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32 Plays9 months ago

Welcome Back! After a rigmarole (weather, dogs, spin class, Baldurs Gate) Ron ponders the fun of yard sales. Chris wonders if we have less downtime now that there is so much tech at our fingertips. As always please like, subscribe, and share with your friends. Come join the discussions on the Discord Channel ( and follow us on Twitter, @cltruitt22. Thanks and take care!


Weather Woes: Rain and its Effects

Welcome back to another episode of the mythic draft podcast. I'm Chris and I am a waterlogged Ron Did you bike in the rain this morning? I did not okay did not But it has rained Every weekend for the last three months. Yeah, it feels like it I think it feels like yesterday Southern Delaware classic
It's supposed to be no rain. Check the weather like five times. As soon as we get the Cape handle open, it's just misty rain like this. And that's just annoying. Yeah. Yeah. It's not enough rain to like stop you from doing things, but it's drained enough to be annoying. Yeah. Yeah. This is pretty, pretty annoying. And I have to cut my grass again. I cut mine yesterday. I'll do my tomorrow. Hopefully.
Yeah, I know since I've cut it, we've had less bunnies in our yard. I guess they enjoyed the protection of the longer grass. Sure. We have tons of them in my neighborhood this year. Yeah. Yeah, everybody's talking about the cicadas. No, I think it's bunnies because, yeah, there's tons of them out this year. And shockingly, the cats aren't getting them. Yeah. Weird, which I didn't know this.

Animal Anecdotes: Bunnies and Beyond

And I don't know if it's just a Maryland thing or why comic a thing or what, but
When they spay or neuter a feral cat, they clip their ear so you can tell at a glance if it's been fixed or not. Hmm. Because I went to the Humane Society the other day, because if work's going to pay me for an hour to go walk dogs, I'm going to go walk dogs. Sure. And they had stray cats out there. And I was like, oh, that one got in a fight. She's like, no, no, we clip their ears so you can tell. It's a fun fact. Yep.
The best was when a certain deputy chief got handed a dog and had a like chain link lead to it.

Pet Problems: Saint Bernard and Chewy Mishap

And he gets, you know, a few steps away and they're like, yeah, he's got the chain lead because he kind of he's mouthy. I was like, I was like, you know.
chew on, you know, leashes and things like, ah, he'll bite you a little bit if he, you know, if he's bored. It's like, yes, God, yes. Nothing happened. Oh, yeah. It's not fair to me. Work well, not paying me to go walk dogs for an hour. It has to fall on that Wednesday. These people, they're emergencies all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
call 911 people to make a response. They had a Saint Bernard in there. Huge. They're big dogs. We had a house sat a Saint Bernard when I was
years and years and years ago, that dog, it drank more water than I've ever seen. It also displaced more water onto the deck from the bowl than any dog I've ever seen. Yeah, I was going to say, how much did it drink and how much did it just soak into its facial hair? Yeah. Yeah. They're huge. Oh, he's a hundred and 56 pounds and he was five months old. Gosh. Yeah. He was a big boy. God, how much feed?
Um, cows. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. You want to talk about, yeah, there's, there's your rabbit population. Yeah, that's true. Well, kids are walking through a neighborhood. All of a sudden there's a St. Bernard. Go after all. Well, then it's hungry. I was going after the kids. Oh yeah. Yeah. Koojo. Yeah.
We had a dog food problem in the household today. Oh, no. Yeah, we switched over to Chewy. Yeah. It's not an ad, obviously, because we don't get sponsored by anybody. Unless you want your Chewy, then we'd be happy to. Absolutely. We're taking your money. But they were supposed to come today, and then my wife added some things, and Chewy being the responsible company was like, oh, we'll just ship it all at once. Environmentally sound, all of those things are correct. Yeah, that's good.
Except we did the dog food today, so. So the wife is trying to starve your dogs. Yeah, yeah. So to respond to that, my wife got a breakfast sandwich this morning and Attica snatched it from her when she sat down at the table. Oh gosh, I bet he's got some gas now. It was not a good start to the morning. Yeah. Then I was like, I'm going to spin class to say bye.
When she was flowering, I said, there's no reason for me to stay. Yeah, no, no. God, I remember one time our one dog Mabel. There's oh, oh, I done like a like a London broil in the oven. So there was all the drippings. And I was like, oh, I'll just pour this over her food, you know, encourage her to eat. Oh, yeah, she ate it up. All right. But my God, she flew around the house that night. It was bad.

Entertaining Debate: Jell-O, Clowns, or Dogs?

