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Vol 2 Ch 20 | Sabat Simp Squad UNITE feat. Chris Sabat image

Vol 2 Ch 20 | Sabat Simp Squad UNITE feat. Chris Sabat

E20 ยท Fandames with Parks & Nebula
269 Plays2 years ago

The sleepover is truly blessed by the presence of the one and only Chris Sabat! You might recognize Chris from his voice acting roles as Vegeta (DBZ), Zoro (One Piece), All Might (My Hero Academia), and countless others. Follow Chris on social media @christophersabat

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Introduction and Guest Introduction

Welcome back to the Sleepover Podcast. This is Fandames with Parks and Nebula, and we have a very special stair showdown happening right now. We have the guest of our dreams, Chris Savat. Hi.
Yay. I clapped for myself. Oh, I love it. We literally have an earlier episode. Did you guys give me that title or is that if you're just a guest,

Origins and Connections in Dragon Ball Fandom

it's like of your dream? No, this is serious.
We met because we both like we're in a different server for a different podcast and she shared her Vegeta fan art in there and I realized I had seen that on Twitter like two weeks before and I commented on it like I love Vegeta I have him tattooed on my body like I love Vegeta let's talk and that's how we started to become friends and then we've been friends for two years and started this podcast together and that's our first episode. I love it. I actually love like
There's like a couple different type, like maybe three different type of Vegeta kind of fan girls. There's like the mom fan girl who started watching it like with their kids and ended up liking the angry one.

Dragon Ball's Impact on Fans

And then there's the one who just kind of has like a crush on him sort of because he's dreamy. And then there's
Then there's the most awesome kind, and that's the one that introduced their significant other to it. Because in my mind, because this is truly only from experience, not from, I don't know any demographics, but like,
I have literally been visited by mostly dudes at conventions for a very long time. Like Dragon Ball has resonated with like, it made eight year old boys really hyperactive during the day. So that's mostly who I see. But whenever there are girls who come up that said they had the same experience, it makes me so happy, especially when they're the ones introducing it to their significant others, right?
My boyfriend is older than me, so I couldn't introduce

Convention Experiences and Challenges

him. But I've been into Dragon Ball since I was a toddler. I watched Cell Die when I was four because it was my dad's favorite show. And he had all of the Piccolo and Vegeta posable action figures that you could take their clothes off for some reason, and I would lose them. He'd get mad at me. But Dragon Ball has been in my life for so long. And I stepped away from it for a minute because I was kind of afraid of convention spaces because I faced some backlash that way.
or people trying to skew how I viewed it. But as soon as I came back into it, I fell into it hard. I have three, four Dragon Ball tattoos on me. My entire office is full of Vegeta figures. I think I have six Funkos.
I have a thing we're actually going to see you at level up next week. And I have a version of Vegeta that my boyfriend drew like when he was six and it's like misspelled and the hair is orange. Oh, I don't have it with me. But yeah, I'm definitely going to get it signed for him. That's going to be exciting. But Dragon Ball has been extremely important to me for a very long time. So it's been pretty important to me in the way in such a way where it sort of literally just changed my entire life.
Like, it's been with me for so long. And it's so crazy, because it's like the first role. It's the first legit anime role I ever had.

Iconic Dragon Ball Figures and Memorabilia

Well, unless you include Yamcha, but who ever includes Yamcha, really? No one includes Yamcha. I loved Yamcha until a point. Yeah, I would agree. I adore Yamcha, but he's just never included. Like, they just always kick him out. Sorry. The only Funko I have that's still in its box is my dead Yamcha. That is the best figure. Yeah.
If you ever want to take that experience one step farther, that was done after Bondi did a hyper-realistic version of Dead Yamcha. And you could probably still find it somewhere on eBay, whatever. I have it.
And it's one of my favorite things because you can put it in the middle of a pie, like at Thanksgiving. And he just sits there. It's like curled up dead. I love it. And he looks just like he did in the show. I highly recommend you find that. Yeah. I mean, I love the Funko one, but it's kind of like sort of silly-ish. It's really hard, but kind of make out what it is. But the other one is just so hyper real. It's beautiful. That's the best. I'll have to find it. We love the Yamcha pose so much. We have transparent photos of both of us in cosplay doing it. Yeah.
The dead Yamcha pose? Yeah, they're emotes in our Discord server because it's so funny. It's my favorite reaction image after a long week. I feel you there.
So I would love to hear from your perspective how

Sabbath Simp Squad and Community Dynamics

our interaction of Cebat Simp Squad went down at FanEx if you remember much of it so that we could tell this story to our listeners because it completely caught us off guard and we walked away like screaming. That's why I'm on this podcast.
Yes. That's why I'm on this podcast. It was you. Okay. Okay. Oh, wow. All right. That whole situation, that whole situation blew my mind. Like you just kind of came out of nowhere and just handed me a bag. Like, like kind of like, usually when a fan hands me a, like a Ziploc baggie that looks like that,
It's usually kind of already crumpled up and it's got some like half eaten thing in it that they want to give me and I don't want to eat it. But yours was filled with like, like the Sabbath Sim Squad, like stickers. And I wasn't quite sure what to do because I, granted, I mean, that doesn't happen very often to me. So, uh, and actually it never happens. So I remember just taking it, freaking out and then immediately putting it on my handlers, um, like
It's like their credit card machine or something like that. And I've had so many people since then ask, do you have a shirt of that?

Chris Savat's Comic Projects and Studio Name

Can I get a shirt of that? Do you have a print of that? So many people want that. And then I have other people walk up to me, including my agent who went up like,
Wait, sabbat simp squad, eye roll, eye roll, eye roll. She's like, did you do that? I'm like, no, I didn't do it, but I think some people might think I did it, so. That's okay. We'll just have to choose to make a new one for you. That was so funny. I've just been, actually, I can't, I think my handler still has most of them. The ones I had, I kind of gave to people, so I'm gonna need more.
Next week, right? Yeah, we printed more. Yes, next week. We printed more Funimation ones, but then also because you pointed out that since Funimation and Crunchyroll are required, we updated them so they're in the Crunchyroll font. Oh, hell yes. We've got a new one too. Now you get to have your pick of it. We'll bring you more. I emailed your agent a PNG of the Sabbath Sim Squad so you can keep it forever. Wait a second. When did you do that? Maybe last month.
We can bleep out names, but I emailed Francesca. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm just, I texted, I'm gonna say, why didn't I get the PNG of the simp squad image? We can update you with the Crunchyroll one too. Yeah.
sold. I'll give you my information after that so I don't have to go through Francesca who clearly doesn't like it. I won't pass it along. Yeah, I'll send you both.

Chris's Voice Acting Journey

I'll hook you up.
Good, good. Oh, she says, I have it. Let's say, I'm talking smack about you right now. Right now on a pod. I'm sorry, this is everything you guys are doing. No, you can do it with it. Well, it's honestly kind of the best outcome because we formulated Subbot SimSquad on, which also, I'm sorry, Subbot, Sabit, which, how do you?
It's actually sabbat, but it really should be sabbat. And the reason why it's sabbat is because, I don't know, racism against Pollocks or whatever when people are coming over to America. And then I think some of it was just that my parents moved to Texas.
I don't know, I have no idea if it's how long it's been Sabbath, but it should technically be S-Z-A-B-A-T, so it should be Zabbat. But they took the Z out, they're like, well, you're just Sabbath now, man. And then my parents were in Texas, so I guess that just, I mean, it was just galvanized at that point. And it's funny, I haven't really talked about this too much, so this will be one of the first times I actually even semi-promote this thing, and if I had it,
with me, oh, it's in the other room. I did a comic book recently with a company called Sourcepoint Press. And it came out right around Comic Con, like New York Comic Con time. But there's so much happening in New York Comic Con, and I didn't want to flood anybody with any more information. So it just sort of like had a soft little release. I had a couple of like, I didn't have many copies of

Prank Calls and Early Voice Work

it at all. But it's called Okratron, which is the name of my studio, The Wrath of Sawbot.
S-A-W-B-O-T, and it's a play on words of like, Sabat, Sabat, or how Siri might say my name. It's pretty funny. I'll try to remember, I'll give you my information. Please don't let us leave without, actually I'll just put it in the chat right now unless you see that. Yeah, you can put it in there. Sure. No, they don't see it at all. Oh no, this is actually sending customer service a message. Oh, oops. And it says that you'll, oh hold on, there we go. The one next to it, but it doesn't show up in chat. Remind me and I will bring you
a copy to the show so you can have it after that. Yeah, that would be awesome. Yeah, of course. Like you'll have to be one of like 20 people have it because I really just didn't ever do anything with it. And is it okra because of the food? Well, okra-tron is the name of my recording studio that I've had for like 20 years and okra-tron
It's actually the full name is Okatron 5000. And Okra means really nothing. Like, back when you two, when your parents
before your parents ever met one another. There was this thing called Yahoo, and Yahoo allowed you to get this, free email addresses. Can you believe it? But I went on there, and of course, I can't be chris at or Christopher at, and so I'd just eaten soul food or whatever with my friends in college at the time, and I was like,
I should, like, that okra was really good. I should eat more okra. And then I was like, oh. And then I just used that as my email address, which I haven't seen in a very long time. And then okra just became like this, almost like a meme for me. It would show up in like user names and stuff and passwords and things like that.
And when it was time to name my company, I named it Okra because it means nothing. Tron, which is a word that you can add to anything to give a technological significance. So like Nebula is one thing, although that's a pretty damn cool name. You don't have to add anything to it. But if you call yourself Nebula Tron, that actually adds some sort of weird like you
It's technologically

