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Are Games Better Than They Were A Decade Ago? | Windbreaker Podcast image

Are Games Better Than They Were A Decade Ago? | Windbreaker Podcast

E50 · Windbreaker
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On this week’s episode of Windbreaker, Yahtzee, JM8, and Marty chat about the games of 2014, and how the modern landscape compares to a decade ago.

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Welcome to Wet Breakers Podcast

Hello, welcome to the Wet Breakers podcast, I'm Jadze Critical, I'm joined by Jay and Matty as always. Hello. Hello. And this week for some reason we thought nostalgia might be in the air. Perhaps we could all remember a time when things were less crap.
So to that end, we put the question to you, viewers. Were things better a decade ago? Because what the fuck is anyone doing if the world isn't generally getting better? And so we let's think about how games have improved over the last decade and try to come to the conclusion of if things have been generally on an upward swing.
initial thoughts, my lads? So if we're specifically looking at 2014, sort of as this thought exercises, let's, let's look at 2014, which was what would be the, that would be the starting point. Yes. And looking at what the gaming landscape was like, then what, what, what all of our favorite studios were doing, then what the indie space looked like, what your play space, what the best selling games and the game of the year

Gaming in 2014 vs 2024: A Debate

nominees. And when I look at that I think 2014 is across the board a pretty terrible year for games. And I think if you look at what we have this year, I think there is no world that 2024 isn't better than what was going on in 2014. So you said this before we started recording and I was like, I made a similar sound.
I think 2014. Looking back over my reviews from that year, I think i've I've been doing this a long time. There are many years where I go, oh, that was a bit of a stinker. ah But I think 2014 had a pretty strong proportionate list of bangers. And every year is gonna have some bangers. Let's not be overly selective. He is gonna have some shitty ones. I mean, I'm looking at my list. ah To put this in context, 2014 would have been right at the dawn of the PlayStation 4.
life. That came out just at the end of 2013. My first reviews were for the PlayStation 4's launch titles, just Knack, which was Granted, Dogshit, and then Killzone Shadowfall, which I remember very little about.
Yeah. But as we move through the year... ah Oh Christ, Castlevania Lord to Shadow 2, we've got about that one. Best not, remember? Also garbage, yeah. Okay, but how about this? Wolfenstein The New Order in June. Get the first of the Neo Wolfenstein's, the first and still the best.
Absolutely. That is insane. There is no way it's better than the second one. so That's one of my points I'm going to get to, which, Jay, I kind of want to... Okay, before I dig into it too much, Jay, where do you fall on the spectrum of us?
I was kind of caught in the middle between, not not your two extremes before we started, but I think there are some bangers that did come out. i Alien Isolation is is one that came out in 2014. Yes, quite. And in the same time period, the same month even, Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor as well.
Yeah. quite a banger i thought i would say warour um But also I think there's quite a lot of, um, kind of like, eh, like, I mean, one of the worst things that happened in 2014 is five nights at Freddy's came out. ah sp playing Um, like PT, that's a huge disappointment. Like it's great that it was made. That's insane. Cause PT's, what is that? PT is the best thing of 2014. No, it is, but it's, it just keeps reminding me that we're never getting that game and it makes me sad. So I'm looking in i looking at the list again and I think you might've gotten your biases a little skewed because the first half of 2014 was full of a lot of shite.
But the second half of 2014, I mean look at this, Wolfenstein the View Order, Alien Isolation, Shadow of Mordor, Evil Within, even where they said you Sunset Overdrive, Marty, Dragon Age Inquisition, Talos Principle, Assassin's Creed Unity has appeared in the thumbnail, and I suspect um ah you're going to argue that Assassin's Creed Unity deserves a reassessment.
I do. Oh, I do. I do think Assassin's Creed

The Evolution of Gaming Since 2014

unity. I think ah unity, both unity and ah ah Jesus, what was the what was the the English one that came up the next one? And her syndicate syndicate. I think those two like those two very much clearly feel like the end of classic Assassin's Creed. You know, that's i afterward obviously Odyssey and and Origins became. Well, I think this was the RPGs.
This was definite twenty four two was definitely the start of Ubisoft's slow descent into shit. Yeah. So one of the things I'm going to argue is that we name a lot of games and we name a lot of games from a lot of franchises and games that are not clearly in my mind not the best games in those franchises.
So it's had a lot of sequels and a lot of first attempts. This had the first Watch Dogs, which I do not think is the best Watch Dogs game. It had Smash for the and which I think clearly is not the best Smash game. Bayonetta 2,
I think most people would agree is not the best Bayonetta game, AC Unity, not the best AC game, Destiny, clearly improved upon in Destiny 2, Wolfenstein, I guess your mileage may vary on which the best one is, the original Titanfall, Far Cry 4, all games that I think either subsequent games or previous games did the mission statement way better than those games did.
Well, I think my positivity towards 2014 perhaps comes from the fact that there were a lot of new IPs and new ideas in 2014. I agree. That is one thing we're going to have to shakey starts. Some get off to shaky starts, but that is the creative process, my friend. And I think there's a lot of positivity in new things when compared to a year that's just full of hashed out sequels of established PAP, which is more of the sort of thing we tend to see in more modern times.
I do agree that it's nice. like When you look at some of those big AAA games, it was cool that we got new franchises, even if they were based on something in Watch Dogs, in South Park, The Stick of Truth, ah Shadow of Mordor, um you know Wolfenstein, Destiny, Titanfall, Evil Within. like I think it is cool that we saw those those new franchises, but I just don't think Like, when I remember voting for Game of the Year then and the Game Awards, like, let's look at what was going on at the Game Awards there. Do you guys remember what won Game of the Year at the Game Awards? I know what my Game of the Year was. It was Shadow of Mordor. And I will concede that that felt like kind of a drug option. Yeah, if you had to like if you had to list all of your Game of the Years every time you've done it, that would probably be one of the lower ones, I would imagine, right? You know what? In retrospect, speaking of 2024, I think I was wrong and I should have made Wolfenstein the New Order my Game of the Year.
Okay. Look at that. let's just do You should do a video where you redo all your game of the year. I think that might be a good like thing to fill out. It's slow season thinking about it. Yeah. ah So the nominees were Shadow of Mordor for game of the year at the Achilles. Shadow of Mordor, a Hearthstone, which we didn't talk about, but was a very big deal. And at the time, it sort of ushered in the modern age of of card games. Online card games, yeah. housy with band attitude Dark Souls 2, which we didn't mention, not the best Dark Souls game, but the best Dark Souls 2 game. And then the winner aptly for for the timing ah right now is Dragon Age Inquisition, which does not feel like a great game of the year. Well, okay. Okay. Here's my hot take. Dragon Age Inquisition, best Dragon Age game, which isn't saying a lot.
but it's the best of of the bunch. I've got a tiny bit to answer this. Dragon aging position is the only Dragon age game that I have a hundred percented and I cannot remember anything from it. ah I didn't tell you a character's name, a location or anything that happens in the plot. It was like a haze. It might be good.
I remember Solas and I remember Varric largely because those two appeared in Valeguard, which I've been playing recently. yeah but now that yeah Now that you say that, yeah, I actually don't remember a single party member of Inquisition besides those two. Which do you remember anything that happened? I mean, it's a decade. like how many I remember i but there was a big apocalyptic thing in the sky and it was our job to fix it, but that's metaphor yeah has yeah you think it's basically every Dragon and Age game.
yeah Yeah, but like the last of us came out a long, long time ago. And I remember most of the plot beats from that. So one of the reasons I think 2014 doesn't stick with me is because 2013 had a handful of games that felt monumental. And then it had the release of new consoles. It had the release of the PS4 and the Xbox One, which were exciting. with their flash years ago ah The first year of a console is always a shaky period. mean I completely agree. ah But 2013 also had the games from the end of a console's lifestyle. So we had the Tomb Raider reboot, we had Bioshock Infinite, we had The Last of Us, and we had Grand Theft Auto 5.
Assocrito Black Flag. Assocrito Black Flag. You know what I played the first half of over the weekend? Rise Son of Rome. You know what game's kind of great? Rise Son of Rome. Oh, that's weird. I seem to remember that game being bloody awful. now No, no, the verdict has changed. where That's a real appraisal right there. Rise Son of Rome equals good? question mark I think that's true.
um This was the same the same game where it has quick time events in mid-combat and if you miss them you win combat anyway. You still win combat, you just win it with slightly less points. this is this This is the game we're talking about, yes? Yeah, I didn't know Nero was in that game and then Nero passed away and it was very sad. Yeah, it's like a plot that's like basically trying to sit at the interception point between a fucking gladiator,
ah Rome, the TV series, and a fucking Spungaggle wee wee modern warfare shooter. Still looks really good. And this again, and i'm sorry, just clarifying again, this is the game in which Boudica besieges the city of Rome on top of war elephants. Yes. Yeah. That's the game we're talking about. Yeah. Okay, just making it clear.
Yeah. So that's that's where my opinions are coming from. That's where I'm defending. But yeah the Queen, the Queen of England, just um just clarifying that. Did that not happen? There's really no way to know. We weren't around back then. We don't know what was going on. um Yeah, 2014 also, um I do agree first year jitters. I think we saw that a lot in 2021 with ah that was similar the the the first year of the new consoles, also pandemic, obviously. um It was also this was a very this was the writing was on the wall that the Wii U was a failure.
Oh yeah. By 2014 and we got a few good Wii U games. Mario Kart 8 came out in 2014. Which is probably, if if you also count the Switch port is probably, I mean, that's easily the best selling game of this year. If you bundle them all together. Yeah, the game with those with the biggest legacy. That was the last Mario Kart, wasn't it?
Yeah, because Mario Kart 8, the Switch one is just that deluxe, which they've like double the amount of tracks and characters and stuff. but Yeah, all the DLC. It's a lot of content. Yeah. um The indie space was also still finding its sea legs. I feel like there were a couple standouts, but not to the point where it feels like now you just can't keep up with games, right? Because every week it seems like there's an indie game that's either worth playing because it's interesting or worth playing because it's getting universally praised. I didn't have a huge number of indie games on my review list. Shovel Knight, Transistor. Yeah, those are two big ones. Monument Valley, which I'm not sure if you've reviewed or not. But in terms of indies, those are the ones that stick out to me.
yeah You were also still in the midst of of certain series doing their episodic thing. This was some some of Telltale's Wolf Among Us game this year. They were still trying to see if that would work. Yeah, ah spoilers. say It did not. No. Yeah. um this was sir This was about six years after Half-Life 2, Episode 2.
Still waiting on Half-Life 2, Episode 3, Valve. It's coming. It's coming. Don't worry. Yeah, I guess the fact that Destiny came out this year is big in a bad way, I would say, because the success of Destiny and then Destiny 2 is what caused that sharp pivot for everyone being like, we need a forever game. Make something like that. Live service.
Yes, absolutely, Graham. Yeah, we're still seeing the ramifications of that like, we're still seeing Suicide Squad kill the Justice League, ah you know, as as sacrificial lambs for that. I think in recent times, ah there is a tangible sense that everyone's down on the live service now. And there is a feeling that we're going into another period much like 2014, in which people try new things, new single player concepts and try to see what shit's gonna stick on the wall next.

