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Arcane, Penguin, and the State of Comedies | The Rewind Podcast image

Arcane, Penguin, and the State of Comedies | The Rewind Podcast

E9 ยท The Rewind Podcast
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This week on The Rewind, Darren is at a fancy-pants screening, so Jack, Marty, and Nick are going to chat about a grab bag of topics, including HBO's The Penguin, the first batch of Arcane season 2 episodes, and the current state of comedies.

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Oh, hello, everyone, and welcome to The Rewind, episode number nine for Tuesday, November 12th, 2024. My name is Marty Sleev. I'm joined by Jack Packard, Nick Calandrin, producer Eric. Darren is at a fancy pan screening. That's why he's not here, because his pants are fancy.
Hmm. I don't know. We rarely see. We usually only see Darren's upper torso, so we don't really realize how fancy his pants are. Well, they're extremely fancy. Let me let me assure you guys. Whenever I picture Darren, I picture him in nice slacks like not even jeans, just nice, like, well ironed slacks with a belt. So he's a big old man. He's absolutely sure I've seen of Darren as him in the suit when he was at the he looked good at the Cannes Film Festival. Yeah. Yeah. He was good looking.

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ah Welcome, everyone. This is Second Winds Entertainment Podcast. We've got a great show for you today. We're going to be chatting about a little bit about Disney and HBO Max, both released ah little sizzle reels for their upcoming slates for 2025. We'll be chatting about um kind of the big things we have in store for us next year. ah A couple of big genre shows, just one wrapped up and one just got a season started in HBO's The Penguin and ah Arcane Season 2 on Netflix.
And then ah Jack and I watched a pair of of comedies, comedies on Amazon Prime, ah Brothers and My Old Ass. And we're going to talk about both of them because one of them is very good and one of them is not very good. And also just kind of want to talk about, like, what happened to comedies? I don't know. You remember like comedies used to be like, ah I feel like every month I went to a comedy and now I'm just going to sad movies about Jesus. I saw two sad movies about Jesus this week. Did you did you see the trailer for Mary this morning?
I did see the trailer for Mary, part of the extended Jesus cinematic universe. um yeah but ah yeah's by her mag g c d oh ah Who's the k Nick Fury of that? sudden gift you Just comes out. well
I told you this is going to be a shit show of the show. It's fine. It's fine. I also feel like the three of us have streamed in a long time. no yeah that's not That's true. I don't know if we've ever streamed at Second Wind. ah Oh, that might be true. The three of us together. i mean yeah We've done it in a group setting. And only three of us. Right. It's been a while. And by the way, the here's the big twist is it's Judas. Judas is the Nick Fury of the of the thought Catholic cinematic universe. Wouldn't he be like Loki?
Mm, you would think that you would think that yeah. Yeah, exactly Welcome everyone in chat as well snake I saw your message right away where I think we could keep penguin and arcane Relatively spoiler free because I think those are shows arcane only has three of its nine episodes out and penguin It feels like a show I've been recommending to a lot of people So I think a lot of people might have waited until it was done and then coming to it late So um we'll keep those those topics relatively spoiler free that being said you're getting spoiled on brothers. Oh There's no way we're not spoiling brothers. We're not spoiling brothers. All the brothers spoilers are happening today. Did you ever see four brothers? This is the second time I've talked about four brothers on a show. I've not seen four brothers. I don't know. Four brothers. yeah oh she had no'm all great for the brother um Let's start off, let's start off chatting about these, these, these trailers.

Star Wars and Marvel Series Developments

So, like I mentioned, Disney Plus and HBO released upcoming sizzle reels of what they have in store for the rest of 2024 and into 2025. I'm dropping their links in the chat so folks can watch them. And I just wanted to go over some dates and some ah some things to mark on our calendar of of genre shows, either returning, debuting, or ah otherwise coming back. So ah December 3rd, in less than a month, we have Star Wars Skeleton Crew.
You know, about this, I know, Jack, you're a little on Star Wars. How are you on scale? This is the show that he would actually be into out of any of the Star Wars shows. It's like Goonies, but Star Wars. You love Goonies. You have a Goonies tattoo. I do. I do. I have a I have a Hey, you guys sloth tattoo. You will never guess where it is. It's below the belt. That's all I'm going to say. That's all I'm going to say.
um I, you know, the ladies, if they want to see my chunk, ah oh my wonder reference ah zing I will.
I'm not watching Star Wars ever, ever again. I have made that incredibly clear. I am done. I will not. i Oh, Andor is good. I don't give a fuck. Oh, this is good. I don't give a fuck. I'm never watching a Star Wars again. I'm out. okay I can't, I can't tempt you with a little bit of Jude law, a little sprinkling of Jude law. Oh, I love Jude law. That is as ah a wonderful man. I'm never fucking watching a fucking Star Wars again.
one of One of the episodes episodes are directed by the Everything Everywhere All At Once duo. The Daniels. David Lowry, who did The Green Knight, which I know you love. You keep coming up to me with tears in your eyes and saying, Sir, The Green Knight is my favorite movie I've ever seen. Lee Isaac Chung, who just directed Twisters yeah with an S.
By the way, this is not an indictment. I believe that quality stuff will come out of the Star Wars intellectual property. I think you know these are all talented people who will make interesting things. I am out. And i've i'm not i I have been very clear on that.
I like that we represent the full style. It's their inciting incident for why you're out. Yeah, what was the last thing actually? Luke showing up in Mando? Luke showing up in Mando. Yeah, I'm done. That was the last thing I watched and I've been happier. I've just been happier.
You have to read Star Wars comments from fans. And then yeah, they they talk they're mad about something. Oh, they love something. They're mad about something. They love something. And I just get to be blissfully unaware. It's like, it's like that section of America that on election day was Googling, why is Joe Biden not running for president? I get to be bliss.
I get to be blissfully unaware of the chaos and I've never felt better. Oh, I think that is so good. Nick, as as someone like me who still does ah consume both Star Wars things, even though we might have up and down relationships with it, where are you at on the skeleton crew? Yeah, that that trailer, it just feels different, really different from anything Star Wars has done before. And so that has me interested. I'm curious.
that That trailer was really interesting because it starts like at a really light hearted like almost feels like a kid's show tone. And then it just these kind of thing. Yeah. But then it also just gets pure like darker and darker as the trailer goes on. And so like I think there's going to be a nice like contrast between between the two that I'm i'm interested in. I'm not.
Yeah, I guess we'll see. It's just a very interesting looking Star Wars project. And that's all I'm asking for for Star Wars right now is to be interesting. And not against it as it takes place in the same Mandalorian timeframe, which I'm like, we just got to get out of there. There's so much stuff going on. We just got to get out of there. But obviously, Star Wars thing coming next year that I think both of us and Darren definitely are more excited about. April 22nd confirmed the debut of season two, the second season and final season of Andor, which I know I'm sure a million people have told you this is the good one, Jack. It is a good one. Listen, I appreciate your your your commitment, your your faith. It's great. You know what? He's he's a fan.
that knows when he's done. Yeah. You can say that you can't say that about many fans. This is the thing like, i oh, you know, what's more pain? Like I'll probably eventually I'll probably even rewatch, you know, like some of the original trilogy. i'll I will just enjoy what I enjoy. And it's like, I'm good. I'm good. Y'all. You're going to crack open the book of Boba Fett for yourself a nice Kama meal.
See what's going on with that rain core that he rides? um Like when I retire, when I'm like 75 years old, it's like finally I'll watch this, I'll watch Titanic and then I'll die.
oh So it's your it's your avatar way of water that's that's how i'm treating jesus cameras avatar No, because this is my deathbed movies if I'm watching it y'all should be worried you start looking to fill an empty head um You hyped it up so much just to never watch it but listen i'm ah i'm ah I'm a PR person for Big Jim ah My job is not to watch the thing my job is to get others to watch the thing. Absolutely Okay, the other side of the Disney coin Marvel We got a couple dates for Marvel things. March 4th, Daredevil Born Again, the the the much awaited and anticipated Daredevil series on Disney+, obviously bringing back the v cast of the Netflix series. And then later on in the summer, June 24th, Marvel's Ironheart, which apparently was filmed like four years ago. And Ironheart is a character that was introduced in the second Black Panther movie. Riri Williams is taking the mantle of Iron Man. um either Either of these do anything for you. Are you out on Marvel, Jack, as well?
No, I'm still, you like Agatha? Oh yeah, I love Agatha. Agatha's really great. Obviously like, you know, and I have a deeper like backstory with Marvel. So it's like, as someone who has read a lot of comics, I've been there for the ups and downs in the comics and in the cinematic universe and the Disneyfication of Marvel, like this is the ups and downs and welcome ah everyone. This is how comic book readers have felt for decades. There are good periods, there are bad periods. ah sadly Sadly, very true. Yes. um um I'm very interested in Daredevil. I just am concerned about being under Disney and seeing what they do with it. I mean, like obviously the the first teasers very much seem to match the style of Netflix, but we'll see if the writing matches. because i That's what I'm concerned about. And they did. Apparently they had a ah first run of scripts that were ah
Eventually, everyone looked at them were like, this is like two days. This is not the continuation of the Daredevil story that people really loved on Netflix. And so they went back to the well, and that's where they, you know, brought back a lot of the actors and they brought um ah John Berenthal's coming back as Punisher. There's some some scuttlebutt that Chris and Ritter might be coming back. um So I'm cautiously optimistic, like they have the MCU things next year.
I guess Fantastic Four is the thing I'm most curious about, but this would probably be number two. um Yeah, they have to be looking at like DC right now and how they're separating, you know, doing the ah darker, you know, Matt Reeves stuff with whatever, you know, James Gunn, Superman is going to be. They have to be looking at that and seeing the success and be like, maybe, maybe we need to get some of that both worlds. Yeah. Yeah. You can you can have both worlds. I think Marvel is still attempting to have their cake and eat it, too, where it's like, you know, and and they did the same. in I mean, you know, if you read a Punisher comic, it's vastly different than an Avengers comic, right? If you read, ah you know, certain runs of Daredevil vastly different than Spider-Man and they lived a couple of neighborhoods apart. yeah But i yeah the the I mean, Wanda, let's let's OK. Hold on. Daredevil.
let's all take a moment and recognize that even netflix's daredevil which we all look back on with rose-colored glasses had significant ups and downs yeah a lot of season two was real dang shaky season three felt a little more like um like, uh, like we think we know what you want instead of ah having a voice in a story to tell themselves. And to me, that's my biggest concern with born again, is them trying to give the audience what they want instead of having a story of their own to tell. That being said, uh, talented actors, talented filmmakers, uh, let's, let's be cautiously optimistic.
And yeah, I'm curious, like the this is everywhere else in the world. If anyone's outside of the US, Disney Plus kind of just houses all of the things under the Disney and Fox umbrella, I believe. So like you can watch all the R-rated stuff from from Hulu and everything. You can watch Alien on on Disney Plus. And that's slowly happening here. yeah Via Disney Plus, you could be like, oh, I could put on The Bear, which does not feel like a Disney Plus show. So yeah. um umm um I'm also also curious and and yeah, I guess cautiously optimistic, cautiously optimistic. I think this will be a ah big test as far as the spine of Disney goes. I think they got a big confidence boost with Deadpool, Wolverine, as far as like stretching the boundaries. Obviously, that was not a movie I cared for, but if you know. Yeah.
Right. If we're going to like zoom out and look at a meta level like it definitely helped define what a Disney Marvel movie is. Maybe that gave them a little confidence to try something a little more daring with Daredevil. But much like Deadpool Wolverine, what I'm assuming is it's going to be an overabundance of fan service. Yeah.
Yeah, which which is which is sucks because what are you going to do, you know? And it kind of sucks is that just that's what it feels like this entire second part of the MCU is building up to. If it's building up to Secret Wars, it just feels like that's fanservice incarnate, um which kind of fun being of funny, like the the two movies they have coming, Captain America and then ah what's the other one for Thunderbirds?
Oh, Thunderbolt. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm actually interested in those two movies from. Weirdly. Oh, good God. The song in the recent Thunderbolts trailer. I didn't know some 90s. It was some 90s song where I'm like, I was shocked. You pulled. It wasn't like cake, but it was something like cake where I'm like, why is this song in the trailer? But the 90s, the 90s colon. They're back, which is good, which is good for all of us in back for like a decade already. Yeah. But now we're digging into like the weird shit of the 90s. Marty, I saw an ad. They've re-released Jinko jeans. Oh, no. 90s fashions are totally back. Hold on. I'm trying to look up what song Kingdom by the Toadies. Fuck yeah. I, by the way, I listened to that still today. I fucking love that. So this is like, it's not like we're being like, Oh, here's nirvana. Like we are getting into like nineties deep cuts, which I think is very funny. Yeah. Yeah. It's unpopular. Uh, like, you know, popular for a week. Alt rock, uh, all to dirge rock.
Uh, which is my wheelhouse. No, but, but like Thunderbirds is a very interesting, uh, uh, movie where like they do get some kinds of old thunderbirds is with puppets. thunder Thunderbirds was that sci-fi.
You said it's all here. You want to see what I can screw us all up more. Here's a doctor. I know the Thunderbolts is again like an opportunity for them to play around with nobody's beloved IP like yeah nobody loves any of those characters. So they get to actually just make a movie. Yeah. And that's what makes me the most excited about anything ever.
Like they don't have to be beholden to lore nerds because no one gives a fuck. i'm just very confused It's the movie is is titled Thunderbolts. And then there's an asterisk at the end of it. Yeah. ah Which I'm very, I'm very confused by. I know in the comics when the Thunderbolts were introduced, they were introduced as heroes. And then at the end of either the first run or the first issue, the twist was that, oh, this is actually a team created by Baron

