Introduction of Hosts and Guest Colleen
Welcome back to the Sleepover Podcast. This is Fandames with Parks and Nebula. I am the voice of Nebula. I'm the voice of Parks, who previously bitched about it. Okay, well, that's fine.
And we have a beautiful voice guest with us today. Beautiful guest voice. Would you introduce yourself?
Colleen's Career and Podcasting Journey
Hi, my name's Colleen, aka Nerns. That's me. That's my voice.
And that's all you are. You don't do anything cool. no i don't do anything. You don't yet. No other lead-ins, you know. yeah so For those of us who do not know you as intimately as Neb and I, would you like to introduce yourself for what you like to do? bet. What we know you for.
um So I have a very boring day job, but the cool thing I do is that I am a current writer and former editor of the satire site The Hard Times. It is The Onion for Punk Music. I have been writing there since 2021 and edited for about two and a half years.
Just kind of step back from that because it takes a lot of time. And I am also the co-host of the podcast Transylvaniacs, which is... a podcast looking at Dracula adaptations, which we have been well-fed recently on that regard.
Feasting, yeah you will. If there was ever a time to drop every single vampire-related media, it's right now for you. Right now. For me specifically.
Humorous Discussion on Grooming Products
now. But yeah, I'm super happy to say hi you guys. I know Parks and Neb because we met on the internet.
As you tend to meet on the internet. ah Everything is an internet lead-in. Everything in my brain is internet. I don't know. I can't get away. um i'm said I'm pitching this now because I had it, but never let me do a work day before we record because um I really thought like, i you know, when it's a recording day, I try to think a little bit like, what should we talk about? Because it's, you know, no scripts, but if I want something, I definitely want to bring up. yeah um So what I wrote down during work was we aren't sponsored, so I can say this, but why isn't there a female equivalent to Manscaped?
And I do not mean for razors with the same aggressive levels of marketing. I mean, like the same level of just utterly cutting up your nuts. Why don't we have a razor that specializes in just fucking our shit up? And I took a shower before recording. i was like, there's no way for me to naturally work this in.
um So that's why I just gave you the lead in of reading it from my phone. um No good way. But why don't we have that? Is it like...
Customer Service Challenges at a Spa
Misogyny at its most insidious.
Genuinely, yes. And I wanted to leave that in. And I wanted to try to get it out of my system before we recorded, but because of Neb's um utter technical failures, it's staying in the episode um about how much the internet has poisoned me in terms of like, what what's a man well how can we work a Manscaped ad into this? I go to Target. How can we work like an ad into this?
How can we loop this back to the internet? Just absolutely destroying your ball sack. Yeah, just straight up. Shred it. Genuinely, yes. um I think it's fucked up that we don't get to shred up our ball sacks. That was my thought of the day. That's what I'm bringing into this podcast, and that's the energy we will maintain throughout, at least on my side.
ah Completely unprompted, completely unrelated to anything else. Just needed to get my piece in. This is my stage. i get to come up and talk about shredding your balls. Yes. It's really funny that you say that because I took a shower right before recording and I have a fun new electric razor and was like, I'll trim up the bikini line. That's fine.
and It chewed the hell out of my skin. Shredded. So, you know, maybe there is a female equivalent. Maybe we're cooking. Who cares? I'm trying to think of what we could name it that's like equivalently...
Like hyper femme as I put like Manscaped is so like, this is the thing you use for your butthole. And I feel like we need a a super shitty girly like a Venus ad circa 2002. You know what I mean?
that So the one that I use is called Bush Bomb, so I think we need something like Bush Buddy or something equally stupid. Well, it's like, even Venus is low-key buying into that, because I sent Gavin on a quest to get razors, and I just need the sensitive ones, you know?
um Waving my finger like you can see it. But um I needed just the sensitive, normal, great ones. Awesome. He comes back with the purple pearl four times, like, what the fuck does that mean?
and What like does that mean all? It's $17. I hate it. I hate the pink tax. I will kill whoever made the pink tax. Let that thing die.
Language Learning and Cultural Exchanges
I used to work at ah at a spa.
I worked at a couple spas, but um the main spot that I worked at is I used to live in in Columbus, Ohio. um I was paying my debt to society. Columbus is actually like completely fine, but I lived there for about four years, and for like a year or so toward the end of me living there, I worked at this super...
crunchy like holistic spa that was located in this like pretty much an old mansion. So it was a dope setup because I had all these, you know, all the bedrooms were like turned into like massage and service rooms. um But as a result, I got to know a lot of estheticians and and waxers and all that.
And there was a girl there um who was truly amazing, first of all. She could do a full re Brazilian in 15 minutes. I'm not kidding. Jesus. Like that that, she was organized. She was efficient.
And she would also do her own by standing over a mirror. And I was like, you're built different. Isn't that crazy? If I possessed that ability, I would do it. But not only am I not that coordinated, I don't trust myself to cause like
Regional Grocery Chains and Cultural Differences
some sort of serious injury.
That's a really embarrassing hospital trip for me. I barely trust myself to shave my bikini line now. Like, what do you I have to like step out of the the shower and put my glasses on.
okay that's cute. I've cut myself once in a sensitive way and I will never return to it, ever. I get so scared. If I try to do my armpits and it feels a little too dry, I give up. I'm i'm done, we're gonna come back to it later. i am easily frightened by how bad I can cut myself.
um Could never be me. I waxed my mustache once when I was 16. Wow, horrible. I feel like I genuinely made my mustache 10 times worse and I have to actually maintain it now. Hate that. I hate it. i hate having to, you know, do the whole thing. I could never imagine waxing myself more sensitively.
We all have kind of stashed energy, I feel like. I don't, I, I, like as probably, Italian and or Mediterranean and Relisha people. My greasy Italian father. Yeah, exactly. Hairy bitch is I picked up all of my mom's jeans except for my dad's greasy Italian hair.
Thank you, father. that. Doesn't.
I'm nothing fancy. I just got dark ass hair. Yeah, it'd be like that. It'd be like that. Um, yeah, dude, that was a ah crazy job too, because like, you realize very quickly, and I'm sure both of you know that like any sort of customer service is nightmarish.
But when you're working in like a personal services industry, it gets very sensitive very fast. And even in a place as chill as a spa, you would be like shocked how completely bananas people get.
oh yeah, I worked healthcare. care um And by healthcare, care I mean, I was putting in people's catheters and it's like, hey, um intermittent cathing, you're awake right now. small talk.
ah Like how do you wanna do this? um So I know, I know full well. I still get embarrassed when I go to like get a massage. It's like, take everything off that you're comfortable with. I'm like, do you want my pants on? Like what do you want? I'm gonna leave my jeans on under the massage table. I've done it, I've been there.
Like are you sure it's what you want? No. no and now thank you thank god Can I have another minute? Thank you.
Pittsburgh's Cultural Identity
um Yeah, I know it full well. but We had this lady one time. Oh, sorry. Thanks for entertaining my reel.
Oh, no problem. ah This lady one time who... um would like insist on coming in every Christmas Eve. And I don't even know if we were open, but she did it so much and she would book like a whole day and it was decent money. So of course that made somebody like at least two people have to work Christmas Eve, which is annoying.
But there was the one year I had to work it when I was at the front desk, um, there was something went wrong and we were like delayed and giving her service. And she had like a complete fucking meltdown and straight up pulled the like ruining Christmas thing. And I was like,
All right, so um I'm making $10 an hour. do not get paid enough to care, lady. Yeah, yeah, rough. And also, like, you...
yeah Yeah, you're ruining our Christmas if you want to be real about it. Correct. Correct. Oh my fucking god. i know. That sucks. I'm taken aback by the entitlement of like, I need everything.
What is going on on her Christmas day that she needs a full fucking rundown Christmas Eve? like Yeah, exactly. I'm like, are you going on vacation? Like, you got your hot date? Like, what's happening here? Well, it's like, going on vacation, do this on your fucking vacation. Right.
She's going on cruise, dude on the damn cruise. Shit. i hate cruise I hate cruise people. I could never be a cruise person. What do you mean you're a dedicated cruise person and you're going like every other month? You're nuts. Fuck that. That's too scary. No, that's weird. That's a weird time. i don't like
Religious Community and Linguistic Quirks
Right? i I've never been on one, so maybe I'm like talking from a place of envy where like, I just can't get how you could be on like a trip all the time. um Fuck you. How can you just be on a boat all the time? That's what it is for me. I need to touch the ground, please.
And like I know they they like dock and go off and do stuff, but yeah, I'm a little weirded out from cruises also from like a hygienic standpoint, because I feel like anything where there's close quarters in water is like a recipe for a disaster.
like I don't know if all of us went to college, but if you've ever had some sort of communal like shower slash bathroom situation, you know that shit is stanky. That is not normal. You gotta put your shoes on or you come out ringworm.
Straight up parasites in the dorm shower. Ew! It's like going to the nastiest gym of all time. o Gross. Gross. I want to give a small shout out and apology to our editor because my microphone is like fucked apparently. smack And I keep trying to adjust the gain and it's just like not cooperating at all in the slightest. So i don't I'm sorry, Ryan.
I'm trying really hard, bud. Another recording where I get a pat on the back for the best fucking audio. Another one for me. Oh no. w So hard carrying this weight.
I steal my wife's microphone. I bought, I bought a new one on the internet and it's very cute. And I primarily bought it because it's cute, but it's pink. And I'm like, that's really cute. And then I did one episode with it and I was like, this sounds like dog shit. And I never, never used it again.
That's how i feel about those clothes on TikTok shop where they're like, I bought this microphone ah for 30 cents. It's so good. It's like, you're fucking lying! You're lying. You running it through 50 audio filters, you are hanging by a thread to make that shit work. You are liars!
I hate it. I hate those hoes on TikTok shop. I've been scammed. I bought one thing on TikTok shop. i was like, I'll try it. Why not? They sent me an empty fucking box. oh Incredible.
i will I will say that is like a complete unknown world to me is that I never had TikTok. Oh my God. You're not missing a single fucking thing. Everything on TikTok shop. Parker's obsessed. I'm not. um I've been doing really good since the band because I don't fall into propaganda.
um good i just ah Which is the whole, we nix politics from this, but I'm not stupid enough to, you know, not see the pattern of dick sucking that's currently occurring. right And I don't fuck with that, okay? the dick sucking Ouroboros, if you will. I will not fucking keep sucking the same dick as the guy who's like, we should get rid of this. i so I'm not stupid, I can smell the shit.
So I've been really good about staying the fuck off TikTok. And
Exploration of Mormon Culture
that's good for growth for me. Because I used to have like 12 hours a day screen time. Not just on TikTok, but like in general. ah I'm addicted to my phone. I'm too scared to look at what mine is. It's probably not as bad.
but I used to be in perfect denial. used to be in perfect denial about it. And Gavin's like, how long you been on your phone today? Let's check. I'm like, we don't need to do that. We don't need to check. Why would we check? It's bad.
It's bad. But I've been trying to pick Duolingo instead. And I got everybody else on the Duolingo train. Every single person. um but My mom put me on her family plan because me and Gavin are going to Japan later this year.
And I told um our friend group, mine and Ebs, hey guys, a family plan's fucking awesome, because it's unlimited hearts, you can just go do it, and it's six people for like 20 bucks each. They all got on a family plan immediately. They envy the family plan.
um So everyone is now addicted to Duolingo, and I'm a lazy fucking asshole, and I'm not doing mine, but they're all nudging me 24-7. And that's been keeping me off TikTok. Thank fucking god.
e Parker's mom put me on ah the family plan. So I don't have to say. That's so cute. Okay, so Parks, you're doing Japanese. Neb, you doing?
I'm also doing Japanese. Our friend group, like, all kind of ah made it a group New Year's resolution to try to learn Japanese, except for two of our friends that are learning Korean.
but That's cute. That's because one of them is Korean. Right. Yeah, we figured as long as we're all doing the same language, we can all, like, hold each other a little bit more accountable. Yeah. nice.