Oh, my gosh.
Usually you don't hear a dog fart. Yeah. She was ripping them. We used to give our dogs bacon drippings all the time. That was like my dad's thing. Every Sunday when he cooked bacon, he would give the dogs the drippings. Yeah. Yeah. I can remember my parents would do stuff like that. They're like, yeah, look at, look at how shiny their coat is. I'm like, that's not how that works. Yeah. Yeah. Somebody said that it worked the other day.
What dumb thing did they, oh, it was my driver. She said, oh, I'm having chipped nails, so I'm gonna eat more jello. And I was like, explain the logic. She's like, well, jello has got gelatin, I said. Uh-huh, yeah, jello does have gelatin. Continue, but it helps build,
Your nails stronger. How exactly does that work? Because your nails aren't made out of gelatin. I don't know if you... Right. Yeah. You ever hit your nails against something? They don't jiggle like gelatin. If they do, go see a doctor. Yeah. If that's your problem, then you got way real problems. Yeah. That was her thing where she was going to eat more jello. And I was like... You should have fed into it.
Yeah. She said, well, yeah, it's true, but you got to eat like six pounds a day. Yeah. All jello diet. Yeah, the all jello diet. You either lose weight or. You soak your fingers in the jello. Oh, God. Oh. And the bad thing with jello is it's fine when you first make it. But then after that, it gets that weird skin on the top. The bad thing about jello is the jello.
No, everybody loves Jell-O. I do not love Jell-O. Really? No, it tastes terrible. Have you ever had the Jell-O that's mixed with whipped cream? No, that sounds worse. It's like a foamy kind of Jell-O. Oh, that doesn't sound good. So I think you're not a fan of like ambrosia salad.
Oh, my God, no. Which why is that a salad? Yeah, that stuff is gross. That's you're just eating cold whip and sour cream or yogurt. I can't remember what it is. It depicts as gross. No, no, no, no. Yeah. That's something they made a jello mold and it had like tuna fish in it or something. Oh. Mm hmm.
I am so glad that I was not born in the sixties when everything was jello molded. Oh my gosh. I remember, like I have memories of, as a kid, like the jello molds at the church and stuff. Yeah. Oh, a nice hot summer day and they all start melting at various states. Oh man. I, we got to finish this conversation quick. I'm not going to make it through it. It's so gross.
Oh, there's something about Jell-O. And then if you spend solid food in a Jell-O makes me want to burn it with fire. But I just know that if I put my hands in it, it's going to cause acid damage. Probably a D6 of acid damage on my save against acid is not very good.

Gaming Adventures: Baldur's Gate

Oh, God. Yeah, I started that restarted an evil playthrough of Baldur's Gate.
Yeah, it's like I'm going full evil, drow female. And so, you know, when you come across Gail. Yeah. And the hand is sticking out. Yeah. You know what one of the options is? You've told me so I do now. Now you chop the hand off. Yeah. Yeah. So I have Gail's hand in my bag, but no Gail.
I wonder if you appear elsewhere in the story. I am hoping there's a one armed mage somewhere out there. Right. Yeah, so. But your class as an evil drawing is a drow ranger. No, what did I pick? Oh, Monk. Oh, yeah. Famously known for their meditation, the drow.
It's like an evil ninja kind of. Yeah, I get the idea. Yeah. Yep. I can't do it. Let's do you. Yeah, I'm yeah. Like I said, my next step is to burn down the groove. Well, you can kill that snake. That's cool. Yeah, little snake thing. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no.
I think there was an option like to warn people to run. I didn't pick it. It's going to be real good when you get into that one where they're torturing the people. Oh, yeah. Yeah, she's going to love that. Yeah. I'm playing Fallout 76 a little bit. How is it? Fine. Oh.
I feel like I'm just not getting into it and I don't know why I can't pinpoint why I'm not into it. Well, you have to hype yourself up. You have to listen to like John Denver for a couple hours before you get to Appalachia. Yeah. Yeah. It's not been. I don't know. I said I went back to the little mobile game, the shelter. Yeah. Yeah. That's fun. But play that too. Yeah. You know, I think somehow I guess I did.
some of the quests the different way or something, because I have two ghouls in my vault, two Lucy's. Oh, yeah. I only wanted each. Yeah. My vault is turning into a, uh, uh, attribute machine. I just have like 14 different, uh, rooms to train stats right now. Nice. I'm just moving people through. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, Oh, you have max in this one. Let me move you over. Mm-hmm.
Just unlocked the nuclear power plant. Oh, man. Well, I've got seven people my fault. Oh, yeah. No, I've got 72. Well, that's because you care about your Baltimore. I was like, oh, it's OK if they starve. I can just push more people. Oh, yeah. See, no, no. Well, I know I'll get better once I get to the start of the. Starve today, eat tomorrow, folks.
Yeah. It's kind of the way it works. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, I was looking out and there was two rabbits frolicking in the yard. Did the rain finally cease? It hasn't really rained here today. Oh. It rained here today, but that's part of my topic for the day. So we'll discuss that in a second. Yeah. No, I've spent the morning.
trying to figure out cabinet, the worst, and I have finally figured it out. So I spent the morning being punished for my sins in a spin class. Oh, nice. That lady is mean. They are those. Now they're they're evil, evil humans. This one is the meanest of the three at the gym. Yeah. And she was like, this will be my last one until this until the fall. Oh, thank God. We survived.
Like, were they putting her into cryo sleep or something? I don't know what she, she must regenerate all of her evil for summer. She runs out. Um, but she, uh, today there were people who were like just quitting. Wow. Like two people got to like the last eight minutes and we're like, nah, I'm good at this quit. I was like, wow.
Maybe like during the summer, she's like super nice and like works at a convent or something. That's right. That's probably right. She's probably like some like aid worker. She's like, I'm going to Africa. Yeah. Yeah. So she's got to challenge that or channel the evil. Yeah. That's the year. Oh, but it's been pretty good. It's 50 minutes of really hard cardio. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, that's also, you know, Rebecca doesn't make you feel horrible about yourself next month. Oh, is it next month? I don't know. It's coming up. It's got to be coming up soon. I know. I'm going to feel horrible about myself either way. Yeah. I got this tennis elbow thing going on and I've tried a band. I've tried a sleeve. I just got to get to the doctor, I guess. Have you tried the rubber bands? Yeah. I've done all kinds of little squeezy exercises and
Not squeezing. No, flexing, too. Flexing, yeah. It's just, yeah. I don't know. Again, if I was chipped, I would know what was going on. It's fair. Yeah, the rubber bands have really helped. I had something on my forearm that was bothering me. The rubber bands have really helped with that. People kept saying, try rubber bands, flexing instead of squeezing. Really helped. Yeah. I'm sure I'll go to the stupid orthopod. I'm like, oh, you got tennis, old bell. Oh, they're going to tell you you have some, do you need surgery?
I always say. That's right. Cut the arm off. Replace it with a cybernetic one. Oh my gosh. Yes. Yeah. Who needs to do bicep curls if you have a robot arm? Yeah. I just need more power. I mean, I don't do a lot with my left hand, so it's made of dexterity needs. Yeah.
And the other way around. Oh, yeah. It turned in. Yeah. It turned post showers on until a whole another experience. Nice. Nice. Yeah. We had an old man discussion yesterday, my friend and I. Yeah. On our Southern Delaware classic. We're discussing the movie theater and how like,
When we were kids, your parents would just drop you off at the theater. Oh, yeah. Like ours was in the Christiana Mall. Mother would be like, all right, here's your 10 bucks. I'll see you in two hours. Or if we were really good, 15 bucks, go to the arcade. Yeah, we'll see it. You know, I think my parents wouldn't even take me to the theater. They just dropped me off at the mall. Well, the mall theater was at the entrance of the mall. Yeah. But I'm saying they wouldn't like pull up or anything.
Park in a parking spot, go get out. And then, yeah. It's not like they would walk me up or anything. No, no, no. My mother would go shopping while we were in the mall, while we were in the theater. Yeah. But nowadays, I feel like you wouldn't do that with kids. And that was the question I had with my buddy. I was like, I need to ask some people I know. How many times do their kids go to the theater to see movies?

