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VOL 3 CH 34 | 12 Inches Wide feat. Zach Cipriano image

VOL 3 CH 34 | 12 Inches Wide feat. Zach Cipriano

S3 E34 · Fandames with Parks & Nebula
96 Plays8 months ago

Are you ready to laugh, talk to therapy puppets, and discover ethereal appendages? Enter this week's sleepover guest: voice actor, audio producer, and recently viral TikTok-er Zach Cipriano! 

Check out Zach's voice talents in the pilot for SPICE FRONTIER here!

Zach's website can be found at and follow him @producerzach on Instagram!

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Introduction of Hosts and Guest

Um, welcome back to the sleepover podcast. I finally get to do the intro. This is fan names with parks and Nebula. I am parks and Nebula is over there. Uh, but we have a guest today. Would you like to introduce yourself to our podcast, please? Uh, yeah. Hi everyone. I'm Zach. Wow. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do more preamble or not. I'm sorry. You can hit that random. Do you want to tell us what you do? Just so other people can get Yeah, absolutely. So my name is Zach. I am a content creator and producer. I mostly help a lot of other people get their projects off the ground, and I'm also a voice actor. I feel like that's a really humble way to be like, hey, I've worked with all these big name companies. You've probably heard my voice before in these ads, like Fitbit and Chipotle. I could do more of an asshole introduction, if that's better. Yeah, be an asshole if you want, Zach. Hello, peasants.
It is I, my name is Zach, and I'll just answer the question that's on everyone's mind, 12 inches wide. Like flat, like a t-shirt or? Like a plate, ma'am. because dinner is always served. Oh, dude. And that's the end of the podcast. Good night, everybody. bye That's it. Time for me to sound like an asshole.

Pronunciation of Zach's Last Name

Your last name. Is it Kipryono?
It is Cipriano. Cipriano. It's supposed to be Cipriano, but ah where it's been very Americanized now. OK. Cipriano. Man, i felt I thought I was going to be so good at that and be like, I'm going to pronounce it right because I pronounced Chris Savage wrong. And I'm like, it's got to be Cipriano, right? Like, it's got to be like... No. No. Even I knew that. i'm i'm too free I'm too... That's not the worst. That's not the worst I've had. that is What is the worst you've had on that? ah Super piano. What? Yeah. That should be your, like, hinged profile name. is Super piano. Yeah. Throw that one on there everywhere. it were it Yeah, it works 100% of the time. And also, I mean, so many people will just look at it and see all the vowels, and they're like, Zach? C. Zach C? Leave it like that. Yeah, but there's so many Zachs now that like me and the other guy were like, mm-hmm.
ah so Let's see here, I've got cappuccino, dicaprio, cappin, cappin, cappinsano, people just throw consonants in there. You see what sticks? Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you have some people who are very much like, ah, achibriano! I'm like, this is a Papa John's, what are you doing? Now, do you love or hate those people? I hate all people, equally, the same. but So that answers that. Uh, I, you know what? Anytime somebody tries, I appreciate it. I don't, I don't have like- At least you're being perceived and acknowledged in some way. That's right. At least they're saying my name, but they're not like Zach Dickfuck. And I'm like, Oh, that's me. I'm Dickfuck two thumbs. 12 inches wide. Zach Dickfuck. It's a family name. We're all very proud. It was my grandmother and my grandmother before her.
I'm obsessed with that now. I wish we could call this episode, dick fuck. And now I'm upset. We'll get demonetized. Do it. Be brave. No, Spotify will demonetize us. They're so sensitive. That you can call it... 12 inches wide is is a really good contender.
Oh, gosh.

Story of How Zach and Parker Met

That's incredible. Well, Zach, how did you meet our lovely co-host, Parker? How did we meet, Parker? ah I was four shots in. He was with Stefan, who is a good friend of mine, and Gavin's Siobhan's. Oh, Stefan's the lovely person. I've known Stefan for a long time. He's done panels at FanX, which I think you've done some with him, Zach. Correct, yeah. But we all know each other through that together. And they had a panel together at Level Up. But um there was one point where we, our friend group had two different booths that they were going between at the after party and a bunch of weirdos started to come to the other booth that was up top. um So I was like, I need some people to come stand here so we don't have random people trying to sit at the paid for booth. So I asked to Fawn.
Stefan brought all of his people to come stand in front of the fucking booth So we didn't have there's this weird older man in a suit who was like Insisting he wanted to sit there, but and I thought I look very nice. No, you look nice You're right, but I needed someone to be like get this fucking dude out of here. Can you look busy? um So Stefan came with me and he's like the minute you tell us to go we're gone. I'm like, thanks, bro. So we all were standing in front of the booth that some other people have paid for you I don't know if I would have named drop them on the pod just cuz you know No, it was a big group. Um, but yeah, so I was like come stand here So I was there and everyone came in I went to go do a shot and buy a drink because it was Calvin's birthday that weekend That's why I danced on Calvin. That's why you dance all coming to and you thought You bought him a shot you bought him a shot too
Well, of course, it was his birthday. Yeah, yeah. So I go and do like three drinks, because yeah I buy Calvin the first round, and then Gavin buys him the second round, so we do two shots back to back, and then I get a third drink, and then I come back to the table, and I'm like, hey, like, Zach, I know you from, um like, because they did a video together that went semi viral, Staphon and Zach, um and my first words were like, Gavin's super jealous that you hit on Staphon. Staphon hit on me. Yeah, true. But yeah Gavin is in love with Stefani. Every time he sees Stefani, he picks him up and spins him around every time.
Oh, I can't blame you. He's a very pick-upable man. He's a very pick-upable man. He looks bigger than he is, but with all that gymnastics he does, he's picking right up. No, he's lean. He's all lean muscle. Yeah. Yeah. He's like a chicken. So that's my opening line. I'm really drunk. And I'm like, I admire your work, because I know you do some fun stuff. I have a podcast, if you ever want to come on it. And then I have him type in his number. I try to send the text with our screenshot of our Spotify. But the bar is so crowded, my data's not good. And I just forget about it. And that was the text. And then I see him again when we're outside and I'm throwing up. And that's it. ah And then I forgot to respond to that text because I was so injured after level up that I just forgot kind of everything because I was ready to fall into a coma. And I was looking through my text receipts and stuff and he was also coming up as my mutual friend on Facebook. is was like
Oh, I should probably respond to that. I should follow up on that text that I sent. Oopsies. And then I did it. And when here we are. OK, see, I didn't know any of the preamble about ah the Willy Wonka and the suit and like anything like that. Stefan literally was just like like like grabbed my shirt and like we're going over here and I'm like a puppy. I'm like, oh, yeah.
And then I was there. Yeah. Stefano and I have known each other since I was like 19 years old. Cause we used to, um, he was in one of the groups I would cosplay with a lot. Um, he's actually in like the big avatar shoot that I did. He's the ang cosplayer in that. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. So I've known Stefan for a very, very long time. So him coming to save my ass at the booth was great. i not only yeah Yeah. He is a, he is a salt of the earth person loves to find so talented. One of the most cool dudes. He's a real, he's a real one. He sounds like a real one. I'm kind of disappointed. I haven't met him yet. You probably have and just don't know it. Is he based out of Salt Lake? He, yeah, not in Salt Lake. More or less. He can drive up here. Yeah. Okay. All right. Are you based in Salt Lake? I'm based in Salt Lake, yeah. She's not. No. I am from Oklahoma.
but That's why she couldn't anticipate how to say your last name. Oh, they yeah southern that's true. the the um the The education standards in the South, I totally understand. Hey. Hey. Not Oklahoma, the South. The South. south Not Oklahoma, the south South. I said the South. Yeah, but south i I beat the statistic. I got a college degree. You're built different.
It is from an agriculture school and a land grant school, but we're not going to talk about that. But what's your degree in? Entrepreneurship. Oh, that's a degree. That's a degree. they agree and What is your degree in? Communications, which is the least bachelor's degree you can possibly get. Just to say you took like 70 classes that didn't line up with anything. my My fiance's brother just graduated this past Saturday with a degree in strategic communications. You guys went to school for building blocks.
We're just proud that he finished, you guys. i'm proud ah you know i'm I'm proud of anybody who finishes college. Yeah, for fucking real, dude. I'm throwing stones when I'm a dropout. I'm proud of i'm proud of anyone who drops out of college. Thank you. yeah I had a good reason, okay? I had a good reason. I was a full ride medical school nursing school student. I was great. I was perfect until I wasn't, so I'm allowed to make fun of communications degrees. Oh, anybody can make fun of communications degrees. That's what that's the point of communications. Yeah, yeah that's how do you communicate yeah everyone needed a punching bag in college. and it And it's like you can't you can't go after like, you can't go after like liberal arts, or, or any, you know, of the histories or like women's studies, like you you can't punch down. But communications,
free fucking game. Let's go. Our punching bag at the university I went to was the, oh, what was it called? It was sports medicine. That's what it was. That's an important field sort of. If they choose to not go, thekiniess kinis all ok Can aesthetics are out? Then it's not okay. but It's really important in a field if that's what you're going to invest in. Half those people do not. know To do that as your undergraduate degree um was a lot of like, i nothing I'm tracking how many calories my football player roommate ate this week. And then that's going to get me 10 credit hours. You're like, what? This degree sounds so easy. Yeah, it kind of is. Unless you're using it in like occupational therapy or like actual medicine, it doesn't really matter that much. Yeah, at the underground level, it's a joke. Yeah. um That's how the University of Utah talks about business students. That's how everyone everyone talks about business. I know, but especially at the University of Utah, they let anyone in there. Their building is the nicest building on the entire property for some reason, because business puts money back into it. Because business puts business, yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's um um but all crayon eating over there, nothing good. Sounds like you bitches are jealous.
ah what what of your of your business of my business degree coloring in degree okay but hold on but hold on crayola has really upped their game as far as like taste goes right They've really improved their formula. because Well, for a long time, you know they were they were like they were the very top, right? And so they're like, oh, we don't need to innovate. We don't need to try, right? And then all of a sudden, these new crayon companies start coming out, and they're trying new things with their flavors. And so Crayola, you know they were just they just plateaued for a while, but they're they're back on the peak. They are fantastic. um Real partial to like the candy reds myself, but I know a lot of them. Oh, oh.
andt oh Perfect on a summer day. The Seafoam Green, Seafoam Green is where it's at for me. Ugh, okay. Well Zach, if you ever want merch, I'm an artist and do all of our channel art and all of our sticker designs and stuff, unless we commission out to artists that are in our community. Well that is good to know. Hit me up. Merch. If I need to start merging, I'll let you know. Great. um Our editor who makes pennies also makes some of our merch unpaid. so ah Lots of unpaid labor here. When the mood strikes him. When the mood strikes him. Sometimes he'll hear bits as we record them. He's like, I gotta to make this a sticker ASAP. And he'll just send it to us without letting us know he did it and now we have merch. fruit
Can't wait to see a 12-inch plate sticker all over. We're going to put your mustache right in the center of it. It's going to be great. It's a mustache dinner plate. I do love having a mustache. I do love having a mustache. It's great for summer. How long have you had a mustache for? um Birth, really? real Oh, wow. Yeah. Came out with the full. Yeah. doctors sally and jean This guy's going to be an asshole. And guess what? Does it work like a built-in pop filter? word ah Yeah, I haven't had a plosive in years. Nice. Yeah, it's an it's incredible. It's gonna be real great. No, how long have I had the mustache? Okay, so do you want it like a true history of

