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X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) image

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

S2 E19 · Everything Actioncast
49 Plays9 months ago

This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris send their minds 10 years into the past to discuss X-Men: Days of Future Past for its 10th anniversary.

The follow-up to X-Men: First Class, Days of Future Past combined the new cast introduced in Matthew Vaughn's movie with the OG Fox X-Men cast for a battle across time as Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) gets his consciousness sent back to 1973 to prevent the events that lead to a dark future where mutants (and their human allies) are hunted by the ruthless robots known as Sentinels.  Zach and Chris talk about how terrible the Sentinel design is, the still incredible Quicksilver (Evan Peters) slo-mo sequence, the fun bits of alternate history, how exactly Hank's (Nicolas Hoult) serum gives Charles (James McAvoy) back the ability to walk, the Timecopesque implications of the ending scene and more.

X-Men: Days of Future Past is available to stream on Max. Next week, we're diving into Walter Hill's "rock n roll fable" Streets of Fire, which is turning 40.

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Introduction to Everything Action Cast

Welcome to the Everything Action Cast, the official podcast of Hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast, the podcast for the week of May 20th, 2024. I'm your host Zach. And I'm your co-host Chris.

Reflecting on X-Men Days of Future Past

Yeah, and this week we are sending our minds 10 years into the past and talking about
X-Men Days of Future Past, which came out 10 years ago this week on May 23rd, 2014. And also kind of ties in, because if you're chosen for some more X-Men after X-Men 97 wrapped up last week, here we go with some more X-Men. Although X-Men 97 is probably better than almost every other X-Men thing that came before it. This Future Past is probably one of, I would say, top
top three, top five, definitely top five of the X-Men movies so far. What's your number one? I mean, we're kind of like Deadpool and Deadpool 2 too? No. Okay. So just like the Wolverine series and the X-Men series? No. Just X-Men. Just X-Men.
Because it's like a team effort movie. Even though Wolverine is mostly the lead, but I feel like it's more of a team ensemble.

Time Travel and Comic Origins

I would say probably, I would say probably second. I'd say X2, then this one. Then first class. I feel like this is one of my favorite, the favorite excellent movie just because I like time travel and days of future pass in the comic series was like one of the early comics I read. So it kind of sticks with you.
Yeah, although at least that that that one at least had consequences. So it sort of like was cause and effect. Mm hmm. This is a whole new ball game. And also I think like in this movie has like it shares the name, but like it I don't think it has any sort of like if you actually like to read laser future past like like there's not there's not a lot of similarities to like there's not a lot of future going on. Yeah. You see like glimmers, but not to the degree it did in the originals.
Hell, even the X-Men 92 had a Days of Future pass that at least was ongoing. Well, the original X-Men anime series did the duel. They had Bishop back in time and the cable went back in time because the cable was trying to stop Bishop from going. It's like, if I don't stop you, then I've got to stop you from going back to the pass because my pass will be bad. Yeah, yeah. It was a nice way of slowly introducing people into cause and effect with time loops

First Crossover Superhero Movie

And this was, and this feature pass, the movie was also probably like, it was, you know, it came out before end game and infinity war and all that stuff. So this is, this is probably like the first big, like kind of like cross, like, you know, crossover superhero movie. Cause it brought together all the, like the most, pretty much all the OG X-Men cast. Um, and then the new, like Matthew Vaughn introduced like first class cast and they were all together in one movie.
Yeah, that was a nice thing because did not, I don't think I've ever thought that was going to cross over. I always thought it was done. You know, first class is going to reboot everything. It's going to be a whole new timeline. And yeah, like last stand killed the original series. Yep. So now it's first class cast, but then yeah,

The Rogue Cut: Where to Find It

everyone, yeah. Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Kelly Berry, Taylor Jansen, James Marsden, everyone, like everyone,
Anna Packwood for three seconds. Depending on which version. I saw it. I haven't seen the Rogue Cut. I've never seen the Rogue Cut either. Because that's definitely not streaming. It's actually weird because these features are streaming on Macs right now. It's not on Disney+. And yeah, the version on Macs is definitely not the Rogue Cut. Yeah, I don't think that's available anymore. I think you could buy the DVD. Yeah, I think you could buy a Blu-ray and get the Rogue Cut. I might.
Because it's definitely one of my favorite action movies. I don't need to see like the whole it's one of those it's one of those movies that it's it's one of my favorites, but I don't need to see it every

Timeline and Continuity Issues

year or like at least two times a year just because. Just some of the scenes and the like actual good acting in it. Say with you, it's not a movie that I'm like, I'm going to forget that anytime soon. I mean, compared to like watching regular action movies, which is very like hokey.
I'm not saying that they all aren't, but. And I watched X3 in preparation to watch the future pass and it is night and day to see where that timeline merges with this timeline. And that is somehow connected to the Matthew Vaughn timeline. Yeah. And then yeah, tight, tight into like.
all the solo ex, like Wolverine stuff. And yeah. So, yeah, so weird. Cause honestly, if you had to reboot the X-Men movies again in the MCU, I, you just need like a Kevin Fergie, but just for ordering the stories together. I mean, X-Men 92 has a good layout. If you mess around with alternate realities stuff, you bring it back.
tighten it back and you know it all makes sense. This was just like no one wrote anything down.
So every time they would make a new X-Men movie, they basically would just watch the first one and go, eh, all right, I like 20% of that. We'll continue what we can. Yeah, because the X-Men series started pre-MCU. So no one was caring about cinematic universe stuff. And then MCU started adoring it. This is the same year that Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy came out for the MCU. So we were phase two with the MCU.
And then Fox, you know, pre Disney, but Fox was like, Oh, we should probably maybe like build up a universe. We kind of have a universe. Yeah. Yeah. Like we kind of have something, but we're only living to this cast. We can't bring anyone else. Yeah. But anyway, jumping into the movie.

