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Vol 2 Ch 23 | Oops! All One Piece! feat. Anthony Bowling image

Vol 2 Ch 23 | Oops! All One Piece! feat. Anthony Bowling

E23 · Fandames with Parks & Nebula
197 Plays1 year ago

Welcome back to the sleepover podcast, this time we have Anthony Bowling, both voice actor and director! We were originally thinking maybe this was going to be an industry episode, but.... We all love One Piece too much, so we talk about that and the love that went into dubbing some of the most memorable scenes.

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Introduction to Anthony Bowling

Welcome back to the Sleepover Podcast. This is Fandames with Parks and Nebula, and we have a super awesome guest that we have tried to schedule so many times, and now he's here. We have Anthony Boling. Hello. Hi, Anthony. Thank you. Hello, hello. Thank you so much. I'm glad that we finally connected. Me too. After so long.
We have been so excited to have you on. And I have been frothing in the mouth to talk to you about one very specific anime. But I would love for you to give just like a little background to anybody listening on what exactly it is that you do. Yeah. Well, I'll do the whole thing. My name is Anthony Bowling.
I have been a voice actor for anime since 2002, I believe. Gosh, that's when I first went and auditioned.

Directing One Piece and Film Red

And then for the past five years, I've been a director at previously Funimation, now Crunchyroll. And for the past four years directing, I've been directing a little show called One Piece. And I directed Film Red as well, the ADR, for both of those English versions. And yeah, as far as acting goes,
like some of the big shows that I've been on that are on right now. I play Frankie in Spy Family. I play LCL in The Devil is a Part Timer, Seiya in Cautious Hero, Kuromu in Bofuri. I know Bofuri, that's a real cute one.
Let's see. I mean, there's been a lot. I've done a lot. I don't know. That's why I need you. You need to ask me questions. I can't justify that. Yes, good. Because I will tell you, I tell everyone that I went to One Piece University since I've been doing it for four years. And it's kind of one of those where it's like, yeah, I mean, I know that inside and out. So when we do get to talking about it, that's like,

Obsession with One Piece

I'll take that. That was why Sunny was like, Sunny's like, that's why you got to talk to Anthony because I'm obsessed with One Piece. I've only been watching it for a year, but I've already made 30 or 40 One Piece costumes, closer to 40 now. I made the red outfits the minute we got official colors. I'm still working on the second pirate outfits. I'm obsessed with One Piece. It's most of my cosplays. I went and did Skypey and Nami at a waterfall over the weekend. That was a pain to hike in. I'm obsessed with One Piece.
Oh, no, I love it. Yeah, you kind of have to be. When you're past Arlong Park, you're deep. You can't go anywhere. Arlong Park is where it grabs you. I fought it for so many years. And then Parker just grabbed me by the scruff and threw me into it. And now I'm obsessed. And I am almost done with Whole Cake Island. And I only started watching in September, I think. Yeah, you're actually almost caught up to me, which is kind of scary.
Well, that's, uh, so I have like my fun one piece stuff. So I don't know if you want me to be like, here has been my one piece journey. Or if you both have your questions or like, if you want to start somewhere else, like. Lay it out, dude. I would love to hear your journey.
Yeah, let's listen get some popcorn Yeah, and feel free like like interrupt ask me any questions, whatever So I started about four years ago when we were still Funimation and I had done a lot of contract directing and then I had been hired officially for about a Year before they offered one piece and I had started on
two 24 episode shows, one was called mix may say story. It was a baseball show. Very cute. And then there was a show based off of a weird old Sega CD game that has ties to a Steins gate called, you know, why you know, the girl who chants love at the bound of the universe.
What? I love them long titles. I got to add this to my list. No, no one does. It is the weirdest. No one has to do that. I did a title called Jean De Arc. It was a Joan of Arc anime that went. I thought it was going to be like, oh, cool, like historical or like a period. Nah, it was anime. It was weird. Fate. Yeah. It's like I wish fate I could handle. This one was like.
It was like, Joan of Arc, you have to drink my spit so you can have your power. It was weird. That's a whole stuck plot. Whoa. That's like a deep Internet plot. Whoa. I know. There are there are people out there. I mean, it was a good. You know what? Those every actor in there, they acted their asses off. It was a great. I mean, cast always great.
They always kill it. I guess you kind of need a crazy project like that to just go ham every now and then. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but all of this kind of that journey, uh, I did like season three of data live. Um, so I had gone through like a lot of the kind of starting on those shows, uh, and then.
We got one piece back because as people may or may not know, you know, four kids had it. And then I think after that, the license was lost. Then it took a long time before Funimation got it and they started dubbing. Where was it? Like maybe impel

Securing One Piece License

down, I think. And then where where did four kids leave off?
I thought four kids, I was actually surprised. I thought four kids stopped around Alabasta. And then I saw clips where it's in like Eni's lobby almost post Eni's lobby. There it is. I didn't think so. I've never saw Eni's lobby for kids content. I had to like find it in a clip video way later on. So then it was not impelled and it was Eni's lobby. And so when they were starting to record Eni's lobby, they also had to go back and record episode one.
So they're recording like, all right, so you don't know your character yet because we're starting in the three hundreds. But also, here's episode one. And so kind of doing that weird Jacob Slatter. They had to catch up to kind of like, oh, we can catch up to the Japanese dub or the Japanese dub, the sub and.
for whatever reason, something happened. And I think Toei wanted to either try another company or they weren't happy with how quick we were doing it. Or maybe I think at the time, like Dragon Ball was killing. And so Toei's like, why don't like not why not one piece? And it's like, oh, because, you know, Dragon Ball was on Toonami. Like we grew up, you know, watching that the four kids version was on like Fox Kids.
or kids WB, and it was aimed at a different audience. So yeah, the people who should have been watching it were hanging out with Toonami on Saturday nights. So once all of that kind of happened, we lost that license or we just were like, hey, well, we can't make it in that amount of time. And then cut to, you know, five years later, them coming to me saying, hey, we negotiated, we got one piece back.
Would you be interested in directing it because you've been doing a really good job, you know, with everything that you've been doing here and you would be helping Mike McFarland, who's been directing it since pretty much the beginning or has been kind of the primary on that. And I had to say, like, what episodes are they on? And they're like, well, we're dubbing like in the six forties.
in Japan, they're in the 800s. That's around Dressrosa to whole cake, right? Yeah, so that's how long ago to put that in perspective where where we were at. And because I remember kind of like, seeing things where you'd see like, Sanji and Dressrosa and then Jimbe coming back and all that. So it was like, Oh, okay, I have no clue. But I had to go home for the weekend and I had to talk
Like, I talked to my wife about it, and I was like, I don't know. That's huge. Like, not because of the show. I don't know 600 episodes of context for this.

Casting and Directing Challenges

The most I knew about One Piece up to that point was, I remember when we auditioned, I auditioned for USOP. Did not get it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, we psyched, killed it.
So he's my favorite USAP of all time. No, hold on, hold on. I have to hear the USAP voice that you auditioned with. Now they directed me when they said do USAP. They I was like, Okay, well, what kind of character is your like, what's his deal? And they're like, Okay, think like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. And they set you up.
And yeah, and I was kind of brand new baby at the time when the, when those auditions were going on. Uh, and so I did like, uh, like, Oh, what are we doing with Luffy? And it was just like too close. Now I desperately want stoner Shaggy Usopp. Like that's, I just need that. Once again, we could ask Sunny to do that voice so much better.
Because he could use a blunt with us. You say it like that. I'm going to be like, well, I was talking to a con. I was talking to a con. Sonny, let's go outside and smoke a bullet at the Irving Convention Center. Come on. Yeah. So, yeah, like I had done that. I had done like bits and wallet since we needed all the actors ever in that night.
I think at the time, like I had done a lot with like the fish writers. I was like fish writer, like whatever a and he kept coming back. So I kept coming back. You've got to keep recurring. So I was like, I was this right hand man. So I was like, hey, the straw hats are back. And it's like, yeah, that's that guy who had to say that. And then I was Mr. Seven. I had done that in the movie in the episode of
Alabasta and then they turned that into the series because we were dubbing it out of order. So we dubbed the short version before the series. And that was great for me because I got a little bit more time with Mr. Seven. And then I played Caroline, who is that one was a gift from Joel McDonald. He was directing at the time and he was like, all right, so there are these people. And I said,
Is that the character? And I go, say no more. You don't have to explain anything. And I remember us doing that and I was like, well, what do they all sound like? Like, are they trying to be like big flamboyant, like drag queen type, like where they all have their own personas? Or are they like, hey, no, I talk like this. Like, are they just like people?
talking that like you would go like the wallet, the normal wallet. So it's like, Oh, is this just wallet? And they were like, nah, like you are allowed to be a proud warrior who dresses that way. But yeah, they are feminine. So if you want to be that, like, there's no way like I'll steer you. It's one piece. There's no real wrong way to kind of like, look what they did. So that's where I
She looked Southern. So I came up with a little like almost Truman Capote little thing where it was like, Oh, Sanji boy, what are you doing there? I'm going to, I'm going to teach you how to fight. And I just like, that was, it was just fun. And Joel was like, I love it. And it meant the world to me at the time when veil was, was portraying Sanji that when he would tap into that side of his hockey, he started talking Southern.
because that's how I talked. And that's how I taught him. So he was like, what are you doing there? So like he sounded like foghorn, but it was like, oh, that's cool. Like Vail's doing that. I told Vail that story and he goes, yeah, I don't remember. He goes, did I? Cool. Like, OK. Oh, my God. So I had done that and then kind of like radio silence. I was like, OK, I'd done bits and all that. And then Mike had me in.
for this stampede movie and I got to play Donald moderate the pirate with the big buck teeth who's the announcer and I screamed the whole movie. That was kind of the reintroduction to like, is this show still going on? Like, what the heck? And now then that would catch up to like them offering me that and I was like, you know what? I love
things with lore that you can dig into that I can uncover. I'm a big like Kingdom Hearts fan. So that for me is like, I am gonna lose my mind Anthony, you're the first person we've had on the podcast that has said that Kingdom Hearts means the world to me. I told you, you should watch one piece. I told you.
I'm the first person on this podcast who has taste and is sane. You're so you're so right. You're so age gap. I played Kingdom Hearts when I was like four or five. Okay, there's an age gap. I liked Kingdom Hearts. I was gonna pause this conversation to show you a relic really fast one moment. Which one might be an actual relic. This might be like an actual time capsule. An actual time is an infant.
And I wouldn't blame parks. I do not blame you for, for not being in that pocket. I just, there's so much lore and also.
Kingdom Hearts is as dumb as the dumbest parts in one piece. Yeah, that's why I love it. That's why like the early time skip dubbing all of the little jokes and the in betweens are my absolute favorite. Like all of the little clips during Zo hilarious. I love it. I ever that's I mostly watch sub on my own, but that's because I'm in Wano right now. And then Wano kind of had to come out and burst. So I'm almost caught up to where we are in the dub anyways. So I've just stuck with stub.
I only watch the sub. You direct the dub but then you because you have to get like the direction of where everyone's going. Well and also because the dub doesn't exist until I make it so I can only watch the sub. The ultimate form of procrastination. Yeah.
You're like, I want to hear what this guy sounds like in English. Let's get this going. Let's get this. Do it in front of me now. But I love that one of these being dubbed. This is just for you. This is my original Keyblade that my dad handmade me. Like, oh, God, what year was it? I want to say it was 13 or 14 years ago. And it's like my original cosplay relic. I haven't showed any other guests. You get this one privilege. So I had to show you.
But that's that's when I thought if I could, if I the way I dig in to when I was like, I'm going to play the the advanced game and I'm going to buy it again on PlayStation and then I'm going to buy it again in the collection and I'm going to play them all. And just because, you know, they go to this effort to make this world and they're including things, but there's it's so unknown and so familiar at the same time. I
kind of took that attitude and was like, let me do that with one piece. It's so big. I loved Dragon Ball. That's how I got into anime. Toeis did that. So I know the animation is going to be like on. I know that it's going to like have all that familiar stuff that I like. So, yeah, let me let me try and do that. And to catch up, all I did was really kind of go to the wikis.
And I watched an episode of, what is it, East Blue? The one where it's all of their stories? The Arlon Park in the beginning? Yeah. Yeah, Arlon Park is considered in East Blue. Yeah. Or whatever that movie was, that where they all put their foot on the barrel and it's like the Osoro story. Yeah, that's like the beginning backstories, Arlon Park and the Anshinsa Grand Line is all of them. Yeah.
Uh, I started directing the episode that like a few before they left punk hazard. Okay. So like, sorry, I'm trying to like mentally place that. Yeah. So it's right when, uh, I remember they had done the body swapping. So like everyone, like Nami was in Frankie's body still. And yet, cause he had the eyelash lashes and I was like,
what the hell is this show and then they were like here's some giant kids and this dude was experimenting and I was like what the hell is this show like you just had like the wackiest thing here and now it's like yeah and these kids died because they put like what um so I didn't understand it at that point and I was like trying to direct it and I hadn't watched any of it and I was like why did they like Nami she's so like
bitchy and mean to everyone and naggy on it like in in this bubble. And I was like, and these others are idiots. And like, Brooke is like, why is what's with the panties? Is that like a thing? Yeah, there's no explanation for it. He just Oh, is it that kind of show? No. Okay. And then who is that guy Marines? Are they good? He's good. Like it just layers and layers. And then I watched that movie. And
Like I tell this at cons, the moment that I saw Nami stab the tattoo repeatedly and heard Lucy do that and the screaming and the crying. And then Colleen is Luffy, even back then, like walking up there. Of course, I like.