Future of Film: Are Movie Theaters Doomed?

Not a ton. I bet it's not many at all. Yeah.
And my wife, she's a big, oh, I like the, I like the theater experience. I'm like, I don't. Yeah. I'm good. Yeah. And like, I think it's a thing that's going to be 10 years away and it's just dead. I hope so. Yeah. Sadly. Yeah. I mean, I feel bad for anybody that would lose their job or anything, but it's overpriced. Yeah. It's crazy. It's not to do the movies. Yeah. Yeah. In charge of me.
$8 for a fountain soda. That fountain soda costs you all of like 15 cents. Just don't drink soda. What's that? Just don't drink soda. Yeah, but if I want a sparkling water or something. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's a crazy expensive experience. And most times to see movies that are not that good. Yeah. Yeah. I will say though, I think I'm going to go to the theater and see Furiosa.
Yeah. Yeah. That's true. That's something that's visually. Yeah. You want to see on the big screen. Yeah. Yeah. God, those movies hold up. Yeah, they're fairly good movies. Really good movies. That's what I was talking to somebody the other day. I wonder if they're the goal is to make this like the Furiosa trilogy.
So we had the Max trilogy and then this is really cool though. Yeah, but really Fury Road. That was Furiosa's movie. It wasn't Max's. Definitely. So with this being a prequel. Yeah. So she could have another one. Harder rumor that there's maybe an appearance of a certain someone in Furiosa. Max? Possibly. But not Tom Hardy. Oh.
Oh, Mel. That's the rumor. Wow. Yeah. Which would be cool. Yeah. Oh yeah. You know, then we could have the whole conversation of maybe Tom Hardy wasn't actually Mad Max. He was just a guy who called himself Mad Max.
Well, that's the thing they kind of lead to right after the road warrior is, you know, it's the legend of Mad Max kind of thing. Right now. So, yeah. Yeah, there are multiple maxes. Yeah, just, you know. Yeah, that dude fell into those few parts of the legend.
The good movies. That's that's the best part of it. All of them are good. Oh, yeah. In different ways. Yes. Yeah. One of them is really cookie with the first one. Uh. First one's weird because it's hard to wrap the timeline around. Yeah, I don't know. His boss is walking around with no shirt and a tie and yeah.
That's Australia. That's just Australia. Walk around their shirt, have some vegemite, spank the wallaby. Yeah. That's, I feel like that's what they do. Yeah. Okay. Third one's a little weird with the whole Tina Turner world. Yeah. Yeah. I had no idea you could power so much stuff with methane. Well, to be fair,
We're probably a lot of stuff with natural gas now. I guess you're true. You got natural gas cars. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, at what point do you get to be the dictator, the leader or whatever, that you have your own saxophonist? That you just tell to play whenever? Well, you know.
Romans had their minstrels with the lyre. Medieval kings had harpsists, organ players. In the future, we'll have saxophonists. Saxamophone. Saxamophone. Old anti-entity and her saxophonist. Made him sit around in a diaper. It's a weird place. Yeah. It's a weird place.
Not very Australian in that movie. No, no. Well, move on to topic one. Sure, topic one. So the rain hit today and saved me from what I think is the most annoying of all American holidays, yard sale day.

