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Vol 2 Ch 31 | She Does EVERYTHING! feat. UgamiCosplay image

Vol 2 Ch 31 | She Does EVERYTHING! feat. UgamiCosplay

E31 · Fandames with Parks & Nebula
140 Plays1 year ago

This high-energy sleepover is jam-packed with stories shared by voice actor, cosplayer, and Olympic-level speed skater UgamiCosplay! We discuss Japanese art history, insights into the world of modeling and acting, and glimpse into the world of competitive cosplay. 

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Introductions and Siobhan's Skills

Welcome back to the Sleepover Podcast. This is Fandames with Parks and Nebula. The one speaking is Nebula. I'm Parks. Did you purposely say that now so I wouldn't cut you off from it after? Yeah. Okay, perfect. We have a guest with us today, someone I know very well and have worked with constantly. Would you like to introduce yourself?
Yo, what's up, guys? My name's Siobhan. I'm also known as the cosplayer Ugami. What's up? What's up? And you're a phenomenal voice actor, and you are incredibly intelligent and gorgeous and a wonderful model, and we are so glad that you're here. Don't let the fact that I know things detract from my stupidity.

Panel Experience and Program Privileges

I don't know. You don't show a winner here who doesn't know a single fucking thing. Yeah.
You know how to 3D model, so. The 3D modeling and me wanting to run educational panels on like history and arts and stuff at conventions. And then also not knowing a single thing. You go up there and go, uh, this one. And it works every time. Everyone believes you. It does.
Pickle will come at what was it, like Issei Kai last year, whenever. My panel was supposed to be like a 3D modeling, like live demonstration. None of the software was working, or no, my computer wasn't connecting to their projector. So I instantly just turned it into a Q and A instead. I mean, smart. Got it too much on the fly. Well, going into anime bonsai, we didn't know if they were going to give us a projector for Smash or Pass or not.
And everyone in that room was 100% certain we did not have one because when we went in there was a big whiteboard and someone had written our panel name on it. And the screen was up at the time so we couldn't, you know, see it. So we went in there like, oh my God, am I gonna have to pantomime every single character I'm talking about right now? But thank God I found it. I found all of the controls.
so that you could just draw like really crappy versions of each of the characters and then talk about their smashability. Honestly, I should have done that at some point, but it would have been incredible. There's a panel idea. Blind Smasher Pass. You don't know anything about this character. Here's my shitty rendition. You have to be guaranteed I get a whiteboard. Like the whiteboard is the thing that I would expect to receive less than a projector at a convention. That's true.
I mean, I can bring my own small one and just hold it up and pray to God everyone in the back can see it. Just roll one of those big ones through, like incorporate it into your cosplay. Be some sort of weird science professor from some anime and just bring it with you. I can just be like a timeshare like presenter and bring my big sticky notepad that I put on an easel and be like, look.
Be a teacher from an anime, roll in a chalkboard. Fuck. Yes. Go old school. Let's do that. Next panel we do, Siobhan, let's bring in the fucking chalkboard. I'm so in. Let's do it. That'll be like our sixth panel we're adding to Issei Kai this coming year. Yes. Oh my God. No, I'm only on four. If they all get approved, I'm on four. I'm safe. You, you're not safe. Me, however. So what panels are you guys doing?
So because, so I am not confirmed for anything yet because I am not a cosplay guest with them. So I'm going through the normal programming route, which is fine. I don't care. Um, I am on their list because of the panel last year was very successful, but it's kind of like, I'm still going through the wringer as everyone else. Um, Siobhan is a cosplay guest. So because she is, she gets to put on kind of whatever she likes and it gets inserted right into their normal programming because she's a guest. So they let guests do what they want.
So how many would you have planned?

Art History and Cosplay Connections

Okay, so the only one that I have like so far already been approved in everything is an art history panel comparing like Edo period ukiyo-e woodblock prints to the wano arc in one piece because there are so many art references that they made
like popping off from that first episode whenever they were climbing the waterfall I was like texting my roommate at three in the morning to sending him pictures of like what was happening in the episode and then sending him like historical art that was being directly referenced to and then just freaking out over it and that was just the first episode so
I already have this, like, I need to go through and plan out specifically what I'm going to say for that whole hour panel, but it is slated to be like an hour long. I have roughly an idea of what I want to talk about, starting with like the introduction of what woodblock prints is, why it's important, contextualize it with the Edo period and, you know, a little bit of history. Maybe talk a little bit about the Momoyama period leading into Edo and the Tokugawa period. Edo Tokugawa is pretty much the same thing.
But yeah, then just really going deep into the art style that was used for that specific part of one piece and be like, oh, hey, like this is reference to this piece of art. And this is culturally important because of this. And they also did it over here. And if you look at like the Kabuki theater prints, which is like how Okiyo-e got started, here they are being referenced in this. So I love that so much for it. So
It's perfect timing that you said that because so my grandfather was in world war two and he's bought the pacific theater specifically when he was like stupid young and so he had this fascination his whole life for eastern cultures and eastern like countries that would travel all the time and my uncle did the same.
And I just got my inherited prints of Japanese and Korean art from my granddad and my great uncle. So I just got those, just brought them to the house. I have a fan behind me that I can show you, but that's like it.
When I was in college, I worked in an art museum in the collections and the archives and stuff. So I was actually able to handle a real woodblock strike strike print of the original Great Wave of Kanagawa woodblock.
I want the old one so bad. I know it's so small. It was so small. It's like by like seven by five inches. Yeah and um I so you're you're a mom good company. I also have a very soft spot for ukulele prints and that connection of One Piece to various art movements is something that I noticed really early on whenever I was um going through One Piece the first time I'm now going and re-watching it.
But like ODA has such a good connection between
literary and artistic movements in the story of One Piece. And I just lost the challenge that Parker and I had, which was, can we go 20 minutes without talking about One Piece? It's OK. It's OK. I did not hold us to that standard. That was before we booked our next two. That's right. It's Siobhan and then another One Piece guest. So there's no way in fuck we're not talking about One Piece. You put that challenge for a solo recording.
And I was prepared to talk about something else during a solo recording. I was going to mention the Five Nights at Freddy's movies, but you had not seen at the time, so. But now I have. Okay, well, thank you. We're not talking about that. We just reinstated the challenge and I am no longer a loser. Fuck yeah.
So make sure you turn into that episode,

Future Plans and Upcoming Panels

guys. Don't miss it. One when we do it, yeah. And then the other, are you doing any other panels, besides from that one and the one we're doing together? You're fine to talk about that, too. It's fine. Okay. Okay. Yeah, like. You're allowed. Before the podcast, Parker and I are doing a persona panel.
talking about min-maxing your relationships in real life, and essentially using the confidant system in the Persona games as a guide. I love it. I don't know. You guys are so cute. It's a mutual rising. I show up, I help show up. I share her shit. I connect her with people she doesn't know yet. She connects me with people I know. I help set up her posters. I take them down. You just want to be my handler at Isekai?
I mean, if you want to give it that back. You gonna correct the person who speaks Japanese? It was the deliverance that you had with it. It had the tone of a mom that's like, do you like those pokimans? They say it as pokimans on purpose. Yeah, she's into it. She's your Asian mom. I love that.
Um, I'll be your handler if my panels don't get approved and I don't get a panel badge. Okay. But, I mean, I'll still help you set up and take down. Anyways, that's what I did. Yay! Thank you! Because, uh, life events are happening and I might have to fly in for Issei Kai now. Oh my god, you might! Yeah. So, uh, we'll see what happens. No!
I'm trying to figure out all of this upcoming week so that I have an answer to another friend by Friday. Not the ugami announcement of the LA arc starting. If you're unaware, Shev is moving to LA soon. I knew that. Yeah, but I mean, it's much sooner than we think now because it was put off a little indefinitely last week.
And now it's back, it's back on the table, and I'm so proud and happy for her, but at the same time, what the fuck? Yeah, yeah, right? What the fuck? I'm so happy, but at the same time, it's like, oh my god, what? Oh my gosh.
Who's going to go to Korean barbecue with me and 3D print my big swords? I'm going to have to buy my own 3D printer now. So am I. Libraries. So am I. OK, my counterpoint now. So all guys, commission me for your 3D prints. Yes, commission Siobhan. And the designs. Yes, because you do phenomenal 3D models. And you modeled the swords, right, for Odin, Parker, that you did? Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
She also did kinemons. She didn't do the model work, but she did do the adjustment and slicing and printing for my bomb devil helmet and my chainsaw man helmet. She designed a nitro from scratch.
Yeah, and she designed my climate or she adjusted my climate attack both times. Yeah, we're on the third and now it's a weird risk. So I have everything for my Yamato cosplay. I designed and printed everything for my film read Luffy. I designed and printed for my competitive partner. I designed and printed all of their Utah stuff. And then for one of my friends out in LA, I printed I designed and did a partial print of the Napoleon. So that's awesome. That's so phenomenal. Yeah.
And that's just the one piece stuff. Oh, and then my crackers. She did my crackers. She did all the swords. She did all of the sheaths. I think that's most of it for me. My roommates, Daifuku and Parospero. Parospero. Part of the finishing. Yeah. And then I modeled up a binky for Senor Pink, but then he made the decision to do something else. Well, that one broke, so you might need to print it.
Oh, did it? Yeah. Well, it's because he's has to bite down on it because it's a fucking binky to keep it in his mouth. His grown man teeth, his male adult teeth broke right through it because the rubber is meant for infants who don't have teeth. Not a grown man. Damn. Man got teeth too strong.
I feel bad posting every time. And it's like,