Themes in One Piece

And then, you know, you watch being sprue happen and then you watch Frankie and Robin's story and all that. And I was like,
Oh, I get it. I get it now. They're family. Nami's not bitchy and naggy. No one listens to her. And she's frustrated with these boys, these man children. Luffy isn't the smartest guy, but his heart is what drives this show and bringing all those together and
Yeah, when I dug into all those characters, you know, and I know a lot of the actors, Ian Sinclair, who plays a brook, he and I started in wallet together like we came up together. So he and I like can fire off. Brook jokes and writing and rewriting on the spot. And I. Really got into it after.
I didn't do a lot of Dressrosa. They kind of pulled me around. Kyle Phillips came in and helped direct with Mike. I moved off to a couple other shows, and then I came back towards the end of Dressrosa, and I played Gardoa, the pretty boy who fights Shipman's character. Oh my gosh, there's so many characters. What is it? Cavendish, Cabbages. Yeah, I came in with that guy just because I was like, I want to do that voice.
So, um, but yeah, that's when I saw like the goofy side. That's when I got to know, uh, my other buddy Tyson Reinhardt, who's Bartolomeo. Like I'm.
Barto for life, Barto for life. Barto's my favorite character. I love him. I love his New York accent. I think it's so funny. I didn't hear his dub voice because by the time I saw Red, I was in Dressrosa. So I never heard his dub voice. And then we saw the movie in sub. And then the next night we saw it in dub. And so when he rolled up with the thickest New York accent of all time, Mr. Luffy, like, oh my God.
That that's the inspiration for when we went to whole cake and I cast Kate Bristol as chiffon and made it from Jersey because she was a mob wife.
I love so much. And, and that's when I would like getting to adapt and have her say like, Sanji, not for nothing, but I hear you were a really good cook. And it's like, you got her to say not for nothing. Like, come on. That's, that's a double joke. We're getting old, like four kids Sanji. And then we're getting like actual New York.
in those sayings. But that's that hooked me in Dressrosa to work with Tyson and see these voices and get to be goofy. And then after doing all of that crowd work for the wall and everything, it's so many hours and so many actors. Once they leave an island, you know that it's like that calm where it's like, Oh, thank God, they're gonna go to an island and maybe back to the nine. Yeah, it's back to the nine and Luffy might leave with
you know, like when him and Barto went off and had a silver mine adventure. They so then Mike left because he went back to Titan. So I kind of got to be the solo guy and Mike goes, Hey, I want you to cast as Oh, look at so cast it do auditions. Look at it. And it was a nice little like, like, what is it like 60 70 episodes maybe from like
the travel to like when they leave zone. Not like I think the actual island is like 30 episodes maybe. But they had like slight reverie stuff that's kind of riddled. The the whatever in tumult episodes. That's how you know it's a it's in between. And, you know, I sent out those auditions and it was really cool to hear everyone and Mike was very kind to like, help guide me and kind of teach me the ways
And the way that I put it now, if you're in the know about kind of the people who are running like Star Wars stuff, how it's Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, Jon Favreau is kind of like the movie guy. He's a Hollywood guy. He knows this and he's passionate. And then Filoni is that. But he ran, you know, the shows he ran the
cartoon series, he ran all of that and he talks to George Lucas and like digs in and he's like, yeah, let me tell you about episode one. And by the time he's done, you're like, do I like episode one now? Like, like you get it. And that's the way that I like to equate like what happened during this time that Mike was handing that over to me. And I was starting to find like, hey, Mike, you know, didn't do that.
The more I watch the show, the more I think I understand it because I was digging in really deep. And, you know, it's nothing against Mike, but he had been doing that for 15 years. And so sometimes you just don't see it anymore. And he was getting ready to move to Titan. So he had another like, I think it was maybe season two or three. So he's thinking about that. So I'm coming in with fresh eyes and saying, you know what?
Let's make this the show that fans want to watch. And I'm now a fan. So what do I want to watch? Well, instead of filling maybe when when you hear a good gum gum gatling and they have a bunch of flaps, you know, we can make the choice to be like, all right, everybody, here we go. Here comes a gum gum gatling where it's like, well, that well, you hear it in the J and it's Gomo Gomo. No.
And it sounds big and broad, so it's like, hey, Colleen, let's just make it cool. Like, let's make it this. Luffy, just so she would just come in and be like, all right, now, gum, gum, gambling. And you hear it, and it's like, oh, everything like in the movie in film red was that that's the culmination of everything we've kind of built to.
But that's how it started was kind of, you know, hearing these moments and talking to fans and not being a fan before working on it, I think helped because it wasn't sacred to me yet. I didn't come in. I can't do that. I didn't know what I couldn't do until it didn't feel right, where it's like, oh, hey, let's say this. And maybe it might be a line for like Robin or something. And Stephanie might be
that sounds a little harsh and a little like not very intellectual like Robin Smart right and I'm like oh my god you're right she's the archaeologist so like she wouldn't do that and she also doesn't care so you have to be the straight person in this with the eyebrow up and just be like oh is that why and then it's like oh cool that's the line and we find it and that's I think what you know in no small part
We were making one piece when no one wanted to watch it is what it felt like. And the more we were just like, no, I'm going to make the best show that I that I want to see. And when it came back into it, maybe Sunny can attest to this. It felt reinvigorated and it felt like they were putting in more because they were falling in love with it themselves again.
Sonny, when we when we recorded the first line that he had back after five years, I don't know if he told this story or if he remembered. He did. When he got in there, it was because they were leaving punk hazard. So the first line was USOP jumping onto the sunny and going, Sonny, it's good to see old pal.

