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Vol 2 CH 27 | Professional Cat Girl feat. Marianne Bray image

Vol 2 CH 27 | Professional Cat Girl feat. Marianne Bray

Fandames with Parks & Nebula
152 Plays1 year ago

This week, our sleepover guest is the fabulous and hilarious voice actress Marianne Bray! You might know her from her work in One Piece, Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement, The Case Study of Vanitas, and more!

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Introduction of Guest Marianne Bray

Welcome back to the Sleepover Podcast. This is Fandames with Parks and Nebula. The voice you are hearing now is me, Nebula. I'm Parks, and we have a guest today, our special guest. Would you like to introduce yourself?

Marianne's Voice Acting in Anime

Hi, I am Marianne Bray, and you may know me from such animes like One Piece, where I voice everyone's favorite little sister, Flompe, and also some other shows. I don't know if people watch the other shows.
but uh reincarnation of the strongest exorcist in another world a lovely long isekai title i am the main boy seika uh and some other stuff i i voiced the cat in the case study of hanitas his name is murin he is a gentleman i love him but he's so precious
Oh my gosh. It's lovely to have you here because when we met at ACON and you were cosplaying as Flampay and no one recognized you, there was a point where we were in the hallway and I was like, can I get your Instagram so I could tag you in this? And because I did not have service where we were, you told me your full first and last name for your social media. And I typed it into my notes. I was like, I will remember this later. And then I come back to our Discord server for the One Piece Meetup and you're like, it was me, guys. I'm the voice actor. I was like, I knew that. You gave me your name.
because I did not have any internet when we were there so I couldn't really like check or I would have totally recognized it the minute you told me I was like
I felt very silly. I was having a little meltdown in the hotel room because I was so embarrassed that I did not. It's okay. It was better that way. So I've been a One Piece fan for a huge long time and I've been cosplaying One Piece for a huge long time. And so when I got to be in One Piece, it was like, oh man, this is so cool. I should cosplay my character and then go to a photo shoot and not tell anyone. Was this your first time doing that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I'd been to the photo shoots in the past. Actually, last year at the photo shoot at Akon, I was like, I had been cast as Flompe, but it wasn't out yet, because it takes like three months for them to get One Piece episodes out. I don't know why, but it does. But anyway, I was like, next year I should come here dressed as Flompe. Do the voice, not tell anybody anything, and then see if anyone figures it out.
Who were you cosplaying at last year's meetup? Last year, I was cosplaying the super well-known character from the Ace Light novels, Iska. That was you? That was me, man. I was the... Okay, do you remember on day two how there were only two Nami cosplayers and it was one as Fishman? I was the own Nami. Nice. Nice. Yeah, so that was me. I think I remember you from last year, because you and when we talk about One Piece stuff, it's like, that's tall Nami. Yeah.
That's the easiest way to find me. I'm a Facebook admin for one of the Facebook One Piece groups that my friend runs. And every time I post a photo, I was like, tall Nami's bad, guys. It's her. Proportionally accurate. That's how they recognize me. I have 20 people who are like, why don't you cosplay Boa, please? I don't know when I get through it. Because I can have the most accurate height point. Hell yeah. Do it.
Yeah, that was my second A-Con, and I guess I had to host both meetups. So having you there, it was like, wow, pat on the back. I did it, guys. Wow. And then Momonosuke's voice actor was there, too. So I was like, wow, I'm hitting it out of the park with my meetup expertise and hosting. I mean, to be fair, I'm a huge weeb. Shh, don't tell.
Wow, who would

Marianne's Cosplay and Fan Interactions

have guessed, Maria? I know. So I've been going to these for ages anyway. So I'm like, oh, I'll have a little bit extra fun with this. Sneak in a little bit. Yeah. I mean, anytime I can go to a meetup, I go if I can. So now I just have extra added bonus points.
Well, now it's like a game of where's Waldo. So we'll go to Acron next year and be like, all right, where's Marianne? Who's she cosplaying this time? I don't know. I like normally, because I have a bunch of One Piece cosplays, but like most of them are different versions of Nami. Because especially Time Skip, because I'm like, I don't have to do anything because my hair.
is already the right color and length for time skipped on me. So I don't have to wear a wig, which is great because I like, wigs are fun, but also not wearing wigs is great for not getting headaches. And I'm getting older, so it's nice to not have to deal with that sometimes. Yeah. Yep.
I get it. I had to wear my Nami wig all three days, but I was time skip and free time skip, not me, all weekend. So I had to swap between the two haircuts and then one is more comfortable than the other. Yeah. So the agony of them both. I was going to say the shorter one's probably more comfy. Because I wear wigs a lot for cosplay and people are always like, one, because my hair is really long. How do you get your hair up in that? And I'm like, well, it's very, very thin. So that helps.
And then they're like, isn't it hot? I'm like, well, no, because my actual hair is longer. So like, short hair nami, it's off my neck. So it's cooler, actually. And I tend to run cold anyway. I'm a lizard person. So it's fine. It's great. It's the headache. It's the headache that really gets you. Yeah. And generally, specifically, it's the headache because I pin the heck out of my wigs. And it's the headache from that. And then especially if I'm like doing a character wear.
they've also got like contacts on or some sort of slightly uncomfortable outfit. It's like, all right, the contacts, the wig, I don't know, maybe a corset or something. I'm like, okay, this is really fun, but I can't wait to get home and take this all off. You know, you guys understand.
We all separate together. So I had a burning question.

Journey into Voicing Flompe

Since you were a fan of the series before you were casted for it, how did the process for auditioning happen? Were you specifically going for flampei to begin with, or was it just any role you could get in the series?
My story is a little bit different from the norm when it comes to that. Because I will say the first time I got in one piece, it just is like Walla, which is the background chatter. That was back when they were doing Dressrosa, which we were recording. I guess it probably... Oh yeah, that's right. Because the first time I got to record for that was right after my 30th birthday.
Um, but, uh, yeah, so that was back in 2021. No, 2019. Just kidding. I forget how old I am sometimes.
Yeah, but so yeah, it was it was all the crowd stuff. So it was like three-hour wall sessions of us going Whoo! Scream! Rebecca! You suck! Or whatever. So that was exciting. So I was like, eh, one piece I love it. Fast forward to later on, we got auditions for Zo. And actually, I didn't get the auditions initially, but I had several friends who didn't. They were like, you got the one-piece auditions right. We know you love this. And I'm like,
no i didn't and they're like let's see if we can get you to so they they emailed the like coordinators and said can we pass this on to this person and they went yeah yeah sure and so i got them didn't obviously get anything in zoe but i got to do a couple of bits uh that was during the pandemic too like the worst of it when we were all recording from home
So I got to do the first time I got to record with Anthony pulling was over source connect in my closet for a little bits for Zoe. And later on doing a wallow session. This sounds roundabout but I promise you were getting there.
In a wallow session, still recording from home, we had split up and it was just me and this other girl and I was kind of spacing and blah, blah, blah, blah. And I heard, I hear her go, oh, I would like to, I'd love to audition for smoothie. And I'm like, what, what, what? You can't, you can't, you can't just say that. But it turns out he had asked, he was like, yeah, man, there's so many characters.
If you guys are fans of the show and you know about it, if there are any characters you think you might be like suitable for, then, you know, let me know and I'll throw your name in the hat or what have you. And so, and I'm like spacing out cause I didn't hear that part. So I was like, wait, why did she say that? I'm so confused. And she, she goes, well, Marianne's a real one piece expert. And I'm like, whoa, I've been outed. And he's like, cool. Who do you, who would you be interested in playing? And I'm like, uh, uh,
You've already cast pudding, haven't you? And he's like, yeah, we have. I'm like, dang it. Because that's who I'd say. And I thought about it. Because I'd been looking before this arc. I'm like, I know that their big mom has 85 kids. That's so many kids. I'm like, who could I play? Who would be fun to play? Who do I think would be reasonable to ask for considering
I'm kind of a baby voice actor in regards to like, I haven't done that much stuff and I certainly not back then. And I was scrolling through and I was like, who are these people located in? Oh, flumpy. Oh God, that would be fun. So when he said that, I was like, oh.
And he's like, which one was that? And I went, everyone's favorite little sister. And he went, oh, okay. And I thought I was going to have to audition because my friend who, who like was in the session with me, she got auditions later on for that character.
Um, and I was like, oh, okay, dang. Well, I guess maybe this is happening. I don't know. And then we kept getting Wallace sessions and it was getting to the part where he's like having to start cast people and they don't want to double cast in the same arc for named characters. So he's like, Marianne, you're still interested in Flompey, right? And I'm like, yeah.
I am. Yes. Because it would be fun. It's like, okay, okay, so I won't give you anything named yet. I did end up with a bit in Big Mom's flashback. I'm one of her childhood friends who lives long and happy lives. And doesn't indulge in any unintentional cannibalism. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that happened. And then
one day where I just get an email and it just says, hey, are you available to record with Mike McFarland for these this chunk of episodes? And it didn't say wallah. And I was like, no way. No way. Like I didn't get to audition. I figured they surely they would like at least make sure I can do like a little kid voice because I don't sound like that normally, obviously. And sure enough, so I was like, OK, well, I'm going to warm up for this in the car just to make sure because they don't they don't always tell you what you're doing, which is super great and not nerve wracking at all.
Right. They just throw you into the mess and hopefully you know who it is. You were lucky because you're a One Piece fan. You're like, okay, I know where I'm going, but you're not. It's like, I don't know who this is. Right. So I go in and he's like, hey, so you're going to be playing this character. And I'm like,
internally going, externally going, yeah, cool. Yeah, that's great. And he's like, yeah, Anthony had your name written down for her. And I thought, eh, what the heck?
And that was it. And so we did like the first two episode choose in and then later on, like a month or so later, I came back and got to record the bulk of it with the second episodes with Anthony. And that was delightful. So yeah, weird circumstances that never comes up. I was asked. And that never happens. That never happens ever. And you do normally you can't just say, hey, I would like to play this character because that's very frowned upon. But like,
It just so happened like right, right time. So it was a little crazy, but it worked out for me. It fell in your lap and it worked. It did. That's incredible. And you luckily picked right because she comes back in 1-0. I did. I took her little bits, man. Yeah, I was appreciative. And I wanted to play Flompe for a couple of reasons. One, I thought like she's only really in four episodes until the later tiny little snippets.
thought, well, okay, that's a reasonable ask for me as a newer actor that's not as well known. Like, yeah, for episode because she's important in those episodes. But like, she is a character that you don't if you say the name, people are like, who's that? And you remind them who she is. And they go, ah,
It's like pretty much the response every time, which is fine. So I'm like, great, okay, perfect. This is a good site. I feel like this is a reasonable ask. I'm not asking too much. And then also...
I was hoping to like, cause I have a pretty big range when it comes to like different kinds of characters I can play. And I was hoping like, Hey, it'd be cool to get to expand upon my higher range. Cause I don't generally get to do that. Cause normally people hear me and they go, okay, like older sister type got it. And I'm like, what are you gonna do?
So I thought well this will maybe if I like it'd be if I get to do this then maybe some other people will hear it and realize oh I can I can do more than just like adults woman or like young adults or whatever cuz like right it's I like to do more So yeah, yeah, yeah, and then it worked out. I was like
That's so awesome. I'm so happy that that worked out that way for you, especially being such a big fan of One Piece as a whole, that you're like, I got to choose where I fit in in this story. That's so incredible. I know. My other hope too is because every now and again, because One Piece is so huge, and there are so many characters.
that double casting does happen sometimes and my hope is that because I have a character who has such a like she's on such one end of like my vocal range and I'm hoping maybe there's a chance that possibly in the future I don't know maybe I could voice somebody else as well
But that kind of depends because there are a whole bunch of other actors who haven't gotten the chance to be in one piece yet and obviously give them priority. But I'm like, maybe I could be a Vega punk or something. I think you would be a really good Vega punk. I was legitimately thinking that. I was like, we should get you in as York. That would be a good one.
That's the one I want. We're on the same page. We're on the same page. Give me the one who just pisses and shits and eats. Give me her. That's the one I want. Give me the troll characters. Yeah, that was another reason for Flompay. I was like, everyone hates her. That's kind of fun.
I love that. Cause like you remember her because she's kind of terrible. Though in defense of Flompe, she is literally neurodivergent in a child. She's literally neurodivergent in a minor. Leave her alone. Exactly.
Like, the Twitter defense applies to her more than anyone else in this series. She is a child. She's allowed to act like that. Have you seen her siblings? What the hell? I mean, actually, like, because I keep saying those things, it's like, which one piece character do you hate the most? And it's got all of these, like, terrible, horrible people. And then Flappรฉ. And I'm like, yeah, she's a brat. But all she did was, like, interrupt a fight and then, hey,
Big bro yelled at her when she thought he was gonna praise her and he was mean and scary and did a crazy thing like stabbing himself. Yeah, no wonder she flips out! She goes a little far with it, but she's 15!
She's just classic little sister anytime I see her on those and like the other options are treble or Caribou or caribou. I hate those dudes. I never want to see them on screen like the celestial dragons and I'm like They're actually terrible people who are slavers and regularly murder people. She's a dumb brat like the comparison. I'm like, come on guys
You guys are blowing this out of proportion, I fully believe. I've seen people say the same thing about Pudding, where they're like, Pudding's the worst character in the world, like, you love her. She has, what are you, it blows my mind. It blows my mind. It's fine. She's a child who was abused. She's my bipolar queen, okay?
She's also so well-written for the twist reveal. And then afterwards, the mixed feeling aspect. She's such a good audience surrogate in place of observing how the pirate world works and how the feelings you're supposed to have in connection to civilians versus the world government and stuff. She's perfect for that. It's just sexism at work. We need more ladies in one piece. We do need more ladies in one piece. That's why I love Big Mom.
That's why I love Big Mom. I love Kaido, but when it comes to like major villains, Big Mom is one of my favorites just from point A to B everything about her. She's got an interesting dynamicism about her because like

