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Forty Plus Fitness– a conversation with Allan Misner

Fit For My Age
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Allan Misneris the host of the Forty Plus Fitness podcast. In this episode of the Abeceder podcast Fit For My Age Allan tells host Michael Millward what the most important muscle is for someone over the age of forty to train.

They also discuss the perception that many men have that middle-aged spread is inevitable.

Allan describes how his coaching was the result of his own successful journey to craft a healthier way of living for himself. You will hear about that success and the success that Allan has helped other people achieve.

You will leave this episode encouraged to review your diet and exercise habits. Most importantly you will be inspired to take the actions you need to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Proactive Positive Ageing.

It is always a good idea to know the risks early so that you can take appropriate actions to maintain good health, that is why we recommend The Annual Health Test from York Test.

York Test provides an Annual Health Test. An experienced phlebotomist will complete a full blood draw at your home or workplace. Hospital standard tests covering 39 different health markers are carried out in a UKAS-accredited and CQC-compliant laboratory.

A Personal Wellness Hub gives access your easy-to-understand results and guidance to help you make effective lifestyle changes anytime via your secure, personal Wellness Hub account.

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Fit For My Age is made on Zencastr.

Zencastr is the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms. Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit and use our offer code ABECEDER.


Allan is based in Panama. Travel to everywhere in the world is cheaper for members of the Ultimate Travel Club, because club members benefit from trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, and package hotels, and so many other travel related purchases.

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Find out more about both Michael Millward and Allan Misner at

Thank you to the team at Matchmaker.fmthe introduction to Allan.

If you are a podcaster looking for interesting guests or if like Allan, you have something interesting to say is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made. Use our offer code MILW10for a discount on membership.

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Introduction to 'Fit For My Age'

on zencastr Hello and welcome to Fit For My Age, the health and wellbeing podcast from Abysida. I'm your host, Michael Millward, the managing director of Abysida.
Today, i will be speaking to Alan Meisner about how to stay fit after you've reached the age of

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40. So whether you are conservative or sporty, life begins at 40.
As the jingle at the start of this podcast says, Fit For My Age is made on Zencastr. Zencastr is the all-in-one podcasting platform on which you can make your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms like Spotify, Apple, Amazon and YouTube Music.
Zencastr really does make making podcasts so easy. If you'd like to try podcasting using Zencastr, visit forward slash pricing and use my offer code, Abysseedra.
All the details are in the description. Now that I have told you how wonderful Zencastr is for making podcasts, we should make one. One that will be well worth listening to, liking, downloading, and subscribing to.
Very importantly, on Fit For My Age, we don't tell you what to think, but we do hope to make you think.

Alan Meisner's Personal Transformation

Today, my guest, who I met on, is Alan Meisner.
Alan is a personal trainer who is based in Panama. Panama is not exactly somewhere that I have been to, um but I am fascinated by it. and It would be really great to go.
When I do go, I'll book my travel arrangements with the Ultimate Travel Club because that is where I can access trade prices on flights, hotels, and holidays, and all sorts of other travel-related purchases.
You'll find a link and a membership discount code in the description. Now that I've paid the rent, it is time to make this episode of Fit For My Age. Hello, Alan. Hi, Michael. Yeah, we should be clear., not the the dating site.
I always, always, always, always add in the FM. They're a great group of people at and it's a great site. if you are And I'm sure they're great at the other sites too, but yeah, this is this was not a dating site. This was a podcast connection site, a brokering site. Yes, I think there is a place.
I think there is a page on where they describe themselves as a dating site for podcasters and podcast guests. but is it that was probably That was probably on and ah yeah on ah a you know napkin at some point when they were thinking this will be a great way to name it because we'll get all the carryover traffic. This is true. They think they're dating, but now they're starting a podcast.
There may have been some very disappointed visitors at one point or another, but there's also some very interesting people who want to talk about all sorts of different subjects on there. But today let's talk about ah being fit after 40.