Behind the Scenes of Chuck E. Cheese Movie

more advanced. Like, Parker-tron. And 5000 is because I always had this obsession with the year 2000. Because when I was a kid, I had this thing called the Kids Whole Future Catalog, and it was like, what's going to be like in the year 2000? And it didn't end up being anything like that at all. There were no flying cars.
We didn't all have robots or anything. It just didn't work out. So I thought about all the companies out there that had named themselves Laundry Mat 2000. And then 2000 ended up not being that cool. Once it's 2001, your laundry mats outdated. So I gave myself 3,000 years of additional longevity by naming it Okatron 5000.
A very, very good marketing move. Yeah, there you go. It's really confusing for anyone to remember the name of my company, but it's fine. Well, as a fellow Southerner, I appreciate it. Okra is big in our family. I love Okra. I am a big Okra fan. Anyway.
We can start talking about that, but we don't. No, you're good. But I wanted to mention that your whole reaction to Cebat Sim Squad made me so happy because we formulated it in an earlier episode. And I distinctly remember Parks and I going back and forth like, Chris, if you ever hear this, we beat it with love. We appreciate you. Don't be weirded out. And then we just decided to roll with it. It was clear. I mean, you clearly were doing it as kind of a like it was clearly
not creepy at all. It really wasn't. It was all in good fun. I think why I liked it, because it didn't come across at all as weird. I think I understood it in the way that you intended it, right? Yeah, we have your stamp of approval. We're good. We're good. It's signed on my print. I've got it. I've never understood the concept of a fan club type thing, so it's hard for me
It's hard for me to imagine that, but now you're my first. Actually maybe, okay, I should give whoever that was 20 years ago credit. You're the second fan club I've ever had. One person who ran a fan club somewhere and the only time I ever met them was when I took a really long flight with another voice actor and he was like, hey, I got an idea. You should eat this brownie that has weed in it. I said,
Oh, how does it make you feel? And he goes, oh, they're really good. It's not that strong. And of course, this actor is known now to always be ingesting

Convention Anecdotes and Fan Interactions

strong things. So I was really baked. And when I got to our hotel, this person was like, you're Chris Sabat, or Sabat, or whatever he might have called me. I was like, yes, because I run your fan club. I go,
Cool. I gotta go. And then- Oh no. And I got to the hotel. I was so strong that all I could muster when I got to the front desk of the hotel was just my last name. I just like slurred out like, Sabat. And then she knew sort of what I was talking about and gave me a key and I went to my room.
Thank God you didn't pass out on the lobby floor. Right. Last fan club experience was unmemorable and I apologize to whoever you were and I'm really sorry. But you're the first modern version of it. Thank you. You have so many elevator stories because I have a close friend who acts like his wife was very intoxicated because this was an after an AX after party and they got in an elevator and he was holding his drunk wife up and you were in there. He's like, oh,
Hey, this is awkward. And he was like trying to make small talk with you. And he's like, nah, Chris is the nicest guy ever because we were both very gone. And he was just making nice conversation with us the whole time. It's a it's it can be really like it is weird to be in an environment where you like
where someone could theoretically do what they did to me a few months ago, where I was waiting to eat breakfast, I was really tired, I was at a convention, I had gone out the night before, and then literally some really sweet kid

Fame and Fan Engagement Philosophy

yelled fromโ€”well, I say kid, he was probably in his 30s, but he kind of had this kid-like energy. He goes,
And he yells at the top of his lungs and literally every single person turned and looked at me at that moment. And I died a little bit on the inside. But yeah, I really, I, yeah, I'm okay with talking to people. It doesn't matter to me like that. I'm cool with it. Everyone has a good story. That's just all I know.
It is funny how nervous some people really do get when you can stand next to them. And I want to go like, hey, guys, I'm just a dude living in the world. And I happen to be really close to something that you love a lot, right? People don't love Christopher Savitt because I'm just such a cool person. They mostly like me because I'm like closest thing
to get. I'm moon dust, really. And you have that moon dust, not because you're a big fan of dust, but you love the moon so much, right? So I'm close enough to touch the moon dust of all shows. I work on it. I've never used that analogy before. But yeah, it's really cool.
I think you should give yourself a little more credit than that because I think that you're a really positive presence as a person in fandom and in convention spaces. And when we met you in person at FanEx in Salt Lake, it was just an immediate click and it was no hesitation. Like we were fangirling. There's like, oh my God, it's him. But you were so easy to talk to and divide with. And the thing that hits me the most, like the very first thing I will describe you as if someone asked me, who's this guy you're talking about?
is, oh, he's like just this wholesome guy. He's just like a family man. He takes his daughter to his red carpet events. How cool is that? Like that's the first kind of thing that comes to mind. So you should give yourself a little bit more credit. Thanks. I, I have never, it's interesting for you to call me wholesome. I do try to be wholesome with people and honest and just genuine with people. And I try not to get, it's easy to get frustrated.
when you're in a zone or whatever, but I would be mortified if anyone ever left. And I felt like that I didn't give them a moment, right? Like if I didn't take the time, like someone, it blows my mind that anyone would wait any amount of time to...
to see me at a show. I don't even like to make 20 minutes when I'm at the teller at the bank or something like that. That's where you used to go into the bank and actually talk to a human and give him money. We're not that young. We couldn't do it on our phones back then. But yeah, I just would feel like I kind of see everybody, no matter what age they are, as the kids that I met when I was first doing this. And my experience in
as first going to conventions was really humbling because we had just, you know, Dragon Ball was recorded in Canada before it was recorded in Texas. And
We were cast basically on our ability to kind of copy those original voices as best as we could. But we weren't pros by any stretch of the imagination, plus we were owned by a very infantile version of Funimation that was really just owned by a bunch of guys from just in Texas that just like, let's make this cartoon show, whatever, make it cool for kids.
When I would go to an anime convention back in the day, it was always like, why did you change the music? Why did you change Goku's story? Why did you change these lines? And I was like, hey, guys, I don't know. I'm sorry. And that was my experience at conventions. But then when I go to other appearances, mostly it was just kids, because the kids were like eight and nine and seven. I'd look at their parents and I'd apologize. I'm like, I'm really sorry.
if I caused any of this, because I know they're really hyper.
So I just still see everybody as the kids from when I first started

FanX Event Stories and Surprises

doing this. I don't know if that's weird or whatever, but I don't know. I'm very, very grateful for everyone who comes to see me. And I would feel terrible if I didn't take the time to at least look you in the eye or shake your hand or something and let you know that I appreciate you being there, right?
And then there's sometimes when you bring me a sticker that says Sabbath Sim Squad on it, and you're even more special, so thanks.
So Parker, do you want to tell the story for the listeners of how that happened from our perspective? Because we haven't told any of our discord or our fan base or anything. It's a complete surprise that we're having you on, Chris. We have kept this silent since September. But for the fans, if you remember, this happened in September. Nebula flew out to Utah for Salt Lake Fan X.
We were both going to go because we had a photo op with Chris the day before. We didn't want to have to worry about overwhelming him at the actual photo op. So we went to get an autograph just in the normal line. I was going with Neb because I was just going to come and hand stickers and she was going to do her thing, blah, blah, blah. She was getting the interview or not the interview, the autograph, sorry.
We walk up and I'm like, hey, Chris, this might be super weird. We have a little podcast and we adore you. We made this merch. And as soon as we handed it to him, he's obsessed. He already mentioned it earlier. He went and put it on his handler's card reader on his assistant's phone case. Loved them. And then as we're just talking about it a little bit, he's signing us prints. He signed mine with Sabbath's Simp Squad. And then immediately said, you guys are on a podcast. Can I be on your podcast?
And I was dumbfounded. I was taken back. All I could do was just sputter a yes. And then you gave us, or we mentioned we would see you the next day and that you would get your agent's card for us then. So at our photo op, that's when we swapped off is we gave you our card, got one from your agent because you remembered us because we were very distinct figures. Well, when you're 6'3", it's kind of hard not to be. I'm 6'4". 6'4", pardon me.
We swapped information and that was it. But it was so fast because of just the way FanX runs everything. It felt like there was no time to process. We both felt like we were like a little high because we didn't have time to process that you just asked to be on our little podcast. Dumbfounded. I called my dad. I was like, I don't... Photo ops are... I mean, it's good because people really do want them, but actually don't.
I don't really like them that much. First of all, I'm a voice actor and I never pride myself in being a model. But also just the way they have to work by their very nature, because I don't know if you've gotten photo ops with other people or like really big celebrities or anything like that, but it's usually like,
Like, clear, next, clear, next. And like Jason Momoa get through like 2,500 of them in 15 minutes or whatever. But so I feel really bad because some people come in and they don't know. And they're like, hey, nice to meet you. And everyone's like, move along, move along. And I'm like, guys, chill, I'm sorry.
And then sometimes I have to do photo ops with Sean Schemel. He's the voice of Goku. And sometimes we only have a small amount of time. But he gets in this mode where he's like, I've got to do something creative for every single one. I'm like, I love you, Sean. But they're getting mad at us right now. I mean, I'm a photographer who's mad at us.
There was this one that Connie went to where he just, he used those little tiny hands that you could hold on your sticker and he put them in his shirt. And so every person, he has these tiny little hands sticking out of his shirt or like he's doing this and all the photos. And there wasn't enough time to even explain why to anyone. They just had to kind of leave and wonder why Shawn had tiny hands. Enjoy your photo. Yeah. Love it.
Yeah, that's part of why we wanted to come up to you for autographs beforehand, because I know how photo ops go and it's just, it's not worth it. I'm not going to diss the way FanX specifically runs theirs either because they also had a new company this last year.