Criticism of Sentinel Design

So we are, we started out in
2023, the far off future 2023, where it's setting those are like, cutting down and killing all the mutants and also like any humans that help mutants.
And the first thing I gotta say is like, I don't like to set it in all looks. I don't know how to set it in all looks in this movie or how all the powers, they're terrible. The mystique bots? Mystique bots, yes. They are so dumb. They look so ugly and terrible. They look like an art installation about
farming or something you know a very like weird like seed life because they have like they have like mystique scales and stuff and yeah it's like oh this is what aquatic aquaculture like statue is just like the future of fish farming or like oh oh now they're alive and they're attacking people
It just looks like such a designer robot that it, I'm so used to a terminator. Like they couldn't give it like teeth or anything. They couldn't give it like, um, like regular facial features. They had to make it like look like Pepsi man. Yeah. Not a fan either. And it was worse. Like I feel like I can't remember. Was it, um,
Yeah, I think you probably saw it in The Last Stand, Chris, when you just watched that. They actually teased an OG giant sentinel, because the head flies off in the danger room. Head flies off. There's also a tras, too, and he is nothing like Peter Dinklage. But it's a tease, because everyone watching this probably grew up with the X-Men anime series. They want the big purple giant men with hand blasters.
And yeah, these, these are like, um, yeah, just the visual design of them are, is not good. But I do appreciate how brutal they are. Cause like, there are some brutal kills in this movie, which I think just cause they were like, it was like, oh, it's not their timeline or we can change this so that we can kill people.

Brutal Action Scenes and Character Deaths

We can actually kill characters and it won't actually matter that much. So they just like kill like X-Men characters just like, like in super brutal fashion.
like Iceman gets like decapitate like they just rip his head off and they like rip Colossus in half at one point and they're stabbing them all and well they stabbed the crap out of blink oh my god yeah who I think um so blink warpath Bishop at Sunspot like the new characters that weren't in the movies before I think yeah yeah I mean they're classic characters well blink is new of the that crew but
Yeah. Like Bishop first time on screen like that war path, never seen sunspot, never seen. So that's cool.
And yeah, like Bishop could have been used more. Cause I mean, if you want grew up in 92 Bishop is there every five episodes. Like he just shows up and he's got his own cowboy team and he's the time travel guy. Like if you're, if you're going to send someone back at time, you send Bishop, which they, they have, but they, they say like, Oh, they, we sent him back in time, like a few days. And then we like, that's how we like stay alive because we get killed by the Bishop that warms us in the past. We escape.
Well, I don't know that's his like, he just voluntarily does it because he's got the tech or he's just the only one that, um, yeah, there's guys like seize the future. And then he just like, let's not do that plan. Yeah. There's, there's no hint that he's like a time traveler. He's just like, he's just like, that's, he just is like, you know, he's just a 2023 or like, he's like,
from the same time as everyone else like he's not like from the future another future like he's just like I also think I think he can't go back so the rule is I think you have to have existed in the past to do that yes because the gimmick yes because kitty can send you back in time but yet your mind goes into your like a younger version of yourself which
Interesting take of time travel. It's not like a device. It's not like a box. It's an actual like, oh, you had to have