Inspiration for '40 Plus Fitness' Podcast

How did you get involved in personal training?
I never thought this would be where I was. i i was trying to figure out my own self. You know, just turned 40, sort of just turned 40. And I just really was unhappy. I was unfit. I was unhealthy. I was obese.
And I couldn't find a good answer. And that really bothered me. I don't, I like finding answers that that was, i was an auditor in a previous life. So I like finding answers. I like finding clarity.
And there was no clarity. There were no books. There were no podcasts. There was nothing. And it was just kind of bizarre to me. So i was like, well, I can't not solve this problem. This is my life.
So I stepped up. I became ah ah certified personal trainer. I worked on certain specialties that would help me. And that was really the purpose. The purpose was to become my own trainer because my work schedule and everything else, nothing, everything conspired against me, my schedule, the world, everything.
No information, all of that. And so I was like, I've got to fix this. So I fixed it and it was hard, but I did it. And once I had done it, cause I lost, I lost 66 pounds of fat in 11 months and I put on 11 pounds of muscle.
So I completely changed my body. I changed my life. you know As you might imagine, you start losing that kind of weight. You're doing that kind of change. couple of friends started asking a couple of questions like, hey, dude, what do you what are you doing?
And so I said, well, it's... It's not hard, but it's not easy. You just, you do certain things and you do them consistently and good things happen.
And so I was talking to a friend, im like, I can't believe there's still, this was a year later, there's no podcast, there's no books, there's no nothing. So I started my podcast.
You can't say I started my podcast and then not tell us the name of the podcast. Okay. I thought that was at the end. Okay, cool. It's called 40 Plus Fitness.

Career Shift to Full-Time Personal Trainer

40 Plus Fitness. 40 Plus Fitness.
That should tell you how many podcasts were out there for people over 40. that I could literally pick the name 40 plus fitness yeah and be the only one.
There was nothing. And so I was talking to a friend. i' like, okay, look, I will go ahead and train you on the side. That'll be part of the podcast. and And I did. I helped him lose 39 pounds. His wife, I think, lost 28. And I chronicled that on the podcast. So their training sessions were actually recorded as a part of the podcast.
So now I knew what I was doing was working. So I was just doing kind of on the side, helping people here and there. And I was thinking of that as maybe a second career until my employer decided to do a layoff.
Yeah. I think in the UK, they call them redundancies. We weren't redundant. They just replaced us with outsourced resources. But anyway, we were, we were out of jobs. I was out of a job and I just, I told my wife, i'm like, you know, I could go back and do that thing, but I don't really enjoy it the way I ah like this thing.
I like helping people. I like the fact that I can help people lose weight, get fit, change their lives. And I just enjoy it so much more. So I said, well, I'm going to make this work. and And that's how I became a personal trainer. It was sort of a happy accident that one, I became my own trainer and I was good at it.
And then the second one was that I ended up without a job and said, well, I guess I'll I guess I'll do this thing. I always could have gone back, but I knew I really didn't want to. Your side gig became your main gig. Yeah, it's but it's my main gig. i so like That was December 31st of 2017, and I haven't looked back.
So we're getting on for like eight years of being a personal trainer. Yeah, just overnight. Because I did, like I said, i did some part-time beforehand. And then boom, yeah, at at that point, it was it was full time.
Well, congratulations on your success and on the podcast as well. Thank you. So let's get into some details.

Mindset in Fitness Success

What's the most important muscle or the first muscle that people need to train?
Well, I'm going to say it's the brain, but more than anything else, we say the brain, but that's that's kind of a nebulous thing. I'm going to say mindset, really. I mean, because most people don't fail because they're not physically capable of getting healthier and fit and stronger.
ah They fail because they don't have the proper mindset to step into it and do the things that are necessary. And I think we all know that we, we try and we, we stop.
So something gets in the way and 99.9% time, the thing that gets in the way is us We can blame it on something else or somebody else, but 99% the time we are the saboteur of our health and fitness.
And so it's all coming from our mindset and the way we look at the world and the way we look at ourselves. Part of that mindset is, I think perhaps, that there's an assumption that as you get older, you're going to have to put on weight. It is just what happens. There's nothing that you can do about it and that your health will deteriorate because you're getting older. That's probably a medical fact, but I feel as if there is a way in which you can manage your health so that you manage the aging process more effectively.