It's very nice. You need a buddy. I wish that maybe it would have been more helpful if we all did something that was, you know, more useful and dated, like, Spanish or something. But who cares? You know, we're having fun.
um There's no one more language above the other, like, something that I probably use on the daily because I live in Utah. But, like, who cares? Who cares? And, like, you're also going on a trip. Oh, yeah, go ahead, Nim. Yeah.
I, so I like have, um, my guest bathroom is all Studio Ghibli themed and all my posters, every time I go into that bathroom, they're all in Japanese. And so I'm now testing myself to read it every time and see if I can read it like super fast while I'm washing my hands or something.
So I don't know. Maybe I do use it every day. Not in a useful way, but I use it. It's like reading shampoo bottles. You also get the curse of knowledge with Japanese in particular because so much Americanized merch has Japanese on it, so once you know you're like, oh go god oh we're just oh god, it's all wrong. all wrong! Yep.
ye Ooh, I'm buying a sweatshirt that says shampoo, but we wrote it out like anime. Whoa. Oh, okay, yeah. I do not speak any language other than English. I did somehow, and I wish to it stayed in any part of my brain.
i took a lot of French in high school because I grew up in upstate New York like two hours from Montreal, so it was... ah relevant and there's a lot of French Canadian people in that area.
And I took it, I think from eighth grade through senior year. And then I went to college and they were like, wow, you sure did take a lot of French. So you qualify for 300 French.
That was incorrect. thought And I went to this class and there was no English spoken and and we were reading like philosophy. Like we're reading Voltaire in French.
And I'm like, Voltaire in English for a 17 year old is a touch challenging. um So I should have dropped it. And I think the professor should have been like, you should drop this. You should not be here.
um They fucking set you up for failure. They set me really hard, and I think I just convinced myself. I was like, no, everybody told me college was going to be hard, and you have to prove them wrong. You're not a quitter. You got to stick with it. And then proceeded to just eat shit this whole class. At one point, I turned in a quiz, and he looked at it and put a slash through it and pushed
Regional Accents and Cultural Differences
it back across the table.
um I did not wind up failing because I did try very hard, and I think he realized that it was not really... Not really my fault. So I think he gave me like a 2.5 or something, which, you know, is not good.
But considering how sort of utterly dog shit I was. Yeah, like I didn't, I didn't fail it. um and think i yeah that was probably the lowest grade I got in all of college. And it was my first. Just being like, what am I doing?
I wish I thought ahead because um when I was in middle school, i took an extended Chinese course. So I spoke Mandarin and then I did Mandarin choir, Mandarin theater, Mandarin just general culture for China, and then um Chinese cooking and culinary.
I did that for three total years. And then when I changed high schools, they didn't have Chinese, you know, in my high school. So I immediately went to the next best option, German. Three years of German.
like yeah None of it retained. yeah no i don't think it's the double dipping of like ah an Asian versus a you know non-Latin no nothing mixed. yeah Stupidest thing I ever did.
See, see i grew up, um, going to church with these two boys that were brothers and their parents, well, they were the pastor's kids. So they were like, nice you know, and, uh, they're, sorry, this a very convoluted way to get to like, I knew the two brothers, I know, I know, too so they were brothers.
They, their parents were like the overachiever types. Like you have to do everything. You have to be perfect at everything. And so they put them in whenever they were really little into, um English as a second language classes with Chinese immigrant children.
So they were learning English at the same time they were learning Mandarin with these kids and like helping the kids learn English. And when the kids taught them Mandarin and at one, I did not know this was even an option in Oklahoma, but apparently that is a thing that exists. That's crazy. Um, and too Then these boys, these random pasty ass white little pastor kid boys were so good at speaking Mandarin that by the time that they got to like sixth or seventh grade, they had to be bussed over to the best public high school class.
in the state to take chinese classes and then go back to the middle school and they did that to the point where they then had to be bused to a university to take the rest of their chinese classes when they were in high school because that's how good they were at it i have no idea who just shits out two little chinese prodigies great Like, I have no idea if they still use it. I think one of them went into, like, international business or something. As he should. So hope he still does.
But, like, it was the craziest thing ever. They were also both, like, violin and viola, like, whiz. They were just so good at that. This is religious grooming, but like in the most positive way. How the fuck do you like positive shit out a baby and make that thing the most perfect international businessman of all time?
know, they're as soon as you are born. Like, what the fuck? It was so, like, it was extremely impressive. They were incredibly, or I say were, they are incredibly intelligent guys. um One of them was a year younger than me, and the younger brother was like three or four years younger than me.
um And they were just- it was weird because it was like, you should have been Asian. Like, you're so good at a stringed instrument. You're so perfect at speaking Mandarin. You're so good at, like, all of your academics.
Impactful Films and Directors
you You got a full-ride, like, scholarship to your college, and you're just the whitest little mayoid I've ever This fucking Jaden Smith and Karate Kid when he gets over there, know Chinese already. You're like, What? why yeah how i feel that's some sort of like reincarnation that didn't go correctly like like of yeah like somebody literally chinese and then it and then be like wait a minute why is see why did i wind up as two white children who i really feel bad for in that family is the youngest brother because they have a there's a third brother
And he was born when the oldest was like 12 or 13. Like he was an unplanned baby. And so I don't think they still had those programs whenever it was his time to learn.
So I don't know what fun language he speaks or what cool instrument he plays. He's probably graduated high school by now, but like damn. By now? What the fuck? Well, because he was like 14 years younger than me.
No, 13 years younger than me. Okay, no, so he's probably still in high school. Yeah. That's tragic, though. yeah. It is tragic. Poor little baby boy. Poor little guy. i think that I would that's have the worst internal problems of all time if my brothers were Chinese worldwide businessmen making prodigies.
Yeah, what the fuck? Gun in my mouth. I can't do it. So yeah, there was a lot of lead-in, but you needed all of the information. I'm taken aback. I mean, Utah does that, but it's because most of the time, all of our language courses here are built around going on a mission.
You will go to a Spanish-speaking country, you will go to a Germanic country, you will go somewhere that we consider third world, or maybe you'll just go to fucking Washington. I don't know, you're lucky. Unclear. The infection's unclear. But every single- Deadass. They will put you in most random places, and watching people get their temple summons, like, I'm going to fucking Albuquerque! Oh...
Awesome. My uncle went to Oklahoma. Um, do you know how fake excited we had to be when he was like, going to Tulsa! Like, oh! Oh, Tulsa? Yeah, I think he was OKC, actually, but he did go back and forth to Tulsa, so, like, I don't fucking care or know. It's like, oh, you're going to teach white people about white people. That's dope.
Yeah, you came to Baptist Central to try and tell them you're going to join Mormonists. Didn't work. Um, but he's still Mormon, but, like, his mission was not that much. But... Every fucking... Because they do Spanish-speaking only missions. Right.
um Of course, they fail that because the fuck, it's a little but it's a bunch of like rich white kids. But every single language course here, based based on Utah curriculum, is kind of focused on like, how can I help you learn about Jesus? Do you want me to take in your groceries? Do you want to learn about Jesus? like, I don't. i That's so, and ah and that is, did you go to public school?
Yes, on public school. um but But they just kind of like skirt it. Yeah, it's just in our state board, unfortunately. But um every single language ah course is invited to go to a language fair at BYU, which is our Mormon mecca, if y'all don't know.
um And every single course, it was like there. They had multiple buildings dedicated to languages. The Chinese building was huge. Crazy. It's crazy. Everything is about the invert, like just teaching white people how to be ready to be immersed in like going to these places.
So you know those TikToks or shorts or whichever one you're on where it's like a white person going to like the Philippines and going to a market and ordering in their language to shock them that a white person could do that? Yes. Those guys are most likely Mormon people on their mission and I'm not fucking kidding.
That's so interesting. And yeah, so you're in Mormontown, you're in Baptist City. Yeah. Strange. Okay, so I live in Pittsburgh currently, which is kind of a mix. Pittsburgh actually has like a pretty outside Jewish population.
But Pittsburgh, I would describe culturally as the exact midpoint between Boston and Cleveland. We've got the like weird post-industrial,
True Crime Storytelling
slightly sad, cold Midwestern thing, but also the like kind of aggressive East Coast thing.
um So it it is neither Midwest nor East Coast, but but a secret third thing, if you will. um But capsulating Pittsburgh into its own entity.
It is kind of. It's very weird. And then like Pennsylvania in general is weird because you've got Pittsburgh on one side, which is just like all industry, old city, like notoriously bad infrastructure city.
But like ah almost kind of like the Bay Area, like it's super hilly and the streets are teeny weeny. And you've got Philly, which has all this like colonial shit. And in the middle of the state is Kentucky.
Yeah, I feel that. Like, you have you have to think they're like these three distinct cultures across a, like, six and a half hour line of state. Sometimes I feel like they're different states. I forget that they are same state. They shouldn't be. And then I'm watching Always Sunny. It's like, oh, huh. Yes.
Oops. But I grew in a bit of York. For the longest time, I thought Philadelphia was its own state because of how, separate everyone talks don't blame you. I mean, it's basically Jersey. And I don't think that's insulting. I say it a little bit insultingly, but it is Jersey.
Jersey should just eat Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. Which one? It should. um But i grew up in upstate New York. And the thing that's weird about there is that ah specifically the town that I grew up in, the Christian presence was like couple people went to the Methodist Church, and when I say town, I mean, ah like, Hamlet on the side of the road. The year-round population of the town I grew up in at this point is probably 500 people or less.
Like, it is subwi it is not Twin Peaks, it is Northern Exposure. Like, there is nobody there. um But the primary church was the Wesleyan church, and the Wesleyans are a Protestant sect.
And if I am correct, John Wesley was, like, kind of kicked out of other sects for being, like, too zealous and nutty. ah So, like, the main... It's weird because I don't know a lot about, like, Baptists or...
Mormon sects, but I do know that like a lot of Protestants don't consider Mormons or Catholics to really be quote Christian. Yeah, Mormons are their own thing. They're their own thing. Nebula didn't even know about the fucking Mormon rules. There are 306, no I think there's more than that, sorry. 613. 613, I was, with there are 613 Mormon rules you must abide by.
It is a fucking cult. my mom was My mom and dad were married in the temple in the ugliest little fucking outfits you could have. They get dressed by old people. It fucking sucks. And it yeah is a cult. And I'm sorry everyone who is Mormon who listens to me um because I do understand where people need to practice. Like I'm atheist. I've been an atheist for a long time. I grew up in the church though and so did my dad, my mom.
And then as I got older and they got older, they split because holy shit, it's nuts. Unfortunately though, the LDS main sect is the normal sect, but they are not Christians because they follow their own. They do not follow the Bible.
have their own thing. they follow, yeah, they have their, if you've seen the fucking South Park episode about Mormonism, 100% nail on the fucking head. Because Trey Parker used to be a Mormon. um ne Which makes sense considering the rest of his um career. I made her watch Orgasmo.
I made her watch Orgasmo the first time. She did not know that's like the most accurate telling of Mormonism and missionaries ever. Fucking ever. That rules, actually. Yeah, it was trip. Awesome movie.
But um the LDS main sect is not even the fucking craziest. There are documentaries after documentaries about fundamentalist LDS church members where they are their own fucking sect they're like, Joseph Smith actually isn't like the smartest man I am. And one fucking dude split to go kind of near Wendover.
um Weird fucking thing. And he's got a billion wives. He has so much tax debt. He's a fucking crazy money logger. grifter, yeah. And all have to dress. um They're like basically the Amish of Mormonism.
Is this the same family that Keep Sweet, Pray, and Obeys about? that you're talking about Exactly, yes. It is the exact same family, which I can't watch that documentary because at one point they're doing a bunch B-roll footage of downtown. They drive past the street my mom's house is on like seven times. Like this is weird, man. Hard no. Hard no. I can't do it. I feel doxed.
if No one knows I live there, but I feel doxed. I feel doxed. If you are interested in learning about the fundamentalist LDS, I would highly recommend that docuseries. um It's very grueling and hard to get through at times, but it is extremely important.