Zach's Journey in Voice Acting

my facial? it's it's like Well, it's like ah when did you like when did you realize you were a mustache guy, you know? yeah
like I don't know, like five years ago or something like that. It feels like people grow into it. We're like, I'm just going to be a mustache guy now or like a beard guy. I'll go back and forth between mustache and beard. It just depends. You never know. Yeah. You got a full beard? Oh, yeah. I got it. Like all the way down or like. Oh, no, no, not like that. I still got to show my jawline. I have. You got to keep the jaw. I get it. Yeah. Yeah. So I used to. This is the worst when I was in like early 20s. I just like a goatee. Mm hmm. Yes, that is the correct response, Nebula. Yeah, for those only just listening, I made a, ugh, kind of face. Yeah. And then you start growing up full beard, mostly out of laziness. I was like, this is great. And then one day at work, everyone's like, we're doing mustaches for March. And I was like, I'll try, but I don't think my wife will like it. And then I did it, and she divorced me. No! That was mostly because she was gay, but, you know, whatever. It doesn't matter.
yeah The mustache turned her gay, I'm so sorry. It's happened on both sides of the aisle, you know? It's fine. My mustache has done many things to many sexualities. You saw me in Vegas. The mustache changes, people. I get it. It's the mustache and the guns combo. e They're talking about arms, not not actual guns, guys. Yeah, no, i didn't I didn't. I wasn't like, hey, on the break, can I show you guys my Glock? My 12-inch wide Glock.
I didn't do that. How many barrels does that have? One per inch? It's just a plate. It's a circle. It goes all the way. Are we still talking about guns or about time was that a euphemism? Sorry, sorry. You said you're 12 inch guns wide. So I figured like rectangle box of a gun, like a shotgun with a double barrel. Like in Doom. Yeah. The BFG. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, that's where I was going. I didn't realize you weren't following me on that path. I wasn't, but I said BFG. That's the big friendly giant. Not a big friendly giant. I'm just going to assume you're right. It's the giant gun and doom. Give it about one sec. Let me type really hard into my mic. If only my fiancee were here, he could tell us. 97 or 2016.
it It is the BFG. It's the BFG 9000. They're both BFGs? Yes. Oh my gosh. gun and yeah It stands for big fucking gun. and bri Yeah. Okay. All right. So they're both. They're both. All right. Don't worry. yeah I was with you. I wasn't... Okay, cool. Yeah. So I have two BFGs. One of them's my gun and the other one's... Anyway, let's move on.
we lost it we we we That didn't work anyway,
anyway what are we talking about? I'm going to ask about your professional career now because that sounds like a great segue. I would love to talk about it. Super hard. Super hard. Okay. So I would love to hear about, you mentioned ah earlier, like when you're 13 or 14, that's when you kind of start to figure out who you're going to be for the rest of your life. So have you known since you were a child that you wanted to do voice acting or is it something that you just kind of fell into? Oh no, this is this is absolutely like the childhood dream, right? ah And I think it started off...
for me, ah very similarly to how a lot of people start off ah watching cartoons and just completely falling in love with characters, storylines, animation, and just being like, I want that. I want that so fucking badly. So ah started off with, you know, ah what all 13 year olds start off with, acting classes in middle school and high school, right? ah Did like local plays. Um, and I really did catch the bug. I loved, loved, loved acting. Um, but I kind of put that all away when I got married. Um, because, you know, all of a sudden i a sudden I was a man, I was a husband and I need to provide for my family and stuff. So I.
got like a job job. I started working in video production, and I was very successful in that. um And then the pandemic hit. And for a lot of people, you know, we're all stuck inside. We're all isolated. There's a lot of time to just kind of think about our thoughts and ourselves. And I just I realized I couldn't um I couldn't put off living this dream anymore. So i I started taking the steps that I needed to do in order to get into voice acting and I haven't looked back. That's incredible. And so you do this full time, full time. I do it.
Well, I do it part-time. um I do voice acting, on-screen acting, um and then, like I said, a lot of content creation. I'm also a professional ghostwriter, and so I will help other people write their books, and ah that's extremely lucrative, so I will keep doing that for a while. Oh, okay.

Ghostwriting Career

I'm yeah very intrigued by that. I would love to hear. Are you allowed to say what you've written for? i'm ah I'm allowed to say what ah the kinds of books I've written, but I don't wanna be like, because the whole point of ghost writing is like, right? Yeah, yeah yeah yeah that's that's like, my name doesn't appear in any of the books that I've technically published, pages yeah which is kind of interesting, right? So ah right now I'm working on a really cool guy's book. He's owned a lot of businesses, so it's just kind of a business.
ah slash life story kind of book. um Also ah talk writing ah an expose of an ex marine, which is very interesting. Writing autobiographies. So yeah, we just had normal biography at that point. ah and Well, we lie a little bit. I write it in first person. You write it like you're speaking through them, I get it. That's where the acting comes in, obviously. That's where the acting comes in. Script analysis, character reading. Perfect, perfect. ah Yeah. um But with voice acting, a lot of what I do is commercials, ah which is not what I anticipated would happen when I got into the biz, because you know everybody everybody wants to be a cartoon, right?
And I've done some animation which has been very fun um and I have some projects coming out there I'm very excited about but for anybody who wants to get into voice acting commercials is where the money is you think about How many animated shows get produced a year? Versus how many commercials get produced a year. I mean the numbers don't even compare Right. And I bet now it's become more lucrative with like podcasting advertisements because now they're getting those like soundbite advertisements and commercials that are all just audio based. You don't have to do the on screen acting for it anymore. That's awesome. Yeah. So there's so many, there are so many commercials out there that I've done that I've just never even heard.
You know, ah because because you do it, you record it, the sound engineer takes it, they get with the client, they put it, run it through six months and some podcasts and maybe you hear it and maybe you don't. And if they choose to run it again, you get a random check in the mail like two years later because they decided to keep going. It's awesome. Basically. Yeah. So that's kind of exciting. Yeah. So um so I've had the chance to work with um some pretty big companies with like Anheuser-Busch and Chipotle. um And i what was the one I just did? Oh, I can't talk about the one I just did. And um and NDAs, we love them. And but then I've also done so many commercials for
companies we never like I just did one for the Energy Commission for New Jersey. Oh nice. and i Yeah and I played a place I've never been a company no one has ever heard of. I've done some for us like some hospitals in Fort Worth. There is so much work out there if you know where to find it. Yeah. um able I asked this to everyone were you able to bypass the hell of doing audiobooks? Yes, I've never I've never done an audiobook in my life um gravity Anyone who enjoyed doing an audiobook because just the way that they're treated is so bad
Unless you're like, I mean, they're like in the top 1% of audiobook readers, right? Like you got like Michael Kramer, who does all of the Brandon Sanderson books, right? I mean, or that guy's that guy's doing very well for himself. That guy's like a celebrity in the audiobook world. But yeah, everyone else I hear just is like dirt and dregs, and I don't want to do it. Yeah, getting paid like $10 to edit and record for 12. Like, okay. Yeah. Not worth it. I'm glad you bypassed byspass that.