Yard Sale Yarns: Community Annoyances

Oh, gosh. I didn't know that was a thing. Oh, it's not. What?
Is this not a thing like everywhere? I didn't think so. You don't have like a community yard sale? No. Like the neighborhoods around you don't have like, like everybody's going to have a yard sale on this weekend kind of thing. National garage sale day is August 10th. Well, I would say it's a national holiday, but like every neighborhood around me has the yard sales today or had signs up for yard sales today. Yeah. Like it's a big deal. Sure.
But the gym's all. Sisters into that. Oh, really? Yeah. Why? That's what I. Guess the first thing on our fine today. What are you finding? You're finding other people's junk. Yeah. Yeah. It's junk. Every now and again, I guess you'll stumble across something. I mean, my wife had a good point. She's like, oh, I'll keep an eye out for cheap furniture for my client.
Okay. I'll give you that. That's a kind, you know, that comes from a place of helping others. That's cool. But she was like, we should just walk around. And I'm like, nothing they're selling. Are we going to want or need? Yeah. We're going to convince ourselves we might want that. We're not going to need it. It's just more crap in my house. You can never have enough crap, Ron.
I need less crap. Yeah. She's just like, well, maybe we should sell stuff, but we don't really have a lot of stuff. I'm like, Oh, you've been in our house. I could sell rooms full of crap. Yeah. If people would buy it, I would sell it. People will sell it. People will buy it. Yeah. I guess that's the worst part is people would buy it. But the problem I find is you have to figure out the price of it.
And then people always wanna barter and haggle. Like this is not a Persian market. If it says 25 cents, it's 25 cents. Right. Give me a four of, I'll tell you what, four of those are 25 cents. You can have five of them for a dollar. There, haggled. Got a deal? Haggled. I can't do it. My poor neighbor, God bless this man. He's like,
He's really into computers. So he'll buy like cheap computers and he'll like fix them up. And then he'll, I guess tries to sell them. I don't know. It doesn't seem very successful, but every time it's yard sale day, he puts out his little tent. He sits his computers down and then no one comes over and I'm like, no one's like looking to buy a computer at a yard sale. Right. I hope. Yeah. That's the thing. It's like, Hmm, computers are outdated as soon as you buy them. Right. Let me buy someone's old computer.
Yeah, maybe it's just a front. Maybe he's taking and making some giant supercomputer with all the parts of the computers he's used, and he's just has shells out there to make it look like he's doing something. That's fair. So this is our rain that he was putting those computers away quick. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's one thing you don't want to do is buy computers in the rain. Oh, any electronic, really? Yeah. Yeah.
But definitely the rain saved me from this this year. That's good. First time the rain helped. I just don't want to buy more crap. Well, that and I mean, you've got to either walk around or you've got to drive around and. It's oh, you know, you got to have cash and.
Yeah, you have to have a bag or something. My wife this morning, she's like, because we went for a walk in the morning, because we're walking in the neighborhood every morning. Yeah. And she's like, oh, well, maybe we'll see people with the yard sales out because it wasn't quite raining yet. Yeah. And she's like, how much cash do you have? I was like, I have $0 of cash because it's 2024. Yeah. And I don't need cash ever. Ever. Yeah.
Yeah, somebody the other day at work was like, what do you mean you don't carry cash with you? It's like, we're not in the 90s. Now, there's only one place I carry cash and that's my bike. Really? Mm hmm. Because you can patch a tire with cash. Oh, yeah, I guess, yeah. Yeah. It's pretty much the only reason I do it. Yeah. But I don't, yeah, I don't have cash around me. It kills me that people are like, oh, yeah, you know, I've got
cash hidden away, you know, just in case it's like, that's not going to do you any good. But yeah, in case I've always wanted to have that conversation. In case of what, the economy collapses. Yeah, because it collapses is useless. Yeah. But I had a friend who was saying things like, I'm still I'm storing gold. For what? Yeah. Well, the apocalypse.
Are you making fillings? Yeah. What? That's what you need. Yeah, you need dog food and canes. Last forever. Yeah. And bottle caps. And bottle caps. That's the currency. What good. That's what you do. Go around to the yard sale and. File the bottle caps. No, no. Just try to buy things with bottle caps. Oh. This is a better plan. Yeah, I don't. Or then there's the people that barter with stuff.
Like they have the yard sales like like you said, like all around the neighborhood. I'll go to one place and they'll buy something and then they'll try to trade it at the next place. And they just keep trying to trade up and up and up, I guess. I don't. Yeah. It's not worth the hassle in my life. No, I mean, I guess if you enjoy it and you're not hurting anybody. Yeah. Well, it's like the people that go antiquing. Yeah.
I go antique every once in a while, but I'm usually looking for a gift for someone. Yeah. Cause you know, I just buy my mother weird crap. Yeah. I just felt her house with crap. That's really the goal. You know, you're going to have to clean that house out one day though. No, I'm going to just set it on fire. I told her that. Oh God. She's like, what are you going to do with all my stuff? I said, well, it's all going to be in the fire. Yeah.
as it collapses in on itself and the backo fills in into a hole. I think that's, we'll be good. Yeah. It's just sitting on a giant sinkhole. She has so much crap in her house. It's ridiculous. And that's, and then I add to it because every stupid holiday I'm buying her something new, it's just more crap. Yeah. See we, we don't do crap anymore. And my mother's
birthday slash Mother's Day, we got her a kangaroo encounter in Sussex County. Oh, it's a what's that place? The place is the otters hostel wilds. Yeah. Oh, oh, nice. Yeah. So that's a good idea. Yeah. I said you and your grandkids go have a day. So does she punch a kangaroo? She hasn't gone yet. Oh, yeah.
She won't know my mother is so kind and she'll probably read the Bible to the kangaroos. I bought my mother a bracelet and a bag of cheese buffs. Well.
So I've discovered that she likes cheese puffs and they make pretty good packing material. So I just buy a bag of cheese puffs. Oh, I thought you were like ripped them open and dumped them in the box. Like I should. They just then you just put whatever you want next to them and then chip them down to her in Alabama. Yeah. Because they don't get good cheese puffs in Alabama, apparently. Can you imagine going to a yard sale in Alabama? No. Oh, my gosh.
I just envisioned like somebody having like squirrels strung up and. Oh, I saw this is crazy. This is a total side danger, but squirrels brought it up. I was. I like to pursue peruse like beach house opportunities. I always wanted to buy one and run it out or something. Yeah. And so like pop up on my feet and I was like, Oh, look at this one. I look at this house and it's like, Oh, it's a cute little house. It's weird.
And then the next picture is just this dude's stuffed deer head room. It must have been 30 stuffed deer head on the wall. I was like, didn't you think that maybe you should take those down before you try to sell this house? No, because there are people out there. That's ambiance there. I guess. But then they're going to expect that the deer head stay with the house.
I guess. Yeah. Or there's somebody that's like, well, you know, my deer head will fit there fine. I would imagine not realtor that when you go to sell a house, you probably want the pictures to have as minimal stuff in the pictures as possible. Right. I think that's how it works, but I'm not a realtor. Sure. But yeah, I would think you would want it to be open and show what it could be.