Kitty Pryde's Time Travel Ability

existed there in order for conscious to find itself again. And then it's not like Kitty could do that. Then go, you know what she could have done too? Go back to when she did that, tell someone and then do it again at a younger point with like a full cast of ex people.
But then she couldn't do it to herself, right? She only can only do it to someone else. Yeah, she has to do it to someone else. She has to like, you know, like grab their mind or whatever, whatever she's doing with her facing powers. Isn't the original, it's just like she's able to send herself back. Yeah. But then it's not as like action packed because she's pretty much trying to convince people like what's going to happen and they're like brushing her off in the comic.
But then, uh, but Professor X is the one who wants, is like, I need to go back in time. But then it's like, well, you're like, if you go back that far, you'll die. But then Wolverine can survive the trip. So then he gets selected to be the one that like goes back in time. And then they should have really thought about why, like what happens when you send the man with the claws back in time. Yeah.
Only because it's not like you sit there and you're relaxed. It's like you will have freakouts when you're going back in time. So that's the strongest melee fighter we have. Yeah. And then whose mind has been shattered from all these, everything's happened to him. And if he sees someone from his past, or in his potential future, he'll freak out and lose his mind.
But yeah, but yeah, they said him because yeah, he can like his like his they say like it's it because like they're like, oh, your brains get ripped apart. Like if you go that far back and he's like, what if your brain heals itself as fast as you get the part? And so that's that's like, oh, yeah, good point, Wolverine. You can heal. And you also you've been around since like the 1800s or whatever it was and like, or X and Orange and Wolverine. So
Yeah. Um, especially if you think about what he was doing in the seventies, he, he could have not just been in America, you know, he could have just been woken up in another goddamn country. Yeah. I mean, luckily he was in like New York city. So it was like, like a couple hour drive to get to like the X mansion, like to, he was in Manhattan. So it's like for him to go from Manhattan to Westchester County, like that's like maybe an hour. It's just on top of the Bronx. Like,
Yeah, they they've super locked out. Like, yeah, he could have been like in Japan, Siberia or something like in like, like Nova Scotia or something. I mean, they don't. He doesn't remember when he was in Weapon X. So for all they know, wait, it's the 70. So he just came back from the Vietnam War, right? Did. Well, I don't think that Orange Wolverine came out yet. I think that was after this one, right?
Organs came out before this. Did it? Yeah, man. Hmm. I guess we did see him in like the, yeah, the Vietnam War. And then he joined X-Force. I mean, not X-Force, but Weapon X. So, I mean, that timeline is like its own guy name weird. How does this fit in? Yes, because in this movie, in the 70s, he
He still had his bone claws. He had no idea. He'd never met Striker yet. He was working as a mob enforcer, or the bodyguard in front of the mob boss's daughter, but also like plowing her. I do like the intro. It's a lot of fun. That's a Matthew Vaughn scene. That is something where he's like, hey, I want to make it crazy. I want to make this very not a family-friendly X-Men scene.
Just have some like, mobsters show up and they're like, hey, oh, whoa, hey. You're doing the boss's daughter, hey. You're supposed to be body gunner, not screwing her. And then, yeah, he kills them or horribly mains them with his bone claws. And then we also get like, you know, him like admiring himself in the mirror, but like, oh man, yeah, I'm young again. Like, but I don't have gray hair anymore, or gray streaks in my hair.
And then the, um, yeah, then him traveling to, uh, like the X house. And I do like how Xavier gives him like a little bit of a warning that he's like, all right, well, when you met me, I wasn't who you meet now, like before he sends him back. And it's like, you should have told this way more, like you should have said more detail. Like here's, yeah, she said I was basically a heroin addict. Yes.
It's like this. This isn't like, oh, you know, I got really into like reggae that year, so I'm going to be this weird nerd. It's like, no, you were just like. Like a pessimist and almost like a nihilist. Towards like humanity and like life, you weren't just like, oh, I don't want to run a school of mutants. He was just like a shut it. Well, because this is this is ten years after first class.
which starts the first-class series insanity of, we're going to jump 10 years into a new decade every movie, but no one's going to age. Yeah, so weird. Two years of production. I can deal with this one because it's 10 years. It's fine. But when you get to Dark Phoenix, it's the 90s, and it's been 30 years, and everyone looks the same as they did in the 60s. It's like, all right.
You guys probably thought about this a little bit more. They could have maybe worked out more or something. They look all the same. Like if you watch these movies all in a row one day, and then you're just like, what scene is this? You have to judge it by the clothes. You can't judge anything else. Yeah.
But yeah, the 10 years since first class, all the students they had at school got drafted, apparently. And then a bunch of them died in Vietnam. And then Magneto got arrested for assassinating JFK. Like you do. And then Mystique has just been running around doing Magneto, Espita, just mutant liberation stuff.
She hasn't killed anybody yet, which is like, that's like one of the key points too is like, um, cause one of the things that, so Wolverine basically is, is, it gets them back in time to stop Mystique from killing Boulevard Trask, uh, at this like peace summits. Cause that's, that's the whole thing that like sets off the like Sentinel program that like then the sounds get built and then they, you know, take over and kill the mutants. But it's not really, cause if he, was he supposed to die in the original timeline too?
So yeah, the original timeline was they killed him and then they're like, oh mutants are a threat. We had to be like, we got to finish his Sentinel program and get them up, get them up and running. And then they like, you know, went, I guess they, I guess they went hate like haywire and like took over the whole planet. Well, cause then they're like, oh, humans can become mutants. So enslaved the humans, enslaved everything. Basically. I mean, that makes sense. Cause even the X-Men 92, the master Sentinel master bowl, he was just like,
Humans also can become healing with that and just kill humans. That's all. Let's put brain chips in the president's head. I think that's the season one finale of X-Men anime series.