Valuing Creative Work and Contracts

Well, that and a lot of that came down to in my previous life, I did a lot of like contract work as a video producer. Yeah. And so I learned how to track my time, how to ah charge the appropriate amount. Like this is something that a lot of creatives I think we fall short on is knowing our worth. Yeah.
Um, but I, I just had a lot of practice with that. And so I know monetarily and like emotionally, we just don't know. Don't ask me about that. I've never charged of labor in my life because I don't know how. Oh, you got to start charging labor. It's the best. One of my favorite things in the world. This this is why you have to go to business school guys. see know I'm going to go eat some crayons. I'm so mad. i I'm not gonna pay them 50,000 to eat some crayons and they tell me you should charge $30 an hour for your work I don't I don't need that you should be charging $50 charging them $200 an hour for me to sit here and be told not like to charge money like thank you idiot See, but they know they're worth they're showing they're teaching by example This is very much a do as I do not as I say Yeah yeah
yeah know better Um, so, but yeah, I was able to just kind of figure out looking at, uh, the audio books, seeing like, okay, they're going to pay this much. And I know it's going to take me this many hours. I'm like, that's $10 an hour. That is not worth it. Yeah. licy For a, for ah a book written by a white man with strangely racial undertones. I'm like, you're not brave. Yeah, no thanks. Don't do it, buddy. Don't do it. I love your high fantasy book, where it's so clear the racial and real life motifs you're using. I wonder what those mean. Right. Or men who should never be allowed to write women, where it all just sounds like she breasted boobily down the stairs. and're like Oh, i I love a good boobily stare. We all do. Come on. She doesn't indulge in a boobily stare. Come on. There's a difference between a boobily stare and then a boobily book.
where That's the only thing okay book talk loves boobly books right now book talk loves boobly books Yeah, I want to get into boobly books, but the one that I just read was ah fourth wing I don't know if we have any fourth wing lovers on here not other then so Okay, that that's okay. It's okay. There's parts with the dragons I was like yeah, this is cool, but of course I did because I'm a boy with boy parts, so I like dragons and i know what and you're talking about And then but then just like this this girl the the the narrator She's just hold on. She's just like
Everyone around us was dying. The flames were eating my comrades, but all I could do was look at boy and smell his scent and want to taste his neck. And you're like- This is how I feel. This is how I feel. A bunch of my friends recommended me a guitar without warning me a single thing about it. And they're like, listen to the audio book. And then it's talking about dripping. Like, oh, I'm on a plane next to my mom, dude, stop.
I don't like to listen to audiobook smut anymore. ums Your mom leans over. She's like, I love this part.
ah No, um more more we should talk about how like the porn addiction in books sometimes because that's getting out of hand a little bit. Just read Chuck Tingle. i i um on um i'm on balling pin ting I'm a bowling a who's the bowling pin like... Demisexual and looking for love. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love owning satire books like the Chris Chan Sonichu documentary or um comic books. I don't think the tingle books are satire. I think they actually hold up a mirror to society. It forces us to look at our ugliest demons. no And imagine what it would be like to fuck a ghost bowling pin, which yeah I think is important. I think so too. These values are important. That's something that I think brings together the political divide, you know? It's the spice level on it. What's the spice? Well, it's a bowling pin that fucks butts, so you know. Yeah, you know. um Pretty mild. It's high school.
This reminds me of like the Quan Mills books. Have you had the displeasure of seeing people read those on TikTok? No. It's usually the author who does his own audiobooks. They're terrible. They're like ones like My Baby Mama is a Loser is the top one. Pregnant by My Granddaddy's Boyfriend is one. Oh no. Quan Mills does his own readings on TikTok. Wow are those some books there's old thought next door which is about a milky grandma. Yeah wait no tell me about that one I haven't fucking read it. I just know it I literally pulled him up on the side monitor to just be like which ones do I know? I like the sly little smirks that got when you said that he's like oh milky grandma Will she have cookies ready for me?
Go on to Quan Mills' TikTok page, and they're sponsored. He sponsors these videos. So even if I don't want to look, they'll just come up as branded content and be like, him reading the damn book. and it's But he's making money. He's making money from these, unfortunately. See, that is- He sold them for 99 cents on Amazon, and there's over 2,000 ratings on old.nextdoor. Like, he's he's getting paid. That's $2,000 for this shit-ass book. And that's what I'm saying. That's for all of us out there who are creatives and we're like, no one wants to hear what I have to say. There's room for you at the table. yeah If there's room for the old thought next door, there's room for you and your Harry Styles fan fiction that will one day become a movie with Anne Hathaway.
So true. For every creative that is like mildly good and is questioning themselves like, should I post it? Should I not? There's someone that is so much worse than you with so much more confidence that's already posted seven times and the time it took you to ask that question. So you just got to go for it. Do you want a reading of the Amazon description for old thought next door? Yes. Can we put a ah ah editor? What's your editor's name? ah ryan can you Ryan, can you put some smooth jazz over this part? Yeah, can you can you get us in the mood here? Thank you, Ryan.
Old Thought Next Door is indeed a long anticipated ratchet soap opera thriller by bestselling African-American urban fiction author, Kwon Mills. Meet Vernita Ernestine Washington, a feisty 76 year old woman who doesn't care what you think about her ways, especially for a woman her age. Yeah, she might be a senior citizen, but she'd be the first to tell you, age ain't nothing but a number. She's convinced the honeycomb between her legs doesn't taste a day older than 40. Don't let the gray hairs fool you now. A retired employee of the Illinois Department of Motor Vehicles, Mrs. Washington runs the mean.
cold streets of Chi-town, messing with all types of young thugs with multiple felonies. A widow for some time now, Vernita is determined to make up for her stale marriage. However, when a major health scare sets her back, she finds herself losing everything. Reality sets in that her time on Earth is about to come to a close. Now faced with a death sentence, Vernita seeks to live out her remaining days being the biggest old super freak. She gets her mojo back and begins living her life again. But a major surprising twist will throw her life into more unpredictable chaos. Read more in Old Thought Next Door.
thank god god um was beautiful um There's the Amazon page you can see the cover for it. oh great ah half stay helps to have the imagery i have to look
Oh great Wow that is not that woman her legs don't look attached to her body no why is your thought Next door she's so long Are either of those gentlemen on either side of her the author? No, Kwan Mills is the, I know exactly what Kwan Mills looks like because he has his face in his TikTok when he reads it here. This is a lot of free press for Mr. Mills. I don't know about it. He pays a lot of money on TikTok, okay? He's a weirdo. Oh, another award-winning book by Kwan Mills here. This hoe got roaches in her crib.
It sounds like an MTV show from like 1997. Oh, I'd watch that right after Flava Flav and right before. um My Baby Mama is a Loser is a four set series. A four set series? Yeah. How many children does he have with this loser? Pregnant by my mother's gay husband. So clearly he's not that gay. Yeah, hold up. Hey, hey, it's a spectrum. I know it's a spectrum, but like Kwang, you should understand. This hoe got roaches in his crib. The photo is really good for it. yeah Honestly, that one's $17. So expect that. I and didn't anticipate that this was the direction that this was. I know what I'm getting all of my grandparents for Christmas.
This hoe got roaches in her crib, man. This hoe got roaches in her crib. That's not a euphemism. That's not. she has like The photo is like a table that's held up by milk crates and is covered in roaches. She has bugs in her house. Yeah. It might actually be like a ah really biting like political satire of the socioeconomic differences that have been created by the racial injustices um that have been spurred on by our, ah you know, the white patriarchy. But I would never know.
here's ah Here's a review for this Ho-Got Roaches in her crib. um This book is a rollercoaster of emotions. The cons, typos, grammatical errors, and it gets worse once you get past page 100 and becomes really distracting. The pacing is seen sometimes repeat and chapters tend to either drag on or not dig deeper when things do you get interesting. The resolution feels rushed just to put a pretty bow on the loose end. However, this could have been avoided if the pacing was better. Frankly, pages were being wasted prior over repetitive information the art reader already knows. The pros, the characters. If you love them, you love them. When you hate them, you really hate them. Characters feel real, the situations they involve themselves in feel real, and everyone's compelling despite your feelings towards them. The plot? It's a real page-turner with a pacing strike. It's both entertaining, informative, and enlightening. Unfortunately for some, this is legit art imitating life.
that's what i I recommend this book it's a fun read but I wish the tone and conflict was more concise there's a moment in the book where things take a hard left and it's suddenly serious I understand it's a satire but that shift in tone was really off-putting because now I don't know what to feel I'll be honest I found out hold on sorry there's there's a shout out and for another podcast in this review because and and I'm not promoting someone awesome We're gonna promote this author, but not another podcast. I found out this book from a guy on a different podcast, and I bought the book three days later. If there's any animosity against this book or author, it's completely unwarranted. You don't need to love it, but it's a work of fiction based on reality. If you don't like this, then the change used to happen in real life. I'll buy another one of his books. What do you think the turn was? star Four stars. What do you think the turn was? I don't know, honestly. Like the wife. Maybe find love again. that Like the girl shows up, and she he's like, where you been? And she's like,
Oh, I was just at the Capitol on January 6th. What were you doing? I have a BA in Russian literature and this reminded me of poor folks or nameless nobody. Of course, it has the hood vibe and some wild stuff. But if you want to window into the troubles of a poor urban family, this is it. One of the characters is named Fred Quisha. Say that one more time. Fred Quisha. Slower. Fred Quisha. Backwards. We should rip. Thank you. Yeah, which is fine. I just, I don't know. This feels some parts of this as a satirical, whenever I read about it, it's like, are we, is this a caricature? What's going on? But Zach, I think you need to reach out to a quantum ask if you can do one of their audio books. All love and respect in my heart. Uh, I think there are words in there I can't read.
There's definitely words in there you cannot read. That's true. Because several of the titles have iterations of the N word in them. Yeah, yeah. So so that i'm not I'm not really trying to like emulate Quentin Tarantino here, you know? um So I'll probably just avoid that part. Throw your diamond. I didn't even bring up feet. That's a big deal for me. You could have brought feet. Whoa. I could have been a foot intro. Damn. That's what we were talking about when when the 12 inches, right? We were talking about feet. Yeah. two of Yeah, that's what the lights for. at Yeah, both my feet are very, very long, very wide um and perfect for entertaining guests. Can you pick stuff up with your toes or no? Is that off the table? It's a weird thing to ask someone Parker.
so and um We're gonna have a Tarzan off and see who can pick up the most shit with their toes. Yeah, and I'm pretty good at it. That's a whole other video thing that we have to do for Patreon. on That's our other podcast. I'm just not going to bring my damn foot up here. That's our other much more lucrative podcast. the one that you Yeah, that's the one that you get to pay $35 a month on my Patreon for. um Ha ha, funny joke. Just not funny joke. You want to talk about voice acting again? More than anything.
Would absolutely love to please. Yes. nebula Okay. So Zach, this very hard left turn, um, for context, because you said you started voice acting professionally about what five ish years ago. Is that right? Something like that. Yeah. So how old are you? If I may ask a hundred, no, give or take six, 67 years. They said a hundred give or take 67 years. Yeah. Okay, so I think that i like talking about starting your career in your like late 20s, early 30s is so important to people that want to get into creative um professions and any kind of like, even on the fringe of creativity in a professional sense, because so many people think they always missed their window or they they lost their chance or whatever, because they're not young enough for it. um
But what was your experience pivoting out of like a secure um day job? Corporate job, yeah. Into this? um
That's a great question. um I think you are right ah in that I absolutely had to fight the imposter syndrome. Because there are a lot of people in the industry who are younger than me, more talented than me, have more money than me, and it's so easy to look at that and just be like, i'm I missed it. There is no way I can get to where I want to go in as little time as I have left. But I don't have little time. you know We have crazy advances in medical technology. I'm not dying for a while.
Yeah, hopefully. Knock on wood. Right? There is so much time for us to pursue what we want to do creatively. But it was definitely a... I'm not gonna lie, like therapy was a big part of it. Like having a mental health professional that I trusted and who I could tell cared about me in a very professional way, you know, just... and give me that encouragement and help me get out of my head and realize that you're never too old to do something you love. Unless it's illegal. Don't do that, guys. And you shouldn't love it if it's illegal. Unless it's drugs. Because drugs should be legal. So you can love doing drugs, but not to the extent that maybe some people do drugs.
I'm noticing you, you're on like a timer of you could be professional in terms of how you respond about yourself for like two and a half minutes. And then you're like, Oh no, we gotta get a little, we have to stay silly. Uh, okay. Let me rewind. let me write Let me, let me actually, let me give you like a a real serious answer. Okay. So, um, I love, finding out how old people were when they did things. Like J.R.O. Tolkien was like 44. Thank God. When he published Lord of the Rings. And like, think about our lives without Lord of the Rings. Oh, yeah, damn. Can you imagine if just like he got out of the army and he was like, I'm just going to be a linguist, which he was.
um There's there is so much time to do what you want to do. um But I think there's also recognizing that sometimes it's just going to be really fucking hard. um Michael Rosenbaum, who played Lex Luthor on Smallville and has done quite a bit of voice acting, I think he was I think he was the Flash in some of the newer DC animated stuff. um But he was at a, I was in a panel of his once and somebody asked him, they were like, um
how do you, you know, how do you get an acting? How do you start a question that that everybody gets? And he had one of the best answers I've ever heard. And he was like, do something else. Wow. Unless it is the one thing that you have to do. then give it your all. He's like, for me, he's like, I wish I was just... an entrepreneur major. I wish I could just like go into sports medicine and just like do that thing. But there's something in me that wants to create that wants to tell stories that wants to act. And so I have to do it. And so and he put in the time he's a great actor. And he's a really cool dude.