Cyclical Trends in the Gaming Industry

Yeah. We also, anyways, things that haven't gotten worse or better. We've just gone around the cycle again. Yeah. Yeah. I guess we like you could do this i ask for any, any 10 years and you could chart the same history runs and cycles. Boy, 2014 was just two years before the 2016 presidential elections. Wasn't it? Cycle, cycle, cycles.
the Where I think we're moving now is we're going to get to um weird remake realm. I feel like Rezzy, I think they're amazing, right? And now with Silent Hill 2, which is also really good, we're going to see a lot of narrative narratived-driven games from the PS2 era just being remade. yeah it's the It's the usual nostalgia wave, 20, 25 years, and then everything gets remade.
And we are smacking the prime, we're smacking prime PS2, maybe early PS3 era, nostalgia wave. So look out for that. Look out for more for like a third person shooters, as much as Gears of War pioneered back in the day, based between two sort of set the ball rolling on that, I think.
If that means we get more games like Slitterhead, which feel like they were made in 2008 and then locked in a vault for 15 years, then that's great. I haven't started that yet. that's like times joe First off, I don't spoil things. Second off, you are not allowed. You are the king of spoiling things. You're not allowed to be worried about spoilers. No, I'm not. I'm like the riddler of spoilers. I only spoil things for stupid people.
Oh no, smart people can already predict. That's what the twists that I spoil. Okay. this Random, twist random ti random tangent. I played, uh, I replayed Batman Arkham asylum. You know what? I hate the fact that the ruler does all these puzzles and when you solve some of them, he's really condescending to you.
He's really like, oh, wow, you wasted your time solving that one, Batman. I'm like, you made this motherfucker. Yeah. I've always felt like the Riddler in the Arkham's verse, which I think is possibly just the way the character is written and not like a failure of the writing. It's just, he's really inconsistent over whether he wants you to solve his riddles or not. Yeah.
Yeah. He's kind of like begging you as you do it. Yeah. Cause if you, um, take ages to solve like the tutorial riddle in Arkham city, he starts getting flustered and just gives you the answer and says, it's the organ. All right. That thing over there for Christ's sake, Batman, just, we just got to move on. We just, I'm sorry, Batman.
ah Yeah, Riddler. Great man. um We gloss over it when

Analyzing Ubisoft's 2014 Output

mentioning things. What did you guys think about the South Park game? Stick of truth. I liked it. I think it was the it really reflects the fact that the original creators were very ah hands on with it. It's ah got a fun intro. It just really reflects that the video that the creators have a respect for video game design and And we're just like knocking something out as a knockoff. There's plenty of like video game references in South Park, the show as well. If you go through it, they did a whole like guitar hero episode, a whole world of Warcraft episode, what a Warcraft episodes. Very famous name. Yeah. I think the sick of truth is still the best of the South Park RPGs. Certainly it's, it's better than fractured, but whole and it's a hundred percent better than snow day. Yeah.
ah I think it also came at a good time to where lampooning fantasy stuff didn't feel I feel like if you do that now it just feels like we've been so inundated with fantasy that um you'd almost roll your eyes. Whereas, you know, this was a year before The Witcher 3. This was early-ish in the Game of Thrones run. Like, this was before, kind of, fantasy took like a big seat at the table. um Whereas, I think part of Fractured Butthole is that ah it was lampooning superhero shit, which, like, we were just inundated with. Like, I was just kind of sick of superhero shit by then. and And it was also, as I said in in my review, a little more reliant on having prior knowledge of stuff that had happened in the TV show.
Whereas Stick of Truth was had a lot more universal as a fantasy lampooning. Yeah, I agree with that there. um Yeah. And then we mentioned Ubisoft as as a company, obviously. And, ah you know, they they published a Stick of Truth, but Obsidian developed it. And then, you know, Ubisoft had Watch Dogs, had Far Cry 4, and it had ah AC Unity at the time.
which I would argue AC Unity, part of the huge dog pile on it was the fact that it came at the beginning of consoles to where you could hit a button and share your gameplay and share your screens and share a glitch that might occur. And so a glitch went viral and everyone was like, this game is broken, as opposed to rationally being like, that's funny glitches don't occur for everyone.
ah it was yeah It was buggy as hell. It was sort of in the era when Assassin's Creed was sort of feeling a bit hacked out. It was basically doing, they'd had this model that they started with Assassin's Creed 2, it was sort of a magic school bus exploration of a historical period. You're the main character, you are best friends with someone famous from that time period. Someone that is the Leonardo da Vinci. And you meet lots of other people from the time period and go, oh look kids, it's famous person from history. How can we help you famous person from history?
And that was kind of lame. I think it was at its worst in Syndicate. They kind of dropped it a bit from the Assassin's Creed going forward when it turned more into sort of action RPGs. ah I think Unity, you said Unity and Syndicate were better than people give them credit for. I'm only partially with you on that. I think Unity actually has a pretty good plot, looking back on it. I think Syndicate is dogshit.
i I think Syndicate's plot is pretty bad. I like um Jacob and Evie. I think that like they are interesting main characters. I think it really felt sort of obviously a sort of overcorrection in response to the backlash against Unity, where everyone complained you couldn't play a female character in the multiplayer mode, which was a sort of overlooking the fact that the multiplayer mode was intended to be seamless, so every player in it was the main character of the game. Was Arno, yeah. Essentially, yeah.
Uh, but you know, not sure I'm configurable. which Which is the English one and which is the the French one? Cindica is the the latter one. Cindica is the one in London. okay ah Unity is the one in Paris in the French Revolution. I mean, I said when Assassin's Creed 3 came out, there were two revolutions that happened in this period of history and you picked the boring one, mate. The French Revolution would have been a much more interesting and fitting setting for the Assassin's Creed themes, but by the time they got around to it, the you know the the Eugenie was out of the bottle.
Yeah. Oh, yeah, you could do like a you could try and like stop an execution. That would be a fun mission. Yeah, I think what made ah the setting immunity work for me pretty well is that it really sort of put a question mark over whether the assassins were the like unequivocal good, good guys. And the templars were the unequivocal bad guys. Because of course, the whole star cross lovers plot allows us to see both sides of the equation.
yeah Because, you know, your I mean, Love Interest is a Templar, and the main character doesn't feel that invested in the Assassin's Doctrine. He's just sort of being grandfathered in. h do Would you recommend going and playing them? Because I haven't played a single Assassin's Creed after Black Flag, like I haven't touched them. so um I'd say it's worth a look. I'm not sure it's worth 100%ing.
but it's definitely sort of going through the motions. But every Assassin's Creed after that, it's just the Assassins of the Goodies and the Templars of the Baddies, and never the twain shall meet. I think Unity also had the... ah I think the, the culmination of like urban parkour. I think it was the best feeling urban parkour that the series has kind of gotten away from because so much of it takes place, you know, before there were really, you know, I've heard other videos to that effect that unity was where the parkour was sort of perfected and syndicate. They kind of fucked it up because they gave you a grappling hook. And then it was like, Oh, you don't have to engage with the core gameplay of the series anymore. It's like its hooked in the rule that grappling hooks make a game better.
I guess. Oh yeah. It's like the core gameplay of Assassin's Creed was climbing stuff. And when you don't have to, then it's like using the warp whistle in Mario. You're just cheating yourself out of fun. Damn.

Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne's Legacy

Scrabble. That will be improved with a grapple hook though. where you can like grapple letters from across the house. Yeah. Yeah. Just steal other the people's letters. If you suspect, if you still show it, you can take one. briham but i I've got seven fucking vowels. So they must, must have a consonant. w you yeah Yeah. It was, uh, you know, some of the other games you mentioned earlier, Dark Souls two is, uh, an interesting one because this felt like it was,
We weren't sure what FromSoft was yet, right? We had Demon Souls, Dark Souls blew things up in 2001, and then we had Dark Souls 2, which was not as warmly received as Dark Souls 1, but I think there may have been some thought that, oh, is this they're just going to kind of make this thing over and over again. People were very down on 2, but I will say this for it. It doesn't feel exactly like Dark Souls 1.
No, it feels like its own thing. Yeah. Whereas in contrast, Dark Souls 3 in a lot of points feels a lot more like Dark Souls 1 again. ah Agreed. but For me, like 2 feels like it was made by another team. Well, this is exactly what happened. and one Another a team trying to emulate.
Dark Souls 1 and not quite touching exactly what was needed to be done. But yeah, still good in its own right. I think it's even though it's the worst of the series, I do think it's still a good game. Yeah. and Well, I think also ah ah maybe one of the reasons that it got dinged, which shortly afterwards, you know at the beginning of 2015, we got Bloodborne. And and granted, that was you know a PS4-only game, but it feels like that was universally loved. right That was like, oh, shit no, this this this studio is is going to be here to stay. And then obviously, we would get Dark Souls 3, and we would get Elden Ring and and everything that came afterwards, Sekiro. Yes, I'm still exclusively to PS4, I guess, because Sony hate free money.
I think yeahs i always scott but that they may have lost the source code. Um, I think apparently they famously did that with Sion Hill as well. Yeah. Well, it's the, um, I believe, and I could be wrong, but I think the physics of the game are tied to frame rate. And if you futz with the frame rate, which PC does a lot, um, it just breaks the game completely. I think it's,
I know, wouldn't that be worth investing the time and energy and money into figuring out and then just putting the game everywhere and making a shit ton of money off it? You think, ah like, whether you release it today or you release it in the next two years, it's going to make the same gigaton amount of money. yeah So just yeah do it. like i mean it radioish yeah I mean, they did the Demon's Souls remake, which was basically a ground up rebuilding. I don't do that with Bloodborne.
Even just a port, right? Like just a port to PC, like Red Dead just got its port after what, 12 years or whatever. It's crazy how long it took red dad to come to, to come to PC. It's my second favorite game of all time. I'm so happy. Yeah. My first thought was there was never a Red Dead port to PC. kind I kind of assumed there must have been at some point. I mean, I played GTA IV on PC.
Yeah, GTA 5 got it to port to PC because I was playing it exclusively on PlayStation. And I remember being really happy because I really like playing GTA Online. But I was like, where is Red Dead? Like for PC, because I transitioned to being a PC gamer. I was really upset and I'd forgotten about it for a decade. And now I'm just like, oh, it's here. um ah Thanks. Merry Christmas. Yeah. Speaking. Speaking of Rockstar, one of the things I would mark in the bad for us column of 2014 is that this was the launch of GTA Online, which is if if you're a fan of GTA Online, great.

GTA Online's Influence on Rockstar

If you are a fan of single player Rockstar games, this is why it's taking a very long time to get single player Rockstar. Yes. Is it makes so much money is just like there's that whole timeline where it shows that Rockstar basically had a game a year up until GTA Online, and then it's like one every six years, if you're lucky.
for and um Hey, who remembers that Red Dead Redemption was itself a sequel to Red Dead Revolver? fred Yeah, it was. I haven't played Revolver. I need to do that. Nobody, that's who. Where's the Revolver poll? Yeah, it was Revolver. ah Remember, you did you have like gun?
Well, I remember there's a game called, I don't know, there's a game called gun. I remember playing it. Uh, it was, I believe developed by never soft, like the, the Tony Hawk, uh, and, it, it released like, dirt I think I played it on the three 60 pretty deep students. We just don't get a lot of Western games, like a pretty good second place, uh, Western game, okay more arcadey, less open world than, uh,
I mean, I guess I just like that there's a game called Gun. There's another game called Blood, and there's another shooter called Gore. and the So I think all we need is a game called Tits, and then you could have a pretty interesting themed afternoon of Gun, Blood, Gore and Tits. Yeah.
gun was good, gun equal good. It's on Steam by the way, you can play gun on Steam. It also had a really good, man, I don't remember how good its voice cast was, Thomas Jane, Lance Hendrickson, Chris Christofferson, Brad Dorff, Ron Perlman, Tom Scaris. What the hell? now we know ways ninety s food Well now we know where the budget went.
went to the guns. It feels like you remember how when Dishonored had a bunch of Hollywood voice actors and none of none of them were actually professional voice actors. They were just actor actors. And so the voice acting was just kind of shit. Yeah. And the game like had absolutely no benefit from all these big name actors in it. Yeah. I'm glad they stopped doing that. Was it Kajima? Please stop.
True Crime Streets of LA. There was one game that had like a crazy voice cast. I remember like Emma Stone was in it. I don't think it was True Crime Streets of LA. Well, True Crime Streets of LA had Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman.
Michelle Rodriguez, Michael Madsen, Ron Perlman will do anything, I'm gonna be honest. Oh yeah, Ron Perlman doesn't know how to say no to people. Shout out to folks who will do anything. Ron Perlman's a yes man, he just says yes to everything. Did you know when Ron Perlman was in City of Lost Children, which was a fringe language film,
He didn't learn French to do the part. He just learned all his lines phonetically. Incredible. That's great. Or legend. ah Which is fine. It must have worked because he ended up being an Alien 4 who was directed by the same dude. Alien resurrection. Directed by Jean-Pierre Genet, yes. yeah so weird Weird choice of director for an Alien film. They were going with whatever at that point.
David Fincher did three, also a weird choice, but anything's fine. There's also a game. Sleeping dogs, it a stone game ah sleeping dogs, sleeping dogs. I played sleepy dogs, good, good things. Yeah. I remember it not just being so bad.
So, um what was the point? The point was, has gaming ah been on an upward swing since that that heady time of 2014? I would argue, um not really, but it's not really gone down either. We've really just been churning turning the handle. Yeah, I'd say the indie space is so much stronger than it was then, just when I look at the list of- There's certainly a lot of games in it.
Yeah, so maybe it's just by volume there's more good games because there's also a shit ton more bad games, but if you're willing to, either. I mean, you can just say that the curation and isn't as good.
Yeah, I would agree. I would agree that curation curation isn't as good. I think, you know, if you're looking at who's in a better place than they were then, ah Nintendo is the one that springs to mind, obviously, financially, and their better place, but no doubt. Yeah. yeah um it's i'm um I'm still a little bummed that like, when Microsoft ah revealed and released the Xbox One, they ended up going back on all of its weird eccentricities to kind of homogenize it with the PS4. Because I think that ultimately made for a boring generation where both boxes felt the same as opposed to PS5 has improved upon the PS4 much.
It's backwards compatible with it, which is great because the PS4 wasn't backwards compatible with the PS3, so that's one thing it has going for it. It's a really good paperweight.
Very good paperwork, yeah. ah The PS5 is strange. I mean, it's kind of impressive that the PS4 is still like viable as a gaming platform because 10 years, that's ah that's a long shelf life for a console. ah Yes. Yeah, I mean, Elden Ring came out for the PS4. It's crazy how big games are still coming out for the last generation. I mean, I thought the 360 had a pretty long... shelf life as a console. When was someone? What was that? i was like two thousand and six That was That was 2005 to 2013. Yeah. Yeah. PS4 is kind of beat that out. Yeah. Are you excited for the PlayStation 5

PlayStation 5 Pro Skepticism

Pro? ah you know What do I look like? Nick Calandra?
Even he was like, he bought it, and then even in the meeting today, he was like, I don't know, it doesn't really do anything for me. Like, exactly. He has a powerful gaming PC, like, it's like you don't need it. Well, what if you want to play Astro Bot and reminisce about all those games you can't play anymore?
let Didn't they add like a system for you to be able to view all the games that they reference? ah the station I mean, that's, it seemed weird. i so i didn't what as them It seems weird. They go through that whole game without identifying any of the games it's referencing. I figured that might've been a legal thing. You know, it would've been sick. You just, play if you unlocked a little bot, you could just play the game. It was from that would be wild. Like it's like an emulation hub. Yeah. Oh yeah.
game forever. I mean, yeah, I mean Lara Croft's one of the bots in our game. um Is Sony seriously allowed to like have a character based on Lara Croft and say, Hey, this is our character. The is ours. You could just, you could just play. and They might not say that, but they certainly imply it. Yeah.
and So yeah, in conclusion 2014 pretty good. your Yeah. I need to cover up. I think it is the weakest year of the last 10 years, in my mind. What's the strongest? Oh, he's got you there. 2017 or 2020. 2017 had this switch launch. We got Breath of the Wild. We got Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. We got Mario Odyssey. ah We also had Persona 5, Wolfenstein, New Colossus, Nier Automata. I still don't see how you think the New Colossus is better than the New Order.
Because it does what I like from shooter campaigns, which is exactly what Black Ops 6 does, which I don't think you like in shooter campaigns, which is throw shit at the wall and let every but let every level feel different. I also feel like this story in 2 was better. Dude, it is in the course of the new order that we fight space Nazis on the moon. And everything in New Colossus is just like basically cribbing off something that was in the previous game. Had a better story. Had a really good acting. And admittedly, you don't get to kill Hitler in the new order. Godi.
But you know, it's kind of you kind of already did that in Wolfenstein 3D, didn't you? That's true. You know what game I realized we didn't talk about from 2014? How did I get this on the list? Ground Zeroes.
Does we had our little taste of Metal Gear Solid? Yeah, you mean the Metal Gear Solid 5 demo? Oh, Gmo delivering two banger teasers in 2014. One of which paid off and one of which just hacked a big chunk off of Metal Gear Solid 5 because it was taking too long to make and they had to throw something to the wolves.
maybe Maybe that's why Konami fired him, because they just he just kept releasing teases and he's like, release a game. but Well, because 2014 was supposed to have some of the best games of 2015 in 2014. We were supposed to have Metal Gear Solid 5, Witcher 3, and Arkham Knight all in 2015, and Bloodborne, actually, I think. Bloodborne was its own fault. Oh, Arkham Knight? Better than Arkham City? No, no, no, not better than Arkham City.
But I'll take another Arkham Knight any day of the week compared to whatever the hell they're doing there at Warner Brothers now. Fair enough. Which isn't saying much, but um yeah. All right, shall we super chat it up? there I think there's some good ones. I think some weeks, super chats are bad. I bet this week's, I bet they're pretty good. um There's at least one good one. This is the bit where we read out all your super chats and Patreon messages. So get those in if you want to hear me take the piss out of you.
And always enjoying having the piss taken out of them, Alex Armstrong gives two dollars and says, alt title, do games still hold up after 10 years? New order, fucking A. I think good games do. I think it's harder for for annual franchises or games that are trying to, like, constantly be at the cutting edge of technology because that tends to... Battle of Mordor, like, holds up less well, but that was before, you know, I got sick of the Ubisoft sandbox formula.
which I think that most certainly is.