HBO's Future and Unique Storytelling

And it's a team of villains pretending to be heroes, like try yeah trying to get in there. So maybe that's the maybe that's the little asterisks there. um Then a handful of other quick things they showed off in both these trailers that didn't ah ah didn't get dates but are coming next year, ah which include ah Alien Earth, Alien Colon Earth, which is Noah Hawley's take on aliens. That's going to be a series on Hulu and then sticking with other big things from Disney and Hulu. The Bears season four, which they haven't confirmed yet, but it sounds like is the last season. And then Chad Powers, which is a football show starring America's sweetheart, Glenn Powell, where he plays like a disgraced NFL quarterback who tries to pretend he's a college kid to go back to college and play college ball, which seems like it should be illegal.
don think You should be able to do that. That's it's a fun premise, though. That's yeah that could do that could lead to good goofs and spoofs. Yeah. Alien show is the one I'm most excited for out of that lineup. and And I'm excited that the first time we see it like that cinematography looks really good. I was worried. I was worried that was going to be like a B tier alien thing. That looks like it has a budget behind it.
It does. And and and Noah Hawley is um just like a legit visionary. he's but He's behind Legion, which Darren has sung the praises of many times. That's one of the best Marvel things in recent memory and the the Fargo series. So, no, he's very talented. um I hope this is good.
It is like a little bit worrisome that we had Romulus, which we talked about was had some some high highs and some low lows. But it sounds like they were happy with and they're going to go, you know, Fetti Alvarez is probably going to get a sequel to that. But then Old Man Ridley coming off rave reviews for Gladiator 2 is like, I got one more in me. It's got to finish that Prometheus trilogy. You know what? Just fucking retire. Just go away, everybody. I'm going to be the weird one. Oh, I weirdly like Prometheus quite a lot. Oh, no, I love Prometheus and Covenant. I go to bat for both of them. Oh, really? OK. Yeah, absolutely. No, you don't like them, do you?
I never saw Covenant ah Prometheus. I, I, think I, I never understood like the full blown hate for it. I think it contains one of the best scenes in a horror movie period. Prometheus getting the baby out of the call getting the baby out machine. One of the greatest ah scenes in a horror movie bar none. ah Fight me because ah that is full of tension, but it was like, yeah, it was to me.
Uh, we talked about this when we talked about, uh, alien Romulus, which is like, I don't, uh, I don't have any dogma of revolving around the alien franchise. And so for me, it was like, eh, it's all fine. yeah It's all goop and I like goop. Yeah. Honestly, I also, every once in a while when stuff gets tough, I'm like, what if I just drank some black goo and then disintegrated into a waterfall? It's fine. Nice little way to go. Um,
And then on the HBO front, speaking of more genre stuff, A Night of the Seven Kingdoms, which is the next Game of Thrones thing about Dunkin' Egg. Not Dunkin' Egg. There's a man named Dunk and a man named Egg. Don't you dare think Dunkin' Egg's about a man named Dunkin' Egg.
he's got so not they They will 100% try to make a Dunkin' Donuts egg breakfast sandwich, the Dunkin' Donuts. Dunkin' Egg.
ah And if they are if the Dunkin' Donuts marketing team aren't already on that, um hire me. i will I will work on that with you because shit. The ah It series, It Welcome to Dairy, like a pretty cool series that takes place. This is like how do dairy, the town became all fucked up. Whiteload is season three, which has got Goggins, and I'm gogging for Goggins. So you give me Walton Goggins and something? I'm fucking there. Day one.
and And then The Last of Us season two, which will probably be debuting in the spring, which I'm sure no one will get mad at. Yeah. so it's just Can we just like stop sucking a wind for a while? That's air. No, I don't want to get it for it the we' see the TV. The TV audience is going to be like, holy fuck. yeah they think they believe be Once again, I think like the TV audience is going to like really enjoy it. I think like as a so story, it's going to be fine. Obviously gameplay wise, it was all, you know, we won't even get into it. but the movie This movie podcast. I think it in genuinely, I think that is the medium before that story is a television series. So I'm i'm all for it. and And it's on the network that that gave you Game of Thrones, which has which it was not afraid to kill its darlings. um So, um yeah, hopefully. I still remember I made it to the Red Wedding without being spoiled.
And I was sitting there watching it in my room and my mom comes walking over and I just look here. I'm like. What just happened? Nice. Yeah. And then the last few things that the DC shows coming next year are Peacemaker season two and the Preacher Commandos, which is I don't know anything about those men, those critters. and We also have Doom Prophecy in a week. Yeah. I heard that's bad mixed reviews. Yeah.
Yeah. Uh, I know a couple, I think Darren was tweeted that he's on it. And I've heard some other people just be like, this is bad. So I G, I G. And I think gave it a five. Wait, what? What is prophecy? A dune prequel. That's about the Bene Gesserit.
They would never do that. If that is the theme song, I will watch every episode. If like, like Peacemaker, we get like a little dance intro number, wouldn't be delightful. Oh my God. da just The trailer alone stuck out to me for that because it had normal dialogue, which like the dude movies, just all the dialogue is very like specific about what they're saying all the time. Yeah. Almost like.
And, and this just felt like a very traditional TV show dialogue. and I was like, that doesn't feel right. Is Denny Delvinu involved at all? I don't think so. I don't even think in the capacity that like Matt Reeves like produced the penguin. I think like Denny is like, naw no, no, no. Then skip it. It won't be, I'm calling it now. It 100% won't be worth it. What about the theme song?
jeszare ah Okay, before we before we move on to stuff we've actually been consuming with our eyeballs, a couple of super chats came in, and and thank you so much to folks like ah Matthew. $9.99 donation over on YouTube. Thank you so much, Matthew. Happy first anniversary, second wind.
I can't believe it. It's hard to believe. but That's been bright. Heads up everyone. Saturday, if in case you didn't know, we were doing a super long um birthday stream. Happy birthday to us. ah We're going to stream kind of all day, ah play games with you, play games with ourselves, ah play with ourselves. It's going to be kind of a wonderful time just to be like, hey, we're still doing this. Isn't everybody surprised? We are.
We are. I just looked up. So that's starting at 11 a.m. Central. Yeah. And it's going to be like a 10 10 hour stream or so. Obviously, three of us going to be there. Pretty much all of your favorite second windows are going to be. Everyone's going to be there. Yes, he's going to be. Darren's going to be there. Guys, if stuff doesn't fuck up, Darren Yahtzee, same stream, same time. The world's going to blow up. Yeah, great. Also, you know, whose birthday is on Saturday. To two of my favorites, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Shigeru Miyamoto.
whole Holy crap. I'm just saying, friend of the show, can we get one of those guests? Yeah, 100%. Find out. We can. You're the one that does not know who we are. And Megan Gyllenhaal will not return my calls. And the old hunter asked about the schedule. Yeah, Pen Manathan's working on it now, so we'll have that posted up ah in the next in today or tomorrow, probably. Yeah. And then, of course, ah this time for our livestream event, we're going to have some milestones for you to reach to make us do weird things. Oh, milestones. It's a milestone. That'll be great. Yeah. Very excited. Thunderbirds will show up.
ah Oh my god, could you imagine those little puppets? You got some puppets probably, Jack, right? Like you own puppets. He's like, I got them in my closet somewhere. I have puppets, yeah. And the stream will be on Twitch as well, right? Yeah. And they answer George Lucas. Yes, it'll be on both platforms. ah Excellent. All right. Let's go into... Let's start with the Penguin, if only because it's the one I listed first.
yes And it's just easy for me to go in order to- Oh wait, no, no, no, before we get to the penguin. Wing Potato. Wing Potato with a $2 dono, the most important dono of the show. That Toadies album was legit great. A hundred percent. They come to snuff the rooster. That wasn't the Toadies, was it? That was not the Toadies. That was a chance? That was a chance, yeah. Or that was Father of the Dog? That wasn't a band, was it?
Puddle of mud? Temple of the dog. They come to snuff the roost. Penguin, season one. Like we mentioned, I don't want to go into spoilers. We're not going to talk about who lives. We're not going to talk about who dies. We're not going to talk about whether the penguin gets a cool dinner coat, which he does by the end. Spoilers. No one spoiler, he gets a cool coat by the end of the series. Nick, you watch this, right? Mm-hmm. Yep. Watch all of it.
What did you and oh and folks should check out ah Darren's latest ah backdrop on the penguin which is definitely also not spoiler. It's kind of more about how the penguin as ah as a series is able to skirt around a lot of modern superhero fatigue by pulling inspiration from different sources and pulling it really well as opposed to other things which don't pull it well.
Like the Joker comments on that video are hilarious because they're like, there's no such thing as fucking superhero fatigue. I'm like, what are you talking about at the box office? Like there's just like, just look at the money. Yes, there is. That's insane. That's crazy.
But Thunderbirds is coming. That's all that matters. Oh, speaking of the my favorite Thunderbird, the penguin. So what did you think of the of the series, Nick? Yeah, I loved it. I think I've been pretty clear on, you know, Firelink and Breakout and all the previous public as we've done that. Like, I i really like like the darker comic book style stuff. um So Matt Reeves, you know, the Batman universe that he's making is exactly the kind of stuff that I like. I was I was really curious before watching the show of like, is it just going to be another like tie in thing to the Batman part two like Marvel does with all their stuff. Yeah. um Where, you know, it feels like I have to watch this to know what's going to happen to Batman. But like this felt even though it is that it still felt self contained enough. And I was like invested in the story the entire time. And it feels like something, yes, I could skip and probably go into the Batman part two and just be just fine. But man, I'm so much like.