Character Dynamics in One Piece

You know, when she isn't actively against our heroes, like when she loses her memories, she is not a bad person. She's a bit misguided, but she's basically like a child who didn't really get to grow up and is just sort of still a kid mentality and a big body. So she throws tantrums and things, but like, she's not necessarily a bad person. And if she had a better person than Strusan guiding her, she could have been.
Have you seen the theories that Strusan is Perosboro's dad? Yes! It makes me sick! It makes me sick! I haven't seen him in... Well, okay. First, Eli was the one that posted this on the Reddit and everyone's like, listen, because he's obsessed with Perosboro. He cosplays Perosboro. He loves him. That's why he responds to every single time you post carrot with a Perosboro gif.
Like, he loves him. Marion, this is a friend of ours that cosplays Senior Pink and Para Sparrow and a bunch of young people. Yeah, he cosplays a bunch of the non-scene characters. He's literally cosplaying. Ooh, I think he's I thought he was going to do Oven, but I think he changed back to Para Sparrow because we're doing a big mom like Treasure Cruise pool shoot. So I'm going to be pudding and he's going to be Para Sparrow. I'll be there. I'm in Utah or I would like actually get you out here.
If I lived in, I know, if I lived in Texas, I would have invited you ASAP because no one has claimed Flampay yet. Some people have looked at her and they're like, I can't do it. Well, Marianne, I'm in Oklahoma, so I'll drive down and we can do a one-piece shoot sometime. We should. We should. Oklahoma's not that far from Dallas. No, it's like three hours. It's like three hours, three and a half hours because I'm in the Oklahoma City area. Okay, yeah, yeah. I was going to say, I grew up in Austin and so I traveled back and forth between Dallas and Austin a lot.
Austin is like three and a half, four hours from Dallas, so Texas is too big, guys. It's too big. It is. This is too big. My ex-husband, his family was in Amarillo, and so we'd go from Austin to Amarillo, and that's like an 11-hour drive. That's a horrible drive. Texas to Texas, and you're still in Texas, and there's more Texas south of you, and there's more Texas north of you. Texas is too big.
And there's nothing. I've driven to Lubbock several times from Oklahoma City and there is literally Amarillo and Lubbock and that's it. There's nothing else on that drive. Yeah, up in that area, there's just absolutely nothing. The cities are nice and big, generally, like Dallas, Austin, Houston kind of thing. But in San Antonio, it's pretty decent sized too. But everywhere else is just like
A whole lot of nothing. Yeah, I think we counted over 100 tumbleweeds that passed by our car when we drove one time. See, I always thought it was funny growing up, because in Austin, there's like, it's very hilly. It's very like, I mean, Austin's basically mini California in the middle of Texas, in every respect, which explains a lot about my hippy self. But it's, so I'm like, what do you mean?
desert plains and tumbleweeds. There's, we have hills and trees and creeks and things. That's, that's not like, no, Texas is really big. It's really, really big. If you go west, it's all that. It's all nothing. And Dallas is a lot like flatter and stuff too. Yeah, where I'm at. Mm-hmm.
If I drive for 12 hours, I'm in like Seattle or California or anywhere that's not here. Texas scares me for that exact reason. Because to get to Dallas from where I'm at, it's like a two-day drive completely. Just to get to Dallas because I have to get through the bulk from where I'm at because I'm super far west. I hate flying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hate to drive through all of that.
Yeah. And it was so funny the first time I picked you up from the Dallas airport because you popped out and you just went, it's so flat. Where are the mountains? It's repulsing, like repulsive how flat it is out there. It makes me sick. I hate being able to see everything from across. Go to Austin. I mean, they call it the hill country for a reason. It's not mountainous, but there are hills. I live in Utah, so I live on a mountain.
There's one outside my window. I am a mountain person, which helps because I am a cosplayer, so I always have a little bit... I have somewhere to go for photo shoots as my backdrop, always. Very scared about it, but... I had more places in Austin. I had more places in Austin, not so much in Dallas, but... It's fine. It's fine. Work it out.
That's why I like a calm location though, because it means I have the waterfront to go take photos with and I'm usually wearing one piece. So, water, one piece, done. Yes.
Okay, that was a lovely tangent, but now I'm very interested in this Pero Sparrow father theory, please. Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I forgot this where we started. Sorry. So because they both have the same laugh, because you know how laughing and like tone and speech like patterns are very, very important in one piece. Everyone has a special one. Those two have the same one, not specifically peroreme, but they have the same like laugh. They have the same nose.
Parosboro was the first child and he would have had to have been born when Big Mom was about 19-20 because of her time- 18. Canonically 18. I'm not a f***ing old person. But yeah, well he's a little f*** so he's- I know who he is but I just want to see his face and double check. I hate that guy. He's on my list of people I hate.
The only other theory I've heard in regards to that is as soon as we saw the main like vagapunk body with his tongue lolling, they were like, maybe he's better as better as his dad. And I'm like, oh, so gross. But all of these options suck. All of these are terrible. Ew. I saw someone say that maybe the triplets are Kaido's because they were on the rocks pirates at the same time. I don't know about that one. I feel like Kaido kind of takes pride in his children, even if he hates them.
I see children, I mean Yamato, but- Well, yeah. You know, he still has expectation of him. I don't think he would just be fine with dumping triplets somewhere else because Big Mom had them. Unless he didn't know, and Big Mom would just be like, Oh yeah, I got knocked up again. That was my goal. He doesn't need to know about it.
Yeah, honestly, that would make sense too. But yeah, now that's the theory is that Strewson because of like, the age gap between because that would have been right before she actually joined the rocks pirates. Yeah, it was out there. People think that Strewson because they were working as a team before she joined rocks, was that he manipulated her and his shoes instead or Paris Rose dad.
Well, and so I'm looking at them now side by side, and like ParaSpara's hair is the same shape as Strus's beard. Yeah, the feather plume is the same color and on the same side of their outfits. The like reddish pinkish hat, the yellow predominantly at the the neckerchief.
Like it's, in Oda's style, I could definitely see the theory. And I hate it. I hate this. Ew. Gross. Ew. I hate that theory. But I love the big numbers. Because of the age gap. Gross. And the grooming aspect. I know he's a villain, but like how do you see some of the child brain and be like, this is cooking. We got this. Weirdo. Weirdo.
See, see, I'm also asexual, so that even, I get that even less. I'm like, even if you're like being horny, which I don't understand, like, that is a child.
I'm demisexual and I totally understand that. Where it's like, I only ever will see a character or a person and be like, wow, I really like them. I can see the attraction to them after I've absorbed, I don't know, 300 episodes worth of information about them or like spent 300 hours with this individual. And I just don't get it. It's not like, it's like Wano before you're like, wow, actually, Luffy is kind of hot. Legitimately, I'm now like 10, 13 or something. And I'm like, no. He's not a child now.
Luffy was not attractive I didn't understand it and now he's 19 and he's got like all the muscles and he's like he's focused more and like okay no. And he's emotionally mature to some degree like all right. Well he's more careless. I'm still not simping for him now I'm not I am not a Luffy simp but I can see where he's more attractive versus like before because I had people like when we were in Dressrosa who were like Luffy's so hot I'm into him like oh not me.
I think Finn cannot relate. The more accurate words instead of like attractive I guess would be charismatic and he has like a magnetism to him in terms of like he pulls people in and you can really finally feel that as a viewer I think it once you hit Wano. That for sure. Yeah, absolutely. I just I'm like 19 is still a child to me. Yeah 19 is still a child to me. I don't I do not mean in like a romantic manner with him.
But I was like, I kind of get it now where everyone's like, okay, yeah, we'll see. He's a sweet little cute boy. Yeah, he's my son still. I do not see him any different. I'm a Sanji person to my core. That's who I am. I was eating good in Wano. Yeah, you and I are both Sanji nami shippers. We're in it. Okay, I need to tell you, this is another segue, how I got into One Piece in the first place. Because it's literally, okay, so the date is 2007.
The last Harry Potter book has come out and I am upset with it. I do not like it. I hate it. Not because it's over, but because you killed off Fred Weasley and that was very rude. Yes. Yes. I hated it. He was the best one. He was. And so I was very mad about that. And then I started seeing all the rest of the flaws of the series after that element. And I was like, just kidding. This is actually not as good as I thought it was. I need something to replace this.
While perusing deviant art, because I am that old, there was a particular artist, Olaf Priel, I believe their name is, who drew a lot of Fred and George like fun things, fun fan art and stuff, including a lot of like, let's fix the cannon, haha. But they also drew a bunch of art of this couple.
Some red-haired chick and some blonde dude who seem to be smoking all the time. And I was like, they're really cute. What's this from? One Piece? Huh. Well, I've seen pictures of that. I don't really like the art style, but this couple's really cute and I kind of ship it even though I don't know anything about them. And so, on my 19th birthday,
Back in 2008, I was like, fine, I'm sad and lonely in college. I'll watch the first episode of One Piece. And then the next day I watched 20 episodes in a row so I could get to Sanji.
And that's how I got into One Piece. That's exactly what I did. I was like, I ship this couple before I even watched the show. So I still ship them, even though it's probably not going to happen. I know there's no romance in One Piece, except that there sometimes is, but it's only in the past. Well, that was before Time Skip, and that was before Oda married the theatrical stage play Nami actress. So.
He might be, yes, yeah, he married the stage play actress for Nami. That's why Nami is bustier now in time skip because it reminds him of his wife. I had not realized that. So Sanji Nami Nation might be up. I mean. Because since that moment, the times where they interact with each other, way more romantic than before. I am in deep. I have the exact same origin story for how I started working. Really?
Well, my partner now, this was like two years ago almost, I went to a 1000th episode party. I did not watch One Piece, I just didn't want to be like on my own, so I wanted to go hang out with my friends while they were watching One Piece. And while I'm there, a mysterious stranger like is bartending and running the whole thing and like making everyone drinks while we're watching. And he sits down next to me and he's like, you look really cool, like cosplaying Nami.
Yeah, you think so? So I'm embarrassed because he's a Sanji cosplayer and he does all the cooking and he's, he like, I don't, I don't believe in full Kinning, but he like Kin Sanji to a degree. Like in our friend group of straw hats, he is the Sanji. And so when he was like, you should cosplay Nami, my other friend who cosplays for us bro was like, yeah, um, people ship them a lot. I'm like,
Okay. All right. So I started watching the series because I wanted to see Sanji so bad. And now you're dating and you live together. That's goals. That's goals. I'm like, I need myself a Sanji cosplayer. Come on. Yeah. She's trying to get her partner to cosplay Frankie so they can do Froben together.
Yes. I'm trying. I'm trying. Because he's like barrel chested, big shouldered. He did like strength and conditioning and weightlifting in school. Like he's a big guy. He could do it. He'd be perfect for pre-time skip Frankie, like especially Annie's lobby. And I just got a dress for Annie's lobby, Robin. So we'd be perfect. So I just have to convince him.
Do it, do it, do it, do it. Yeah, I know One Piece is not particularly about romance and stuff, but boy am I a shipper, so. Frobbin is another one of the ones that I'm like, yay. Perfect. Yay. I believe that Oda does not want to write a romance as his main plot, but every time he does it, God, is it the best romance I've ever seen in my life. Yeah. God, do those dudes love their wives. Holy shit. Yeah, they do.
I was crying just over Chiffon and Beji and whole cake. I was losing my mind with how much he loves his wife and his family. It's so sweet. And then I can say this now because Nev is watched through the Odin flashback, but the way Odin feels about Toki broke my heart.
over and over again. I love the romance in one piece. And I even asked Anthony that like after we were finished recording. Like, do you ship it a little bit? He's like, yeah, I kind of do ship Sanji Nami. So when you hear a little bit, he throws them little bits. He's like, you're gonna say this, Eric, and you're gonna like it.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. So, we're eating good. And Taz and Emily from the live action also do ship Sanji Nami too. They do? Okay, good. So we eat good. Good. I'm in a Discord server for this, so I'm like- I think he's likely to be a little bit more, they're likely to have a slightly less simpy Sanji in the live action. And more of a flirty- That means it's even more shippable.
We're winning. We're up. So I got her to start One Piece too. Yes. I love Sanami, but what captured me is Zoro. And I don't know if you have worked with Chris Sabat much, but we met him at FanX and had him. He was the first voice actor we had on the show because we made him these stickers that I have actually one right next to me. I have one right next to me I can show you.
sabbat simp squad. And we gave these to him and was like, we just love your stuff. We'd love to talk to you. And then whenever we actually got to sit down and talk with him and we're talking about One Piece and stuff, I had just barely started it.
I'm like, Oh, now I remember why we made those stickers because I'm in love with Zorro. Zorro is what keeps me going through the whole thing. I was trying to get my ex-husband to cosplay Zorro because I was trying to get him into one piece in the first place. I was even because he's not a good at binge watching stuff. I was like, Okay, we'll watch like
episode of East Blue will get you through it faster in a way that like, and he definitely he likes our own hands, he has the right build for that as well. But then it just never happened. So rip, rip other people see now I have roommates who are also nerds and some of them do like one piece and I'm like,
Okay, what One Piece cosplays can we do? We'll ship a nub down for a weekend and you guys can just do every single thing because now she has like, how many One Piece cosplays do you have for only watching it like six months ago? So I cosplay Uta, multiple forms of carrot, a couple different robins. I was Miss All Sunday when we did the big meetup when you were flampe Marianne. I don't know if I said that earlier. I'm working on Annie's Lobby Robin.
I think that's it right now. Oh, no. And Onigashima Robin. Yeah. Yes. You do have Onigashima Robin. I forgot about that one for a moment. I have like 12 different versions of Nami and Ace, and I did it like a cuter Femme Ace, which I like better anyway. Love Femme Ace.
Yeah. Anne, as it would, as it were. I have, of course, Iska, which, you know, everyone knows. They don't. I had to show up her the other day because she saw someone's OC shipped with her. I'm like, or no, no, you thought she was Nami yet. Yeah, I thought she was Nami because of the art style. I'm like, no, no, no, no, back it up, back it up. It's even better than that. It's the Aces hiding in the Marines sub story, which you should probably read before you get to like the major flashback parts in Mono.
Yeah, maybe. I mean, yeah, and then well, and then one of my one of my roommates was jokingly calling me Marine Nami. And I'm like, No, no, from the from the one filler where the dudes are in love with her. Yeah. And that guy has the stupidest name of all time. I can't even remember it. But it was I like I was lame. I don't remember it either.
I mean, I just, I kind of skipped that one a little bit, I'm gonna be honest. I scrolled through it, saw the pretty girls, saw Carrots outfit, saw Nami's outfit, I'm like, this is great. And I kept going.
That's fair. That's fair. Well, and then I think, has she not been stressed up as a Marine once before too, I think. It's the janitor outfit and then she swaps into the nurse outfit. That's what it is. Okay. I think also technically in filler, but GA is considered canon to me. Hey, GA is the best filler. I love GA. I've only skipped two fillers and it was this one because I just didn't like it very much. And then the dragon one at the beginning of the series.
because that dragon filler sucks. That's the worst one. We just, we're not that many episodes into this. We do not need to relearn who these people are by making them forget. What was it? The like rainbow mist or something? I think was, I was called. I don't know. It was bad. It was bad. Sorry. It's objectively bad. And I've watched every single episode of One Piece and it was objectively bad. The only one I didn't, I think I didn't watch was the Toreko crossover one. Cause I started watching it and I was like, I hate all of these characters.
I couldn't deal with the Tarako characters. I'm like, ugh, why are they drawn like that? Ew. Why does he have, like, way too many? He has, like, 50 abs. And also, why does this one dude look like a child drew him with the, like, chunks of rainbow hair? Like, this looks like your four-year-old daughter went, I drew a character for you. Here we go. And you went, oh, I'll put this in my manga series. Like, which I guess is fine, but also, ugh. Yeah, I skipped a lot.
I didn't like the one where Foxy returns the Spa Island one. That one kind of sucks. Not because Foxy returned. I love Foxy. But because the two girls in their dumb plot did not matter to me. That's fair. Are you ready for whatever filler they come up with when Wano ends between Wano and Egghead? Because you know there's going to be a year. Because, yeah, we rush out of Wano too fast. So they're going to have to stick something bad in. Oh, yeah. I hope it's more Jim Bay.
Man, that'd be great. Yeah, they always do filler in between the arcs because that's the best place to put them. I'm expecting something. We shall see. We had a movie release during Wano so we can't pad the filler with the movie release. That's true. We can't time those things. I think I just saw earlier today that they were releasing those episodes, presumably dubbed, they didn't say that on the Microsoft Store.
Um, but, and I feel like they probably dubbed, honestly, I don't, I don't know this for sure, but I feel like they probably dubbed those episodes. Like way when they released the movie. Yeah. Yeah. Because what's the point of sending Amelie home where she like paid by the hour, get her in here and make her do these lines real quick and then send her home.
Right, right. It was she wasn't in it that much. So easy peasy. It's like what four episodes or something. I don't know. I can't even remember if like child. I feel like she does show up. But I feel like it's not like major talking lines in the movie. So I can't remember if she had to dub that or not. My question is because she sings in that are they going to let her sing for the day? Let her sing for that one? Or did Toei go? No, again. I think they might have let her sing for those ones because the songs she's singing aren't like
licensed but well it's because it's one of the it's one of the songs from um i think it's world isn't world i think it's world's continuation because it's the beginning part of it and then she the point is like like she finished it for him and that's why she sings it so i'm pretty sure it's world's continuation but even like in the episodes in the japanese it's obviously like a dumbed down version of it a little bit so maybe
We'll see. Yeah, actually in the Japanese, I remember being distracted by it because she goes from sounding like a child to suddenly to an adult. And I'm like, yeah, that's whatever. It's fine. It's fine. I love one piece, but I had to suspend my disbelief really bad.
Yeah, a little bit like, Oh man. I mean, sometimes people do sounds vastly different when they're singing, but not that much. I dropped several octaves as a child. Right. But I love the movie. I watched it in both languages. So I.
I don't remember the English that much compared because I watched it in Japanese first. And so I was used to the music in Japanese first when I heard it. So I'm like, all right, same thing. It's cool. I love auto as an artist like before I watched it. So I was already into it.
It was great. I wish that we could have had it in English just so you didn't have to read subtitles. Have the cut between the two? Yeah, I want to watch the action and listen to it and be able to go, oh, this is what they're saying in the song. This is how it relates to the action and not have to. Because I'm actually not remembering if they put subtitles for the song or not. They did. Yeah, they did. But when it's big action scenes, I don't want to be going, oh, I got to read the, what's happening? Ah, man, I missed it. OK. That's really frustrating.