Cosplay Journey and Personal Background

Siobhan did this every single post I make, but Siobhan has, she's also the one who designed and did Gavin's shadow wig when he worked at the hedgehog. Wait, that was you? I didn't know that. Oh my God.
The very first wig I had ever done was my Giorno wig. Yeah. It's published in magazines. It's everywhere. Oh, that's so odd. I remember when we did the... No, my Giorno wasn't published in a magazine, but my buchal audio was. No, I thought your gold Giorno was the one where you're shirtless and it's like...
No, it was Bruno that I did. Was that Bruno? I swear to God, I thought I was a Giorno. Okay. Well, I think this is a really good place to ask you, Siobhan, if you'll give us a little insight into how you got started cosplaying specifically.
Oh my gosh. So it was back in high school. In what year? Reveal your age to us. Tell us how long you've been in this crap. You'd never guess. You'd never guess. Anyone want to guess first before I reveal? I already know. We'll give you three seconds. So three, there you go. No, no. You're 30, right? 29, 30? No. Wait, one more. Go up a little bit more.
two. Okay, 31 or more. Yes, yes. I bet none of you guessed that if you like see my face. In my defense, you were 29 when I first learned of your existence. So in my brain, you're 29 forever.
Yeah, well, that's, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Whatever age you meet me at, I am that age forever. Because whenever I was in my teens, I had accidentally stumbled upon the fountain of youth a little bit too early. And I didn't realize that the age that you drink out of it from is the age that you permanently stay at. Yeah, but that's the whole idea. If I was a smart person,
I would have done it at 21 because my teen immature brain thought, oh yeah, I'm going to age up to hitting 20, and then I'll stop aging. Nope. Nope. It stops you right there. Yeah. So now you're a 12-year-old boy for the rest of your life. Yeah, exactly. But a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Siobhan. Yes. Makes her the most perfect Luffy of all time. Means she can trick or treat. Yeah, I always trick or treat on holiday. I'm so jealous.
Everyone in the neighborhood totally thought I was one of the kids because all I had to do was just talk in a little bit of a higher register and it's no problem. I need to come stand behind you and smoke a cigarette and be like, remember to say thank you.
I'll pretend to be her mom and we'll sell it like 10 times harder. So Parker, we need to now... They also play out next Halloween. Oh, I was going to say we need to go to LA and visit Siobhan on Halloween. And take her to the higher class areas. Siobhan and I are almost the same height. I'm just like an inch or two taller. And so then... I'll just put on the little kid voice so then we'll go together. Yeah, exactly. Ned, what are you going to do about your womanly body? I will put on a big sheet. No one can see these curves. You ghost.
Fair enough. We'll get you a big, like, Among Us costume. That'll be our cosplay. We'll cosplay as children, and we'll put you in a big wig that has, like, the beer can, like, shitty white trash curls, and you got your fake zig, like, tell them thank you, kids. Oh my god. So, like, I grew up in southwest Missouri in, like, a country town. I mean, a country town.
like farmland around the high school. I remember doing spirit week every year they would have a day called white trash bash where kids would show up like that unironically and I'm the only Asian kid like in my grade so of course I wouldn't dress up like that because one my parents would murder me
But I would just be looking around like, hey, embrace your culture, I guess. Yeah. White people do have culture. Yeah. Also raised in the South. I'm from Oklahoma, and I still am here, unfortunately. But we also had White Trash Day. I think we got rid of it after one point because parents complained because they didn't like that it was a little too accurate. But anyway.
show up in those white theaters. No, kids would literally show up to school, not even on White Trash Bash Day, just like driving their tractor to school because they were going to the bar now. So I have a story you'll love. When I was a freshman in high school and I couldn't drive yet, my dad was like off work early one day, so he was going to come pick me up. And I completely forgot because I wasn't used to that. And I had already arranged for a friend's parent to drive me home with them.
And so he texts me. He's like, Hey, I'm out front. Where are you? And like, Oh, shit, I'm sorry. I'm already on my way home. Like this person said that they could take me. He's like, Okay, don't worry about it. I have something to tell you when you get home. And I'm thinking I'm in trouble that he's gonna be pissed because he had the like, and I get there. And then he walks in and he goes, All right, that trip was worth it. Because I saw the most white trash boy I've seen in 20 years walk out of your school. And this child
was wearing a muscle t-shirt that he had cut himself all the way down to the bottom hem, and it was so far in that you could see his nipples. He was wearing pajama pants that were cut off at the knees like Gene Cutoffs, cowboy boots with tall white socks, and a cowboy hat, and had like a basketball drawstring bag as his backpack.
This entire trip was so worth it just because I got to see this one mass of a try That's me is that was just his Tuesday fit Like a cowboy hat Yeah, oh man. Oh, I'm so glad we have someone on the podcast I can relate to
Oh my god, like I remember one kid like had Confederate flags like on the side of his car and Administration finally had to talk to him to take it in Missouri. I'm glad administration did. I was surprised I did. I'm surprised no one said anything at our school. I think it was enough of a
Us few black and brown kids that exist had had enough to say they were like, alright, yeah, this is a problem we should address. Damn, I drove a truck in high school and it took every ounce of my self control to not mount a flagpole and just fly like a gay pride flag. And then I remembered like, I'm in Oklahoma, I'm gonna get my ass beat. Yeah, you'll get shot. You're not immune to hate crime.
But I did come close to it and I did have a friend in college that I will remain, she will remain nameless that she was one of the people that took that kind of issue into her own hands and carried a pocket knife for a reason, I will say. There were many truck flags that did not see the light of day after they met her. Was she cutting them down? Is that the implication? You tell me!
a little bit of like, you know, my, my like power cable because I have it plugged into my laptop, but it's saying that now it's not your turn to have all the technical issues. Hey, I can hear you guys. It's okay. We'll throw this out. Who cares? Burn it. Okay, hopefully the bad copies for us.
Just kidding. No, it's to share the raw is on. Oh, your crop top is cute. I love the muscle tea crop. Oh, thank you. I was planning to go to the gym after this. Okay, that didn't work. Let me just try a different time. Try whatever you want, baby girl. Take your time. Did you enter the giveaway for the Zorro Swords? Not yet. I'm going to. I'm only doing it for the sound gelator. I don't want to
spam my story with like 20 million different things, but I kind of want to do all of them mystery ones to see if I get buggy's head out of it. I don't think they're going to give up buggy's head. I want them. I know you do. You should cosplay buggy. I'm going to. I'm doing
Well we were, well Siobhan if you remember we were gonna do the buggy party where all of us were gonna be different versions of buggy and you were gonna be buggy when he's missing his fucking torso. And I was gonna do pillow pet warlord buggy where I'm in a whole blanket going woo!
I love that. Hey, I'm just saying I could sit like this for hours. And that's real buggy. That's a year. Yeah, we could so easily do cross guild as it like a femme cross guild. Oh, yeah. I'm thinking of doing
Okay, who has the negative titties cuz that could be me You probably be me. How can I probably be buggy? All right, let's do it Parker has buggy energy and I mean that in a positive way. Oh
I mean that in the way of, no, I'm calling you that in like all the fem fan art that's been floating around where it's like Crocodile and mihawk are leaning in and Buggy's like this awkward little shy lesbian just in the middle. It's really cute. Did you call me a clown? I called you cute, shy, and gay. Take the compliment. And a clown. I'll call you a clown. Yeah, you can. I can't do anything offensive when you say no. When you say that, it's like, yeah, yes, ma'am.
I'm back on track because we were talking about Isekai panels and where we're starting. We were talking about when Siobhan got started cosplaying and then we got involved off into high school. We were talking about panels and then you died, so we had to look back. And then Siobhan died. So would you like to continue telling us about your story or about how your beginnings...
My humble beginnings as a cosplayer, starting out in high school. Oh yeah, we, we sucked away whenever you asked how old I was. But yes, you probably guessed it, I am 31. 31 going on 13. Yeah. But yeah, I think it was like...
sophomore year of high school, maybe junior year, whenever it was first really introduced to me. Because my two high school best friends were interested in anime and manga and all of that back then. They still are to this day. And they started talking about going to conventions then. And that's really whenever cosplay as an idea first came to me. Because I thought it was really, really cool. I loved Halloween anyway and enjoyed dressing up and all that fun stuff.
So it just seemed natural that'd be something that I would also be into. So my parents are very, very, very strict people. And so there was no way in hell that they would let me go to a convention that young. So like,
one of my high school friends messaged me the other day sending me a picture from high school with me just like dressed up then just after school hours um because i had no conventions or anything else to go to so i was that one weird kid that would occasionally do that but no one could say anything because i was because i am actually asian so if you like tell me off maybe you're racist
So no one questioned it. Yeah. What are we going to do? Call you a weeaboo? You're an Asian person. You're not fetishizing anyone's culture. That's you. Can I ask for context what your heritage is? Like Filipino. Okay. I thought that was the case, but I didn't want to just like say that. And then you'd be like, what the fuck dude? Yes. And be wrong. I thought you would said it before, like when we were talking in person at some point, but I have the memory of a goldfish. So I just wanted to make sure.
All right, cool. My mom is from the Philippines and my family is all like slowly but steadily moving back. Moving back to the Philippines? It's pretty great. Oh, interesting. Yeah. A lot of people are hitting retirement age and it's like, hey, it's cheaper to live there than it is in the US. Oh yeah. It's a bunch of fucking islands. Let's go retire there. Yeah. Get the fuck out. Summer year round, like how can you go around?
Yeah, had no conventions or anything to go to. So I would just go to school like ish in cosplay. I was cosplaying reborn, which is my true love. And they wear relatively normal things anyway, because most of the characters are like middle school students and whatnot till we hit that sweet, sweet future arc. Dear Lord. But yeah, everyone was wearing like hoodies and jeans and stuff. So it seemed like a normal enough thing. I didn't do like anything really with my hair.
because I didn't know back in the old days. Yeah. Plus I had no money because I wasn't allowed to get a job or anything. So, you know, just work with what I had. And it wasn't until I had moved out here to Salt Lake, whenever I was able to go to my first convention for the first time ever, which was the inaugural Salt Lake Comic Con. The first year?
Yeah, the very first year. Oh my god. Yeah, so I didn't like really like get into cosplay until I was like what 20 or 21. And it was still kind of like a just dabbling in it kind of thing.
But it was something that I enjoyed and wanted to do more of. So I went to anime bonsai that year too. And at this point I knew basically nobody because I came out to Salt Lake for sports and my entire personality was sports. And I was like, in short.
I am not an Olympian. I never went to the Olympics, but she was Olympic level. She's in an Olympic commercial. Blah blah. She's got the body of an Olympian. He's an Olympian that never went to the Olympics, but did every other thing that is required of me. Hey listeners, you want to hop on that Patreon? You could just see Shev show off her beautiful muscles. Oh yeah, baby. You could also get on her Patreon and see her naked.
Yeah, join the tomboy abs here so you can see tomboy abs. Got to give the people what they want, you know. Scary to think you and I have the same start time of when we actually like, began because I started at FanX 2013. Yeah. Oh, I was 13 years old. So, you know, yeah.
But yeah, we're odd, odd perspective to think about that you and I showed up there the first time like, well, we're doing this now and now we're both doing it. It's a full circle kind of thing. Full circle. I sneezed right into the mic. It's because I'm pretty sure there's a cat hair that will not come off the top of my nose. So I apologize. Head on.
You're all good. It won't leave. Thanks for putting on the spot now we know. We're gonna be like staring. I can feel it! It won't come off! So you didn't know anyone in Utah when you came?
No, no, especially like in the cosplay and anime community. Absolutely not like I joined the anime club kind of at the University of Utah because Segue into how I got into Utah in the first place because my parents both doctors their dream for me become a doctor I did not want to become a doctor So I was in school for architecture Which was you know in along the lines of engineering still respectable even though you're not a doctor so um
I graduated high school early because I didn't want to be in high school anymore. Because my whole plan was get out of high school, go to Salt Lake, start speed skating. But my parents didn't want me to be an artist, absolutely did not want me to be an athlete, so I became both. Fuck yeah! Yeah! So, um...
In Missouri, the only schools at the time, I don't know if it's changed now, but at the time, the only schools that offered architecture program were private universities.
So I was stuffed into one of those, horribly, horribly, horribly expensive. So I told them, hey, if I go out of state to like Utah, to like the University of Utah, they have architecture there that they offer, you know, into public school. So it'd be half the price, even if I'm out of state. And they're like, oh yeah, okay, that makes sense. You can go. That was my out. That was my moment of freedom. Like I had planned this anyway.
So, you know, just doing sports and stuff. It was pretty great. So finally out here, able to speed skate, able to finally like go to conventions and stuff. And then it was, I want to say like 2015?
was my first anime expo. And I had a whole bunch of friends that were going with me then. And that was, I think that was like the first real cosplay moment for me. Whenever everything just clicked and I was just like, okay, yeah, this, this is the shit. This is what I'm about. So then ever since then, I'd like taken cosplay a little bit more seriously as like each year kind of passes. So let's see, I retired from speed skating. I want to say basically when the pandemic started,
took like a hard reset there. I think pretty much everybody in the cosplay community did, didn't do anything because there weren't any events going on. And then once the pandemic was for the most part over, I was done skating. So I could just focus like on cosplay and kind of make that my personality instead of sports or, you know, keep them both as my personality because some things just don't change.
Well, it's like even before then you were designing suits for like your speed skating that were cosplay. Before pandemic, you were fully combining being an athlete with your cosplay and designing stuff for your skating. And I think that was one of the biggest projects I saw from you when I was a teenager following you before we knew each other. It was you designing one of your JoJo speed skating suits and then, you know, pandemic.
Yeah, yeah, because I was working with a speed skating or at a speed skating company at the time. And I worked with everybody from beginner all the way up to Olympic level athletes, both US and international. And I outfitted them with essentially whatever gear they needed and also worked as a sports technician. I was honestly one of the best speed skating sports technicians in the US.
And one of the companies that I worked with, Apogee, they specialize in designing skin suits and whatnot. And since they were one of my primary contacts, I just went ahead, hit up the person who was in charge of that particular portion, and was like, oh, hey, this is a personal project of mine. I only want to one-off. I understand this is something you normally don't do. So if you tell me no right from the get-go, totally fine. I totally understand. But here's this JoJo character, Diacho, for those of you who
Enjoy Jojo who enjoy part five as much as I do Like his and for those of you who don't know Jojo He like his his power is basically speed skating like it's controlling like cold temperatures and ice and all that but he's a speed skater like everything about his design including like the length of skates he's on and
Pure speed skater. So I told them about this character told them that I wanted this as my own personal competition skin suit Would they be able to help me out? Absolutely. So for the next three months I worked with Apogee to design like the perfect kyacho skin suit that I could wear both on the ice like in competitions and At costs like at at cons in different events. That's incredible. So I ended up See, I don't think I had it in time for
Kotsukan 2019. I think I started working on that afterwards, but any any other conventions coming up like I can pop that thing out no problem. You still have it hiding in there? Oh, absolutely. I'm never getting rid of that. Have you ever gotten it out too? I feel like I've rarely like I feel like I saw the progress for it and then you just couldn't wear it cuz shit happened. Yeah, because
I quit officially racing and whenever I worked on the Visa commercial, they provided us with skin suits to where the design team worked on and whatnot. But I was fully prepared to bring my own stuff. I'll wear my JoJo cosplay to this commercial shoot, guys. Wouldn't that be sick? I'll wear this copy written product.
It's not a copy written. He's a side character and it's technically because Siobhan designed it. She has her own copyright. Yeah, not for marketing for not for marketing. No, no, not for visa fucking marketing.