Directing Film Red

And he saw that. I mean, yeah, I'm kind of like because watching him
See that? And then he said it and we played it back. It sounded like Usopp was welcoming Sunny back. And it was like, huh, like the cartoon, like like actual Usopp. And so it was kind of cool. And he's like, and now like, you know, cut to Sunny and I in Times Square looking at a big picture of Usopp and being like freaking New York, like Times Square, man, this is it. And to see Lucy and Sunny, who, man,
years ago, if you would have told me like, hey, you're gonna hang out with Krillin. Like, okay. But that's that's so cool how we came that far. And it kind of just got gained that momentum. And once we got to whole cake, that became my baby. And I started
Tyson Reinhardt came in and directed some of those with me. Marcus Dimmick came in. And together, I would, you know, kind of help them and take the lead on that. And it became so second nature that that's kind of how we were catching up. And we were, it just started flowing. And it made sense to me. But like, as I said, I've been like, years of practice being like, Oh, let me
dive into this, let me research this and just like the culmination of the skills when they finally hit was really cool. So after that, you know, now we were getting to Wano, the movie was coming out and.
I attacked it and it kind of broke my brain. A lot of stuff happened with that. The whole, you know, we cast Amelie. They didn't approve it for a long time. So the last week it was due. We had to do all the dialogue and all the songs. And then they were like, oh, we're not putting the songs in the movie. Why'd you dub them? So what? Yeah, it was it was not our decision. And we I cried.
I would too. So, but it worked out because Amelie got like two months to do all of like, well, she just finished all of them now. And it's been almost five, six months. They sound amazing. They're not rushed. They're hers. Couldn't be happier. But, you know, watching that movie. Yeah, I still get that little heartstring where it's like, I want to hear this so I can be in this moment with them. Yes. Watch everything.
Because now my brain is just like, okay, this is a cool part on a tightrope. Okay, cool. Like we're watching it. And, uh, but, but stuff like that happens. So what do we do while we double down on other things that we can. Uh, so I made it like my personal goal to make people cry, make people laugh, tell this story to like.
that do my damnedest to try and like find the voices of these. And when I cast Sungwon Cho as Cat Viper, I- That was- I love him. One of my favorite- Such a good voices. I love him. He upsets me because he auditioned also later for Queen and Orochi in Wano and he should be both of them, but he couldn't be all three big guys in the same- When they're talking to each other.
Well, also, it's kind of like not fair when there's other like we have a lot of talent pools where it's like, Oh, we're gonna give him three, but he could have done it. He absolutely could have done it. Yeah, then we wouldn't be kind of where we are now where I got like major Attaway Broadway baby major Attaway doing zoom in.
which- It was so good. I was a little worried just because the Japanese version is so good and memorable, but the minute the episode came out and was available, I was so obsessed with it. I think the way that Queen and King were dubbed was amazing. I love Robbie's Odin. I'm so happy Robbie was Odin. That- Odin's one of my favorite characters. He's the build I'm currently working on. I'm so excited it's Robbie. Like that makes me, everything that,
you say about that, like, that's me fanning out. And I got to choose that which is cool. Like we were looking at Odin and it sucked because he says his iconic final line in a flashback about 100 episodes before he's even shown or like 200 episodes. So I had to think of an actor that would be available in the future. But that would also kind of have that presence and kind of
Who hadn't we used that that would have that kind of name? Because you want to you want to put something behind it, too. You need a big personality. And we were sitting there and it's, as I said, like getting in touch with the show and reading the manga and watching it in the sub. And then I'll watch the dub again. I'll I'll watch what I did. And, you know, even now, whenever the Nuano stuff comes out, I watch it. So.
Uh, it's just so that way when things like this happen, I was in the producer's office and, and it was like, Who can we get? What do we do there? We need a bit, what? Robbie Damon, Robbie, Robbie. It would happen like that. And the producer goes. Like get on the horn and we got him. And he was so excited. And I was like, dude, you have one line, but let's do it.
And that was like maybe his first or second take what you heard in there because we just talked about it for so long. He was like, I got it. And then when we worked together on the flashback episodes, he didn't know the depth that we would go to. And I can't wait for those to come out dubbed. It is it is it is him getting to work with like Mercer Travis again, bringing Travis back to be ace.
You know, we're getting my baby boy. We're getting close to Episode 1015 to dub. I'm probably going to dub that within the next month. And I've been looking forward to that because I want to work with him. We got our Yamato. So we'll be able to announce that voice actor probably
two, three months, which is awesome. I'm so excited. I was so excited when Kiku got casted. I love all the castings that are happening in Wanna right now. I'm so obsessed with them. They're my favorite. It has been like, just the best I can't express like that's when I geek out is like, I can't believe I'm the one making this like that I like getting to work with them and
like getting to know friends and people and then being like, you'd be really good as this person like getting to meet Bill butts is a really good friend of mine and he auditioned for Kaido and I was like, you didn't get Kaido like Mike had done that casting and worked with Soboloff, who sounds freakin great like no wonder, because Bill
for to his credit, like Sobolov has a resonance level, like a bass that is like a room full of Barry whites. I don't know. It's just like the deepest rumbling. It's like gravel. And then Bill came in with that stupid Jack voice. And it was like, dude, Jack the Stooge, man, you got to be Jack. Like, it's great. And he was sad because he thought he died and so and it's like, oh, man. And then I was like,
Yeah, dude, I was like, Oh, that's why he had the Yeah, and now that I'm like, deep in the paint with one piece, I'm like, that's why they showed that he had teeth, the spike teeth like a fish man, we can't kill people in one piece got to bring them back around. He's gonna matter later. No matter later.
But yeah, sorry, so that was like me rambling about like the one piece journey, but it became like, very, very important to me to tell that story and every time a fan like I take it to heart when when people genuinely like have a moment that they're I mean, you know, you were worried about zoom and yeah, me too, like imagine being the guy who has to make it, you know, I, but what I did is
we have major he has his personality he is killing it so I was like let's not make like what is the point of zooming to show Queen like to showcase Queen we got to show how big and flamboyant Queen is they are a showman I mean he's here I mean he's full of himself so I was like major what are we doing with this you got to throw it in their face you got to make these people love you you're playing in a prison dude
And when he came in with that, we were watching, and if you watch like the Japanese version, you know, when Queen's done with his first verse, he's kind of doing that, and the audience is just kind of cheering, and he's just kind of doing that. And so I watched that, we did the zoom in, and then he's supposed to like, exciting, you know, with the two other people, and he cheers to the crowd, and then that's it, and then they cheer. And so we did that, and I was like,
Hey, if you were, if I was watching Queen perform and Queen wasn't singing and they're doing the chorus to Zoom in, you'd be singing it, right? So when, after Queen was done doing Zoom in, Zoom in, the audience, I was like, hey, let's get the Walla Group in and let's have them sing Zoom in. And I want you guys to sing it like you're the drunkest you've ever been at a concert.
And so when you hear it right there, that's why you can hear a guy like, and they like devolve until like you can hear them just spilling their beers on them. Uh, and I had major like cheering and like encouraging that. So he was like, yeah. All right. So it feels like a concert in there. And then when he came in, you know, instead of saying exciting, I was like, give it some soul. And he hits that. Ooh. Yeah. And I was like,
There's something else after that. And so he added that other part and it timed out to the arm movements. And it's one of those weird things that kind of, you know, synchronistically worked out where it was like that timed out and it looked great and it sounded great. And then that final line in the translation, I think is Queen telling the audience like, sorry to keep you waiting, you pieces of crap. And I was like,
but he's hardcore and they do like PG-13 cussing in One Piece, so like. We're allowed to say shit. We can say shit here. Yeah, why wouldn't that guy call him pieces of shit? And once I told Major he could try that, that's what you hear if you look that up when he's like, you pieces of shit. Like it had the attitude of Queen where it's like, that's Queen. And when you hear the English dub of Zuman,
it is that version of Queen. And it is just as good as the other version because they're two different versions of this great character. And that's why, that's what I try and go for because we can do it exactly like that. We can, it's too hard. And honestly, if we did, what's the fun?
The actor, you know, it's not fun for the actor. Is it fun for you to hear like, oh, yeah, that sounds just like the J exactly. Actually, just I don't have to read like, OK, like you want to hear something different. You know, you want to get some jokes that they might not translate very well. But, you know, that's that's why I love doing what we do. And and yeah, when people talk about like.
Yeah, I don't like you know how in one translation, you know, he already at the end says, you know, korozumi was meant to burn, or all korozumi or just that one in particular, or that and people, you know, have those kind of little controversies. I don't know if that's, you know, a part that any of you are at yet or
No, I'm there, but I also don't mind the changes. Usually I take it with a grain of salt if it's like a small change. I think the only time I've ever cared is like the Netflix dubbing of Neon Genesis. That's the only time I've cared when something's been changed. And that's because they ruined the homosexuality of the moment with Kauru and that's it. That's my one beef.
So when you have these moments, that's what we're looking for in all of our stories right there. And of course, one piece is built on moments. You can ask people, hi, why do you like one piece? And they'll tell you their favorite moments. And nine times out of 10, they're kind of in the same list. And people, of course, have their favorites. But that's why I can say, Arlong Park.

Emotional Moments in One Piece

That's all you have to say right there. Or you can say, it's not a crime to exist.
Binks Brew, that like you just can say things like that and people know those moments. So that's what I can kind of take when I looked at Wano, specifically where it's like, man, look at this fight with Zoro right up top, like, cool. Sabat was stoked to do that, to get back because he was not in Whole Cake the whole time and he's like, I don't know what's going on. I have no clue what's going on in the show.
I asked him that I was like, do you know what's up? He's like, no, I'm waiting. I'm waiting to show back up. All right. Cool. Cool. Yeah. That was like two years that he's not in the show. So it was insane to kind of look through those. And then, you know, Sunny was back because you saw, you know, so all of them hadn't been in there. But we we just went hard at it because, you know, I knew that moment.
the Tonya Su moment if you if you know that coming up and all that and these fights that were going to happen and Colleen and I have been looking forward to gear five for like ever. I helped do the gear for voice the snake man voice. Like and some of those two gear four is very stylized. That's a stupid silly voice. But that was one of the few times that I was like we have to do it like the J because
It's he's a Kabuki man, basically. He's he's a big Kabuki man. And he's not going to Luffy style isn't I'm going to sound deeper and deeper like Goku or Vegeta, like the stronger I get, the deeper my voice gets. It's like really good. So you're really good. It's pretty good. And and so I was like, let's try this out, Colleen. Let's hit that. And I was like,
over enunciate because in Luffy's head, what he's doing is he's being a superhero. He's this Kabuki. I mean, it's it's a. Not stereotype, what is it called? It's an archetype, a trope or an archetype there. So, yeah, you have to play that because that that means something in that world. The reason why Luffy is doing it, it wasn't because they're like, yeah, this will look cool. Like, no, there's a reason why it all looks the way it does. And
You know, so when we went Snake Man, I also knew that we had somewhere cooler to go. So I was like, and Colleen can only speak so deeply before we have to start pitching it and it sounds weird. So it's like, no, let's let's make Gear 4 really high and kind of crazy for this fight. And then in the subsequent fights, it normalizes because now Luffy isn't used to it.
But yeah, then we went snake man and I was like, OK, let's try some stuff. Let's maybe like snake man. And we did that. And I was like, oh, no, never mind. I did that wrong. No, Colleen, I'm sorry. And I'm like, no, let's just be serious. I was like, did I stare? And, you know, we got to cast Jonah Scott as kind of Corey. Come on.
I just got past that fight. And when Snake Man showed up, like, what the fuck is this? This guy rules. Because I am a religious dub watcher when it comes to most anime. And that's what's been really keeping me going with One Piece is just the amount of
for lack of a better word, character that is in the characters and how much soul is put into it. So it's it's so nice to hear you talk about all of this and you like the little moments you mentioned. And I'm like, oh, yeah, I can tell like that section and that section. And I love it. One of my favorites to work with. And I'm glad that they showed up in the movie, too. But they had some whole cake characters show up in film read. And I loved working at the time.
when we were doing it. I didn't know Jason Marnocha or who else was playing on those. Well, specifically with Marnocha, he and I worked together more because I just happened to get the way we dub is
you know, someone gets seven episodes, I get seven, someone else gets the next seven, and we kind of, you know, so that way, instead of me doing one big batch and getting behind, if we're doing two at the same time, we can turn them in on time, and we just kind of do that. So I was working a lot with Jason Morinoka plays Oven, the big one, and I adore when they give these tropes to people, and
when we're kind of doing the writing it's it's and i'm looking at the scripts i'm like hey why are they like they need to make him angrier and meaner like this this guy just sucks he's so angry at everything and so what you hear is like
I don't know if you can tell which episodes I do, but the easiest way is if you can hear, uh, come on. Uh, like if someone does an angry, come on, that is like one of my favorite things to do. Uh, or if you hear a lot of really stupid jokes and like, you can tell when it's like, Oh, that sounds written. And then you'll hear one. That's like, there's no way that that was written. Like, like what the hell is that? Um,
Baron Tomago, the stupid Eggman. One of my favorite lines for Marnoko was, you know, they're all the cake has fallen over. They're all standing there and all the kids are like, who did this? And Oven says like, oh, Tomago comes up and is like, oh, we are supposed to do this. And I think that Beggie was in on it and this and that. And Oven comes over and says, hey, didn't this guy want to say something pointing to Baron Tomago? And I'm like,
Well, he's just kind of interrupting and he's tired. He's like, Hey, can we please do something? So I go, Hey, call him call him the chicken man. He's like, Hey, yeah, then the chicken man want to say something. It's like stupid little things where it's like, that makes me giggle instead of just pointing to someone and saying like, didn't you want to say something? That's like, yeah, like what is the most angry demeaning way that someone who's just over it would be like,
Hey, didn't Chicken Guy need something? Like, can we please move on? And it immerses you more, I feel like, because that's exactly what I was thinking watching this character the whole time. I'm the worst with names, so I don't remember. Oven's just an asshole. He's just an asshole. Well, not Oven, but the Chicken Guy is the entire time. Oven's like a pun. It's an egg pun. How do you present? Chicken Man. And then that happened to the dub, and I'm like, yeah.
Next thing I'm gonna tell you bro. I do know peccos. How dare you suggest I don't know peccos don't know his best friends. So it's like those like Bartolomeo he is one of my favorite to like right in the moment for Tyson and I watch a lot of always sunny in Philadelphia. So Barto in one episode I looked in the dictionary and I was like hey according to the dictionary jabroni is a
word that you can use it is in the lexicon so now canonically Bartolomeo can he has called people jabronis and a lot of that shines in the silver mine arc those three or four episodes because that's where he and I would just sit in there and laugh and I think the movie is like years of us working that is like our master stroke of like Bartolomeo in a movie like he came in swinging doing that and it was like it
It's been some of my favorite stuff that we've done is, is Barto in that movie, like getting him, like he bangs his shin and then the thing he, you know, he just reacts. But I was like, ah, do what son of a, you know, just to hear a New York guy bump his shin and go, son of a, it's like, yes, that's what he would do.
Listen, we all grew up on Joey Wheeler and Yu-Gi-Oh, and now we get to project that onto Barto. Joey Wheeler and 4Kids Sanji were like that. They were tight. My boyfriend's obsessed. My boyfriend's a Sanji cosplayer to my Nami cosplay. And anytime we do a one-piece panel, I always make him open it with the 4Kids Sanji voice. That's how I make him introduce himself consistently with the 4Kids Sanji voice. That's how you have to.
It's funny. It's a good it's a good poll. It's so good. I love it in the worst ways for for the movie like like I was telling you the little love letters like to the fans, too. It worked out that at the time when I was doing the movie, I was going to go to L.A. for the premiere and was talking with some friends and had gotten in touch with Lisa Ortiz, who directs Pokemon and works a lot on that.
But she is also the four kids chopper. And talking to her, I was like. You direct Pokemon, there is a character in the movie and you'll be in town that week. I think you should play. Yeah. And so it was like.
You have to, because Lisa's good friends with Breena, who is current chopper. And there are a couple little scenes where they're, I mean, they, they're tiny together. And it's like, that's one of those things where like, when I would tell that at a con and be like, Hey, did you hear Sunny? Yeah. Real cute and adorable, right? Yeah. Like Nakama, when you're family in one piece, your family forever, like that's original chopper choppers back in the group now.
So it's like, if we ever have Sunny in anything from now on, it's like, nah, like, come on. We have like a Buckin right now. Buckin is played by original Luffy right there. Oh my gosh, what is her name? Like, I'm trying to think of all the actors I've ever worked with in one piece. But it's actually just looking up right here. But like, that's the kind of thing that like,
When you have that opportunity, Erica Schroeder, thank you. When you have the opportunity to do something like that, why wouldn't you? When I heard Sungwon was a fan of One Piece through Ian, I was like, he's an amazing voice actor. Let's get him in the show. And he was so humble, and I was like, oh, no, it's cool. And I was like, nah, dude, you're Kat Viper.
You did it. Him and Ian being friends with the cat viper song. So good. It's so good. Let's go. Like knowing those two were friends and then the execution was awesome. I love it so much. Uh, no, it's,