English Covers and Singing in Anime

Have you heard Amelie's covers that she's done? Because I really, really, really want someone to do a supercut once like they have with all the English songs. I've at least found it for sure on TikTok reposted.
I saw the full movie with the supercut of Amelie's English songs. I think you have to pirate it. I don't think she's put out all of them yet either. I think there's more that she needs to, unless I've just missed them. I don't follow her on YouTube. I'm not on YouTube as much as I used to be, so it's possible I've missed the last couple of them.
The last one that I knew of was, uh, Fleeting Lullaby, which is by far my favorite of all the ones she's covered. Me too. And it's so unhinged in the best of ways. And I'm like, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme. I think Where the Wind Blows was her last one. She released that, uh, in March, but I don't know. Cause my friend, my friend helped mix her stuff. Um, cause my friend is a music producer, but.
I don't know why I'm saying my friend. It's our friend of the show, Terry Watson. But I think all of them are out now, actually, because here is New Genesis. Sorry, I'm on her Spotify page because I want to make sure I'm saying accurate things. But New Genesis, Top Musica, Backlight, I'm Invincible, Fleeting Lullaby, World's Continuation, and Where the Wind Blows. I think that's all of them. OK. Yeah, I guess I just hadn't seen the last two. Yeah, because it's only like, what, six songs? So it might be fully super cut now. Technically being sucky as well.
I know. I wish they played that one. Here's my unpopular opinion. I don't actually like Otto's version of things sake. I will agree with you, Marianne. I will agree with you. Like the chorus or the verses are fine. The chorus is a little too like... It's too much.
I don't know how to describe it. I think her voice is too classically trained to sound like a drinking song, so it doesn't suit it properly. Not even classically trained. It's more that her voice is, to me, it's too pop for the drinking song.
I have worked many Ren fairs and so I am used to what that sounds like that kind of like a you know it could be a drinking song but also you could have someone sing it and sing it pretty and classical and stuff but like it not pop.
It's not a pop song, and her voice is more aimed at pop stuff. And she has different genres, but she sings it poppy, and it doesn't work to me specifically for the chorus, because it sounds whiny almost, and I don't like that. I love the rest of her music. It's great and wonderful. I just don't like her music. I would agree.
I didn't like it at first and then I heard a cut of it duetted with Brooks and I love it now. Sorry guys, I'm the opposite opinion here. I like it. Well, I'm the Everybody Hate Snap opinion of I think the English version is the best.
But that's just because I like the lyrics better and I think Binks's brew sounds more piratey than Binks's sake. Some of that's just a translation thing because in Japanese, sake means alcohol. But obviously, we're not going to say Binks's sake in English because that sake is specifically to us, it is Japanese rice wine. Whereas, brew means anything.
Like we could have said grog maybe or whatever booze, but like brew works and it rhymes easier with some of the stuff. So yeah, yeah. I got to sing that in the show. And I was so excited. Cause like the big mom, like in her flashback, all the kids sing it and I was so excited. They sent me the thing. They were like, Hey, do you need us like a singing stunt double like voice double for this? And I was like, I don't, I do not. I know this song.
They're like, well, here are the materials. Here are the lyrics. Because when you're doing a song song, they will generally send you stuff beforehand. So if you want to study it up a little bit, you can. I was like, I don't need to. I already know this. So I get in there and I'm like, hello, hi, I am a weeb. I know this song by heart. I didn't know, to be fair, didn't know the lyrics as well. But like the melody, yeah, man.
You still had enough to supplement what you were missing because you knew the chorus and melody enough where you just, once you had the lyrics in front, perfect. We're good. We're in business. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like half knew them, but I'm like, this is great. So I was like, okay, I'm excited because it speaks to sprue. It speaks to, like, it's classic one piece. If I could just sing it again at some point, that would be the best. A man. It's such a rite of passage, I feel like, if you're going to work on the show.
Speaking of songs, I want, I don't know if you guys, you listen to the soundtrack, like, I'm a big soundtrack nerd, so I listen to a lot of that, and I have a lot of the One Piece soundtrack. I love the character songs. I need there to be a flampe character song. I will figure out the legalities and I will cover it, but there isn't one as far as I know, but I need there to be one because it would be so much fun to do.
I love the character songs. I will admit that Sanji's Moulin Rouge plays a little bit a lot in my house, because I am obsessed with it. My friends send it to me if they find TikToks with it in it, because it's that good. It's really good. It's much better than his, what is it, girl's ni kubete or whatever one. That's basically his version of Two Perfect Girls for me, if you guys know Pokemon.
At least that's what I gather. I haven't looked at the lyrics, so I'm not sure if that's actually what it's saying. It kind of feels that way. It feels like it. It feels like it. But man, I want that. I also like, because Corinne, who voices Momonosuke, she is on YouTube. She's Megami33, and she does a bunch of covers of things. And I'm like, Momonosuke doesn't have a character song either, because I know she'd do it in Drop of a Hat.
Like, but let's get this boy behind a mic. Come on. He needs to sing about how he just wants to be sure. I don't know. I'm excited for, I'm excited for her to dub him. Cause we're obviously getting to that point with episode 1000, which means it's done, huh? She's done. She's done.
I forgot what's coming up in like a little bit actually we're not even that far from it my bad sorry you don't know yet details she's she's she's done she's wrapped up so sad I was actually curious about that if they were going to change they are uh we don't last night last night knew we don't have somebody yet for that because we have time well like two weeks we're really close to catching up
Yeah, I would say where we are, but we're really close to catching up. Well, from what I know, from like what Sunny has said, we're very close. Yes. Yes. Yes, we are. Without breaking NDAs, we are close. We are very close. It'll be a while before the episodes are released, because it takes time and stuff. I'm very curious as to what we're actually going to do when we do catch up, because I don't know that it would be possible to simultaneously have something like One Piece.
because of how many people are involved in. Yeah, well, and there are so many times where it's like, hey, we need to bring Crocus back. Who played him? Hey, I know you don't regularly do anime anymore. I'm making an assumption. But like, can you come back and dub this character that you did 14 years ago, please? Thank you.
That's how I felt when I would talk to John Swayze, who's crocodile. I was like, are you excited? He's like, yeah, I don't know what's happening in the manga. But Anthony called me and he's like, we'd be crocodile back soon. So I'll be back for that. And John has the same opinion because I didn't realize you met John Swayze. I told you that he was right next to John. Oh, right next to Gremion. Yes. Right. OK.
The two were right next to each other. And that's when like the conversation, because Eli went up to go get an autograph. And I was like, I love crocodile. And we asked him is like, are you caught up on the manga? He's like, no, I can't. I'm too old to catch up with that. But Anthony told me so I know that I will be back.
So both of them are so thankful that their jobs are coming back because they like being those characters and those characters have not shown up for a very long time. Gosh, it's going to be so crazy. Like when One Piece actually ends and all the actors who have been working on it, especially like all the straw hats who have been there from like day one, they're like, it's just going to be done. But it's got to be, I feel like it's got to be the most wild for whoever it is who plays Gold Roger because like,
He's in the very first episode. Hey, come back. Hey, it's been a thousand episodes. Can you come back? It's literally been like 20 years. Can you come back? It's like when Shanks, it's like when we need Shanks on the line. Hey. Right, at least he's finally doing stuff now in the manga. Yeah, finally. That's like what Gremmian mentioned whenever they need mihawk. He's like, yeah, I don't remember what he sounds like. Can you send me the clips again?
All right, I'll call you in three years. Yeah, right. They usually do that for us anyway. They're like, hey, do you need a vocal reference? And that's even for like, it's been two weeks since you recorded, do you need a reference? But absolutely, for something like One Piece, they'd be like, do you need a reference? It's like, they didn't do that for me with Flompe when I came back for the couple of bits in Wano, but also like... You even recorded those what, like a year ago, maybe two years ago?
A little longer? I don't know. I don't know how long it actually took for that to come out. Now I think about it. I'm trying to remember. When did I actually? I can check because I have, uh, I write down anytime I work and if it's a character I'm like, okay.
When did I record them? Let me see, when was the first time I recorded for Flompe? Cause I'm really curious. I know it was last year, question mark. Oh, okay. I went to check just to say like Shanks, I pretty, cause Shanks is a character that I feel like would be recasted. Like let him get a little bit more work. So he stays familiar between like first appearance Shanks and like red now he's Orlumbus in Dressrosa. So don't worry guys, he's back.
Right, um, it's like how we recast it a roger to be clean to be clean amazing casting amazing I love major Attaway give you guys an idea of Of when we how long it takes so it was May 9th is when I first recorded for flop a
in 2022. And I don't think those episodes dropped until like three months ago maybe. It was like November or so, I think. November to December maybe in 2022. So it was like three to five months is how long it takes between like recording it and actually it coming out. And I'm not sure like
I don't know exactly why. I think there's just a lot of processing and stuff that needs to happen.
And that was when batch loads were coming out rather than just independent. I mean, we're still batch loading until we're caught up. Yeah, it's still like 12 episodes in a batch. I'm wondering if that's what we'll do when we do a catch up is kind of wait and go, OK, let's still release him 12 episodes at a time. It's much easier to record that way because especially if it's a character that, especially with the way they kind of do filler in the anime now where it's a little bit in each episode,
so you'll have like a character show up and then they show up again six episodes later and if you're doing batch recording you can kind of like it saves time and money for the actor to just come in and do all of that at once instead of like you're coming in now and then two months from now you're coming in again for you know one line or whatever. Yeah it's like when we have Otama for a minute and we need to remind ourselves what Otama said we're just gonna record that when we get her in the first time.
I mean, sometimes that still happens, though, because if they're still spread out enough, like, Flompe's, she comes, she has three bits in Wano. I don't know if the last one's out yet, but the second one, and I had forgotten about this, is when Big Mom wakes up from her sort of, like, memory loss coma thing, she remembers all of her kids, and they all go, Mama! And so I literally came in and went, Mama! And that was it. At center of. I'm like,