Merging Cosplay with Sports and Voice Acting

If she wore it and just said, I don't know what it's from, I liked it, LOL, she would have maybe had a little bit of lenient. So, okay. Look at this cool suit that I've got. I am very curious if you have ever considered doing any kind of recreational combination of your skating and your cosplay. Because in my mind, whenever you're explaining all this, I immediately am going to Jet Set Radio Future.
and thinking you could do it for her. Do you know what it is? Roughly. Someone asked me to do a commission once for the Yen sign medallion that one of the characters has. It's been years since I've played it, so if you're listening, this is all just for my middle school memory. Don't take it seriously. It's like a gang of roller skaters in Tokyo.
And they spray paint different areas and tag different areas of Shibuya and whatnot. And so they all have their own little funky early 2000s skater outfits. And then you have to tag different areas and take over different gang territory. But they're really cute. I feel like they would be very much up your alley. And that would be super cool if you did a little reel or a TikTok or something and you're roller skating around and you have your cosplay on. That'd be cute.
I need to learn how to use TikTok.
Well, it's like, didn't you also do Yuri on Ice cosplay back in the day at one point? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Like, speed skating showed up for 0.3 seconds in episode one, and I was immediately hooked. There's all these different types of skate- speed skating! Yeah, yeah, I remember it vividly, because there's like this one scene where one of the characters, I'm pretty sure it's like Yuri Katsuki himself, like scrolling through the ISU website, which is, in fact, the real International Skating Union website, and like,
because speed skating obviously shows up on the site you know scrolled right past it and i immediately freaked out because you knew exactly what it was you know that website like the back of your mind that's so cute no i popped off in the ureon ice era in the whole sports anime era yeah especially ureon ice because like
While I wasn't the one competing at the like international World Cup level, I was going to World Cups, I was working with those athletes, and I knew the personality of the athletes who were in that space. So I loved it purely because I could relate to it, and it was like a pretty accurate portrayal of what I saw. Like you're seeing these people being parodied a little bit because, you know, they're based off of real people to some extent in terms of behaviors.
and talents and so on and you're seeing it firsthand at work and now you're coming to watch it on screen. But like maybe I'll maybe I'll toss one of my my friends under the bus here but uh um they won't remember JJ guys the whole JJ style and all that fun stuff. I have a friend who I called JH. Yeah. He's literally JJ. I love this.
I could never forget JJ. You know that his face is plastered around my home. I can't get rid of JJ. I gave Gavin some of that JJ stuff. I know you did. You're welcome. Yuri on Ice stays in here in my heart because I was going through Yuri on Ice as it was coming out separate to everyone else. But Ry, who's been on the podcast, was going to the same events you were, the Yuri on Ice events.
Yeah, you rose and okay. No, I was going to be and then I got sick. And this is the same time. This is sick. So me and I were cosplaying together, unaware, and we were going to go to this event together is probably gonna be our like third or fourth hangout and then I got sick.
But, because it was like on a Friday or a Saturday, the next day on that Sunday, I went to my grandparents house. And my uncle Danny was like, Hey, do you know right? Because we're about to go hang out with him. Like, yeah, like, that's your cousin because that's my nephew or like my niece.
Oh, but yeah, I was gonna go to that event with Ry, which is so funny because it's like, I don't know. I always like to compare that you and I have been parallel to each other. Once at least came with Gavin, we've never interacted.
Yeah, we've been in the same space for like a decade. We've interacted once and it was when I took a photo like two years. I took a photo with you and Eli when I was wearing my Joseph cosplay once and then like we just we just both went because you know fanics was
pandemic. I was a teenager back then just complete diversion, but it's just so funny to like see how our stories are going simultaneous to each other as we move forward each step. Yeah, because like, oh my gosh, the other day I was finally, finally putting together like my cosplay resume so that I can present that to other cons to be a potential guest and whatnot. And like I was going through like some of the like
Facebook groups that I had been in like since that time where it was like oh the Haikyuu meetup groups and I was like wait what we held this back when and we held five of them in a row and then the pandemic hit and then I ran my co-hosts at bonsai we were all just coincidentally in the secondhand sale and everyone was selling Haikyuu jerseys and
Hey everyone, remember that shit from years ago? Let's get rid of it! Nobody sold a single jersey. So I came up afterwards and was like, hey guys, while we still have these, should we do the Haikyuu Meetup next year? You know, year six, let's go get the gang back together. The overwhelming response was yes.
Let's do it. Well, Haikyuu is currently in a renaissance again. That's so cute. Yeah, coming out. Haikyuu is back. Haikyuu is so back. You know when you're sports enemies? Let's bring back Yoamushi Petal. Let's bring back everything. Let's bring back the Yuri on Ice movie that they showed us and still haven't given any updates or news on. But they suggested a trailer might exist and then... Mappa is not fucking giving us that movie, man. No way in fucking hell.
But, I mean, real life skaters are acknowledging it, so yay! Update! Like, so many speed skaters were into it as well. Like, not just the figure skaters, guys, no, the speed skaters, oh yeah, we were all up in that business. You guys loved that one's clip of being featured on the screen and being recognized. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we're on ice too! See, other ice sports exist, it's not just figure skating! Yeah.
But now you're here and you're competing again after I don't I don't know why you were not competing from the beginning honestly. Because well, fuck me. Because I was competing in sports. I couldn't compete in sports and also cosplay. That's too much. I could not imagine even like helping someone with that, let alone trying to take that on myself. I would drop dead in a second.
Yeah, because the worst of it for me, the most intense part of my skating era, was speed skating while working three jobs while going to school. Excuse me? And then throwing in cosplay on top of it whenever you had time. Yeah, and then throwing cosplay on top of it. Absolutely the fuck not. How are you alive? Yeah, I don't live like that anymore. I was with you in her 20s. It was okay. Okay, I'm 26 and I couldn't even do half of those things at one time.
Siobhan is 10 people in one room. That was me in my early 20s. All right. All right. It makes up for your head. Yeah, right. No one can keep up with her. It's not everyone being like, it's not Shev being up her ass. It's not like her just being full of herself. She's actually 10 people and she shows. I don't know. It's, yeah.
I had the height to prove it. If there's a glowing review of Siobhan, it's that she can do anything that you put her to. You just have to tell her what it is and she's up. Yeah, honestly.
I would also love to hear about your journey with voice acting because that's something else that you another personality shoved into that tiny little incredible form. New development. Okay, so like, like everything that I do like kind of intertwines with itself. So, um, you know,
fully getting into cosplay around 2016 started doing like photo like cosplay photo shoots around 2016 2017 I want to say that was one of my cosplay friends locally that was like oh hey chef do you want to come do this modeling shoot with me and I was like I'm not a model I've never modeled before she's like oh come on just just come with it's like basically just like cosplay photography and you can figure it out from there so I crashed this photo shoot
um kind of for me modeling had been just like a learn as you go kind of thing and just slowly figuring it out and so that's when that kind of took off so like for the next few years until the pandemic i was just like freelance modeling joined you know like the utah uh utah actors model facebook group whatever
There's several of them. Now, just keeping my eye out for different shoots that sounded interesting, getting to know the modeling community around here, there's a bunch of really, really cool people in it. Also, both of us being in the creative group without ever working together previous to us being friends.
all of my shoots like with the Disney Princesses and the fairies and everything. We were constantly around each other and just not, that's a small group. It's not like a huge group with a bunch of people. It's like a pretty tight-knit group and we still somehow didn't even realize we were both in that group until we were friends. We're like, are you going to this one? I was also invited to this one. Yeah, yeah. Oh, hold on. We have a guest. Lunchbox animation. Hi, child. Come here. Hi, baby.
Is that your ash wig behind you or your Robin? Okay. Sorry. She had to be finicky about it for a second. Cat moment. Join the Patreon to look at this cat. Isn't she so pretty? I love her so much. She hates being picked up. I love her. Hi baby. Do you want to say anything into the podcast?
Nope, she's not gonna talk. She yells a big game on the floor. She hates whatever I pick her up. Okay, bye. She had a lot to say until she had a plot. Yeah, she's just like a Twitter user. Always have a reply. It's never on the tweets. Maybe that's why I don't use Twitter. Using Twitter is a pain in the fucking ass because it's like people either see it or they don't.