Alternate History and Mutants

We kid up the president, we're going to put up your pure chip in his brain.
You know the crazy thing, a side note for it. In the master mold, he makes these robots and there's no pollution or no materials shipping in. He's just building them. And I'm thinking, where's all that metal coming from? Were they metal or were they some sort of plastic? Because in this movie, they're like, it's a space age polymer. Yeah, I forgot that. But then they still have some metal core parts inside of it, I think.
No, that's the whole thing. We need to ooze this metal into them, and then this time I can control them later on. Before that, they're all plastic, because Trask has seen Magneto, I guess. Some of them can control metal, so I'm not going to make them metal. Yeah, I'm thinking in the 70s, Trask could have just done other things with this moldable plastic, future plastic pet.
Uh, like calling it space age is cool, but I sort of like, there's so many applications you could do besides make killer robots with that classic 50 years ahead of time. Yeah. I think they also have like ceramic bullets too. It's like the bullets are also not metal. Hmm. All right. Well, I thought of everything just for just magneto, but then you didn't think about how magneto can program them with metal.
Which, okay, he gave him, like, he was, like, Magneto's also a electrical engineer. Yeah, somehow, yeah. Or he knows, yeah, he's able to, like, get the metal into, like, the circuitry that will, like, allow him to control the robots. I mean, I get it, it was just, like, a gun. Like, he was able to manipulate a plastic gun, but this was, like, he programmed them. But, yeah, we'll get into that part near that scene.
I do like in this movie, it shows you that first class team is way more divided than ever. Everything that was hopeful about that movie is now the reality set in where Magneto's double down on his mission. Xavier's now broken. Nicholas Holt's back in full Nicholas Holt makeup.
Yeah. He's like, it's weird because like he seems fine, but he's also just like, like, I got, I gotta stay with professor X. He's a, I got, I got, I gotta probably, I gotta give him his heroin. I can give him his human juice. Yeah. Okay. Cause, cause, cause, cause Hank, I guess, I guess come up with a serum that he uses, he uses a little bit to like makes, keep him from turning into like full beast mode. But then Charles is using it like overdosing on it or like really like going with the town on it, like let's him walk, but then it,
totally removes his powers. Like he can't use his teleconnect powers anymore. Don't understand how the two are connected. Yeah, because he got, he got a metal shard embedded into his spine. I don't think you can, you can't like take like a magic juice and like fix it. I feel like if you have the, you need your immune power, like to make yourself walk. And then that's how you do it. Your, your telepathy to help you, like to maybe manipulate
the area that your body can't trigger, like the response, that makes sense. Like that makes more like, oh, to have that power. Having the power or it's like, you can either walk or use your power. It's like, well, can I have both when I need it to? Like you don't need, I bet you some days he doesn't need to like read people's minds, just take your dose and then do about, you know, do what you want. I think that's like in the comics, that's another thing with powers that are detrimental. It's like, wait, you can temporarily like,
disable them, then you're fine. It's not like a crazy thing where it's like, why constantly like, you know, explode? It's like, why should I take this medicine? No, that wouldn't be me then though. The guy that constantly explodes. Yeah. So it's weird. Yeah. They, they kind of bring that up in X-Men last stance where the, the cure, the,
anti mutant. Yeah. That they get. And it's like I did not see that coming back in other things or. They basically remake that same thing, but almost the same people like Hanks there and Xavier. And yeah, they could still run a school. They could still do other things, but Xavier really just was hitting that that human juice hard.
It was funny. It's sort of like, I think they did that because they saw Iron Man 2. Let's do our own Iron Man. We gotta have a demon in the bottle. Yeah, let's do our own demon in the bottle. I mean, they lean so hard to it. At one point, Charles is looking at the needle and licking his lips and being like, I need that. I need that sweet, sweet serum.
And then I guess like he was drinking too, but yeah, yeah, it just seemed like all right What he's like, I don't want to think it's like All right. That's what the serum is for
And it's a little bit because all the students are dead. But it's mostly because Mystique left him and then is running around doing whatever she's doing. He gets in the bed at one point and is like that photo of Jennifer Lawrence by his blue light stand. I forgot that.
Yeah, so she's been going, she goes around, she rescues a bunch of like mutants in Vietnam, who apparently, yeah, like the army was like letting mutants fight in Vietnam, and they were using their powers to like, you know, fight, but then it didn't really affect the Vietnam War at all. No, they're still losing. Yeah, we still lost the Vietnam War. Because the whole Paris Peace Treaty Conference signed the end of conflict in Vietnam.
where the US would draw off of Vietnam. Well, I think maybe the Vietnamese had better mutants. Maybe. You know what I mean? Mutants aren't just an American group. They're supposed to be humanity. Yeah, it definitely wasn't a Watchmen situation where the Watchmen just showed up. It's like they won the war a week. Right. Because also in that universe, there was no superhero except for
Dr. Manhattan, everyone else was just a regular person. It'll make sense, if you're just like some dude in a cave and it's like, let's go Vietnam, why? Which again, shout out to the boys for that, where it's like, we're just mostly regular people, except for the real superheroes, and it's just like, why are we in this war?
Uh, but yeah, the, the parish peace treaty, real event. Um, don't think, uh, I do like this was trying to play into history with this alternate future, alternate history. Yeah. Um, I think it was fine. Like it definitely feels.
very, like, that would have been way more news in the X-Men movies. Because it makes it seem like in the first X-Men movie, no one knew what a mutant was. Yeah. You were telling me in that version of, in this one, like, mutants have existed since, like, the 70s and, like, publicly? Yeah, there's like 35 millimeter film of, like, a blue woman, like, limping away from it, like, jumping out a window, and then, like, a blue beast man in a fountain, like, screaming.
Yeah, it's like, hey, oh, you're Hank McCoy? Yeah, I saw you in my history class when you tried to stop the assassination. Yeah, Paris. That's like world breaking news. And no one talks about that. Like everything kind of goes on as planned. Nixon is still like, I still want to hold a big public press conference about trying to make these anti mutant weapons.
We should we should go back before like the pastry stuff. We need to go back and talk about the scene where they break Magneto out of the Pentagon where they've built a special prison under the Pentagon to hold him. Oh, yeah.

