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Vol 2 Ch 22 | Pizza Rat Smash or Pass image

Vol 2 Ch 22 | Pizza Rat Smash or Pass

E22 · Fandames with Parks & Nebula
157 Plays1 year ago

Description: Things are getting a bit wild over at the Fandames Sleepover this week. It’s chaotic, it’s nostalgic, it’s everything and more with this unhinged duo episode. Join in on the suffering of food-related mascot smash or pass and cosplay/convention updates.

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Introduction and Humor with Fandames

All right, welcome back to the Sleepover podcast. This is Fandames with Parks and Nebula. I am a Nebula recovering from being six, so I sound a little wild. And the other one over there. I'm Parker. Parker with her blue hair. With my blue hair and my pronouns. That's what my new name is in the chat. It's blue hair, but also pronouns. That's my only personality in the IRL group chat.
Um, but I was going to say, shit, you threw me off. What were we talking about before you did the intro? Oh, I was going to say he makes a livable wage. If he was a small rat that lived on three crackers a month, he makes a livable wage, but we didn't say from what mammal. Yeah. If you're a little rat that likes to eat three crackers and it takes a long time because he's got to use his little hands, just kind of nibble and only a little bit is needed per day. Three crackers gets him through the whole month livable wage.
liveable. Make that a sticker commission. Ryan is a little rat eating his cracker. He's got his little vape next to him. Yeah, we give him enough vape juice to keep going. Oh, now I'm imagining like
like a rat like sitting with like sitting up with his back against the wall and he's got both his tiny little hands around this fat like fat vaper on it but he's got the the little like eye bags and staring into the void but the vape still has to have sashomer on it yes it does still have to have sashomer on it absolutely it's the only defining feature he has if we take away the beard you have to include everything else

Convention Tales and Peculiar Purchases

So you just got back from SoccerAcon. Yeah, I didn't get COVID. That was cool. Nice. Some people I know did. I didn't because I was masked the whole time. Smart. SoccerAcon was really fun. We were at the Persona 5 meetup, which was really small. The One Piece meetup had about 80 people and Gavin was the loudest one there. So he was doing all of the group calls for shoots and stuff and who was going up and who was coming down and doing all of the organization.
along with someone we know who was the main photographer and then a big mom cosplayer we met there who was the main organizer who was the one doing the group calls and he was just the one that was yelling them.
So that was fun. We didn't really go to any panels, only my friend Lana's Himbology panel, which was an 18 plus panel about Himbos. Sakura Con was in two different buildings. A lot of people made TikToks about the two different buildings being kind of dramatic, but they didn't realize that there's actually a closer footpath. It's not three blocks away. It's like,
the left and the right. But it's fine. It's cool. It's kind of or dramatic, which is if you're a wheelchair or a cane user, it can be a little bit hard to get between the two buildings. But aside from that, all of the main events and panels and artists alley, all the main stuff was in the old building, all the meetups, everything was there. So you really only had to go over to the other building if you wanted to specifically go to the exhibitors hall, which is just, you know, Funko pops and hentai sellers.
I mean, I feel like that's actually pretty smart to split them up that way. Well, the Artist Alley was its own huge fucking convention hall. Artist Alley was like, I think it had at least 70 or 80 different artists, probably more.
There was like six on each row and then they were like, no, there's probably more than six back and forth. I don't know how to describe it. It was fucking huge. It was a whole con floor dedicated to just Artist Alley. That's where most people spent all of their time and their money. That's awesome. Yeah. Most people hang out because the main events are all in the new building or the old building. So all of the concerts like Flow was there. They performed colors. They performed Go twice. Go was their encore song. That's the Naruto theme if you don't know.
We had a bunch, they had fashion shows, cosplay contests, whatever. All of that was in the old building. And so most of them were the meetups. So it's like, there was no reason to really go to the summit building. Gavin and I spent very little time in the summit building, unless we were specifically going to see our friends. I did buy hentai at the hentai booth though, because it was funny.
I looked through all their yaoi and it was like only Zoro Sanji and then I was like, you got an Ami's fat tits? He's like, yeah, I do. Which one you want? Comes over and he hands me like a big thick pile and I picked the one where she's fucking Zoro. Hell yeah. It's got Robin in it. So I'm like, this one's a good one. Thank you. And I pay him $25 and I walk away. Nice. I'm like, I go to the girl section because they have it sorted by yaoi and like straight girls. Or I guess there's Yuri in there too, but they don't really care. We should have to fetishize women.
But, um, I go over there and it's a bunch of stinky incels. I'm not kidding. Like I'm not going to shit talk to the people. I don't care who looks at hentai. I do. It's fun. It's fun. But I'm there with all these dudes who are kind of stinky going through the fate category. Cause that's what's underneath me or around me while I'm like looking through my one piece. So it's all the dudes who are jacking off to rent Osaka and they smell.
And I'm like, this pretty girl, I'm in my persona cosplay like, hmm, cool, give me the Nami one. And then I like walk away. Just be thankful you didn't walk up to that one in your Nami cosplay. Oh, that would have been scary. Yeah. Well, I was the one holding all the whole Nami section, so no one was looking at Nami pouring to jack off to while I was there. All right, that's good at least. We have to put an explicit advisory on this episode. I'm just kidding.
But yeah, that was fun. Sunday, I was going to wear Lucy, but we were kind of tired because we had to be up at 9am for the 9am or we had to be up earlier for