Yeah. Yeah. It makes me feel stupid. It makes me feel dumb as fuck. Yeah. I'll post something there and be like, here. And like one person likes him like, yeah. And then I move on because what am I supposed to do, retweet myself 20 times? And then they added the feature of like, you can see the impressions this tweet has had. I'm like, I don't want to see how many people looked at this and then like just fucked off. So it's like, oh yeah, 100 people saw this tweet, but you have nothing to show for it. Fuck you.
Twitter is not real, and yes, I will deadname Twitter. I won't ever call it its real name. I won't. I just don't want to name it. Wooper refers to it as Zitter. You didn't like it when I said Zitter last time? I think that one was funny. I think that's quite the out name. Or Zeter. He says Zeter sometimes too. Boo lame.
Call it shitter. Yeah. Social media is a pain in the ass. Followers don't matter when they never have. I don't know. You just barely broke a thousand or 2000 from, well, it's because we also had to beg you to be consistent on your, us being on our hands and he's like, Siobhan, please post on your Instagram. A lot of it was my social media presence.
Again, because I wasn't working on cosplay, so I had nothing new to show for it. You were there to check things? So circling back, I want to hear about your voice acting. Because again, everything intertwines, everything kisses its own ass and comes back together like the fucking human centipede. So I need to know which portion of the human centipede we're on now in your life.
Yeah, yeah. So it's like doing the modeling stuff on top of the cosplaying and speed skating. And I wasn't going to school at this point. So there was that mercy and only working one job, the speed skating shop. So, you know, lot less on my plate, kind of. I just switched things around. It's it's never less. It's constant. Just go.
But yeah, doing the modeling thing, finding whatever shoots sound cool, meeting a bunch of like the different models and photographers and the community and whatnot. And then one of my friends who's also a local voice actor was like, hey, Shev, you know, you can like actually get paid for that, right? I was like, oh,
Yeah, you're right. I have like a four year long portfolio now that I've done nothing with other than just putting more stuff in it. So he's like, okay, here's who I'm signed with. This is my agent. You know, I've had really great success with them. They're one of the really good ones here. So pick some images, send them to the agent, see what happens. So I was like, okay, like the worst that could possibly happen is, you know, they say no and I'm,
No, like, I've lost so can I can I ask this was you're sending your cosplay photos to this agent. It's not like you're not sending my modeling photos. Okay, so it's for a modeling agent. Not your this was not the actual voice acting like you hadn't had a demo reel or anything.
Okay. No, no. Yeah. So this was just me and all my like fun modeling stuff that I'd just been doing because. So yeah, sent them what I considered to be like my 10 best images, you know, was like, Oh, you know, if I hear back from that, hear back within a week, they had called me back requested more and I was signed and they were like, okay, we mostly focus on acting. Are you cool with being in front of camera and speaking? And I'm like, Oh yeah, sure. Why not? Let's see what happens. I'm, I am the biggest. Yes, man.
Like, if something sounds cool, and especially if it sounds fun, yeah, I'm in. Let's let's do it. Let's just see what happens. So in March 2021 is whenever I got signed. So I started doing like, like background commercial stuff and background for Hallmark Films then. And it was then that my friend was like, hey, you know,
And people have told me that they've enjoyed hearing my voice and that I have a good speaking voice for a while, but it was never something that I had really deeply thought about. And I'd enjoyed anime, but I never saw myself in anime. But that same friend was like, oh, hey, now that you're acting and stuff, consider the voice acting room? And I was like,
You're right. I should, I should see where this goes and see what happens. So that's like, it was only within like the past two years that I even remotely considered voice acting like as a possible realm for me to explore.
And now it's like one of my favorite things. That's awesome. And I'm so grateful to this friend. But yeah, last year, it was actually November last year, I had created my first commercial demo reel. For those of you who are aspiring voice actors, your commercial demo reel is going to be the most important thing. Because the first thing that agents are going to look at is going to be your marketability and how they can sell your skills. So if you can sell a product,
That's what they want. Also commercials pay more than animation. So another thing to consider. Something that I frequently hear from my voice acting colleagues, friends who like voice act in anime professionally is commercials pay the bills, anime and video games pay the soul. That's a really good, really good piece of advice. And don't do audio books.
skip fucking audiobooks. Don't get stuck in the audiobook box. I will admit they don't pay great. Right now I'm focusing on the building my resume aspect. I won't take four years this time. But it's okay if it does. More to say. Yeah, exactly. But if Siobhan waits four years, she's gonna fucking move on. Yeah, right. But I've done like two audiobooks. They've both been Japanese to English travelers guides.
Those are pretty nifty. You're on top of it. I just know that our mutual friend who got you into voice acting got stuck in audio books. I don't want to fucking do this anymore. I was at his voice acting panel at Anime Banzai and he was like, don't do audio books if you don't got to do audio books. They pay the bills, but they just take so much work out of you because you have to do all the fucking mixing yourself and all the arranging yourself.
Like there's, there's no director. It's you and this fucking book. Good luck. Yeah. And most, most audio books either pay like royalty percentage based on sales, or they pay you a flat fee upfront, which, you know, can range from like $50 to 400, which sounds incredible, especially for an hourly rate.
but that's per finished hour. That means it's based on the final product. So if the audio book itself only has an hour runtime, you're only getting 50 bucks. It doesn't matter that you just spent four hours producing the whole thing. That's frustrating.
Yeah. Be careful with audiobook contracts. That's why you do your commercials and figure it out from there. But you've picked up some pretty serious commercial gigs upcoming, haven't you? Yes. If you're allowed to talk about those, sorry. Yeah, I'm not under NDA. You can just be vague about it, just to be safe. Yeah, they haven't signed
They haven't made me sign a contract, but I normally don't speak about upcoming projects. Yeah, don't worry about it. You have stuff on the table is all I was going to say. I have two local commercial gigs that are fairly large. I'm going to be helping out a couple of local indie video game devs with voicing characters as well.
And then I recently joined something at the university in regards to like growing businesses, whatever it is, it doesn't have to be, you know, like strictly marketing, you know, produce a tangible product and mass produce kind of thing. It's whatever you want your business to be. Yeah, and you are your own product.
Yeah, exactly. And talking to the other business owners, thinkers in there, I'm like, oh, hey, by the way, whenever you get to the point where you do want to have commercials or like do want to create content, consider using my voice. Anyway, here you go. Here's my demo reel. Here's my resume. Also, I am sag eligible. That's awesome.
Wow, you guys are really cool business people. Do you want someone to talk about your business? I'm just doing an audio book, like a poetry audio book for one of the creatives in there. Awesome. Nice. How many resumes do you have? Counting your demo reels, counting your demo reel also as a resume. Okay, so there's my commercial demo reel. I haven't dove into the other types of like voiceover demo reels. You'll get there when you get there.
Yeah, right. I need to actually produce my acting demo reel. Yeah. But I shouldn't do that at some point. There's my cosplay resume, technically my sports resume. There's my actual work history.
I know I'm a singing coach, so I guess I'll have a singing demo reel before night for too long as well. What? That's fucking real and everything. When we were talking to Travis Mullenix about it last week, he's like, because he edits and does people's demo reels for a living. When he's not voice acting, he's doing people's demo reels and showing them how to make them. He's like, make one for fucking everything. Marianne, they're both friends, Marianne Bray. And she's like, I have one that's just me meowing. And it gets me so many fucking roles as just being a cat.
Make a fucking demo reel for everything. You can make weird animal noises, do it. I was like, no. The creature noises is a demo reel. That's like all the deeper in the gamer's career. Like, I was in on one of Cassandra Lee Morris's video game voice acting classes, and there was one class where we spent the entire time just doing creature sounds. So she would just throw an idea at us and be like, all right, perform. All right, let's go, guys. Let's go, gamers.
Time to start fucking meowing. Get to it. Yes, I love that. I love that so much. Once you master your purr, you are in. Yup, yup. But yeah, you're a woman of many, many hats. You do so much. It all feeds back into itself in some way. It does. It's incredible. I'm just doing everything. So you're in university now. What the fuck are you going to school for?
So that I actually have a degree, so I actually get paid for the work I do. Not the direction that I was expecting you to answer that. I meant like, what are you in school for? Like, what's your picture?
Fuck if she knows, dude. I was too real at that one. Like genuinely fuck if she knows. Yeah, right? I'm too busy doing everything. Do you think I have an idea what I'm doing? Absolutely not, no. What's your class schedule right now? Is it like Japanese and some other shit and then some other shit for a different degree program and then some other shit for a different one and we're just stirring it up? Yeah, basically.