Two hour minimum, yeah. Actually, I mean, I think they had me doing other stuff too, but it was still like, wow, really? One word? Get paid, say one line and leave. You got the shank's treatment, that's what he does. Not even one line, that was a word, a single word. True. I'm like, amazing. Thank you. Got it in one cut, one take, all we needed.
Yes, actually. A lot of the times, yeah. I mean, I've done that before. When I was recording for for Vanitas, when I was a cat, it was like I'd had 15 minute sessions and I would have two cues where I'm like, I'd be like, okay, great. That was awesome. Bye. And I'm like, really? Really? Okay. Is there nothing else? I mean, I could do something else. If you want to want a different cat noise. You're paying me already. So like, I could, are there any bits that you need? No, okay. It's
I think that is the best way to be paid to be a cat girl. Yeah. Just come up to your little meows and then leave. Then leave. Goodbye. That's all. Oh my god. Oh my god, the southern cat. I love that cat. It's okay. Ned, we got to get you in a booth for a cat. Oh yeah. Every time you mention something like that, I get so nervous.
I have a cat demo, so record a cat demo, do it. If there's something you're good at, I'm not even joking. I took a lesson from Lisa Biggs, who's not really an anime voice actor, she does more like Western cartoons and things, but she's really good at doing boy voices because she's a naturally very high pitched voice and so she just gruffens it up a little bit.
It's boys. And she's like, yeah, I have a demo that's just me doing different boy voices. If you are good at a specific thing, make a demo of it. It doesn't need to be a full long, like minute long demo. It could be like my cat demos 30 seconds and it's literally just me like meowing and purring and hissing and stuff.
That's awesome. I am we have a friend that has been like taking a bunch of classes and seminars and he's signing up for auditions because he's trying to break into voice acting and he's in San Antonio so like he's kind of in the area at least which is good.
But I have entertained the idea of attempting it and I was resonating with what you said earlier when you're like, oh yeah, it's on my high register and I can do this side, but I can also do all these other voices because I asked several friends if I were to try voice lines, what do you think I should do? Or like, are there any characters you think that I should just kind of attempt to mimic?
they're like oh yeah like she go from Kim Possible or lust from Fullmetal Alchemist like I can't I can't do those voices I could do really high pitched cute stuff I could be up here and do the cute little anime girl register and they're like what
No, we thought it was the deeper one. What do you mean you can do the high shit? What could you cast as some kids? You definitely could do the deeper stuff if you worked on it a little bit because your voice is naturally lower. So like, and you've got that you have that sort of sultry sound you could you could lean into it and I think you could do it.
Oh my god, you're so nice. I mean, it wouldn't necessarily be as low as maybe some of those characters, but you can do your version of that. And that's like, why not? Why not? Why not? Expand everything. Like, do the high stuff, do the low stuff. Why not? Why not? Why not? Well, I'm very curious how you got into the voice acting because you're still fairly like early on in your voice acting career.

Path to Voice Acting Career

Yes. Yes. You have so much under your belt, but it's more of recurring roles rather than a wider breadth of shows, right? Right. Well, so here's the thing. I'm older than people think I am. I'm 34. I have been doing anime stuff for, as of this year, 10 years.
Wow, congratulations. Yeah, it's now mind you. So it's always when people are like, how did you get started? When did you get started? I'm like, I have like three different answers for that. Because I've been I've been acting since I was a kid. Because I like when I was a small child, my first goal in life was to be a cat. Then I realized what you can't grow up to be a small furry animal. All right. So I went for more realistic goals. Instead, I would be a hobbit.
or an elf, or like a wizard, or a fairy, or a late night, or a Pokemon traitor, or other things that are also fictional. Marianne, you can't be those either. And then I figured out, because my mom's an actor, I was like, oh, wait, I could just be an actor, and then I could do any and all of those things potentially.
Added bonus, no actual danger of getting eaten by a dragon. So, great! Win, win! And so, I always wanted to be an actor, basically, as soon as I got that as a realistic goal. So, I've been pursuing acting forever.
It wasn't until like, and I got into anime in my late teens and it was like, oh, that could be fun. And I went to a, I went to a convention, um, probably 2006 or so. And Laura Bailey was there and she was talking about like, Kodocha.
and recording in the booth. And I had this epiphany moment where I was like, wait, you can do just voice acting? Like you can do, I wanna, that actually, that would, I'd probably be good at that. Like, cause there are things that I'm like, I lack as an actor. Like, I don't know, I'm really awkward when I move around and I'm like, ah, what do I do with this thing that's attached to my head? I don't know. Or like, I'm not the loudest person in the world, but like turn up the game on the microphone and you're,
You're good. Like those aren't concerns that you have to deal with with voice acting. I also, I love reading stuff out loud and voice acting is all about cold reading. It's not about memorizing monologues. It's about just seeing it and doing it. And that's, I love that. But I didn't know how to get in. And so it wasn't until many years later
still going to anime conventions. I ended up going to a panel hosted by Chris Ayres who, like, he used to do these mock combat for cosplay, which is just stage combat panels. And I, like, the first one I went to, I was about to take stage combat in college. And I'm like, oh, okay, well, this will be fun. Sure, I'll do that. And then I realized afterwards, oh, wait, shit, that's a director.
He directs. Okay, but I was still super awkward and I didn't know how to be like, oh, hey, so hi. Can I work for you? Please get things back. So I didn't say anything for a while, but I kept coming back and taking his classes. He knew from me doing his workshop, he was like, you're an actor, actor. I can tell, because you're more into this than other people. When you get fake hit or whatever, you actually scream.
Well, yeah. Yeah. That's what you're supposed to do. Yeah, why would you not? We're acting. And he's like, no, they don't. So like a year or two later, I finally worked up the nerve to be like, so if you ever needed extras, maybe I would love to do that. That'd be super cool. Maybe, ha. Unless. And he was like, yeah, cool. Send me your demo. And I was like, what's a demo? Oh. So I was like, I had no idea.
So I made a demo, a really bad one, and I sent it to him. And he was like, this is pretty good. I can see that you can act. You don't need that many accents. I'm like, oh, OK. I'm sorry. Like, and he doesn't do that. But that's OK. And then like two years later, he brought me in for stuff at Sentai, which is down in Houston, Texas. And I did three different shows for him. Well, technically two seasons of one show and then a third. And then I never got called in again. And I was like, do I suck?
But I was living in Austin at the time and hey, do you remember how we said Texas is really big? Well, yeah between Austin and Houston is about four hours So they I think a lot of it had to do with hey, you're not in the area So it's not really you're not necessarily as reliable Talent-wise as other people and I also might not have been totally ready I listened back to some of the stuff I did back then and I'm like, oh
That wasn't my best, but like that was also 10 years ago, so like I hope I would be better now. So I kind of, that was 2013 and 14. I kind of putzed around going, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I guess I'll work at Red Fair. This is fun, but it's not really what I want to do. I like it, but I don't know. And then eventually I got fed up and I went to some con. I think it was actually an A-con.
I don't know, maybe 2017? And there were a whole bunch of voice actor panels that year, and I went to as many of them as I could, and they all basically said the same thing, like, we'll take classes, sure.
But you have to live in the area. If you really want to do this, you have to physically be there. And I'm like, well, shit. I guess I have to move to either Houston or Dallas if I really want to pursue this. And my husband at the time, I was like, hey, would you be cool with this? And he's like, yeah, do it. Do it. Pursue it. Do it. He was always really encouraging of that kind of stuff. And he had done some of it, too, in the past.
He jumps around and does different things and had lost interest in it at that point. But he was like, I know that's what you want to do, so go for it. And so a year later, we moved to Dallas and started taking classes. And I got in a lot faster than I expected. I was going to give myself two years and go, OK, so if I don't get anything in two years, then I need to reevaluate my life. But within two months of moving there and taking classes, by the end of 2018, I had
Started getting some walla. Um, I was like yay. So but there's a gap between 2014 and 2018 like right four years where I didn't do anything so I've I've been here in Dallas working for four and a half almost five years now, but like it has been almost ten since I first did anime so it's a it's a strange it's a strange process because it
you never know how long it's gonna take you. And I have some roommates who just started and they're already booking roles and I'm happy for them. I'm a little jealous, not gonna lie. But it's just the climate of things and things are different. And I have some bigger roles under my belt now, but I didn't get those until this year.
So like, I mean, Flompe not withstanding, but she's quite minor in the grand scheme of one piece. And I have a character that I did back in like 2019. And I thought, oh, this is gonna be my springboard. Pepper in No Guns Life, which I'm not thinking of any watch to that ship. That's so gay. But she's like a femme fatale and is like the lead antagonist in the second half of it. And I thought, oh great, this is cool. I'm gonna get to do more. And then no, nothing, nothing really. But part of that was the pandemic.
Um, so I, I had her and then I had the cat, which don't get me wrong. I was so excited, but also he is just a cat. Uh, like I really wanted to be the cat, but he's just a cat. Like you don't really, it's not really really good to chew on, you know? Yeah.
But yeah, and I've been slowly getting smaller roles. And I've done so much wallow, so much background stuff. And it's exciting to get to like dip your toes in a lot of different properties. The most excited one I had besides one piece of course was Fruits Basket. I made it into the Fruits Basket movie because that was like the anime, the manga that got me into anime.
My friend, when I was like 16, had to be volume one of Fruits Basket. It was like, I think you'd like this. And I was like, there's a cat boy. I guess I love this. Basically. We're both giant Fruits Basket fans. He has good hair. He's a cat boy and he has good hair.
Okay, I'm in. He's bad boy, but he's soft on the inside. I love him. Say less. Yeah, basically. So like, that was it. That was, I was so excited to just be a part of that. And it was just bits and wallah, but I don't care. Because like, my name's attached to that now. And that's like, that means so much. And I'm excited to keep doing that. I'm hoping maybe we'll get some more stuff. But
I mean, padding your additional voices, you got like some major titles in there just because you got to be background. So you have major titles like I pulled it up just so I could look at it. And I noticed that you're behind the voice actors. They didn't even put Pepper on here. So disservice to you.