Nostalgia and Subjectivity in Gaming

Yeah. I think if you look back, like you said, every year has some bangers that hold up and every year has a lot of dots. I mean, I think a lot of people would selectively, I think you take basically any year and there's someone who would argue that it was the best year.
of full gaming just because it had the games they personally liked. Like with music people always ah say music was better back in the day but that's because time only remembers the the good stuff mainly. Also when you dribble to 17 that's when like it imprints on you and so of course your favorite stuff is from when you were When everyone talks about how great movies were in the 80s because they've brought us Ghostbusters and Back to the Future and the other one. And then you're like, yeah, that's like three films out of 10 years. Remember the 100 other movies every year that were terrible? Yes, there is a veritable mountain of shit from the 80s no one remembers.
ah Dr. Theogus, $5.00. There's games are no longer for geeks and nerds. It's mainstream now. Yeah, gaming now has the potential to be better, but it no longer feels specialized. I think indie games feel specialized. that That ship sailed ah before 2014, I'd argue. yeah way before Sony was always trying to market themselves as the hip ah gaming console for skateboard kids from the days of the PS1.
and And also sports games have been around since the dawn of gaming. I meanly auto three i think in 2001 kicked down the doors to be like, this is for everyone now. It's just nerds, right? Like sports people are just nerds for sport.
yeah that's you Yeah. I mean, I do agree that, you know, we we bemoan that AAA games ah feel very designed by committee. The budgets are so big that it needs to appeal to the to the largest audience. um But that's what the indie space is for. I feel like the indie space is where you get those um more kind of bespoke where you can feel an authorial thumbprint on it.