Yes, and it's intense. Like, everything about them is so intense, and the guy is still very actively being, like, put through trials because of everything that's going on. But, um, all that to say, the Mormons are not that crazy. like earth like The guy that started it, he died. and yeah Yeah, and then now it's his son that's running it, and his son is, like, actively leading the church still. It's extremely patriarchal, so everything falls onto that family, and everyone, you know, you have, there's at least 30 wives, and there is weird, like, we are fucking kids in this. Well, he's he's in jail.
He's in prison, and but he's still leading the church. Yes. whoa um They very regularly go visit him in jail, and are, like, taking his teachings and still practicing this.
Yeah, um so keep sweet, pray, and obey. It's on Netflix. You should watch it. crazy.
Horror Films and Personal Experiences
Whoa. um if Yeah, and that's just like very real- That's why we're not Christian. We are not fucking Christian. If you watch The Keepers, it's like on that same wavelength. Okay, that tracks. That tracks.
And if you want other Mormonism, I saw a lot of like temple moms who are freaking the fuck out about like the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Yes. The Tales of Mormon Wives or whatever is new documentary about TikTok. The Secret of Mormon Wives. Yes.
um They hate that. They hate it because it's fucking true. Every fucking Mormon mom is a hardcore hypocrite. They can't have, you're not supposed to do anything to like alter yourself. They're all getting Botox. They're all drinking 7 million like milligrams of caffeine from their swigs. Like,
It's true. All of it is true. I have seen some of this secondhand because um my former boss and in Pittsburgh, I don't work there anymore, but I used to work at a hair salon that's owned by a friend of mine. um And she's very into reality shows and she got kind of sucked into the the Mormon lives thing and keeps sending me Instagram reels of the like really ah perverse soda.
it's good, okay. um i took I need explanations. There is a swig that is now open in Oklahoma City. What is a swig? What the fuck is this? so first, do you know crumble cookie, Lore?
you know I know crumble cookie and I had it one time. I had the Olivia Rodrigo one and I thought it was pretty tasty. Crumble cookie. um I'm just gonna, I have to, this does. yeah give me Give me the jam here, dude. Utah loves the culture because we they Mormons cannot drink caffeine.
They cannot have coffee. It's considered an addictive substance, so they're not allowed have it. I mean, they're not wrong. They're not wrong about that. But they still get it through soda because the Mormon church has stocks in Diet Coke and Coke.
That's why everything here is Coke, because the Mormon church pays for it. Yes. This is blowing my fucking mind, dude. Because of this, though. My one amendment to what you said is that it says in their rules, even the ones you sent me today, they can't consume hot caffeinated drinks. Yes, they that that that amendment was strictly made because we get money in Coke.
Yep. But oh she because they cannot have coffee, they really like the aesthetic of it. They like the act of being able to go and like get coffee and stuff. places like crumble pick up because it's like i want a little treat they make up for their substance addictions by inventing sugar i'm serious they will make it very popular so crumble came from utah because it's like we need to get these kids working that also ties in because of like sugar cookies are an easy fucking business to get into right yeah
This picks up because Thirst is one of three major companies that does sodas and they do sugar cookie and a big soda. Combining the cookie and fucking Diet Coke craze.
um Both of these matter. So the way that Mormons feed their addiction and aesthetic for like coffee is by doing soda. And this is very popular in Washington too. I have a sinking suspicion it's also because of the Mormons.
um Because there's a huge Mormon population in Washington. yeah and idaho but it's basically just a normal soda but you will add coffee creamer which is again tying into it and basically doing a dirty soda which is italian soda whatever so it's soda coffee creamer of some sort usually coconut or vanilla is the more popular one and then a bunch of syrup so like fruit syrups are really good um and that's it that's but there are like four or like three or four major businesses that are all competitive, they're all run by kids, um, and every single one of them is participating in child labor laws, because in Utah, you can have 15, like, 14 and 15 year olds illegally working at your businesses.
Um. What the fuck? I, yeah, but, like, I've seen the, the videos of people, like, putting, like, like creamer and serum into a soda that's the size of my fucking head. And it hits every time.
um There's one that's outside my home. um The gas station outside my house, they sold their backspace to a fizz. Holy fucking shit. It's awesome. I have to resist 24-7, but getting a big Dr. Pepper with a little coconut in it and, like, some blackberry syrup? Whoa! Life-changing.
I mean, that sound dope, though. I get it. But can just go to Sonic and get that. Sonic is far away. And Sonic doesn't give me the size I want, the cheapness I want, and they don't give me an ice bag full of popcorn nebula, so fucking think about that.
Okay. Next time you tell me to go Sonic. I would just rather buy from Sonic instead of a Mormon company that's actively employing children. Well, Fizz is not. Fizz not. Fizz is the problem.
Fizz is not. This one right here, that's owned by adults. I know that because I go into the gas station and I see the same fucking people. That's my man. But um that's oomph. But yeah, so ah that's why the worst one is thirst.
And there used to be a thirst by my mom's house. There still is there. But yeah, a lot of the ones, especially the ones that we're going to on the Secret Lives of Mormon Wives and stuff, were definitely caught up in like child labor loss being broken. And that was a big problem because they were highlighting that.
But if you go on to any other TikToks, it's like a child running it. like, whoa, 15 year old. Why are you doing that? How much you getting paid? 625? That's crazy. nice so what is the okay because you're in okay so i'm in oklahoma okay um yeah sorry if i just talked to you um you can talk about it all the time 24 okay good yeah um yeah so like what's the grocery chain situation because i i rarely go south of the mason dixon line here she doesn't have a kroger i brought up i made a kroger joke at her once yeah i don't know what the that is like
So, okay, what we do have are a lot of regional specific places. Like, um we don't have any, I'm in the Oklahoma City metro area. Okay. so the two main areas are Oklahoma City and Tulsa.
And they're very similar to how you described um Philly and Pittsburgh, where it's like two completely different cultures. um It's the fucking Wild West in between. And also, we are neither the Midwest nor the South. We are secret third thing. Yeah, you're kind of the Plains asterisk.
But it's it's weird because very culturally, we're Southern. Yes. But very, like, economically and, like, pop culture-wise, we're very Midwestern. Right. So it's it's very strange to find the middle ground.
So, like, we have a lot of Walmarts and Targets. Those are the main things. Yes, you do. Grocery-specific, the one that's in my area is called Crest. There is another chain that's more north that's in the Tulsa area called Reesers.
TV Show 'From' and Its Impact
like, I think I've seen a food pyramid once. I'm trying to think. We used to have Albertsons everywhere. Homeland. we have Homeland. Okay, I have heard of Albertsons, but that's we had literally the only one I've heard of.
Albertsons merged from afresh or from Albertsons to Afresh Market, and then they started to, like, culminate with all the Macy's and the Dick's and everything else, and now they're all- interesting But like, we got a Costco a few years ago and that was a huge life changer for the Metro. yeah Um, yeah, I don't know.
i want to say that maybe got built when I was in high school or college. I thought y'all would be on top of that with the Southern family. Like I thought the Southern family yearns for a Costco. No. So because remember that we're so close to Arkansas and Sam Walton is from Arkansas. So it was a lot of Sam's clubs.
Yes, I forgot Sam's Club was an option. I forgot that was even a thing. we've We've had a Sam's Club for a long time. And also, we have a lot of military bases ah in Oklahoma and in the metro specifically.
So a lot of families just go to the commissary um that's on the base if they're a military family their groceries. This making so much weird sense to me. And I feel like Texas is also its own secret third thing. Yes. And I feel like you are also not Texas.
Correct. And we hate each other. Well, Oklahoma hates like Texas. Oklahoma hates Texas and Texas is like, who the fuck are you? Yeah. you did yeah So like we had Kroger when I lived in Ohio.
There's not Kroger out here. i think the regional grocery store is a Kroger, but it's under, cause Kroger has, i used to work for a Smith's, which is a Kroger subsidiary. cityiary There's at least 100 independent labels under the Kroger family.
yeah That's whack, actually. Some of them are just directly Kroger, but then there's others. like We have a Kroger, we have Smith's, and then we have... Walmarts are dying out here. We do not have Walmarts anymore. I'm bringing up the like Kroger family of companies page. Okay, so we got Baker's, City Market, Dillon's, Food for Less, Fred Meyer.
Fred Meyer is one, yeah. They also did electronics through... Yeah, all of them. used reference for long time. Yeah, and then Ralphs. I've heard people talk about Ralphs. Ralphs is the California Vegas West Coast option.
um But yeah, none of these, weirdly enough, are here. None of those? I don't think so. But yeah, our regional one is called Giant Eagle. interesting which is that dumb uh yeah trying otherwise known as yeah or otherwise known as the genticle or uh giant eagle or uh giant beagle love like the dog um pittsburgh has a very very specific and strange accent um i don't have it too much i mostly have upstate new york but it is
Accent-wise, adjacent to Boston, ah but with slightly... trying to figure out how to describe it the best The best way I can describe it is that anything that is like an O-W sound becomes an A-H.
Yeah. So like going downtown is going downtown. Mm-hmm. I'm back. Yeah, like, Oh Nantan, and then the Steelers are the Stillers. Ew.
ah Yeah, I know, it's not right. Don't worry about it. We hated that one. We hated that. And then the collective second person is not y'all or y'alls or all y'alls. It's yins.
Excuse me? Never! Yeah, I know, it's not right. It's not right. It's not right. But if I was going to ask you two what you were doing later, I'd be like, what yins up to? ah I don't like that one. It's not right. Make feel like a Funyun.
yeah Yes. Pittsburgh accent, colon, makes me feel like a Funyun. But like a full sentence of Pittsburghese would be Yin's gone downtown to watch the Stillers later.
I mean, it's like it's almost Midwestern. It is. Again, a little Midwest, a little Boston. It's very strange. and I worked with a girl that was from Philly, and she would always say stupid, like with a T instead of a She'd say stupid. thing And like anything, anything that ended at a D, it was, it was like that. And it got on my nerves so much. Did you guys watch Mare of Easton, the show with that? No, I haven't. It had a, oh, what the fuck's her name?
Titanic. Kate Winslet. Uh, in it. And she spent a very long time specifically studying the Philly, like, Delco accent. And it it is... She sounds perfect, but it is also very difficult for a TV show because that shit's incomprehensible.
She'd be like, I'll get some coffee at the Wawa. And you're like, Kate, what are you saying? gotta know who killed this teen girl! don't care about your coffee! I don't care about your fucking Wawa, Kate! Um...
I need to go to a Wawa. I need to experience a Wawa. I have never been to a Wawa. Yes. I don't know what a Wawa is. It's like, do you know what a Sheetz It's No.
Yeah, Sheets. Sheets Nation. It's like a gas station with like, it's like if you condensed a Bucky's into a gas station, it's like we do sandwiches. Well, Bucky's is a gas station. But like a smaller like convenience store, like if you turned it into a 7-Eleven.
Gotcha. Like make it small, make that shit smaller. Because you're in Bucky's country, both y'all. Not me. No. We're getting one, though. Eventually. But Bucky's is a Texas thing, so if we want to go to Bucky's, we gotta go to the Texas.
It's in DEM. We every time we meet up in Dallas. um Your accent thing reminded me that, like, that's... Where I live is very similar to that, where there's, like, this weird...
um metropolitan southern accent and then you go outside of that and then it becomes this like oh okay so there's the eastern type of southern and then there's the western type of southern and they all sound different and i have done fairly fairly decently at like minimizing my accent but every now and then it comes out really strong and it's always in the the irs or the ire's or anything that has that kind of sound so it's like oh yeah i'm going to take take share a take shark yeah yeah yeah like that kind of thing there's definitely utah accent i do not have it i managed to just right i love that because that shit was embarrassing our most known one is that we don't say the t and mountain it's mountain yeah um i skipped that i'm i don't know i don't know how just not mountain but i do whenever i get drunk i do lean into an accent i do not have doesn't matter which one i'm trying to make it work Anytime i want to like be a little satire, I'm leaning into like a Republican South accent. No reason.
I just do it. Just because you can. Just because. I don't have an accent. It's envy. I get drunk and I get envious. I'm green with it. Well, I've talked to a friend of ours, um Trey Watson, that lives in like the D.C. Baltimore area, um and they have mentioned as well, because when I speak very quickly...