Controlling Aging Through Lifestyle

That's true. we we We are going to age. Aging is inevitable. The alternative isn't very attractive. you know it It is not. It is not. But the the the point being this is is so if you could imagine, okay, we we are on a slide.
There is a slide. We are going to age. But the cool thing is, and this is really kind of the magic of all this, you get to decide that the slope of that slide. yeah You get to decide how old how how old you get how fast, how weak you get how fast.
I'm just really amazed. We're recording this the day before Thanksgiving in the United States. So it's a time when everybody's talking about thinking about being thankful. This is the time of year. you should be so thankful for the body that you have because it is is kind of magical.
If you could imagine we get to live in in a machine. It's basically a machine, a biological machine. Unlike most machines, this machine can get better if you give it what it needs.
It can get stronger. It can improve. It can heal. If you give your body what it needs, it can heal. And it's not that we can get younger, but we can feel younger. We can move like we're younger.
And our body can work better almost as if we were younger if we're doing the right things. yeah So we get to to choose the slope of that slide. To me, that's amazing. I can't even believe how lucky I am to live in a body that gives me that capacity to live the life I want to live instead of living the life that I have to live being trapped in a machine. Yes, I totally agree with you. And it makes me think about what you said a few minutes ago about health and fitness.
you You put the two things together. And very often I think that they're put together, ah it's health and well-being, health and fitness. They're put together without actually really connecting.
If you are fitter, the chances are you will be healthier. And as you get older...

Social Influences on Fitness

When we're when we're younger, we we can be fit and unhealthy. Yeah, ah you can live to a grand old age of whatever. But if you're not healthy, there's no real fun in being a particular age.
Um, when we're younger, we can be unhealthy, you know, we can be healthy and unfit. Yes. And it it doesn't seem to impact our overall quality of our lives too much.
But as we get older, the ability to offset one against the other goes away. And so if you're not fit, you're, you're not going to live a complete life.
And if you can't live a complete life, you're not going to be healthy. So if you're not able to move around and do the things, your body is going to start shutting things down. That's, that's just the way it works. It doesn't need this. It's not going to use this.
And so we, we have to use our bodies. We have to look at our health. And, and again, it's a part of machine. So, you know, you You really want to put the time and effort in to understand what you need out of that machine so that you're developing the things that you need. Like if you know that you have a propensity for obesity, ah then we've got to watch our nutrition a little bit better than maybe someone who doesn't.
But at the same time, it's it's available to you. It's not like this is impossible. It's hard, but it's not impossible. Yeah, I understand what you mean about things being hard, being difficult, but it's not impossible.
And I also understand what you mean about saying that the stumbling block, the obstacle, the biggest obstacle that we face is very often ourselves. But I'm also very aware of vast amount of advertising and media messages and messages from people that we associate with friends, family, neighbors, work colleagues, all sorts of different people who are giving us the messages by their actions that mean, well, actually, it's okay to...
to eat an unhealthy meal it's okay to have an unhealthy lifestyle because that's what everybody does it's almost like it's inevitable that you're going to get fat it's inevitable that you'll be won't be as fit as you as you used to be and when you're operating in a climate where you want to do something but everybody around you is doing something else that is but that's that's real big obstacle That's about being brave for yourself.
but My mom would say this occasionally. I um i think and if if every mother didn't say this, they probably should have. If such and such jumped off of a bridge, would you do it too? Oh, we all heard that