Hotel Hijinks and Travel Troubles

the 9am cosplay contest on Saturday. Programming couldn't help it. They had contractual obligations. So they did have to put the cosplay contest at 9am because their sponsors were for the fashion show and then the concert right after. So it's just the way the cookie crumbled. They had to put the contest in the morning, but we still made it to support my friend. That was great. It was a fun contest.
But we were up at like 7 a.m. getting ready for it. Yeah, no, thank you. And you have the time change. So really, well, we went back an hour or so we were up anyways. Oh, OK. Never mind. I was thinking East Coast for some reason. Hell nah. Seattle. But we woke up, we were fine. And then on Sunday, we wanted to take it like a little easy and go eat something first because we were famously malnourished beforehand. And we go. We're good. We go eat a little bit. And then we come back. And our deadbolt is locked. You know,
Like the yellow, the, you know, like the little oval ones that go to the side of the door and just like put your bolt in. That's, is that called a deadbolt? Yeah. I thought the deadbolt was just a little turn thing. No, if you can't, if it's a, if it like physically keeps you from opening the door outside of this normal like lock, it's a deadbolt.
So the little deadbolt, the thing that is designed to be manually closed, somehow walked itself behind us. There was a ghost that was pissed at you in that room. That's what I was thinking. Because Vamplets felt something in that room too. They're like, this is weird in here. Their hotel room was super haunted too. We both, I don't know. Seattle haunted room. All right. Another interactive room for them. Yeah, we got to have Vamplets back on. I know, to tell us about that.
Yeah, we do. But yeah, the door is locked. We're both in disbelief. And Gavin goes down and he's like, hey, our door, the deadbolt locked behind us. And he's like, how the fuck does that happen? I was like, I don't know. Will you send someone? I'm just like, we'll send maintenance.
We sit for 20 minutes at the lobby by the elevators before the dude comes out. And he's like, what's the problem? Are you locked out? We're like, yeah, we are. And then we try to explain it's the deadbolt, but he interrupts a little bit. And he's like, I didn't bring the thing up. I got to go down to get the thing to jump it. Because he thinks it's the battery lock for the key card. And we're like, no, no, no. We come look. The deadbolt is locked. And he comes up. And he looks at it. He's like, how did this happen? We're like, don't know.
So it goes and gets a palette knife and tries to slide it in there. But of course we already tried this with both our room keys, the do not disturb sign, whatever. Didn't work. So he tries a palette knife and he's kind of jamming it in there and trying to like shut the door and force it close. Doesn't work.
Yeah. You know, the thing that's designed for anti theft. And so no one can break in. Let's just try to figure it out with a fucking palette knife. So he goes and disappears in the span of that. I take that photo of Gavin like family guy death posed in front of the door on the dick ground. Um, we got like 10 minutes before he comes back with another palette knife. This one's a little bit longer. Um, the other one was kind of like a flat one that was kind of like six inches, something you would like scrape paint with a little bit. Um, he comes back with a thinner one.
tries the same thing, isn't working. He goes back out. Gavin has a recording of this. And he goes out and he gets the bolt cutters. He's like, I am messing around with this shit. Like almost exact words. And so he's trying to get the bolt cutters through the little slit in the door that we have. And it's like, bro is in disbelief. He's like, unbelievable. Like trying to get in there. And he can't get a fucking grip on the fucking bolt to cut it. He
cannot do it. So he looks at Gavin, he's like, you do this. So Gavin puts his phone in his pocket and grabs a double cuz that shit right off. Hey person that's paying to stay here do my job for me real fast. He couldn't look it's fine. Gavin got it. He just couldn't get a grip on it. But it was like the same time like oh my god. So Gavin cuts the lock off. By this point, it is almost like 1135 the con ends at four because the Sunday it's the last day.
Yeah. We finally get in the room. We're kind of exhausted. We lay down for a bit and we're both like, we're not getting into costume anymore. This shit's not happening. And so we just leave in our normal clothes. We're both kind of manic because when bad shit happens, we don't know how to react anymore. So we just laugh and then we carry on with the rest of our.
Oh, man, that sucks. But now you have a good story. And funny pictures, Gavin took videos of everything. So we got it. It's better than like, oh, no, I lost all my luggage at a con or like someone broke my friend did lose all their luggage at a con. It was still in Denver and never made it onto the connecting flight to Seattle. But luckily Southwest was able to patch it to California and then to Seattle. So they got to pick it up that same night. Oh, that's good. But they were still pissed.
Yeah, I wouldn't be sure. Our flight home, there was a baby in front of me and a baby behind me. And the baby behind me kept kicking the shit out of my seat. I had my noise canceling headphones in, so I couldn't hear him crying, but I could feel him just going...
Because it was sitting on its mom's lap. So no way to stop that kicking the fuck out of me. I'm not gonna complain about babies. Babies gotta travel too. Babies do baby things, but goddamn. And then when she got up, she was in the middle seat, which was very, whatever. She made the stranger next to her, like hold her baby. Stand up and hold the baby while she gets out. She's better than I am. But she hit me in the fucking side of the head while she was getting up. Like in the back, she went,
Gavin is sound asleep while this is happening. Whatever. So I managed to sleep through the first bit of my flight and then over the halfway point they come and bring a snack so I need my little coke because my blood pressure is falling. So I get my little coke and I'm good and I can't really sleep anymore but I have really good Wi-Fi because now Delta flights have like free Wi-Fi as long as you're a member so I just sign in and I get free Wi-Fi for the whole flight.
So I'm awake and I'm like reading Reddit, whatever. And then it turns out on the bathroom break, those two babies got to meet each other. So for the rest of my flight, they were playing peekaboo over the seat for the last hour stretch and then continue to do so as we waited for unloading.
Jesus. So you know like when babies kind of like bar- or like when toddlers kind of bark? Mm-hmm. They're like, ah! You're like, oh my god! Imagine that for 30 minutes in a hot plane while we're waiting to de- plane. Oh, I can absolutely imagine it because I have four like Nisa's nephews. Yeah.
I don't mind babies on flights, but I was so tired. Gavin and I got really nauseous during our pregame stuff just because we got motion sick from our Uber driving like crazy. And so we were stressed out by the airport. There was a Karen at the fucking front gate who was like, they were like, hey, our flight's kind of full. If you want to voluntarily check your bags, we'll cover it. And like, we got this.
This lady then volunteers to go up there and she's like, I could do it, but you have to guarantee it. Like you have to, you have to mark it. Cause if this has medical equipment, if we get separated from it, if you cannot guarantee it, we'll make it to my international destination. I don't want to do it. And she's like screaming at the guy. He's like, this is voluntarily, man. You don't have to do that. Bro, just don't do it then.
Just sit back down, man. That's what you think. She kept yelling at him for another like five minutes, but because we were kind of the way the gate is, there's chairs along the gate line. So it was like when she was yelling at him, it was like she was in my ear because she was right behind me. God. Man, I fucking hate it. Seattle, Seattle TSA has like four lines for TSA. So once you're scanned in, you're sitting there for a long time.
because TSA is so slow. And for some reason, they were like, Gavin's bag is tech wear, so it has a bunch of buckles on it. And they're like, push it back, so we had to wait for him to fucking get his bag. And he opens it, and he's like, can't find anything. And we're like, yeah, because there's nothing in it, and it gives it to us.
We made it back though, we're good. I don't know what it is about my luck on flights, but every time that I have flown out to see you since I fly alone, I always end up being the one stranger seat that a whole family has obviously bought all the other tickets and just didn't buy the one.
And I guess we're banking on someone not sitting there. And I have always been asked to move so that they can all sit together or do whatever. And I'm like, yeah, I don't give a shit because I don't want to sit next to your kids. But also it's just weird. It's happened to me like two or three times. Because you're a lonely dude.
It's a different family every time, too. The dude who was on the flight with us to Seattle, there was another crying baby, but me and Gavin didn't give a shit because we had our headphones. The dude next to us was not okay. He had his head in his hands. He was looking pathetic. He was melting down the entire time. Oh, no. He kept bonking the screen in front of him and was accidentally opening up videos and shit by rolling his head around. Wait. This man's going through it.
Bro was not okay. I hope he's okay now. Those are my flight stories and then the con was fun. Good. I saw a lot of cosplayers that went out there that I was not expecting to go that I would have loved to meet. It's a huge west coast con. It's not as big as AX, but it's fairly big. That's why it needed the two buildings because last year they sold out completely at registration. Wow.
Damn, I would love to go sometime if that's the case. It is very chill. It is way more chill compared to level up. Oh, yeah, okay. I am going to Seattle in the summer, but not for a convention.
For what? Going to visit family. I have never been out to my cousin Ed's house out in Washington. I almost said the town and that's not smart. Is it the boonies of Washington? It is the boonies of Washington. You can't ever go to the city. You always got to go to the fucking boonies. Well, we're going to split the trip, so half of it we're going to stay in Seattle, and then the other half we're going to stay in the house. In downtown Seattle?
I don't know. My mom is getting an Airbnb or something with my aunt. You're not being in downtown Seattle, you can't go get Pike's Place mac and cheese. I mean, we can still go. Well, go to Beecher's if you go because that's where Gavin's gotten his salmon mac and cheese two days in a row that he was like dreaming of and crying about.
Okay, I'm gonna have to see. I've been spurned on tourist mac and cheese in the past. No, no. Beachery's just like makes their own cheese in-house so I can go to the window and watch them stir their own cheese around. Oh, it wasn't about the cheese necessarily. It was about the meat that was in it. Oh no, this salmon's fresh because it's from Pikes. It's literally across the way.
Also, we gotta throw, watch him throw the big fish. So that's fucking cool. If you literally stand there, no, if there's enough people like around, the dude will like pull out some fish, but all right, and they throw it back and forth.
Yeah, I do know about that. Yeah, go make sure you see that. That's the best search trap of all time. Also here, I'm going to send a photo of me fucking up a really big sesame ball before we came home. Hold on, I got a... Oh no, I saw that. You'll have to... We'll put it in the Instagram post for this. You can put it in the Instagram post of me eating this big fucking sesame ball. It would be our little announcement. Because I didn't say that Gavin did. But still, I was fucking that shit up.
Yeah, I know what picture you're talking about. It was big. It was like a big sesame ball. They had a card minimum. Most places in Seattle have a card minimum. So I had to get two. I could not eat the second one. Oh, it was so scrumptious. I could not eat the second one. But yeah, Gavin was thinking about this mac and cheese like so bad. So if you go, go get a little mac.
All right, mom, we have to go. There's a bunch of places. The place where I got this beanie is actually like this tiny, tiny place on the bottom level. And the shops owner is the one who draws all these cats for the beanies, for the merch, for the sign. She does paintings.