Creative Stagnation in AAA Games

ah Dr. Theo is $5. It says podcast idea if you could what game would you make? skill time resources are not factors. What is your big dream game that will probably never happen. So I've asked myself that several times over the years and had different answers. As time has progressed that one time I really wanted to make like a like a big budget steampunk open ended RPG and another times I wanted to make like a open world superhero sandbox.
Uh, maybe based on being a supervillain or based on like my book, Jam, where you can't touch the floor. But these days, when I think about it, I don't really want to make a triple A game. I don't really want to add to that pile of guff. I want to make a small, interesting, innovative indie titles. I mean, it'd be nice, you know, to have someone do all the art for me and someone else to do all the music for me, but that's kind of the situation. I mean, anyway. Yeah.
So like, I do like that idea for a larger discussion, though, of like. Kind of sketching out ideas for like if if time and money and resources were not a factor. Perfect game that we would want to see done. Yeah, maybe that's a back pocket one for the future.
um there you go digital Alex, so Alex Armstrong gives another $5 and says, Do you feel we need more limitations? Get back that field of innovation and outside the box thinking, or after to play game devs just lacking in original ideas? I think I think I've said quite recently and semi-ramblematic that it does feel like a lack of limitations has sort of led to a counter intuitively led to a sort of creative stagnation, because without parameters, things just sort of get homogenous sort of grouped together in the middle of the big vast empty plane. I think if you want like people with limitations, hey, play indie games. There's a lot of people with not a whole lot of money stroke ah manpower at their hands trying to do the best they can and occasionally making it like bilateral and Celeste and shit like that.
I think um one of the main problems with it in AAA but oh it also it trickles down into indie as well is just risk. like You can try and make something, ah be that wholly original with the narrative or mechanically, but then it could just bomb and for a lot of companies, yeah they are one failure away from shutting down. so yeah They need to just make what has been proven to to sell and also we're fucking buying it. Like we're buying the same stuff over and over. So like, if you want to see more original stuff, stop buying the same shit. Yeah. but It's also yes i'll buck it up the break up the hundred million dollar projects into like 20 small projects. That's what they should be doing i movies too. Instead of spending $300 million dollars on a fucking captain America movie where he fights Harrison Ford's red Hulk, you could, but you could, you know, you could make $45 million dollars movies. Um, yeah
which would be which would be incredible. And yeah, it's the I mean, this might be a semantics thing, but I don't think I don't I don't think developers are lacking creative ideas whatsoever. I think developers in AAA studios, the developers of the worst triplet, the developers on Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League have a million incredible ideas better than Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League. But it is the the money hats that end up ah telling you what to do and you have to do it. So an agreement. Yeah.
ah Fungus Finder gives $2. It says, don't worry, stuff gets better over a 50 year average. That's like half the person's life, Fungus Finder. I want things to get better now. But also games from 50. I don't want to play some games of the 70s. What are we doing? I don't want to play those games. Fungus Kong out of here. Yeah, that would have been here, wouldn't it? That and fucking tennis tennis for two. Not doing that.
Uh, Yahtzee will wear a green hat in five weeks, gives two euros, and says, Marty, do you still know what a true Scotsman is? It's a logical fallacy. It's more an argumentative fallacy, but sure. An argumentative fallacy, uh, that, that, uh, tries to say you can only be a part of a group if you blank.
Yes, you're not part of a group of people. like It's not a true argumentative fallacy, though, is it? Oh, I'm seeing what you're doing there. the Did you do that on purpose? Yes. Fuck.
Yeah. Well, Pete ski gives $5 as Yahtzee and your mate mentioned bottom a while back. We also young ones fans. I always liked young ones way more. Of course. Pete ski. I think young ones was a definitely, uh, the more juvenile thing, but it was certainly a mad cap. which is crazy to compare say it's juvenile compared to bottom i think bottom has some pretty deep philosophy and like quite a like a deep ah core character dynamic behind it admittedly it does still have a lot of fart jokes and people smacking themselves in the face with frying pans but there's a reason why rick and aid came up with it after they did waiting for godot together i've not seen waiting for godot
like it's It's fucking highbrow shit is what it is. Damn, I'm looking that up. i It's a famous play by Tom Stoppard about two people waiting for someone who never shows up. It is God, oh God, who knows? I literally feel like every week for 90 minutes I slip into an alternate dimension where this shit exists. That doesn't exist every other hour of every other day of my life. It is so It is like fucking surreal every time you're talking about all the bottoms and and young ones. yeah It's just this is sounds made up. It's just you being an American and having zero curiosity for the rest of the world, like most Americans. It's nothing to be ashamed of. So am I said, my friend. Ah, the Japanese. What a culture.
but No, I don't need to watch this shit. I got other things to watch. I got sliders to watch. You ever see sliders? Show rules. Excellent. Yes, I have. I did watch sliders, actually. With fucking um John Rhys Davis and fucking that dude who's not famous anymore who was in screen two. Oh, yeah, Jerry McConnell. One of the McConnells. That's the one. That's the one. I think I once made a joke in the zero punctuation. ah You're probably too old if you know who Jerry McConnell is without having to look it up. Oh, no.
ah Dr. Theo gives $5 and says, after thinking about it a bit, I think the quality is overall the same. Something's got worse, others got better, it's a change in culture. Cycle, cycle, cycles, as as I say. Yeah, but we got still gotta got to have something to talk about. Yeah, yeah yeah ah which isn't the current political ah situation because it just makes us too depressed. It was either talk about this or me just fucking ramble about Slitterhead. and I tell you what, if there is a federal abortion ban, it's back to England with me and the fam. I ain't raising my girls in that society. That's completely fair. ah We're very fortunate yas that we have this this option to go back to the lander thing. Yes, I mean, things are still kind of shit after Brexit, but at least, you know,
at least, you know, free health care. Apparently the winds are changing on Brexit, Brexit potentially as well. So we thank fucking Christ. Do you know, do you know the British Conservative Party just elected a black woman as leader and no one batted a fucking eye? Because you not every country is so fucking backward when it comes to race.
U.S.A. U.S.A. America is very backwards. U.S.A. U.S.A. Wait, we meant to be talking, read the next fucking stupid chat yachts, we're all meant to be talking about it. Okay, sorry, sorry, I'm just, I have a lot of turning emotions at the moment. Understandably. Understood. Far less than too many frogs gives two dollars and says, wolf the new order was acts one and two, wolf the new colossus was acts three and four. Okay, still not as fun.
Also, being new gains you more points in my book. ah well it it New Colossus, that's new. ah ah I think New Order has one of the strangest things where after the first mission you have to choose which of those two characters lives or dies, and it's like, I don't know who these people are. yeah but You should have had me make this choice later in the game when I know who these people are.
I respect that choice. I think it was an interesting exploration because it's about making you make the choice and then discovering after the fact who these characters were. And then having to live with your decision. There's like literally a scene where that's where you get clobbered over the head with that where the character who survives gives you how it goes on like an angry rant at you about you making the wrong choice.
I think it's very, it's astonishingly well-written Wolfenstein The New Order for a Wolfenstein game. That's why I'm very excited for Indiana Jones. Same team. I'm looking forward to that as well. Do you think it's better or worse than the choice of Resident Evil 7 and we have to choose your wife? I was just about to say that. I'm better because it's not picked between your wife or someone you've never met. Well, in the theory, you know,
I mean, the wife should only really have significance to Ethan as a character. And like the other character is someone who's been helping the player. Whereas the wife is just a character who's been a burden on the player. So, you know, I guess after three years, I'll look for my wife. i A huge problem with that while we were playing. See in Silent Hill 2 it makes sense because Uh, you know, hes not worth without wishing to spoil. Yeah. It's because of the spoiler, uh, fungus finder gives $2 and says, I am frightened of the green hat person ominous. Yeah. Like, uh, it'll just turn on the webcam and it'll just be my headless corpse with a green hat sitting on the stump.
still being making chats so very impressive. It's kind of awkward for us because how we how we do these pods is we we hop in about 10 minutes before. So are we just going to like so start the but the podcast 10 minutes before and there'll be a headless corpse just sitting there and we'll go I guess we'll go live.
but was level sound but so yeah If in five weeks, I like forget about this person every time I'm not doing the podcast, but if in like five weeks times I find some reason has been contrived that I in my everyday life have been found myself wearing a green hat. And then I start this podcast and that person comes on. It's going to be a very eerie moment for me. I told you that. Yes. Like you walk into Omar's wedding and everyone, and you just get handed a green hat.
As I said, well, that's just gonna make me think, oh, Yahtzee will wear a green hat with Omar all along. Omar, you can't be wasting money like that. It's your wife. It's your wife, Yahtz. Okay. SquirtleSquirtle420 gives $10 and says, A decade ago I had more free time to game, so I was able to try more games with more tolerance for bad ones. Now I have less time, so I make myself play the good ones. This skews me to say now is better. That's an interesting point. That's what we call sample bias.
And then FoxD, here's $5, says this would be a different discussion if you waited two months. 2015 featured Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Undertale, and Cities Skylines. Golden year. And even Metro Bloodborne, how could you? And Bloodborne. The Blooded Bones. Don't people in that like Fallout 4? I don't think it's any of them from Bethesda. It's a polarizer, but then so was Fallout 3.
sure Yeah. And I think even like Phantom Pain is one of those games where some people will be like the best in the franchise and other people will be like, you didn't finish it. They fired you before you could finish it. Yeah. I never ah like finished Phantom Pain.
They didn't either. So just just went on to bloody long. they They also didn't. So you're in good company. I mean, I sort of more appreciated the Metal Go Solid format where yeah you go through like a single environment and through ah like a labyrinth of boss encounters and then ah wrap things up at the end. That one ah mini open world level in Black Ops 6 where you like you have to go around and like blow up the missile launchers around Iraq ah was of bad, bad Phantom Pain.
Yeah, only think of Helldivers 2, actually. Oh. But yeah, also Phantom Pain. Dick Honda, member of Eight Months in the Green Gang says, Thomas Benjamin Wilde, this is shit, current mood. Who's Thomas Benjamin Wilde? Is that one of those men from the from the reality I keep slipping into once a week? I don't know. Thomas Benjamin Wilde, he's a man with a beard and he's got a little guitar.
Okay. Oh, it's him. He's got a ukulele, AKA a little guitar. A uke. Sounds like a slur. That's what the New York times crossword ah people keep calling it. I guess it's because I guess every time now and again, you need a three letter fill a word. And sometimes that's the best you can come up with. asa Yeah. Yeah.
Alex Armstrong gives $2 and says don't forget shovel knight. That made your fifth best. Yeah, I mentioned it, Alex Armstrong, probably after you sent that super chair. Yeah, shovel knight is one that I It's a weird one, much like Mario Kart 8 to where it's like, there's been so much of that game over the decade that I like i forget this. Like, Shovel Knight is better now than it was way better now than it was in 2014. He's got so much more stuff. And same thing with Mario Kart. um But it just feels like it's been a kind of a constant presence since then, isn't it? And I just really wanted to do her next things.
When I was writing up my Sonic X Shadow Generations review, which will be coming up this week incidentally, I was frankly dumbfounded to learn that Sonic Generations came out in 2011. Because in my mind, I always think of that as one of the recent Sonics. Oh no, we spoke about this recently, didn't we? Because i i I mentioned that I remember getting Sonic Generations from Blockbuster.
Yeah. I remember you saying, I think that was in like an internal meeting. Do you know, did you review 2014 Sonic game, Sonic boom, colon rise of lyric? I did. It was bloody awful. which one they're all But if you'd, if you'd pressed me to think about it, I would have said sort of generations came out after that. Yeah. Times are weird.
I remember it was like followed up on in Sonic Forces because like Sonic Generations Sonic shows up in Sonic Forces for no particular reason. So I would have thought like Sonic Forces would have come out shortly afterwards, wouldn't it? I'm dodgy on my Sonic lore. I'll dare you. Eric, quick.
god don't come i get us on mylaw Don't get him started. Suffering gives 10 euros, and so I was not sure about this year, but 2023 had one of the best lineups of games I've ever seen, at least to me, Hi-Fi Rush, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Alan Wake 2, Lies of P, Dredge, Baldur's Gate 3, etc., etc., and furthermore, etc. Yeah, I thought Last Year was very good. Very good, yeah. Made a whole Zelda game. Yeah, and that was also the year we all buggered off from the escapist.
Yay, one year. Everyone tune in next Saturday, this Saturday, all day stream. We got some prizes for you. First year anniversary, tell your friends and then tell them to subscribe to the Patreon. Yeah, fund our second year, more content. Tell your moms or any local moms in your area. Yeah, that is going to get laid. on No, I don't want to get laid. I just want the moms to watch us.
want to make bomb-centric content. Don't take that quote out of context. I want the bombs. Bookworm 776 gives $5 as in early 2015 we got Pillars of Eternity, which helped set off the CRPG Renaissance that led us to games like Baldur's Gate 3, although it's a great game. It's not really a Renaissance if it's only one company making them all.
Well there's also, without no Pillows of Eternity is a different company, right? Because they did, Larian did Divinity Original Sin, which I get those confused all the time. They just seem like the same games. Fucking CRPGs. Yeah. Like I got Sea of Stars confused with that other game that was also a Chrono Trigger copy paste. Oh yeah, Chain Decos. Chain Decos, that was it. Yeah.
like when we got the so sounds game I was like, have times already you already played that? then i played it and zo Oh, this is a different game entirely. What a muggins I am. Pure muggins. Yeah.
Wes Leslie gives 10 euros. Hi, Yahtzee. I'm working on a podcast episode about why Lords of the Fallen 2014 is still the best souls like. Would you mind giving it a listen and maybe offering feedback? No worries if not. No. Can't be asked. Great.
Yeah, I listened to a whole podcast a lot. I'm going to be honest. I'm sure it's also called 2014. The first, uh, the first one. Yeah. To say it's the best. I was like, Oh, that's insane. I didn't even read that part. Yeah. That's like huffing a lot of copium. You, you might need help. Yes. That's a fucking plasma take that is that's going to superheat any room it's in.
I kind of want to listen to this ah but i want to listen to this podcast if I'm going to be honest. That is actually a nuts take. Yeah. Yeah. What's wrong with you? Where's Leslie? Besides the obvious. Uh, Alex Armstrong gives $2 says hot take Mario's exempt because he's always great. Mario has always felt like he lives a different world. I mean,
He lives in a world where the platformer is still a viable and common genre. live in that world When everyone else tried to do 3D platformers and fucked up and died. Mario lives in a world where instead of putting their music on Spotify, they release just an app you need to download for your phone to listen to music. Mario 64 is where the timeline split. That's where we went to to the, either the good or bad universe. I'm not sure which one.
Bad universe, let's be fair. yeah Obviously. Which universe does Bottom land on? which Which strand are we on? Which one do we take? That game out before Mario 64. I know, but does Bottom still exist on the the other timeline? Only Marty can tell us, because apparently he lives there. ah So which which is the Berenstain Bears? And which is the Berenstain Bears timeline? Is that the good or the bad one? Which is the one with the Shaq genie movie? or which the the um Sinbad genie movie. Sinbad, yeah. Yeah. There is a Shaq genie movie. There is, it is. Which is confusing. Not in that timeline though. No Shaq genie movie in that timeline.
ah alexandro gives two daughter his transistor was twenty fourteen weren't you lukewarm about it ah yes i seem to remember i was because i think ah Supermassive Games only really found their, you know, their golden egg with Hades, if you ask me. They were sort of encroaching upon it up to that point.
Bastion was really good for the time. It was a really standout indie, in my opinion. I think all four of their games are really good. Like, I really like transit. um
I think, you know, you like pi I feel like we've talked to Pyre. I never really liked the gameplay side of Pyre. I liked a lot of the rest of it. There's writing the whole concept of having to pick characters to save and in a certain way also kill. Yeah.
it was It was a nice dilemma. i was not a fan I'm not a fan of three on three basketball. What about three on three religious basketball? I'm kind of bummed they're making Hades two. It makes sense because Hades one sold more than all of their other games could buy. I kind of feel the same way I felt when a Naughty Dog had uncharted games that were on the PS4 because before then they'd only had like one franchise per console generation. Yeah, yeah.
Crash Bandicoot, and then Jak and Daxter, and then Uncharted. And Last of Us was supposed to be there like PS4 franchise. At the rate AAA games are going and how long they take. They just might not have a PS5 game. They'll just have ports while they're old games. A remaster, remaster of Last of Us. ah Fox Day gives $5 and says, Ron Pilmes is not a yes man, Jamaite. That would be Dave Foley.
hi that's a yes man joe a third yeah he's from kids in the hall so so voice so Okay. i I thought it was like, I thought it was like the lead man from the Foo Fighters, but that's Dave Grohl. That's Dave Grohl. All members of the Church of Dave though. Has this guy been in a lot of stuff?
There aren't many cool Dave's in the world, are there? Dave is sort of the name I sort of instinctively want to pronounce the Birmingham accent because it sounds like the name of a Dave. Hello, I'm Dave. I feel like Dave really gives me like dad energy. Like someone's called Dave. You're like. ah Dave is like your dad's friend who never got married. ah yeah da he's not actual Uncle Uncle Dave is not actually your uncle. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, but help me out. If you think of any more cool days, Dave Grohl, that's the only one I can think of.
So now we do give us $20. It says nothing as is his want. Thanks. Thank you. Thanks for funding second wins. You know, I hope you ah managed to thoroughly do to yourself at some point. So you don't have to keep relying on the tsunami to do it. do you think sound warming Is good or bad for tsunami douching?
Well, for good, obviously. You just, like, stand on the beach and bend over. And hope you don't die or, like, get turned inside out. Do that once a fortnight. Alex Armstrong gives $2 and says, remember, 2014 is the year Sonic Boom ah bombed. In many ways, we learn a lot from failure. Yeah. Sonic Team learned not to just put bandages around everyone's hands, I guess. What were your, do you keep a deck? I'm curious, what were your worst games of 2014?
Well, Sonic Boom was up there. Sure. So Freddy's one and two. I'm looking at probably games of this year was, what Oh, this doesn't look good. What was my bottom five to 2014? The remake of faith. Oh God. Yes, Steve. That was awful. Oh, that was a bad one. Yeah. That was a really bad one. Actually.
Not five games of 2014, here we go. Okay. Infamous second son. Oh yeah, that was pretty bad. ah My best, is my five worst were sacred three. Oh yeah, that was bad. Hells that. Final fantasy lightning returns. No! basic Amazing-Man 2. Forgot that existed. Sonic Boom.
and Thief, of course. ah My best were, because this was before I started doing blandists, my best were Shovel Knight, Dark Souls II, Alien Isolation, Wolfenstein The New Order, and Shadow of Mordor. Yeah, solid picks, mate. Yeah, in retrospect, I'd shovel over that a bit. I'll stand by the worst list, though.
Fucking lightning returns. Lightning returns. Gotta save the world! Time travel! i just I just have a knee-jerk hatred when Final Fantasy does the thing where they have the sequel, where that's just the original number with another two on the end. That's not how numbers work. And two? Thirteen two? ah's like so That's like setting up the fucking Final Fantasy Dewey Decimal system.
Yeah, I might have been the name of a Final Fantasy fighting game. Final Fantasy Dewey Decimal system. There you go. I'm not on board. Dewey Decimal. KingDead42 gives $2 and says, 2024 has better Super Chats than 2014. Yeah, probably. I don't know if Super Chats existed in 2014. Because we love you all so much more than we love those shits who used to watch us in 2014. Oh, I think you're great. That was before I left Australia 2014.
So I wouldn't have been streaming at all. um When did you leave the the Australia? 2016. 2016, okay. Yes, just in time for the shit period to start. Damn. alex Alexander Medeiros gives $4.99 and says, if you were put in charge of Ubisoft, how do you fix and correct their trajectory with the IPs they control? Kill them all. Shoot them all like that scene in Fierce Creatures where John Cleese makes a little graveyard of dis of the little animals.
and just buries them all in his back garden. And then like take all those hundred million budgets and divvy them up along like 50 different projects. Make our own UFO 50, but call it UBFO 50. I kind of like taking v for the people that work on Assassin's Creed and be like, no, you're now in teams of 20. Make a hundred different games. Yes. You all make a hundred different games. At the end of the day, the team that made the worst game gets killed.
We would get some of the best games ever made if they did that. Like everyone who works there is so unbelievably talented. You get killed and your funny people are dead. Yes. You get killed and you're ground up and flesh is fed to the rest of the teams. You're fed on past devs. But then you get imbued with their power. You become stronger until we get one final team that's going to create the best game ever made.
It'd be like Darkseid's origin story. No, not Darkseid. The dude who killed Superman. That guy's origin story where he was just like the last living thing. The last living thing on Earth like a hell world that killed everything else. What's the war they called? um piece of You know, the guy who killed Superman, famously.
doomsday That was his origin. He was just the last thing that survived like a huge hell war. You tried to kill a fucking dude, like kind of a weird looking thing to kill. He is a weird looking. It's kind of a shit design. I'm going to say it. It's a shit looking thing. Well, he had to be killed by a monster because he's fucking Superman. What else was going to do it?
That's true. A rock. A fucking glowing rock. See, does that kill him or does that just take his powers away? Because I've heard conflicting stories on that. A Krypton? Krypton? Yeah. I don't know. There's no way to know. It either kills him or it just makes him a regular man, in which case he can be easily killed with a gun to the head. Yeah, it seems like he's worse. It seems like when he gets it, though, he's like crippled. He's not like a regular man. He's like, I can't do anything. He's not just like, dang, I can't fly anymore. OK, so it does kill him. Yeah. OK.
Well, moot point, because who the fuck's got a pile of green space rock from a dead planet kicking around the house? Well, I'm glad you are. No, I don't have any. It'd be good if I could pull one out, though. A piece of the aggro crag. BoxD gives $5 and says, originality dies on the altar of money is limited and I like what I like. Just bought Sengoku Dynasty because it's in a series I like, for example.
I suppose, yeah. If more people had more money, they'd be more inclined to try things they've never tried before. I think money and time, Mike, right? We gravitate towards the safe things, comfort food. Yes. The economy like trickles down on all the world and all of culture. Have I ever told you about my theory that dragons are depicted in fiction in the way they're depicted is sort of defined by the status of the global economy?
So if it's, if there's a time of a global economic boom, then dragons are like friends to humanity. But if there's like a economic slump, then they're big hoarding bastards. Oh, I like huge McDuck. Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Craig Smith gives $2 and says Yahtzee needs to collab with Matt McMussels one day. Okay. I only, I'm only vaguely aware of who that is.
Do you think he's got big muscles? I have no idea that. And then Craig Smith gives two dollars and says and continues the thought saying for a what happened? question mark on Modern Warfare 3 2023. Oh, he does those what happened videos as well as thumbnails. Yes. I think I've watched some of those videos. What did happen? People made a shit game. Why do we need to bang on about it? Because it was 10,000 teams. and so as the Company was being sold to Microsoft.
Also, if you'll recall, I never played Modern Warfare 3, 2023, and felt my life was more positive for it. Did you not recall? Did you not play it because of the timing of Second Wind? Or did you just not play it because you didn't? I just couldn't, couldn't be arsed. I guess there were other things to review. Uh, Yahtzee will wear a green hat in four weeks. Hang on, you were five weeks earlier. Have you, uh, did you forget to update your name before you joined the stream? Yahtzee will wear a green hat in N weeks.
Anyway, they gave two euros and says, how long is long enough for nostalgia to influence? I think it's part of it's like, wait 20 years. The other part is that it has to have gone away for that 20 years. yes You can't have nostalgia for something that's never gone away, in my view. Yeah, or aspects of a thing like you could be nostalgic for what Assassin's Creed used to be as opposed to what it is now, even though Assassin's Creed's never went away. but Yeah, lots of people are nostalgic about like Final Fantasy, but that shit hasn't stopped. Yeah, but it's like changed very much. And there's like so they're like snapshots of very specific evil worlds or gameplay mechanics or and stuff like that.
ah way of but yeah
Uh, Alex Armstrong gives $2 and says, favorite melee weapon in gaming. Mine's painkiller. I don't know if that counts because you can use it as a ranged weapon. Isn't that the thing, like the stake that you stick on the walls? It's a, yeah, it's a weird thing. It's like a melee weapon that you can hold it and turn it into like a weed whacker, like the lawnmower and brain dead, or you can fire the end off and, uh, turns into like a sort of laser. If you point out wherever you shot it at.
It's weird. Yeah. Um, I like the whip in castle radio. Cause I think you motherfucker, but specifically from the, uh, Lord's of shadow, like the cross whip from one of the shadow that like extends with the chain. yeah I think it's metal as fuck. I love it. Yeah. I don't know. Hmm. Best melee weapon.