you know, as you go through the series without spoiling anything, it's like, man, I'm the excited for them to kick the shit out of this guy at some point. Yeah. Yeah. And it does. Um, it, uh, I believe it starts a few days after the Batman and they said it ends a few days before.
the Batman part two, at least that's what the that's what the plan is. So it is kind of like clock in the middle, clock in the middle, Jesus. ah But yeah, this was a show I didn't, when they announced it, I was like, I have no, I've never been like, I need my penguin series, I need to know what motivates the penguin. ah and ah But it was one of those things where they delivered it and it's just A,
so impeccably produced. like it is it is It is gorgeous. It is paced extremely well. um It is clear that they are pulling inspirations from the right places while putting a twist on it. um It is very clear that they're modeling their their penguin after Tony Soprano to the CEO giving giving kind of both. Colin Farrell in that makeup kind of has that stocky nature of James Gay and Alfini, but also adding like a bit of depth and pathos to someone like showing like, why is he this way? And it's like, oh, well, he has a ah Freudian relationship with his mother and that's that's never good. um
Uh, but then introduce some characters that I didn't know. Like I didn't know, uh, the Christina, Christina Milliati's character, Sophia Gigante, I believe is her name, which is what a name. I wish I would but could change my last name to Gigante. That's the Bond villain name right there. Absolutely. Kristina Milliati, who people might know from, ah she played the mother at the end of How I Met Your Mother. She was also the the lead in Palm Springs, which we will probably be bringing up ah later on in the show. She also appears, by the way, slightly video game ah related. She appears in one ah strangely ah off but wonderful episode of the Apple Plus TV show ah starring Mack from It's Always Monday.
about the about the developer she plays like the it's her in the guy from ah new girl right and so it's her and jake johnson in an episode that is only tangently related to the rest of the series what is that series fucking cause what's the show called the ub soft produce show on apple plus about the game developers.
Mighty Quest can't be called Mighty Quest. Oh, something quest. Yeah. mythic mythicalque quet you speak Yeah. She's one of the greatest episodes of television ever. By the way, like an incredible contained one off episode. Is that the latest season? I don't know. yeah know I want to say second season, season two. And it's it's about their development of the game. Some something quiet, dark or quiet, dark death.
Yeah, it yeah and it's like a it takes place beforehand, right? It like takes place in the 90s, I think. Yes. By the way, and I have a Quiet Dark Death t-shirt. I wore it, and ah that day met ah Jake Johnson while I was wearing it, and I didn't realize till afterwards.
Did you know that like i know to be there Johnson I did not know he was gonna be at this thing I was at and I was just wearing the shirt and I didn't realize it until later I was like oh my god. He thought I was a fanboy, but really I'm just a fan of that episode g incredibleable i like yeah anyway Yeah, she's great she was also in that USS Callister episode of Black Mirror the Star Trek episode of Black Mirror um yeah Yeah, which she's she's excellent, but no she's that's like a but Obviously, she's been in incredible things and she's been incredible in them beforehand But um this felt like a very much a like a true capital s star turn um and and I feel like she's going to be like a lu She has to be on everyone's list that every like this was not a role I realized she could play like this character is fucking insane. Yeah. Yeah, and I just didn't know I She had that pitch in a repertoire. Uh, so that was, uh, that was incredibly impressive. But, um, yeah nolin better win awards for those the, this show. Yeah. Yeah. The two of them have so many, so many incredible scenes together and it's, uh, yeah, it's just one of those, you know, it's, it's eight episodes and, um, each one, yeah, it's part of like a singular story that runs through, but each one also feels like it has its own sort of arc to it in a way that, um,
A lot of the MCU stuff, honestly Agatha did a good job of that where every episode did feel kind of contained, at least like the Witches Road arc was like every episode was a different trial they had to do. um and And I got a little bit of that from from Penguin, but just yeah, a really great supporting cast. um um Like I said, great writing, really like production values that were just a notch below the Batman, which the Batman has like the highest of production values. So being a notch below it is not a bad thing, but um Yeah, one of those shows I recommend to anyone who liked the Batman and honestly, just anyone who wants a crime show because you don't need to have watched the Batman to get this. Like there is no required reading ah for this thing. Love that. I love that. You mean to say contained episodes or cohesive? Because I feel like when I'm watching like this Disney Star Wars shows or the MCU shows, they often feel like. Just like it doesn't feel like there's a story arc through the entire season.
in this full full arc that I got to, you know, a real TV series because that's something sharedron talks all about a lot like where they're not really producing TV for TV. And this will produce for TV. Yeah, it's a tough, of you know, we'll we'll talk about this with Arkane, too. It's a tough like, what is the goal of an episode of TV? I think it used to be to provide a half an hour or 40 minutes of ah Entertainer. No, you forget about it. And then you come to another long movies. Now they're long movies or it's the first sixth of a long movie. And so, you know, it's impressive if an episode is able to work as its own thing. And a lot of times you need to be removed from the main story to do that. Like we mentioned that episode of Mythic Quest, like that episode is ostensibly removed from the rest of it. But you could show that to anyone without having watched the rest of the show and really, really enjoy it.
um And so it's it's it I think the penguin does a great job of stranding the line where each episode feels you feel fulfilled by the end of it. Like you feel like, oh, that's been and that was a nice arc of television. But then they all combine to create one great arc over the course of the season. Sure. Yeah, sure. This is, you know, this is the kind of comic book stuff I like where, you know, DC, at least right now, it seems like they're letting their producers and creatives be creative and have their own visions for these things where Marvel feels so production line, which is why like, you know, Captain America, the new Captain America, at least to me, looks a lot like the Winter Soldier, which I think is a comparison a lot of people have been made. But it feels unique. And when I see the trailer for Thunderbolts, that feels unique and Agatha feels unique. So maybe maybe Marvel starting to figure out, like, hey, let our artists cook a little bit.
Yeah, yeah, no, i I completely agree. And it's yeah, both, a you know, to to bring back Agatha again, Jack Shafer, who was she was the showrunner of Agatha, and then ah Lauren LaFrank, who was the showrunner of ah of Penguin, like,
These shows feel authored, like you can kind of like feel a thumbprint on them, even though obviously different folks direct different episodes and everything and and you have a writers room, but um they they feel authored in a way where a lot of times this stuff feels very, well, I got this episode, I mean, I just mentioned the skeleton crew thing, like every episode is by a different, you know, set of ah Hollywood directors. So you wonder if like, oh, well, the guy who directed Twisters episode feel the same as Bryce Dallas' Howard's or the everything everywhere all at once guys. um Whereas, yeah, this felt like very much a singular vision through and through in a really great way. In a way, we don't get in the traditional design by committee of a lot of these big franchise stuff. And or and or, to be fair, had different directors for a lot of their episodes and still look them in thirds. Yeah. Yeah. It was kind of like, here's this person's arc, here's this person's arc and like, here's the prison arc, here's the bombing run arc and here's the thing. Yeah. And it was really good. I'm sorry.
and australia and I'm happy you enjoyed it. this This month's movie night is also going to be nine episodes of Andor. Son of a bitch. I can't make it. I'm busy that day, whatever day that is. It's going over to two days, so either day you could show up. oh Whatever day you're not busy in the day we're going. We'll ask your kids. Did your kids watch Andor? Do they care about Star Wars? Do kids care about Star Wars?
You let your kids watch Star Wars anyway. I have very happily showed my kids Star Wars when they were younger. They've you know, they watched the the the the Mandalorian with us. ah ah They have been they could give two fucks about Star Wars. They also could give two fucks about Marvel like they do not care.
What are they? kiy toilet They're all about skipping the toilet. They were more excited. What is what is the cartoon series on YouTube that recently got on Netflix? The amazing digital circus. The one you were recommended. to me Yeah. Yeah. I just saw that on Netflix the other day. Yeah. OK. They and their friend groups ah got like scheduled times to meet together in the meat space ah to watch like the new episode of that. They don't give a fuck about Marvel. Yeah. Like while, while me and my friends, while me and my friends were like, you know, buying midnight tickets to Star Wars episode ones, like, no, no, no. They are like a new episode of the YouTube series I watch is about to drop. So it's good for them. Every Wednesday, they tune in for three hours of the Chicago cinematic universe of Chicago medical Chicago PD in Chicago fire.
My mom watches that every week. And so every time when I, when I have dinner with her, I'll be like, catch up what happened? What happened? What happened on, uh, what happened on these Chicago shows? What's going on there? i much And every, every season they have one episode where they'd be like, they're SARS. And then they all combine into a little vendors moment. It's very exciting. There's some reboot of 24 happening. I don't know. I don't know. I just read, uh, Jason Reitman, the guy behind the the modern, uh, Ghostbusters movies is doing a reboot of idle hands.