Convention Logistics and Photo Ops

I don't know. Weird. I mean, there's only a handful of companies and they are in their defense. They are under so much pressure from not only the convention, but like the agents and like the actor
who's there, sometimes they're just lucky if they get the actor there on time. And if you've got someone super lazy or whatever that you've got to grab out of the green room and they won't join you, sometimes that throws all the photographs off and then the next person comes and then, you know, it's literally like famous person after famous person, then it's us and then we take like 15 minutes and we're out.
It's yeah, they're under a lot of pressure to move really fast. Unfortunately, I feel really bad for him. But it's kind of hard to know because if you're not a regular convention goer, you don't know how the photo op is going to go down. So it's hard to know like what kind of personal level you get at
that, which is fine. But it's just kind of difficult to grasp when you're waiting in that line and paying for that. And then if you don't understand that experience is what you're getting when you go in, you'll feel a little bit like, well, that was cool. And that was it versus like, if you go to the booth and get a selfie or whatever, it's a little bit more back and forth and actual like conversation.
That would be really, I know a person, actually I know a couple of them now, but I know one, I'm friends with one in particular, who owns one of those photo ops companies. And as you're saying that, it makes me want to do one of those cheesy videos that you see when you go to Six Flags or something, where it's like, hi, I'm Chris Sabat, and I just want to talk to you about
Like, what your experience should be like when you're doing a photo op. You've got to keep moving. Time is important. We know you want to talk to somebody, but you can't. So, violin from the left-hand side, and if you try to go to the right-hand side, we're going to act really mad that you went the wrong way, even though there was really no way of knowing which way you're supposed to go. You are wanting to shake your hands, but do it quickly. And, like, just do this cheesy, like, you're about to play laser tag kind of intro to it.
Oh, like a whole airline spiel. And you can do like, you should do the voiceover, but don't move your mouth. Just like have it be playing and then do the little Vanna White hand motions. Do any of you, do you either live in an area where there's the American Airlines? Do you fly American Airlines much? Yes. I fly Delta, but she does. Man, if you ever fly American Airlines, for your listeners who like fly American Airlines,

FanX Amenities and Green Room Experience

Pay attention to their announcement. They've got some person, some white girl with dark hair, and every single line. Because my guess is that they did the voiceover, or she did the, she worked on the day, and then they probably had her come back in and maybe overdub it or something. And I think they just went line by line by line by line by line.
And then what they ended up with was everything she says ends down here. And the next thing she says ends down here. And no matter what she says, she's always on the same note. Then you buckle your seat belt and put it directly in your seat. If you have someone in front of you, make sure you take care of them before you take care of children. Make sure you always stand up at the end of the flight. Every single has the same cadence down to the same exact note.
every time and you can't unhear it. So never you're flying American next week. Not next week, but I will whenever I go back to FanX in September, so I will look out for it. I'm doing a FanX show. I think they're doing one in. They're doing one in. I think they have different locations, yeah.
Yeah, the people who run it are, they are good people. They're the most stylish convention owners I've ever met. Like the people who own it, like this guy named Dan. Yeah, I know Dan. I know Dan very well. They are so stylish though. He always wears like fancy clothes. And in fact, I'm giving you behind the curtain for a minute here, so I hope I don't get in trouble for that. I'm sure it's not a big deal. What are they gonna do?
Yeah, what are they gonna do, Dan? Don't come at me, Dan. I've worked at the convention. I've done panels there. I'm good. So all, like most conventions have a green room where all the actors are and there's usually like food and stuff like that, depending on the con, it can vary. But I will say that Fan X's green room is by far like the coolest I've ever been in. Like I remember the first year I went, they had like
a puppy therapy pit for their animals. Not wait, well, they're animals, but they're actors too. But they had a puppy pit. They had some guy that was making custom suits, and they would hand out these branded backpacks and stuff. They just went above and beyond on the client service part of it, which is crazy.
Well, the puppy pit is actually done through the Humane Society and actors actually adopt all of those dogs before they go home. Yeah, like total. I think at least 10 actors have gotten dogs from the puppy pit for sure.

International Convention Highlights

That's so cool. I was this close to getting this German Shepherd I saw there too. He was amazing, except I couldn't have done it. I couldn't have done it.
Not last year, but the year before. I mean, I've had passes both years, but I've had cosplay guest badges. So I went back there the year before last and it was crazy. I was scared to be in there. It's like all of these big name actors, some puppies and some like highbrow business dudes are all back there. It's kind of scary. Very intimidating.
But the puppies are cool. Oh, yeah. Right. I know that I am with the same agent that John Barrowman has and he adopted a puppy the year he went. Yeah. I think actually my agent might actually have ended up with that dog. Oh, my gosh. She loved it. They pass the dogs off. It's cool. Anyway, yeah, it stayed in the family. They're really close friends.

Opera Scholarship and Career Shift

So anyway, that
Yeah, that was fun. The only other green room that was as pretty cool as I do, I do actually all of like a dish on all the conventions like Fan Expo by far has the best food in the green room. But they're really good at that. But the Australia when I've done the supernova or like the Oz Comic Con, a lot of the times they'll bring in like
an animal handler, and they're like, hey, there's a snake, mate. There you go. It's a koala. And you get to pet them or whatever. It's pretty fun, too. They kind of won on that. Most people don't bring you a zoo.
Yeah, if you get to hang out with the koala back there, I wouldn't even go to the booth. I'm hanging out with this koala the whole time. When I was in college, we had animal handlers that would come the first week of as as like the welcome week. And I remember one year they brought a whole bunch of fennec foxes and I did not want to leave. We're just out in front of the library. Everybody pet a fox. If I tell like my daughter would freak out, my oldest loves foxes and cats so much like hero would love that.
I'm going to shameless plug tell her to go to Oklahoma State. They have them. Go Pokes. Don't go there for the education. Just go there for the opening ceremony. Go Pokes. Like orientation. Well, they are in ag school. Oh, there you go. Yeah. Just show up. They don't care. Ag mean like as in like a very aggressive school. No, you're good. It's okay. It's the South. It's an agro school.
On the subject of college, I'm very interested to hear. I know Parker and I found out when we were doing a little bit of research that you had an opera scholarship. Is that right? I did. For a free university? I got an opera scholarship to the University of North Texas. And I took it because, you know, it was free. And so my parents were like, we'll take the free stuff.
I wasn't necessarily sure I wanted to sing opera, but I was like, well, I certainly will try. And the problem is I got this level of scholarship that they only give one of. And one thing they don't tell you is that on your first month of school, you have to take part in a recital
in your first month. And what they ended up doing was like doing, let's do the senior level of the scholarship. They'll sing, and then the junior level, and then the sophomore level, and then the freshman level. And I
You know, I'm just a dude from Lake City, Texas that could sing real good and had a deep voice, right? I was not expecting to have to do that. And it kind of set me off in a weird way because everyone else was like the other ones were so good. I felt horrible by comparison. And over time, I kept
I stayed in the school for about a year and a half, and then I realized, I don't really want to do this. I had a voice coach, and they would tell you things like, all right, Chris. My advice for you is to don't go to places that are really smoky, and don't go to places where you have to use your voice too much, don't talk that loud, and go to bed early and eat really healthy.
Those are all, you just listed all the things that I don't wanna do in college right now. I don't wanna do any of that. All I wanna do is hang out in smoky places, talk loudly, any garbage pizza before I go to bed, and that's it. So I realized that wasn't what I wanted to do.
I went back to Texas and went to this junior college called Alvin Community College. Alvin is only known because a baseball player named Nolan Ryan, I know nothing about baseball, but Nolan Ryan went to school there and they had this huge radio department though. That was the coolest part.
their radio, they had this radio station, it was like 50,000 watts, which is a very powerful station for a college station. Most college stations, you can't hear it beyond the college, but you could almost hear it from deep into downtown Houston. It was insanely powerful. And unlike the university level, where it was really
They're really granular and very collegiate about it, where you had to just take a bunch of classes about radio. They just put you on the air. They say, all right, here's your shift. And go, and you figure it out on your own. And that's my favorite way to learn, is by fire. That's it. I did not graduate from the University of North Texas. I'll tell you that right now. But I have been on the front of the alumni magazine two times. And I was like, hey, can I just get a degree now? Will you just give me one now?
It's like you deserve an honorary one at that point. They keep using your name. Yeah, me as well. Oh, I left and then I reconnected. Did you see that? You're totally cool if it does. Luckily, all of this is local backup, so it keeps doing it. Oh, nice. Nice. It's good. Leading in, so that background in radio, is that your first step into voice acting?
Yeah, for sure. I mean, if I want to back it up, even though I didn't know really what voice acting was, my first voice acting was when I was in like sixth, seventh grade, when I used to just prank call people all the time. And it was amazing. It was like a holy land for prank calling because there was no caller ID at all. So you could call anyone they didn't know. You were completely anonymous.
And then eventually they came up with something called star 69, which is where you could call the person back who called you. You didn't know who they were, but at least you could call the number back. And that just gave me two chances to prank the same person. I'd say I have two ultimate
voice prank things I've ever done in terms of crank calling was the first one was in high school when I went to my friend's house and his dad had a home office and he had this thing called a conference line where you could have two phone calls, connect them together.
in the same call. So what I would do is I would just call two people that I knew didn't like one another. I call one real fast and I pick up and call the other one real fast. And then I just sit on the conference call and just listen to what happened. Who is this? Who's this? Why'd you call me? You're the one who called me. Is this Brad? Yeah, who is this? Why'd you call me? I didn't call you, you called me.
I had to have done about a hundred of those because it was way too fun. And then the other time that I prank called someone, it was the only time I've ever done it for the power of good is I was sitting on an airplane one time and there was this dude who was like,
on his laptop on the plane and I was able to see what he was doing between the crack between the seats and I was able to kind of I was in that view where I could directly see his laptop and it was clear he was just jumping from
He was just jumping from all these different dating sites and sorting by who would respond first. And then he would say, hey, what's up? And where do you live? And they say Addison or whatever. And they go, oh, that's weird. And he pulls up Google Maps and goes, I live in Richardson, which is really close to there. We should hang out. What a scumbag. Oh, and he just did this. And I saw him.
I saw him get numbers, I saw him get information, so I just started copying it all down. And I called all of the people that I got the information for and used the deepest voice I could. I was like, is your name Susan? Yes. If you're supposed to go on a date soon, I wouldn't do it. He is not who you think he is. This is your last warning.
And then I hung up. What's funny though is I also got his information and I had his email address. So I went to an Apple store and logged into a generic email account and then emailed them saying like, I will make your life hell if you don't stop doing this. That's incredible. But I hope he got super embarrassed at least.
Yeah, I hope he learned his lesson. Damn. So gross. No, that's super cool. Can I ask one question, though? So your first initial credited projects are your role in Initial D and Dragon Ball Z. But there's one third one. And it's you as Mr. Munch. Yeah. Is Chuck E. Cheese in the galaxy? How did that happen? Oh, yeah. OK.
This is early Funimation. We gotta still own that company. And somehow they got in touch with the people who own the pizza rat or whatever. And they decided like, let's do something together. And like, pizza rat was like, we want to make a video. And then they asked us, so we're like, sure, we can make like a video or whatever. And so they just had some of their people and some of their
They found these video guys and they came into the pizza rat place and they did the video, except they really didn't