You don't want. Clutter. Dear. It was it was. Look, and I'm not saying. Especially for a beach house. Right. But that's I'm not saying don't. Did the deer have like sunglasses on? No, no, no, no, no. Yeah. Like Hawaiian shirt. Lay. Yeah. And I'm not saying I'm not saying don't don't stuff your deer head or when it was dressed. I don't know what you call it. But it was so many of them, it was disturbing.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is that what you do? You stuff them, right? Yeah. I don't know what the taxidermist does. Yeah. I don't have any. I saw this thing where you could taxidermy your pet, so it's always with you. No. No. No. I don't want that. Though I am going to be taxidermied myself. Oh, yeah. I know my wife. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
It's in my will that I'm stuffed. And if the technology is there animatronic. The Hall of Truett. Motion activated my home. Is it windy out? I hate the wind. I heard it might be raining again. Oh.
You have to echo. That would be the echo. I was Final Fantasy 77. Oh gosh. How about that? Insert local sports team. And see the kids are going to pass me off for holidays and things. Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm sure they're looking forward to that. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Oh, it's not done yet. Next week, right? Tuesday is my oldest's last day of school, high school. Last day of high school. Yep. Yeah. I'm old. I remember when she was a wee baby. Yeah. Yeah. And now she's leaving the nest and going 50 miles away. She's going more than 50 miles away.
60. Now, college parks a lot further than that. No, it's not. Yes, it is. How far is it? I'm looking it up. College park, 85 miles. Oh, OK. Yeah. Got to cross the bridge. Yeah. Which actually she drove across it the other day. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it is fine. Did she rage out? No, she said it was fine. It was her and two of her friends.
Yeah. She's not driven across enough yet. I told her, I said, I'm glad for you. It was, you know, low traffic, no issues. Yeah. Try to travel across the next weekend. Yeah. Oh, she came home the other day. She was like, Oh my God. What? She's like, it's raining out. So people don't know how to drive. They're driving 40 miles an hour on the bypass with their stupid hazards on. I was like, yes.
Yes. Feed. Good. Good. Feed it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So did you use your horn? She said, Yes, I did. Yes. Yes. Is she excited for the college? Yeah. I think she's nervous and not expressing that, but yeah, she's excited.
So I think we're all we're nervous. Yeah. Yeah. New adventures. New place. The good thing is her roommate's going to be a friend of hers that she's known for years. So that's the worst. She'll have some fallback. No, because my daughter is a very picky human and I can see she would get some roommate and they would, I don't know, chew their gum the wrong way and she would
be in the Dean's office having this person excommunicated. It's fair. Yeah. Yeah. It's fair. Yeah. I just, you know, I'm excited that my friend is old and I have a youthful one. Ah, yes. You are the youthful one. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, I don't have to experience my kid go off couch. Yeah.
What if your dog went to college? That dog barely passed obedience school. Dumbass. They always say that obedience school is for the owner, not the dog. Hmm. Yeah. I barely passed it in school. There you go. We had issues. Yeah. Except I didn't have the issues. I have to spell. It was the woman. Yeah. Yeah. No, I know all about that. Yeah. Uh huh. Yeah.
But I didn't say that. Nope. Nope. That was not said by me. The views of Chris Richards and I reflect the views of Ron Wissmer, LLC. Well, you better go get some yard sales in your life soon. No, don't do it.
Don't do it, folks. I mean, if you're out there, folks, and you love yard sales, I mean, I don't know. Is that, oh, that's how people keep their Zunes. They do. I just always think of like. Maybe not so much when I die, but I'm going to get old. Yeah. Right. And I'm not going to want to take care of this house. Right. And the less crap I have to get rid of at the time where I have to leave this house, the better for me.
Yeah. Right? Yeah. Well, I mean, somebody's gonna have to clean it up. Somebody's gonna have to clean all the crap out. I don't know who, but somebody's gonna have to take care of it. Oh yeah, we went to a book sale like now. This is where I'm kind of hypocrite because we go to book sales all the time. And I looked at my friend and said, Oh, this is where my books are all gonna end up, huh? She's like, Oh yeah. Strangers picking through boxes of my books. Yeah.
Yeah. But see, that's why you leave little weird footnotes in them. Oh, I've just been putting random pictures in them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like here's my big toe. Oh, yeah. Do that. Right. Little just like gibberish. You see that you're like digging through like, wait, was that a WISMR book? Oh, I need it.
Right. You come up with a fake language that doesn't actually mean anything. And then they spend years decoding it. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I like to underline the eighth letter of the 10th line of 11th page. Yeah, I like this. Yes. That's a long con, but it's a long con. I won't be around for it, but yeah. Or will you?
Well, hopefully I'll be downloaded into my zoom by then. Oh, yeah. Of all the things it does soon. I want to prove in technology. Well, that's true. Yeah. Stand stood the test of time. I don't want something that's getting updated every six weeks and screws up my whole winter face. Yeah. Have you finally gotten Pandora fixed? No. No. No. No. It's real fun. Well, I mean,
Earlier today, while I was working in the shop, I was listening to Spotify and I was like, I'll listen to, you know, I was like, let's put some metal on. It went from five finger death punch to Huey Lewis in the news. Now I enjoy Huey Lewis in the news. However, I do remember Huey Lewis in the metal time. Yeah. You know, they had that metal phase. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was the power of love. It wasn't really mine.
Power of love, but sped up. Yeah, with a double beat kick drum in it. Yeah, exactly. Well, what do you got for topic two then, my friend? Topic two. So I was listening to a podcast the other day and then one guy said something kind of struck with me. Are
Do we just not have downtime now? So I feel like when we're and, you know, he talked about it when we were younger, we had downtime, but now there's always something to occupy us. So do we really not have downtime? I think you have to make the effort to have downtime. I think it's a lot easier to. Distract yourself from that. Yeah.
It's not easy to be like, oh, I'm just going to look at videos on my phone, which is a form of downtime, I guess. Yeah, but I mean, we had time when we were kids where we were actually bored. You know, there was literally nothing to do. Yeah. Well. You could argue that there was always something, but.
Part of that's being an adult and having a job. Yeah. You know, you have to. Stupid job. You only have so many times where you're not at work. Yeah. Some of us have more of that time. Yeah. Then do you feel guilty when you actually take downtime? I don't. You shouldn't. Good for you. You should never feel guilty for having downtime.
I think that's a, one of the most important life skills you can have in life is to have downtime boundaries. Well, it's also now you're like checking your email all the time and yeah, social media is just the devil. It is. We don't turn our brain off enough. Yeah. I think it's the biggest problem.
Is that the problem or is it that some people don't turn their brain on enough? No, because then those people there are the people that do the mindless, you know, like the doom scrolling and all. And I don't think there's a lot of brain activity going on there. Well. But do you take the time out of the day to just let your thoughts unwind without being distracted? I try to.
But again, what's time?