Q&A Session

uh, I don't know. So I've, I've spoken a lot. I feel like I've, I've dominated, but these are, these are the tales from there, but now I, I would love, love, love, love. You guys ask me.
Like, anything that you need, like, whether it's, you know, production, actors. I mean, I read the manga. I have some theories on stuff. The manga's so good right now, but I cannot say a single thing to Neb. I cannot. I swore to her I wouldn't spoil a single thing. But the manga is so good right now, and I'm desperately waiting for TCP scans to drop the... Because I don't read official, because I don't want to get spoiled. So I read it first, and then I read it again.
But I'm I love where the manga is at, but I have to ask. Let me let me double check real quick what episode I'm on so I can tell you where I'm at. You're like you're in Reverie or like the beginning of Reverie. I'm on episode 876 and it is right when Sanji and Luffy got back onto the sunny and Big Mom has eaten her cake. Did Bad End play yet? Oh my gosh. Has Bad End played yet?
I don't know what that that's the final song where they're leaving where it's like the fighting's happening. No, no, I don't think so. Okay. Well, bad end is so well done. There's a weird little cake song and then there's bad end. Okay. And then my favorite was a bloody tea party.
Like that, I remember major props to Megan Shipman. She like helped write. She helped get those lyrics. She got those lyrics on there. That end part where Big Mom goes, you're mine. Straw hat like like that. She found that because I think the original was not written by a lyricist. They were just kind of like loosely translating. So it was like,
straw, hat, Lou, fee. And it was like, that feels weak. Like, I don't feel menaced by that. So I told Megan, like, hey, this is kind of what we need from it. And that was the end result. And that's another thing. Like, I love doing film red, which was a musical. And I was excited for it because I loved all the music that had been in there up to this point. So sorry. But anyways, questions. I want your questions. Are you excited to do the actual concert? I don't know, Nagashima.
No. No? I was going to say, you are so excited to do zoom in and now you don't want to do it. Now here's the thing that I can, I will reveal to you all because it's not really a big deal. We are done with all of that. That is dubbed, that is finished, that is being reviewed and it is amazing. So we're about to batch drop the second half of Wano.
Uh, I mean, they, uh, here's the thing. We don't know whenever they're going to drop it. So when they dropped that first one, two months ago, we were like, cool. And then they dropped one last month and we're like, Holy shit. Um, no. Okay. That's really quick. And then they dropped another one on Microsoft, which means it'll probably get too crunchy at the end of this month. And it's like, guys, that's like nine to 50. We're like, we just finished dubbing 1000. Like we're not that far. Yeah. But.
It's been crazy, so that big onigashima one. I just wasn't looking forward to the Walla, because I was like, oh my god, a concert. It actually is pretty easy in terms of what we had. But we went back and forth and did the concert. I'm working with Emily Fajardo, who is also directing it. She has been amazing. She was a big fan. So I think we have that nice blend of her, like, one piece. And I'm like, yeah, it's cool, but like here.
Yeah, it's not like you can make choice. It's cool. Like do it. You're doing great. And she's killing it. So she did a lot of that. And I came in and was kind of like, let's try this. Let's do that. Brett Mukai, who's playing Scratchman Appu because he has to do that rap with him. We that sounds. I think it sounds as good as when we did even just that small little zoom in. But I mean, it's this big production, so it's kind of a
bigger deal. I'm so excited. I didn't realize how far back the dub was for a while. So like, I made stealth black for my boyfriend as a costume. And we took it with my raid suit can to veil at a con in Texas last year. This was before whole cake was dubbed. And we're both there. I'm like, can you sign this? It's like, I don't know what this is. Oh, you aren't there.
You haven't put this on yet. That's where we're at. And then all of a sudden one owes out and is like, OK, well, now he knows what this is. Well, now he knows. Yeah. But you got to be the one that told him. So I was the one that showed him the right suit first. You're welcome. Yeah. And I it had been. Like years since I had done anything and working on one piece is so much
work and I love doing it outside of here that. I don't really like audition for a lot of stuff. So when Wano came around, I had really wanted back in. So I saw a dog storm and cat viper and didn't know the Wano story, because I think it was still kind of going on and it's so much I can't read that far ahead. Spoiler, they come back. Yeah. Yeah, my boys boys. But seeing them, it was one of these where it's like.
I want to be a big dog or cat like I love animal characters like I love mascot characters and I was like now like these are who it should be and I cats that way and I was still looking I wanted to be like working with the crew so much I was like I want to be in the world with them like I want to be a character with them now now that I'm directing
And finally, when we got to Wano, I saw a character out of the Akaziah nine. And I was like, well, they have the dog and the cat and then they have a bunch of people, a big pink dude, a girl and then a beautiful boy. Oh, their siblings. OK. And then, oh, trans. OK, I can't play that one. And then we have this weird dude with hair slick back.
And then I found his, it was Denjiro and I found out his story and I'm like, that's kind of interesting. And then they have Kawamatsu. And I was like, oh, look at that little Ninja Turtle. And I didn't know how much Kawamatsu was going to be in the show. I just knew that I loved him. And I'm just really excited now. And I'm getting a print made for him because he's my baby boy. And yeah, so that's probably going to be like my last thing that I'm going to do.
For one piece, but it's a really good not like ever but like big characters go but now you can slip yourself into egghead somewhere Yeah, so many new dudes in egghead you could totally slip into I'd want to I'd want to play any of the robots because they look so Pythagoras would be very Or I mean, I like Edison because it looks like a little bunny So yeah, but uh
Yeah, I always get excited in reading all of those. But yeah, that was my chance to with the Akaziah. I kind of was able to cast people that I had worked with. Josh Greeley and Chris Waycamp were to Josh had written my first ever show that I directed as a as a full time employee, which was called Knights and Magic.
It was like a mech show and Josh had written it and Waycamp was in it. And that was like one of his big ones. And we kind of like bonded and it was like my first show. So I was like, well, I want to put you guys in the Akaziah 9.
Like I want to be there with my team. I'm a good friend with Rico Fajardo. So Rico's in there. I didn't know Kaylee before this, but I love Kaylee. Who's playing Okiku. And then yeah, Greely's playing Izo. Okiku's sibling and...
Uh, who else is in the group? And then Kenemon has been there forever. Conjo, right? Rizzo, uh, Andrew Cascino was one that we, uh, got from, uh, he plays Saul Guerra in the bad batch and the Star Wars cartoons and all that. So he was one that we found through audition and that dude gelled and he knew, he knew what one piece was like, not like, Oh, I've read it, but he knew the vibe. He jumped into it headfirst. And that's what I love in the actors because that the show's so big.
like you need to feel how dumb some of these animal people are when you're like in the Wano prison and they're fighting alpaca man or you know like it's it's look yes you know you're you're laughing you don't even know yet
Well, you've seen some of them in Zoe, like the dude who's a sheep? Yes, I know the mink people. No, no, I don't mean the mink people, I mean the beast pirates. Oh, okay. The gifters, those guys are... All right. Some silly guys. You're talking to a character. You're not ready for your batman and gazelle band. I'm all here for the animal characters, but there's a gazelle band?
Yeah. Batman and a Batman, a legally different Batman. A chicken man. There's a giraffe guy. There's another goddamn chicken man. Oh, but he's a different chicken. He's a different chicken. It's hard to explain. He's kind of a nightmare to look at. Anthony, you said you're a fan of Always Sunny every now and then when it's like a stretch in the
anime and some wild crazy bastards on the screen. I just think of I've had enough of this. No, I made so many memes about that. I made so many tweets where it's like an always sunny quote. And then just that there's a point where I was tweeting like Doflamingo pics with like always sunny like crazy stuff just because he's crazy. You're talking my language Dennis quotes with Doflamingo on them.
You that's why like you need to listen to everything Barto says and analyze it because most of it is now going to rewatch red. Well, if you his first hit like his first line is a Charlie Reed. Oh, he's like, I don't think we can beat Miss Oota like that's a Charlie Reed. I love you. That's how I felt watching the Mario movie, too. It's like this is just Charlie Day. This is just always sunny. Isn't always sunny.
Yeah. Uh, so yeah, anyways, uh, what else? What else you got? I don't want to bring up the one you wanted to bring. Okay. So whenever Sunny was like, Oh, you have to talk to Anthony. I'm like, I need to look up Anthony. And I am in love with this particular anime that no one watches. No one knows what it is. It's one of my favorites. It's Kona Ototomare. And I would love to hear you talk about it.
My, my big, what's his name? My big, beautiful boy. Yeah. Yeah. That was such a, that is my other, well, I guess it kind of shows with Kalamatsu. My, my types, my character types that I always play. Uh, I started my career as nerdy. I didn't even have glasses yet, but I always was like that guy. I'm doing this. I'm the nerdy one. I'm the nerdy per friend. Um, or I would be.
No, it was still that it was either that or scared, scared teen. But that like, that was my wheelhouse. And then I got I went into like the big brother realm. And so that's like Kawamatsu and Bofuri. Like, you know, I liked playing these big brothers. So that was kind of like,
Tia had this beautiful little show about these really, like this, these kids. Yeah, it's just beautiful found family that I have, like, there's a lot of shows that have made me cry. But that one just hit me in the gut in a way that I did not anticipate. And I loved every second of it. And when I saw your name on the voice actors list, like, Oh, my God.
Yeah, but yeah, it was just one of those because it is so charming and and Tia allowed me to be. Like I'm just that like that's just me where it's just like, oh, no, hey, I like being helpful. Yeah, I'm excited and I'm hungry. Like, cool. I can relate. Yeah. So I was like, yeah, I love that. And in the same vein, that's where like when I got to cast carrot,
I remember Mike telling me like, Hey, Tia's already played Portia. And I was like, who's that? No, that's not Tia's character. I was like, have you seen carrot? That's just Tia. That's just Tia in a rabbit suit. Like that's her. And Tia playing carrot is one of the greatest joys to ever hear. She's just adorable.
She's such a good pick because I loved carrot. The second I saw her as a character, just in general and in promo images. And then I finally got to carrot in one piece and was like, Oh my God, this bitch rules. I'm obsessed. I cosplay her. I was so nervous getting to her voice in dub. And then I finally got there and was like, Nope, absolutely. Perfect little baby girl. Love you. Yeah. And then Tia has that wonderful.
range. So when she goes so long, it's Oh, I screamed. I literally was like, it was so good. Which also contra I have two very controversial stances on one piece. Number one, I love superpowers, the intro. And people always are like, boo. And I'm like,
I like it. I'm on your team. And I think super powers is good. I just think it was kind of rough after hope. I'm on the opposite side. I was sick of hope. Shut up. I love hope. That was so amazing.
I was over it. Like, I need this sadness. Well, I was crying through all the whole cake. So like, I liked having hope here. Having superpowers play while we're still getting through Sanji backstory was like this. This is rough. And then it's like Sanji backstory. Boom. Smack like, Oh, shit. I think it works. It works perfectly.
When since like they started doing that weird thing where like in the middle of the intro, they would show you the episode. Yeah. So it, so the reason why I liked superpowers is because I thought when it showed all of the Jerma siblings doing their power and your stuff, I'm like,
Hell yeah, like, oh, this is their song, like cool. And then they have like the little, uh, sailor moon, like Sanji and pudding moment where it's like, this is an amazing intro. And then when I'm like, Oh, we got a cute, wait, no, the cool part where it shows them fighting. Well, now it's just Jean Bay making water. Well, now it's people swimming. No, now it's a reverie.
Oh, now they're just like, it's a cool part of the song. I have to skip every single intro for Wano now. I have to, I'm at that point where it's like, this is great on the first episode, watch. And then I just skip it. Cause I can't have you keep spoiling every single thing that happens. Yeah. It drives me crazy. I have to skip the previews too.
From like the second to be continued pops up, I'm out. The minute they say the name of exactly what happens. Like on this episode of One Piece, Zorro dies, Robin betrays us. Okay, damn, say it all. Truly until we got to Marie and Ford, Ace's death, I did not give a shit about the titles. I did not believe anyone who was like, the titles spoil everything. Then it was like, Ace dies.
And I did not believe it. I was not spoiled. I don't know how. I've made it 25 years not being spoiled. Wow. Yeah, you know Ace died. And then that popped up as the title. And I'm like, why is it lying to me? And my boyfriend's like, no. It's because you saw clips of him in Wano. And so she's like, he's good, right? Yeah, he comes back. He's fine. He's alive. And I did not believe it. So then from that moment on, I'm out. I don't want to see the title. I don't want to see the preview.
my boyfriend knew about Ace's death, but he saw it from a meme where it was Doflamingo killing him. And so he's like, when does that happen? And then a guy who did it, he's like, oh, shit. No, like he still didn't get that spoiled for him. I had it spoiled for me, but I didn't get white beard spoiled for me. So I got to cry that time. I cried during both because I'm a crybaby, but like, I could brace a little bit for Ace. I couldn't brace for white beard.
I think whole cake was the most blind I went into, which is weird because it's like the most, but I didn't know a lot about, I was finding out the backstory as it was happening and I was only watching a few episodes ahead because I didn't want to have like a hundred episodes in my brain and be like, is this a part where she says cake? Is this where she says wedding cake?
Like, God, that was the worst. That was the worst. She was texting me live. She's like, can we just get over this already?
Yeah, look at that. No. No. No. We got to build shit up in the meantime. Keep her there. We have a Discord server that is role locked to specific arcs in One Piece. So whenever you get to that arc, then you get to enter the chat. And I've been live chatting with everyone the second I get to something wild. And I think the entire time I was like, can this big bitch get her cake already, please? Can this cake? That's exactly what you said. Word for word, actually.
And then you said, all right, Big Mom finally ate her fucking cake and sang her weird little song. And then you think that was it. We're not done yet. You still have it. Man, just one more good song coming. I'm here for it. And then you're also going to hate red bean soup.
I love red beans too. Because Big Mom has to yell at a bunch too. Oh. I love her hunger pings. I love them. They're so great. I did genuinely enjoy her songs. I feel like the songs were so unsettling and in the right way for something that's literally so sickly sweet of a second. Well, you know your question about her backstory? That gets fully confirmed in Bad End, so you should just watch Bad End. Yeah. Finish one piece tonight. All right. Yeah.
And then you'll get to Reverie and find characters you fucking hate. There's a lot of people to fucking hate. Yeah. My friend cosplays consistently the people everyone hates. He's cosplaying Daifuku. He cosplays Perosboro. He cosplays Steli. He consistently cosplays everyone that people hate. Oh, why do people hate Daifuku?
I hate him because he's ugly and he broke most of the ships. He did more work than Kara did. His power is stupid. He's the genie guy. He just keeps rubbing on himself. I hate Daifuku. I just love his voice because now he's
because of his stupid little mustache, I was like, oh, we got to make him like sound like he's like up his own ass. So that's why he's like, what are we going to do here?
He sounds like Farqua, Frank, Frank Todaro. That's his name. Frank Todaro, who is a mug man in Cuphead and Mugman. Okay. But he's also like him and Marnoka are both Transformers in the Transformers series too, which is cool. They were, they were transformer brothers and now they're Charlotte brothers. But that's, I like making bad characters comically funny. So that way you're like,
man i really think it's stupid that he rubs his tummy and i'm like yeah that's why i made him sound really stupid when he rubs his tummy when he's like yeah so it's like yeah make it make it silly like but you have to be serious i make it like the simpsons you know like you you can't be in on the joke like you have to be very serious about rubbing your tummy like
I think that's what makes it like just hearing you talk about how much passion you've gained for it that you didn't kind of like you had passion for the craft but not for the source material of One Piece and then to see those two meld and hear you talk about it it really does show thinking about all of the the scenes and the weird little side characters and everybody has a personality like capital P personality and that completely shows through in the dub.
Awesome. Yeah, that's thank you. That's that's all I want because it's Like it's getting the actors into it. Like you don't you don't want your favorite thing
to feel like someone forgot about it. And there's nothing worse, like how much heartache have we