Advice for Aspiring Creatives

And so um if you want to start voice acting, if you want to start acting, if you want to start creating, and you are from nothing,
And Stefan and I talk about this in our panel a lot. The first thing you should do is take a class is learn, educate yourself. ah The second thing you should do is make friends in the community. ah None of us succeed in a vacuum is one of my favorite things to say. um You'll see a lot of comedians especially like get famous together. And then you go back on YouTube and realize they were like friends for like 10 years and they did shitty improv basement shows for 20 years before that. Like we've all got to put in the work. There's a lot of noise. There's a lot of competition, but your voice is unique. Your voice is special. And there's room for you at the table.
oh chi but you made yeah You did it. something tilly ah um That's really incredible. and I think that's some of the best um like motivational advice we've had on the show so far is just, dude, just fucking fucking go for it if it's what you have to do. There's a ah defunct land tweet that is similar that he said, the only thing that I hate more than the filming process is not being a part of the filming process. Yes.
Absolutely speaks to creatives is the old the only thing you hate more than the creative process is not being involved in it. Yeah, it's so interesting as creatives how much we love our own demons. um But there is power and understanding that those demons more often than not. um And i I am excluding because I know everybody has different stories. And so, you know, I'm like i'm excluding, you know, very specific instances of abuse or hurt. I don't want to speak for everybody. But there's a lot of power in being able to recognize that
More of the not, our demons are part of us, and they are a part of us that are seeking validation.