Modern Life: Where's the Downtime?

Like I was thinking about it the other day, like that's kind of the thing I like about going to the gym. It's just mindless time. Yeah. Your brain doesn't really function at a high level when you're just in the gym. So I think that is downtime, even though it's not, I guess. Um,
I don't watch TV anymore, so it's the last time I like, you know, got up, got a cup of coffee and just watch the sunrise. Well, I never do that because I don't drink coffee. You don't drink coffee. Oh, fine tea. Uh, have you seen the the mushroom coffee? Yeah. Have you tried it? No, but I don't like coffee. Yeah, but I didn't think it tasted like super coffee like.
I don't know. What's the point of I mean, I guess I understand the idea of it. Are they psychedelic mushrooms? I don't think so. Yeah, they probably can't sell them over the counter. And that would really mess up your morning. Or make it really interesting. You definitely have downtime then. Show up to work. That would be real. Yeah. Yeah. Which side to each other that we talked about this the other day at work.
with things being decriminalized and all that. What if you're like at somebody's house and they're like, Oh yeah, I'll be right there. And I go, Oh, there's brownies on the counter. Eat a brownie. They come downstairs. They're like, Oh, you shouldn't eat in that. Do you call your boss immediately and say, Hey, accidentally ate a brownie. Um, hmm. That's an ethical question, isn't it? Yeah. What is your,
moral obligation in a situation where you're accidentally poisoned. Right. Hmm. Yeah. I guess my question is why are you being drug tested for decriminalized drugs? Yeah. But when's, when does that change? I don't know. That's a real tough question. Yeah.
And I get, you know, you can't do a point of care test that, you know, tells your values right then and there. Right. So that's the problem. But that's one of the big problems. One. Yeah. Yeah, I just thought about that. Yeah. Yeah. Somebody says either cookie or browning or something like, oh, no, you shouldn't have done that. It's like. Well, I always think about it with like workers.
There's definitely people who are smoking marijuana around us. Oh, yes. Fairly regularly. Like I've gotten in some houses like holy crap guys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you file an exposure report? Right. Or does your work have some sort of.
policy about that? Like, is that something fire departments and police departments need to really be developing at this point? Yeah. I mean, this exposure is so much higher than it was when I started in the career. Oh, yeah. We've gone into houses on ambulance calls that, I mean, the smoke is rolling out of there. Yeah. Yeah. I went on a fire call a couple of weeks ago and I mean, it was like a Cheech and Chong hotbox in there. But, you know, the department doesn't have a policy on it. Right.
And we kind of put it on the employee. Yeah. Yeah. Which is a real issue. It is. Yeah. Yeah. I think probably the biggest problem right now is the marijuana testing is not where it needs to be. No, it's not. Which I think is going to open up real lawsuits to some of these businesses. Yeah. Well, the only thing I hope that the testing will get better soon because now that it's
been proposed to be a tier three. Right. And they can actually do research. You can do testing and research, you know, and get funding for it. So. Yeah, it's.