Mindset's Role in Overcoming Obesity

haven't we?
Yeah, like when we're a kid, we want to do something. well, your friend jumped off a bridge, would you do it? And at the time, it didn't make a lot of sense for us. Like, well, yeah, if Joey jumped off the bridge, I'd probably jump off the bridge too.
Well, here's what's happening right now in the world. Everybody's jumping off the bridge. Everybody. There are a billion obese people on this planet. Now to compare and contrast that, there's also a billion people on this planet that are starving.
So on this planet, just over 8 million people, we have a billion of them that are starving and we have a billion of them that are overfed. Now I say overfed because they are malnourished.
They're not getting the nutrition they need. but they're overfed. So you literally have 2 billion people on this planet that are malnourished and they're just choosing the way they get there. That's, it's quite a statistic really, isn't it?
And it goes back to that idea that the mindset is the most important thing to get right from the start. That you can be one of the two billion yeah obese people who are malnourished, or you can can tell yourself that you're going to follow a healthier diet.
You're going to not be malnourished. You're going to end up with a healthier body shape, is capable of doing more. But you have to have the right mindset for that. Yeah, again, this is about, you know, it's it's interesting because i I also coach a little bit of a business coaching. and We were talking about copywriting the other day, and I asked them if they knew what the hero's journey is. And it's kind of this story ah line that most major movies, most major books, are a storyline of the hero and the hero's journey and they go the things they go through.
And i was I was explaining how that is valuable in copywriting. But the reality of it is it's it's valuable in a lot of places. And one place that's not talked about at all is in our lives.
Okay. um We all want to be passive bystanders. we want We want to be the mentor. We want we want to be Yoda. um But we can't be the mentor in our own lives. We have to step up and be the hero.
Cause there's nobody else to do it. Yeah. You know, we have to take this one, you know, it's like, there's this whole back and forth that we talk about, you know, that they talk about in the hero's journey of where they questioned the task, the quest, they don't want to do it and they're backing out.
um And I think we've backed out that this is our body. This is our life. So that really wasn't an option, but we chose it. Yes, I see what you mean.
we either decide to fit in and follow the same path as the people around us. So if we are the outsiders, shall we say, lots of our neighbors, our work colleagues are getting involved in activities that are related to fitness, which are they're viewing as part of their health,
management routine, then we will feel more motivated to do the same sort of things. If we're surrounded by people who are happy to slouch in front of the TV every night and eat junk food, food that is not balanced, results in a an unbalanced diet and malnutrition, like you say, the 1 billion people who are obese but actually are not receiving the right type of diet.
then that is the, pi that is the group of people we will feel compelled to almost emulate. It's, you have to choose who you hang out. Yeah. It's Jim Rohn all over again. It's like, you're the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. Yes.
And you know, there's going to be people you, you can't get out of your life. They just, they are, but you have other choices. and And so to say, you know, well, one, i this is what everybody's doing. I'm going to do it.
Well, then you get what they get. And that's unfortunate. and But you have this option. And if you're listening right now, you want this option. And the option is, and it's, again, coolest thing in the world.
If you give your body what it needs, it will heal. It will get stronger. It will get better. And so you're you're not out of the game. If you're if you're in your 40s and you think, oh, um it's over. It's not over.
It's not even close to over. So you have a huge opportunity if you surround yourself with the right people and you do the right things. Yes. You talked about various different people that you've helped to lose weight and get into the fitness habit, which has then improved their health.
And i'm wondering, there are obviously going to be core things that are standard to people, but how standard can you be? Could you pick up a diet and an exercise routine from a magazine and just run with it?
Or yeah what how do you increase the chances of your success in this?