I have this weird mix of like Southern, but also like urban Ebonics to a degree because I grew up. Because we gave you like queer AAVE in your language. Well, because I grew up with, um, ah like a lot of immigrants were on the same street as me. So a lot of immigrants, kids were my playmates and three of them were Ghanis.
Ghanaian? I don't know. Their family was from Ghana. um And so their their parents had a really strong accent, but they also, like, were truly African American and also black.
So they had, like, these code-switching accents that I picked up on. That's so funny. And then um South American immigrants that had their code switching accents between how they spoke to their parents versus how they spoke to us.
And so then you put the Southern in there and it just, it just goes everywhere. just turns into a mix. Upstate York is funny because there's not a lot accent wise for people who aren't French Canadian. Um, like sometimes there's some weird things with syllables where you put it in the wrong place. So like I unironically people hear people say elementary school,
um or like going to the hotel um you put the emphasis on the wrong syllable yes so i hear that a lot but in terms of like the french canadian stuff the funniest thing about that is obviously the accent is very very strong um but there's also some really funny uh like malapropisms in terms of like the like i can only really think of examples where like uh you know my dad um was next to a guy like at a, at a diner and, uh, he ordered two eggs and a pair toast.
Um, or like I saw like tree moose the
Pittsburgh's Cultural Nuances
other day, two alone and one together, um, where you're like, hold up. Okay. Two alone, one, like, like just kind of like strange phrases like that.
yeah But there was a guy who lived in my hometown, um, who, if I ever write any sort of television show will 100% literally just be this guy because he was like, fake in how, like, straight Twin Peaks-ian ah guy. um His name was Paul Gendron, and he was the cable repair guy, so people refer to him as Paul TV.
um And he would he would come over and literally, my dad would be like, okay, Paul, I need, like, a 12-foot cable. and And Paul shows up with 12-inch cables, because he heard 12-foot cables.
He'd be like, god fucking damn it, Mike, I buy the wrong cable from you. and my dad would be like... Paul, my child is right there. And he'd be like, ah, sorry. um But Paul was like was like five feet tall and and his his yard was full of like fucked up satellite dishes and shit.
And and like literally you can't make this guy up. and And I think when he died, he was probably late 90s. This man was fucking decrepit. But Paul TV was around there just like banging on shit in the yard for no reason. and I love you, Paul I i love you, Paul TV.
But yeah, Paul TV is iconic and will be immortalized am... Bro is a character. right from the screen. Holy fuck. Straight up. ah Fucking Paul Gendrond,
um But yeah, i love French Canadians. um ah The really aggressive accent that Jacques Renault has in Twin Peaks is in fact accurate.
Speaking of, let's pour an out for David Lynch, man. Oh my fucking god. god. like oh What a devastating- um being the one to break it to people in a discord was not what I wanted to do. I'm so sorry for you in that regard. Well, I found out within two minutes. I i saw the news two minutes fresh. was like, holy shit, I gotta to go tell everyone now. Shit's about to go down. Oh my god, I dropped that chat and i I close it. I can't handle, like, I'm upset. I don't usually feel anything when celebrities die because it's just, I'm never able to grasp, like, the parasocial of it.
But I feel like because I've gotten older, I'm starting to feel the impact of things more. Like, when I hear an album from David Bowie, I'm like, wow, can never make another one of those, huh? So I'm starting to get it. And then David Lynch died at the wrong time. was like, fuck.
yeah so um hold my chest i'm a really big fan of the last podcast on the left and in the past i want to say 45 days they have been upsettingly close to hitting the mark every time because i'm like through consistently three weeks behind on their episodes and one that i listened to one of their side stories episodes they were like talking about Jimmy Carter and then That's fucked up! That's fucked up! Not even- Oh no!
Two, or three weeks, not even a month later, Jimmy Carter dies. And then the next series that they start after that side stories episode airs is the Black Dahlia murders, which if you're familiar with Lynch's work is, pardon the pun, the linchpin on all of his stories. He was obsessed with this case. It's a very convoluted case.
But, like, Twin Peaks is basically a one-to-one retelling of the Black Dahlia, just a little more fucked up. Oh, God. like, to the point that there are, uh... I don't know if there are police officers, but someone that is associated with the force, I want to say sometime in the 90s, maybe, reached out to David Lynch and showed him an unreleased photo of the Black Dahlia corpse that they... whenever they found at the crime scene...
and where it's like you know so much about this case what do you think of this and lynch talked about it in a um an interview later and he said he took him hours to fully process it he only looked at it for like 10 minutes but it wasn't until he got home and like laid down to go to sleep that he realized that the photo the difference in the photo that he hadn't seen in any others was that it was taken at night and every other photo that exists of that crime scene is taken during the day which like throws off the whole thing.
So that's a whole big part in the, in the podcast series that I'm listening to that they're doing over the black Dahlia. And then like two weeks after they air it, David Lynch dies.
And so now I'm like that shit off. Y'all gotta stop recording. Like give up right now. Yeah. Last part of the left has a death note situation happening. What the fuck? Stop talking about people we like.
They have the ah the gift of prophecy. Yeah, follow his gift of prophecy. yeah Talk about dead people only. it was very wild. What you said about him i'm like thinking about the photo for like hours and hours and hours, I don't know why I made this connection, but are either of you familiar with Werner Herzog's work at all?
ah a little bit? Not by name, but probably. Yeah, so he's ah a German director. um he did 70s adaptation of Nosferatu. Yes, he's a scientist. But does a lot of art film.
um Kind of a character. he was actually in The Mandalorian show. um The very infamous I would like to see the baby meme is him. um If you've ever seen ah The Wind Rises, I believe, he's like the old German man that talks to the husband.
Yeah, he's actually in a couple episodes of Rick and Morty, too. He kind of wound up being like a self-parody voice actor, which I respect. That's like David Lynch in Cleveland's show instead of doing gravity balls. Yes. But anyway, he um he did Grizzly Man, was like his big documentary.
And... um There's a a scene in that that I think about a lot where he listens to the audio of the grizzly man guy being like, you know, grizzly.
um And you can definitely see that, like, it reminds me of David Lynch seeing that photograph of like, once you see that, you can't unsee it. And once you hear that, you can't unhear it.
And ah he very, very famously just takes it off and basically tells his widow, like, you must never listen to this. Yeah. which unfortunately has made great meme fodder because then people will put any audio over it and be like, you must never listen to this. um But if you get a chance to watch Grizzly Man, you should. it's um It's fascinating and it's really good at making you
Influential Horror Movies
feel like super fucking normal.
Okay. Yeah, man. i I don't have the mental illness that makes me go live in a national park because I think I can talk to bears. I love that for me. I've seen photos of this movie, but yeah never in a way that made me feel like it was something more than like something extremely basic, you know? or you seeing like So i' never I did not know what this movie was about. I'm reading the synopsis as we talk. What the fuck? crazy. Yeah, so like this guy, Timothy tre well basically- Let me just add it to my letterboxd.
Yeah, he he basically, was a really strange guy, but he every year wound up squatting in a national park in Alaska because he convinced himself he had some sort of spiritual relationship with the grizzly population there and would live like kind of amongst them.
and like at a distance but like there's footage of like his own footage of him being like kind of close to the grizzly bears and he did this for years and years and years and the park service fucking hated him because he was squatting in the national park and like fucking with their bears um but the you know the very last year which is mostly what the documentary covers he took his girlfriend with him who was like pretty reluctant to go um And he had divorced his wife at this point because he was crazy.
And um the salmon run that lit year was very low. So there was not a lot of food for everybody. And they stayed several weeks later than they normally did. Normally they would leave before it started to get to the autumn when the salmon would come and like they would prepare for hibernation. They'd peace out in like, you know, September, but they stayed until like almost Halloween, which was substantially later. And as a result,
because there was no fear food, the bears ah got hungry. Yeah. And, you know, both of them were we' killed, and it is unfortunately on film. And it's kind of just about Herzog looking at, like, what drives you to do stuff like that? And, like, what's going on in this dude's life? Like, was he weird before?
Did this make him weirder? i was Like, how did he get the girlfriend to go? Like, how do you approach... you know, when tragedies like that. bear's Yeah, you want to go hang with the grizzlies with me ah for months in the national park? It's fascinating in terms of like a really strange character study. And it it feels, ah it's kind of true crimey and it's in its presentation, but Herzog is is very gentle about it in a way that I like.
um He's empathetic just because he's just this weird fucking old German guy. Yeah. Have you seen um The Kings of Tupelo? on netflix what is this okay so if you like the grizzly man you'll probably really like kings of tupelo it's um presented as if it's true crimey but it's sort of kind of not and then it is suddenly at the end okay so the i don't want to tell you too much but the premise is ah there was a man from mississippi that uh
sent ricin to several senators congressmen and to um when he was president barack obama i think this was in like 2012 or something or 2013 um and whenever the feds traced it back They found that all signs pointed to this random conspiracy theorist guy that loved karate and was an Elvis impersonator and was the only person that did a dual Elvis impersonation show with his brother who was also an Elvis impersonator.
and had this very strange rivalry with his karate instructor what the fuck is this so oh it's this like it was kind of like the the inception of this guy i forget his name now um but if his initials are casey so he always refers to himself as case yes kevin curtis yes so he thank you He always ah talks about this, like, conspiracy that he came across when he worked as a janitor at a hospital and that now the feds are after him because he uncovered this.
Literally no one cares. No one cares about his conspiracy. He wasn't wrong to an extent, but no one gives a shit. and i need to know first, is the conspiracy, do they find it to be actually true when he was right? Partially.
Partially. Interesting. Okay, that's a good sell. Keep talking, sorry. looked up a little bit just so I like, have the- No, that's a good sell. So he, like, his his whole thing is he finds, like, a severed head in the ah morgue of the hospital he was working at, and then he starts believing that they're selling body parts, not knowing that sometimes when you perform autopsies and things like that, like, you have to remove certain organs, or that there could have been a situation where someone was beheaded,
And it had to be refrigerated for autopsy purposes. Like he just went off the rails and started telling everyone like this hospital selling body parts and got he got, he lost his job because of it, obviously.
um and the hospital tried to get him to sign an NDA and all this stuff. And he said, absolutely not. And then tried to start all these online campaigns through my space and various blog forums saying like, this is a real conspiracy and he thinks that the feds are after him because of it.
ah And then there was like this whole other subplot with the Elvis impersonators and karate and the ricin. It's insane! I think it's three episodes, it's on Netflix. going on here It's wild. Highly I just thought love to watch Baby Reindeer. There's so much shit happening. yeah but all because maybe Baby Reindeer is scripted though, right?
Yes and no. It's basically direct, but it is it is fictionalized, but it's very direct. it's Yes. um All of the emails that are read on the show are 100% true from his inbox.
um The text, also the same. okay There are notable quotes that were done also in emails that are like read in... like Some of the things that are said in person, but were definitely 100% said.
um where like Actually, she said them by mouth instead of like through email or blah, blah, blah. Gotcha. But it is a very 100% true to telling. The only person who could deny it, um, is her because the actual Martha has come out online, um, trying to sue Netflix saying that it's not real, blah, blah, blah.
Um, but it's just hers and she has no other allies except for a boyfriend, but we cannot tell if he's real or not. Okay. might not because every, definitely not real, honest to God. Um, Interesting watch. um Very interesting watch. The woman who plays Martha in this show received like several awards for her acting because, wow, did she do a good job of making me feel scared.
Okay. um The level of batshit that she had to be for this retelling was fucking crazy, and she did a really good job. I'm just on this kick where i only want to engage with like, real stories, so I haven't watched it yet, but I will add it to list. It a real story. yeah It is a real story. It started as a comedy show he was doing, um because there's a lot of content in, you know, making fun of the person stalking you.