Exploring Art and Architecture

Well, it all works together, kind of. Okay, so the fancy name for the major that I'm in is called the
I watch me forget the actual name of the teacher. It's like the engineering. I actually have forgotten. Incredible. The EIE program. I'll get it for you. You keep talking. I'll get it for you. I'm in the video game major. It's called the games program. That's what everyone calls it. Video games. So I'm in game dev because whenever I first started school here, like I mentioned earlier, I was in architecture.
I was fully planning to get a whole-ass architecture degree. I love, like, building and making shit. It seemed natural, and that's... You get paid lots of money for that. Um... The U wouldn't, or has yet to come to a decision on whether they'll accept my credits from that private school in Missouri. And they told me I could just retake the classes. Okay. His- Like, they wanted me to retake stuff like architectural history.
I understand that you can learn more about history, that more discoveries can be found. History in and of itself doesn't change because it's already happened. I'm not taking architectural history again if it's not going to be a deep dive into something specific. I took a couple architectural history classes in college as
part of my art stuff and it was always like we're going to start with ancient Egyptian culture, architecture and ancient Grecian. It's always Mesopotamia. That hasn't changed.
Then then to Egypt and then we hit the like the Romans and all of that and it's always almost entirely focused on Western architects. Yeah. Yeah, we spent all entire week So two days two days on all of Asia
I want to learn about Asian architectural history. That's what I want. And I want the breakdown. I want to know the difference between how Japanese interlocking wooden techniques is different from the way that like Chinese terracotta tiles are. Like what the fuck?
Oh man, so that's what helps the Japanese, I want to say during the Heian period, that Japan finally had started creating its own art and architectural culture and history for itself. Because prior to then it was kind of like their own copy-ish of Chinese architectural and art, but they did a soft closing of the country. So it was during that time of peace that at least the elite classes
had so much leisure time that they could do whatever they wanted in speaking in poetry as instead of speaking in plain you know plain Japanese because that was kind of considered vulgar and whatnot and using just local like craftsmanship so
That's where we start to see the split-off between the Japanese using the hinoki versus the Chinese tiles. So whenever you look at... Japanese versus Chinese versus Korean architecture, look at the roof first. What's it made out of? They'll be one of the easiest telltale signs. See, I love talking to you.
You scratch that perfect intellectual nerd itch in my brain. He's mine. I had her first. I'm not kidding. I was talking about the Momoyama period in my Japanese art history class today and I was about to pop off in class.
Like, he was like, our professor was showing us, um, one of the, one of the, uh, Chonin artworks, uh, that predated, um, Ukiyo-e, where the merchant class would use like gold leaf and comparing that to like Heian period where, you know, you had wealth and. You like, you wanted to display it, but you didn't want to be, you know, outright about it or like what, like, again, what they considered to be vulgar with it.
At this point, the merchants give a shit about what the elite class had. They're the ones with the money now, not the elites. So they're like, yeah, let's put gold leaf on everything. So one of the pieces that the professor showed us was one of those gold leaf prints that showed a samurai in a geisha. Now, if you fast forward into the Edo period looking into the Yoshiwara district, the Yoshiwara district in Tokyo at the time was the red light district.
And one of the rules was samurai weren't allowed in. So my question to Professor was, given that this rule existed, why? Why this? And he was like, oh, yeah, those rules existed, but rules were made to be broken. And I'm like, OK, yeah, this art piece makes perfect sense. The rules were made to be broken because I, too, want to fuck a samurai. Who doesn't want to fuck a samurai? I'm just saying the Oiran.
True. We're all a little too gay to be on this podcast together to get on this topic.
You think we're- That's why I need to run like the 18 plus, like ukiyo- Yeah, let's get the one that lets us get some titties out. Oh my god, because ukiyo-e is like so intertwined with like sex culture and prostitution. Like it's a fascinating- Especially the ukiyo-e relationship in later years to French.
artists and like that kind of interaction and then with sex workers that were paid to be models and like the the influence that it has on like the European aspect into the more modern ukiyo-e and then the reverse of that i just i love it i love artistry so
And then Prussian Blue being finally brought over to Japan, and that's why Hokusai was able to create the Great Wave, which, you know, all of 36 views amount. Fuji became an entire thing dominantly using the Prussian Blue, and just chef's kiss. Thank God for Prussian Blue. Yes. I don't know if you're watching in this corner back here, but my cat currently just disappeared into the cat realm, cat dimension, I guess. Child, are you okay back there?
She can open doors. If they're very slightly ajar, she just bats at it until it opens. Oh, sick. Okay, cool. Love that.
Um, up to her own thing, but I don't know. I love listening to Siobhan talk. I love modeling with her. She is the biggest inspiration I, anyone could know, like genuinely. And I'm not even just saying it to blow smoke up her ass. No one can compete with your drive. And I just, I love you Siobhan. I love cosplaying with you. Thank you for coming on our podcast. I mean, we're not, we're not done here, but you know, I just want to say like, thank you for humbling little old me with your presence.
What can I say? Yes, you are. It looks like you've been doing this for so fucking long and it feels like right now you're at your prime because you've managed to make so many connections and establishment like within yourself that now you're fucking winning best in show and contests and now you're master division and going fucking crazy. Like in the first year of you competing, you're already in master. You speed run everything. That's just, that's you.
Like even literally with speed skating whenever I first moved out to Salt Lake I had not skated like learn how to like time to figure skate That one summer like leading up to me moving out here
just like so I can do it. What competent existing on skates, you know? That was it for my skating experience period. Within two years, I was doing like off ice training and stuff with the national team. Hold on. You decided you were going to move across the country for a specific sport by yourself after barely graduating high school for a sport that you hadn't even done.
yes yeah okay two-year olympian level mastery by the way that makes sense that doesn't make me feel bad about being nervous about literally making a phone call or anything jesus fucking you skated for like a month and said i could do this and then
Well, the whole reason I kept it under wraps was, again, because of my family and the expectations that they had. I was present whenever my brother had told my father that he wanted to play lacrosse, and my father absolutely shredded him to pieces, just immediately tore him down. And it was at that moment that I realized that I couldn't say anything to my family.
So if I wanted to succeed, I had to keep it to myself and I couldn't share it. And that means not being able to practice or train. And I also, unfortunately, learned for myself at an early age, which is something I'm trying to unlearn now, was that I couldn't trust anyone because my biggest fear was being ratted out to my family.
And that would be completely devastating to me because I saw them crush my brother's soul and I knew that they would do the same to me. Yeah. So I kept it under wraps for seven years before I moved out to Salt Lake. This is the worst possible time to have this interruption. It says that participant Ugami is having a problem.
It doesn't say she's having a problem with my phone. It says, failure reason error. Their high quality audio stream from microphone has stopped. Bugami should check that their mic or interface is functioning properly. Close any non-Zemcaster software and disable browser extensions that might be blocking the audio capture. Oh. Interesting. This says her mic. Yeah, I am still seeing the waves, but literally every time I close out of the alert, it pops back up. So I don't know what to do.
Right, time for me to close out of my, like, homework that I had just, you know, on my screen. Just un-occupy, like the, huh? Odd. It says it's still recording you and that you're healthy on my side. It is still recording you, which is weird. Yeah, it's still on my side, but I'm not having any issues. It might just be like the high quality part of the screen. I just wanted to make sure that we didn't have any other issues, because this has been such a good episode so far, so.
Well, I don't know because it's still recording. All right. Well, we'll just fucking. Here's the Richard. No trauma. You can try this. Please do resume. Tell us more about your senior intense backstory. Yeah, right. But yeah, no, like I kept it under wraps for seven years straight. Like I remember.
I remember this kind of like a wild like side story that like fits into all this so like I had my wisdom teeth removed like my second or third year of high school and I remember thinking my to myself going into that surgery okay I know I'm gonna be out of it do not say a word about speed skating
do not rat yourself out. That was my biggest fear going into fucking surgery was accidentally letting it slip to my deep love for speed skating to my family. And so I remember like just chilling out there in the chair and then just like falling asleep basically instantly and then waking up. And my first thought in my mind was, don't make an idiot of yourself. I remember like thinking that very, very vividly, don't make an idiot of yourself. Do not take about speed skating. And I succeeded. All right, it worked.
Yeah, family was

