Bonus Zone Scream Along: Passion of the Crane image
Predetermined: A Pro Wrestling Hangout
Bonus Zone Scream Along: Passion of the Crane
Bonus Zone Scream Along: Passion of the Crane

On this special watch along edition of the podcast Garrett catches Derrick right as he's waking up and forces him to watch a GCW death match from Worst Behavior 2019 in Japan. They enjoy a couple of White Claws and Derrick does a lot of screaming as he has no choice but to take in the brutal violence that his cohost has thrust upon him. So cue up Markus Crane, Eric Ryan & Shlak vs Jun Kasai, Toshiyuki Sakuda, & Takashi Saskai and scream along with the boys!

3 Plays
4 years ago

On this special watch along edition of the podcast Garrett catches Derrick right as he's waking up and forces him to watch a GCW death match from Worst Behavior 2019 in Japan. They enjoy a couple of White Claws and Derrick does a lot of screaming as he has no choice but to take in the brutal violence that his cohost has thrust upon him. So cue up Markus Crane, Eric Ryan & Shlak vs Jun Kasai, Toshiyuki Sakuda, & Takashi Saskai and scream along with the boys!
