Fit For My Age

This is how Fit For My Age started. I was, and still am a middle-aged man who seemed to have all of the bad things that can happen to a man of my age, happen to me in a very short space of time. Or at least it felt like it!

I am sure that I am not alone in having a wake-up call type of experience. If we are lucky it happens to every man and every woman. I decided to heed the call and improve my lifestyle.

Fit For My Age is a record of my attempts to learn the things that I wish I had known earlier in life. The sort of things that may have helped me avoid or better manage the ageing process. So, I might sound as if I am saying, I wish I’d known then what I know now!

Mine will not be the only voice that you hear. I will be talking to a wide range of experts and may even be able to persuade some of the personal trainers that I have worked with to join me every so often.

What I do hope is that by sharing the knowledge I gain and the experiences that I have had you will also discover ways in which you can improve your physical health and your mental wellbeing.

You never know, a little knowledge may mean that we can, regardless of our age, all be able to say that we are Fit For My Age!

Please contact me with any questions, feedback, or content suggestions via the website.

Thank you.