Melee vs Ranged Weapons Debate

Do you like the chains of chains of chaos or whatever the fuck they're called? Blades of chaos. Blades of chaos. At a certain point, ah where is the point that a ranged weapon becomes a melee weapon and vice versa? That's a good point. Yeah, but a boomerang is not a melee weapon, is it? It leaves your hand. The chains technically still a part of your hand, but and setting but the motion it's the it's the blade that's the weapon part, not the chain. Sure.
Yeah, the crowbar in half life. Okay. 2000. The security 2000 gives five euros and says Jerry O'Connell also voices commander ransom in lower decks.

Jerry O'Connell's Career Shift

Well, that's the path, isn't it? Can't hack it as a leading person on screen anymore. Pivot to voice acting the Mark Hamill gambit. Yeah. Thanks.
Catherine Reutz gives $20 and says, thank you for the abortion statement. It's appreciated. Well, fucking elect someone who will, you know, enshrine it in the constitution then, if you like abortion so much. and you You must do your part to prevent me leaving this country. It's on you. I can't vote. I voted twice. No, I said I voted three times. One for each of you guys. so ah Yeah, I just got it. It's like Yotzi came in when the he first got in and now I've come in when he's got in again. It's just maybe we're bringing the bad. Maybe it's us. Well, yeah, we're probably going to be part of the ah mass deportations. Bye. Or possibly not because we're white. Yep. I think that's interesting.
Bookworm776 gives $5 and says, my dad knew someone who saw Waiting for Godot where the actors left the stage at the end. So he stood up and yelled, get the hell back on the stage. Oh, wow, they must have loved him. They must have said, oh, what a jolly jade, Mr. Audience member. Kudos to you. You certainly haven't to ruined our evening. And his name was Godot. In fact, why don't you come on stage and do the play yourself, you fucking twat.
Tell us how you really feel. I just think hecklers are the scum of the earth. They're trying, damn it. I mean, if it's a really bad stand up, then sure, that's kind of what they let themselves in for. But I just hecklers are like plays I wish they'd shut the fuck up. There you go. Suffering gives suffering gives I mean, I was at of like a pantomime once when I was a kid and one of the Hey, here we go. Let's, uh, do a list of British references Marty won't get. I was at a pants of mine where one of the actors was Gabby Roslin. He used to be on the big breakfast and the dude said next week kept yelling spot the sausage.