So it started that way and then got brought up onto as a show. But he was running it as a solo, like, thing talking about his trauma because there's a subplot. And I do have to warn this about you because it's a trigger. But there is a subplot that involves him being molested by a producer.
um Like, there's two plots happening. That's why it's, like... We don't know because he can't technically name who the producer is for legal reasons. So there's parts that are sensationalized. And that's really the part that's been changed and so ah such sensationalized within the show.
um Really good watch, though, on that same note of like... really fucked me up though, to read those fucked up emails. Like, Kings of Tupelo won't fuck you up. You'll just be like, what the fuck is going on? I'm excited for it. I love document. I love, I'm even still in the mockumentary kick. I've been rewatching creep just for funsies. Cause something about it is just, wow. I love a weird little dude and a camera hanging out.
Gets under my skin. I've watched once. i haveve No, i mean, no, hold on. It is but extremely well done. It is a very well-made horror movie that I never want to watch again because it got under my skin so bad. That does, that's not me saying it's bad or that I didn't like it.
It's just, it's a really well done horror film and it gets under my skin to the point that I do. I can't do it again. can't watch it anymore. I used to, me and Gavin watched it together the first time, and then I found out that an ex-friend of both mine and Gavin was a stalker and had a weird bathtub fetish kink where he wanted his ex to sit in the bathtub and hold his hand.
was like, I can't do this. I didn't know that was real, guys. I thought we were making this shit up. I thought we were sensationalizing this. um I didn't know y'all really thought like that. um So when I found out this guy was like that, i was like...
nope i don't know if i want to watch this i don't want to see this anymore i do love still do both of you watch a lot of horror yes okay what is in any show or movie the like either section or image of something that has like stayed with you the most or like freaked you out the most or like like like like you know when something really gets under your skin like you said like that where you're like oh god like what do you know what that has been for either of you I have an immediate answer. go Okay, go. Okay, so I know that I go back and forth with them, but I do enjoy Mike Flanagan.
um Yes. So I have watched both Ouija and Ouija Origin of Evil, because the first one, absolute garbage, watch it when you're drunk, it's really funny to make fun of. Ouija Origin of Evil, genuinely really good horror movie. Like, it's insane. didn't realize that was Flanagan.
It is. um Okay. Did you watch Tarot that came out? No, I haven't seen Tarot. Okay. That one I've heard is exactly like Ouija, like the first one. Don't watch that. Okay. Just in case it was on your list, Tarot was ass. Cool.
Shit from a butt. But somehow he takes the insane, stupid plot of the first one and makes it make sense in the second one. But there is this moment where the little girl, um I can't remember all of the relations in the family because it's been years since I've seen it.
But she's holding up this like old school Ouija planchette. So it's like this big. And she's looking through the circle in it and she's scanning it across the room like this. And it's just across this like dark living room. Nothing's happening. It's totally silent.
And then she stops and lands on this one spot. and Doug Jones playing the demon, all he does, he's in like a totally black morph suit. He just very calmly steps to the side.
Like you would not have seen him if he hadn't moved. And it is so simple. I literally am getting chills talking about it because no it's completely silent. There is nothing else going on. And there's no other reason that you should think that it would be scary other than a jump scare.
So the fact that it's just this super simple, he's in the background and takes one little step away. um no thank you. I'm good. Highly recommend the movie though.
um Mine is the scene from, cause, so this has a lead in because um Haunting Connecticut came out at a very, very sensitive time for me because it came out a year after my uncle passed away from cancer.
Yeah. um And if you know the movie, it's like he's in the basement sick with all of his medical instruments around him. So the, like every, everything down there in that fucking basement gives me the creeps. It fucking scares me.
But the part where the thing starts crawling out of his mouth ah so visceral back then that it fucking makes me sick. And since it really fucked me up. Anything that's with the face, like the throat expanding in a disgusting way, the jaw cracking, I can't do it.
I can't. It makes me sick. I will tolerate it. i can handle a jump scare. Like I'm i'm brave, sort of. um I will still like always do this. Yeah. But, like, I get through it. But because of that movie coming out, like, when I was already very sensitive, and I was also, like, nine. um Yeah, you were a child. Hard for me.
um But this did come back up as a fear when I was watching Talk to Me. And the part where he's fucking trying to tear his eyes out. Ugh! Yeah. And he does it several times!
couldn't do it. Yeah, that's a lot. It was so terrible. Like, I'm good with gore. Like, I am not afraid of gore, but the visceral parts of, like, smashing his head on the table until it's fucking bleeding, trying rip his eyes out, pulling his teeth out. I can't do teeth. Teeth fucking scare me. Teeth rough.
Teeth are freaky. can't do it but that came back hardcore because it's like we know we're tearing at our jaw we're tearing at our eyes ew there was mine was actually recent um so i've been watching this show with my wife and and our friend sarah called from f-r-o-m And it is on some, like, dogshit pay-per-view situation. Like, I think the channel's literally called, like, Epics with an X. And they move it around. Like, something like, uh, stars like that.
But it is shockingly good. Really, really good. The pitch is lost with vampires, okay? So, the idea is that you kind of wind up in this town and then get stuck in a loop and you can't leave.
Uh, but if you don't get inside by nightfall, you are getting torn apart by vampires. Uh, It is actually also has Harold Perrineau, who's Michael from Lost. ah But it's, like, shockingly good.
ah And the vampires are extremely crafty and have a lot of ways of fucking with people. And there is an episode where the sheriff, or maybe, like, the deputy and one person are, like, walking.
And they see a young woman who has basically been, like... pinned she's dead you know pinned to a tree with like a railroad spike like through her head and they're like oh god like the monsters did this this is horrible uh and then she opens her eyes because she's not dead ah um and the whole episode is her talking with like a railroad spike through her fucking brain and like figuring out what they do because they have very limited medical supplies, and that kept me up at night. Nothing and nothing in my fairly illustrious horror career has actually kept me awake at night.
But... It's a great show. It does not have anybody other than Harold Perrineau who you would recognize. It is severely underappreciated, again, probably because it's on some like dumb pay-per-view channel.
It's on MGM Plus right now. Oh, God. Which is also like such a nothing-burdened channel. Who the fuck has that? Yeah, it's on VLC Media Player. Thank you. Yeah, but yeah it's it's great. But yeah, that ruined my life a little bit. That reminds me of, have you seen...
I think it's another Mike Flanagan, honestly. um Flanagan! Apostle, I think is what it's called, on Netflix. Oh, oh, oh, oh, hold on. Nerd, if you haven't seen Apostle. I haven't seen Apostle. it's fucked up. It's like, there's a cult in this island, I think it's in, like, 1800s United Kingdom, and the daughter of this family leaves to go join the cult, and but the brother and the dad are suspicious that there's something else going on.
there should be. They go to the cult and pretend to be part of it to try to find her and bring her home. And there is a scene that I forget the plot reason why, because it's been a few years since I've seen it.
But um this guy, i I think it was for like adultery or something. He's being sentenced to death for this, committing this sin. And the way that they kill him,
is that he's strapped down and they have a pointed hand crank drill that then goes into his head and completely through it while he's still alive.
Yep, that is very similar to this and yeah fills me with a dread I cannot express. And it's like, they pan away at the perfect time, but the way that they do it is just... Yeah.
Yeah, this did not have very many mercy cuts. And I was like, oh, I was hoping that they wouldn't do that. To answer your question on a storytelling perspective, though, um two movies that one that actually kept me up at night was a Barbarian.
The ending is garbage, but the rest of it is so good. Yeah. um And it genuinely kept me up at night. Like, what if there is a creep that is living under my fucking house? And he's going to hurt my walls. Exactly.
um yeah And then it's an old, like ah everyone would say it, but it's Rosemary's baby. And the way that I, know yeah the way I describe it to everyone is it's one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. And I never want to watch it again.
dead and yes But specifically when she goes to the doctor and says something's wrong, Like, my husband is doing this weird thing. i i can't go home. I'm afraid. And he says, okay, take a nap here.
Disliked Movie Moments and Japanese Horror
Like, we'll figure it out together. And he calls her husband and just has him come pick her up.
That particular moment is the moment that I was like, oh, I hate that. Hate that so much. Yep, it's awful. Oh, God, I haven't seen that a long time.
Man one that I watched cuz I try to i don't I'm a pussy, but I also don't want to pay for shutter so one that I don't like I just keep recommending it I keep fucking recommending it is cult and it is a Japanese found or footage like docu- so like it's found footage in some parts and then docu-series and other parts okay, and it's a like It starts off like reality show style where it's like, we are taking a bunch of pretty actresses and we're going to put them in a ghost situation with a ghost hunter.
And we're going to see how that goes for TV. um But it is the most, it also is done by the same director who's done Naroy, if you've seen that movie. No, but I have heard of it. It's... I really recommend it.
But, um, Colt is like, you get this very, very, um, he's a blonde, like, Japanese guy. He's extremely flamboyant, and you go into this, like, lady's house, and at first you're, like, seeing, like, a tennis ball move, like, down the driveway, like, oh my god, ghost!
and then it actually turns very very fast and is the most like innovative I believe in my in my own opinion. Practical effect in terms of how they use the footage. um The ghost design is something that is so unique by comparison. um I'm just gonna give you a light spoiler. A lot of it is slugs um which is cool. Okay. Oh cool. Yeah and it's visceral and it's gross.
um But it's fucking incredible. um i watch it on YouTube, but that's the easiest but way to find it now because, you know, going through Japanese, like, eh, not worth it. but I will give a link if you'd like it.
um There's another one that is done similarly called Occult. It's the same documentary style, same director. And that one is about a bombing on the Shibuya Crossing.
And a guy has a dream about it because he becomes obsessed with the idea after a stabbing happens on a bridge where several women are stabbed and become so obsessed with it that he keeps having nightmares about it that he goes to like this docu-crew like, can you keep an eye on me? like i I feel this compulsion. I feel so connected to this event because I was there.
um And then it loops back into the movie that he does the bombing, so you very viscerally see the footage of him blowing up a million fucking people in Whoa.
but that's not as good as like the other one because it's kind of if you like evanelian i believe that you will like this because ok the motif of like how i don't know i'm specifically talking about end of evanngelian you know where you kind of feel that very empty feeling um where all of the stuff about god is flashing on screen like Nothing matters. Everything that we do is just going to The existentialism.
Yay! Exactly. That is really strong in this movie, but if you want to just watch a horror movie, it's a little bit... and um Probably on the bottom rung, it's probably like a cult cult-na-roy for me, but I really really love cult.
um That one's good. Interesting. was another one that i watched called Caveat, and that one's okay. um The scariest part they show in the trailer, I didn't know that at first. Ah, they do that. Yeah. But the trailer freaks me out enough to like watch it I do think that one's really good too because it's a little bit of like self-reflection with the main character who's in isolation.
um It's like him and one girl and the girl's kind of fucked up because she doesn't know how to deal with like her dad just dying. Really good movie. both of these are on or That one's on Shudder, Nori's on Shudder, the other one's on YouTube.
Cult sounds kind of Donnie Darko-esque, almost. A little bit. yeah or I think you mean like a cult one is more. But I will send links to both. Both of those are on YouTube, by the way. Please.
but I really liked those two. Those are the most recent ones. I also watched Possum. i made Neb watch Possum with us. um Have you seen it, Nerd? No. Oh, when you have to. Oh my fucking god, you'll bite possum. Alright, heard. It's a very slow movie. I'm fine with that. It's very quiet. It's very... um There's a weird puppet in your face and you're gonna look at it. Ooh boy, will have to see what the puppet looks like because I am not great with puppets. send you a picture right fucking now. Please, Dorr.
because it will freak you out. It's also not like, you don't ever see it in the context of a puppet, really. Like, if you don't see it used with him as a puppeteer.
um It's pretty much just a, it's like a MacGuffin. It's just like a story vessel. it's a mcguffin it literally okay i'm gonna warn you it has a weird little face all right he he is creepy looking okay that that feels more like a prop to me but he has spider legs like it's it there is a scene where it moves once but other than that it's just framed very cleverly and that's it so if you can handle looking at it cool but there is one scene where it's like crawling on you in a nightmare sequence wow i hate that viscerally it's the nastiest thing i've ever fucking seen very But it does pay off because you see him kick the shit out of it at one point, you're like, yeah,
Arthouse Films and A24 Discussion
yeah! But it's a very dark movie, and the puppet is unfortunately the best symbolism that I've seen in for a while. Yes. I normally hate, like, arthouse films. I normally think they're very up their own ass, and because I'm i'm very much like a I have one, A movie I've been ah begging my husband to watch with me that's on my Letterboxd watch list is Chopping Mall from 1986. Chopping Mall! Chopping Mall! That's the kind of shit that I like to watch.
um But I watched Possum and was very pleasantly surprised with how well it resonated, um how well it was written, how well everything comes full circle. And even though it is very, like, artsy and it shows much, much more than it could ever tell,
um it still accomplishes a lot of what it sets out to do. And so I really enjoyed it. Okay. Yeah. I'm a chronic A24 hater. um And I was worried it was going to be A24-esque and it was not.