Using Personal Challenges in Creativity

yeah um And sometimes that validation is in creating, sometimes it's in taking better care of ourselves, ah sometimes it's just, or it's in ah being more honest in our relationships, um but as creatives, like use your demons. You ever met a comedian who's not sad? We're all sad.
That's why we're funny. That's what i'm why we're funny. The trauma makes us funny. Like use use your use your demons ah because they are there to help you if you you take the time to understand them a little bit. And again, and that's all that's all therapy talk. And i'm I am not a licensed mental health professional by any stretch of the imagination. So don't quote me in court or anything like that. If you do something wrong, we don't condone it. We didn't say to do it. Yeah, everybody signed the waiver before listening to this podcast, right? We're all good. I'll put it in the description. Thank you. Your honor, Zach Cipriano said I could, so obviously it's fine. Why is that down? That motherfucker's put so many people in jail. We're going to catch him one of these days. He's too elusive. He slides around on his plate feet like he's fucking Frozone. It's incredible.
The county public defenders are sick of you. They hear them coming you down. Your mustache hypnotizes them every time they almost have you. Every single time, yeah. Every time. It feels like a worm when I need it to. It disappears. Yeah. Every time. All the time. Can I ask for your, um because we are an anime podcast. Sorry, I have a shark in hand. I've had it on my hand this whole time. Reveal the shark, reveal the shark. I want something on my hand. I've been trying. Okay, first. Oh no, he's running away. He's running away. I've been trying to use um just fidget toys, because sitting at my desk for a long time, like I try not to and don't want to move in my chair. So I'm like, I'll use a fidget toy. So I have a squishy cat, and I mutilated this thing. Hold on. This is like almost NSFW. But I was squishing this toy, and I was just kind of smacking it on my hand like this for a minute. But I was making noise. I'm like, OK, I can't do that. um I accidentally fucking like tore this thing up from the inside, um because I wasn't trying to. But you know it's now I've got a big hole in it. It's the shark.
Yeah well, yeah that ripped so I had to get my shark puppet out so I just had it on my hand the whole time. Let me see. I love him. Would you like a friend? Yeah. Ha! Holy shit. We're a big puppet household because anytime I do something, like not like I skip a meal on accident or I'm just not taking my pills, Gavin has a hand puppet and he'll fuck with me every time. he'll like if If I need to be scolded like I'm a child, the puppet comes out. It's a great way to scold old kids. I will bring a puppet around with me in case a kid is an asshole in public.
Whenever I've had to like unpack my trauma, um I'm not a ventriloquist, I'm just flapping along. But anytime we've had to like unpack some of my trauma, and it's like something I was so cool repressing, he'll bring out the puppet and do like the like, what are you doing? Like, though, why would you repress that like, um you put up with a lot like you were being abused in this way. And you were like, it's really funny to walk. Yeah, I record them and I send them to the group chat who knows my worst my worst qualities, and they're like, wow, you really did put up with that, huh? Hearing it from a puppet in the puppet voice is so humiliating. But now I'm in therapy again, so I don't need puppet time. Tell your therapist to bust out a therapist. Tell your therapist to bust out a therapist. I don't tell my therapist about it. Just bring your puppet. Gavin hasn't found the puppet since we've moved into our apartment. I know exactly where it is. He hasn't looked. Where do you hide?
Well, I'm not gonna say because I I want to do bad things. Yes Sometimes I want to eat a whole bag of Takis and like seven Slim Jims for lunch. and Do you ever want to be told girl dinner? That's girl dinner girl dinner. I don't want to be told I did wrong by doing that So the puppet is hidden but it's not really hidden. I've told him like ten times where it is He just doesn't look Zach, would you be such a dear and tell us about your experiences in terms of ah your vocal range and what that has been into? Yeah. So, um, Stefan, Stefan is the love of my life and he knows it. I know it. The internet now knows it. The video, it has over a million views and I'm like, that's dumb.
Uh, can you just, can you guys just let me know when people start drawing the fan fiction? I just want to know, I want to know what Stefan and I have discussed this and we know, but we want to know who the internet thinks is the top and who's the bottom. I have to like, let me look at a photo of him again. Hold on. You need to, I don't know. I want to know what the internet thinks. Stefan and I, Stefan and I actually have different opinions on it. So but Stefan and I are ah really great, really great ah collaborators. And we do ah we do panels in cons around the country teaching people how to get into voice acting. um And he has a much deeper, richer baritone than I do. I mean, this this guy's like a young Keith David, he sounds great.
One time we we did this panel and ah someone comes up to me afterwards and I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not trying to be mean. But they're like, hey, I have a question for you. And this is just where their voice was. They were younger and I was like, okay, talk to me. They're like, you have a high voice like me? And I stopped. I looked at Stefan and he just like dove away. He was not going to help me. um But I had a chance to talk to this kid and be like, sure, we have a right higher registered. So does a Ryan Reynolds or Aziz Ansari, right?
And it's still wanted in different industries and different commercials. So so use the uniqueness of your voice to your advantage. um It's not a problem if you have ah a different sounding voice. It's just a problem if you can't like speak and enunciate and act. And so ah no matter what your voice sounds like, I think there is a place for you behind the mic somewhere. um Yeah, I think. I love hearing that because I have dabbled with the idea of maybe doing voice acting and I asked our Discord server, what kind of characters would you want me to like provide my take on to see what you think? And they're like, oh, she go from Kim Possible or Rouge the Bat and all these like deep kind of sultry voices because I have a slightly deeper register for someone that's AFAB. And then I actually started trying to practice things and I can go way up here and that's really easy for me. And I can't do anything that's really.
You can do things that are really deep. Like you just said, you just practice going high. You just gotta to practice going low. She's been going high her whole life. She does hamster noises. She can do animal noises just fine. she High pitched is where she's at. when i allow When I laugh really hard, I can imitate a guinea pig perfectly. Oh, mine? Give me a moment and I will try this. I'm ready.
Yeah. So, you know, if you're ever working on something, you need a hamster reel. Thank you. oh I left my body for a second. That was really cool. Okay, okay. So, while I was away of fixing my mic, I did confer to figure out who would be on the top. I don't even think this part made it into the main. um The communication of who would be top, you or Staphon. I asked Gavin to be like, with you and Staphon, like, who's the top there? And he's like, ah it's it's power bottom Staphon is the answer. um It's like he can bend it backwards. He's a power bottom Stefan. So now the man can throw back Absolutely for those listening that are wondering with them ah that noise just was um, no, no, no, it's like four charms on her phone One of them broke. So it's just the shell of they're just they're just crinkling Around I can't even see my waves anymore. So I don't even know if they're picking up yeah take surero put that shit down I'm gonna get scolded for it. Um
Yeah. Power Bottom Saphon. Power Bottom Saphon. Don't tell him we recorded this. I will only send him like this one. The snippet? OK, OK. We'll make that one a TikTok so it can be followed up to your guys's. Oh my gosh. I cannot believe how viral that TikTok has been going. And I will. I am worried and so excited if anyone ever draws fan fiction. I hope to God someone draws fan fiction of you guys. I've had. I've had fan art drawn of me before, but not the kind of fan art that I think this TikTok is going to. She doesn't even have it as his pinned video, which is funny. I appreciate him putting his credits first, but this one is big. I have no context as to what TikTok is. I'm sending it to you right now on Discord. Okay. And I made this video just to promote our panel at level up it is it was just a silly thing I wrote it and we shot it together and This and it just took off It was way more than that. I I mean still 1 million is like a lot That's a lot for you guys being in love It's gonna Give her a moment while she
It's funny, it's a good TikTok. Gavin was jealous. Genuinely. Sorry, Gavin. I'll make one with Gavin. Yeah, he'll make one with you. He'll pick you up and spin you around too. I think he can pick you up at one point. This is awesome. don't- I need to remember- Leave the comments. People ship them really hard. I need to remember more from Vegas. You're like, this person picked you up. This- you- Yeah, you were drunk that night. It's okay. I was. I- Oh my god, there he goes. Yeah, one of the comments is, I had an uncle who was a voice actor in quotes, never got married and lived with his best friend for four years.
A voice actor. ah yeah yeah yep A lot of people are invested. Are you guys actually a couple? That's so cute. And Safaan said, yeah.
He's liking every single comment. It's like, you guys are such a real cute couple. Like, Stephon, are you egging this on? He responded like every single one. I was like, you, the dedication, my man. I'm proud of you. The dedication. There's a lot of comments on this. There's like, there's 907, but a lot of them, there's more than that. They're technically just flagged because they're like people tagging other people. Oh, the worst. That's a beautiful TikTok. I like that. Thank you so much. I think that should play before the vows. At our wedding? Every interracial gay wedding.
i agree be nice be really nice ki beautiful and we better be invited to the international or interracial gay onedding you guys have ah yeah absolutely yeah thank you thank you honest yeah We need something thats off to the side just to yeah need somebody to remember what I do at the after party Yeah, I guess not I'm so surprised and you woke up not hungover No, which was incredible. I felt so good when I woke up. Was there like a meal break when you left and you didn't know? Did you forget? No, but I do remember I did chug like a ton of water. Oh, not me. I do have pictures with people that I think are probably from your group. Probably. But I'm like, who is this person? I don't know. On the last night when we went to that Cosmo roof party, I guess I got cut out because we didn't talk about it, because Pokemon conversation never made it in.
Um, Nebula i after i my baby Charmander, i' get you the Cosmo party. I don't know about that one. Oh, it was just the party I went to with a number one Jigglypuff player ever. Oh yeah yeah. Um, the food that saved me was going to the Taco Bell Cantina at four in the morning. I did not know that moment was my last like brush with the Cantina like chicken menu before it would be gone forever. um Yeah, I came home, no more cancino menu, fuck that, fucked up. I really liked the cancino chicken quesadillas, because it was just a normal quesadilla, but with like. But with chicken. He's on the outside a little bit, that was melted, so it had a better texture to it. Oh, yum. Wow, I love that menu. um It's gone. So, that sucks, but it was. Must've moved more than Vegas. I know, it was the hottest quesadilla I've ever gotten from Taco Bell, though, and that really saved my life when I was drunk. Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch, um, on Taco Bell.
But no, you just drank a lot of water, got completely hungover free and then remember a single part of the night. No, I remember, I remember like, I remember pieces, right? But there's like key things that I don't remember. Like how I got that bruise on my leg, how I got money in my pants. I think you were giving lap dances, I want to be honest. Well, that would explain that. I guess I did all right then. Yeah, you walked away. $12 is a little cheap. I would have probably recommended like more of a charge, but you know, if it's a test. No, your words, Zach. We'd already talked about this. Eat your crayons and know your words. Go back to school for sports medicine. And then you'll understand. Finally make my dad proud. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at me. By counting calories a football player eats, like 10.
like ah like Just like watching one another man eats. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's your whole job. You write it down on a clipboard. They just basically go to school for mukbang ASMR. Yep. They call it sports medicine, but we really know what it is. My athlete ate a big smoothie and seven bowls of oatmeal. It was so delicious. I had to rub my erection through my pants. Sports medicine. I just felt my soul leave my body. That bitch is going to get cut out. fucking me say that and
put it in all the is why but we keep saying that well you can't else are we gonna talk about them putting buildings up That's my favorite bit right now is anytime something happens I'll be like I just rolled my erection in my pants Cuz it's funny cuz I don't have a dick so it's like, you know, it's obviously not a real erection It's not sexual harassment for me to say that to my friends. um But they hate it, like, ga stop, neb stop. but It's a fit. I'm saying it's a certain people. Don't give me the shark puppet. Those certain people are my boyfriend who says I have the the brain. I have the body of a cute girl, but the brain of a dirty old man. um Every time I say that phrase. But it's funny because I saw a Goku meme where it was like someone talking to the Goku character AI bot.
And they're like, Goku, I'm thinking about you. And then I said, like, asterisk, I rub my erection through my pants. Like, I roll it around in there. It's like, that's a funny-ass phrase. I'm going to keep it forever. Roll it around like it's a little walnut? No, like pushing it against like against your thigh, like repositioning it, like rolling it in your pants to reposition. All I all i imagine is just like like somebody like making a ball of Play-Doh. I get a little far when I start doing this. I don't want to say, like, I feel like, I'm the expert on on maybe this part more of you of this. Out of the three of us, yes. Yeah, so I think actually i I don't want to talk about it anymore.
This part's getting put in Patreon. I did it. I sealed it. This is the thing. I was like... It got too real for you. It's okay. That's why I had the exception. Nobody wants to hear a white guy talk about their dick. No, because then it's real. Like, it's a real thing you're talking about. It's not like an imaginary bit like when I do it because it's very clear I don't have a penis to talk about. I'm obviously not touching my penis. Spirit penis. Yeah, exactly. It's a bit penis. Yeah. When it comes to comedy, I'm allowed to have whatever I want. Ethereal Jizzhoes. Yes. I wish that one could be the Spotify title. That's the Patreon title. Fuck. Oh man, that one really got me.
This is not the one that we're going to attach to other voice actors when we refer our podcast. We're like, come talk to us. oh no but This is absolutely going to be the one we're like, do you want to laugh? Here you go. Here's our comedy podcast guy. You know when you're at a sleepover when you're a kid and it's like three o'clock in the morning, their parents have yelled at you twice to go to bed and you're laying there in the complete darkness and one of you just breathes and then you like both burst out laughing. That's the energy of this episode. That's what's happening. That's what's happening. Well, so especially exactly like ah sleepovers, so you like laying there, you just like talk about life and you're like, I don't think my dad has ever said he's proud of me. And then five minutes later, you're all,
Like there's no, and there's no real bridge between them. no um let's turn out and go like so and right Someone's whipped out the hand puppet. Hey, tell me more about your dad. Tell me more. Tell me about your fair. o Ooh. Rough spot. Not for me though. Not for me though. Yep. Not a good time. It's going to come in. Ooh. Oh no. That's yours. Oh. Bring the puppet out. Here we go. Hey, I'm going to be real honest with you guys. I didn't hear what Zach said. Talking about parental affairs. Parental affairs. I don't have that trauma, but I don't have that trauma. Rest in peace, people don't think you can pour one out. Well, admit I have that trauma. Oh, the therapy shark is out. You can talk about it. I don't care. My parents aren't going to listen to this. Every time I've said this. I should talk about the therapy shark.
I've said this on the podcast before, but it warrants repeating because I think it's so funny. um Every time my dad asks how our podcast is doing, he doesn't understand what it is fully. And so he goes, yeah, how's your blog? Like my what? How is your blog? You know, the one that you do and you like talk to people. How's your blog? Show him your Tumblr. No. that's something like no that's That's so sweet and innocent. He's doing his best. Yeah, it's great. Until then, the next thing he says is, well, just remember, there's always someone better than you. And I'm like, thanks, dad. Oh, no, that's no, that's it. That's that's healthy. You know, that's like that's hustle culture. That's keeping us in the game. The stigma grinds it. That's what I'm saying win win win win Remember don't want to be a fuck you want to be an alpha you want to be an alpha? Alphas like Lucario. Yeah, we know Alphas don't believe in the moon landing. Okay. Hey too real flat Sorry, that's lore about my dad that Parker knows but you don't Zach. So now you know yeah hardcore hardcore fake moon landing family in there and Not the family, just dad. Sorry. Every Southern father gets to pick one conspiracy. That's true. They all get one. One conspiracy theory to pick. That's why I make fun of him for it because everybody gets one here. Yeah.
Honestly, the most harmless one you could do, though, right? Because, yeah, there's definitely like QAnon or flatearers's vaccine has has a microchip in it that's ah killing my ghost dick. No, he got his COVID vaccines. He wore masks. He's he's smart. He's just a little stupid. and see what even the but Is it flat earth though or is he skipped that one? it's just the moonlight No, he doesn't believe in flat earth. who um he He just doesn't believe that the moon landing was real.
Okay. He gets one. Let them have it. They know that yeah we've sent stuff up there, right? like so We've been up there multiple times. Even the initial landing isn't real. We've been up there. so My dad is 67, I think. Your dad is- Something like that. like 10 years younger than my grandparents. He was 11 years old when the moon landing happened. So he got to watch it happen. And and he still doesn't believe that. And even when it was happening, he was like, this is bullshit. His entire life. No fucking way. simply looking He's looking at all of his peers like, ain't no women. This is stupid. Let's go to church. Yep.
I meant Zack. Let's go to church. This is stupid. If Jesus wanted us on the moon. Oh my god. He would've put a Dairy Queen up there. Fuck, I ruined my skeleton. The bit was too funny. His head ran off. um Oh, I thought you meant like you got s scoliosis also Talk about my scoliosis on the pod. I don't know what I don't know that I she did that not you oh I I'll just say things I need to be careful. oh You're fine. You can say whatever you want, but she is coming for me No, I'm the one that said she already got it. Yeah, fuck you. Oh nice. I'm not they don't need to brace me. I'm fine. I
yeah supports your scoliosis oh yeah for sure I'm better now bitch yeah I haven't been assessed for scoliosis since I was in seventh grade wait which one of us did you call bitch her You're fine. I feel excluded. You can be called a bitch, but I'm not meaning anything. I gotta do something bitch-worthy to get it, though. No, you can be a bitch. Which is crazy, because I said go stick. This is the third time, though. Yeah, you keep slipping it, like, just to see how it feels.
I have to flag this one as mature when I publish it. um you so Before we start recording, you're like, by the way, just say whatever you want. Well, you can. I just sometimes don't flag it. I don't think we have to flag it as mature. i'm not looking that You think Spotify is not going to listen to this one? I don't think Spotify is going to care. You said dick a lot and we're talking about Quam Mills fucking machines. They must be referring to Richard. Good old Nixon. I love Richard Nixon. I love that guy. If anyone, because I mentioned that my dad doesn't believe in the moon landing, we might actually get promoted on Spotify for it. That's really cool for us. um Oh shit. ah Stop breaking your skeleton friend.
Oh no. I think I got him at like a nickel-cade, honestly. So no real loss. I love nickel-cades. Me too. I hate that they swapped out nickels though. What's the whole point of the fucking thing? Did Nicholas Cage give you this skeleton? What is a nickel-cade? It's an arcade, but you pay in nickels. Like everything is a nickel for your tokens. All the games and everything, yeah. who but Sometimes it's more than one nickel, but it's all nickel-based token systems. But since COVID, it's now cards. I do really love a Nicolas Cage themed arcade. Right? I hope he's cashed in on that affair. Oh, he's probably he's cashed in on a lot. He was bankrupt for a while. He has like a glass pyramid in his backyard. He's returned to acting. He won't tell us, but that's why he's back acting again. Zach, I have a question for you. Hit me. Have you seen Willy's Wonderland?
No, but I've heard it's great. It's phenomenal. And if you like Nick Cage and arcades, go for it. I hear it is the far superior Five Nights at Freddy's movie. Yes, absolutely. um Nick Cage does not say a single word in that movie. And he better he still acts his fucking heart out. It is really good. Oh, he acts his heart out in everything he's in. The man does not know how to phone in a performance. And that's not always a good thing. I'm just saying. I watched Con Air for the first time recently and was like, oh my god, this is great. The hair? Beautiful. The accent? Whatever the hell it is. Why didn't we give him that accent?
yeah He gave it himself. I think the director was like, I think your voice is just fine. He was like, no, I won't be from Louisiana. I'm from Los Ana. Like like an interview with a vampire. OK, I want to stand like a stat. I think about doing accents and stuff is so fun, but I just get hired to do my voice all the time. What's your favorite accent to do? Oh, well the one I'm i'm probably best at is Scottish. All right. um Let's let our British editor hear that one.
Oh no, I don't want to do that. It's a very American. I'm just kidding.