Understanding British Pantomime

And I want, I wanted him to die. He should have killed him.
What happened? I slipped into that universe again. There you go. Yeah, the alternative. The pantomime? What is that genre? What's a pantomime? You don't have the pantomime sense? I know what pantomime is, but I don't know what our pantomime is. This is a British tradition, Jamet. I didn't know it was a British tradition. They don't do Christmas pantomimes in the US. they do look They do family dinners where everyone wants to kill each other.
are you gonna explain what a pantomime is so to my or shall I? good I'm gonna forget by next week how how could one explain a pantomime in a short ah easy to understand it's it's a play it's a play usually centered around children celebrating ah like beloved characters, be be that Aladdin or but whatever, and it usually has a lot of back and forth between the the actors and the audience, mainly like call and response.
um they's like What's the famous one? It's like, where are they? And the audience is behind you. Or like a character, character goes, Oh, no, it isn't. And then the entire audience goes, Oh, yes, it is. And traditionally, you have like a famous actor from like British television there. And famously, they're usually dressed as a lazy playing the classic pantomime dame. Yeah.
and the vi we column And there's usually people in silly animal costumes, and at the end there's a big sing-along. Yeah. As I said, it's hard to summarize. They're good fun. They're good fun, especially for kids. it says's it's It's good fun. If you're a teenager, they're fucking excruciating. But for kids and parents parents of kids, and parents it's fun for all the family.
just Oh, there we go. Eric's found a picture of one. Oh my god. Yeah, sure enough. Sorry, I lost the super chat again. the The window keeps like running out of memory and going black on me. Yeah, does it does the same thing to me too. It never used to do that. No. Maybe I should switch to Firefox after all.
Uh, Sufferin gives five euros and says, the funny thing about the RE7 choice is if you choose Zoe, they both die and you get the non-canon bad

Resident Evil 7's Character Choices

ending. If you choose Mia, they both survive. Oh, okay. So I guess there's like a... I guess there's Yeah, there's a good, there's a right choice and a wrong choice, it seems. Yeah, which it feels like there shouldn't be. Like you should, say you should be able to be like, oh, this was a heavy choice, but I have to live with the consequences.
Well, it wasn't really heavy. I mean, my first instinct was to save a wife because that's ah who and so I was there for. And I suspect that would have been the same for most people. um i My wife. My wife. My wife.
Hjorth87 gives 50 Danish krona and says, move to Denmark, all speak English, and you can kick the Danish game devs scene into gear. We are way behind Sweden and Finland, plus universal education. Yeah. What well big devs are in Denmark? Game devs in Denmark. Perhaps they're saying that there isn't any, so we can kick them into line. Yeah. Why do interactives the big one in Denmark?
and play that movie inside. There you go. Vince Trousers gives to Canadian and says, Yahtzee, do you have a favorite episode of Columbo? Oh, well, yes, I have one favorite episode of Columbo. It's every episode of Columbo, which is every episode, every episode being the same.
At the end of it, he says, oh, and just one more thing. And then he kind of wrinkles his brow and then but it solves it. If you were to like twist my arm, maybe ah the one with Donald Pleasance or he plays a wine merchant. Yeah, Donald Pleasance is great. He's always a joy. I like the one where he um he's chasing a bad guy and he takes his glass eye out and he throws it like a ball ball and they slip up and that's how he wins. That never happened.
Oh, it did. It did on this timeline. It happened. It doesn't exist. You're thinking about the mind when you were a kid. Just one more thing. This is the audience.
Uh, I have a hearing, someone was, I was just, to someone say that once, they once had a huge argument with a friend over whether Columbo had a glass eye. They conceded Peter Falk had a glass eye, but the argument was, did Columbo have a glass eye or was his glass eye playing the role of a real eye? Wait, did he actually use it in that one episode? Did you make that up? No, I made that up. Oh, okay. I don't know. I don't remember every episode. Seems like an easy way to, I didn't realize Peter Falk had a glass eye.
Well, why did you think he had that weird stare? No, no, no. People got weird eyes. Why do you think one of his eyes always looking in the wrong direction? I don't know. Some people got that. Some people have lazy eyes. One of my best friends got lazy eyes. That's true. Yes. In Peter Foul's case, he has a lazy eye because one of them is glass. No. True. Cause and effect. There you go. Uh, Sussygiro2005, he says, Mario is a one percenter of a different kind. The life kind, perchance.
I don't know what you're on about. So is he going to life one percenter? That went right in my head. Yeah, I don't get it. Sorry. We saw your joke. It didn't succeed enough. We are hickling you at the open mic night that is this podcast to do that. ah Yeah, even Eric wasn't sure that was the better to come up with the fucking Mario themed game of life.
Alex Armstrong gives $5 and says, funny sake, keep pulling a Skyrim by delisting Sonic games for poor remakes. Shadow Generations and now their Genesis games, by now before December 6th. I didn't realize they were delisting old versions of games. But hey, the new one comes with Shadow Generations. What are you complaining about? Finally, the Year of the Shadow. If you like.
Geld on Yetich gave us our dollars and says, recently I was thinking Quest for Glory 2 was where games had peaked, but that's probably nostalgia and the challenge of iterating existing mechanics. ah Yeah, yeah, I don't think I'd come with you on that one. Geld on Yetich. I do not think games peaked in 1990. No, games did not peak in 1990. No, 2001. It's peaked. Quest for Glory 4, on the other hand,
Was there any quest for glory for? I don't even know. I don't think I've ever played any of the quest for glory games. No, it's, it's a weird blind spot for me. Cause I've played King's quest one to eight sort space quest one to six. I've played all the leisure suit, Larry's. There wasn't played some of the police quests, but I've never played the quest for glory games. I never even heard of them.
Oh, it's like a little quest you go on to try to gain some glory. Yes. That's good. Also known as hero's quest, but I think they had to change the name because of hero quest, the board game. Yeah. I was going to say I've played lots of per request, the board game, but not. Did you ever play quest 64? No. would love pipeline For Nintendo 64. Truly bad. Anyway.
Now, looking at that Quest for Glory 4 footage, and they've blatantly just taken the sprite for Roger Wilko from Space Quest IV and drawn a different character over it. Bastards. Good artist Neil. Just anyway. Their own work. There you go. Well, they've had to hack out a lot of shit. Are those Sierra? Because all their franchises are like seven games a piece.
Alex Armstrong gives $2 and says, didn't Sunset Overdrive almost pick your bottom five? Yeah, it um it would have been number six if memory serves. I know Marty keeps defending it. You just had a big HBD last week as well. I have never played it because I thought the trailer was too cringe, so I decided to not buy it. You're all the problem. Yeah, well, imagine that ah cringe extending to the whole game. I'm glad I...
I said no. Just say no kids. Yes. If you want something that it was clearly trying to be, you play Saints Row 4. That is what Sunset Overdrive was clearly trying to be. God, that's a bad take. It's so much better than any of the Saints Row games. Jesus Christ. It is my ass. It is leagues better than any of the Saints Row games. I don't know how to proceed besides saying no it fucking isn't.
Um, humane shield gives one 99 and says 2024 brings his adventure is now red dragon in. Sure does.

Remakes and Fan Reactions

Uh, I've seen like the arts they've done for that. Oh yeah. There's some weird cuts in there too. Like that is for like, like hardcore fans. It'd be like, wow, you, you made cards of all this stuff. Yeah. I mean, clearly the red dragon in guys, a hardcore fans of adventures. Now don't like lots of references.
Jeffrey Summerhays gives five Canadian dollars and says, the Little Big Adventure remake is launching in a few days on Steam. Any thoughts? Get out of town. I had no idea they were remaking Little Big Adventure. Is it like full on or just a remaster? Because the original was like a very old school sort of 3D polygons over the top of a 2D rendered backdrop sort of isometric adventure game made by French developer Adeline ah Studios.
ah Hey, I haven't heard anything about a new version. No one but me has played Little Big Adventure. I'm the only one who remembers Little Big Adventure, apparently. and my it It was hot shit in the 90s. I'll have you know. It keeps the I only found the the switch page for it. It keeps the isometric view, but definitely all the arts. um up Yeah, look at that. Oh, yeah, fully 3D. No.
That was the game that's one of the few games that actually ah causes you to lose health if you sprint into a wall. Nice. I like that. Seemed very few games that do that, but really, more games should because it's only realistic. and then one game More games should offer convenient ways for you to kill yourself if you failed and want to go back to your last save. Yeah. Why not let the sprint into a wall and break our fucking necks?
The name Little Big Adventure, was that a reference to anything or was Little Big Planet just a reference to Little Big and fun Adventure or is that like a Britishism? No, little I think a Little Big Adventure is entirely unrelated to anything and Little Big Planet came up with the name independently to Little Big Adventure. Yeah, but I think it's supposed to be a at least like a ah a verbal or a written callback, right? I don't think so. It's just a little big sort of scans well as a sort of quirky title.
Yeah, they don't seem connected or like to be referencing each other. I wonder if it's a name is supposed to echo the name of the original. because i just never Yeah. no they're both very I wasn't sure if that was like a Britishism. They are not both British. Little big adventure is French. Is that a different place? Oh, they are very different motherfuckers. There is a whole channel between them.
oh Oh, I just remember Little Big Adventure wasn't called Little Big Adventure in the U.S. It was called Relentless. So you might be more familiar with it under that title. Yes, no. No, I know of the game. I've just never played it. um Okay. Fun fact.
Uh, Yahtzee will wear a green hat in four weeks. Oh, hang on. Missed one. TJ Carr gives $5 and says, in the futuristic setting of Shadowrun, dragons can shapeshift into humans and most are CEOs of the biggest money-hoarding megacorps on the planet. Oh, how convenient. Oh, how convenient that the dragons can shapeshift into a form that perverts could theoretically fuck.
Isn't that convenient every time a fantasy race up has the ability to have set have sex with a human being? Yeah, you think you think perverts are going to let a big old dragon get in the way of getting your rocks off? Absolutely not. I think you there's you'd be there's a surprising amount of culture that ah is informed by perverts. Hours? Remember trevor when there was the whole war between Blu-ray and HD DVD and everyone was saying this was ultimately going to be decided by porn? or Sure enough. Yeah.
I mean, the first, like some of the very first photographs that were ever taken were porn. They're like, historically, porn has always been at the forefront of technology. Yeah. First cave drawing. Bunch of porn. Yeah. Remember when they found all those frescoes when they dug up for Pompeii, them were porn. Yeah. They changed his name to porn pay. Yeah. That's why it wasn't a ah fucking volcano that exploded. God damn.
and because thema And because Pompey was discovered by the fucking Victorians, they proceeded to fucking destroy it all because they were weird about porn. Rule Britannia. Britannia rules the waves.
ah Anyway, Yahtzee will wear a green hat in four weeks, gives two euros, and says, Cool Dave's. Dave Serlin, Dave Bautista, Dave Marsh, Dave Hollis. I've only heard of Dave Bautista out of those four. Yeah. But I'll grant you Dave Bautista is a cool Dave. He's cool. Yeah, he is. He's a good actor. Yeah. Very progressive. Good guy. ah The rest of them sound fake. Dave Lister? No.
Fox D gives $2 and says an axe, best melee weapon and chops trees. But then it that you're implying thats it that you're in a fucking crafting game where you have to chop trees. That's true. And that's why axes are bad. yeah Chainsaws are a melee weapon and also chop the trees, but better. Yes. And inarguably a melee weapon at that.
ah a gun that shoots bullets connected to a chain that retract back into the guns. Also... Well, if you think about it this way, any ranged weapon is technically a melee weapon at the same time. Just beat them with it. If you just beat someone with a... i Well, you're not and employing it as a ranged weapon. True. It's only a weapon until... While I agree, a gun is not a quote unquote melee weapon.
but because <unk>mo It's got other strings to its bow. But an axe is inarguably a melee weapon. If you only had two bins, and one was labelled a melee weapon, and one was labelled ranged weapon, you wouldn't put gun in melee weapon bucket is my point. I'd just beat the bucket. I'd pistol whip the bucket. You're beating up the bucket?
Yeah, fuck the system. Stop trying to put me in a box. Beats box. It's not a box, it's a bucket. Oh, the bucket, sorry. What about Kratos' axe? That's got ranged as well. Leviathan axe. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool axe.
well Yes, it's only ranged because he threw it. Anything's ranged. Anything's ranged when he threw it and any just as any ranged weapon can be used as a melee weapon. But if you had two buckets, and one was labeled melee weapons, and one was labeled ranged weapons, you wouldn't put your axe in the ranged weapon bucket.
okay they i have just a visual these two big buckets that are just filled with all sorts of weapons some pretty cool buckets me and my corpse on the ground because i keep going but um as i pick point let me fight bucket he actually kills me with it and then puts in the correct bucket Now granted, if you showed me a big rock, a big rock about the size of your fist, now that could credibly be put in either the melee weapon bucket or the ranged weapon bucket. True, true. But an axe has a handle. It is clearly intended to be held. What is C4? Can we move on? Like a gun has a handle. Yes, but it's not the gun that kills people, is it? It's the bullet that's in the gun.
But then it's not the axe that kills people, it's you, the person who swims. Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways? You're like one of those motherfuckers who keeps reminding everyone that tomatoes aren't technically vegetables. That's what you would do. You sound like that person. You do that all the time.
And Mia, remember for nine months in the green gang and says, heckled to play when 10, the actor had to improvise. Everyone's not heckling. And they hated your fucking guts for it. I'm sure. That person still looks in the mirror and is like, um if I could find that kid. Yes. I'll finally get the last word on that fucking kid. I will write it on the soul of my boot and then curb stomp them. melee That's a melee attack.
but Yes. Undeniably. TasiGuro2000 gives five euros and says in the Shrek universe, dragons don't need to shapeshift into humans for donkey. Well, donkey's a quadra-pedal.
channel to shrik Did you know that they based the mocap of a donkey in the shrek on the movements of a dog? Because, uh, donkeys don't move, uh, in a way that, uh, can be used for hatpress yeah like fully appealing, expressive ways. Like there was a scene where donkey had to lie down and donkeys just. Can't easily been to a donkey sanctuary in England multiple times. That's just a bunch of donkeys.
Yeah. I don't know what I was expecting, honestly. That's exactly what a donkey said. I thought it was going to be like a church, like the donkey was going to be a priest. Yeah. I thought there'd be like some law on the donkeys. Like, you know, James Morgan gives one 99 and says bow and arrow would just break his melee weapon.
Depends how, like, Legolas can use his bow as a melee weapon, um but it's like, elven crafted, so... You know, it thank you for bringing up bow and arrows, because I've got another bone to pick with the a completely unrelated thing. Have you ever read the comic book series Ex Machina?