Accountability in Fitness Motivation

Well, the the problem most of us have as we kind of look at this stuff is that we we don't set ourselves up. So like you know I said earlier, the most important important muscle is going to be your brain, your willpower, your your mindset, all of those things.
Too many times we think motivation is just this force. So we make the decision, I'm going to get started on Monday. Nobody gets started on Wednesday. Everybody gets started on Monday. But we're going to start on Monday.
And then by two weeks or three weeks, that motivation we had is gone. And that's because we think it's a force. We don't recognize what it really is. And motivation comes from doing.
So for most people, the first thing they need is accountability. Right? We talked about surrounding yourself with good people. Find yourself a coach that will hold you accountable.
Accountability is outside of you, but it's the easiest, fastest way to get some motivation going. Because your coach is going to be there, the coach is going to ask you to do something, you're probably going to do it.
If your friends are there, people are there, you're probably going to show up. So accountability is an awesome way to get started. But over time, you're going to want to shift this over to self-efficacy.
How does a good personal trainer hold someone accountable? Well, there's there's two core ways, typically. One is they're going to be in the gym and they're going to show up.
Your workout time is five o'clock in the morning. That's all they had available. You sign up for their five o'clock slot. So you're doing Tuesday, Friday at five o'clock in the morning and you show up and do your workout.
And for at least two hours of that week, you did exactly what you needed to do to help yourself. Now there's another 166 hours and I don't know what you did with those time, but Most people who do start a workout regimen do start eating a little better and they start seeing improvement. So there is that. You will do better.
ah When you work with a coach that's online like me that works a little bit more holistically, I'm available to connect with anytime. I'll be checking on you all the time.
So you'll have workouts, you'll have your nutrition plan. We'll talk about sleep. We'll talk about stress. And so as, as a reality goes, each of the things you tell me you want to accomplish, I want to make sure I go to bed by 10 o'clock at night.
I want to make sure I'm drinking a certain amount of water. i want to make sure I'm walking at X number of steps per day. All those things we can track and I can hold you accountable to.
So, the The range of what you can do with a personal trainer or a coach is is pretty diverse. It can go all the way across to just, I'm there for two hours, your two hours, and that's it.
Or I'm there through almost all of it based on what you want to accomplish. So if you find the right coach, you have someone who's more of a holistic health coach versus someone who's just the personal trainer that's going to meet you in the gym for two hours.
They're two different things, but they both provide some level accountability It's really just the amount of accountability you need to get started and get moving. And I suppose there's many ways that last part to get started and keep moving so that the exercise, the fitness related activities, whether that's sleep, diet, exercise, whatever it is, become the norm, habit yeah the the way in which you live. So it's helping you get started on a lifestyle change.