Seattle Experiences and Social Media Musings

She does all of it on top of just selling like Japanese dishware and like anime stuff, bento box stuff, whatever. She makes all the cat stuff. That's a whole.
Wow. Also, Pike Place pigs are cool. There's just like brass pigs everywhere. Pigs? Pigs, yeah. Big brass pigs. Interesting. Oklahoma City has something like that, but it's giant buffalo that they feed. I don't know why it's pigs. I want to be honest.
Yeah, I would assume it to be like a moose or what else is in Washington. I don't know, but here's a photo I'm sending you of Gavin and the big brass pig. Big brass pig. It's very big. There's everywhere. It's also from where we were standing on that area. I think I sent you a photo of the ocean at one point. To the left, it's like the Seattle Aquarium, which is featured in Hit Game, The Last of Us 2.
We didn't have time to check out the aquarium because we were spending so much money at this fucking con. Let me show you the buffalo statues in Oklahoma City. There's tons of them and they're all unique, but they're pretty fucking rad. Here's me fucking up my big sesame ball again.
Give me a high quality picture, Google. Why are you like this? Google Machine broke. Google Machine always broke. And don't worry listeners, I will drop all of these photos in our Instagram posts so you can see all of them. This is one of them, but they're all the same, like Buffalo. Oh, we have one of those at our capital.
But well, there's like dozens and they're all around the city, the metro area and they're all painted uniquely. So every single one of them has a different paint job. We have some too. Wow. It's because the Analup Island has a huge bison population up there. Oh, that's cool. The Great Salt Lake got a lot of them.
their buddies, you know? They do. They do be buddies. But yeah. Oh, I just noticed there's another one lurking in the background of this photo. It's like staring.
what's worse being on your period or when your eyelashes or your eyelid glues itself to itself a little bit so you can't really see for a whole like day because your eyelashes glued to itself well I can just open my eye wider and get rid of the glue no it always re-glues
It consistently re-glues. Sounds like a skill issue on your part. Sounds like you should be nice to me. I have very hooded eyes. Okay. Checkmate liberal. You should be nice to me because I'm still recovering from being sick. From your pizza rat STD. It's the name of this episode. No. Except it should be STI because STI is the...
correct way to describe them now. Yes, socially transmitted, Pizzorette, bullshit. It's still sexually transmitted. It's just, I think it's...
Let's see. No, I'm saying socially because I did not. Oh, you don't want to fuck. You don't want to fuck Pizza Rat? I don't want to fuck Pizza Rat. Patreon, Pizza Rat, Smasher Pass. Actually, keep this in the normal cut. Pizza Rat, Smasher Pass. Tell me in the Spotify Q&A filter. Go write a review on Apple Podcasts telling us. But include it.
Yeah, smash or pass. Smash or pass. It could be like the other characters too, like Mr. Munch, smash or pass. Nebula, would you smash or pass Mr. Munch? Okay, new Mr. Munch is actually kind of cool.
All of the videos that they had going whenever we were there. Yeah, he's like some just purple kid now. No, he's like a he's like a man, but um, and he still has his weird like monstery whatever, but yellow hair. He's also like a DJ like a dubstep DJ now like they gave him his own little helmet thing and old Mr. Munch. Smash your pass. I don't know enough about old Chuck E. Cheese to have an opinion.
So if I show you a picture right now though, this is the same picture that we posted in the Discord before, so no one is mentioning any information. If I show you this from left to right, okay? Yeah, okay. Okay, Mr. Munch, smash or pass? Pass. I have to look up this bitch's name, hold on, I don't remember her. I think it's Helen Henny. Smash. Smash. Okay, Charles? Uh, I feel like it would take me a few drinks. Really? Hey, what's up, Luke? Hey, I don't wanna...
like crush this for you, but Mr. Monchan and DJ right now. In the videos that were- Yeah, you know, you were too busy barebacking the pizza rat to really understand it, but the video, that was like a joke for the music video because he was like interrupting their big song with this crazy stuff.
He's just kind of like a hip version of whatever that is. Is he a dinosaur? What is he? He's grimace. He's purple. He's purple. He's Mr. Munch. And that should be fucking good enough. Do you want to wave to the listeners or viewers?
Whoa, whoop hand. That's the closest I've ever seen a whoop. That's all they get. It's the biggest reveal yet. Illusion of whoop not having hands and being blue is ruined. No, no, thank you. Appreciate it. Huh? Would you fuck this one? I was about to ask that. We're going down the line for the Jasper T jowls is first. Just give me like a, like, you just give me like a Roman like thumbs up.
We can skip to Pascuali first. We'll come back to Jasper. Pascuali, smash or pass? First says we can skip to Pascuali. I feel like, yes, I feel like he'd treat me right. I feel like smash. Make you a nice spaghetti. Yeah. He tossed us out and he made you a fucking cake world. Exactly, exactly. He'll be up in his spirit. Jasper T. Jowls, the dog, smash or pass? Pass. Really? Yeah. What are your answers? You are a white woman.
Says the other white woman. That's why we kept it both pass on Jasper T. Jowls. Okay, what about Mr. Munch? What about you? Smash. Okay, whatever her name was. Helen Henney? Pass. I'm afraid of her beak. Charles Entertainment Cheese. Smash. All right. Goofy rip-off, I don't know what to say. Jasper T. Jowls.
Pass. I'm a white woman. I'm breaking the cycle. Pass squally. Smash. Smash, smash, smash, smash. Okay. Awesome. Glad we cleared all that. This is the strongest my voice has been since last Sunday, so the Sunday before Easter.
but I totally lost my voice completely. Um, I could not fucking breathe. I felt like I was swallowing sand. Sucked. And then I went to urgent care and was like, please tell me I have something that I can take medicine for. And they were like, Hey, guess what? You tested negative for everything. So I don't know. Here's some antibiotics, I guess. Yeah. Cause it was something bacterial. You need antibiotics. So make sure you take probiotics or you're going to shoot yourself.
Oh, okay, cool. Thank you for that. Thank you for that as I'm on my second to last day of my antibiotics. That's when you need it most. Okay. Because antibiotics kill all bacteria, even the good bacteria in your gut. The more you know. Rainbow. Take probiotics, eat some activity. If you want to subscribe to our Patreon, you can watch how both of us did the little hand motion in our video version of this episode.
Also, you'll get stickers of our asses, which I still need to send. I just couldn't because I was at a soccer account. My bad. And that we shared our April Patreon rewards, which are super cute. They're going to go in the same package. Yeah, but if you weren't a March patron, but you become an April patron, then you'll get the Easter, the bunny girl personas of ours with our giant thighs. It's a
fucking awesome design uh that are so pretty it's our icons in the server very dear friend omen jpeg did i don't know what their other handle is shortstack hell on twitter yeah it's because they draw short stacks that's why they drew you so well yeah i guess they gave me them hips
Yes. I do have them, but- I didn't think I had them and then I looked at some of those Lucy pics. It's like, oh, peculiar. Peculiar. Maybe I do. I do like how you and I did very dramatically different Easter bunny girl cosplay photo shoots though. Yes, we definitely did. Yours is all pastel and has eggs.
Yeah, mine's all cute. Mine's me in a wet shower. And yours is a cyberpunk and bisexual lighting and dark everything. But they looked at us like straight up a little bit of lesbian sex, if we real. Just a little bit. Just, you know. Siobhan posted more of the lewd ones. I saw. More than my account, just because I don't want my mommy to look at my straight up. If I don't post them, it's like I remove a little bit of like
culpability of like a you saw that one because you looked I didn't I didn't put this one in front of you you went looking for that one I did not present it but the one of our asses is front and center on my page because I she invited me as a collaborator and I took it but it's a great photo no I'm not denying it I love it I just mean like I tow the line I'll be a little loot on me
On Twitter though, free game. Everything can go on Twitter. I don't give a shit. Yeah. I can't remember what it was my mom said the other day. I can't remember what she complimented. She complimented something about me. It might have been
It might've been my hips. I can't remember. She said something and I was like, well, I mean, you made them. So, so maybe, so if your mom makes a comment, just be like, you made them. So. Damn. Ray's going to use that on your mom. With the never ending saga of Ray wanting to serenade my mom and sweep her off her feet. Yes. She's, she's married.
Sorry, dude. That's just paper. Just paper, bro. We just on a rock. I love those memes. I think they're very funny. I'm silly. You're a silly little guy. Well, if I cough during this episode, now you guys know. You have been. I know I have been, but I've also been trying to meet myself. So if it doesn't get caught,
Also, your camera's been on this whole time. So the video of you going like a cat is still there. I covered my mouth. Sometimes. Don't make me paranoid like this. Don't send me the cat. Not the cat with his little cross eyes, his tongue out. Ryan's going to be like, Nebula, your audio sucks compared to Parker's again.
Ryan, even if that's true, don't give her the satisfaction. I'll make it four crackers if you do. He's like, damn, I'm going to get that 25%. It won't even just be a one time thing. I'll up it permanently four crackers. Man, he's living the high life. And I'll make it Ritz.
No more off-brand. No more saltines. I'll give you a little buttercracker every now and then, you know? A little bit of the honey basil triscuit or something. I love a triscuit. I hate wheat thins. I think wheat thins are gross, but I love a triscuit.
Wheat thins have the consistency of like a 40 year old couch that is falling apart. I love a Triscuit though. I love, I know it's like, it fucks up the roof of your mouth cause it's like dry. But in the best way. I like it. And the little pockets of like wheat.
on it to make for good flavor reservoirs for all of the dust. Love it. But a wheat's in, gross. Wheatheads are terrible. They're like gluten-free crackers, honestly. There was a keto place, which is gluten-free food, but stupid, that did a teriyaki chicken salad. The almonds to chicken ratio. Why are there almonds on this teriyaki chicken, first of all?