Quicksilver's Slow-Motion Scene

And then so then the the Wolverine Hank Charles Trio has to recruit Quicksilver, played by Evan Peters.
I think it was like the year before, within like a year or two, also like Agent Ultron came out, some of them we had like Aaron Joe Johnson's Quicksilver. It was like super close. It was super close of like too many Quicksilvers, or like a lot of Quicksilvers. I would say this one is better than the MCU version of Quicksilver.
Yeah, he's quirkier. He definitely has more character besides just being like a dude, bro. And then, yeah, the slow-mo scene is just, it's still good. 10 years later, it's still awesome. Yeah, I think, one, you know when a movie does awesome when a shitload of people cosplay as that, like very like side character.
Mm hmm. And then to. I think I've seen four parodies of that now. Of the the running scene. Yeah. Family guy did it, I think. Yep. Yep. Simpsons might have done it. Yeah, I'm sure there's been a bunch. Yeah. Yeah. I think I just got to look it up again. Top my head. But.
Yeah, I'm surprised the Flash didn't have its own version. The Flash sort of did in the Flash movie, but that is good. Yeah. And then it's funny because they tried to like, this own series tried to copy it, and they couldn't do it as good. Because the X-Men Apocalypse, they basically do the same scene again, but it's Quicksilver trying to rescue everyone from the X-Mansion.
You didn't like that? It's, I mean, it's, it's, it's good. It's not as good as the seed. I think it seems this one's like a lot better. Okay.
I like them both. I like that. They're both really good. All the super, super slow-mo photography and all that stuff is awesome. Especially this one, just fucking with everybody. I'm going to make you fight your own face. I'm going to make your guns go off in each other's faces. I'm going to move these bullets out of the way quick. I do like that. Basically, he can, I guess,
He can, I don't know how long he can hold being fast. It's not like he's getting tired or is to eat something. It's just his powers. Oh, I see things fast, but I choose a slowdown. Well, I think when it's slow motion, that's like, like how he's like seeing like the world. And then it's in the whole scene is like, it's literally like a couple of seconds in like real time. That's true.
But yeah, that seems great. Yeah, they bust Magneto out because they need Magneto and Charles to be able to convince Mystique to not kill someone.
And then we get like, there's like the, on the plane trip to Paris, there's like, I love, there's like so many, like one, like just tossed off lines or like tossed off things of like, Oh yeah. Everyone, everyone who did for first class who isn't here is dead now. Like, like, as like, you remember like angel and like, um, uh, like havoc and everyone else they're all dead. Like.
No. Havoc's still around. Havoc's dead. Angel didn't exist yet. What was Zoe Kravitz's character? Wasp, like a wasp thing. Oh no, you're right. No, that wasn't Angel. Yeah. I guess there's two Angels in the series. Forgot her name was Angel too.
I think it's a bug. I think it's like Emma Frost is dead. Like, man, she's dead. Like. Asriel. Yep. He's dead. And I think I think they apply it. They were all like, or at least some of them were captured by like Stryker slash Trask and like experiment and killed. And that's why Mystique is like, I need to kill Trask.
Yeah, I mean, she was part of the early Brotherhood group, so it makes sense that they were hunted down. But Banshee being dead makes no sense. I don't know how he's just dead. Well, he... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I get Banshee Kavik confused, because they're like... I think they both look like... It's like Lucas Till and the guy who plays Kavik kind of look the same.
Oh no, Lucas still is hammock, yeah. Yeah, you're confusing it again. Yeah. He gets to rescue a few nominees. He's like, peace about. And then it's like, all right. Yeah, I'll see you in the next movie for free. I gotta go play MacGyver. Hey, Lucas still just literally, well, I mean, wait, but like Mystique and then they left together, right?
Mystique put them on the plane and then she walked off. She walked back. She's like, hey, you guys go get home. I'm going to just stay here for some reason. Well, maybe because it was closer to Paris. Yeah, maybe. Is it faster to fly from Vietnam to Paris? It's kind of faster because it's faster than America, I'll tell you.
I don't know how you would exactly, unless you have to take a boat. You probably have to fly to like California or something and then like catch a flight to New York and then like New York to like Paris or something. No, no, if you're, you're already in like closer to Europe, I think, because Vietnam's not in the center. It's like, it's like in the east.
I'm saying if she like got on the plane with them and went back to like the U.S. somewhere, then it had to like, you know, she had to get another flight to like somewhere, like probably to New York and then go to Paris. Oh, that's like around the world trip. Yeah, it's too long. And we're talking like 70s planes too, like Pan Am. At least you could smoke in them and just sort of like get day drunk on it.
And then the only other thing I want to mention on the plane, too, is also, Magneto mentions that he was trying to save JFK, because he got arrested for killing JFK, but then he was trying to save him, because JFK was a mutant. So that's also one of the crazy alternate history things that comes out of this movie. Yeah, it's again, alternate history.
where that would have been way more consequences, like in terms of how Magneto is viewed still. And it just, no one talks about it in later movies.
or even did you kill JFK? It's like, it's the nineties. Let's give up on that. It's like, wait, how, how can you give up on figuring out if you did it or not? I don't even think anyone mentions this later. Like when you're like, he's like, he's like, you know, Nixon's like, he's holding Nixon hostage. Nixon, no one mentions like, it's the guy who killed KFCK. Like, yeah, I'm thinking.
JFK got assassinated in the late 60s, I think. Late like 68? Yeah, I think so, yeah. Because it's like 74 now, so he's been in jail for five years. Yeah. Yeah, no, you're definitely like America's most wanted person ever.
But maybe it was like a, you know, a black ops, like we can't like, no one, no one can know anything about him. Like, I mean, yeah, he can't just be on the news and be like, this guy waved his hand and then that's what he's like, um, guilty of. Yeah. Which I do, I do like that we actually get to see some of that bullet manipulation stuff in the, during the Paris scene where like he like shoots the gun without holding it and then like makes the bullet fly into like Mystique's leg.
Yeah, it's like a like a want it scene. Yeah. That's another Matthew Vaughn thing. Yeah. Well, I mean, Brian Singer directed. Matthew Vaughn wrote this one, I think, or like produced it and then Brian Singer came back to direct it. Yeah. Yeah. Matthew Vaughn, did he do he did want it, right? Uh, no, that was like Timor Bambatov. Well, OK, still counts with what's his face.
Oh, Mark, Mark, Mark Millar, like the right author, like to talk to artists. No, no, no. The guy who plays, uh, Xavier. Oh, James McAvoy. Yeah. Yeah. James McAvoy was a wanted with the bullet and this one magneto curves the bullet. Yeah.
And then, like, I like my videos, like, it's like, Mystique has to die because like, he's just like, oh, Mystique has to die because if we don't kill her, all of us are gonna be dead in the future. Somehow he's on board about preventing the like extinction level. He's just like, I believe you. Okay, let's go. We have to kill Mystique. Like, no, we just tell her not to kill. It's like, I can't do that. I can't talk her down. I can't take the chance.
I mean, you could if you just show Trass is like not a great person to like revenge make robots for. Yeah, because there's there's there's a scene where like he is trying to sell Sentinels to like the Russians and like like the North Vietnamese and stuff. But the thing is, he still has
40 years to do it because the sentinels progressively get more like stronger after each iteration to the point where that's what they are in 2013. But you still have a good amount of time. It's not like this was the one key moment. It's like, well, is there another chance? Like, no, like this is the thing. Well, I do. I do like that they point out because because like maybe like
injures Mystique and her blood gets on the street that they still get her DNA and they may have gotten it sooner than he would have felt like if they had just captured her. And he's just like, oh yeah. When Mystique, some of the both, he's like, yeah, I fucked up.
But we also get in the scene where Wolverine sees Stryker, like Dunk Stryker, and then we get a fun Flash and Bright Cox, which is fun. But then, which I don't know how that works out in this timeline, but that's fun to see. But then because of that, he's mind gets on a whack. So then it's like the 1970s Wolverine is back in control of that body, just like, where am I?
The future is like freaking out and like just like slashing everybody But the problem is like for him I get like he's like what is going on. I don't know any of this he That Wolverine is super not understanding like there's no other like he's never encountered another mutant in the years he's lived Mm-hmm Well, I mean if origins is canon like yeah, he I mean he's already
he's like worked with that weapon X he's like he grew up with his brother Sabertooth like well that's the thing like it weapon X is supposed to be but it has a happy end this year yeah it's like that's origins like is like it's just I don't know where that fits anymore anywhere in any exhibit that's so out of whack with everything well I don't think it fits at all no
But if you're trying to like, if you're a kid who has watched this without any like understanding how to watch these movies and in what order, confusing. But yeah, I do like the moments where there are glitches in the future. You know, there's like, I think during this time in the road cut, he accidentally stabs Kitty.
Well, in the regular cut, yeah, like, Kitty gets slashed, but then she kind of, like, she holds on and is, like, working through, like, the slashes, but she's, like, bleeding and stuff. But then in the rogue cut, basically, rogue takes Kitty's powers and then switches, like, tags in, and then she's the one, like, for the rest of the movie, like, keeping, like, you know, Wolverine's mind in the past. I think that's, like, the real big difference, though. Yeah. That's more glances from...
everyone at Rogue as she's holding her hands over Wolverine's head.