Challenges in Movie Production

know what they were doing at all. No one on the project really had a clue what was going on. They used this visual effects company that didn't really know what they were doing. They didn't have professional audio people on the set and only about two people, maybe zero people will understand this on your podcast.
their on-set audio guys recorded everything on a mini-disc player. I don't know if you ever had those. It was like a kind of in-between CDs. It was a recordable media that recorded on a small disc, which is cool. It was definitely digital. It was a decent quality.
The problem is it records at a different cycle. So it wouldn't time up. It's not the same frame rate as the video. So when you line them up together, if the movie's this long, the audio is this long. So they had to kind of find ways to move it around. And that was part of my job, was to try and fix it.
And at that point, they had me do the voice of Munch. And I do actually have an on-camera appearance in that too, if you want to see what I looked like when I was your age. Yeah, I do. I'm going to go look for it later. I think if it's still up, let me just double check. Oh, it's definitely on YouTube. I pulled it up when I was looking before. If you write, I think if you type in Galaxy 5000 backwards,
Yep, there it is. 005 Y-X-A-L-A-G. 005, it has 574,000 views and I'm pretty sure it's 100% because I have told people. It's so bad. When you do watch it, please enjoy because they just did stuff that would have never flown today.
There's just this kid, he's like 11 years old, and he meets up with the pizza rat and his friends, and they're like, what's up, Charlie? They're like, I'm sad. What's the problem? My family's tractor is going to have to be sold, and they can't buy one, and it's almost harvest season or something.
And they're like, oh, no. And then someone goes, I've got an idea. You should do this race, the space race called the Galaxy 5000. And they're like, oh, that sounds fun. And so they take the child with them to outer space. Who knows with permission or not. Casual child abduction. Exactly. It's the norm. It's the 90s. They have to race in this race. However,
The two people who won it every year were high on Zoom gas because Dr. Zoom was giving them Zoom gas. So they're basically high on performance enhancing drugs to win this race. And it was so awkward. And it's a musical on top of that. I wrote two of the songs.
Um, and it's really, really, really bad. One was called Snowball's Chance in Texas. And the other one is like the intro song. Like, uh, it's.
It was really fun because I think everybody on the set was on drugs, I guess, and it shows. And if you are one of those people who likes to watch really weird things when you're in a weird, elevated place, I would highly recommend watching this because it's awful. The top comment is Christopher Sabat wants to resurrect this masterpiece. He keeps trying to make it happen, and it was from five years ago.
Yeah, I'm going to watch this later. That's incredible. I do. I love the name, the title, A Snowball's Chance in Texas. That's a really good title. And it's a country song. And I, it was a joke. I mean, I, oh man, I just, I was in college. It was, it's really bad.
But there you go. So funny thing is, though, I think there actually are legit fans of that. People who really, really do like it. Because I did Cameo for about 15 seconds until I realized, ouch, this hurts my voice. I can't do this. And one of the people that got in right at the beginning for the day or two that I actually did them ever
He, everyone else was like, Vegeta, Vegeta, All Might, All Might, I Love You, Zorro, whatever. And then one kid comes in and he's like, I really loved you as Munch in the Chuck E. Cheese movie. I'm like, are you serious? You're joking with me, right? No, and either they just did an amazing job.
like keeping a straight face so that I would do this. They wanted me like, I don't, I think they wanted me to talk like Munch or whatever and say hi to him. I don't think I could do it. I was like, look, we can chat about this, but I don't know if I can do that voice.
I'm not sure. I may have done like a tiny snippet of it, but it was so weird. You were what, like 1920 when you did? This movie would have come out when? Hold on. 1999. I have it pulled up on my list. 1999. I'm bad with math, but that would have been a... That's 23 years ago. Yeah, I would have been about 26 years old.
Okay, and I hold on, man, I, I really wish we could sometimes do these, I really do wish we could sometimes do these podcasts and have the internet available so we can do like show and tells but my worry is like,
you probably would get kicked off the internet or whatever. That's why I use Discord sometimes, but I wanted to keep professional. That's why we're in Zencaster instead. So if you want to see me when the very first song fires up, are you actually able to hear this through my microphone by any chance?
I can't hear it. No, I cannot. I could. Theoretically, I could route it. If you give me the timestamp, we can edit it and cut it in here, too. Yeah. Let's see. OK. Minutes, it's the very first song. Oh, yes, it's I'm going to link you right here where and by the way, they couldn't afford to pay really anybody. So all the extras and everything are just like. I mean, just here, they're just like people's
like kids or whatever, people who work for the company, like I think the president's children are in it, like Ken Fukunaga's kids are in it. I'll put this in the chat right here and it's just... Oh, I'm so excited. And I linked you right to where they start sniffing adventure and they literally are sniffing the air and then the piano starts playing and it's me and then I have like
It's me in young form. And when I was 26, and this was when I was first working in Funimation, I had these sideburns that went down on both sides of my face. And I called them Scully and Mulder because they would get really close, but they would never touch, right? They were super, super close to one another. And that's what you will see in that video. You're welcome. Oh my god. Thank you. Hold on. Thank you for this blessing.
Yeah. And guess what? Turns out that they didn't sell a lot of copies of this video because parents really just maybe, like, I don't know if it was just because it was bad or because parents just didn't want their kids to be reminded to take them to the pizza rat place where you have to play a lot of money to eat pizza and play video games, right? So like, if you remind your kids that Chuck E. Cheese exists, you have to take them there.
So I'm picturing the next Sabbath Simp Squad merch is your face. In Chuck E. Cheese font? In Chuck E. Cheese font, with the sideburns all the way down. Oh, and I'm dressed as Zoot Suit and Piano Guy too, like with suspenders and a bow tie. Yeah, we're going to redesign the Chuck E. Cheese look. And I do not point at the camera or something really dumb. All right, so we'll find you at FanX this year and give you some new merch. Good. Do you know what? We'll update it.
That reminds me, the funniest thing that anyone has ever handed me to autograph. It's funny, I never remember the story when I want to, but I'm remembering it now. Some dude came up to me and said, hey, could you sign this Vegeta for me? And he handed me a Vegeta and it says, dude,
with like Vegeta's blue hair and he looks like complete garbage. And then I realized he's given me the insert for the Dragon Ball Z Halloween costume. Like, and it is so funny. And he did it intentionally. I was like, you are genius. And then he laughed and he like smelled like drugs. And then I was like, you are genius. This is my favorite thing I've ever signed. I loved it. I think I took a picture of it somewhere, but it was so funny.
I love those costumes so much. I love those wigs. They're camp in a way I can't describe. And when you get them, unless you're you and you know how to work with stuff like that, they just come all smashed up. And the hair's every which way. There's no way to make it. And there's holes everywhere. You can see that ugly nude netting in between. And you can't move it left or right. And it does not stay on. It's the derpiest costume of all time, especially the adult version of it, I imagine. With kids, it doesn't matter. Yeah, it's OK if it's a kid.
But when you're a grown person and you're wearing that and don't know how to work away, it gets bad. My favorite are like the really soft like foam costumes for the Saiyan armor. And you can definitely tell they had it in the bag before they wore it. So yeah, it's my favorite. I kind of love them. I like legitimately the Naruto and Sasuke ones they dropped were really funny. Oh, I haven't. I bet you I've seen one of those at least, but
I have a weird pet peeve, and I don't know why, and it doesn't really matter. I don't judge anybody for it, but it always bothers me when I see somebody who is wearing a dress shirt, but you can tell it was in the package. It's got seams here and then down the side. It drives me nuts sometimes.
bare minimum to iron or stain your shirt. It's a huge thing for costuming too. It's okay to buy costumes, but please iron them before you take them out of the bag. They look really bad if you don't. I try to say that. Just throw it in the dryer. See, you can have your cosplay ironing station at a convention and make money on it.
And maybe yours can be right next to my money making idea for New York Comic Con, which is called the VIP Executive Luxury Bathroom. It's like you set it up on the convention floor and you bring this really high end trailer or something that has porta-potties in it, but you make it really, really nice. And then you charge people admission to go.
like a weekend wristband to go and use an actual bathroom. They can have access to it. Um, and because at New York Comic Con it is sometimes you have to like, when you realize that you've got a pee or whatever you've got about you probably from the time it takes you to walk across to where you need to go and then wait in whatever line it is, it may be an hour. Like it's not fun.
So I'm picturing now a porta potty. That's just a normal porta potty, but you've like duct taped laminate up. It's nice. Some shitty Mona Lisa just taped it up. There you go. There's your executive. We have someone at the door with cologne samples. There you go. Do our best. Yeah. Sold. Um, but I have, I haven't you like, I don't know,
how much experience you guys have at Port-A-Potty's, but I have been to conventions where they didn't have private bathrooms for people, but they would bring in this really nice looking version of a Port-A-Potty. I don't know, the one percenter's Port-A-Potty or something, and it's all really nice.
I've had that, but it wasn't nice. It was like at this tiny outdoor convention, but it was still a convention. I don't know how to describe it. And instead of porta-potties, they had like nine foot tall office cuticles.
or cubicles, not cubicles, sorry, that broke down. They had the walls that were very thin and had fabric on them. And then it was a hole, a basket for a toilet basket, and a hand sanitizer pump. And that was it. That was all they had. And it was so scary because it was open air. That is so weird. It was a push door, open air, and there were six of them stacked back and forth.
I was too scared to go. Yeah, no thank you. That would be so weird. That would be the only time when you'd ever be worried if birds could see you or whatever. That'd be so awkward. What if a bird shit on you when you're trying to take a shit? That's like day-day brewing. And I'm not safe. Someone with a selfie stick could get me in there. I'm scared. No, I was too afraid to go. That's so weird. It had toilet paper that was definitely one ply, and then no sink, hand sanitizer pump, and that was it.
You know, this can be the second time I've told this story today and probably the fourth time I've ever told it.
So you're welcome. But it seemed, I guess it was predestined for us to talk about this today, or I've had porta-potties on the mind. But I went to this one convention one time, and it was a comic con style, wasn't anime style. And I was like, hey, do you guys have a restroom? Because it's really awkward, to be honest, to go to the restroom, like go to the bathroom when, especially when you sit down, bathroom, good to go, that's a polite dad version of it.
when there's people that are there at the convention. It's kind of really awkward. So usually they have bathrooms backstage or whatever near the green room or whatever that you can use. Well, I had asked this convention, like, do you guys have a restroom? Like, yeah, yeah, follow me. It's over here. And they walked me to this area that looked kind of like a high school drama dressing room type thing that had a bathroom inside it.
So it wasn't out of the ordinary, but I did notice as I was walking in there that there were people's stuff and stuff in there. I was like, oh well. So I did my thing, and it really was a thing that you'd want anyone to go in right after you went, sort of thing.
A relatively famous person went in right after me, and I just went, oops. But what made it worse was that right after he passed me to go in, and I was walking out the door, this whole group of women came and just sat down in that room. I guess they were hanging out in there. So I always imagined that when he left,
They thought it was him. And so he was probably really, really embarrassed. You know what I mean? Let's hope so. It's like when you go to someone's house. I wish I could know who it was. And their bathroom's like way too close to their living room and you feel like really weird and you're like, can you turn into music or something? I get really pee shy, guys. Like, I'm just...
You're preaching to the peak wire, so you're good. No, yeah. There's the couch in my friend's townhouse. You pee on the couch? No, I'm saying the couch is 10 feet from the bathroom and it's the thinnest door you've ever seen. The worst. So scary. I swear, it's always as soon as I go to the bathroom, everyone's silent. We can have a huge bumbling conversation, everyone's so happy, we're good. Then as soon as I leave, silence and I can't do it.
Wait until I get home. In recent years, I've found a way to kind of get over that weird fear of going to the bathroom in public places, because I really just don't genuinely like doing it for just a variety of reasons, but just don't like it.
But one thing I've found that helps me is if I put on Bluetooth headphones or like my AirPods and I put them on noise canceling, and I feel like, well, if I don't hear anybody else, it doesn't matter when everyone hears me. Like, I'm my own world here. Like, so I won't hear anything I do or hear anything anyone else does. And it helps to some degree. Yeah.