Odd choice. Interesting. But there were more almonds than everything else. Like even more than lettuce, honestly. What? And the chicken was like crumbled, not like pieces of chicken. Gross. There's so many almonds.
Damn. All almonds. All almonds. Oops, all almonds. It was kind of expensive because we bought it inside the convention center, but we didn't know what we were walking into. We just needed food because we were starving. Where's like $11 salad of my life. Oh my God. Oops, all almonds. That's the title of this episode. We ended up eating it. No, it's not. We already named the episode. Sexually Transmitted Chuck E. Cheese, STI. Socially Transmitted. I was not going to put sexual in the title, but also I think Pizza Rat Smasher Pass would be funnier.
We can do Pizza Rat Smasher Pass. I wish I had more characters in the Chuck E. Cheese universe to go off of, but they only do the main five. It's not like some MCU type shit where we got so many more. They don't have any crossovers, any cool Sesame Street- If you look up characters, they don't even put Mr. Munch in the thing.
Like it's if you look up Chuck E. Cheese characters from sources on the web and how Google will do its automatic thing. Yeah, it's Chuck E. Cheese, Helen Henny, Jasper T. Jowls and Pascuali. No munch on the fucking... Munch is not allowed. If I didn't know to look for munch, I wouldn't find him. I guess there are more. Holy shit. I didn't even know who munch was until we did that. I don't know who Crusty the cat is, but he is not cool.
I have heard of Crusty the Cat, and now I have to look at it. BB Bubbles? Okay, no, hold on, there are a lot of characters. Justin Bieber? That one. He debuted in the Rockstar era showtapes in 2013. He's an arrogant beaver performer who loves nothing more than to steal food, especially pizza. He first attempted to steal Pasquale's cookbook for a pizza recipe for all of Chuck E. Cheese restaurants, only becoming successful in 2015 upon stealing a pizza he called Pumpkin Pizza, the song Costume Party.
After a hiatus, he returned to sing Happy Birthday with 24 additional characters in May of 2020. A physical description, Justin is a brown beaver, like most. He has pink eyelids, two sharp teeth, and black paws. He wears a white t-shirt, which Jasper later wore on two CEC livestreams on their YouTube channel, and has chains around his neck.
This quick little how many characters are a part of the Chuck E. Cheese universe has descended into me learning that there is a Five Nights at Chuck E. Cheese's game that's from 2015, and then there's a reboot of it from 2021. Is it real licensed? I don't know. I'm trying to find, the game was developed by Team Radiance to immediate success. Okay, so now I obviously have to look up Five Nights. Oh my God.
Boop was right by the way. DJ Munch is not the same as normal Munch. DJ Munch has his own page and DJ Munch is the DJ persona of Mr. Munch and has appeared in the afternoon fun break segments of the official Chuck E. Cheese YouTube channel. He was also the host of the self-titled DJ Munch's Globe Party in October 2020, but he is not Mr. Munch. He is a separate character.
Okay, so the original Five Nights at Chuck E. Cheese was an indie horror game made by someone named Leon Reimer, and currently the official reboot is by Team Radiance. But I don't know what it means by official, like if it's licensed or not.
These characters are terrifying. Oh my god. Mr. Munch replaced a different character. They were like, check this shit out. Let's do Mr. Munch instead, which is probably to rival the appearance of Grimace. They're like, we need something purple too. Because Crusty the Cat was a character at Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theater, making his debut in May 1977 as old as my mom at the very first Pizza Time Theater in San Jose, California.
Crusty would be retired from show tapes in 1978, being replaced with Mr. Munch. He would officially go extinct from the single store he was installed in, in Winchester, California, between 1980 and 1981, when Winchester replaced their bots with cyber-amics. So yeah, he lasted a year and they're like, fuck this dude, Mr. Munch. I liked Crusty. Anyways, look at what I just sent you, which is the Five Nights at Chuck E. Cheese's Pascuali. Oh, this, this.
I don't wanna smash anymore, I'm gonna pass. We're gonna pass. Alright, so now we gotta do the Five Nights at Frank Chuck E. Cheese version. Well, hold on, okay. What about Crusty the Cat, Smash or Pass? I'll put it here. He's on the Patreon notes, sorry guys. Yeah. Um, well I like the little cartoon version of him, but I hate his little, I don't know, he's kinda fancy. He's kinda fancy. Okay, well he has two versions, so that one is his first version, and this one's his updated one, so Smash or Pass on the... I'm still gonna, I'm gonna say... His newer one kinda looks fucked up.
Yeah, I am. He's from 1977 though. Pass, but I would have a drink with him. Okay. I would be his friend. Okay. What's your answer? Pass. I'm kind of scared. Look at this. What the fuck is Copernicus? Another cat? He's Chuckie. He's his pet. Chuckie. Charles has a pet. Oh, pass on that one.
Um, yeah, Charles has a pet cat named Copernicus. He's also known as the Dancing Kitten. He is very shy and has only out loud spoken to Pascuali. Alright, I mean pets don't usually talk. And he wears mittens. Okay. And Copernicus still, he described him on his Instagram story.
Also, okay, for April Fool's Chuck E Cheese Facebook posted about like Chuck E Cheese weddings and my mom commented on it saying, Parker, you would love this shit. And I legitimately commented back like, no, I would do this for real. And Charles Pizza Rat responded to me saying, we knew we'd have some takers.
Oh my god. He got you. He got me. Um, Pepperoni is a dog. Pepperoni the dog. That's a cute name. He's like a plush toy. I am going to three things. I'm going to send you the Five Nights at Chuck E. Cheese's version of Mr. Munch and
Is he the hottest one here? I need to send this to Chris. I need to show Chris. Oh Jesus. Look at this absolute disaster. Oh my god. That's what I look like. He doesn't have legs. He's trying to be like the Foxy of the group. Oh my god. He is... Is that a name? I don't... Yes, Foxy is one of the characters.
There's too many people in the cinematic universe of Five Nights at Freddy's. Helen Henny got like a whole- They made her kind of fuckable. They totally redid her for the Five Nights thing. Oh really? Yeah. It's because they couldn't make her look too close to fucking Chica. But I'm- Oh my god, Helen Henny has a crush on Chucky in the universe? That makes so much sense.
I really want to talk to the guy that reached out to Chris on Cameo that was like, can you do the Mr. Munch voice? And I want to ask him all of his thoughts on this. My favorite really was Chris going, that's just my voice.
Like, I can't do that, dude. Like, I can't deliver this in the cadence you want. I just sound like that. I... Oh my god. I am gonna go down the biggest fucking... I was gonna say rabbit hole, but now it's a rat hole with it. What the fuck is this? What the fuck is this? The bear. The bear is an animatronic that appears in Five Nights at Chuck E. Cheese's rebooted. He is unlocked after beating capital A, capital R, all rats.
How many rats do you fight? What is all rats? Actually, Lowkey looks scary. I'm looking at the cliffs and Lowkey looks scarier than the actual game. Hold on. I'm sending you a link to the game portal. I don't like him. This is for rebooted. And Lowkey, this kind of looks scarier than the real one. Let's play this on Patreon sometime. So that's the Patreon. We'll make Gavin play this game because we're pussies.
I'll play it. What could play with us? Well, we'll, we'll have a, we'll have a family night of them fucking Pisqually in front of it. It looks like it's kind of a clone of the second five nights at thirties. They said nine months ago, they're not going to make a new game. Radiance team radiance. They're done no more. We made our one magnum opus. You get no other games from us.
Yeah, that looks really similar to FNAF 2. To be honest, though, it does look scarier than the first one. I like the dark visual on these photos. We'll have to play it. We'll have to play it. Yeah, pizza rat time. Pizza rat time. I'm sorry, this is the second episode of the show that we focus so much on pizza rat.
Okay, but this opened up a whole new fucking world of Pizzarat bullshittery. Honestly, like I thought we were just gonna like talk about you getting Pizzarets CDs, but no, turns out there's so much more. I really thought it was just like the five main characters. I didn't even know that other dudes had real names. I thought they were just like included as bit characters that were not used often. Interesting. I didn't know Charles had a dog. I didn't know Charles had a dog either.
who gave the rat a dog. I had to explain to my mother that Chuck E is not, it's Chuck and then E, it's not Chucky. And she was like, well, why is it that way? I was like, because his name is Charles, first off.
Cause Chuck is short for Charles. And it's Charles entertainment cheese. And she looked at me and Whoop like we were insane when we were explaining this. I know Whoop went hard explaining this. Like he went fucking not so explaining this. This is his favorite thing to discuss. He does get very into certain things like that. And he has such a cadence where he can deliver it and like,
Oh, so does Gavin. Gavin can fucking make anything sound serious. Okay, but here's the real question now. McDonald's mascot, Smasher Pass.
I gotta remember what they are. Let me pull up a picture. Ronald McDonald? Uh, let's see. McDougal's characters. I'm not opening up the McDonald's fandom wiki, dude. Going off. You are not making me open this shit up. Oh, it's all these motherfuckers. Ronald McDonald. Pass? I'm gonna pass, too. I don't fuck with clowns, I'm gonna be honest. I'll put a little asterisk there in the case that if it's the Miku Hatsune in the Ronald McDonald outfit, smash.
Okay. Okay. Okay. Cause that design's actually pretty cute. No, it's way cute. I don't like the like capitalism personas, whatever, but I really liked that one. I think it's very cute. I don't know any of their names other than Grimace and the Hamburglar. Uh, Bertie the early bird. Her name's Bertie.
Birdie the bird. Birdie the bird. Well, I mean, I guess we do name humans Mani. Mani the man. Mani the man. Mani the mani. Handy. Smasher bass. Smash. She looks fun. I'm going to pass. I feel like a lot of the McDonald's mascots are a little bit more off-putting than the normal. Mayor McCheese? Absolutely pass. Pass to me too.
i don't i don't like his mustache um hamburglar but not the new one that kind of looks like a kid like the old hamburglar like the the old guy with the little buck teeth no the one where they made him like a human man which which one what you don't know about this hamburglar okay hold on i gotta look up whoa old hamburglar is like a man with a burger for a head yeah yeah i don't mean that one no