Devin Sawa's Idol Hands starring Finn Wolfhard from the Ghostbusters movies and Stranger Things. Why are we rebooting Idol Hands? That's a perfect movie to begin with. Stop it. Just stop offspring in it. Unless they bring back the offspring in this movie, don't make it. ah Stop it. I was right. 24 movie in the works. Stop it. It could be 24 hours. like Stop it. Whenever Jack's available, they get to watch it. Stop it. Oh, no. Stop it. What do you think about Original Idol Hands? You had to open an Idol Hands guy. el Oh, my God. It's ah oh fun ah fun a fun little silly movie. It's great. It's like, yes, again, like remake the bad movies. so Yeah. There's so many bad movies to remake. Stop remaking the good movies. Stop. There's so much you could do. stop
Video games need to do that too. yeah i Before moving on to quick arcane thoughts and then our state of comedies chat, Quintupa-A with a $5 Dono. Thank you so much, Quintupa-A. Thanks, Eric.
I don't know what's happening right now. I don't have a view of Eric's probably doing something right now. Honestly, yeah I don't know what's happening on the stream because I don't see it in our discord chat for once. I don't see it in our discord chat. So Eric could be doing whatever he wants and that was pornography in the fourth window.
There's not the amount of trust I have in Eric, basically. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no, I don't know what's going on now. I see which I don't trust. Eric is now showing us. You don't have to, Eric. We trust you. I don't need to see a double me. I just see two next. It is very strange. OK. Arkane season two quick, only quick because it's first off, its release schedule is very into. OK. Backing up a bit. Jack, did you watch Arkane? No.
You can't write off something that you don't even love or hate. but no i just didn't get right off this just a note yeah you're miss he's too busy playing league he's blaum I don't know if that's a thing in League.
Arcane is the League of Legends animated series debuted on Netflix two years ago. ah In a recent report, they just said that the two seasons of Arcane, which the show will only be two seasons, is the most expensive animated series ever made. And honestly, when you look at it, you're like, yep, that checks out. Because like I say with how I want my Call of Duty campaigns, to where I want to see every dollar on the screen, you could see every dollar on the screen here. Because I'm gonna tell you, the French, they're good at a few things.
Excellent croissants. Eric, you fuck. Incredible croissants. Yeah. And their animations just off the fucking charts. It's nice. They got they got the minions and they got this. Oh, God. No, I've heard very good things about it. It is ah ah actually on my list of things to watch, but that list grows and changes often. So I never had. Yeah. um I think the biggest compliment I can give it. I just did a I just did a rewatch of season one right before this first batch of season two dropped is you
Not only do you not have to know anything about League of Legends, you can like actively dislike the League of Legends game, like I do, and still love this thing. This might be the most I love, and an adaptation of something, and have zero interest in ever engaging with it outside of its adaptation. um The story is is genuinely that good. the The writing, the animation, the characters, ah the arc, the way that they they they structured the the first season is this three, ah and nine episode season and each three episode is its own sort of contained arc that leads into the next one.
incredibly fulfilling. And ah I do like their distribution method where it's Netflix, but they drop the three episode arcs weekly. So um this week they dropped episodes one, two and three of season two. And then next week we'll get You know, a drop of a four or five and six and then the final three episodes on the last day, because instead of just binging through it, racing to the finishing line, to the finish line and having it all just seep out of my ears afterwards. Yeah. I've been thinking about this the last two days and I'm going to be thinking about it all week and kind of theorizing and like, I really like that. Has anyone else released like that? Like mini binges where it's like, we're giving you more than one episode a week, more to chew on, but we're not, we're still teasing it out a little bit. I like that a lot. I like it too. Cause sometimes Amazon will do that at the start of a season. Like they'll release the first three episodes of the boys, but then it just becomes weekly afterwards. sure for sure But but releasing each arc by its own, I think works works really well. And without without going into the spoilers for this first arc of season two, it picks up right where season one left off, which is like a fucking incredible moment of like, oh, my God, and are these characters alive or dead? And deals with ah deals with the fallout of that. um And just again, the most incredible stylish animation I'm seeing on TV like it's this in Spider-Verse feel like it's it's. Oh, yeah. and They're in a league of its own.
Yeah, it's it's really, really remarkable. um the The characters we know from the first season I think are getting, like again, making great progress. like Either I'm growing to love them more, or I'm growing to hate them more, or I'm going to hate characters I've loved and love characters I hated, and then introducing new characters. It's just really,
it Is really good and I like the fact that they said this this story arcane is two seasons. This is our story ah But there's like a fucking 120 League of Legends people and the show only has like 10 of them in it so like you could just make it about and when I sometimes I i'll Look, I'll be like I finished the first season. I was like, okay, let me look at a list of all of the League of Legends champions to see like, oh, this is who that was. This is who that was. There's so many weird fucking characters in that. There's just like Egyptian gods and robots, and like a little snarfs. And I'm like, hell yeah. It was great. You can make whatever you want on this, but um really, really enjoyed it. I'm assuming you're, you're enjoying it so far, Nick, as well.
Yeah, i I haven't watched episode three yet, but I've watched the first two episodes last night, like, God damn it. The show is just concept art in motion. like it seems right Yeah, it is. i It is. You could pause any frame of that show and put it on your wall. Like, it's insane. And I got curious like.
I went and looked up like the studio that's behind it. I made a post about it. I forget the name of it. if You can pull it up, but yeah they're French. They're a French studio. And this is like their first like two TV series ah because they've done like advertising and, you know, ads or like trailers and stuff like that for other companies. But this is their first like full production series. These guys are going to be sought after by every video game publisher out there to make a series for their their games.
Yeah, their name is Fortish, F-O-R-T-I-C-H-E. ah But yeah, this is their first, like they've done like a small, you know where they got their start? Doing a little rabbids, doing a little work on the rabbids. Casey, wake up, they did work on the rabbids. They've done music videos for Gorillaz. They did a 2014 music video for Imagine Dragons, which makes sense because This show features the imagine Imagine Dragons as the theme song, and I never thought I'd say this, but it's a no-skip. And I do not like Imagine Dragons, but the theme song is an absolute no-skip. Whoa, that's huge. Yeah, yeah it's no tote at the wet sprocket. know Was that the band?
Uh, toadies that they can have to do those bands with the wet sprocket. I think was if I haven't swim in every 40 days and lived'll be the waves. Wait, that's not told the wet sprocket shit. I'm going home. I'm going home. They did do the, uh, uh, group show on, on Disney plus as well for marble.
Oh, that I didn't remember that existed. I did not either until I looked at their website and I was like, Oh, they worked on that. Maybe I should go look at that. Yeah, seemed absolutely made up. But yeah, they're super talented. Yeah, I posted like a a thread talking about them last night and I was like, man, like, can you imagine if these guys like picked up like Disco Elysium and did something with that or like or Darksiders or whatever? Like, holy fuck. Yeah. I mean, it's clear that they. ah They're not cheap.
you judging based on this took several years to make a nine episode series and it is reportedly the most expensive. ah as many series ever. Hugely successful. Yeah, I don't know what that means, though, right? Like, I don't know. like we That's a thing we don't know in streaming in the streaming world is like when they're like, ah, the new Mark Wahlberg movie had one billion hours viewed and you're like, is that good for Netflix? Like, is that worth, you know, them paying almost like half a billion dollars for the Knives Out trilogy? Is that a good move? I don't like.
Maybe? I don't know. yeah It's a teaser for our conversation later. Brothers is the number eight movie on Amazon Prime right now. What does that mean? I always love it. Like the streaming service is like, this is the number one new thing on Netflix. Like, yeah, it's your new thing. I hope so. Because as soon as I click onto this thing, it's just the first thing that's there. And I'm like, I guess I'll watch this. sort be another thing yeah You could put anything there and I'll be like, well, I guess. It's the number three new thing. Don't be too excited about it. No. Yeah, that's that's ridiculous. And then before before we do talk about those ah those titular comedies, Beastmarch, Do You Know or Don't Know? Thank you so much, Beastmarch. Afternoon all. Hope everyone's having a good day. And what a great day.
One of us may have had an emotional morning that we'll talk about soon because of something we watched. yeah I believe it do do man with a $2 don't know. Thank you so much. Do do man. Thank you. Eric wink firing a melee beard away gun.
It is insane that I don't know the things that are happening. So I'm just. He had the the my fat face, no beard filter on. Oh, it's called my old ass. Not my fat face. That's the single way. It's what you keep saying this. It's ruining my day. The two versions of you look exactly the same to me, which is I don't know. Yeah, I know. Look at the stream. Oh, yeah, you don't know the stream. I'm not watching the stream stream. I'm hosted. yeah That's for that's for other people. When he does that, I look like that guy out of Dune.
That comes out of the black goo. Oh, yes. That one's our guard. Yeah. Yeah. he's He's rich. I'm not so. tell Yeah. He's also got a hot, hot suns. He's on so high. He's on true blood. His other son, his other son's penny wise. I'm kind of hot, but like a weird hot. He does anything with his eye, which is kind of weird. ah Speaking of weird hot, ah Josh Brolin. know what to do. I think he's just good with it.