Challenges in Anime Credits

They are my, I'm sorry, no offense to B2B people. No, you can drag them, it's okay. They're the worst run anime credit site because they never update anything. No Guns Life isn't on there. None of the three characters, like the three pretty sizable characters I played back in January through March, April, none of those shows are even on there. So I'm like, it makes it look like I haven't done as much.
Yeah, like if I pull up your anime news network, incredible. But they put you as like children on here and then like three characters. They did you dirty. It's really funny. It depends on the show. If the show's really popular, it goes up immediately. Like I had two lines, I think, in Tomo-chan as a girl, which is a really fun show. It's cute. I had two lines. I happened to be playing the main, like the male protagonist's mom.
And that's up there. You don't even see her. She doesn't have a name. It just says June's mother and it's a picture of the house. Because that's the scene you hear in. And that's up there? That's up there. And then also some of my random one-piece characters that apparently have names and I didn't know they had names. And I'm like, what? And yet they don't have like, hey, I played the main character in Strongest Exorcist. I played a very major role in
saving 80k gold in another world for my retirement. These titles are way too long. I played, you know, as decent sized roles. He's the guys. Man, he's the guys. Gah. But like, they're not up there. So BTBA is a little frustrating. The nice thing about it is that it shows character photos so that you can see that. Put a face to it. Yeah. Yeah. Whereas like Anime News Network, which I like to use because I can edit it myself.
Um, uh, that one is like, Oh, there's the whole list. But it's sometimes it's hard to say like, Oh, like they will bold the names of characters who are a little bit more important than like your background. Yeah. Additional voices, additional voices, additional voices, additional voices. Okay. Yeah. You've done additional voices for 50 different shows. That's great. I like the additional voices because I'll hear someone. I'm like, I know that.
Oh, I'm forever because I like I know people now because I've lived here for long enough That I'll be I'll be watching a show and I'll be like, oh, hey Kevin
Well, it's like, there's some where Chris, like, Saba is, you know, an additional voice. I'm like, I hear you. What are you doing in here? Where are you? I can hear you. Where are you? What's worse is the Bryce Pappenbrook additional voices. Like, why are you here? Oh, he was an additional voice in Strongest Exorcist in like the last episode. I murdered the shit out of him. I thought that was hilarious. I'm like, really?
Really? For this show? That's so funny to me. We got to put one of the big names in an additional voice, which honestly is deserved, especially when we're like rotating people around. It's funny. It's like, I hear you there. Whenever Parker and I...
Oh, I was just gonna say whatever Parker and I travel for conventions, we'll just put on like cartoons or whatever in the hotel room in the background. And every now and then we'll hear Bryce Pappenbroke and we're like, Bryce jump scare. I heard his voice, where is he? Well, and for that, because like, we're mostly just using Texas talent now at Credit Year Roll, because they want to record people in studio so that the sound is all the same. So I think the only reason he probably ended up in that show in the first place is he was probably recording for some other show and they were like,
Well, we can pad out your time. You want to do this character? Yeah, sure. Why not? Okay. Yeah. You don't want to come home yet? Get in here. Soldier leader 13A. There you go. Great. Awesome. It's funny. I love additional voices. I like being able to spot who's in there. I give credit to them every time because my friend is working on voice acting right now. She's getting out of narration because narration is a nightmare to be stuck in.
And so she's like, she's getting some of these side roles. I'm telling her desperately, she needs to move to Texas. But she's friends with some other names like Ray Chase and stuff who are helping her get there. And so
But we're telling her, you've got to move closer. Because there's a studio in Vegas that she's looking at and has a little bit of an in-to. But I'm excited for her to get to that point where she can be an additional voice. And I can be like, I know her. Oh my god. Yeah. It's fun. It's fun. And then picking out your friends and going, ee hee. I heard you in anime. I heard your voice coming out of my tummy. Wow.
That's you. One of my old high school buddies is forever being like, she'll take a picture and be like, I heard your voice coming out of my television screen. I'm like, I love that. Okay, thank you. She's my number one supporter. I'm NDA and all aside, there's a certain thing we jokingly call friendier.
A handful of very small people were like, oh my god, I just booked something. Oh, you can't tell anybody. She's the one person I always tell because she's an accountant. She's not going to tell anybody. She doesn't have the influence to tell anyone. Well, she doesn't want to anyway. But but it's it's somebody to also be excited. So I'm not just going. You know, like freaking out. It's a person to tell who's like,
And she's, man, she's such a good friend to have cause she's more, she did the exact opposite career life path as I did. She was like, I'm going to do everything super practically. I'm going to be an accountant. That's what, that way. Like I never have to worry about money. And I'm like, I'm going to be an actor and constantly have to worry about how to pay the bills. Do I have a day job right now? No. Am I panicking? Yes.
uh we'll figure it out right like if i get cast in something this next season i'll be good if not i really gotta find a day job like you know and that's just the life of an actor is the day job flexible enough that they will be cool with me going hey sorry can i actually have tomorrow off just for these two hours because i have to go in and record stuff is that cool is that cool no okay okay sorry um
So she's like, I'm so glad you're living your dream because I could never do that. And I'm like, to be fair, I could never sit in an office chair all day and type in spreadsheet numbers because I would just die. I couldn't, I just, I would.
I'm too ADHD for that. I, you know, no. So it's, I don't know. Life's fun. That's how I love your energy, Marianne. I just like love talking to you. You're so fun to be around. I adore, I think this is the most sound effects we've had in an episode and the most just like noises. I love it.
I'm glad. Sometimes I'm like, oh no. I think podcast, this is good. Cause you guys want me here, but sometimes sometimes I'll be talking to people and I go on tangents and rants and stuff. And they're like, I'm like, I'm really worried. Like, Oh no. Uh, do they hate me? Am I talking too much? I'm so sorry. I won't shut up.
That's why I was relieved when you're like, I'll check it out. I'll listen to an episode. I'm like, good. Now she knows that we want tangents. Start talking about, like, just going. Because this is our sleepover. We're going to just keep talking about whatever we come up with. Let me tell you about how I like Lord of the Rings way

Lord of the Rings Fandom

too much. Yes. I love Lord of the Rings. It's my one true love. I don't know. Like, I've seen it. And I've seen the extended versions. That's the only way to watch it. Good. Good.
But I don't like know all of it by heart yet and I really want to because I love that story so much. And I'm a firm believer that the best way to watch it is to watch the extended versions in like a series of six days where they're broken out almost like mini series.
Sounds like you were going to say in a marathon all in one day, because that's how I do it. I've tried. That's feral. And I'm too ADHD. I can't sit there and focus on it. So I found what works for me is if you have the collector's edition extended version DVD set, it's divided into six DVDs, I think, and they're about 90 minutes each. So if you watch one DVD one day,
And then you let it sit and you let it soak and you think about where's it going to go? What's going to happen? What's this character doing? And then you come back the next day and you watch the next one and treat it like like a, like a mini series. I think that that worked the best for me.
I think for different people that could work, I am feral and I binge watch stuff. So I'm like, 12 hours we're doing it. I'm going to put some stew on the stove and it'll be boiling away or roiling, whatever, as it'll be ready for dinner. And then we can do all the other Hobbit meals in between. I'm not starting at 7am, which is when they technically start because I'm not a morning person, but we can start at noon.
we will finish late we will finish late and it will be okay and i've had several friends who were like that's a lot are you are you sure you want to do that and i'm like yes i do um didn't you do this recently yes are you gonna do it we're gonna keep doing it yes feral i've been telling my roommates uh some of whom have seen it some of them who haven't i'm like we have to do another marathon and they're like
I thought we'd just move watch like a movie a night. I'm like, no, all at once. And they're like, Oh, Jesus Christ, Marianne, you're a lot. We got to plan a day for that. Like, you don't understand. They should understand they live with me. We're in my closet right now. You guys can see it. It's not it's just clothes in a failed tie dye attempt at making colors on my acoustic blanket. But my room
is filled with Lord of the Rings stuff and One Piece stuff, but it's like 75% Lord of the Rings stuff and 20% One Piece and 5% like, I don't know, Doctor Who and other anime things, Zelda, that kind of stuff. Your miscellaneous shelf. Yes, but like I have so much Lord of the Rings crap that it has leaked itself out into the living room and I have all my giant Lord of the Rings posters and quite a few of my swords.
and knives and things out there it's funny because every time the maintenance people have to come to our apartment uh and it's usually me opening the door because i'm closest so i hear it they're like oh cool i guess you got some dude roommates and i'm like no well yes but these are mine all of them are mine you don't understand and they're like oh okay oh all right
dress pretty frequently like you guys can sort of see i dress very like i'm about to either it's one of two things either i'm about to run into the forest and disappear amongst the trees uh as a fellow elf or fairy or dry out or whatever or i'm about to go off on a pirate ship it's it's one or both of those things
No, the red head with curtain bangs dresses like a pirate and a fairy. I'll call out her bangs. Come on. I mean, you're right. But like I say it with all the love in my heart because I've got dip dye ends. Like I'm blue hair. So we're all the same. This hairstyle is specifically because I used to not anymore was really being into fairy tale. And I love Ursa Scarlett and that is her haircut.
I have to get my roots touched up. My hairstylist and I have not been able to sync up, but I love Bulma so much that I dyed my hair blue so I can be like Bulma. She's tattooed on my body like I love Bulma. So I get it. I'm going to admit something that a lot of people know, but a lot of people don't. I'm not a natural redhead at all.
I diet cuz I always wanted to be redhead and now that I'm an adult person I can my mom's like suits
My mom did the same thing whenever I started dyeing my hair, which is- It'll take you so long to grow it out. And I'm like, or I could dye it back brown if I ever wanted to, but I don't. That's boring for me. No, thank you. My natural hair is like a mousy brown. I don't want that. I don't want it to be red. Yeah, my hair's also like a mousy brown. I don't like it. But my mom was dyeing her hair when I was a kid because my mom also dyes her hair red.
I was dyeing her hair too because she had gray hairs because my parents had me when they were kind of older than planned. I was a whoopsa baby, it's fine. But so she was dyeing her hair because her hair was gray.