Fast Food Mascots and Media Reactions

the man for the burger with the head is um or is that made with cheese oh okay i don't know why it popped up when i
Oh, that guy. That guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That is the newer one. Whatever. I don't care. I'd smash him. I would smash the fuck out of the new hamburger. I like it. The hamburger is a human man I would fuck the hell out of. The normal one with the mascot weird face? No. Yeah, no. He looks too much like a... He looks like a child.
Yeah, like a raggedy Andy doll. What about Captain Crook, the mascot for the filet-o-fish? There's a mascot for the filet-o-fish? Yes, your favorite thing that McDonald's personally has tweeted at me for not liking. It is my favorite thing on their menu, I will be honest. Foul, foul. It's good. Foul. Hold on. What was his name again? Captain Crook. Captain Crook. Who the fuck? Oh, him.
I feel like if they made him into a human man like they did with Hamburglar, absolutely smash. Would you fuck Captain Feather Sword yes or no? I don't remember who that is. From the Wiggles? My mom had a huge crush on Captain Feather Sword way back in the day. He was on late in night, one of them. I think it's the newer one. I'd have to triple check by name one more time, but I know one of the Captain Feather Swords was definitely on late in night.
I thought it was just someone that played the character but wasn't an official. No, it was one of them. I'm pretty sure. I'd have to triple check. If it's this weird football mascot, I'm going to say pass. For Captain Feathersword? No. No, for Captain Crook. Oh, OK, OK, OK. To answer your original question. I haven't happened past two. He's kind of odd looking. I don't like his green hair. I don't remember what Feathersword looks like. Let me look him up. You say he's kind of fine? Is that what you're going to say?
Yeah. Captain Feather Sword. Show me... Oh, this guy. You know, I'm gonna say pass. Okay. He looks nice. I would buy him a drink. I would not smash. Odd, but okay. I wasn't ever like a Wiggles child. I was. I thought Greg was hot. And Anthony. Grimace, smash or pass? The only correct answer is smash. The only correct answer is smash. And I would top. I would top Grimace.
that he doesn't get a fucking say. He's too dim-witted and he has a limited vocabulary. He couldn't deliver what I want. Now that sounds like you're gonna take advantage of Grimace. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not cool with that. I just mean that we cannot communicate in a way that's like, he can't give me what I need in any other way. Okay. The language barrier involves me taking charge. Okay. But he's cool with it. His limited vocabulary is enough to enact consent between us. All right. I'm sorry, Mom.
I'm sorry, don't text me if you listen to this episode. Officer Big Mac, Smasher Pass. Oh, that's who that guy is. No, there's two, there's two different burger looking dudes. Yeah, I was wondering who the other one was. Officer Big Mac. Officer Big Mac. I feel like he could get it, but not with me. The copy uniform, I feel like changes everything. Yeah, he could get it. It's not like an American copy uniform. It's kind of like a UK copy uniform. A little bit more dignified.
Personally, pass, but I see the appeal. I think I would let him. Yeah. Just to try. Um, Sunday, the dog. But it's a dog. It's scary looking too, actually. It's a dog. Pass. Pass. What about the professor? Who? He's an odd looking fellow.
who are the oh that guy the he looks like a weird if someone put like a human air filter people hold on there's more people in the grimace universe look up uncle oh grimacy what holy shit there's more grimaces
Grimace got a fucking, there's a Shamrock Shake Grimace. Hi. Oh my God, look at him, he's got a little vest. I gotta text our group chat right now, sorry for the typing. Grimace, I don't even know. Shamrock Shake Grimace, Uncle O Grimacy. Wow, okay, this is the most disturbing image of Grimace I've ever seen. When you show me. It's terrifying.
I don't like him. This is my MC. I'm not kidding. This is my Marvel universe. I don't like that. What the fuck is that? This guy sucks. Is he champion or is he just like... It's on the wiki. It's on the wacky adventures of Ronald McDonald Wiki.
so do with that what you will and chat everybody if you're seeing this in chat just know we recorded this is the day i posted this is when i recorded um also i would like to point out this terrifying grimace cage that's where we put all the naughty children i would be in the grimace cage that they if you don't finish you're fully a fresh child i'm a naughty child in the grimace cage you go smash or pass uncle o grimacy who the fuck is that the green one oh smash smash
The cane, the hat, he looks very polite. Smash. The fry kids are children, so they're exempt. We're not doing that. I would give them a grape juice. The McNugget buddies, do you qualify them as children because they're McNuggets? I qualify them as non-human entities that cannot consent. But the burgers can? Yeah, they have mouths.
Oh, okay. These have mouths. Yeah, but they talk. The McNuggets talk. Do they? Yeah, they did. They made like dumb noises, but they talk. No, you just you have to form sentences. Man. Grimace can only say duh and like limited like yes, I guess he can still. What about the cosmi- I don't know what that is. I feel like you're speaking a different language to me.
Who is this? I don't know. What about the new Happy Meals mascot, where it's a happy meal with a big smile? Just the fucking box? Yeah, it's a box with a smile. Look up, look up. He's kind of unnerving. Oh, no, I know what you're talking about. No, I hate him. He's terrifying. I hate him. He scared me. The little CGI motherfucker. No, thank you. The human teeth.
I, at this point, am just going to have to make a whole big collage of all these terrifying images I'm finding. What about Mac Tonight? Can you look up Mac Tonight? Look at the McDonald's meal squad hamburger Funko Pop that I just... This is going to go right next to my Grimace Funko Pop. McDonald's Mac Tonight. This goes really hard. Mac Tonight? Mac Tonight. No, it is Mac Tonight. MAC Tonight. My bad.
Smasher Pat. He kind of looks like a handsome fellow. I love this guy. Absolutely smash. This guy rules. What the fuck is that? I'm not making Bernice is not smashable. Bernice is an odd thing. Mack tonight back. Mack tonight is hot, dude.
Mactonite rules! This guy is incredible! This guy is incredible! Mactonite can get it. Oh my god, he reminds me of Max Headroom. I think that's probably the exam- or probably the inspiration.
This fucking thing is called Bernice. Oh my God. Doug Jones was fucking, he started out as Mac tonight. Doug Jones is OG Mac tonight. I've seen photos of Mac tonight. I think it was advertised when McDonald's started to do like overnight or 24 hours.
Anyways, what the fuck is this thing that you just put? Bernice. This looks like if- He looks like a ball sack. He looks like if- It looks like if Alf was a ball sack. If the rats from Ratatouille were made by the one animation company that did Wallace and Gromit and then an actual rat ate that clay figure and then shit it out, that's what this looks like. Bernice is scary. Bernice is horrifying.
Yes. Bernice, go look up Bernice. I couldn't copy one of the photos, but there's one of Ronald with Bernice, and Bernice looks fucking horrific. No, I want to erase Bernice from my mind and only think about Mack tonight. Mack tonight is a beautiful... I've seen memes of Mack tonight, and I think today I have not realized.