The Evolution of Comedy in Media

Okay. These two movies, uh, when we were thinking of what we want, uh, checking out, like watching a new movie or two for, for the pot every week. yeah And we were like, Oh, these two movies got recommended the two comedies that have come out in the last month or so on Amazon prime. And we like comedies. So let's check them out. Yeah. Let's talk about brothers. Oh, please. Can we talk about brother? Like,
yeah ah ah Some things that we have loved in the past, ah comedies in general, like you mentioned earlier, are ah becoming an incredibly rare thing, especially like the capital C comedy, a movie that is pure, like that is billed as just a comedy, that is a very rare thing nowadays. ah That's why I keep talking about the movie, Hundreds of Beavers.
Which is like, that is a capital C comedy only ah beautiful movie. I know like a few years ago, Bottoms came out, which was really wonderful. Like a yeah nice little like coming of age comedy. um But in general, it's really rare. Whereas ah in in the nineties, even in the early aughts, um you had a slew of nothing but comedies and comedies were the blockbusters, your Austin Powers, Fairly Brothers movies, your It just about anything like they're into the Apatow movies even into the arts and everything. Absolutely. Have we got anything like we are the Millers or the hangover or anything like that in the past decade? No, because the guy who's making the hangover is making joker foley a do now. He made that. Yes. it's time to golip
And the writer of the Hangover 3 was fucking Craig Mazen who's making the last of us. This is why we don't have copies anymore. This is why we don't have copies anymore, yeah. Wow, they became old sad men.
ah ah and And so like in general, like, so I see, oh, uh, we, we have a comedy with a named actors directed by someone who directed, um, probably one of my favorite movies of all times, Palm Springs, yeah um, is coming out. It's called brothers, Peter Dinklage, uh, Josh Brolin, uh, Marissa Tomei is in it. Frasier, the Frasier songs continues.
but Brendan Fraser is making his comeback this and it's ah a screwball comedy about a couple of con artists and criminals trying to make a score. I am here for it. It's so fucking bad. So bad. The the amazing thing about Brothers is. I and I really was paying attention. I had my notebook out and everything. ah There is no demonstrable joke.
in the movie. There is nothing in the movie that is set up and pay off that you could describe as a joke. The closest we come is when Josh Brolin falls down and hits a car. That's the closest you come to an actual joke in the movie. It contains no jokes. I will say him falling down to hit the car. Yeah. And then the
The paramedics are checking him and they say, you don't have a concussion, but your BMI is a little high, so you might want to lose some weight. And then he covers himself. So one, one, one time in a 90 minute movie. Yes. that And again, that was the closest we come to a joke. Arguably that could be called a joke.
But besides that, like you know when you think about even even like when you think about movies that aren't capital C comedies, like if you think about like ah like the original Ghostbusters, right that is a comedy movie, but it's about other things. like You can point to specific jokes. The the intro of Ghostbusters is Venkman, who is you know performing a test and obviously like you know hitting on the girl subject and being mean to the boy subject. That is the joke. like It is set up and it is paid off. ah There is nothing even close to that level of joke in Brothers. And that is very important for you to understand. Can I can I recommend you another movie called Brothers Brothers? Oh, sure. It's also called Brothers. It's just directed by Jim Sheridan and features Tobey Maguire. Definitely a comedy movie. is that
ah Oh, yeah, I remember this movie with Natalie Portman. It's like she's like ah she's sleeping with one brother and then he like goes to Iraq and dies and then she starts sleeping with the other brother. But then the one brother comes back coming from Iraq because he didn't die.
It's a, it's a laugh out loud riot. It is not, it is not a company brothers. Uh, the, the, it is marketed brothers as marketed as a comedy. Like this is a, oh, this is supposed to be a slapstick screw ball, hijinks caper, like a couple, a couple of down on their luck, chuckle fucks who are trying to, uh, uh, you know, trying to, to make their way in the world and then maybe get a little money, a little dash along the way. Yeah. No, i like, and, ah you know, even ah so, you know, we're going to talk about mild ass later, like mild ass when it shows up on Amazon. Comedy is the very first thing you see after you click on it to get more information. You see comedy drama. Brothers is Brothers is comedy. You click on it and it just said it is just billed as a comedy a like on IMDB. It's dark comedy action comedy crime are the genres.
ah the the Okay, no jokes. where were Where were we? I'm sorry, wait, I was thinking about Tobey Maguire now. The movie is A, it it retreads ground that several movies have done better. And the movie we both thought of was Logan Lucky, which yeah Steven Soderbergh made with Daniel Craig and Channing Tatum and Adam Driver.
which I believe they called ah Ocean 7-Eleven to where it's like a heist movie, a caper movie, a con artist movie, but starring dipshits, which I kind of love. I like dipshits. And so that is that is a good that is a good formula that just fundamentally does not work in Brothers on any level whatsoever, despite having incredibly talented actors. Glenn Close plays the model, like incredibly talented actors.
No, and well, I think like ah Logan Lucky is a really wonderful compare and contrast because there's something in comedy ah that we refer to as ah the height of your intelligence. If you play any character, you should play that character at the height of that character's intelligence. You never, ever want the audience to feel sorry for you if they are going, oh,
they are not laughing, right? So you want to, all so Logan Lucky has a bunch of dipshits in it, but they are playing at the height of their own intelligence and they think they are being really good at this. Dumb and Dumber is a great example. Obviously Harry and Lloyd are idiots, but they are playing at the height of their own intelligence, right? They are making decisions that make sense within the context of their character. Whereas in Brothers,
You feel incredibly sorry for these brothers at all times. Like Josh Brolin's character, ah like his story arc starts with him getting fired. He has a new wife. He has a baby on the way and he's meeting his wife's family and we just like, but, and that's the setup for his character to go on a mad cap adventure where he falls down and hits a car.
Like you do not feel you do not feel like there is no ah height of their intelligence He is just a guy down on his luck and sad and then bad things happen to him and I think that this movie tries to walk a ah Cohen brothers-esque tightrope like raising Arizona's another movie this reminded me of And the difference is ah that the Coen brothers are generational talents and that this movie's story was by Eaton Cohen, who is not a Coen brother, despite his name being similar to the Coen. By Eaton Cohen, the famed writer of Holmes and Watson and Get Hard. Wait, that's different than Walk Hard, right? Because Walk Hard is great. that is ah Get Hard is Will Ferrell and and ah the ah
Uh, John C. Riley Hart, Kevin Hart. Oh yeah. I always get John C. Riley. I was still thinking of Lockhart. You are thing still thinking of Lockhart. Yeah. So it's, it's basically sad people who are at really low points of their life getting shit on over and over again. And that is not fun to watch.
Well, it is, which is like it's it's shocking to me because this is like comedy one on one. The very first thing in comedy is kind of a lowering of status. Right. Like the the example that is really easy to go to is like.
a Looney Tunes cartoon, if you see like a hoity-toity lady, and she's walking a freshly pampered poodle, and they kind of look a little ah high, class a little highfalutin, and you know the fancy poodle, they're walking all smug and shit, and a car drives by, and it gets them covered in mud, you laugh because they lower their status, right?
But if a down on their luck guy is walking a dog who also looks like a mongrel and they all look sad and then they get covered in mud, you just feel sad for them. And that's what Brothers is. It's sad people who bad things happen to. And it feels like it keeps trying to like it is simultaneously dumb as rocks, but also trying to say something like the climax of the movie takes place in an abandoned mall.
Like we all have a mall in our town where it's like, man, I used to go to this mall as a kid and now it's just fucking empty and sad. It's like a derelict mall. There's like YouTube documentaries devoted to like breaking into that hole that derelict malls and just walking through them and filming it. And so it feels like it is trying to say something about the current state of America, but it's, it's not good at the comedy and it's not good at saying anything. So like what is,
What is this thing? Like that's not a point I was going to make is like so much comedy these days feels like it's trying to say something instead of just and like that's not like comedies can't not say things. Like I think a good example is like click, you know, spending time with your family and all that and making sure that you're there in the moment for those things. I think that was a fun message. But that movie was like funny throughout.
Even though I had a message ah throughout, but it was portrayed through the comedy, not almost separating into two different movies, which is what I feel like so many comedies do. Like the one I was thinking about that I watched recently was like Me Time, which is it's an American buddy comedy on Netflix with Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg.
And I feel like this movie comes out every, every year. A buddy comedy with those two. It is nuts. And it goes to Netflix. It's like nine billion people watch this. And I'm like, what is this movie? Yeah, I will. I like and I saw one clip of it on social media. I was like, that was funny. I'll go watch this movie. And then I was like watching and I like, I this sucks.
It's yeah it's people like kind of like confit like ah Understanding like or like seeing something trying to replicate it without understanding what it is They are replicating right and so like you see something like dumb and dumber and you see like oh These are some assholes and bad things happen to them. And so like you just make that without understanding the actual why this is funny, you know, like I think um yeah You know, like, could you imagine, could you imagine it like, you know, Home Alone, I think is is a movie that makes me laugh every single year and like Harry and Marv, the criminals are, yeah they are bad guys. And so then when bad things happen to them,
It, uh, it invokes a laughing response. And of course it's a, you know, a lot of Looney Tunes logic, but it's like, Oh, these are bad guys who are trying to rob a defenseless child when they get hit in the nuts with a paint can that is deserved. That is hilarious. Like, could you imagine if they made a home alone movie and like the kid was like the rich asshole and the criminals were just trying to get their property back, but the criminals still got like hit in the nuts with paint cans. That would be like,
ah That would be bizarro opposite world. Yes. That movie does ah exist by the way. It was the new Home Alone movie In which in which the kids stole the item and the people just wanted their item back. and I forgot about that the Disney Plus one. Yes ah So like it is a a genuine fundamental lack of understanding of basic comedy. And this movie got produced. It is fucking baffling. You know, we're getting a stepbrothers sequel. Wonder how that's going to break modernized. Great.
So we talk about this, like, where did the theatrical comedy go? And there's a lot of there's a lot of answers to that. It went through a streaming series that that do comedy. You know, we get maybe in another world we would have had. Veep would have been a movie or something like that. Comedies have merged into drama ah dramas. You know, some of the funniest moments on on yeah that I've seen over the past couple of years had been on shows like The Bear and Barry in succession and that I would not say are comedies.
They have very funny moments, but they are not comedies. um The general quipification, like there's a little bit of a goof in every action. Well, you got to get your Marvel goofs in there. You got to get your goofs in there. You got to get your goofs in there. They're everywhere. And then there's also these streaming movies, these these Kevin Hart, Mark Wahlberg movies that I swear to Christ come out once a month on Netflix. And I'm like, where is this coming from? Also, I feel like Kevin Hart is a psyop. I do not think Kevin Hart is a movie star.
they keep telling us he is, and clearly something's going on there, but when I look at his highest grossing movies, his top four movies are the two Jumanji movies, which I will A, are our ensemble cast, and B, are better than the original Jumanji, but that's conversation for another time. Wow. And then the Secret Lives of Pets animated movies. His highest grossing live action movie that isn't one of those is Ride Along, and it only made $130 million. dollars Like, he doesn't feel like a theatrical movie star, and yet he headlines ah a Netflix movie that is fucking lent plastered at the front of my screen every time I turn out it once a month. Yeah. hey He's at his best when he's paired with somebody that can just screw with him, and that the Rock does that.
Like they have the like they're huge on social media because like they will do stupid challenges together. Honestly, their're they're like outtakes and bloopers from their movies are funnier than they are. Is that what did comedy just go to like YouTube and TikTok and shorts? Oh, yeah, i think I think so. Is that what comedy went like comedy? A lot of comedy and like mainstream comedy is either very focused on sarcasm and quips to these days.
That was an interesting emphasis. It was the SARS chasm. SARS chasm. It's a disease. Obviously, like, you know, ah yeah there's a lot of like, I'm sure producer math for comedies. ah And of course, kind of like the desperate ah starification, like we need to put a big celebrity in a movie or it won't do anything. Big celebrities cost a lot of money. Comedies are hit or miss, right?
Whereas, no, just put out a fucking comedy with a nobody and it maybe it's funny and people will like it, but movie studios don't really do that anymore. I think like like Netflix and Amazon are still kind of in that quasi space where they can experiment and take risks. Obviously, Brothers did not work, but you know it did get a smile to ask, which I think did work, not a comedy.
But, but also, yeah, people aren't desperate for comedy and more like watching. Like if you watch an old comedy, you will see ah three things. You will possibly see something that is just funny. You will definitely see something that is today considered problematic. And ah three, you will ah probably see something that is very horny. Right. And we don't need horny things in movies anymore because the Internet takes care of that. Right.
oh or we have hbo yeah i just dis no Young generations don't like horny things. That's like the whole thing is like, that's why they didn't kiss at the end of twisters. Yeah. This focus testing was like, we don't want them to kiss. We don't want to tornado young people don't like horny things. And if they get horny, there's a million porn websites that we can discuss later. Don't worry that you can go to, to take care of horny. Uh, I think give me a, give me their yeah URLs. Just so I can block them. I want to make sure I'd lock them. Your government will do that for you now.
I think i think the the there is a large set of ah dickhead comedians who like would be on scripts to write up or to punch up scripts who are now worried about being problematic or ah how the woke killed comedy who in actuality are just hack comedy writers. But I think like there is kind of a pullback from their sense of like, oh, I don't want to write a joke that will be considered problematic later.
ah Those people are obviously wrong and dickheads. But ah that mixed with the studio's risk aversion means that ah comedies aren't happening anymore. And of course, we can all see comedy anytime we want. We'll go to YouTube. We'll go to TikTok. We'll go to Instagram and watch a little watch that man. Who's that man that will like ah like point a thing out and then have the phone up in his mirror and be like, come here and then zoom in and explain stuff in a funny way. we That's funny. We don't need movies. We have that man. Yeah.
We also have some of the like some of the the shining beacons of comedy of their generation hit a point where they're like, we want to make things that aren't comedies. So you get your your Donald Glover's, your Jordan Peele's, your Bill Haters, something that I'm assuming is going to happen with John Mulaney, where they're going to be like, I want to make a serious thing. And I'll probably go be pretty fucking good at it because those first three guys I mentioned are pretty fucking good at it. yeah One person, though, is carrying the torch who will always be a comedian until he dies is Tim Robinson. I think you should leave like that is the only true comedy that exists in America is I think you should leave. And it's because every goof is like here's 90 seconds and it's going to be just an insane goof to where we've refused to accept any notes and then we're going to move on to the next one. Yeah. um
No, it's stuff like I think you can leave. um ah It's probably considered an older series now like but pen 15. Yeah, which was ah a wonderful show. The new show um ah English teacher. Oh, which is great. Yeah, which well you know, very fun. Like there there's some really good streaming ah shows that are very, very funny.
i I like a comedy movie, though, and and shit brothers shit the bed um yeah and and and tried. to Oh, Mike, it's there. is There is a sequence in this movie where one of the brothers um gets sexually molested ah by an orangutan.
Um, uh, this is of course supposed to be a joke because it's a, it's ah a bonkers situation. But again, this is the brother who, uh, recently got fired from his job, whose wife he is expecting their first baby. Uh, and who is like just so desperate for cash that he's going on this, this trip so he can provide for his family after, by the way, he had an incredibly traumatic childhood.
Uh, because of his own mother and we are supposed to laugh because a monkey is sexually abusing him. And again, this is, uh, the star of ah Academy award winner, no country for old men, Josh Brolin. Yes. yeah yeah and His brother Emmy winner, uh,
Tyrion Lannister, what's his name? Peter Dinklage. Peter Dinklage. Amazing quality actors who like I'd like to say are given it their all. I'm i'm going to blame this purely. This is writer, director, editor, ah not having any sort of comedy