Habits and Identity Transformation

That's exactly it. So as you shift over into what I call, what's called self-efficacy. So that intrinsic, that internal piece of motivation, you're, you're putting the structures in place. You're building the habits and values.
And here's the cool thing. Once you start doing that, you begin to build an identity associated with that identity. A perfect example, easiest example I can give you would be ah someone decides I'm going to start walking 30 minutes each afternoon.
They start walking to make sure that they're accountable. They go with a friend. After a while, they get comfortable with the walk and they decide, well, let's let's add jogs. So we're going to jog to the fence post, jog to the stop sign.
And so now you're adding these little jogs. After a period of time, you come back and you say, look, i um let's let's go ahead and and sign up for So the two of you sign up for a 5K.
You really enjoyed the event. You do a great job. You get your T-shirt, you know, and you're, hot and, and, and you're really enjoyed it. And now you're going to sign up for another one. You're buying, you're buying the shoes, you're buying the water bottles.
And now you think of yourself as a runner. Oh, I am sitting here with this huge, great big grin on my face. You are describing exactly what Jasmine, one of the coaches, personal trainers at the gym that I go to, true personal training in Weatherby, did with me when she decided were launching a running club, Michael. Well, are you going to join?
And it felt like an instruction. So I joined the running club and then it's like, I'm terrible. Really, I am terrible. But... exactly what you have just said is exactly what she did with like, it's okay to walk run, just like, let's run to the next tree.
Let's run to that fence there. let's Let's run a little bit faster to the track the stop sign. Exactly what you have described is what she did with me. And now I love it. Right. And now you would you you somewhat identify as a runner.
And so when it's time, Oh, yes, definitely. Definitely. When it's time, what do you do? You don't even think. it's not there's There's not even a conscious, ah should I work out? Should I hit the should hit the snooze alarm?
the The answer is it's time for my run. Yes. And you just do it. And you get all the gear. You get the right type of shoes, the right type of shorts, the right type of vest.
Yeah, you do it. It's worse than golf. now And now, do you need motivation to go out for a run?
And not as much as I used to. No, you just do it. It's like it's what you do. So as we start thinking about health and fitness and the things we want to change, we probably do need some accountability on the front end to get us going because it's really hard to do internally.
But once we get it going, now we can start putting these things in place. It's like, okay, my running club meets at 6 o'clock in the evening on Tuesdays. So the question is, how do I free up my evening energy?
to be available to do the run club. So you start rescheduling things. You get all things organized. You have your your shoes and your shorts and everything already packed up and ready to go. So when it's time to go ah to the run, you're already ready. You're there.
And so we we do those things. And then the habits of doing it, the habits of enjoying it, then over time, we're able to step in and And basically we begin to identify. And this works across all of it. if If you looked at the way you're eating and you said, I want to eat more whole food, you would then eventually identify as someone who eats whole food and doesn't eat the crap.
You know, maybe you're the guy who used to go to the pub and have a few beers with your friends. And now you realize that's not serving you. So you decide you're going to stop being the guy who goes to the pub and drinks all the beers.
And instead, you're going to go for a run.
Exactly right. I can't can't deny it. You are exactly right. I am now quite the runner as a result ah a result of just getting involved, being supported in those early stages, and then building confidence and technique and getting it right.
It's brilliant. Thank you very much. It's been great talking to you today, Alan. Thank you very much for um spending some time with me today, Alan. Really do appreciate it.

Finding '40 Plus Fitness' and Services

Where can people find out more information about you and the coaching that you offer?
Well, 40 Plus Fitness podcast is available right where you're listening to this wonderful podcast. So you can just go into the same app, look up 40 Plus Fitness, and there we are. I've been doing it now for almost nine years. So there's a lot of episodes for you to catch up on.
ah You won't run out of stuff to listen to there. ah As far as my training, you can go to That's
s dot com And you can find all the things I'm doing there with my training online. That's brilliant. Thank you very much. Really do appreciate it. Thank you, Michael. I've enjoyed this.
Thank you. I am Michael Millward, the Managing Director of Abbasida. And in this episode of Fit For My Age, I have been having a conversation with Alan Mishner, the 40 plus fitness guy.
And you can also find out more about both of us at There is a link to Alan's website in the description. I would like to thank the team at for introducing me to Alan.

Podcast Conclusion and Resources

If you are a podcaster looking for interesting guests, or if you like Alan have something very interesting to say, is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made.
As Alan said, if you're looking for a date, there is another form of matchmaker, but there is a link to and an offer code in the description. At Fit for My Age, our aim is proactive positive aging.
Knowing the risks early is an important part of maintaining good health. That is why we recommend the annual health test from York Test. York Test provide an assessment of 39 different health markers, including cholesterol, diabetes, vitamin D, vitamin B12, liver function, iron deficiency, and a full blood count.
The annual health test is conducted by an experienced lobotomist, who will complete a full blood draw at your home or workplace. Hospital standard tests are carried out in an accredited laboratory.
You can access your easy to understand results and guidance to help you make effective lifestyle changes anytime via your secure personal wellness hub. There is a link and a discount code in the description.
The description with all of those discounts is going to be well worth reading. If you've liked this episode of Fit For My Age, please give it a like and download it so that you can listen anytime, anywhere.
To make sure you don't miss out on future episodes, please subscribe. Remember, the aim of all the podcasts produced by Abbasida is not to tell you what to think, but we do hope to make you think.
Until the next episode of Fit For My Age, thank you for listening and goodbye.