that it was a McDonald's mascot. Like, I've seen people, like, post this fucking dude on Tumblr. This is incredible. I just didn't realize. I've seen him edited on so many, like, memes in Vaporwave. I've seen him in Vaporwave. He's in Vaporwave shit? Oh, my God. I love this. I feel like I've seen edits of him. I'm, like, half tempted to bust out my old oil paint set and, like, paint him. Like, an 80s style oil painting of Mac Tonight.
Oh my god. Wow. Mac tonight hit different. That's incredible. I thank you for joining me. This is a Mac tonight stan account. Yes, Mac tonight stans unite. Who's up tonighting their Mac? Who's up Mac in their night? Oh my god.
Man, how many episodes are we going to spend talking about mascot? I want to go on the record and explain that I only just understood that his face is a moon. I was like, wow, it's a weird pale banana the entire time we've been talking about him, but I still thought he was cool. I only just realized it's a fucking moon. His name is Tonight. And?
All of the photos I've sent you have been him amongst the stars. Okay, and one of their other mascots' name is Grimace. They don't have anything banana related on the menu. I don't know. He just looked like a banana to me. That's just where it was. That's where my brain went. Everything about him looks like a jazzy moon. And yet, banana. You have the IQ of a banana right now.
No, I don't. I know my IQ. You got that grimace IQ. I'm not going to tell you what my IQ is, at least not on the air. It's like seven? No. More? Yes, it is more than seven. Considering that in order to be considered mentally unfit to stand trial, your IQ has to be below like 75 or something. Well, in the situation that I am tried for a crime, my IQ is seven. Only in that circumstances.
Oh my God. If I have to be tried for a crime, IQ is seven. Anyways.
Anyways, I, I don't, I just don't want to say it because then I don't want people to be like, you're one of those people. I don't want them to either be like, you want to be like those incels who like know their IQ to hit on women. No, I don't want them to call me stupid. Oh, it's, it's a good score, but still I got that gifted kid anxiety. I don't know. That's why I don't tell people like my SAT scores or whatever. They don't matter. I'm not in high school anymore.
Yeah, I will say my ACT score. I never took the SAT because we don't do that here. I took the ACT, not the SAT, but whatever.
but I got a 30 after five tries. I got a 29 on my first try. Nice. I think it went like 27, 29, 30, 28, and then 30, I think is what it was. My dad got like a 30 or a 32 on his first try and he told me that and I was like, okay, thank you. And I had to live with it. At the time that I took the ACT, I was dating a guy who got a 30
three or 34 and his brother got like the same score plus or minus one point.
Um, and all their friends got like 32s and then some of my friends got like 31s. Jesus Christ, you guys. We got to retake this shit. Um, one of my friends, good, good friend of mine, he's in the discord server, um, has played League with us a few times. He got a 35, I think. I'm a good test taker. I just honestly didn't give a shit. So I kind of was like,
I am very intelligent and I am a very bad test taker. I'm a good test taker. I just don't give a fuck sometimes. Yeah. Like after a certain point, I was just kind of writing shit down and it worked out. I got like a 29. So whatever. Well, the ACT and the SAT are like rigged as shit because they're all, it's not necessarily a test. It's like a puzzle. If you like know the
what's the way I want to describe this. If you know the direction that it's going and you know the patterns that every test does, you can manipulate the test to get high answers. That's what all of my like ACT prep classes were. They were like, the test is always structured like this, and it's always structured with this question, then this question, this question. So if you just know that, you can rig it essentially.
Shit's fucked. Totally understandable. I'm so glad I'm not in school anymore. I'm so glad I'm not in school anymore. I was finding the standardized testing compared to the others. If you're listening to this and you're in school, either you're in actual like K through 12 or whatever the other equivalent is of a different country or you're in university or whatever, just fucking keep going. Keep going. You can do it. I believe in you. Don't drop out. Don't drop out. Keep going. Keep going. You can think about it. Just don't do it.
or like if shit comes up, that's fine, just get your GED, you can do it. If you need to drop out, you can just do it actually, but like don't do it cause you don't, don't do it cause you hate school, but like find another reason.
It's very easy to justify not being in school anymore. Fandave's official stance. Be in school and be like, if you don't wanna, I guess that's fine. Oh my god. But you should probably finish high school. Or just get your GED. Back up, Lynn. Who cares? The two pieces of paper mean the same thing. But whatever works. Why did my PC just fucking die? Goodbye, Nebula. No, I'm on my laptop and my PC because I'm extra. Goodbye, Nebula.
Yeah, it just straight up was like, no, we don't exist anymore. Okay, goodbye, Nebula. Fucking. Um, can we agree that kind of almost all of the Disney mascots are not fuckable? Except maybe Goofy.
You're not in the same opinion? I would agree. I don't... I don't think... Mickey doesn't do anything for me, neither does Donald. No. No. Goofy's hit or miss. I'm trying to think if there are any... Of like, if we're talking like the mascots that walk around... No character, like no human characters. No human characters, but like... Like the animal mascots that walk around. Like Pete and...
some of the others. Yeah, no. But if we're talking about the like the animated representations of them in like some of the movies and stuff, I can't remember if it was Pete or a different character, but there was one character and I think one of the goofy movies that I was like, oh, oh, he kind of cute. Pete was not cute in the movie. I think he just was a cat.
Let me look up. Okay. Do your research. I gotta, I gotta, I gotta figure this out. Goofy movie characters. I can't remember. Oh yeah. I mean, of course. She's a girl in a thing. Well, she doesn't look like an animal, like the rest of them. Is it PJ Pete's son? The beret girl. Everyone wanted to fuck the beret girl. Powerline. Oh, I love the beret girl. Powerline rules.
Um, it was not Pete's son. It wasn't adult, but I can't remember fucking who. Maybe it was an extremely goofy movie. Yeah, look up extremely and see what you got. I do still very much love these movies though. I haven't seen these movies since I was at like a daycare in a 24 hour fitness. What? That was so specific. Yeah, I know.
24-hour fitness had daycares inside of them so you could drop your kids off while you worked out. Oh, there's one of those here. Okay, no, so I'm fucking stupid. My brain like meshed two different characters and that was not who I was thinking of literally at all. Who I was thinking of is Sylvia Marple, the girlfriend that Goofy gets in extremely, extremely Goofy movie. The one with orange hair.
Yeah. Kind of looks like Wanda from One Piece. Okay. Yeah. I like her. She's cute. No one in Despicable Me is hot. No. Any of the movies? None. Nope. None of the minion movies either. We're gonna get someone who's like, Vector is cool. Like shut the fuck up. No. Sorry, honey. He's not. If anyone in episode discussion tags us and be like, this guy's really cool.
No. Not allowed. Well, now that we have gone through an hour's worth of extremely unhinged content. What else are we supposed to talk about? Sakura Khan was done. I have started watching Neon Genesis Evangelion. Oh yeah. I can't talk to you about this without spoilers.