One Piece Film Production

been through? Like when Avatar first came out the movie and it was like, no, it was supposed to be the chosen one. Like so much heartbreak and live action stuff and, you know, animes that drop the ball at the end or get canceled or whatever. And that's why like,
you know, how do you keep 15 years fresh? How do you keep another five to eight fresh? I mean, if they're wrapping up the manga, that's how many how many years and then we got like three to five more years in terms of what a saga can consist of. So we got way more time. But I feel like especially with the straw hat, specifically where it's like Chris has been doing this since episode one, like,
you gotta, I mean, you know, time frames, moving stuff around, but he's been doing this for so long that the fact that he loves Zoro really helps. The fact that Sunny will be Usopp any day of the week, just because, amazing. It's the fact, like, he, hey, a passion, I think, I don't know, I haven't talked to Ian yet, so I can't say, but I feel like watching Ian do Brooke is one of his probably most favorites. That's how I've heard him talk about it, went online, just, he is Brooke. And I feel like that's why there's able to keep
so much passion, at least from them specifically, because they have to be there for almost every single episode. There's so much love in how they feel about their characters. I love when everyone was paying more attention during red and being like recognized on a bigger scale because red got way more attention than like stampede. Much bigger scale seeing them love their characters like that was so amazing. Hearing Colleen come into like
putting in that much passion into the show when we got to film red, like I love my cast because they, they came into that booth and they're like, nah, dude, this is your first movie that you directing and it's one piece and you're like the captain of one piece. So like, we're doing this because you brought us here and Colleen came in swinging to that. Like you can, you can hear it in everyone's
the main cast, all of them, you hear them almost like you hadn't heard them in 30 years, and they're all just excited to be back on the big screen. Like, hey, we're back. It felt like they were exploding back onto the screen, and Stampede wasn't that long ago. No, Stampede was 2019, when one of them started. Those two were simultaneous. Oh, yeah, because they did that episode, that stupid ginger.
I have Donkey Kong powers. I have a barrel backpack. I hated that one. What? You'll get there. They always do weird episodes that kind of tie into the movies because they need filler anyway. They did it with Film Red and we put those on the DVD, which was cool. The Film Red ones mattered though. That was like, here's actual stuff. And then the other ones, like the Heart of Gold one, really bad.
The writing on it was like, I don't know, but Heart of Gold was also a man movie. It was like, here's his dude and his weird brother. But I don't know. It's hearing to hear that passion that they still bring to it. And yeah, you're absolutely right. Like all of them, their characters are a little part of them. And especially with Ian, like Brooke, he gets into that mode. And it's funny because he'll be in the booth.
And I'll be like, all right, so in this scene, he's going, uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah, oh, oh, no. And it sounds like he's making fun of me for like talking or like he's not paying attention. No, what he's doing is like Ian went away, Brooke is listening to me talk and he's watching the screen. So when he's like, no, and I'm like, yeah, so big mom actually like.
is enraptured with you because you're like this weird little doll and she loves weird things. And he's like, Oh, no. Oh, okay. And then so we'll do something and he'll, you know, he'll go for a joke or he'll do this. And I'm like, Hey, bring it back, man. You have to be like, Brooke thinks he screwed up. Brooke thinks he's the weak link here. Brooke doesn't think he's worth anything. He's he's the musician. What's that even mean?
You know, and that's when Brooks like I have to get stronger. I have to protect people. And you see that in Wano with him and Robin, which is so beautiful. But his story like, oh, gosh, even when, you know, not spoilery, but they they keep bringing up everyone's past. Of course, they have to. We're we're getting towards it. And to hear these moments where like Brooke has to confront his past. And that is so much more tragic because his past
is dust. I mean, he died. He literally died and came back and now he's been alone and now he has family again. But, you know, so anytime that comes back and to see him overcome it, Ian's just like, yeah, I'm on the journey with him. And you can hear it in those reads and then he'll come out and we're like, this is a stupid line. Let's do this. Like it's stupid in the sense of like,
funny like that's so stupid like funny stupid um we'll do silly things like uh one of his moves is uh soul parade and we need extra flaps for the move so we're like man let's let's get a little freaking black parade in here welcome to the soul parade like yeah welcome to the soul parade you don't say have a little soul like welcome to the black parade uh or yeah so he'll like we'll find those things that like make sense he's a musician we he cut
Zeus in half at one point who's a rain cloud and he says like you've been cut and I went okay so say that but then say this and I typed in rain rain go away and he came in and said it like a badass but also like Brooke would say it thinking he's a badass because it's like part of a stupid little song and it's like that's personality that why not it's stupid
Let's do it. Like you can say you've been cut and you'll sound cool or let's have fun. Like let's, let's, let's bring personality. Let's make someone laugh because, because it's not weird for you to say it. We expect Brooke to be that person. So when you do it and we're not expecting it, that's charming. So you can look at the subtitles and say, that's a great show. Cause I watch it in the subtitles and it's a great show.
And so I want to take that and say, okay, well, this made me cry, but the translation is too literal. How do we make this a sad line? Oh, you know what? Hey, it's not in the translation, but like, what if you use this word or like we've had it, um, Brooke, when, when big mom has him and he wakes up.
And he's like, Oh, who's there in the J. He's just kind of like, who, what, where, who. And Ian, he goes, Oh, I want to try something. And I said, Oh yeah. Pretend like you were dreaming about something good. And he goes, Oh, Oh, Laboon. And he'd like, like he was dreaming about Laboon. And it was like, I was like, you asshole, but yeah. And we kept it in there where he's like, what, Laboon? Like, yeah, dude. Like we didn't have to do that, but.
Like, did it ruin anything? No. And actually, like, how dare you? Like, you didn't have to do that. Like, that's what I go for. That's the exact reason that I have held on to One Piece for so long, because I adamantly am on record as saying I hated it and wanted nothing to do with it for so many years. And then when I finally gave it a chance, the thing that propelled me forward was the character interaction specifically and how, like,
the little bits of their past show through in tiny moments like that. Like you mentioned earlier, all three of us love Dragon Ball, obsessed with it. It was a big introduction to all three of us for how we got into anime. And I will always have that soft spot in my heart for it. But there's so many moments where I'm like, I don't feel the passion. And I don't feel why I care about these characters right now. Because I know I love these characters, but I don't like them right now. But I don't have those moments with one piece.
And I really feel like there's that that growth and all those moments and all those little like, let's play with this and let's see where this fits. And you're nailing it every time. It's a moving target and you're hitting it. Well, it's and it's not just I love that. And I give credit to like it. God, it takes a village like I don't know if anyone has gone in depth. But I mean, since there is so much we had
two writers that in all the scripts are there. They're just like stacked up. I mean, not literally they're in a computer, but you know, they're, they're waiting there. And so they have to do that. And all of these poor time coders who also like sometimes will engineer. And the guy who time coded a lot of early hole cake, he just had learned how to time code, which is, you know, they, they have the line numbers. They have the time code in the upper corner. So, you know, where the lines are at. And then that's where, you know, to put like, Oh,
at time code 32 seconds. That's where the title card comes in. And that's when Luffy is going to say this and you that's how we do everything. And. If they label something, oh, that's Luffy, maybe in the next episode, a different time coder might be like, oh, monkey.
It's like, no, why are you labeling him as monkey? He's Luffy. Like that makes no sense. But, you know, they'll have stuff like that. Or if someone has like two names, like if they kept calling Bon Clay, Mr. Which one was he? Mr. Two. If they kept writing like Mr. Mr. Two, it's like his name's Bon Clay now. Like you can like we get it. We're past Baroque works. We got a name on it now. So like it's those kind of things that, you know, they have to go through and then you have to get
writers who hopefully know one piece. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes you get a contract person who's like, what's this? What do I have to do? Yeah, that's a translation. Yeah, sure. Here you go. Boom. And that's when we have to come in and kind of say, like, how do we make this sound like you've always said these things? And let's let's turn it around here. You know, translation errors for a long time, they would have like raffle. Oh, now we know it's laugh tale or like
in Japanese, uh, foot and leg are very similar. So we had black foot Sanji. That's not correct. He's black leg Sanji. So, you know, we're, but we're not to the point of like four kids Zolo yet, but you know, so we have to do that. And then the casting and making sure that these people.
are going to, you know, still want to act in a year. And sometimes we've had to recast because people have retired or passed away or, you know, it's, you know, the show goes on forever. So once that gets put together, then all the directors who have worked on this, I think there have been like eight or nine over the years. And, you know, they don't always get to talk to each other. They don't always have someone holding their hand. Mike hasn't always been the lead on it.
So, yeah, I just kind of took all of that. And it was the gift that everyone had kind of given. It was almost like Thanksgiving. They all I had a plate and they all brought something, put it on my plate. Now I have a meal. So now I can sit there and like sit down and just focus on one piece. And the fact that I dove so deep into it, the producers are like, hey, we are flying through this. People love it.
The actors love it like it is one of the least problematic things we have and it used to be the biggest problem just logistically. And that to me is kind of the biggest compliment to say. Here like. Colleen Colleen said she's like you're Joyboy and I was like don't don't Luffy just called me Joyboy like you can't and she's like yeah you're like the Luffy of this we can't do and I'm like stop it like
don't like I, you know, seeing Sunny like and and Sabbath people that I looked up to. I mean, Piccolo, it was like the shit and then Vegeta and then the ginyu force and all that. It's like, come on, man, like they're my friends now. And they're they come in and to hear Sabbath say like, man,
I'm never like, I love doing this, man. Do I get to work with you today? Oh, come on, man. Like, yeah, dude, it's fun. And Lucy and Stephanie Young is looking forward to Robin's big moment in Wano. She's like, I want you to direct me. So, I mean, it's cool when even the actors are like involved now and they understand it, but that's because I'll sit there and be like, hey, do you want to know the cool thing about your character this week?
Uh, Ian, Ian will learn it on his own. He'll bring good facts to me, but I'll be like, okay, Colleen, you want to know what's going on with Luffy? Okay. You want to hear my theory about this? And it's cool. Like they're involved in the world and I think, you know, they don't have to be. Yeah. You don't have to be. You could, you could go in, you could do your job, you could leave. Uh, and it's going to be great, but you know, I, I like that I'm allowed to be me and the fact that I love this and I like playing in there, it's kind of like,
Well, if Anthony's having fun in the pool, yeah, I wanna go swim too. And then pretty soon pool party. So like that's what One Piece is. And I get really excited about reading the manga and seeing where it's gonna go. And I honestly don't care what the One Piece is. I'm excited to know what Luffy's dream is and about what they wanna do. Like it's gonna be something really,
I think people discount it too much. So I'm looking at like big picture stuff and I'm trying to dig in and it's like, Roger and Luffy are cut from the same cloth and we don't know what they wanted. We know how they treat people. I have theories. There's a lot of open stuff, but it's like, man, like what's out there? Instead of just like, what do you think the one piece is, man? It's not gonna be, it's not important.
It's going to be cool to know, but I don't think it's going to be life changing that that people are like, it's named after that. It's like, no, there's a.
That is the stepping stone. That is the second most important thing. There's got to be something bigger. It's the set dressing for the crew. So what are your theories I would love to hear? And I'm sure Parker is dying. Well, they'll spoil for you. Like you don't know where we're at in Endgame. Like me telling you, I could just tell you right now where we're at at the manga, Shanks, who hasn't made an appearance aside from Red in the last 10 years, is here.
Like Shanks is here. We're real shit now.