Anime Adaptations and Hair Critique

And she definitely like her hair is the same color as we have the same hair, which, you know, blah brown hair colored hair. And she like was definitely dying in a red or brown. And I'm like, you can do that. You're doing the same thing. Exactly.
Oh my gosh. And now I think she's given up because I've been dyeing my hair red since college. So it's like, and I'm old. It's a part of you now. It is. And I think everybody sees me and they're like, yeah, she's the chick with the long red hair who dresses like a fairy. Well, the red suits your complexion really, really well. Like I would not have guessed that you dye it because it really does suit you overall. I have worked a long and hard time finding hair color that actually looks like natural red and not like
purple or weirdly too orange live-action one piece um what uh they swapped it she's wearing a wig sometimes so i don't know what they're doing i don't know i want her to have more natural red hair it can be dark red i mean i die at a much darker red than most natural but it's fine
I hope they, because in some scenes in the earlier ones, she's wearing a wig, but then like the part where they're doing the barrel scene, she's obviously not. So I'm going to hope the second one is the one that stays. I don't want, I don't like the wig. I don't want choppy, bright orange. Yeah. Well, I also, I also, here's my, wow, we are tangiting. This is great. I love this.
I also don't like I also don't like Taz's hair as much because I know I know he prefers it I'm presuming it's because he has his hair lighter blonde but it's like it's a little lighter than I'd like it to be but specifically it's the fact that they have so much of like the root showing that it makes it look like he dies his hair like he bleaches his hair instead of him being an actual blonde
And the same thing for Nami, like her weirdly orange. I mean, Kazoro's got green hair and heck yeah, sure, do it. I love it. Green hair, go for it. I was excited about that. But I'm like, why does Nami have like orange hair? But if they're gonna do orange hair, it should be to the roots orange. Like it can be darker so that you have a more natural look, but like, it looks like it's dyed and I don't like that. Can we fix this a little bit?
Right. Like, if you're going to give her naturally orange, orange, orange hair and not red hair red, red hair orange, I should say, then fine. But like, don't make it look like it's dyed that way. And that's the only issue I have. That's me being really mean. I'm hoping we need to fix it between release. We have so much time between the two where it can definitely be toned better in release.
Oh yeah, absolutely. I hope so. I'm excited for it though. I think it looks so good. I will ride or die for it. I don't think it's going to be a cowboy bebop situation at all.
I mean, so like, back to me being a giant Lord of the Rings fan, everyone was shitting on Rings of Power like before it came out. And I was like, man, you got to wait to watch it and see how it is. And I will say, I watched it in all good faith. And I, my opinion on it is that Rings of Power is okay. It's not awful. It's not great. And I am going to feel I'm going to do to treat the One Piece live action in the same way, which is
I will withhold judgment until I actually am able to see it and view it and see it as a whole and see how they do things. Because I, it's silly to judge stuff beforehand because you haven't seen it. You don't know and trailers are so like, they don't really tell you what things are gonna be. Like, the only other thing that I have any sort of complaint about with the live action so far just from the trailer, and again, it could be different, is that their Luffy seems a lot,
kinder than um Luffy if that makes sense he seems like a soft sweet boy who's kind of stupid but like softy
Like, he's the kind of boy, like, if you were crying, he would absolutely be like, oh, it's okay, I give you a hug. Whereas anime Luffy, manga Luffy is very much like, you're crying, who do I need to beat up? Like, he's not a let me give you, he's not a comforting person, he's a mama, fight him. Whereas- Where's the one that is gonna punch Vivi, because he doesn't want to hear her crying. Right, no, this sweet baby boy in the live action does not seem like he would punch Vivi.
I need that energy. And he doesn't really have it. He needs he's a little he needs to be a slightly more feral. But again, this is just a trailer. He could Yeah, we don't have right. He does feel like he's a little more late game, Luffy, like as an anime as we as we watch him mature and grow, like he becomes softer for certain characters, because he learns how to read a situation a little better. And I think that's kind of what they're pulling for the live action so far that we've seen.
Because they have to change like we're picking up Nami and Zoro at the same time now Compared to before where they were like a little bit split up just because the episode pacing they're changing the way we get the Mary because they need like a
They need to naturally kind of bring it in together more than just like, we get gifted this blah, blah, blah. So I think the way they're adjusting it will give us that Luffy we want. We just have to kind of see where it goes. Yeah. Well, and I know they're like, obviously they have to change stuff for screen, um, for live action because they're also the other big thing and people, uh, crazy one piece fans need to realize this. Uh, I love you guys, but like,
hey this is not that it's trying to necessarily be mainstream exactly but it is trying to be mainstream like it's trying to be aimed at a general audience and not just anime fans so they're trying to do a really good adaptation but they're
Also trying to make it like bring new fans in and new fans who are not used to the anime wild hijinks are are gonna be Put off by you know, potentially a main character who's just like
HA! All the time. You know? Like, that's a lot. So, I think, so some of those changes, while I'm like nitpicky going, eh, I'd rather it be more like this, I realize that that might not adapt itself well to screen. Or, like the changes you said. Like, to me, I hadn't heard about the Zero Anami being picked up at the same time.
But that makes total sense to me. There's no reason why that doesn't have to be a thing. Absolutely. You can combine stuff and make it make sense. One piece is so long. So when you can cut corners and it doesn't affect the plot, do it. It's like the episodes of they basically cut a bunch of corners and cut some stuff out. They made Robin show up in Drum Island for some reason because they're like, well,
Uh, Frankie was there too. That was weird. But that one, that one was especially weird. Like maybe Robin there, I can be a little bit more like, okay with, cause Vivi is here. So it's like, yeah, this is a pre-elabasta. Like Frankie, I don't have any reason. I don't know why he's here. Hold on. Pause. Frankie's in Drum Island? In the episodes of the movie. Cause that was a movie movie.
Yes. Gotcha. That's why I don't tell people to watch the episodes of To Catch Up because I don't know what that is. She is not there. Most of the time they're good, but the episode of Chopper one is wack. Like it's wrong. Like, and I've had to, cause I think we watched episode of Nami when I was getting my ex-husband to catch up and I had to stay like, okay, so this is good. I know we watched episode of Alabaster. That's what it was. But I'm like, here's all the things they cut out. This is good, but there's some stuff in here that you don't get. Cause like they cut out stuff with,
uh the marines there's a lot of character development that you don't get with like smoker and teshigi and them you know uh helping out the straw hats that's not really in the movie because they it's they don't have time for it but like that it kind of if you're if you want the whole story of one piece you kind of need that catching up notwithstanding but like if
You miss little details. And that's the only thing with the live action is that they hope that they keep the details of stuff like that that's needed. There are certain things like, hey, ma'am, it's probably fine if we don't have daddy the father in one piece in the live action.
I love daddy the father. I think he's so damn funny. I love bringing him up It's like when people will bring up like who's gonna be the next big bad or like returning big bad. It's like Don Creek every time Daddy the father Don Creek. I've seen people say that like one of the silhouettes in reverie is um, he came out of the bear Bring it back. Yes. Oh my god
I love those. It's my favorite part. So honestly, if they leave daddy the father in, that would be dope. I mean, I think that'd be hilarious. But also, if they cut him, I'm not gonna be like, Oh, no, Tom Bombadil, you know, like, it's kind of the same thing. It's kind of the same thing. I actually saw a post that was like, one piece is the Lord of the Rings of anime. And I'm like, that's why I like it. Oh my god. This makes sense. Um,
It's kind of true though. Yeah, it really is. It's ridiculously long and it's very concise and you have to start and watch perfectly in the correct order or you're wrong. Yes, exactly. I stand by it. I don't do the one pace. I don't do it because the best parts suck. Yeah.
We need the important details. I need to see why Usopp scratched his head and managed to have lice six episodes later. It's important to me. Also, hey, if you don't watch the filler, then you miss a lot of what makes Ace so likeable.
That's my one-piece husbando. Okay, I have three. I love Sanji, I love Ace, I love Trafalgar Law. I'm a basic one-piece man. You know, those are my guys. But of those, I'm like, if they existed in real life, Ace would be my husbando, actually though. But I realized, because I had some friends who just read the manga, and when the Marine Ford stuff happens, they were like, oh, are we supposed to care about this guy? And I'm like, yeah, what?
don't care about him. It's because they don't have like the fill in like Blackbeard part, right? Because that part is so small. In the manga, he literally he shows up he like helps them escape the Marines and he goes, Hey, y'all, I'm Yuffie, Luffy's older brother. Here's my vivre card. I'm piecing out to go find this Blackbeard dude. Bye. Look at me. I'm so badass. And they're like, Oh, wow, he is so badass. Luffy, you have a brother. That's crazy. Okay, bye back to Alabasta. And like, you're like, Oh, I guess I guess he was cool.
And so later on, it's like, oh, he's been captured. Oh, well. Oh, well, I guess like that sucks. Whereas like in the in the anime, you see so much more of him. And I mean, I'm the type of person to latch on to a small character, Fred Weasley.
and go make the obsess over them. So I get it. But if you're not that, if you're just a casual viewer, it's the impact of what he goes through and what Luffy goes through and regards to him is not gonna be the same at all.
you miss it. So I'm like, don't, I don't like to skip fillers for that reason. And I, I like the idea of the whole one pays thing as far as a Hey, you guys want to catch up quick, but also if you're gonna do that, just read the manga. Like, yeah, yeah, that's what all of our friends, the only thing you're marrying like the music and the acting and stuff. But I have a question. Do you have older siblings? Ah, yes.
So now I have a theory that the the love for Ace is also kind of more prevalent in the Little Sister energy viewers because it's that like he's your your older brother's hot friend kind of guy and like just out of reach.
Now you can live that dream Well now you have aced to fulfill that little like whoa cool older guy Right. No see I see I I'm a little sister, but I am like I have
I have two older siblings. I have a brother who's like a year older than me. You're and a half older. And I have a sister who's a half sister who is 16 years older than me. So that one was more like, oh, I have a cool aunt, basically. But my brother was close enough in age that it was almost like having a twin, except that we have classes together for the most part, which is good because, oh, God, did we fight. You got that Irish twin situation.
Yeah, basically. Basically, yeah, because I think we're like 16 months or something separated and yeah. But like, he was not, my brother has never been the protective older brother type. So I missed out on a lot of that stuff. Timothy. This is a call out post for Timothy? It is a call out post. Bro, what the hell? Timothy Bray, you were never a good older brother. I'm kidding. You are an okay older brother. You're much better now.
World's okayest older brother. I should get him that. He would be like, okay.
Exactly. He lives up to the name. Right, right. He wouldn't, I don't know that he would get it. He's not normal by any means, but he's like, more serious, like, let me, he's, he's Mr. Tax reformer or not, not tax reformers. He's very like into politics and like, let's make sure that public transit is good in Austin and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like,
I'm so glad you care about that. Too serious. I'm so glad. We went on a family vacation to Japan recently, and he was geeking out over all the transit systems and how walkable the cities were. And I'm like, you're such a nerd. But in a totally different way that I am such a nerd. But to be fair, he was also the one going out with me to all of the anime stores and being mildly amused as I go, hey, you want a lemonade? Oh my god, a Gear 5 action figure. Ah! Like freaking out. And whereas my parents were like,
Yeah, more of this are reviewing exact same situation here My brother is 12 years older than me. We're all six years apart. There's three of us and again surprise baby for the young But my brother wanted to be a English teacher in Japan for a long time when he was younger
And so he introduced me to anime and started teaching me Hiragana whenever I was in like first grade. And so I would walk up to my show and tell in first grade to be like, this is the Japanese alphabet. It's like a whole different breed of weeb. And then he migrated into the transient system obsessed with city planning, obsessed with politics nerd. And now we work together. So my office is like- Are our brothers the same person? Possibly.
but my office in our day job is like covered in anime figures and like all my other Rubik's Cube and like all my little nerdy stuff and then his office is just completely bare save for like a Bucky's mug and that's it. My brother has nerd stuff because I've given it to him.
So he is a nerd in like, he loves Lord