Some agree. Just pretend. The other day at my office building, I walked into the restroom and mid-flesh, I hear a very aggressive conversation happening. There's very few women that work for the company I work for. So instantly I'm like, who is this? What is happening? Who's fighting in the ladies room? And there was just a woman on speakerphone in mid-phone call and then walking out of the stall. I'm like, I want your confidence.
I want the confidence to not only be on the phone, but to be on speaker phone in your office building. Yeah, I always I always had this illusion that women's restrooms were way cleaner than men's because I had this idea that like women are clearly they must be cleaner than men and plus they don't stand up.
So maybe their aim is better or something until I had two girls and I've had to go into the women's restroom many times. And that's when I realized that yours is just as gross as the men's restroom. Yeah. Hover or whatever. Third hole fluid. Oh, and oh, I'm going to only guess what the third hole is. And the
But if it's the fluid that you wouldn't see in the men's room unless you had some sort of like kidney stone or something like that. Oh, no, I've seen it in both bathrooms. I used to work at a grocery store and to get a little graphic, I went into clothes in the men's restroom. There was a crayola thermos left on the counter and it was full of urine and blood. Oh, God. And I left it there.
I didn't know what to do with it. I was so scared. But I was like, oh my God, I could not believe it. It was like a crime scene to some degree, because I'm not used to seeing that particular fluid in restrooms much. I mean, all of it's gross, but
Yeah, that was surprising. Props to you for being the dad that walked their daughter into the women's room because I know far too many dads are too afraid to do it. So props to you. I haven't taken it to the men's room for sure.
I tell people, I identify as whatever I want when my kids need me to go into the restroom with them because my daughter, my youngest, she's getting over it. It's taken some time. She actually has. She's always had this uncanny fear of drains.
of drains, like in pools, in toilets or whatever. And the bathroom is like really scary to her. And so she wants you to go with her and she won't sit down until you put your hand over the sensor. And I have to stand there with my hand over the sensor while she goes. And then she won't start because she's looking back at me like, are you still doing it? I'm like, yes, I'm doing it. Like I'm in the bathroom with you holding
the sensor, just go, just go. Don't let go. I'm like, I don't want to be in here. I promise you, I'm not going to let go. But we have solved it. There's some trial and error. For a while, I would bring a
like a toilet towel where she could put the towel over the sensor, but then I realized like that's gross because you have to kind of carry that around with you. We've now, I mean just in the past few like couple months, I've got it now to where I bring post-it notes with her and she puts a post-it note over it and then she trusts me now. I'm like, just trust me, this works, it works. I know how the technology works, it works this way.
And so now she does it, she can go in there, put a post-it note up, and then rip it off and then run out of the bathroom because she doesn't want to hear it flush.
Aw, poor thing. I know, it's so sad. I mean, it's only irritating in the fact that, like, you know, it's just not something you want to do, but you can't get upset at your kids for having a fear like that, you know? Yeah. No, you just got to roll with the punches on that. I say dad of the year for the post-it notes. We treat our kids better, or we at least are more sensitive to what our kids
actual needs are rather than just going like just smack them a couple times and then wising up like right like they're just weird I mean that's about as far as you got like there was no diagnosis so like he's just a weird one yeah thank goodness we know more about our kid my daughter my oldest daughter is she is
she is more self-aware, like, she is more aware of her emotions because she suffers anxiety, right? I hope my daughters don't eventually go like, why did you tell her all her secrets? But she has really bad, like, anxiety. And so,
you know, with therapy and stuff like that, she's gone to do like 100% more therapy than I did as a kid because I never went to therapy. But she's so good at being aware of like what her emotions are. She's like, I'm sorry, dad. I was frustrated earlier. I just didn't get, I got a lot of stuff done at school and I got hungry. And I normally when I get hungry, it makes me upset and it makes me frustrated. And
I'm also a little upset when you said that thing earlier that kind of made me feel as if she's so good at explaining exactly what her emotions are. I'm jealous.
That's, my sister has a four-year-old son and he is also the same way. And my favorite thing he's ever said was when my partner was playing with him on some Christmas and he was messing with his blocks or his toys and something fell over. And my partner goes, oh, Ollie, I'm so sorry. And this two, three-year-old with the straightest face ever just goes, it's okay to make mistakes and kept going.
Kids are emotionally hard. I don't know. It's scary how kids can just be so blunt and so honest. I'm not good at that. But when kids are like, you look ugly today, it's like, oh, thank you. At least thanks for your honesty, I suppose. Yeah, kids will just tell you whatever's on their mind. They're amazing. I laughed at all the kids, all of my friends who had their children early.
late high school or early college, had them in their late teens or early 20s, and I laughed so hard. I'm like, ah, your life is over. And now I have two kids that still have 10 years left in the house with both of them. I'm like, I wish I had more energy. And all those people are like, oh, yeah, I'm out. You want to come out? Oh, you can't go out because you have kids right now. Oh, OK. That's cool. How old were you when you were first was born?
30. It was in my mid 30s. I was born in 99. So my dad was 21 when I was born. And now he's 43 and a trail runner. He's crazy. He's got all the energy in the world. Insane to me because my parents were almost 40 when they had me. Weird. I'm just kidding. It's not. It's just unusual. It's just like, oh, wow. I'm going to be almost geriatric by the time you're out of school.
Well, I will say that I had a lot of insight as a kid that had older parents that other kids did not. And I did see it as a positive because then it was like, oh, well, my parents had X amount of years of other life that the yours might not have or they had just young and dumb. We didn't have any idea what they were doing. But good for them because having kids is awesome. I love having kids.
I mean, I don't love having kids. I just like the two children that I've had. We're done right there. I love having kids. I love having the two that exist there period. So we're going to see each other in, we're going to see each other in Vegas next week. Yes. Seven days. I heard last year that it was buck wild.
Oh my God, that was my first year and a bunch of, I'm not Vegas local, I'm just six hours away. So I jumped down last year and that was my first level up ever. And a bunch of like people at both of the after parties, which are insane by the way, and the actual day of, everyone's like, I've never seen it be this busy before. Like normally his con is really small.
And it's just shot up. And we were talking to a cosplay guest who has done guessting with them for the last five years on our last episode. And she was even surprised by how big Level Up has gotten. Yeah, Level Up did something. They literally did Level Up. Like, they just โ€“ it was like, ching! Achievement unlocked. And like, it unlocked a brand new character because less than five years ago, it really wasn't that busy of a convention. It just blew up.
And I used to always say, I'd never been to a successful convention in Vegas. A lot of people tried to do anime or pop culture conventions and they never worked. And I hate to say this about, well, they don't exist anymore, really. So it doesn't matter. But I went to a wizard world that they did in Vegas. And they sort of just didn't do any sort of grassroots marketing at all. They're just like, well, we're Comic Con. If we just show up, everyone will come, right?
And I actually have never been to a show where I think I saw four people all weekend because no one was there. Just no one showed up. It was crazy. It was super awkward. And I get really nervous when I don't have people in front of me because then, and sometimes I do feel for cosplayers because you have the biggest hearts on you.
like when you have to talk to, like I kind of have to talk to everybody who comes up to you and you have to have like, there's no, there's no distraction. There's no like, Hey, it was really great talking to you. You're trapped there. Like you're, you're there. Like I remember watch walking by, um,
I remember walking by a cosplay booth, and I remember this kid, he was just hovering there. He was just sort of standing there, and he's standing there and standing there as I was approaching. He was just sort of standing there, and there was nobody in line, so she was just sort of sitting there waiting like, okay, are you gonna come up here? Are you not gonna come up here? And then right as I got to them, he walked up, he goes, so...
How's business? And I'm like, oh gosh. And don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem talking to anybody, but I get a little bit of anxiety when I don't know what else to talk about with people occasionally, but you guys have to do all that. God bless you, the class players who have to talk to everybody.
Normally it's okay, but you probably get this too. A lot of people will talk to me like I'm the character that I'm dressed as no matter what. They won't let me break character. They expect this level of me. And sometimes I just can't do it. Like sometimes if I'm super girl and kids come up to me, cause I did like a photo shoot at the ice castles in Utah with my super girl, like just so I could do a fortress of solids you type of photo.
And I had kids coming up to me then. And with Supergirl, it's a little bit easier to just be in character. But I've had this happen when I've been at Bulma or Nami at conventions. I have dudes come up to me and are like, can I pick you up? Can I touch you? Can you hit me with your climate attacks? Like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up a minute. If you pay me, maybe. That's in character for Nami. That's OK.
It's a hard thing, too. Like, well, I guess that you could say that is nami, and you can get away with it, actually. Yeah, definitely. For how many bells you got. But you also have, like, slightly different thing, because at least Iโ€”this doesn't happen to me, but there's not an intense, like,
there's not a sexualization of voice actors as much. In my case, I do know that there are a lot of voice actresses that people come up and they do the same exact thing. They're like, they talk to him as if they're the character. And if anyone ever comes up to me like, it's nice to meet you, Vegeta, I go like, well, you know, I'm not really Vegeta. I'm actually the voice of Vegeta, but I don't even bore you next time I see him. But yeah, okay.
It's normally okay. It's just hard and especially on a convention level where it's like I'm in a painful costume, my wig hurts, my contacts hurt. I don't โ€“ I can only do this for so long and I try. I do my best. I like being Nami. I like beingโ€ฆ
whatever. I have like Bulma tattoos. So if I'm wearing something, people are like, I really like your tattoo and start talking to me about Goku. I'm like, it's not who's on my arm. But yeah, thank you. Just awkward conventions breed a weird kind of parasocial relationship that you just kind of have to accept when you go into them. And it's normally all right. Sometimes it's not. It just really is a dice roll. I love conventions. I've been going for a decade now.
I'm well trained in my field of what I do, but it can be so much sometimes. You've seen how Thai cosplay has really been elevated to a place where it actually really is significant on a much larger level than it used to be. It always was there. It was always cosplay guests, but they were treated
They weren't treated the same as other people. No, it was kind of like Artist Alley. They're putting the dealers to do their little thing and dress up over there, but they weren't seen as little celebrities, which most of them kind of are at this point with social media. You have people who are pushing more followers than some of your voice actors you have or some of your actual actors.
because it's a skill and it's a talent and like I respect that. I respect the heck out of it. It's just I see it now where like you're really getting like serious presence and that's great. And sometimes up in the conventions where they'll have like
20, 30 cosplayers all in a row. It's crazy. And everyone's great. So many skills wrapped up in one, because it's not just making a costume. It's, are you sewing it? Did you style the wig? Are you taking your own photos? Are you modeling? Are you managing your own social media? There's people that have whole teams for that, and then this person did it all on their own. And that's what's most admirable to those guests.
But I'm going to guess that if you're anything like me, you probably actually like it when somebody comes up to talk about the craft of what you've done rather than necessarily, hey, look, you're Bulma. Some of those like, oh, hey, how did you make that? What is that made out of? Whatever. That's got to be actually kind of the fun part of it.
too by expressing the crafting that goes into it. Yeah, that's my favorite part. I really like being acknowledged for the work that goes into it. Level up, I have five more costumes to finish by next week. So I've been working with 3D printed parts all day and putting so much effort into them that it's like, if someone doesn't tell me my helmet looks cool, I might cry. If someone doesn't tell me my climate act looks cool, I might cry.
because it's like all of my costumes are so big I'm driving down so I can bring all of my big costumes it's like please just ask me about how I sold this harness at least once I'm begging 3d printing must have just changed your industry incredibly like
Absolutely. Yeah, I bought my files and then my friend printed them for me and I'm doing chainsaw