Community Connections and Creative Projects

none the wiser. I came out to Salt Lake, was doing school, like literally the day after I had moved out to Salt Lake, I immediately went out to the Olympic Oval, happened to run into Derek Parra, who for those who aren't involved in the sports and speed skating world, he is Olympic speed skater who meddled during the 2002 games here in Salt Lake City, gold silver medalist, world record holder at the time. So I ran into him.
I'm like shaking internally trying to have a conversation with this guy and not fangirl. And I'm like, hey, so I came out here to become a speed skater. What do I need to do? And he was like, okay, come back tomorrow. We'll get you on the ice. Took off from there. Yeah. You just always know how to know the right people before you. I guess. You're going to start voice acting. Who's your guide? Who's your teacher, your leader? Oh, it's fucking Ray Chase.
I love race so much. Like, wow, you just, you stumble into it so confidently and it works for you every single time. So you're like 10 for 10 on perfection. I'm just like, uh, we're going to try it. Who do we know? Um, you and it's fucking Robbie Damon Ray Chase. Uh, wow. What a, what a good start. Oh my goodness. Um, one of my friends was, uh, the host of the one piece panel at anime Pasadena.
this past weekend with all the voice actors and stuff. And she went to- The moderator for it. And he was like, oh, hey, by the way, tell Shev, I say hi. And I'm like, Ray, I love you. That's what Robbie does. Every single time me and Gavin are at a con, we're going up just to say hi most of the time, because we don't need to pay for a picture with him. Because after level up, where we were like, yeah, we know Gami, he just knows our faces. So we walk by an A-con and be like, hey, Robbie. And he stops his line. He's like, guys, come flex with me. Like, OK.
And we send it to you, and we're like, Robbie says hi, by the way. I guess he knows our faces because he knows us through you now. Like, you're so ingrained like this. I think, I think, I don't know. Fun side story for the listeners who don't know. I became friends with the Lava guys because I took them speed skating at the Olympic Oval whenever they were guesting here at Anime Bonsai a few years ago.
And we've been friends ever since. I love those guys so much. I love how you pitch it too. You'd be like, you want to come speed skating? By the way, since you're in Utah. They just crashed their stream one day and was like, well, I had been kind of active in their chat. Yeah, you had been stalking a little bit. Whenever they would stream regularly. They don't stream anymore. I'm sad about it personally. I miss the stream. Because they're doing in-person events. Yeah.
Yeah, those fuckers. I was like, man, that was a good time. But yeah, I'd been kind of active in their stream and active in their community. And they were like, oh, hey, yeah, we're coming out to anime bonsai. So I just DM them and was like, oh, if you want, I work at the Olympic team and stuff, speed skating, Olympic global. You'll come, try it out. And they're like, yes. Yes, we do. That's awesome. And I remember meeting, going,
Because I think I was in the second hand sale that bonsai. I'm always in the second hand sale. Yeah, you always have shit to get rid of. Yeah. And then I had to run off and do something. So I didn't have cosplay on, but I was planning on cosplaying that night from their fake religion that they created by accident. None's a Moloch. Let's go, guys. Let's go. The same time you got a dress code, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I always get dress coded at bonsai, though. Why? But they don't like women.
Yeah, right. If they see a woman's thigh, they get really mad. I only had my thighs out in that cosplay, and they still pulled me aside. But yeah, I was cosplaying one of the nuns from the Nunsamola, which Robbie said, I could do whatever I want with that. Because I originally asked him, you know, is there something specific you have in mind? Is there an idea? He's like, no, no, no, just do what you want. So you made it slowly.
Yeah, that is a dangerous thing to tell me because I will do whatever I want. And I'm very comfortable with not wearing much at all. So I got like this black dress with a slit that came like practically to my rib cage like on both sides, you know, thighs out, you know, non habit and everything little rosary with it with an owl at the end instead of Jesus. It was great.
And yeah, like a couple of my other friends were cosplaying the nuns in Molok with me because, you know, three lava guys, so obviously there's going to be three nuns. And those two friends already in cosplay had already gone say hey to them. They're like, oh yeah, Ugami is here. Like, Shev is here. And, you know, they're getting excited because, you know, they've only known me as a username at this point. Yeah.
And so finally, you know, meeting up face to face, they were so excited to like finally meet me. So like, I remember Max was the first person who I walked up to and I was like, hi, my name's Siobhan Brown, you know, offering my hand for a handshake. You might know me as Ugami Cosplay. He like stood up and was like, oh my God, it's you! You're real! Aw, that's so precious! Like real soyjack moment, like...
Wow. Yeah, literally, literally. And then I went over, I met Ray next and then I hopped into Robbie's line and met him. And yeah, we just clicked instantly. Immediately. And since then you've made cosplays for Ray Chase and you're an official cosplayer for Sky Brother Force and...
I want a Sky Brother, like a whole ass Sky Brother force cosplay group so bad. Dude, same. Same. I want one so bad. I listened to all of it and was like, why does it stop here anymore? And like I was talking to Ray and Logan about it. There's still the unreleased Independence Day episode.
Like it's already been finalized, mastered, all that fun stuff. Ray just needs to hit the set button. Ray, if you're listening, Ray. We're waiting for Ray to get back to us because Logan's like, I love to go talk to you guys. But Ray's busy. Ray's been so busy. If you're listening, Ray. Let's follow up email right now. I need answers to what happens in this story. I need to know what happens to my baby boy.
When we get Sky Brother Force, or at least when we get Logan, conversations will be had. And if we don't have Ray with us, it's gonna be conversations with Logan about how Logan wants Ray to post the damn episode. Maybe we should move on to our boss battles.