Substance Perceptions: Marijuana vs. Alcohol

Stop making stop making dumb decisions based on things that aren't hurting anybody. Right. You know, it's kind of always been my thing about the signs that they put up like driving high as the same as driving drunk.
No. Driving high at 20 miles an hour is not the same as driving drunk at 75 miles an hour. Yes. You're annoying a lot of people. For some of the four ways on. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Right. You're annoying a lot of people. Yeah. But at worst, you're going to dump their bumper. Yeah. Yeah. It's a different word. I mean, it's always been the argument about alcohol versus marijuana, right? Like why is one legal, the other's not. Yeah.
It's crazy. Yeah. But yeah, I don't know what I would do or what I would advise my employee to do. Yeah, that's because legally speaking, you would be admitting. You know, an employment issue. But they're caught. Right. Like, yeah, is that like a. Violation of your fifth. I don't know. It's a HR question.
This is really an HR question. This is going to be a delightful conversation Monday. And the way our HR wrote our current drug policy, I don't think they know the answer. No, I don't think so. Yeah. Yeah. We'll find out. Yeah. Maybe they'll figure it out on their downtime. Yeah, I don't know. I'd have to really think about what if my employee came to me. Yeah. And told me then what I would do with that information.
Well, the easy thing is you bring the bag of Doritos out of your desk drawer if their gaze deviates to it. Yeah, I do think there's some people I work with who would really benefit from some marijuana therapy therapy. Yeah, I can think of one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mellow them out. Yeah. Well, I mean,
It's a hard research to get real data on, but a lot of suggestion, PTSD and marijuana use. They definitely helps. Yeah. So. And that's the thing. Oh, good. You don't have to smoke it. No. In fact, don't just make brownies. Yeah. Gummies, brownies, whatever. Which I know that's the problem. I'm sure you guys have seen it in the field. People are trying to do the same amount that they did when they were
teens as decriminalized and are getting really messed up. Yeah, well, that's because the things are much more potent nowadays. Well, none of that is like you're fucking like 40 years old. Yeah. You know, your body is different. That's the hardest thing to do. I need to go to the hospital. The hospital is not going to do anything for you. We don't have a ride this out. There's no Narcan for marijuana, folks. Oh, it's strap in and enjoy the ride.
Yeah. Yeah. No, I put some mellow music on, grab some snacks and yeah. Maybe try to find a, you know, a fun house with some clowns that jump out. I still don't understand why people like clowns. I think it's like a holdover.
from when there was no real entertainment in the world. But how is that entertaining? The only thing that they're entertained is they saw the other person screaming in terror and they laughed at that person's misfortune. I mean, I don't think that's true. I'd say clowns used to be like, you know, jovial and fun. It was like a physical comedy kind of thing. I know you have the fear. Uh oh.
Yeah, it's just up there. Yes. Yeah, I looked it up and they're saying, oh, yeah, the physical comedy. Creativity. No. I mean, they go to college. They do go to college. I'll give them that. Yeah. Yeah, I don't. It's better than being popular as charity workers. Hm. Hm. Entertaining sick children in hospitals. All right. I'll give you. OK.
Well, you know, we have dogs now. We don't need you clowns. Last time you saw a clown. Knock on wood. It's been a while. You know, I put that one in your office. Dude, that's not even funny. Oh, my God. So when a certain somebody was filling in for me. They found a dead wolf spider. And they put it on my mouse. Hmm.
I don't look down at my mouse. I know where it is. So when I sit down my hand, yeah, exactly. So I put my hand on my mouse. I was like, that feels weird. I lifted up my hand and there's this giant spider on there, scream bloody murder. The ladies in the front office came rushing down the hallway asking if I was OK. I mean, I have video of this. Yeah. Yeah. Ten years later. Yeah. God. Yeah.
Yeah, well if you find the clown, let me know. One of these days, I'm just going to tie a red bullet into your parking spot while you're not there. See, that would be fine. That parking spot, that's not a big deal. And then one dude off the store.
Yeah, I open the door up. There's just me and a clown costume. Oh, my God. That's how I have my heart attack. Golly day. I feel like that Simpsons episode where Homer's heart is. Go, go, go, go, go, go. Yeah. Yeah. I can't remember last time I saw a clown. Oh, gosh. I remember my mother had a clown picture that she put over my bedroom that I don't know why. Yeah.
Yeah, so we could eat the demons. I don't know. There was a picture of a clown all through my childhood. It's like a reverse dream catcher. It scares away the scary dreams. Oh, God. Oh. Hmm. Hmm. Yeah, I can only imagine that. Yeah, I'd have a night terror. Wake up and then see that have a whole nother real life terror.
The worst was when we had like a minor earthquake and the picture came down, hit me on the head. Nope. Nope. God. Burn that room down. Well, you know, I was in it. So no, I would be collateral damage. Taking you with me clown. Oh God. Have you always been afraid of clowns? Yes. Just always. Yeah. First time you ever saw one. Yeah.