Magneto's Metal Manipulation

But yeah, after, so after the, after the whole, the Para scene, we get like many deals to like, is like putting in like his, you know, his like big, like final scheme at the action where he gets his helmet back. And then he chases the like the Sentinel train and like rips, like, uh, rail ties off the train, like behind the train, and then uses the rail ties to like thread metal into all the Sentinels so that he can control them later. Yeah. Cause he knows electrical engineering. He knows how to.
forge a circuit out of metal and silicone? Because you need that to conduct electricity and like redirect. You know, he basically builds a microchip. Yeah. An override microchip. And then when I get to Washington DC, then he also does like, uh, he lifts RFK, uh, stadium, which was like the, like, um,
And that was defunct. That was like the old baseball stadium back in the day. He rips the entire stadium out and drops that on top of the White House to barricade everybody in.
I do like the awkward cut of the lawn care guy and then he just sees Magneto there. He just like floats in. It's like, hey buddy, what are you doing here? They still did not, like in all the iterations so far of Magneto flying, maybe in the like apocalypse, they got it down. But when he, or like almost all of his flying. It's super awkward. So awkward.
his, um, Peter Pan fly. Like, yeah. It's some, some of his like, like dark Phoenix was like the worst of it. Like we're just like absolutely stupid. But like what, what he's doing is like, you know, his hand, like, like, like trying to like manipulate stuff, stuff that sometimes it looks cool. Sometimes it looks terrible. So it's just, it's just like, it's, it's that whole thing of like, how do you make like psychic powers look like not stupid on film?
Or how do you make it not look like the South Park like parody or just like rather than just like going like, like Cartman, like the psychics, you know, I was like, like just like making noise at each other and like doing like hand motions with dark, dark phoenix. There's like, it's like Michael Fazbender and, uh, um, so, so we turn are just like, you're like staying next to each other, just like grimacing and like holding their hands out.
Oh my god, yes, there's I think I think they're fighting over a helicopter and there's like saying shit next to each other It's like grip like just like my powers are stronger And it's like wow, this is this is so this this is serious it's evolved it's like such nonsense like What happened to like days of future past like and then you're like, this is the same decade that these movies came out and it's not like
We went backwards in time, but it did. Somehow that movie went backwards. Yeah. I still haven't seen it, but from just the hype and what's the opposite of hype? Like, uh, yeah, like anti-hype. It's like, it's, I mean, it's, it's worth watching just for like the shot in front of it of like, this is, this is so bad, like just to see how bad it is.
And it made no money. It was such a huge bop. It's one of the biggest bops of all time. Great. But this at least had a good start. This made a lot of money and was competent to tell a story. I think that's also the problem. IY, I like it. It's a very competent story.
You know, the time travels told to make sense up until maybe the end. And then the there's a there's a super clear goal of like, yeah, we just stop this from happening in the past. Like, you know, very like you're like, yeah, yeah. What's at stake makes sense. It's not some crazy MacGuffin. And it really is just don't kill trash, but at least don't kill him right now. Yeah. Or at least don't kill him public.
yeah don't don't make humans like us like such a big threat to humans that they're gonna like unleash killer robots on us and then not have any like robotic laws that they follow the magneto accidentally remove it or put it in his is like three laws
Well, it's weird, because at one point during the final battle, he tells one of those sentinels, do what you were built to do to kill Beast. But then Beast uses a serum and turns back into human, I guess. And then the sentinel texts in, oh, you're not human. But then he targets Mystique and Magneto. But then Magneto just rips it apart. It's like, oh, shit, I forgot. He's out of my control. I was incarcerated. I'm apart enough.
speaking of metal parts the scene where he takes on wolverine the opposite of ripping out wolverine's aluminium that was cool yeah that that is in a movie that has like a lot of like brutal x-men kills i mean this is not even a kill but like it basically almost is but yeah that's what just injecting rebar into wolverine's body is like yeah that it was crazy yeah usually
Again, never thought about that technique. Just give metal to something without metal. And just such an ice cold, like, I guess you're not a survivor. Just like throw some like, who knows how many miles away? It's like Potomac River. Also, Magneto didn't know he was going to survive that. He legit was going to kill, in his mind, he killed Wolverine. He never meets him again until the future, so.
Why is he not surprised? He's like, I thought I killed you. Yeah. Cause he, cause he wasn't, he wasn't there for like the, uh, the Wolverine cameo in a apocalypse. Also, uh, I was gonna say like they, even the other group of people that he was with Wolverine, they don't even care to look for him.
It's not like Eric's like, oh, by the way, like I threw Wolverine somewhere. I should probably go find him. Yeah, or like use Cerebro to find him or like try to like telekinetically find him. No, they just give up on finding it. Like it's something that does stand out. I'm like, wait, what? Like it's not like he was ushered away or he said, hey, I'm going to do my own thing. Don't worry about me. You know, just something. So you don't just have a time traveler friend and then you just
Oh, he's gone. Let's never, we don't need to worry about this for another 40 years. At the end of the movie, like no one asks, where's Logan? Like what happened to him? Like last I saw, like may need to throw him into like 50 miles away. Like Mystique probably could have dropped the hint later on. Like, Oh, by the way, I found him. He's okay. No, like nothing. Yeah.
But yeah, so yeah, we get like, uh, they're fighting all the sandals and, and then Mystique has the chance to kill Trasp, but then she decides not to because Charles gives her like a pep talk. He gives her a couple of pep talks. Yeah.