Comic Controversy and Personal Updates

I have not read it. It's a comic book it a combook series about a mayor of New York who who's like an ex superhero who has the power to control machines, right? Right. ah He uses this power to like stop guns that are in the hands of assassins that are trying to shoot him. And the guns don't work because he ordered them not to fire, right? But there's also a scene where someone gets around that by firing a bow and arrow at him and he's wounded by it and his powers don't work on the bow and arrow. Now,
What is the fundamental difference between a bow and arrow and a gun that meant his power to control machines worked on the gun, but not the bow and arrow? Well, and like why like is the human body, what makes the human body not a machine that he could have just stopped someone's heart? Like what's the difference between?
What the fuck is a gun? A gun is basically just a hammer that comes down on the back of a bullet. Everything else is just housing. yeah it's a so It's a spring-loaded hammer that goes the hits the back of a bullet. yeah That's all it is. And like if that was made out of wood, would that not work? Would that count as a machine? Would it crossbow? Would it crossbow count as a machine?
ah What's a bow and arrow? it It's moving parts. It's a created device.
Yeah, that is tricky. These fucking superhero creators, they don't think. They just don't think about these things. The fuck is. We need to get Brian Cave on and we need to try him at the Hague. That's the problem. That's a good comic. Pin him down, get him to explain himself. That's a good comic.
Where in lies the border? At what point would the powers start to work on the crossbow in the process of being transformed from a bow and arrow? Explain this to me. I am very intelligent.
And then BS Marsh gives $2 and says this, I'll keep it as making my head hurt. And that's the last super chat. But you can bring up this weapon argument later tonight on hidden gems, because this is the sort of dumb shit they love arguing about. Yeah, 100%.
Jess. That's Jesse. Casey, it's time to argue. Just look, yeah, to switch the live chat. Only Rugby Ninja says a gun is a firearm. There's a chemical change in the bullet, which causes an explosion. But that's in the bullet. That's not in the, that's not the gun.
Is a bullet a machine? It's just chemicals. It's an explosion of gunpowder that propels the... Ah, forget it. Hey, thanks for listening to this. They create a gun out of chicken bones. That's a chicken bone gun. Yeah. Is that a machine? if If a chicken isn't a machine, is a chicken bone gun a machine? Crazy question. Anyway, thank you for listening to the Web Breakers podcast. You know, I'm writing like the next book in like the Deedafile series and I'm going to write a character who has the power to control machines just so I can like deconstruct this shit. I'm going to put some thought into it.
I love it. Oh, by the way, a couple of folks asked earlier in the stream and I thought we'd get a super chat about it, but we didn't. ah How that everyone was worried about Toffee and Toffee's cone of shame. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Toffee's got a cone of shame on because he should have been wearing it for like quite a while, actually, because he's got like a skin infection. And the vet gave us a cream for him to put on.
And dozy bastard keeps licking the infection and it's not getting better. So he has to wear his comb, doesn't he? Because he can't be trusted. He can't be trusted not to nosh his bits. Look at Avi. What a dog. Anyway, ah but that's it from me for today. I will see you on Wednesday for ah Fully Ramblabatic, which will be on the subject of Sonic X Shadow Generations, which I'm sure you're all really chomping at the bit to hear my opinion on that one. Sonic fans. Eric has a large counterpoint ready for you.
I'm sure he does. ah And of of course, Yahtzee Tries on Wednesday, my usual weekly stream where I play indie games. Haven't decided what I'm playing on that. We'll figure that out closer to the date. And and of course, on Sunday, there will be a Yahtzee Tries edited video where we put together the choice clips from the streams for the last two weeks. And I do little mini reviews of the games involved. You don't have to watch the whole stream to find the funny if bits anymore. Isn't technology grand?
and well Also Saturday. Come back Saturday for our full hour all day. Oh shit. Yes. Come back Saturday because we're doing a celebration of our first year ah as second win. First year getting out from under the corporate thumb. We're all beginning together to play a whole bunch of shit.
yeah Yeah, we're going to be starting around 11 a.m. Central. And we'll do yeah normal normal all day stream rotating games, rotating folks. And we got some pretty crazy incentives for get to further to for every certain amount of Patreon subscribers we get from it. yeah The max one is that we get Brian Cave on on a Zoom call and you can yell at him about ah the Xbox gun technology. And I have to wear a silly hat.
Oh, a green, a green, a green one. Oh my goodness. ah What else we got this week? I just streams and all the things I've designed off on Friday coming out on the worst boss fight of all time. So check that out. If it's sunset overdrive, I'm fucking quitting. Is it the great mighty poo?
see oh Hey, okay, so this is why this is why I love these types of videos because it gets people and I love hearing everything in the comments from everyone who thinks they know the best though, the worst thing. Um, so you'll get to hear mine on Friday. Um, this episode, it's not the answer. yeah I'm going to be honest. Jay's answer might be right. I don't want to say what it is, but it might be right.
Yeah. um it's i Hey, I spent like 15 minutes trying to explain why. So um it's it's real bad. But yeah, that um and then I'm also doing, I think on Wednesday, I'm going to start doing personal streams. So I'm in the evening um on the East Coast time. um So come hang out for that. And I'm potentially going to be doing some um fundraiser streams to try and raise some money to help get ludo over here because it's looking like it's going to be very expensive ah so might be doing that and then yes saturday come hang out i'm on every single slot apart from one so you'll be seeing a shit ton of me so either come join us stay away i've been volunteered from a fair bit
And then on Friday, you guys might be doing a dev hedge sub of the tangential stream. Potentially. Yeah. We might be, if things line up, um we may be doing a dev head stream with Tina, Mikey, myself, and Friedrich Olson from ah the bunker.
team um playing through some of that. It was meant to be a Halloween stream, ah but Tina could not make it for one of the for the original time. So we're going to try and do it again. But um we shall see there may or may not be that a stream on Friday. Just keep a pin in that. Excellent.
Then, yeah, the normal stuff later today, hidden gems are replaying Fury. You've played Fury, right? Yeah, it's the boss rush. Yes, I rather liked Fury. I would call it a hidden gem. I liked it. It should be unhidden if it is. Hopefully. Well, in case he's playing it, it feels like, again, that's right up Casey's alley, so.
We'll be playing that. We got a new rewind tomorrow at the normal time. We'll be chatting about the Penguin Show and Arkane and all sorts of good stuff. The Jessie's will be playing more Resi 2 tomorrow afternoon. And then, yeah, we should, we'll be back with Metroid Prime on Thursday and then Metroid or 3 p.m. Central on Thursday. I believe we're going to be doing a sponsored stream. Jack and I are going to be playing a sponsored game at 3 p.m. on Thursday. So tune in for that. Yeah, I think that's it.
Boom. Well, that's it from us then. We'll see you all soon. Bye everyone. Bye. Bye.