Generational Technology Gaps

of the Rings, too. But like, where is I am a really big fan of the movies, I read the books when I was 10 somehow, and he read them about the same time, maybe a few years later. And he loves the books, like he likes the movies, he likes the movies, like I like the books. And so but the books are more his thing. He's like, he's like, favorite chapter Council of Elrond. I'm like, that's literally everyone's least favorite chapter, because it's long and arduous. And it's just people talking.
He's like, yeah, what's wrong with you? Go read this. I'm really a Tim.
Yes. Yes. Okay. I haven't. I need to. I know I'm a bad Lord of the Rings fan, but he has that, the Book of Lost Tales, Unfinished Tales, all that stuff. Like, it's the all, that's him. That's his thing. And I'm like, so glad for you. So glad for you. Not for me. The one anime I almost got him into was Death Note, because hey, it's a bunch of sort of like,
People talking at each other politics stuff. We were watching the Japanese 2005 like live-action movies and he was like, that's interesting I was like, here's the manga and he was like, oh, I haven't read that. I'm like, okay, well Get into the weave shit I mean, I mean like I like this and my my mom is sort of the same way too because she's the one who got us into Lord of the Rings but when I've tried to be like She's like
I don't know. I'm like, why not? You would like it if you gave it a chance. She'd read all the books that like... She'd buy me all these books when I was a kid that were like, girl disguises herself as a dude to become a knight. A girl has crazy wild magic that allows her to transform into animals and talk to them. Like that kind of thing. And she would read the books that she gave me. And then when I started getting in the manga and was like, I want first basket. She was like, okay, here you go. And then wouldn't read them. And I'm like, what?
Mommy and my dad forget it. He's like, huh? He's old and just doesn't understand. Like we will watch movies and things and he will go, hmm, but I don't like, and my mom will understand it, but we'll just not like, it's not her thing necessarily.
I tried to, the first, no guns life. The first thing that I was in there, I was like, oh, so I've got a sizeable character. I was like, here, watch some clips of this show. Cause I'm in it. And my mom was like, okay, hopefully the next thing you're in is better. And I'm like, ah, mom. And my dad is like, what a Southern mom thing to say.
I'm like, yes, exactly. And my dad is just like, I'm not sure I understood what was going on. And I'm like, it's okay. It's fine. I still, I thought they were gonna try to watch the show I was the lead character in and they still have not done it. And I'm like, it's partially because they haven't figured out how to animate on their TVs. Yes. My parents are also older. I'm 25. My parents are 63 and 64. Hey, similar age gap. My parents are in their 70s and 80s.
My parents were almost 40 when I was born, so surprise baby, and that was like, yeah. Mine were. My mom is. You understand. It is not recommended that my dad was 47, so. But my dad's like, you got to show me how I can access your blog. And I'm like, what are you, what are you talking about? Do you mean my podcast dad? And he's like, yeah, your blog that you do.
blogging. Oh, my my father. So my dad is an electrical engineer retired. Of course, he's 81. He's allowed to be retired. He
He's very much a handyman. He knows anything and everything there is to know about anything you can build, basically. Cars, houses, computers, blah, blah, blah. Except that he's been out of date with a lot of that stuff because he's retired and he's older and stuff. So mostly that affects his computer knowledge.
Several years ago when I was like in the market for a microphone ha ha I told him that because I was renting microphones to kind of test them out and see which one I like the best which works well for my voice and He was like, well, I have some microphones I could give you and I'm like, okay, but are they like condenser microphones? What's the quality if I record on these is it gonna be very?
Like, is it going to be that? He's like, well, no, I mean, these work. We'll try some out. And he brought out like five or six microphones.
one of which he had made that was like a little tiny, itty bitty one. That's like when you would clip on your vest or something. And I'm like, that's really cool that you made that. That is not at all what I need. I very much appreciate this. And I appreciate you trying to save me money. Because my dad's also, my mom lovingly refers to him as the world's cheapest human. Why do you need to buy that? I can give that to you. And I'm like, yeah, but it's not really.
Yes, but no, I mean for certain things when I was like, hey dad, do you have a heat gun? Maybe he's like I have two of them. Do you want one? Great. Awesome microphone No computer things not anymore. Uh He tries but just did not
just doesn't quite get it. So there are certain things like, I feel like every time I talked to him about anime, he's like, so how do you record? Are you still recording in your closet? Like, how does that work? Uh, how do they get the files? Like, I'm like, well, we do it over the internet and there's an email exists. Well, you know, he knows about that. I think he still uses an SBC global account though. So, uh, it might as well not exist. I know kind of knows about it.
Yeah, my mom had to switch over to a Gmail account recently because her SBC global account like kicked the bucket and she couldn't access it and I'm like Maybe maybe you guys should both get Gmail because they're like we want to have access to our email when we go away on all these Vacations that we do because we're old and we can And I'm like cool if you have Gmail you can just access that on any computer anywhere and they're like, but we want our SBC global and I'm like You can't have both so
I, because my dad can't access my blog, I can publicly roast him over this. I have never heard of another person with the same domain as the email my dad has. He has That's how old it is. It's Southwestern Bell, Parker, to answer your question. But that was like a telephone company from the 80s.
Yes, I think I think the person that I knew of who had it was like a friend's parent. I think they had it because they worked for that company. And it still works. Like he still can use it. Yeah. I don't know how my hotmail is being phased out. Like the fact that I have a hotmail is is on its way out.
They're all outlook now. You cannot make a hot meal anymore. I still have it. Yeah, SPC Global is AOL. And that's also not really like a thing anymore. I just... One of these days... I don't even remember who acquired AOL. I don't know. One of these days is going to be us though. There will be some new founded thing and we'll be like, I don't understand how this virtual emailing works. Back in my day.
I mean, to be fair, I'm already at that point for certain

Understanding VTuber Popularity

things. I don't understand VTubers. I'm sorry. I don't get it. No, I'm with you on it. It's not my thing. I don't yuck. Anyone's young, but it's not for me.
Sorry, I use the phrase, yuck, anyone's yums? Thank you, McElroy brothers. But like very few people do. And so every time I say it, people go, you what? So it's delightful to me that you also say that. Yeah, it's my it's I use it a lot. I have to use it in our because we have a Discord server for our like podcast and a lot of people have opinions that they're allowed to have but it's like,
we all got different tastes just let it be and a lot of people in there like vtubers but i'm like that's cool i don't really care i don't know if i wanted to watch an anime bitch say funny shit i'd watch anime right i somebody was trying to explain it to me the other day as like oh uh so you it's basically like getting to interact with anime characters i'm like all right
I guess. But at Akon they had, we went to the cosplay contest and yeah, we went to the cosplay contest and for the halftime show while they were doing the judging, they had Vtubers playing some video game thing like online. I remember that.
It was so boring to me and I hope that other people were enjoying it but I'm just I think it's because it's if you don't know the personalities you're not gonna care but and I'm not I'm I can't just go oh they're pretty I like their avatars or whatever so uh I'll watch this it's like I need I don't I don't know these people I don't care they're not
actually like they are real but they're not like i don't know i feel so old i'm like i this is not for me and i feel like it's strange
Sorry, my internet slightly delayed me, so I didn't mean to interrupt you. But I saw someone at AX do something similar, and they were like, lip syncing as their VTuber and performing on stage. So their VTuber was up on the screen dancing and singing. But because it's a rig, it wasn't actually dancing. It was just kind of going left to right and mouthing the lyrics to a song that's already sung. And people were cheering like, I don't get this.
This is just a YouTube video on a screen. That's weird. And then probably like their mask comes off because they're wearing like an eye mask at one point. I'm like, I don't get this. Okay. Yeah, like I try not to be a hater to see.
Yeah, I know. I don't want to be a hater either. I just don't get it. I'm very curious because I'm going to a baby's first anime convention at the end of this month at Anime Fest in Dallas. And they have some Vtuber guests. And I'm very curious as to how that's going to work. Like, are the people coming there physically? Or are they just doing like, we're just going to Skype in or whatever for their panels? Like, how does that work?
I'm very curious as to how that works. Am I going to go into the green room and are these people actually going to be there and have masks on or something? It's just digital guests. Which from that standpoint, if it's digital guests, which it might be, I get why they would want them as guests because, hey, they don't have to pay for room and board. But I'm like, huh.
right okay do you guys sign autographs how does that work i i don't know it's just very very different it's interesting it's fascinating to me but i also don't i do not get it
I know like one VTuber who is specifically very, very immunocompromised and so her doing because she had a booth at AX and people were taking photos because she was like basically on a big projector screen that you could interact with and like she had a camera so she could see everything. It's because she can't leave her like she can't but like for others I don't I don't know because I've seen it the same. I've seen similar setup where like you're basically talking to a phone when you go up to it and it's been awkward.
I can see it in the context of like, like the movie Bell. I know that Parker seen it. Have you seen the movie Bell, Marianne? I have.
Yes, I have. If it's in like that kind of context, I feel like that would make sense to me where it's more of like, this is kind of their real personality, there's other weird things going on in their life. And like, that's how they can interact in like a professional sense. But when it's just like, I do all these other things, and I'm a vtuber, and I'm gonna be at this convention as the vtuber, I'm like, but I want to see you as the person. I guess Amelie if she went and was doing like that as monarch instead of acting on her own when she's a voice actor as well.
Yeah, like has her face out there. It's like a weird balance between the two. Yeah, it feels like some voice or some Vtubers do both because you know voice acting and Vtubing do fall a little bit into a line because you're voicing a character even if that like
is an extension of yourself, because my friend does Vtubing, but she does it specifically as a role played character rather than like, this is me, I'm just using this to hide my face, like, not like in a negative way when I say that either of like a basically like, because if I was going to do it, I would do like, for when I don't want to have my camera on and I still want to stream, I would do like a PNG of me talking and that's it. Well, also, there are people who have like whole universes behind it.
Yeah. Well, also there's, there's a certain amount of, um, I actually can, I can understand the appeal of wanting to be a VTuber in this current climate and that it's safer because it's, it's much harder to get like doxxed or recognized in real life. You can live a normal life and be a VTuber and no one would know. Yeah.
Um, it's a lot safer, um, just because of, because of that. Uh, and then you don't, you don't get critiqued for like your looks or potentially your voice if you're putting on a voice, which a lot of them do. Um, like it's, it's not you. So it's much it's, there's a detachment there. So yeah. So if you have like, especially if you're, if you're not good at taking criticism, um, and people online are mean sometimes because they can be
Uh, if, if it's, if it's not really you that they're being mean to, it's a lot easier. Especially when it's like sniff about like physical appearance or crap like that, where it's like, I don't have a, I can't control that. Sorry. But if you shit on like the VTuber model, it's like.
okay sorry that's not your take that's not me like okay sorry you have blue hair or whatever you know like okay find a different vtuber to watch um i mean you'd say the same thing for others but like it's it's a little you know you might be pointing out you know if someone's like oh man you have like a i don't know uh like
little squinty eyes or something. And maybe that's something you're self-conscious about. And if people are constantly being mean about it, then it's like, oh no, I do, don't I? Or whatever thing they decide to say, whether it's true or not, ha. But like with VTuber, you wouldn't have that issue so much. So be safer.
a little bit of self preservation to hide behind it. And I don't mean that like, cause there are people who talk about it where it's like, you're hiding behind a screen. So you're not even like really out there. It's like, yes, you can't win sometimes with like how you put yourself out into the world because someone will always criticize it, but it's like, yes. And yeah, that's what we act in bro. This is a persona. Like it's very obvious that I'm not an elf, like with ears and a magical crown. Like this is obviously not me. Like it's cool.
Cosplayers get the same thing. You're putting on a persona or not showing your true self. You wear fake boobs? That's not what you really look like. You're a lying liar who lies. My friend did that and she still gets DM'd by this dude. She told him the boobs were fake and he does not care. He still believes in his heart of heart they're real.
I will never understand men. I will never understand men. Me neither. But it's the level of like, yeah, we're being paid because most YouTubers are on brand deals at this point. But like, we're being paid to be someone else. That's that's a normal thing. Like,
Sorry that you don't like that we are being someone else, but that's how the bills get paid. That's what other people enjoy. But I don't know. I myself am on the spectrum, so I have a hard time with parasocial relationships. So when I'm watching Vtubers, it's like, I don't know how to interact with this. What are you guys talking about?
i think that might be why i struggle with it too because i'm i'm very much ADHD it's not quite this it's one one of the other spectrums but like one of the it's all a big circle at this point it's just wherever you want to figure yours out i'm just like oh um this feels i don't know this is not and i this is some of it is also probably the like
I'm old and I don't get it, but you know. Yeah. But I'm sure that in 15 years, we will all look at VTubers in the same way that 15, 20 years ago, we all looked at voice acting. That it's like, oh, it's just a new interesting version of acting. It's the same thing. But now voice acting is like accepted. But before like 1991, whenever the Batman animated series came out,
It was just, oh, if you voice acted, you were essentially doing a 30 minute long commercial. But now it's like, considered an actual art and viable profession because of
how we've taken it more serious over several decades. So I wonder if vtubing will become that. There are still shitty people on the internet, though, who are like- Very true. Who are real actors. And I'm like, okay, you try it. What do you want at this point? Tell that to Kevin Conroy. I want to hear you say it to someone like that. Yeah. I couldn't.
I, man, and it hurts. It's like, hey, there's other reasons people do different things you never know. Like, I mean, with voice acting, there's a freedom that you get from that, that you don't get from regular

Stage vs. Voice Acting

acting. Like I, last night I actually was, I did a stage audition for the first time in a while.
I'm like, man, I'd like to get back into that. Uh, and I was thinking about it and I'm like, well, you know, I, I don't know if I'll be suitable for any of these roles because it's the importance of being earnest. I'm like, am I, am I, I'm not old enough to be a lady Bracknell, but am I really young enough to be a Cecily or a Gwendolyn?
I know I look young-ish for my age, but do I look that age? I don't know. It depends on what they're saying. Key Cat! Sorry. It depends on what they're going for. I did not want to interrupt you, but my lovely cat, Lunchbox, decided to walk in. She's so needy. Her name is Lunchbox. Say hi, Lunch. Say hi to Gee. Meow, meow, meow, meow. Can you hear me or you? Meow, meow.
I love you lunch. She hates being picked up. So she's about to squirt the hell out of my, there she goes. Oh yeah. My, I see I had, I had to show the professional cat lady, the cat up here. I have a cat. She's not allowed in my closet cause she messes with shit and it's a problem. Uh, she eats the feathers off of my pirate hat or she will jump up onto the shelf and then jump back down on my laptop and then, Hey,
No, don't do that. Man, I'm like, no, you're not allowed in here. What's your cat's name? Her name is Yuffie, like the great ninja. Yes, I love you. Okay, so now second follow up question. What are your feelings on Kingdom Hearts? I have never played it.
Oh, you should play it. I would love it. I'm sure. If you like Lord of the Rigs, you'll love Kingdom Hearts. Oh, I am sure. It's not that convoluted. It's a long extended journey of an extended group of individuals that go through so many moral quandaries in various parts of their lives and how it all connects into the grand scheme of the world.
Oh, I'm sure I would love it. So my dad's cheap. I mentioned that before. We had to beg and beg and beg and beg and beg and beg and beg and beg and beg and beg for any game system. And the game system of choice happened to be in Nintendo. It was more my brother begging. And then we got Zelda and I was like, oh, wait, this is great. I love this. We didn't have that many video games to begin with. In another timeline, there is a Marianne who did not have Nintendo but had
Well, those are PlayStation, right? Had a PlayStation and instead was obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and not Zelda. It would have been like, man, yeah, I probably would have loved the Zelda games, but I never had Nintendo, so I never played them. And now it's me being like, I never had PlayStation, so I never had Kingdom Hearts.
We're just parallel universe versions of each other, because I was the opposite. My brother had an Atari whenever he was younger, and then there were no game consoles in the house, basically.