Mystique's Choice and Its Impact

Which I liked the one in the, like, it's a classic, like, uh, at least like a classic X-Men movie, Charles move, or like he takes control of other people and like talks to them. Yeah.
And then also, and also one of his go tos is like, is like freezing everybody in place. He just like wanted to make her own choice. Because like, if you did that, you'll hate him forever. Yeah.
Yeah, she says the kill and then that makes her like a hero because she stopped what she shoots magneto and the neck and then That stuff that stops like the assassination of Nixon and he's like, oh you're a hero now you save me like Mutants aren't bad. Yeah, what one of them saved me so they're good I'm the best president so far
And then Trask gets arrested off-screen, like a newspaper clipping, because he was selling government secrets to the Russians and other enemies of the US. Well, I guess as an arms dealer, you can't do that? I don't think people knew he was an arms dealer. He was like a wannabe arms dealer, because he was like a scientist, like a government contractor, or like a technology company. And then he's like, I'm going to sell this to anybody.
Whoever's got the most money can buy my killer robots. Yeah, that's what an arms dealer does. Yeah. But then the last two scenes are, if you think about the too much, at least in my opinion, they kind of fall apart a little bit. So Wolverine wakes up in 2023, but now it's a good 2023.
So it's not the dark future. The school is fine. Everyone's fine. Everyone's back. Everyone who didn't show up in the dark future is here now. Gene's there. Scott's there. And Frasier Beast is there. This is them post-Phoenix, right? Dark Phoenix movie? Or did Phoenix never happen?
So basically you can watch this and then not think about Phoenix then if you need it. I guess. Yeah. You know, just closure. Because yeah, because Scott Scott would not that Scott Angie would not be alive at this this post, you know, in the old timeline post like last Dan so.
And then, um, Charles, like, like, don't go stuck, Charles. And he's like, Oh, Hey, it's, it's, it's the time traveling Wolverine. You're back. I've been doing the shit with the other guy for so long. Yeah. Which we were talking about before we started recording, but like it's, it, this is like a total like time cop situation.
where the Wolverine we've been following, the Dark Future Wolverine, is now in the body of a different Wolverine that has been around for 50 years and living a life. And now that mind is gone. The Dark Future Wolverine took over that versus body and mind. And so he's basically dead.
You know, it would have been an interesting concept and probably what happened is he would have erased his future and then it would be like a merger of the two instead of just the dominant version of the whole dream. You know, it would be... Realistically, yeah, it would reset his... He would go back with the memories, I think. Well, that's what they say, like... He wouldn't remember it at all.
Well, like, like he's like, you're, you're the only person that remembers like this, like dark future. If this, like, if this works and we fix everything. Oh, she says that. Yeah. Cause cause for them, for them, it's going to like, like,
time is going to reset itself from 1973 forward and then that's the only future that everyone, like history that everyone will know is like double grand signature. I think also, it's not also that Wolverine's the strongest to go back in the past, but he's also the strongest to live with two lifetimes, so many lifetime of memories. Yeah.
That is a weird consequence to be stuck in that, like, oh, I don't know anything anymore. But yeah, it's the same, like, it's time cop, we're like, time cop.
like chocolate of dam like he's in like you know he's in a happy future but he has a son that he's never met or knows anything about so he's just like and there's also probably like another chocolate dam like walk like he's probably like he shows up at like the house at the end of time cop and there's like like the other chocolate is like work or something or coming home from work it's like I gotta fight I gotta fight yourself like yeah touch each other yeah
It's just, but I mean, they kind of addressed it. Cause like, like, like, uh, you know, Charles is like, well, we got a lot of catching up to do. I'll talk to like, cause then the woman's like, well, I gotta, I ate some history from like 1973 forward. But then the other, like the, the CVC right before the credits also kind of like, this one definitely makes less sense than you, but then the, uh, happy future scene.
because they pull, so Wolverine, I guess we're assuming it's like the 1973 Wolverine without his original mind back in his body.