Yeah, because in one of the first times I saw one was my grandmother. Was she a clown? No, I don't think she was an actual train. I got trained certified certified. No, she like I can't remember. She like painted her face up and all that. Oh, God. It's screaming from the house. Really? Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I still remember the sons of bitches that had Ronald McDonald sitting next to me at work. God. Oh, yeah, I am so glad that doesn't happen anymore. Oh, God, I felt like it was always the shift I was working worked through it's Ronald McDonald Day. God damn it.
They love that day at work. Anytime we get a free lunch, that was the happiest day in the fire department. Free lunch and so many. Hey, Ronald. A bunch of MOOCs. God. Yeah, I forgot all about my normal day. Yeah, yeah. God, were you there that day? Yes, I was. God. I think that was a day work.
Yeah. Oh God. Yeah. It didn't last very long. Yeah. Well, I have a few times. Yeah. Probably cause somebody wised up and put Ronald in the ground. Wow. I don't even think McDonald's really uses Ronald McDonald much now anymore. No, they just, they know.
He had some fry guys. What were they? They were fries. Oh, they were the fry guys. And Mayor McBurger or whatever. Merrick cheese. Merrick cheese. There you go. Oh, gosh. What was Grimace, huh? He's a Grimace. He was a Grimace. Yeah. Nowhere in McDonald's was ever a big purple gumdrop.
No, he was a grimace of the clan grimace. The clan grimace. There's a whole there's a whole lore of all the grimaces. There is not. Yes, there is. Oh, I know. I mean, Google the grimace family tree, because then there's the Irish grimace. Oh, you are making this up. The Irish grimace. Uncle Oh, grimacee. I'm telling you, what was the bird chick?
over here bird chick. Yeah. Don't remember. But Uncle O'Grimacy is a male Irish grimace. He carries his chalalie and he was he loves the Shamrock Shake. Birdie the early bird. Yeah, sort of remember that. Yeah. Grimace, grimace.
Are they different colors? Yeah, Uncle Grimacy was green. I don't understand how you don't know these things. Yeah, and then the original Grimace had four arms. What? Yeah. Because he loved McDonald's shakes. He had four arms full of shakes. I don't know. You've never seen these things? Yeah, no.
Yeah, goodness. OK, so I typed in types of clowns. Sure. The fourth one down is basket animal. Hmm. A costume made with basket in the middle, looking as though they perform a riding a horse or other animal. Harlequins. Oh. Chester. Mine. Mine. Yeah. Yeah.
Radio clowns, that's the one time I'd cheer for the horse. The most ancient clown has been found in the fifth dynasty of Egypt around 2400 BC. Why were you torturing people that long ago?
The current clown developed out of the zanini rustic fool characters of the early modern comedia del art. The English word was first recorded in 1560, originally meaning rustic bore peasant. Okay, I'll stick with my inane fear of clowns. There's the Auguste, the black face, which I don't think we'd be allowed to do anymore, the buffoon.
The harlequin, the jester, the mime, the perro, mimes, pueblo, and the rodeo clown, the tramp, and the white face. It's an august clown. Huh. That's fun. No, no it's not.
What is an August clown? Oh, yeah. See, no. Yeah, that's the historical terrifying clown. Oh, yeah. These are fun facts. Yeah. We all learned something today. Yeah. Yeah. Look, and if you're listening out there and you're a clown, you need to rethink some life decisions.
No, enjoy your clown days. Don't make the children happy. You know what? Yeah, that's fine. Just do it well, well away from me. God. That's why I was so glad neither of my kids like clowns. I mean, again, I don't think a lot of kids like clowns now. Again, I don't think they ever liked them. Well, that's probably fair, too. Yeah, this was one of those, what should we call it?
where you're tricked into thinking, not the Mandela effect. Yes, the Mandela effect. Yes. Oh, I could think of as Martin Freeman, and that's not it. The Martin Freeman effect. Yeah, I don't know why. Good old Morgan. No, Morgan Freeman, not Martin Freeman. God see. It's better. Oh, Martin Freeman effect. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Good old Watson. I've never seen that show. You do really? Him and Benedict Cumberbatch. Yeah. Again, it's TV. Yeah. You can listen to it. What? I don't know. Don't they still make radio shows? Isn't that what we're doing right now? People are listening to a radio show. I mean,
But they don't know is I'm wearing clown costume right now. That's why we're not on cameras. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Although my child did ask when we were recording in person again. Oh, no. Well, it's a good point. Yeah. I swear to God you show up in a clown costume. It's going to be a bad day. God. I'm small, but I'm wiry.
On that note folks, please don't clown. Don't clown. Enjoy your soon to be warm days, hopefully. Yeah. Maybe with some of them being rain free. Yeah. Even better for your yard sailing. Yes.
Yeah, yeah. So you want to have to go to a spin class and just ride your bike outside. Do they have like outdoor spin classes? This is called riding your bike. Yeah, but I mean, do they have them like with somebody that leads it? Like push, push, push. Well, I don't know. It's a good idea, though. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you got to have somebody like you have to have a sag person. So you have the leader, but then you have the person at the end. Oh.
Cokesing everybody. Yeah. Yeah. It's a good idea. It is. Dogs are going nuts. Yeah. Well, yeah. Be good to each other, folks. Yep. Be careful out there.