Anime Adventures and Spoilers

That's fine. I mean, I'm up to episode 18, and then I have to double check with the correct
Watch order is because I know there's like some stuff that jumps around but just to update Everybody that I'm watching it for the first time we've been I have never seen it before neither of us and so we are watching it together and We both know one Pretty decent spoiler, but we don't know the extent of it. We just know like a part of it Regarding the Eva's and then
I don't know anything about the overarching plot or what's going on with... I cannot bring myself to pronounce it how they do in the dub that we're watching, but I'm going to say nerve. I'm not going to call it... It's nerve. Nerve is the proper one. They pronounce it nerve. Yeah, I know. I don't know. Nerve. I don't know why. Nerve. It just sounds so stupid. Nope. No from the dog. Thank you.
Sounds like shit. But yeah, we're watching that. And then we also just finished the Owl House because the series finale came out three days after ago, three days before recording this.
And I fucking cried. It's so good. If you haven't seen the Owl House, you have to go watch it. Especially if you want queer representation or if you liked She-Ra or Gravity Falls, it's completely up your alley. The animation is really gorgeous. The characters rule. I love all the weird little creatures that they have in it. It looks like living in a Hieronymus Bosch painting. But that's my fandom updates.
I'm still watching One Piece and playing Persona 5. But I'm just kidding. I'm also still watching One Piece. You're catching up to me, Loki. You're catching up. Yeah, I'm almost completely caught up to where you're at. You're on crack. I be grooving. I be moving. I be going through it. You're going to run out of dope soon. I know. I'm really upset because I
have a very hard time processing subbed anime now. I don't know why. I used to be fine when I was younger, but it's harder for me to process now. Now you gotta practice. But I also am not a big fan of some of the voices in the sub. And it could be that I'm just so used to the dub, but like... It's probably because you're so used to the dub because I'm the opposite. Well,
So like Frankie, I love him. He's one of my favorites, but I don't really like his sub voice. His sub voice is fucking Bon Clay. Okay. He only voices the goats.
And his Frankie voice is the most canon Frankie there is. Give it more time. Give it more time. But Patrick Sights is just so fun. I don't disagree. But give it more time. Because you don't have a choice soon. I could always switch to the manga. No, you can't. The animation peak right now is so fucking crazy. The manga does not compare in the animation peak right now. All right. Man.
Well, yeah, judge me all you want. I- You're gonna have to watch the sub or you're gonna wait a year. I very much prefer dub to anime. I feel like it allows me to immerse myself in the story more. And I also just naturally have to fucking go back and rewatch things all the time to fully get the story. So, yay ADHD. Well, it's okay. All this stuff that's happening in Wano is fights, so there's not too much words. Gotcha. If I do catch up,
to the dub though and I have to switch to sub. I might switch to one pace because I cannot fucking handle how long these fights are anymore. They're at peak animation so they're not so. What do you mean by at peak animation? Like the current, you know the clip we sent you from episode 1000 of Yamato realizing the dream?
Yes. That smooth, fluid animation. That's everything we are currently going from. We are not using the old Wano animation at this point. We are doing that smooth animation throughout every single fight. Okay, but the animation style doesn't... No, but the pacing of that... It's the same... It's the pacing of it overall. The choreography is much better and much more condensed than before. Okay. So... Because I... Well, like, I was watching the One Pace
versus one piece comparison that you used for your panel, that you did an isekai con? That's early, early, early, early, early Wano. Like that's where I'm at at Wano. Okay. I just- Also you miss out on like a little bunch of Kiku scenes, so. Man, I like Kiku. Real loss. Yeah, that is a loss. They're like, it's just her smile. We didn't trim much. Yeah, you did. You trimmed my crew. Yeah, you did. Tell me fluff fluffs up the right bitches, okay? Okay.
Okay. If I'm going to go with Okiko's fucking fluff, bro. If they're going to take out my girl, then I will not switch to one pace, but either way. Well, at that point in one pace, it's also still sub. Wow. That's what I was saying is if I caught up that I would have just switched. But if it's... Well, one pace comes out piece by piece either. So I don't even know if one pace is caught up to that point yet. Because all of that part is currently dubbed. Damn. Well, it's... First half of 1-0 is dubbed.
So fucking long. Yeah. The approaching catching up to one piece is starting to rain. And Siobhan hates it. She hates it. She's caught up now. She caught up. Because as soon as she hit 1-0, she caught up in the span of like four days. Jesus Christ. Stop watching. And she hates it. She hates being caught up now. Because she's like, there's nothing here for me to throw on. It's here. We're at this point. Just rewatch it, forehead. She has been. OK, cool.
But it sucks. It sucks being caught up because now you have to like be with everybody else. And she doesn't read the manga, so. I'm excited to be free of the clutches of I need to catch up, like the guilt of it. Be there. And just watch it when I want. But there is also the level of like, oh, but it's so nice to just put on and ah.
I don't know. I'm in Whole Cake Island right now for those that are not keeping up with my adventures in our watch-along. You're at the midway point. Discord. Kind of slightly beginning. I think I'm past that because- Have you had the official, you had the crying scene, right?
Okay, I'm going to state this for minor Whole Cake Islands arc spoilers. There's your warning. Okay, goodbye if you don't want to hear it. Um, they just delivered the, or Beji has the cake and is luring her away.
Oh, so you're way up here. Yeah. Okay. And I think Sanji and Pudding have just reunited with the Straw Hats. Lucy at the island? No, they just made it to the sunny. Okay. Yeah, he's not out of Miro World yet. Okay, so you haven't even gotten to the peak Katakuri fight yet.
Which is upsetting because I'm already sick of the fight. No, that's the thing. It's that's it's a that whole fight is an endurance fight for a reason. Have you been introduced to flampea? Yes. OK, well, you're at the point where it's her name's flampe. I don't know if she's a stupid bitch. She's the most hated character of all time. I fucking cannot stand that bitch. Once you get once she's introduced, the fight's like two episodes. It's done.
You're cruising along. I don't think you're, I don't think that's right. No it is. Um, the fight wraps up very fast. Because I got past Flompe last night and there were the fights still going on. Did she get finished yet? Uh, I believe so. Did she see his mouth? Yeah. Then you have a little bit left. Okay. I hope it's done. Once she's dealt with, it's literally almost done.
Okay, I hope so. And then you have to see stupid fucking Daifuku. Fuck that dude. Daifuku is stupid. All he'd do is like stroke himself for multiple hours. All he'd do is rub his stupid little tummy and say, Jeannie, come out of my body. And then fucking destroy his own ships. I'll give Carat credit because she was taking the wheels, but everything that went down with those ships was not her. It was fucking Daifuku not knowing how to aim.
She took the wheels, but he cleaved the ships in half. Carrot, take the wheel. Take it from this ship. She started ripping the wheels off. She's like, this is a good plan. The Daifuku broke one. And she's like, actually, this works better. This is easier. Su long, carrot fox. Yeah. Whenever you cross blade whole cake Nami when she has her little white sweater dress. I already have it. Okay. Well.
I already have the things for so long carry it in my wish list. So now I have to get a new sweater dress because the one I have has ugly sleeves that were not advertised. I need to figure out how I want to make her tail and style her wig. Make it really big. Or no, her so long tail is different, huh? It's huge. Yeah. You got to make like a big pom pom.