Cosplay and Costume Creation

man. So we have a huge helmet that we had to do. I'm doing the bomb version. So I have like an atom bomb helmet that I printed. My NAMI stuff is 3d printed. So I have my log pose and my climate act all done.
I swear with Chainsaw Man, they were just like, screw you cosplayers. Yeah. Try this one. Yeah. I feel bad for people who have to do that cosplay because it looks really, really difficult to wear.
Yeah, our first helmet didn't print right is too small. And the file I use I don't think is very cosplay friendly. It looks like it's more like as a prop. So I'm just gonna glue that together and call it good. And it's almost done. I just it's a lot. It's a lot because I do my own costumes and then I do commissions for my partner. So I make huge costumes for him as well.
So it's simultaneous. It's cool. My two daughters love cosplay. They'd love to get dressed up to good conventions. I think I see in them when people ask me, why do these people all dress in costume? I'm like, because it's really fun. Even if you don't understand what cosplaying is, it's like Halloween. But on a longer, you get to do it all day. It's really fun for people.
Lately, my oldest, she's 12, she's really into, I introduced her to Horizon Zero Dawn. Because I was playing through it and I realized this game is actually, the Aloy character is really a great character. She's like a perfect
A perfect warrior where they didn't try to make her sound too tough and they didn't try to make her too sexy. And immediately both my daughters gravitated. They love the character, they've hardly played the game, and they're obsessed with Aloy already. They think she's awesome. Aloy's so cool. Parker knows a cosplayer that built a whole Aloy costume for Horizon for the new release. Yeah, one of the girls I went to middle school.
Bella, it's HalseyBella. Her and I went to middle school and we're very close. It's also, they shared a costume with Rain Emery on TikTok and Instagram, but they did a commission for, media-wise, for Horizon Zero Dawn and PlayStation to do those costumes.
OK, yeah, I contacted somebody because my daughter's birthday was coming up and she was going to be going to a convention with me. I thought I'd surprise her with like an Aloy costume. But I mean, I it was like almost a month and a half ago because I thought, well, that's got to be enough time. Right. But it's I didn't factor in the fact that like they that you all get requests from people. That's like you're a store that you are you're you know, you're a
I don't know, your blacksmith of cosplay stuff. And so they're like, I would do it, but I just don't know if I would have time to do it between now and then.
It should take someone like a month or two for a full costume. I don't do that. I'm really bad at giving myself deadlines. And I rush things. Like I'm doing Nami's Onigashima outfit. I don't know if you actually are like watching One Piece on your own or anything, but it's the one in the red that she's currently wearing in the newest Japanese episodes.