So I was happy. I will say... Oh, you go first, Parks. No, you go ahead. You go ahead. I was just going to say, though you're an A24 hater, was going to ask if either of you had seen Nosferatu, because that's my bag.
Did you... Okay. I have not seen it. I've seen a lot of clips, um and my family has seen it, so I've gotten like the backlash. My mom loved it. um My sister was like, I... Eh, I could be better. One of my friends, who's a dedicated vampire lover, absolutely fucking hated it.
Okay. I think it's because she just desperately wanted him to be a sexy vampire... And it no did not come through on this one You bet. That's okay. I have seen it. But that's my pool. That's my pool. i I've seen the original Nosferatu.
um I've seen a lot of the major clips that I've seen because people, unfortunately, cannot take things seriously. um So everything's been turned into a meme on the internet, which is fine, you know? i don't It's rife for it, to be clear. I'm not so butthurt.
I yeah not butthurt about her like tweaking being edited to music, whatever. No, it's hilarious. yeah That's okay. But that's my exposure thus far. So i had a lot of... um I thought it was very beautiful. Like, very hauntingly beautiful.
Very tragic. The way that you and your co-host describe it in your podcast um as very, like, modern Shakespearean, I think is... It hits the nail on the head. Yeah. um yeah Because it is wholeheartedly a tragic love story that I would put...
on the the level this sounds very strange of a comparison but i would put it on the level of the way that the fly from 1958 made me feel that it's oh i actually love that i love that a lot yeah it's it's just this it's completely out of your hands it's completely in fate's hands i know you love this person but you cannot save them like that kind of intensity that i really adored But it was also, I also did not like that the main plot is basically, woman has sexuality, die for it.
Yeah, and like, that's what's- That is most Dracula stories, unfortunately. It is, it is. Yeah, exactly. and Like, that's what's- What's tough that like Will and I, my co-hosts, talk about a lot is like we have yet to see a good adaptation of the Lucy character.
Because in Dracula, she is the has sex, dies for it. Whereas Mina gets to live because you know she's yeah smart or whatever. ah ah she she's She's an interesting character who I think has really done justice. but OG final girl. Yes, OG final girl. Exactly.
yes o g final girl exactly Ellen winds up being kind of a mix of them and that's why I think sometimes the reading can be like feels bad man. um But yeah I was just curious because it's also like A24 has such a breadth of films is that some of them I really like and some of them are like oh fuck man I don't want to watch this. Yeah I've only seen a handful that I really enjoyed like Swiss Army Man.
um is the one off the top of my head yes and i think a24 is like so synonymous with horror now whereas like that's not a horror movie no it really isn't um and it's if anything it felt so much more like real literature on screen if that makes sense no that makes perfect sense it it really felt like i like the the moment that you get sucked into a book and you just see it all perfectly in your mind like that's what this felt like as a film Um, and i really enjoyed that aspect of it.
I think that the actors all did a pretty good job. Uh, Willem Dafoe saying, i have seen things that would make Isaac Newton crawl back into his mother's womb is something that will stick with me forever.
King, king shit. It's such a good line. He did such a good job. Um, I icon hadn't seen Lily Rose Depp in anything, um, that I couldn't neither remember, but she did phenomenal. Yeah. Yeah.
And she just has the face that like fits in for that era of story. Yes. So I feel like she did a good job with that. looks...
Victorian. Yes. Would it be cracked opinion to say that Crimson Peaks is totally a different retelling of the Nosferatu story? No, that is a dead-ass straight-up opinion. Right? Okay. Is it genuinely- Okay, maybe I'm stupid and I'm thinking that I have the most cooked opinion of all time to be like, this is very Nosferatu, like my boss baby tweet right now where it's like, this is very much boss baby over Crimson Peaks. Getting real boss baby vibes.
I think that it is a comparison that makes sense. It's one I haven't heard before, but I like it, and I think it's a good comparison. I haven't seen that in a hot minute. ah I love every part of it, yeah except for the weird incest. if you just that's I know that's a key part of the point. Do not look at it, yeah. But wow, the the romance truly is so beautiful. If you just forget the weird I'm fucking my sister over here thing. Yeah, do not look at The ghost out there, that's me fucking my sister. Like, what?
oh man wait rough rough wait have you seen cruise and peace i have not do you know what we're talking about oh my fucking god okay i'll add it to the list nix everything you just heard me say that does not matter you don't you don't hear anything well now you you have a worry about like oh yikes okay i ah so i know that your podcast transylvaniacs is all about dracula focused media specifically movies have you seen the castlevania anime Yes, I
Podcast Origin and Dracula Media
have. And I literally, that was what spurred us doing the pod. Oh, nice.
Is because Will and I, I think this was like years ago, we were watching season two because Will lives in Philly and he comes to Pittsburgh every Thanksgiving because he has family here. And we were just hanging out watching that. And I was like, God, I feel like there's like, because at this point it's so old and like public domain, there's just like a shitload of Dracula media.
And he was like, yeah. And I was like, Should we watch all of it? He was like, there's no way to watch all of it. I'm like, we can make a list. So we like made a loose list, starting with like straight adaptations, meaning they followed the beats of the story as opposed to just having the character Dracula.
And then our our goal is to get kind of further and further away from the source material. We've been doing it for a couple of years now. There's not a lot of episodes because we only do it when we feel like it. um But I would love to have both of you on for some of the Castlevania episodes because I know y'all are my queens when it comes to any type of anime. You know Castlevania expert.
Yeah, literally. let I'm so into Castlevania because my dad would play it in front of me growing up. So I know Dracula's castle like the back of my hand. And then my first time playing it was on the Xbox because on the 360 you could just pull it in other games. um so ied I'm very deep in the trenches. And then I cosplay Cypher, of course, but like...
It still goes deeper than that. And I will die defending the 3D platforming or like the 3D games that play like a shitty hack and slash. I love those games. I don't care if you hate them. I don't care if anyone hates them. I honestly, my game experience is pretty limited to the first couple.
um My wife played the first place, the first one, like most Halloween's. And then we get excited about the wall meet. ah It's goaded, but, and the music is great.
ah There's a great band called Bit Brigade, which does ah the full soundtracks to original Legend of Zelda and Castlevania. And when they perform live, they have somebody play it and they play what's happening on the screen.
That's so cool. It's really fun. So they did Castlevania when I went to go see them. Actually, Super Guitar Brothers opened for them. Oh, So nice that was a super, super good time. But yes, I love Castlevania the show. i actually am only like halfway through season four. I will watch it in bursts. I've seen season one like seven times and then season two like once because it gets kind of a slog in the middle of there. won't And then three rips ass.
And then it ramps back up. um I would love to hear your thoughts whenever you watch Nocturne, the sequel series, because season yeah two just came out and I just finished it the other day.
Okay. I won't say anything about it. I know that a lot of people dislike it because it's not exact to the games. um And that the antagonist is different. If you look at what Orlok, hold on, I'm gonna put this together because when you see, I'm gonna tell you that every single fucking, like, criticism of Castlevania's new Nocturne is completely based in racism. Completely.
Because when i show you how he actually looks, like, it's... um so this is how orlok looks in the series um beautiful black man this is what his fuck ass design looks like in castlevania the games that fuck ass green mustache is not better than the fucking retelling and anyone who says it is is genuinely being fucking racist like you're telling me this fuck ass loser who is labeled as evil doer for a majority of the fucking game you think is genuinely better because he's
not black? Like, what are we talking about? This looks like a rejected magic card from 1994. don't like way he's looking at me. This is wanted! This is how I wanted him to look! Are you stupid?!
This is the ugliest no-sauce outfit I've ever fucking seen. Also, Orlox is not black in the series. He's Aztec. I'm talking about his melanin, sorry. Yeah, there you go. I just wanted to clarify before anyone else. Yeah, no, I'm aware he is not actually black. Yeah.
um But I just mean, by comparison, he's been made to have melanin. um He's also not the only character, but he's the one that people are like, that's so fucked up, they could do it to him. It's like, you don't, you're fucking lying. My fictional vampire is the wrong color. yeah je Genuinely, yes.
um Every fucking retelling of Orlok's design in the fucking original sucks so much ass. It sucks ass. And that's how you know you just hate fucking black people.
You don't like people with melanin! A lot of ah other people's criticism is that, well, Dracula's not the main baddie in this. Like, okay. not the main baddie in all the games, dude. Baba Yaga's in the games, y'all never say any shit about that. That's not Dracula. Like, come on. like i think it's I think the plot that they take is very interesting. with they It's not a spoiler, that it's ah focused on an Egyptian goddess, essentially.
um And it's a very interesting take on like the spirit realm and adding in how like the Seekers have anything to do with ah the world of Dracula. And it's...
It's just very fascinating, and i think that people that criticize it because, did you just have dr Dracula in my vampire media? Fuck you. I mean, it barely has Dracula in the game that Richter comes from.
Open your mind to the possibilities of hot vampire lesbians. Dracula's castle is more of a character than Dracula is within the Castlevania universe. a universe so it's like He's not really in season three at all.
Yeah. No, like, Alucard takes his place for most of the fucking game series. So anyone who's like, this sucks, there's no Dracula in it. Ooh, ooh, I wish people could see that I'm strangling them right now. because i They can see my hams.
There's so many, like, all of the rage I feel like, where people are like, I hate this. It's so artificial. it's so fucking fake because they just want to have something they want whine. yeah.
it's like just watch the fucking show and then tell me you hate it come on like let's talk about like let's complain about the creator. let's talk about his weird shit that he's got going on. like why are we yeah. yeah i don't blame you. it's on my list though um and i'll i'll keep you porsted.
Challenges of Podcasting
yes. i'll let you know when we finally get to doing the goddamn show. yes i would love to. love love to hear. i have to see what's even next on our list. i can't throw stones because i we're not good at recording. We've posted on so many times. It's so hard. People don't understand that, like, sure, it's me talking to my best friend, but it's also, like, I have to sanitize myself to talk to, like, a crowd. There's a room yeah You're doing stand-up to an empty room right now. And that's work to some degree. I would never complain, you know? And getting three people in line for two hours is, like, it's work. It is.
It's, like, also, sometimes me and Nev are, like, in a record, or about to start a record, and we're like... I to talk to Gavin right now. What's Gavin doing? And then we don't record because we want to hang out with our other friends at the same time.
Like, we get FOMO. We start, we're like, let's record. And then see three people in a voice chat, like, maybe not. We hang out instead. We have fun instead. What do we hang out with them?
It's like, you know, I can't eat when I'm recording. i can't have, like, a delicious Dr. Pepper. There's been a bag of Cheez-Its on my desk this whole time. i do love that you're Dr. Pepper pilled. I can't help it. I'm an addict. It's really bad. I'm amused with.
I need another one. i had Gavin got a quiz news today. um and brought home. I didn't want a sandwich, so he brought me a Dr. Pepper to drink and house that thing. Fucking just demolished it.
And the whole time. I ran out of water a while ago, but all I can think about is getting it up on a Dr. Pepper. Oh my god. I've been trying to quietly, so it doesn't pick up on my mic, type out like, go to the gas station. Get me a Peppy. I need a one now, but maybe I want him to go through the drive through a swiss or fizz and get me Peppy one. Yeah, get fizzed, dude.