Accents and Impressions Discussion

You can do it. No, it's okay. We made fun of the accent all the time. It basically, it basically sounds like David Tennant. So like in the, in the new DuckTales. So this is, so it's so right. It's nothing because you don't want to get all big and haggis. So no, it's just a bit so. And, um, the thing that I like about it is that not many people do a Scottish accent that is. Um, less exaggerated. And the other thing that I like about it is, um, girls really like it. nami You're right. i' bit hungry ducktails i like that i have been it is I've been on many dates where, um, uh, accents have been requested all the time, all the time. So that's that. And that'll happen. That'll happen to you as well. The thing that I want to get better at is impressions. I'm really good at almost impressions.
I like impressions, but my favorite impression is where you say the character's name and then don't do the impression. You just say- Oh, so when you're like, you're like, all right, so this is my Emma Thompson. Yep. Hey, it's me, Emma Thompson. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. Hitting it with the shitty New Yorker accent for every impression you're doing is my favorite form of bit comedy ever. Hey, it's me, Stuart Griffin. Love that one. What's the deuce, Lois? That's my favorite one. because then yeah Back when 2010s, 2013s, when like singing as character impressions were big, I hated those. I don't want to hear you sing like say ah whatever Sam Smith song as Stewie Griffin. I don't give a fuck. Some of those are really funny now, listening back to them. but Whereas 50 characters sing one song, and it goes from like Spongebob to every single Seth MacFarlane character.
Hey, but hold on. Hold on a second. Brian Hall, who was like the first guy that I saw, we got really famous off of this. He sang Let It Go to like 50 different Disney characters. Right. really And he was really good. Yeah. Like so a lot of them were really good. The latest Hotel Transylvania movie that came out for. Yeah. Which all of us saw. Right. yep big alter of away okay yeah Yeah. I love the other ones, but I haven't seen it. Though it's amend it's fine. If you've seen all three of them, you've seen the fourth one. OK, anyway, but the interesting thing about the fourth one is they didn't get Adam Sandler, which is so funny because it's his entire studio. Right. ever All of his other friends are still in it. You hate, dude. Why? what I don't know. He just was like, I don't want to do this anymore. Brian Hall is Dracula. Oh, and he sounds exactly like Adam Sandler. That's awesome.
Yeah, so it's one of those things where like impressions are an extremely ah valuable part of the actor's toolkit. Yeah, definitely. For me, my almost impressions, they create characters, right? They want someone who kind of sounds like Christopher Walken, but they don't want an exact one. So here we are, right? Yeah. Or they want, uh, almost. Will Shatner. They want something that's that's close to kind of create a character that's reminiscent of something. um But then there's other times where like having that voice matching is great. Like um ah Jess Harnell, who does- Oh, you mean who's held by the balls by the FanX contract? They don't even announce him anymore. He just shows up every year. He loves it, dude. He loves- Oh, he loves FanX, dude. He will never leave. I don't mean that in a derogatory, but I just like, you don't even have to fucking announce him as a guest. We know he's there.
No, he's just like come to hang out with his friends at this point. He loves it. Literally, yeah. it's um But he's done a lot of character matching in for big movies and stuff. So a lot of times, like in a movie, an actor might say a line, and they flub it just a little bit, or like the audio's bad, but if the take is perfect, they'll bring in a voice actor to just ADR over it. And he's told me a lot of like really famous actors and really famous lines that he has done. Wow, like it is his voice if I ever became an actor and then Jess Harnell dubbed over me I think I'd start like cry I'd have to like go to the back and just like well because you you're like ripping the sink shaking Nine times out of ten. Nobody ever knows that was my per big shot and they got just a fucking do it They told me it was fine to the take and then they made just fucking do it
Hey, you won your Oscar. You got all the cocaine you could ever want. Everything's fine. You got that's right. I didn't tell me until I made it to the product to the premiere. And that's not my voice is Jess's like fuck. Can you imagine just like the whole movie, though? It's like not your voice. Hey, it's me Parker. This is my real voice. Forget about it. like That's not me. I don't know how to say a lot of words like that. I would never enunciate that word in that accent. And it's just, uh, he nailed it though. He crushes it just as a funny guy.
He's a super, and very, very, very, very, very talented. um And he and I um have had the chance to talk a lot about voice acting. He's been gracious enough to like talk to me outside of the convention and and things like that. And there's a there's quite a few of the other voice actors that have done that. Okay, every single year, voice actors go out and do conventions, and every single time, people ask them, how do I get into voice acting, right? 99% of those people never do what the voice actors tell them to. Oh, definitely not in other words. I'll just keep asking every single person I know and then hopefully maybe one of them will like me so much in this interaction, they'll just boost me there. And that's, that is exactly what the thing is.