Anime Preferences and Trends

And it's like the red one with the armor and...
It's huge and it's taken me three days total working time because I'm not kidding myself any time whatsoever.
Is it kind of like I'm looking at it now? Is it kind of like a samurai kind of looking armor? Yeah, and I'm doing it the traditional way. So I have real knots on it and then I'm tying in like my bottom panels. So that way it will look super cool. That's really cool. I'm wearing nami all weekend next week, except for my one chainsaw mande. Chainsaw mande? Chainsaw mande. Yeah, I have not. There's no way to watch. There is no way to kind of catch up. I was like, I'll watch one piece.
Eventually, and then it just kind of got behind me. And I'm like, I don't have, I just don't have time. When you do watch animes, do you watch it in dub or sub? Or do you watch, if you're in it, are you able to watch with your own voice? Or is it difficult? I'm really bad at watching stuff I've done.
I'm too critical and it's just really weird. I can do it and if I have to listen to an episode or I'm having to review something, it's fine. I'm very picky about my own work. But watching dubbed anime, sometimes I actually end up
Like, I find myself like, oh, what actor is that? Like, who do they use for that? Like, oh, that's an interesting way they did this. So I start thinking about the, it's just, it kind of ruined it because I think shop the whole time. Yeah. Yeah, it's all the inside baseball. I never, I would have told you a year ago that I really actually don't watch dubs that much because I was always interested in kind of hearing the Japanese version of it.
I also didn't watch a lot of TV. So a year ago or so, a year or two ago, I was very strategic about what I would watch because I never had enough time. But lately, I've actually been doing this thing that I think most people do is leaving stuff on in the background while I'm doing other things. And you can't do that subtitle content. And so that's where the dubs actually became really useful to me. So I've watched
like a lot of series dubbed that I wouldn't have otherwise watched, probably. And I've come to really enjoy them because they're getting really good. People are really putting a lot of care into them, you know? I'm really curious, what is the role that you are least recognized for at conventions for anime? Because you're much obscure.
for anime. Wait, which one? What were you saying? Munch? I said Mr. Munch, yeah. Oh no, I'm big with that one kid. Um, just that one. Uh, let's see.
I mean, what's weird is that for the longest time of all the main character, main cast people I've done, Zora was the one that people came up for the least. It wasn't until there was a worldwide pandemic that people had enough time to watch One Piece. And then finally, everybody loves One Piece now, everybody. If you've been to it for a long time, maybe you're actually a little mad because now it's becoming the thing that everybody's watching.
There's a bunch of shows that I have loved that I wish more people had seen, just for dumb reasons. I love the weirder ones I've been in. Justin Briner and I were the first voices in the first episode of Pop Team Epic. I don't know if you've heard of it. Yeah. Yes. And then Ian Sinclair and I do the Bob Epic Team. Anytime it's the two weirdly drawn ones that are super bizarre, we do those each week that it was on.
And there was another show I did that I loved called Ninja Slayer. I don't know if you ever saw that one. No. See, I'm a visual learner. She's got a type every episode. Me too. And Ninja Slayer was an anime that was based on, it was based on a graphic novel, like these graphic novels that were just beautiful, like they're really stunning looking. However, these weird, these kind of
weird animators got a hold of it. And the thing about them is they pretended to be actual ninjas, but they said they were from America. And I think it was all this just persona that they had.
Instead of it looking like this gorgeous, beautiful anime, it was super bizarre. When they would fight, the characters sort of lift up in 2D, and then their feet would just hit each other like this, and then they would explode into real flames. And it was super, super weird. And any time the ninja slayer would meet an enemy, he would say, Domo, or whatever. And they'd say, Domo, he goes, recite to me your death haiku. And then they would,
And then they would say, I won't do that, man. I would never do a haiku. I won't do that right now or whatever. And they would accidentally say a haiku and then they would explode or whatever. It's super, super weird. And I am pretty sure nobody ever saw it. And the director was Tyler Walker. And I think we did a director commentary on it one time. And I think we came up with an email address that says, I actually listened to the extra features.
of DemonSlayer at or something like that. And we never checked it. But I was pretty sure that nobody ever watched it, especially wouldn't watch the extra features of it. But if you could find it. That's incredible. I'll try. I'll look for it. You should. I'll put my time into it. And the next time I'm on your podcast, because I got to come back. Absolutely. I just have to keep coming back, because I like you. We'll just do a check-in. Yes. Like, I'll just check in with you guys every now and then. Oh, we definitely can.
Yeah, we're friends now. We're all friends. Yeah. Oh my god, we're there. Wow. Wow. I just realized it was my full name on here. Wow. I didn't do my last name off. Oops. It's OK. Don't mind me.
It won't show for anyone else, but let's see. I'm trying to look at our time and look at what our questions are. It looks like we're a little bit close on both unless you do want to go a little over. What's up to you? I don't want to rush out of here. We can chat a little bit longer. We'll be good. Chris, I did want to let you know in chat, I dropped that cosplayer that Park snows and her Aloy cosplays. You can show your daughter. I am a visual learner too.
So I'm wondering if it's the same person I reached out to. And she was also a guest at FanX last year. OK, this is not the person I reached out to, but it is. I might have actually seen this cosplay. Were they featured in the extra kind of the like extra feature thing of the game? Yeah, I think so. It was on the PSN network and there was like this. Not for the last game, but for the new one for Forbidden West, I believe they were.
I've seen her. Do you know what's weird? She looks so much... Do you guys know an actor named Troy Baker by any chance? Yeah, I know of him. I don't know. Yes. I mean, this means nothing to anybody, but she looks so much like his wife. Anyway, that's crazy. Sorry. If you're watching this, Troy, because I know you do. You follow everything that I do, Troy. Looks like Pam. All right. Sorry.
Troy, if you listen to this, you want to be on here too. It was a good friend, but he's also, and I'm sure you have plenty of these good friends. He's a good friend of mine that you aren't always sure if he's ever going to text you back sometimes. Oh yeah, totally. My friend is such a whirlwind. It's not because I don't want to get back to you. It's just, I don't do it. If I don't do it at that moment, I'm going to forget. Yeah, totally.
I have those friends, but then they'll like show up again in the group chat and be like, I was just in Mexico for two weeks. What's up? Like, Oh, okay. I'm glad you're here now. It's funny. I, I'm not like that. I'm always here. I'm connected to my phone at all times, which I don't love, but it's okay. It's cool if I call you nebs. Absolutely. Okay. Good. Um, when you watch people who do like,
like board game content. They have to have like a wall of board games behind them. Can you not be taken seriously as a cosplayer unless you have like
my sewing machine. I've got like all my crap that I'm working on back there too. Oh yeah, I just got him in the mail. So I have little Piccolo and the driving instructor. He's the best one. Piccolo was good and unboxed him. Yeah, I had to set him free. I can't keep him in the box.
Piccolo was the first Dragon Ball character I ever saw as a kid, and I fell in love with him. Aw, he's such a dad, too. He's so good. I'm assuming you saw the new movie, right? Absolutely. Yes. I loved him in that. He was amazing in that. It was probably one of my favorite movies. A lot of people were like, Broly was better, but it's like, I don't care. I'm not here for that. I'm here for this comedy hour of it. Yeah. The relationship between him and Piccolo, sorry, him and Gohan were so good.