Oh, bring it back. the way, I didn't mention it. Look at us. 32 ounces. They are fucking huge. Holy shit. Yeah, it's not it's not like a small bed. And it's like two bucks. It's two bucks for like a 40. 32 ounces? I think they do go up to a 48, I'm gonna be honest.
Yeah, it's huge. It's like a whole ass Stanley Cup. So, Nerd, I do have a question. Y'all. In the vampire Dracula podcasting realm, do you think you're ever going to reach a point where it's just going to become vampire media?
um At some point, I think what... the direction the show is going in is that, like again, like, we start with straight adaptation. We have, like, I would say three big ones that we need to hit that are, you know, pretty straightforward. um There's a show from 2013 that has Jonathan Rice Myers that is dog awful.
um There is a 2020 BBC show. And then I think there's a couple, like, kind of, like, lesser known movies. After that, we're going to kind of go into the, like, this has Dracula, but it doesn't follow the story.
and where we have to figure out where to draw the line is like, how much does just have Dracula mean? Because we could get really in the weeds. Um, but eventually we will probably like maybe park the Transylvania X bus for a little bit and then come back to just plain vampire media, which is also a tall order.
I kind of want to stay away from Twilight because there's so much Twilight podcasting already. um and maybe something like the kind of shittier two thousands shows, uh,
Oh, God, the Nina Dobrev Vampire Diaries. um You know, Jenny Nicholson has her, like, eight-hour Vampire Diaries video. So, like, I don't really want to touch stuff that has been well-trod in the, like, podcasting slash video essayist...
So spear I ask because for a while, this a few years ago, i had a concept that was like a a prototype for a podcast. And my whole premise was i wanted to watch really horrible like dollar bin horror movies and then that rule record about it for the podcast.
And I got like five or six that are just vampire ones that I've never heard of. And I don't think anyone's ever seen them that I know. um So I'm very happy to send you a list of titles. Please do. The Demon Under the Glass, I think, is one of them. Ah, lit. Sounds awful. One's just called Thirst. It's like a nineteen seventy s kind of Suspiria-ass. Oh, yeah. like I will take the 70s one for sure.
That was rife. That decade was rifeless. I will send them to you and I will dig out all my shitty DVDs that I have in a storage trunk to make sure I get all the titles right. You are a queen, Nebula. Truly. Do you remember the one I tried to make you watch where it was Bloods vs. No, sorry, this is a werewolf one. Bloods vs. Wolves.
Oh, God. Do you remember when I made you watch that fucking movie and you had to like leap, you had to tap out? Yeah. It'd be like that. It's vampires versus werewolves, but it's also bloods versus crypts.
That's um fucking- It is shot like it's on someone's phone. Yeah, it might be. It's a movie from 2006. I think vampires is also done by the same people. But I have to triple check because i just I can't tell.
um But I guess there's a whole subsect of like gangster vampire movies that can be tapped into. This is delicious. Thank you for the info, both of you. There's also- I can't remember the name of it.
um It might straight up just be Carmilla. But ah there is an old YouTube series. that is okay you you're nodding so you know it's carmilla it is carmilla okay that's like a retelling of the carmilla story and it's all like very queer but they're in college and yep that is yeah that that was like 2014 or 15 yeah i remember watching that as it came out um but that's that's definitely something to hit as well because you know carmilla is kind of the og dracula so it's like do we look at that instead who knows whereas like i know that you guys are also like a
Yeah, what's what's the metric on this? But ah what's your, like, do you have, um I know that you both do a lot of conventions. Do you have anything that you're excited about coming up?
SakuraCon Travel and Cosplay Plans
Like, convention-wise?
Yeah. um first beforehand if you truly get desperate for dracula related things i'm gonna pitch and you'll hate it you will hate the suggestion i'm ready the old um book series called my sister the vampire about two twins um it's a it's definitely a fucking children's book but wow is it some very very compelling like vampire lore a little bit i love this um cooks scholastic book fair type shit yeah that's what i'm on because one of the twins is directly from uh like dracula so tie in um it's so fucking ass but it's such a good like i want to read a girly kid book for a minute okay okay okay they're like this thick so it's not like it's a real real thinker um so funny and i love those books okay that's amazing thank you
Um, they're funny and they're good and they're not Twilight, but, um, they kind of have just as much drama as Twilight that doesn't have weird, um... Racial connotations. And Mormon, by the way, Mormon connotations.
Twilight Mormon. So intensely Mormon. so fucking Mormon. Clockably Mormon. So is Fifty Shades of Grey. Very fucking Mormon. Ooh, everything ties back to Mormon. Everything as my everything is Mormon and everything hurts.
But back to our conventions. I'm only doing one convention this year because I'm going to Japan. Yay, good for you. Normally, we we were thinking about doing two in the spring because our trip is in the fall, so if we could type-pice it out, but the one that I usually do that is in Vegas as well is the exact week that I'd be getting back from SakuraCon.
Um, so I'm skipping it because one of them is actually a vacation and the other is going to Las Vegas, and I'm so close to Las Vegas that it doesn't feel real to me anymore. And SakuraCon, um, I'm going to as well. We're- we're starting to work on our cosplays for it, um. Our panels have been sent. They haven't responded, but we'll see. We have, like, go a hundred percent rate. But we're not worried anyways because I'm hosting the first one of Meetup.
But it's in Seattle, which is so much more of, like, a fun travel spot than Vegas. There's so much more to do. And we had a really great time last year. We, me and, because Gavin's been going, so the, the,
Looping back. So, yeah. yeah SoccerCon is always on Easter weekend. It is in the greater Seattle area. So if you've ever played The Last of Us 2 and gone through the convention center, that's where we're at.
Genuine, real-to-life place. Okay, great. Um, my boyfriend would go all the time because all of his friends are in Vancouver. So they meet up there because most of Vancouver, Canada is, you know, a ferry ride away and a little bit of a short little hips, a little drive.
So that's why we started to go out there is because of Gavin's friends. And it's also a really big convention. Um, but you know, we're in downtown fucking Seattle. So the eating is really good because you have your own little Chinatown. The bar scene is fucking crazy.
Um, we went to a high end, like meetup with a bunch of high, like, status cosplayers and OnlyFans creators um at a bar that you or like used to be an old funeral home.
Oh my god, cool. Bruce Lee's funeral was held there. Yeah, so everything on the menu is themed to Bruce Lee, so there's a bunch of like, Dungeness, he loves Dungeness crab.
So you can get like a pizza with Dungeness crab, you can get a charcuterie board that has crab on it. Oh my god, it was fucking awesome. oh yeah um Crazy bar scene. And um ah there was a, when I was at Level Up the month after, me and Gavin got invited to a Cosmo roof party, which was nuts. But we, when we were there, we managed to meet a bunch of bartenders who work at a bunch of little bars in Seattle doing like independent fucking pop-up whiskey stuff.
um Crazy. So when we go, we'll have like a whole other tailored experience compared to what we did last year. And that is why we keep being so invested in going. because you know, the convention is fun, but it's more about what we like to do. Like when we're there for Dallas for ACON, which is not coming back this year, saying ah we go for the food because, you know, we are in downtown. want to explore. Dallas is huge.
Like we're only in a tiny bit of it. We're in the Irving area when we're there. And it's, we're barely touching the surface, but because, you know, when we're down there, the Crunchyroll office is down there, the Funimation office before they merged was down there.
So we're talking to voice actors in person. um Benefits, you know, because if it's just a con, who the fuck cares? right Because I can go to a con anywhere. But... i I'm blabbing. i'm um This is a big blab wraparound. Sake-Con is a 24-hour convention, so every time of the like hour every hour of the day there is something going on.
There are 18-plus panels happening all night. There are 21 panels happening, because sometimes they can serve sake and do stuff there. There is 24-hour mahjong. If you want to go fucking play mahjong, do it at 4 a.m. Don't tell me that.
and so Go get drunk, go to the bars, then go to the mashup. Go bar crawl and then go mashup Straight jogging it, dude. But it's like, because it's 24 hours, everyone's hanging out, like, the whole time. You're not, it's not very, like, closed off where people are, you know, not interacting with one another because it's a very community-centered con. It's put on by a non-profit, which means that it's very focused one around one another.
um just makes for a really good fucking time. So I'm excited for that. Oh, I'm glad. hosting a meetup, so all of the Persona fans that I know will be there because ah have a friend in Washington who's taking care of it from that side. Stunning, gorgeous. Are you both going do Persona then?
Yes. Yes. We have One Piece plans and then Persona plans, and then I think... Neb convinced Whoop to cosplay because he's coming along with us. Well, I actually did not convince him. He said it all in his own. He brought it up all on his own. Wow. This was not a costume you were planning on bringing, but then I did this? You're like... Yeah, it was like, okay, sure. um Because last time we went...
Whoop did not come because it was just, it didn't work out that way. and he didn't know he liked Cons are a lot, too. think some people are like, it's not their thing, which I totally get. Well, it's like, it also depends because you go into, like, not all cons are the same. Cons are different pairs of shoes.
So if you're going to a pop culture convention, it can be kind of mid. yeah but If you're going to, like, if it's not your type, it might not work. But we have a good feeling, based on, like, past experiences, that he'll like Sakura Con, because first, we're in Seattle.
Second, it's a completely different con sphere, because it's mostly, like, it's two floors of Artist Alley. And this is, like, uh, it's fucking huge. Like, just one Artist Alley is what the, like,
the convention got so big because it's one of Seattle's oldest conventions that the entire con used to be held on that expo hall. Wow. But then it got so big that they split it. So now the entire floor that can house one convention is just Artist Alley.
That's very cool. It is fucking huge. So it's like, even if it's not 100% your vibe to do conventions, Soccer Con is a really good entry point to that. So we think it'll have fun.
um And also, it's in Seattle and Neb has family out there, so it's like... Yeah. He will have fun no matter what. or He better. um
I'm going to feed him a soup dump and it's all going to be good, okay? Yep. Delicious soup There's Jin Tai Fung nearby and wow. What about you, Nern? What are you excited for? What's coming up? um Would that be my beach episode?
um I mean... I mean, we we're asking you non-wise, but we can move into segments. We can We can move in. Let's do it. Okay. I'm a beach up. I'm feeling it. It's been a minute. So people who are listening to the podcast are beautiful people.
If you forgot, a beach episode is something pleasant that is happening that, you know, a little break away. And we also have our boss battles, which are things that kind of suck right now. That bar politics. We are not doing politics. Don't ask me about politics.
um But things that kind of suck right now that we're just trying to get past in the meantime. So about we just do beach episodes then? You want to just do beach episodes? Let's just
Personal Challenges and Positive Experiences
do beaches only. Damn, I had a very calm one, okay? had a calm boss battle this time. Oh, okay, you can share.
you can bonus it. I'm just kidding, it's fine. DLC, if you will. only want to share if y'all want to share, okay? Otherwise, it just feels like me bitching the bitch. will share a boss battle if you so desire.
do you want share a battle? Yeah, let's do it Parks, you go first because you had one. Tell us your boss battle. Mine is that I mastered hand sewing as of late. And that benefit comes with me having fucked up little hands. And it's been a week since I've had two hand sew.
But I'm still band-aided up because I managed to fucking reopen one. um I'm very not good at hand sewing, we found out. It's hard. I get so scared of it that I don't do it. And yeah because I get little hand tremors, I kind of just fling the fucking needle.
Like at one point I was in call doing it. And I managed to drop the needle and kind of fling it in a way that it like curved and cut my cheek. Jesus Christ. My hands are still fucked up though. um And it's been hard because my day job is typing all day.
So I've got like little calluses building on my pads and I have to go because it hurts on my keyboard. And that's my boss battle. That was it. i just wanted to share that my thingy's hard. I mean, I'm glad that you're doing it. You're you're crushing it. It's hard. i don't know how to do it.
I'm dying. Neb, what's yours? My boss battle is I am trying to tackle the mountain of laundry that is my entire house.
Um, and I have ADHD, uh, and my husband, he's undiagnosed, but I feel like he's got something.