Challenges in Voice Acting

So the very, I talked to, I talked to a voice actor like at my very first fan X and I asked out cause I, I had been acting
Uh, my voice is good. Um, I, I've just had a little bit more training than just like your average person who wants to get in into voice acting. So I thought maybe this person could like hook me up here. So I asked, I was like, Hey, is there somebody that I could talk to or like send a demo to? And this person, he shut me down. He said, no, but if you go to this code, that's what yeah and he's like but if you go to this website which is a website that he made to help people get into voice acting he's like you can you can start there yeah there is I'm so glad you said that there is no cheat code to get into this it is a lot of work it is a lot of failure it is a lot of um
just being ghosted never hearing hearing anything back imposter syndrome imposter syndrome imposter syndrome imposter syndrome forget about it um prayer is a that's right you got it uh there's a lot of um feeling like you're never going to make it. And there's a lot of just like completely euphoric eyes. And then there's times you're just sick of it and you never ever want to do it again. But like that's just that's the game. that's And you got it anyway. You'll do it. you No one likes fucking working. No. so But you got to push through. yeah Like the job is not it's so cool when you book something. It's so cool. You but book something and it's even cooler when you get paid and it's even the coolest when you hear it.
But that's not the job. The job is auditioning. So get good at that. Yep. I think get good at losing it too. and get good Yeah, be gracious. Learn how to take criticism. Yes. A mantra that Parker and I have really adopted when trying to reach out to guests and professionals such as yourself for the show is the worst. Ghost dick. It's ghost dick. The worst they can say is no. Yeah. they I've had some really rude nose in my face sometimes. it's like But it's still a no, and that's the worst they can say, ultimately. No, I know. like it's That's what I try to to remind myself to fight that imposter syndrome and to keep going. It's like someone said, no, cool, move on, ask the the next person. the number one thing The number one book, I'll say.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

that has helped me um with my imposter syndrome is called The Four Agreements. And it's a very famous book, right? So many people have heard about this book. um But in it, it talks about as a society, we all make agreements and contracts and what, what, what with each other. um that's that's how That's how society works, right? I make an agreement with both of you. I am not going to murder or steal from you, right? Yeah. Thanks. Great. And I'm hoping you do the same for me? Maybe. Yeah, of course. Cool. Might steal. Cool, cool, cool. Don't eat anymore. I appreciate that. I appreciate that. Honestly, I appreciate the honesty. I am prepared now. um Me and my piranha plant. I always steal small things, so don't worry like too much. Just what she can fit in the shark puppet mouth. I didn't mean to look down.
I only steal small things. Self-reported. Self-reported. Anyway. Twelve inches wide, baby.
But this book talks about four agreements that we can make with ourselves to live a happy life. OK, the first one is, fuck, I forgot. All right. Great start. and look about Number four you think about number four think about no number four. I remember two three and four ah um fuck does not What about number three no no I do remember I want to remember number one because you gotta like say them in the right order i to handle it for you oh oh No, I can't remember it. Okay so number two, but number two is Number two is, ah i'll just I'll just say what number two is. Number two is don't take anything personally. So you talk about like some of those really rude no's. People are gonna be dicks, right? And that doesn't have a reflection on your worth. Hey, I found number one if you want it. What's number one? Be impeccable with your word.
It is Be Impeccable with your word. Yes. Be Impeccable with your word. Faking it. He's faking it. He didn't know. i That one was not on the tip of a song. He's faking it. This is acting. ah And I'm so good at it. Wow, wow, wow. ah So number one, Be Impeccable with your word. Number two is um with the thing I just said that I already forgot because I'm so on the spot right now. Number two is don't take anything personally. yeah Number three is never assume. And number four, this is the biggest one that has helped me, is do your best. yep And you know what your best is. Don't do less than your best. Don't do more than your best, because then you're just like wasting your energy. But if you do your best in any creative endeavor that you are pursuing, you will see success and you will see growth. I'm not saying you'll see it fast. I'm not saying you're gonna get rich. I'm not saying you won't ever have to quit your day job. But I am saying you will find joy on the journey.
So I shouldn't like rip the Band-Aid off like a Beyblade spinning and then immediately lose speed and then blame you for it um when I fail? I want to say yes because you said Beyblade. Uh-huh. Put the image you' into your head just to help stop the conversation. I am not a mental health professional. I am not a spiritual guru. I saw your therapy puppet. My puppet is a therapist. I'm not a therapist. This is LCSW right here. That's incredible. Guys, remember, if you fail, blame Zach. Provide his email in the Spotify link so you can all personally letter him to tell you. I'm so glad hashtags aren't a thing anymore, because that's a terrible hashtag. Hashtags are totally a thing. No, they're not. They're not. They're gone. What are you, Jimmy Fallon? Yeah. Hashtag, um tell me this and this and this.
Hashtag teacher seduced me. Hold on, we need to share a bit for that one again? No, Nebula, that's a normal thing to feel disappointed about. About the teacher seduction? Yep. Disappointed is not the word I'd use. and People who know my backstory know it's a bad thing. Oh, got it. I just imagine it's like, yeah, my whole family died in a car crash. So disappointed. So disappointing. No, disappointing and disappointed are two different things. It's so disappointing that none of the people in my life could drive, you know? So disappointing. So disappointing. Well, after such beautiful um advice and insight and whatever the fuck that was the last minute, we can only stay serious for like a bit.
You lot. Yeah, I'm gone. I've there's an I don't have a serious drop of juice left at me. You're lucky you got that. Well, you're like you got that technically twice because you made him say it when you weren't even recording. Shut the fuck up. We don't we we don't have to talk about it. We don't. But it's utter funny. It's. Oh, yeah well, and that. Yeah, Nebz forgot to record me and i made I was crying. Excellent points. You were you were so moving. um At one point, Martin Scorsese texted me and it's all gone. Yup. We had a really big brand deal that boosted our listeners tenfold. My mom called.
Your mom called, brought terrible news. it's only my fault It was so disappointing. The car rolled four times and crashed into your childhood school and that lit and on fire. How many schools have you been to? I went to two elementary schools. Both of them um are where I've fallen in fire. I know, it was a really long roll. The car kept going, dude. That's why it was such a serious call that we had to take a break, I guess. Honestly, a world record though, so that was kind of cool. Yeah. yeah a lot of A lot of things happened on the 30 minutes that we were not recording. um True. Yep. Well, Zach, thank you for joining us. What the fuck? Are you going to skip bits? We have a little segment. Yeah, I'm getting there. You were were setting up to close.
That was a thanks for coming, Zach. Do you want to plug something opening and not, uh, do you want to talk about your bits? No, I was going to move into our boss battles and beach episodes. I've talked about many bits already. Yeah. um we ghost stick Yeah. Explain the bits, please. Insert the bits like go stick. Zach, thank you for joining us on this roller coaster of an episode. and we have Thank you for the ride. Fuck yeah. We have a fun little gratitude exercise that we do towards the end of our show. I don't know if Parker explained it to you. I did not. You heard how I brought up the podcast.
I'm excited, and I'm excited. So we do boss battles and beach episodes.