Nostalgic Video Game Memories

And then when I was six or seven, my parents bought me a PlayStation 2, and that's the only new console I've ever owned. Everything else I bought secondhand or was given to be from somebody else.
And always secondhand, sometimes thirdhand. And that's exactly how it was. It was like, please, can I have this other game? Can I have this? And it was Kingdom Hearts and a Neopets game. And that was it for a long time. We had Zelda and Zelda and Zelda and Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. and Yoshi's Story. And that was it, basically.
And then for the computer, we had the logical journey of the Zoombinis. My mom liked Zelda because she's like, it's a puzzle game. And so that was also like, if they're puzzle games, they're good. Or if it's Mario, it's fine. No shoot them up games, which to be fair, I didn't want to play anyway. And Nintendo doesn't really have that.
I'm actually surprised we didn't have a PlayStation because the thing that my dad he's he never understood video games still doesn't because Why would you get a video game system? All it does is play video games You get a system that does all their things like why would I don't this is a waste of time?
It's like why my PS5 is the Crunchyroll machine. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. That's two uses, Crunchyroll and Final Fantasy 16. Right. My bloodborne machine. I don't know. I don't know unless they were because my parents also played logical journey of the Zumpinis.
But that's just like a little computer game and you get these little blue boys and you're like, gotta make sure they get across on this island. It's cool to play little games to make sure that they can all pass. What do these tree guys like on their pizzas? All right, well, they like this and it sounds very, very like simple. It was fun, but that's the kind of games that my parents would play. Though, amusingly enough, we did have Doom as well. And I'm like,
Wait, doom? How do we get doom in here? Doom? Well, the original one, so it was very pixelated and stuff, but I still have graphic, like vivid memories of walking down to that one layer and neither my brother nor I ever got past it of going into the one room and it's covered in blood and the guy goes, oh, fresh meat. And then you die.
Because you were never strong enough to fight the butcher or whatever but like we never had any of the other games We had that one and I'm like dad Why do we have this game and yet you're like no you can't have these others because they've all they have guns This is fantasy. So it's fine. I'm like So you're killing demons it's fine you go to hell you kill the demon don't worry about it They're not people to be fair if my mom had realized that was the game like that was the contents of the game She might have been like
You guys are too young to play this. But Zelda's fine. Zelda's great. And that's fine to me. I would be remiss if I didn't mention to you that a good friend of mine who she is in her last year of medical school, she'll be a doctor hopefully this time next year. She has two cats and their names are Zoom and Beanie.
Specifically from the Zumbini games. I love that! What a good deep cut. Yeah, Zumbinis, that logical journey of the Zumbinis is always, anytime on Twitter they have the thing where it's like, name a game you feel like only you have played. I always post that one. Either that or like, Mario teaches typing. No, I know Mario teaches typing. I love Mario teaches typing. It was good. I learned so much from that game.
Yeah, man. Oh gosh. Sorry, my phone just unmuted itself. I'm like, I need to silence this. We're at two hours because you are just a whirlwind of fun to talk to. It just floats by. I will never shut up.
So I think maybe we should probably get to a stopping point so we don't talk until midnight. We can hear for multiple hours. Multiple days? Multiple days. Lord of the Rings. Yeah, we'll just put it on in the background and keep talking.
Frequently, I frequently will, because all of my roommates, I have a lot of roommates. There's six of us. Yes. Jesus. Yeah, and they were all four actors. But we are all also introverts. And we will hide in our rooms. And every now and again, we're like, oh, hey, I haven't seen you in a bit. And then like four hours later, it's like, oh, I guess I should, I was going to go eat food. Yeah, OK, bye.
It's so bad. No, it used to happen when I lived with roommates, too. I get it. Anytime I hang out with people, it's like, it's midnight. I should probably leave. Oh, shit. It's 1 a.m. I actually should leave. It's 1.30. Okay, I'm going. I'm leaving. I'll leave for real now. Bye-bye. When I just stay the night, I have a couple of friends who would just assume that I'm just going to spend the night every time I come over, and I'm like,
I feel like that's also kind of like a Texan Southern thing because there's a stand-up bit that my partner references all the time where it's this Southern man who calls the police and he's like, I think I'm being kidnapped. I said, well, and slap my knee and he won't stop talking.
Yeah, like, yeah, that's man, I used to bug my mom about that for for being like, not letting me go anytime was like, Hey, mom, I gotta leave, like, it's time to go. But I do the same thing. I do. I meander. It bugs the hell out of my boyfriend. It's like, okay, we got to go. Like, it's like 8pm. Like, we got to go. We've been here for three hours. And we're not doing anything. Let's move. But what if something happens when we leave?
So I can't go. I just don't shut up. Yeah, me too. I remember this other story. Wait, I have to tell you this. Oh, that reminded me. I have to tell you this other thing. Well, yeah, this other thing that has nothing to do with this, but kind of does because of the ABQZ. There we go. That's how my brain works. Anyway, yeah. Man, every time. It's so bad.
And then I love this start the tangent and they're like wait I have to go back to what we were actually talking about but then that has another tangent so we have to And it's worse whenever you bring up an old story that has like at least six parts You have to understand all six parts before we can continue the story Like you have to know why my third grade teacher didn't really like me that much and it's because she didn't like that I would talk too much but this is important that I talk too much because
And so on and so on. And that's how I got into Digimon. Exactly. And this is why we all love One Piece. This is why One Piece is one of the greatest stories that has ever existed and will exist ever. I love when tangents come up 600 pieces later, because that's what I was thinking. I love sitting and thinking, where is Caribou at? Oh, he's been here the whole time, guys. He's in a barrel.
And that's where he should stay twice over. Put that in a barrel. Oh my gosh. Well, Marianne, thank you so much for coming on and talking with us. You are such a delight to be around. And I hope that we get to hang out at future cons. Jeez, I would love to. I want more con friends. I am not kidding. I will drive to Dallas and we can do like a whole cosplay weekend thing. It would be awesome.
She has like, cause Oklahoma is so small. And so the conventions there are like one room that you walk in two minutes. So I've been telling her, I'm like, just go down to Dallas. You're back close. Well, there is one.
There's one that's going to be in Tulsa, which is like an hour and a half north of Oklahoma City. So it's like four and a half hours from Dallas. That's in Tulsa in the early August, I think it's August 5th and 6th, Oklahoma Comic Con. And there's going to be some pretty big names like Johnny Young Bosch and I forget her last name, Candy Milo.
Um, so like some more voice actors on like the Western animation side, but there's definitely a decent crowd that's going to be coming. So if you want to come up and meet up, Marianne is guessing at the end of this month. That's true. I have never actually been to a con outside of Texas.
really now's your chance it's oklahoma though like you can go to tulsa the austin of oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping on the plains and the way then we ensure sorry you wouldn't know that i'm contractually obligated yeah you know because you live there uh yeah yeah yeah yeah but yeah that's
You guys could visit me at A-Fest. I'd advocate to do that. That's very close. And that's what days? Anime Fest is the end of the very last weekend of July. So it is the 28th through the 30th. Or is it a Thursday to Saturday? It's a four-day con, but it's actually a Friday through a Monday, interestingly.
I'm not sure exactly why, but that's fine. So it's the 28th through the 31st? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's kind of crazy, but it is a thing. Wow. So yeah, I know. I feel like I'm going to be sitting there and going, okay, hi. And people are going to come and go, what have you done? Oh, one piece. Oh man, I hate her. Like to her face. You want to buy a sticker or a print? No. Okay. Bye.
Or they'll say it at the end of the line area. They'll just be like, her. Oh, I hate that character. And they'll walk away. And obviously, point. I hope no one does that to you. You got to post on Twitter a running counter of every time you hear someone say it to your face. I should. It'd be like Flompeh hate counter. One, two, three. You just got to yell at them in Flompeh's voice every time. She'd be like, what'd you say about me?
Well, you suck! Oh my god. No, I can't do that. I can't be mean to other people. But it would be fun. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. I'm looking forward to it. It'll be interesting. It'll be fun to get to, like, I don't know how many people are actually going to be there for me. I feel like it's going to be a lot of people going, who's that? Oh, OK. And hopefully I can lure them in with my nerd talk and they can be like, oh, she's pretty all right, I guess.
And then they'll come in and out, you're incredible. A small line and they'll be like, well, we'll meander over and then go and do that. I do that a lot more than I'd like to admit. There have been too many A-list celebrities who I've run into at the end of the night. I don't even know who they were. Some dudes that were in some Jackie Chan movies and some other ones, major characters. I think one of the guys who notoriously plays the old master in Jackie Chan movies,
I met him, did not know him, talked to him for like 20 minutes when I was like 14. Probably bugged the shit out of him, but you know.
Gosh, yeah, I mean, yeah, I've had stuff like that too. Child, me, my parents used to, this tangent, sorry, we used to go to folk festivals all the time, the Kerrville Folk Festival. And at one point they had Peter Yarrow, who is Peter of Peter, Paul and Mary, who wrote the song Puff, the Magic Dragon.
And they invited all the children to go up on stage, and I had been hanging out with him and his granddaughter that whole weekend, and I had no idea who he was. And they invited all the kids to go up on stage and sing Puff the Magic Dragon, but I was like,
ate and strawberry and I didn't want to, so I didn't do it. And my mom was like, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I'm like, I don't care. I'm in a bad mood. And so I didn't do it. Oh my God. I had no idea. I didn't know who that was. I didn't care. She's like, both of them, he wrote the song and I'm like, I know. Okay. I'm a child. I don't care. Kids are damn funny. Kids are stupid. I love them.
I hope no one does that to you at your booth. That would be meaningful. I hope no one does do that. I hope they do. I'll be like, I have cat stickers. Do you want a cat sticker? You will like me by force. I am not my character only sometimes. Well, yeah, no, I am these cats, though. That is me. You are these cats.
You actual cat, the cat, that's not an act. That's just me showing up. You see, you see, it's actually, I am a super holographic. I am the VTubers of the future. This isn't me. I'm actually a cat in a human body. My cat body is back at home vibing and taking naps. It's like that old bit. I can't remember what it's from, but it's on the internet. No one knows you're a dog. It's just that, but it's a cat. Yes, that's me.
Okay. Well, Marianne Bray, professional cat. Thank you for being on our show. Do you have any socials that you would like to plug or anything that you want to mention? Yeah. I'm on the dying platform Twitter. Yes. Marianne D. Hobbit, which brings both my Lord of the Rings and One Piece of Sessions together. That's also my name on Instagram. I forget to post on Instagram, but if Twitter does in fact combust one day, then perhaps that is where I will actually be.
But yeah, that is M-A-R-I-A-N-N-E-D, as in the will of D, and then Hobbit, H-O-B-B-I-T. Follow me there for shitposting and Lord of the Rings memes and cat pictures and maybe some voice acting stuff sometimes. When it comes, it will be there.
Yeah, when it comes in we'll be there. I'll be like, I did some wallet for this, it's pretty cool. But also, did you see my cat? She barfed on the carpet again. Stop, please, it's a problem.
Well, as always, I extend the offer to every single guest because there has not been a guest we do not love talking to. If you ever want to come back, you have my Discord. Message me anytime. Anytime. If you want to come into our fan server and listen to every single person's One Piece opinion, we have those. I might. You're allowed to be there. Let me know. I have a Discord, but I might do that.
Yeah, well, you're always welcome back. We appreciate you. We adore you. Nebula, where can we find your social media? Oh, you can find me standing outside of your house actively tweeting on the dying platform Twitter. And that handle that I tweet on is at Nebula underscore inky, I n k y. And I'm the same handle on Instagram as well. And Parker, where can they find you?
Um, you can find me on Twitter cause I'm not making a threads at a little light B and then you can find me on Instagram on crown guard cosplay and I'm not making a threads because if I do, I delete my entire Instagram account. So yeah, when my Twitter dies, I will just stand outside of everyone's house and scream. That's what will happen.
You can find the podcast on Instagram at Fandame's Pod and on Twitter at Fandame's Pod. And for the same reasons, not threads or Hive or any of the other dying social media platforms that everyone's trying to force feed us. Because I am on Hive and no one uses it. And I have too many logins to keep track of, so no way I'm getting another social for this fucking podcast. Not happening. You can find our Patreon, slash Fandame's Pod and all of our Discord and stuff in the bio for the episode when you get it.
Thanks for letting us be in your ears. Thank you, Marianne. Thank you, Marianne. Thank you for having me. I'd love to be back anytime. We can't wait to have you back. Nebula, hit the button. Oh, what? Bye.