Mystique's Twist Ending

And then he gets pulled out of the Potomac River by Stryker, but then Stryker is Mystique.
I feel like the Mystique part was a last-minute zinger. Yeah, just some sort of cool, like, gotcha. Like, come back to the next one. I would have preferred, because that made it seem like Mystique was evil. Yeah. Like, she's going to run Weapon X now and like torture Wolverine and inject him with an adamantium. I didn't think, but then I think it was just originally just going to be regular Shryker.
Yeah, that would make more sense. Yeah, that makes way more sense. Because next time you see Wolverine in the series is Apocalypse, where he's in full Weapon X, get up. And at that point, it's like 80-something. 80-something, yeah. 87, 88. They jump at least 10 years in every movie in this first class, the second series of X-Men movies.
But yeah, so obviously the original, not Mystique Striker, takes back over at some point, and then they have Wolverine captured, or does Mystique just let Wolverine go, but then Striker finds them still and turns into Weapon X?
It's just, it's such a weird, like, I feel like that was definitely like, they're trying to do like an MCU, like, you know, after post credit, it was, you know, it's like before the credits, that's like trying to be like a post credits thing. I'm like, Oh man, this is a tune. Yeah. Come back from that. Come, come back. This can be crazy. And there's no follow up at all. And there actually, there actually is like a post credit scene or in this movie too, where they like tease apocalypse.
Do they? Yeah, it's like, all the way at the end of the credits, there's a scene where it flashes back to like ancient Egypt and like young, young apocalypse is like building the pyramids. Ah, yes.
which was like, oh man, get ready. Yeah, another X-Men anime series thing. If you grew up with X-Men anime series, like, apocalypse was always showing up. So it's like, oh man, we're finally gonna get a live action apocalypse. And it's like, I still remember that first promo shot of Oscar Isaac as apocalypse, where it's just like, wow, he's hyphenous.
And then also just like, learning. One of the worst. Yeah. One of the worst. And then just dialogue. Everything else I still like about that movie. Except for maybe a waste of Psylocke. Olivia Munn as Psylocke. Yeah. Fain British actress Olivia Munn.
There's got to be so many kick-ass British actresses that could have to be Psylocke. They wanted her to be closer to the Asian version instead of the British one. Isn't she Asian with the British accents? No. She's Japanese with a British woman. Then they split the difference where her mind went back to her original body, and then the body then became another character.
But now now Psylocke is just a regular Asian woman. Okay. No like puppeteering trick this time around. Comics are weird. Comics are weird yes. I think the original one she was just a British woman. I think I think in like the anime series yeah she was just like a like a British ninja. She's like a British like yeah she just had to be a like a ninja but she was British.
But yeah, Days of Future Past, yeah, definitely one of the best action movies so far. Hopefully, I think we're all anticipating what the MCU is going to do with them in live action. I mean, if it's even half as good as X-Men 97, then it should be pretty awesome.
But I think they just, they just hired a writer this week for it. And there's like no director, no casting, no, nothing yet for like, let me see you X-Men. That's like, you know, years off, but yeah, hopefully we get some, like, uh, something really good. Just do future paths again. That's the first thing. Yeah. Just remake it again.
start with what works. I mean, if we're ever thinking about a still around 20th century Fox version of this, they would have just reboot this movie again. Just like, Hey, you know, this movie made a lot of money. People seem to love it. Let's just do it again. I definitely, I'm definitely curious. Like what Wolverine and Logan are going to do is like sort of like, cause that's gonna be like a
definitely it's gonna be like a you know acknowledging everything like it's this like bridge between like 20th century this is the 20th century fox movies and like the disney movies
and bring it like, cause it looks like they literally go to like an apocalypse where it's like, there's like a giant 20th century Fox like logo on the ground. They're fighting next to, well, maybe you know what they'll do. They'll just, uh, maybe they both get like kitty and rogue to send them back to the pass. They do it again. That's how they can merge both.
Like don't try anything fancy, just stick to what works. Even makes no sense at all. I just, just keep, Hugh Jackman just keeps coming back. Like we're not going to recast. Well, if you think about it, Hugh Jackman's the one actor and character Wolverine that's been consistent in all these X-Men movies. So you just keep doing the mind swapping.
And then if you want to make it more confusing, just like have Wolverine be the way Hugh Jackman is now in a days of future past scenario. And then you reboot it with like whoever Wolverine to the next Wolverine is going to be. And then that's how you explain he's essentially the same character without freaking people out. And they argue that the other one was better. Like Hugh Jackman's Wolverine interpretation was better. It's like, no, no, no. Technically that Wolverine is in this body.
And it still leads back to Days of Future Past ending, where Wolverine wakes up and the good ending. It's like everything will eventually become that. Yeah, I do hope to take the cues from X-97 too, and have it be more of a team movie too. Because most of these Fox X movies are very Wolverine-centric. He's the lead character. A lot of them didn't get a lot to do, or not as much as you hoped they would do.
Yeah, I kind of hated that. So at least this was like balance. I was at all the movies is my favorite just because he's in it and enough to get you to where the important parts are. But a lot of the things, it's him watching everything else unfold.
Yeah, but like the new live action like Cyclops and Storm and whoever else they get, hopefully they have like, it's more of like a team ensemble. Because we didn't mention it, like Halle Berry in this movie, and this feature pass has nothing to do. So she causes one lightning storm, that's it, and then she gets stabbed. I think she was also very pregnant during this movie. Yeah, that's why she wasn't in it that much. But even the entire series, she didn't really
She was like really off the side for a lot of stuff. Oh yeah. And then you watch X-Men 97 it's like oh yeah Storm is like she can do a lot more than they let her do in live action movies. Yeah Storm has like a sun and then there's like way more at stake for her and then she has like a daylight where she goes out shopping and stuff. There's like she does a lot more.
And she's like, yeah, she's on a mega level. She can cause world destruction if she wanted to. But yeah, hopefully the future of X-Men is bright. Well, to see. It's off to a good start in the Disney universe with X-Men 97. So I think, yeah, I think we'll wrap it up this week for Disney Future Pass.
I think next week, we're going to dive into the Walter Hill Classic Streets of Fire, Chris, right? Yep. Because that's also celebrating, I think it's the 30-year, 35th anniversary. So we'll get into all the. For you, it'll be a rewatch. For me, it'll be my first app. That's going to be the big fight. Yeah, the first time you ever see this. Well, it's not streaming anywhere. So hopefully, it's widely more available as we talk about it. Yeah, find it somewhere. I already have a copy, so I'm good.
Come on. I think days of being shoots of fire, like at least the poster and then the, you know, actors are in it. They're famous. It's not like a bunch of nobodies. Yeah. I think there's a, he went on 4k, I think, uh, like last year, I think. So, um, you can get, yeah, there's like a, you know, a very nice 4k if you want to buy that.
But yeah, we'll dive into all that, all the musical insanity of that movie next week. And head over to the main site, We got news, reviews, all our usual articles. We have our Gamebox 2.0 up there. So if you want to check out what games you play this month, that's up there right now. And come back next week, along with Streets of Fire, we're also going to have our terminal salvation commentary. So you watch terminal salvation with us, which I think also turned
uh, 10 years old this week, came out on like earlier this week in 2014. Or was it, or was that 20? Was that a 10 year or a 20 year? I can't, I gotta look that quick. Oh, it was, it was a 15. So that was a 2000, uh, 2019. 2009. Yeah. 2019. I'm like, whoa, no, no.
That would be a five year or whatever. Yeah. So yeah, the 15th anniversary of term preservation. We watched that again. So you can watch that along with us next week. That's on Macs. You can see that up and watch your commentary up and watch that with us. And all of our usual features and news and all that stuff is up there on site. So head over to all that stuff out. And yes, for Chris, I'm Zach, and we will see you next week. For more for everything action,
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