Cosplay Challenges and Personal Life

Our segment. Our little segment time. Our little
Do you wanna explain it for the listeners who might be tuning in just because I will explain it for all of you every single one of you that has our little snails that have crawled into your ear. We have a little fun gratitude exercise that we like to do on the show it's called boss battles and beach episodes.
boss battle is anything negative that you might have dealt with it can be small it can be big it doesn't matter it's just something that you have overcome recently and a beach episode is what you have experienced to counterbalance that so anything good anything happy anything you're looking forward to um parker would you like to start um yeah my boss battle is since post bonsai because bonsai is not
a real convention. It's in the same facility it's been in for the last 10, 15 years, run by the same people with the same artists and almost the same guests that they get every single year. And so a lot of people don't really make big stuff for it because no one's there to see big stuff. You're mostly there to just hang out in the courtyard with your friends and then go home.
I'm there to get drunk. Yeah, no one's there to be there seriously. So no one's really making big shit unless you're in the contest, because the contest does like good they have good sponsorships for the contest. Like I think Siobhan won like at least $150 in foam.
gift cards and then Arda gift cards and makeup gift cards and then tickets to other conventions. Yeah, like there's enough influence where it's worth it to try only if you're in the contest. If you're not doing any of that other shit, you just
show up. So I felt very stunted, and especially because it was on my birthday weekend. I didn't want to fucking go hard. I didn't want to make something that was going to stress me out. I didn't want to deal with it. So I just wore two cosplays that I basically bought because I was pre-Times Kip Nami and then I was post-Times Kip Nami Fishman Island. And then I was thriller bark. And I basically bought, you bought me that costume for my birthday. And all I did was add cuffs and a collar that made it look nice.
So I didn't really make a single fucking thing. And then the thing I did make made Gavin have an allergic reaction so bad I thought we were gonna have to go to the fucking ER when all of us are drunk and stoned on my birthday. On my birthday. It is not midnight yet. He takes his hoodie off that I died. And we don't know why because he's never had a reaction like this before. Just completely out of the blue. We're like, okay.
Um, everyone started drinking some water and drinking a Red Bull. We might have to go. Um, that's it. One of my things I made was a complete failure because it made Gavin very, very sick. Um, he's fine now. I'm just saying, you're making $20 richer. So true. Gavin and I have this bet. Whoever dies first does the other $20.
Um, they're waiting. Gavin's gonna lose because Siobhan's a moron. Oh my god. Well, yeah, she drank the fountain of youth. We've already covered this. Yeah, yeah. You know, the bet is for fun. Um, so I felt just I've been having really bad imposter syndrome since Bonsai because it felt like I haven't made anything proper since Phanex and what I did. Some of it was rushed because, you know, fuck me, why am I doing this?
So I still have to build everything and I'm going to do it for level up and blah, blah, blah. But right now, because of the holidays and there's not really like a convention until Isekai in February for me, I just hate being in my off season. My off season makes me feel like I'm not a real cosplayer. I don't do shit. I just do like my silly little photo shoots, my lewd shoots, because that's why I do the most lewd shoots for some reason. It's like it's cold. Let's go in a studio and take our clothes off.
Hey, that's what our weekend plans are. That's literally what our weekend plans are. That's also why the most popular birthdays in the world are in early September. Because everyone says it's cold last fall on the holidays.
Fucking on the holidays. Yeah, I guess I'm not doing like any major shoots We have that one and then I'm doing my needy streamer shoot finally with Carly because we put it off after Fan X because I'm not gonna do like we got photos with Kevin and that was great He did great on those but it's also we're definitely in the convention center So it's like we're putting off our real shoots and we're basically just shooting everything that I've been holding on to like ESA is gonna get Ritzco together so that way we can do like
There's just so much shit on my backlog that I finally now have to deal with and I don't get to make new shit until I finish paying for all the shoots and the studio rentals and shit I gotta do. I just feel frustrated. I'm just, I'm imposter syndrome from not doing anything. That's my whole ramble. That's my boss battle. I want to make cool shit, but I can't until I finish the cool shit that's already on my fucking plate.
Hey, at least, at least take pictures of your cosplays, unlike me. I know. A 10 year portfolio of cosplays and nothing to show for it because I don't take pictures. Yeah, finally. I still need to take pictures. The selfie you take in the car is what you post on Instagram because you didn't take anything else.
Yeah, honestly, or pictures of myself that people took at cons for me, or something that other people took at cons, and I'm like, oh yeah. Thank God you did this. Yeah.
I got you. We have to hold you at gunpoint. If it's a con that we're at with you, it's like, Sean, take a photo, please. Or we'll take photos of you. If it's not, and you're alone by yourself at a con away from us because you're guessing or something, no fucking photo exists. I have to beg Sean. Sean, what are you wearing today? Let us see, please. And I send that text 20 times. I send it to her in the group chats. I text it to her personal number. And then I send it to her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. One of these notifications will fucking stick.
I DIDN'T YOU ALSO MESSAGE LOGAN OH SHIT YES PLEASE TAKE PHOTOS SO WE CAN LIVE THROUGH YOU I know I said it then Logan, but again, if you're listening, thank you
Now you have photos for your portfolio that prove, you know, you worked with Rey because you took photos of it. Wow. All right, Siobhan, what's your boss battle? Because she just, you know, fought you on that whole bullshit. So what's your boss battle? I'm my boss battle. My big boss battle is tomorrow.
I have, um, a mid-term in my coding class and coding is what I'm the worst at. I don't like coding. I have not studied at all. I'm gonna die. Hey, I mean, chat GPT knows how to code, sort of. But, uh, I can't use that on a written test. It's written and it's coding? It's written. Yes, yes, yes.
I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit. I'm sorry. That's how I felt about that because- You hand me a piece of paper too, or like, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll die right here. I can't, I can't be graphic on the podcast. That's against monetization, but I would end it. I'd end it all in a vicious way that would change the trajectory of everyone around me. If you hand me a written coding test. What the fuck? Yeah, I want to unalive myself just a little bit. I'm so sorry. That's, ugh. Yeah.
Yeah. See y'all in the flip shot boys! Have fun crunching your fucking studying tonight. Wow. Crunching is bad and the chef's gonna do it as soon as she logs out of this. Again.
One day I'll break the cycle. That's why I'm starting my, that's why I'm conceptualizing my level up cost placement now. Good. That is, yes. And like, and they're, two of them are, two of them are Luffy's. Okay. Well, you know, Parker is time skipped, not me. I have time skipped Robin. If you have time skipped Luffy, we can do a little shoot sometime.
Well, we have, yeah, she has fucking time skip. Which flavor of time skip. Oh, I always just think of like Fishman Island is like time skip and then everything else is like its own arc. So. Well, we're doing gold. Yeah. You and I are doing Egghead Robin and Nami because you're going to build all of our headsets and then the boot foam patterns. So we're doing that. What's the third one for you?
I'm wearing Odin. Yeah, I'm wearing Odin when you're wearing reborn. Sorry. One Luffy cosplay, one Robin cosplay. Well, unless we choose to do both gold outfits in Switch. I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty much buying my entire Luffy gold cosplay. I already have the white cap from nearby. I'm just buying better dress because the other dress was a little transparent because I got it on fucking Amazon in a crunch period. Yikes. Yeah, I just need to like...
buy the Hawaiian shirt that he wears and then buy a white blazer. I can just buy a basic black cat suit because I don't have to have it reach my feet and my arms because she wears it tied off at her waist. So I can just wear dark boots. So yeah, I can make both happen. I guess. A gun to my head. I can do the night version for the after parties. Gun to my head. If you insist, I'll make three more Nami cosplays for level up. Who cares?
I'm a psychopath. I'll do anything Siobhan tells me, though. Nebula, what's your boss battle? My boss battle is significantly, I don't know, depending on the person you are, less exciting. I know what you're about to fucking say. Tell us what your boss battle is. Tell us the war you've been fighting. God's strong soldier right here. I'm planning a wedding.
And congratulations, this is the first time the podcast has known I'm engaged. This is the first time we've recorded since I got engaged. So Wooper and I got engaged, which is absolutely not a boss battle. I'm very happy.
That's the war. That's the war. That's the war. It's so goddamn stressful. And I'm just losing my mind. But we toured a venue yesterday and it was really nice. And like all that's great and everything. But now comes all the coordinating of like, I have to text this family member and this family member and this person and coordinate with this venue owner. And then who's gonna pay for this? Who writes the check? Who does this? How much do we have to pay? That's a lot of fucking money. And it's just,
I haven't dealt with numbers this big in terms of like what's coming out of my wallet since I went to college. So I'm a little... Ahhh. And like, it's gonna be fine. We can cover everything, but it's just very nerve-wracking because it's a giant event and I want to scream a little bit. But you know, that's life. It's fine. Well, if this takes a little pressure off your plate, on top of the list of bullshit that I do, I'm also an ordained minister.
So if you want Siobhan to come ordain your wedding, she can come with us on the trip. We don't have an officiant yet. Siobhan, do you want to fly out to Oklahoma in September? I don't have any weddings. I thought you were post-September, maybe beginning of October. Well, we might have changed our venue choice. So now all of October is open. So we kind of...
Not on my birthday. It's not on your birthday. Don't worry. I am maneuvering around that. Thank you. So it'll probably be late September, early October, most likely. Okay. But okay. Oh, no, we miss panic. I'll hit you up. Chef, we'll talk about it. Hey, all right. Okay, well, Siobhan, do you want to share as you're the guest, you want to go first and share your beach episode?