Personal Challenges and Joys

A boss battle is anything you are willing to share that is something kind of sucky that's gone on, anything you've overcome, a minor inconvenience. It could literally just be that they're, I don't know, you ran out of milk and you want to eat cereal. It's anything that you want to share. um And a beach episode is the exact opposite. It's it's the relief. It's the the happiness in life. It's something you're looking forward to or something you celebrated, um something that made you feel good, like a beach episode in anime. And we are going to share those. Do I have to put on a skimpy swimsuit or like what? I have the watermelon. It's part of my contract.
um ah no ze no Oh No! Parker, would you like to share oh your mom's title to start as an example? Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. Don't, don't do it. I think my computer's gonna die. Let me grab my charger. Oh my god. Okay. No, I'm the problem now. It's me! ah Oh my god. This is chaos and kartan. I love it.
Are you going to feed the shark the little skelly man? ah My dog is just like chasing me back and forth. No, this is okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I gave now now everybody had a chance to think so we're good. We're good. Okay. Parker you were saying? I'm bitten it up. um ah My boss battle is that at level up I bruise my tailbone and tailbones take forever to heal so I'm still in so much fucking pain because I've slipped on a metal wet staircase because Vegas does not have drains anywhere that place is not weatherproof at all. um It just sits in puddles and then like builds sludge so that way when it finally does evaporate you have like this weird sludgy parking garage cover
When I slipped on that and it was terrible and it hurt so fucking bad and the adrenaline of the convention has worn off so now I'm just sore and I'm two weeks in or almost three weeks in of four weeks healing. But it hurts. It hurts so fucking bad. I'm just waiting for that to heal. That's it. That's not fun. Maybe Laura Zach, who wants to go next? Oh, I thought you do your beach jacks. Nope. We do, we do boss battles first. Battles in a row. Oh, okay. All right. Uh, uh, uh, Nebby looking good next. Yay. Yeah. Sorry. I didn't prep you. I thought you were good. Uh, I, this is, this is gonna sound weird. So I have only briefly mentioned it, um, in passing and without detail in the discord, but everything's fine now. So now I can talk about how fucking stressed out I was over it.
but we got this bomb dropped on us in our family that my dad had melanoma and didn't tell any of us and then he got it removed and he was like we're good so we all just had to sit in stress for like a month and that's finally over so that was my boss battle was I just had to like and sit here and stew in stress for several weeks and not be able to talk about it but now we're good so it's fine LOL. Silly cancer scare. LOL. Silly cancer scare. Everyone's fine. He's okay. His margins are clean. Moon landing wasn't real. Moon landing is not real. I am so glad to hear your dad's okay. Yeah, he's good. Truly. That's great. This is like his third scare with melanoma, so he was really not verbatim. He was like, it's not going to kill me. So that's why really the boss battle was more of just the sheer amount of stress that I had to live with for a month and not anything else.
If the moon can't kill me, nothing can. That's him. That's him. Zach, what is your boss battle? Come look on the fly because I forgot to prep you lol. Gosh, I got I got a few. You can share multiple if you'd like. You can share multiple. No, no, no, no, no, no. We can make it therapy hour. We have we do have the puppets to make it therapy. I think the thing that happened most recently was I
um And this is a bit ago now as of this recording, but I got out of a relationship and it's weird. i'm I am just barely getting to a point where I think I'm okay to like start dating again. Well good for you though. It's a very, it's very weird. Cause as I mentioned before, you know, I'm in my thirties and dating in your thirties is weird. Yeah. Yeah. I hate it. Especially in Utah. Wow. It's the worst. Being on a dating app in Utah as a guy is devastatingly rough. um I've seen it.
Yeah. So, so it's just, uh, so that's one of those things where I'm, uh, the boss battle is, is the victory that I have become very comfortable, uh, with myself and have developed a lot of self-love, um, which a lot of people can do in a relationship. I was not able to do that. I was developing some really codependent shit. And so, uh, it's, so it's nice to be in a place where I'm, yeah, I'm feeling, I'm feeling good and I'm feeling like I can maybe dip my toes in that again. Yeah. That's awesome. A really good friend of mine is also about your age. He's like a year or two older that ah just went through a divorce and is in kind of the same situation. So you're not alone in it, dude. We're name dropping your divorce, by the way. Nev's doing that. and Don't listen to this. He doesn't listen to this podcast. Thank God. Well, it's not like we said their name. We're not like... But he knows who he is. and does Sorry, bud.
ah Parker, you want to share your beach episode? Oh, my beach episode is that one of my very good friends posted her skincare routine finally on Instagram. And I immediately like stole it um immediately copied every single details I need this right now. And I'm four days in and it's doing great for me. So fuck yeah oh getting nice skincare feels good um you are glowing i just hate i hate it because everyone on the internet lies influencers get paid to lie about what the fuck they're actually putting on their skin they'll be like i use this one and then they hold it up and they put on their little hand or

Zach's Animated Project and Conclusion

um And then they never actually use it um they have like 20 beauty filters on because it's fucking tick-tock and whatever It's like you guys aren't fucking being real. I don't know what you're like Mostly battery acid toner is gonna do to my face that they're being paid the pedal. Please be legit with me So I stole her a routine and it's fucking awesome because it's actual like I know this works and I know this works for Utah climates because Utah is dry as shit. So oh, yeah, thank God um I'm doing great. That's my boss battle or my beach episode. Hello. Hell yeah. Zach, what's your beach episode? What is my beach episode? Um, I can't talk about it, but I recently, it's an NDA thing. It's an NDA thing. Um, you know what? No, I'll talk about, I'll talk about the thing I can't talk about then. Um, I am the lead in an animated pilot.
um And I think the trailer for it is going to drop very, very soon. um But it's called, I can talk about this part, it's called Spice Frontier. um You can find it on the internet and stuff. um But this was ah this was an audition that i I came across by myself on the internet. um And you never know what these things are gonna turn into. But this is probably the coolest project I've ever been involved in. The animation is, incredible. The story is compelling and the other people that I get to play with ah my fellow co-stars are so talented. Like I am absolutely the least out of all of them and I know that.
It is so, so fun. But yeah, I think the trailer for it is gonna drop soon. I'm so excited. Is it the one with the pre-existing short or? Yes, so so it they made a ah short for it ah a few years ago. And then they were like, we wanna make this a full series. Nice. So they're making it a full series um and they're they're going to sell it. And so, but yeah, i'm I'm lucky enough to be able to be in that pilot. I play Captain Kentucky Williams. That's incredible. And what a character name, damn. Oh, it's so fun. So that's, that's my ultimate beach episode right there. Did you get to do an accent on that one or is it just your normal voice? No, it's just my, everyone else is like, cause everyone else is like an alien. So they're like, I'll do cool character voices. And I just. Just you. That's oop, that's sad. That's oop.
That's so fun. Fun. We'll promo it when it drops in the discord server. Promo the discord server LOL. It's in the bio of this podcast.
goodness oh here i forgot I forgot to share mine. and ah you're You were going third, so okay you didn't forget. Just waiting your turn. um My beach episode is that recently, ah actually the same friend that's going through a divorce, I got to show him Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood for the first time. He had never seen it before. He hasn't watched a lot of anime. And that is my all time favorite story, hands down, like favorite anime, favorite manga, favorite TV show, anything. I think it is such a beautifully written story and to be able to watch someone experience it for the first time was really incredible.
Cause I rewatch it every couple of years, like when I'm going through anything real big or any changes in life, just cause I feel like it's very motivating for that regard. And, um, it was awesome to revisit it and it made it even more awesome to share it with someone I care about and that they got to to fully experience it and just like text me the entire time. If he was watching it when I wasn't there to give all the live reactions to everything. And it was really great. Thank God he doesn't listen to this podcast because you've brought up his divorce. Like you just keep mentioning that he's divorced. I just mentioned that he was the same person. That's it. Guys, I have a friend getting divorced, by the way, total divorcee. Okay, so now here's what would you rather. Would you rather listen to your friend talk about their divorced friend or listen to your friend talk about how she's getting married?
Uh, the marriage part is way happier news. I am a hopeless romantic. Talk to me about your marriage all the time. I get so annoyed when people ask me about the wedding. Oh, well then fuck wedding. I don't want to see you in your wedding dress. I don't want to know about any of it. We don't want to know about your joy! Don't even invite us, okay? Oh my god. Yeah. I'm not a professional videographer. I couldn't help with anything.
Oh no, he's got the therapy puppet. Oh, look what you fucking did, bitch. I know. I know. I'm aware. I'm being therapy puppeted. Peep this fucking foreshadow or the foreshortening. Ready? Oh, oh, oh my God. It's put the shark away. No. OK. It's time. It's I forgot where I got it, but it's labeled on the inside. I got it from David Busters. It has a serial number on it. So nice. Nice. Well, is that a read? Well, yeah, we've been recording for a while.
I do not envy your editor who's gonna have to. He loves shoveling this shit, okay? He loves it. Free labor. Well, Zach, thank you so much for coming on this show and for having me. Thank you so much for having me. An absolutely chaotic sleepover time with us. It was great. Yeah, I'm gonna have my parents come pick me up if that's okay, actually. Oh my god, you can't even sleep through the fucking night. Get over it. I wet the pants. Oh my god, I knew it. I was about to say you're a fucking pant wetter, aren't you? um No, bed wetter. I don't want to wet my pants. Yeah, he went to sleep without pants. Goes to bed.
Go stick. Go stick. Zach, what would you like to promote? Your social medias, your projects? You already boosted one, but talk. I did. I did it. Yeah. Just follow me. Follow me on Instagram and TikTok, at ProducersZach, Z-A-C-H. um Love to um engage with people on there, and especially if you have questions about getting into voice acting. um I'm really bad at checking my... Because it's like the DMs are hidden right for people that... ah you Don't know you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so, um but I really do try to get to those um when I remember and would, happy to answer questions. I'll give out your personal phone number too, it'll help. that Honestly, that would be great. um And any photos. And your social security number and your credit card to really get it. any Yeah, any of the blackmail photos you have of me from Vegas will be great. Really get you an answer. Okay. Okay.
yeah Nebula, where can we find you? You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at nebula underscore inky, that's I-N-K-Y, and Parker, where can they find you? ah You can find me at crownguardcauseplay on Instagram, littlelightb on Twitter, ah patreon slash crownguardcauseplay, or is it just cause? I don't know. um You can find the podcast at patreon slash fandamespod, And you can find us also on Instagram and Twitter at fandamespod. And you're listening to this wherever you are. You already found us a little bit. So, you know, ah you also can join our discord or our Patreon for the video version and all of our puppetry. And you can email us blackmail vegas photos of Zach at fandamespod at gmail
Oh no. Oh no. Ah, what have I done? Also, you can go to Cursed Cosmetics. That's cursed with the C-U-R-S-T cosmetics with a K. um And use Crown Guard cosplay for 10% off your order.
Yeah. All right. Go kiss your therapy puppets, little sleepover listeners. I thought you were going to say, go kiss your therapist. Don't do that. Don't do that. That's a hard no. But kiss the The puppet's OK. Kiss your dad. Unless your therapist is holding the puppet. Unless you're therapist, then you can kiss your therapist. That's true. Don't do that. But if you had to find a new therapist after that, not our problem. It's not our fault. We are not licensed mental health professionals, as Zach would say. as I would say, all the time. I usually say that when I walk into our room. Just so no one don't fall into it. Goodbye. End it. Bye. Bye. Go stick.