The Rise and Fall of Spoof Movies

whatsoever. Yeah. And I grew up, I grew up with stuff like Napoleon Dynamite, bench warmers, the scary movies, the all of all the.
zi really there gone No, no, no, no, but it's it's coming back to the Wayne brothers, which is where they started and where they were good. What do you think they're going to spoof do? You think they're going to spoof on like the highbrow A-24 horror? I fucking hope so. ab Absolutely. They're going to they're 100 percent going to like have like a sexy horror scene that gets all goofy. It's going to be great. We need to everyone. We need to all compile lists of 10 movies. We think that they're going to like one of the odds are going to spoof on skin of a rink. Are they going to do like a skin of a rink? Deep cut. Oh, my God. They got to do the babadook.
Oh, you got it. We're going to do it. We're going to do a Wayans Brothers Scary Movie Bingo card. You make your own bingo card and you you fill in your own bingo card and ah and we'll see who the winner is. And we just became my most anticipated movie. That's great. That's really great. Yeah. Yeah. Also, I also grew up with all the parody movies when they were making parent and parental activity, parody movies and all that stuff. Yes. like We don't see those how they exist anymore. That's something. Well, because they milked them to death and then they make no money. They killed them. Yeah. Yeah. That's funny. Because the 80s was like, that was like the, the decade of the spoof, right? That was me. We had our hotshots. We had our Mel Brooks movies and everything. We had airplane. Some of those might have been late seventies. Some of those were seventies. Some of those were nineties. Yeah. Some of those were nineties. I don't know how time works. And then it feels like they went away for a little bit. And then, yeah, we got our our scary movie, our not another teen movie, our our all of those things. And like, what? Like, it's just like a post irony world that we just can't have things been parodied too much.
well ah Well, once again, it was it was ah a studio churn, right? They wanted to start churning these out so fast that there was no quality control. And so um ah instead of writing jokes so for all of the the abundance of not another not another superhero movie, not another this movie, not another this movie, instead of writing jokes, they would just reference things because that's what Family Guy did.
ah And so they just literally stopped putting jokes in their movies. They only would reference pop culture things, which might be ah might elicit some sort of reaction at the time, but then immediately was dated two months after the movie came out. Is the rise of parody movies the reason Marvel's referencing everything?
Oh, that's a video. There's a video. Comics do that, right? Like comics are actually self-referential. But to pop culture, though? I would say Family Guy is probably the thing that did it, right? No, I mean,
but it's family guy did it because the Simpsons did it. Like how many movies, like Jack, we're we're close in age. How many movies did you learn about through the Simpsons? And then eventually you were like, Oh, this is Citizen Kane. Oh, this is the shining. Oh, this is simpson's just, we're doing it. But right. But the Simpsons was able to literally not ah name drop it. Like the Simpsons would do an entire Citizen Kane spoof without saying Citizen Kane. And the family guy came along and said, Citizen Kane. Family guy was the dumbing down and then the not another's dumbed it down again. Wait. So Nick, wait, what was your question about Marvel referencing?
ah Just I'm just thinking like the parody movies as they as they grew in like they were funny at first, like you said, they were writing jokes. They were referencing things while being like on the nose about it, but not saying like, remember this thing, right? Marvel, like over time, didn't reference all that stuff at the start. And over time, they're like Marvel movies at the start had some good comedy. And I remember like good jokes and Iron Man one and everything. Oh, yeah. Robert, it wasn't a like bird where it wasn't super quippy and referential to everything.
Also, I still think Thor Ragnarok is really funny, like Taiko and TT is fading away a little bit, but I think that is a very funny movie still. no And i i I am of the personal opinion that these movies are not nearly as quippy as people think they are, are um but also quipping is ah incredibly in character for comic book heroes because that's the way comic books are written. so like I guess I've never been bothered by the quippy nature. um Who was it? Someone put out a really fun rules and white quips all the time. and some Someone put out a ah really fun video, kind of like looking at the history of the that just happened gag, which did not start in Marvel movies. yeah It's it started in like a John C. Riley movie or something was walking. It just happened. But yeah or not John C. Riley. Philip Seymour Hoffman.
ah three yeah was it Along came Polly where he shit shits himself while playing basketball. but Hell yeah. Hell yeah, brother. Also, I just want to say really quick, Scary Movie 3, Scary Movie 4, and Superhero Movie, all written by Craig Mazen, who would go on to create Chernobyl and is the showrunner of The Last of Us. He is someone who I'm like, i he's like, I have committed so many sins I need to repent by by creating two of the best dramas of the decade. One one conversation about comedy that we haven't gone into,
It's a conversation that like I remember having with Yahtzee. I think Marty, you were there too about Yahtzee's favorite humor in games is honestly physical humor. And like I feel like movies have lost a lot of that. Especially in comedy movies. like the and Some of the best moments in Step Brothers, for example, is just the physical comedy that happens and beating the shit out of the drum kit and chasing them down the hall. Do we have like good physical comedians anymore?
Right? Like a mainstream, good mainstream. Like do we have comedians anymore? They're on Instagram and TikTok. This, that's like my genuine question is do, you know, something, I think I brought up back before we started streaming, this is something I brought up a while ago. I, you know, every rockstar wants to be a comedian, every comedian wants to be a rockstar. Brothers is a movie full of rockstars. They are full of really good actors who I think, think they're funny. ah None of them are comedians. Do we have,
They're all great dramatic actors. They're all great they're all great actors, period. yeah Do we have comedians anymore? I don't... there an actor we can even think of that we would consider like full on Kevin Hart is like, you know, I don't think he's a good one, but is that what so that's what he wants to be. Yeah. Kevin Hart is a stand up comic. Yes. Kevin Hart is 100% a comedian. He is not a new comedian. He is and yeah is an old actor. ah Kevin Hart is 100% a comedian. He, like I said, he does stand up comedy 100%. Yeah. We don't have like a Chris Farley of this generation.
i I don't know if we have any sort of comedian comedian who I'm seeing a lot in chat. People are like, Oh, they make YouTube videos. They do podcasts. They like, they don't, because like, remember, like, uh, back in the day, that's, was your path. Like if you were an entertainer, eventually you were trying to get to Hollywood. Now you're not necessarily trying to do that anymore. Like media has changed so severely. That's not the end goal anymore. There are some fantastically funny, uh, YouTube creators out there who that's their whole job is they make funny, silly YouTube videos and they might have been movie stars 20 years ago, right?
and There's this. Oh, this isn't a sad thing, by the way. This is like, yeah, it's just the range it the world has changed. Yeah. I mean, like studios, studios just don't fund comedy movies anymore. So where do you go? Yeah. Yeah. And like, I guess, you know, don't know a whole lot about like the indie movie scene and what's out there. Maybe there's some hidden gem comedy movies in the indie scene. Possibly. But like even like Netflix feels like it tried to try to get that niche of like those dumb comedy movies and they just have not been able to do it.
but Yeah, yeah think of like what glos of that Maybe they do work and maybe we're just not the target audience anymore literally if They're spending money on these Kevin Hart movies people are watching them and they're continuing to do it. So the Biggest comedy movie in the last like few years was anyone but you

Film Spotlight: My Old Ass

Earlier. earlier this has to len me with glen powell and se home um I multi hyphenate. I think in number just being bedazzled by his looks. I think he's funny and I think he can lead an action movie and Tom Cruise is grooming him to be not grooming him. Jesus. Tom Cruise cheek that's tom cruise has like taken him under his wing and is like, you are going to be the next to me. Like Tom Cruise wants him to take over mission impossible. Like that. kind Oh yeah. yeah and but And by the way, like,
Like ah these are all the fine examples. Like, but like, you know, romantic comedy still exists. Hell Hallmark puts out 40 every December. yeah Like, like the hyphen comedy, I don't think we'll ever go away. The action comedy, the, the whatever comedy, but like the comedy, comedy might be relegated to short form now, which is still okay because we still get it. And like creators get to be very expressive, but Now, instead of being under the oppressive ah Hollywood system, they're under the oppressive YouTube algorithm or the oppressive TikTok system, right? Where it's like, it's all bullshit, which is is beautiful. Or a movie is labeled as a comedy first and then you turn it on and it rips your goddamn heart out.
ah yeah Excellent segue, Marty, beautiful. So I think the one the one movie that Jack and I could both recommend, ah not if you want to have a good time, well, not if you want to have a funny time, but if you want to have a very good watching experience, yes ah the the second of the Amazon quote unquote comedies, My Old Ass, which just debuted and is co-starring Aubrey Plaza, who's having a moment. I've been saying Aubrey Plaza is having a moment for like 15 years.
Have a moment. ah She is she is not having a moment. Aubrey Plaza is like the star name in this. Like she is the thing that people that will make sure old ass. She's a titular old ass. Aubrey Plaza is a name yeah we can't. She I think she would like to still be considered like the underdog, but she's a huge name now. She's the reason why a lot of people will be watching this movie. Phenomenal film.
Absolutely ah wonderful and funny and heartbreaking and enjoyable. And this is this is a mathematically textbook perfect coming of age comedy. Absolute coming of age drama, dramedy. It did make me laugh.
Like there is, uh, there, the, the performances are incredible. There's some very funny writing, but it is like at its heart. It has a fucking capital and message that by the end of the movie, like, like hits you like a ton of bricks. Um, and I guess that I shared the trailer there and, uh, is the premise a spoiler?
Did you know the premise going into it? Yeah, because the and anything anything that's listed like on the Amazon page is non-spoiler territory. So it's it's a movie about, I think it's in like sort of like Ontario, like Canada. It takes place between Canada and and and Michigan. And it's a girl, graduated high school, and is getting ready to move to the big city to leave her her small town, ah her parents' cranberry farm.
And she's it at that point where a lot of people have gotten to where it's like, I'm so fucking over this place. 300 people live in this town, this podunk backwards thing. And like, I just want to move to the big city and really start my life. And it's not like her life's bad. Like her parents seem really sweet. She's got two kind of weirdo brothers, but in like weirdos in a good way. And so a couple of nights before she leaves, her and her friends ah buy a bunch of mushrooms and take a bunch of mushrooms in the woods and see what their trip is going to be like. And her trip, she doesn't really get high, but she manifests herself from 20 years in the future to appear who was played by Aubrey Plaza. yeah And it's like, it's not like, Oh, is she just view like, it's literally just her from 20 years in the future and how the two of them communicate and then build a relationship and start like calling each other and texting each other through time and everything. And, uh, Uh, uh, you can, you can understand how if anyone who's in their thirties or forties would get a chance to talk to themselves, right? Finishing high school, the advice you might give yourself and how you might be like, you're kind of an asshole. like You were kind of a shithead, not only the advice that you would give yourself, but understanding that your past self would not listen to you less.
Yes. Yeah. And your past self would roast who you are now and you'd be like, well, you don't fucking know anything. You're an idiot. Um, but just a really, a really great, like you said, a coming of age movie, a sort of, uh, turning of the page movie, a, a, this is the end of one era chapter of my life in the beginning of the next, uh, great performances, top to bottom written, directed by Megan Park, who, uh,
has just suddenly become like a voice to where I'm like, OK, day one for whatever you do next. Meghan Park, who like you probably will not know, not a huge name, has like made a mild acting career in mostly as mostly kind of like second girl banana in rom coms.
yeah Like, now she's not even the main love interest in rom-com. She's like the best friend or like the the wife or or the girlfriend who they need to get rid of. Yeah. But it's just, oh, it turns out your true calling is like, you're in a really great writer and like a really competent director. Like this movie's like really like gorgeous. Like this just obviously was filmed there. I think she grew up in Ontario, so she has a familiarity with the with the place. but like I just, a part of me just likes seeing a place that feels real and I'm like, oh, this is a cranberry farm. This is an actual cranberry farm. yeah Like, that's nice. The most ah surprising thing for me is I, this movie is so good and so deep and so personal that I really thought this was kind of autobiographical. You know, I thought this was very like the big sick, if anyone remembers the Kumail Nanjiani movie.
where it's just like, oh, this was her growing up, and it is not. This is just a story that she came up with, but it feels so real and so personal, um so her talent as a writer and director.
ah ah I don't know like how you can see like this is someone who is so competent. Give them whatever they want. They will make you a good movie. I completely agree. And also the lead. So the the main character at 18 is played by Maisie Stella, who I realize I saw I was dating a girl like 10 years ago who used to watch the show Nashville, which was like a soap opera about country stars in Nashville and she played like the young daughter but she was like a child in that so i was like oh that's why i know you from uh but she's also one of those the performance is so good and like the fact that she's going toe to toe and like with Aubrey Plaza who's clearly become like an incredible performer uh in her own right but um oh yeah just so many people in this movie tour i'm like okay i got like season tickets now like whatever you do next i'm i'm i'm in
ah a ah Literally, so Meghan Park is the writer director, like anything she makes from now on, i'm there on their opening day. the The way that she is able to i elicit chemistry, yeah because obviously like it's coming of age. There is some ah you know young college age romance here and there. you know Uh, the chemistry that she is able to elicit from these incredibly talented actors. Uh, if you were to tell me that, uh, this was that like the, the two that, you know, uh, are in a relationship are actually in a relationship. I w this is, uh, Tom Holland's and diet level chemistry. I looked up Maisie Stella, you know who she's in a relationship with?
Bella Ramsey, who pays, uh, uh, in the, from the last of us oh plays Ellie in the last of us. I'm like, okay, this is a new power couple. There's a new power couple now. Um, yeah, just, uh, yeah, great movie. I asked, I kept getting worried. I was like, is this going to get a little, like, is this going to go into a direction where I'm going to be like, I was going to be a feel bad movie, but it's feel bad in a good way. Not feel bad. I kept being like, what's Chad going to do? Fucking Chad. I also don't trust anyone named Chad. Fucking chat. Great choice, by the way, to call him Chad. Great choice. Because because of me, I don't trust him. Can't trust single chat powers. I trust him because he's Glenn Powell. This is by the way, like this is um it schmaltz. Like this is definitely up there. This is a coming of a teen girl coming of age dramedy.
Be prepared for a fair amount of schmaltz, but it's that beautiful schmaltz where you want to cry with them. You want to see them grow and will they or will they not? Oh, it's every bit of it is beautiful. This is, this would have been, uh, this would have been, uh, uh, if this would have come out, you know, in the nineties, this is someone's favorite. This hopefully is someone's favorite movie 20 years from now. Yeah. A hundred percent. absolutely Yeah.
Yeah. um Sorry, I was saying Chad, not Chad. Chad, you're fine. unless you're name is to add in which suitcase i don't trust you and power Chad is a bad is is a