Cosplay Challenges and Creative Plans

Yeah. Basically make like those, you know, like how they make the plushy heads. Mm hmm.
Yeah, her wig is fucking crazy though the look. I know, but I probably won't make it too long. I'll probably accommodate for the length with the tail. Cause God, that would be way too heavy on my head. Yeah, for real. When I was doing my, um, so we can take photos that way. Hell yeah.
When I was doing my Easter bunny carrot shoot, there was one pose that I wanted to try where it's like the old school vintage pose where the girl is on her shoulder blades and her legs are pointing in the air and she's holding up her hips. Like a jackknife kind of deal? Yeah.
Um, and I tried to do that and my ears kept falling because they wouldn't stay in one place on the headband itself. So they kept like moving like this across the headband. Um, so their weight wasn't counterbalancing correctly. And so I went back and pulled my legs up and then my ears fell off and I went to try to fix it and my whole body went forward and my wig went across the studio. It's like, damn, that wig flew.
I just got it back on. I did get it back on. My photographer just looked at me and she was like, whoa, I was not expecting that. Why wasn't she taking photos? She should have had it ready on you at all times. She did get some really good reaction photos of me adjusting my costume and I'm like making the stupid face. I saw some of those. You sent me like at least two of them. I don't know if there were more. I think there's just two.
Man, all the silly ones. I love the silly ones. I had her edit them and keep them in just for you because I knew you'd like them. Thank you. They're good. You can use them, put them on stuff, make them a profile picture somewhere across the board. Well, before we hop off for this photo.
solo episode. Is there anything that you're working on that you want to talk about? No, I have to do punk sailor Scouts for one of our sailor Scouts from our previous fan X group is moving to Washington, I think. And we're gonna do one last photo shoot before she goes. So we're doing punk sailor Scouts. So I'm doing Uranus again. That's fun. That's cool. And this would be like more casual. So you want
I have to figure out what's in my closet. I have like a black vest I'll probably wear and some shorts and some white fishnets and like put my bow on it and something. Get a bunch of safety pins. Yeah, deck it out. You just cricket some little things to stick on. Make some at-home patches. I got it. You look great. Lazy stuff. And then I'm prepping. I guess A-con is my next prep thing. And I have a month and a half until that.
Too soon. Everything's too soon. I know. A-cons what I'm focusing on and I am losing my mind already. Yay. I'm not making anything else new for anything else because I have so many things in my backlog I need to shoot.
So I'm not making anything new. I'm just focusing on making alabaster and red. And as though it was done, I just have to make the slits on the dress and then tie it and add the pearls. And then Gavin's going to do the one with like the orange coat. So that's already all on the wish list. So he just has to buy it. So, hey, listeners, patrons, you want to help us out with our cross play stuff? We have possibly wish lists. Haha. Yep. Haha.
Just kidding, Wink. I will shamelessly plug. You can buy me things. You can buy me whatever you want off my cosplay wish list. I am working on Miss All Sunday. I just finished the lining for the top last night. And I'm making it completely from scratch. I created the pattern myself from existing garments that I have, so I had to
just get the basic structure and then restructure it to fit her outfit. So it's kind of slow going, but it's looking a lot better than if I had just used a pre-existing pattern, I think. Because it's more of it to you and your body. Yeah, and because it's, I was able to like manipulate it
Bless you. Thank you. I was able to manipulate it on my dress form first and then go through a couple different versions and finalize it with the pattern that way. So I am really happy with it. It's the first time I've done a full, full design completely from scratch because the last costume I made from scratch was Mako, but I used a pre-existing pattern. So. Wow. Wow.
It's crazy to think about how, like... Because Onigashu Anami doesn't feel like a big costume, and then I look at it, I'm like, I did make 100% of that from scratch. It is fucking huge. It doesn't feel like it when I put it on. Pardon me, I gotta sneeze again. I was confident now I'm sneezing. This is just happening all over. Damn. Um, outro time. Nebula, where can we find you and your Easter Bunny photos?
You can see all my cute Easter Bunny carrot photos at Instagram at nebula underscore inky and Twitter at nebula underscore inky. And Parker, where can we find you? Why did you just call me? Parker. Parker didn't lie down too much. Okay, Parker.
Where can we find your amazing Onigashimanami? You can find it on Instagram at Crown Guard Cosplay, and you can find my Twitter at little white bee, and you can find our podcast at fandamespod on Instagram and Twitter, and you can find our Patreon at fandameswithparksandagula. slash fandamespod. Thank you. Also, you looked like a Muppet when you went rock. If you're watching this video cut and you think I look like a Muppet, don't tell me. I'll cry.
But if you are watching this video cut, tell us in the Patreon comments or in the Discord, your Smasher Pass for all the Chuck E. Cheese crew, for the Five Nights at Chuck E. Trees crew, for the McDonald's crew. Yeah, I think that's everybody. Cool. Sorry, it was a short nothing episode that mostly devolved into chaos, you know how it is when we get back from things.
Hey, hey Parker to sign off and call this a night. Would you? What's up? Smash or pass this outro. This outro like specifically the one we're saying. Yeah. The one we're doing right now. I think we're, I think we're smashing it right now. I think we're nailing it. Cool. Smash. Snail left to ears, nail right to ear. How are we feeling? Smash left, smash right. Uh, smash right. Pass left. That's left. Okay. Okay. I'm glad to rethink it with it. Goodbye from your ears. Okay. Goodbye. Bye.