Theories and Speculations

Anthony can talk to me about spoilers, not you. I can, I can keep it. Uh, so there is, uh, talking about gear five, if I don't know if that spoils anything, but it's just like, it was in red. You can talk about it, but I'm aware, but either way it's, it's, it's, Luffy's going to keep getting stronger and the form that he's in has deeper ties to things kind of like how.
they're starting to get very into like the celestial dragons and what that means, like the will of D and all of that. So I think that with Luffy's powers that he has and his attitude, something that's not a spoiler is people have talked about Luffy being this person who can bring people together, change their minds. He's a natural leader in that way, by being a good person, you know, by trying to help those who are weak and
He's gathering people to that. Something else that was in, this is all like Dressrosa stuff too. That's kind of caring. Law's big thing about the awakening of that devil fruit and everything Doflamingo wanted. He wanted immortality. And then also he was talking about the body swap, not just immortality, but like body swapping. So,
There, that's a different theory that I have, but to go to like the kind of big ending, I think Roger and Luffy have a kind of dreamers, childlike wonder of like, Hey, I love sailing. I love traveling. I love doing that. Why do I have to do it here? And I think that with the whole Enaru stuff.
the the Lunarians and the cover stories and things like that. I think Luffy and Roger's dream and also based off the reactions when all the straw hats heard it for the first time. Saying it's impossible. Frankie kind of laughed it off like you're silly. Brooke was like, that's beautiful. But like crazy. I think that Luffy and Roger want to like go to like I want to sail the stars type of thing and do that.
And I think Luffy would be able to do that if, in some way, Law, towards the end of the series, something happens. And he chooses to do that. Like, as my final act, I'm dying anyway. Luffy...
someone as good as you needs to continue this. And if you can, I think he'll make it. I think they'll find a way to get to the moon or some space. And we know it. That sounds so like that's such a good theory. And I hadn't heard that angle yet. But I I don't know if you played the game Okami. It was originally for PlayStation two. Yeah, with a little. Yeah, with a little wolf. Yeah.
So at the end of that game, there's the Ark of Yamamoto, which is from the celestial people that they use the Ark, which is a giant ship to return on a rainbow bridge back to the stars, back to the moon. And that makes complete sense that that might be how One Piece ends in reference to that Japanese folklore of the Ark of Yamamoto, because there's so much other there's so many other literary references throughout one piece. Yeah. Yeah.
So I just kind of thought like, well, how do you top that? Because the only other thing that I was thinking was, OK, maybe like with these devil fruits, like maybe it's literal and that the earth was normal. And when it got flooded, the demons died, but their souls grew up as the fruits. And now that's why they're saying like, oh, there's a devil in those fruits. Yeah, literally. But they couldn't break free because they the water, you know, the earth mother didn't allow that.
And so now that they're here, you eat a double fruit. You have a little piece of that either demon or whatever in you. And that I'm wondering if at the end, if they're going to reveal like, oh, yeah, like the water was all gone. They're like this. This was a great flood that the Grand Line was a big mountain range or it was put there, you know. So I don't know if that's the bigger reveal is that the world and the universe and kind of whole and be like, yeah, Luffy's going to go do that.
Maybe Brooke is the only one that can go with him, you know, type of thing or theory that he's going to create the all blue by using his liberation. This one's not really a spoiler because it's just all founded in either what we already know from skypea and the confirmation of gear five. But it's going to be that he's going to create the all blue by completely destroying the grand line to open up the world entirely and liberate because technically the grand line is really just
that mountain range, but then the home to Mary Joyce and the government. And so if you eliminate that entirely, you open up the entire world to kind of unite in that way. And like the whole freedom thing where he is that like pillar of freedom, and that's his dream is that he, you know, you're never free until you're out there. And so to like eliminate that entirely and open up all of the borders and the walls amongst themselves, because once you do that, you're also going to eliminate the calm belt, because all the oceans starting to mix fully.
Like, that's one of the more popular theories, I think I've heard, where it's like, that's what he's going to do, whether he gets that information from the Pontoglyphs at the end or what is like, this is what needs to happen. Here's the final kick up to just get rid of it all and kind of restart in the same way that they did with the blank period.
I like that. I mean, that that could be Yeah, my because to them, that's the way the world has always been with the grand line. So their dream could be like, I want to free the world. And everyone laughs like you can't free the world. What do you mean? Yeah, that's pretty cool. Because especially when it's like,
Freeing the world doesn't just mean eliminating the world government because you'll still have pirates and other people. You'll still have to deal with the oppression of fishermen. Yeah. But there's a level that we can get more than this. And I think eliminating the Grand Lion will help people in Sanji's situation where he had to crawl over it with the germa snails to get to somewhere else because of germa's oppression and running away from that. But I say oppression like they weren't the oppressors being exiled.
But like that's a minute that migration that you see or like Nami being moved by Bellamir I mean, she's always been in the East blue but like the transmission between everybody and how they got to where they are having that completely demolished so that everything is just Seen as is because there's a lot of places that are really poor in both the East and West blue where it's like they're completely ignored almost as kingdoms and so few that's a
That's the theory I'm running into right now. I like it. I mean, they're all theories. I would say otherwise, but honestly, with the way the chapters have been going, I cannot predict a damn thing that's happening. I would also say that your theory is close to the original theory that I had, Parker, that I had told you back in March. I think that everything you just said about creating the all blue totally fits in, but I don't think that it's the one piece that we know it. I think it's W-O-M.
P-E-A-C-E. One piece. We one piece.
I think that that's kind of because there's so many weird naming conventions and I feel like that would be the only real like that's all my treasure. I disagree with that one specifically because at that time you hadn't seen Marine Ford and I think when Whitebeard says it because he kind of very much both him and Rayleigh kind of both very much allude to the One Piece being a real thing and Oda has himself has said like the One Piece is not the friends we made along the way like the One Piece is actually a thing and so to have
Yeah, sorry. I didn't want to tell you that your theory was already shot down by Oda and Whitebeard and Rayleigh. Because you sent me that theory way back at, like, Skypia, I think. So something like that. Long time coming. Oda's already said no to that. I'm sorry. Damn. Oda kind of goes back on a lot, like. Well, yeah, I don't know why there's so much setup for a lot of stuff that ultimately. Like Zorro and Wano.
Well, yeah, and there's and I kind of get that where it's like, OK, but I guess, you know, it's like, oh, well, maybe it's because it wasn't his story or they're like, it's not important to the end after all. But it's like, but how come everyone got a backstory? It's like.
law got a backstory up who got more of a story killer and kid and killer and kid are main players in wano and they got backstory in SBS post wano like can we get some more and I just I don't know I don't know if it's because we're rushing to kind of get to end set up I mean I know what happens so I kind of know why but
Yeah. It feels like there's certain things where it's like, we could have done this. There's like a scene where Zorro's like, I'm going to round up all the samurai. And then he doesn't. We never addressed, we never addressed Ryoma. We like do flashbacks of it. He's like, yeah, this sword was from a samurai, like a well-known samurai in Wano. We introduce someone, sorry, Neb, spoiler. We introduce someone who looks exactly like Zorro, exactly like Zorro. His hair is blue.
They're not related. We released Zorro's tree, SBS. Yeah. Oddly enough, they're not related. And then there's one that's like not looking like him. They're like, oh, totally is grandpa. This guy. Yeah, I did read over here and I spoiled myself on Zorro's.
kind of confirmed family tree? No, it's confirmed. It's fully confirmed now. And the connection to another character that's connected to Brooke that I won't name so it doesn't spoil it for other people. But I think that maybe they haven't gone into Sora's backstory as deep as they have with the other members of the Straw Hats because it'll connect later with Brooke specifically.
I know what's happening in the manga, so I'll just say, we'll see. We'll see. I love when I get her to say shit like that. I'm telling you right now, we have not had Zora backstory outside of that SBS. What's currently happening in Egghead, Zora gets actually nothing. Zora has the least screen time right now. I love Zora so much, this hurts me. Best outfit. He has the best outfit.
Okay, that's fine. My man got to it. That's what I care about. Always fashion icon, Frankie and Brooke. I mean, they always look great. Jim Bay looks good. What? I love when we put them in a Hawaiian shirt. Keep doing it. That's my dad. Yeah. Yeah. Jim Bay, Jim Bay in the movie outfit. I love his movie outfit. I think it's so awesome. I love Jim Bay.
Listen, when Robin said, I can't read the exact line, but it was like, how can I say no to a handsome man in reference to Jim Bay? I'm like, yep, I agree.
Yeah. I ship Froben to the end. Their combined joint backstories matter to me. Jim Bay is a polite man, but I can't have him let them be the cause for their divorce. No, I just met Jim Bay's handsome and I agree. I wholly agree. Froben the whole way. We have to hear now. What are your opinions? What are your ships? What are your ships?
Who do I I. I don't think we get to see enough of Robin's interaction with people. I love Robin. She's just like but. Later on, I like how. Her and USOP get along and they seem like one of those like like if if you're watching Harry Potter and it's like, hey, shouldn't
Harry and Hermione should have gotten together, right? Like they seem like more compatible. Uh, I kind of feel that way with like, when you see USOP talking to anyone in that sense. And I think her, like in Wano a lot, they have that, but you know, the, the most interactions that you get with some of those inner ones.
I don't know like people I have a big deep thing about Sanji and Nami reading a bunch of the SB or yeah a bunch of those where they talk about like the honorifics that Sanji uses and why he uses them on who and what it means where it's like well there's four ways you can interpret that one is that he says you know Nami-san because she's older she isn't says it because she's higher rank she isn't
Uh, because of this and it's like, Oh, it's because like they have a very special, like sibling relationship that goes beyond what they've even kind of talked about in the show, but that it's that little hint of like how they talk to each other. And the fact that Sanji always freaks out about when people talk about her specifically.
and that grudge that he holds and why he still hates like Jimbe to this day and why he still hates, you know, Zora, why him and Zora are fighting, you know, which is, you know, all this really dumb stuff where it's like the first time they fought was because he thought that Zora was calling her flat chested.
like and he's hated and so Sanji's hated him ever since and hates um Jimbe because views Jimbe as a reason why Arlong did all of that to Nami so Sanji and everything is just kind of like okay like I'd rather hang out with Zoro fish man um but yeah like reading all of that stuff like that stuff I don't know if you ever get to see that or if it would ever reflect but I try and put that
in the show. So it's really hard to kind of look at anyone in the crew other than like siblings. Yeah, I get that. Parker's gonna explode. I want to hear let's go. I'm a big I'm a big Sanji Nami shipper. I caught me and my boyfriend have cosplayed like seven looks combined. We do photo shoots for both of them. I'm obsessed with them. They literally have a filler where they're married and own a business like
I'm obsessed with them. I was watching Whole Cake. I love pudding. I have bored all my personality myself. So seeing pudding, I was like, I love her. Every time he would come back for Nami, I was like, this is it. My friends for a while thought maybe, because pudding is kind of in her own cover story right now, they're like, well, this might be end game for Sanji. We might reintroduce pudding. This might be end game. But every time, like with what's currently happening in Egghead, he immediately leaves a girl who is so damn fine to go be by Nami's side.
Like every time consistently, no matter who's around, he's still like a player, but he always, always, always comes back to Nami. And so it's like, in my heart, this is what I want.