The Revival of Classic Comedies and Indie Support

bad guy. Yeah. Going back 20 years really quick.
so We are you talking about your 20 you're gonna talk to yourself from 20 years ago. No, no, no But I think we're about to have you know We've had like the games renaissance from the 90s like remakes of all those games I think we're about to have that for the movies but sequels at comedy movies because I was I was thinking you know as you guys are talking about that like I feel like I've heard a lot of sequels coming in for movies that were like popular back then so we're getting happy Gilmore 2 we're getting freaky Friday 2 and Uh, we are getting struck five. So we are currently getting ready to retread all of the popular comedy movies from back comedies. We got, we got the matrix resurrections. We're getting gladiator too. They're going back to fucking golem who I thought was dead.
these These are the things we need to stop. These are the things that are are that need to stop and we need to we need to say no to these. yeah Say no to drugs and say no to legacies. Like while anding Twisters somehow worked, I went in batting against it. I think Adam Sandler still has some comedy into it, so I'm going to be there for Happy Gilmore too. but we In general, we have to stop.
You know what? I'm going to stand for Hubie Halloween. I'm going to stand for Hubie Halloween. If you saw his most recent stand-up special, the one that the Chris Farley song was a part of, a glorious stand-up special. I still think he's got it in him. But I like- Two great moments in Hubie Halloween, the Shaq reveal, and when he drinks stuff and then throws up.
It's beautiful. It's a, it's a, it's a must watch every Halloween. Like, like, I suppose like to me, mild ass is, is the, uh, I'm, I'm glad we ended on this because we get to end on a bit of a positive note. This is the positive side of streaming services like Amazon, like Netflix, where Amazon is able to make this because there is an audience for this. It's well-made Megan park, uh, the, the cast, who's mostly a younger, unknown cast.
gets a little street cred in a safe space where if they fail, it kind of goes away. If they succeed big, they succeed. So like this is the counterbalance to the brothers of the world. And it I imagine this was a relatively cheap movie to make, yeah you know, either most of the money went to Aubrey Plaza or she was like, I really like this script. and I want to help out. So I'll, you know, work for cost, that kind of thing. um But ah there has to be, I think there's an actual term for that not working for cost. That's like, wow, is what it's called. Cost is like when if you buy bologna, bologna from a wholesaler.
This is the baloney. Oh, that's the baloney. But it's the baloney where you cut into it. It has the clown face. Yes. I don't like that blow it all. But yeah, high, high recommendation for my old ass. A nice tight, tight 90 and it's on Amazon Prime. So yeah. Watch it. Watch it. Get some get some clinics. Oh, yeah. Like, you know, this is this is one of those, though, like I made the mistake of watching it this morning, you know, like woke up, got my coffee ready. Oh, I'm going to snuggle into a little Aubrey Plaza comedy balling my goddamn eyes out for a good hour. You know what? This movie also the podcast. This is one of the first. Oh, no. Meghan Parkes, my age. Never mind.
I was gonna say, we're getting to that point where there's musical things, referencing music. I guess it would be this these characters, childhoods, where there's a whole bit referencing a specific Justin Bieber song. And I was just like, I don't know what this song is. yeah you know Whereas like there's so many bits where you reference a 90s song or an odd song. I'm like, I know what this is. ah This is Toad the Wet Sprocket and or the Toadies and or Temple of the Dog. ah Whereas with this, I was like, oh, I don't know this song. This isn't one of like the three Bieber songs I know.
Um, but yeah by the way, again, uh, her credit as a writer, uh, who is she is our age, but was able to insert something that is true to the character, uh, Justin Bieber, uh, you know, uh, infatuation, which is great characters. When I earlier this summer, when I went to, uh, my, my family reunion, uh, I was with a bunch of my, my cousins and, and, uh, nieces and nephews who are like in their like mid to late teens. And you have, you have teenagers, uh, teenagers, right? Yeah.
Yeah. And so like, and I felt like they talked like them. I was like, this feels very authentic. Whereas sometimes you could tell you, it's like, you're 40 years old writing for a 20 year old and that's not how a 20 year old sound anymore. mean You do fellow kids. Exactly. Yeah. yeah But and you know, like again, a credit to the cast credit to her as a director to if, if she wrote something that was, how do you do fellow, you know, this is, this is full of Riz.
And like the kids will say, we absolutely would not say that like talent, the credit to her as a director. This was produced by a Margo Robbie's production company. Yeah. uh, credit to them as a production company to hopefully work with everyone to make it just seem so fucking natural. This was, uh, I feel great about watching this movie after watching brothers. I forgot. I was going to mention the Margot Robbie thing too of we fucking love it when an actor becomes massive and has carte blanche and then uses that power to
throw money and and wait against small voices to allow them to, uh, to make these kinds of things. We say that we want that in games all the time of like yeah the case of make movies too. Yeah. If you make them a game that fucking sells 50 million copies, use that power to help fund a bunch of small Indies. Like as you make your next thing. That's cool. yeah this this is ah ah yeah This is something Yahtzee and I talked about ages and ages ago, tent poles, not crucifixes. ah This is something underneath you know the tent pole of Margot Robbie that could become a huge thing, but if not, it's not a big deal because it's under the Margot Robbie tent pole, unlike the other, ah the the remakes that are just ah sticking with their crucifixes. ah
Watch it. Go. It's on Amazon prime. We all have Amazon prime for the free shipping. So just go fucking watch it. That's how you get diapers. That's how you get diapers. I get diapers. Very business advice from all the people that are like Yahtzee is the only thing that matters.
yeah like Literally, that's what we try to do here. Yahtzee is our tentpole, 100%. We respect that and we keep trying new things because that's how we grow instead of having the one crucifix that fully ramblimatic is pinned to.
Yeah, when you climb a ladder, don't pull up the ladder behind you. Put put down a second ladder behind you. What do people really mean below you? We can patch this up right off the hill. Excellent. ah We'll go over the last ah last swath of ah super chats. Jack, do you don't have a... two Do you have a... To be fair?
ah Oh, oh, I do have a to be fair. Well, you can. you You got time. I'm going to go for the super jets. Oh, Hunter with a two dollar don't know. Thank you so much. Going back to Chris and Milliatty for more Chris and Milliatty made for love on HBO Max. That was the show where she was like being stalked by her like weird like tech tech bro tech bro. That was Billy Magnussen. She was almost dating like a character.
um How's going on? She's really good. She's really, she's starting Ray Romano, which, uh, my old ass has a good Ray Romano joke. It's rare that there's a good Ray Romano joke that doesn't involve the man Ray Romano himself. And my old ass has it. My old ass has a good Ray Romano joke. He has a really good Ray Romano joke. Yeah. This is a real thing. You're a pyro with a two Euro donut. Ray Romano is also really good in the big sick.
Yeah. Oh my God. rayman is so good and The Big Sick, by the way, is a really good movie. Again, an Amazon movie, like a small account. This is, this is the, the, the benefit of streamers. Netflix is its own game. It's what I'm hearing. I also thought after the Big Sick, I thought we'd get like a movie from, from the two of them. Like, yeah, from, from him and Emily Gordon, like every two years. And then we just kind of have it.
ah They told kind of their story and apparently that's all they had in them. Yeah. And I guess they've like produced stuff like that, like Little America and the Chip and Dale show, which I didn't watch. um But yeah, I was too bad. I thought it was a rescue ranger show. and It just turned out it was about male strippers. So I got tricked. Pure Pyro with a two euro don't know. Thank you so much. Wet hot American summer. Still the best comedy. I mean, it's great. I mean, it's beautiful just the most stacked cast you can imagine.
The most stacked cast before they were the most stacked cast. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's ah there's another movie, Short Term 12. Did you ever see that? That's a fucking heartbreaker. If you want to watch a heartbreaker, it's by it was the first movie from Dustin, Dustin Daniel Cratton, who would go on to direct Shang-Chi and is like directing the new