Dragon Ball Character Relationships

I loved it.
I loved him being a grandpa to Pan. I loved all of it. It was my favorite. That's why I love Dragon Ball not for all the big fight scenes so much. For that, I like the animation, but not the storytelling. I love the character storytelling of Dragon Ball as a whole. And I feel like that's what Parks and I really bonded over was specifically those characters and liking the interactions much more than the Shonen type of stuff. We wanted to see how he carries on with Gohan through the years.
like Vegeta's relationship with Trunks and how that evolves. And that's the part of Dragon Ball that just steals my heart every time. And Goku's lack of character development in any sort of way whatsoever. I'm a defender. I think Goku is a good dad. I think he's done the best he could in any situation for his family. Anyone who's like, he doesn't love Chichi, Chichi's bossy, whatever. It's like, you don't have media literacy.
Please understand that he loves his family so much. He just doesn't understand what that emotion is because he didn't have father figure to help him. Right. Please. Although with that said, he's pretty... I sometimes think that his desire to fight the strongest person is
Kind of unhealthy. Sometimes I do wonder, yes, Chi-Chi is... I'm sure he really likes Chi-Chi. Maybe he loves Chi-Chi if he even knows really what that means, but I think he only really loves to fight the strongest person. To steal my partner's word for it, he says Goku is fight sexual and nothing else. Yeah, that makes sense. I don't wanna be...
I don't want to dog him, but it is really funny. So many times in the series where Goku comes back and Gohan's like, dad! And he just walks right past him, he's like, what's happening, Vegeta?
They're platonic soulmates, you can't get between them. But I don't know, I read the manga and right now it's like, okay, we're going to finally give Bardock some information and humble Goku on what emotions are. But it's like, this is two decades after the fact and we're finally teaching him like, hey, your dad also had feelings, you can too.
That's a good point. I mean, he just, yeah, he was raised in the woods and he fell on his head. And so he has a brain injury. He doesn't know. He's just a little... Just has a little brain injury. Nothing wrong with that. He could be so much worse. Thank God this is... He could be so much worse. That's true. That's true. I mean, at least he... Well, he wasn't necessarily as sexist as Vegeta was. And for the longest time, I actually kind of leaned into that sexism because I thought it was...
I thought it was really funny how he just was so clueless about it and how terrible he was about it. And it made his relationship with Bulma when he finally kind of did admit that he loved her, that he stands up for her, that made it even sweeter, right? And then he's the guy who tries to be hard, but his family crushes him, sort of. He's got a love for his family that's much more obvious than Goku's.
That's the only reason I think that Vegeta gets all that credit or Piccolo gets all the credit for being the best dad. Yeah. He's the dad that stepped up. Right? Yeah. You could be someone's Piccolo if you want. Yeah. Everyone needs a Piccolo stepdad sometimes. Man, once the last time you went back and watched Dragon Ball, like the original. I'm currently watching it right now. Yeah.
is held up surprisingly well. It's really good. I like it. Yeah. I just got to the part where Chi Chi says, are you going to think about me again? And Goku's like, well, yeah, aren't you going to think about me? And I just, oh, I melt every time. They're so cute. Before we had to push Goku that way.
There were some jokes, like I almost wish in some ways we could do a Dragon Ball Kai, where we went back and actually dubbed it the way it was really written. Um, cause there's some, there's some dicey characters in that that we kind of like just glazed right over. Like the, especially like it was like general commander, like general blue.
Do you remember that scene where he finds the boy or whatever? That was really creepy, man. Anyway, we won't get into that right now. That's OK. Save it for next time you're on the pod. Yeah, that's right. That's right. We'll go more in-depth with the weirdness of original Dragon Ball. I'll leave you with one, not leave you, but I'll tell you one dark thing real quick that's in the new movie, right?
And this is just in case anybody hears this podcast and then wants to go. I'm sure that Dragon Ball Super superhero will be out on video sometime soon or like in streaming or something at some point. There's this scene where like Gohan is flying to a location to get somebody so I don't spoil it. But there's a scene where he's like in a plane heading somewhere because
And then he, kind of the bad guys in the plane with him, and he's like, there's the person I'm looking for. And then he jumps out of the plane, and then the plane explodes, right? And it's the last we hear of whoever it was that was piling on that plane. And because I watched this frame by frame recording everybody, there's a scene later, I don't know if you've noticed, but when they're all kind of standing on the stairs,
like Pan picks up his glasses. She like finds them on the ground, like super dark. No, I noticed that. Since I'm watching One Piece, I'm currently at Whole Kick Island. It's like I mark every single time someone should be dead.
And so when I went into see superhero, I was like, we killed that guy. That guy is gone. He's so dead because I love tracking like background characters of like, did we just like leave him there?
It's really funny to me. I'm obsessed with that too. I've always thought it'd be a really funny short film to do nothing but cut to people that are dealing with a cleanup of some sort of mess. And then it's revealed at the end of the short film that they're just like all the people who got their
their fruit cart smashed open in the chase scene or whatever. Like when they're driving the cars and they hit the person who's walking across with his little thing of eggs and they get smashed. I feel sad for all those people. I need like the man of steel cut where we saw everybody that actually died during that movie. Yes. All the car crashes and stuff that you don't pay attention to because someone's just flipped a bus upside down or whatever. Anyway.
No, I love that. It's kind of why I like Invincible when Invincible was animated, because it's like, I love consequences. Invincible and the Boys, too, reminds me of, like, kind of loves that, too.
I love the boys, but I'll watch Zorro do a whole thing. It's like he, he killed those guys. Those Marines didn't have names. You see in the opening of like any of them, honestly, and like Luffy will do an elephant gun into the boat and the Marine boat will explode on the ocean. It's like those guys don't live. They don't exist anymore. No, it's yeah. I like have you been keeping like a kill count on him? Do you just kind of estimate his kill count at this point?
I can't. They don't tell me how many Marines are on a battleship. And I don't know if they're like admiral battleships or normal battleships, so I can't keep an accurate number. Canonically, Luffy's killed no one. If I wouldn't get in trouble, I could probably go to the director and say, hey, can I have the episode cast list real quick?
because that's the curse of working on One Piece as a director, is that it'll have the main cast, a bunch of random characters that you weren't expecting to be in it, and then Pirate A through Double Z, and then Marine A through Triple C or whatever. There's just a billion of them. They all have to have a...
Well, it's funny because you can tell Frankie's Japanese voice actor is so prominent. You can tell when he's Bon Clay and then you can tell when they reuse him again for nameless characters because Frankie's not in the scene. You should be like, that's him. That is Frankie. I can hear him. Yeah, I feel like in the Japanese version, the sub, they just reuse everybody a lot. Like that was Zoro talking right now. Baby Sanji is Chopper.
Oh, I guess so. Yeah, which is ironic because baby Zorro is Chopper in the dub. Like, because I think Breena plays Kid... She plays Kid Zorro. They're both Chopper at this point. Right, duh. Duh. What was it? Oh, yeah, I was just thinking about this, because I was actually talking to Ian Sinclair today. He's the voice of Brooke. And...
I was talking about the Japanese version of it in this subtitled original Japanese version. I actually have a hard time sometimes knowing whether Zoro or Sanji is talking. Like their voices sound so similar to me that sometimes I don't know actually which one was talking. That's why I have to watch the dub. I have such a hard time differentiating the voices and sub.
I can't watch One Piece dubbed because I feel like I only like the voices of the straw hats. It's a thing on me. It's just hard to see the overacting in Japanese and then come over and it's like,
completely, a little played down sometimes. It's just on me totally. But there are certain ones where like Eric Vail's Sanji, I can't hear anything but trunks. It's just trunks to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear you. It's not like I don't try and I love it. He signed my raid suit can because I've gotten prints from him for my Sanji stuff, whatever. I adore his Sanji and I love watching the One Piece movies and dubs. I just cannot watch the main series and it's really hard for me to separate some voices I've heard.
Well, I'm not offended because the voice of Luffy in Japan is one of my favorite voice actors of all time. She is so amazing. She's incredible. And she's the voice of Krillin in Dragon Ball Z. And I'd always loved Krillin's Japanese voice, too. She's brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
I love it. I think Sonny's voice is my favorite USAP more than Krillin. I think I like his USAP more than Krillin. I also love his Krillin. I just also think he's the perfect USAP. You should have Sonny join you.
If I can get to his agent, I would. I am his agent. Are you? I am today. I'll message him and say you should do the podcast. He's one of the kindest, most genuine, amazing people and such a great artist and such a good dude. I follow him on TikTok. I'm all over it. I'm just very embarrassed to reach out sometimes. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'm the one with the business degree. If you want to send me in my information, I'll get everybody on here.
I'll I'll get him like if he's available I'll be I'll get him to do it he's I got an open calendar okay anytime to remind me of that actually if you don't hear from me email me and say Chris you didn't
Pass us on to Ian, pass us on to Sunny, get us around. You should do this podcast. Oh my gosh. Okay. So done networking. Wow. Thank you. Amazing. And then he's going to reply, which podcast and then I'll remember to get back to him. You'll see it in two weeks when we get back from level up.
I have a recording session, believe it or not, in 15 minutes, so I probably need to wrap up. Then let's wrap up and let you go. No, you're totally fine. We went over the time you gave us, and I appreciate that. I went over it willingly. Yeah, we should every second.
Before you run off, is there anything that you want to plug or any social media or anything you're working on? I know I just listened to you in Sky Brother Force, if there's anything like that that's kind of floating around that you wanted to mention. That happened over the pandemic. I completely forgot that I was part of that. Like, that was a really fun. That was a cool project. Loved it. I just started working on a new Gundam anime that's out.
I don't know if it's been announced, but I am working on another show that's pretty interesting at Funimation that's happening this season. I don't want to say anything in case I'm not supposed to. Just in case, yeah. Yeah. Let's see, still working on One Piece, forever. It's cool we're doing batch releases now. Yeah, true. They're doing batch releases. I mean, my hope is that someday there'll just be a singularity. Yeah.
One day, like maybe we'll be recording at almost the same time. That would be so crazy. If we get off that damn roof, you'll catch up. Right? You're not that far anymore. I think it's only about 50 or 60 episodes until we're there. Oh, man. And the Wano Arc is literally everything. It's everything everyone told me it was going to be. It's so beautiful. It's so amazing. It's so cool. Zorro, I mean, if you don't like Zorro, you will after the Wano Arc, for sure. Love it.
Oh, Sunny goes, yeah, what's it called? Oh my god. Awesome. Well, when we hop off this call, I will email you all of our information so you can send it to Sunny. But thank you so much, Chris, for this. This is truly a dream come true. Hold on, before we finish this off, just so we can keep our video file all the same, can you hurry and drop where we'll find you on everything?
Oh, let's see. I have to remember this. Oh, yeah. Drop that first. In Instagram, it's like Christopher Sabat. I'm really great at promoting myself. Christopher Sabat at I'm joking. Christopher Sabat on Instagram. And then just Chris Sabat on Twitter, although I've been avoiding
I just haven't been really good at social media in general for a while and Twitter just became the really weird place to hang out now. It's almost like that part where the party gets like a bit too weird and you're like, okay, I think I'm gonna go home early for a little bit because I don't even know what you're talking about right now.
Oh my gosh. And so I just wanted to leave before the cops got called, you know? I gotta go. This is gonna be awkward call. And I was actually really sad about the Twitter thing. I feel like there's gonna be a really interesting biopic about

Speculation on Elon Musk's Data Collection

Elon Musk eventually, because I think that's the most expensive joke he ever made. And it's still going. This bit won't end. It won't end. But I do have a theory as a guy who loves science that there is something behind it too, because he already... Tesla is, even though I love his rockets and I really love his cars, I love his cars.
he, what he is more than anything is like a data company. Like all those cars have all those cameras and all those cameras provide all this data. And he has so much data that he has all of the location data in the, like more location data in the world. And now he will have location and personality data. And so he'll be able to make his, like probably the most impressive thing that he's ever made is probably the robot that runs the Gigafactory in Austin is like this,
super high-tech kind of robot that will eventually be the president of the United States, I'm sure. I'll be so happy for it when it does. Yeah, I'll cheer for it. I'll vote for it. Sonny, I said it's called Nebula and Parks, which I hope that is the name, it's not the reverse. He goes, I love Nebula.
There you go. Amazing. I don't know if he knows you. I think he may have just been talking about the astrological phenomenon. He might be. It's fine. We'll get to see him.
OK, cool. I'll give him a go. It is so cool to talk to you. I am going to follow up or follow up with me, and I'd love to be on again. It's good talking. We'll see you next week. Absolutely. Yeah, we'll come say hi. That's right. That's right. And because we're really good friends now, would you please just like, maybe you don't have to put this on the podcast or whatever, but just come up and say hi. Like, come up and wave at Francesca.
or you can come up on my side, like the exit or whatever and just say, cool. And then I'll take care of you from there because I know you're going to be busy.
No, you're, it's a, we'll be free. You'll be, you'll be the busy one. We have an open schedule. And there's sub squad, you get benefits, you know, like you, you get front of line passes. That's just how it works. Oh my gosh. Amazing. Thank you. Sure. We'll let you go. You can just close out any time, but thank you so much for being here. It's very appreciated and we're super happy to see you next week. Thank you. I'll talk to you all soon.
Um, thank you for listening to our episode. Um, you can find me on Twitter at little light B Instagram at crown guard cosplay and I don't know anywhere else. Um, you can find our podcast at slash fandames spotify as fandames part with parks and nebula where you're listening to this now probably and Twitter and Instagram at fandames.
Nebula, where can I find you? You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at nebula underscore inky and just one addendum. It's slash fandamespod. What did I say? Just fandames. Shit.
You'll find us, if you're not listening to this on Spotify, then you're listening to this on Patreon already. Like, I don't know. Yeah. And if you are listening to it on Spotify, you can get a video version of this on Patreon. And you can see Chris's beautiful face. You can see his glorious, beautiful face and his voluptuous beard that he said he should have shaved and I strongly disagree. And our really cool matching one-piece shirts. Yeah, for sure. Very cool.
Thanks for letting us have an extra snail in the ear hole today or this weekend, a week? I don't know what I'm saying to you anymore. Thanks for letting us have another snail in the ear hole. It's appreciated. And I guess stick around for when we get Ian Sinclair and fucking Sunny Straight on the podcast. I guess that's happening for us now. Oh my God.
Thanks, guys. Also, if you look in the description of this, we'll put the Galaxy 500 for you so you can watch the Chris singing in the fucking Chuck E. Cheese video. Charles Entertainment Cheese himself. Pizza rat. Pizza rat. All right. Love you all. Goodbye.