Character Development

If it doesn't happen, I won't be offended. Because Oda in the past has said he doesn't really do romance overall, because he more cares about the general story. Then you get romances like Shifan and Beji.
or, um, baby five inside. Like you get so many good romantic things. And I love the romance in one piece. I think it's so mature and emotional. I love it. And so like, he may have said that in the past, but then he's continued to do way more. Cause he said that way back in like alabaster.
And so it's like, this might be a possibility for Endgame. And honestly, I don't usually ship between straw hats, aside from like, Froben, because they have so much with their story and Eni's lobby together, and then Sanji and Nami. And that's kind of it. Like, I see them the rest as siblings. Like, I see people who ship Usopp and Nami. I can't do that. I see them as siblings. Like, they're best friends. That's as much as they can be for me. But Sanji and Nami is where I see like, him always caring for her and her being like,
how she is. That's why I feel I can't do I can't do they're just they're just so much siblings. I feel that way about him. Like I don't think Frankie like I don't ship Frankie with anyone because he is never in my opinion shown that he not that he's not interested in that but kind of like the same way that Zorro is like
liquor and swords, like, right? Like he has, he already, he has the most beautiful woman who's like blink blink. And he's like, Hey, you got any sake? Like, okay. I feel like Frankie's that same way. Cause he's like a gearhead. He's like, nah, bro. I'd rather like look at a truck. Like what you got under that hood. And then the woman's like under this hood and he's like, nah, the truck like, yeah, that's that would be Frankie. Like I, I love how.
he he he's like one of those good masculine guy like what a good like healthy masculine like like Robin and Nami like I'll protect you little flower like they're my siblings big bro like yeah like he I think he's I don't know what he's about but like him and Zora are the guys who are like we have a cool dude thing we're doing and then when that's done maybe like well
I picture Frankie and Robin as Roger and Jessica Rabbit, if that makes sense. He's just kind of in his own world and doing whatever, and then you look at her and you're like, how the fuck did these do? Oh, he's just, he makes me laugh. He's my silly guy. Yeah, he's just my silly little guy.
He's just wholesome in that regard. This might be the Twitter fandom person in me, but I really ship Zoro Kiku. I love a big woman. Oh, you are a sizable woman. I love it. I love a big woman. Once again, I still think if Zoro has to get to a point where he would register anyone other than a swordsman or booze,
before he could. It's a girl with a sword. It's the same way he gets weird when he sees Tushigi, but also he kind of, I don't know. Tushigi has like, yeah, dead friend stuff. Kiku doesn't have that. Kiku's just a cool woman with a sword. So it's like, all right. All right. It's this, but better. It's what you were trying to give me in punk hazard, but much better. But also, Hiori's beautiful. So my man is just kind of dumb. He doesn't care. Yeah. And that's okay.
But I don't know, like I like it in the sense that the relationships are so wholesome. I think I just like them being around each other in a very like Disney way where it's like, I just like that you don't have to go. And I think to the credit again, once again, it's like romances sometimes muddle things too early. And like at this point,
romances aren't the point. There's no time for it. Like they happen in the heat of battle, but right now we're so far into this end game. It feels kind of weird where, you know, people are, anytime they see two characters walking together, it's like, Oh, well, they're going to get together. Like, no, just cause Robin walk next to someone. It's like, Oh, her and law are talking pony glyphs. Like, okay. They're just, that's, that's work. When that happened, I was like,
What does this mean? I don't know. When I saw that happen, when they talked about it, and she's like, I want to know what the will of D is. Everyone's like, they should ship like, no, please. They're just talking. Oh, I will say Yamato and Ace. Yes. Yep. Without a doubt in my mind. I'm not even there yet, and I know it. That is something I'm looking forward to. That is the episode that they didn't. It was so beautiful that they're like, that should be in the manga.
to watch them interact is the cutest thing. And I can't wait to, I specifically will ask for certain episodes to direct. And that was one where I was like, I want episode a thousand. I want one thousand fifteen. I want to do the Robin and Black Maria episode. I'm so excited. You know, I want to do zoom in. So it's really cool that they let me like get kind of those that that means something to me. I wanted to do as much of the flashback as I could because I
A lot of people I heard didn't like it, but I think at the time it's because Wano was in full swing, and then you're going to hit 16 episodes of Flashback. But the Flashbacks were so good, and the animation change in 1000 was my first episode one piece ever.
I went to a party with it to go see my friends, because I was just in the mood to drink, honestly. And then I sat down with them. I was resisting watching One Piece. I watched 1000. I watched the animation on Yamato realizing the true dream. And I cried. I was crying, just because it was so beautiful. When I was building my panel to talk to people about why they should watch One Piece, because we're getting into the final, I had to go watch a bunch of playbacks. I watched Red Rock happen, and there were tears in my eyes. Like, the opening train to Wano, all of it makes me sob.
I can't watch Red without crying. I can't listen to the soundtrack from it without crying because the music is so beautiful and the movie is so beautiful. One Piece means so much to me that I'm so excited for these key scenes to be animated and the way that we're handling it. I follow a bunch of the animators on Twitter and I love watching them do their work like with Fisher Tiger and the Jim Bay aura.
I love the care that goes in the one piece. It's my absolute favorite. It's kind of why like I can feel closer to it than Dragon Ball, but I've been my hair is blue because I love Bulma. I have three Bulma tattoos on my body. I have Beerus on my ankle. Like, yeah, it's one of Beerus is really bad frames. It's on my ankle forever. I love it. But I feels like with one piece, there's so much more depth and care into it. And I don't want to say like Dragon Ball doesn't get that but it feels like