Achievements and Upcoming Appearances

Sure. So it's been a goal of mine for a while and like friends begging me to hit 2k on Instagram so that I finally open up a Patreon. And over this past weekend, I somehow hit over 2k. I felt like it was completely out of nowhere. You know what came out, bragging about yourself.
Initially, I had no idea I just saw all these people like showing up on my Instagram and I was like what the okay um so Reborn is my most favorite thing ever
And as a passion project, a bunch of voice actors have gotten together to voice the entire manga dub. We hope it'll be the entire manga dub. I recorded my lines for this about this time last year. I'm voicing Hannah Kurokawa, and I think I was replacing the
previous person who they had on or something, scheduling issues with them or whatever. But yeah, that episode of the manga dub, like the one where I'm finally in it, just released over the weekend. So I have a hunch that's where everybody came from.
which enthralls me because, God, I love Reborn so much. I could just- And now you have so many people following you that also love it. So now that gives you an excuse to do more stuff with it. Right, right. So like immediately, like the next day, like that night I went ahead, made my Patreon, made it live and everything. And then the next day my first post was like a reborn cosplay. Cause I was like, okay, I think this is where all you are from. I love Reborn! It is my unique cosplay. That's so cute. Come, come check things out.
What's your patreon? Can you tell us really fast? We'll do it again at the end of the show, but like what's your patreon? Oh? Yeah, I'll get to don't worry. Thank you. It's like backslash. I think it's just do got me cosplay I don't think there's anything all right. Hell. Yeah There you go. Yeah, I got you I'm subbed to it. That's how I know I have it yay
Um, yeah, thank God. And there's like 20 different ones. I'm going to, I'll plug you. I'll plug, I'll plug it. Fuck. I don't care. She's got like 12 different ones. So if you're into 3d printing, she has a tier for you. You want to see her butt too. Also a tier for you. Like whatever, whatever you want to fucking eat. She's got it. Yeah. Give her your money.
Yeah. Thumbs up. But yeah, I think I finally released my first, like, Makerspace post today, where it was like a time lapse of me designing Chrome's Trident from Reborn, because I'll be cosplaying her at Kamori in a couple of days. Yay! So yeah, con announcement! I'm gonna be at KamoriCon, guys, working with Jito Art Studios and Bichon and Boutique, so if you're there, the con is gonna be fun. And where is that con?
Okay, all right, Portland, you have homework. Yeah. I think we have Portland people too, actually, for real. Hey! That's exciting. You're planning on a reborn cosplay there, a one-piece cosplay there, and a Persona 5 cosplay. Your entire personality, all in one little... Yeah, right? Exactly. I just need to shove some JoJo in there. Yeah, sneak in a Giorno with you just to have it. Yeah.
Oh man. You need a trigger work in there too. We're missing a trigger work to really complete the circle. Yeah, exactly. Oh my gosh. I think the one time that I did go to- The one time that I did go to Kamori, I was cosplaying Giorno and I cosplayed a studio trigger work. I was cosplaying Kiznaiver. I know you. I know what you have. I have specific tastes. You really do. Parker!
I was about, I was about, I was about to. Too bad. What's your, what's your beach? Hmm. Cause I've been very tired. I guess it's just my friends. I'm just very happy that although I've been very unsure of myself, my friends have been very stable. Um, I've been playing a lot more games now that I'm not having to fucking crunch, like crunch. Um, it's been nice just to go to dinner and normally and being able to see my friends on a normal basis outside of cosplay.
So i love cosplaying and i love hanging out my friends i love doing stuff at the process of having to get up put on makeup for an hour and a half put on a wig that's going to give me a headache the entire time so we're not having a good time all around each other because we all have mutual headaches it's like it's just nice to be able to
See everyone outside of the context of what brought us together and understand that we all know each other on a different deeper level Which is very up my own ass, but you know It's nice to know my friends outside of things and go to dinner and see each other I mean me and Siobhan see each other on Friday for another cosplay shoot, but when it's like
Cause we're shooting with Janelle, and you know, when it's fucking us three, we're all friends, so it doesn't feel like it's work. It's not work, it's us showing up to a studio for two hours to casually get in the states of undress while we have fun. Yeah, I'm jealous, that's not so fun. I know, come hang out with us, come go to the bar with us. I would love to. Come fly out. Just save Buddy for the wedding. I know. Take a Greyhound bus out here. I would sooner drive my tiny little Kia Soul all the way there.
It's Ikea. It will explode. No, it won't. It's fine. It's fine. But yeah, it's just nice to have friends that are stable right now. I'm very thankful for everyone in my life. It feels nice to walk away from a bonsai without like drama of the people around me being weird to women. And I didn't know they were being weird to women. So now we're good. Everything's fine. I love my life. I love when I don't have to deal with fallout of weird people surrounding me. Yay. We love that. For free. I love it.
The evil is defeated. Thank God. We're cringe, but we're free. We've had too many like, oh, maybe we should stop talking to that person moments after cons this year. Yeah. Oh God. Yeah.
We're free, it doesn't matter. What's your beach episode?

Gaming and Cultural Inspirations

My beach episode, my beach episode is that, so Whipper and I are not the kind of people that play a lot of online or competitive games. We both really prefer like story driven single player games. And we always want to engage in video games together, which is a problem because we don't like to play those games. So we've been in this more recent like,
trade off of one of us plays a single player game that we love and the other watches and hangs out while we're doing it. And like he played through Spider-Man 2, he platinumed the whole thing, really loved it. It was so fun to watch him play. And then I played through Bioshock and Bioshock 2, because he never finished Bioshock. And that's my favorite video game of all time. And I think that
Alright, warning for you listeners, don't fucking judge me for this. I think Bioshock 2 is a significantly better sequel in the Bioshock universe than Bioshock Infinite. That's just this. Yeah, but a lot of people don't agree with that. I've gotten to a lot of- I also like Infinite as a game. It's as a game, it's fine. As a Bioshock game?
I think the Bioshock 2 is better, but he had never seen past the Andrew Ryan reveal in Bioshock and he had never seen any in Bioshock 2. So I got to play my favorite game with my favorite person and he got to experience it for the first time. So that was really exciting. And now we just started Okami and he has tried to play Okami before, but it's not really his like gameplay style, but he loves watching it. So I, it's my second favorite game.
I love that game so much. And Siobhan, have you played Okami? Do you know of it? Oh my god, that looks gorgeous. You need to play Okami. And also, because the entire thing is animated to look like an ink painting on rice paper, the entire storyline is ancient Japan folklore.
It's all, you play as the sun goddess Amorasu and, or Amorasu, I don't know how you say it. Amaterasu, she goes by Ami because she's a wolf. And you have this little like tiny little pixie guy that hangs out with you and you encounter all the other spirits of nature and all the other gods.
and you're trying to free them from Orochi and then you find out oh shit Orochi is not the big bad there are so many other demons that are now like plaguing Nihon and what are you going to do to save them and it's beautiful the soundtrack is phenomenal it uses all traditional Japanese instruments it is so good and you can get the
And all like the little enemies, like the little imps you fight are musically themed. So there's these little imps with their little paper masks and they have like shamisens that they're hitting you with or like flutes and things. It's so fun. I love the game. And now I get to play it with Whooper and I'm really excited. And another reason I wanted to play it with Whooper is because there is so much of the story that ties into one piece.
which ties back into Oda using like literary elements and folklore and things and just so many elements of One Piece. And when we got to Wano and got through all this stuff, I'm like, whoop, I need you to sit down and play this fucking game because everything is lighting up now. And you have to see it. So if you like One Piece, if you like Japanese culture, if you like video games in general, play Okami. It's fucking awesome.
I think I just ticked everything that you've just said. You will love it. It will become your personality for a month. I need to live somewhere where I can set up my computer again and where I can actually stream games. Oh, it's such a good stream game. It's such a good one to just chill stream.
Please return to streaming. Please, Ugami, we miss you. I miss it so much. I know it's not your fault. We miss you. Please, universe, balance. I keep doing all these things. Something has to line up correctly where I can find a stable place to live and actually afford it again, right? A rat marking. I love being an adult.
you and Whoop should also get, I mean, you have it, but you should get Whoop to play Lethal Company. Yes, he asked me the other day, he was like, what were you playing that you were screaming about? I'm like, oh boy, let me tell you, because you will love it. I'll send him every single video, the one that Ray took of, you know, him being blown up with Zach and Brandon, the one of me, Gavin, and Carly, I'll send you all, we'll send all the videos and be like, just watch. The video of Zach just like, what is that noise? And then turning around and being picked up by an alien and eaten this event. Oh my God.
when you can return to stream. Yes, where it's proximity chat and you have to just play and do simple tasks and live. It's the best. It's a good game.
Ooh, excellent. Because yeah, whenever I played Phasmo, I don't fear the ghosts. So I would volunteer to be my team's sacrifice and I would go on purpose and talk to the ghosts. Let's add some actual scary shit that gets you immediately. No ghosts, no fucking ghosts. It's real things running at you as fast as you can. It's like, if you combined Phasmophobia, Subnautica, and like the SCP Foundation into one game,
like the structure of Phasmophobia, the concept of Subnautica where you're going to this different planet and trying to get profit for the company and the horrors of SCP Foundation as a concept.
She don't know what we're talking about. Just because I'm a games major doesn't mean I know jack shit about me. She is not a gamer. No, I'm a game dev, not a game. When we got her to play Apex, she was like, guys, you have to know I'm not an intense gamer. Like, OK. I was like, Parker, you got to carry me. I asked through this whole thing. And then we did. And then Okami is a perfect game for you because one of the main mechanics is drawing pictures to make different powers happen.
No, you don't do any of the characters you only do No, you just do little signs the like kanji and stuff will pop up after you do but you don't actually draw kanji I forgot. Sorry, it's been like 10 years. It's bad if it was writing kanji I would been like, okay, I love this I'm working on still more love it
Well, Siobhan, thank you for coming on our show. It was so nice to talk to you. Thank you for having me. You're welcome back anytime. I feel like we just kind of barely scratched the surface of all the shit that you do. Oh my god.
Yeah, this is like the fast overview on what I do. This was the speedrun. By the time we can get her back from already- We can like dedicate a specific episode to like a specific section of my life. By the time we have even a chance to get her back with schedule, she'll be at like three different cons and back. Oh yeah, you're gonna be like an award-winning voice actor, you're gonna be like, I'm judging the cosplay contest at Anime Expo, it's fine, like that's- She'll leap up within the next four months, don't worry.
Um, either way, everyone, thank you for- Oh wait, let's get to the plugs. I'm so silly. Where can we find you? Oh. Oh my gosh. Uh, Instagram. Yeah. My username is ugami cosplay on literally everything. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Patreon. Uh, did I have a Discord server now that I'm trying to bring back to life? Uh, we can put that in the- I'll put it in Discord. Don't worry, everyone will have access to you.
Yeah, at Ughavi Cosplay, on everything. I have TikTok, I've posted all of two, and I've reposted, I think, pretty much everything that friends have, like, captured me in, because God forbid I record anything myself, am I right? Yeah, I feel that. And Parker, where can all the listeners find you?
Man me and my multiple handles. I'm little light be on Twitter and I'm crown guard cosplay on Instagram and Patreon, but I'm also a little light be on Twitch. I think that's all the things I've been using Alright, so listeners we got to bully her into picking one handle and putting it on everything
I can't, well the issue is I want to go by Crown Guard cosplay on everything, but the name is too fucking long. So I can't use it on everything. But Crown Guard cosplay predates everything else. But what do you identify with the most? Specifically Crown Guard cosplay. That's how I market myself on my business cards.
But Nebula, we're confining. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at Nebula underscore inky. That's I-N-K-Y. And I also have an art Instagram. I don't update it very much, but in case you want to check it out, it's Nebula underscore inky underscore art. So you can look at my drawings and shit.
You can find the podcast on Twitter and Instagram at fandamespod, and you can find us at slash fandamespod. And that's it. Thank you everyone for coming to listen. Thank you again, Siobhan, for being here. We love you. Thank you for letting us be in your ears and enjoying this. And for having an additional snail. Oh, shit. Three snails in your ear this time. Bye. Bye.