from even being born. But then maybe I'll maybe I'll attack him when he's a kid, too. And a different time when he's a kid.
And then I'll send one to 1980s Japan for some reason too. Just as an insurance policy. Because cause like another guy from the future came back and is like building an AI to fight me. And just in case we can't win with that AI.
we need to convince a human character to be on our side. i mean I mean, we're spoiling a little bit of Terminator Zero, but I really wish they get more Terminator Zero to kind of explain this loop that they just created. I forgot how deep the loop making is in the Terminator series. You forget that in like two, three, four. Five, they kind of explain it and how we can get out of control. And six was like, what do you do if you close a loop and it does nothing?
Well, I mean, wasn't the whole, wasn't the whole, wasn't the whole, the whole part of like dark fate is that like Sarah's just like, is this like going around, like just like, cause there's like, there's like constantly terminators showing up and she's just like going around killing them all. Yeah. I guess, I guess that's what she would be doing because between one and two, she's just been fighting terminators. I hope off screen.
she was doing that for dark faith between two and three or three and five she was just killing terminers yeah because because like the uh the good arnold and dark fate was like carl was like sending her like here's where a terminus is gonna show up like be there and kill it like
Cause he felt guilty for killing John. So it's like, this is what he's trying to make, trying to make up for it. No, no. I'm just thinking how weird of a different movie where instead of this movie, like Sarah died and then John Con, then Cal Reese stays behind too. Then he realized that he has to like, I don't know, prepare for the invasion of the future now.
is is like, no offense to Sarah. she She gets told about the future. She watches the guy she had hooked up once die from a pipe bomb that he made. And then he just moves to Mexico for years, at least like 10. Well, yes she yeah, she was like, she starts like, yeah, turn to like, she just like started like, getting with guys that like could teach her how to like, do things like, like, like, shoot guns or make bombs or do whatever. And then but they should move on. Yeah. So I like how there was still potential. There still is in the future. They want to keep re-exploring this error of the Terminator, but they don't. They always jump ahead. They always jump ahead of two to three to four. what mur yeah The main issue is they just they keep keep keep making it over overly complicated because that's what they feel like they have to, well, we can't just do like
you know the basic Terminator story, we have to add like new things to it. Like like John Connor's a Terminator. there's just like It's an alternate timeline now. like it's ah There's another AI that's like not Skynet, but that's also Skynet.
so that it's this they just keep they added They add like so much like complicated like nonsense sets to it when it's like it just works. It works as just like a One good, one bad for the past that gets the best take the past and then they fight each other.
But I do like how it's a perfect like encapsulation of this. If they never made a sequel, this would still be fine. Yes. And that's why I forgot to say to like it.
T2 obviously blew away expectations. It was like, my cluster, it started this whole goddamn, like, revile of, let's do sequel to things that, like, are hard to do a sequel to, but they somehow did it. But T2, like, even to the way we reference it, it's so, it's such a, like, I don't know, maybe because we grow up with it, to me it's more like, I like it more.
Oh, I mean, T2 is like when they, like, and term the first Terminator is great, but like, Terminator 2 is like, so is just like, I mean, all time, greatest action movies all time. Like, it's like, like, Mount Rushmore. Like, if you're making Mount Rushmore action movies, it's like, Terminator 2, Die Hard. Like, I don't know what else you'd put out there, but like, it's definitely those two at least. Yeah.
ah But T1, no one refers to that way, but serve one it ah it holds up. It's definitely a fun sci-fi story. It definitely is something that James Cameron just knew. He was very passionate about it, obviously. There's crazy documentaries I think people should need to see about the making of it and sort of like the behind the scenes productions where basically Um, half the people didn't believe in John and James Cameron. They threw them together. They were like, who the fuck's this guy? Like he made silly like cult movies. Now he's going to make this the sci-fi movie. He's working for Roger Corman. Like now he's trying to make his own movie. So it's crazy. It pays off.
Yeah. Any, any last thoughts about this? No, I mean, it's it's just it's it's great. And it's it's it's it's so it's so fun to like go back and just see like how after like all these sequels and stuff just to see how like how simple and like, you know,
you know, just like streamline it was for the first one. Like there's no, there's no ultra timelines, no crazy, like no nano bots, no like different. It's just like, there's a evil robot and a guy from the future and they're fighting each other. that's all we Yeah.
So, uh, yes, that'll do it for this week's podcast. Uh, come back next week. We're going to be talking about, uh, wrapping up our month of horror with, uh, the first saw. which is celebrating, I think it's its 20th anniversary, because it came out in 2004. Let me just double check quick. But ah yeah, the 20th anniversary of Saw next week. So definitely dive into the first one. I know we're both huge fans of the Saw franchise, so. Kind kind of kind some this week where we're like we we'll go back to like where it all started and see how how simple it was and how insanely complicated it got later on. Oh, yeah.
I bet you the Saw movies have eventually been a good time travel. What but was but they gonna do? Time travel. Oh, I mean, maybe. I mean, they it wasn't really time travel. They have done like, you know, it's like, oh, this is happening at the same time. The thing you saw happen happened like years ago. like That's true. So they kind of did do that. Time manipulation.
she like hit chias time machine I figured out how to make a time machine. I want to play a game across time. i'm gonna send my ah I'm gonna send my younger self back.
to be its new jisaw saying yeah to go back in the past young johnramer don't Don't smoke some of my cigarettes. You're gonna get cancer.
I think that'd be stupid, where he has to inspire himself to make the jigsaw like Billy Boy, where everything is. The pig mask forever. The pig mask, yeah. But yeah, we'll get into all the original one, the simplicity of the original one next week. And head over to the site, we got all sorts of stuff up there. We got news, reviews, trailers. I got a review of Smile 2, if you want to read about the latest horror movie. It's actually pretty good.
ah Definitely yeah does what a good sequel does, which is like take what worked in the first one and make it blow it, make everything like bigger.
And if you I think you like if you like the first smile, you you're probably like the smile too, but yeah check out my review of that. um We're going to have our game box 2.0 for this month's games we played ah soon as well. but I think we're also going to have our retro game con trip report up there soon so you can Check out what we did at Retro Game Con last week. And yeah, head over to the channel and stuff out on the sites. And yes, for Chris, I'm Zach, and we will see you next time. For more for Everything Action, head to You can also find us on Facebook at facebook slash everything dot.action, and follow us on X at Evieaction. We're also on Instagram and threads at everything.action.
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