Emerging Talents and Recommendations

Spider-Man movie. But it's ah it's a movie about like a rehabilitation center from... pop but When did this come out? 2013, so 11 years ago, and this is starring Brielle Arson, Caitlin Deaver, who's going to be in The Last of Us, Rami Malek, Lakeith Stanfield, Stephanie Beatriz, who starred on ah ah Brooklyn Nine-Nine. like It is wild to see all those people ah right before they all blew up. So that's a good one.
um Sussy Guru with a five-year-old don't know. Thank you so much. Speaking of brothers, the Brothers Grimsie. Now that's a comedy. It's the Brothers Grimsie? The Brothers Grimsie. Grimsie? No, it's different. Is it? It's literally a movie called the Brothers Grimsie with Sacha Baron Cohen and Mark Strong and Isla Fisher. Oh, ah maybe I don't know of this movie then.
ah directed by Louis Lauterier. This sounds bad. Oh, okay. Yeah, great. This sounds bad. I don't think I'm going to watch the brothers. Grim's bees. Grim's bees. Hard to say. Hard to say. Oh no. I hit that point in the podcast where we got to stop.
ah True Mando. Thank you so much, Mando. How uncomfortable was the Marisa Tomei scene for you? I mean, um'm never I'm never going to be upset when Marissa Tome appears in a movie. I do think her chimp sexually assaulting Josh Brolin probably wasn't necessary.
yeah yeah that's the like You know, it it's the the for the incredibly frustrating part about Brothers is they keep tricking you, like they keep putting you in situations where you go, oh, this is a really good setup. ah the The setup for that scene is ah Peter Dinklage is an ex-con and he is out of jail under kind of like, ah you know, nefarious circumstances because so he needs, that's why he needs to go on the heist. But he wants to meet up with his prison pen pal, Marissa Tomei, who's a little eccentric. That is a perfect setup for some jokes. An ex-con, an eccentric pen pal. Any sort of joke there would have been great.
But the joke they went with is Marissa Tomei is so eccentric. She has a pet orangutan who sexually assaults Josh Brolin. And then they run away. That's, that's the scene. A real monkey or was that CG? Ah, I'm serious. how look as well that is ah That is a CG monkey. that is that wasnt None of it was a real monkey. I don't believe any of that was a real monkey.
Sound off in the comments below. I don't know who I'm talking to. The monkey wrangler on the movie. George Lucas with a two euro don't know. Thank you so much, George. HBD 20 to Anchorman and rat race. Oh no. HBD 20 to Anchorman and then rat race is underrated.
Separate. HPD at Anchorman and increment is is a pillar. That was ah that was a pillar for you. um Rat race. I haven't seen I liked it in theaters. I don't think I've seen it since. It's got Mr. Bean, though. We all love Mr. Bean and does have a grown up. Yeah. Before we got started on Windbreaker the other day, Jamaite and Yasi fucking love Ron Atkinson. Oh, my God. I know it's surprising because he's like a national treasure to them. But my God, those dudes love him.
He's he's a a brilliant, brilliant comedian, yes. no um Yeah, and then we're talking about how Mr. Bean is only like 20 episodes long, and everyone assumes like there's a million of them, but no. no like there It's only 20 episodes, and each episode is only like six minutes. It's insane. That's what comedy wants. Yeah.
It left with Mr. Bean. It left with Mr. Bean. Yeah. yeah ah Last couple of super chats. Water hazard. Water hazard. Thank you so much. $5.49. I don't know. We're going to need a wellness check on Darren. He's logged the Phantom Menace three times on Letterbox in the past 24 hours. reckon yeah ah which what's going just writing anything else star for us so maybe's doing it for someone else or covered on a podcast He's doing some prep work. Yeah. His article title, I've watched the Phantom Menace so many times, I'm just ready to leave. I don't want to be around anymore. ah
Yeah, i've got i gotll I'll look into that, see what's going on. We'll ask him over the weekend when we get him on the the show. and It'll be an intervention. Why did you watch Phantom Menace three times in 24 hours? If we see his pants, we know there's a problem. Oh God, that's a that's a reference you need to have watched earlier because it's going to sound like, it sounds like he either has a boner or something. ah George Lucas or the two-year-old don't know. Thank you so much. Did you find this joy? This is the end from 2013.
I remember that movie. and That is the Apocalypse movie in which all of the comedic actors play themselves in Hollywood during an apocalypse. Right. Directed by the Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, and then starring Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, and Jay Burichel, Michael Cera, Craig Robinson, Emma Watson. I did not know. what is the There's a cop movie with a similar title. I forget what it's called.
Well, there was the end of the watch, the end of watch. Is that what it was called? The end of the watch. There's some chiller, some stupid reason. I always confuse. This is the end and end of watch. I don't know why. Oh, I always the title wise. This is the end in world's end. always everything i hear Yeah. I hear it, this is the end. I think of end of watch. And I think of your end of watch. I think of this. as the Oh, my God. I movies. I never saw it because um ah my assumption was that all of the jokes were gonna be very inside baseball and just like, isn't it funny that celebrities, ah how celebrities act during an apocalypse? And that's not a, ah I don't care.
That's exactly what the movie was. Oh, correct. Yeah. ah And since you grew with a five-year-old don't know, thank you so much. Speaking of sexual assault by a primate, the same happened to Vern Troyer at the end of postal. i Remember that? Uwe Bowles postal. There you go. that So that's the level that Brothers is on. Uwe Bowles postal. You know what? Shoot for the stars, because even if you fall, you'll die. Hell yeah. OK. To be fair.
Oh, I have two to be fair recommendations for this week. Uh, one recommendation is going to be a pretty obvious, uh, which is edge of tomorrow. Uh, tomorrow is available on to be, uh, you know, uh, live, die, repeat, if you are from the European union.
Tom Cruise, Emily Blogg, sci-fi, Groundhog Dave, sci-fi action. Beautiful movie, if you haven't seen it yet, why? Watch it on Tubi right now, it's free. You don't even need to sign up for it. I got a 4K copy of that physical copy that I haven't opened yet, and you can watch it. Gorgeous movie that you can watch without even needing to log in to Tubi, y'all. Again, Tubi's the greatest streaming network. Okay, here's my more oddball recommendation.
This is probably mostly nostalgia watching, but Drumline. Oh, I remember Drumline. Drumline is a movie that I think does not get talked about a lot as far as kind of like high school, you know, like ah the the dancing one gets talked about a lot. What's the dancing one? Save the last dance. No, the the cheerleading.
Step on on freedom whatever, whatever one of those were that gets talked about a lot, but drum line doesn't get talked about as much as possible. Orlando Jones as like the ah stuck up drum line teacher. Oh, it's a beautiful, beautiful movie that I, I enjoy still unironically. I think it might be a little controversial because it's like a, a, a cornball high school ah rivalry movie about drumming.
I was literally about to say, you know who I bet loves that movie? Casey. And then Casey says, drumline gets talked about a lot in my circles. See? Fuck yeah. So we sell down. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah. ah First of all, Casey, like we are, we are too simpatico on too many of our tastes. I love it. Like it's drumline and a lot of emo music. Popolos in drumline as himself. Freak a leak.
What? Oh, Freak-A-Leak. P. Pablo. Song, Freak-A-Leak. Look it up. but That's my recommendation for the week. Look up P. Pablo's Freak-A-Leak. That song was on Midnight Club 2. See? Freak-A-Leak. Rockstar racing game. yeah So in in any case, that's my To Be Fair, To Be Recommendations, Edge of Tomorrow, a.k.a. Live, Die, Repeat, and Drumline, two fantastic movies that you can watch for free without signing up for anything. Once again, this is not sponsored by To Be, but To Be if you're interested. Please, please sponsor us, To Be Fair.
Uh, also fun fact lived. I repeat its original title. of The manga title is all you need is ill because it's based on a manga. All all you need is kill. kill Yeah. That is such a better fucking title.
All you need is kill is so sick. That's such a good title. And there you go. That was our rewrite for the week. Great. I can't believe we did it. I'm so proud of every single one of us. Nick, what are you going on? What should folks check out? Obviously, Saturday, our big event starts 11 a.m. Central. We'll be there. Yes, he'll be there. Darren will be there. Casey will be there. Everyone will be there.
Eric'll be there. It's like smash. Uh, what else should folks check out? Pretty much of that. And I'm working on my next unpacked script. Well, I'm thinking about it. I haven't started working on it yet. So part of, part of work is part of working. yeah So, uh, and then we'll be back for fire like tomorrow. Beautiful. boderbar What about you? jedi ah Obviously, Adventure is Nigh. ah We are moving Adventure is Nigh, so Adventure is Nigh will not be Saturday morning because we are streaming all day. Adventure is Nigh, the finale of SideQuest 1 will be Sunday morning, and we're going to move the edited Yahtzee tries to Sunday afternoon.
yeah But, but that is Sunday, ah the wonderful ah side quest one, which I'm so ah proud of. And I love so much. It was our first kind of like, can we do something different? And I think it was great. And then of course, whatever if you, if you're not caught up, you're, you're going to have a great time. So yeah, that's a, that's that. And of course Saturday, be around on Saturday. It's going to be a great time.
Oh, yeah. ah Yeah. And then our last things, of course, like we mentioned, check out Darren's latest ah backdrop video on um the on the penguin. Very non-spoiler, so definitely worth checking out. And then streamwise, the rest of the week, we'll have Resi 2 is coming up in an hour or so. They're starting the jessies. They might be finishing the game tonight.
Good tuning for that. Obviously, regular Yahtzee tries and Firelink and fully randommatic tomorrow. And then Jack and I will return on Thursday, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Central, a little sponsored stream, a little game called Mind Cop. I'm sorry, Marty, you pronounced that incorrectly. Mind Cop. Mind Cop.
We love a mine cop in this house. And in case you haven't been doing more Metroid on Thursday evening. And then CSI Freak, last thing, thank you so much. Five dollar donor, what did you guys think of Champions starring Woody Harrelson? I thought it was funny and heartwarming. Is that the movie where he got coaches like a special, a special lead team?
I don't know what movie you're talking about, so... Champions. Hold on. ah just I just Googled champions woody and got very different results. A temperamental minor league basketball coach who after an arrest must coach a team with intellectual disabilities as community service. Yeah. Oh, okay, so a little... Darnell Olsen, Ernie Hudson, and Cheech Marin. A little Mighty Ducks-ish? Oh, that's great. Oh, start it and directed by one of the Fairleys. Not the Fairley who's become big. The lesser Fairley.
Well, Peter Fairley directed like Green Book and won an Oscar. Bobby Fairley did not. So there you go. Fun fact. Thank you all ah so much for tuning in. Thank you, Eric, for producing as always. Thank you, Jack. Thank you, Nick. And thank you to everyone watching on YouTube, listening down your podcast service of choice. We appreciate you all. ah This was Marty. This is Rewind episode number nine. ah Have a great race of the day. And we'll see you all back here in an hour for Resi Tuesdays. Hi, everyone. Hi. This is only episode nine. Nine. Yeah.