He's not helping. And it's, we're both messy as fuck. Um, and we're both very just like scatterbrained. Uh, so I have been trying to force myself to get through it and I'm almost through it. So that's, it's laundry all day, every day for like the past week and a half. Let's fucking go.
Sisyphus and his rock of fucking laundry again. Yes. So, Nerd, what is your boss battle? um Yeah, mine is that I am trying to get back into consistently bouldering and rock climbing. um I feel like I am like just doing it, but like I took a kind of extended break over the holidays, and I like it a lot.
And I bought a membership, but it is hard to make yourself leave the house when it is zero degrees outside. Um, so that's it. I'm trying to like, I'm trying to fight that because it's a a form of movement I actually like, and that is rare.
i do not like to run. at all. No. Fuck you hate it So I'm like trying to like get back into that and it does feel a little like I'm banging my head against a wall because suddenly like five days of Elfgan Bay and I'm like fuck I die for gore.
i get it. But yeah that's that's that's my my battle of of the boss there. That's so impressive though. I fucking hate how cold it is Thank you. um It's fun. I'm at a very direct disadvantage because i am not tall and I specifically have very short legs. Oh no. ah So yeah, I am five foot five and I wear like pants.
Wow. my friend that is Yeah, they're stubs. I only know short boulderers. My friend Jamie is a hardcore boulderer, so much so that her boyfriend is like a manager of a gym. She's tiny.
She's fucking tiny. And she she, you know, has a disadvantage, but she gets up there fast. Yeah, she'd be scrambling. But she hates how fast, like, like if i I've gone with her, like, maybe twice. Every time she's like... yep i only i usually go with men and they're all tall they're like yeah see if you can get your and i'm like i can't they're oh shit man sorry i need like three others so i really feel that gap yes my favorite is when i go and i get smoked by children because they don't weigh anything like their body weight is you know 70 pounds they're just like fucking spider monkeying up the wall and i'm like oh god
My friend had to bring um her, we had a photo shoot together and she's like, is it okay if I bring my kids? like, sure, I don't care. I like your kids. You're fine. yeah The whole time we were there, flips. We were inside the Capitol on a marble floor and she's like, watch this and just kept doing cartwheels and flips. Like, oh my God. How the fuck does she have so much fucking energy?
We were shooting for like 45 minutes of just nonstop. Gavin was like, she just keep flipping over here, man. um So scared she would fall and eat it on the marble floor. Not once. I don't know how she that energy. But she kept fucking going. We went outside, still kept going in the cold.
It's snowing on us. Cartwheel. Well done, child. I just wish I had child energy again. I used to be that kind of kid, too. I'd be somersaulting everywhere. I'd be cartwheeling everywhere.
So that kind of brings me to what my beach episode will be at. Yeah, lead us in. Because I'm going to be going to Toronto in two weeks, and Toronto is only about four and a half hours away from me. um and I'm going to be visiting one of my friends who's on the west coast of Canada. But it just makes sense for us to meet there um because I can drive and she doesn't have to like fly into the U.S. But she's always talking about how she wants to still know if she can do a cartwheel.
um and i'm like i want to know if i can do a cartwheel she's like i love an apartment and i'm like i live in an apartment so the list for toronto is like eat a lot of food we're both gonna get tattooed and then like perhaps see if we can find somewhere to do a cartwheel uh take a stop in a park and hit yeah too to do a cartwheel take me to the urgent care as a result of the cartwheel and But yeah, I actually don't know I'm getting it for the tattoo because I have a lot tattoos and I've kind of reached the like like dipshit flash phase um where like I'll just kind of like look at what you got.
um But I believe she's getting a Homestar Runner one, which is exciting. cause I also have a Homestar Runner one. So then we won't we won't match exactly because I don't believe she's going to get the cheat.
But ah this is this excites to me. So that's that's my beach. My beach is going to be in Toronto where it'll be fucking freezing. That's exciting. Toronto's fucking dope. Yeah, it It's a cool town. It's cool town.
Cosplay Creativity and Squirrel Girl Project
ah Parker, what is your... and Oh, I'm going nice for real?
yeah Mine's the same as it is every fucking time. um I'm cosplaying like fucking crazy again and that's really fun because... I just keep doing it and I keep getting pretty photos of myself and I'm making stuff. Right now I'm trying a lot more because I have plans for Sakura-con to really fill out my backlog and I've been doing very well at that.
Like right now, most of my last few ones have been costumes I've been holding onto to for a minute. Like the dress that I just finished for Yukari, I had that base dress for a year I bought at the same time I bought my general Yukari sweater.
but I didn't want to sew it because it required me to hand sew with that material, and I didn't want to do it. But I got off my ass and did it. I was holding onto to Three Swords Nami for a minute because I wanted to shoot her outside, but there's just no way in fuck to do that sometimes because hiking out there was a pain in the ass or something in my eye. i Don't mind me.
ah But I got that taken care of. I got Violet from Persona 5 as a second-hand costume from a friend yeah because she didn't want to cosplay anymore. um So she gave it to me, and I was holding onto to that for like six months, seven months, um and I didn't shoot it. So I was like, I just need to fucking bite the bullet.
And whenever it starts to get into that, like, October- October's when my birthday is, and then then, you know, tons of Halloween-based costumes, like, there's always a variation for Halloween for that, and that always has to start, like, a month in advance if I want my photos back in time, so by September, all the way, because you always have to be a month in fucking advance, yeah September I'm doing Halloween shoots, um, November I'm doing, like, whatever I can have, left. Holiday shoots, yeah.
um, in October, because by November I need to be getting all my Christmas shit done. And I did three different fucking costumes for Christmas, so I had to cram all that in there, and now I'm free to do whatever I want.
And that's kind of a lot. So, backlog, backlog, backlog. And that's done. And I have, like, a shoot this weekend, and then I have another shoot on the second the following weekend, which is crazy for me, but, you know, that's me.
Do it dude. It does feel good to, like, make stuff. It does feel good to make stuff. I'm very proud that I'm... Because beforehand, there was a big break before I was at my sewing machine to actually sit down and fully make a costume from scratch.
um I'm always altering, always, because I want it to fit me. But, you know, doing, like, two little seams isn't much. Like, I don't think I've actually sat down to hand sew something or, like, I say hand-so, I didn't hand-so scared.
But I haven't made a costume from scratch since I made Egghead Nami back for last level up in April. Which is a very long time to not be at my shoot. But it's because, you know, with Neb getting married, um I had another wedding the week before Neb's wedding, so but my September was fucking booked, so I skipped FanX, which is one Yuka's only cons here.
Anime Banzai didn't happen, but even if it did, it was on my birthday, so I didn't want to make or go anyways. So I didn't make anything. So it's just a huge window of me not sitting down to craft. And that sucked, honestly. like I'm really busy now and I'm doing a lot, but at least I'm fucking making something. Yeah, exactly. And that's been really refreshing.
oh And my therapist keeps yelling at me to be like, don't do too much. Cause I will use my, cause I go to therapy late. Sorry, I'm yapping. Your therapist, your best friend yells at you, your boyfriend yells at you to not do too much. I know. Yeah, exactly.
Um, but I go to therapy at like 8 PM, um, which is very late, but like, I have time between work and that, that I will go and like work on costumes if I have time. And like, I will do it the whole time basically before then. So she's always like, when you leave here, do not fucking go back to work. I'm like, okay.
Um, I've resisted the devil in my ear telling me yeah to just finish it because there's a point where it's like sure I've been here for seven hours which is kind of an ungodly amount of time to be hunched over this project but I'm almost there and usually that almost there period is like where I'm always too tired and I fuck it up because I'm so tired at that point trying to just get to the finish line when in reality I should just drop it and then finish that hour the next day even if it's a little hard to admit that I should do.
But you're getting there. a creature. It's gross. doing You're adoring it. I'm really ahead. Like, honest to God, even though I have had a shoot every single weekend, which does cut into my free time a lot, every single outfit that I've shot, um I've been two weeks ahead in terms of prep.
That rules. um But yeah. Neb, what's yours? Hit it, Neb. Uh... I... You know, I had it, and then I got so caught up in, like, being proud of Parker that it just fell out of my brain. That's cute. Yeah.
I made a belt. Made a belt of nothing. I can show you. One moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah. not done yet, it's for Squirrel Girl. making Squirrel Girl mostly from scratch. I made a belt. Oh, we squirreling.
Hey, that's great, that looks dope. Thank you. Did hand weave the whole thing, or is it... No, it's ah it's a vinyl. Um... It's so like pleather woven vinyl thing. Yeah.
Did you buy it pre-made then and then just sew it? i No. So it's, I got the fabric um and then I made the belt out of foam from an existing belt that I have. I just patterned it and then stitched it with my machine. So there's actual structure to it. And then I'm going to use one of my tools that I got for my Miss All Sunday hat to do the.
Like your little all. Yes. ah Well, I have one that's a it's like a puncher. It's like a hand puncher thing. Oh, like a hand grommet one? It's not to put the grommets in, it's just to get the holes. No, but mean to make the holes. Yeah, basically.
And I'm gonna see about 3D printing the belt buckle and stuff, but I'm slowly working on Squirrel Girl. I resonate with that character a lot, even before Marvel marvel Rivals came out, and then her design for Marvel Rivals. I'm like, oh my god, that's me, that's my body type. love you.
She's so cute. I love her. I am squirrel. kicked her up the list. So yeah, I've been yeah trying to put a lot of love and care into her. so I'm very slowly working on her. I got her wig partially styled.
um I have a lot of the base materials for her. And I'm going to do for my Patreon, I'm going to do a little pinup shoot for her as well. Let's go. That'll be fun. So, yep, just same as yours, basically, Parker, just making making shit.
Making stuff. It doesn't help that you got bit by this inspiration when you have to actually also mix up for something. Yeah, it's so yeah that's okay. You've got it. I mean, your costume's pretty easy for across the board of just editing shit. We're getting there. We're getting there.
Well, Nern, thank you for joining us. You're so fun to talk to. No problem. you are Thank you so much for having me This legitimately felt like a little sleepover. Like us just chatting and i yeah straight gavin'.
Drinking Docty Pepe. Oh, yeah. We love the Docty Pepe. Docty Pepe. I sent him on a quest to give me Dr. Peppy so I have one to crack into as soon as I'm done. Let's go. um What would you like to plug? Share your your pluggables. and Oh, yeah.
um So my podcast, which we talked about mostly, you can find on pretty much most of the podcasting apps, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, pocket casts iheart radio fucking whatever i don't know i use buzzsprout and i put it on there and people tell me it shows up places it's also on youtube if you don't have any of those so what's it called and transylvaniacs is the podcast and you can find it on instagram at transylvaniacs pod um if you yeah again i write occasionally for uh the hard times which is at the hard times news
And then my personal Instagram is at nernstagram. um But yeah, I'd love to love to hear from Yins. And thanks for having me on. I love chit-chatting with you two beans. Of course. You're also in our Discord, so if anyone is listening to this episode and wants to tell Nirn things directly to their face, ah join the Discord.
ah well Yeah, hit me up. Nabi, would you like to plug yourself? Yeah, you can find me on Instagram and It's the first time I get to say that. um At Nebula Inky, it's Nebula underscore Inky. I think on Blue Sky, it's Nebula hyphen Inky. I can't remember.
um You find me. You find me there. I also have a Patreon for ah my personal cosplay things and for pinup cosplay. That's slash Nebula underscore Inky.
And Parker, what are yours? um You can find me on... Blue Sky and Instagram. I have can't remember if I did my Blue Sky the same as my Twitter. Crown Guard Cosplay on both of those things. You can find me on Twitter at LittleLightBee.
You can find the podcast that you're listening to right now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, literally every single one that Nirn just said because although we do not have the same producers, we got the same tabs.
um You can also find our podcast at slash fandamespod and our Discord server is in the description right now. Let's Hell yeah. Did I miss anything? No, we got it. We nailed it.
Awesome. Sick. Thank you guys for listening. No problem. We appreciate you all. Thank you for joining us and thanks for letting us be in your ears. Everyone go watch Nosferatu and then listen to Transylvaniacs. Yeah. Hell yeah. Bye.