Evolution of One Piece

because there's so many people involved in one piece when it comes to the animators, the writers, all the voice actors, whoever we need. It feels like every single episode is like one stepping stone up and another and then another. And we're building towards this super beautiful work of art. And it's amazing to see how it's grown when you go back. Cause I was watching it within the last year. I literally watched 1000 and then episode one within a week.
and it was like the night and day difference and we had to grow with the art style and the jokes and the humor and where we start to actually get serious because it was just pirates on a boat having fun at the beginning and now we're like fighting the government and overthrowing everybody. I love One Piece so much. It's very important. I mean, I love the care that is going into it. I'm very excited for Gear 5 to be animated because I know all the animators are so excited for it. Yeah, I mean, and that's like
It takes that kind of care and everything to really look at it and I did I say this at panels whenever everyone is saying like how can I listen to fans like you talk about it that passionately and then turn around and go do.
disservice to the show and do half of that like I don't want to be the guy who's not giving you the full experience and in some cases I want to take it further so that way it's something uniquely us you know that we're doing in this moment because yeah we we have to wait a you know a week or two to see it we've been waiting years to see it sometimes so like why not make it special when we finally get it and make it worth it like that that I think is is what's going to continue to move this and that's why I think
you know, Oda loves what he does and wants to have the story and the fact that he has said, like, when it's done, I'm done, like, I don't want to keep going because you wanted more, or because a production company or whatever wants more of that, like, I am done when the story is told. And yeah, like, that's
that man, are we ever gonna see in a 1500, 2000 episode series again? Are we gonna ever see this again? I mean, maybe, but maybe not in my lifetime, probably. I mean, we'd have to start another one now. If The Simpsons would have to keep going, that would be the closest thing to go to 1000. But I mean, it's really humbling and really cool to have fans like Aaron Campbell, who plays Perros Perros, sounds exactly
Like, that's just him embodying. He loves that. Ben Balmaseda, who plays Pedro. I mean, I love his Pedro and they brought that passion into it. And that's our thumbprint. We are that. Like, people who listen to this in English are hearing us. They're hearing our words. And that's it. That's the version. It's not us doing a fandom. It is the official English version. And that's a lot.
to kind of carry, so. And he loves Perrosboro. My friend cosplayed Perrosboro and tweeted at him and he's like, this is the best thing I've ever seen. I replied like, that's my best friend. He's like, tell your best friend he's the coolest fucking dude. Like he loves Perrosboro. I, because of him and my friend, like both just loving Perrosboro so much as a character, they think he's funny. I love the care. I don't hate Perrosboro anymore. I think he's so cool. Like my friend is so good at like,
loving these niche, stupid characters that it's like, I kind of hate this. I kind of hate how good you look as Peros, but right now, but that's like when he puts on his, that speaks so much to just one piece as a whole, that it forces you to love the characters you thought you would hate. Well, it's like when you don't like Bond Clay on first appearance and then boom, favorite character. Everyone's like, bring Bond Clay back.
meet with buggy free. He'll be back. We don't get rid of buggy to flashy not to Yeah, the the backstory also I think fleshes out a lot of these characters where it's like, well, buggies seemed kind of dumb. I mean, yeah, you know, you kind of see him fell down and all that. But then when you see like, this bright eyed buggy with shanks, and then to see where they're at now, it's kind of like, what happened? Like you guys were supposed to go to
laugh tale together, you were with gold Roger on his crew, the pirate king, and now they're, you know, like, screw you, like, wow, what's happening? Like, it's, I'm excited. It's there's so much in there to dig into that. You know, I've told them that I will keep directing this as long as they will let me and that if down the line, if I get tired, and if it gets repetitive like that to at least be in a position to where I can like,
still help guide it, still take that information and be like, hey, I have the book of One Piece. I've been doing it just so that way it continues to have, you know, that care. So that way it's not just like, as soon as I'm gone, I'm like, well, I did Zo, Whole Cake, and Wano. Like, that's my Star Wars trilogy. I'm out. Like, yeah.
I can't do that because a lot of people like I'm the only person who worked on all of that. If I leave, people are going to have to like rely on other stuff and not know the episodes and all of that. It's it's a lot of work. And I don't want to have that for someone I had, I panicked at 600 when someone going to do it 900 at 1000. You know, so
Yeah, and I hope we're not a one piece podcast. We just happened to talk to a lot of one piece voice actors in the last few times. It was like a chain. It was a special. That's why it's one piece special. I talked to Chris about loving one piece like you should talk to Sonny and he gives us a sunny and Sonny's like you should talk to Anthony and then it brought us to you. And it's
So pass us on.

Community and Support

That's the thing. We're the white elephant of Crunchyroll right now. But I'm very excited. I'm hoping I can run into some of the others at cons and just be like, hey, here's what I do if you want to talk to us about One Piece because I like you in One Piece.
how I go. I try to, I don't know, I feel like One Piece really kind of encapsulated a lot of what we care about is our values. And so when it came to introducing it to this podcast, just as is because we talk a lot about internet communities and fandoms and conventions, and I've gotten a lot of different experiences from like my other fandoms I was in. But once I was in One Piece, I was at Sakura Con last week
And at our one piece meetup, we had like a hundred people. And I was having to help the main organizer because my boyfriend's really, really loud. We were organizing every single person there. And it was so busy because so many people care. And it was just, it's incredible. It's one of my favorite things to cosplay now. That's why I have 40 of them in my closet. It's just...
It's incredible. And it's probably the best community to be in because everyone who was in it since the beginning or since terrestrial in 2016 or like me started during like COVID or in the last two years because they had time on their hands. It's like every single person, regardless of when they start has the same passion for it. And it's amazing. It's one of my favorite things to participate in. Cause it's, I can always be safe talking to someone about One Piece cause it's safe to say they'll share that same passion in some degree or some way. Yeah.
Yeah, it's so big, like, there's enough for everyone to find a little something in there, which is really nice. It's like the people whose one thing is Caesar Clown for some reason. I don't know. Shit. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. That's why it's- My friend cosplays him, too. I love the niche characters. I love everyone. I call them Scramble Bimbles if they're going to, like, show up in an episode and then we're going to see them in 500 more. Uh-huh. Like that caribou? Yeah, like, oh, my God.
I hate Caribou. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. There is something we all can agree on.
Like I think Caribou is number one on my list of just like, why are you here? I didn't know he was here. I like found out. I started reading the manga post-Wano, because I didn't want to see the scene leading up to Joyboy like on my own. So I started reading post-Wano. I knew about that. I would watch all of that on my own. Post-Wano is when I started. And then I start my first chapter and there he is. Waiting for you. I was so fucking mad.
Oh, it's this guy. Yeah. The mud guy who drank all the mermaids in his swamp at Fishman Island and then disappeared. Yeah. Fuck that guy. No, thank you. Well, we're not done with him. So he's dead, brother. What else? I'm getting close to. Yeah, it's yeah. We don't want to keep you too long. We just we went on our rants. I know. I told you I get down that rabbit hole and I just keep going. So I have to force myself to stop. And then tomorrow
I mean, we're still working on it. I had four Wallace sessions, which are four actors each today. So I had just right there. That's like 20 people just in my day when normally someone might have two or three. Yeah. So it's just a lot of people going through. But like I'm talking about one piece and then tomorrow I'm going to go work on it. But it's like that's kind of cool. Like that's my job is to know a lot about a really good show and then
Make it into English as.
as good as it deserves to be, so. And I'm blown out of the water, like everything that's currently coming out. I used to have like small gripes with things, but they were so early as like skypea, where I was like, I don't really like how this scene was handled, but I still like it. And I've never ever saw fault with the straw hat dubbing. I've loved it since the beginning and I think it's so perfect. But seeing a little bit more of these side characters, I don't even like full side characters, but like cat viper, like amazing. I love the work that's being done with them. I love the detail and it's so cool.
Well, Anthony, it was a joy to talk to you. You're always welcome to come back. This has just been the best gush session. Yes. Now that we got this, the next time we can go and talk fully about Kono Ota, we can get all into everything else. Everything else. Absolutely. Everything else that is anime, but like we got our one piece and even one episode. You'll be further on next time we talk. She'll probably be here.
the end of one. I'm gonna try to catch up and then the next time you you hop on we'll be able to talk all the theories and all the spoilers. Heck yeah and then like we can talk about because the thing I love to do is really in the manga like okay we have all these characters coming up who do I want to cast like who would even before hearing them in the anime it's like well that one looks fun and that one looks fun like who are these people gonna be yeah
Well, is there anything that you want to promote or talk about before we end? Anything you want to shout out? Anything you can? I know a lot of it is in secrecy. Not well, I mean, not a lot. I mean, you know, doing One Piece, that's that's going to be the gig. So I mean, coming up, just supporting One Piece, that's what we're doing. I mean, just going and checking that out.
I mean, I'm still acting right now, so like I'm in Bofuri right now. Devil's Apart Timer's coming back, second part of season two. I might have another show, I directed the show called Our Last Crusade. I did season one, season two, I think's coming out later this year. But yeah, right now, I mean, it's kind of boring, but yeah, I'm just, I'm doing one piece. And I just kind of like,
The main thing I post is when people are like, who are these actors? And I'm like, heck yeah, here we go. And I'll just like do like character listings and stuff where it's like, go talk to the actors, like let them shine. And that's my favorite thing to watch is like, when major release zoom in and everyone was like, it went viral. And it's like, good. One piece went viral. That's all I care about. Like, hell yeah.
All right, listeners, you heard it first. Make one piece viral more so than already. It's already on TikTok. It's one of the most viral already. Like gear five has not been animated yet, but it has more hits than that than most Naruto, Boruto and bleach fights on terms of hashtag and viewage. Boom. Fun facts. Gear five sweep. Sweet. So now that's, I mean, that's really it, man. I just want people to continue to like.
support anime, dub or sub. You know, I mean, we work on the dub, we put a lot of effort into it. But I mean, if you just watch the show, it's a good show. And anyone who watches One Piece, I mean, you know, they love to rewatch it. So if you watch it in the sub, watch it in the dub. I mean, get that opinion out there and start in Wano.
Don't start in one. Oh, come on. I had someone who actually did and they're like, I don't know what's happening. Like dumbass. I want to kill you. I want to kill you so bad. Yeah. That's like watching, uh, not watching any Marvel movies and being like, I'm going to go watch end game just the second part of the last. It's like starting. Don't call me out like that, bro.
Yeah, that's really it. But thank you both for having me. I'm glad we finally got to do this. And definitely in the in the future. I mean, we're getting close to catching up to day and date where we're only going to be a week. So my little hands together like an excited bug. Yeah. So hopefully, it'll be kind of hectic coming up here in the summer. But after that, but I mean, definitely in the next few months, or if anything goes down, I'd love to chat again.
You got our email. If you ever want to come back, you can just tell us and we'll make it happen. You have my cell phone number in the email. So just text me. Same with Chris. We got texts. Yeah. When we, when we make that to actually do it, I won't be like, let's do it tomorrow and then not show up for two weeks.
That's OK. We got it. We're all on the same page now. Mistakes happen. It's all right. One of them was on us. It all works out. It's all good. It's all good. Incredible. Well, thank you so much. And is there do you want to plug your Instagram, your Twitter or anything? Anything Twitter? I mean, I'm I'm always down to hear what people think. My Twitter is at my last name, bowling, the number four and anime at bowling for anime, like bowling for soup.
Yeah, I love that. But yeah, there and then I have a website if you want to like check out my credits and cons and stuff like that. Anthony bowling, VA for voice actor VA comm. So Anthony bowling VA comm you can check out all my credits there and stuff. But yeah, that's really about it.
I'm obligated to say it because I said it to the others. If you had so much fun here and want to tell your friends to come talk to us, you can. I know a lot of One Piece people. It can be anyone. You got Dragon Ball people. You got, it can be anything. Oh, no, don't tolerate people.
Yeah, oh, that too. I'm here for it. But I mean, I could get you Bardot. Please, please. Give him my info. I'm... I would cry. I'm working on a Bardot cosplay because I love him so much. My friend cosplays Cavendish so we can match. Okay. Oh, Cavendish. Real quick, has Chris told you about the design that we made for him or shown you the sticker Sabot Simp Squad? No. He knows. Oh, my God.
That was us. That was us. And now it sounds like we need to make a Barto one. Oh, yeah. I mean, because it's a Barto club. I mean, that's what it's called. Well, I got to make the pins, but I have to make them. We have to make them carefully so we don't get a license. Yeah. The Mr. Luffy Barto pins.
Oh my god. I love it. Barto bitches. Barto is my favorite character. I would cry if you did. Thank you so much for being here. It's very appreciated. Of course. This is probably the longest episode we've run with a guest because we just kept going. Oh yeah, sorry. I mean, but like I told you, I'll just get talking. You don't apologize. This was a very fun episode and it's very nice to talk to someone, especially in the industry, who has the same passion as we as viewers do. It's very cool. Totally.
Incredible. I mean, yeah, the pad, I mean, the Keyblade's there. We got it all. We got everything. We're all in the same. We can talk about Kingdom Hearts next time. It doesn't matter. We have so much to say about Kingdom Hearts. Thank you guys for listening. Bye. Bye.